#sh: i am coming home to you if it's the last thing i do
tiredassmage · 1 year
sorry for being extra curious but if it's ok to ask (and with your rp partner's permission to discuss it) but what's the deal with Hyroh and Tyr, and how their class stories overlap?
Hehehe, some of it is in rp, a lot of it has already developed in dms, lol, bUT. The short of why they Work to begin with is we realized there’s a lot of parallels between the Jedi Knight story and the Agent story and then there’s a lot of similarities in how Hyroh and Tyr cope (or don’t, tbh) with these developments.
The Knight and the Agent are both lauded as one of the best of their kind and, long story short, also go through a period where they’re also perceived as a threat for this very thing that made them so desirable. And there’s the brainwashing and the expectation that all of this pressure and all of these hits won’t absolutely mutate your loyalties in any fashion. Hyroh and Tyr work a lot like mirrors at each other, usually for better and occasionally for times where their own vices grate on them when they see them in the other - usually their… self-sacrifical streaks, tbh. They’ve both experienced the pressure to step up and get a job done because they’ve been told that there isn’t anybody else and they’d like to spare anyone else the trouble and the pain and the way it breaks and reshapes your spine either way.
Hyroh and Tyr specifically don’t get the chance, ofc, to bond on all of this until they’re partnered up on Rishi against the Revanites by their respective… handlers, we’ll say. Lana brings in Tyr and Theron brings in Hyroh, and together, the two of them run the front field cover for the Red Blades, learn how to work together, learn that their core ideals aren’t so different from one another despite what their faction allegiance looks like on the outside at first glance and… end up falling for each other and for the mutual peace they find in being able to remove themselves from roles that had been suffocating.
Rishi becomes that place, the time, they long to return to - a space they carved out for themselves between a war that’s consumed most of their lives. They entertain running off together after the Coalition wraps work on Yavin IV, but… Tyr worries he has enemies that wouldn’t let them rest, that he hasn’t set up a clean enough exit to give Hyroh that promise. Not that Hyroh doesn’t promise to fight them all himself - and Tyr would believe it, but… He needs to make sure he can do it for real. That he gives them the best chance he can.
That best chance is Ziost. Tyr uses the decline of Sith Intelligence and the chaos erupting across the planet to quietly disappear except for their close circle of contacts and spends the next several months at Hyroh’s side as the search for Vitiate continues. And, true to their nature, he gets… pulled into the mess of KOTXX and onward by… wrong place, wrong time, and that… nagging inability to know when to quit. That they both share. And they take turns checking in one another. [Which. is also how we had Commander!Hyroh au with Tyr going all brooding hunter for 5 years before becoming Hyroh's violently protective bodyguard during the Alliance era]
I’d say probably one of the most important things is Hyroh teaches Tyr how to value himself, to actually stop and think long enough about why he’s doing something so he can get somewhere in processing whether or not it’s because he desires that outcome and believes in the goal or if it’s just… the expectations he’s been hardwired to follow for something like half of his life at that point. Hyroh loves so earnestly and openly and completely that Tyr can’t… help but be stopped in his tracks by it. It’s so completely unlike anything else he’s ever had or been given; he’s loved, certainly, but his life has been one of half-truths and double meanings. He’s never been in a position to throw caution to the wind so freely. Joel describes Hyroh as unable to be anything but himself and it cuts Tyr to the quick. He can’t help but be transfixed, drawn into the warmth of that smile and the unquestioning embrace. And Tyr loves him in return in absolute devotion in… a way that’s not always graceful. Tyr means it when he says he’ll do anything for somebody - and that includes lying. That’s not easy for Hyroh. That’s a harder line. It causes some strife for them when they get into the Alliance era and find themselves again wrapped up in the same old war. They’re both driven, unable to leave something so important unfinished, unable to accept the cost of letting the burden fall to another’s shoulders when there’s still more they’ve left to give and it’s hard to swallow seeing it in the person you love like it’s breathing.
Really, at the end of the day, they both wanted to walk away. They’re both worn by everything they’ve been through, by the never-ending nature of this conflict they’ve practically grown up in and have been shaped for and by and they find an unexpected haven of understanding and trust in each other. As much heartache as knowing intimately what their struggles are like from having shared experiences can cause, it usually makes them pretty decent at pulling each other up when the going gets too rough to face alone. Hyroh can’t physically fight all of the nightmares that haunt Tyr, that keep him chained to his past for so long, and Tyr can’t fight Hyroh’s battles for or sometimes even with him given the galaxy-spanning nature of them, the unknowable and unpredictable limits of Vitiate’s power when he's just a man with an arsenal of blades and a fairly trained shot with a pistol and rifle, but it doesn’t matter, in the end. In the end, what matters is that they’re together.
And Tyr finds that Hyroh’s someone that makes him want to keep that promise. Tyr’s lied for plenty of people. He’s lied to himself for longer than he can bear to admit, even in the safety of Hyroh’s arms, bleeding hearts entwined. But for Hyroh, he’d live. Live. Not just survive. He’ll find what the way out of this endless cycle is. And they’re going to do it holding hands.
And he’ll love Hyroh unconditionally, through every change, despite and for the changes. They’re more than what they were made to be. He hopes he can return even half of the love and support Hyroh's shown him over the years.
I’m. insane about them and I love them and we’re so, so completely in deep with them, bro. I’m just. I hope this even half conveys what they’ve done to me akdfnlsdfnlsdfdsaf.
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jolapeno · 1 year
epilogue. she might just be my everything and beyond
javier peña x f!reader | epilogue of late night texts
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summary: It's the year 2000. Javi is minding his own business on the porch of his pop's ranch when a text from an unknown number vibrates his phone. The only problem is, no one knows he has a phone and no one has his number.
chapter warnings: here's the epilogue. two idiots pining for one another. fluff. flirting. continuous romcom vibes. falling in love. idiots in love. mention of olivia (steve's and connie's child) ✨ wordcount: 2.7k.
an: at the end.
text key: bold is you/reader | italics is javi
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you keep flirting with me and ill drive myself over
Oh will you now?
use my key and everything
You have had very little reason to use it lately.
thats cause youre so desperate youre already at the door
Desperate or welcoming?
I can be less desperate next time, if you prefer.
dont you fucking dare baby
So when you coming over?
already putting my shoes on
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It flies by, time.
One minute, he’s clutching your hands until your fingers slide from his. A promise in the air, one he knows you’ll keep because it's all temporary. Knowing that you’ll be right back, suitcase—and possessions following behind—as you move across the country. 
Within a blink, Javi is asking you where you want things to go, in the little place you chose with so much ease. Spotting you unpack a photo frame, the photo strip from Houston front and centre, sitting on a bed of receipts. 
The next, he’s sweating for reasons he’d rather not be.
His back twinging, protesting as he carries another box to the van. Your smile rises at the sight of him approaching, gesturing to pass it to you—still standing on the edge of the truck.
“Cariño. You’ve lived here six months. How have you amassed so much sh–tuff?”
Narrowing your eyes, taking the box and placing it on top of another, “Nice save.”
Sending you a sink, he smiles as you slide your hand in his to get down. Knowing he doesn’t ever need to feel them slide from his again—hopefully, no emotional goodbyes at the airport. Not ones that don’t involve you visiting someone for a long weekend here or there.
“Are you forgetting that I packed an entire suitcase the first time I saw you? Because knowing that information, I am surprised you’re confused that I’ve doubled my possessions since living here?”
Pulling you close, he focuses on how you feel warm against him—fitting against him perfectly. A feeling he’s had plenty of time to grow used to but finds he never does. How you slot with him, face turned upwards, looking at him like he moves mountains and walks across fire.
If you asked him, he would.
But you never do. You just look at him as though you know he would. Knowing he does.
He supposes it’s why you’re all set to move in with him. Into his home. His room.
This place—as lovely as it has been—will no longer be yours. The little home in the centre of town is tucked away above a video store that you’ve become a frequent customer of, whether he has plans with you or not.
From tomorrow morning, though, you’ll be waking up with him officially. The two of you have had months of it, where you’re there but not entirely with him. Even if, over time, your things have been left amongst his, some even finding themselves hanging alongside his. To the point a drawer was needed—and hangers. Still, for a while, when you said home, you had meant yours.
That was until the last few weeks. Your eyes shimmering, twinkling with the stars in the night sky, curled into his side. His green jacket, the one with the brown collar, wrapped around your shoulders, no longer smelled of old cigarette smoke and desperation but rather sweetness and hope. Your hand entwined with his:
Can we go home, baby?
Yeah, I can take you now.
No, to yours.
You poke him. Light, but purposeful. A little jab to bring him back, and the way you’re smiling at him—fuck. He can’t imagine a look that could make his heart double in size quicker. His thumb strokes alongside your cheek. His pink shirt—the one you had commandeered as your own—rolled up at the sleeves and tied at your waist.
Javi’s noticed you steal his clothes a lot. Fashion them into something that suits you better. He doesn’t moan. If anything, he makes it a purposeful thing to show you how much it means to him—how much he likes it, craves it.
“C’mon, only a few more boxes...”
Groaning, he buries his lips against yours, feeling your smile widen, grinning widely against him as you hold him close.
Your teeth pull at his bottom lip before releasing it with a pop, a twinkle to your eyes. “… think of it like this: once the van is packed, we get more time to say goodbye before I have to return the keys.”
“Hmm,” he mumbles, keeping you in place with two fingers under your chin. “And how do you plan on us saying goodbye, baby?”
Sliding your nose against his cheek. “Loudly. I plan on saying it loud, baby.”
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You packed me a note in my lunch?
I did
It wasn’t very safe for work.
you said you eat your lunch at your desk
Yes but I’m not a loner, Javi. I do eat lunch with people.
lesson learned then baby
But yes.
I don’t think the porch table will cope though, may have to think of a more stable surface.
I think I can think of something
No wood! I am not having you pick splinters out of my ass again, baby.
that was on you
I think it was on you and your speech about how beautiful I looked being a ranch-hand.
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Do you fancy coming to my office Halloween party?
do I have to dress up
Yes. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll be dressed up too. 
before I decide what are you dressing up as 
That’s the incentive to come, if you say yes I’ll tell you.
do you want me there 
Yes! Want to show you off
then ill be there baby
Because you like being showed off?
yes. but also because you want me there
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While outwardly, he’d protested the trip to Miami from the moment you booked it off work up until he was sat beside you on the plane, he does see the beauty in it.
Although, Javi primarily suspects that it is down to you. You with your legs out, you in a bikini on the beach, robbing his shades until he buys you your own—a matching pair, something that makes Steve chuckle and Connie aww.
The lazy mornings that remind him of Houston are nice, too. The ones where neither of you are woken by an alarm or his Pop’s awful singing. The backdrop of the airy hotel room and a warm, gentle breeze blowing the sheer curtains as his thumbs dig into the back of your thighs and make you chant, is a bonus. 
Because Javi can make your skin glisten, and your body sing, whenever and wherever he gets the chance. 
What he can’t have at home with you is the sight of you fitting in so easily with the two people who have become a second family. The ones who have seen him go to lengths he hadn't known was possible, him and his old partner seeing things that only appear in occasional nightmares now. 
Connie and Steve welcomed you in with ease and with them, you smiled so effortlessly. Blending in like you were always there—laughter bursting out of you when you’re playing with Olivia. 
It's there, ever-present on the beach, as you chase Olivia around in the sand. The castles the two of you had been making long since trodden on, as the little girl squeals and squeals until she’s caught. 
“You should marry her.”
Turning his head, Steve nods towards the three of you. Connie snapping photos as you roll in the sand. The yellow tinge from his aviators adds an additional glow to the world as he eyes up his former partner-turned-friend—a friend who apparently now gives unwarranted marriage advice.
Scratching his chin, he rolls his jaw. “You giving me permission, Murph?”
“C’mon, Jav. She’s nice, good to you. Clearly makes you very fuckin’ happy.”
“Yeah, well. Maybe I’m already planning it.”
“Yeah? Fuck. Can’t wait to tell Connie. She told me I needed to convince you.”
Javi shrugs, pushing the glasses up his nose. “It so hard to believe I’d have come to that conclusion on my own?”
“Before you met her? Yeah. Since her? No. Could tell you were smitten—”
Snorting, Javi runs his hand across his chin. “I was not fucking smitten.”
“Yeah, you fucking was. No shame in that, Jav. No shame in enjoying one good woman.”
Groaning, he turns back to the laughter. The corner of his lips twitched, wishing to slide into his cheeks as he watches you throw your head back, neck exposed, as Olivia tries to do a handstand.
“I got the ring last month.”
Turning his head, he narrows his eyes, watching Steve put his hands up in defence.
“You just said—“
“Yeah, well. Forgot how determined y’can be about things. Surprised me. S’not a bad thing,” Steve says. “Just, y’know. Years ago, I knew you as the man who fucked his way through—“
Elbowing him, Javi smirks as he hears Steve splutter. A sharp look added as Steve holds his hand up.
“I’m not that person anymore, Murphy.”
His friend nods, apology falling. The evidence that he means it stitching into his expression—that he was just joking, teasing. An explanation coming, that he knows how he’s changed—all words he would have once craved hearing. But since meeting you, he’d found even the teasing didn’t upset him as much.
Clapping his hand on his shoulder, Javi looks over his shades. “I know. Alright. Just, I don’t like the reminder, that's all. Feels like… feels like a lifetime ago.”
“Y’telling me.”
Snorting, Javi slides his hand off. Moving his eyes back to the sight of Olivia grinning at the two of them. Her small hand trying to cover her mouth as she whispers something to you, something which Javi suspects involves him from the way she’s running full speed towards him.
“She’s grown up so quickly.”
He’s about to reply, but Olivia interrupts—skidding to a stop in the sand, kicking it across his feet. Swiftly, her hand—all small and delicate—wraps around and tugs on his hand.
“Uncle Javi, can you come play?”
Over the top of her, he spots you. Leaning your weight on one side, hand covering your brows to watch his expression.
And fuck, how can he say no to either of you.
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hows pops?
He’s good. In fact, enough to be getting your Mom’s cookbooks down from the shelf for me.
I hope you know thats him saying he loves you
He has told me how much it means to him that I wanted these. Also keeps telling me that he’s happy they’ll be staying in the family.
bet that made you cry didn’t it 
Yes! Obviously. 
youre so cute baby
In my defence he caught me off guard with the comment, I was busy staring and deciphering the handwritten notes.
not gonna be able to read them now if youve cried all over them
As always, you’re hilarious. I obviously didn’t cry into the book! I cried in the bathroom.
you turn the tap on to try and hide it again
Shut up, Javi.
i should be back soon, just grabbing the parts now
Don’t rush, he’s fine. Promise. He even says his back is barely giving him any problems since I told him I’d cook from the book.
what you cooking?
Come home safe and find out.
youre such a tease 
Learned it from you baby. 
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At one stage, Javi had been good with people.
Now, he’s unsure if he even knows how to ask for a favour without giving something up or flirting.
He’s still charismatic, or so you tell him. But, he's pretty sure his tact has gone, impatience bubbling as he tries to pretend to give enough of a shit to be able to ask for the favour he wants.
For you, he decides to push through. To not walk back through the door he came through. He does stuff his hands into his jacket, the man staring at him, still wearing the same confused expression he had when Javi first stepped through the door.
Because even if he’s explained three fucking times, the man still doesn’t understand why he asked him to create the crossword he’s got clutched in his hands. 
The one that would never even go to print—just a single request. A favour. All personal, just for him. Not to be published in every newspaper, but just one.
The one for him, and him alone.
It didn't matter how many ways he explained it, the man remained confused. Only reluctantly accepting, he's sure, to get him to leave.
