#sfw fanficition
Aftermath of the Accidental Slip
Fandom: My Hero Academia Word Count: 3,790 general | complete | 2/2
a/n: This is part two in my Little Heroes series, you do need to read the first part to understand what they are talking about in this fic. You can find the first part HERE
summary: The day after the movie night, some of Izuku's classmates and friends have a few questions. So they ask and maybe Izuku has a lot more to gain from the conversation.
It is the next day when Denki is the first to ask about it. They’re sitting in the common room and Izuku is buried in his books sitting at one of the tables in the area behind the couches when Denki plops himself in the seat next to him. 
“What’s up?” Izuku asks conversationally, looking for any excuse to get out of doing his physics assignment. 
Denki leans forward and his eyes dart around the room wildly for a second, as if he were scanning who all is in the room with them (it is the middle of the afternoon so there are some people here, but it is the usual group that chills here after classes get let out: Kacchan, Kirishima, Mina, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Iida, and Todoroki). Izuku also realizes that everyone here today was with him last night when he…
He ended up regressing during last night's movie night (not that he blames anyone, but come on, they played his favorite kiddie movie!) and no one really asked about it then. At least anything that Izuku can remember. They just sort of sat back and watched the rest of the movie and let Izuku keep sucking his thumb after Kacchan had given a very brief explanation of the headspace he’d been in at the time. A very, very brief explanation. 
“I just wanted to ask you about something,” Denki asks in a slightly hushed tone, putting emphasis on the final word so that Izuku could maybe understand what he was talking about. 
“Is it about last night?” Izuku asks anyway, just to make sure. 
Denki nods his head, his hair bouncing with the movements. 
Izuku has been waiting for someone to ask him about it specifically, but he wasn’t prepared for it to be quite literally the next day. He supposes he is just glad it wasn’t last night though, his poor littleself would have been so confused. After the movie was over, Kacchan declared it bedtime for the both of them, and he made sure to tuck Izuku under the covers in his bed with his favorite stuffed All Might toy before leaving to presumingly go to his own. 
He hopes that the questions aren’t too invasive, but he also wants to spread more information on the topic as well. Izuku thinks his entire class would benefit from gaining more knowledge on age regression; in fact, he thinks some of his peers might even be regressors themselves but they just don’t know it yet. 
“Okay, shoot,” Izuku gives the electric blond permission to ask his questions. 
“Is it something that you are comfortable talking to all of us about?” 
The question throws Izuku off for a second and he immediately cocks his head to the side and watches Denki’s face carefully. His immediate response is to ask who all of us are and when he finds out that it is everyone from last night then he relaxes some. Yes, he wants his class to learn more about regression but he doesn’t want to jump right into giving a lecture about it in front of the whole class! Especially not about his own littlespace adventures because he’s not sure how a handful of them would react…
“I have no problem talking about.. about it, no. But I-uh, like, what do you want to know?” He can’t help the stutter in his voice, it flairs when he’s nervous. His stomach is in all sorts of twisty knots over this. 
Izuku’s regression means a lot to him and he hadn’t expected that he’d be comfortable around so many people at once to slip as he had, but as long as everyone remains respectful he doesn’t mind talking about it. 
Denki shocks him again by looking up and waving everyone over to the table excitedly. 
“Wha—” Izuku asks as more people suddenly sit at the table. 
“D’you ask him?” Kirishima asks the blond sitting next to Izuku while he sits down in his own spot. 
“Yep!” Denki looks proud of himself. “He said he has no problems talking about it, right?” A moment of doubt flickers across his features as he waits for the subject of the conversation to confirm his statement. 
“Oh, I-I didn’t realize you all had questions- or wanted to talk about it, or whatever. But-but yeah! I don’t have a problem with it if you guys don’t…” it is hastily thrown together, but Izuku does throw that corroboration out there. He ends it with a simple, “what do you want to know?”
