sgnjunhyung · 4 years
— dirty errand.
» @sgnxjaehyun​
a new text message lights up his phone screen and he glances down to read its preview — it was a message from the cinths group chat, “where are you? it’s already two hours into the party and you’re...”, which quickly got buried with new messages from the other cinths hurrying him over to the party. he unlocks his phone and crafts a quick reply, “I’m almost there”, before sliding it back into his back pocket. this was not the first party the cinths threw that month; it was easily the fifth, if not sixth one and it doesn’t seem like they had any intentions to stop there. junhyung, of course, had no complains — he played no part in organising these parties and only turned up for the booze and girls. the other members never seemed to complain, though he’d gladly run errands like pick up the beer and chips if they needed him to, in attempt to make up for his lack of contribution. raucous music fills the barren and otherwise quiet neighbourhood as the house the party is held at comes into view. the booming music gets increasingly louder as he approaches the venue, nodding to greet some familiar faces loitering outside for a quick puff. deafening hip-hop tracks vibrate off the hefty speakers mounted on the wall, just behind a table of messily strewn beer cans and alcohol bottles on and around the table. he pushes past couples making out and groups of people cheering as a jock downs a bucket of alcohol, to look for the other cinths and notices a couple of them drinking by the pool side. he then grabs himself a can of beer and makes his way over to join his comrades.
his gaze lands on the tall figure with a loud presence near the dj deck, squeezing past the crowd gathered around it to get to the older boy. when he reaches his side, junhyung hooks his arm around his neck, tugging the other closer to him. “sorry I’m late,” he adds, breaking into a playful grin, “what did I miss?”
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sgnhansung · 4 years
             @sgnxjaehyun​ liked for a random starter !! 
       hansung takes a sip of his coffee, holding back his urge to wince at how bitter the drink is, but he’s trying to maintain a blank expression as he listens to the other male speak. he can’t say that the expected this ; the proposition seemed to come out of nowhere and hansung is left feeling both flattered and confused. he places the cup back down in front of him, letting out a small hmm before he answers. “so let me get this straight, you thought i’d be a good cinth member, so you’re personally trying to recruit me?” 
     now that he’s finally spoken, he lets his face wear all the emotions he was once holding in. confusion, disbelief, pride, among a few others. he’s never really been into social clubs, though he has to admit, cinths do throw banging parties if he does say so himself. but he’s not sure if he wants the negative image that comes with the specific fraternity. seok hansung, as a cinths member? maybe once upon a time under his undergraduate years, but now that he’s committed himself to a life of being a better person, he can’t see himself fitting into the club. “sorry, i appreciate the offer, but i don’t think i’d be a good fit.” 
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sgnxlia-blog · 4 years
Beer can cause a mess
[ft. @sgnxjaehyun]
Lia has just had her third drink for the night and so far she was already getting a little tipsy. She was never really a good drinking but since she was invited to a gathering by some random student, she thought why not have fun? It was her first week at the university and she was already having a good time. Though she hadn’t meet lots of people yet, she thought it’ll be a good idea doing it at the party.
It was around close to midnight when she found herself holding a cup of beer and around students from different majors and years. Across from her was a good looking guy she sees from the hallway most of the time. She couldn’t remember his name even if he’s been talked to by most student but she knows his face. And because of the buzz of the drink, her speech was a little slur. “Hey, you! You’re that guy from the room across from one of my class! All the girls in my class was too busy drooling on you whenever you’re outside the room!” She points to him with a frown on her face because she was trying to focus on him but failing to do so.
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sgnkai · 5 years
@sgnxjaehyun / flirting 101
it was safe to say that flirting or talking in general, was not kaiser’s strong suit. his resume read, violence, punching, and more punching and even more violence, it was what he was good at. before class, dirty blonde strands inadvertently falling, barricading obsidian hues from his notes before him, digits tapping against the backside of the paper, eyes squinting now. he sees a figure approaching him out of his peripheral vision, his head tilting as he catches a glimpse of someone his seen in his med classes, his never spoken to her before and it took him by surprise when she offered him a box of chocolate. his heart begins to race, mind, clouded by confusion as a hand raises, not to accept the chocolate, but instead to smack it out of her hand as it tumbles and lands, spilt on the ground. she looks horrified, but not as horrified as he does and she runs away crying.