That had been days ago. Now, you're ahead of him. Your fingers brushing over the tops of long stands, occasionally looking over your shoulder at him, making him feel like he's stepped into one of the movies you've made him watch. 
Even when you look ahead, he can tell you’re grinning from behind—taking the view in. It's 'one of your favourites', something you’d told him the first time he brought you here. 
It’s why he brought you here, now.
Second to you, of course, baby. 
You stop some distance ahead, beginning to place down a blanket, all chequered and soft, as he comes to join you. Placing the basket in his hand down on the edge of it, before your fingers are swatting at him and undoing the ties before you grasp the bottle, food and other bits.
Not that he can eat, needing more than what the wine you’d grabbed would do.
Nerves bubbling, dancing and fluttering like the flies further down the hill. You don't notice. You're focused on the newspaper, the crossword he's not let you see for the last few hours, taunting you, making you wait.
He almost wishes he hadn't when it adds to the knot in his stomach, it tightening more when you become irritated at his coyness as he's reading out the clues—
Javi, what are you up to? You always do down, across, down. Always.
You’d have made a good detective or DEA agent.
Likely given him and Murphy a run for their money—something Steve had even said to you both when the two of you were in Miami. Sand in your toes, sea air in your hair—grin brighter than the sun.
“Give it here,” you say, not sharply, but not playfully either.
His hand wipes his lower mouth, hiding his smirk, having wanted you to do that for the past fifteen minutes.
When you take the crossword, you’re chewing. 
Distracted, barely able to spot him sliding the remainder of your punnet from reach. Because Javi remembers how you feel about being asked any critical questions when you are eating.
He supposes it's the one benefit of you making him watch so many romcoms. It allowed him to do market research and ask questions without raising your suspicion, such as where wouldn't you like to be asked and if you want him down on one knee. 
Mainly, I don’t want to have food in my teeth when I’m being asked. Don't want to spit any leftovers at you in my shock.  
“Hey,” he whispers, stealing your attention—watching you smile, glancing at your clean teeth. “Eres preciosa.”
Your lips slide, curling up into your cheek. “You’re such a flirt, Peña.”
Kissing your cheek, he keeps his arm around you. Fingers playing with the fabric on your hip—balling it up before smoothing it out. Thumb and index brushing, calming, soothing him as your eyes glance over the page.
Occasionally, asking him things, avoiding the clues he desperately wants you to solve.
Fuck, until.
“Hmm,” he mumbles, pretending indifference, head tilted down, resting his chin on your shoulder—knowing from the high-pitched way you said this name that you’ve already cracked it.
Your fingers slide over the paper, smothering the white and black boxes from view. “Javi?”
“Yes, baby.”
“I think that’s my reply, isn’t it?”
Lips curling, he wraps his fingers around your chin, turning you to face him. Watching it happen in slow motion, how you smile before you grin—tears all but filling your eyes as you clearly try not to get ahead of yourself.
“You wanna make me less lonely, cariño?”
Swallowing, you drop the paper. Let it fall to the blanket, twisting your body until your knees are between his thighs as you take both sides of his cheeks.
Nodding, a tear falls. It's one shimmering with joy and happiness, his thumb swiping it, spreading it across your skin.
“I don’t know… I don’t know the translation,” you laugh, it spluttering, fingers stroking his skin. “But I’ll marry you. I love you. Yes, Javi.”
And he whispers it.
The translation. Pressing it, as well as I love you, to your lips as his arms snake further around your waist. Hearing you, all quiet, it almost buried in kisses, repeating the translation back.
Before he falls backwards into the grass, with you on top of him—his fiancé. His world.
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you fancy coming to laredo in autumn
Any particular reason?
been told I need a best man and I only know you
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an: gosh, here we are. i began writing late night texts one night after a chaotic chat with @guyfieriii because i was manic/sad/anxious all at once and it was the only logical thing i could focus on. as much as javi and reader saved one another, they saved me too. thank you to you lovely lot. not only did you welcome this in with open arms, but you cheered me on every single week (also, btw, how cool is it we didn't miss a single week omg). i owe you so much, and i cannot believe we made it here together. to the old followers, i see you. to the new ones who just discovered me, hey, welcome. to all of the friends I've harrassed over the last few months, i love you. to the new ones I've made, i also love you omg. i'm already missing this pair so much, and i cannot wait until we get to hang out with them sporadically. i'm going to go cry in a corner, but just know my heart is so full and so happy and it's all down to you all 🩷
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mrsbarnesblog · 11 months
masterlist ko-fi ao3
CEO! Husband! Bucky Barnes x Wife! Reader
Summary: Bucky is always working overtime, but when his best girls really need him, he leaves everything behind just to make you happy.
Words count: 1.6k
Warnings: modern setting, CEO Bucky, they have a daughter, fluff, real love
Author’s note: this one was inspired by Sebastian’s appearance in Paris. he really gave me a heart attack with that look❤️‍🔥
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Bucky Barnes was a busy man. Running a multi-million-dollar company wasn’t the easiest thing, but something that he cared more about than this job was his family. His beautiful wife and daughter.
You always loved and appreciated the attention, support, and endless love that your husband gave, even when you just started dating eight years ago. As soon as you met, it took some time for both of you to finally admit your feelings, but when you got together, it was perfect. You’ve never felt that way in your life before. When you were younger, everyone told you that you wouldn’t be able to find a person because of your high standards, but when you started dating James Buchanan Barnes, you knew that it was forever.
A beautiful, respectful, and caring man who would do anything for you.
For the past two months, he has been more distant. His company was getting bigger; he had too many meetings, and too many new things required his whole attention. You understood it; of course you did. But you would be lying if you said that you didn’t miss him. Your daughter felt it too. She was totally daddy’s girl, so being away from him for too long upset her, even though she was trying to be tough and careless, just like her dad when he was working.
You talked to her about her dad’s work, and she was a smart girl for a 3-year-old. She understood that he has a lot to do right now and that he still loves her more than anything in this world.
Today he returned home only after 2 am., you heard that he went to take a shower in a different room, probably not to wake you up. But you were too eager to spend as much time with him as possible, even if it was when he was falling asleep.
Bucky came into the room quietly. As soon as he got under the blanket, his warm and strong arms wrapped around you. He pulled you closer to him, burying his nose into your neck.
"I’m sorry, doll. Again." He took a deep breath, enjoying your scent, which he missed so much. "I love you."
"That’s okay, baby." You moved even closer to him, burying your fingers into his wet hair, and left a kiss on his temple. "I love you too. Now take some rest."
You hadn't even started to fall asleep when you heard a weird noise outside your bedroom, and then the door slightly opened.
"Daddy? Mommy?" A little voice came through the silence of the room. "Are you asleep?" Your daughter suddenly sobbed, and you and Bucky immediately sat on the bed, reaching for the nightstand lamps.
"Hey, angel, what happened? Come here." Bucky’s voice was very soft and gentle, as always when he talked to your daughter. She came closer to the bed, and Bucky picked her up, putting her on his lap. She was tightly holding her favorite white wolf, which you gifted Bucky as a joke because of his nickname at work. Your daughter's eyes were a little bit red, her hair messy, and her cheeks wet with tears. You moved closer to them, gently rubbing her face.
"What’s going on? You saw a bad dream?" You quietly asked, but she just shook her head.
"I— I—" She was obviously too upset to put her words together, so Bucky started to rub her back, whispering a quiet "sh-h".
"I— miss you, daddy." As soon as these words left her mouth, you and Bucky froze, and she started crying even harder. "I don’t s-see you, and me and mom—mommy are always alone."
Bucky looked you in the eyes, and you saw that his own were full of tears. The last thing he wanted to do was upset either of you. He felt that his heart was ripping apart. You made your daughter cry, you idiot. Your wife deserves better.
You just put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed, already knowing where his mind went. He always wanted to give his family everything, and the fact that he put work above his two favorite people in the world made him sick.
"Angel, hey, baby, look at me." Bucky turned back to your daughter, grabbing her little face with his hands and gently wiping away her tears. "I promise that the day after tomorrow we will go somewhere. Only mommy, you, and me, okay?"
"But—but you’re working."
"I know, angel. But I didn't want to make you feel lonely or to stay away for too long from your mom." He grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth to leave a kiss. "We will go wherever you want to. Maybe stay there for the week. You would like that?" He smiled at your daughter, and she happily giggled, wrapping herself around Bucky’s neck. "I love you. Both of you. You two are my whole life, and I'll do anything to make you happy."
You softly smiled at him, leaning in to leave a quick kiss on his lips.
Your daughter put away her white wolf and opened her other arm, wanting you to join her and Bucky in a hug.
That night she stayed in your bed because she almost passed out in Bucky’s arms but still held onto you both too tightly. The three of you happily curled under the blanket, with your daughter in between. Bucky knew that it was time for him to finally make the right decision. To choose his family.
As Bucky promised, one day later your little family was on a vacation where no one could disturb you. He left Steve, Sam, and Natasha, his closest and oldest friends, in charge of everything, canceled all the meetings, and took you and your daughter on the private jet that brought you here. One of the most beautiful places you’ve ever been.
It was quiet. No strangers, no annoying noise, no worries. Just the three of you on the beach with a perfect little house and warm, crystal-clear water.
You were wearing a light flowy dress, and Bucky, finally free from those annoying suits, chose trousers with a white tank top and shirt on top of it.
You two were sitting under the sunset on a blanket with food and a bottle of wine, while your daughter was playing near the water with sand. It was such an amazing evening; just everything was perfect, and as you were watching your smiling husband, you felt that you had fallen in love once again.
"You keep staring at me, doll, You ‘kay?" He finally turned his face to you, and you couldn't hold your wide smile, which he immediately returned.
"I’m okay. It’s just… everything is perfect here—the beach, the house, you two here." You covered your eyes with your hand because of the setting sun. "You know, you’ve been here for a couple of hours, but you look much better. Your skin is glowing, you’re happy, and, god, that hair bun looks really hot." Bucky’s smile grew wilder because of your words.
He grabbed you in bridal style and set you across his lap, wrapping his hands around your waist. You slightly screamed, not being ready for such movements, but then happily melted into your husband's touch.
"So you think that I look hot?" A cheesy grin crossed his face, and you playfully rolled your eyes.
"Do you think I would’ve married you if I thought otherwise, James?" You arched an eyebrow at him. Your hands found the perfect place under Bucky’s blue shirt by themselves. God, it's been too long since you spent good time together alone.
"What do you think about the idea that when we get home, we send our daughter to visit her amazing grandparents, so we could be completely alone for a couple of days?" He said it as if he was reading your mind, so you just silently nodded. "Doll, you’re too beautiful for this damn world; I can’t even understand how I was able to be far away from you for that long. I missed you so much, baby." Bucky’s hands slipped lower on your hips, while his lips were leaving sweet kisses on the side of your neck.
"Not here, Buck; we’re not alone, remember?" You nodded back at your daughter, who was honestly more interested in building sandcastles.
"Of course. Just wanted to say that I’m so sorry for my absence. I got so involved in work that I didn’t even notice that you too were hurt. I’ve never wanted to do that. I’m sorry. And I love you. So fucking much." Bucky connected your foreheads and put his right hand on your cheek.
"Don’t be sorry. I know that you want better for us and that you want to do everything right. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. You know, you are such a great dad because your daughter’s tears made you leave everything and spend time with us. And I’m forever thankful for this." You smiled, holding his stubbled face in your hands. "I love you, James."
You two connected with a kiss. It wasn’t too rough or desperate. It was just pure love and adoration for one another. Bucky was slowly moving his lips, feeling the need for your taste, your smell, and your touch. Your little bubble didn’t last too long, though, not after your daughter finally wanted your attention.
"Mommy! Daddy!" You pulled away from the kiss, looking back at your daughter, who was now all in the sand. "Do you want to help me build a castle?"
You looked at Bucky, who had the same smile on his face.
"Of course, angel. What do you need from us?"
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 months
HEYY BABES SO CAN U DO A JJ x sister!reader (few years younger, she’s a teen.)
TW: depression, talks of SH, ED, etc…
She comes home and seems off and all the pogues know she suffers from depression, and so JJ is like hey bbg (NICKNAMES PLS) and lightly tries to understand what’s going on, and she just kinda pretends nothing is going on. She goes to the bathroom to take anti-depressants and then all of a sudden she just desperately tries to look for something sharp to SH. She can’t find anything in the bathroom, so she slowly falls to the ground, has a breakdown, JJ comes and is all comforting and understanding and then after she explains to him how she almost relapsed, and then she well yeah u can makeup the rest
warnings: depression, mentions of blades, attempted self harm. I am not responsible for what u read.
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You raced home to the chateau, your hands shoved into your pockets. You held back your tears, taking a deep breath when you stood in front of the door, hand on the doorknob. You twisted it, immediately being met with the faces of your brother and his friends, all lounging on the couch or the floor, nursing beers and joints.
"Yo, what's up, idiot?" JJ asked you, turning to look. You stared back at him and his friends, before wordlessly making a beeline to the bathroom.
JJ turned around, creasing his eyebrows and shrugging at the odd interaction, chugging a beer. Everyone else seemed just as confused.
Worry began to bubble in his chest, and he tried desperately to push it down. The worry only grew when he heard the noises coming from the bathroom.
You locked the bathroom door, letting the tears silently fall finally, and looking at the medicine cabinet. You were throwing and shoving things around, trying desperately to find it, or anything at this point.
"No, no, no." you murmured under your breath, you couldnt find anything, not a blade or even scissors. Your skin was itching, the urge growing strong. You pulled at your scalp, finally falling against the door, your sobbing becoming louder. You held your hand over your mouth, trying to conceal them, but it was no use.
The urge to do it came suddenly, as soon as you left work actually.
"What the fuck...?" JJ muttered under his breath, all of them turning their heads, the room falling into silence now.
"Go check on her, dude!" Kiara told him, shoving his shoulder and motioning to the door.
JJ walked over to the door, messing with the doorknob. He furrowed his eyebrows, panicked, he rapidly moved the doorknob back and fourth.
"Y/n? Y/n, unlock the fucking door, dude. I'm not messing with you right now." He told you, still messing with the doorknob, then banging on the door.
He thought of the time this happened last time at home, his dad shouting and yelling in the background while Jj worriedly knocked on the door of your bedroom, your dad busting the door open and both of them catching on when they saw the sharp object thrown on the ground.
The banging caused to cover your ears, sobbing louder now.
"Y/n... Please don't tell me you did anything stupid." JJ sighed, you taking your hands away from your ears and wiping your tears. “Unlock the door, kid. Please.”
You slowly stood up, unlocking the door with shaky hands. His eyes went to your wrists, making sure nothing new was there. He sighed in relief, wrapping his arms around you, you continuing to cry into his chest with your arms at your side.
His hands cradled the back of your head, he slowly and quietly closed the bathroom door, giving you both some privacy. He waited until he heard nothing but your sniffles to let go. He grabbed your shoulders, staring at you.
"What happened, kid?"
"I... was working, and..." you paused, sniffling and wiping your nose. "I saw dad come up. He- he fucking came up to me, shouting and cussing at me. He almost got me fired!" You told him, anger lacing your voice. "Then he told me that-that I was the reason mom ran away, and I was the reason his life was so shitty, and tried to guilt trip me into coming back." your face creased up as you began to cry again, hiding your face in JJ's shoulder and grabbing onto his shirt.
“He told me that- that I was a terrible daughter, and he grabbed my wrist and-“
“Alright. Alright. You’re okay. Shh.” He swallowed, hand wrapping around you again. Unsure of what to do, he waited until you stopped crying to talk again.
He motioned for you to sit down on the closed toilet seat, and he sat down on the counter, swinging his feet.
