#shading this was fun but also tears inducing
ginooknook · 1 year
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海城 - the 8 🌊
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runswithwolvves · 9 months
TMNT 2003 AU: Blue
Just another TMNT 2K3 drabble. This one is a twist to the events of 'Prodigal Son' in Season 4.
Please enjoy!
Blue… A primary color and perhaps the most popular color in the spectrum. The aura of the color itself can induce a calming, serene and peaceful feeling. Stress can be reduced at the very visual of any shade.
It is non-polarizing, but too much can suppress appetite and melatonin.
It can also represent fragility, depression, impersonality and coldness.
Blue is an authoritative color, but it also expresses the vulnerability of such confidence.
It was the color of a leader: one who bore the responsibility of those in their care. However, which such resposibility came the additional stress.
Being able to relax or have fun wasn't really on the list of to-do. Everything was done with the whole unit in mind. Individuality was a rare concept and wasn't necessarily adhered to. True, their own personality was often visible, but they were always seen as too serious or mature to mingle with the lower ranks.
They were reliable, trustworthy and loyal, but it came at a heavy price that was often a glaringly open fault.
Leonardo, try as he may, could not hide the internal struggles that came with his position in the Hamato Clan. He and his brothers shared their rank, but he had been specifically named the Head of the Clan from a very young age.
He'd been groomed with that very thought in mind, seconded only by the primary reason for their training…: revenge.
He and his brother's entire existance had been chosen for them in one way or another. They'd been originally bred to be pets in a child's aquarium, but the neglagence of a logistics driver for a futuristic tech company had turned them into creatures humans typically regarded as fictional antagonists for horror movies and liturature. Their adopted father, also unwillingly turned from a pet rat into a humanoid mutant, had taught them the ways of ancient Japanese martial arts and traditions.
He told them it was to be honorable, duty-bound and productive citizens of the city in which they lived below, but were never to be seen by their neighbors… after they killed the man who'd killed their Master's Master out of revenge for his brother, whom had been slain out of self-defense.
Revenge was not honorable, nor the way of the Warrior in which the Hamato-Splinterson Brothers had been literally beaten into respecting.
Leo found himself wanting nothing more than to do what he had always believed was right. He led his family into battle time and again until their mission was accomplished. Their purpose fullfilled, they were simply meant to exist in their hidden world below.
But revenge was an endless, circular path.
The Foot Clan took matters in their own hands to take their revenge for their Master Shredder's death. The city was thrown in the crossfire of warring gangs and mobs vying to take pieces of the Shredder's Empire. What had been a means to an end had only been the catalyst for a dangerous, vicious road of blood and tears.
Even the supernatural world had tried to rid the Turtles and their Master from the Earth. Extraterrestrial forces as well.
Enemies they had not wanted to make had been declared.
Leonardo found himself questioning his blind loyalty and trust to anyone except himself.
The pressure built and built over the years. Doing his best to do what was right, to live as he'd been raised, as well as protect his family as he was meant to had finally crested the limits of his control. The steady level-headedness snapped into something more dangerous… Bitterness and burn-out.
Depression, anxiety, frustration and fear took hold.
The internal bottle finally ruptured with the betrayal done by someone he once thought just as honorable and trustworthy as himself. He thought she was the help he and his family needed to end the street violence and bring a welcomed peace to both Hamato and Foot Clans.
They'd bonded over that proposed future and it blossomed into something… intimate. He'd grown complacent in that time and when it came down to finally ridding the world of the Shredder and protecting all other universes from his reign, her loyalty had been expressed to the Shredder instead of him.
In the process, she nearly killed his brothers in front of him, then turned his own blade on him. She'd narrowly missed his heart…
There was no comfort she'd missed. He saw it as a means to further insult and dishonor him personally.
From then on his only focus had been to his family, but that had only driven him further down into darkness.
He stopped feeling anything except contempt.
He aimed it at his father…
He nearly killed his Master out of rage during a simple training session.
Leonardo rightly deserved to be sent away, though at the time it felt like he'd been betrayed again. All he ever had was his family and they had shipped him off to be someone else's problem. That wasn't true, but in the moment he didn't see it as anything except a culmination of his own failure to uphold his teachings and traditions, and the failure of his own family to be there to support him when he'd needed them most.
They'd made everything difficult for him. They'd never let him be himself and held him to the most impossible expectations.
In truth, he'd been holding himself and them to impossible expectations and had chosen not to let himself find the balance he needed.
He had none to blame but himself, as well as his enemies for doing ill-will.
He stood there now in the center of their Lair --their home-- and saw the results of revenge again. The walls were crumbling and the doors had been forced open. The supports were barely standing anymore and everything they'd ever owned was broken and scattered about the floor. Destroyed mech suits and remains of deceased Foot were heaped in the midst as well.
Donatello's various transports were gone, and there was no signs of his brothers and father either.
He'd been gone too long… He'd come back too late…
Karai had taken them from him… list time for good.
All that time wasted…
All that training for naught…
All that effort to find himself and become not only the leader they needed him to be, but also the brother and son they needed him to be… useless.
Everything from that moment to the present was a blur; a slurry of emotion and action.
This was the rage Raphael must've felt… This was the power of someone with nothing left to lose… This was the darkest of someone who's love and loyalty were tested and betrayed at the hightest levels…
How liberating to not care who he hurt.
What freedom to lose that control and give in to the instinctual impulses of emotion.
All names of the same wicked things that hunted humans in the night. There were none better to describe the devistation and brutal wake he left behind.
There were rivers of blood flowing off the walls and ceiling of the Foot Tower…
He found her, held up in her throne room with feeble excuses for Elite Guards.
Karai stood no chance even in her armor.
The look of absolute terror on her face was laughable considering this is what she'd asked for. This was what she'd wanted and now that she was getting it, she'd come to realize her mistake far too late.
Unfortunately, Leonardo was not exempt from damage.
His reckless rage left him open and Karai took them out of desperation, but his adrenaline-fueled body pushed through the damage as if it was nothing.
The final blow was their blades piercing each other's hearts: her sprawled on the floor below and him towering over her with his full weight pressing down. Hers passed up through his left pectoral plate and out of his carapace. His plunged into her left breast and embeded into the stone floor under her scapula, pinning her down.
She breathed her last faster than he did.
He lingered above for some minutes before collapsing off to the left.
There was no relief, no lifted wight, no peace or balance…
It was just… over.
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Torn Pages: Chapter 5: Shut Your Eyes, Lest They are Stolen in Your Wakefulness
By: n3vulaa_undercover (Ao3) & BlueCalibriFont (Ao3)
Book Summary: Inumaki tears through reality like it's made of paper, and he and his classmates find themselves in a world not their own. Violence, sleep-deprived Gojo's and shenanigans ensue.
Previous Chapter: Chapter 4: He, Shaker of Worlds (click!)
Next Chapter: Chapter 6: In progress
(Full character list on the Pinned post on my blog, or click here.)
Characters in this Chapter: Uchiha Sasuke, Itadori Yuuji, Inumaki Toge, Uzumaki Karin, Sukuna, (Mentioned: Gojo Satoru, Orochimaru, Otogakure shinobi)
Chapter 5 Word Count: 4876
Chapter Summary:
Inumaki and Itadori execute their escape.
Sasuke gets dragged along for the ride.
They meet a friend.
Chapter Notes:
Blue: Someone should really revoke my Sukuna privileges'. I have too much fun with him.
Kat: no Sukuna makes crack! but your Sukuna privileges will be revoked as soon as you give him a perspective. unless it really calls for it! (also, sorry guys for the amount of POV switches in this chapter. it starts with sasuke, then switches to yuuji, karin at the end, and in brackets, toge has some time to shine with his little, exhausted, annoyed and migraine-induced sarcastic thoughts!)
Chapter 5:
Orochimaru walks out of the cell, a contemplative look on his face that soon morphs into a poisonous scowl. The toxic green of the test tubes paint his face the same noxious hue as the room around him.
“Watch them.” The Sannin spits, before stalking out of the room.
Sasuke stares after the receding form of the snake-like Shinobi. Not much can make frustrate the experienced warrior, and he’s only seen Orochimaru this furious once before- after Kabuto had killed a test subject nearing success. He should probably stay out of his mentor’s way for the coming few days
Walking to the door beside the cell, he enters the room to the side of it, with a wall made of one-way chakra-suppressing glass. He sees the white-haired, unconscious one - hair a similar shade to Kakashi, just lighter, his traitorous brain whispers – curled against the wall and trembling minutely. He's covered in blood, the red liquid dribbling sluggishly from his mouth which have strange marks on either side of his lips, maybe a clan marking he doesn't recognize, and staining the yellow top that seems far too big for him.
The other one, with dull rose-pink hair, almost like Sakura's, no stop- bends over, away from the white one and starts retching. Well, it looks like he’s gagging, he can't really see from this angle. Sasuke activates his Sharingan, and crouches down to see what the pink one is doing. It looks like he’s talking- Sasuke hasn’t yet learned how to channel chakra to body parts to enhance his other senses, so unable to listen in on the seemingly one-sided conversation he settles for watching.
The pink one’s hands go up to his cheek, and they come away coated in bile and semi-digested food. Sasuke catches a brief glimpse of a mouth-like opening, but it smooths into normal skin too fast for him to get a good look at it.
There's a severed finger on the ground now- had Pink-Hair eaten it and then vomited it out? Frankly, he's used to gore and violence now, accepted it as part and parcel of being born into this world. But still, the bloody finger lying in the puddle of vomit is slightly disconcerting.
The pink one pauses for a second, before saying something. He looks upset, angry, and Sasuke has to wonder if he's unaware that there could be people watching him, or if he just wears his feelings on his sleeve like that idiot Naruto. (stop thinking about them, they're not here and they can't help you, they never could-)
Either way, he can't be a very good shinobi if he's that emotional. If he even is a shinobi in the first place.
Pink-Hair suddenly turns around sharply to look at his...teammate? Partner? at his fellow inmate, who Sasuke had previously assumed to be unconscious. The assumption is quickly proven to be false when the injured prisoner shifts and grimaces, seemingly in response to something the other said.
Pink-Hair frowns and opens his mouth again. The white one sighs irritably at whatever he'd been told, before coughing up a lungful of blood. Well, that’s why the front of the red, Sasuke thinks. Sasuke internally winces at the sheer amount of blood the prisoner is spewing- he must have some severe internal injuries. Hopefully he won't die of it, Orochimaru would not be pleased if he came back to find one of his new test subjects dead.
The coughing fit subsides, and Pink-Hair visibly relaxes. So, they're close then- most don't express that kind of blatant, genuine relief for a pawn, or an expendable teammate.
The white-haired one starts making gestures with his hands, and Sasuke briefly tenses, wondering if this is an attempt at a Jutsu, before realizing that it seems to be more a form of sign language. Oh- that makes sense, if he can't so much as exhale too intensely without coughing up his internal organs then the white-haired test subject would need an alternate way to communicate with his friend.
There's a pause, then the white one glares at the pink one, evidently exasperated with his teammate’s(?) inability to understand him. It's oddly reminiscent of how Sakura would look at Naruto when he did or said something particularly stupid. (He needs to stop thinking about them, they aren't important, and they never were. All that matters now is That Man.)
There is a longer pause, more awkward this time - if he’s reading the room correctly - and the white one’s gaze drifts to Sasuke, and he startles badly - how? He shouldn't be able to sense anything through the glass, even Karin can’t- but the white-haired test subject’s eyes soon pass him over to stare at the regurgitated finger.
Oh. He must've overreacted. There was no way the test subject had seen through the glass, he must've just happened to glance in Sasuke's general direction. Pink-Hair outwardly winces as he tracks his friend’s gaze. Sasuke isn't the best at lip-reading, but he can make out a few words presumably being said: "Oh... That... (I?) can explain..." Then, the white-haired teen leans over and picks up the severed finger. Sasuke blinks, taken aback as he watches the test subject methodically peel the flesh off of the now-visible bone. Pink-Hair screeches, loud and surprised, loud enough in fact Sasuke to hear through the partially soundproofed walls, “What the hell?!”
Sasuke has seen a lot of horrific things throughout his life. The gore and death typically associated with being a Shinobi, Orochimaru's twisted experiments- the dead, contorted bodies of his family, sprawled out unnaturally as his older brother stared at him with unblinking red eyes, face covered in even redder blood-.
And yet, there's something innately disturbing in the way that the white-haired teen- because that's what he and the other kid are really, teenagers barely, if even older than Sasuke - clinically scribbles incomprehensible kanji-looking symbols through the dried blood and other old bodily fluids on the floor with a determined, slightly manic glint in his eye. Sasuke can only decipher a few of the glyphs, not nearly enough to understand any cohesive sentences. He thinks they're questions though, even if they are in an unfamiliar dialect.
Pink-Hair has turned away now, looking vaguely nauseous at his companion’s actions. Sasuke doesn't sympathize, but the gory scene isn't pleasant to watch even from this side of the glass, so he does- on some level- understand Pink-Hair’s squeamishness. Sasuke blinks, surprised at the turn his thoughts are taking. He shouldn't be trying to understand test subjects, even if only to pass the time. Understanding will only make it harder to see their dissected corpses, or worse, their motionless bodies floating in eerie green liquid.
After a minute of uncomfortable silence on Sasuke's end, as he tries to ignore the whittling down of the finger-bone and the small, haphazard piles of flesh and blood so that he can focus on what is being written down, the white-haired test subject gets up with a wince and taps Pink-Hair on the shoulder, getting his attention. The other starts to read the kanji and Sasuke does his best to lipread the answers given.
“We... into... creepy lab... some snake... dragged... while we.. out.” “Snake...said...Orochimaru... think...to dissect...” “Don’t know what...cursed energy...weird… sparkly...don’t think...curse?” “...did follow us...didn’t end up...” “...don’t know… I don’t know… I don’t know.”
He should probably practice his lipreading. It would be a useful skill that'd come in handy when eavesdropping, especially if used in correlation with his Sharingan. As it is, he can barely make out the individual words of what Pink-Hair is saying, much less actually connect it all together into cohesive, understandable sentences. He thinks he has an idea of what the first two questions and corresponding answers were- Orochimaru's name was a pretty dead give-away. As for the rest of it, he has no clue. He has no idea what cursed energy is, nor why it's apparently sparkly.
Pink-Hair flops onto his back dramatically, drawing Sasuke's attention back to the two test subjects. “...need to break out." Sasuke thinks he says. The seemingly muttered words don’t make is already exhausted lip-reading skills any better. "...don’t want to be dissected...need to get back to school...-sensei freaks out...blows up another island.”
Blows up an island. Blows up another island? (Another, whole-ass, island, if Pink-Hair isn’t exaggerating- oh shit, he’s given them capitalised names, no longer just the pink-haired one, shit-)
He wants to pretend that he'd lipread wrong, that he'd misinterpreted somehow, but Sasuke has never been very good at denial. There's still a disconnect though, the inherent incredulity that comes with processing the sheer amount of power that must be required to blow up a whole island. He'd been unable to make out the name of the person this power supposedly belongs to, only their accompanying title of ‘sensei’.
They- no, the test subjects (don’t humanize them) are students apparently, ones with a teacher that they at least believe to be powerful enough to destroy an entire island. They'd also mentioned a school, which might be a concern. If they had connections, friends, someone might come after them. Someone like this 'sensei'. Sasuke doesn't much care for what happens to Orochimaru- The snake Sannin is annoyingly durable, more like a cockroach than a snake in Sasuke's private opinion. Yes, it would be inconvenient if Sasuke would have to search for a new mentor, one strong and willing enough to teach him, but frankly he's more concerned with becoming potential collateral damage in any ensuing rescue mission.
He growls in frustration. He has more questions than answers at this point, and most of the answers he does have make next to no sense. What he does know: - There's no way these people are shinobi. For one, they hadn't recognized Orochimaru at all. - They also don't have a visible hitai-ate, crossed out or otherwise. - Even their behaviour, the very way they move, talk and act is un-shinobi-like in a way that Sasuke can't quite pinpoint. (And yet, despite this, they're far to desensitized to gore to be mere civilian.) No civilian Sasuke knows would so easily touch a severed finger coated in vomit and blood, much less write with it. Hell, most experienced shinobi would be at least somewhat nauseated, or at the very least wouldn't default to that as a method of communication. So not civilians, not shinobi, not clearly allied to any nation and students, apparently students which implies that they're still only in training. - There's also the weird markings around the white-haired ones mouth, possibly indicative of an unknown, dangerous Kekkai-Genkai and all of this is without even thinking of the mouth on Pink-Hairs cheek that had thrown up a semi-digested finger-
Hell, Sasuke doesn't even know how they got into the lab in the first place. He hadn't been present during the break-in, and Orochimaru has been frustratingly sparse with details.
Well. The Sannin hadn't really actively chosen to withhold information, so much as he'd been ignoring Sasuke's existence- in favour of these strange intruders. Orochimaru's fixation likely means that Sasuke won't be learning anything useful for the next few days, at least.
Sasuke glares at the one-way glass, scowling at the annoyingly intriguing nuisances behind. He might just help them escape, if only to find who, what they are. It’s about time he got away from Orochimaru anyways, considering the body-transfer is meant to be ready soon.
He growls inaudibly and stalks out of the room. Screw Orochimaru's orders, none of this is going to help him kill Itachi. He slams the door behind him, the resulting bang echoing obnoxiously through the base, likely signalling to the snake that he's abandoned his position. Good, he thinks vindictively, distantly aware that he's reached his ‘quarters’. Let everyone in this miserable place know exactly what he thinks of being ordered around like a dog.
Booms echo through the base; startling Sasuke out of his semi-mediative state (filled with blood-red eyes and burgundy floors- no, don’t go there), as the sound of breaking timber and collapsing buildings follow. Since his- (the) conversation two and a half days ago, Sasuke had harassed Orochimaru into teaching him how to channel chakra to his ears to enhance his hearing. He practically throws chakra up to his ears and starts rapidly shunshin-ing towards the source of the commotion.
He gets there just in time to almost run into Pink-Hair carrying the other prisoner on his back, almost two hundred meters away from the gate. Pink-Hair startles at his appearance, before shifting his partner into a more comfortable position as he tenses, muscles bunching and flexing in preparation to resume running.
Sasuke can't help but balk at the disgusting, wrongwrongwrong chakra that permeates the air around these two. Even with the suppressing glass that had separated him from them previously, he wonders how he hadn't felt it before. He's not a sensor, but the air is so oppressive, so suffocating that he doesn't need to be.
Sasuke snaps back to reality just in time to see Pink-Hair make a break for it at impressively fast speeds (and there's no influx in that horrible, wrong chakra, at least none that he can detect, so how is Pink-Hair moving so fast, especially when encumbered by his friend-). Sasuke activates his Sharingan in a blink, eyes already burning at the chakra output.
As his eyes bleed red, he notices that Pink-Hair isn't trying to engage Sasuke in combat and is instead trying to run past him. A smart move, given that he's hampered by the teammate he's carrying. He's fast, Sasuke will give him that, but not fast enough to outrun Sasuke when he’s using (Shisui’s) the iconic shunshin. He shunshins in front of Pink-Hair, and forces more burning chakra into his eyes, sending out a mild genjutsu to incapacitate Pink-Hair. He has to decide whether or not he'll let these two escape. Right now, he's inclined to kill the both of them on the mere premise of their abominable, suffocating chakra(?), but he might just leave them to Orochimaru, even if only to find out why their auras are so wrong.
He's eying the white-haired boy warily when something tugs on his genjutsu. Sasuke doesn't have a chance to even brace when the curious pull becomes an inescapable black hole and he's unwillingly sent hurtling into Pink-Hair’s mindscape.
He's standing on a lake of blood. It's the first thing he notices, the rippling red liquid that seems too deep for him to be able to stand on. It's not staining his clothes either, not even his boots.
He looks up from the unsettling, impossibly firm red sea beneath him, and he catches a glimpse of four arms, six eyes alight with unholy glee, mouths, too many to count with whitebloodstainedserratedblunt teeth that gleam unnaturally in the darkness, all wrongwrongwrong, before the figure solidifies into something vaguely humanoid, white-robed and banded with ink-black tattoos.
They(no, it) resemble Pink-Hair superficially, same burnt-rose hair, same face, but even without the Sharingan Sasuke would know that this is not the escaped prisoner he'd snared in his genjutsu. This is something ancient, something dangerous. An apex predator, a natural disaster, a never-ending war all impossibly compounded into this unnatural, wrong Thing.
"Well," they rumble, echoing like the metallic screeching of an incorrectly unsheathed katana, the thundering of a volcano on the precipice of eruption, a snarling wolf- and Sasuke can't move, paralyzed by fear and horror and effortless killing intent, more than the Kyuubi and the profound sense of wrong that this being embodies, exudes with suffocating intensity.
"Aren't you just fascinating," they continue, all six of the blood-red eyes (so familiar) fixated on Sasuke. They lean forwards too-fluidly, bleached bull skulls beneath them creaking and cracking in protest. "Oh,” the Thing says (like he just walked into its trap-) “those eyes- are they a common thing in your world? They are just so interesting." The being smiles grotesquely, the shadowy afterimage that he sees from the corner of his Sharingan-enhanced eyes torn apart by the grins of three too wide, too many mouths- "I'd love to pluck them from your skull and study them closer."
Sasuke takes a deep, shuddering breath, and just like that he snaps out of his fear-frozen reverie, taking a step back from the satirically enshrined false deity, desperately trying to reel back his genjutsu, to flee the predator before him and something snaps, and the malevolent shrine fades from his sight as the beings final words reverberate through his entire body. "Until our next meeting then, little Chimanako no Tsukaite."
Sasuke takes a deep breath of fresh air, distantly noting the concerned glances of Pink-Hair (the real Pink-Hair, and not that mockery of a calamity) who looks distinctly unaffected by his genjutsu, and the suspicious squint of his white-haired companion. They are the last thing he sees before his Sharingan extinguishes, eyes rolling back into his skull, and he collapses into blissfully empty darkness.
Yuuji sprints from the broken door of the curse hideout that he'd kicked down with extreme prejudice. It’s so bright outside, so offensively dazzling that Yuuji has to squint to see where he's going. Inumaki-senpai is on his back, because Yuuji is being Cautious and Really Doesn’t Want his upperclassman to cough up more blood.
(See, Gojo-sensei, he can be cautious. In fact, he’s being so cautious that it’s capitalised!)
Inumaki-senpai taps his left shoulder twice to get his attention, and he spins to his left to see a really weird looking curse(person?) coming towards them. The curse isn’t very fast, but it looks annoyed. Can curses be annoyed? Well, Sukuna is permanently annoyed with him, but Sukuna is a unfortunate special case. On its forehead, it wears a headband with an unfamiliar symbol engraved on it. Maybe a sign of loyalty? Or something to do with its origin? It doesn't matter.
(Toge taps on his kohai’s shoulder again, a little annoyed that Itadori keeps drifting- but then again, with the oppressive, migraine-inducing, blinding energy, which is definitely not cursed energy, despite the fact that Itadori keeps calling it not-cursed-energy, which is better than calling it sparkly-cursed-energy. A little bit of progress is better than none, he guesses, so he resigns himself to be dealing with a semi-clueless kohai until he can get a pen and paper and write out some basic JSL.)
Yuuji ducks under the very old-fashioned ninja-knife and kicks the curse’s ribs in. The curse flies back, crashing into three other curses, all with the same headband, sending the lot of them sprawling into a wall. Yuuji winces as their weird, maybe-cursed energy flares. He spares a moment of sympathy for Inumaki-senpai, because his upperclassman is much more sensitive to both the maybe-cursed energy and cursed energy in general than Yuuji is. It's something he's rarely grateful for, but now, surrounded by headache-inducing, much too bright maybe-cursed energy that hurts to look at he is very, very happy with his choice of not bothering to learn how to sense cursed energy outside of his natural sensory range.
Yuuji puts on a burst of speed, taking care to not accidentally sprint headfirst into a wall. He'd also rather not run into (haha, Yuuji, funny joke) Orochimaru.
Finally escaping the building he'd been imprisoned within, Yuuji whips his head around, scanning for more attackers (that he really hopes are curses, because the idea of kicking a human’s ribs in makes him uneasy, even if it was self-defense either way) He doesn't see any threats at first, no sign of Orochimaru, the head-band wearing curses, or the diminutive silhouette that had lurked outside their cell. And then Inumaki-senpai tenses, and the air crackles with too-bright power as a figure appears from thin air.
They're young, don't look much older than Yuuji. But appearances can be deceiving, and Yuuji knows better than to underestimate someone based on age alone. His, because they look like a guy, face is bored, slightly irritated as if coming out to recapture Yuuji and Inumaki was beneath him. Yuuji readjusts Inumaki-senpai into a more comfortable position, before digging his shoes into the ground and launching himself at the nearby gate as fast as he can.
He feels the shiny maybe-cursed energy behind him recoil, and reappear in front of him, several times brighter and oddly coagulated around his opponent’s eyes, in a way almost reminiscent of Gojo-sensei's Six Eyes (And yet so fundamentally different that even comparing the two feels wrong). He can just barely make out the red glow emanating from the boy’s irritable glower when something pulls at him and Sukuna stirs. The King of Curses has been passively active since their jailbreak, watching their progress and being as irritatingly useless as always. At least he wasn't actively screwing with them, or talking. Until now, it seems.
His opponent’s eyes go wide, and then disturbingly vacant. Yuuji pauses, concerned despite himself. After an age of Sukuna's dysmorphic, active movement beneath Yuuji's skin the boy gasps, stumbling back, eyes wide and glazed over with fear and blood-red glow nowhere to be seen. He sways for a moment, before collapsing in a boneless heap. Yuuji half starts forward, before stopping, and his heart twist painfully when he looks at the unconscious figure.
He looks almost like Junpei.
And maybe Yuuji is projecting, seeing things that don't exist, but that he desperately wants to, or maybe it's the way that the boy’s hair falls, covering one eye, but he looks so painfully like Yuuji's friend in that moment, face still twisted with the remnants of fear that Yuuji's heart aches for him.
What had the boy seen, when his too bright not-cursed energy had flared? Had he seen Sukuna? Had the curse hurt him somehow? He aims the question inwards, but Sukuna doesn't answer, unnatural, ever-present buzz fading deeper into Yuuji's body.
Yuuji can only close his eyes at the brief but intense wave of self-loathing that washes over him unexpectedly. When he opens them, he's made a choice. An impulsive, stupid one that Inumaki-senpai definitely won't agree with and that Fushiguro and Kugisaki would probably beat him over the head for if they were here, but a decision he will stand by, nonetheless.
Inumaki-senpai lets out a soft, surprised protest as he shifts his upperclassman into a more convenient position, and a louder one when he he shoulders the unconscious body of their opponent.
"Okaka!" He rasps, voice strong but still rough, once he realizes Yuuji's intentions. "I know," Yuuji murmurs, still not entirely sure of what he's doing himself, "but- but…" The kid feels like his responsibility, he might've gotten hurt because of Yuuji, because Yuuji was still alive, and he looked like someone Yuuji couldn't bear see die again-
"He's just a kid," Yuuji finishes lamely. "Besides, I don't know what Orochimaru wants with him, but whatever it is, it can't be good. Did you see those eyes?"
He can feel Inumaki-senpai's stare burning holes in his back, but after a moment his upperclassman relents. "Kaisou," he sighs bitterly, and Yuuji winces.
He takes a step towards the gate, towards freedom, the combined weight of Inumaki and the kid too much break into a run immediately when his stomach lurches abruptly and something-
c h a n g e s
Yuuji takes a deep breath and almost unconsciously his shoulders untense. Something feels right now- or at least better, because he's still surrounded by horribly bright maybe-cursed energy. Only now, it feels like he's been unknowingly walking uphill this entire time and the ground has finally levelled out into a flat surface. Inumaki-senpai too relaxes nigh-unnoticeably, breathing a soft sigh of relief. The kid (That he's... kidnapping? Maybe? He's still not sure) on the other hand tenses, and groans something indecipherable in his sleep.
"Tsunamayo?" Inumaki asks slowly. Yuuji assumes he's talking about the shift, so he nods. "Yeah, I felt it too. What do you thin-"
He's cut off by an ear-splitting shriek that comes from one of the buildings behind them, and he unconsciously goes to clutch his ears, only to remember that he can't because he's still carrying two people-
The scream cuts off, finally, and Yuuji turns back to face the buildings.
"It sounds like someone was in pain." Yuuji says indecipherably, staring in the vague direction of the screams source. "Kaisou, okaka." Inumaki replies incredulously, but flatly, as if he's already accepted Yuuji's tendency to recklessly throw himself after people potentially in danger. Yuuji smiles apologetically anyways, even though Inumaki-senpai can't see it.
"I'll get you guys outside of this... compound first. I'll circle back after I found the source of that scream, okay?" Inumaki digs his fingers into Yuuji's shoulder, and huffs. "Shake," he agrees reluctantly, and Yuuji grins, bright and cheerful. "I'll be back before you know it!" he reassures his upperclassman, sprinting out of the gates as fast as he can to find a suitable hiding place
Around what Yuuji estimates to be five-ish miles away from the base, he comes to a stop as a massive cliff is blocking his path. Well, it would be blocking his path if he needed to go further, but he doesn’t, so he walks to a boulder, and drops (gracefully), Inumaki-senpai and the boy.
Inumaki-senpai gets up immediately after, and scratches on the rock, with the finger-bone he still has for some reason, ‘I’ll get him tied up, because he was hostile.’
Yuuji sighs, but knows even if he disagrees, Inumaki-senpai knows more than him, so there isn’t any reason to waste what could be precious time having a semi-one-sided argument with his senpai.
He turns back to the compound and starts running.
Karin can hear the explosions of negative energy and chakra alike go off in the main building of Otogakure, the lab and the prison cells. The likelihood of the two t̴̶̵̻̤̯̰͙͚̤͔̼͊̀̍̄̈́͌̍̋͌ŗ̴̶̵̠̜̥̗̗̤͍͓̫̜͍̟̄̅̇̀̀̊̑̔ą̴̶̵̧̦̮̼̞̯̪̈́̐̈̒̄͋̊͠͝v̸̶̷̢̭̣͕̺̯̬̙͔̍͋͗̊͆̾̀́̍͆͋͜ȩ̵̶̵̛͇̹̬̹̓̔̋̑̂͛͌͌͌̐̋̚͝ͅͅl̴̶̴̯͈̙̤̙̄̑̈̂̒͘ḻ̸̶̵͕͍͓̹͙̠̞̣̖̰͍͓̄̄͗͐̿͊̔̆͆̚͝e̴̶̸̢̛̪̳̝̙̯͖͖̜̰͎͊͊̈̂̈́͛͑̈́̐̀́͂͘ŗ̸̶̴̨̡̧̯̲̙̱̤̪̟͈͍͇̈́̀̍͗̉̓̅̐͠s̸̶̵̟̱̖͚̭̖̭̳̪̿́̈́͌͝͝ attacking her was almost astronomically low, so she closes her eyes and opens her Mind's Eye to See the world in its full form.
As she activates the age-old sensory technique, she Sees the lives of a few Oto shinobi flash out of existence as one of the two t̴̶̵̻̤̯̰͙͚̤͔̼͊̀̍̄̈́͌̍̋͌ŗ̴̶̵̠̜̥̗̗̤͍͓̫̜͍̟̄̅̇̀̀̊̑̔ą̴̶̵̧̦̮̼̞̯̪̈́̐̈̒̄͋̊͠͝v̸̶̷̢̭̣͕̺̯̬̙͔̍͋͗̊͆̾̀́̍͆͋͜ȩ̵̶̵̛͇̹̬̹̓̔̋̑̂͛͌͌͌̐̋̚͝ͅͅl̴̶̴̯͈̙̤̙̄̑̈̂̒͘ḻ̸̶̵͕͍͓̹͙̠̞̣̖̰͍͓̄̄͗͐̿͊̔̆͆̚͝e̴̶̸̢̛̪̳̝̙̯͖͖̜̰͎͊͊̈̂̈́͛͑̈́̐̀́͂͘ŗ̸̶̴̨̡̧̯̲̙̱̤̪̟͈͍͇̈́̀̍͗̉̓̅̐͠s̸̶̵̟̱̖͚̭̖̭̳̪̿́̈́͌͝͝, the one with the Akuma no enerugī concentrated inside it, kicks a shinobi into the wall, along with three others.
