#seventeen sasaengs
idolstylekpop · 2 years
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bloodmoonmuses · 3 months
come back to me | mark lee
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summary: your boyfriend, mark, drunkenly recounts the day the two of you met. (mostly to prove to haechan and johnny that love does, in fact, exist. even in the most unlikely of places.)
genre: mark lee x reader, established relationship kinda... but, like, also a meet cute? young love and all that jazz lol
It’s cold outside, the beginnings of winter trickling in with bitter fervor, yet you’re warm. Or rather, being warmed by the illusion of heat that courses through your veins: liquid courage. Now on your second bottle of soju, your form feels pliant, watery even, as you sway in the wind of your friends’ joy. 
In a booth (the leather of which is crackling at the seams) that forms a sort of semi circle, sits you, Mark, Johnny and Haechan. The wooden table before you is littered in plastic shot “glasses” and fried chicken wings that have been picked clean, and the bar is quite lively despite it nearing one in the morning. You lie your head against Mark’s shoulder, lost in the feeling of his muscles tensing and relaxing repeatedly beneath it.
“You good?” Mark whispers to you, shimming slightly as if to jostle a response out of you.
The words that escape your mouth feel fuzzy on your tongue, staticky around the edges. “Never been better.”
For some reason, the night has taken a nostalgic turn, fueled by the alcohol in everyone’s system. Haechan and Johnny have been arguing about their love lives for the better part of an hour. It never fails to amuse you how much they like bickering simply for the sake of it. You tuned out about ten minutes ago when Haechan brought up Johnny’s commitment issues only to be met with a rebuttal about him using humor as a coping mechanism. Both comments clearly strike a nerve in the men respectively, deciding to psychoanalyze their exes in chronological order in an attempt to disprove the validity of one another's assertions. 
“I don’t like that we can’t make fun of Mark right now,” Johnny confesses when he’s finished talking about an ex who turned out to be a closeted sasaeng, turning his attention to you and Mark.
Haechan scrunches his nose, gazing upon you as well. “Look at you two… All cozied up- it’s disgusting.”
“Hey man,” Mark starts, “don’t blame me for the lack of love in your life.” You punctuate his declaration with a kiss on the cheek, giddy and lovey-dovey in your drunken state. “See?” 
Johnny pretends to gag.
“How’d you meet anyway?” Haechan asks, “-so I can avoid any scenario involving… that.”
“Mark hasn’t told you the story in, like, excruciating detail?” you scoff. “He’s told everyone.”
Haechan shakes his head. 
“Oh God, don’t get him started,” Johnny groans. Mark sits upright, effectively knocking your head off of his shoulder, ecstatic with the chance to relay the way you met each other in its sappy glory.
“Spring,” Mark starts. “I was seventeen, so I had just debuted a year before, and-”
The cherry blossoms. They were stunning, you remember. Glistening and quivering under the weight of all the raindrops that had accumulated on them. The sheen of puddles scattered on the roads and sidewalks... You took the bus to work, a little cafe job you worked while finishing up your requirements at the international school you attended, and during that time of year, those bus rides were some of the most peaceful times in your day to day life. 
You think back to your youth, bright eyes aged only seventeen years, and how the world then seemed filled to brim with possibility. One day in particular, a chilly one towards the end of spring, you remember watching Mark enter the bus, his boyishness evident in his untied shoelaces and clunkily carried guitar case. On his back was a spiderman backpack, you remember vividly, and his hair is frizzy from how light he’s bleached it. He comes off a bit frazzled as you watch him stumble into a seat, precariously balancing a flimsy pair of headphones on his head, and settle in it with his knees bent. 
Once he’s gathered his bearings, he takes off his backpack and retrieves a notebook and pen, placing it on his knees, and begins to write frantically- like if he doesn't put pen to paper in this exact nanosecond, the idea will leave and never return. In a world of sloth and languidness, you’re fascinated by his urgency. You take off your own headphones to hear how he sounds in the context of silence, it is seven in the morning after all, and it only draws you in further. The scratching of the pen against the paper, orchestrated by the humming that just barely escapes his lips lulling you into a state of hypnosis.
Periodically, he furrows his brows, tries out a different melody, then writes some more- over and over again, until the pattern becomes more fluid. More succinct. Like the beginnings of a fully fledged song. He’s smiling now, and you find yourself unknowingly mirroring his joy, the fuzziness of it spreading up your neck like a campfire consuming its kindling. You’re enraptured. 
You want to live inside his head. What a superpower to have; to breathe life into written language. And then suddenly, he’s stuffing his notebook into his backpack as quickly as he had taken it out. His stop must be coming up soon, you had thought to yourself. 
After putting his feet back on the ground, he gingerly places his palms against the bus window- as if to test its temperature. When deemed cool enough, he exhales against the glass, quickly etching a heart onto its foggy surface with a squeak. His fingers are calloused, that much you can tell even from across the bus, and he’s tired- if the bags under his eyes are any indication. Then, the bus crawls to a stop, and he stands. Again, you’re mirroring him instantly, body moving before your mind can catch up. It’s not your stop, yours is another three down, but you exit nonetheless, too enthralled by the boy in front of you to let him out of your sight.
You walk about a block, maintaining about a ten foot distance between the two of you, and watch him hobble down the sidewalk with his huge guitar case. He grunts occasionally, adjusting and readjusting his baggage when the weight becomes too much, humming all the while. Until, of course, he turns around, tearing the headphones off of his head, and asks, “Are you following me?!” in a frustrated huff. 
You stop in your tracks. Oh wait, you had thought, you are sorta following him. Well, the cafe is in this direction technically but-
“You’re not one of those people with a fansite, are you? Look, dude, I know we debuted last year, but I want a normal life just like-”
“I’m not a fan. I mean, not yet, I guess. Well- no. I was just… I’m not following you. Mostly.” you stammer. 
Mark scratches his head. “Then, what are you doing…?”
“You were writing a song on the bus,” you look at the ground, staring at your shoes in search of some solace, reprieve from the then stranger’s prying eyes. How did you think this would turn out any other way? “I thought maybe, you could… sing it. Like, out loud.”
Mark sighs. “Look, dude, I have practice and-”
“Right. I’m sorry for being weird, you just looked… Nevermind. Have a nice day- sorry to bother you.” You turn on your heels, in the complete opposite of the cafe you’re supposed to be going to, and make a break for it. As you trek up the hill, you shatter your reflection over and over again, the splashing of puddles beneath your feet the only sound tethering you to reality. 
“It’s not finished-” Mark starts, voice cutting through the rustling leaves and bustling city with piercing clarity.  You’re frozen, still facing away from the hypnotist behind you. “-but I could show you the idea. Because that’s what it is right now. Just an idea.”
You turn to face him. “Um. Sure. If that’s okay.”
Haechan interjects Mark’s storytelling, words warbling from his completion of a third bottle of soju for the night. “No way you actually sat down and played the song for-”
“Shh!” Johnny says, “This is the best part.”
“See, I knew you secretly loved this mushy-gushy stuff,” you say. 
Mark giggles. “So, like I was saying-”
You sit on a bench freckled cherry blossom petals and just-dried droplets of dew, knee bouncing nervously when Mark plops down beside you. Mark sets his guitar case down, flat in front of him, and opens it. Retrieving his notebook from his backpack once again, he places it on your lap, surprisingly enough. Wordlessly, he puts his guitar in his lap, throwing the strap over his neck and shoulders, and cranes his neck to re-familiarize himself with his feverishly scrawled ideas. Just before he strums the first note, he says, “Just an idea. Keep that in mind.”
Then he sings. A mix and hesitant laments of love lost, then found, yearning for the past, but hopeful for the future. But other words are not words at all. They’re more, like, messily sung runs. Like he’s sketching lightly, so he can erase later. He’s got a hook. He sings it three times, and the way his Adam's apple bobbles is now permanently etched in your mind. When he’s done, he opens his eyes slowly, assessing the damage done. He almost looks surprised that you’re still sitting there.
You whisper, voice whisked away in the gentle breeze, “I never asked your name.”
“Mark. Just Mark.”
“Nice to meet you, ‘Just Mark’.”
“What do you think? How do you feel?” Two entirely different questions, both of which hit your ear in a way that makes your stomach leap- or maybe it’s the gravelly timbre of his voice and unsure eyes.
“Good,” Mark’s eyes spur you on further, silently asking you to elaborate, “The song sounds good and I feel good.”
“Is that the only adjective you know? ‘Good’?”
“I know a lot of adjectives. I’m just… nervous. So, yeah.”
Mark grabs his notebook and returns it to his backpack, packing up his guitar as well. As he stands to leave, he turns and says, “Your name.”
“You never told me your name.”
“_______,” you reply meekly.
“And your hand,” he urges, “give it to me.” You extend your arm and Mark delicately grasps your wrist. Then, Mark nervously scrawls his number on your palm, pen digging into your skin slightly. 
You can hear your heartbeat in your ears. 
“If you have any thoughts beyond it being ‘good’, gimme a call.” And just like that, he’s gone, running down the hill to make it to practice on time.
As Mark ends his retelling of events with a wistful hum, Haechan chortles. “Yeah. You two disgust me.”
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hrts4hanniehae · 10 months
seventeen and how they would react if idol!you were brutally attacked on stage by an antifan
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PAIRING. seventeen (ot13) x idol!reader GENRE. angst-fluff, established relationship, scenario imagines WARNINGS. blood, stabbing, violence, crying, nightmares, shock, anger WORD COUNT. 1369 words
my last work for the next 3 weeks because i'm on holiday! may still post if i find time though!!
choi seungcheol
the epitome of pure fury. when he sees the clip, he is just pure mad. 
not only because you got injured, but also because you didn’t tell him and he had to find out through a video that jeonghan sent him
he would watch the video and get the shock of his life when he sees the concealed blade graze the side of your neck as you dodge the lunge.
would not care if he had a full schedule, he would go to find you in the hospital.
when he sees you in the hospital bed with bandages around your neck, he would be too concerned to get mad that you didn’t tell him.
“I didn’t want you to worry.”
“We’re dating, I should be worrying about you. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
yoon jeonghan
your manager immediately called him once the concealed blade was pulled out of your leg.
as we’ve seen with his reactions to sasaengs, he would be VERY agitated and constantly (with no filter) criticise anti-fans on lives
he would also show up to the hospital as soon as he could with your favourite snacks, hiding you from view as you eat them despite him not being allowed to bring food in.
would help you walk everywhere and baby you.
joshua hong
he would be silently in distress at the fact that you were bleeding so much.
he was watching the live stream of your performance with the rest of Seventeen when it happened. 
he watched in horror as the blade sliced your shoulder and the security team tackled the assailant. 
the cut was deep and bleeding profusely onto your white outfit, staining it red. (if you want it to seem badass just imagine ur song is something something bleeding hearts idk)
he would drop everything and video call you as soon as you’re out of danger.
he looks so heartbroken when he sees the stitches on your arm 
wen junhui
there is no doubt in me that he wouldn’t immediately be rushing to your side, even if your relationship hadn’t been announced.
he was at your concert that day because he had free time and you wanted him there.
when he saw the anti-fan climbing onto the stage he immediately knew that something was wrong and began making his way towards you
when he saw the blood splatter and you fall onto your knees, his heart dropped.
once they pulled the knife out of your stomach and you got the surgery needed, he fought with your managers to give you a long hiatus with him. 
he wouldn’t let you go out alone after that and he would bring you to meet his parents in China to rest and heal
kwon soonyoung
he would lose it when he sees the clip that Seokmin sends to him. The blood flowing down your head from the rock thrown at you sends him into a panic.
his panic increases when you don’t pick up your phone. 
when you finally call him, he picks up immediately to ask how you are. It doesn’t help that your concert is in a different country.
he would not be his usual lively self for a while (until he knows you’re 100% okay and that the culprit was caught)
jeon wonwoo
he expected some level of anger from fans after you both announced your relationship, but not to this extent.
when your manager calls him to tell him you were in the ER due to a knife attack, he would be in shock. You both had just spoken that morning before your concert, how could you be in the ER less than 3 hours later?
with no regard for anything he had to do that day, he would rush to the hospital to be by your side. 
after you’re out of surgery, he would announce his hiatus and pressure your manager to put you on hiatus too. He would then spend a few months just taking care of you and spending quality time together.
he would also 100% make sure the culprit is punished very severely. 
lee jihoon
this man would quite literally lose it.
he was on Weverse live when he received the call, and his soul left his body. He immediately ended his live before going to the hospital.
he would caress your cheek where the cut was and reassure you that you were still beautiful and hold you in his arms if you cried out of fear.
after that, he would call out every anti-fan and sasaeng in his lives.
“If there’s anything below lowlife, that’s you.”
xu minghao
he would be furious, especially when he hears what the fan said before she scratched you across the arm. “XU MINGHAO IS MINE!”
no more fan service, no more boyfriend-type pictures, no more aegyo. Your safety is 100 times more important to him than anything.
he would also release a statement. 
“Hurting my s/o is like hurting me. If you harbour the same grievances as this assailant, I will tell you this now. I will never harbour any interest in you, or anyone else for that matter. My s/o, y/n, if the only one in my eyes. You have failed as Carats and don’t deserve to be called fans of Seventeen.”
kim mingyu
despite his fear of confronting crazy fans/anti-fans, he would not hesitate to publicly shame your attacker at every chance he gets.
when he first saw all the blood, he was panicked. When he saw that the attacker had punched you in the nose, he became very mad. 
if he finds out it was because of him that the anti-fan attacked you, he would be very apologetic and upset with himself. He would never forgive himself if you got hurt because of him.
you would both go on hiatus for a month. 
lee seokmin
he went to your concert as a surprise for you that he and your manager had planned.
when he saw the fan slash at you, his heart dropped and shattered.
the pure fear in his eyes, when he saw your mangled skin, was something you never wanted to remember.
the whole way to the hospital, he was silently crying, yet seething with anger. His touch was gentle as he stroked your hair, trying to divert your attention away from the pain.
boo seungkwan
he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you dodge the knife.
the cut on your shoulder was huge and he almost fainted.
he would be there at the hospital, comforting you through the stitches even though he could barely bear it.
he would also go off on the security team to understand how an anti-fan with a knife got past them and onto the stage.
during your month of hiatus, he would be there to comfort you.
vernon chwe
the hurt in his eyes when he saw the article was apparent to the other members of Seventeen, who immediately helped him to get to you. 
when he sees the bandages around your lower torso, his heart breaks.
he knows that the smile you give when you say you’re okay is fake and he just embraces you when you finally break down in sobs.
however long you need to go on hiatus, he’s there as much as he can and he makes sure that you know that you’re loved so very much.
lee chan
he wouldn’t know what to do when he sees you get stabbed on live TV. 
the blood splatters on the camera lens in front of you making him flinch.
after sitting in shock for a while, he gets up in a hurry, getting Mingyu to drive him to you.
he waits (hehe wait. sorry.) outside the A&E for you, fearing the worst. How could he live without you? You were his first love and he wished his last.
when the doctors finally tell him you’re okay, he collapses in relief and with Mingyu’s help, he makes his way to see you. 
he wouldn’t leave your side even if he had a schedule to do, and sometimes he’d have recurring nightmares of you being stabbed
when you go on hiatus, he follows.