“Dad’s- dad’s an asshole, okay? You know not a word of what he said was true, right? He just wants you to come back so that he can fuckin’ steal your money and have someone to be angry at. Fuckin’ prick.” He scoffed, shaking his head.
You looked unconvinced. He stared at you.
“Nothing he said was true, y/n.” He assured you. “He used to say some of the same things to me. You think I let it get to me? Nah. You wanna know why? Because he is a selfish, druggie, loser addict who no one loves. You’re not gonna be him, because you’re fuckin’ awesome, dude!”
You smiled and let out a nasally laugh, making him smile.
“You’re a wayyyyy better surfer and fisher than he is. And he’s a fuckin’ fisherman! How do you let a teenager beat you at your own job, man?” Your giggle widened his smile, you covering your mouth.
“I mean, shit, I would rather be stuck with you for 100 hours than him for a minute. And you ask anyone out there, they’ll say the same.”
You laughed with JJ, and the bathroom was silent until he spoke up again.
“Don’t do that shit again, okay? Especially not because of a nobody like Luke. Next time he comes to your job or even around you, call me and I’ll come beat his ass.” JJ put up fists, punching the air with grunts.
You laughed at his antics and nodded. “I’m sorry, Jj.”
“Don’t be.”
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scribblesofagoonerr · 8 months
God loves a trier though, right? | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, G - God loves a trier though, right?
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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Hi, sorry for the wait on this. This is a bit scrappy, not been proofread at all and I'm currently battling a headache while writing this so apologies if it doesn't make much sense, like at all!
I'm overwhelmed by the amount of support on this. It's definitely become one of my favourite things to write!
As always, my asks are open for anyone to drop me any ideas’ on this fic or anything else that people would like to see be written, however, I am only comfortable writing anything platonic though :)
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Reader returns from the hospital, which leads to a heart-to-heart with some usual classic teenage sarcasm.
TW: heavy angst and mentions of SH, MH, suicide and death.
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"Home sweet home" Leah pulls the car into the driveway and turns off the ignition, turning to look at you.
You fake a smile in the blonde's direction as you tug at the sleeves of your hoodie to fight the urge. "Glad to be home" You speak quietly.
You knew going home wasn't going to be as easy as you thought it would be, the reminder was right there in front of you.
A reminder of what you did, what could have been your end.
Until Leah had walked in and saved you.
You didn't really want to die, the voices on the internet were just too much to deal with.
The hate from the fans. The pressure from the media.
At times, everything can be overwhelming. But, being home makes it easier to regain control of being able to hurt yourself.
If you're being honest, that really does scare you.
The vague memory from that night still haunts you as you walk through the flat, sending a chill up your spine.
"Bubs?" Leah calls out to you, as she watches you freeze as you pass the bathroom.
"Uh, I'm... I'm a bit tired. Think I'm gonna have a nap" You tell her, slowly moving in the direction of your bedroom.
"Alright, I'll go and cook us some dinner. I doubt you've eaten much in the last few days if hospital food is anything to go by huh?" Leah jokes as she presses a light kiss to the top of your head. "Have a good nap, I'll wake you up when it's ready, yeah?" She adds.
Slumping into your own space, you glance around your bedrom and you're glad to see it's exactly how you left it.
You had missed your private space when you was in the hospital and you're just glad enough that the blonde hadn't gone to the extreme measures of removing your bedroom door at least.
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"So the girls wanted to come around tonight but I thought it was best to hold off for now" Leah slides the dinner plate in front of you, you can't help but smile when you see it's smiley faces and nuggets.
One of the only things that Leah can actually cook.
You actually missed the small things like that while you were on an extended stay in the hospital.
"Sure" You agree as you reach for the ketchup bottle and squeeze a decent amount on your plate. "I'll be able to see them tomorrow at training, won't I?" You ask.
"Bubs" You can tell Leah is cautious to speak.
"I can train, can't I?" You look directly at the blonde as you await her answer.
Although you have a feeling that you're going to be sitting on the sidelines for a while.
"I have to train, Le! I can't put it off. I've gotta be ready to be selected for the matchday squad!" You insist as you stab your fork into a chicken nugget.
You watch as Leah frowns and hesitates to speak and that confirms your thoughts about it.
"We have a meeting tomorrow with Jonas, Kim, and some of the other staff at the club to discuss things--" Leah begins to explain, starting to eat her own dinner.
"I'm being sidelined?!" You interject in disbelief.
Leah shakes her head as she swallows her food before she speaks. "I didn't say that, Y/N" She states.
You can't help but scoff. "But you sort of did. I can't be sat on the bench-- I can't do it!" You try to insist. "I... I need some kind of purpose. I need a reason to get up in the morning!" You fight back the tears that threaten to spill.
You have to play. You have to be able to do that. You can't have that taken away from you.
"Bubs, let's just see what is said tomorrow. Okay?" Leah frowns and tries to take hold of your hand as you snatch it back.
"I have to be on the pitch, Leah. I can't be sidelined. I... I just can't do it" You state as you push your chair back and bolt up from the table.
"Where are you going?" Leah asks, confused.
"I need to get out. I'm going for a walk, or is that not allowed now?" You sneer as you move to walk over to the coat rack and grab one of your jackets.
"I'll come with you" Leah stands up from the table.
You huff and roll your eyes. "I don't need to be monitored. I want to be alone" You all but plead with her.
"I... I can't let you do that. You know I can't" Leah shakes her head in disagreement. "So we either go for a walk together, or we don't go at all" She states sternly.
"Guess we're both going then, wonderful" You mumble sarcastically and shove a pair of trainers on.
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"It's cold out here this evening" Leah mumbles as she tries to pull her jacket more around to try and get warm, you decide to take a walk alongside the canal not too far away from the flat as you always thought clearer when you were near water.
"You didn't have to come with me" You mutter as you keep your hands shoved in your pockets.
You'd never been too much of a fan of the cold, but you just needed an escape as you felt like the walls were caving in around you being inside the flat.
"You know that I did" Leah replies quietly, exhaling a sigh.
"Oh yeah, of course, that's cos' I'm on suicide watch, right?" You can't help but joke with the blonde.
Leah tenses up at the mention of the subject that's joked about so casually as the two of you walk alongside the canal.
The blonde can't help but try and reach for your bicep to try and pull you away from being too near to the edge of the water.
"You can relax a bit Le, I'm not gonna try and off myself again" You continue to crack jokes about death like you're talking about the weather. "Although jumping into the water seems like a great idea" You add.
The blonde clicks her tongue. "I wish you wouldn't say things like that sometimes" She states in disagreement as she hesitantly looks at the water, trying to pull you back from the edge.
"It's the easier coping method" You quietly admit as you shrug your shoulders as you linger dangerously close to the edge of the water. "How deep do you think it is?" You ask, looking in the direction of the blonde.
"Come away from the water" Leah tries to pull you away from the edge again.
"Why? Afraid I'll actually jump in" You fire back as you can't help but laugh slightly. "You know I can swim, right?" You ask her.
"I know you can swim, but..." Leah looks nervous as she eyes your every move.
"But you think I'd rather try and purposely drown instead?" You wonder, already knowing her answer.
Leah shakes her head and exhales a sigh. "Y/N" She states in a knowing tone of voice that you knew all too well.
"The pressure is too much sometimes, the media... They can be ruthless" You admit quietly, looking back out to the water in front of you.
"I know" Leah replies just as quiet, waiting for you to speak again.
You tug at the sleeves of your hoodie and bite your bottom lip. "It's all too much sometimes. Sometimes I think the world is against me" You tell her, honestly.
"Bubs..." Leah starts to speak.
"Why were you and Katie fighting when I was in the hospital?" You change the subject, refusing to let your vulnerability show.
Leah exhales another sigh. "It's complicated" She says.
"Bullshit" You can't help but scoff and roll your eyes.
"Language" The blonde scolds.
"Well, why aren't you?" You repeat the question, wanting to know the answer.
"Well, adults have disagreements sometimes" Leah states, looking out to the water.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. "C'mon Le, I'm a not naive kid-- Why're you not getting along?" You feel like you're constantly repeating yourself right now.
Leah exhales a sigh and hesitates to speak. "She just thinks that my decision was wrong, to allow the doctors to detain you in the hospital" She explains.
"I know that. You guys were literally fighting about it right in front of me" You remind her with the usual teenage cocky attitude you have.
"She thinks you should've been at home instead, with all of us watching out for you" The blonde defender continues to explain. "But Y/N... I don't know how I can keep you safe when you're at home. You joke about death so casually, I'm so scared that I am going to have to leave you alone, that when I come home, I'll find you lying dead on the floor in a pool of your own blood. At... At least this way when you were in the hospital, I knew you were safe and you couldn't hurt yourself" She confesses the truth.
The truth that leaves an eerie silence.
"I knew you were safe and you couldn't hurt yourself" Her words were like a continuous loop in your head.
Her confession hits you suddenly, leaving you feeling numb.
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Unexpected 52
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, Andy is nasty in this, and other dark elements. Not all kinks or triggers are tagged. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Andy's palm clamps over your mouth, smothering any noise you try to make. You grasp at his thick fingers, puffing through your nostrils as you kick out, fighting his indomitable strength. This can't be. He wouldn't do this. Andy's a nice guy, the only decent guy you knew. It's why you couldn't bring him into your mess.
His arm tightens around your neck as he drags you backward. He presses his cheek to the side of your head and hisses, "shhhh, I don't want to hurt you. That's the last thing I want, honey." You whimper as your feet bounce off the ground, "even though you hurt me. Over and over." He rasps as he hauls you with him, "I only wanted to give you everything. If you let me, I still can."
He swings you around and wrangles you behind his house. Your panic surges as your eyes prick hotly. You shudder and try to calm yourself. Luna. You have to get Luna.
You let your arms go limp, taking careful steps to alleviate the constraint around your neck. He fumbles to open the door and turns you inside. He slams it behind him, closing you inside the impenetrable silence of his home.
He marches you forward. You don't resist. He takes you to another door, this one you've never been past. To be fair, when you were there, you didn't stay long enough to explore. There's a thick deadbolt on the outside.
"Andy," you force out your tight windpipe, "please, don't hurt me--"
"Honey, I won't. We got a daughter to take care of," he opens the door to a carpeted staircase.
"I know, I know," you shakily reach back to touch his hip, "let me go, I'll go down but I could fall if you don't."
"I won't let you," he insists and lurches you forward.
He keeps his arm around your neck, walking you awkwardly down each step, following the sharp angle of the staircase. The basement is made up like an apartment of its own. It's finished with carpet and paint on the walls, changing colours to delineate the space. The kitchen in one corner, a living space in another, a queen bed against the wall, and the corner where the crib looks eerily similar to the nursery in Lloyd's house. You stop and look around, horrified.
Luna whines. You pull against Andy without thinking. You have to control yourself. You repress the urge to claw and fight him.
"Andy," you bring your hands up to your throbbing chest, "I need to feed her. She's hungry... I hurt so bad."
He doesn't let you go right away. He exhales and slowly drops his arm, grazing your hip as he does. You restrain yourself from running across the room. You move cautiously towards the crib. She's there, squirming and squalling for you.
You lift Luna and hush her as you hold her close. She's bawling in fear, you can't let her feel your own. You pull up your shirt and put her to your nipple, angling her to latch. You sigh and turn, sitting on the rocking footrest in front of the glider. You coo and pet her head as she feeds greedily.
"I'm sorry. I tried to feed her," Andy says as he shuts the door at the bottom of the stairs, "she wouldn't take the formula."
"It's okay, she's fussy," you assure him, trying not to think of the surreal circumstance. Just be calm. "Very hungry."
He nods and comes closer, his cheeks kissed red from the bitter winter. He looms across from you, watching as Luna suckles noisily. His gaze weighs on you as you find his eyes fixed on your chest. You don't let the shiver roll up your spine.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
You try not to react. He's asking if you're okay and he's brought you down to his weird bunker? A place like this doesn't just appear overnight.
You gulp, "I'm just happy to have her back. Thank you, Andy."
He smiles and looks you in the face, "I'll keep you safe. Both of you."
You force a smile of your own. There's something off. You see it then in his glassy eyes, as if he's hypnotised.
"Do you have any tea?" You ask softly, "I'm cold."
He flinches and puts his hand on his chest. He clears his throat, "yes, honey, I'll get you some. You like green or--"
"It's late, chamomile?"
"Of course."
He finally backs up and you breathe through your nose as you look down at your daughter. You listen to him moving around the kitchenette. You hug Luna tighter. It's going to be okay, baby girl. I'll make sure of it.
You switch sides as the plucking turns painful. Andy sets down a steaming cup. You could throw it back in his face but you know better. That will only make him angry. You're not fast or strong enough to beat him. You're not getting out tonight.
"Thank you," you feel Luna ease in her hold, "she's getting sleepy."
He stands over you, turning to face you. His hand tickles over your shoulder and he leans it to caress Luna's head as she closes her eyes. You stiffen, livid as he dares to touch your child. You swallow it down as his hand wanders further and he squeezes your other tit. You wince.
"She's so beautiful, just like her mommy," he lets go and gets down to kneel beside you. He leans his head against your shoulder and watches Luna.
"Thank you," you breathe, roll your eyes back against a new wave of tears.
You never expected this, so how could anyone else? No one will come for you, you have to find your own way out.
Luna fusses and rouses you from your trance. Not sleep, just terror. The arm slung around your middle has you paralysed but it cannot keep you from your child. Slowly, you move Andy's arm away from you and sit up. He grumbles as you cross to the crib and lift your daughter, rocking her.
"What're you doing?" He rasps in his morning grit.
"Shhh, she might go back to sleep," you whisper, "she's just not used to her new... home."
He pushes himself up on his elbows and looks at you from under sleepy lashes. He yawns and sits up, fluffing the pillow up behind his back. He stretches his arm towards you, waving you closer, "I'll take her."
"Maybe in a bit, let me just calm her down," you cradle Luna tighter.
"I can do it," he insists, "let me hold our daughter."
His tone deepens, hard as iron. Our daughter? You can't let him hurt her. Or you, you're the only one there to keep her safe.
"Just be gentle," you gird as you come around the bed, "she'll be hungry if she stays awake."
"I know how to hold a baby," he retorts as he sits forward to take her. You carefully put her in his arms, reluctant to back away.
She wriggles as he gazes down at her. You twiddle your fingers, standing close, your chest tight and pounding.
"I go her," he insists, "can you get some coffee on, honey?"
You stare at him, blinking, then glance down at your daughter. "Sure."
You back away, inching to the kitchenette as you can't help but peek back over and over. He coos at her, his voice soft and higher than usual. It makes you want to throttle him even more. Luna feels much the same as her babbles turn to uncomfortable grunts.
You find a bag of coffee and open the machine in the corner. You quickly load it up as your daughter's voice tugs at you. You hear Andy growl.
"She won't stay still," he huffs.
"Like I said, she's probably hungry."
You go back to them and offer to take her. He hands her over but not without muttering. You pull up the same sweater you've been in since the previous morning. You get Luna latched and yipe as you feel a pinch on your other nipple. Andy tweaks through the rumbled fabric and pushes it up.
"Ow," you try to back up but he catches you by the hip.
You keep Luna in place as he turns his legs over the side of the bed and guides you close. You can't resist as you try not to jostle your child. He bares your other tit and in a second, his lips seal around your nipple. You cry out in shock, almost smacking his head as he suckles.
"What are you doing?" You exclaim.
"Mmmm," he hums and pops his mouth off, "you taste good."
"My milk is for her, Andy," you block him from trying again, pushing a hand against his chin as you keep your other arm under Luna. "Don't--"
He pulls his head back and reaches up to grab your tit, squeezing it until your yelp. It hurts so bad. A trickle leaks out as Luna's mouth detaches and she gurgles.