She can see the other t̴̶̵̻̤̯̰͙͚̤͔̼͊̀̍̄̈́͌̍̋͌ŗ̴̶̵̠̜̥̗̗̤͍͓̫̜͍̟̄̅̇̀̀̊̑̔ą̴̶̵̧̦̮̼̞̯̪̈́̐̈̒̄͋̊͠͝v̸̶̷̢̭̣͕̺̯̬̙͔̍͋͗̊͆̾̀́̍͆͋͜ȩ̵̶̵̛͇̹̬̹̓̔̋̑̂͛͌͌͌̐̋̚͝ͅͅl̴̶̴̯͈̙̤̙̄̑̈̂̒͘ḻ̸̶̵͕͍͓̹͙̠̞̣̖̰͍͓̄̄͗͐̿͊̔̆͆̚͝e̴̶̸̢̛̪̳̝̙̯͖͖̜̰͎͊͊̈̂̈́͛͑̈́̐̀́͂͘ŗ̸̶̴̨̯̲̙̱̤̈́̀̍͗̉̓̅̐͠, the Ɔ̴̸̵̶̴̴̶̴̸̴̸̷̴̴̴̵̵̸̷̸̴̞̫̫̲̱̳̗̼̺̜̩̟͕̞͉̠̩͔̂̏̀̐̈́̇̾̉́͐͆̑̀̀͑̀̿͗̈́͋̑͜ͅͅơ̴̶̶̸̸̶̶̵̴̷̷̶̷̵̷̵̵̴̵̷̶̤̣͇̩̙̜̩̥̟̝̳̠̖̣͔͕͕͖͍̏͋̅̏́͒̌̌̽̀̉̀̽̈̎̓̃͐̚͜͜͠u̸̷̷̵̷̶̴̷̷̴̶̴̸̴̵̴̴̶̵̸̷̧̢̥̗̰͍̗̟̩̟̻͕̜̹̣̳̫̪̯̓͆̋̈͂̓͒̏̋̔͋͐̔̊̑̈́͐̚͜͝͠͝ͅp̸̵̴̶̷̴̸̸̷̴̴̶̴̶̵̷̶̷̸̴̷̡̨̛̛̠̫̤͕̰̪̫̯̘͎̩͇̥͙̪̰͖̬̂̀̈̅́̔̈́̋̈̅̀̃̄͆̽̋̉͜͝͝ņ̷̶̵̷̶̶̵̵̴̶̴̵̶̵̷̷̵̴̸̸̴̡̛͎͈͚̝̲͇̫͎̩̠̰̝̟̦͖̩̗̓́͂̊̃̑̃̍̽̈́̿̏̑̐̒̈́̀̿̿̍͜ͅᴉ̶̵̷̵̶̶̵̷̸̶̴̶̵̴̵̷̴̷̷̷̵̢̢̨̧̧̛̹̦̹̻̗͖̼͇͍̩͓͎̮͔̠̬̑͋̓̈́̈́͌̍̈̒̔̽͋̍͊̆̅͂̆̚͠ʇ̸̷̸̴̸̷̵̵̵̴̶̸̶̸̵̷̸̷̶̶̸̢̧̛̱̗̠̹͖͕̩͓͓̲͕̦͇̪̤̙̬̞̈́̍̃͋̄͒̑̒͒͛̇̿̑́̐́͘̚͜͝͠ ͇̰͈̝͔̘ on the pseudo-jinchuuriki’s back. She then sees a burst of ozone-ash-snake-wildfire-oppressed chakra, who she knows belongs to the Uchiha, shunshin towards the two t̴̶̵̻̤̯̰͙͚̤͔̼͊̀̍̄̈́͌̍̋͌ŗ̴̶̵̠̜̥̗̗̤͍͓̫̜͍̟̄̅̇̀̀̊̑̔ą̴̶̵̧̦̮̼̞̯̪̈́̐̈̒̄͋̊͠͝v̸̶̷̢̭̣͕̺̯̬̙͔̍͋͗̊͆̾̀́̍͆͋͜ȩ̵̶̵̛͇̹̬̹̓̔̋̑̂͛͌͌͌̐̋̚͝ͅͅl̴̶̴̯͈̙̤̙̄̑̈̂̒͘ḻ̸̶̵͕͍͓̹͙̠̞̣̖̰͍͓̄̄͗͐̿͊̔̆͆̚͝e̴̶̸̢̛̪̳̝̙̯͖͖̜̰͎͊͊̈̂̈́͛͑̈́̐̀́͂͘ŗ̸̶̴̨̡̧̯̲̙̱̤̪̟͈͍͇̈́̀̍͗̉̓̅̐͠s̸̶̵̟̱̖͚̭̖̭̳̪̿́̈́͌͝͝.
She tenses for a moment, knowing that although the pseudo-jinchuuriki is weighed down, Uchiha could be mortally injured in this fight. Then, she sees the negative energy of pseudo-jinchuuriki flare, but in sadness and grief. Oh. Recognition. The pseudo-jinchuuriki lost someone that looks like the Uchiha. Then, the Akuma no enerugī flares, and the genjutsu that Uchiha attempted to form on the t̴̶̵̻̤̯̰͙͚̤͔̼͊̀̍̄̈́͌̍̋͌ŗ̴̶̵̠̜̥̗̗̤͍͓̫̜͍̟̄̅̇̀̀̊̑̔ą̴̶̵̧̦̮̼̞̯̪̈́̐̈̒̄͋̊͠͝v̸̶̷̢̭̣͕̺̯̬̙͔̍͋͗̊͆̾̀́̍͆͋͜ȩ̵̶̵̛͇̹̬̹̓̔̋̑̂͛͌͌͌̐̋̚͝ͅͅl̴̶̴̯͈̙̤̙̄̑̈̂̒͘ḻ̸̶̵͕͍͓̹͙̠̞̣̖̰͍͓̄̄͗͐̿͊̔̆͆̚͝e̴̶̸̢̛̪̳̝̙̯͖͖̜̰͎͊͊̈̂̈́͛͑̈́̐̀́͂͘ŗ̸̶̴̨̡̧̯̲̙̱̤̪̟͈͍͇̈́̀̍͗̉̓̅̐͠s̸̶̵̟̱̖͚̭̖̭̳̪̿́̈́͌͝͝, is torn, and the Akuma worms it’s way into the Uchiha’s mind. She focuses on it, expanding her sensory field, opening it to the negative energy. The Akuma is talking, but it is muffled by the distance. Then, the Akuma pulls out of the Uchiha’s mind.
And her Eye burns as the Sky ʇ̵̶̴̴̷̶̶̸̷̴̷̢̪̦̫̳̞̤̘͔͓͌̇̈́̈̃̀͒͑̏͐ǝ̴̶̷̷̶̶̶̷̵̴̵̡͓͍͍͚̳̞̃̏́͗̆̾͐̄̌̚͜ͅͅɐ̷̸̵̵̸̶̸̴̸̵̸̪̱̖̻͇̖͍̮̬̱̓̑̒̊̃͊̔̍̑͝ɹ̷̴̸̶̵̶̵̴̵̸̷̨̡̮̱̯̙̥̪̩͔͂̐̏͌͗͊͊̊̚͠s̶̶̶̵̵̶̶̶̴̴̴̡̜̙͉̰̱̦̗͕̲͂̊̓̿́́́͊̚̕ in two, as the H̷̴̸̸̷̝̭̼͔̗̊͛̈̚͘ǫ̷̷̵̴̷̰̪͕̫́̏͊͋͘u̸̸̸̵̶͎̞̳͉̤͆̑̾̒̚ō̸̴̸̴̵̥̼̬̣̙̍͐́̚ņ̴̸̸̶̸͍̖̪̺̉̉̆̊̔ɹ̴̵̷̴̴̩̥̦͕̟̀̓͌̅̈ǝ̸̵̴̷̸̢̤͇̱̦͌̐̓̈́̐p̷̸̵̵̶̭͈̘̗̹͂͌̀̓̓ ̷̷̵̶̵̭͉̼̳͒͊̀̓͗͜ŏ̶̷̴̷̸̼̥͎̖͖̾̃̊͂ű̸̸̸̷̷̢̢̜̞͚͂̄͑̕ǝ̴̴̵̸̶͖̲̦͕́̈̒̑̚ͅ rips his way into the world, leaving no way to return without a Ɔ̴̸̵̶̴̴̶̴̸̴̸̷̴̴̴̵̵̸̷̸̴̞̫̫̲̱̳̗̼̺̜̩̟͕̞͉̠̩͔̂̏̀̐̈́̇̾̉́͐͆̑̀̀͑̀̿͗̈́͋̑͜ͅͅơ̴̶̶̸̸̶̶̵̴̷̷̶̷̵̷̵̵̴̵̷̶̤̣͇̩̙̜̩̥̟̝̳̠̖̣͔͕͕͖͍̏͋̅̏́͒̌̌̽̀̉̀̽̈̎̓̃͐̚͜͜͠u̸̷̷̵̷̶̴̷̷̴̶̴̸̴̵̴̴̶̵̸̷̧̢̥̗̰͍̗̟̩̟̻͕̜̹̣̳̫̪̯̓͆̋̈͂̓͒̏̋̔͋͐̔̊̑̈́͐̚͜͝͠͝ͅp̸̵̴̶̷̴̸̸̷̴̴̶̴̶̵̷̶̷̸̴̷̡̨̛̛̠̫̤͕̰̪̫̯̘͎̩͇̥͙̪̰͖̬̂̀̈̅́̔̈́̋̈̅̀̃̄͆̽̋̉͜͝͝ņ̷̶̵̷̶̶̵̵̴̶̴̵̶̵̷̷̵̴̸̸̴̡̛͎͈͚̝̲͇̫͎̩̠̰̝̟̦͖̩̗̓́͂̊̃̑̃̍̽̈́̿̏̑̐̒̈́̀̿̿̍͜ͅᴉ̶̵̷̵̶̶̵̷̸̶̴̶̵̴̵̷̴̷̷̷̵̢̢̨̧̧̛̹̦̹̻̗͖̼͇͍̩͓͎̮͔̠̬̑͋̓̈́̈́͌̍̈̒̔̽͋̍͊̆̅͂̆̚͠ʇ̸̷̸̴̸̷̵̵̵̴̶̸̶̸̵̷̸̷̶̶̸̢̧̛̱̗̠̹͖͕̩͓͓̲͕̦͇̪̤̙̬̞̈́̍̃͋̄͒̑̒͒͛̇̿̑́̐́͘̚͜͝͠ ͇̰͈̝͔̘
Distantly, she realises that she is screaming her throat hoarse, and her eyes start to bleed. Distantly, she can taste the fountain of blood coming from her nose drip into her mouth. Distantly, through her near-blinded eye, still glowing white, she can see the Ɔ̴̸̵̶̴̴̶̴̸̴̸̷̴̴̴̵̵̸̷̸̴̞̫̫̲̱̳̗̼̺̜̩̟͕̞͉̠̩͔̂̏̀̐̈́̇̾̉́͐͆̑̀̀͑̀̿͗̈́͋̑͜ͅͅơ̴̶̶̸̸̶̶̵̴̷̷̶̷̵̷̵̵̴̵̷̶̤̣͇̩̙̜̩̥̟̝̳̠̖̣͔͕͕͖͍̏͋̅̏́͒̌̌̽̀̉̀̽̈̎̓̃͐̚͜͜͠u̸̷̷̵̷̶̴̷̷̴̶̴̸̴̵̴̴̶̵̸̷̧̢̥̗̰͍̗̟̩̟̻͕̜̹̣̳̫̪̯̓͆̋̈͂̓͒̏̋̔͋͐̔̊̑̈́͐̚͜͝͠͝ͅp̸̵̴̶̷̴̸̸̷̴̴̶̴̶̵̷̶̷̸̴̷̡̨̛̛̠̫̤͕̰̪̫̯̘͎̩͇̥͙̪̰͖̬̂̀̈̅́̔̈́̋̈̅̀̃̄͆̽̋̉͜͝͝ņ̷̶̵̷̶̶̵̵̴̶̴̵̶̵̷̷̵̴̸̸̴̡̛͎͈͚̝̲͇̫͎̩̠̰̝̟̦͖̩̗̓́͂̊̃̑̃̍̽̈́̿̏̑̐̒̈́̀̿̿̍͜ͅᴉ̶̵̷̵̶̶̵̷̸̶̴̶̵̴̵̷̴̷̷̷̵̢̢̨̧̧̛̹̦̹̻̗͖̼͇͍̩͓͎̮͔̠̬̑͋̓̈́̈́͌̍̈̒̔̽͋̍͊̆̅͂̆̚͠ʇ̸̷̸̴̸̷̵̵̵̴̶̸̶̸̵̷̸̷̶̶̸̢̧̛̱̗̠̹͖͕̩͓͓̲͕̦͇̪̤̙̬̞̈́̍̃͋̄͒̑̒͒͛̇̿̑́̐́͘̚͜͝͠ ͇̰͈̝͔̘ and the t̴̶̵̻̤̯̰͙͚̤͔̼͊̀̍̄̈́͌̍̋͌ŗ̴̶̵̠̜̥̗̗̤͍͓̫̜͍̟̄̅̇̀̀̊̑̔ą̴̶̵̧̦̮̼̞̯̪̈́̐̈̒̄͋̊͠͝v̸̶̷̢̭̣͕̺̯̬̙͔̍͋͗̊͆̾̀́̍͆͋͜ȩ̵̶̵̛͇̹̬̹̓̔̋̑̂͛͌͌͌̐̋̚͝ͅͅl̴̶̴̯͈̙̤̙̄̑̈̂̒͘ḻ̸̶̵͕͍͓̹͙̠̞̣̖̰͍͓̄̄͗͐̿͊̔̆͆̚͝e̴̶̸̢̛̪̳̝̙̯͖͖̜̰͎͊͊̈̂̈́͛͑̈́̐̀́͂͘ŗ̸̶̴̨̯̲̙̱̈́̀̍͗̉̓̅̐͠’s negative energy spike and recede into the distance. Distantly, she can see theƎ̶̷̸̸̴̶̴̶̷̵̴̵̶̶̸̷̸̶̸̸̸̡̧̰̞̭̯̮̹̜̹̤̟͇̥̭̞̝͔́͗̐͒́̓̅͆̽͊̿̐̇̋̏̆̏̊̆̕͜͝ͅͅų̶̸̸̶̴̴̵̸̶̶̸̸̷̷̵̴̴̷̴̶̷̛͙͉̪͈̘̮̱̪͎͎̤͕̼͓̟̯̮̟͂̐̔̔͆̍͋́̏́́͋́͗̓̈́̋̽̒͝ͅͅɟ̸̸̵̸̵̵̴̷̴̸̷̷̴̴̸̵̸̷̶̶̵̢̡̡̧̪̺̣̯̜͈̠͈̼̤̝̟͖̮̱̭̊͑͊͌͋́̍͐̓̀͑̈̈̿̎̒́͒͂̕͘͜ǫ̸̸̷̵̶̶̴̸̴̸̴̸̵̷̶̶̵̶̶̶̴̡̛̠̙̟̹̪̲͖̝̜̬̱̘̰̲̠̘̫̐̃̌͊͂̐̾̀͆͆̔̏̓̀̅͆̀̊͘͘ͅͅɹ̶̴̴̴̸̶̷̶̷̶̵̴̷̷̴̷̸̷̴̷̸̡̡̛̛͈̬̹̘͓̬͖̝̩̞̯̩̖͓̫̲̩̤̝͑̀̐̍́́̓͒̈̐̆̒��͌̐̚̕̕̚ɔ̵̶̶̷̴̷̸̸̷̴̵̷̶̷̸̴̶̵̴̷̵̧̢̹͕͍̼̰͖̘͔̮̭̙̩̞̥̼̗̣̩͚̄̓̒̓̎̒͛̄͂̄̓̾͋̒̈͗̀̉̆̚͝ǝ̸̸̸̷̴̵̸̸̴̵̴̵̸̸̸̴̴̵̷̶̵̨̧̧̛͉̖͙̦͎̳͈̩̞̘̠̩̩͚͉͈̙͕̏̿͑̀̎̇͒̀̈́̉̏̌̒̏̈̀͋͌̕̕ɹ̴̵̸̷̷̶̶̷̶̴̸̴̶̵̴̴̶̶̴̷̴̨̧̡̜̥̯̱͔͔͍̺̺͚͈̫̞̹̹̤̭͎̃̋͑͂̎͑͑̿̏̽̐̍́͂̑́̋̚̚͝͝ close the tear. Oh, so distant.
Yuuji enters the building where the scream came from warily. He turns left at the first hallway, because the right hallway is covered in burgundy, and it’s dry. He didn’t take long enough for blood to dry (he thinks) so that way is the second option.
He is almost immediately greeted with a girl lying on the floor with hair the same colour as the blood coming from her nose and eyes. He leans down to check her pulse- alive. Good. He sees a pair of glasses in her hand, and picks them up as he moves towards her head. There is an eye with a swirl in it, glowing white on her forehead. He goes to touch it, but flinches away when he does, because it’s almost boiling hot.
He is a little confused, because he cannot smell cooking flesh, so it mustn’t be hurting her. He shrugs and picks her up. Sukuna hisses like a cat in his head, Guide.
He decides to ignore Sukuna, because the curse likely wants a reaction.
He turns and walks outside, starting up a quick jog to get back to Inumaki-senpai and the Junpei look-alike.
(His sweet little kohai comes back with another person. פ̷̸̷̷̵̸̴̸̷̷̵̶̶̶̴̸̷̵̵̴̸̢̨̢̛̗̠̺̻̖̯̘̩͈̞̮͔̹̗͕̞̥̘̀̏̿̀̂̍̉̍͋̌̀̾̎̍͊͌̕͝͠͝ņ̵̶̵̷̶̸̶̸̵̴̷̴̷̴̵̷̷̸̷̴̶̢̛͈͔̙̜̬̘͙̖̜̞̺̣͔͇̼͙̠̜̿̂̈́͋̈́̅̿̈͌͂͒̅̿̔̆͌̚͘͜͝͠ᴉ̶̷̵̶̸̵̴̶̵̶̵̷̷̵̶̸̴̴̵̴̸̧̢̛̤̱̹̤͉̗͇͎͉̙̪̹̭͖̯̤͖̪̙͌̄̈́̓͌́̈̀̈́̐̏͂̀͗̈́̎̈́͛͝͠p̸̴̵̸̸̶̶̷̷̴̸̶̵̵̸̶̷̶̴̷̸̨̢͉̙͍̱̣͍͓͚̙̘̺͉̣̦͙̭͔̫̞̾͂͌̔̓̈̈́̔͛̌̐̿̍͛̈́͂̒͘͝͝ǝ̷̴̴̸̶̴̷̸̷̵̶̸̶̷̵̸̷̴̸̴̸̨̹͙̻̘̟͈̙̥̪̯͚̲͕̲̘͕̪̯̩͓̽̀͌̅̾̇̋̍͛̑͑́̓́̏͛̑̓͒͘͝ a forgotten part of his mind hisses. He doesn’t hear it.)
End Notes:
Itadori doesn't have the best understanding of how cursed techiques affect one's body: Inumaki actually wrote on the floor that his cursed technique doesn’t affect his lungs, but his throat and Itadori took that to mean that he can’t breathe correctly because in Itadori’s mind: to breathe equals air through mouth/nose, throat, lungs, and out is lungs, throat, mouth/nose.
(Glossary notes: Chimanako no tsukaite (血眼の使い手) User of blood (i tried to get google translate to say 'user of blood eyes', but it didn't work. just pretend it means that- please. also neither blue or i speak japanese, so PLEASE CORRECT ME))
Kat: sorry for the amount of time this took, i had a funeral to go to and it was far-ish, so i couldn't take my laptop and then i was emotional support for grandparents and cousins. soooo.................. E. Also, you may be asking: am I making Toge a semi-sensor? yes. You might understand later, who knows. (he's not on karin's canon level though, and not even near gojo's. however, for this, i am ramping up karin to a semi-BAMF level though. also don't worry, she's not nearly as annoying as in canon due to Reasons involving Very Important Lore that ends up being an Integral Part of the Plot. Sorry, i'm rambling)
Blue: I want y'all to appreciate how much work Kat put into this chapter. Like all the lore? All the hilarious thoughts in brackets? Courtesy of my fabulous cowriter.
Inumaki dictionary for this chapter (from what yuuji can understand, however yuuji isn't a professional inumaki-decoder, so some of these may be a little different): Okaka (bonito flakes): disagree/deny Kaisou (seaweed): reluctant acceptance: Idiot/fine Tsunamayo (tuna mayo): confusion/what was that? okaka, kaisou (bonito flakes, seaweed): stating his negative opinion with acceptance: no, you idiot/ fine, but i don't like it Shake (salmon): exasperated, in this case, like a parent: okay
Chapter 1: Bloodstained Ink (click!)
Chapter 2: Heights & Scarecrows (click!)
Chapter 3: Snakes & Spirits Behind Locked Doors (click!)
Previous Chapter: Chapter 4: He, Shaker of Worlds (click!)
Current Chapter: Chapter 5: Shut Your Eyes, Lest They are Stolen in Your Wakefulness
Original Character List & Pinned Post (click!)
13 notes · View notes
yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
a little unconventional (part one)
[foster au]
this is set in America because i don't know how Romania works
rapture rising
“Alcina, my beloved sister, are you sure all of this is necessary?”
Alcina shot a glare over her shoulder at her toddling younger brother, who she was making carry in several boxes full of various items into one of the many rooms in her mansion. This one wasn’t one of the bedrooms, but rather a temporary storage room for all the things she had recently bought. She was going to have everything set up for the children to choose from when they eventually arrived. Just thinking about them getting to pick out their bedsheets and paint for their new rooms made a smile come to her lips, excitement rushing through her like dozens of butterflies flying for the first time.
…And then her idiot brother bumped into the doorframe and caused an avalanche of boxes to come down on top of him.
“Be careful!” Alcina barked, whirling around to him. She bent down to start picking the boxes up. “You’re lucky there was nothing fragile in here.”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking,” Heisenberg grunted, rubbing his head.
“And to answer your questions, dearest brother, yes, this is all very necessary,” Alcina said. “I need this to be perfect for them. This may be the first time those little girls get a real home.”
“Inflating your ego, aren’t you?”
Alcina stepped on his foot.
“I have the paints.” Moreau, Alcina’s other brother, shuffled inside, holding several cans of paint on his arms. If they were hurting him, he didn’t say anything. He seemed pleased with himself for being so useful.
“Thank you, Sal,” Alcina said. She took the cans from him and placed them against the wall. “Yellow, green, red, blue, pink, purple… Do you think that’s enough? What if they want, like, a mauve room?”
“Mauve?” Heisenberg echoed as he was crow hopping on one foot, still recovering from being stomped on.
“It’s a shade of purple,” Moreau supplied.
“I know what mauve is, asshole,” Heisenberg hissed. “I was just saying.”
“And I’m just saying, what if they want a lighter-colored room?” Alcina said. “This purple is dark. Should I go buy more?”
“You could mix white into the paint?” Moreau suggested.
Alcina thought it over, then nodded. “Yes, I could do that. Good idea.”
“Who wants a mauve bedroom, anyway?” Heisenberg muttered.
“Alcina!” A fourth voice echoed throughout the house, and Alcina’s sister entered the room. Donna looked uncharacteristically bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. She was clutching something in her hands. “Alcina, I have finished them!”
“When did you get here?” Heisenberg looked at her.
“Just now,” Donna said. “It doesn’t matter. Look!”
A beautiful doll was presented to Alcina. It was hand-stitched and dressed with great care. All the little details, down to the freckles and shiny eyes, were incredibly-made, and Alcina couldn’t help but pick it up tentatively, as though she were afraid of accidentally destroying it.
“Oh, Donna,” she said. “It’s beautiful! Thank you.”
Donna beamed. “I have also made stuffed animals and toy clothes for them. An entire wardrobe, in fact. Many selections.”
“Damn,” Heisenberg looked impressed. “Toys dress better than I do.”
“We know,” the other three said in sync, eyeing his ratty trenchcoat and old cowboy hat that he insisted on wearing everywhere.
“You weren’t supposed to agree!” Heisenberg barked like one of his dogs.
“Shouldn’t have said anything,” Alcina shrugged daintily. She looked back at Donna and smiled. “Thank you, Donna. I really appreciate your support. I appreciate all of your support. Even yours, Karl.”
“Sure, sure…” Heisenberg said, though Alcina didn’t miss the glint of fondness in his eyes.
“This is so exciting,” Donna said. “It’s a wonderful thing you’re doing, Alcina. Do you remember when we were all adopted by Mother?”
Heisenberg snorted. “I remember being kidnapped as a child and held for ransom, and then being one of the abduction victims to be actually found alive, only to discover that my parents had been killed while trying to get me back, to which I was then thrown into a home with you three.”
Donna winced. “Not…quite what I had in mind.”
“And you say ‘you three’ like we weren’t your best friends growing up,” Moreau pointed out idly, not looking at Heisenberg as he was helping unload some of the boxes. That one in particular held a wide selection of different bed sheets, ranging from leopard print to floral to plain blue.
Heisenberg raised his nose and huffed. “Well. Still.”
Alcina shook her head with a warm smile.
She vividly remembered life with her adoptive mother, Miranda, and her three other siblings. She was reborn from ash and flame after her old family estate burned down to the ground, smoldering the life she used to have and taking her parents with it. Yes, she could still smell the smoke, taste the embers on her tongue, even now, thirty-five years later. She was so small back then, only nine years old when the fire started, and she watched her home crumble to pieces right before her teary eyes. She thought it was over, that she had nothing, that she was going to be alone forever without her mother and father, but then a woman in a black cowl whisked her up into tender arms and took her under her wing as though she were the chicken to a nurturing mother bird.
She was the first of Miranda’s ragtag rascal children with harsh upbringings. For two years, it was just the both of them, reading books and watching movies in a beautiful countryside manor that quickly became her new home. Though the wounds had still been raw, the burns were very fresh, Miranda filled the void in her heart that her parents’ death left behind, extinguishing that eternal fire of survivor guilt and mourning.
And then the others came along.
At the time, Alcina had been rather indignant at the idea of having siblings. She was an only child with her birth family and she preferred to stay an only child with her new one, too, but she never voiced this opinion to Miranda. She grinned and bore it, even if it meant losing the attention of her mother.
Though, they didn’t end up being that bad…
The first of the “intruders” as she used to call them was Salvatore Moreau, a boy her age, though three months younger, and with a story similar to her own. He had been in a car crash after his drunken father got into a pretty nasty collision. The engine caught fire and it wasn’t long until the rest of the car followed. Moreau was trapped in the inferno, but managed to get out, running towards a nearby lake to extinguish the flames that were trying to make him its newest pyre. Unfortunately, the event left him badly burned, the scar still lingering all these years later, and nobody wanted to take in such a “disfigured child.” Miranda, however, stepped up to the challenge and fostered the boy, eventually adopting him fully later on.
Alcina was, admittedly, rather uneased by her new brother’s appearance at first, but she quickly got accustomed to him, even protective. There were several moments in school where she verbally (and sometimes even physically) pummeled any kids who dared to make fun of him, drilling into the bullies that he was not to be messed with while she was around. Some of her best retributions were when she threatened to leak unwarranted dick pics to the entire school, as it wasn’t uncommon for horny teenage boys to try to get into her pants, and that always shut them up quickly, especially when she loudly proclaimed details on their pathetic excuse for a penis, like the size and shape.
She and Moreau grew close rather quickly, much quicker than Miranda had been expecting. They both enjoyed more mellow things, like reading books and going on walks through the forest. Moreau was the sole reason she passed any English assignments done on Shakespearean literature, as he actually knew how to discern the confusing text, while she had to reread the same page over and over again to simply get a loose grasp on the grammar. He enjoyed cheesy romcoms, birdwatching, and swimming, the last of which he had a strong affinity for because of how the lake beside the car wreck very well could have been the only reason he survived. Now, he owned that very lake and made it into a popular fishing and boating destination for locals and tourists alike.
The second to arrive was Donna Beneviento, when Alcina and Moreau were both twelve. She was a full five years younger than the two of them and didn’t talk very often, at least for a good chunk of the first year she was there. She was put into the foster program after her parents commit suicide, leaving her with nothing but anxiety, trauma-induced selective muteness, and a doll named Angie.
It took time, but Donna eventually started opening up. First to Miranda, and then to Alcina and Moreau. Alcina strongly remembered a time when her little sister came to her room during a thunderstorm, lips quivering, tears glistening in her eyes, Angie clutched in a vice from her thin arms. She didn’t say anything, just stared from the doorway, whimpering and shivering.
“Alright,” Alcina had sighed. She flipped open her comforter, welcoming Donna. “Come on.”
Donna had brightened and skittered into the bed, snuggling right up against Alcina’s side. Alcina didn’t mind and resumed the book she had been reading before--Animal Farm, she believed. Donna pointed at the pages and then looked up at her curiously.
“Oh, this?” Alcina had said. “It’s called Animal Farm. It’s about these talking farm animals overthrowing their farmer to gain freedom, only to then be ruled by a communist pig.”
Donna blinked. “What’s a communist?”
“Well, you see…”
Her late-night explanation was certainly aided by the fact that they were in the middle of the Cold War at the time.
Overtime, Donna slowly grew out of her shell. Though she was still soft-spoken and reserved, she was also very kind-hearted and incredibly creative, which she showed through paintings, arts and crafts, and doll making. She would make dolls out of anything she could find--wood, thread, clay--so it made sense when she eventually became a toymaker once she grew up.
Finally, there was Karl Heisenberg when Alcina and Moreau were thirteen and Donna was eight. Right from the start, he was a loud, spitfire ten-year-old that broke the serene silence that used to hang over Miranda’s estate. He caused a great amount of mischief and mayhem, though Alcina would later discover it was to hide the fact that he was deeply traumatized by what exactly had happened to make him a foster child.
Even now, so many years later, Alcina still didn’t know the full story. Miranda said it wasn’t her tale to share and Heisenberg simply didn’t like talking about it very much. But from what she did know, Heisenberg used to belong to an incredibly wealthy business owner that ruled over their company with an iron fist. Due to the harshness his parents inflicted on their employees, it caused the workers to revolt against the abuse. A certain group took this way too far and kidnapped Heisenberg, holding him for ransom so they could get better treatment and pay at their work. Something ended up happening during the time between Heisenberg being held hostage and his parents paying up, and it left his mother and father in a way that he could never bring himself to explain. She only got snippets of the brutality of their deaths through brief moments when he would come to after vicious nightmares, one of which she actually stepped in to stop when she heard him struggling one night.
“Their heads, Alci,” Heisenberg had gasped, clawing manically for a desperate grasp on her arms, his body jerking and spasming in terror as his nightmare was still releasing his small, twelve-year-old body. “Their heads-- their brains were--” And then he stopped and keeled into her chest, sobbing in a way Alcina had never seen him do before in the two years he was living with her before that moment. Despite her occasional vex towards the boy, he was still her little brother and she was still his big sister, so she had wrapped her arms around him and held him close while he trembled and cried.
She never did find out what Heisenberg meant by “their heads,” but she had a hunch. Still, she never asked.
Nowadays, Heisenberg ran his own factory, where he treated his employees the way his parents should have treated theirs, learning from their mistakes. He also fostered all different kinds of dog breeds until they found their forever homes and rescued the more ‘vicious’ ones, like pit bulls and rottweilers, all of which he treated like royalty.
A freakishly tall girl, a burned boy, a selective mute, and a dog lover… They certainly weren’t the epitome of the stereotypical nuclear family, but they were family through and through, if not by blood, then by bloodshed.
“Do you guys remember the time Karl tried to clean the dishwasher with Kool-Aid?” Donna reminisced with a giggle.
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?” Heisenberg said.
“Absolutely not,” Donna grinned at him.
“I still don’t know how you came to the conclusion that that would work,” Alcina shook her head.
Heisenberg threw his arms up into the air. “John said it did!”
“John also tried to steal a school urinal.”
“Also, you’re supposed to take all of the dishes out before you try to clean it with Kool-Aid,” Moreau spoke up. “You left all of the pots and plates and silverware in it.”
“And he didn’t even put it in the right spot!” Alcina joined, cackling. “You’re supposed to put the powder in the detergent dispenser. Karl, you just poured it out all over the dishes!”
“It wasn’t even the right powder,” Donna put in. “You’re supposed to strictly use unsweetened lemonade only. You used tropical punch!”
Alcina, Donna, and Moreau all burst into laughter, while Heisenberg crossed his arms and glared at them.
“John never specified any of that!” he blustered.
“Never trust John, dear,” Alcina tittered.
“Well, it happened!” Heisenberg said. “It’s over! What other boxes do you need to move!”
More laughter.
“I’m serious! I’ll get the boxes! Also WHAT IS THAT.”
They all turned to see a patchy tortoiseshell cat lazily strolling into the room with them. It looked like it had been run over, dismembered, run over again, and then put back together by a blind surgeon, but it held itself like it was the most pristine lion to ever walk the earth. It glanced over at the four siblings, meowed at them, then continued on its stroll to one of the empty boxes, which it jumped into and made itself comfortable inside.
“It’s a cat,” Donna said as if it should have been obvious, earning a snort from Moreau and then a glare from Heisenberg.
“It’s not funny,” Moreau said quickly after Heisenberg glared at him, too, but it was obvious Heisenberg’s leer was all in good fun.