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svt-luna · 7 days
hi! i really adore each member’s dynamic with luna 🫶 can i request for a chapter where the group’s over protectiveness comes to action when it comes to luna? it can be any member you prefer. thank you!
(pls keep on writing i really love ur blog 🤗)
ᡴꪫ ⋆ All EYES ON HER: SEVENTEEN’S ULTIMATE PROTECTIVE MOMENTS ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── now playing…
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synopsis: A compilation on the countless times the members have fiercely protected Luna, proving that anyone who messes with her has an entire team to answer to.
hello!! I apologize for taking so long with this request, it took a long time for me to get to it but finally, it’s here now. you didn’t specify what kind I should do, so I decided on a youtube compilation instead, I hope you don’t mind! happy reading, my loves 🤍💛
╰ ౨ৎ LUNA-VERSE MASTERLIST ╰ ౨ৎ youtube compilations
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[added captions are in brackets] ᡣ𐭩
bold dialogues are spoken in english ᡣ𐭩
indented italics are additional voice overs ᡣ𐭩
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Ah yes, folks, welcome to this episode of ‘How SEVENTEEN is Basically Luna’s Private Army at This Point.’
I mean, if you didn’t already know, our girl Luna isn’t just the 14th member of SEVENTEEN— no, no, she’s also the epitome of princess treatment.
Miss thing, is protected by her 13 bodyguards… I mean, bandmates.
I cannot stress this enough… the amount of times these guys circle around her like she’s made of glass is honestly a whole genre of content at this point.
You’d think they signed a secret contract that says, ‘Thou shalt not let Luna so much as trip on a pebble or breathe near a stalker without at least five of us nose-diving in front of her.’
I’m starting to think they all have a group chat where their one goal is: ‘Keep Luna safe. At all costs.’ I mean, the devotion is real, people.
Anyway, buckle up because we’re diving into SEVENTEEN’s ultimate protective moments over the years. From stage accidents to creepy fan encounters— these boys do it all. *swoons*
So grab your popcorn, maybe a tissue, and get ready to witness Luna being treated like the literal K-pop princess that she is.
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I feel like this video itself just shows you how much the members are super protective of Luna.
On a side note, y’all weirdos really need to leave them the fuck alone
The airport was abuzz with the usual energy that seemed to follow SEVENTEEN everywhere they went. Fans had gathered on the other side of the barricades, screaming, phones flashing, as they tried to capture every moment of the members’ journey to the gate.
It was early— too early for most of the members to be anything but a little groggy. They had a long flight ahead to Seattle for their ‘Be the Sun’ tour concert, and it showed in the occasional yawn, tired smiles, and slow movements as they waited in line to enter their gate.
Luna stood in the middle of the line, nestled between Wonwoo, who was in front of her, and Seungcheol, who lingered protectively behind.
[In just a few seconds you guys would see how Choi Seungcheol became my bias]
[on a side note… look how hot he looks 😩 DADDY!]
Luna was chatting quietly with Wonwoo about the new show she was watching late last night, her voice calm as she ran through the reason why she got zero sleep.
Everything felt routine.
The members bowed and waved occasionally to the fans and cameras across the barricades, but it was all in the usual ebb and flow of their lives on tour. There was nothing unusual about the morning, just the soft hum of their conversations and the distant screams of their loyal Carats.
[I love how they still try their best to greet Carats despite being so tired 🥹]
And then it happened.
In the middle of her sentence, Luna was cut off by the sound of a man’s voice— a deep, rough yell from somewhere beyond the barricade. He was shouting her name, which wasn’t entirely strange. Fans often called out to her, but there was something different in the way this man shouted. It wasn’t the excited, breathless tone of a fan. It was urgent, desperate, and far too aggressive.
[guys I’m being so fr rn, this clip till this day pisses me the fuck off]
Before Luna or anyone else could process what was happening, there was a sudden movement from their side.
Out of nowhere, the man broke past security and somehow made it too close, far closer than any fan should’ve been allowed. He wasn’t behind the barricades anymore— he was there, within arm’s reach of the members.
[If I see him istg it’s on sight]
[I didn’t bother blurring his face cause… why should I?!]
The air around them shifted, the fans behind the barricades screaming in shock, but it was too late. Luna didn’t have time to turn and see him before she felt it.
A tight grip suddenly clamped down on her right arm.
It was jarring, a harsh pull that yanked her back, shocking her out of the moment. The man— eyes wild and frantic— was tugging her towards him, shouting about how much he loved her. “Luna, Jiyeon-ah! You don’t understand, I love you! I’m in love with you! I need you to know! I’m obsessed with you!”
[yeah we can tell, loser]
Luna’s breath hitched in her throat. The world around her blurred as the fans screamed louder, their voices tinged with panic. For a split second, her brain froze, and she couldn’t fully process what was happening. The man’s hand was too tight, too rough, and before she could pull away, she felt herself being dragged towards him.
[look at her face, motherfucker! look at how scared she looks]
But then, in an instant, everything shifted again.
Before Luna could even react, she felt a firm grip around her waist— a strong, grounding force pulling her back from the man’s grasp.
Seungcheol, who had been just behind her, moved like a flash, his expression steely as his arm looped securely around her. His fingers pressed tightly against her waist, holding her in place, but his other hand wasn’t idle. With a swift, practiced motion, Seungcheol reached out and grabbed the man’s arm, yanking it away from Luna with more strength than the man had anticipated.
“Let go.” Seungcheol’s voice was firm, sharp with authority but calm, almost dangerously calm, as he shoved the man’s hand off her with little effort.
[I– no words… there are no words]
[Honestly, if I were that sasaeng, I’d just tell my heart to stop right then and there]
[Choi Seungcheol is scary wbk]
At the same time, Wonwoo had spun around, his eyes dark with alarm. His hand immediately found Luna’s, grasping her left hand firmly as he pulled her back to safety, away from the chaos. The sudden switch from casual conversation to this whirlwind of confusion sent a surge of adrenaline through him. His usually stoic face was a mixture of concern and anger as he held Luna’s hand tighter, making sure she wasn’t being pulled any further.
[brb I’m gonna cry]
[Wonwoo was holding onto her for dear life]
The sasaeng stumbled backward as Seungcheol released him, but it wasn’t over yet.
The moment Seungcheol tore the man’s hand off Luna’s arm, the rest of the members immediately closed in, surrounding her like a protective shield.
[They look so worried 🥺]
[Jiyeon is so loved]
Security finally rushed in, grabbing the man and pulling him away from the members, the fans still screaming in horror and disbelief at what had just unfolded.
[Also what took y’all so fucking long 😠]
Seungcheol barely had time to check her well-being before he was pushed back into action, taking control of the situation as the leader.
As the fans continued to scream in both shock and confusion, Jeonghan was by Luna’s side in an instant, his face painted with worry. His hand hovered near her shoulder as he looked her over, asking softly, “Are you okay?” before Mingyu stepped up beside him, eyes scanning her for any sign of distress.
“I’m okay,” Luna nodded as she shook caressed the now red flesh of her right arm.
The members formed a tight circle around her, creating a barrier between Luna and the crowd as they took turns asking her if she was alright. Jeonghan, Mingyu, Seungkwan, Dino, Wonwoo, and Dokyeom stood close, their faces unusually serious, while Minghao, Joshua, and Vernon kept a vigilant eye on the situation, making sure no one else could get close. Even Woozi, Jun, and Hoshi, who had been half-asleep just moments ago, were now alert and focused, standing protectively near her.
[they baracaded her real fast]
Luna, is still in shock. Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind still trying to catch up with what had just happened. The touch of the man’s rough hand still lingered on her skin, but the warmth and safety of her members anchored her in the present, pulling her out of the chaos and fear.
Meanwhile, off to the side, fans caught a glimpse of Seungcheol in full leader mode, visibly angry as he appeared to scold their security team.
Seungcheol’s body language was sharp and commanding, hands gesturing firmly as he instructed them on how to handle the situation. No one could hear exactly what he was saying, but it was clear from his tone and expression that he was furious. His jaw clenched, his eyes steely, he pointed toward the barricades and the area where the man had broken through, making sure there would be no more mistakes.
[blah, blah, blah, proper name, place name…]
[What I’d give to hear what he’s saying rn]
Fans watching from the other side couldn’t help but be struck by how protective and authoritative he was, silently appreciating the way SEVENTEEN took care of their own.
Once all that was taken care of, Seungcheol finally turned back and glanced down at Luna, his voice now softer but still firm. “You okay?” His eyes scanned her for any signs of distress or injury as he gently caressed her arm, his brows furrowed with concern.
[I’m in love with him it’s not funny anymore 😔]
Luna nodded slowly, though her heart was still racing. “I’m okay, Cheolie… thank you,” she managed to whisper, her voice shaky but steadying.
“Thank you, Wonwoo oppa,” Luna turned to the man next to her who gave her a silent not, clearly still disturbed.
But Seungcheol wasn’t fully convinced she was fine… none of the members did. They could tell from how she twisted the rings on her fingers.
Seungcheol placed his arm around her shoulders, keeping her close as they moved forward, ensuring she was safe and that the man was well out of reach. Meanwhile, the rest of the members hovered around her. Jeonghan was beside her, now holding her hand, his grip tight and his presence still solid and reassuring.
[the way Cheol and Han kept holding her till they entered their gate 🥹]
The fans, who had just witnessed the entire event, were still in a state of shock, but now their screams had shifted. Instead of panic, there were chants of Luna’s name, filled with concern and admiration for how the members especially Seungcheol and Wonwoo had handled the situation.
It was only then, as the adrenaline began to fade, that Luna realized just how much she had been relying on them. Without them, without their quick thinking and protective instincts, she didn’t want to think about what could’ve happened.
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The concert in Japan was in full swing, the arena lights flashing to the heavy beat of SEVENTEEN’s ‘Fear’ as they performed for thousands of cheering fans.
[Another one of my favorite clips, ladies and gentlemen]
The energy in the air was electric, the members synchronized perfectly with their intense choreography and sharp vocals. Luna was in the center of the stage, dressed in a sleek black attire that matched the rest of the members— black leather pants that accentuated her legs accompanied by a black sleeveless top with a zipper running down the back.
The moment was flawless— until it wasn’t.
In the midst of a spin, as she did the choreography with the rest of the members, Luna felt the distinct sensation of her zipper giving way.
A chill ran down her spine as the entire back of her top unzipped, fully exposing her skin. Her black top was now hanging loose, barely held together by the fabric at the front.
But Luna, ever the professional, didn’t miss a beat. Her face remained fierce and intense, completely matching the dark, brooding mood of the song. Not a flicker of panic crossed her expression as she continued to sing, her voice steady, her movements sharp. Her body flowed with the choreography as if nothing was wrong, even though her mind was racing.
[her top was literally hanging by a thread]
[I don’t know how she does it. I would have panicked]
[It’s a good thing the zipper was at her back 🫥]
Some of the members noticed almost immediately. Being behind her in the formation, they had a clear view of her exposed back. Hoshi, who was a few steps to the side, caught a glimpse of her loose top during a turn, his eyes widening slightly in realization— however, he was a few steps too far to do anything about it.
Just as they transitioned to another part of the routine, Luna shifted her glance to the side and locked eyes with Dokyeom, who was right behind her. His eyes were filled with concern, his expression subtle but clear— her back was fully exposed, and they needed to fix it.
Luna, ever so composed, gave him a single, almost imperceptible nod. The kind of nod only someone who knew her well could catch. It was all she needed to convey her understanding.
[Again, it amazes me how fast they pulled this off]
[it took me like five times to understand how DK did it]
[Watch Dokyeomie closely]
Dokyeom, without hesitation, stepped into action while maintaining the choreography flawlessly. As they moved through the next steps, their bodies swayed and spun in perfect sync with the music, but every move was calculated.
Luna, still dancing and keeping her facial expression strong, swept her long hair from the back to the front in one fluid motion, letting it cascade over her shoulder. She exposed her bare back fully to Dokyeom, who was quick to react.
[HOT 🥵 HOT 🥵 HOT 🥵]
[maybe that’s why it’s so hard to catch DK zipping her up… Jiyeonie is too distracting]
With the precision and speed that only a professional dancer could pull off, Dokyeom zipped up the back of her top as if it were part of the routine. His fingers worked fast, pulling the zipper up in one smooth, swift motion while simultaneously stepping to the side, his feet moving in perfect time with the beat.
To any fan watching from the crowd, it would have looked like just another part of the choreography, so seamless was their execution. Luna barely flinched, continuing to sing with full power, her movements never faltering as she danced across the stage. The members around them barely blinked; they had seen what happened and knew the situation was under control.
[one minute her back was fully exposed and the next no skin at all!!?]
The arena was still filled with flashing lights and screaming fans, but among them, some of the more eagle-eyed fans caught the moment on their phones. Every angle of the stage showed Dokyeom's swift actions and Luna's incredible poise. Twitter was already lighting up with comments about how professional they were.
As the final chorus hit, Luna and Dokyeom made eye contact once more. Luna, still keeping in character, mouthed a soft, “Thank you,” barely visible to the cameras, but enough for Dokyeom to see. He gave her a quick wink and a nod, his lips curling up into a small, reassuring smile before they both turned their attention back to the performance, moving seamlessly into the final formation.
[I want to be so good at something that I am this casual on stage]
From that point forward, no one would have guessed anything had gone wrong. The performance continued flawlessly, but fans watching from the crowd and at home couldn't help but be amazed at how fast and professional they both were. It was a moment of pure teamwork, a quiet display of trust and coordination between members that reminded everyone just how close SEVENTEEN really was—onstage and off.
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Now, let me introduce to you ‘The Infamous Blocks’. There are three in total— ‘The Blanket’, ‘The Body’, and ‘The Bear’. I might sound like I am joking but I’m being so serious…
Lets start with the ‘Blanket Block’
The night was electric with excitement, the air buzzing with anticipation as fans lined the barricades of the red carpet at MAMA 2017 in Japan. The event was one of the most awaited of the year, and the energy surrounding the venue was palpable. Cameras flashed wildly, fans screamed with glee, and a sea of lightsticks waved as the SEVENTEEN van rolled to a slow stop at the edge of the carpet. The sleek black vehicle gleamed under the lights as if announcing the arrival of something grand. One by one, the members began to step out.
First came S.Coups, stepping confidently onto the red carpet, his sharp black suit catching the light just right. The fans erupted in cheers, phones already out and recording as each member made their way down the line. Mingyu followed, waving briefly to the crowd, and then Seungkwan, whose grin brightened as he acknowledged the fans’ excitement. Each member received their share of attention, but it wasn’t just for the boys the crowd was waiting.
[they looked too good to be true this night]
Inside the van, Luna sat, fixing her dress, her hands smoothing over the soft fabric nervously. She knew the moment she stepped out, all eyes would be on her. But more than the eyes, it was the cameras. The predatory gleam of lenses ready to snap her from every angle made her feel vulnerable, and exposed. Tonight, she was wearing an elegant, sleek black dress— classy but form-fitting— and she knew the moment she stepped out, the cameras wouldn’t be kind if they caught anything inappropriate.