Uraraka eagerly throws her hand in the air and rocks in her seat until Izuku laughs at her and “calls” on her. 
“I wanna know more about it in general! I did some research last night and it sounds neat. I was just curious what it feels like for you specifically—”
“Oh!” Iida cuts her off to add, “and what triggers the regression, and what your signs are so that we can help out better the next time it happens. I felt a little bad just ignoring you last night, but I didn’t want to upset you… I don’t know much—” he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and smiles a little as he speaks, “—but I do know it can be a fragile mindset for some people. So I wish for you to enjoy doing it around us rather than the opposite.”
The rest of the group nods their heads and agree that they all feel the same; they all tell Izuku how they would much rather be more prepared in case it happens again. 
It warms Izuku’s heart so much, his insides feel gooey in a matter of seconds. His friends and classmates care so much for him, he just hadn’t really realized it until just now. “You guys…” Izuku felt the prickle of oncoming tears behind his eyelids and he blinked rapidly for it to go away. “...thank you.”
Kacchan, who had been resting on one of the couches reading a manga book, now gets up and walks over to the table. 
Izuku knows he was within earshot and so he isn’t surprised when the fiery blond inserts himself directly into the conversation. 
“You wanna know what his tells are? Because I can tell ya them better than he can,” he grins triumphantly, as if being better at this somehow mattered in his overall plan to be better than Izuku. Hell, maybe it did matter because Izuku didn’t really know how to answer their questions. He’d never really thought about the during too much, it all just felt like a sweet pillow of cotton candy in his head during. It is stress-free when he is little and with Kacchan. 
“Oh, that would be helpful, Bakugo,” Todoroki says, much to the agreement of the rest of the group. 
Kacchan throws himself into the remaining open seat and slams his elbows on the tabletop. “Fine, then I will tell you as long as the nerd is okay with it?”
Izuku hides his grin behind his hands and nods his head. He remembers a time when he’d been scared to open up to Kacchan about his regression, fearing he’d just be giving the other boy a weapon to use against Izuku. However, the blond had been the most loving, caring, and thoughtful person to Izuku when it comes to his littleself. 
Actually, it wasn’t long after he found out that he’d been taking care of a small-minded Izuku in his dorm while he did homework. From there they both found comfort in the regression (for Izuku it is the act of being cared for, and for Kacchan it is feeling the sense of purpose as a caregiver). 
So… between the two of them, they cover all of the bases and retell the story of how they found out. They haven’t been doing this for very long so it doesn’t take a lot of time to retell everything. 
“So it was the movie last night then?” Ochako asks. 
Izuku squints down at his hands resting on the table overtop his open textbook, his studying has long since been forgotten about. He thinks about the question for another second before looking back up to meet the eyes of his friends. “Honestly, yes, but it doesn’t always happen. I mean- I’ve uh, watched kids' movies with everyone before without regressing…” 
“Was it that specific movie?” 
“Uh, no, I think I just had a stressful day and that mixed with the movie just caused it.”  He is pretty sure that’s what caused the regression the night before, but it isn’t always important to figure out the why part. Sometimes he just needs the mental break and he tries not to fight it when he can, and a part of him knew that last night he was safe and comfortable enough.
“Hmm.” The group takes in the information while Iida speaks, “do you always know you’re going to regress? Or does it just happen?”
Izuku shrugs, “kinda both.” 
“Okay, another question,” he clears his throat and starts talking again, “if it just happens around any of us, would you like us to take care of you like Bakugo does?” 
Izuku’s eyes widen and he immediately shoots his gaze over to Kacchan himself. Was Iida really asking to be his caregiver here? Well, the title might be a bit premature, but did they really want to care for his littleself? It can be quite a bit of responsibility… especially when he goes really young and he does get fussy sometimes and he knows that that isn’t really enjoyable for anyone. Heck, sometimes he wonders why Kacchan even stays to help—
“I-zu-ku,” the voice of Kacchan pronouncing each syllable of his name startles him out of his own thoughts. 