“No, no. Tom from Tom and Jerry is a cat,” Heisenberg said. “THAT is an overgrown street rat.”
“Well, one could assume the same about you, but you don’t see us pointing it out,” Donna said breezily.
Another bout of laughter, this time with Heisenberg included.
“Okay, okay, you got me there,” Heisenberg said.
“Must you insist on reacting the same way every single time you see Tea Cake?” Alcina finally spoke up through the playful bickering. She crouched down next to the cat and stroked its back, which caused it to purr in content.
“It’s my trademark,” Heisenberg said with a shrug. “That old woman is still alive?”
“And kicking,” Alcina smiled fondly at her pet.
Tea Cake had been with her for a long fourteen years, witnessing more than a few existential crises and drunken concerts put on to chase off her lurking PTSD. That cat came during the worst part of her life, and Alcina owed everything to that little beast. She learned how to laugh and smile and genuinely feel again, not hide behind the facade that she was a strong, powerful woman who could take on everything and come out without a scratch.
And, yes, Alcina had known- still knew, that she had Miranda and her siblings, but sometimes they were not enough, not back then, not when she was filled with so much shame and self-hatred and disgust. Animals were different in a way people couldn’t be. Animals didn’t lie, they didn’t judge or think about how messed up you were in their heads. They didn’t share your secrets or give you false hope. They just--be there. They listened and lent their presence and, sometimes, that was all that was needed, and some people didn’t seem to understand that.
Tea Cake’s fur had dried more of Alcina’s tears than anyone else ever had because she never let them fall in front of others. Tea Cake didn’t get upset when Alcina touched her; she didn’t understand the concept of emotional trauma and sexual harassment and body image issues. She just cared, even if she didn’t quite get it.
Alcina would probably be dead if it weren’t for her.
Yes, she remembered that fateful night… The wind in her shaggy hair she hadn’t washed in days, the moonglow on her ashen skin, the tears burning in her eyes--all of it was so clear, even now. She remembered how horribly, hopelessly depressed she had been and how she drove out to a field with a note on the dashboard and a gun in the passenger seat.
At the time, nothing had helped her. Her antidepressants weren’t working, going out only made her feel unsafe, and her family’s presence no longer brought her comfort and happiness, rather guilt and shame. The only thing that ever helped was when she drowned herself in the alcohol she made for a living, drinking away her despair and trauma until her body tingled and the phantom hands went away. She was surprised her liver never exploded inside of her during those awful few months.
She had sat in her car for a while, leaning her head on the steering wheel and wallowing in silence and darkness. Then, she got out, made sure the note was visible, and grabbed the gun.
She considered calling or texting her mother and siblings, but that would make it hurt worse. It was better to leave them with their last memories of her than to have this sudden news of a goodbye that they wouldn’t be able to stop.
She placed the pistol’s barrel in her mouth and rested her finger on the trigger. Her life didn’t flash before her eyes like some movies or books say it did, and she was quite thankful for it. She didn’t want to relive the agony she had been put through that led her up to that point. She just shut her eyes as tight as possible in preparation for the bullet to pass through her brain…
Then, there was a rustling from the grass nearby.
Alcina hesitated. The metallic taste of the gun left her tongue and she looked in the direction of the noise.
“Hello?” she had called out in her best possible not-about-to-kill-herself voice.
A tiny meow answered her.
“Your roadkill wants you,” Heisenberg’s voice cut through the daze that had momentarily descended upon Alcina’s mind.
Blinking, Alcina realized that Tea Cake was gnawing on her finger and meowing. She smiled.
“It’s probably dinner time,” Alcina said. She stood up straight. “Come on, children. I have news to share.”
Curious, her three younger siblings followed her out of the room and to her kitchen, Tea Cake padding after them eagerly. Her house was a beautiful creation of the finest wood and the most luxurious stonework. Top-of-the-line appliances filled the space and every little detail, down to the hanging droplets on the chandelier and the grooves in the staircase railing, were customized to her preference. 6 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, 17,182 square feet, 14.99 acres filled by lush vineyards, and $5,500,000 later, and you had the Dimitrescu Estate.
And it was a barren prison.
It had always been there, ever since she moved in: that lingering loneliness that seemed to shroud every hallway. She had so much space, but nobody to fill it. Nobody except herself, Tea Cake, and her maids, of course. Lying awake one night, thinking about this issue as she often did, a solution had finally come to her.
After pouring some wet food into Tea Cake’s food bowl, Alcina grabbed a bottle of sweet butter wine out of her wine fridge and poured a glass for herself and each of her siblings, all of which were staring at her curiously. After taking a long sip, she finally began: “As you all know, I have plans to foster a child. And I greatly appreciate all of the support you three have provided me up until now.”
“Is this an award ceremony or something?” Heisenberg joked light-heartedly. “Can I have the award for most boxes carried? I think I deserve that one.”
“You mean most boxes dropped?” Donna giggled, earning her a playful poke in the side.
“No, it is not an award ceremony,” Alcina glared at Heisenberg without any fire in her gaze. She opened up a drawer in the stainless kitchen island they were gathered around. “Though, this may very well be an award…” She pulled out a blue folder packed full of papers and set it on the marble countertop, grinning brightly. “I just wanted to let you all know first that my training is done. I’ve completed all the classes.” Her heart swelled in her heart as she spoke her next words: “I’m a foster mom now.”
All at once, her younger siblings lit up brighter than the sun’s supernova, throwing their arms up into the air and letting out a celebratory shout. Donna and Moreau even raced around the island to hug Alcina, which she returned with a laugh.
“Oh, that’s so wonderful, Alcina!” Donna said, squeezing her with surprising strength. “I’m so happy for you!”
“Me too,” Moreau agreed.
“Sal, are you crying?”
“No!” Moreau yelped, then sniffled. “I just have something in my eye, that’s all.”
“You mean tears?” Heisenberg teased. He then looked at Alcina. “That’s amazing, Alcina. I’m really happy for you. You deserve this.”
“Aww,” Alcina crooned. “Is my little brother going soft?”
Heisenberg instantly steeled himself. “Me? No way! I was just saying what you would want to hear.”
Still being embraced on either side by her other brother and sister, Alcina chuckled. “I see.”
“Do you know your placement yet?” Donna asked, looking up at Alcina as though she were a child again.
“Placements,” Alcina corrected. She couldn’t help but grin again as she spoke of her future children. “Two. I’m getting two little girls.”
“Aww!” Donna and Moreau both cooed.
Heisenberg was nodding. “Girls. Yes. I can do girls.” He looked up at Alcina. “I’m getting them a puppy.”
“Oh, you don’t have--”
“I’m getting them a puppy,” Heisenberg said again, and it was clear he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
Alcina chuckled. “Alright. A puppy it is.”
Donna and Moreau began to join in on plans for being the greatest aunt and uncle, with Moreau saying that they needed to come to his lake for a swim and Donna listing off all the toys she would make for them. Alcina listened to them with a fond smile, happy to have such a supportive family. This was exactly what her daughters were going to need.
Just thinking about that word made her heart flutter in her chest. Her grin turned giddy. She was going to be a mother soon.
As she sipped from her wine glass, she thought about her placements. She had gotten the call four days ago and was scheduled to meet the little ones in the next two weeks. She could still hear her caseworker’s words in her ears during the conversation as she recalled it to her siblings.
“The first is named Daniela,” Duke had said. He was a studious, patient man with a warm smile and hands like chipmunk paws, keen on helping Alcina ever since she started her training to become a foster parent six months ago. “She’s a little girl and eleven years old. Her parents have, unfortunately, recently died due to a car crash. Her living relatives are unfit to take care of her, so she’s been placed into the foster system. Right now, she’s staying with her aunt and uncle, but she cannot be kept there much longer because of, ah…jealousy issues with their actual child.
The second is named Cassandra. Another girl, this one twelve years old. She’s been in the foster program ever since she was a baby when she was given up, as she was born from a teenager who couldn’t take care of her. She’s had…quite a few foster homes, all of which had given her up to someone else due to…issues. I understand if you don’t want to take this child. She’s been known to cause problems in her houses and pick fights. There is-- woo, that’s a lot of complaints… There are some notes on her left by her former families and-- Goddamn. They’re writing of her like she’s a monster or something…”
“Of course, I couldn’t turn down either of them,” Alcina concluded her retelling. “Especially the second one. Cassandra. The poor thing sounds like she needs a good home.”
“You’re so sweet, Alci,” Donna said, smiling at her.
“Think you can handle it?” Heisenberg asked. “I’m not doubting your abilities, but from what you said about the kid… Well, she just sounds difficult.”
“You were difficult,” Alcina said, grinning at him. “And everything turned out just fine, didn’t it?”
Her youngest brother’s concern didn’t diminish. “Yes, but… I don’t want anything to happen to you or my niece.”
Alcina, Donna, and Moreau all cooed. Heisenberg huffed.
“Oh, shut it! I have a heart!”
“You do,” Alcina’s smile lightened slightly. “But don’t worry: everything will be okay. I can do this. I need to do this. Those two little girls need a mother.”
Heisenberg considered her for a moment, then nodded. He smiled at her. “You’ve got a good heart, Alcina,” he said. “If you ever need any help, I’m here.”
“Me too!” Donna joined in.
“Me three!” Moreau piped up.
Alcina laughed. “Thank you. Really. This means a lot to me. Now…” She raised her glass. “Let’s drink before we have to cut back because there will be children around!”
Her siblings laughed and mimicked her gesture.
Alcina couldn’t wait.
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a-cupof-jo · 3 years
Summer End, Love Begin
Intern!Jeno x Intern!reader
fluff and light angst
words: 3.2K
warnings: drunkenness
Y/n starts a summer internship with NCT Inc. and quickly learns that summer heartbreak comes in the form of Lee Jeno.
“I love you,” a hiccup fell through his lips. His body was pressed into your side. It would be a lie if you said that the words didn’t make your heart jump. Lee Jeno was nothing short of a heart throb. Smart, handsome, kind, he was the definition of a perfect person. You had known that from the first moment you walked through the doors to NCT Inc.
All of the interns had been ushered into a room and told to mingle as you waited to be directed to your mentors and teams. A boy sat next to you, glasses perched on his nose and a smile gracing his face.
“Hi, I’m Jeno, HR Intern,” he reached out a hand for you to shake.
“Y/n L/n, Talent Acquisition Intern,” you grinned back at him as he released your hand. “Sounds like we’ll be seeing a lot of each other here in the future.” Jeno nods in agreement as the internship director stood in front of the group.
“We are so glad to bring you all on,” he clasped his hands, smiling and nodding at you all. “Many of you already know me, Johnny Suh. I work primarily with the TA Interns, but I'll help you all get settled your first couple of weeks. So now that you know me, we'll get you all separated into teams and you can be on your way!” He read down the list separating out management, IT and accounting interns. Jeno had settled in next to you as three other boys also moved close to you guys. “Jeno, Y/n, and Mark you guys will be collaborating throughout the summer. Make sure you guys get to know each other well over the week. Mark, Jeno, you can go meet up with Taeil and Doyoung. Y/n you’re staying with me.”
You nodded to both of them as they started to leave. Mark grinned and Jeno smiled back, “It was nice to meet you, Y/n. We’ll exchange information later.” You willed yourself not to blush as he threw back one last smile before exiting the room.
“No, Jeno, you don’t,” you shifted him so his head was resting more on your shoulder. “There is someone else you love.”
Mark and Jeno got along instantly and it didn’t take long for you to get integrated into their new friendship. Mark was boisterous and a go-getter whereas Jeno was quieter but had equally as important input on tasks and projects you were placed to work on together.
“Jeno?” Mark inquired. Jeno’s signature eye smile made way on his face, “I’ll be there.”
“So I was thinking,” Mark spun the pencil in his hand as he leaned back in his chair. “We are about done with this assignment. Why don’t we get together for a celebration after it’s completed. I already talked to Donghyuck and Jaemin and both of their teams are almost done. We were thinking of doing it for all the management interns.”  
“That sounds great!” You glanced up from the paperwork. You grin at the excitement on Mark’s face. “Send me the details once you get them figured out.”
A week later you had shown up outside a small house with light shining through the window and music drifting through the air. You knocked on the door waiting for a response. A tall, lanky boy opened the door and gave you a small grin. “Hey Jisung,” you greeted him as you walked through the doorway. “Sorry I’m a bit late, Johnny needed me to finish up some documents.”
“Oh, Jeno’s got a crush,” you heard someone singsong from the other room.
“Please, Donghyuck,” you hear Jeno plead.
“Oh, you should hear him at work. Do you think she’ll stop by today? Do you think that she’ll like my project plan? Barf,” Mark had joined in the teasing. You felt your heart drop as you listened to them talk. The small crush you had been harboring on Jeno had grown exponentially in the 5 weeks you had been working together. Did you like him in that you would date him if he asked? Absolutely. Did you think he would ever ask? Not now.
“Y/n?” Jisung said quietly from beside you. You hummed at him, “Are you okay? Do you need me to get you water or tylenol?”
“I’m fine, Jisung,” you gave him a tight smile. “Why don’t you lead me to the others? It sounds like we’re all going to be making fun of Jeno.”  Jisung didn’t look convinced as he led you to the living room. “I heard we were making fun of Jeno.” You forced a smile on your face as you sat next to him. “So who’s this crush of yours I’m hearing about?” You pinched his cheeks as he blushed at you. “Oh, I bet it’s Kim Yerim from IT!”
Jeno pushed at your hands, “Y/n, not you too.” He pouted as the group laughed. You couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t deny it and instead his cheeks turned a darker shade of red.
The following weeks felt awkward. Maybe you were the only one who felt it because Mark and Jeno were acting the same as always. Well, Mark was acting weird and Jeno was ignoring him. You couldn’t help but catch the looks Mark was sending Jeno’s way.
You were running late one morning when you overheard part of a conversation you knew you weren’t supposed to be a part of.
“When are you going to ask her?” Mark stood at his seat shuffling the papers sitting in front of him.
What did Jisung see? You thought you had heard that Yerim had been recently broken up with. Maybe that’s what Mark was talking about. Now would be Jeno’s chance to swoop in. You felt your heart ache as you paused a moment before pushing through the door. “Hey guys,” you grinned at the two of them. “Let’s get this started.”
“Never,” Jeno shrugged, but the question in his voice gave way to his thoughts.  
“Dude,” Mark looked up at him with surprise in his eyes. “You were there when Jisung told us what he saw. You’ve got the chance now.”
You raised an eyebrow at Jeno the second time you caught him staring at you. “Are you feeling okay, Y/n?” Mark raised his eyes in concern as Jeno’s words met your ears.
You glanced between the two of them before sighing, “Just a headache. It’ll pass soon.”
Jeno reached down to the bag he had sitting by his feet, “Here,” he handed a bottle across the table. “We can’t have the best member of our team sick.” His eyes smiled at you as you grabbed the bottle and gave him a small smile. As you swallowed down the pills, you accepted that even if Jeno never liked you back that getting over was going to be the hardest part of this summer.
“Whad are you takin bout,” Jeno’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared at you. His eyes held onto the drunken haze he was in and you couldn’t help but sigh as hair drooped down into his eyes. “I really…” His voice faded out as he looked out at the river. Shaking his head he looked back to you, “I really, really like you.”
“If you really mean that, then tell me that when you’re sober,” you pushed the hair out of his eyes.
As you neared his apartment building, Jeno tried to lean in closer to you, “Why d'nt cha believe me?”
You watched as he punched in the building code, his fingers fumbling over the keys, “You would have never said all this if you were sober, Jeno. You are letting the alcohol get to your head.” You helped him get to the elevator. The doors opened almost instantly. “You can get to your apartment from here?” You looked up at him.
“Don’t leave,” Jeno grabbed your hand as you turned away from him. “Please, don’t say goodbye tonight.” Jeno’s eyes were pleading with you.
You shook your head as you stepped out of his reach. He didn’t like you. The alcohol on his brain did. “Jeno, you know I can’t.” Tears stung at your eyes. Oh, how you wanted to stay with him, to believe his alcohol induced words. “I’ll see you on Monday. Make sure you drink lots of water and take some tylenol.” You turned quickly out the doors rushing down the street before you could turn back around and accept his invitation.
“I can’t believe this is our second to last week,” Mark ran a hand through his hair. “I mean, it’s crazy, this doesn’t feel like it should end.”
“Maybe it won’t,” Jeno grinned as he typed away at his laptop. “Some of us are bound to be put on as full time employees. You and Lucas from IT are probably going to get offers.”
“But it won’t be the same,” Mark whined as he draped himself across the desk. “Neither one of you will be there. What am I supposed to do without the bomb squad?”
“What?” You laughed as you watched Mark, “The bomb squad?”
“Yeah, that our team name,” Mark looked at you confused.
“I wasn’t aware of this,” Jeno threw a look at you.
“Me either,” you shrugged.
“Here have mine,” Jeno handed over the umbrella in his hand.
“Well now you know,” Mark nodded as he glanced down at his computer screen. His face lit up as an email notification sounded from the computer. He giggled as he typed out a response and turned to both of you. “Donghyuck’s throwing another get together this Friday. He says that it’s one last internship hooray before we all have to present our summer projects this upcoming week. You guys can’t say no. I will drag you there myself if I have to.” You rolled your eyes teasingly at Jeno before agreeing to Donghyuck’s party.
You shook your head at him, “Jeno, I can’t take that. You’ll get all wet.” Unexpected showers had made the end of your Friday workday dreary. You had stood under the office building awning for 10 minutes waiting for the rain to lighten up when Jeno had stepped up next to you. Both of you had stood there watching it for another few minutes before Jeno pulled out an umbrella and held it out for you.
“It’s okay. I’ll just run to my car,” he motioned out to the parking lot. “It’s not that far.”
“Jeno, really I can’t.” You pushed the umbrella back towards him.
“Well then at least let me walk you to your car,” he pleaded with you. You nod at him and he grinned, opening his umbrella and letting you step under it with him.
You unlocked your car as you two stepped up next to it, “Thank you.” You voice quietly carried over the rain.
“Of course,” Jeno looked stunning standing under the umbrella watching as you entered your vehicle. “I’ll see you tonight, right?”
“I’ll be there,” and his smile lit up the overcast sky as you stared at him.
You woke up to a headache and the sound of a buzzing phone. The phone on the nightstand slipped onto the floor as you rolled over to reach for it. The buzzing continued as you laid on your bed face down on a pillow. It was Thursday and the entire week Jeno refused to talk to you much less look at you. Everyone was starting to see the tension between the two of you and were starting to approach you about it. First was Jaemin, the nosy marketing intern who claimed that Jeno was sad because of you. Next was Donghyuck and Mark, they had cornered you during lunch break and tried to force out of you whatever happened between you and Jeno Friday night. They wouldn’t accept the truth of nothing happening. Jisung didn’t approach you, but would let his stare linger on you, making you feel less than comfortable sitting at your desk. Perhaps the worst person who asked you about Jeno, didn’t even approach you and you hadn’t been expecting him to pick up on you and Jeno’s strained relationship.
“Why aren’t you guys talking,” Lucas had blurted out, causing the meeting you were sitting in to come to a stand still. Confused and amused looks were sent his way, “Jeno, hasn’t even talked about Y/n at all this week.”
“Lucas, I don’t think this is the ti-” Taeyong the founder of NCT Inc. stood at the head of the table.
“I knew something was wrong when Jeno called me first thing Saturday asking what happened the night before,” Renjun commented from down the table. With those words all of your questions surrounding Jeno were answered. Your eyes fluttered shut as you willed away tears.
You opened your eyes to see your mentor sitting across from you with a concerned look in his eyes. A cough sounded down the table and you minutely shook your head at him. He grimaced but didn’t say anything.
“He did the same thing to me,” Donghyuck’s loud voice carried through the room. You stared down at the table listening as others gave confirmation of the same thing.
“Why didn’t you believe me?” Your head snapped up as Jeno’s voice reached your ears, “Why don’t you believe me? Sober minded or not, Y/n, I love you.” You listened to a gasp go up around the room. “You told me to tell you when I was sober. You wouldn’t believe me any other way. So, here I am, telling you infront of all our mentors and friends, completely sober, I love you.” You stared at him completely slack jawed. You tried to form words but your voice wouldn’t come, “I knew that I was going to fall for you the moment that I met you. And how could I not have when I was working with a talented, smart, beautiful person like yourself.”
“Jeno,” your whispered voice sounded strangled.
Jeno stumbled into his apartment. You had left him. Turned your back and ran. He couldn’t blame you. If you didn’t like him then he’s not going to force you into anything. You had looked so broken when he had spoken the words he wanted to tell you from weeks ago. It wasn’t even three weeks into this internship that he decided that he was taken by you. A week later he confessed to Mark that he was crushing, hard. You never treated him any differently then your other co-workers, and so Jeno knew you just viewed him as a close friend. That is, until Jisung said that he thinks you like him. Jeno denied it on all accounts, but then Mark got involved and got Jeno’s hopes even higher.
He shouldn’t have gotten his hopes so high. There was no way you liked him back. That was clear tonight when you had rejected his confession several times. Jeno laid back on his bed,head already pounding and stomach churning. His phone rang in his pocket. He didn’t check the ID as he answered it. “This is Jeno,” he tried in his clearest voice possible.
“Jeno!” Lucas’s voice boomed through the phone causing Jeno to cringe. “Did you make it home okay?”
“Define okay?”
“Are you sitting in your apartment with minimal to no bleeding, bruises, or wounds of any sort?”
“Physical or emotional?”
“Dude, what’s going on? Are you okay or not?”
“Lucas, I think I got rejected tonight,” his voice slurred over the phone.
“Shit,” Lucas breathed. “By Y/n?” Jeno hummed in confirmation. “Did she say specifically that she doesn’t feel the same way?”
“I… I don’t think so, but she said that I shouldn’t be telling her that and that I couldn’t actually mean it.”
“Jeno, you just have to go for it,” Mark turned to him while they sat alone in the conference room. “You can’t give her the cold shoulder and expect her to know that that means you have the hots for her.”
“Try again,” Lucas sounded distracted and further away, “Make a note, tell her again when you can think clearly and have good judgement.” Jeno reached for the pad of paper that sat on his bedside table jotting down ‘tell her’ before flopping back down on the bed, but before his head hit the pillow he was out.
Jeno glared at him, “I know. I’m just scared. She’s already rejected me before. I’m sure of it, but I don’t know what I’d do if she rejected me when I can remember.”
“Jeno, you can’t worry about that,” Jisung slipped through the door. “Both of you are miserable and the only way to fix this is to talk. If you don’t do it soon. We will.”
Jeno wasn’t expecting the group to dump it on him in the middle of a meeting. Especially one with their mentors and the owner and founder of NCT Inc. and if he hadn’t seen the look on your face when he gave the soft spoken confession he would be mortified.
You hadn’t realized you had stood up until you heard a voice clearing down the table. Doyoung sat with a conflicted look on his face, “Why don’t we break for lunch.” He along with the others stood up quickly before leaving the room.
Jeno stood from the other side of the table and quickly walked around the table. You reached out and stopped him before he was right in front of you, “I…You never gave any indication that you liked me. How was I supposed to believe you,” your voice softly carried over to him.
“I thought I gave you plenty of hints, getting you drinks, giving you aspirin, walking you to your car.”
“I thought that you were just being nice! I’ve seen you do that with Mark and Renjun, and Jisung. How was I supposed to know that you meant it differently for me?”
Jeno’s small smile dropped further off his face contemplation taking its place, “I guess there was no way for you to know. You never said anything either. You haven’t said anything.” He looked nervous, scared, ready to put his walls up.
You took a deep breath before grabbing his hands, “Jeno, I really, really like you.” You watched as Jeno’s face pinched, “Just give me a little bit. It won’t be hard to fall in love with you. Believe me I am already on the way there.”
Jeno grinned as you finished your words and without hesitation, scooped you into a large hug. “Y/n, you don’t know how happy you’ve made me. When I woke up Saturday morning and saw a note reminder. You don’t know how scared I was. I was going to talk to you on Monday, but you looked so on edge. I just didn’t know what to do.”
“I’m happy too,” you pulled slightly away from him. “I thought that you really didn’t mean it. It took you all week. I thought that I had ruined our friendship.”
“No, of course you didn’t,” he pulled you back into him. “I was just so nervous. I really, really like you, Y/n.”
“And I you.” You smiled up at him. He grinned down before bending down to kiss you. His lips moved against your gently before he leaned away. You preased your forehead to his shoulder, “Do you want to go get lunch together?”
“You know they’re all going to jump us once we get out there, right.” he let his arms drop away from you and instead grabbed your hand.
You shrugged, “Yeah, but maybe we can just convince Taeyong to buy us lunch, call it a company lunch-in.”
“You’re so smart,” Jeno grinned and pulled open the door. “But, how about we just go get our own lunch. I only want to be with you.”
Repost from previous blog
tag list: @qianinterprises @stayctday
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dracosaurusrex · 4 years
Found (Draco x Reader)
“ The boy looked at you in awe. There you were right beneath him, as if the universe had orchestrated this scenario perfectly. ”
Summary: When Draco and Y/N find each other after losing one another in their past life.
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Prompt:  “I wish we could be together in another life” // “I promise I’ll be looking for you in each one” (From @minty-malfoy 300wc)
A/N: If you saw me frantically post this a number of times, it’s because it wasn’t popping up in the tags :/ Anywayy, I took a chance to retell the myth behind the constellation, Draco and infuse it with the characters. I thought it was fun, and I hope you enjoy reading!
The skies were painted with pink and orange hues as the sun began to set upon Mount Atlas, home to Hera’s garden. Rooted heavily within it was a beautiful tree. One that bore fruit to sparkling, golden apples. It was a wedding gift from Gaia. A gift so precious that the young goddess had begged for it to be planted in her garden, which was filled with life itself. Lush trees covered its perimeter, flowers of every species bloomed with much radiance, and golden rays of light scattered through every nook and cranny. Lacing through the landscape were small creeks and springs, which nurtured the tree to its prime state of beauty. It is these that the nymphs of the evening, also known as the Hesperides, were entrusted by Hera to tend and protect. 
There were three of them: Hesperia, Erytheia, and you, Aigle. You all were a playful bunch who truly loved Hera’s garden. However, moments spent under the sun led to a heightened craving as the golden apples shined with temptation. Enter, Ladon, a grand-looking serpentine dragon who coiled himself around the beautiful tree. Hera had summoned him to protect it after several attempts had been made by you and your sisters to steal some of the fruit for yourselves. 
His body was decorated with scales of majestic shades comprising ivory, platinum, silver, and champagne. His talons presented themselves with intimidation, fangs comparable to the size of daggers, and his eyes flashed a striking blue hue filled with a look of ambition and purpose. The creature was the epitome of beauty and fright. 
His presence was effective in keeping your sisters away--they scoured at the sight of him--but the case was quite different for you. Instead of being overcome by fear, you found yourself marveling at him. Every time you rose from your slumber, he was always there, zealously fulfilling his task. He was immortal and he never slept, yet his appearance was as just astounding as the day before. Because of this, you took every opportunity possible to be around him, to bask in his presence, to simply admire him. Today was no different.
The grass felt soft under your steps, and the sunset glowed as fervently as ever. You sped through the maze of trees, chasing rays of light as it slowly reduced into a specks. The wind blew through your honey brown locks as the adrenaline pumped in your veins. The golden tree was in sight, and wrapped around it, like always, was beautiful Ladon. The serpent lifted his head at the sight of the beautiful nymph as she slowed her steps.
“Are you here to bother me again, Aigle?” Annoyance fills his voice, but it doesn’t shift her stance.
“Oh Ladon, your words harm me so. Nevertheless, I can never find myself to be apart from you.” A giggle accompanied your voice as you spoke. 
“What do you want?” Ladon was accustomed to Aigle and her antics. Every single evening since his arrival, she’d spend her time doing whatever in the presence of the dragon. Despite the cold demeanor he often showed, he was very tolerant of her bubbly behavior. Moreover, he found himself to enjoy her company--it made him feel less lonely as he guarded the tree.
“I would just like to sit with you today, if that’s alright.” She said as she approached the base of the tree. After her countless visits, Ladon memorized her actions, behaviors, and even her mannerisms. He knew firmly well that Aigle wouldn’t steal the fruit. He huffed in response to her request.
“If you won’t say anything else, I’ll take your silence as a yes.” The dragon made no sound, so with a beaming smile she seats herself, leaning against the trunk in peace.
“How was your slumber?” He asks gently. Ladon gazes at her pleasant expression from the top of the branches.
“It was pleasant, I had a wonderful dream.” 
“And that is?” Her eyes open to return his gaze, animating with glee in the process.
“Humans with magical powers, Ladon! They were like the Gods and Goddesses, except that cultivated their skills through special schooling!” Excitement filled her voice as she stared into his blue orbs intently.
“They don’t sound like the Gods and Goddesses to me.” He snorted.
“Oh don’t be such a killjoy! It was truly wonderful! They dressed so differently too! It was quite peculiar, but it was alright.” The dragon only scoffs in response.
The ground surrounding the nymph had sprouted with blossoms as a result of her fascination. As silence loomed in the air, an idea came into mind. She gently plucked the small flowers. From her fingertips, she then produced small, thin vines. With much precision and swiftness, she interweaved the two together, tied up the ends, forming a dainty flower crown. 
“Ladon,” She called out from beneath him. The dragon looked down as she stood from her spot. With the flower crown in her hands, she reaches, delicately placing her creation on top of his head. Ladon huffed.
“What is this?” He asks.
“A gift, for you! I knew it’d look good on you.” The intensity of Ladon’s eyes softened at Aigle. He was known, by others, for his fright, yet when he was around her, he was appreciated for the beauty she saw in him. The creature didn’t say much with the exception of producing yet another huff. Although, this time it was filled with contentment.
Aigle ran her hands up and down his snout, caressing his face with much gentleness. He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch in response.
“You’re a beautiful creature, you know that, do you?” Her voice seemingly dripped of nectar as she spoke. When the dragon didn’t speak, she continued.
“Do you think I can meet you in another life? Just like this one?” 
“What’s wrong with this one?” His striking eyes opened to peer into hers.
“Nothing’s wrong. I like it a lot knowing that you’ll always be here.”
“Then why ask the question?” Aigle hesitates for a moment.
“I don’t think I can ever see a life with me living without your company. If I’m born again, I wish to meet you in that life too. The life after that, and the one after that also.” Aigle smiles up at the creature as the last bit of sunset glow graces her face. It was a known fact that she, amongst her sisters, was the most beautiful evening nymph. Her beauty, however, exuded compassion and care. Underneath his scaly exterior, Ladon felt a sense of warmth whenever she was near. He appreciated her existence not in appearance, rather for her persistent efforts to be near and to spread joy to a creature as vile-looking as him. 
Before he could respond, a rustle from a distance perked his attention. A threatening presence filled his senses, and sent his blood boiling within.
“Aigle, hide. Now.” The nymph’s eyes began to widen in fear as their peace was interrupted with much urgency. Ladon roared once more.
“Now. Aigle. Now!” The nymph steps back hesitantly, searching his eyes for reassurance that everything was going to be okay. Instead, she was met with uncertainty, increasing the worry she felt in her heart. Nevertheless, she followed his command, camouflaging herself within the brushes surrounding the tree. The rustles continue to increase in volume, making out to be the footsteps of someone near. Using her power, she travels through the garden, seeking out the foreigner. Her senses heighten at the sight of a deranged Heracles, the hero who was once praised now desperate for redemption.
He drags his feet through the garden muttering, “Golden apples. Where are those damned golden apples!?” Heracles had his hand clutched on the grip of his sword, seemingly ready to withdraw it from its sheath.
Aigle continues to follow him with her heart beating against her chest. Her thoughts flee to Ladon’s well-being, as she thinks of strategies to protect him. With attempts to stall the demigod, she lifts her hands, inducing trees to spring up in a sporadic fashion. However, Heracles doesn’t seem to notice as his focus remains on his target. He trudges on with much frustration, and Aigle continues to throw any kind of distraction to keep him from finding Ladon and the golden apples. However, her capabilities grow faint as her energy depletes. Tears stream down her face as she watches Heracles inevitably locate the tree. She watches as Ladon, who remains fervently coiled around its trunk, extends his body to coax the man away. 
Her last sight of him alive proceeds as Heracles withdraws his sword to strike his body. Within a split second, Ladon who was alive, laid on the ground in two. Fluid oozes from his insides and stains the grass beneath him. His breaths are sparse. 
Meanwhile, Heracles steps forward, kicking the dragon’s bottom half aside, and proceeds to pick the golden fruit from its branches. Satisfied with the amount he has collected, he walks away without any thought of the serpent laying practically dead on the floor.
Aigle lets out a piercing cry as she comes out of hiding. She runs to him and falls to her knees with her face striped with tears, heartbroken. With shaken hands, she delicately strokes the side of his face for the last time.
“Aigle,” He croaks. The nymph who was once radiantly shining, releases a sob. She gazes into his weary eyes for one last time.