"Andy, you're going to hurt her," you snap.
He only kneads you harder. You whimper and your legs buckle.
"You have more than enough," he insists and slides forward, nibbling on your tender nipple. You whine and move Luna away from him, disgusted by what he's doing.
"Andy, please, I don't-- she needs to feed first--"
He ignores you and keeps suckling, your stomach churning as your daughter begins to wail. He doesn't care at all about your daughter, he's sick and twisted and would let her starve. Well, you won't stand for that. You will get her out of here, at any cost.
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thefiendio · 9 months
‘Trying Something New’ - Gyomei Himejima
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Hihi! I am back within Demon Slayer, and I have a sudden urge to write something on my big blind man Gyo!
Requests are encouraged (please read my blog rules before requesting)
Warnings : SOFT dom reader, sub character, gn reader, edging, handjob (m! Receiving), potential ooc, not proofread, established relationship, light cum eating, consent is established beforehand (but the actual terms of consent are left unsaid in writing), slight teasing, praise, no penetration, unfiltered smut bc I can :P
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A choked moan was pulled out from your boyfriend as your hand drug up from the base of his length all the way to the tip. Giving his sensitive tip a gentle squeeze, you moved your hand up and off of his cock, letting it drop down onto his lower abdomen with a soft slapping noise.
“D-Darling, why’d you stop?” He looked up at you, tears slowly dripping down his face as a soft sob came out of his throat, bubbling out from his chest. You gave him a soft smile and gently patted his chest twice, which he gave you a returning smile at your touch.
“Because, my dear, you agreed to this, and you know that I won’t leave you like this forever, right?” Your sickly sweet tone reached his his ears, making him let out a frantic nod. You, being gracious, gave him a second to gather his thoughts before you spoke again.
“I’m going to continue touching you, okay?” You told him, knowing better than to continue doing something without giving Gyomei a warning, especially when he’s so sweet to you. He desperately nodded, a quiet plea came out of the man and you leaned over to him, and kissed his cheek, before reaching down and starting to stroke him again, tearing a hearty groan out of his kiss-swollen lips.
You started off slow, not wanting to completely overwhelm him, letting him revel in the feeling of your hand dragging up and down his cock, the motion made easy with light remnants of his pre and your saliva. The combination of the two fluids made some quiet wet noises with each movement of your hands.
Gyomei came to you after a particularly easy mission, which your giant of a boyfriend tore through within a couple days, wanting to come home to you as soon as possible.
He asked you if you wanted to try something different and you, understanding that he was pretty vanilla in bed and that he was probably putting off telling you this because he gets really nervous and doesn’t really like asking you for things, agreed. He suggested that there was no penetration, graciously saving your legs and hips this week, and that you prevent him from coming, with just a handjob. This was very different from what you would normally do, but you weren’t complaining at all.
You wanted to see how long he could last with this sort of thing.
Gyomei didn’t disappoint, having lasted two, just recently three, rounds of this sort of thing that would make anyone else squirm and cry. Well, he was crying, but squirming? Not yet.
A moan tore you out of your thoughts as his hips involuntarily bucked upwards to meet your hand with a quiet moan. Normally, he wasn’t very vocal during sex, so this noise made you put the hand not stimulating him against one of his muscular thighs that you totally wanted him to use to crush you and gently patting it while tutting, and sweetly telling him to relax.
He whispered out apologies, but you shushed him and told him that “There’s nothing wrong with you wanting to feel good, so don’t feel bad.”
He nodded at your words and announced loud enough for just you to hear, “I’m-I’m close- please, would you let me-“ Gyomei was cut off from his sentence with a moan as you pressed a kiss directly on his sensitive tip.
You smiled at him and how beautiful he looked right now, sweat making parts of his hair stick to his forehead, tears gently dripped down his face like they normally did during these encounters. A thin layer of sweat on his body, with a few drops dripping down his body and getting on the futon you both shared.
You looked at him and gave him permission to cum, which he started thanking you profusely for, which you shushed him and placed a lingering kiss on his thigh. That action, coupled with how your hand sped up on your ministrations, drove him over the edge.
With a loud moan of your name, Gyomei arched his back slightly, white spurted out of his cock, gently getting some on your hand and parts of his abdomen.
You stroked him through his release, which was a very hot display for you, and sent some tingles down your spine.
As he was catching his breath, you brought your hand up to your mouth and licked his semen off of it. He didn’t react, he couldn’t see you, but he gave you a quizzical look when you groaned pleasurably at the taste of him.
Once he had gathered a consistent supply of air in his lungs to talk, he then asked you another thing,
“Can I please you now? I don’t want you to just do something for me, without getting anything in return.”
..and who were you to deny your sweet boyfriend, Gyo?
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I enjoyed writing this, I hope you like it!
Requests are open if you want to read more of my work, this time YOU choose what I write :)
Demon slayer Masterlist (uncreated, but soon to come ;])
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madi-writes-things · 5 months
Nobody Pt. 7
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 1,255
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), wound cleaning, arguments, Hurt Comfort, Panic Attack, Crying, Nightmare, talk of past trauma (dead brother), Not Edited
A/N: TLDR for the last chapter - Chris notices Y/N drifting slowly, and tries his best to keep her within a safe distance… but one night him and his brothers decide to film a car video. While in the house alone Y/N tries to distract herself from the bad thoughts… it doesn’t work, and she doesn’t want to interrupt the triplets, causing her to relapse and try to commit. She calls Chris, and the guys rush home to find her a bloody mess in the bathroom. (Nick didn’t see it because Chris made him leave, but Matt was really effected by what he saw) after cleaning her wounds, Chris leaves her with nick while he cleans up the mess in the bathroom (Matt left, barely even looking at her), while with nick she tells him everything. The chapter ends with Chris saying “who said I was pretending?”. This chapter picks up right where the last one ended.
if I missed something, please let me know
-Madi <3
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“I told Nick…” he just stares into my eyes. “You don’t have to pretend to love me anymore, there’s no point in lying anymore.”
“who said I was pretending?”
I stare into his icy eyes in the dim lighting, trying to figure out if this was some cruel joke. “Don’t say things you don’t mean Chris.” It’s lined with a venom developed from years of rejection.
“it’s not a lie.” He looks genuine, I want him to mean it. “I think I’m in love with you… we can talk about it in the morning, you need to sleep”
I try to protest, but he just nuzzles his head into the space between my collar and jaw. The adrenaline rush from the events of the night finally dies down, and I realize just how tired I am. Within minutes my heavy eyes drift shut, all thoughts of an explanation long gone.
The sun through the window wakes me up, I reach over for Chris… the bed is cold where he usually lays. I lay in peace for a moment before my brain starts working.
Did I just imagine the conversation with Chris? Was it a lie he told so I didn’t try to kill myself again? Was it just the adrenaline rush that made him say it? What if I dreamt it all? What if-
Before I could keeps coming up with worse case scenarios, the bedroom door opened. Chris walked in carrying two plates of pancakes.
He sits down criss cross in front of me on the bed, handing me a plate and fork. “How are you feeling?” He asks right as I shove a piece of pancake into my mouth.
“much better now… you didn’t need to make me breakfast in bed.” I pause for a second, staring at my food while trying not to cry. “You also didn’t need to say that you love me…”
I hear him set his plate and fork down. “Yes I did… not for you, but for me.” With that I looked up at him. “I have been so scared to tell you how I felt, out of the possibility that it scares you away… but I can’t lose you Y/N, I can’t not tell you how I feel.”
He meant it.
I just stare at him, dumbfounded at how he could really mean it. I’ve never been the kind of girl that all the guys chase, especially guys that look like Chris. I’ve always struggled with how I see myself, and I never thought that I’d believe a man who says he loves me…
But here we are.
“When we’re done eating I need to change your bandages, and then we can watch a movie or something… if you want to, if you want to do something else that’s totally fine…”
He’s rambling, I love it.
I love him.
it’s been a month since the incident, and I’ve never been happier… and I’ve never felt worse.
It's a normal Tuesday night this time… I can feel Chris tossing and turning. I open my eyes to see his face scrunched up in anguish, and I know that it’s my fault. This happens at least once a week.
It’s always the same:
-It starts with tossing and turning
-then he starts pleading (“no, no, please, it’s okay… baby… please, you have to be okay… please don’t leave me…”)
-I usually end up straddling him before gently shaking him awake
-he wakes up and hold me like he never thought he’d see me again, and he never tells me what his nightmares are about.
He doesn’t have to.
I remember the look in his eyes when he opened the door. The way he tried to keep it together, never letting his tears fall. I could hear him breaking down while he cleaned the bathroom floor.
I see that look in his eyes again when he opens them. “It’s okay baby… it’s just a nightmare… everything is okay now.” He burst into tears, pulling me into him. We stay like this until we end up falling back asleep. I wait until I had his breathing even out, and he starts snoring softly before letting myself fall back asleep.
I know he won’t talk about it in the morning, but I’ll still ask him.
The vibe in the house has been tense since that night. I walk into the kitchen, and notice Matt staring at something on his phone.
“good morning.” I say, smiling in his direction.
he looks at me with a look of disgust, before leaving the room.
I’m tired of this… I’m going to follow him to his room to make him talk to me. He hasn’t said a word to me since he found out I was alive.
“Get out of my room.” He snaps in my direction. “I don’t want you here”
“Do you wish I died?” I didn’t mean to say it so bluntly, but it’s been the only thought in my head for the last month.
“Excuse me?” I can tell it offended him. That wasn’t my intention.
“I said ‘do you’… ‘wish that I had died’, it’s a yes or no question.” I didn’t mean to starts out this hostile, but it’s been building for longer than I wanted it to.
“how could you say something like that Y/N?” He has tears in his eyes now. Shit. “I can’t stand to look at you, but it’s not because I wish that you had died!” I clearly misread the situation before me. “I can’t look at you because every time I do, all I see is you on the floor, covered in your own blood. I can’t look at you because I see you, half dead, every time I close my eyes! I don’t sleep anymore Y/N!”
“Im so sorry…” I don’t know what else I can say. It’s true. I hate the way that my mistake has affected the people around me.
“No Y/N, it’s too late to apologize… did you even think about how traumatic finding you like that would be for us?”
“I know how you feel, I can help you with-” I’m cut off before I can finish my sentence.
“You don’t know shit about what this is like! I had to watch my brother patch up the slit wrists of my best friend… the love of his life, and all I could do was stand there!” His voice is shaking, but I can’t stop now.
“Don’t talk about me like you know anything about my life before I moved to Boston! I survived… I understand that you are struggling, but you don’t get to act like I died. I know exactly what you feel like, because I’ve been right where you are… the only difference is that my brother didn’t survive.”
I never told him about my brother, Chris and Nick are the only people in my life who know.
“You can’t possibly imagine the pain of finding your twin brother lying dead on the floor of his bedroom!” The words are coming quicker than I can process. “You never had parents that told you that they wish it had been you, you always got a birthday, and you never had to move to a different state because everyone knew that you tried to kill yourself… so don’t tell me that I don’t know what you’re going through!” I’m practically screaming by the end.
Then I’m crying.
And Matt is holding me while we both cry.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann @jnkvivi
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entitled-fangirl · 6 months
The misaligned stars.
Remus Lupin x Original Character x (past)Regulus Black
Summary: The golden trio knocks on the door of someone who can help them with the Slytherin locket.
Warnings: talks of death, drowning, death eaters, not bad
A/N: It is so hard to try to summarize who liked who and who's related and shit, so good luck.
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Hermione knocked on the door of the small house.
It was Dumbledore's idea- going to the house of Cassiopeia Malfoy.
But Dumbledore was gone, and now it was up to the trio.
The door opened slowly. 
A small woman with the infamous white Malfoy hair peered through the crack. "H…Hello?"
Hermione gave a small smile, "Hello. We're looking for Cassiopeia Malfoy."
The woman's eyebrows furrowed, but her voice remained quiet, "What do you want with her?"
Harry stepped forward, "We have some questions. About this." 
He held up the fake locket.
Even Ron noticed the widening of her eyes and the quickening of her breath.
"…Come in."
The woman set down four cups of hot tea and sat in one of the chairs of the living room. "How did you know I knew about this?"
Ron piped up, "Kreature mentioned you."
Her head tilted, "Kreature? Kreature talked about me?"
"Yeah," Harry chirped as he took a sip of the tea. "He said you took the locket. To keep him from getting hurt."
"That's true," she said. "I couldn't leave him like that. Everyone knows where the Black house is. I could hide it away and no one would know."
"Hide it?" Hermione asked. "What's your connection to the Blacks?"
"My connection?" She almost scoffed. "I am a Black. Somewhat."
The trio gave each other confused looks.
"Oh. You… you didn't… I didn't… um…" Her eyes widened as she looked away.
"You knew Sirius. He said that." Harry said. "Did you… marry him?"
The woman gave out a laugh, "Merlin, no!" She pushed a strand of her curly hair behind her ear. "No, no. Sirius and I were wonderful friends, yes. But, no. I was married to Regulus."
"You married Regulus Black?" Hermione asked in shock.
"I didn't know he was married," Ron quirked.
"That was the point," Cassiopeia said. "After… after James and Lily died- the day they died- Regulus and I married."
"While you were still in school?" Hermione asked again.
"Yes," she said. "We loved each other so much. But, we feared that something could happen to us, and we married that day. If we were to die, we wanted to be married first."
"That's romantic," Hermione sighed.
"That's bloody ridiculous," Ron scoffed.
"Ronald!" Hermione scorned.
"No, it was." Cassiopeia said. "But, it worked. Regulus died not long after and… I still carry the name."
"Cassiopeia… Black?" Harry asked.
She nodded. "But no one else knows that." 
She snapped out of her thoughts, "Right. The locket."
Harry gripped it in his hand, "Locket? I thought it was just a pendant."
"Oh, no." She said. "A locket. But it holds something wicked inside."
"The horcrux." Hermione chimed in.
"Yes. A horcrux. Let me… um…" She stood and disappeared into one of the side rooms of her home. They heard the sound of digging in one of the drawers before she appeared again, "Here it is."
In her hand, a horcrux of Lord Voldemort dangled delicately.
Harry held a hand up to his forehead in pain.
"It was the last thing Regulus did- getting this, I mean." She stated.
Ron held out his hand, taking the locket in his hand. "What happened exactly?"
"It's complicated. You know how to destroy a horcrux?"
Harry shrugged, "No, but we intend to find out."
"Well, if surviving in that cave is any indication, I'd say you three can figure it out."
Her words provided little comfort. 
Harry moved forward in his seat, "I know I'm simply prying but-"
"-But how did he die?" Cassiopeia guessed.
Harry nodded.
"He was drowned by the Inferi."
"He died IN the cave?" Harry asked.
She nodded, sipping her tea again. Her voice was barely heard, "yes."
The three noticed the shaking in her hands.
"Please. Tell us what happened?" Hermione pleaded.
She sighed and set the cup down, "Regulus was a calculated man. He knew what he was doing. He gained the trust of the Dark Lord. He was… he was in the higher ranks. But when Sirius was charged falsely for betraying your parents, Regulus knew the truth and vowed to find a way to kill Voldemort. He… discovered the horcruxes and… well…"
Harry nodded and opened his mouth to say more, but paused when he heard the front door open and a familiar voice ring throughout the home, "Sophie?"
Cassiopeia turned her head to look over her shoulder, "I'm in here, love."
The trio felt the air leave their lungs as Remus Lupin rounded the corner.
He paused, "Oh. Harry, Ron, Hermione. I didn't… I wasn't expecting you three."
He stepped toward the woman and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, Harry is just here to ask about Regulus."
Remus nodded, "I see."