By the look on everyone else’s faces, the green-haired boy knows that he said all or nearly all of that out loud. Oh god, he really does have the tendency to mumble. 
“I’m sorry,” he looks back down at his hands. 
“I didn’t mean to ask if it was going to stress you out, Midoryia,” Iida consols. 
“Oh no, no, that’s not it!” Izuku waves his hands erratically in the air and feels bad for the misunderstanding, so he corrects himself right away. “Being a caregiver can be a lot sometimes—”
“—please, you’re easy—” 
“—and I just want you guys to know what you’re signing up for, you know?” 
Iida hums thoughtfully but doesn’t say anything. Uraraka grins wild enough for her round cheeks to push out even further. And as Izuku looks around to table, he realizes that the silence isn’t awkward but maybe a little energetic? Everyone has clear or happy looks on their faces and the green-haired boy can’t help but feel like something is coming. 
Uraraka is the first to break. “But taking care of little you would be so fun because you’d be so cute!” Her voice gets all squeaky by the end and she starts kicking her legs under the table and bouncing in her seat; she is very clearly excited about this. 
“Ochako,” Tsu speaks up in her plain tone, “you have to make sure it is okay for you to coo over him first, ribbit.” 
Uraraka slaps a hand to her forehead and mumbles oh yeah! before turning her gaze back to the subject of their conversation. 
“I would also like to know the answer as well,” Todoroki says. 
Izuku’s head is spinning. 
“I am sorry if that weirded you out, Deku,” she says honestly, “I just- ever since I was looking more stuff up last night I started getting all of these ideas and I would love to have a play date with you!”
“Wait—” Izuku stares wide-eyed around the table when he notices some agreement. Then they start adding to it to further blow him away.
“Yeah, man,” Kirishima speaks up, “it would be cool to make little kiddie snacks and maybe play some video games, depending on how little you go, of course.” 
“Oh!” Denki joins in, “I read that cuddling is also a really big thing with regressors, so that would be loads of fun. You know me, always down to get my cuddle on!” He jams two thumbs in his own direction with his signature goofy grin and Izuku is too busy trying to keep up with all of them to even laugh at it. 
“Wait—” he tries again, “now hold on.” 
“Also just making sure you are cared for would be a huge benefit for the class, as you don’t typically do that on your own anyway—”
“Okay, slow down!” Kacchan barks, cutting off all conversations that were starting up at once. “Let him speak for Christ’s sake!” 
After the shock of such a loud voice, everyone else quiets down. Izuku takes his chance to speak now: “Thank you, Kacchan,” he starts with. Then he flattens his hands overtop his book and takes a breather to collect himself before speaking, “first, I would love to have more of you involved with my regression if you’d like but I suggest you be with Kacchan and I for a while first. It isn’t always happy and stress-free when I am little…” 
He stops for a minute, remembering with quite a bit of embarrassment all of the times he’s been fussy or thrown literal temper tantrums when little. Almost all of which Kacchan had been there to soothe him as best he could. And then there are the times when he couldn’t sleep and how his neediness would impede on Kacchan’s schedule (even if his friend said it didn’t matter, Izuku always knew when he was big again). Being someone’s caregiver is a lot of responsibility. 
“Izuku,” Kacchan starts, his tone hinting at the start of a possible argument. 
Izuku speaks again before he can say more. “What, am I wrong? I’m not bashing myself here—” he doesn’t look away from the boy he’s talking to for a second, “—I just know that all of the crap that is wrong in my head doesn’t always go away when I am little. Sometimes I’m upset, sometimes I can’t sleep, and sometimes I am just needy.” 
He does turn to the others now, needing them all to know this. “Kacchan and I stumbled into this kind of relationship, but I want you guys to know that once my littleself trusts you, you can really mess me up by leaving. And that trust builds after a while, so we can tiptoe around it for now, but being one’s caregiver is big. Are you sure this is what you want?”
