marsoppsdesigns · 4 months
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mousetoe-wc · 1 year
Mythology and Legends of the Clans for my Warrior cats rewrite!
LionClan, LeopardClan and TigerClan
In the prophecy begins they introduce mythology with LionClan and such and then the just drop it never to be seen again as many ideas in this series have. This is to expand on the mythology we already have in warriors and to change and add to it.
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First thing you’ll notice is that the leader of LeopardClan is now a snow leopards for a bit of variety. The three cats above us are known as Goldenstar, Swiftstar and Shadestar respectively!
Just like in canon the clans believe that the different ancient clans passed down different abilities that the cats of today have, as well as having different connections with the seasons and such. There’s no one clan that these big cat clans belonged too but different clans favour different stories and groups of big cats.
Kittens are also given their names for different reasons including in hopes of strength for weak kit or a kit that displays similar characteristics to the ancient clans.
LionClan They believe lions gave them the strength to fight and that they have associations with summer and the sun. ThunderClan favours them for Strength, while RiverClan and WindClan tends to favour the for the sun.
LeopardClan Believes leopards are what gives them the ability to climb, balance and run incredibly fast. they are associated with winter and the stars. Before SkyClan was kicked out they favoured leopards for their climbing, WindClan loves them for their speed and ThunderClan thinks spotted pelts are beautiful.
TigerClan Are believed to be what gives them stealth and the ability to swim, they are associated with Autumn and the moon. RiverClan favourites them for their ability to swim, ShadowClan for the ability of stalking and their dark pelts, and SkyClan for
Another thing is because cats don’t know that much about actual big cat species in the wild and of course they don’t know how to use a computer or read, different characters in their stories are different species of cats! Because house cats have such a variety in fur colours and patterns, their not gonna think these are different species!
These are all cannon characters redesigned!
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Fleetfoot is a cheetah, cause u know, fast. Thorntooth is a black jaguar, TigerClan is known for their dark pelts and jaguars LOVE swimming. Sunpelt is based on an asiatic lion and an adolescent male lion. Petalkit is just a lion cub.
There will be more clan Mythology idea posts that I’m excited for and hopefully the starclan and dark forest post will be done soon.
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esoteric-terror · 3 months
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hiiii ik yall dont follow me for oc content BUT
i like them and im going to shove them in ur face
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kathirein · 3 months
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happy pride from some gay cats
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rosemist50 · 1 year
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The non-cats of Warrior cats! I was surprised how quickly I got these done. So first is the mythological Lionclan, with Goldenstar and his daughter Petalkit, and also Sunpelt fighting the big snake Mouthclaw. Then is the mythological Tigerclan, with Shadestar and Thorntooth, and the mythological Leopardclan, with Fleetfoot and Swiftstar. Rage and Fury are wild boars that Fleetfoot fights. Then is Midnight the badger and Sharptooth the mountain lion. After is the Pack Leader from TPB, and the Rat Leader from Firestar's Quest. I tried modeling the Pack Leader after a Beauceron. After them is Bunny, Pip, Samwise, and Spike. Bunny is from Pebbleshine's Kits, and lives with Bug. I gave them matching bows. Bunny is modeled after a Newfoundland. Pip is from TNP, and is modeled after a Russel Terrier. Samwise is from The Rise of Scourge and modeled after a Bloodhound, and Spike is mentioned by Eggs and Bacon in ASC, and is modeled after a Harrier. I don't really draw dogs too often but this was pretty satisfying to do.
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elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 216-Newleaf
Primcrest (58) has had her kits!  There are two of them, a boy and a girl, and she won’t say anything about who their other parent is.  And their magic?  Both of them are pretty weak, which is interesting because their mother has such strong magic.  And both are dark-cursed.  Frecklestone (43), of course, feels no need to hide this from Creekstar (70), who is perfectly fine keeping them in the Clan. Primcrest names the tom, who’s already trying to escape the nursery, Dawnkit (0) after Skydawn.  And the she-kit, who’s already trying to boss her brother around, Flowerkit (0), after Shadestar (who’s warrior name was Shadeflower).  The rest of the Clan is glad to have new members, but some of them are a little nervous around more dark-cursed cats, including Queenyspeckle (92) and Xhosa (84).  In fact, Xhosa is so annoyed that Creekstar kept the kits in the Clan that she goes to the leader and complains.  Creekstar remains firm in her decision, remembering the hardships she and Primcrest when they were young.  The kits are staying. In other news, the Clan has discovered that Smokekit (5) is deaf.  She isn’t bothered by it, although it has made learning to talk challenging.  Chiku (150), who remembers how Yuccawillow dealt with being hard of hearing, is teaching her some signs.  Charipeak’s (82) kits don’t really care what magic their new den-mates have.  They’re just excited to have more cats to play with, including Primcrest.  Tumblekit (5) even challenges Primcrest to a race.  Patchkit (5), being slightly older than her fellow kits, is feeling a little out of place.  They don’t really play with her, and she wishes that her pelt were as pretty as Smokekit’s.  Or that she could glow like her mom.  She could light herself on fire, but that wouldn’t have the same effect as a glowing cat.  Creekstar does spoil her daughter a little.  She always makes sure to bring her a treat back from hunting.  Patchkit eagerly awaits it.  Rubblepaw (12) is a little frustrated that he’s not a warrior yet, so Wildcave (99) is giving him some advice.  