Jeonghan, who had just stepped out of the van, paused at the door and leaned back inside. His pink hair gleamed under the overhead lights, but his gaze was focused entirely on Luna, not the crowd.
He noticed her slight hesitation and saw the way her hands twitched with uncertainty as she adjusted her dress. He leaned in closer, his voice soft and comforting, though the words were lost to the flashing lights and the fans’ endless chants. Whatever he said, it calmed her enough for her to take a deep breath and prepare to step out.
[I’m desperate, please]
But before she could fully exit the van, Jeonghan reached inside and swiftly grabbed a dark blanket that had been folded near the seats. With a smooth, practiced motion, he unfolded it and held it open in front of the door, shielding Luna from the prying eyes and flashing cameras that would’ve otherwise had a clear view of her legs and dress as she maneuvered out of the car.
He didn’t rush her, didn’t make a big deal of it; his movements were calm, unbothered as if this were second nature to him. The blanket draped in his hands, blocking the lower part of her from view.
Luna, catching the gesture, couldn’t help but feel a wave of warmth and gratitude. Her face softened as she adjusted her dress under the cover of the blanket. She took a moment to gather herself, making sure every inch of fabric was in place, every crease smoothed out.
She met Jeonghan’s eyes for a brief second, and the silent exchange between them said more than words could have. A nod of reassurance. A small, grateful smile.
[she just swooned… don’t at me]
Jeonghan, still holding the blanket like a shield, waited for her signal. Only when Luna gave him the okay— a subtle but confident nod— did he let the blanket drop.
[HE– I– can’t. I need him in my life]
In a smooth motion, he tossed it back inside the van and extended his hand to her. Luna stepped out gracefully, her confidence restored as her feet touched the ground. The cameras immediately went into overdrive, capturing every inch of her, but Jeonghan remained beside her, his hand still on hers, helping her as they moved forward together.
[please, I’m begging… I can be a pet… I can bark]
The cheers from the crowd doubled as Luna appeared. The fans, who had been screaming the members’ names, now turned their attention to the only female member of SEVENTEEN, and the energy shifted.
But Jeonghan never let go of her hand, guiding her with a quiet but firm presence. He knew how these events worked, how easily one wrong angle could lead to unnecessary scrutiny. And so, even as they posed together on the red carpet, his body was angled ever so slightly in her favor, offering her the subtle kind of protection that no one would notice but her.
[look at them]
The fans closest to the barricades noticed it, though. They had seen the entire interaction, from the way Jeonghan covered her with the blanket to the way he never once let her fend for herself. And it didn’t go unnoticed how he tossed the blanket away only once he was certain she was completely comfortable. Luna's smile was as radiant as ever, but beneath it was the comfort of knowing that, even in a sea of flashing lights and camera lenses, someone always had her back.
[one of the most iconic Jeongna moments]
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Next is my favorite out of the three… the ‘Body Block’
The night sky over Seoul was illuminated by the flashing lights of countless cameras, the red carpet stretching out like a sea of glamour and anticipation. It was the Cartier event of 2022, an evening that promised to bring together the city's most elegant and well-known figures.
Among them were Luna and Mingyu, two of Cartier’s most prominent models and brand ambassadors. Their presence alone was enough to send a ripple of excitement through the crowd, but the fact that they both wore red, in perfectly coordinated outfits, had the press buzzing.
[I’m sorry– they looks so hot and intimidating]
Luna stepped out first, her heels clicking softly against the smooth surface of the red carpet. She was the embodiment of grace, her tall, slender frame draped in a stunning, floor-length red dress.
The dress was an exquisite piece— a bold, deep crimson that shimmered under the camera lights. It was strapless on one side, while the other featured a delicate, thin strap that wrapped over her shoulder, highlighting the gentle curve of her collarbone. The material clung to her figure in all the right ways, its fabric flowing down to her feet like liquid silk, pooling elegantly around her ankles. A daring slit along one side revealed a hint of her leg as she moved, but it was done tastefully, maintaining an air of sophistication and class.
[she doesn’t look real 😭]
[like– I’m convinced she’s a hologram]
Mingyu followed closely behind her, equally striking in his tailored red suit. The suit jacket was perfectly fitted to his broad shoulders, the crimson fabric complementing the sharp black of his shirt underneath.
[I AM SORRY— sir?!]
[I am loyal to Seungcheol… am I?]
Together, they made a captivating pair, their outfits harmonizing in a way that felt almost intentional, like they were meant to stand side by side on this particular night.
As they posed for the cameras, the flashes were relentless, a barrage of light capturing their every move. Luna stood tall, her chin slightly raised, one hand placed elegantly on her hip while her other arm hung loosely at her side. Beside her, Mingyu struck his own pose, the definition of cool confidence, his dark eyes locking with the cameras as they both stood center stage, an image of luxury and refinement.
[They’d be so hot together… I didn’t say that 😀]
And then it happened— so quickly that it could have been missed by anyone not paying attention. As Luna shifted her weight, turning her body slightly to change her angle, one of the thin straps of her dress slipped from her shoulder. The movement was subtle, barely noticeable at first, but as the strap fell, it revealed the bare skin of her shoulder.
Luna’s eyes flickered downward for a moment, a small crease of surprise appearing on her otherwise composed face.
Without missing a beat, she calmly reached up and tugged the strap back into place, her fingers grazing the cool fabric as she pulled it back over her shoulder. Her expression remained neutral, her movements composed— professional, as always. But Mingyu had seen it. The moment the strap fell, his attention snapped to her, eyes narrowing with concern for a fraction of a second.
[I’m convince every single member has spidey senses when it comes to her]
In a split-second decision, Mingyu moved. He stepped directly in front of Luna, his tall frame blocking her from the cameras with an easy, natural movement. His back was now facing the cameras, shielding her from their view as she adjusted the strap. His broad shoulders and the crimson jacket became a makeshift curtain, offering her privacy in an instant.
Luna looked up at him, her fingers still smoothing over the strap of her dress as she finished fixing it. Their eyes met, and for a moment, no words were needed. A small, appreciative smile touched her lips, her eyes softening as she gave him a simple nod of thanks.
Mingyu, always effortlessly cool, returned the gesture with a brief smile of his own, his eyes flickering with a silent understanding. Then, just as smoothly as he had positioned himself in front of her, he moved back to his original spot, turning to face the cameras once more, as if nothing had happened.
[they are so obedient too]
The photographers continued their frenzy, completely unaware of the quiet, protective exchange that had just taken place between the two. To them, it had been a seamless transition— nothing out of the ordinary. But to those paying close attention, the subtle moment of protection from Mingyu was not only graceful but instinctual, a sign of the quiet care he had for Luna, his fellow ambassador, and friend.
Together, they resumed their poses, their red outfits glowing under the lights, and once again, they became the perfect image of poise and elegance. But those who knew— who saw the quick flash of concern in Mingyu’s eyes and the gratitude in Luna’s smile— recognized the deeper connection between them, one that went beyond their roles on the red carpet.
The event continued, but that brief moment lingered, caught by the lucky fans who were watching closely enough to see the exchange, a testament to the unspoken bond shared by the two.
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And finally, the ‘Bear Block’
The soft glow of the hotel room’s ambient lighting bathed the cozy space in a warm hue as Minghao and Luna sat side by side on the edge of her bed, engaging with fans in their casual Weverse live. Luna’s hotel room was comfortably minimalistic—soft cream-colored walls, sleek furniture, and the faint scent of lavender wafting through the air from a diffuser on the nightstand. Behind them, a plush teddy bear sat tucked into the pillows, a gift Luna had received from a fan earlier that day, its little beady eyes gleaming under the camera's light.
[the 97 line twins]
It was a typical live stream for the two— comfortable and relaxed. Luna, in her soft oversized hoodie, was leaning back against the bedpost while Minghao, dressed in his usual stylish yet casual attire, lounged next to her. Their conversation flowed naturally as they laughed and answered fans’ questions. Minghao would occasionally break into Chinese, his voice smooth as he spoke in his mother tongue, and Luna, always eager to learn, would repeat his phrases with childlike excitement, though her pronunciation was less polished.
[they are so cute 🥺]
[I love this duo so much]
Minghao chuckled each time she got it wrong, his eyes crinkling in amusement. “No, no, like this,” he’d say, gently correcting her, the fondness in his tone unmistakable. He would then patiently translate the meaning into Korean for her and their fans, smiling as Luna exaggeratedly repeated the words again, determined to get it right.
[I am so soft for them]
The chat was buzzing with messages, and the number of viewers kept rising steadily as more fans joined in, thrilled by the duo’s easy-going dynamic. Luna, always full of energy, glanced at the screen, her sharp eyes catching one of the rapid comments. She leaned forward to get a better look, her long hair cascading down one side of her face as she brought her face closer to her phone.
"Wait, what does this say—" Luna began, her voice trailing off mid-sentence. Just as she was about to read the comment aloud, Minghao, who had been fiddling with the teddy bear on the bed, made a swift movement. In a fraction of a second, without a word, he gently but firmly pressed the soft bear against her chest, covering her entirely from view.
[this cracked me up 😂]
[the fact the Hao just shoved the bear in front of her was just hilarious]
Luna froze for a heartbeat, her eyes widening in surprise as she realized what had just happened. Her body had leaned forward just a little too far, and in her oversized hoodie, there had been a chance she might have inadvertently revealed something on camera that wasn’t meant to be seen. Minghao, with his ever-watchful eye and sharp instincts, had noticed it instantly.
[Hao really said: “not on my watch.” 🧸]
Her breath hitched for a moment as she glanced at him, her face a mix of shock and silent gratitude. Minghao, his expression calm and collected, simply nodded at her in a way that conveyed everything without words. He didn’t make a big deal of it; his actions were smooth and almost invisible to the casual observer. His nod was one of quiet understanding, a signal that she didn’t need to worry— he had her back.
[He’s also so fucking hot, lawd]
Luna’s heart swelled with appreciation, but she played it cool. With a soft exhale, she shot him a small, grateful smile. “Thank you,” she muttered under her breath, barely audible but enough for Minghao to hear.
He gave a subtle smile in return, his eyes crinkling slightly as he continued to idly hold the bear in place, casually moving it as though it were part of their lighthearted banter.
Luna straightened back up, her posture relaxed once more, and resumed the conversation as if nothing had happened.
Luna’s smile returned as she read through more comments, her face as calm and composed as ever, a professional through and through.
They continued answering fan questions as the live stretched on, but the silent gesture lingered in the air like an unspoken promise— proof that, no matter what, Minghao was always watching out for her, and Luna was never truly alone.
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“It says here that you are known to cause fights.” PD Na said.
The sudden statement caught everyone off guard. The members burst into laughter while Luna sat there, shocked and confused, unsure of how to respond.
“Me?” she asked, pointing to herself, her voice tinged with disbelief. “Fights? Where did you hear that?” She laughed, still trying to process the unexpected accusation.
[She’s just that bitch. She didn’t even know]
PD Na pointed at his paper, a teasing grin on his face. “We did our research. It says here that you caused a lot of fights when you were a trainee.”
A chorus of agreements erupted from the members, with many of them pointing at her and Jeonghan, nodding vigorously.
“That’s right!”
“He’s right!” they echoed, their voices overlapping as they teased her.
"This is amazing," Dokyeom laughed harder.
“What?” Luna turned to look at her members, her confusion deepening as she tried to piece together what they were talking about. "Huh? What are you guys talking about?"
Then her eyes landed on Jeonghan who was already watching her, and it all clicked. The realization dawned on her face, her expression shifting from confusion to understanding, and then to amusement. “Ah,” she laughed, finally catching on.
Jeonghan, always the instigator, just grinned back at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
[he’s proud too]
As the memory clicked into place, Luna laughed harder, her laughter bubbling over as she covered her mouth with her hands. “This is amazing,” she marveled, still giggling. “How did you guys find out about that? I had completely forgotten about it.”
PD Na watched her with amusement, leaning forward slightly. “Can you tell us about it?” he asked, clearly intrigued.
Luna glanced at Jeonghan, who nodded in agreement, his smile knowing. She turned back to the group, preparing to recount the story. “It was when I was a trainee, and I was new at ‘PLEDIS’. This happened about five months after I joined,” Luna began, her hands moving animatedly as she spoke. “This one time, I just had the hardest day. The training was intense, I was sick at that time as well, and I remember stressing over my exams because I was still in school.”
Everyone listened carefully, their expressions a mix of curiosity and amusement. Her members, who knew the story well, giggled quietly, already anticipating where it was headed.
Luna continued, “I hadn’t eaten the entire day. I came to the practice room, and I had an apple. Then, one of the trainees came over, and he was teasing me.”
She paused, mimicking the boy’s actions by raising her hand as if holding something up high. “He took my apple, raised it up, and teased me to take it. He kept doing it and wouldn't give it to me up to the point that I just started crying,” Luna admitted, laughing at the memory of her younger, more vulnerable self.
“Aww,” the members and producers chorused, a mixture of sympathy and amusement in their voices.
Luna pressed on, “Then, all of a sudden, Jeonghannie oppa came in.” She placed her hand on Jeonghan’s leg, and though he made no move, he continued listening to her, his smirk growing as he anticipated the end of the story. “He saw me crying, took one look at the apple, and then he went…”
Luna mimicked Jeonghan’s deep, angry voice and stern expression, saying, “‘Give it back'.”
The room exploded into shrieks. The members erupted in howls and laughter, some leaping out of their seats, while others covered their mouths in teasing disbelief. The laughter was contagious, filling the room. Luna and Jeonghan remained seated next to each other, smiling as the room buzzed with the chaotic energy of their shared memories.
[only same reaction]
As the laughter in the room finally began to die down, Luna continued the story, still smiling. “The trainee still wouldn’t give it back and thought Hannie oppa was joking with him,” she said, recalling the moment. “Then he went, ‘I said give it back,’ but the trainee just laughed at him. Oppa was one of the oldest, so it was a bit disrespectful…”
PD Na, fully invested in the story, leaned in slightly. “Then… what did he do?” he asked, his curiosity piqued.
Jeonghan, his voice calm and deep, answered this time, his eyes still carrying that signature droopy look as he smirked lazily. “I cursed him out.”
The casual delivery of his words contrasted with the intensity of the moment, making the members erupt into a chorus of teasing.
"Ooh, he cursed!"
"He really cursed him out!"
"He cursed!" they repeated, pointing at Jeonghan and laughing even harder.
Luna nodded, trying to keep a straight face, before wrapping up the story. "Then after that, we left, and he bought me food."
[out of all the things PLEDIS could’ve fucking released in that training room it could have been this!]
Before PD Na could reply, Seungkwan jumped in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "There was also this one time. Maybe a year after that incident."
PD Na raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "There's another one?"
Luna, confused, turned to look at Seungkwan, who was seated behind her. "What else is there?" she asked, genuinely puzzled.