"I'm so sorry," Hermione chimed in. "I have to ask…"
Cassiopeia sighed as her cheeks turned red, "It's a… newer development. Things have been hard for us as of late, and… we find… solace in each other."
They both loved a Black brother.
And both of those brothers were dead.
Remus nodded and bent down to kiss the crown of her head. "I'll make supper. You three stay tonight."
"No, that's alright, Remus-" Harry said.
"-Nonsense." Remus chided. "It's dangerous for you three right now. Stay at least tonight. For me."
The three debated and communicated through their eyes before Harry nodded, "That would be lovely. Thank you."
It was relieving to Harry to finally get to see two people that truly loved each other interact in such a domestic state: making supper.
Their hands brushed occasionally and they shared a smile each time.
He couldn't help but stare.
Even as Remus pulled one of her arms towards him. She absentmindedly let him, immersed in her cooking. He pulled the sleeve of her shirt to her elbow and rubbed the faded dark mark that resided there.
She quickly turned to look at him.
He gave a sweet smile and gently kissed her wrist, then kissed her cheek.
She smiled and shooed him away.
"Why have you never mentioned her before?" Harry asked Remus after dinner.
The man sighed, "It's too complicated."
"Well, we have time." Harry scoffed.
"No, you need your rest. Sleep and we'll talk in the morning. I'll help you get anything you need for the road."
"Thank you, Remus."
"-Remus?" Cassiopeia almost whispered as she leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen.
Remus could feel himself melting at her tired eyes. "Yes, dove?"
"When are you coming to bed?"
His eyes flicked to Harry, then back to her, "In just a moment, darling, I promise."
She nodded and rubbed her eyes. She turned back to her room and muttered a quiet, "G'night, Harry."
Harry made a note of the light in Remus's eyes.
"Tell me." Remus concluded, "Did she tell you what you needed to know?"
Harry shrugged, "I mean…. I still don't know how to destroy it, but I have it now, and that's all I needed from her."
Remus nodded, and pulled his lips into a thin line in thought.
"I'm sorry," Harry piped up, "about Regulus. That must have been hard for her."
"You've no idea," Remus muttered. "She's always been a sweet soul. Even back at Hogwarts. Everyone loved her."
"How the hell did she end up marrying Regulus?" Harry asked.
"She was a Hufflepuff. The Malfoys were outraged. But Regulus managed to talk Lucius into keeping ties with her. After all, that was his sister. But… Regulus took an interest in her. Who wouldn't?" Remus leaned back in his seat, reminiscing out loud for Harry. "And they secretly dated for almost a year before we found out- me, Sirius, Peter, and your father. She ran around in some of our circles. Peter was infatuated with her. We teased him about it all of the time but Sirius would always get mad."
Harry felt a smile come to his face at the thought of his parents' time at the school.
"Regulus and Sophie were still in school, their seventh year when your parents died. Seeing Sirius accused and sent to Askaban. It sent Regulus into a tailspin. They were married after that."
"Yeah, she mentioned that."
"Well, Regulus came to the Order and offered information. We accepted. Not long after, we heard of his death."
Harry furrowed his brows, "But surely Cassiopeia would've stopped him from going, right?"
Remus ran a hand over his face and sighed, "No. He promised her he'd take her… to ease her spirits. But he left in the morning before she awoke. Left her a note. And never came back." He chewed on his lip before continuing, "She didn't find out what happened until Kreature came back and told her."
"And… the dark mark?"
"Ah, yes. Um… She joined when she was dating Regulus. It was to please everyone's families so they could be married. But, she wasn't ever loyal to Voldemort. And Regulus didn't make her attend meetings. He couldn't bare to corrupt her like that."
The boy who lived was finally starting to understand. "And you two…"
Remus chuckled, "We used to be wonderful friends at Hogwarts. Studied together. Never any romantic feelings. Wasn't until after Sirius died that we grew attached to each other."
Cassiopeia appeared in the doorway again, her hair awry this time and wearing pajamas, "-Remus? You promised." 
"And so I did, Sophie." He stood and walked to her, taking her waist in his hands gently. "Good night, Harry. We'll talk in the morning."
Harry could hear the two wandering down the hall as Remus cooed, "Let's get you to bed, sweet woman."
It made the boy's heart happy.
In another world, he thought, they'd be beyond happy.
He flipped the locket over and over in his hand, lost in thought.
Cassiopeia Black. Hmm.
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inmyicyworld · 1 year
CEO Husband Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky is always working overtime, but when his best girls really need him, he leaves everything behind just to make you happy.
Words count: 1.6k
Warnings: fluff, dad and husband Bucky, like one curse word.
Author’s note: just a cute little drabble. obviously, Sebastian’s pictures from Paris inspired me, so enjoy <3
masterlist my ao3 ko-fi
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Bucky Barnes was a busy man. Running a multi-million-dollar company wasn’t the easiest thing, but something that he cared more about than this job was his family. His beautiful wife and daughter.
You always loved and appreciated the attention, support, and endless love that your husband gave, even when you just started dating eight years ago. As soon as you met, it took some time for both of you to finally admit your feelings, but when you got together, it was perfect. You’ve never felt that way in your life before. When you were younger, everyone told you that you wouldn’t be able to find a person because of your high standards, but when you started dating James Buchanan Barnes, you knew that it was forever.
A beautiful, respectful, and caring man who would do anything for you.
For the past two months, he has been more distant. His company was getting bigger; he had too many meetings, and too many new things required his whole attention. You understood it; of course you did. But you would be lying if you said that you didn’t miss him. Your daughter felt it too. She was totally daddy’s girl, so being away from him for too long upset her, even though she was trying to be tough and careless, just like her dad when he was working.
You talked to her about her dad’s work, and she was a smart girl for a 3-year-old. She understood that he has a lot to do right now and that he still loves her more than anything in this world.
Today he returned home only after 2 am., you heard that he went to take a shower in a different room, probably not to wake you up. But you were too eager to spend as much time with him as possible, even if it was when he was falling asleep.
Bucky came into the room quietly. As soon as he got under the blanket, his warm and strong arms wrapped around you. He pulled you closer to him, burying his nose into your neck.
"I’m sorry, doll. Again." He took a deep breath, enjoying your scent, which he missed so much. "I love you."
"That’s okay, baby." You moved even closer to him, burying your fingers into his wet hair, and left a kiss on his temple. "I love you too. Now take some rest."
You hadn't even started to fall asleep when you heard a weird noise outside your bedroom, and then the door slightly opened.
"Daddy? Mommy?" A little voice came through the silence of the room. "Are you asleep?" Your daughter suddenly sobbed, and you and Bucky immediately sat on the bed, reaching for the nightstand lamps.
"Hey, angel, what happened? Come here." Bucky’s voice was very soft and gentle, as always when he talked to your daughter. She came closer to the bed, and Bucky picked her up, putting her on his lap. She was tightly holding her favorite white wolf, which you gifted Bucky as a joke because of his nickname at work. Your daughter's eyes were a little bit red, her hair messy, and her cheeks wet with tears. You moved closer to them, gently rubbing her face.
"What’s going on? You saw a bad dream?" You quietly asked, but she just shook her head.
"I— I—" She was obviously too upset to put her words together, so Bucky started to rub her back, whispering a quiet "sh-h".
"I— miss you, daddy." As soon as these words left her mouth, you and Bucky froze, and she started crying even harder. "I don’t s-see you, and me and mom—mommy are always alone."
Bucky looked you in the eyes, and you saw that his own were full of tears. The last thing he wanted to do was upset either of you. He felt that his heart was ripping apart. You made your daughter cry, you idiot. Your wife deserves better.
You just put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed, already knowing where his mind went. He always wanted to give his family everything, and the fact that he put work above his two favorite people in the world made him sick.
"Angel, hey, baby, look at me." Bucky turned back to your daughter, grabbing her little face with his hands and gently wiping away her tears. "I promise that the day after tomorrow we will go somewhere. Only mommy, you, and me, okay?"
"But—but you’re working."
"I know, angel. But I didn't want to make you feel lonely or to stay away for too long from your mom." He grabbed your hand and brought it to his mouth to leave a kiss. "We will go wherever you want to. Maybe stay there for the week. You would like that?" He smiled at your daughter, and she happily giggled, wrapping herself around Bucky’s neck. "I love you. Both of you. You two are my whole life, and I'll do anything to make you happy."
You softly smiled at him, leaning in to leave a quick kiss on his lips.
Your daughter put away her white wolf and opened her other arm, wanting you to join her and Bucky in a hug.
That night she stayed in your bed because she almost passed out in Bucky’s arms but still held onto you both too tightly. The three of you happily curled under the blanket, with your daughter in between. Bucky knew that it was time for him to finally make the right decision. To choose his family.
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As Bucky promised, one day later your little family was on a vacation where no one could disturb you. He left Steve, Sam, and Natasha, his closest and oldest friends, in charge of everything, canceled all the meetings, and took you and your daughter on the private jet that brought you here. One of the most beautiful places you’ve ever been
It was quiet. No strangers, no annoying noise, no worries. Just the three of you on the beach with a perfect little house and warm, crystal-clear water
You were wearing a light flowy dress, and Bucky, finally free from those annoying suits, chose trousers with a white tank top and shirt on top of it. 
You two were sitting under the sunset on a blanket with food and a bottle of wine, while your daughter was playing near the water with sand. It was such an amazing evening; just everything was perfect, and as you were watching your smiling husband, you felt that you had fallen in love once again.
"You keep staring at me, doll, You ‘kay?" He finally turned his face to you, and you couldn't hold your wide smile, which he immediately returned.
"I’m okay. It’s just… everything is perfect here—the beach, the house, you two here." You covered your eyes with your hand because of the setting sun. "You know, you’ve been here for a couple of hours, but you look much better. Your skin is glowing, you’re happy, and, god, that hair bun looks really hot." Bucky’s smile grew wilder because of your words.
He grabbed you in bridal style and set you across his lap, wrapping his hands around your waist. You slightly screamed, not being ready for such movements, but then happily melted into your husband's touch.
"So you think that I look hot?" A cheesy grin crossed his face, and you playfully rolled your eyes.
"Do you think I would’ve married you if I thought otherwise, James?" You arched an eyebrow at him. Your hands found the perfect place under Bucky’s blue shirt by themselves. God, it's been too long since you spent good time together alone.
"What do you think about the idea that when we get home, we send our daughter to visit her amazing grandparents, so we could be completely alone for a couple of days?" He said it as if he was reading your mind, so you just silently nodded. "Doll, you’re too beautiful for this damn world; I can’t even understand how I was able to be far away from you for that long. I missed you so much, baby." Bucky’s hands slipped lower on your hips, while his lips were leaving sweet kisses on the side of your neck.
"Not here, Buck; we’re not alone, remember?" You nodded back at your daughter, who was honestly more interested in building sandcastles.
"Of course. Just wanted to say that I’m so sorry for my absence. I got so involved in work that I didn’t even notice that you too were hurt. I’ve never wanted to do that. I’m sorry. And I love you. So fucking much." Bucky connected your foreheads and put his right hand on your cheek.
"Don’t be sorry. I know that you want better for us and that you want to do everything right. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. You know, you are such a great dad because your daughter’s tears made you leave everything and spend time with us. And I’m forever thankful for this." You smiled, holding his stubbled face in your hands. "I love you, James."
You two connected with a kiss. It wasn’t too rough or desperate. It was just pure love and adoration for one another. Bucky was slowly moving his lips, feeling the need for your taste, your smell, and your touch. Your little bubble didn’t last too long, though, not after your daughter finally wanted your attention.
"Mommy! Daddy!" You pulled away from the kiss, looking back at your daughter, who was now all in the sand. "Do you want to help me build a castle?"
You looked at Bucky, who had the same smile on his face.
"Of course, angel. What do you need from us?"
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forest-hashira · 6 months
Better Than Sake
hi everyone! this is the first in what will hopefully be a series of little one shots for the Noble Blood universe! some will be timestamps/scenes i want to write but don't fit into the overall fic for various reasons, some will be AUs within the AU. (& yes, i promise i'm still working on the main fic!!!)
shoko and utahime are about 16 or so in this. don't drink underage kids!!! especially not sake that shit is Strong (imo)
series masterlist here | read on ao3 here | wc: ~1.2k | cw: underage drinking, coming out (sort of, it's not made a big deal), love confessions (also kinda), first kisses, this is just shokohime, no other characters involved
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“Are you sure we’re not going to get in trouble?” Utahime asked in a whisper, glancing over her shoulder for a moment, checking for at least the dozenth time in the last two minutes that they hadn’t been followed.
“I never said I was sure,” Shoko replied. “I said I was pretty sure, which is not the same thing. That’s why I didn’t bring Ryoji, and why I told you to leave Patience at home.”
“Sh!” the brunette shushed, turning and pressing a finger to the other girl’s lips. “If you keep fretting like that, someone’s gonna hear us, and then we’ll definitely get in trouble.”
Utahime frowned, but she nodded, not saying another word as Shoko took her hand and guided her down to the beach. Though it was late, it wasn’t cold, like it had been the last few weeks; it was finally warming up, and for that the girls were thankful.
They sat a short distance from the water, pressed side to side, when Shoko held up a bottle of sake.
“Want some?”
“Where were you even carrying that?”
“A magician never reveals her secrets.” With a smirk, Shoko pulled the cork from the bottle. “Do you want the first taste?”
There was a brief silence as Utahime considered the question; she didn’t really want to have the first drink, but she also knew the odds that shoko would try to drink the entire bottle by herself if she said no were high.
“Fine,” the darker haired girl sighed, holding out her hand for the bottle. 
“That’s my girl.” Shoko passed the bottle to the other girl, and though she noticed the way her words had made Utahime’s face go pink, she said nothing. 
Eager to distract herself from the way Shoko’s words made her heart skip a beat, Utahime was quick to snatch the bottle, pressing it to her lips and taking a much bigger swig than she intended to.
“Ugh, Sho, that is disgusting,” she complained, though she did manage to swallow the alcohol before speaking.
“Is it?” Shoko took the bottle back, taking her own drink, though hers was admittedly more controlled than Utahime’s had been. She swallowed, her only outward reaction being a slight wrinkling of her nose, and she shrugged. “I’ve had to take medicine worse than that,” she said simply, taking another sip before offering the bottle to the other girl again.
“Do I even want to know what kinds of medicines you’re taking if they taste worse than this?” Utahime mumbled, mostly to herself, as she accepted the bottle and took another, albeit much smaller, sip. “Don’t answer that question,” she added, when she saw Shoko open her mouth out of the corner of her eye. “I don’t need to know what you get up to that requires nasty medicine.”
Shoko just laughed. “You’re blushing, Hime,” she teased.
“Am not.”
“Are too. You just even more red, actually.” 
Utahime took another drink. She doesn’t have to look so smug, she thought to herself.
“What’s on your mind, hm? Thinkin’ about what I must be doing to need to take all that medicine if I’m not sick?”
“No,” the darker haired girl answered, too quickly.
“I think you are.”
A small groan, another sip from the bottle before shoving it back at her friend. “Shut up, Sho.”
The brunette relented for a moment, accepting the sake and taking another drink of her own. “Whatever you think I’m doing, you’re probably wrong.”
Utahime startled slightly. “Huh?”
“I’m not sick,” Shoko answered. “Well, not sick sick, but it's hard to work with sick people all the time and not catch something every once in a while. And I don’t take medicine for the same things some of the boys that live here do. I know you’ve heard them talk.”
If it was even possible, Utahime felt her face heat even more. She had heard some of the other boys from around the settlement talk about what caused their… medical problems; they were always so vulgar, and generally rather demeaning about the girls they were fooling around with. “Yeah, I have.”
“That’s not my issue, though. I don’t mess around with boys.”