“I promise I’ll be looking for you in each one.” At the sound of his last words, Aigle breaks into a wailing mess. She mourns her beloved friend, her beautiful and brave dragon--Ladon, who valiantly carried out his task while bringing her much joy. The moonlight shines upon them as she continues to wallow in tears. Her sounds are so heartbreaking that it catches the attention of the Goddess of Marriage herself.
Arriving within a flash, Hera gasps at the sight of Aigle embracing what was left of Ladon.
“My dear, what happened here?” She lifts up the nymph into her arms, caressing her hair gently.
With sobs filling her voice, she chokes out, “Heracles. Ladon tried to protect the tree. He really did! And yet-” The goddess shushes her cries as memories of him flash through her mind. Her breaths slow down after a moment, and her once audible cries now reduce to silent tears. Hera, with a soothing voice, comforts the girl.
“Aigle, I know you loved him very much. For your love and loyalty I bestow you a gift.” The nymph looks at her with confusion. 
“Look at the sky.” Following her directions, Aigle stretches her neck to the night. Upon doing so, she’s met with a new formation of stars--one that took the shape of her serpentine friend. The dragon, Draco. As she looks up, tears stream down her cheeks.
“He’ll always be here, looking for you. He’ll find his way back to you. I know it.”
Y/N jolted awake with tears in her eyes. The sounds of birds chirping immediately fill her ears, as the rays of morning light infiltrate her yellow-clad room. She gingerly touched her face, the feeling of longing still burned in her chest. The dream was so vivid and so real that her heart felt heavy within her wake. The last few words Hera murmured rang clearly in her mind. It wasn’t something she could shake off so easily even if she tried. Ladon. Would she ever meet him in this life? She glanced at the clock--there wasn’t much time until class began. Wiping the wet traces off of her face, she got up to fix herself before making her way to her first lesson of the day, Divination.
Chatters filled the classroom when she entered. The space was split with Hufflepuffs nearest to the entrance and Slytherins on the farther side. The girl was shrouded in sadness as she made her way to her seat. Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose was slightly runny, and her body felt weak. 
“What’s gotten into you?” Your friend asked. You only shook your head in response, not understanding the reason for your sadness yourself. The sound of the bell prompts the class to begin. You wipe the tiredness from your eyes as Professor Trelawney navigated her way to the front of the room. 
“Welcome to another day of divination, my children! Today we will be learning about something important: dream interpretation!” Her voice resounds at the mentioning of the topic, catching your attention and making your heart race.
“Dreams, my dears, are the most crucial means to look into the future! Each dream that you have contains a meaning--a message--depending on its contents! Let’s get started!” Trelawney glides across the room, peering at various students. A great majority looks at her with exasperated expressions, while others turn away to avoid getting caught. She stops at a familiar blonde.
“Mr. Malfoy, let’s begin with you!” A scowl can be seen plastering his face in distaste. 
“Any dreams recently?” The question wasn’t something that would be usually asked in such a public setting. It was weird to you, certainly enough. However, what was more odd was Draco’s hesitance. He was a striking character most of the time. He always had something snarky to say, most especially when it came to divination, but today he kept silent. You examined his nervousness as he shuffled in his seat. You couldn’t blame him.
“No, professor.” He states simply after what seemed like a solid minute of silence. You kept your eyes on his expression. While his response meant one thing, the bothered look on his face couldn’t go unnoticed. There was something off about his aura, and you could feel it. Trelawny stepped back and nodded slightly. She continued looking for another volunteer to share. As she did so, you kept your eyes set on the Malfoy. You were drawn to him on this day in particular, and you weren’t sure why. His glance met up with yours, paralyzing you for a moment before the professor’s voice resounded once again.
“Y/N, how about you? Any dreams?” The sound of her voice was alluring as your sights shifted to her. She looked deeply into your eyes as though she was trying to search your mind. You stayed still, thinking about the one you had the night prior. If anyone could tell you the purpose behind your dreams, it would most likely be Trelawny. Everyone’s focus was now trained on you. 
“I did have one.” You admit quietly. You were astonished by your actions, having done so mindlessly. Regardless, the professor’s expression lit up at the sound of your words. She gestured for you to continue on.
“It was of a girl and a dragon.” You say with much hesitation. Trelawney’s eyes widened.
“Continue my dear,” she says rushedly, “what happened?” You stayed silent for a bit before cautiously deciding to go on. 
“The dragon protected a tree...and the girl loved the dragon--she was always by his side. Unfortunately, he was killed trying to protect it, leaving her alone and heartbroken.” A rush of emotions filled you once again, mourning the loss of a friend. The woman’s eyes softened a bit, while the class was dead silent, interested in what the professor would have to say. 
Draco, in particular, was mortified. As you sat there in contemplation, a heavy weight seemed to drop in his gut while his heart picked up its pace simultaneously. When the professor asked him to share his dreams, the feeling of vulnerability overcame him when he recalled his own. He had cried silently that night prior--having fallen for the nymph that occupied his subconscious. He recalled the vivid feeling of her touch, her soothing words, and the way the evening sun glowed on her face. He recalled Aigle’s swift-acting power as she tried to stall Heracles. The last thing he remembered from that dream was his death, carrying out his loyalty to the goddess, and making a promise to his beloved friend. What Draco didn’t expect, however, was the retelling of such coming from your lips. It was when he saw the look on your face that his heart sped up once more. 
“They made a promise to meet each other in whatever life came next...then the goddess that oversaw them both casted an image of the dragon in the stars.” The emotions you felt in the dream overcame you as a tear threatened to fall from your eyes. You hurriedly wiped it away and swallowed the feelings before looking up at the professor.
“I don’t know what it could possibly mean, professor. It was very vivid.” The professor looked at you with pity, before turning to her attention briefly to the class.
“Everyone, turn to your partners and discuss your dreams.” With the class’s attention now diverted, Trelawney beckoned you to come sit with her. As you do so, Draco’s line of vision remains on you.
A more secure sense of privacy surrounds you and your teacher. While the room began to fill itself with chatters once again, you directed full attention to her, expectant of what she had to say.
“Typically, dreams are foretellings of the future, child. The appearance of a past life doesn’t usually mean anything unless there’s a specific message involved.” Your eyes widened in disbelief.
“When you spoke about the promise, however, I believe the universe was trying to show you that there is someone waiting for you in this world. Perhaps this person takes a resemblance to the dragon, whether physically or even personality-wise. Nevertheless, he has awoken, and now he’s looking for you.” The words that left Trelawney’s mouth kept you in a state of awe. You sat there with hands folded on your lap, fingers fumbling, and knee bouncing. As you remained in a state of contemplation, the bell chimed, signalling the end of the lesson. As you stood to say goodbye to the professor, she cuts you off.
“My dear, senses tell me that he’s much closer than you think. You best keep your eyes and heart open.” You had nothing to say, so you just nod. Your mind was full of thoughts, leaving you to ponder about the identity of this person all day. 
You weren’t the only one curious. The moment Draco heard what you had to say, his awareness of you increased. His feelings told him to be simple and straightforward with you, but his mind was firm and stubborn. However, his body betrays him as he finds himself pacing in front of the divination class with questions that needed to be answered. You walk out of the room with books in hand, unaware of Draco’s presence. Just as you’re about to turn into the corridor, the boy bumps into you, resulting in you falling over and everything flying out of your arms. 
“What the heck was that?” You ask frustratingly as you brush dirt off your knees. The platinum blonde boy looks at you in shock. You don’t bother looking up. Instead, you proceed to pick up the books that fell on the floor. He doesn’t know what overcame in the moment when he stretched out his hand to you. All he wanted was to feel your touch. You glance up warily at the owner only to be taken aback as well.
“Malfoy?” you ask. His head was turned to the side, eyebrows furrowed, and the entirety of his side profile was exposed to you. You took notice of his pale complexion, the way his lips were slightly parted, and how his jawline sculpted and framed his face. He was beautiful. However, more of your attention was drawn to his locks. ‘Platinum’ you thought. As you did so the image of the dragon’s appearance flashed across your vision. Your eyes widened, but before you could process your thoughts the sound of Draco’s voice filled your ears.
“My arm has been extended for centuries now, Y/L/N, and you’re still on the floor. Don’t you have a class to get to?” You broke out of thought and mindlessly took hold of his hand. As he pulled you up, the boy felt a wave of shivers overflowing his body. The warmth of your skin felt familiar against his own, causing a rage of heart beats to spread across his chest. As he turns his head to face you, you let out an audible gasp.
Alarming you was his striking blue eyes as his gazed pierced through your own. Out of shock, you pull your hand out of his hold and trudged past him without saying a word. You weren’t even aware of where you were going. You simply allowed your legs to take you to your next destination as you cope with the heightening of your senses.
There was no way right? There’s no way that Malfoy could be…You shook your head, trying to take your mind off of the chances as you entered your next class. You made sure to be cautious throughout the day, taking care in avoiding the boy as much as possible. There was no denying the reputation that he had in school--students have been sent to Madam Pomfrey’s a number of times because of him. His rude comments, arrogant pride--they all deterred you away from him. Nevertheless, you felt something blooming in your chest, because the dragon you knew in your dreams was patient and tolerant. You were simply uncertain to say the least.
The boy looked at his palm in awe as you walked away. When he turned around, you were already gone. He clenched his hand into a fist as if the action would retain the warmth he had felt. He recalled the look of shock in your eyes before it was glossed over by denial and  sighed. How he longed to know.
As the week dragged on, you managed to keep your distance from the blonde--luckily, he didn’t approach you ever since. However, your attempts to concentrate in your classes were futile as small fragments of the dream replayed within your mind. Your thoughts were often focused on the image of Ladon that appeared so suddenly when Draco stood in front of you. You found that the words, “platinum” and “blue” ran through your mind constantly--not to mention his piercing gaze. Such imagery finds its way into your thoughts as you sit in the library, quill in hand as you work on your homework assignments. As you continue, you can’t help but wonder if he felt it too.
“I promise I’ll find you in every one.” A familiar voice rings within your mind without warning, inducing your head to pulse. You tried to fight it off for a moment, but the pain wouldn’t subside. Deciding it was time for a break, you set your quill down and made your way to the courtyard outside.
Meanwhile Draco, who spent his afternoons reading, situated himself on top of a tree, enjoying the silence which contrasted to the heavy banter in the Slytherin common room. A soft breeze ran through his platinum locks as the sun began to darken in its golden hue. He took a moment to observe the color of the sky change, prompting a series of flashbacks to flow.
“A gift, for you! I knew it’d look good on you.” There was no face attached to the dialogue, but he recalled the rosy feeling sharply.
“You’re a beautiful creature, you know that, do you?” Draco closed his eyes allowing himself to witness the emergence of his distant past.
“I would just like to sit with you today, if that’s alright.” The voice rang deeply in his mind. At the instant that the request had emerged in his thoughts, a loud crunching of leaves filled his hearing. As soon as he opened his eyes, you miraculously appeared into view, walking towards the tree he was situated in. His heartbeat raced quickly, but he kept silent, carefully observing your actions.
You sat down on its base and leaned your head against the trunk, letting out a sigh. Your head didn’t stop pulsing after you left the library. Despite that, your body relaxed upon the breeze brushing past your skin. You wrapped your arms around your waist and closed your eyes in contentment, basking in the nature that embraced you. The boy looked at you in awe. There you were right beneath him, as if the universe had orchestrated this scenario perfectly. The sight of your gentle expression stirs warmth within him, and the flow of memories seem to match this very moment to that of Aigle’s and Ladon’s. Suddenly, within the synchronization of time and space, Draco is Ladon, and in his eyes you are Aigle once again. 
The energy that had surrounded the pair from the past finds it way back to you, and the familiar feel of beloved peace and comfort induces you to open your eyes. The sun that had been going down, casts its glow on you as you look up. ‘Blue striking eyes and  platinum hair’ Your heart skips as you place your hand over your mouth. The dragon you’ve been mourning over had presented himself to you.
“Do you think I can meet you in another life? Just like this one?” The lines ring in your mind as Draco hops down. You get up and stand in front of him, your gazes meeting and never breaking. 
“I promise I’ll be looking for you in each one.” Your eyes search his and scan his face. Recalling the days when you were Aigle, tears began streaming down your face. You allowed your previous perceptions of Draco to melt within the energy of the reunion. 
You shakily lifted your hands and cupped his face in disbelief. Draco, in turn, closed his eyes and leaned into your touch. Both hearts paced quickly as a result of the awaited meeting. You stroked the boy’s cheek with your thumb, causing his eyes to flutter open. He watched as your fingers delicately brushed the space in between his eyebrows, proceeding to his eyelids, down the bridge of his nose, and finally his lips.
“Aigle?” Your old name passes through his lips low and hesitantly, but it’s enough to make you gasp. 
“It really is you, isn’t it? Ladon?” Draco grabs your wrists.
“It is.” The boy looks into your eyes as tears silently streamed down your face.
“You found me.” 
“I promised you I would.” You embraced him tightly, allowing the sound of his heart beat fill you up--it was the very proof that he was alive. His arms wrap around you, and you can feel his fists bunching up the fabric of your robes as his face nuzzles into your neck. The both of you took this moment to embrace the new reality.
As you step away from each other, Draco caresses your cheek and pressed his lips to your forehead. It wasn’t a form of affection he was used to showing, yet it occurred naturally within your presence. You closed your eyes upon feeling the sensation of his lips. They soon leave you only to ghost over your own. 
In a low whisper, he asks, “May I?” You let out a soft ‘mhm’ in response.
The sensation you felt on your forehead takes over your lips as Draco’s brushes his against your own. The feelings of longing pour out from both parties, and suddenly it didn’t matter that you were a Hufflepuff or if he was Slytherin. There was a lot of catching up to do, a lot of changes to be made, but all of that wasn’t important in the moment. All that mattered was that you found each other, you had one another--the appreciation you had shared never truly left. Instead, you only picked up from where you left off.
“It’s nice meeting you, Draco.” You chuckled softly as you broke the kiss. The boy rolled his eyes before letting out a small chuckle himself.
“It’s nice meeting you again, Y/N.” He presses his lips on yours once more, as you dissolve in his embrace.
You both find yourselves in the astronomy tower that night. Draco looks at the girl pointing to the sky. His arms wrapped around her from behind as they leaned against the railing of the astronomy tower, gazing up at the stars.
“When Ladon left, Hera found Aigle in tears and casted his image to the skies in his remembrance.” She points to the blonde.
“That image, that constellation, is you Draco.” He tightens his grip on you.
“And I’ll never leave again.”
A/N: Thank you for reading! Any feedback is very much appreciated!
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xo-cuteplosion-xo · 3 years
Too late | Dazai x reader |
Too late | Mafia Dazai / dazai x fem!reader |
( A very shitty attempt at a song-fic. )
Warnings- toxic relationship (minor mentions of abuse?), death
A brunette sat on the cement. The tan folds of his coat fluttering out behind him. The wind brushed his hair from his face, it stung his eyes and brushed his skin with bitter cold air. His fingers dripped the brightest shade of crimson. His eyes had dilated and shook with shock and fear. The skin his hands desperately held, already losing its warmth. Lips stained the color, as well as the outfit that resembled his own. Those blood-stained lips coughed final words before letting go. How, how had this happened? Why had he never predicted this? Why would you ever do this?
He knew those answers like he knew his own crimes. After all, how could he forget? He’d been the reason you fell, he’d only denied it for years.
The sun fell softly along the stone. A boy, no older than 15, walked along the stone edge of a bridge. His brown locks flying within the wind whilst he adjusted the bandage over his left eye. He paid no mind to you, even as you walked behind him. Your feet carried you on the safer ground, next to the edge. It was common to find the two of them like this. You were always with him, whenever you could be at least. He never seemed to notice you were there; You didn’t mind it though. The rare moments where he did suddenly ask you questions were enough. Rushing to close the distance between you and him, you caught a glance of his eyes darted to the side. He was looking at you, the single eye that showed seemed puzzled, before he parted his lips to talk to you; His arms opened at the same time. Skipping around steps, he smiled, “Hey, why are you still following me, woman? Don’t you have a better hobby than stalking me?” so he did notice you at times.
Flustered you froze before chuckling with a light hum. “No, not really Dazai-san. I think you're interesting! You're the only one I can't read.” you were referring to your ability. It wasn’t much, so you weren't too high up in the ranks. You could read thoughts, see their feelings in the form of aura, and manipulate that aura. So far, you could make people freeze up and lose themself in an overdose of emotions. Also known as individual illusions created by their auras; things only they could see. It was hard to believe you were even in the mafia. Your bubbly appearance and lack of interest in killing made you look harmless. You never killed, but when you worked with another they sure had an opening to kill.
Dazai leaned down so he leveled with you. “I wonder, have you ever thought of using that ability to induce such outrageous depression, one acts on it?” blushing you took several steps back shaking your head.
“N-no, sir! I d-don’t think I could do that. Well, if Dazai-san really wanted me to, I-I could try it for him!” What were you saying? Knowing this demon prodigy, you’d probably end up not meeting the expectation and ending up punished. Though, would that be so bad?
He puffed his cheeks out, jumping from the edge to land in front of you. With a half-smile, he flicked your forehead. “You keep doing the opposite of what I predict. I really can’t get a read on you.” turning away you covered your face.
“I-is that a compliment?” you mumbled, looking through your fingers. He shrugged, jumping back to the ledge. His eyes lost their glimmer as he looked down. He seemed to be judging the distance; With a heavy sigh, he looked back to the sky.
“If only this was a little higher. I think falling into the water and dying right away, without the pain of falling to the ground, would be okay. I’d drown unconscious, how peaceful that would be.” you didn’t respond as he turned and began walking again.
Year after year you walked by his side, growing with him. Slowly that bubbly gaze began to fade ever so slightly. The fun-filled times like the day on the bridge no longer existed.
My head is haunting me and my heart feels like a ghost
Standing next to the demon prodigy you stretched out your hand with a sigh. “Ability: vortex of emotions.” from the shadows you worked alongside him. The enemy's hands reached their head. A perching scream echoing as they turned their gun to themselves. Looking to the side your eyes met the brunettes; They were colder than they were a year ago. Sighing, he raised his pistol and shot. He pushed past you, and you followed numbly.
I need to feel something, 'cause I'm still so far from home
Entering the box he called his home, his hands grabbed your waist pulling you towards him. His fingers lifting your chin. The flutter of your heart pounded against your chest, the closer his face came to yours. “You really should stop following me everywhere. If you won’t at least try to kill.”
Cross your heart and hope to die. Promise me you'll never leave my side
Nodding as he released you, he sat at his desk. “Mori won’t be happy that we clocked out so early.” he leaned back groaning. “Found a new suicide method? I don’t want to deal with his annoying voice tomorrow!” his older persona slipped through. The light in his eyes spread before it disappeared with your silence. Yet despite that, there was a caring hint to his posture. The way his hands moved softly, how he traced your bow. How he exhaled with a sigh when you closed the door
Show me what I can't see when the spark in your eyes is gone
Another year went by with a soft ease. You stood in Mori's office, a blank expression on your face. You were sure you were dead. Messing up like this, letting somebody get away. You were shaking, unsure why your breaths still rang. The doors opened to the brunette mafioso. Dressed in all black, a short ginger walked at his side. The way your emotions suddenly changed was unnoticed by everybody but Dazai. His eyes set in glares as you looked away. Your heart raced, why was it you still felt like this? He treated you as a pawn, yet you still ached to kiss him. Mori blamed your failure on Dazai’s lack of discipline with you. “I’ve been more than lenient with how she follows you around. If this happens again, it will be you who pays the price Dazai.'' Why did this have to happen in front of the ginger? His eyes looked at you with sympathy. It was weird to see such a thing. Dazai rolled his eyes stepping closer to the ginger as his eyes darted to you. Puffing your cheeks out you looked away.
Once you were in his office, he practically pulled you by the ear. Pushing you to the floor with his frustration. “I don’t understand why I keep you around! All you seem to do is put me in situations that bore me to death!”
You've got me on my knees I'm your one man cult
You looked up with begging eyes. “Please, I’m sorry Dazai-san! Please forgive me! I’ll do better! Please don’t leave me.” he was the first person to ever make you feel real emotions. Fear, excitement, lust, love, heartache, despair. He gave it all to you.
Cross my heart and hope to die Promise you I'll never leave your side
It was an unexpected look, an unexpected plea. His eyes showed excitement. “There, there’s the reason! You can’t stop doing the opposite of my expectations, every time I think you’ll do something, you manage to shock me, even in this kind of situation! I wonder, would you commit suicide if I died? It would be so unexpected!” his voice was full of wonder as he lifted your chin using the front of his foot.
Looking at him he smirked. He'd known, all along, about your feelings. He teased you all the time, but maybe he could finally get an expected reaction from you. It would be possible to toy with you. Maybe then he’d be satisfied with you. “Would you ever be only mine? Something only for my eyes?” with wide eyes you nodded.
Cause I'm telling you you're all I need I promise you you're all I see
With a smile, you brought your hands to press against your chest. With a desperate smile, your eyes filled with that childish light from when you were 15. “Even if I'm only being used for your satisfaction, it would be all I need! You're the only one for me." Once more he was shocked by the response. Nearly losing the balance he had, his hand reached to his face a soft snicker leaving his lips.
“You’re utterly helpless.” he hummed, removing his foot from under your chin. “Come here darling~” he was certainly stressed today. A little fun wouldn’t hurt, right? “Tell me you’ll never leave.” he hummed holding your chin within his fingers. The blush on your cheeks darkening in your complexion.
'Cause I'm telling you you're all I need I'll never leave
His lips met yours. Shivering you closed your eyes, letting a tear fall. You wished he truly loved you back.
Another year passed, you stayed by him no matter what he did. He was crueler than ever. He often left you at night to go hang out in a bar. Those nights were lonely but a ginger often peeped in to see you. “You look like hell.” he would always tell you how messed up you looked. “Why do you stay by him?”
The images passed by your head. The boy you fell in love with. The young 15-year-old. The one with a smile that would show itself here and there. The young boy who jokes around, the carefree one. You picture the feeling of his fingers over yours. Cold yet so warm in those years.
So you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand
“I love him.” you hummed watching the male drop a bottle of wine in your lap. He walked out leaving the gift. He knew you understood how cruel he was. He had never really pitied anybody before but you… you were something he pitied. A demon prodigy's toy, your relationship was nothing more than toxic.
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell And you can throw me to the flames
Sipping on the wine you drank yourself drunk. “I love him… he loves me. I love him. He loves me, I know he does. I’ve seen some softness in those harsh eyes.” you wiped the tears looking up to the ceiling. What had you gotten yourself into? Why did your heart have to play you like this?
I will follow you, I will follow you
He stood looking so conflicted, broken, and unsure. It wasn’t the first time you saw him without the bandages but it was the first time your dull lifeless eyes saw him this vulnerable. “Figures, you do follow me everywhere.” his voice was blank of anything; You could no longer read his voice.
Come sink into me and let me breathe you in
It was true, you needed him, so of course you followed him everywhere. “Go, we’re done! I’m not going back! This is all Mori's fault! He’d be alive if it weren't for inviting that damn organization here!” he was upset, yet he seemed so confused. Like a child, he had no grip on what he was feeling. Was he angry, grieving, sad? He couldn’t tell.
You ran to him wrapping arms around him. “I will go with you! I will follow you!”
I'll be your gravity, you be my oxygen.
You'd hold him down during this pain. You’d help him achieve whatever it was that he needed. “Even if it is death, I will not leave.”
So dig two graves 'cause when you die I swear I'll be leaving by your side
With a soft sigh, he pushed you away. “That changes nothing, follow if you have to but I never loved you.” you backed away smiling you curtsied.
“I know Dazai, I know you never did and never could. You are a demon prodigy, one that can’t understand his own feelings. I wish I could help, but your gift cancels mine out.” your voice was sweet as honey, but he shed you no more glances as he walked away. Following him, you sighed.
Two years later your empty eyes sat at an agency desk, you'd bought an outfit to match his. Those feelings refused to leave you even after all this time. They surged more than ever. He was like his 15-year-old self again, different but at least there was life in his eyes. He laughed and flirted just as he did those years ago.
So you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand
You looked to the cafe waitress’s hand, then your own. How you wished to be her. You stood up, walking out and to the office of the agency, sitting in your chair, Kyouka walked up to you. She once had your eyes. Dull, lifeless, broken, but then Atsushi seemed to save her. “Do you love him?” she asked tilting her head as you looked from your phone to her, you sighed.
“Yes, but I'll suffer for life over this. I had my chance and now it’s gone.”
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell
She set down a small piece of paper. “I found this.'' She tried to give you a smile that wasn’t pity. They often asked why you always looked so disturbed. Maybe it was the fact you were really all alone now?
And you can throw me to the flames
A tear dropped from your eye. Something, a feeling you hadn’t had in so long. It was worth it, these empty dull years. “A tossed away letter to apologize.” you held it to your chest.
I will follow you so you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand
You found yourself alone on a mission. This was assigned to both you and Dazai, but he had other things he wanted to be doing. Neither of you knew how dangerous this was. He had not batted an eye at this mission. It was simple, a simple recovery mission. A ransom kidnapping, simple in and out. You could handle it without being seen. You ached for the warmth of his hand. A little light lifted your eyes as you stepped into the building.
When his fingers opened his phone accepting the call, he nearly fell over dead. The mission you were attending wasn’t a retrieval; It was a set-up. Despite how careful he'd been, somebody had found out about you. More so his past with you. His mind was too focused on you to think of who let it slip.
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell And you can throw me to the flames
Dazai pushed past the doors too late. This was his fault, all of this. The loss of your true self.
I will follow you, I will follow you I will follow you, I will follow you
You'd always said you would follow him. It was always like that. He had taken years to figure out why he never ignored or let you go. He was selfish, he had grown attached. Ango and Oda had even offered the thought. The thought that, maybe in this heart; swallowed by black, he loved you.
It was his turn to feel desperate as he dropped down. The blood flowing from your stomach in spurts.
So you can drag me through hell If it meant I could hold your hand
He held your hand in his while also trying to keep the bleeding down. “I’ll get help! Just hang on, we just need Yosano!” it was the first time your heart slowed like this; The first time you could read him like a book.
I will follow you 'cause I'm under your spell And you can throw me to the flames
Your hand was growing cold, your breathing staggered. You looked to be in so much pain. “No, I won't be that long. You should leave, you don’t love me so…” your voice trailed off as your head tilted to look at his cheeks. Tears… there were tears.
He shook his head pressing your hand to his forehead. “I will follow you.”
Your eyes widened as a light chuckle left your lips, “I will follow you.” you hummed, as the crimson left your lips. He was forced to watch you die in his arms. There was one final look on your face. A giant smile, a real smile on your lips. “I love you Osa…” then, you were gone.
Another, another friend in his arms, dead. No, you are more than a friend. “I… I love you.” he’d never said those words, and it didn’t matter now. There was no going back. He held you to him, cold and motionless.
Somebody from the mafia had done this. Somebody would probably be Mori… he’d dropped this low before, it wouldn’t shock him if he were trying to drive Dazai to murder again; To get him kicked from the light.
For you, for the wish left by Oda, he wouldn’t let himself fall that low. He’d be strong.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
yashiro nene x gn!reader
a/n: ahhh,, hiiiii,, I’m genuinely really sorry, cos I have a lot of requests to work on, but my tiny brain is spinning-! (Requests are getting done btw aksbdkdnd- slowly, but surely maybe!!)
Thanks for understanding;; <3
Also I love Yashiro and am totally not writing this so I can pretend she’ll tell me good job when I finish my homework pffff nah <33
warnings: school stress, and some anxiety + self-distaste related stuff?
word count: 1,202
Tick, tock, tick, tock.
How long had you been staring at this problem?
30 minutes…? Yes, it had to have been. You reread the problem so many times, your thoughts feeling like they were stuttering. You could barely focus enough to read- your brain giving up and getting caught in a state instead.
You glanced at the clock, keeping in mind that you started around 4:10. It had to have been around 4:45, right…?
But, no, it was only 4:15. Your heart rate picked up, glancing frustratedly back at the paper. How had time gone by so slowly..??
Your hands carded through your hair, scratching lightly- scratching more scabs into your pitiful scalp. You felt disgusted by your habit, but ignored that feeling- opting to tap your pencil lightly against the paper.
“You have the pencil… just focus. At least write the problem,” You muttered, then furrowed your eyebrows in frustration. It wasn’t like you to get this mad so easily. No, it wasn’t anger- you were just frustrated. Disappointed. How long had things been like this?? Was there a point where homework was easy…? Even if there wasn’t- there was a point when you didn’t have homework. You longed for elementary school… the earlier years particularly. You wanted to be excited over things… to think clearly- to not be scared of people. To not stress so hard over school and life that you had scabs littering your head and tiny indents inside your mouth and lips.
You brought your hands to cover your head, knees being brought up to your chest as you placed your forehead against your knees. You breathed for a bit. Just breathe… that’s all you had to do. A few moments passed, as you let your mind get lost. Maybe not thinking for a bit would be helpful… you spaced out, putting your earbuds in and letting the scraping, loud, anxiety-inducing sounds around you be drowned out for a bit. Only a bit. You thought, after a moment, you vaguely heard voices, but… noise was already overwhelming. You thought you heard things all the time. Hoping that it wasn’t for you, you kept your eyes shut, sighing a bit.
“(Y/N), I’m coming innn,” You heard someone say. Lifting up your head, you glanced over in time to see Yashiro standing in the doorway. She smiled, as she always seemed to. It was such a sweet smile, more than welcome… even if the sound of pencil against paper was loud and grating, her voice was always pleasant. She was always pleasant.
“Yashiro… hello, hello,” You spoke, pulling out the earbuds and smiling back at her. As she did, she made her way into your room, shutting the door behind herself as she sat at the foot of your bed. Spinning the desk chair to face her, you brought your legs down, opting to cross them instead.
“Are you alright?”
“Mmh… I will be come Friday,” You shrugged. Maybe it wasn’t entirely true- the weekend still contained issues inside your family, it wouldn’t cure any issues you had with yourself, and Sunday was always like… an alternate reality. Depressing, simply stuck between Saturday and Monday. Putting it like that, you wished it would be Saturday for forever.
“Ah? Busy week already, huh? I had a study hall, so I got to finish my homework, if you want help?”
“…I’m not very good at focusing right now, so I’m not sure I’ll be the most fun to help, haha.”
“That’s alright! So long as you’re alright with me not being sure I have all the right answers-“
Her response made you smile a bit, as you shrugged. “I don’t mind.”
Yashiro nodded, a determined sparkle in her eye as she stood next to you.
“Oh- wait, I should find you a chair-“ You spoke, bringing your feet to the ground.
“Mmm,” Yashiro hummed, stepping next to you, and motioning lightly for you to move over. You did as she requested, feeling your face heat up when she sat- her hips and legs pressed against yours slightly, the big chair providing just enough space to be comfortable.
Yashiro offered a thumbs up, her face slightly pink as she spoke. “If this is alright, i-it’s probably more convenient!”
A second passed before her face grew a darker shade of red- “w-wait that’s probably really weird-“
“It- it’s fine, Yashiro. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable, but if you want another chair I’ll go grab one.”
She paused, fiddling with her hands lightly, before grabbing another pencil. She handed you yours, before pulling the textbook a bit closer to you both. “So! Question 1…”
Yashiro was… patient. Her kindness was almost overwhelming, as she even offered to write the questions for you. Her gentle encouragements pushing you forward- she clapped lightly once the two of you finished the assignments. You smiled, clapping a bit as well, as Yashiro closed the books.
“Good job, (Y/N)!” She exclaimed, bumping you lightly with her shoulder.
“…thank you so much, Yashiro,” You spoke, slightly surprised when you felt a lump in your throat causing your voice to crack a bit. It made sense though… she helped you to focus. You were sure you’d stay up until 2 again, forcing yourself to write just a bit more, only to get a bad grade because you still couldn’t bring yourself to finish it all. For once, you were caught up. And yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it without Yashiro… I suppose it’s any person’s dream to have their crush cheer them on though…
“(Y/N)? I don’t mind at all, really… what’s wrong?” She questioned, as you felt tears run down your face.
“Sorry- sorry, I’m not sure why I’m crying. I was just so overwhelmed, and now that it’s done, it really wasn’t that bad. I was just overreacting- I’m- I’m overreacting right now too. Sorry- I don’t know what my mind’s doing, haha..”
“Ah- don’t apologize, really. It’s alright. I was overwhelmed when I had to do it as well! After a full school day, even more work isn’t exactly ideal,” She spoke, and you felt her hands wipe tears off your face. After that, she hugged you, patting your back and head a bit. “It’s alright, (Y/N). There’s nothing shameful about getting overwhelmed!”
You hugged back, burying your face into her hair as you did so. You couldn’t thank her enough… really, you knew you couldn’t.