“Just because we didn’t plan on it,” Kacchan interjects, not looking anywhere but at Izuku so that he knows what the blond is speaking is the truth, “doesn’t mean I regret any of it. I know I probably don’t say it enough, but I do enjoy taking care of you like that.” 
Izuku smiles, his vision blurring a little with unshed tears once more. And once more, he blinks them away. “I know, Kacchan,” he says. “I like that you enjoy it, actually, I need you to. Knowing that it helps you just as much as it does me makes me feel less guilty…” he admits. 
“You shouldn’t be feeling guilty at all, ya damn nerd.” 
Izuku looks away at that, he doesn’t have any sort of argument there. He knows he shouldn’t be feeling guilty, but sometimes the reassurance when he is big is just what he needs. He and Kacchan have always been enough and have always known exactly what the other needed. It took a lot of missteps and a hell of a lot of bumps in the road, but being here with him after so long is perfect. Izuku wouldn’t want to take this journey with anyone else. 
But before he can get too lost in his thoughts and his appreciation for his best friend, said friend’s voice pulls him out. 
“Let them help too if you think it is too much for me.”
Izuku sighs, letting Kacchan hit it right on the nail yet again. He looks around at the rest of them, gauging their varying reactions to the two of their’s conversation. He’s grinnig by the time he is ready to start circuling back to his original speech from a little bit ago, “the second thing I wanted to say is that I don’t mind if you call me cute or ‘coo’ over me or anything, but please save it for when I am little. We can talk more about boundaries and stuff but I do know that hearing you guys talk about it while I’m big makes me feel weird—”
“I’m sorry, Deku!” Uraraka covers her mouth with her hands and Todoroki puts a comfortingly warm hand on her shoulder. 
“—no, you’re okay! I’m just more likely to argue with you when I am big, but my uh… heh, yeah… just not when I am big,” he laughs off the rest of his sentence and rubs at the back of his neck. He was gonna say something about his littleself, but he might want to save that for another time, or like never—
“He eats that shit up when he’s little,” Kacchan says plainly, looking all nonchalantly at his nails. “That’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it?”
Izuku blushes and looks down, he can’t believe Kacchan read his thoughts so easily! 
“Heh, that’s what I thought.” 
“Shut up—”
“Would you be okay with us taking care of you when you’re little, ribbit?” Tsu’s cut-in sobers them both up instantly, focusing back on the overall conversation once again. 
“Yes,” Iuku says plainly. “I trust all of you with my life on the field, I don’t see why my littleself shouldn’t either. Hell, he trusted you enough to come out last night.”
“True,” Todoroki says aloud. 
There is another moment of silence, albeit not awkward like Izuku might have feared it would, now that the overall conclusion has been made. Izuku might have some more caregivers in the future, and he has to admit that he really does love the idea of it. So that he doesn’t have to suppress his own regression on nights when he knows Kacchan will be busy or at his work-study late, and also knowing that he can spread his time out with more than just one person. 
Denki is the one to pull Izuku out of his thoughts again, “so do you like… schedule these playdates with Baku, or do they just happen?”
“You dunce face,” Kacchan says immediately, “we already covered this!” 
“No, I know, I know!” Denki bites back, both of them still smiling. “I just meant like, can we—” his hand circles the air in front of him so that he gestures to everyone sitting at the table, “—schedule a time to play with him the next time he’s regressed, so we don’t all come at him at once and overwhelm him.” 
Izuku is grateful for Denki for a lot of reasons, but this is definitely at the forefront right now. “That’s so sweet,” he catches himself murmuring. 
“Oh, I know!” Uraraka is back to raising her hand in the air again. She speaks when they all look at her, “we could make a group chat! That way Bakugo, or even Deku can if he’s big enough to use his phone, can text when he’s little and we can figure it out right then and there.”