he remains still, still from the shock, from the horror, from the unexpectedly traumatic experience. eyes are still widened, notes clutched tightly between fingers, and his gaze slowly drifts to the box of chocolates on the floor, its contents, everywhere. “w-what the fuck...” he manages to huff beneath his breath, kneeling down as to pick up the chocolates and putting them back into their box again. he was pathetic when it came to talking with the opposite gender, at least with the same gender, he would always assume that everyone saw him as a brother, or at least a punchable face. 
and to his shock horror, again, he spots someone who had possibly witnessed the entire incident, “was that amusing for you?” he looks up for a brief moment, standing up again with the box now in his hand, a sigh leaving him. “i think she’s trying to poison me with these.” he dangles the chocolates before him, he should probably apologise to her, it’s only right but then again, he wouldn’t know how.
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sgnjisung · 5 years
ordinary day,
there's a lot of things that vlogging in public can catch on the screen. he's caught fights, he's caught marriage proposals and accidents and other embarrassing or shocking things that could happen. he's not really expecting much to be catching his eye while perusing around the quad, talking to the camera for a segment for his next video.
"and that's how..." he trails off, his hand lifting the camera slightly to have the viewpoint of a guy and a girl talking-- and from the looks of it, probably flirting. jisung snorts, glancing back to look at them for himself as he slows down his walk. "...huh, the dude looks like he's lying the charm on a little thick..." he murmurs, before moving his attention back to his camera.
after a few minutes, he's plopped onto a nearby bench to look through the recording. he glances up at the sound of foosteps to see that same guy from earlier moving to passby. jisung hums, looking back at his camera as he calls out, "so, did all that charm get you a date with that senior?"
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sgnjongin · 5 years
@sgnxjaehyun || julient loves the beat and the lust it commands
the monsters are out tonight.
boys with lazy eyes and cutting smiles, girls with lazy smiles and cutting eyes, they are all itching to take bites of each other, nibbles and gashes. the music and thrumming bass beats can be heard from a block away from seongnam, and jongin loves every derogatory pulse and lusty tempo drop of it, wants it like he wants drugs, needs it like he needs to drown. tonight has a full moon; there is no room for studying.
the cinths have really outdone themselves this time.
jongin wades through discarded trash that’ll be picked up by tomorrow’s staff, and groups of humans who will be picked up just the same, to make it over towards one of the main party houses, his strides long and purposeful, his eyes dark and sharp, hunting for someone specific, a face in the throng. he looks for him where the chaos lurks heaviest, where the beer flows the strongest, where the games are played the hardest. that’s how you catch a true-blooded cinth, or so the legend goes.
when he does finally spot jaehyun, he lets himself smile tightly, no mirth, no amusement, just the beginning brews of a deal they’ve struck between them, a truce of sorts, their worlds aligning if only for a moment. “jaehyun,” he greets, eyeing the other for signs of too much intoxication. “you’ve turned the world upside down— was the party your idea? i love it.”
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sgnmeiqi · 4 years
--𝐃𝐨 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲? | 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧
Meiqi’s hair bounced in the air within the confinements of her ponytail with every step she took. The blaring sunlight shone down upon her as she ran, but at the very least, the cool breeze felt refreshing against her skin. There were only two more laps for her to run around the track until she was finished with practice and could return to her comfortable dorm room. It wasn’t that she disliked the sport—in fact, it was a great way to extinguish all of the extra energy she had bottled up thoroughly the day—but she was exhausted with how harsh their coach had been recently. She and everyone else on the team had theorized that it was due to the amount of injuries team members had received lately, and how that would affect their ranking in upcoming competitions. Even so, she was hoping they would stop being such a hard-ass soon.
When Meiqi finally finished those two laps, she was panting softly as she worked on catching her breath. A few of her other teammates joined her as they completed their task and they spoke together casually for a few minutes. The conversations weren’t of much importance, merely friendly chat, and they all broke off to do their own things shortly after. That was when the woman glanced over to her side to see that a fellow student was staring at her. He wasn’t there before, so he must’ve just shown up a few minutes ago to watch the practice. It was common for students to stop by and watch the team practice out of pure boredom, or when they had a significant other on the team. Only he was only really looking at her, almost as if he was admiring her. 