“Thank you… I love you, Yashiro. I love you so much, you didn’t have to do this, but you did… you didn’t even have to stop by. You’re so great…”
“You’re always welcome! I love you too. It’s my duty as your girlfriend and best friend to help you as best I can-!! And, even if there was no obligation, I’d still want to help. You’re great for even thinking so highly of me, haha~.”
Neither of you bothered moving, as you sniffled lightly. Your arms wrapped around each other, as you opted to not bother looking at the time… for just a little longer, you’d selfishly embrace the comfort Yashiro provided, not letting any concerns or thoughts interrupt the peace in your mind- even if it was only momentary.
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charged-wanderlust · 3 years
a beautiful hurricane, pt. 3 | jett slater x mc x remy chevalier
THIS... THIS IS ALMOST 3K WORDS LMFAOOO well. i hope that makes up for the wait SDFGJSDHDS warning for mild smut ahead!!! anyway thank you so much @mcira for commissioning me, it helps me greatly and was so fun to do! if anyone else wants me to write them something, my commission prices are here!
What you really end up doing, instead of talking to Remy, is first, talking to Nikolai.
It only felt right - nobody knew Remy like Nikolai did, you’re pretty sure they dated once upon a time but refuse to talk about it, and Nikolai working with all of you made his approval very significant to the matter at hand.
“You’re asking for my blessing… to ask out Remy?” He blinks, dazed and confused, an uncommon expression from the mastermind himself. “Why do I have a say in who he dates?”
“It’s less asking for permission and more like asking for advice,” you explain quickly, scratching awkwardly at the back of your neck. “We know Remy is the jealous type, that much is obvious. So we just wanna know what you think on the whole polyamory thing - would Remy try it? Do you know how he feels about.. about us?”
Nikolai scoffs, his signature smirk returning. “The real question is, who doesn’t know how he feels about you two?” His words make you and Jett flush parallel shades of red, but you let him continue. “Yes, he’s definitely in love with you both. And that’s precisely why he hasn’t done anything about it; he doesn’t think he deserves one partner, let alone two. Instead, he drags out this con as long as physically possible just so he can pretend to be your husband a little bit longer, pretend like he can have you before you inevitably end up with Jett.”
Jett strokes his chin in thought, gears turning in his brain. “That would also explain why he’s been a lot more forward with me lately, but only when MC isn’t around… wow, he really thinks it’s his last chance, huh?”
He nods. “Exactly. In his head, he’s not worthy of love and you two deserve each other and are perfect together. I don’t even think the thought of polyamory has even crossed his mind.”
“Well it should!” Jett protests, like it means anything to Nikolai. “We both wanna date him, and he wants both of us! What now?”
“What do you think?” Nikolai asks it like it’s the most obvious question in the world. “You ask him.”
It has to be dramatic, you’d decided. Something awe-inducing, something solid and concrete so he can’t argue - because if there’s one thing Remy Chevalier knows how to do, it’s argue. You work with the Poppy to get Remy out of the penthouse - Vivienne might have poisoned him just a little to get the job done - long enough to stuff his room with lilies of the valley, and you help Jett paint the border of Remy’s mirror with all the little things you can think of that have some semblance of importance to you.
Making sure to use easy-to-remove paints, the two of you get carried away, branching from the edges of his mirror onto the walls, painting sunsets shared and fireworks made and foods had together. You and Jett work in perfect tandem with each other, art connecting to make one big picture that almost looks like a time-lapse of all the time you’d spent with him; the sunset where Jett realised his love for Remy all those years ago fading into the ice cream shop you discovered Remy’s favourite flavour was vanilla, fading into the river you all boated down together and learned that Remy has a surprisingly sweet singing voice.
Jett keeps pausing in the middle of his paintings, though, and eventually it becomes enough to make you ask.
“Jett? At first I thought you were just thinking about the painting real hard, but you’re not even looking at it. What’s wrong?”
You thought he was starting to get insecure, but instead, he laughs. He laughs and it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard.
“Nothing’s wrong, love, I’m looking at you.”
“You’re most attractive when you’re in your element like this, I think,” he explains, touching up the clouds on his side of the wall. “I just can’t help but think of how lucky I am.”
About an hour too early, the door flies open, and both of you whip around to find Remy in the doorway.
“Ah-ha I knew you guys were… up to… something…..” His voice trails off as he takes in the view before him, the flowers he’d only ever given those he’d loved, the paintings that he recognised the meanings of instantly, his own face in the mirror with a little crown painted atop his head- “What… what is all this? I thought it’d be another prank but… this… this is beautiful…”
You exchange a look with Jett, grinning from ear to ear, and gesture Remy to come sit on the bed with you.
“Oh-ho-ho, this is a really elaborate one is it? Let me guess. All of this for a really well-timed whoopee cushion?”
“How you wound me,” Jett sighs, bringing his hand to his forehead. “You really think that low of us?”
“I assure you, Remy,” you chip in, “I wouldn’t spend this much effort on a prank.”
“Then what else?”
Once again, you turn to Jett, who looks just as uncertain of what to say as you are. “Uh. Something important?”
Taking a deep breath, you figure you’re going to have to do the talking for the both of you.
“I’m gonna start talking, Remy, and I don’t want you to say shit till I say I’m finished. Okay?”
Remy is completely and utterly bewildered, but he nods slowly and sits on the bed, door shutting behind him as he observes the memories plastered all over his bedroom wall.
“We’re in love with you,” Jett blurts out, and it startles you so much you elbow him in the rib.
“What was that for?!”
“Ever heard of laying it on slowly?!”
“You’re… what?”
You sigh, gathering the courage to look Remy in the eyes as you talk. “Remy… over these past few months, working with you, getting to know you, the real you - the Remy underneath all those masks you wear to please people - I find I don’t want to stop being yours when the con ends. I-If you’ll have me, that is. And if you’ll have Jett, too.”
“It wasn’t the marriage con we did once that made me fall for you, actually,” Jett laughs, running a hand through his hair. “It was before that. That one kiss on the rooftop in Buenos Aires when the sun rose, when we didn’t go any further than that. All of a sudden it wasn’t about the sex anymore, or how good of a kisser you are - it was about you. Just you.”
“And before you butt in about me falling in love with you because you’re acting as my husband,” you interject, giving him a stern, knowing look that makes him shrink a little, “You’ve been teaching me all your tricks. I know when you’re being real or not. You can even test me.”
Something changes is Remy’s eyes when you say that, and he fixes them on yours.
“I love you.”
“That’s real.”
He smiles, but it’s the smile of a broken man, getting up to leave. “It’s not, ma cherie. You’re not as good as you think you are.”
“That’s also a lie!” He freezes, pinned under your glare, and you grab his hand, threading your fingers with his. Jett does the same with his other hand, face uncharacteristically solemn, and once again, Remy is speechless. “That’s what you want to believe, Remy, you’re lying to yourself more than anyone else. You think you’re getting in the way of us, you think you don’t deserve it but let me tell you, there’s a way. We can love you as much as we love each other - we do, and if you don’t wanna believe it that’s your own loss because we really, really care about you!”
The silence is is deafening enough to make your hands tremble.
“That- That’s all I have to say. Jett?”
“I’ve never been good with words,” Jett huffs, bringing Remy’s hand to his mouth and pressing a gentle kiss across the man’s knuckles. “But I can prove how I feel about you in any way you ask, Remy. Through touch, through action, hell, through painting-” he gestures at the colourful wall behind him in exasperation, “-it’s all for you. These are all memories-”
“The time we had brunch on a boat,” Remy cut in, gazing fondly at the river painted atop his mirror. “The time in Bruges we kissed to be inconspicuous… the time I brought you ice cream tasting…” His eyes landed on the flowers adorning the sides of his room. “The flowers I’d given you.”
His mouth opens and closes like he’s trying to speak underwater, but he’s ran out of air - ran out of words - so instead, he wraps an arm around each of you and pulls you in for a soul-crushing hug, burying his face in your shoulders. He doesn’t make a noise, but his body quivers, and you and Jett realise he’s crying at the same time.
“I-I love you both, too.” His voice is small, but not weary - it’s just for you and Jett only, not the ears in the walls. “I love you both so much it-it- it hurts and I didn’t know what to do with myself and I just-”
He sits back up, wiping the tears from his face and giving you a real smile this time, the smile you see in your sketchbook, your dreams, your future - “It’s just too good to be true, almost. Like there’s meant to be a catch.”
Jett cups Remy’s face, kissing him softly, briefly, but enough to send tingles down his spine.
“The catch is you’re going to have to deal with both of us and all the shenanigans that ensue.”
Remy returns the kiss, just as chaste but just as lovingly. “I guess I have my hands full, then.”
“You sure do!” You laugh, climbing into his lap, jokingly shoving Jett aside - to which he yelps, “hey!” - and bringing your face close to Remy’s. “My turn, Remy. You told me a real kiss could tear open the sky. Care to demonstrate?”
He doesn’t waste a moment. You feel his smirk against your lips before you see it, welcoming the blistering heat as he pulls you closer to him, chest to chest. Finally, finally, finally - you thread your fingers in his long, silky hair, just like you’ve imagined so long, and all the teasing was so worth it because he kisses you like he can’t live without it. Maybe he can’t, not now that he’s had a taste and it really does break open the sky; the whole galaxy and beyond.
Getting impatient, Jett moves behind you, knocking Remy back onto the mattress and pinning you between them. He doesn’t expect you to stop kissing Remy - he knows firsthand how addicting his kiss is - instead, he tosses your hair over one shoulder and places his lips upon your now exposed neck, light, not tentative but tantalizing.
“Oh, don’t let me interrupt you two,” he purrs next to your ear, ghosting his lips across the shell. “I’m quite enjoying the show.”
“You tease,” Remy half-chuckles-half-rasps, reaching past you to grab Jett’s collar and yank him down into another searing kiss, only to bite his lip harsh enough to make him gasp, then pulling back to leave him hanging.
Jett licks his lips, eyes flashing at the unspoken challenge. “So how are we doing this, then?”
“We’ve danced this dance before, you and I,” Remy muses, tracing Jett’s jawline with the pad of his thumb, “We should let MC decide.”
“I’ve danced this dance with both of you,” Jett snickers, peeling off the two of you to start working the buckles of his suspenders, giving you a cheeky wink. “Maybe I should give you tips. For example…”
He rolls you off Remy, pinning your wrists above your head, “MC likes being manhandled a little bit. And she’s really sensitive right here-” He sucks at the soft skin above your collarbone and you let out a soft whine on instinct, embarrassment painted all over your face, but you don’t miss the way Remy’s eyes darken at the sound.
“Good to know… any other tips I should know?”
“Ah-ah-ah, it should be fair for both of you.”
This time, he cages Remy to the bed, and you watch with rapt attention as he hikes the other man’s shirt up, giving you a brilliant view of his toned muscles. Jett leans down and drags his teeth along his v-line, making his legs twitch beneath him.
“Ah- Jett, you’re a menace.”
“You love it.”
A disgruntled sigh is the only confirmation he gives, but the smile on his face says it all as he shrugs off his shirt entirely, throwing it somewhere else in the room. “I quite preferred MC on top of me, actually.”
“Mm, it is a good look on you,” Jett agrees, helping you out of your clothes with surprising calmness compared to his usual frenzied movements. Clearly, Remy brings out the side of him that likes to really savour it.
Remy can’t help but groan at the sight of you in all your glory, taking Jett’s advice from earlier and tugging you atop him impatiently - maybe Jett brought out the beast in Remy, too.
Emboldened by his eagerness, you grind down on him, and the low rumble you hear from him in response is music to your ears. “I didn’t know our Remy was so… vocal.”
“Oh, you haven’t heard him when he’s taking it-”
“If we have to bring that up, mon coeur, I think you have me beat.”
You giggle, magnetically drawn to his lips once more while your hands fumble with his belt; Jett helps you discard the remaining cloth in the way so you and Remy finally, finally come together - it’s electric. You feel the static buzz all the way down to your toes, and it’s so, so good.
“Think you can handle both of us, love?” Jett peppers your shoulder blades with kisses, and while just the thought makes you shudder - you nod, almost too enthusiastically.
“I want it.”
“Good girl.”
The addition of Jett fills the room the with a chorus of moans that you can barely tell who from who. They give you a minute to adjust - ever the gentlemen - and next thing you know is an all-encompassing pleasure that pulses through your whole body, and you swear you can see stars. You have to bite down on Remy’s shoulder to not alert the entire building of the debauchery going on in the room, but he just grips your hips harder, growling deep in his chest.
“Don’t hold back on me, ma reveuse. Let us hear you.”
Who are you to deny him?
Noise complaints be damned, you think - the Poppy had stayed in town for this very reason. With every movement from Remy and Jett, your mind goes blank, only able to focus on the two of them working in perfect harmony, their hips, their lips, their hands, their voices, just them, them, them.
“C-Christ, you’re incredible- you’re both incredible. I’m- I’m-”
Jett’s pace stutters, but Remy keeps going, absolutely voracious, and your highs all crash down at once. Your back arches, toes curl, and you don’t even recognise the sounds leaving your mouth, but your two boyfriends ride out the wave with you, muttering choked-up praise in your ear and hushed I love you’s until your soul finally returns to your body.
The three of you collapse on the bed, a tangle of limbs and sweat, and Jett has the audacity to laugh. Not even having the breath to reply, you just tilt your head at him, raising a brow in question.
“Hah- If I knew this was how it would’ve ended up, I would’ve asked you both out a lot sooner, fuck…”
You gave him a worn-out, lazy grin. “I don’t think I can feel my legs.”
Remy pecks your cheek affectionately, rolling out of bed to head for the bathroom. “I’ll get you a towel.”
“You did great, love,” Jett hums softly, stroking your hair rhythmically, gazing at you with entire galaxies behind his eyes. “Don’t worry. Between me and Remy, we can carry you everywhere until you can walk again.”
“I’d kiss that stupid smirk off your face if I had the energy,” you huff, crossing your arms. “You’re way too smug for your own good.”
“You love it.”
Remy returns with a damp towel, gently wiping you down with enough care to turn your limbs to jelly if they weren’t already bone-tired. “We do, unfortunately. What a shame.”
Jett weakly whacks him on the shoulder, and the three of you laugh together like the notes of a perfect chord. It’s hectic, all of you being together, but it’s perfect. Life never did stop being a hurricane, but with these two by your side, you know you can surrender to the harsh winds, letting it carry you along like a roller coaster - heart always thumping, eyes always shining.
You never knew a hurricane could be so beautiful.
16 notes · View notes
Leviathan x gn!MC
Words - 2678
Content Warnings - NSFW, Smut, Masturbation, Tail Sex, some angst, lots of comfort
Prompt/Inspiration - I’m horny for Levi’s tail and I love to make him cry. That is all. 
Summary -  You return to the human realm for a quick trip, so a very lonely Levi decides to entertain himself in your absence.
Levi was lonely.
Until he met you, he hadn’t realized just how much fun it was to have another person around. He had spent most of his time in his room, and his closest friends were people he met through his online anime forums. And even then he struggled to find others that truly understood him, so he often felt out of place there too.
But with you? He felt like he could really be himself. Even if you didn’t understand what he was so excited about, you always supported and encouraged him. You’d frequently surprise him with little presents like keychains of favorite characters from his favorite shows, so he knew you were always listening.
You were also patient with him as he learned to navigate the world of 3D relationships. When he couldn’t figure out what he wanted to say, you’d help him find the right words. And you’d forgive him when he made mistakes (and he felt he made a lot of mistakes).
Today though, he was all alone. You were gone.
Well, not GONE gone.
You had gone back to the human realm for a couple days to visit your family.
Don’t get hung up on the details ok? Point is, he was alone and you weren’t there and he missed you a lot.
So he did the only thing he could think to do - pulled out his favorite naughty dating sim (the kind he would rather die than ever play with you) and keep himself entertained. It wasn’t long though before he was touching himself and imagining himself in all sorts of compromising positions. He started to think about how fun some of these things would be to try with you (not that he had any idea how to mention them without sounding like a pervert).
After a while of flirting with and seducing his favorite character (who honestly bore an uncanny resemblance to you), he was desperate for something more and shifted to his demon form to make use of his tail. Not wanting to soil his favorite pillows, he moved to the floor and got down on his knees, burying his face in his arms, with his ass in the air. His tail was wrapped firmly around his cock, and began thrusting into it.
As he got closer to his climax, he adjusted the position of his tail and carefully lined the tip up with his entrance, before slipping it inside and pumping it roughly in and out. It felt so unbelievably good that he could almost swear you were there with him. In no time at all, he was coming completely undone. Moaning your name, and babbling incoherently, as the thrusts of his hips and the rhythm of his tail pushed him nearer and nearer to the edge.
When he finally came, it was with a loud, whimpering moan, as his cum spilled to the floor.
As far as Levi was concerned, you were in fact going to visit your family.
But that wasn’t quite the truth.
The actual purpose of your trip was to sneak away so you could surprise your adorable otaku boyfriend with some collectors items you knew he had been desperately searching for.
In a bizarre twist of events, you learned that you actually had a cousin who was part of the production staff for one of his favorite anime. When they were preparing for their recent move, they came across their stash of memorabilia from that job, and reached out to you to see if you’d be interested in taking it off their hands. Of course you immediately jumped at this opportunity, knowing just how happy it would make Levi when you showed up at his door, arms full of all manner of swag and one of a kind merchandise that only someone with inside connections could possibly acquire.
So when you came home earlier than planned, you opened Levi’s door and let yourself inside, without giving it a second thought.
The sight that greeted you made you blush so violently, that you were sure there was steam coming from your ears. Your sweet, precious boyfriend was on all fours, simultaneously masturbating and fucking his tail, moaning your name, completely oblivious to your presence.
If you had been dating someone like Asmodeus, you could have simply walked up to him and asked to join in. With Levi, however, you were pretty sure he’d die of shame on the spot and that would be it. You knew you needed to leave, and quickly, so that he was none the wiser.
But as you stood there, trying to figure out how best to make your escape, Levi came and your mind just went blank.
And before you knew it, he was sitting back on his legs, lifting his head and staring straight into your eyes. He didn’t seem to see you at first, almost like he thought you were an orgasm induced hallucination, but as the seconds ticked by, his eyes grew wide and he blushed an even deeper shade of red than the one you were currently sporting.
“Ummm...honey, I’m home?” you said with a small, nervous laugh.
It took Levi another second to react, and when he did he let out some awkward high pitched squawk as he scrambled to hide himself behind his tub, pulling his legs tightly to his chest, and wrapping his tail around his torso.
“Wh-wh-what are you doing here?! You were supposed to be gone for TWO DAYS! TWO DAYS!!”
His mind had started to shut down the moment he realized you were standing in his doorway. How long had you been there? How much had you seen? There was no way for him to know, so of course he assumed the worst. He desperately wished the ground would open up beneath him and just pull him down to a lower layer of hell where he could live out his days in solitude.
“Well…SURPRISE! I guess…”, you laughed awkwardly again as you turned around and locked the door behind you.
“I erm...come bearing gifts...I picked up some things that I thought you’d like. There’s this one…”
“Please. Stop.” Levi cut you off, unable to conceal the trembled in his voice as he tried to fight off tears.
“Just go. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to be nice to me.”
“Nice to you? Levi what are you talking about?”, you were a little confused now. Yeah you had walked in on him in an extremely awkward position, but you were his romantic partner after all. It’s not like you hadn’t seen him naked before, not to mention the fact the two of you had sex on a pretty regular basis. You assumed he would be embarrassed, that was a given, but you figured he’d at least talk to you after he was calm, even if it took a few hours. Not shut you out entirely.
“You saw didn’t you? So you don’t need to stay.”
“Levi, babe, I’m really not following here. Why would I leave? I just got back.”
“...please. Please don’t make me say it.”
You were sure he was crying now, so you carefully set down the bags in your arms and made your way towards him, grabbing an oversized blanket from the floor near the TV on your way. Slowly, you took a seat on the floor with your back to the tub, just around the corner from where Levi was sitting. You were close enough to touch if he reached out to you, but also far enough away that you couldn’t see him without turning around.
“Hey, sweetheart, I think you’re misunderstanding something here,” you kept your voice low as you spoke, not wanting to scare him now that you were so close. Reaching behind you to where he was, you offered him the blanket you had grabbed earlier, “Here. You can cover yourself up with this.”
Without saying a word, Levi took the blanket from you and bundled himself up. He felt a bit more comfortable now that he wasn’t completely exposed, but he was still anxious and on edge. It was impossible for him to relax with you still here when he knew it was only a matter of time before you started asking him questions he absolutely did not want to answer, before finally leaving him to his depravity.
“It was umm...kinda hot, you know…” you offered, cautiously, testing the waters to see how he’d react. You really wanted to reassure him, but you also didn’t want to make him retreat further into his shell.
“...you don’t mean that.”
“Of course I do. You know I love your tail. And who doesn’t want to hear their partner moaning their name?”
“...you’re weird.”
You gave a small laugh at his reply. He seemed to be warming up a bit, so you reached behind you again and offered him your hand, “Can I hold your hand? Please?”
When he didn’t reply, your heart started to sink, but just as you were about to pull away, you felt his fingertips touching yours. Carefully you laced your fingers together, resting your hands on the floor.
“I love you, you know that?”
“....I love you too,” he whispered. Levi wasn’t sure why you were still here, but he couldn’t deny that he was thankful for it. He knew he was gross. He had tried to warn you. But you always laughed it off, telling him you loved even those parts he considered “yucky.” Would you still be able to say that now? Could you still look at him the same?
“So, I have a surprise for you. That’s what I was really out doing today…turns out I have a cousin who works at the studio where some of your favorite anime were produced. Small world huh?”
Oh? Levi had perked up a little upon hearing that. He knew you were trying to distract him, but maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing. Anything to avoid talking about what you had walked in on.
“Do you think I could come over there and show them to you?”
Levi tensed. You wanted to...come over...here? To his side of the tub? That means you’d see his face. He’d have to look at you too. But he really wanted to see what you had brought...especially if it was something exclusive that only the production team could have gotten.
“...alright...I guess that would be ok...just don’t look at me…”
You gave his hand a firm squeeze before standing up and retrieving your bags near the door. You really hoped he liked what you had found. Part of you worried that the impact of your “big reveal” would be dampened by the preceding events, but another part of you knew that there was no surer way to help Levi relax than to get him going about his favorite subject.
Taking a seat next to him, you made sure to keep your eyes forward and resisted the urge to look at him. You wanted nothing more than to wrap him up in a big hug, but you weren’t quite sure he was ready for that yet. So instead, you carefully removed the items one at a time and handed them to him.
As he looked over each thing carefully, you could feel the joy starting to radiate off of him. His mood was quickly shifting, and soon he was rambling like normal about the significance behind certain things, explaining who the characters were, and their voice actors. A soft smile spread across your face, and you gently leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder.
Levi paused for a moment when he noticed the weight of your body pressed against him. He had gotten so caught up in his explanation that he had almost forgotten about the events leading up to this. Doubts started to enter his mind again, wondering what you had to think of him.
“Are you...are you disgusted with me…?”, his voice trailed off into a whisper as he fidgeted with the DVD case in his hands.
“No Levi, I am not disgusted with you. I told you it was pretty hot didn’t I? I meant that.”
Your voice sounded so soothing to his ears. It was like you were reaching into his very soul and calming the storm of anxiety within him. Maybe he could believe you. You hadn’t lied to him before. And you were a couple. If he couldn’t trust you, who could he trust?
He rested his cheek on the top of your head and breathed in your scent, feeling the tension leave his body.
“You know…”, you started, “maybe you could do the same to me sometime.”
“Do the...same…! You can’t just say things like that!”
You laughed at his reaction. That’s what he was getting embarrassed about now? Oh you sweet, precious boy.
“Why are you getting all shy on me again? I’d think everything else would be a cake walk at this point.”
“Th-that’s not how it works and you know it!”
Chuckling you answered him, “Alright then how about this. You lay in the tub like a good boy...and I fuck myself on your tail...while you watch...would that be less embarrassing?”
“...nothing about this conversation is less embarrassing.”
Levi was blushing again by now, but for an entirely different reason from earlier. Somehow you had managed to ease him into it and get him talking about things he had thought were better left forgotten. And not only had you managed to get him to talk, you were now flirting and laughing with him like there was nothing unusual at all about this situation.
“But you like it, don’t you? Knowing that I’m just as perverted as you?”
“Hey. I want to look at you.”
“....fine…” he sighed. Levi didn’t want to admit it, but he was getting more than a bit excited by this discussion. He was imagining you stuffed full of his tail, riding him while he caressed your body. And since everything was all out in the open now, he no longer needed to worry about rejection. At least so far as fucking you with his tail was concerned.
You raised your head to look at Levi for the first time since he hid behind the tub. He had his head tilted down slightly, concealing much of his face with his bangs. You giggled seeing him like that, before reaching forward and bringing his head towards you, pressing a kiss to the top.
“I love you,” you reminded him again, slowly pulling back so you could try to make eye contact. When he still wouldn’t look at you, you kissed him on the cheek with a smile. You loved seeing him blushing like this. He was just so, so cute.
“Hey, why don’t we go shower now and get you cleaned up? Hmm? Maybe take a bath? It would be a good way to relax I think.” You were cupping his cheek now, stroking it with your thumb. Levi looked at you out of the corner of his eyes, debating whether he should take you up on your offer. On the one hand a bath did sound really good. On the other, you’d definitely notice his erection if he stood up now. Hadn’t he embarrassed himself enough for one day?
“I’ll make it worth your while,” you teased, kissing his cheek again, “Maybe you could show me some other things you’d like to try.”
He didn’t think it possible, but Levi felt himself grow harder. You had to be doing this to him on purpose. What was he thinking? Of course you were. You lived for this. Nothing brought you greater pleasure than making him blush while turning him on.
“Do you think you could stay in your demon form too? I’d like your tail to join us.”
Fuck. You were going to be the death of him.
59 notes · View notes
monchikyun · 4 years
XIII. give you everything
Connor can’t help but laugh when a palm lands on his cheek ever so softly. 
“You’re aware that I can’t feel physical pain, right?” 
“Shut up,” Gavin pretends that he’s bothered by that rhetorical question, but the hint of a smile trying to force its way in doesn’t go undetected. Ever since the morning, his face has been graced by the shade of red Connor can’t get enough of, which is the main reason for his good mood.  
Somehow they ended up playing rock-scissors-paper and Gavin insisted that the loser should receive some form of punishment, “to spice it up a little”. He thinks that the man just wants to test how advanced his programming is, to find out whether he’s even capable of losing. The truth is he could accurately estimate Gavin’s move if he concentrated enough, but then this would be no fun now, would it. 
Of course, he had to draw paper in their first round and the fact that Gavin immediately went for scissors was all but unexpected. The man himself can be sharp like a knife when you touch the wrong side of him. 
Connor has a hard time admitting to himself that he lost on purpose because he can’t quite figure out why. 
“Doesn’t matter,” Gavin mumbles and invites him for a rematch. 
He supposes there are better ways to spend their free time, but since no one is willing to talk about what is going on between them, childish games count as the next best thing. 
And Connor really enjoys the limbo they trapped themselves in. It’s just warm enough without the possibility of leaving burns. Luke-warm, if he’s being honest with himself. A bit bland. Still, he could live with that. He can ignore the longing in Gavin’s eyes if it keeps them safe like this. 
“Guess I win this time.” Gavin’s fist uncurls in disappointment, preventing Connor from enveloping it in his ‘paper’. 
“You sure you didn’t cheat with your robo mind-reading power?” There is nothing but playfulness seeping from his voice, still, Connor can’t believe he even has to ask. 
“You really do think highly of me, don’t you?”
“So that would be a ‘no’.” He squeezes his eyes shut and winces in anticipation. 
“I’ll be gentle, I promise.” 
And he is, imitating the slap he got just a couple of minutes ago. 
“Seriously? Well, that was kinda underwhelming.” He sounds almost dissatisfied. Connor never considered Gavin was into that kind of stuff but one never knows what the other person might be hiding. Not that he minds, it’s just a piece of information he needs to get used to. 
“So was yours.” He smirks at him, creating a petulant frown on his friend’s face. 
“Good point.” At least he doesn’t initiate a fight. It would be a shame if something ruined their so-far peaceful day. 
The snow has finally stopped falling, letting a ray of sunshine peek through the thick clouds. He would suggest taking a walk if Gavin hasn’t coughed three times in the past two hours. Connor has been monitoring his vitals, not noticing any significant change to his health, but that might have been only thanks to their current sufficiently heated location. At least according to his scans it is so, because the detective’s hands rub his arms up and down in an attempt to get rid of the cold only he can feel. 
“If only you had a perfectly comfortable sweater to wear.., what a pity,” Connor shakes his head in theatrical sorrow. 
“Oh, wait.” 
The darts coming from Gavin prick his skin without having to look at him at all. Now, this is fun. 
“You do!.” 
The man seems offended by his toothy grin, which makes it grow even wider. 
“For phck’s sake, Connor. I told you I’ll wear that over my dead body.” 
“Guess I’ll have to kill you then.” 
He means it as a stupid joke, but the air turns serious as soon as his mouth lets out those words. 
He shouldn’t be the one letting himself be carried away by the moment, no matter how carefree it might have been. 
But Gavin doesn’t react to his feeble apology, busy making himself smaller to contain some of his bodily heat. His temperature is still within the norm, but that doesn’t tell him anything about what might happen in the next several hours. Days. 
He repeats his actions from the night before, placing his blanket around the man’s shoulder, letting his hands linger a little longer than they should. 
They spend the rest of the day wasting their time by playing all the games from Gavin’s childhood that Connor would never have the opportunity to experience otherwise. It’s a nice gesture, if that indeed is the intention behind it. Could be that this is the detective’s idea of dealing with boredom. And since they’ve decided to forget all about their work while they’re here, there weren’t many options left if they wanted to avoid all communication that could direct them to the forsaken grounds, also known as a personal dialogue. 
Connor almost had to force-feed Gavin the lunch he ordered for him, fighting against his endless excuses of not being hungry. He needs the strength if his condition is to worsen, and he’d make sure he gets it, even if it ended up in him having to shove a spoon inside his human mouth and nearly choking him to death. The man does sometimes act like a misbehaving toddler, but he figures that’s just a part of his charm. Besides, he likes taking care of him, it makes him fulfilled, for more reasons than one. It reminds him that he’s capable of so much more than just police work. 
It’s late in the afternoon now, the sky has gone dark and their carefully structured conversation quieted down into a pleasant silence. The only light source in their room is provided by the muted television which no one pays any attention to. 
Gavin is sitting on the ground, backed propped by the side of his bed. He’s still snuggled in Connor’s blanket, cradling a cup of tea the android has made for him. 
He has packed plenty of supplies with him, thinking they might come in handy. It’s better to be over-prepared than the opposite, an opinion that this trip has confirmed to him. 
Connor has just got off the phone with Tina, assuring himself that Sumo is being adequately spoiled. He really misses that oversized lump of fur, but the dog is doing just fine without him, so he has nothing to complain about.  
Checking up on Gavin he notices his temperature has risen above what’s deemed healthy. He sits next to him and retracts the skin on his hand, pressing it on the man’s forehead to extract the precise reading, just to be certain.  
“Yeah, I know,” Gavin says, clearly defeated. He shifts a bit and looks at him like he’s seeing the most beautiful being in the world, setting the now half-empty cup aside. 
“C’me here.” 
Maybe it’s the medicine he took twenty minutes ago finally kicking in, making his brain all mushy and body too clingy, but Gavin magically pulls him in his lap and holds him like he’s the last of his kind. He rests his head on the android’s chest, and Connor is too weak to deny him this show of vulnerability. Even if it’s likely drug-induced. They stay like this for a while, basking in each other’s touch, breathing in the tender atmosphere. Their hands have found each other too, fitting together like opposite poles. His spare one is threading through Gavin’s hair, messing it up on purpose. Connor loves seeing it like that, it feels intimate to him. A secret side of the man reserved only for those who are closest to him. It’s nice. Too nice. 
The moment is so overwhelmingly light it doesn’t even occur to him how dangerous his actions are. How those small acts can wedge a rift between them if he isn’t careful enough. 
But it’s too late to back out because Gavin kisses his chest, the place whereunder his mechanical heart beats loudly. And it doesn’t stop there. He traces those kisses up along his collar bone, his jaw, his neck, eliciting a content hum from him in the process. When he comes close to his lips, the man hesitates for a second that seems like an eternity, but ultimately decides to give in. 
And that where Connor draws the line. Snapping out of his trance, he quickly shoves his hand in front of his mouth to prevent Gavin from doing something he won’t be able to take back. 
“I’m sorry,” comes the muffled expression of regret. He truly loathes having to say that phrase so often because he apparently can’t do a single thing right in his life. 
He climbs off Gavin, dropping his body right next to him instead. 
“Why,” the man breathes softly. 
“I- I can’t. I can’t give you everything you want, Gavin.” He tries to communicate his despair through his doleful gaze, which his friend appears to be drowning in. 