Izuku grins, a thrill of happiness and excitement sipping through him. He now understands the feeling everyone seem to be exhibiting when they all first sat down. At some point, they all talked about this and came up with a plan for Denki to ask him if they could talk because they all wanted to know more so that they could be there for him… Sometimes Izuku doesn’t realize how much he loves his friends and how much they love him right back. 
“Most of the time I text Kacchan when I feel myself slipping anyways, so that is a perfect idea, Uraraka!” 
They all start talking at once about which app they should have it on and who should create it. Izuku sits back and lets them. He still can’t believe how lucky this has turned out for him; to have so many people be not only willing but excited to care for him? 
Then Kacchan laughs suddenly, interrupting all conversations. 
“What?” Kirishima asks. 
“Be prepared to get some nicknames,” is all he says. 
Izuku knows what he means immediately and his cheeks flame up. 
“Wait, what?” Uraraka laughs, looking back and forth between Izuku and Kacchan. 
The blond smirks and leans back in his chair, pulling himself back far enough to balance on only two legs. “How do you think I got the name ‘Kacchan’?” 
“Wait, that came from him being regressed?” Denki asks. 
Izuku thunks his head forward onto his textbook, sighing dramatically. Oh, why did Kacchan have to tease him about this? He could have just let them figure it out on their own… not that he’s actually upset at the teasing, after all, it is all light-hearted. 
“No, that came from when we were actual children. But would you like to tell them why that is, Izuku?”
“No,” he laughs, thinking that Kacchan is incredibly cruel for this (he really isn’t, but Izuku isn’t sure if his cheeks will ever cool off). After a second he concedes and answers him anyway, still talking into his textbook and not looking at anyone, “it’s because I used to have a hard time pronouncing things when I was little. And especially names. So I gave him the nickname and it just stuck… so yeah, my littleself probably won’t call you by your actual name.” 
“Okay, that is cute. I wonder what mine will be,” Todoroki thinks out loud, then a split second remembers what Izuku had said earlier, “I’m sorry.” 
Izuku laughs at his tone along with some others, “I don’t have as much of an issue with the compliments now as I thought I would, just don’t do it all the time.”
They nod and agree to follow his first rule. It gives Izuku hope for the future. He isn’t sure how this will pan out but he kind of hopes it does soon. In fact, he’s kind of excited for the next time he regresses. 
Eventually, their conversation does end and they all part ways to do their own thing, but all of them hold a secret from the rest of their peers. That secret has a group chat called “Little’s Corner <3” on each of their phones and Izuku leaves with a full heart. 
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ashura-writes · 3 years
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About Me!
Learn all there is to know about me!
(as of currently)
My name is Ashura! I also go by Ash or Lunar, so take your pick! Any new nicknames are welcome as well.
I'm 18 years old.
I go by any pronouns, so again, take your pick!
I enjoy reading and writing grammatically correct fanficitions, as well as drawing!
Currently I'm really into the Dream SMP, so most (if not all) of my fics that I share here will be about that.
Probably the most important thing here! I don't have many, but I ask that you respect them nonetheless!
I will not write for things that I do not have the best understanding of, or things that I am not properly educated on. My worst fear is to portray something wrong and potentially harming or misinformation others with my stories. Please ask if you have a specific request, and I will let you know if I am comfortable with writing for that topic.
I will not write sexually explicit/NSFW stories for ANY characters. Not only is it most likely out of the comfort zones for many of the content creators to have their characters sexualized, I can personally only see these characters interacting with the Reader in friendly lights. Please do not ask for any NSFW.
SFW/Fluff/Feel-good things are completely okay! My intent is to write these characters as if they have a really close friendship with the Reader, which can include cuddles, hand-holding, and general cute things. Flirting is alright as well! This is mostly inspired by my own IRL friendships.