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flutterclouds · 3 months
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mothbriars · 1 year
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Shadestar Formally Shadeclaw He/Him
He's my edgy son. though he looks mean, hes a pretty sweet fella Got kicked out from his clan (Hailclan) by being falsely accused of murder of another clan member
Current leader of Newtclan (<- fun fact he named his own Clan after his dead mate, Newtstripe)
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everywarriorsboard · 5 months
Shadestar (SoTC) of Tigerclan (Mythological)
Warriors Board 4/?
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cacklespark · 2 years
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rounding out our three leaders, its shadestar!!
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letyachan · 4 months
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"What have you done? This will mean war. LionClan will not rest until they rescue this kit. They will slaughter us all if they have to."
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August 11th, 2023
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esoteric-terror · 3 months
you can't just post your five oc leaders and expect us to not want to know more! do they lead the five canon clans or are these totally new ones? how did shadestar get that scar? what are all their personalities like? Lichenstar looks kind, are they? I want to know more about them, pease share more information about your ocs
fiiiinne if you insist /lh
but yes, they are leaders of the preexisting clans!
ill keep it to just the two u mentioned just to keep it at a reasonable length
ill start with shadestar, leader of shadowclan!
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formerly shadestare, hes always been a noble, stoic kind of guy. hes got a low, quiet voice, hes not the type to raise his voice in anger. hes extremely devoted to shadowclan and starclan, hes proud to be their leader, theyve done so much for him and he tries to show his gratitude every single day
the previous leader sent him and 4 other cats on a patrol to investigate a strange scent, which ended up being a pack of foxes (still pending on specifically what the scent was but foxes will be the placeholder for now). the foxes took the lives of the 4 cats he was with and left him critically injured. most notably he lost his left eye and leg, and gained a permanent notch in his tail. he figures it was best he went on that patrol, better four cats dead than 5 right? and starclan obviously wanted, needed, him to live, it was their plan he said.
his clan supported him through and through, they were so patient and willing to help him through his physical and mental trauma. they didnt try to send him to the elders or medicine cat den, they knew he was capable of his normal duties post recovery, but even if he couldnt, he wouldve been appreciated and cared for regardless. it would take getting used to of course, it wouldnt be like it was before, but it was more than possible to create a new normal.
the leader offered him the deputy position after he recovered as an "im sorry for nearly sending you to your death", shadestare didnt really understand why and he never really wanted the position, but the leader, the clan, had faith in him, and he had faith in starclan that this was his destiny, so he took it, and he ascended to leader not long afterwards.
even then he didnt want this, he was granted a rare opportunity and still, it wasnt clicking in his head. he couldnt deny it now, it was at his paws, and he couldnt throw shadowclan into a civil war, not after all theyve done for him. he was going to make it work, for them.
he made his deputy someone who wanted the position much more than he did (have not decided a name for them yet), he only thought it fair to give them the opportunity. they respect each other, no doubt about it, but unfortunately, they dont work well. shadestar isnt a natural leader, hes not very decisive and he needs his hand held. the deputy, is not patient enough for that and its frustrating, understandable, but very very frustrating. they manage though!
now for lichenstar of thunderclan!
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he is a kind guy! his warrior name was lichenpatch!
back in his younger years he was much more of an active leader, in stereotypical thunderclan fashion he would fight for what he believed in and had no trouble if it started a battle, you couldnt change his mind if he actually believed in it.
but now hes the cat equivalent of a 90 year old, his bones dont work that well anymore and hes mellowed out a ton, he just doesnt have it in him to fight anymore if he can avoid it. he wouldnt even say hes in the drivers seat in terms of thunderclan leadership, that roles been largely taken over by his newest deputy, blazefeather, whos very young and is in a better state of mind to make bigger decisions. blaze was made deputy because has a similar fire that lichen did when he was a young warrior, so he trusts his deputys judgement. but while were talking about deputies, lets talk about who had the position before blaze.
lichenstar has had several deputies of course, hes been leading a long time, hes had 4 all together. the one before blaze was cleardawn, a very mature, thoughtful cat, and everyone thought for sure he was going to become clearstar, but then he was murdered (along with a skyclan warrior, ill get into that if i make a similar post for the other 3 leaders), and it was almost certainly by a fellow clan cat.
and this freaks out all of thunderclan, especially lichenstar. he fears it was a thunderclan cat trying to worm their way into the leadership position, mainly because lichen hasnt exactly been secretive about the fact hes on his last life. the thought terrifies him to death, hes been having nightmares about it, and all he can really do is push the thought away because his warriors are loyal, they wouldnt do that to their beloved deputy.
this has pushed him to be a little more active in clan politics. he wants to keep an eye on everything, because what if it was blazefeather? what if it was one of his fellow leaders? he cant be sure, he just needs to play it safe.
teehee. thats all 4 now. gut bye
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shadestar413 · 2 years
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It’s the her,,,,
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tidalclan · 8 months
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Moon 6 - Moon 8 Everyone's havin a good time!
Well, cept the rogue.
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