“What-” Connor grabs the upper side of Gavin’s hand, guiding it towards him in an answer. It discomforts him greatly, but he leads it to where his genitals would be if he had any. He’s not the only one unsettled by this, for he senses Gavin struggle against his grip and at this point he has no choice but to set him free.
“You phcking toaster, you think I don’t know that?” he laughs without mirth. 
“You think that… that I want you just for your body?” 
Connor has hurt the man again, despite trying to do the exact opposite. 
“No!” It’s not that difficult to believe, but not as easy when the truth has been spoken out loud. 
Gavin leans back into him, resting his head on his shoulder. At least they haven’t spiralled down the path of pretend animosity. 
“You don’t mind that I’m not a man?” Connor has never really regarded himself as one. It’s a label that doesn’t feel right to him. He’s simply himself, a human-like android who has been given a soul. There is no need for something else.
“I don’t care what or who you are, Con. As long as it’s you that’s inside, I wouldn’t mind if you were a phcking jellyfish, I’d… I’d love you all the same.” 
“You… you love me.”  The world around him gets blurry as he can’t quite process what he just heard.
“Is that so surprising, tin can?” Gavin chuckles, his own tears audible in that delightful sound.  
He wants to say it back, every inch of his being is urging him to do so, but his brain has frozen over and refuses to receive any command his heart gives him.
The words are stuck in his chest, leaking out through his close eyes, unable to be turned into any shape. They stab him with their intensity over and over, making him want to pluck them out and throw them at the person who has created them. 
“You don’t have to, Con.” 
Maybe neither of them is ready to carry the weight behind that sentence just yet.
@a-convin-new-year i had to change the title a bit to suit my story hope you don’t mind 
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kyber-kisses · 4 years
Calling Out (Part 2)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Find Part 1 HERE
Warnings: description of injuries, near death experience, hospitals. . . angst.
Summary: when a case goes sideways leaving the reader in the hospital, Dean, Sam, and Charlie search desperately for a way to help her. . . But time is running out.
A/n: ok so I know it’s been literal months since I wrote the first part but it was only since yesterday that inspiration finally struck! Hope you enjoy! (also all the medical stuff i just searched so if you actually know your stuff please don’t attack me.)
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“Charlie, Sam- please tell me you’ve found something.”
Shoulders slumping Dean let out another sigh, halting his pacing momentarily to look over at the duo seated across the otherwise empty waiting room.
Pacing. He had been doing so much of that lately, especially ever since your monitors went crazy and all of a sudden he, (alongside Sam and Charlie) was being pushed out of your room by several nurses. Dean had tried fighting against them, not wanting to leave you in the hands of strangers. What if you woke up? What if you had no idea where you were? What if something happened and you didn’t- Dean quickly shook his head in an attempt to clear the terrible thoughts from his head. No, you were going to be fine. You were always fine. You were the strongest out of all of them.
But all he could think about was how sudden it had been. You were fine one second and the next? Your heart monitor was going insane and your chest was rising and falling in an unsteady rhythm and he thought he was watching you die. Your eyes still closed, locking you in a monster induced coma.
He couldn’t remember the last time he felt that scared.
It also didn’t help that that had all happens hours ago. Hours. Hours of pacing back and forth, back and forth until he thought his legs might fall off.
“No, sorry Dean. I’ve raked through everything we had on djinns but I can’t find anything.”
The older Winchester let out another groan before turning to the redhead next to his brother. “Charlie?” He tried, a twang of hopefulness in his voice.
“I’m still looking. If I do find something you’ll be the first person I tell.”
Running a slightly shaky hand through his hair, Dean continued his pacing. If he wasn’t careful he might wear tracks in the sandpaper like carpet.
“Dean, do you really want to be talking about the case right now?” Sam questioned, closing the book he had in front of him so he could give his brother his attention. “I mean, Y/N-“
“I literally want to talk about anything that isn’t the possibility of Y/N dying in the other room.” Dean stopped again, his voice ever so slightly cracking as he spoke.
Dean watched as Sam opened his mouth, clearly ready to speak. . But was stopped short when the massive set of doors behind him swung open, the nurse from earlier stepping out into the waiting room, clipboard in hand. It didn’t even take Dean a second before he was spinning around to give her his full attention. His heart sinking lower into his chest at the expression on her face.
“Y/N, is she-“ he couldn’t bring himself to say the word. Afraid that if he muttered it it might come true.
You weren’t dead. You weren’t.
“We’ve done what we could, but she’s stable for now.”
“What happened?” Pushing himself out of his own seat, Sam crossed the waiting room with Charlie close on his heels.
“It’s called a primary spontaneous pneumothorax. It typically happens when there is a rupture of a small air sac on the outside of the lung. This causes air to leak into the cavity around the lung.” The nurse explained, tucking her board under her arm. “ it caused a partial lung collapse but it wasn’t too sever meaning it’s possible for it to heal on its own. As of right now she only needs oxygen and rest.”
Dean was silent as he tried to comprehend what she had said. She made it seem like everything was going to be fine. . . But none of it sounded fine at all. You were still in a magically induced coma and looking like you got run over by a freight train. Now you had a partially collapsed lung to add to it all.
“Ok. . . But how did this happen? I thought she was stable?” He finally spoke, running a hand over his mouth as he tried to wrap his head around it.
“Her fractured rib was the probable cause of it, but we’re keeping a close eye on her still. Don’t you worry.” She smiled.
She fucking smiled.
Dean bit his tongue so he didn’t lash out. Don’t worry? That’s all he had been doing. That all he was going to do until you were safe and fully healed.
“You’re welcome to go back and see her.”
“Is she still-“
“Unconscious? I’m afraid so.” The nurse nodded. “We’re looking for a cause to that as well.”
“Well you’re not gonna find one.” Dean muttered softly under his breath, already turning to head towards the room you had previous been set up in. He had already been separated from you for too long.
It took everything in the hunter not to book it full speed down the mostly empty hallway towards your room, his heart thumping a staccato rhythm in his chest. He had left Charlie and Sam in the dust to collect their laptops and lore books- but he didn’t care. He needed to be near you. Watching over you. Keeping you safe from threats that doctors couldn’t handle.
When he stepped into your room he saw another nurse still at your bedside tapping at things on the monitor while glancing over at you every few seconds or so. Other than that the room was empty.
“She’s doing well all things considered.” The dark haired nurse nodded, looking over her shoulder at Dean momentarily before going back to her task. “You’re wife’s a tough one. She should pull through.”
“Oh she not my-“ he started, pushing down the sudden heat that had invaded his cheeks.
“Well anyway, she’s lucky to have someone who cares so much about her.” Backing away, the nurse gathered her things and walked out the door, passing Sam and Charlie as she did.
As the older Winchester stepped closer to the bed he felt his heart drop all over again. You looked worse than last time. Your skin was several shades paler and your cheeks were getting hollow. It didn’t help that your injuries were taking forever to heal. Sure it had only been a week since this all happened, but you looked so weak, so fragile. And those were words that should never be used to describe you.
“Hmm?” Unable to tear his eyes from you, Dean only lent his ears to his brother, resuming his spot from before and slipping his hand into yours. Your pulse allowing him to let out a sigh of relief.
“Charlie and I were talking, and we thought we might try the library a few blocks away. See if they have any more lore books we can look through.”
“Yeah, yeah. You kids go have fun.” He muttered , shifting ever so slightly to wipe a strand of hair away from your eyes, being careful not to disturb the oxygen tube. One wrong move and he was afraid you might shattered like china.
“Dean, you need a break too. The nurses will watch over her.” Sam sighed, re-adjusting his belongings in his arms.
“I got one when we were stuck in that waiting room for several hours. I’m fine.”
“Sams right, Dean. You at least need to sleep-“
“Charlie, I said I’m fine.” Letting out another sigh, Dean allowed his elbows to rest on the side of your hospital bed, resting his cheek on the back of your hand. “Call me if you guys find anything.”
Drawing in a breath, Sam gave into defeat before sharing a look with the red-head. Neither of them had ever seen Dean like this and it was just another thing to add to the growing list of concerns.
“Alright, fine. Do you at least want us to pick you up some food?”
“I don’t care.” The words leaving Dean so quietly that they almost didn’t hear it.
Giving you and Dean one last look the two left the room once more, carrying most of the hope with them. Deans was fading. He didn’t want it to but he couldn’t stop it. He was afraid.
“You are not allowed do die on me, you got that?” He swallowed, already feeling a lump form in his throat. “I’ve got some really important things I need to say to you so I’m gonna need you to get better.”
Dean paused once more, contemplating whether or not to say the words bouncing around inside his head. He’d never said them out loud before. Even just thinking about it made his tongue feel like lead. . .But no one was here. No one was listening.
“You know, I didn’t want to fall in love. Not at all. Because this life, you know- you can’t afford getting close. There’s a good chance it will slip away if you do. . . But at some point you smiled, and holy shit, I blew it.” He squeezed your hand gently, praying that you would open your eyes at any second. “Maybe it was just bound it happen. I’ve known you for so long. . . Anyways I’m gonna need you to pull through because I want to say it to your face. I can’t lose you. Not now, not ever.”
Leaning back in his seat, Dean raked his freehand through his hair (a nervous tick he had picked up over the years.) watching you sadly. Sam and Charlie would find something. He knew they would.
“C’mon Y/N, you gotta wake up.”
To Be Continued. . .
SPN Taglist (still open!)
@familybusinesswritingbro@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti @callmekda @jordangdelacruz @orphiceseum @andthatsmyworld @marvelfangirllll @fandomnerdespressourself @gladiosamicitias @castielsangelsx @lxstgxrl-ck @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit @amendoise @phoenixuprisingsstuff @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl @neerness @totallyluciferr @supernaturalenchanted @dolanfivsosxox@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts @akshi8278​ @defenderrosetyler​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy @idksupernatural @vicmc624 @all-will-be-well-love @busy-bee-angel-misska @starsandmidnightblue @lilulo-12 @beanie-beebo @xoxoaudreymarie @greenarrowhead @mrsjenniferwinchester
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moccahobi · 4 years
Written in The Stars [Hoseok x Reader]
Warnings: Cuss words
Summery:  Hoseok had always been big on supporting his friends. Thus it came as no surprise that he ended up spending his free time at Namjoon's latest buiseness venture: a little dessert cafe. He didn't expect to fall for the cute barista who always worked when he was there though the.
Word count: 7k words
Genre: Slice of life au; Cafe au
Author’s Note: Thank you so much to @kyub for making the banner and @heyitsmeee2, @jung-hoseok-s-airplane, @jiminful, and @elenasgotyourback​ for betaing. This fic took so much out of me! I had one idea than the next and the main time I had to write this was during school. Oof! I am glad I did it though! Big shutout to @bangtanscenery​ for orchestrating and creating this project! It was soo fun!
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Hoseok sighed from where he was seated in the all too cliche cafe. Namjoon had just opened it up so Hoseok was trying to fulfill his role as a supportive friend by eating there, but it just wasn’t a place he was into. The place was beautiful. He could tell Namjoon and his business partner had quite the eye for design. The wall behind the register was painted in chalk and the menu was written in large swirling letters across it. They had picked a light and natural wood tone for the tables and booths that complimented the dark grey of the metal chairs which were all  all seats upholstered with a rich navy blue and embezzled with glittering gold rebites keeping the cushions to the furniture. It was an ethereal kind of look that undoubtedly drew in the crowds. 
Looking around, Hoseok’s eyes landed on a large astrology chart sprawled out on the back wall, similar in handwriting to the menu, painting a story with the chart. He only noticed it because Namjoon had a passion for astrology and he would often gush about it to Hoseok who would listen to almost all the times that they met up. To top it off, the ceiling was painted in an all consuming shade of black, mimicking a galaxy with its streaks of white, here and there, which glimmered like actual stars (although Hoseok could admit that the ceiling was almost a piece of art). Aside from the heavy reliance on a theme, it was a dessert cafe. Hoseok liked sweets. Namjoon loved sweets apparently. Almost every food was doused in sugar and it was almost overwhelming just how sweet it all was. They all sounded amazing and cavity inducing (especially the french toast and ice cream combo), and Hoseok was tempted to try them, but he couldn’t handle all that sugar in one sitting. He’d need someone to help and he didn’t have someone to help him today. The only thing Hoseok could handle was the Black Hole coffee (americano with a little sugar) and a Galaxy bagel (it was just a plain bagel with some sugary cream cheese). Hoseok felt a little more like Yoongi, the resident grump of his friends, sitting in the cafe with such… unsweetened foods. 
Of course Namjoon’s cafe had some savory food and Hoseok wanted to try them some other time, maybe with Yoongi.The main thing Namjoon sold was dessert though, and to support Namjoon, Hoseok had to have one of the desserts. 
What wasn’t a shock about Namjoon’s cafe was that he co-owned and ran it with someone else. Hoseok didn’t know who it was yet, Namjoon having not told him yet but from what Hoseok knew of the current set up, they were manning the counter with two baristas. From what Namjoon had said about his business partner, they were much more focused on what they were serving as well as the astrology side of the cafe work than any of the real business. It gave Namjoon exactly what he wanted: the business side of things and a partner to share the possible debt. Hoseok had finally managed to visit today, their fifth day open and if he had to list the things that he did like,  he’d have to start with the ceiling and then mention one of the baristas:
They took his breath away the second he entered the store. They smiled broadly and greated Hoseok and for a second, he forgot that he was at a local cafe and not a family run restaurant back in Gwangju. The world slowed as he looked at them and all Hoseok could think about was the warm feeling of returning to his mom’s friend’s restaurant after his post-school program and eating kimchi and rice. 
The trance was broken the second she turned to take someone’s order and Hoseok slowly came back to reality. He wasn’t in Gwangju but he was about to have a wonderful meal in a shop owned by a friend. 
Hoseok had only been in the cafe for half an hour and he could already say that he was starting to develop a small crush on the barista. He didn’t mean to and he didn’t dare think about actually asking her out… it just happened. She was a pretty woman doing her job and Hoseok was an attention starved small business owner who was entranced by her caring attitude. Hoseok was stressed and tired. Plus, he was finally feeling better after his last relationship. There wasn’t this constant longing nestled deep inside him at the thought of the end of his last relationship anymore, and he might finally be at a point where dating was ok to do again.
That is what he brushed it off as. 
Hoseok didn’t want to think of the alternative. He just got out of a relationship a month ago and was still recovering even if he felt like he might be better now. Sure it might have been a mutual agreement based on his best interests and their best interest, but that didn’t make it any harder. Hoseok still missed the nights when they would spend the night in their apartment and snuggle close while watching cheesy shows or when they’d force him to stop working on pottery for a day and instead grab food at one of the food trucks. He missed the companionship but by now, he didn’t know if he missed them.
He might.
There wasn’t a real way to always tell though. The two went everywhere together. Every place that Hoseok went to now conjured memories that danced and pranced around in his mind. This cafe would be different though. There were no ghost memories dancing around. It was new and he could work effectively and happily. 
At some point while Hoseok was finishing his food, Namjoon came over and joined him. The two had barely had more than a handful of conversations since graduating college, both too busy to make time for the other as small business owners (well this was Namjoon’s second business venture, the other supplying him a good source of money to fund him and the cafe). That was how life was sadly but with this cafe open so close to where Hoseok lived and worked that now they might have a chance of having long and winded conversations again.
“Do you remember watching stars on our old apartment’s rooftop?” Namjoon asked at one point, a soft and content smile on his face
“Somewhat. They were nice. Cold, but nice.” Hoseok lied while taking a long sip of his coffee.
Namjoon had always loved the night sky, so much so that he would drag Hoseok out three times a week just to look at the sky. The man could name every constellation and phase of the moon off the top of his head. It was an amazing skill. Hoseok didn’t have that same passion though. Sure, the night sky was nice, awe inspiring at times, but most nights Hoseok would return from work exhausted and all he wanted to do was go to sleep. Those nights when Namjoon and Hoseok would go onto the roof and look at the sky were mostly filled with Hoseok drifting off in the cold. 
Hoseok did it though and Hoseok would do it again in a heartbeat because it made Namjoon happy. 
Namjoon smiled broadly, “That was kinda the inspiration for the cafe’s decorations! My co-owner, Y/n-ssi, really likes astrology so she added some of the more… magical elements.” 
Hoseok chuckled and looked around with a small smile growing on his face as well,“I am glad you enjoyed those nights so much. Do you still make time to go out and look at the stars?” Hoseok asked before taking a long sip of his coffee.
“No.” Namjoon snorted, his smile much larger now, “I am a working man. I barely have time to eat, sleep, and breath. Let alone gaze up at the stars.” 
“You should make time, Namjoon-ah. It isn’t healthy to work all the time.” Hoseok chastised, taking special care now to scrutinize Namjoon’s face.
He looked very similar to the young twenty year old Hoseok once knew but there was more evidence now of stress and wear-and-tear. Frown lines and bags etched in his face. When was the last time Namjoon took a break from all his work? Hoseok didn’t know the answer. He did know though that he was no better than Namjoon. This was his first real break in a week or two.
“You sound like Minjae.” Namjoon laughed.
Hoseok winced instead, “Sometimes we need someone to look after us, Namjoon-ah.”
“I am sorry, man. I didn’t mean to-”
“It is ok, dude. I am over her.” Hoseok said, carefully watching Namjoon process what Hoseok said.
He still looked stressed, his frown lines growing as he looked at the table instead of Hoseok. Namjoon had set up Minjae and Hoseok and his pride was undoubtedly wounded when the two decided to end it. Namjoon also barely had time to check in with the two so his own memory was probably a little foggy.
“ Anyways, we should try to go camping sometime… or go to some sort of museum for stars. Bet we could stay there for five hours before they’d kick us out.” Hoseok proposed, watching as Namjoon smiled, his frown lines becoming ghosts as he looked back up at Hoseok again as the previous stress left him. 
Namjoon snorted in laughter, “I would love to look at the stars with you again, if that is what you’re asking.” 
His eyes lit up as he started to speak animatedly, “And we can make s’mores and grill some beef. Oh my god! I haven’t had beef in sooo long. It would be so good!”
“I think we would have to go camping to do that, Namjoon-ah. I don’t know if a museum will allow us to start a fire and cook stuff there.” Hoseok laughed.
“Well then, looks like we will be going camping.” 
“Yeah. Looks like we will have to plan that soon.”
A comfortable silence filled the two as they looked out at the bustling cafe, nothing left to talk about. They were both running their own stores, Hoseok had his pottery shop and Namjoon had the bookshop and now this cafe. The two did the same work just in a different setting and neither felt the need to talk about it. Shortly after their conversation died down, Namjoon had to go back to work. He mainly worked in the backroom but there was almost more work to be done.. Hoseok didn’t mind. He understood the struggle. Namjoon leaving actually left Hoseok excited as he could finally start reading the latest book he grabbed from the library. Giddily, he tapped his feet against the floor and quickly pulled the book out of his bag and started to read. The soft and sure feeling of the hardback book grounded him as he started to be carried away by the words. Distantly, he registered people moving around him as life carried on but he didn’t care one bit. The tension rose in the story the further he read and soon enough he found himself tightly gripping the book as more and more problems arose. Time passed at an unknown rate to Hoseok as someone new sat near him or left or readjusted. He barely noticed any and all changes that happened around him, too absorbed in the world he held in his hands (which he was somehow only a third of the way through). That was until he noticed someone sit across him at his table. They said something that he didn’t quite hear or understand and he quickly tried to get to a stopping point so converse with whoever it was (probably Namjoon back to bother him more).He looked up in shock to see the cute barista from earlier, smiling and taking a bite of her sandwich. You were the last person Hoseok expected to see sitting with him. Maybe an old friend and very possibly Namjoon, but you? A cute barista he barely said one word to? Nope. 
You blushed and started to speak, a hand covering her mouth to hide the food you were eating, “I hope you don’t mind me joining you for my lunch. I noticed you talking to Namjoon-ssi earlier and you’re reading one of my favorite books and I thought that it could be cool to meet and talk to you. I am Y/n by the way.” She smiled brightly and nodded lightly at Hoseok.
Hoseok laughed quietly and blushed himself before nodding with a smile, “I am Hoseok. Why is it your favorite book? Oh! And no spoilers! I just started the second part.” 
“Ah! A bunch of good stuff is about to happen! I am warning you!” You laughed before taking a sip of your drink. 
As you did so, Hoseok looked at what you brought with you, namely your lunch box. Hoseok knew that Namjoon built into the budget a small meal for each of the workers during their shift and it struck Hoseok as endearing that you brought your own food instead of eating the sugary sweets offered in the cafe. It was smart too. The sweets probably wouldn’t be the healthiest to eat daily and you could eat more if you packed your own food. 
“I really enjoyed the story. It just… it traps you and doesn’t let you go. The author is really good about that in general with her works. I have read some of her other works and they’re so good!” You said, your eyes glued on the book splayed on the table and not Hoseok.
“I am learning that now.” Hoseok laughed, “This is my first time reading one of her works and I definitely want to read more of her stuff. I specifically enjoy how she is associating certain aspects of her world with different textures and feelings. ”
You nodded excitedly as Hoseok kept talking, your cheeks full of food as you ate. His heart fluttered endearingly as he watched you eat and talk about the book, your eyes wide and cheeks flushed with excitement. Time was moving almost as quickly as when he read the book and he enjoyed it. There was something fun about talking about a book with someone. He hadn’t done it since high school (Minjae was always more of a movie or show person and he did other things with other people). Until now, reading had been an  activity he’d done alone. He found himself smiling and laughing more with you than he had in awhile. Maybe there was something fun about talking about books with others that Hoseok had been ignoring until now.
Maybe there was something magical about you. 
Maybe it was how your eyes drew him in and kept him there. He didn’t fully know. 
The fun didn’t last too long though. You came to talk during your lunch break and lunch breaks were short. It didn’t help that as they talked more and more, he started getting inspiration on some new pottery and he knew that he would need to start working on them soon or he might lose the idea (that or he’ll lose the inspiration).. Just to be safe, he excused himself after you finished eating your sandwich and made his way to his shop. He tried to ignore the image of you nodding and smiling sadly as he left that bounced around in his head but it was heard. You simply looked so adorable and he wish that he didn’t have to leave.
In fact, he thought about how he left Namjoon’s cafe in a rush  many times over the following week. Regret stewed inside him the more time he dwelled on it and didn’t return to the cafe. He should have risked the idea for talking with you (his new creation barely sold so it probably wasn’t worth losing a conversation). He should have stayed longer. He should have asked you for your number. Then maybe he might have been able to ask you out to meet up (and maybe call it a date). Plus, if he had gotten your number then he might have had enough courage to reenter the shop instead of standing outside of the shop like an absolute buffoon every time he passed it. Like he was currently doing right now.  Inside the shop, people were bustling around. A group of children had gathered there after school and were drinking some sort of milkshakes. People were simply sitting there and working. Friends were meeting up. You were working away behind the counter.
He was standing outside like a loser.
He wished that he had the gall to go in and order something (as well as as for your number) but all he could do was watch you flutter around behind the counter as you worked hard, his own heart fluttering and stuttering as he watched you work. Why was he chickening out? He didn’t have this issue when he officially asked Minjae out but with you Hoseok could barely manage to gather up courage to ask for your number. Maybe he wasn’t actually ready for a new relationship. 
But he couldn’t stop thinking about possibly having one with you. Hoseok was so confused. Friends could ask for numbers too. It wasn’t inherently a romantic action. Hoseok liked the idea of it being a somewhat romantic action. 
He didn’t have the courage to go in today sadly. Hoseok didn’t know when he would have the courage to.
With a disheartened sigh that seemed to cling in the air around him, Hoseok turned around and sat at the bench in front of the cafe. It overlooked streets that were surprisingly empty save for a bus or two. He watched as a couple walked hand in hand on the sidewalk across the street, dopey smiles on their face as they looked at each other. 
A pang of jealousy bubbled up in his stomach as he stared at them. The two looked so happy and content. He wanted that. He wanted that with someone who wanted similar things out of a relationship (unlike Minjae).  Hoseok could be the man across the street holding hands with a romantic partner if he just asked someone out.  
“Crazy seeing you here, Hoseok-ssi.” Your voice shocked Hoseok out of his thoughts, making him jump and turn around to face you. 
Your hair was frizzy from a long day of work but your eyes shone brightly, almost saying that you enjoyed every minute of the hard work you did. Hoseok understood that drive. Your navy blue apron complimented what you were wearing underneath too, over all you looked undeniably cute. You took Hoseok’s breath away. Even if you had coffee stains and looked like death, you would have taken Hoseok's breath away.
“Y-y-yeah! I… Uhhh… I was enjoying the view.” Hoseok managed to stutter out, turning red as he kept stuttering.
“Oh really? Street views are nice… Yet, I had hoped that you might have been thinking about coming into the cafe. Guess I was wrong.” You laughed, sitting next to Hoseok on the bench and taking out your lunch box, this time a dinner tucked neatly into it. 
Hoseok spent a few seconds to look at the tattered lunch box. You must have had it for a while as there were scratches and dents on it that only came with time and repetitive use.
“I-I… well… I might have been thinking about going inside.” 
“And what made you decide to not go inside? Did you want an actual dinner?” You laughed before putting some of your food into your mouth.
“Oh… Uh… no… I just… decided not to. Nothing against the cafe.”
“Ok. And how is the book going?”
“Uhh… It is going decent.”
Hoseok was kicking himself. Just a minute ago he was fantasizing about going on a date with you and thinking about how cute you were and now he could barely finish a sentence! How was he supposed to even possibly ask you out when he couldn’t even get out more than a four word sentence and you were carrying most of the conversation? 
He was handsome, damn it! 
He was a catch! Yet here he was getting flustered by a barista… what has he come to.
You weren’t just any barista though… You were a cute and interesting barista who liked similar books to him.
“Why’d you decide to come outside and eat instead of eating inside?” Hoseok finally asked, trying to push his nerves aside. 
“Oh! Well… It’s hot and stuffy. Plus, you’re here. That helps.” You said quietly and from the corner of Hoseok’s eye he noticed you blush as you gently brushed your shoulder against his. 
A fluttering in Hoseok’s heart made his response get stuck in his throat. What was that supposed to mean? Was she interested in him too? How was he supposed to interpret that?
He cleared his throat and spoke, “Yeah… You’re pretty cool too, I guess.” 
What is all he could say?
How lame!
“I mean, I think you’re cool. I just don’t know you much yet and don’t want to say something that might possibly be wrong… I don’t think you might not be cool though! I just-”
Your laugh interrupted Hoseok and struck him into silence. It was a melodious laugh that he could listen to for hours on end and never get bored. 
“I am glad you think I am cool, Hoseok-ssi.” You said, turning towards Hoseok with a broad smile.
Hoseok’s heart was beating wildly now. Its erratic heartbeats weren’t ideal earlier when you were simply sitting next to him but now? How was he even supposed to focus with you staring at him intently? Especially with your lips looking like the perfect place for his own lips.
Unintentionally, Hoseok started to lean towards you.
They really did look wonderfully soft. 
What was he thinking about?
You were practically a stranger! Even worse: you were Namjoon’s employee! For all he knew you were trying to use Hoseok to get a better pay.
But Namjoon paid his employees well… and most didn’t have tons of room to grow with the work as it was a small cafe. 
“I enjoy your company too, Y/n-ssi.” Hoseok said with a cough as he turned to face the street again. 
All of the sudden he was very focused on how hot he was feeling. It wasn’t summer but the heat was… present. He was probably blushing and sweating from the heat. Nothing else.
“Even if we have a conversation like this? Where we’re both awkward?” You asked with a strained laugh, leaning into Hoseok.
You had stopped eating.
“Uhh… y-y-yeah. I am having fun. Even if it doesn’t seem like I am.” 
“So… would you enjoy my company if we… went on a date, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked slowly, your voice devoid of all laughter.
“Oh. I. Yeah! Totally.” Hoseok’s voice cracked and he leaned back and coughed to try to cover it up, “I mean… It’d be cool, I guess. Yeah. That would be nice.” 
You giggled, “Wonderful. How does… Tomorrow at seven in the evening sound? We can meet up here and then go somewhere close by.” 
That was so soon.
He could make it though.
“Yeah. That works.” Hoseok nodded, trying to ignore the incessant vibrations from his phone that was sitting in his pocket.
“Are you going to take that, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked with a small giggle, already going back to eating your food.
“Oh. Yeah.” 
He quickly grabbed his phone and looked at who was calling. It was Jisoo, one of his employees.
“Hey… boss. I am sorry but uhh… I can’t make it to my shift. I have been vomiting nonstop. I think I have food poisoning. I am about to go to the hospital. I tried asking Jinyoung but apparently he is currently working and can’t do any more overtime. I am so sorry.” Jisoo spoke hurridly.
Hoseok winced at the connotation. He only had two employees aside from him and this meant that he would have to go in and keep the shop open until ten tonight. Five hours more of work and he needed to leave soon.
“Don’t worry, Jisoo. You didn’t intend to get sick. Take care.” Hoseok said before hanging up and looking over at you, “That is sadly my signal to go.”
You looked like a kicked puppy in that moment, a sad gaze growing as you looked up at Hoseok, “Ok. See you tomorrow.”
All while he walked away, he wished that he could turn around and spend the rest of your break together. He felt like an ass for leaving right after agreeing to a date but his shop needed him. It was the curse of a shop owner and it was a curse that Hoseok had chosen. 
Of course, what he hadn’t realized until he got to his shop and Jinyoung had left was that he completely forgot to get your number once again. 
He was such a damn idiot at times!
Now he couldn’t text you to fill the time that he was forced to work. He also couldn’t get any more information about your date. Would it be formal? Casual? Where were you going to take him? Should he get a gift for you? 
It’d make sense that the two of you would be going on a date after your shift because otherwise why would he meet you at Namjoon’s cafe? 
In the end Hoseok fretted all throughout his shift and the night about what he could possibly wear for his date tomorrow. Everything felt wrong and he had no idea what to do. Everything he did and tried on felt like not enough. Nothing felt right and for the first time in a while, he didn’t know what to do. First dates were hard and he didn’t know how to prepare. 
He shaved and just barely missed twenty nics and even took a longer than normal to make sure that he wouldn’t stink during the date but what was he supposed to wear?
Despite his panicking and fears, Hoseok somehow managed to calm himself down to restlessly sleep that night and was even able to work in the morning. After work though, he was back to panicking. Somehow Hoseok managed to settle for wearing a simple pair of light blue jeans, one of his favorite large shirts with a smile on it, and his long tan jacket.
His whole afternoon bleed into itself and eventually Hoseok found himself sitting on the bench outside of Namjoon’s cafe, a single sunflower held loosely in his hands as he waited for you (he got it at some point between changing into his current clothes and coming here but he didn’t know if he could manage to pinpoint exactly when he had).  He barely had enough sense to wear his jacket for when the sun set and it got cold (or if he had to hide in it if you ended up taking him to some fancy restaurant). He would feel so underdressed if you did.
Why would you though?
From what Hoseok understood, you were just coming off of work so you probably wouldn’t want to go to some fancy place. Plus, working in a cafe wasn’t going to get you too much money, even if one’s employer gave them a living wage. You’d probably be a little pressed for money. 
If that was an issue though, Hoseok would be more than happy to pay but he wouldn’t care either way. 
It also probably wasn’t Hoseok’s place to pry at this time either.
In a last ditch attempt to make sure he was ready for the date, he quickly tried to check his breath with his hand, only getting blasted with air in his face instead. How was he even supposed to check his breath with his hand? 
Had his hair got messed up on his trip here?
Had they even agreed to meet here? Maybe you said a different place instead? 
Just to check, he looked inside the cafe and didn’t see you there. It was almost seven so maybe you were in the back? Maybe he could just text Namjoon to make sure you were off at seven. Hoseok didn’t want to overstep yet. 
“Are you looking for someone in there, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked from beside him, scaring him to the point that he jumped up and almost dropped the sunflower in his hands.
Once he managed to get his bearings again, his breath was taken away by how etheral you looked. There was almost no way that you had come from work, Hoseok was sure of that. Your hair was beautifully and simply styled and your outfit… Hoseok loved every bit of it. His heart fluttered slightly as he looked you over again (barely noticing the reddening blush growing on your face). You looked so good and for the umpteenth time that day, he questioned his own choice in clothes. He might be really underdressed. 
Dress pants would have been better to wear instead of jeans. What was he thinking? He really goofed up.
“Y-You look wonderful tonight, Y/n-ssi.” Hoseok finally said, blushing lightly as you laughed quietly.
“So do you, Hoseok-ssi.” You complimented, a broad smile on your face as you stepped closer and looked down at the sunflower.
“I… Uhhh… I got this for you. I don’t know what your favorite flower is or if you even like flowers but I thought it would be nice.” He stuttered out, quickly giving the flower to you. 
You looked up at Hoseok with a small laugh before saying, “I love it Hoseok-ssi. Shall we get to the restaurant? I got a reservation for seven thirty.”