"It happened a year before we debuted," Seungkwan leaned forward, his voice carrying a nostalgic tone. "Noona is beautiful. She's really beautiful. Even back then when she was younger, she hasn't changed at all. Not once. She looks the exact same. The only thing that changed is her height." He emphasized each word to PD Na, while Luna listened quietly, her members nodding in agreement.
"She was an extremely popular trainee," Seungkwan continued. "A lot of boys liked her."
With that, a chorus of agreements spilled from the mouths of the members. "That's true," Mingyu said, nodding along with the others.
"There was a time when two trainees were literally arguing about her because they both liked her, and they decided to talk to her about it and make her decide," Seungkwan added, glancing over at Luna with a grin.
"I remember this," S.Coups chuckled, his eyes lighting up with the memory.
Luna’s eyes widened as she finally recalled the story. "Oh, right! Once they saw me, they started arguing in front of me," she nodded, using her hands to illustrate the scene.
[She explained that as if it’s the most normal thing in the world]
"Right. They were literally fighting in front of her," Seungkwan affirmed. "The members present tried to make them stop, but one thing led to another, and they both grabbed Luna by each hand," Seungkwan demonstrated the movement, grabbing Wonwoo’s arm to illustrate the point.
"Jeonghan… He was the angriest I've ever seen him in my life," Seungkwan said, raising his hand as if swearing to the truth.
Seungkwan then stood up, pulling Wonwoo to his feet to act out the scene. "Jeonghan went up to them and just…" He mimicked Jeonghan’s aggressive stance, facing Wonwoo head-on, his expression fierce.
"Jeonghan had really long hair back then, so it was swaying like this," Seungkwan added, shaking his head from side to side, imitating the way Jeonghan’s hair had moved during the confrontation. "'Let go,'" he said in a deep, angry voice, perfectly mimicking Jeonghan.
Another chorus of amused, teasing "Oohs" erupted from the members, while Luna sat laughing, her shoulders shaking with mirth.
S.Coups, still seated, shook his head with a grin. "I had to get him off. It was the first time I saw Jeonghan angry as well," he confessed, looking at Jeonghan with a mixture of admiration and amusement.
PD Na directed his attention to Jeonghan, raising an eyebrow with an amused smile. "It seems like you're involved in a lot of these stories."
[He knows what’s up]
Before Jeonghan could respond, Dokyeom cut in with a knowing grin. "Jeonghan is the most protective of Luna."
Luna quickly interjected, shaking her head with a smile. "No, it’s because he was the first person I became friends with when I joined. He was the person I was most comfortable with."
Jeonghan finally spoke up, his tone nonchalant as if the answer was obvious. "How else am I supposed to react during that situation?"
[right. right. right.]
Hoshi chimed in, nodding in agreement. "He’s cool."
"Very cool," Minghao said.
[He’s hot too]
Seungkwan, ever the dramatic one, couldn’t resist adding his flair. "I swear it was like a drama," he said, his voice filled with exaggerated emotion. "It was like you could hear the song play… 'Almost Paradise'…'" He sang the familiar tune, sending the room into another round of laughter.
PD Na, still chuckling, looked back at Jeonghan and Luna. "It’s because she’s your best friend. You two are the closest."
Both Luna and Jeonghan nodded, confirming the bond they shared.
"She's like your younger sister," PD Na added thoughtfully.
Jeonghan, who had been nodding in agreement, suddenly faltered. "N– y–yes," he stuttered, quickly changing his answer.
The subtle exchange of looks between Jeonghan and Luna that followed didn’t go unnoticed. Jeonghan's eyes lingered on her for just a moment, while Luna remained composed, though there was a fleeting glint of something unspoken in her eyes. It was a small, almost imperceptible moment, but the hesitation in Jeonghan’s response added a strange tension to the room that only the members noticed and understood as if there was more to the story than they were letting on.
PD Na, oblivious to the undercurrent, chuckled again. "I never thought you would be the type of person to fight," he remarked to Jeonghan, amused by the contrast between his usual calm demeanor and the stories being told.
The room burst into laughter again, and in perfect sync, both Luna and Jeonghan replied, "You’d think."
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It was the encore stage of SEVENTEEN’s ‘Be The Sun’ concert in Los Angeles, the never-ending loop of ‘Very Nice’ ringing through the arena as the crowd screamed and chanted along. The energy was electric, and all fourteen members were spread across the stage, bouncing with uncontainable excitement.
[it’s always this song btw]
[shit always happens during this never-ending song]
They’d already run through what seemed like a dozen rounds of the song, yet the adrenaline kept them going, fueled by the roars of the fans.
Luna, like the rest, was in high spirits, hopping from side to side, her voice blending with the sea of cheers as she waved down to the fans in the pit.
[SPIT ON ME– w-what?!]
She had found herself at the very edge of the stage, close enough that she could see the eager faces reaching up toward her, arms outstretched and phones recording every moment. Luna smiled and waved, her fingers making heart signs as she interacted with the fans who screamed her name in delight.
[She’s adorable and hot at the same time]
[like– how does one achieve that skill]
Her hair was slightly damp from all the jumping, and she pushed it out of her face, not noticing the sheen of water accumulating by her feet. The other members had been throwing water bottles into the crowd moments earlier, and the puddles left behind were nearly invisible under the bright concert lights.
In the heat of the moment, Luna took a step forward, her foot catching the slick surface beneath her. Her sneakers slid out from under her, and for a brief, terrifying second, her body lurched forward, dangerously close to toppling off the stage. Her balance was gone, the crowd gasping in unison as they watched her stumble.
But before gravity could pull her down, two pairs of hands shot out— firm and fast. Dino, who had been dancing nearby, immediately grabbed her left arm with a firm grip, his reflexes kicking in as he sensed her falling. At the same moment, Vernon, who had been casually walking past on her right, caught her other arm, his hands locking around her elbow with precision. Together, the two maknaes stabilized her, each holding on tightly as she regained her footing.
[Someone bubble wrap Jiyeonie I’m so serious]
For a moment, everything seemed to pause. The three of them stood frozen, catching their breaths as the arena’s lights flashed around them.
[the way the three of them just froze]
Luna’s heart raced as she realized how close she had been to a disastrous fall, right in front of thousands of fans. She turned to look at Dino and Vernon, their hands still gripping her arms firmly. Their faces mirrored a mixture of concern and relief, and they exchanged a silent understanding in that brief, weighty second.
Luna, her chest heaving, mouthed the words, “Thank you… I almost died,” her eyes wide with mock dramatization.
Her words, though lost in the chaos of the concert, were picked up by eagle-eyed fans close enough to lip-read the exchange. Dino let out a relieved laugh, his lips quirking into a smile, while Vernon gave a subtle nod, eyes flicking toward her with a smirk, as if to say, “Yup, you almost died.”
In the span of a heartbeat, the moment passed. Dino and Vernon released their hold as she straightened herself, shaking off the near-incident. Luna turned back to the audience with a bright grin, as if nothing had happened, raising her arms and encouraging the crowd to scream even louder.
The fans, unaware of just how close she’d been to falling, cheered even harder, oblivious to the small protective moment that had unfolded before their eyes.
As the three continued dancing, the members spread back out across the stage, the concert’s rhythm never missing a beat.
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Hoshi’s live had started like any other, full of laughter, easy conversation, and the familiar warmth of interacting with fans. As he sat in front of the camera, casually talking about everything from the group’s upcoming schedules to his favorite food that day, the comments section filled with excitement, fans from all over the world typing out their love and admiration for SEVENTEEN's energetic tiger.
But then, the live took an unexpected turn as both Joshua and Luna suddenly appeared on screen. Joshua casually strolled into the room, his ever-present smile lighting up his face as he greeted the viewers. “Hey, everyone!” he said, settling down beside Hoshi.
Luna followed quietly, a soft, polite wave to the camera as she sat next to Joshua. Her presence, while usually met with joy from fans, always came with its fair share of negativity as well, something she’d long since come to terms with as the only female member of SEVENTEEN.
At first, the chat exploded with excitement.
“OMG Joshua!!”
“YAY, Jiyeonie is here too!!”
“Look at these visuals!!!”
But quickly, as always, the tide began to shift. Hidden between the floods of hearts and cheers, darker comments started appearing.
They always did.
“Why is she even here?”
“We only wanted Joshua and Hoshi, not her.”
“She ruins it as always.”
“Please leave, no one wants to see you.”
Luna sat quietly, her eyes flickering over the comments, her usual smile frozen on her face. She had grown used to this, a side effect of being the only girl in a thirteen-member male-dominated group.
[look at her face!]
No matter how much love she received, there were always those who couldn't accept her presence.
Over the years, she had developed a thick skin.
She knew she didn’t need to prove herself to anyone, that she was just as much a part of SEVENTEEN as any of the others, but that didn’t make it any less uncomfortable to read such words over and over again. It was as though the hate was a dark cloud that hovered just beyond the warmth of the stage lights, waiting to seep in whenever she let her guard down.
Joshua, sitting next to her, immediately sensed the shift in her demeanor. His sharp eyes noticed how her usual bubbly chatter had quieted down, how she glanced at the screen but didn’t engage as much as she normally would.
[I am just happy she has them 🥺]
[she doesn’t deserve the hate]
Without a word, he gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders, his touch comforting and protective. His gaze met hers in a brief exchange, asking the question without saying a word: Are you okay?
Luna looked up at him and gave a small nod, her lips curving into a soft smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. It wasn’t the hate that bothered her, not anymore— it was how people could hold so much anger and vitriol for someone they didn’t even know. Still, she remained quiet, determined not to let the negative comments ruin the mood of the live.
But Hoshi, ever the observant one, wasn’t about to let it slide. His bright, playful expression faded as he leaned closer to the camera, his eyes scanning the comments section intently.
[ngl his shift in attitude gave me fucking chills]
[Hoshi really went from 🐹 to🐯]
Luna watched out of the corner of her eye as his fingers moved across the screen, quietly and deliberately reporting the hateful messages one by one. Only she and Joshua could see what he was doing, but fans started speculating in the chat as well, noticing the change in his expression and how his focus shifted from conversation to something else entirely.
[he was mass reporting the shit out of them hoes]
Then, after a few moments of silence, Hoshi sat back, his face serious, his usually playful tone replaced with something much firmer, more resolute. His voice carried an edge that left no room for argument, yet he wasn’t aggressive— just calm, measured, and unwavering. He addressed the chat directly, his eyes staring straight into the camera.
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, then you should just leave,” Hoshi said, his words clear and firm. “This live is for all of us to have fun and spend time together. I won’t tolerate disrespect toward any of my members. If you don’t like it, that’s fine— but I won’t have people being rude. That’s not what SEVENTEEN is about, and that’s not the kind of fans we want. So if you’re here to spread hate, you’re not welcome.”
[SHIT– I… 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️]
He paused, his expression softening just slightly, but his message was unmistakable. “Let’s all just be kind to each other, okay? That’s the kind of energy we need.”
The chat exploded with a mix of reactions. Supportive fans immediately flooded the comments with love for Luna, agreeing with Hoshi’s words and calling out the haters who had been leaving negative comments. But there were still others who continued to protest, claiming they had a right to their opinions, or that they hadn’t said anything wrong.
Through it all, Luna stayed quiet. She occasionally responded to a few positive comments, forcing a smile here and there, but her heart wasn’t in it. Joshua and Hoshi tried their best to lighten the mood, playfully nudging her to join the conversation, but the damage had already been done— not because she was hurt by the hate, but because it confused her.
How could people carry so much anger, so much spite, for someone they didn’t even know? It was a question she couldn’t answer and one that weighed on her more than the comments themselves.
[she looked sad the entire time]
[I’m so sorry, baby 🥺]
As the live continued, the mood eventually lightened again, thanks to Hoshi’s relentless energy and Joshua’s calm, steady presence. But for Luna, the evening felt a little heavier, her mind drifting back to the reality of her position as SEVENTEEN's only female member. She would never let the hate break her, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t exhausting.
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The air was buzzing with excitement inside the venue as fans eagerly waited for the fan sign event to begin. The members of SEVENTEEN sat in a line, comfortably seated behind a long table on the stage, each with their markers in hand, ready to greet their Carats up close. The stage lights cast a soft glow over the group as they casually chatted amongst themselves, waving occasionally to the fans in the audience, who were waiting for their turn.
Luna, seated between Joshua and Minghao, was twirling her marker absentmindedly, her attention drifting between the other members' conversations and the distant murmur of the crowd. The relaxed energy around her was something she always cherished at fan signs— a rare chance to connect with the fans on a more personal level.
But just as Luna was about to engage in a conversation with Minghao, a loud, booming voice from the audience broke through the steady hum of the crowd.
[Honestly… valid]
The sudden, bold declaration reverberated across the room, sending ripples of surprise and laughter through the fans. Luna, completely caught off guard, froze mid-spin, her eyes widening as she looked up toward the sea of fans. Her heart jumped in her chest, not from the proposal itself, but from the unexpected shock of it all.
[She’s adorable]
[She’s also concerned]
A chorus of laughter and amused giggles rose from the audience. Luna, still recovering from the jolt of surprise, reached for the mic in front of her, her lips curving into an amused smile.
She was about to reply, maybe tease the fan back, but before she could even bring the mic to her lips, the response came— not from her, but from the thirteen members seated beside her.
[And there they go…]
A resounding, collective, and very loud “NO!” erupted from her bandmates. The word shot across the room in unison, like a protective shield around her, each member adding their own flair to the rejection.
Seungcheol was the first to react, playfully crossing his arms over his chest and giving a mock glare toward the fan as he leaned back in his seat. “Absolutely not,” he added, shaking his head as if to cement the point.
Dino and Jun, sitting a few seats down, followed suit, their arms shooting up into the air in exaggerated protest. “No, no, no!” They chanted, shaking their fingers dramatically, their expression both comical and stern.
Hoshi, always one to escalate things, leaned forward in his chair, his voice loud and booming as he pointed into the audience. “You’ve got some nerve!” he said playfully, though his eyes sparkled with mischief. “Jiyeon’s not going anywhere, you hear me?”
The fans roared with laughter, thoroughly entertained by the group’s immediate and united defense. Even Woozi, known for his quieter reactions, shook his head silently, his lips forming a firm, resolute “no” as he glanced down the line at Luna, his protective instincts subtly showing.
Mingyu, seated at the far end, leaned into his mic. “Good try, though,” he deadpanned, earning another round of chuckles from the audience.
Luna couldn’t help but laugh, her shoulders shaking as the members continued their playful scolding. It was a chaotic chorus of no’s, some loud and exaggerated, others quiet but firm. The overwhelming display of protection from her members warmed her heart, and she could see the amusement spreading among the fans as well.
Even the fan who had shouted the proposal was laughing along, clearly enjoying the playful banter his boldness had sparked.
As the ruckus continued, Luna finally leaned back in her chair, shaking her head with a grin. The mic still rested in her hand, but there wasn’t much for her to say— her bandmates had already spoken loud and clear.
Then, amidst the fading echoes of laughter, Jeonghan, who had remained relatively quiet during the exchange, finally spoke up. His voice was calm and smooth as he brought his mic to his lips, his usual playful smirk replaced with something more composed.