“Because your parents would kill you if you got a disease from one of them?” It was a poor attempt at a joke, but it made the corner of Shoko’s lips twitch into a smile for a moment.
“No.” She took another drink from the bottle – quite a big one, Utahime noticed – and held it in her mouth for a moment before swallowing, as if she were stalling, or bracing herself for something. 
Though she couldn’t deny how curious she was about what could have her best friend, who was normally so laid back and unbothered, acting so hesitant, Utahime was willing to be patient.
“I don’t mess around with boys because I don’t like boys.”
“Neither do I.” Because really, what was there to like about boys, especially at their age? The only respectful boy she knew was Kento, and he wasn’t appealing to her like that. No boy had ever appealed to her that way, actually, now that she thought about it.
Shoko turned to face her, a slightly wary look in her eye. “I mean I’m not attracted to boys, Hime.”
“Oh.” There’s a beat of silence, then another. “Who are you attracted to, then?” 
Shoko tilted her head slightly, and Utahime found herself caught up – even more than usual – in the way her pretty brown hair swayed around her shoulders and framed her pretty face. Is she always this pretty? Utahime thought, Or am I drunk? Does being drunk even work like that?
“I’m attracted to you.”
When did she get that close? Was she that close the whole time? Oh my god— the slightly older girl’s mind raced, and without even thinking about it, she started leaning in a little closer. “Y-you— you are?”
“Mmhm,” Shoko hummed. Her own face was flushed a bit now, though not quite as much as her friend’s, and her pupils had dilated a bit more. “Yeah, I am. Have been for a while now, I think…”
I want to kiss you so bad right now.
“I wanna kiss you too.”
“I said that out loud?” Utahime asked, not nearly as embarrassed about it as she thought she would be.
“Yeah. Did you not mean to?”
“Not really. But I do want to kiss you.”
“Good. I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Utahime wasn’t sure what she expected from her first kiss, but it certainly wasn’t this. Shoko’s lips were soft, and her touch was gentle, more affectionate and sweet than any boy likely would have been. Utahime let out a small, somewhat muffled hum and pressed a bit closer for a moment, her eyes fluttering shut until Shoko pulled away, presumably to catch her breath. 
She opened her eyes again then, licking her lips without thinking about it. “You taste like—”
“Sake?” Shoko guessed, a slight smile on her lips. “Better than sake,” Utahime replied, smiling back. “Much better.”
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 9 months
Stuck Between a Jock and a Metalhead
Summary: Nancy, on a whim, decides to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy, which leads to her overhearing confessions from Steve that leads her to think about the decisions she's made. A few days later, she decides to come back. She finds him being hit on by the town freak. What's a girl to do? Oh, get stuck in a freezer with the both of them.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Nancy scribbled furiously in her diary as she wrote about the last few days. She talked about Eddie and Steve. . .Steve’s family. She felt so guilty about not really noticing or paying attention to his home life. She couldn't believe that his parents couldn't find any room in their heart to love him. She also discussed the goings-on at work. She had filled several pages already. The word pansexual stared up at her from the page with several question marks behind the word, and she glanced at the picture of Barb at her desk.
Nancy couldn't help but think about what she told Eddie and Steve. She really didn't think about dating anyone before Steve came along. As she thought about it, her attraction to Jonathan grew as she looked hard at the person he was trying to be for her, someone who was willing to break the rules for her. . . For her friend Barb. She had wanted to believe that he was doing it for Barb, and he had gone to great lengths to protect his brother. It was why she was willing to ignore everything else. She also realized she was attracted to Eddie because of the way he interacted with Holly. The first time that she had interacted with Steve. . .
Nancy was walking in the hallway when she saw someone rush past Steve and Tommy H. The person, not seeing where they were going, knocked all of the books out his hands and Steve's.
"I'm sorry, I didn't see you. I'm late for class," the fluffy haired boy said.
"I think Steve deserves better than that. I mean, you could have seriously hurt him. Kiss his feet, I think that would be hilarious, don't you think, Stevie boy?" Tommy laughed.
"Knock it off, Tommy," Steve glared at him. "What's wrong with you?"
"I really am sorry," the boy said.
"It's fine. No harm done," Steve said as he helped pick up his books.
"I'm just messing with the boy, Steve," Tommy giggled as he squeezed the boy's shoulder tightly. "Just trying to keep things. . . Orderly. . .isn't that right, freshman?"
Steve scowled and peeled his fingers off the freshman, shoving Tommy.
"Stop it, Tommy, this isn't like you. Stop trying to be like those asshole basketball players. Just because we're on the team. . . ," Steve muttered and turned to the boy. "Go on to class, you did nothing wrong."
The boy scurried off while Tommy laughed at him.
"Shoving me. . .does someone want to play rough?" Tommy asked, and then he rolled his eyes.
"I didn't join the team to become a bully, Tommy," Steve said. "It was one thing when you bitch about someone behind their back. This just makes you look like an asshole."
"Don't be such a baby, Harrington. I was just joking," Tommy said. "Don't be such a coward."
"Right," Steve said and watched him walk off.
It was one thing to stand up to a bully, but it was another thing to stand up to your friend when he's acting like one. He had been so nice and understanding to the freshman. . . She had never seen it before, but she finally understood what everyone was talking about when Steve Harrington was so handsome. She could see it now. Maybe that's why she had been so shocked when he broke his camera because at first she had seen it as something a bully would do. Her attraction to people clearly weren't looks, but their actions. The more she thought about it, the more she thought about Barb.
"This isn't you, Nance."
She always knew about Barb from the beginning. She had been a lesbian, boys hadn't held her interest at all, and maybe because Nancy hadn't shown any interest at all at first, maybe she thought Nancy was like her. She wondered if Barb had been trying to protect her character or her sexuality. It was probably both. She knew about Barb's own fears of being forced into a heterosexual relationship, and it had been the reason why Barb hadn't told her parents. Barb would never know if her parents would accept her or not.
"Nancy?" Her mother's voice startled her out of her thoughts.
Nancy jolted. She hadn't even noticed that the door had opened and her mother's head had appeared in the doorway.
"Hey," Nancy said softly.
"I thought you would be in bed by now. I just came to check on you," Karen said. "Is everything okay?"
"You'd love me no matter what, right?" Nancy asked.
"Of course," Karen asked. "What's brought this on?"
"Mommy, would you still love me if I fell in love with a woman?" Nancy asked.
Karen looked at her in surprise before smiling and cupping her face.
"Of course, I would," she replied and paused. "Are you in love with a woman?"
"Well, no. I think I just realized that it doesn't really matter what someone's gender is, I think I'm open to the idea of falling in love with a woman," Nancy said. "I could definitely see myself with a woman, but right now. . .no."
"Well, you've always fought for what you wanted, and I always admired that about you," Karen said. "I'll always support you."
"What if I wanted to rob banks for a living?" Nancy asked.
"It depends on what you wanted to do with the money," Karen said, and they both laughed.
"What if dad has a problem with it?" Nancy asked.
"Then I'd shoot him," Karen said, and Nancy laughed. "Thank you for talking to me about it. I'm here if you need to talk about it some more."
"I think I'm ready for bed now," Nancy said. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Karen said and hugged her tightly.
Nancy went to sleep that night, loving her mother more than ever. She had some flaws, but loving her children unconditionally wasn't one of them. As she drifted off to sleep, she realized the fluffy haired boy who Tommy had tried to force to kiss Steve’s feet had been Eddie's friend, Gareth. She eventually fell into dreamland, where she dreamed of Eddie and Steve chasing after a gaggle of children surrounded by trees and woodland creatures. The kids ran toward Otis, Steven, and Irene. Otis and Steve were wearing their uniforms. Irene was in a lovely blue dress with her red hair all pinned up. Suddenly, it changed. Nancy was the one in the blue dress, except there was a fedora on her pinned up hair, and she was typing away on her typewriter while the kids danced around her, blowing her kisses. Steve and Eddie were dancing in each other's arms in their uniforms, kissing each other deeply with each dip. They pulled Nancy into their arms and kissed her. Of course, the dream ended with Nancy trying to stop Eddie from making their new baby his new drummer.
Nancy woke up with a smile on her face, but she wasn't sure why because the dream had been really weird. She blushed as she got ready for the day, thinking aboutthe dream. It wouldn't be like Otis, Irene, and Steve because if all three of them were together, Nancy wanted all three of them to be. . . Well, not platonic, that's for sure. She looked at the clock and saw that she had gotten up early. Nancy headed downstairs and saw Mike helping his mother make breakfast in the kitchen.
"I knew it! I knew you liked helping mom in the kitchen," Nancy said teasingly.
"Nancy!" Mike exclaimed.
"You're going to scare him away," Karen said playfully. "It's all thanks to Steve that Mike realized it's not just a woman's job."
"And thanks to dad passing on his genes to me, being a terrible cook, isn't just a man's job," Nancy grinned.
"Hey," Ted said, walking into the kitchen with Holly. "We can make coffee and toast. That's something."
Nancy giggled.
"Speaking of Steve, you've been spending a lot of time with him lately," Karen said, looking at her knowingly.
"Oh, man, are you guys getting back together?" Mike asked, scrunching up his nose.
"Stop acting like you hate Steve. We all know how much you love him," Nancy said teasingly. "And no, we're just friends."
"I suppose it wouldn't be the worst thing if you guys got back together," Mike rolled his eyes.
"Was that hard? It's okay. You can go back to being an angsty teenager," Nancy said and Mike huffed.
"Heard Steve was thinking about reopening his grandfather's salon," Ted said. "Otis was a good man. It would be nice to see that up and running again."
"Hmm, yeah. I helped him go through his grandfather's things the other day. It certainly sounds like he's a much better man than Steve’s father," Nancy said.
"Steve is lucky that he takes after Otis rather than John," Ted said.
"Steve would love to hear you say that," Nancy said.
"Is Steve’s daddy an asshole?" Holly asked and Mike snorted.
"Holly!" Karen and Nancy exclaimed.
"Yes, but also, don't say that," Ted said.
"Anyway," Nancy said, struggling not to laugh. "Steve offered to take me to work today. He doesn't have to go in until later."
"Oh, maybe you can call him, and he can be here early to have breakfast with us," Karen said.
"That would be awesome," Mike said, and then he scowled. "Whatever, I don't care."
Nancy laughed and used the kitchen phone to call him.
"You've been requested by my mother and Mike to come here early to eat breakfast with us," Nancy said.
"And Holly! Holly wants Steve here too!" She shouted.
"And Holly, too," Nancy laughed.
"Alright, let me finish getting ready, and I'll be there," Steve said.
Holly was the first one to greet him as soon as he walked through the door and threw herself into his arms.
"Steve, it's good to see you," Ted said, holding out his hand.
"Ted, man, it's great to see you," Steve said, shaking his hand. "Quick, say something funny!"
Ted laughed and wacked him on the head with his newspaper. Steve handed Mike a comic book after greeting Karen with a hug.
"Finished reading up on our favorite comic book hero!" Steve exclaimed and Mike beamed.
"And? What did you think?" Mike asked.
"Hm, little disappointed with the ending, but I can't wait for the next issue," Steve said.
"Yeah, me too," Mike said.
Having Steve join them for breakfast made Nancy happier than when Steve joined them in the past. Maybe it was because she was more aware of how great it was to have him around. Steve insisted on helping clean up after breakfast, and Nancy insisted on helping him. They worked in comfortable silence with them occasionally flicking water at each other while hip bumping each other, breaking the silence with their giggles. Once they were done, Steve and Nancy said their goodbyes before heading towards the door. Steve was stopped by Holly.
"Are we going to see you more, Steve?" Holly asked.
"I hope so," Steve replied.
"Definitely," Nancy said, grinning at him.
"Good, cause I missed you," Holly said.
"I missed you too," Steve said and shared a soft smile with Nancy as Holly hugged him.
They pulled away in Steve's car, singing along to Madonna. After a couple of songs, Nancy looked over at Steve.
"Thanks for driving me to work," Nancy said.
"It's not a problem, happy to do it," Steve grinned.
"You know, my parents are thinking about getting me a car for my birthday," Nancy said.
"And how do you know that?" Steve asked.
"I might have overheard a private conversation," Nancy said.
"Nancy Wheeler, you sneek!" Steve laughed.
"What? I need to practice my sleuthing skills," Nancy said, rolling her eyes. "It was a complete accident."
"Right," Steve grinned. "Oh, looks like we're here. Uh, I hope you have a good day and that those assholes don't get to you."
"Not even they could get to me today," Nancy said.
"Yeah. Are you having a good morning?" Steve grinned.
"Definitely," Nancy said.
"Oh! Eddie called earlier. He wants us to check out his band tonight. Are you interested?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, that sounds like fun. So, are things going well then?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah," Steve replied.
"I'm happy," Nancy said softly.
"Me too," Steve said.
Nancy leaned over and hugged him tightly. She breathed in his scent for a moment, breathing in the smell of his hair. She could tell that Steve was doing the same, and she smiled. She climbed out of Steve’s car and started walking towards the front door when she saw Jonathan sitting in his car staring at Steve's pulling out of the lot. He looked so sad and for a moment she felt sad for him but then it was gone. She walked into the building, putting Jonathan out of her mind.
Later that evening, Nancy ate a quick dinner with her family and then waited patiently for Steve to pick her up. She spent a lot of time trying to decide on her outfit, but she figured Eddie might want them to come as they are. She settled on a nice pair of jeans and a ruffled blue shirt. When they left, Nancy and Steve made sure to say goodbye to everyone, including Holly, who was pouting about not getting to see Eddie play.
"The Hideout is exactly what I pictured," Steve said when they walked in.
It was small with not a whole lot of customers, but Nancy thought it had character even with the rickety looking stage in the back. . .if you could even call it a stage. They saw Eddie sitting at a table with Jeff and Gareth as well as another person she didn't recognize. Nancy and Steve made a beeline for him. Eddie whooped at the sight of them, pulling both of them into a hug.
"So, glad you guys could make it," Eddie said. "You're in for a hell of a treat. Nancy, you've already met Jeff and Gareth. Steve, you haven't. This is Frank. Say hi, Frank."
"Hi, Frank," he said with a laugh.
"No, that's not what I - ugh, whatever. I'm really glad you guys are here," Eddie said.
"Glad to be here, it's a nice place," Steve said.
"Oh my God, you really mean that. Do you need your eyes checked, man?" Jeff asked.
"Probably," Steve said casually.
"Why - ," Gareth started to ask.
"You know what, let's get set up," Eddie said in amusement.
"But he - " Gareth started to say.
"Hey, I know you!" Steve exclaimed, snapping his fingers at him.
"Jesus, you remember that. I ran into you once," Gareth said.
"Yeah, well, Tommy was an asshole. Sorry about that, by the way," Steve said.
"It's fine, you dropped his sorry ass so, it makes you cool in my books," Gareth said. "You can't apologize for anyone's shitty behavior, only your own, and you were never a shitty person."
Eddie and Nancy smiled at Steve before Eddie walked off with his band. Nancy continued to smile at him.
"Nothing," Nancy said softly.
They found a table close to the stage. Steve and Nancy settled on ordering a couple of cokes, wanting to stay clear-headed for Eddie's performance. They were both surprised when they started playing Queen, Steve’s favorite band. Nancy thought it was really sweet that Eddie was serenading Steve, especially when he was beaming at him as they played "Bohemian Rhapsody" and then "I Want To Break Free." Eddie played "Toto" by Africa, which caused Steve’s eyes to light up. The last song they played was "Love is a Battlefield." Nancy enjoyed the way Eddie played so passionately. They all did, but it felt like Eddie was pouring his entire soul into the music. Nancy's cheeks flushed, and her heart raced at the sight of him.