“A reservation! I guess it is really fancy, huh?” Hoseok asked, rubbing his neck nervously as he started to walk with you.
“No. Not really. It is just popular and I didn’t want to have to spend the night looking for somewhere to eat. I hope you like Haemul Pajeon (vegetable pancake), I got us a reservation at a small place that is just about three blocks down the street. They make wonderful food.” 
“I love the sound of that. How’s your day been so far, Y/n-ssi?” Hoseok asked, biting his lip to hide a large smile growing on his face.
Haemul Pajeon was one of his favorite foods… and Y/n was being so considerate. He was feeling so soft and mushy. How dare you make him feel so soft. 
He loved it.
“It hasn’t been the best. I worked the morning shift and… well there are always rude customers but morning people have such a strange breed of rude customers.” You had started rambulling, animatedly gesturing and talking about the rude morning customers.
Hoseok simply watched and listened as you kept going on, a content and fuzzy feeling washing over him as he kept waking next to you. Occasionally your shoulders and hands brushed as you expertly led the way to the restaurant while ranting and while it left Hoseok reeling, it didn’t seem to phase you at all. He could live with that though. As long as you were happy. 
In the midst of all your rambling about work, the two of you made it to the restaurant. It was at the bottom of a large building, the upper floors likely dedicated to apartments or business offices. Even from the outside, Hoseok could see a large mass of people jostling around in the restaurant. Large friend groups talking and moving around the restaurant drunkenly, couples draped over each other, and restaurant workers expertly weaving through the masses. 
It was obviously a popular place and it made Hoseok just a little nervous. How would you and him get to talk much when all that was happening around you two? Maybe it would be more of a people watching event? One where he only really talked when it came to theories about other’s lives outside of this restaurant. 
There wasn’t too much time to think though as the two quickly started walking inside. You only stopped talking after introducing yourself to the hostess. In the silence between you two, Hoseok looked around the restaurant. It looked different from the outside. Whereas earlier it looked as if it would be a party place, now that Hoseok was inside, he could see a semblance of organization to the chaos.
Despite both you and Hoseok not talking, there wasn’t a silence that fell. The whole of the restaurant was lively and filled with a soft amiability that Hoseok really enjoyed. 
“Alright. Your reservation is ready. Please follow me.” The hostess said, bowing slightly before turning around and starting to weave through the tables. 
Hoseok swallowed his nerves before he started walking in front of you (the three of you had to walk single file because the space was too small to walk side by side) and gently grabbed your hand from behind. People were bumping up against him as he quickly followed behind the hostess but his grip on you didn’t falter. He hoped that his hand wasn’t too sweaty and that he wasn’t gripping you too hard, but Hoseok was nervous and he didn’t want to lose you in the crowd (or let go of your hand yet). 
The table that you had reserved was tucked in a corner and overlooked all of the action happening in the bar. There was a small candle lit between the two of you that flickered gently in the soft breeze created by the fans above. Hoseok liked the spot.
“I just realized,” You started with a laugh once you sat down, “I talked the whole walk here. Silly me. I got carried away. How has your day been so far?” 
“I like listening to you talk so it’s ok. As for my day, it has been a good day. I didn’t make any more pottery, but I headed the shop and got some good work done there.” Hoseok started, a large smile on his face as he looked across the table at you. 
“Oh! So you’re one of Namjoon’s business friends?”
Hoseok snorted at that. Namjoon did have a lot of business friends at this point.
“Yeah. I think I might be Namjoon’s first business friend though. We met in high school and have been friends since. Back in high school Namjoon wanted to be an astrologer believe it or not.” 
“Oh? I wouldn’t have guessed!” You laughed, “So what do you do?”
“I am a potter. My shop is just two streets over from the cafe you work at.” Hoseok nodded.
“Own. Namjoon and I are co-owners. I run the front.” You corrected lightly, “How about we look at the menu?” 
“Oh. Yeah. Let’s look.” Hoseok nodded along, somewhat caught off guard.
You were the co-owner? It made sense, Hoseok thought as he opened the menu, you looked like she belonged in that cafe. Plus, you were closer to Namjoon’s age than the other baristas' ages. He should have seen it coming. 
After a few minutes of looking through the menu Hoseok spoke up, “So… have you figured out what you’re going to get?” 
“Yeah. I am thinking of getting Haemul Pajeon with a side of chicken feet. What about you?” 
“Uhhh… I think that I am going to get Haemul Pajeon as well but with a side of kimchi. I’m not too hungry today.” Hoseok laughed lightly thinking back to his two large stress induced meals earlier today. 
You snorted and laughed lightly before taking a sip of your water, “I get that. Plus, the Haemul Pajeon are quite large. They have great deals.” 
Shortly after you two decided, a waiter came by and took your order, and then Hoseok and you were left in amicable silence once again. He was a ball of nerves once again and he had no idea of where to go from here… He wasn’t this anxious when he started dating Minjae… why was it so hard with you? Maybe because he was genuinely interested in you from the start and he was scared of screwing it up. Maybe because he had just spent most of the day fretting over this date and now that it was here, he realized that he didn’t think over the right stuff. 
“So,” Hoseok coughed lightly, hoping to clear his throat some, “Do you come to this restaurant often?”
“Not really. I came here the first night I moved into the apartment complex above the cafe but since then I haven’t. I actually came here on my own and just sat at the bar and talked to random strangers. It is amazing to see what conversations one can have when they’re open to it.” You said with a smile as you looked over at the bustling bar space. 
“I can imagine. I haven’t gone to bars much so I don’t have such conversations often but I have never had a dull conversation.” Hoseok said wistfully, thinking back to some of the talks that he had when he volunteered to help the homeless back in Gwangju. He wanted to keep up the volunteer work when he moved to Seoul but it simply didn’t happen. He got carried away with his studies and his life and service work simply got put on a backburner.
“Yeah? I doubt that, Hoseok-ssi.” You laughed, “I can’t believe you’ve never had a dull conversation. Not even one with a boring professor?”
Hoseok laughed lightly and shrugged, “I mean, I guess you could count some of those conversations as dull. I guess I was more thinking about general conversations with people… not cardboard cutouts.” 
You snorted at this before taking a large sip of your water, blush rising quickly on your face. A sense of pride washed over Hoseok at your reaction. He had made you laugh. It felt good to make someone smile this much. 
“I loved most of my professors, don’t get me wrong. They were amazing, but oh my gosh. Ask Namjoon about Professor Gaewon who taught our Stat 240. He was such a snore.” Hoseok started animatedly, smiling as you laughed again, “Even for me and I double majored in Statistics and Business. Dude could put me to sleep in seconds. Lecture or not. I went to one of his office hours once and it was even worse.” 
“Oh really?” You asked with a laugh, raising your eyebrows and looking at him with a lopsided grin.
“Oh yeah! I wanted to know a little more information about some complicated statistic and the details and whatnot, nerdy stuff really. He got so excited but you couldn’t tell because he talked in such a monotone voice,” Hoseok smiled brightly before he started mimicking Professor Gaewon, “This statistic, blah blah blah. It is interesting stuff.”
You were laughing uncontrollably at this point and Hoseok couldn’t help but indulge in the butterflies that fluttered wildly in his stomach. This was amazing.
“Needless to say, I didn’t go to his office hours after that.” 
You nodded, “I didn’t have anything like that in college. I mean, I was also not a business major and didn’t have to take any stat classes but I mostly got a lot of very pretentious professors who had written books or wild professors who I loved. I didn’t enjoy the former.” You laughed lightly and shook your head, “They seemed to think that they knew everything. It was painful.” 
“Oh? What’d you major in?” 
“I double majored in Literature and History. I love it. Don’t use it much with my work but that is ok.” You said, coming to a stop when the waitress came with sides for the food. 
You and Hoseok slightly bowed to the waiter before turning back to each other and smiling. For a couple minutes, the conversation died down and the noise of the restaurant around you two filled the air as both of you indulged in the sides. Before you and Hoseok had time to continue conversing, the waiter returned and gave both of you your Haemul Pajeon and the two of you dug in All throughout eating, the two of you made comments about how the Haemul Pajeon compared to what you two had had in the past. 
Somehow, all the time in the restaurant blurred together and before he even knew it, the two of them were back at Namjoon’s and your cafe. It had closed by now, the windows dark and reflecting the party life outside. 
“Well… this was a great night, Hoseok-ssi.” You said, swaying forwards and backwards with a soft and happy smile plastered across your face. 
Hoseok felt giddy looking at you. How did he get so lucky to have you ask him out? 
“It was. I would love to do it again sometime.” 
“Yeah.” You giggled and bit your lip as you asked.
“Yeah.” Hoseok nodded, biting his own lip as he took a step closer to you.
You took a step closer to him as well, your smile growing as you reached out and grabbed Hoseok’s waist. He leaned closer at this and gently pressed his lips against yours, you quickly reciprocating. His hands rose to cup your face as the kiss got heated, soon enough tongues starting to intertwine. 
A moan left him as you broke the kiss, a sly smile spreading on your face, “You may have to work for my phone number first, Hoseok-ssi.” 
He groaned quietly and smiled, his hands sliding down your soft face to your shoulders, “Well then, can I get your number then, Y/n-ssi?” 
You took a step away from Hoseok and giggled as his hands fell to his sides, “Nope. Try again tomorrow… then I will consider. Until then, good night, Hoseok-ssi.” 
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love-and-monsters · 5 years
Moth Fae Boyfriend
Male moth fae X gender neutral human
Word count: 2931
The trees rustled above you as you walked through the chilly forest. You hadn’t really expected it to get so cold. When it was day, the sun had warmed you adequately, but now, wrapped only in a thin sweatshirt and jeans, you were starting to freeze.
It shouldn’t have been that much of a problem, but unfortunately, you were also completely and totally lost.
You had never been good with directions, making you almost completely dependent on your phone’s GPS whenever you went for a hike. Usually, that was fine. You just made sure you were always in range of a cell tower and had your portable charger.
But somehow, your portable charger had been missed when you packed and you hadn’t noticed until your phone was almost dead. You’d done your best to follow what you could remember of the directions, but it had been twenty minutes past when you were supposed to arrive at your car and you couldn’t even see any familiar landmarks.
You stumbled to a stop as the wind picked up again, piercing you to your core. After some fumbling, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and poked desperately at the screen, hoping it had a tiny scrap of power left and you could at least ascertain your location and the next direction to travel in. But the screen remained stubbornly and firmly black. No dice. You crammed it back into your pocket and looked around.
The last few rays of the sun still offered you a little light, but within thirty minutes, the forest would be pitch black. Even with your flashlight, you weren’t sure how much luck you’d have navigating a pitch black forest.
Panic and despair welled in your chest. Your breath started to come in shallow gasps as you sank to the ground, your back pressed to the rough trunk of the tree. Tears stung at your eyes. You knew, logically, that if you just kept walking, you would eventually get somewhere you could at least charge your phone, but panic at being stranded in the woods at night was overwhelming you.
Just before you could completely give into your terror and sob like a baby, you heard something rustling. Your head snapped up. Wolves? Did wolves live around your home? A mountain lion, maybe? A fox? A bear?
What you actually saw was not any of those things. Not even close, really. Instead, you saw something strange crouched several feet away from you.
It was humanoid in shape, but not human in any way. It had enormous wings, like a lunar moth, attached to its back and antennae pointing back from its head. The dim light of the forest let you see that the shape was glowing faintly in the dark.
It was strange and startling enough that you stopped panicking and just stared. Your first thought was that you were having some sort of strange, terror-induced hallucination. Your second thought was that you were encountering some form of cryptid. You could see it watching you, antennae twitching as it half-crouched in the leaf litter. Then it started to move toward you.
You squeaked and pressed your back firmly against the tree, legs scrambling uselessly in the leaf litter. The creature stopped moving. It blinked at you with large, silver flecked eyes. For several moments, you just stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move.
Finally, the creature opened its enormous wings. They were a pale shade of green and they glowed in the dark. Two enormous eyespots decorated the tops of the wings, surrounded by little circling lines. Your eyes were drawn to them like magnets. The spots were hypnotic. Everything outside of them faded to a sort of swirling black while you stared into the fathomless, swirling eyes.
And then they snapped shut. You blinked your eyes rapidly, your head clearing, and realized that the moth thing had moved. Now it was less than a foot in front of you.
Up close, you could see that the creature was covered in an exoskeleton that caught any light in an iridescent glow. Thick, white fur covered its neck like a ruff and covered the top of its head in soft curls. It had four arms, with four long, black fingers on each hand. Its expression, despite a set of mandibles covering its mouth and large, black eyes, was almost readable. It looked curious.
“Hello.” Its voice was male, but there was an odd trill to it.
“Hi,” you answered automatically. His expression crinkled in a way that made him look like he was smiling.
“Are you lost?” he asked. “You look scared.”
“Uh.” Was it a good idea to tell this mysterious moth man that you were lost? What if he thought you were an easy target and led you astray. “No?”
The creature tilted his head back and forth, staring with his large eyes. Their silver flecks were quite pretty, especially when they caught the light shining off his wings. “You must be lost,” he said. “Otherwise, how did you summon me?”
You pressed yourself more firmly against the tree and tried to take stock of any weapons you might have on your person. There was your pocket knife, but it was in your backpack and probably buried under the rest of your supplies. You couldn’t think of a way to get it out without alerting him that’s what you were doing. “I didn’t summon you,” you said, trying to stall for time.
“You did,” he insisted, antennae twitching. “You are lost at night, crying in the woods. You called for a guide.” He spread all four of his arms. “I can guide you.”
“I wasn’t crying,” you said. He said nothing, just blinked at you. “Where are you going to guide me to?”
“Wherever you desire to be,” he said. He considered you for a moment. “I mean you no harm.” He stretched out a long hand. “Do you accept the offer?”
You stood, carefully bending back so you didn’t brush against him. “I think I’m good. You can go back to wherever you came from.” You seized your bag and took off into the woods at a brisk walk.
It took only a few moments to realize he was following you.
He moved almost silently through the forest, but it would have been impossible to miss, thanks to his subtle-but-present glow. Eventually, you turned around to glare at him. “I don’t need your help. I’m not lost.”
He seemed both curious and confused at that statement, from the little of his expression you could make out. “You are lying.”
“I am not!” You started to pull out your phone and paused. Right, no battery. And meeting up with a giant moth had completely trashed any sense of where you were in relation to your car.
“My name is Willow,” he offered, approaching you. “Who are you?”
“None of your business,” you said. Willow’s antennae drooped and he gave you a look you could only associate with a kicked puppy. A flicker of guilt stirred in your stomach. “Look, I’m okay, so maybe you should just go home?”
He stared. “You are still lying.”
“How do you know?” you snapped.
He clicked his mandibles and smiled. “It is obvious. You are lost.” He said the phrase like he was trying to poke fun at you this time, instead of stating a fact. “I cannot leave until you have returned home. Or wherever it is you won’t feel lost anymore.”
You weighed your options. On one hand, you could refuse his help, keep wandering the forest and get increasingly lost while he followed you, or give in and let him lead you somewhere, possibly home. “Fine. I want to get to my car.”
He gave his odd, rather hidden smile and turned around in a full circle, antennae twitching wildly. After a few moments, the antennae stopped twitching and pointed together in a single direction. He started walking that way and you had no choice but to follow him.
“So,” you said, trotting up so you were right next to him. He was at least a foot taller than you. “What are you exactly?”
“I am fae,” he said. He tilted his head so he was staring at you with one of his eyes. His antennae kept pointing in the same direction. “A forest guide spirit. I used to guide people through this forest in the old days with my glow.” He shifted his wings, glow flickering over the area around him. “But I haven’t been able to help anyone for a long time. That’s why I presented myself to you.”
“Yeah, that’ll be modern technology.” You waved your phone at him. “I wouldn’t have needed your help if my phone hadn’t died.”
“I’m glad your phone died,” he said.
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re happy I’m lost?”
He looked at you uncomprehendingly. “That is not what I meant.”
“No, I know- I was joking.” His expression didn’t change. “Uh, never mind.”
“Can I see what a phone is?” he asked. You hesitated, but you couldn’t imagine him taking off into the forest with a phone. What did a fae even want with a phone? You held it out to him and he delicately took it. His sharp fingertips grazed your palm.
He clumsily poked at the buttons and rotated it in his hands. You winced when he tapped his sharp claw against the screen. “It seems useless,” he said.
“Yeah, because it’s out of power,” you said, taking it back and examining the screen. There were no new scratches, thank god. “I need to charge it. But when it works, it can give me directions.”
“That is interesting,” he said, though he didn’t look like he was actually all that interested. His antennae twitched and he readjusted his course. “Can your phone-”
You never learned what he was going to say next because one of your feet caught on a branch and you tumbled head over heels down the slope you were on. Willow let out a cry of surprise as you rolled down the hill, thudding on rocks that jutted up from the leaf litter. You came to a sharp stop when your back hit a tree, thankfully not hard enough to damage anything.
Willow skidded to a stop next to you. “Are you all right?” He looked ruffled. His mane was fluffed up, his wings were half extended and his antennae were pointing down at you.
“Ow.” You sat up slowly, feeling the ache of multiple bruises on your body. “That sucked.”
“Are you hurt anywhere?” Willow asked, all four of his hands hovering awkwardly over your body.
“Technically, I am hurt everywhere,” you said, standing up. “But not that bad. I’m just banged up.”
Willow’s antennae rotated back in the direction of your car. “Maybe you shouldn’t try walking in the dark anymore,” he suggested.
“What else are we supposed to do?” you asked.
Willow offered you his four arms. “I can fly and I could carry you, if you desired.”
You regarded him suspiciously. Not only did that seem like an ideal strategy if he wanted to kidnap you, but there was also the very real fact that he could drop you. “Uh.”
“I promise I will not drop you,” he said. He gave one of his slightly strange smiles and you found it hard to say no. You couldn’t stand to hurt his feelings.
If he was trying to kidnap you, he was amazingly effective at it. Had any other kidnappers attempted to weaponize their cuteness? It was apparently a good strategy.
“Fine. Carry me back to my car, then.” Before you could even try to prepare, he grabbed you in all four of his arms, bridal style, and took off.
His wings worked to carry the pair of you higher and higher into the sky. Within seconds, you had cleared the tops of the trees and were heading up toward the full moon.
It was quite a beautiful night. The moon was large in the sky and the stars were mirrored by the little lights on the ground. Up above the trees, you could see Willow’s glow even more clearly. It was a perfect pale green, soft against the darkness without being harsh.
He was fuzzy too, which you hadn’t really thought about. But the ruff around his neck was soft and warm and you were pretty happy that your position let you press your cheek into it.
You had been expecting flying to be sort of terrifying. After all, you were flying in the arms of a fae with nothing to protect you if you fell. But it was oddly peaceful in the sky. There was only the wind whistling by and the gentle flapping of Willow’s wings.
“It’s nice up here,” you observed. You leaned over, trying to get a better look at the ground. Willow’s hands tightened around you.
“Try not to move,” he said. “I really don’t want to drop you.” He considered for a moment. “I would be able to catch you, of course, but I don’t want to have to do that.”
“Right,” you agreed. “That would be bad.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, just in case. He didn’t seem to mind all that much. His arms tightened around you gently.
It only took you a few minutes of flying over the forest to reach your car. Willow circled for a moment before dropping down next to it. His wings gave a few extra flutters, then he placed you in the ground. You wobbled for a moment, Willow keeping one of his upper hands on your back in order to steady you. “Here is your car!” he said cheerfully. “We made it!”
“Oh, thank god,” you said, slumping across the hood of your car. “Oh, I have never been happier to see this stupid gas guzzler.”
His antennae twitched and he gave one of his soft little smiles. “I’m glad that my services were appreciated.” He dipped his torso in a little bow. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
You hesitated. “I don’t think so. I know my way home from here, so I guess we can part ways now.” You turned fully to face him. “Thank you, by the way. I don’t know if I said that already.”
“You didn’t. I appreciate it.” Willow smiled, eyes shining in the moonlight. His wings opened and he took a step back. “Perhaps we will see each other again someday.”
“Maybe,” you said. His wings fluttered and he retreated into the woods. Within a few seconds, his faint glow had vanished.
You stared after him for a few seconds, until you were sure he was really gone, then you turned and got into your car. Your headlights flared to life, illuminating the darkness, and you drove into the night.
A few weeks later, you returned to the forest. It was midday when you hiked back up to the spot you’d met Willow in. Or, at least, where you thought it was. Maybe it was a good thing if you couldn’t fine it? Might draw him out sooner.
There was a rustling from behind you. You whirled around in time to see Willow stepping out from behind a tree. He peered at you curiously, antennae twitching. “Hello. What are you doing here?”
“I was looking for you,” you said. He tilted his head at you. His wings fluttered.
“Why? Are you lost again?” He stepped closer to you, gaze curious.
“Uh. Not exactly. I just wanted to see you.”
Willow blinked at you. After a moment, he smiled, though it was still a little confused. “Why would you want to see me if you aren’t lost?”
You gave a shy grin. “Because the last time we met was nice and I wanted to see you again.”
His antennae twitched rapidly and his wings fluttered. His glow, faint as it was in the sunlight, deepened slightly. You wondered if that was his form of blushing. “You just wanted to see me?”
“Yeah. I’ve never net a fae before. I thought it would be cool to see you again. And, uh, I thought you might like to see this.” You pulled your phone out of your pocket and held it out to him. “I charged it, so I thought you might like to see it, if you wanted.”
“Really?” His antennae poked straight up and he held out his hands. You tilted your phone into it and watched his eyes widen as the screen lit up. “Oh… It’s beautiful!”
“You haven’t done anything with it yet,” you said. He just stared into the phone screen, glossy eyes reflecting its light.
“The light is so pretty,” he mumbled, eyes widening more than you thought was possible. You couldn’t help but giggle at his ridiculously entranced expression. Gently, you took the phone from him. He blinked a few times, shaking himself out of his trance.
“But that still doesn’t explain how you were able to summon me,” he said. “Usually only people who are lost can bring me out.”
You grinned, feeling a blush touch your cheeks. “I guess I just felt lost without you, then.”
 He stared at you with eyes almost as wide as when he’d looked into your phone screen. Then he leaned forward and pressed his forehead gently to yours. His soft hair tickled your skin. You grinned, holding him close. You no longer felt lost.
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solohux · 5 years
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Hi! It’s been a while since I made a big fic rec post, and with the influx of new canon content with the Kylo Ren & Hux comic and The Rise Of Skywalker on its way, what better time to whack out some recs!
Happy Reading! ❤️
Also, I apologise in advance if your fic is on here but I haven’t linked your tumblr. I searched for what I could but if your blog isn’t linked in your fic or on your AO3 account page, then I’ve just put your AO3 penname!
The usual disclaimer too. This is just my opinion and by no means an exclusive list. It’s just for fun!
Good Blogs To Find Fics
◾ @kyluxficrecs
◾ @kyluxcantina
◾ @kyluxhardkinks
◾ @softkyluxkinks
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
The blogs below write a considerable amount of ABO fics and I highly reccommend checking them out for all of their fics!
◾  @thethespacecoyote | AO3 - TheSpaceCoyote |
◾ @redcole | AO3 - Redleafmornings |
◾ @thez1337 | AO3 - TheZ1337 |
◾ @sinceyouaskedmeforataleof | AO3 - SinceYouAskedMeForATaleOf
◾ sickbed_00  | AO3 - sickbed_00 |
ABO Fic Rec
◾ Falling Stars by @huxative | WIP | 31k
Armitage Hux is the omega son and ever present shame of Lord Brendol, overseer of the Arkanis region. That was, until King Snoke arranged a marriage between his adopted son and Armitage.
◾ Hadopelagic by DustOnBothSides | WIP | 25k After a life of staying pharmaceutically heat-free, Hux has to allow his body to go through at least one natural cycle, lest there be consequences. He takes a shore leave and travels to a former omegan retreat, abandoned and all but forgotten after the fall of Old Republic. Ren, not knowing of Hux's predicament, decides to follow, suspecting treason. He finds something else instead.
◾ Bodies, Can't You See? by sual | 23k | When Hux sees the positive result on the pregnancy test scanner, he comes to several alarming realizations all at once. One: that his birth control has been tampered with. Two: that the baby is Kylo's. Three: that this is his true punishment for Starkiller's failure. And quietly, in a weak, tiny voice in the back of his mind, the unsettling conclusion that he wants to keep it. He'll die before he lets anyone near his child. He'll tear apart anyone that tries to get in his way. Even Kylo.
◾ The Emperor's New Consort by @redcole | 39k | The First Order is in control of the Galaxy, in a last ditch effort to save those who are left, they request negotiations. Only to find that for the Resistance to survive they only need to give up one thing small thing -  the angry Senator Ben Organa.
◾ Babe, I'm Here Again by @sinceyouaskedmeforataleof | WIP | 117k | It's 2008 and graduate student Armitage Hux has no idea why hes still hanging out with that nerd of a second year Ben Solo. Surely he had better things to do that sit around planning Dungeons & Dragons adventures with this not-at-all-attractive Alpha who he definitely doesn't think about constantly.
◾ Shades Undimmed by @longstoryshortikilledhim | 21k | Hux is a bounty hunter who teams up with renegade Jedi Kylo Ren for a hunt. They’re determined not to let their biological needs intervene with the integrity of their mission. They fail.
◾ Fields of Gold by @ mssdare | 25k | Ren and Hux crash on a planet full of strange flowers. Soon, Hux starts feeling the effects of the pollen.
◾ Unexpected by @gonna-pop | WIP | 61k | After twenty years together, Ben and Armitage have gotten comfortable. There are no surprises left in their marriage, and nothing new to learn about each other. That is, until Armitage unexpectedly goes into heat while they’re vacationing on a resort world — and a few days of renewed passion changes the course of their lives.
◾ no hope, no quarter by @thethespacecoyote | 6k | Stolen away to a temple on Moraband, Kylo Ren finds himself at the mercy of an obsessive, sinister captor. Only one person can hope to save him, and would even dare put their life on the line against such insurmountable odds—Armitage Hux, his general and lifelong mate.
◾ To Build A Home by @reluctantly-awesome | 3.7k | Ren is truly a hopeless alpha and Hux helps him reluctantly and not because he wants a home himself, not at all.
◾  In Your Debt by @pangolinpirate | 8.5k | Things work a little different in the Order then they do in the Resistance
◾ need you baby (more, more, more) by @thesunandoceanblue | 6.5k | "Ren?" "Yes?" Hux traced his finger down Ren's jawline. "You'd do anything for me, right?"
◾ Alpha You Are Knot by @darktenshi17 | 1k | Alpha Kylo Ren has finally found his perfect mate, now they can begin a family together. There's only one problem; that's not how human reproduction works at all.
◾ Amnesia by @bubbaknowlton | 10k | Hux wakes up on an unknown ship, seven months pregnant with a baby crying in a crib. The last thing he remembers is leaving Kylo Ren at Snoke's citadel. Not knowing what alpha has bred him, nor the fate of the First Order, he takes the baby, some supplies, and runs.
◾ Checkmate by @thez1337 | 3k | Alpha Kylo Ren strikes down Omega General Hux's alpha. Then he takes his place. With omega Hux's pup in tow, will Kylo keep them or make new rules for the den?
◾ Stress Relief by orphan_account | 1k |   Kylo helps his omega settle after a nightmare.        
◾ I'll Even Call You General by @asexualavenger | 1k | Without a mate, Kylo turns destructive during his heat. Snoke tasks Hux with finding him a partner.
◾ Not a Mistake by @redcole | 12k | Hux was just looking for a good time when he met the strange man named Ben, but he ended up finding a lot more.
◾  It Feels Right by @deluxekyluxtrashcan After the destruction of Starkiller Base Kylo finds out that Hux is an omega, and tries to help him by finding suppressants to replace the ones Hux lost. It turns out that there are three others omegas on board the Finalizer, and, much to a somewhat jealous Hux's displeasure, Kylo ends up getting better acquainted with one of them - Petty Officer Thanisson - just a day before Hux goes into heat.
◾ If You Can't Be with the One You Hate by @tethysian | 12.5k | At Snoke's request Hux has always helped Kylo through his heats, albeit reluctantly. Then Kylo happens to go into heat while a prisoner aboard a resistance ship. Poe is the lucky(?) alpha chosen to take care of him, and Kylo discovers he might prefer an enthusiastic partner. Hux discovers something else about himself.
◾ time whets the fang by @thethespacecoyote  | 2k | As an alpha, Supreme Leader Snoke believes he has free reign to do whatever he wishes with the omegas beneath him, including his apprentice and top general. He may wind up regretting his arrogance.
Angst & Sickfics
◾ A cup of tea for the general by Koprix & SeiG | 165k | Hux is sick. It all starts with Kylo Ren coming to bother him and ending up trying to make a cup of tea for the general. And it goes straight to hell from there.
◾ Regretful Message by Sweets_Thief | 67k | Hiding from the Resistance should be easy when they already believe they've killed you. But when you're General Armitage Hux and you can't seem to recall becoming Emperor to the entire Galaxy, it becomes a little more difficult.
◾ Ethereal Balance by NylonRabbit| 4k |    Hux becomes pregnant, and falls into a mysteriously ethereal Force induced state as a result. Kylo misses him. A lot.      
◾ monsters, cut off from all the world by  inquisitor_tohru | 8k | A successful betrayal of the supreme leader with force-suppression tech leaves Kylo Ren at Hux's mercy. He expects to be disposed of in some way or another, but instead Hux gives him an ultimatum: Ren has one year to prove he's the best possible leader or escape his bonds and 'tag' Hux back. If he fails to meet either goal he will abdicate to Hux. If he meets one or both goals Hux will submit to any punishment or command. As it turns out, Ren is more sane, logical and functions generally better, without the Force.
◾ It's Gonna Be Alright by rmartin | 3k | After Kylo Ren becomes the Supreme Leader, the tension between him and General Hux arises. Everything changes when Hux falls sick and old feelings come to the surface when Ren takes care of him. Hux's sickness brings them closer and begins something that could change not only the future of the galaxy but their own future too.
◾ No One Wants to Die Alone by @mirlolo & @kyluxtrashpit | 30k | Frustrated with Hux’s continued, untraceable assassination attempts, despite trying everything to make his new Grand Marshal happy and make amends, Kylo drags Hux and only Hux on an unnecessary mission to some awful, swampy backwater planet as revenge. When they return, though, the symptoms of an unknown, serious disease land them both in the same quarantine room in the medbay, as well as spreads to some of the crew. They quickly learn that it’s hard to go through a near death experience with someone without getting closer to them in the process.      
◾ We Have So Much To Talk About by BlackKyber | 2.5k |      General Hux’s relationship with Kylo Ren is a complicated one. Their busy lives and differing personalities often clash with each other, making it difficult for the two of them to find peace with one another.When one of them falls ill, however, life finally slows down enough for the other to be able to fully evaluate where they are in life ... and where they might be heading.    
◾ For Your Own Good by @threewinterssnow | 2k | Kylo has the flu and he's acting like it's the end of the world. Hux does not get paid enough to deal with this.   
◾ get well, general by carefulren | 1.3k | Multiple days without sleep has Hux struggling with a nasty fever, and Kylo doesn't care... Not one bit..
◾ Through Sickness and Secrets [Iatrogenic] by NatashaRS | 7.8k | Kylo Ren hates Hux. He hates him a lot. Which is why it's rather unusual that when, upon finding a sick general, he does not kill him. Cue sweet moments, bickering, and a not-so-human Hux.
◾ As long as stars are above you by @ellstra | 2.1k | Hux gets injured because he just has to put his important regal person in danger and Kylo is not amused. He's admitted he cares for Hux, why is that not enough for Hux to stop making idiotic decisions?
◾ Fear of Falling Asleep by bastilas| 10k | Upon returning to the Finalizer from a diplomatic mission, Kylo and Hux are fired upon by their own subordinates, sent careening to the surface of the forest-blanketed planet Corstris. The troopers are dead, the shuttle is barely equipped with survival gear, the weather is cold and miserable, and to make it worse: Hux is injured. It isn't an easy journey off of the planet.
◾  Didn't I Blow Your Mind This Time? by Anonymous | 15k | MCD |  Armitage Hux (34, lonely, in denial) waits impatiently for the end of Ren's mission as he goes about his routines on the Finalizer, taking no pleasure from his job.Four more days. It's always four more days, and they have lasted a very long time.
◾ With Dignity by @kyluxtrashpit | 4.4k | When Hux is captured by the Resistance, he vows to do whatever is necessary to avoid giving away the Order's secrets. Left with no other options, he stops eating and drinking, intending to end himself as a precaution. The Resistance, however, knows how much Hux knows and have no intention of losing him to anything, including himself.
◾ Flicker in the Void by @mothdust | 30k | Hux watched in silence as the light swept over his body. The power stunned him, as did the bright jet of flame as it licked its color into his eyes. This was not the calm brightness of last night in the presence of Kylo Ren. This was a different sort of light altogether, massive and deadly. It overwhelmed him. For a moment Hux felt an aching regret deep within himself, the sob of someone he used to be, bubbling up from the cold.