“Sorry, but that question is sensitive for us,” he said nonchalantly, though there was a glint in his eyes that made it clear there was more truth to his words than his tone let on.
[Translation: “Only I get to ask her to marry me.”]
The laughter in the room softened, and for a split second, a quiet fell over the stage as Luna and the rest of the members registered the weight behind Jeonghan’s words. It was a joke, of course, but Luna knew Jeonghan better than most— and she could tell he was serious.
He always was when it came to her.
Luna’s laughter faded into a softer smile, a silent understanding passing between her and Jeonghan as their eyes briefly met across the table. He gave her a small, reassuring nod, and she returned it, appreciating the subtle way he always looked out for her. Even in moments like this, where the line between playfulness and sincerity blurred, Jeonghan’s protectiveness always shone through.
The fans, blissfully unaware of the deeper meaning behind his words, erupted into laughter once again, the lighthearted atmosphere quickly returning. Luna, feeling the warmth of her members’ care, picked up the mic at last and shook her head, addressing the original fan who had proposed.
“I think you got your answer,” she said with a teasing smile, the laughter in her voice unmistakable.
[Translation: “Only Yoon Jeonghan gets to marry me.”]
The fans cheered, and the rest of the members continued to playfully banter as the fan sign officially began. But throughout the rest of the event, Luna couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for the family she had in SEVENTEEN— their protectiveness, their loyalty, and their unwavering support. It wasn’t always easy being the only female member, but in moments like this, she knew she wasn’t alone.
And there you have it, folks! Just a small glimpse into SEVENTEEN’s ultimate protective instincts when it comes to their one and only Luna. I mean, if you ever had any doubts about how loved this girl is, well… think again.
Thirteen men— yes, thirteen— willing to risk it all, fight the world, and probably even dive into traffic if it meant keeping her safe. So, a quick reminder to all: Never— and I mean NEVER— mess with Bae Jiyeon unless you want these maniacs after you.
But hey, can you really blame them? Luna’s got their backs, and they’ve got hers. It’s a whole family thing at this point.
Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to comment on more wholesome SEVENTEEN content you want to see next! See you next time— unless you’re out there trying to propose to Luna… in which case… good luck with that!”
@/lunababybae • 10 months ago ╰ Luna’s sasaeng attack pisses me off but angry and protective Cheol makes up for it 🥵
@/moonlight_1997 • 10 months ago ╰ Jeonghan caressing Luna’s red arm 1:25 idk if I am to feel soft over him touching her like that or pissed off that her arm is red because of that sasaeng 🙃
@/saythename • 8 months ago ╰ Seokminie zipping Jiyeonie up that quick during Fear is a skill and a hot skill at that!
@/jeonwoowonwoo • 7 months ago ╰ They are all so protective of her, it’s super endearing 💖🥺
@/mrsbaebae • 7 months ago ╰ THE THREE BLOCKS ARE ICONIC!!!
@/gyuuuuudaily • 6 months ago
@/bbbiiibbiii • 5 months ago ╰ That exchange of looks from Luna and Hannie at 19:57 😍😍😍
@/missbitchhhh • 3 months ago ╰ note to self: “How to get Svt to notice you = ask Luna to marry you.”
@/shadowmyshadow• 2 months ago ╰ I have completely erased that Hoshi live from my mind. Seeing Luna sad and quiet like that breaks me 🥺
@/kpppopieaddict • 1 week ago ╰ They are all down bad for her wbk (I am too).
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: ̗̀➛ requests are always open ♡ - lunaఌ
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Taglist: @yeoberryx @minminghao @angie-x3 @jennwonwoo @k13endall @heeseungthel0ml @chisskaa @megumi2020 @yoonzzziino @lllucere @smh-anon @yveclipse @randomworker @bunnystrm @iamawkwardandshy @gratefulbunny1 @bmo-bri @syren-ash @megseungmin @multiplums @unlikelysublimekryptonite @night-storm7 @cookiearmy @seokqt @btskzfav
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hannieehaee · 5 months
Can you please make a seventeen reaction if a saesang hurt their s/o? lysm btw💙
a sasaeng hurting their s/o
content: mentions of an ambiguous attack on the reader (u can assume it was something like pulling at reader's arm/hair or a simple slap/punch), anger from the members, angst, fluff (kinda??), etc.
wc: 829
a/n: ily <33 i was kinda conflicted on this bc im not sure whether theyd react in an idol fashion in which they just kind of let their managers handle it or if theyd handle it themselves so i went for a mixture
seungcheol -
he's super protective over his members, which also translates over to all his loved ones. i think he would get immediately exasperated and get all up on whoever dared hurt you, fan or not. if things got physical, he'd get physical too. however, he'd try to keep things civilized.
jeonghan -
he'd let his managers handle the sasaeng, knowing that despite how much he'd like to protect you on his own, head on, he had a lot of limitations as an idol. he'd feel extremely guilty about it and would beat himself up over it for a while. would do everything he could to make you feel protected and taken care of (even more than he already did) from then on.
joshua -
he'd be unfiltered in his arguing and his anger towards the aggressor. he wouldnt get aggressive or anything, but the venom in his eyes would be enough for a person to drop dead. would go as far as try to get the authorities involved right in that moment, promising that he'd be pressing charges on your behalf. when it came to you, he'd need you to calm him down lol.
jun -
he's so used to being mobbed and to people injuring themselves due to this that he wouldn't even be surprised at this happening. this wouldnt mean that he wouldn't be insanely angry though lmao. he'd curse them out in chinese and start a whole scene if necessary. this person was not going to leave this situation unscathed.
soonyoung -
his emotions usually take over him very easily and i believe in such an instance anger would show clearly in his demeanor. he'd protectively hold you behind him as he cursed and antagonized the sasaeng while his managers attempted to alleviate the situation. there would be anger in his eyes that you'd never seen before, but it'd turn into worry and regret as soon as he met your eyes.
wonwoo -
usually when he's being crowded or fans are too close, his body language seems closed off and unwelcoming to all the unwarranted attention, but in this instance i think his fight or flight mode would activate, making him physically place himself between you and the aggressor. rare instance in which anyone would see wonwoo genuinely angry.
jihoon -
he'd be too shocked to react, only realizing what had happened after the fact. kinda out of character, but i think he'd have to be held back from taking matters into his own hands. would be furious at the blatant disrespect to both you and him. how could a fan ever lay hand on you? he'd remain disappointed in his fandom for a while, keeping himself (and you) away from the limelight for a short period of time.
seokmin -
for once in his life, the only emotion taking over him was pure unfiltered anger. BUT he would 100% prioritize checking in on you and keeping his hands and eyes on you to make sure you were okay. would let his managers take care of the situation and simply stare down the perpetrator with venom in his eyes. would be extremely apologetic to you afterwards and express guilt over and over.
mingyu -
he's shown many times before he's not afraid to tell fans to mind their boundaries before, so i think that in a serious situation in which you were being put in danger, he'd become extremely serious to a scary extent. he would not get physical or anything like that, but he'd use his words and stance to intimidate the crazed fan.
minghao -
extremely serious and put off. the moment someone laid hands on you, his body would take control of itself and put himself between you and any danger. he'd yell and curse at whoever dared cross such a boundary and disrespect both you and him in such a way. he'd hold certain disdain for fans crossing boundaries from then on.
seungkwan -
he's too polite and media trained to actually participate in the altercation, but anyone could see the genuine anger trying to filter out of him as he and his body guards tried to deal with the situation. his first priority would be you and making sure you weren't too hurt.
vernon -
he wouldve been too shocked in the moment to do anything, but as soon as the short-lived attack ended and his managers were already apprehending the perpetrator, he'd scoff and curse at whoever hurt you. there would be this unknown craze in his eyes indicating uncharacteristic anger that could only ever be provoked by such a situation.
chan -
insanely angry and frustrated at the situation. in an ideal world, he'd take care of this situation on his own, proving to you that he'd never let anyone hurt you. however, he knew that the appropriate thing to do would be to let his managers apprehend the aggressor while he checked in on you and made sure you were okay and as far away from the situation as possible.
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svt-nari · 11 months
the airport issue / part one.
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warnings: stalkers, mentions of panic attack symptoms, an angry seungcheol, creepy man bothering nari. also, not proofread! (a/n: im so sorry for disappearing for such a long time, but im back now!! hope you like it <3)
part one | part two | part three
seventeen was currently on their way to incheon’s airport so they could finally start their ‘face the sun’ world tour. everyone was so hyped up since it had been years since their last tour. and nari was no different from any of them.
you could sense her excitement from far away, her legs bouncing, the grin on her face and the way she couldn’t stop talking about all the things she wanted to do were big give aways of her feelings. all the members were so happy to see their sister like this, especially her boyfriend whose hands were busy taking pictures of the only girl’s smiley face. the day couldn’t go bad.
oh boy, how wrong they could be…
as soon as they arrived, the managers started to give them directions to follow so nothing would happen to anyone during the short-but-long walk to the boarding gate. nari nodded through it all and immediately linked her arm with jeonghan’s to walk through it all. he smiled at her and tightened his grip, holding his bag with one hand and her arm with the other.
nari’s bags were in seungcheol’s hand, so he walked pretty close to the pair, keeping a close eye on them. they ended up taking the infamous airport entrance pictures and started their small journey through the huge place.
they formed a small circle to walk close to one another, being mindful of the amount of people who were there. the walk started with everything going according to their plan, nothing out of place. though, at some point, nari felt that one of her sandals had slipped from her feet due to their rapid walking. so, she carefully unlinked her arm from jeonghan’s to get her shoe back.
as she did it, nari slightly distances herself from the members and the security guards since they were at the back of the circle when she distanced from them. when she found her shoe, she immediately put it on again and ran to catch up with everyone.
seungcheol had looked to his phone for a second and then, when he turned back to the members, he couldn’t find his girlfriend. he started to worry as soon as he realized and stopped walking. coups looked back to make sure she was still at the airport and sighed when he saw her just a few steps away, smiling at the fans.
though, his face became stoic as soon as he saw someone – or, as all of the members knew, nari’s sasaeng – approaching the girl with a big camera and a bag full of stuff while holding something in their clenched fist. they gripped nari’s arms to hold her in place and, by the woman’s face, the grip was far from gentle.
nari could feel her throat closing as the person held her in place, putting their face as close to her as they could. in their hand they held a type of blade, something that made the seventeen member eyes’ widen as soon as she saw it.
“you can’t date anyone… i saw the pictures online, i saw the date in person. if i catch you and seungcheol together again this won’t end up well.”, they muttered while looking in her eyes. “did you understand me?”
at this point the whole airport had gone silent and the members had all stopped walking when they sensed the weird atmosphere. though, when they spotted their only female member being assaulted, they couldn’t hold back any longer. specially when you could see the fear in nari’s face from far.
“hey, you!”, coups yelled out, coming closer to them in heavy steps. “get away from her! you are hurting her!”
he slightly pushed the man, glaring with angry eyes. he couldn’t believe that it was happening. the man immediately backed away, but kept alternating his gaze from him to nari.
“i just wanted to give this to her…”, he took something in a gift wrap out of his bag and held it towards her, putting on his most convincing smile. “and talk for a bit, she already got the message so i can go now. sorry for the disturbance!” the man slightly bowed and distanced himself, not before the security guards took pictures of him to send to the higher ups since it was the first time they got his whole face on camera.
it wasn’t the first time they had seen him at the same place as seventeen, always keeping an eye on nari and even trying to get close to her – at personal outings too.
“are you okay?”, coups asked her gently, trying to not startle her after everything that just happened. “do you want to be escorted alone? we can arrange something…”
nari sniffled and shook her head, quickly wiping her eyes so the tears won’t fall. she couldn’t believe that this happened, though she wasn’t surprised since this time comes to every idol at some point.
“i just want to go, please.” and that they did, without stopping. though, the man’s face didn’t leave anyone’s mind – specially seungcheol’s.
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all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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svt-rae · 2 months
「 rae masterlist 」
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𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 : Lim Na-Rae (임나래)
𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 : wing
𝒊𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 : RAE (래)
𝒊𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 : rae; sister; noona; yuyu;
𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 : September 5, 1995
𝒗𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒛𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒄 𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏 : virgo (♍︎)
𝒗𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏 : rabbit (🐰)
𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆 : Nanchino, China
𝒊𝒙 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒘𝒏 : South Korea
𝒙 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 : Chinese
𝒙𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 : 1.77 (5'10)
𝒙𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 : ×
𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆 : B
𝒙𝒊𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 : seventeen
𝒙𝒃 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒐 : three
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𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒓𝒂(𝒔)
- 2011/2012 : CUBE entertainment
- 2013/2015 : Pledis entertainment
𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒅𝒆𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒂𝒈𝒆(𝒔)
- 17 : happiness (under CUBE)
- 20 : seventeen (under Pledis)
- 26 : soloist (under Pleids)
𝒊𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒅𝒆𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈(𝒔)
- adore u, seventeen
- WOKE UP, solo
𝒊𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆( 𝒔)
- CUBE entertainment (2011-2013)
- Pledis entertainment (2013- present)
𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒉𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔 : 3 March 2020 - 7 July 2020
𝒗𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏 : personal
𝒗𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 : idol, content creator
𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
main dancer; lead rapper;
sub vocalist; fotg;
𝒊𝒙 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚 :
- 26 May 2015 - 3 March 2020
- 18 August 2020 - present
𝒙 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒋𝒊 : 🪽
𝒙𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 : her name meaning is '𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈'
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𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒗𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒍 : 7 / 10
𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 : 9.5 / 10
𝒊𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒓𝒂𝒑 : 8 / 10
𝒊𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 : 8.5 / 10
𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 8 / 10
𝒗𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 6 songs credit
𝒗𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎 : Bibi, soloist
𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒗𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎 : Lisa, BlackPink (sub)
𝒊𝒙 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎 : Chaeyeon, soloist (main)
𝒙 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒓𝒂𝒑 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎 : Jiwoo, Nmixx (lead)
𝒙𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎 : Minnie, (g)i-dle
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𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 : woman;
𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔 : she / her
𝒊𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒔.𝒐. : Lee Young Ji since 2023
𝒊𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 : bisexual
𝒗 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 : seventeen , carat , quality time , dancing , street / vintage clothes , make up , french bulldog , walk in the nature , watermelon , purple , peach thé , lecterature , gelato , listening to music , talk in english , techno / noisy music.
𝒗𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 : sasaengs , dont having opinion , haughty people , math , be ignored , cry in front of people , underestimate , strong smells , feeling lonely.
𝒗𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔 : chinese (100 %), korean (98 %), english (77 %), japanese (45%)
𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 : Bang Chan , I.N (sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs) , Yeosang , Seonghwa (ᴀᴛᴇᴇᴢ) , Ryujin (itzy) , Aespa , Mamamoo , Soyeon ((ɢ)ɪ-ʟᴅᴇ) , Haechan , Yuta , Mark + chinese line (ɴᴄᴛ)
𝒙𝒊 🪽 ‧ ‧ ‧ 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 : parents , brother , sister.