"Hot," Steve and Nancy said.
"Really? You think so?" Steve asked.
"I have eyes, don't I?" Nancy asked.
When Eddie hopped off the stage, they immediately pulled him into a hug and beamed with pride.
"You were all so good," Nancy said.
"Definitely, I figured you would play heavy metal," Steve said.
"Well, that is our genre, but we respect all music in this band, and Queen always rules," Eddie said.
"You were really good on the drums, Gareth," Nancy said. "Definitely better than a newborn baby."
"What the fuck kind of compliment is that?" Gareth asked.
"Oh, I dreamed last night that Eddie replaced his drummer with a newborn baby," Nancy said.
"You replaced me with a newborn baby, Munson?" Gareth asked in mock offense.
"I can't control what I do in someone else's dreams, Emerson!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Well, you could try," Gareth said sternly.
Gareth then poked him with his drum stick and wiggled his eyebrows at Eddie, who scowled.
"Let me get you a drink," Eddie said.
He pulled Steve and Nancy into a booth before ordering them more coke.
"So, you ever think of making it big?" Steve asked. "Because you totally could."
"Nah, I tried that before but I fucked it all up trying to work a job with my dad but turns out he was just conning me and the girl who was going to help me, well, she only managed to get me an audition for a record label and not the rest of the band. I'm not sure if I want to do without the boys, honestly, and now I think I just want to make music. Nothing else matters," Eddie said. "It's whatever, though. My dad's officially out of my life and even though I fucked it up with Paige, I still get to play my music."
"That sucks about your dad, man," Steve said. "He's missing out on a great son. It's his fucking loss."
"Thanks, man," Eddie said.
"Well, all of you are talented," Nancy said, touching his hand. "So, you guys play here every Tuesday?"
"Every Tuesday," Eddie replied.
"Well, I think you got two more audience members," Steve said.
"That's fucking great!" Eddie laughed and slapped the table. "Are you guys going to the fourth of July fair?"
"I hadn't really thought about it," Steve said.
"Me neither," Nancy said.
"You guys want to go with me?" Eddie asked. "You guys could meet me there. It could be fun."
"I would like that," Nancy said. "I'm pretty sure that Holly wants to go with mom and dad anyway. By the way, Holly is very disappointed they she didn't get to see her Teddy play. So, you might have to give her a private concert."
"I would love to give the princess a concert. We usually play Saturday at Gareth's in his garage," Eddie said. "Bring the little lady on by."
They talked for a long time until Nancy started to get sleepy, and she pulled Eddie into a tight hug. She couldn't wait until they saw each other again.
Chapter Nine
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berenwrites · 2 months
Time and Again - Stranger Things - PG13
A/N:  Sliding in at the last moment, hope I am in time for this month. Don’t forget to check out all the other great fics at @steddiemicrofic too💖. Not beta'd, sorry, didn't have time.
Written for prompt: ONE | wc: 1111 | Rating PG13 | cw: temporary character death
Time and Again
One year they had been trying to finish this fight.
They were losing.
As Robin’s skull smacked against stone, backhanded by a Demogorgon, part of Steve split open. Robin’s dead eyes stared blankly, but her presence burst into his mind.
They’d joked about melding together, but he never could have guessed what it would make.
Russian drugs, the Upside Down, Vecna, whatever had caused it, they stepped forward together, a gestalt.
Screaming defiance, they joined El in her desperate fight. Bonds broken; energy joined with energy.
Everything exploded.
Steve blinked back to reality, shocked to be suddenly alone in his own head. Cheers rose around him as he looked over, meeting Robin’s gaze as she stood in her band uniform after Lucas scored the championship winning shot. He stood, frozen in a sea of celebrating people, staring at his best friend.
“Did we?” Robin mouthed at him.
All he could do was nod.
As everyone moved towards the court, Steve moved towards Robin.
“Do over?” she asked, grabbing onto him.
“Has to be,” he replied.
“We could…” she began to say.
“You are not dying again,” he told her pointedly. “You get Lucas, Nancy, Fred, and Chrissy, I’ll get Dustin, Mike, Erica, and Eddie. We’ll meet in the parking lot. We can figure out how to get Patrick away from Jason once we have the others safe.”
In the face of his certainty, she nodded.
It took no time to make it to the drama room, where he found Hellfire packing up.
“Code red,” he said, looking directly at Dustin.
“Holy shit,” Dustin replied, as Mike and Erica reacted in a similar manner.
“Harrington?” Eddie asked, all but glaring at him.
His stomach twisted hearing the anger in Eddie’s voice. He’d come to a few conclusions about himself since Eddie died, mostly because of the man himself and everything he’d come to learn from those who had known Eddie well. Wayne had been a crucial part of their team as they had tried to save what was left of Hawkins. He’d promised himself that if he survived he would never let another opportunity like Eddie pass him by.
“Bring him,” was all Steve said.
“A gate?” Dustin asked.
“If we don’t stop it there will be,” he replied, “and so much worse.”
“Did El call?” Mike asked.
“No,” he said, “it’s more complicated than that. I’ll explain, but we need to get to Max first. She’s in trouble. We’re meeting the others outside.”
He didn’t wait for them to agree before turning on his heel.
“Wait,” he said, stopping himself. “Do any of you have Walkmans? We need four.”
“I have one at home,” Erica said.
“Holly has one,” Mike revealed.
“Then we just need one more, since Max has her own,” he concluded. “Let’s go, time is of the essence.”
“What the hell?” Eddie demanded as Dustin grabbed his arm. “Henderson have you gone insane?”
“You know all the weird shit that happens in this town,” Dustin responded before Steve could, “that’s code red. If Steve says to bring you, we’re bringing you.”
Steve left Dustin to deal with it, heading out with Erica at his heels.
“What’s going on?” Nancy demanded the moment he made it to his car where Robin was standing with the others.
“Just a minute,” he said as Dustin and Mike dragged Eddie across the parking lot towards their group.
“This better be good,” Eddie all but snarled, and Chrissy and Fred didn’t look too sure either.
“Time travel,” Robin said.
“Is this a joke?” Fred asked.
“If only,” Steve said. “Robin and I are from one year from now and the shit starts hitting the fan tonight. All the crap that has happened has been caused by someone like El, you christened him Vecna,” he looked at Dustin, “his real name is Henry Creel or One. El sent him to the Upside Down when he killed all the others like her. She didn’t remember doing it. He’s trying to open rifts to the Upside Down and he’s going to use Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max to do it.”
“This is crazy,” Eddie muttered.
“Yeah, well you had to be all heroic and died, and I’d really like that to not happen again because your Uncle Wayne does not deserve that, so go with the crazy, okay?” he said, a little more loudly than he intended.
Robin reached out and touched his arm. He took a deep breath. His feelings for Eddie would have to wait, there were more important things to think about.
“Did you say this Vecna uses me?” Chrissy asked.
“Your headaches,” Robin said, “not headaches, Henry getting into your head. Those waking dreams you’ve been having, all him. He’s going to sacrifice you to open a gate.”
“We need to get a copy of your favourite song and you need to listen to it on loop,” Steve said before Chrissy could panic. “Same with Fred. Music blocks his influence. We … we …”
The world around him went dim. His instinct was to fight, but he recognised the touch. He had felt it only for the tiniest amount of time, but it was unmistakably El. Fighting his natural urges, he surrendered.
“Steve,” El’s voice filled his head, “we are coming.”
“You came back too,” he replied.
“Yes,” she told him. “We will stop Henry. Doctor Owens is going to Russia to get Hopper.”
“I understand,” he replied, “we are waiting for you.”
As quickly as it has started, the contact was gone.
“Steve,” Robin was all but holding him up.
“It was El,” he said as the real world slammed back in, “she came back too. She’s on her way here.”
“Oh, thank fuck,” Robin said, which rather summed up his feelings as well.
“El just spoke to you?” Mike asked.
Steve nodded, trying to restore his equilibrium.
“Why you three?” Dustin asked.
“Russian truth serum probably,” Robin replied, “but there was no time to figure it out. This wasn’t exactly a choice.”
“Look,” Steve took charge, “we can figure out all the details later. First we need to make sure Max, Chrissy, Fred, and Patrick are safe, and Jason can’t start blaming Eddie for any weird shit that starts going down. Got it?”
“El will probably know more anyway,” Robin agreed. “Let’s move people. We need music and a safe place.”
“My house is empty,” he offered.
Even their friends were looking at them as if they were on the insane side but as soon as Nancy nodded, Steve knew everyone else would fall in line. They had work to do. Henry would not get the upper hand this time.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Jay- Trying For A Baby/Finding Out
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Jay and I knew that as soon as we got married we both wanted to have a child. So in anticipation Jay and I move into a larger house a couple of months after we come home from our honeymoon. This time a three bedroomed house.
I came off the pill the day of our wedding and since then my period has been all over the place so I've just been taking a test every week, but it's starting to become a little disheartening so I've decided to stop taking a test until I have any symptoms. Jay and I walk through the doors of the precinct. Trudy buzzes us in and we head up to intelligence
"Good morning YLN, Halstead it's good of you to join us" Voight says crossing his arms
"Sorry we're late. Our hot water wasn't working this morning" I sigh putting my bag down at my desk
"Used it up last night?" Adam wiggles his eyebrows
"Not that it's any of your business, no. The boilers fucked so that needs replacing" I snap at Adam who holds his hands up. I go over to the break room and pour myself a coffee. Adam walks in behind me "sorry I didn't mean to snap at you. I've got a headache and I keep getting negative tests back and now the boiler. It's just getting to me"
"You don't have anything to apologise for. Here" Adam opens up a cupboard and takes out some pain killers "for the head"
"Thanks" I smile at him and take two tablets with my coffee.
I walk back to my desk and sit down starting to look at possible connections to the drug cartel we've been looking at the last couple of weeks. While I'm sitting there I start rubbing my head as the headache continues to get worse as I'm staring at the screen in front of me
"I think I've got something" Antonio says standing up. He walks over to the board with something in his hand. I stand up, but immediately feel dizzy so I sit back down as my ears ring
"YN?" I hear Jay say. I look up at him
"Your headache not getting better?" Adam frowns
"No. I feel a little dizzy. My stomachs cramping a little as well. Guess it's my period coming"
"Go lay down" Voight nods towards the beds we have. I stand up but as I do I decide to sit back down
"I'm gonna pass out if I stand up" I say to no one in particular
"Lean on me when you stand up. I'll carry you" once again I stand up and lean on Jay who picks me up and carries me to the break room and puts lays me down on a bed
"Go to sleep see how you feel afterwards" Jay kisses my head and leaves the room. Only 20 minutes later I need the loo. Slowly I stand up and start to make my way to the toilet, but the last thing I remember is my ears ringing and my eyesight going.
I wake up to a white ceiling and a hand in mine
"Thank god your awake. You scared me" I turn to look at Jay who looks worried
"What happened?" I ask
"You passed out when you got out of the bed" Will walks into the room as I say
"I needed a wee. I didn't piss myself did I?"
"Typical. You pass out and your more worried about wetting yourself" he chuckles
"No babe you didn't, but we know why you passed out?"
"Period?" I ask looking between Jay and Will
"No. Natalie checked you over and ran some tests"
"Oh god am I dying?" I ask wide eyed
"No baby will you let Will speak"
"Your pregnant YN. You and Jay are going to be parents. And I'm going to be an uncle" Will smiles. I frown feeling confused. Natalie walks in
"How are you feeling YN?"
"I... I'm... I took a pregnancy test a few days ago. It was negative so I decided I wasn't going to take anymore until I had symptoms"
"Tests aren't always accurate or when you took it you may have been to early for it to detect. Now, I'm going to have you rest up for a couple of weeks while this dizziness passes. Don't hesitate to come back if it continues or if you experience a lot of sickness. I can give you some tablets for that"
"I'll let Voight know we're taking some time off"
"Well yeah I need to make sure you don't pass out on the way to the bathroom" I smile shaking my head
"I'll be fine"
"She will as long as she rests up and drinks plenty"
"Thank you Nat"
"No problem. I'll have Maggie get your release forms ready. Congratulations to the both of you"
"We're really going to have a baby?" I ask with tears in my eyes
"We really are" Jay says leaning down to me, peaking my lips.
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bep1erfics · 2 years
shen ricky - over me
months after you two broke up, mr. young & rich comes back into your life, ready to ruin it all over again.
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getting out of bed, you fall back into the warm pillows as getting up was a struggle. after ricky left, you could describe your life as a living hell. the worst part was, when you broke up he didn’t even tell you in person. ricky sent you a text saying he had packed his things and left without a trace.
you didn’t know where he went, or why he even left in the first place. things between you both were fine, you never fought or had issues as a couple. if so, then why did he have to end things?
your heart starts to pound, reminiscing old memories of ricky and yourself living in this apartment. it used to be so lively, but now it feels empty. everytime you wake up, you unconsciously wrap your hands around the other side of the bed, thinking ricky is still in between your arms.
your friends & family tried to console you over phone calls, but it was no use. to be frank, you couldn’t get over him. nothing could repair your heart once it was broken.
sighing, you finally bring yourself to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, feeling fatigued as ever. silence filled your ears as you made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a bite before spending the whole day being lazy.
checking your phone, it was 3 am. this is when your days started, due to your sleep schedule being messed up from crying about your stupid ex all day.
feeling ashamed to admit it, after ricky left, his bank details were still saved on your phone. you’ve been basically stealing his money for the past two months and used it to pay the bills, buy groceries and so forth.
“queen sh*t.” you muttered to yourself, ordering a whole feast for yourself after opening your fridge, finding absolutely nothing but a slice of bread. of course, you justified buying a whole family-sized meal for yourself because it wasn’t your money, infact, it was ricky’s.
that backstabber always told you what he had was yours, so maybe that still applies even though you’re not together anymore? whatever, his problem.
you flipped your hair as the doorbell rang, making your way towards the door. you licked your lips at the thought of getting ready to munch on some fried chicken, but this soon changed when you met a familiar face, causing you to panic.
once the door had opened, ricky stood in front of your face that was filled with confusion. were you dreaming? was this real?
ricky enters the apartment, leaving you dumbfounded. the dark apartment sets the scene, making it feel like you’ve just seen a ghost.
“what are you doing in my apartment. get out, creep!”
you made your way towards ricky, who was making himself at home on your couch. you were so ready to punch him in the face, but his strong-arms pulled you closer to him.
“haven’t i been paying for your expenses for two months? should i report you to the police for ‘stealing’ my money, y/n?”
his smug smirk appears as your soul leaves your body. he knew?
“well! why did you literally break into my apartment when you broke up with me?”
you couldn’t help but notice how much ricky has changed since you last saw him. in 2 months, his whole appearance and attitude were different. his black hair was now dyed to a brassy-blonde colour and his clothes now reflected his new personality alot more. it was scandalous, yet why did he still look as good as ever? god.
a musky aroma drifted into the air as you realised ricky had changed. he used to smell like strawberries, but now all that your nose could detect was the strong scent of cigarettes.
ricky chuckled.
“if you keep staring at me up and down, i’m gonna assume you haven’t gotten over me. am i correct?”
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lulu24784 · 1 year
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washing machine heart | part 8
"I know who you pretend I am."
[AO3 Link] previous chapter | next chapter
synopsis: | You're absolutely infatuated with Stan Marsh and have even started dating him! It should be a dream come true, but the truth is, he's only with you to make Wendy Testaburger jealous. To help you work through your emotions, you turn to Kenny McCormick, your best friend.
pairings: | kenny mccormick x fem! reader ; stan marsh x fem! reader ; wendy testaburger x stan marsh
cws: | angst, drug use/drug mentions, explicit language, sexual content, unrequited love, mental health themes / sh
everyone is aged up to be 18+
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Stan knew he had fucked up. Trying to deny it was a waste of time. He had lied right to your face. He wasn’t even drinking with his friends. He had been drinking alone in his room and lamenting every single mistake he had made in life. The next thing he knew, he was drunk and on his way to Wendy’s home.