Meiqi hadn’t spoken to him before, but she recognized him (she tended to know everyone around the school who was fairly popular). One of her old friends who had since graduated used to have the largest crush on him, though she was always warned to avoid expressing those feelings because of his reputation. He had one of being a playboy, or someone who would break the heart of any girl who attempted to win him over. Of course, those were just rumors. His name? Jaehyun, if she remembered correctly.
Meiqi couldn’t have looked good after running for so long, and she doubted he was heavily interested in track, so she didn’t quite know what his motives were. Perhaps he was into girls who wore sports attire, had messy hair, and looked like they’d just ran a marathon. She reached her hands above her head to adjust her hairstyle that was currently falling out of place. Nimble fingers worked on tying the dark hair up again to get it off of her skin, and within a few seconds, she had succeeded. Then she was making her way over to the man to approach him. 
“Hey, you over there! Is there a reason why you’ve been staring at me for the last five minutes?” The woman asked with an amused chuckle, crossing her arms over her chest. Her lips were curled up into a grin, and she figured she could have some fun with this. “Do I look funny or something?”
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seongnamkrp · 5 years
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it’s time for the activity check! every friday at 9pm cst, we will clear out those who have been inactive and have not made an in character post for one week on their blogs. please remember to stay active!
*  ›  DROPPED OUT    ––––––––––––––      (  DROPPED  ) :
none !
*  ›  WITHDRAWN     ––––––––––––––      (  CLEARED  ) :
kang sojin   ›  ha sooyoung ( yves )   › the tenacious
park isol   ›  kim seunghun   ›  the devout
wu xiaoli   ›  dong sicheng ( winwin )
kang, kaiser   ›  lee hangyul
do hanse
byun baekhyun
jung, krystal
jeon, lily   ›  park chaeyoung ( rose )   ›  the ingenious
bang hansol   ›  choi beomgyu
bang yeseul   ›  shin ryujin
*  ›  LEAVE OF ABSENCE     ––––––––––––––      (  HIATUS  ) :
ha yuna ( @sgnyuna  ) ›  until 13 / 01
kim junhyung ( @sgnjun  ) ›  until 17 / 01
choi jongho ( @sgnjongho ) ›  until 17 / 01
seo jaehyun ( @sgnxjaehyun )  ›  until 17 / 01
lin yanjun ( @sgnyanjun )  ›  until 17 / 01
kwon sangmi   ›  until 20 / 01
tsai shin   ›  until 20 / 01
bae insik   ›  until 20 / 01
choi, colin   ›  until 22 / 01
kim haneul   ›  until 22 / 01
han ahri   ›  until 25 / 01
han seungwoo   ›  until 25 / 01
** note : if you do not post within a week after your hiatus ends, you will be cleared for inactivity!
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sgndaeryong · 4 years
Would you change anything in your past, if given the choice?
Would I change anything in my past...? ( ‘ holds onto the edge of the bar, sucking his lower lip and letting his eyes fall to the ceiling. There would always be things he’d want to change. ) Hell yeah. I wish I never came to this fucking school for my undergrad and graduate degree. It could have really saved me the trouble, ya know, in here and whatnot. ( ‘ points to his heart )  I can’t believe I work there. God has a sick sense of humor. 
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seongnamkrp · 5 years
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it’s time for the activity check! every friday at 9pm cst, we will clear out those who have been inactive and have not made an in character post for one week on their blogs. please remember to stay active!
*  ›  DROPPED OUT    ––––––––––––––      (  DROPPED  ) :
lee jaein   ›  kim jisoo   ›  blackpink, the parvenu role
han subin   ›  jung subin   ›  victon
*  ›  WITHDRAWN     ––––––––––––––      (  CLEARED  ) :
zhou ai mei   ›  chou tzuyu
choi yunseo   ›  kim yerim ( yeri )   ›  the phoenix role
geum, jamie   ›  choi soobin
do kyungsoo   ›  the virtuoso role 
*  ›  LEAVE OF ABSENCE     ––––––––––––––      (  HIATUS  ) :
jung jaehyun ( @sgnxjaehyun )   ›  until 12 / 02
kang yeogeum ( @sgnyeogeum )   ›  until 14 / 02
han jisung ( @sgnjisung )   ›  until 14 / 02
son seungwan ( @sgnwendy )   ›  until 14 / 02
kim doyoung ( @sgndoyoung )   ›  until 14 / 02
hong jisoo  ›  until 04 / 03
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