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thepixelelf · 2 years
and the universe said,
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03 "this day will make the you of tomorrow"
genres/tags: soulmate au, idol au, comedy, romance, dumbassery chapter warnings: language, relationship(s): ot13 x reader
When soulmates are suddenly thrust upon the world, you are one in a million who wishes they weren't -- and that's before you meet the person (people?!) making your life much harder than it needs to be. And before someone asks you to sign an NDA.
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It’s not lost on Lee Jihoon that, even though he's written love songs since he was fifteen and poems even before that — which is privileged information he’ll never share with anyone — he’s only been in love once.
And he’s grateful for that. Sometimes he thinks about her; about what kind of life he’d be living if certain things went certain ways. And he smiles. Not because she was beautiful — which she was — or because in his imagination, he acted braver — which he didn’t — but because even though that love would never know if it was returned, he still felt it. He knew it was real. It was at once an infinitely warm and bitingly cold feeling. Jihoon’s written quite a few songs from that first and last love.
Except, he doesn’t think that was his last love. Not really. Maybe it’s true in the romantic sense, but…
He won’t say it, of course. What he feels for his members. His friends. His brothers.
No… no. Speaking it out loud is unnecessary.
Mingyu’s hand grabs his, encasing it in a soft but tight grip as Yejung calls for the attention of the room. Jihoon doesn’t squeeze back, but his thumb lightly curls around Mingyu’s palm.
“If there really is a person that’s attached to all of you through your marks, we need to plan a course of action.” Yejung fidgets with her hands, and Jihoon can tell she wishes she was pointing at a slideshow on the wall and showing them interaction rates, rather than this unquantifiable soulmate business.
“We still don’t have a dating ban here,” Myungjun says, arms crossed as he lets his eyes roam to each of the boys. “But I think we all know what happens when famous heartthrobs get hitched. I was never worried about it before because you’re all, frankly—” He glances at Jihoon. “—bitchless, but…”
Chan makes an affronted sound, and someone whines, “Hyung!”
Jihoon can only hold in a pout because Myungjun looked at him when he said that, and he’s right.
Yejung lightly smacks Myungjun’s shoulder. “What we’re trying to say is this: Seventeen’s ratings are skyrocketing because of this whole soulmate thing,” she explains. “But I can’t imagine those numbers moving in a positive direction if these fans find out your marks connect you to someone unfamiliar rather than each other.”
Myungjun nods. “Whatever outcome, it wouldn’t be good.”
“Don’t Carats want us to be happy?” Seokmin dares to ask.
“Well—” Yejung's expression turns pained. “Yes, it’s just that—”
“You guys are one of the biggest kpop acts on the block right now,” Myungjun supplies easily. “Despite how good I’m sure most of your fans are, there will always be people who aren’t. Just a few bad apples can spoil the bunch.”
Yejung clarifies, “It’s about safety and privacy. There are sasaengs who follow you around and take pictures without your consent. There are people who would do anything to support their favourite celebrities, including defaming you guys by any means necessary. The internet is a powerful weapon. Who’s to say it won’t be used against you because of this?”
No one argues with that. Each of the members has dealt with the bad side of the internet more than once, if in different ways. Though none of them refute what Yejung said, it’s her next question that really gets their minds turning.
“Who’s to say your soulmate won’t get hurt?”
Your soulmate.
Jihoon’s soulmate.
Hurt? No.
No no no no no.
A rising panic stains the room, and Yejung and Myungjun share a look that all but a few miss.
“Which—” Yejung puts more volume into her voice to grab the attention of the members, and maybe to pull them away from whatever spiralling they were about to do. “—is why we’re asking you all to just lay low for a while.”
“Lay low?” Junhui echoes.
Myungjun nods again. “For now, the short-term plan is to continue propagating the idea that you’re all each other’s platonic soulmates.”
“Just while research is still being done,” Yejung says. “It also gives us at the company an opportunity to figure things out in the meantime.”
Seungcheol’s brows furrow, suspicious. “What are you asking us to do to” —he puts his fingers up in air quotes— “‘lay low’?”
Myungjun and Yejung share another look, and he sighs, knowing that he’s better adept to being the bearer of bad news.
“Don’t go looking for your soulmate.”
The room practically bristles.
Yejung puts both her hands out, as if the irritation in the air is something she can actually push down. “Actively,” she clarifies. “Don’t go actively searching for this person. The last thing we want is to stop you guys from finding, uh, love, but… you can understand how weird this all is, right? The entire situation is a grey area.”
For the first time since this whole meeting started, Jeonghan actually looks a bit put off. "But they're my soulmate," he says, ignorant to the way some of the boys react to his use of the word my.
"They're also an unknown variable," Myungjun replies. He too ignores the mumbles and grumbles of the members; he's had years of practice with that. "This is nowhere near the same thing as one of you having a secret boyfriend or girlfriend or partner. You guys are all connected to this person. We can't just walk into this blind. One wrong move, and your soulmate’s well-being could be at stake. If worst comes to worst, they might be forced to forget what ‘privacy’ even means.”
Jihoon can tell, easily, Myungjun is weaponizing the safety of his — their soulmate to influence their compliance, but shit, it works. He feels something itching under his skin, an urge to protect someone he doesn’t even know. “Okay,” he says.
Scandalized, Soonyoung gapes at Jihoon like he just claimed something truly offensive like, actually, tigers aren’t that cool. “Jihoon! You can’t be serious— my soulmate is waiting for me!”
Everyone’s getting a little too cozy with this whole my business…
But Jihoon just shrugs, his face the picture of stoicism and maturity. “It’s just for now.”
“Just for now,” Yejung reassures.
Seungcheol nods, his lips in a contemplative pout rather than the typical whining one. “You’re right,” he cedes to the staff. “It’ll be a media circus if word gets out.”
“Wouldn’t it be worth it?” Vernon asks no one in particular.
He doesn’t get an answer.
Myungjun clears his throat. “Look, we’re just asking for some time here. Everything I’ve heard about soulmates suggests that you will find this person, whether you go looking for them or not. I, for one, want to be prepared for when — not if — that happens.”
Relaxing a bit in his chair, Seokmin lets out a tiny sigh through his nose. He looks at his hands in his lap for a second, then back up at Myungjun. “Promise?”
Yejung seems to find relief in the gradual lessening of tension in the room, and she smiles. “Promise.”
Jihoon watches the way Seokmin’s smile grows, then gets pushed back as Seokmin tries and fails to hide his giddiness as he looks down at his lap again. The idea that this fated meeting is, well, fated is eliciting a similar reaction in many of them.
“For what it’s worth,” Myungjun cuts into whatever the heck is happening between the boys without care. “We’re asking you guys not to look for them, but if they find you…” He lets out a half-chuckle. “Well, not much we can do about that.”
Writer’s block is certainly not something Jihoon’s never dealt with, but as he sits there in his studio, one hand hovering over the keyboard and the other clutching uselessly to the mouse he hasn’t done anything with except swirl around for the last hour, he wonders if it’s ever been as bad as this. The same pressure as always weighs upon him. More songs. More hits. More collabs. More More More More More.
It’s strange, though. He’s had days where he’s not coming up with anything. Weeks. He’s gone through longer droughts, so why is this one night making his entire body ache? Why does the dull pain seep from his chest to the tips of his fingers?
He wants to write for you, but he doesn’t know who you are.
“Hyung?” Seungkwan pokes his head into the studio, hair still mussed from when he woke up. “Have you been here all night? It’s almost eight.”
Jihoon just grimaces in response, and Seungkwan clicks his tongue.
“And you say you love sleep so much… tch. We have that radio appearance in three hours, so I was sent to save you from yourself. The makeup team can take care of those dark eyebags” 
Though he could probably use the rest, Jihoon pinches the skin around his wrist to keep himself from falling asleep in the van as it gets driven from the salon to the broadcasting station. If he falls asleep now, it’ll be a whole hassle to get him back up and alert again.
He stares at his mark. The five straight lines just sit there, blank.
His soulmate hasn’t sang in a couple days — not since that meeting about them.
Jihoon has to wonder. Do they not know how the mark shared between them and the rest of the members works? Or… are they doing it on purpose? To sever the mark before it can lead him anywhere.
It’s almost like they know.
Oh? Your company doesn’t want you to find me? You got it, boss. Never liked singing anyway.
He has to admit, though, his soulmate didn’t sing much before, either. When he could catch his mark playing, it never lasted long, but he always pulled his phone out anyway to record it on video. He would play the video back, humming along to a clef and key he’d have to guess, then sing what he’d come up with into google and hope for the best. A couple of Day6 songs, some American artists, one Mozart and one Beethoven, some tunes he couldn’t even identify — maybe they sang out of key or just skipped notes they didn’t feel like hitting. He could hardly blame his soulmate for not singing every day. It’s not everyone’s job.
But if they know their soulmate can see it… wouldn’t they sing at least a little?
Jihoon is hungry.
“I would kill for an iced coffee right now,” Seungkwan says from the backseat.
Joshua doesn’t look up from his phone. “There will be some at the venue.”
“But their coffee always tastes so bad.” Wrinkling his nose, Seungkwan crosses his arms. “It’s like ninety-nine percent water, and then they pour it over a full cup of ice.”
“It’s free. What do you expect?” Jeonghan counters.
Seungkwan frowns. “Coffee.”
Seokmin opens his mouth to join the budding conversation, but he stops short when Jihoon groans out, “Can we pull over?”
Their driver meets Jihoon’s eyes in the rearview mirror, a bit surprised. She asks, worried, “Are you okay?”
“Just wanna grab something to eat.”
The car pulls up in front of a cafe, which looks empty enough for the staff member in the driver’s seat to give it their stamp of approval. The boys don’t generally run into trouble in public eateries, but they still try to be careful.
“I’m going to park around the corner,” the driver tells him.
“Get me an iced coffee while you’re in there!” Seungkwan yells out the window after Jihoon slides the van door in his face.
Jihoon lifts one non-committal hand halfway up in the air as he walks off, not caring if Seungkwan sees it or not.
Neither the coffee shop nor its menu are anything to write home about, but Jihoon stands patiently in line while the person in front of him tries to explain to the tired barista that they had to have the drink they want in stock because they ordered it last time, while the barista calmly states that they’ve never even heard of a frappu-cappu-latte. He eyes the pastries and sandwiches in the display case, and when the customer in front of him finally walks out with a huff, he orders something to eat for himself and a coffee for Seungkwan. Not because of feelings-that-shall-not-be-named, of course. Jihoon just felt like it is all.
He’s about to walk out when that familiar sensation pinches at his right hand, and he looks down at his mark. Notes, for the first time in 79 hours — not that he’s been counting — flit across the staff, and his eyes widen. With his left hand, he puts down the paper bag with the sandwich in it and pulls out his phone, ready to record the music, but he pauses. He recognizes the notes. It’s easy to read because it’s playing right now.
A soft rock song plays quietly through the cafe speakers, going on about zombies or something, and it corresponds exactly with the notes on the hand still holding Seungkwan’s precious coffee.
Jihoon whips his head up and around, desperate for something or someone just on the tip of his tongue. There aren’t that many people in the coffee shop, and he can quickly tell that neither the barista nor the old couple sitting in the corner are singing.
He sees your back first, your face hidden as you look out the window, and then he hears it.
Slowly, he approaches behind you, your humming becoming more and more clear with each step. He wants to roll around in a field of your voice. He wants to drink it like warm soup.
What the fuck? He needs to get his shit together.
Say hello, his brain oh so helpfully supplies. Don’t be weird.
And he means to. He really does. Jihoon is mature and chill and calm under duress. He’s pined after by millions. He’s humble and cool.
He’s pouring Seungkwan’s coffee on you.
Your entire body jolts, your drink flying out of your hand before you turn around with shock and fury mixed in your eyes.
Oh, god, your eyes.
“What the fuck!” you blurt out, and Jihoon’s eyes flick down to his hand, where the notes have disappeared and left only the five lines behind.
You’re real, you’re here, and—
—and you’re extremely pissed at him.
“Shit,” he whispers, so quiet even he can barely hear it, and no one could tell he’s saying anything underneath his mask. “Fuck. Shit. Fuck.”
“Why would you do that?!” You step closer to him, and in the back of his mind, Jihoon registers that he’s crushed both the cup in his right hand and the lid in his left. You squint, eyes skirting over his facial features not hidden by his mask. “Do I even know you?”
Jihoon stumbles back, half because this is exactly what his company told him not to do, and half because he’s incredibly intimidated. “I… I’m— Sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“Didn’t mean? Didn’t mean to straight up pour your coffee on me?”
Intelligently, he says, “It’s not my coffee.”
You scoff in clear disbelief, and Jihoon wants to smack himself. Lifting your hand, you open your mouth to no doubt tell him off some more — well deserved, honestly — but an alarm sounds. Gasping, you turn around and hurry back to your table, grabbing your phone and silencing the alarm with a quiet, “Damn it.”
Jihoon can only stand, frozen, while you quickly pack up your things. You almost speed-walk right past him to leave, but then you seem to change your mind, a determined frown of your face.
Weird how that’s cute, too.
“Give me your phone.” You hold your hand out.
Jihoon blinks. “My…?”
“Phone,” you finish for him, moving your fingers as if to say, come on, hand it over.
Well. How can he argue with that?
You type something into his phone that he can’t see because he’s busy being stupefied.
“Here.” You click his phone off and hand it back to him. “If you block me, I’ll kill you.”
And then you’re gone.
Jihoon just stands there, in the middle of the cafe, his phone in his hand and the plastic cup abandoned on another empty table.
On his phone, a text thread is open to an unknown number. Only one message has been sent, technically from him.
I’ll pay you back for the shirt
He stares at the text for a good while, a text from his soulmate to his soulmate.
Holy fuck this is his soulmate’s number.
Jihoon’s gawking is only interrupted by a message popping up over the unknown number.
[jeonghan] staff says get back here or we’re gonna be late
When Jihoon returns to the van, not just Seungkwan, but he and the rest of the vocal unit all give him a weird look. He’s holding his phone close to his chest, clutched so tight between his fingers you’d think it’s made of pure gold.
Yejung’s words from the meeting, right before dismissing everyone for the day, echo in the back of his mind.
“If you do happen to cross paths with your soulmate, tell us immediately. We need to keep this in-house.”
Jihoon smiles, almost a breath of a laugh, and he shakes his head to himself.
Oppositely, Seokmin frowns, and he leans closer to Joshua to stage-whisper, “I think he’s more sleep-deprived than we thought.”
Seungkwan addresses it directly, though. He scrutinizes Jihoon’s free hand, which is, well, free. 
“Did you even buy anything?”
In the cafe, a tired, broke, just-trying-to-get-through-college barista mops the floor clean of two drinks, muttering, “One more weirdo and I’m quitting this fucking job.”
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updates for and the universe said, are not on a schedule. there is no taglist. thank you for reading!
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houpss · 7 months
Lily's friends¡!
🧊–return to masterlist ¡! ✥
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Okay, that was too obvious, BUT THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS. They've been friends since 2012, that's so long...
They were united by the fact that they were the only girls in a male group.
Tenshi is a very sweet "big sister".