On the topic of flirting, I am okay with SOME romantic things. Romantic and sexual are completely different things, after all, and my expertise in romance is probably my only defining quality haha! I am okay with writing about romantic relationships between the Reader and some characters of the SMP, NOT including minors. All minor relationships are STRICTLY platonic. Do not ask for romantic relationships with minors. I will not answer. If you wish to see a story about a romantic relationship between the Reader and an adult SMP character, just ask!
As for personal boundaries, I don't have many! I'm fine with a lot of things, including cursing/swearing. The only thing I will not tolerate towards me or anyone is derogatory remarks. If you don't like something, move on.
And because I can't think of anything else to add, let's move on to questions you probably don't have!
Q.《Why did you start this blog?》
A. As mentioned above, I really enjoy writing fanfictions. They are one of my escapes from the real world, as is the Dream SMP! I started reading some fics, headcannons, and imagines here and really enjoyed it! I thought, "Why not do the same? Share your stories with like-minded people," so I did!
One of my biggest inspirations for starting this blog was the fact that there was so little fanfics for the DSMP, at least in the friendship department. I aim to write stories that center around the characters of the SMP, their friendships and hardships, and to put the story in words that the members otherwise cannot express.
Q.《What will your stories be about?》
A. The Dream SMP, and all characters included! Most, if not all of the stories I write will be 'Reader Insert's, or 'x Reader's. This totally does not stem from my desire to be friends with everyone aha nope haha definitely not-
All stories will be about the characters that the streamers portray, NOT the content creators themselves. I personally feel a bit awkward writing for real people. I may try and change things up one day, but today is not that day!
Q.《How did you get into the Dream SMP?》
A. I got into the Dream SMP a few months ago after coming across many videos and posts talking about it, and began my journey by watching Wilbur Soot's videos and the story of the rise and fall of L'manburg. Ever since, I've been hooked, and I've come to really enjoy and look forward to new streams and videos!
Q.《Will your stories be inclusive? (Gender Identity, Sexuality, Race, etc.)》
A. Absolutely! None of my stories will leave anyone out, and I will strive to accurately portray anything and everything! The Reader in my stories will never have their gender, sexuality, or appearance explicitly stated, either in walls of text or in dialogue. To make everything the most inclusive, I will be using they/them pronouns when characters refer to the Reader. I tend to avoid the use of 'insert points', as I will call them, or things like 'Y/n', 'e/c', or 'h/c' to name a few. If necessary, I will use '(Name)' for the Reader, but otherwise dodge the use of other insert points unless it is useful to the story or needs to be explicitly mentioned.
Q.《Will you write for certain things if asked?》
A. Yes, I will, as long as none of it goes out of my boundaries!
Q.《How much knowledge of Dream SMP Lore do you have?》
A. Honestly, not much. I have gotten as far as Doomsday and Dream's imprisonment, but that is about it! Not to mention, all of my knowledge comes purely from Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur and Tommy's streams. I don't know much about Technoblade or Philza's lore as of this moment, or any one else's, but I plan to learn! Any requests that deal with these characters lore, I will do my best. Please don't be afraid to let me know if I mess something up! Help is always welcome.
Q.《Do you have other stories not on Tumblr that I can read?》
A. That I do! I have a story up on Archive Of Our Own under the title "Hearteater"! It is an Demon Slayer OC insert featuring my character Higurashi Shion! I am very proud of it, and I think you should check it out. Look for the user 'LunarPenguinChan' to find the story!
Q.《Is there any other social media I can contact you on?》
A. Yep! Discord, at Ashura#4903, or Twitter under the handle @ashura_penguin!
More to be added as I go! Please check back here frequently for updates. I really look forward to meeting and making friends with everyone! Don't be afraid to send me a DM or ask/request anything! I'm fired up and ready to show off my horrible writing skills! :D
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useless-fanfictions · 3 years
★✶  Sunny  ✶★
Hello there! I read a bunch of fanfic and write every once in a while :)
Please interact with anything I post! All likes, comments, and reblogs are WELCOMED AND APPRECIATED!!!