It was bad. He knew that. He begged her to give him another chance, despite the fact that he was already dating you. When Wendy threw him out, he went to your place. Some type of date was planned for the two of you. He didn’t even care. It didn’t matter to him. Sure, you were cute… But you weren’t her. That’s probably why he left you with no remorse. You were blessed, in all honesty. He was a jackass, and you should have been able to do much better than him. That much was clear to him. He didn’t want to hurt you.
There was no use in trying to salvage your relationship now, so he decided to cut his losses. It was short anyway.. You’d get over it pretty quickly; he figured. It was a mistake to invite you into his fucked-up existence. He was going to hurt you in the same way that he hurt Wendy, and he didn’t want to subject you to that. At least, that’s what he told himself.
Really and sincerely… He felt like he didn’t deserve to be happy anyway.
After Wendy left him, he started dating you out of selfishness. He was such a prick. He even knew of Kenny’s crush on you and he fucking did it anyway… Just to feel better about himself. He even became envious, believing Kenny would whisk you away, despite the fact that he had no right to be so possessive of you. Looking at how attached you are to each other… His chest ached from it.
It’s not like he actually really liked you like that…
The thought made him feel nauseous.
You were kind and thoughtful. You tolerated his whining and bitching as well as the godawful ‘dates’ he brought you on that were really just his pitiful efforts to get into your pants… Which he couldn’t even do without chickening out. Truthfully, he was glad you two stopped the last time. If anything had really happened, this would be so much messier.
God, he felt like such a mess.
Surely he’d regret all of this in the morning.
Kyle was sitting at his computer busily working on his schoolwork while Stan lay, sprawled out on the floor of his bedroom, watching the spinning ceiling above him.
“I told you, dude. You just need to focus on yourself for a bit and stop drinking so much.”
“Fuck you, dude. You don’t get it. My life is just… It’s shit. I’m shit. Wendy fuckin’ hates me and now so does [Name].”
While Stan rambled on drunkenly, Kyle rolled his eyes and went back to his homework.
“She was sweet, too. I’m such a fuck-up.”
The rest of the night was a blur.
You don’t remember how you got to bed, and you certainly don’t remember the moment when your weeping finally wore you out enough to need to go to sleep.
After a long night of crying, you woke up with swollen eyes and a splitting headache. The mattress underneath you seemed as if it would swallow you whole if you moved, and the blankets that wrapped you were so comfortable and soft that you didn’t want to move in the first place. Unfortunately, it was a Monday morning, and you had to get ready for class.
You pulled yourself out of bed and stomped slowly into the bathroom, where you washed the sleep from your face. When you checked your reflection, you looked quite haggard. There was no amount of makeup that could hide the fact that you had spent the whole night bawling. Sighing, you got ready nevertheless, using concealer to try to hide it as best you could.
“For fuck’s sake…” Mumbling, brushing the knots out of your hair.
Today was a sweatpants and hoodie type of day. You weren’t in the mood to make any effort with your look today. What was the point? There was no longer anybody you needed to impress.
Today also felt like a “Skip breakfast” kind of day. You were certain that if you ate anything, it would come back up immediately, so you didn’t want to take a chance.
The morning stroll to school began as you gathered your books and bag and stepped outside. The chilly air felt refreshing on your cheeks, and you could see little puffs of air form on your exhale. Although the frigid Colorado winter was generally unpleasant, today it was welcomed. It was fantastic to be able to tune out your negative thoughts and instead concentrate only on the chill in the air. You’d be happy if you could just sit outdoors and let freezing air bite your skin forever.
It wasn’t until long that you made it to school. Taking a few steps closer to the entrance, you could make out the four usual boys, causing a commotion.
Eric calling Kyle a Jew.
Kyle calling Eric a fatass.
Stan grumbling about how stupid they were.
You paused in your forward motion and looked around the group, your gaze inevitably landing on Stan. He seemed worn out and dishevelled, most likely hungover. When he saw you were staring, you swiftly turned away and entered the building. He called out to you, but you ignored him and kept on. You also heard a muffled call from your closest friend, Kenny.
Ah, fuck.
You totally forgot to check your phone to see whether he had ever responded. Of course, it no longer mattered. Although you knew he meant well, a little part of you was nonetheless disappointed that he hadn’t been there when you needed him. Boys really were the worst.
You walked up to your locker, dumped your things inside, and got out your textbook for the next period. A female standing next to you startled you as you were about to shut the locker door.
A purple beret on jet-black hair.
Wendy Testaburger.
“Jesus Christ, you scared me.” You clutched your chest as you wheezed.
Giggling a little, she smiled at you. “Sorry, [Name.]” She looked away for a second, then stepped closer to you, meeting your eyes with a worried expression. “Can we talk for a minute? It’s really important.”
“Uh… Yeah, sure. Um, what’s up?”
Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you shifted awkwardly. What could Wendy possibly want to talk with you about? Did she already know Stan dumped you? Was she here to tell you they got back together and then laugh in your face?
You gave Wendy your undivided attention as you looked into her eyes.
She exhaled. It was clear that something was bothering her a lot…
“[Name]… Um… Stan. He… He showed up at my place yesterday.”
You felt the static in your ears pick up again, and a rush of nervous energy ran through your body. As you listened to her, you felt a tingling sensation spreading across every part of you.
“He… He was begging me to get back with him.”
The pit of your stomach started to churn, and you could feel your heart pounding against the inside of your chest. Your grip on the textbooks you were holding started to get shaky. Wendy seemed to have noticed, and she put her hand on your arm, presumably in an effort to help settle you down a little. You let her.
“I know you two are together, so I kicked him out. I wanted to text you but.. I don’t have your phone number and all of your socials are private, so I don’t think you got any of the messages I sent.”
“Y-You’re kidding…”
Almost immediately, your hand went to your pocket, and you pulled your phone out of it. You glanced at the roughly thirty missed messages from Kenny, but you quickly dismissed them and opened up Coonstagram instead, going straight to your message requests. Sure enough, there they were.
“I wanted you to know from me first, before word gets out, y’know? Rumors always spread pretty fast here..” Wendy murmured, staring at you as you perused the text messages she had sent.
A little part of you hoped she was exaggerating, attempting to fuck with you… However, you made the decision to go with your gut this time and take her word for it. You noted the time that the messages were sent after giving them a closer look and analyzing them more closely.
Stan came over around 5pm.
The wheels in your head turned. He visited Wendy before coming to your house…
Was he going to cheat on you before your date? Did he just feel so guilty about it he dumped you?
He was drunk though… So his mind was probably all messed up…
But he still did it.
Your breathing became harder, and you felt like you were about to cry again. You felt tingles all over, and your stomach wrenched. In retrospect, skipping breakfast was the right call.
That was the last thing going through your mind as you sprinted by Wendy and emptied the contents of your stomach into a trash can not far away, dropping your textbook in the process. Other students gasped and bolted, exclaiming, “Ew!” while you sobbed and vomited.
As you continued to vomit, a kind hand stroked circles on your back and another pulled your hair back. Upon looking up, you saw Wendy. She smiled sadly as you retched again and continued to attempt to calm you down with her touch.
“Oh hamburgers! Is your little buddy going to be okay, Wendy?”
“I think so. Thanks for the concern, Butters.”
While you buried your head in the garbage, you overheard Wendy talking to some of the other students. You forgot how popular she was. To everyone else, her soothing you in this way must appear extremely out of the ordinary.
“Hey Wendy! Oh, ew! Gross! Oh my god! Did you tell her?!”
That sounded like Wendy’s friend, Bebe. Although you had never spoken with her before, you could immediately identify her voice. As you spat out the nauseating vomit taste from your lips, you heard someone else approach.
“Damn, poor girl. You told her, hey?”
Heidi Turner.
You groaned and sat back as you completed the process of purging your stomach. A napkin immediately hit your lips as Wendy knelt down and wiped your face for you.
“Are you alright?”
“Y-Yeah… I think so.” You gave Wendy a hesitant nod, still unsure as to why she was being so compassionate towards you. She lifted you up with a kind hand and dusted the dirt from your clothing.
“Good. I’m really sorry, [Name].”
“I mean, it’s not your fault…” you mumbled as you embraced yourself. You cast an eye across at the other two females who had shifted to stand by Wendy. You could feel everyone’s attention on you, which caused you to feel uneasy for a moment.
“Um… Why… Why are you being so nice to me?” You looked down at the ground. “Shouldn’t you hate me or something? For dating Stan?”
Wendy, Bebe, and Heidi all shared a laugh. In that instant, you felt tiny.
“I don’t hate you! If anything, I felt bad for you. I know how Stan is.. I’ve been through it too.” She smiled. “Honestly, I thought you hated me. Stan talked a lot of shit when we broke up.”
“Haha, right?!” Bebe chimed in.
“I wanted to reach out but just kind of figured it wasn’t my place.”
You gazed at Wendy, astounded at how thoughtful she was. You were ecstatic that she was nothing like you had anticipated. Being able to sense genuine concern was wonderful.
“Well, thank you.” Your voice was gentle. “For uh, telling me. Oh, and for holding my hair back.” You and the three girls all laughed. You forced a hesitant “Um” out before grinning dejectedly. “Stan dumped me last night anway, so…”
“Ugh, fucking prick.” Heidi scowled, her arms crossed.
“Girl, you deserve way better anyway.” Bebe moved so her arm was over your shoulder. You felt your cheeks heat up from the closeness; you only ever got this type of attention from Kenny. “We should find you a new man! Or… Woman?” She winked at you, arching an eyebrow in a way that made you flush even more. You stuttered, unable to say anything coherent. Just like your best friend, she was a total flirt.
“Hey, hey…” Wendy interjected, taking your hand in hers and giving you the most adorable smile you’ve ever seen. “Give her some time, you vixen.” She laughed. “Let her get over Stan first. I know it can be a little difficult.” She winked at you with understanding as she pulled you away from Bebe. “How about you sit with us at lunch? We can talk more about it after class.”
“Yeah, Heidi and Wendy can tell you ALL about how to deal with breakups.” Bebe snickered, while the other two gave her dirty looks.
“Sure…” Your voice squeaked as you attempted to smile for the group.
“Perfect! We’ll see you then!” Wendy smiled, squeezed your hand briefly, and then released it. As the three of them walked together to class, they waved goodbye.
You waved back and picked up your book from the floor, where you’d apparently dropped it. You were ready to settle down and go to class when you saw the familiar group of boys making their way into the school.
Eric didn’t direct his attention to you, thank god.
Kyle met your eyes and smiled sadly at you. He was aware of the situation without a doubt.
Stan never looked up from the floor. Your chest felt tight.
Kenny hurried over to you as soon as he could, an expression of worry visible in his eyes.
As he drew nearer, he took off his hood, showing his face and making his anxiety VERY evident. You smiled nervously and waved at him, and he instantly embraced you tightly, forcing your face against his chest. He looked down at you as he drew away while placing his hands on your shoulders.
“You never responded back! Are you okay?!” His voice was frantic.
You couldn’t help but scowl slightly and turn your gaze elsewhere. “I never responded? What about you? You ignored me all night.” You hissed. “You said you’d be there for me. Where were you?”
He froze, his face scrunched up in sadness.
“[Name], Princess, I’m really REALLY sorry. I just got caught up in… some stuff. I didn’t mean’ta ignore you!” Kenny whined and drew you back into his arms, this time encircling your head. He swayed wildly from side to side. “Please don’t hate meee!!”
It was impossible not to giggle at his antics. “Jesus, Kenny. It’s fine. Just… keep your word next time!”
“Oh, of course! I swear! It won’t happen again.” He flashed you a goofy grin before letting go of you and snatching the textbook from your hands. He usually walked you to class, so you figured today wouldn’t be any different. He cleared his throat and looked down at you as the two of you started to walk.
“You never answered me, y’know? Are you doing okay?” He spoke gently and put his hand on the small of your back as you walked together.
“I’m… As okay as I can be.” You spoke, picking your words with care. “Wendy talked with me and I barfed, and now I’m a bit better.”
Kenny paused briefly, bewildered.
“What? Wendy talked with you?”
“Yeah, and then her, Bebe, and Heidi invited me to sit with them at lunch.”
“What? What the fuck? What did she talk to you about?”
You turned your head away from Kenny while chewing your lower lip.
“She told me Stan went to her house… Um… Before he showed up at mine.” You murmured, genuinely wishing that you could simply put this entire incident out of your mind and go on. After a moment, you realised Kenny had come to a full stop. You turned around to face him and… woah. You’d never seen him with that kind of expression on his face. He looked pissed.
“She said she kicked him out… And then he came over and dumped me. S-So…” You trailed off.
Kenny frowned and clenched his fists for a moment before he exhaled deeply, let out a sigh, and walked back beside you.
“I’ll talk to him.”
“Ken, no. It’s fine. Okay? Just… Leave it alone.”
Stepping up to your classroom, you took your books from Kenny. “I appreciate the offer, Ken. I really do. But, it’s done now. I’ll get over it… Probably… It’s not a big deal.”
As his hand came down on your head and he began to ruffle your hair, you saw the bitter expression that was on his face.
“Alright… I’ll see you after school, then? I want to hang out.”
“Sure.” You gave him a kind grin, and he gave you one back before leaving for his own class.
Holy shit. Kenny felt something beyond infuriated; he couldn’t put it into words. The fact that Stan arrived drunk at your house and dumped you like it was nothing was miserable enough, but the fact that he went to Wendy’s just before he did it was simply cruel. The blond frowned while he pulled his hood back up over his face so that no one could see what expression he was making.
In the classroom, he remained mute as he observed Kyle’s unsuccessful attempts to engage in conversation with Stan. Kenny glared daggers into the back of the raven-haired boy’s head. He would be dead right now if he had lazer vision.
Speaking about death… A pang of guilt welled up within Kenny at the notion. Last night, when he should have been at your side, he was powerless to be there. Instead, however, he had chosen to assume the role of a superhero, and it was during his attempt to foil a theft that he met an untimely end.
That’s right, Kenny McCormick was officially declared deceased late yesterday. However, just like every other time he has died, he was alive and well the following day. This time was no different. As usual, nobody was able to remember the incident. It was a tough existence at times…
He knew he couldn’t explain what happened, so he prepared a lame answer in case you pressed him further. Like, maybe he was with a girl and lost track of time?
Ah, maybe not.
Kenny was aware of how vulnerable you were and didn’t want to hurt you by making some other person appear to be more significant than you: his best friend. It was pretty silly, and maybe a little unhealthy… But he loved that aspect of you.
No matter how flawed you were, he still loved you nonetheless. He wished you could see yourself as he saw you. Perhaps you’d have a new perspective on yourself. Who knows? Maybe you wouldn’t fall hopelessly in love with the very first person who paid you any kind of attention who wasn’t your best friend? Or maybe you wouldn’t settle with alcoholics who only used you to boost their own self-esteem?
Kenny sighed and laid his head on his desk, disinterested in the lecture his instructor was delivering. He couldn’t wait until lunchtime so that he could confront Stan about what happened. Sure, you told him not to… But he was going to, anyway.
Stan was his friend and sometimes friends needed their teeth knocked out.
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Hopefully you like the small glimpse into Stan's mind!
Both Reader and Stan are incredibly insecure with themselves and I wanted to really show that. Stan is much more likely to actively sabotage the good in his life whereas Reader focuses everything inward.
Let me know what you think! This is definitely the longest chapter I've written.
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