Tenshi and Lily smells like lemon, sea and summer.
They are everywhere together, well, literally everywhere. The Sasaengs (yiwu) have a lot of photos of them together, as do the paparazzi.
Tenshi is so wise to Lily. 🥹
One is very active, and the other is calm.
They talk about each other publicly and actively support each other.
Tenshi literally went everywhere with Lily when Lily took rest. Tenshi did not leave her side (I will write a drabble about this)
Lily is very tactile with her, too much so.
Joint Live? YES. TikTok? YES.Songs? Maybe)
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Her second best friend from BTS.
Jungkook as positive battery Lily.
ARMY often noticed her on Jungkook's live, but he was silent about her 😠
They starred in a commercial for Calvin Klein together.
Inappropriate fans believe that they are together.
Maybe they will record songs together???
Lily says her ideal type of man is Jungkook.
In difficult moments they are so comfortable with each other.
Lily introduced Chan and Jungkook, now they are also friends.
Jungkook used to be very shy about Lily, but he is her first guy friend:((
Lily sometimes cooks for him, and he just fools around with her.
Frequently joke with each other on social media.
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Friends from JYP!!
They are Park Jinyoung's main haters.
Lily daughter Nayeon)))
They fly together...anywhere, just travel when there is time.
Nayeon is a fan of SKZ 😈
Nayeon forces Lily to be friends and communicate with her plush bunny...
Nayeon is literally the sun and Lily is the moon.
They have lunch together in company.
Lily was ready to kill the leadership of JYP, when Nayeon's stalker became known.
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Dispatch released statements about their relationship, but the company only said that they were very close friends.
In the summer they organize a fight against insects, and the pothos themselves run away from them.
Okay...they're having a drink whiskey together.
They became even closer during Kingdom!
Lily is Ateez's biggest fan and especially Mingi!
Mingi and Lily are very loud with each other, that can't be changed.
They've known each other for over 12 years!!
Lily taught Mingi to speak Russian for fun, but he does it very clumsily.
They are so supportive of each other and care so much :(((
🧊–Lily's other friends:
–Yeji and Chaeryeong (ITZY)
–Lily (NMIXX)
–Jake, Jungwon and Sunghoon (ENHYPEN)
–Karina and Winter (AESPA)
–Lalisa Manoban (BLACKPINK)
–Soomin (STAYC)
–Keeho (P1HARMONY)
–Beomgyu (TXT)
–Yunjin and Eunchae (LE SSERAFIM)
–Ricky (ZB1)
–Dami (Dreamcatcher)
–Vernon (Seventeen)
–Soyeon and Minnie ((G)I-DLE)
–Kim Taehyung (BTS)
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fairyniceyeah · 4 months
🧚🏻‍♀️ Fairy's June of Doom - Masterlist 2024🧚🏻‍♀️
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Below, the fics are sorted by group and within the group by member, as always.
If you want to read the fics by day/prompt order you can just start with Day 1: “Help me” and click yourself through them.
🐿️ Hongjoong Day 3: "Please don’t leave me" - Alternate Stalking/Broken Glass - Alternate Hongjoong watches the news of Seventeen getting mobbed at the airport and realizes that one day that might happen to them. [CW: sasaeng fans, mobbing, panic attacks, mention of blood]
⭐Seonghwa Day 5: "It's not as bad as it looks." Bite/Swelling/Disfiguration While filming at a park, Seonghwa gets attacked by a dog. [CW: wild animals, blood, fainting, hospitals, needles (implied)]
🐶Yunho Day 12: "I can't stand seeing you like this" Dehydration/Grief/Coma Yunho watches San destroy himself over the accident. [CW: below text to avoid spoilers]
👑 Yeosang Day 24: "Let's get you cleaned up." Blankets/Stitches/Bandages Yeosang arrives at Seonghwa’s dorm bleeding. [CW: minor injuries, minor blood]
⛰️San Day 9: "I made a mistake." Accident/Acceptance/Blame San made a mistake, a severe mistake. Not even his hyungs can fix it this time. [CW: below text to avoid spoilers, open ending] Day 12: "I can't stand seeing you like this" Dehydration/Grief/Coma Yunho watches San destroy himself over the accident. [CW: below text to avoid spoilers]
🐣 Mingi Day 20: "I can handle it." Scrape/Panic-Attack/Neglected It’s October 2020 and Mingi is not doing well. [CW: hospital]
🦊 Wooyoung Day 29: "I'm so cold." Delirium/Fever/Exposure Wooyoung wakes up. But where is San? [CW: hospitals, injuries, car accidents, mentions of death (but no actual death)]
🧸 Jongho Day 7: “What happened?" Nightmare/Isolation/Stumbling Jongho has a nightmare and wakes up his Wooyoung-hyung. [CW: mention of injury, fear of abandonment]
💎 Seventeen 💎
Whole group Day 14: "What were you thinking?"   Surrender/Human Shield/Outmatched As SEVENTEEN are mobbed at the airport Seokmin is helpless to watch his members get hurt. [CW: mentions of panic, mobs, blood, injuries, emeto]
🤘🏼 HipHop Team Day 30: "Breathe, damn you." Shock/Asphyxiation/Emergency Room Vernon’s allergic reaction scares the Hip Hop Team. [CW: mentions of emeto, CPR]
🍒 S.Coups/Seungcheol Day 8: "I’m not okay." - Alternate Drowning/Chair/Prison Trade Chan falls off the boat - Seungcheol tries to save him. [CW: mentions of drowing, mentions of emeto] Day 23: "You're doing great" Trembling/Gaslighting/Rules Chan is safe. Seungcheol is falling apart. [CW: emeto, panic, mention of hospitals]
😇Jeonghan Day 21: "Let's play a game" Stairs/Pressure Points/Trap Door Let’s play a game, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Jeonghan was not having fun. [CW: injuries, emeto, swearing (but like the amount I wouldn’t tag in a The Rose fic)]
🦌 Joshua Day 22: "What's the bad news?" Poison/Bed-Ridden/Cauterization It was only a stomach flu… [CW: emeto, seizure, hospital]
🐯 Hoshi/Soonyoung Day 25: "I should have listened to you" Guilt/Backseat/Failure Hoshi really should not have danced this exhausted. Woozi is worried. [CW: minor injury]
🐈‍⬛ Wonwoo Day 11: "We're out of time." Bleeding Out/Collapse/Flatline Wonwoo can’t keep a cool head as Woozi bleeds. [CW: blood, emeto, fainting]
🍚 Woozi/Jihoon Day 4: "Does that hurt?" Impalement/Fracture/Punishment While camping Woozi steps onto a tent peg. [CW: blood, injury, fainting, mentions of nausea]
🐸The 8/Minghao Day 27: "Who did this to you?" - Alternate Defiance/Display/Last Resort It was not Minghao’s finest moment. [CW: /]
🍊 Seungkwan Day 1: “Help me” Failed Escape/On the run/Fetal Position While filming Going Rangers Seungkwan actually injures his foot. [CW: injury, mentions of nausea, guilt]
🐢 Vernon Day 18: "I'm fine." Self-Defense/Allergie/Headache How they found out about Vernon’s allergy. [CW: emeto, anaphylactic shock]
🦖 Dino/Chan Day 8: "I’m not okay." - Alternate Drowning/Chair/Prison Trade Chan falls off the boat - Seungcheol tries to save him. [CW: mentions of drowing, mentions of emeto]
🧭 Stray Kids 🧭
🐺 Bang Chan Day 13: "Wait!"   Sacrifice/Adrenaline/Cornered Jeongin nearly falls off the stage. [CW: minor injuries, guilt]
🐰 Lee Know/Minho Day 28: "Say something!" Numb/Cold Shoulder/Gag Han explains to Minho why he was so hurt and finds out why Minho was so angry earlier. [CW: emeto, mention of arguments]
🥟 Hyunjin Day 2: "It didn't have to be this way." Scream/Double Cross/Made to Watch A choreographer forces Felix to do a dangerous stunt and Hyunjin is helpless, made to watch as the younger falls. [CW: blood, injury, mild violence, emeto, angst, open ending]
🐿️ Han/Jisung Day 26: "Don't lie to me!" Rage/Choke/Paranoia Lee Know is pissed that Han spilled coffee on his favorite hoodie. Thing is - it wasn’t Han. [CW: /] Day 28: "Say something!" Numb/Cold Shoulder/Gag Han explains to Minho why he was so hurt and finds out why Minho was so angry earlier. [CW: emeto, mention of arguments]
🐥 Felix Day 17: "You don't want to do that" Struggle/Black Mail/Desperate Measures Felix is asked to perform a dangerous stunt and the choreographer doesn’t take a no. [CW: idol mistreatment, self-confidence issues] Day 26: "Don't lie to me!" Rage/Choke/Paranoia Lee Know is pissed that Han spilled coffee on his favorite hoodie. Thing is - it wasn’t Han. [CW: /]
🐶 Seungmin Day 19: "This can't be happening." Sobbing/Straightjacket/Dissociation Seungmin knew something was wrong. [CW: dissociation, panic]
🦊 I.N./Jeongin Day 13: "Wait!"   Sacrifice/Adrenaline/Cornered Jeongin nearly falls off the stage. [CW: minor injuries, guilt]
🌹 The Rose 🌹
Whole group Day 15: "Get me out of here!" Rescue/Chainsaw/Presumed Dead After the phone call ends, Hajoon is not the only one spiraling.  [CW: fire, mentions of (but no actual) death, emeto, fainting]
🤍 Woosung/Sammy Day 6: "They don't care about you." Flinch/Broken Promise/Abandonment Woosung gets told he can’t go home after all. [CW: idol mistreatment]
❤️ Dojoon/Leo Day 16: "At least it can't get any worse" Secret/Stranded/Setback Dojoon hides his injured hand. [CW: injuries, emeto, self-worth issues]
🩵 Hajoon/Dylan Day 10: "Can you hear me?" Fear/Smoke/Phone Call Jaehyeong wakes to the fire alarm of his apartment building. [CW: fire, open ending]
🩷 Jaehyeong/Jeff Day 10: "Can you hear me?" Fear/Smoke/Phone Call Jaehyeong wakes to the fire alarm of his apartment building. [CW: fire, open ending]
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allemirwrites · 2 months
allemir writes | shorts: The villa next door
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“Catch you tomorrow, Elise!” Pedro waved goodbye, barely able to walk straight towards his car. I waved back eagerly, smiling even though I couldn’t feel my face anymore. I met Pedro and his friends during a winery tour in Florence, and they were kind enough to drive me home when they learned I lived about an hour away. That saved me a fortune on a ride!
As I entered my villa, the caretaker welcomed me with a glass of water. “I’m sure you’re drunk, so I prepared some refreshments to cool you down,” Marco said, gently tapping my shoulder. “You’re too kind, Marco. Thank you,” I smiled, appreciating the gesture. “I’m sorry about next door. There’s a group that came earlier while you were away. They’re from Korea, and the tour guide mentioned they’re famous. They might disturb your sleep because they’ve been filming all day,” he added, looking worried. I shrugged it off and nodded. No amount of noise could drown out my own thoughts anyway, so it wouldn’t be a bother.
He was about to close the door when I called him back. “Marco, instead of water, do we have any wine?” I suspected he could see right through me, asking for more alcohol after a day of drinking at the winery. “I’ll stay on the balcony. It’s a shame to miss the stars tonight, right?” He nodded with a smile and gently closed the door.
I changed into comfortable clothes, quickly removed my makeup, and tied my hair up. The bottle of Chianti I requested—my favorite—along with some cheeses, was already set up on the balcony. Marco knew my preferred setup; after nearly two months in Italy, it felt like home. It was hard to believe how long I’d been here. It still felt like yesterday when I arrived in this country with a heavy heart, burdened by the 15-year relationship I’d left behind. Just thinking about it felt like a blow to my mind, and speaking about it shattered my heart into a million pieces. But that was a story for another day.
Laughter and chatter floated through the air as if they were right beside me. “Famous Korean group, that’s what Marco said,” I typed weakly, my mind racing ahead of my fingers. It felt as if I’d drunk an entire winery and was still going.
Suddenly, my eyes widened. Apparently, the biggest South Korean K-pop group, Seventeen, was in Italy for their Nana Tour. I’d watched them win a prize on Game Caterers and grew up following PD Na’s Youth Over Flowers. For a moment, I felt tempted to sneak a peek at what they were doing, but I wasn’t a sasaeng fan. I decided to let them be while I soaked in my own alcohol and the pain I couldn’t seem to drown.
Untouched cheese. Stars lighting up the sky. I was in awe of the beauty of the night. I took a sip and realized I’d already finished the bottle. Frankly, I felt I could drink more, but I didn’t want to bother Marco anymore. It was already 3 o'clock in the morning.
Suddenly, the loud chatter stopped, replaced by a soft, fragile melody. I attempted to get up but decided to listen for just a bit longer.
The singer’s voice started shaky, likely from all the laughter and shouting. But slowly, as I immersed myself in the song, despite the foreign language, tears began to well in my eyes. My heart tingled with emotions I had pushed down since that day. The alcohol finally got to me, and his beautiful voice drew out my feelings so quickly. I gripped the balcony railing, clenching my hands so tightly that my nails dug into my skin—a slight pain to distract myself from the urge to break down. But it didn’t work. I couldn’t understand the words, but they understood my heart.
Abruptly, I stood up to escape the music, forgetting how drunk I was. My leg bumped into the table, sending everything crashing to the ground. The music stopped, and I think I heard a gasp—my own included. The glass shattered, and shards met my leg. It took a moment to realize I was bleeding.
Heavy footsteps rushed towards me. It was Marco, the caretaker. “What happened?! Are you okay?” He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wrapped it around my wound. “I’m fine, Marco,” I tried to assure him, but he shushed me and lifted me in his arms. I shrieked in surprise, “Put me down, Mar…” but I couldn’t finish as I vomited on his back. He was unfazed.
More footsteps rushed towards our villa as staff from the neighboring villa came to check if Marco needed help. Before I knew it, a paramedic from the standby ambulance approached with a first aid kit in hand.
Embarrassment washed over me, feeling like a burden from the commotion I’d caused. I didn’t want the spotlight or attention. I came to Italy to escape the pain and be away from the people who hurt me. But now, I was the drunk girl who made a mess and hurt herself.
Being drunk had its perks; I didn’t need anesthesia to numb me. I was already numb without the alcohol. The Italian staff surrounded Marco, all speaking in their language, likely about me. I turned my head and saw familiar faces checking the scene—Seventeen. I covered my face in embarrassment, wondering what they thought of me in this state. But then I heard, “Is she alright?” Ah, right, not all of them are fluent, but most know some English. “She’ll be fine. It’s just a small cut,” one of Marco’s fellow caretakers replied.
“All set, miss!” I smiled in gratitude at the paramedic. Marco looked worried and caressed my hand to see if I was okay. “Let’s go home, Marco,” I uttered silently.
But before we could leave, someone approached us, extending his hand toward me. It looked like herbal juice or something similar.
“This should help with the hangover,” he smiled sweetly. I recognized him instantly. “Thank you, Joshua.” He seemed surprised that I knew his name.