《 if you are an anti kink/sfw blog and you see me interacting with you pls let me! I have a SFW side blog dedicated to that stuff, and where I will be reblogging your content! it is just a side blog and I can't help that you can't interact with it (๑˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥) @useless-sfw-fanficitions 》
♡hope you enjoy your stay!♡
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Fanfiction Stuff~
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ask box (if you just have a simple prompt)
fic prompt sheets: Glee | MHA | Haikyuu | Others
I record podfics too, here is some info!
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AGERE BLOG: @useless-sfw-fanficitions [SFW only, please follow my DNI there.]
I also roleplay! Here is some more info on this.
Favorite ask game:  OTP/Fandom Ask Games - Salty Addition  
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Tagging System:
I try to stick to this as much as I can. Part of the reason I wanted to recreate a new blog was so that all of my posts would be organized using this tag system instead of like a third of them. :)
asks will be tagged with: ‘useless.answers’
rants will be: ‘useless.rants’
any post with polls in it will be tagged with: 'useless.polls'
random posts and general fandom thoughts will be 'useless.rambles' (I use this one a lot)
any games in the tags: 'in the tags'
personal posts (so posts that I reflect my own person onto): ‘uselessly.oversharing’ ‘personal’
headcanons: ‘useless.ideas' ‘useless.headcanons’
all of my directory posts will be tagged with ‘about me’ ‘useless.me’
and each fandom/character will be appropriately tagged, so feel free to block certain tags if you wish to not see those kinds of posts from me
all hard triggers/content warnings will be tagged with the word and then 'tw word' [example: 'swearing' 'tw swearing']
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Feel free to message me or ask me anything, I will respond as quickly as I can.  ❣Enjoy your stay! ❣
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Credit: @tthankstoyou ^^
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One Shot | Love Confessions
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki/Midoryia Izuku
CW: Love confessions, mlm ship, romantic bkdk/dkbk
//this is something that I thought was cute and wanted to post here, hope you enjoy <3
Izuku might be able to sort his feelings out for seemingly everyone pretty easily, but there is one he just cannot. Bakugo Katsuki. His now-boyfriend and long-term person.
Over the course of their first year, the two went from hating each other to rivals, to okay, to maybe friends, to maybe more, and then to kick off their second year: definitely more.
They’d gotten together late one night (both stuck up due to sleeping anxieties) watching old All Might films when Katsuki had turned to Izuku during a commercial break and just blurted it out.
“My feelings are complicated for you, Izuku,” he started, getting the green-haired boy's attention, “and I don’t always know how to express them properly… but they’re there and they’re big and loud and I need to— I need to know if you feel the same.”
Izuku just stared back with wide eyes, stunned into a complete silence. He took a shallow breath, and then another one. Feelings? Complicated loud ones? Was Kacchan really—? He didn't want to dare think that his dreams were coming true.
“It is okay if you don’t feel the same, uh…” he reached up and scratched his head as his ears and neck started to tint a little red, something that Izuku could see even in the low light from the TV screen.
“No, no, no!” he throws his hands up in the air, waving them a little manically. “That isn’t it at all, Kacchan.”
The blond grins and Izuku, as he always is when it comes to Katsuki, powerless to stop the slow pull of his lips into a blinding smile himself. Of course they'd been talking about the same thing; their feelings shared.
With both of their faces heated with a nervous blush, Izuku slides over on the couch until they are touching and Katsuki’s arm is draped over his shoulders.
And that is it. It is them, being unapologetically themselves.
It wasn't until the end of the night that they even had to ask what it was they were now. And even then, Katsuki hadn't even let Izuku finish the whole question before he was cutting the boy off with— "of course I'm your boyfriend, I don't do things halfway."
And that was Izuku had wanted to hear.
Feelings are complicated, especially with how big and loud theirs are for each other. Of course they don't have to say it; both boys reassured at the inexorable, all-consuming passion that they have been unknowingly drowning in for years.
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