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rubyreduji · 2 years
peace — ljh [thirteen.]
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summary: would it be enough if i could never give you peace?
tags: angst, fluff, established relationship wc: 1.3k an: this is one of my favorite taylor swift songs and it feels perfect for jihoon, i love writing idol/producer jihoon w/o big arguments
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“Jihoon?” You shuffle into his home studio cautiously. All the lights are off leaving the desktop monitor to illuminate the room in a dull glow.
Your fiance’s been cooped up in his studio all day, working diligently on the next comeback. Normally you leave him be when he’s working but you think it’s been at least fourteen hours since you’ve last seen the man and you’re starting to worry about his Vitamin D intake.
When you get no response you walk further into the room. You squint over at the desk to see Jihoon with his head in his hands. Even through his large hoodie you can see the way his shoulders are tense and you can hear him faintly murmuring to himself.
“Yah, Jihoon-ah,” you call softly. You approach him and run a hand over his shoulder.
“Love?” He looks up at you, blinking a bit to adjust his eyes. “Are you okay?”
You chuckle slightly. “I think I should be asking you that. It’s late already. You should eat and come to bed.” Your hands slip under his hoodie and gently work at his neck, massaging out the knots from sitting at his computer all day.
“I guess it has been a long day,” Jihoon mutters, closing his eyes again. His face doesn’t look calm though, a subtle pain sits on his features which has you frowning as well.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” you say before moving towards the couch next to his desk. You reach over to turn on the small side lamp and the room is basked in a soft yellow. You look over at Jihoon and take in his full form.
His eyes have large bags under them and the eyes themselves look tired and weary. There’s a solemn look on his face and he has even less color in his pale face than normal. He’s so different from that youthful smiley boy you met years and years ago. You guess that’s what happens with the passage of time. You grow up and mature and age. 
You reach over and cup his face in your hands. “Oh Hoon.” You run your thumb over his cheekbone and he leans into your palm, melting at your calming touch. “What’s on your mind?”
“Have you been online today?” He asks. His voice is raspy and barely above a whisper. He grabs your hands off his face and envelopes them in his own. They’re warm and soft and his grip is strong but gentle.
“Ah, no. I’ve been busy with other things.” You tend to stay off the internet these days anyways. You don’t care much about what tabloids and sasaengs have to say about your fiance and his group. “What are they saying?”
Jihoon looks down at your connected hands before continuing speaking. “A tabloid caught word of our engagement. A fan saw your ring while you were out in public.” 
“Oh.” You stare down at your hands as well; at the matching silver bands that sit on your ring fingers. 
They’re simple rings. Despite having a rich fiance you never wanted anything too flashy. Jihoon was happy to comply with your wishes and got you a simple silver band with a small ruby jewel. Jihoon’s ring is a thick silver band with a single gem of your choosing inset in the band. 
It was actually your idea to keep the engagement private. Your relationship has been public for a few years and HYBE was ready to put out a statement about your engagement but you asked Jihoon to keep it private for the time being.
When you first went public with your relationship you two had been dating for a year and half and the general consensus was split. All the boys had your guys’ back but there were a lot of words thrown at you, and at Jihoon, and at Seventeen as a whole. You got the most of it, even having people speculate that it was a publicity stunt or that you were just a gold digger. Guilt sat heavily with Jihoon for months as you withered away under the comments. Slowly the comments died down and you two built yourselves up, but you didn’t think you would be able to handle that again so you asked Jihoon to keep your engagement to just close friends for now.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Jihoon says. “I’m sorry that you can’t have privacy when I work this job. I’m sorry that I’ll never be able to bring you peace.”
“Jihoon…” you tug at Jihoon’s hands so he can join you on the couch and you wrap your arms around him.
“I didn’t mean to bring you into any of this. This difficult life I live. You deserve so much better than all of this. I’m sorry I can’t give you anything but troubles,” Jihoon whispers.
“Hey, don’t say that. You give me so much more than troubles. You give me so much, the troubles are worth it.” You can tell Jihoon doesn’t believe you, so you continue. “You keep me warm at night, at least on the day you come to bed.” You nudge him teasingly. “You also…keep my heart warm.”
Jihoon snorts. “You’re so cheesy. And here I thought I was the song writer.”
“Yeah, yeah. I mean you also gave me a family. You…and all of the boys. You guys are my family now. Nothing can replace the bond you’ve given me. You’re also…someone I can talk to. You understand me, even if we’re just sitting in silence. You’ll be with me in the hardest of times, and at the best of times. You give me all of your effort, no matter what. You give me a lot Jihoon, the most important being your love.” You lean your head onto his, trying to convey all of your love into your touch. Trying to tell your fiance you love him and that no matter what you’ll stick with him because that’s what love is.
“Even if I give you all of those things, even if I give you all of my sunshine, rain will still come if you’re with me. I make your life more difficult Y/N, I-”
“You love me, and as long as you stand by me through all of my hardships, I will stand by you through all of yours. That’s what partnership is. That’s what we are.”
“Don’t you understand, I will never be able to bring you peace,” Jihoon says, his voice cracking a bit. Despite his protests, he still doesn’t let go of you.
“It’s not like I can give you much either, you’ve always known this,” you tell him. You pause for a moment, contemplating your next words. “I can only give you a few things. A home, a wife…a child.”
“A child?” Jihoon looks up at you. “Are you…?” His hands ghost of your stomach.
“No, no,” you assure him. “But…I could be. If you wanted.”
It’s not something you’ve talked about a lot; starting a family. Jihoon still has a few years left in his contract and only ended his military service recently. You have always been unsure of if Jihoon has even wanted children which has caused you to stall on bringing the subject up.
Jihoon nods. “Yeah. I-I’d want that.”
You smile softly at him. “Okay. I’d like that.”
“I would too. Our own little family,” Jihoon says. “You know I only want happiness for you.”
“I know…but you give that to me. You and your boys and even if this life is difficult it still brings me happiness, because it’s you. I love you, and if that means not having peace, I don’t care. It would still be enough.” You cup Jihoon’s face in your hands. “As long as I have you Jihoon, everything will be okay. Can you trust me on this?”
“I can trust you with anything,” Jihoon responds.
“I love you.”
“I love you more,” Jihoon says, leaning in to kiss you before you respond. As worried as Jihoon may be, you know that really there’s nothing to distress over. No matter what he thinks, as long as he’s the one who you fall asleep next to, you’ll have your peace.
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taglist: @pandorashbox @leejihoonownsmyheart @soonhoonietrash @enhacolor @niktwazny303 @moshiyuron @chaimi-yuta @y0lkz @embrace-themagic @kayleeshinee @coupsgyus @joonsytip @heyxxitsxxtay @d0nghyck @noniestars @baldi-2 @sunnyteume @honeylovemoon @debsworld23 @m1nghaos @just-here-to-read-01 @lovelyp3ach @niyizh @lorde-oftherings @blxckswxnxge @mashihwan @17kwans @jeanjacketjesus @x-veex @synthetickitsune
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fy-wonwoo · 6 months
hello everyone! i wanted to address two topics:
1. a few days ago i’ve found a really long and detailed list of seventeen’s sasaengs. in wonwoo’s section there are three fansites (saint, raffine and pink milk) which i’ve been posting pictures from. i wasn’t aware about this until now. i’ve been trying to find more info but there’s not much about it (i will link the document so you all can check op’s evidence though), i really apologize about this, i didn’t know their behavior :(, i will gradually delete their pics from this blog when i have time. in the meantime and whether it’s true or not (because i saw people defending them), i decided i won’t post pictures taken by them anymore.
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2. i will be more careful in the fansite pictures that will be posted from now onwards, i know i’ve been posting whitewashed pics, it’s just a bit hard to find fansites that don’t whitewash wonwoo to the max :[ thanks to the anon who pointed it out, i sincerely apologize.
i have a fansite list on x which i will edit and remove fansites that whitewash him as well as the ones in the list since i check it regularly and post stuff from there. thank you everyone for reading and for following me!
– fy-wonwoo admin
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luvyeni · 5 months
They are even pulling in names of groups she worked with at SM. I've seen SHINee, f(x), EXO, SNSD, Gfriend, Le Sserafim, BTS, TXT, BND, TWS, Illit, RIIZE, and NewJeans all being dragged into this. So far, Enhypen and &Team and Seventeen are the only Hybe groups that hasn't been dragged into it, but I have no doubt she'll find a way too, like say Jake copied Hanni and Danielle by also being Australian or something.
The whole thing is a hot mess. She wants to be a CEO without an overseer, and decided the best way to do that was sabotage other groups and try to force Hybe's hand into selling the Ador shares. Like point blank, I can tell this woman has a god complex, and she believes she deserves everything. She has a press conference and it was a big mess, like her lawyer should have cut in and told her to shut up at some point, since it was just a yap fest. What really gets me is if she wanted to be a CEO, she could have done what the others did and build her label from the ground up, but instead she decided to take all she could and leave destruction in her path.
Also the obviously lack and breach of trust she achieved by leaking artists and trainees personal information. Like that is some low level stuff, but it also proves a rumor that has been going around for a while, that the reason sasaeng find things out like where idols are and everything is from internal leaks from people within the company.
I feel like it also shows how stupid she is, like you create a document about your plan to take your sublabel away from it's parent label and you save it on your work computer. It's also being said there might be emails of her taking shit about Hybe to other Ador employees. Which, like I'm not a Hybe stan, I'm not a corporation stan, like eat the rich and all, but you must be stupid as fuck to plan a take over and talk shit on your boss using the company network which they have complete access to, even if they deleted it and all, they could still find it.
She's trying to drag the other groups into it, instead of just taking responsibility and apologizing and resigning to save face. This will end one of two ways, she'll either win or lose, but in the end she's going to be a pariah whether she wins or not. Which from what I've seen, it more than likely will not go in her favor, Hybe has physical evidence, meanwhile most of her evidence is just word of mouth.
honestly im the furthest from a company stan , i hate all of them BUT hybe is a company with so many connections and a lot of money and if mhj continues doing this and name dropping nwjs it won't end good for those girls, she should know how brutal the knetz are. her relationship with them is odd.
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panoralis · 1 year
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❝  I  CAN’T  SEE  MYSELF  THROUGH  YOUR  EYES  ˒  𝐢.   astre's anatomy
STAGE  NAME  :  eunseo  ❪  은서  ❫
BIRTH  NAME  :  jeon  eunchae  ❪  전은채  ❫
ENGLISH  NAME  :  annelise
BIRTHDAY  :  april  17  ,  1996  ❪  taurus  ❫
BIRTH  PLACE  :  incheon  ,  south korea
ETHNICITY  :  korean
KNOWN  FAMILY  :  father  ,  younger brother  &  wonwoo  of  seventeen  ❪  cousin  ❫
LANGUAGES  :  korean  ,  english  ,  japanese & chinese
⸻  𝐚.  darling , how do i LOOK ?
FACE  CLAIM  :  kang  seulgi  of  red  velvet
HEIGHT  :  one  hundred  sixty  seven  point  sixty  four  or  five  feet  six  inches
BODY  MODIFICATION(S)  :  standard  lobes  ,  helix  on  left  ear  &  tragus  on  right  ear
⸻  𝐛.  watch myself bloom through the DOWNPOUR .
FLOWERS  :  known  to  be  a  mother  bear  ,  eunseo  is  a  very attentive  and  doting  person  .  she  enjoys  taking  care  of  others  because  that’s  how  she  shows  affection  .  her  dedication  and  passion  for  the  things  she  loves  (  such  as  dancing  )  has  been  noted  and  admired  by  others  ,  including  her  members  ,  fans  and  staff  .  
SHOWERS  :  on  more  than  one  occasion  ,  either  a  member  or  a  manager  needs  to  drag  her  out  of  the company  building  .  she  works  herself  right  to  the  bone  ,  willingly  sacrificing  rest  for  work  .  eunseo  is  also  easily  frightened  ;  things  like  fireworks  and  falling  objects  are  bound  to  make  her jump  .  due  to  her  tendency  of  keeping  secrets  ,  only  few  know  why  .
⸻  𝐜.  you will always be my CELEBRITY !
LABEL(S)  :  astre entertainment  ❪  2011  -  present  ❫
GROUP  :  pandora
POSITION  :  dancer  , choreographer &  rapper
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YET  YOU  NEVER  FAIL  TO  PAINT  MY  SMILE  ˒  𝐢𝐢.  and  her  history  ❞
❪  tw  :  toxic  family  household  ,  abandonment  ,  absent  parent  &  sasaengs  ❫
VINTAGE.  eunchae  wasn’t  prepared  for  this  .  she  wasn’t  taught  what  to  do  ,  or  how  to  react  ,  when  one  of  your  parents  —  someone  who  was  supposed  to  love  and  take  care  of  you  unconditionally  —  just  …  leaves  .  then  again  ,  the  signs  were  there  :  the  constant  arguments  when  they  thought  she  and  her  brother  was  asleep  ,  the  lack  of  her  mother’s  presence  in  the  house  on  most  days  ,  and  the  heartbreaking  weeping  her  father  releases  while  her  uncle  and  aunt  try  to  comfort  him  .  
denial  is  a  powerful  force  that  doesn’t  ask  permission  to  come  in  ;  it  just  makes  a  home  in  your  soul  .
CURRENT.  it’s  a  frequent  assumption  :  eunchae  and  wonwoo  being  twins  .  and  it  is  funnier  that  they  both  became  idols  under  different  companies  .  the  first  member  revealed  to  the  public  ,  eunseo  was  almost  immediately  marked  as  a  target  of  sasaengs  .  according  to  one  who  had  been  caught  and  exposed  ,  it  was  her  mysterious  aura  and   lack  of  presence  on  social  media  before  the  group’s  debut  that  had  them  chasing  after  her  .  eunseo  has  been  crowned  one  of  the dancing  queens  of  the  third  gen  .  one of her  most  viral  moments  is  when  she  breezed  through  the  choreography  of  their  comeback  song  while  she  was  blindfolded  and  had  another  song  playing  in her  headphones  .
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hannieehaee · 4 months
fluffy reactions pt. 2
fluffy reactions pt. 1
reactions masterlist
m - mature
f - fluff
a - angst
c - crack
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another member liking their gf - hhu (f)
another member liking their gf - vu (f)
another member liking their gf - pu (f)
seventeen as tropes (f)
accidentally making fun of you in front of the members (a, c)
orange peel theory (f)
their preferences in a partner (f)
you receiving lots of love confessions (f)
them making food from your country (f)
you being anxious breaking rules - hhu (f)
fighting bc of a misunderstanding (a, f)
having an older s/o (f)
having a feminine s/o (f)
sasaeng hurting their s/o (a, f)
having a younger s/o (f)
s/o being the big spoon (f)
mtl to show off their kid (f)
ketchup on counter trend (f)
having a doe-eyed s/o (f)
having to break up bc of his idol career (a,f)
their s/o being shy around others (f)
their s/o making them handmade gifts (f)
randomly grabbing at their butt (c, f)
giving them nose kisses (f)
their s/o being bad at taking care of themselves (f)
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