◾ A Reckless Act of Domination and Intimacy by the_heauxly_trinity | 110k | After the death of Snoke and the Battle of Crait, long-time rivals Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and General Armitage Hux must cooperate or everything they value will self-destruct. Hux knows he is the First Order's last line of defense against a raging, uncontrolled monster, and he knows how little he can do to influence him... until Ren's pragmatic attempt to "learn more about him" presents Hux with what he believes is his only chance, unethical though it may be, to save his cause.The story of a boy named Kylo, and a boy named Armitage, and how with their love they saved each other from every bad thing that had ever happened to either of them.Believe it or not, this gets pretty dark.
◾ Confined Spaces by @milliethecat | 31k | Kylo Ren and General Hux are captured and sold by a bounty hunter, and forced to share a cell, all while Kylo has his powers suppressed, making him see life in a different light. While Hux formulates actual plans to escape, Kylo realises that he and Hux have more in common than he thought, and a compatibility that could be both useful and devastating. Meanwhile, their captor takes a disturbing liking to Hux, and in the face of his threats, Hux comes to Kylo with a request that would indebt him to Kylo forever, if only the alternative wasn't so much worse.
◾ Meet Me Halfway by @callmelyss | 5.5k | “I don’t do that,” Hux responds in an undertone before he realizes. He flushes—hard—and scowls. “If that will be all, Supreme Leader…” He turns on his heel without waiting to be dismissed and starts to stalk back the way he came, grateful, as ever, for the wide sweep of his greatcoat, the padded shoulders making him feel less—small. He’s halfway out of the room (and what a waste of space) when what he said must catch up with Ren: “You mean you…never?”He freezes, every muscle in his body tensing. Won’t say it out loud. No, he emphasizes, clear as he can. Knowing Ren will hear, knowing he will see it regardless, terrible nosy busybody that he is. I haven’t.
◾  Scarlet Lines by @rattlesnake777 | 21k | A strange disease breaks out aboard the Finalizer and rumour has it that it befalls only virgins.
◾ To Be Truly Seen by TheKnitterati | 4k |      Kylo wears a helmet because he's extremely anxious about his appearance and thinks he's hideous. Hux finally figures this out and soothes him through a panic attack.        
◾ Before I Wake by @anorlost-the-sleepy-sun | 60k | During a mission gone wrong Kylo Ren and General Hux are captured by bounty hunters and sold to a vengeful Hutt.  Forging an uneasy alliance with his General, Kylo figures it's best he works with Hux if he wants to escape... and to keep Hux from killing him should the opportunity present itself.
◾ Hux's Secret Garden by @magicandmalice | 10k | Deep in the bowels of the Finalizer, Hux has a secret arboretum. He goes here to relax, to forget his problems for awhile, and to tend to and cultivate the fresh fruits, vegetables, and various other plants he grows there. It's his private place and no one is allowed within his sanctuary. Especially not Kylo Ren.
◾ The Escape of the Fox by @theweddingofthefoxes | 4.7k | After the First Order is defeated and Rey becomes Leia's heir, Kylo Ren and General Hux are both fugitives, and they haven't seen one another in years. Ren settles into a hermetic existence selling kyber, but when he learns Hux is still alive, he goes to find him under the pretense of staging a coup. But there's another reason he wants to see Hux again....
◾  Warp & Weft by @shinysylver | 6.7k | In the wake of Snoke's death, the Force bond connecting Kylo and Rey begins to collapse. Kylo's rapidly deteriorating health doesn't escape Hux's notice.
◾ our love is a ghost (that the others can't see) by @aptanstjarna | 14k | Ren likes flowers. Hux finds out.
◾ Staring Down With Empty Eyes by Asrael_Valtiri | 15.3k | Tonight, Hux’s lips roamed over Ren’s body, his hands following. He was a surveyor mapping out a strange, beautiful land no one else had ever seen before.No one else had. Only Hux.
◾ Do I Suffocate or Let Go by darthkylorevan | 3.2k | While Starkiller burns, Hux searches for Kylo. But when some machinery explodes Hux can't avoid injury. He doesn't move in time to avoid the burn to his face. When they are back on ship (Finalizer or Supremacy) he sees the burn blistering and peeling one side of his face. The old Imperial officers mock him behind his back. He has no time to get it looked after, let alone hide it. Eventually Kylo finds him and reassures him that there's nothing to be ashamed of.
Fantasy (Mermaid, Werewolf, Witch, Vampire AUs)
◾ A Song of Crows by @ficlet-machine | 202k | Warchief Hux has just buried his trusted Crow, and, if the Gods still favour him, a new one will find their way to his lands. Hux may be young, but he is a good leader for his people. He is ready for the commitment, the responsibility, the changes that come with a new child of the Gods at his command. The clan needs it, needs it spiritual leader if they are ever to claim ownership of all the lands from here to the Core Kingdoms. Raised a warrior, he is more than ready to paint the world red in honor of his gods. He may, however, not be entirely ready for what he will feel the first time he meets the haunted and tormented eyes of the young Crow called Kylo Ren
◾ The Season is Calling by @nerdherderette | 10k | When Armitage Hux woke up this morning, he never imagined that his eighteenth birthday would be spent like this: running through the woods with his clothes torn, slick between his legs, gun long-forgotten.
◾ Behold Tomorrow by Camellia Cook | 7.4k | Armitage is having a terrible day. He's lost his horse, lost his shield, and gotten stranded in the middle of a battle. To make matters worse, he's fighting the fearsome black knight Kylo Ren and barely managing to avoid getting killed. Then, Ren scents his biggest secret--he's an omega. He's a warrior omega, and Ren decides right then that he has to have him.Despite his better judgement, Armitage wants that too... He feels like there's something pulling them together, some connection that he doesn't fully understand. But destiny and biology be damned... He's Crown Prince Armitage Hux, heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Order, and he's not giving in without a fight.
◾ Midnight Dip by @sparrowlicious | 5.3k | A two week vacation on a tropical island sounded like a dream for most people but to Armitage it got boring after the first week. So instead of doing fun things that could lead to a sunburn he looked for potential men he could fuck. And then he meets Kylo. But Kylo turns out to be more than meets the eye...
◾ Surrender by @groffiction | WIP |  21k | AU where Hux is a Merman and finds a human Kylo drifting out in his lake. After saving his arse, Kylo repays Hux by kissing him and the whole world goes up in a kriffing shitload from there.
◾ Moonlight Bay by @thesevioletdel1ghts | 5.5k | A long, long time ago, on a beautiful seashore far far away.
◾ Wet Seal by @emperor-huxxx | 2.3k | On a lazy afternoon caught between spring and summer,  mer Hux reviews his anatomy studies.
◾ Turquoise Scales by @fandomlander | 7.7k | As the lights come on, he can see Hux on the bed. He can’t help his sharp intake of breath as he takes in the scene; Hux lies down on his back, eyes closed shut and a grimace of pain on his face. He looks pale and there are drops of sweat beading on his skin. He’s naked. Kylo is by the bed in two long strides. He swallows. “Kriff…”Hux’s eyes jolt open and he throws that defiant glance at Kylo. Reaches for the covers of the bed to shield his feet and legs. But it’s no use because Kylo already saw. He saw the turquoise scales on Hux, covering a large part of his ankles and his lower legs.
◾ Vampire Hux and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Werewolf      by @nerdherderette | 6.2k | As first impressions go, Hux admits the one he made with Kylo was pretty terrible, but he sets about to remedy the situation. He should have seen the signs—the dark circles under Kylo’s eyes, the surly demeanor, compounded by the stress of moving the day right after a full moon. (Which, like, what even? That’s Creatures 101 levels of shit not to do. Hux has no illusions about the intelligence of his new neighbor, but then again, his ass isn’t screaming for a good braining). He shakes his head. A fucking werewolf. Here, in Arkanis Hills.
◾ Hungry for The Kill by @nonsensicalsoliloquy | 47k | As was clearly his lot, Kylo’s day went from over the moon to piece of utter horseshit in a matter of progressively depressing hours. His ginger hadn’t shown up to the library – an anomaly in itself – on the very day Kylo had finally worked up the nerve to talk to him; his subsequent wild run in the woods had yielded little relief for his dismal mood, and on top of that he’d somehow gotten tricked into a trap of a trap through sheer disbelief of a hunter’s stupidity. And now. Now he was locked in a cage in some shady room, stuck in his wolf form, wounded and cramped and not at all pleased. But worse still, it appeared as though Kylo was not the only restless animal trapped there, anxious of an uncertain fate no doubt waiting for them all.
◾ Under the Moonlight by @threewinterssnow | 2.8k | Kylo has moved into a new neighborhood in hopes of better keeping his condition a secret and he has a very cute new neighbor.  But he might also have a few secrets.
◾ You Big Bad Wolf by @insanitysqueen | 12k | Hux meets an interesting person online. They chat, having the same kind of kinks and this 'REN' has a truly artful way of composing dirty messages, but never lets go of that werewolf-persona from when they first began to talk. Though Hux doesn't feel intimidated enough to turn down the invitation to this gorgeous strangers home. Especially during a weekend where the full moon will be shining.
◾ Full Moon by huxaholic | 2.7k | Mpreg | Pregnancy is dangerous for werewolves so Kylo and Hux take what precautions they can to try and make it as safe as possible for Hux. It's difficult though, and tiring for them both, and Hux wishes it was over.
◾ Fang & Bang by @sparrowlicious | 10k | Armitage Hux is an ancient vampire who tries to live his life as a good citizen. Kylo Ren is his werewolf neighbor who caught his eye shortly after he moved in two months ago.One night during a full moon Kylo Ren ends up on Hux's couch uninvited. Hux sees it as an opportunity to get to know him better...
◾ Silver by @bubbaknowlton | 5.3k | Mpreg | Ren is bringing Hux and their daughter to meet his family. Problem is, the Skywalker-Organa-Solo's are monster hunters, and Hux is a vampire. He doesn't get to warn all his family members in time before they see him, and Han 'defends' the property by shooting Hux with a few silver bullets, sending him fleeing into the woods.
◾ Sense of Him by @mademoisellebianx | 42.6k | To escape the violence of war that tore down their hometown, Armitage Hux and his father fled to the quiet and peaceful town of Chandrila where Armitage meets Ben Solo, the mayor’s mysterious and melancholic son. Soon, Armitage began to unravel that the town Chandrila holds a deep, dark secret that the mayor tries to cover up. One fateful night, he was thrust into a supernatural world of men and monsters and his life was completely changed.
◾ The Onyx Mine by @theweddingofthefoxes | 3.7k | "So a monster!kylo au where Hux has to keep Kylo under control when he's in his monster state, and keeps him on a leash or in a cage. But then one day he puts him in it when he's more in control and finds that it's arousing for both of them to treat Kylo almost like his pet."
◾ On the upper glass shelf by @courgette96 | 22.5k | There once was a lead soldier with a crack on his face, who lived under the bed where forgotten toys go. There once was a doll on the upper glass shelf, where fragile things are kept out of reach. There were many things between them: a whole room, a whole shelf, a Shadow that slithered under the bed. And something bigger still, that would allow them to overcome all of it.
◾ Captive by @embershx | 2.9k | When Hux followed Kylo Ren home he should have expected he would end up like this - In the vampire's basement bound, helpless, and unable to resist.
◾ The Witch and His Wendigo by @magicandmalice | 10.6k | Kylo Ren is a powerful Witch of the Forest. When he stumbles across a rare and fascinating Wendigo one evening, he decides then and there he will do anything it takes to make him his.  Now he just has to convince the creature, one that lives only to sate it's hunger, of his intentions and not end up it's next meal.
◾ here comes the first day by @ingu | 8k | The moment Hux threw himself in front of the blaster shot meant for Kylo Ren was the moment he realised that he had well and truly gone out of his mind. (Or, the one where Hux tries to save the life of Kylo Ren and accidentally saves himself in the process.)
◾ a most lovely tarnish by @thethespacecoyote | 2.2k | Kylo returns from a mission with a few more grey hairs than he had before. Hux is fascinated, and maybe a little attracted to how well his lover seems to be aging.
◾ Searching for Your Visible Soul by ozsyn | <1k |<br>The Supreme Leader of the First Order returns from his latest round of negotiations on a far-off planet. General Hux eagerly awaits his return but was under the false impression that he would be returning alone.
◾ Haunted Dreams by @threewinterssnow | 3k | It's not the first time Kylo has been unable to sleep. The solution, he thinks, is with Hux. But he doesn't think Hux has any interest in helping him.
◾ just a little hush, babe by @begforyourmercy | 2.3k | Kylo can't fall sleep, and Hux can't sleep without him.
◾ Here by @babbushka | 1.4k | “I’m never letting you go.” Kylo’s beautiful face faded away as the black of complete unconsciousness overtook the both of them, knowing that when they would wake, they would get to spend each waking moment together.
◾ Sharpshooter by Sweets_Thief | 71k | When Snoke sends Hux on a secret mission Kylo learns something new about the General he assumed had no military training except for the studies he did in books. It draws them closer together and Kylo thinks they'd make an unstoppable team. But fate has other plans for them.
◾They Who Hold The Galaxy Upon a String by @mademoisellebianx | 19.8k For so long, it irked Armitage Hux that Kylo Ren had never given him attention. It may be ironic how much he wanted the attention of someone he supposedly hated, but Armitage could not help himself. After proposing a truce between him and the Supreme Leader (a truce that backfired when Kylo asked him to prove his loyalty by becoming the Supreme Leader’s consort), he finally got most, if not all, of Kylo's attention. Too much of it, in fact.
◾ Someone like you by @minzimpression | 19k | Hux is in his last year at the Academy and meets a guy named Ben. Ben certainly makes his last year interesting. It's a shame that he breaks Hux's heart and vanishes into thin air.
◾ You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It) by @fandomfix8 | 2.7k | Kylo Ren has a temper. Armitage Hux hates how it makes him feel. And then Kylo gets hurt while on a mission.
◾ In the Darkness by @loserchildhotpants | <1k |</b> One character playing with the other’s hair
Historical & Other Such AU’s
◾ O Bury Me Not by @babbushka | 75k | Armitage Hux has only ever had one dream: ruling the oceans with an iron fist. As Admiral of the British Royal Navy, he thought he was on top of the world, but it only takes a run-in with a handsome and ferocious pirate to show him there's so much more to be conquered, if he's willing to leave his life behind.
◾ Vive l'Empereur by @heresetrash | 6.5k | Emperor Hux is gravely injured in an assassination attempt, and only survives thanks to Ren, the captain of his private knights.  When he recovers, the Emperor wants to reward Ren.
◾  The Vainglorious Journey by itspixiesthing & @nerdherderette | 31k | When Armitage Hux, the third Baron of Arkanis, finds himself penniless and near the end of his rope, he throws his name on the shortlist for Commander of the Royal Army. He never dreamt that he would be leaving his meeting with the King and Queen of Alderaan with an even bigger problem: handfasted to the impossibly gorgeous (but equally spoilt) heir-apparent, Prince Ben Solo. A The Taming of the Shrew AU.
◾ The Measure of Man by @courgette96 | 124k | After demonstrating his brilliance in the latest Military campaign, Major Armitage Hux of the Hussars ought to have been rewarded by the respect and admiration of England’s Upper Crust. Instead, he finds that blood and heritage are still the sole currency of value, and that his merit is worth very little in the face of the mediocre House his father has saddled him with.However, when he finds himself implicated in a covert plot to restore England to the past glory of its Imperialistic days, he sees the opportunity to satisfy his ambition and achieve the greatness he deserves. To reach the top of society, it is far easier to bring it down first.It would have been a straightforward plan, were it not for the intervention of one Lord Kylo Ren. All too soon, Hux finds himself swept away by an impossible man, the rise of appetites and affections he has long tried to bury within himself, and the discovery of a power that goes beyond what mere science might explain.
◾ Aberration by skydork (klismaphilia) | 2.3k | Victorian AU with medical kink, inspired by those physicians who offered clitoral massage as a cure for 'hysteria'. Lord Huxley is afflicted with melancholy after the failure of his Star-Killer experiment. The mysterious Doctor Ren provides a treatment programme based on fingertip stimulation of the prostate gland.
Modern AU (Disclaimer: I’m not much of a fan of this trope so I don’t read much of it so there isn’t much in this category, sorry!)
◾ Two Years, Two Months, and Twenty-Eight Days by @kyluxtrashcompactor& @nerdherderette & @pangolinpirate | 90k | It took less than twenty-four hours after they met to know that they were meant for each other. But it will take longer than that to get it right.
◾ what's real or isn't by @brawlite | 57.3k | Hux's new house is not haunted. It isn't.
◾ Reconditioning by @jinxedambitions | 173k | Ben Solo is one of the FBI's most promising young agents.   While he's had a few disciplinary hiccups, he's intelligent and not afraid to do what needs to be done.  His personal life is a mess, and he may not look like your typical federal agent, but he might be the only man for this job.  Ben's looking for a promotion and something like the glory his parents always talked about before he was born.The FBI is looking to take down one of the country's most elusive prostitution rings, specializing in the types of sex that Ben's boss has only read about in the novel his wife hides under the bed. Ben is going undercover as a "slave" in order to gather information on the ring's leaders, purchasing a premium package from the agency. 30 days as a slave to a professional Master, and a guaranteed sexual experience of a lifetime.  He gets chosen by Hux, or the General as he insists Ben call him, and he quickly realizes that no training could have prepared him for this experience. Every day, Ben, or Kylo as he is known at the club, finds out more and more about the organization, but the more he learns the less he wants to destroy them.      
◾ The Stars Above Us by @dreamykylux & @mi-caw-ber | 7.2k | Right after the battle in Starkiller forest, Kylo Ren is mysteriously ported from his universe to appear on Earth, in Hux's university campus park. Hux, an astronomy professor, is out jogging, when he suddenly spots someone in black robes, lying injured in the snow... Kylo think he recognises him, but Hux can't quite work out where he's seen this man before, and trying to help him turns out to be both more complex, and much more rewarding than he could have imagined...
◾ Love Bites So Deep by @obsessions-and-dreams & @pangolinpirate | 15.4k | Hux is a dedicated zoo director who loves his work but knows something is missing.Kylo is the passionate big cat's keeper who makes Hux's life more difficult at every turn.When the zoo's owner passes away and his will appoints Kylo his successor, life at the zoo becomes a whole lot more challenging. But the two have no choice but to work together, and in doing so discover they actually share a lot in common...
◾ Vivid Dreams by @amsare-saxon-picture-show | 3.2k | Armitage Hux doesn’t like his real life: he’s got a normal job and he hates his colleagues. But in his dreams, he’s known as General Hux, a cold and determined man, feared by his subordinates. Every night he gets to live another kind of life aboard his ship, the Finalizer, until one night he receives a strange message from Kylo Ren. And Kylo Ren doesn’t play by the rules of Hux’s dreams
◾ Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by @saltandrockets | 4.3k | For Armitage Hux, Valentine’s Day is the worst day of the year. A florist, he creates beautiful flower arrangements to help romance bloom between other people—but his own love life is nonexistent. That changes when a needy customer starts calling the shop.
◾ Soul of Magic by @darktenshi17 & @epselion | 32.4k | Matt/Techie too | Armitage and Techie are twin witches living and running a business together. They're happy with how things are, until two big wrenches come crashing into their lives. Love wasn't in the long-term plan, but neither was having their father come back from the dead to try and such the magic out of their bodes and steal it for himself. Maybe having a pair of big strong men around isn't such a horrible thing.
◾ Wrong Number by @cosleia | 8.4k | Kylo Ren's cell phone number is two digits off from a phone sex line. This turns out to be a good thing.
Parents & Pregnant
◾ Lying Side by Side in Pieces by @ballvvasher | 14.5k | After failing to exterminate the Resistance, the newly appointed Supreme Leader makes it clear he doesn’t care for Hux’s well-being. Hux fears that Ren will demote him, or worse. There must be a way to ensure not only his self-preservation but his status within the Order, to bind Ren to him permanently, to make Ren need him more than he ever needed Snoke. An insane idea is born—to undergo a partial sex reassignment procedure in secret, and trick Ren into unknowingly impregnating him. He’ll play on Ren’s insecurities, use science and seduction to entrap Ren; to bolster control over him, down to his bloodline. And when he’s under his spell, Hux can finally slaughter him and take his place as Supreme Leader. At least, that’s the plan. Hux has only himself to blame when it all starts to crumble around him.
◾ a minor disaster at daybreak by @thethespacecoyote | 1.6k | One morning, Kylo finds his children trying to prepare a surprise for Hux.
◾ Progeny by @geishacomb | 64k | General Hux has not allowed the Supreme Leader back into his bed since the events of TLJ. But when he does, the consequences are far graver than either he or Ren could have ever imagined.
◾ Neogenesis by @claricechiarasorcha | 12k | In the days after Starkiller and Crait, Kylo Ren discovers that Armitage Hux has been keeping a secret. This is not going to go the way either of them might think.
◾ special delivery by @gonna-pop | 3.3k | Hux had not intended to be present for this messy process. Rather, he'd imagined returning after his shift and being handed a clean, swaddled baby. But there was nothing for it now.He rolled up his sleeves.
◾ Sunstroke by @ballvvasher | 33.8k | Supreme Leader Snoke gives Kylo Ren a mission to strengthen the Knights’ of Ren hold on the First Order. Set several years before the events of Episode VII. Story contains mpreg, medical torture, and sexual assault.
◾ Knocked Up by @agent-nemesis | 3.7k | "Are you ready?" Kylo asks Hux stupidly, realising the question is more directed at himself. Hux answers with a cry, and then his panic rises again. Kylo hunches over him, cocooning him protectively. "You can do this," he whispers. "I know you can do this." "I can't," Hux whimpers, shaking his head. "They're too big. I can't." "You're a general of the First Order," Kylo says softly in his ear. "The General. The strongest man I know. You can do this."
◾ Ethereal Balance by NylonRabbit | 4.2k | Hux becomes pregnant, and falls into a mysteriously ethereal Force induced state as a result. Kylo misses him. A lot.
◾ Children of War by @starryartemis | WIP | 76k | After a complicated diplomatic mission went awry, General Hux and Kylo Ren accidentally find themselves tasked with their most difficult mission: becoming parents.Despite their complex relationship, they both agree that raising an offspring will help bring glory to the First Order. Their original vision of a united family quickly falls apart as Hux and Ren cannot see eye to eye in what they want the future to hold.
◾ a welcome interruption by @thethespacecoyote | 1.7k | Emperor Hux is in the middle of important but increasingly trying trade negotiations, when one of his children decides to disrupt the tension.
◾ Egg Bound by @starkillersbae | 2.2k | Kylo Ren and Hux make time in their busy schedule of ruling the galaxy to play their favorite game. But when Hux gets called away on important business the eggs Kylo has been carrying remain inside for too long, leaving Hux to play midwife while Kylo labors.
◾ Helmet by @abboh | 1.4k | All Kylo wanted was his helmet back but where was it? it wasn't on his shelf nor countertop. Wait, Hux has it and what is he doing with their kid?
◾ the Evil Space Dads series by @bubbaknowlton | 300k | 82 works |
◾ Moonbroch by Irma7x | 46.5k | Supreme Leader Snoke request their subordinates to produce an heir and secure the legacy of the First Order--an heir, specifically engineered to bear the traits of the two commanders of the First Order, thus supplying Snoke with the perfect apprentice. Tensions arise as Kylo Ren and General Hux begin to doubt their loyalty to The Order as the possibility of bringing a child to their lives makes them doubt their previous motivations and longings.        
◾ A Fortunate Alpha by @paperprinc3 | 1.3k | Alpha Hux doesn’t really know what his husband Kylo sees in him. Even so he’s trying his best to be the best father he can and make his family happy. A revelation from Kylo might mess everything up though.
◾ Something More by @kyluxfichell | 5k | When Kylo Ren falls pregnant with Hux’s child, the two men begin to doubt their allegiance to the First Order. They flee together, desperate to prevent their child from becoming Snoke’s next weapon.
Smut & PWPs
◾ Who's Your Master? by @groffiction | 3.5k | Sub Kylo | Hux murmured softly, “You don’t need punishment tonight, Ren. You need rest.” “But, I want… I want this… need this,” Kylo protested weakly, reaching around to nuzzle at Hux’s boots.
◾ The Best by @kyluxtrashpit | 6.4k | Sub Kylo | Kylo goes to an ancient Sith temple in search of power, to find the secret to being the best and strongest in the galaxy. Instead, he's bestowed with a curse that seems more like a blessing than anything else: he's now the best in the galaxy at blowjobs. However, he quickly finds that it truly is more of a curse than it first seems - or is it?
◾ Driving Westward by @slutstiels | 8k | “You got a name?” The driver’s voice is deep. “Hux.” Hux winces. He had a plan, a fake name all picked out that would be unremarkable, but he’s so nervous it just slipped out before he had a chance. “What about you?” “Call me Kylo.” At least he can remember his dumb fake name.
◾ Fill The Void  by @magnetvrs | 2.1k | Where Hux was once hungry for power, for a taste of command, for the respect, for order and bloodshed, now there is only one kind of hunger burning low in his gut. Kylo Ren is his own kind of flavour - distinct and intoxicating.
◾ For Those Who Stop and Stare by @centurytwitch | 3.1k | Dopheld Mitaka thinks he knows General Hux. Using his office as his occasional breakroom allows him to do some lowkey snooping. Beneath the surface, the aspects not revealed by his desk or bookshelf, there is much to be learned.    
◾ Do Only As I Say by @the-garbage-chute | 3.1k | Power bottom Hux coaching virgin sub Ren step by step while they fuck. Hux has a belt around Ren's neck choking him and as he feels himself getting close Hux stops riding him almost all together making him beg, prolonging his orgasm.
◾ Subliminal by @kyluxtrashpit | 5.7k | At his wit's end with what to do with Ren as the new Supreme Leader, Hux finally has an idea: conditioning, by the same methods used in the Stormtrooper program, but with very different results. Ren isn't the only one who knows how to manipulate minds, after all.
◾ Too Cool to Care by @vadianna | 9.2k | Kylo Ren slights Hux in the bedroom, accusing him of being boring after Kylo is too tired to keep it up.  In retaliation, Hux invites him to an anonymous hotel room in Canto Bight and shows him just how imaginative he can be.  Kylo, not entirely sure Hux won't use the opportunity to eliminate his rival, agrees to everything Hux suggests.
◾Black Box by Asrael_Valtiri | 1.9k | Ren’s mouth fell open. He swallowed hard. He lifted the tool—no, toy—out of the box, placed a finger in the handle, and let it dangle, admiring the shine, the weight of the piece. It was very heavy for its size. It was cold but warmed up quickly against his skin.He needed it inside of him. Now.
◾ Be My Outlet by @kyluxtrashpit | 1k | Hux hates Kylo Ren, but he never turns down the opportunity to use Ren's body as an outlet for his frustrations with the man. Ren encourages it and some of their sessions are riskier than others.
◾ the littlest general by @thethespacecoyote | 5.4k | Something unexpected happens to Hux during an assassination attempt. Kylo deals with the aftermath.
◾  Ascension by @thesevioletdel1ghts | 6k |  Hux swallows. They both know the answer, it’s fairly evident with him already sitting on Ren’s lap. Of course, Ren wants him to say it out loud, wants Hux to debase himself even further and Hux hates him for it.   “I could—“ He clears his throat.   “Yes?”   “I could... ride you. Supreme Leader.”   Ren grins, toothy, infuriating. “If that is what you want.”
◾ Sleep It Off by @centurytwitch | 1.8k | Back pain has always been a problem in Hux's life. Medication never helps. Kylo knows the perfect way to help him through it.
◾ It shouldn't have A Name by @nonsensicalsoliloquy | 6k | Kylo’s jealous angry with his General and resolves to set aside an entire day to personally oversee his ‘punishment.’ The unspoken aftermath was as expected as it was disastrously not.
◾ Un autre amant by srawratskcuf (Doreen) | 5.6k | Undercover for a mission, Hux goes blond and Kylo goes wild.
◾ Pretty in Pink by Huxilicious, rmn_werefoxes | 2.5k | Sometimes Hux likes to dress up in pretty things and get fucked within an inch of his life. Kylo Ren is more than happy to oblige.        
◾ The Body Electric by @h-uxed | 4.2k |  Leaning close, his breath hot and his eyes devouring, the Knight purrs, “When I’m done with you, General,” He promises, his voice velvet soft, “You will never again question that you are mine.” Kylo takes the General’s virginity.
◾ A Chance at the Throne by cajynn | 2.6k | Hux and Kylo fuck on the throne, and Hux desperately wants the upper hand
◾ Never Enough by @samedifference61  | 3.3k | For the Kylux Hard Kink anon prompt: Hux or Kylo it doesn't matter who, edges the other so hard, they don't let the other come before he's a crying begging mess. They just like to make the other cry knowing that they're the cause of it Ren needs this (to end).
◾ That's the Way it Goes by Anonymous | 1.4k | Kylo decides that Hux's face is only worth sitting on.
◾ at the beginning of the world  by carnival_papers | 10k | Insecure about his body and his virginity, Kylo breaks down during his first time with Hux. Reminded of his own first time, Hux takes care of Kylo and helps him through it.  
◾ In this life and the next by Ggeri_Sminth | 4.9k | Kylo always remembers his past life; all of them leading him to one person his home. The only issue is that person never remembers their life, leaving Kylo to find him over and over again. Sometimes things don't always go as planned. 
◾ dream a little dream of me by @begforyourmercy | 4.8k | Kylo Ren loves his General - but only when he's asleep.
◾ Clearer Now by @ezlebe | 4.9k | “Well,” Hux snaps, turning on his heel when the silence becomes too much to bear.Ren stares back with oddly wide eyes, sopping hair plastered to his face. “Well?” “Where are the jokes?” Hux says, lifting his chin, feeling a tight frown settling across his lips. “My match the Jedi master, hero of the Clone Wars, Bane of Lord Vader, et cetera.” Ren opens his mouth, seemingly ready to fulfill expectation, then closes it with an exhale. He shrugs stiffly, rolling up the jumper hem in his hands and shoving it over his head in one swift movement.
◾ Matches and Flames by @katherine1753 | WIP | 47k | The names on people's wrists weren't just suggestions. They were fate. Destiny. So how could Hux be falling in love with someone who wasn't his Match?
◾ Hope is a waking dream by @minzimpression | 26.5k | After his mother’s funeral Hux sees the world through his soulmate’s eyes for the first time.
Enjoy! ✨
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“How can you tell if a watch is smart or stupid?” -Dailey Question (Curios. Cat)
I think the concept of "stupidity" in general is a pretty ableist one. When I was a kid I was sent to a school for children with learning disabilities because I was on the spectrum. We didn't know that at the time because I was underdiagnosed. Here's a fun factoid for you not sick people out there, when it comes to mental illnesses it's usually buy one get four free. Some neurotypical able bodied people think it's impossible to be incredibly mentally ill with tons and tons of different illnesses, disorders, and or disabilities. These people have lived very privileged lives. They simply don't know because they've had it easy.
As a child despite excelling and being considered "gifted" and known to have a "severe" case of "ADHD" which may or may not be the case but turned out to either be or also be comorbid with a mild case of high functioning autism, I had internalized the "stupid" kid narrative. I couldn't do math or science, to which I routinely struggled. Sure I memorized the dictionary to my heart's content, and to which literature and poetry I did so excel. I also have a gift for learning languages which remains unmatched. But I couldn't tell you the first thing about what I deemed "smart" topics. What society puts their stake in to be "excelled'' learning or high price knowledge.
There was a time where I was in middle school and all my teachers were at the table of the meeting complimenting me until it got to Ms.Martha the science teacher who painted me an ill shade of red or perhaps a vomit induced green. She told me in front of everyone she just didn't see the bright student before her that had been so praised with all the high talks before. She told me she didn't see a bright eye'd student ready to learn and excel in her class. She saw a flunky student who struggled who couldn't tell you the first thing about enzymes.
Truly this trend continued until highschool. Where I developed a severe sense of depression and self harm. Where my executive dysfunction, which is the sick man's lazy, the impossible man's jump or lack thereof, kept me from completing my science homework. I was so burdened by my emotions that the mere thought drove me to tears. So I half assed it. Not because I didn't like Ms. Vernon as a teacher, not because I didn't try in her class, but because half assing it was my best shot. I simply didn't have the energy to complete the work. So 50% and a failing grade was better than 20% and no grade at all.
So I internalized the thought that I was stupid. That as many big words as I use, and as many languages as I pick up, as many games as I code, or as much poetry as I write I will never excel in the sciences or art that society deems "profitable" to an intellect. At least not to my own internalized disfigurement. "I will never be smart", I thought to myself often. "I will always be stupid".
As a child I combated this by that famous quote regardless of who you attribute it to. "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid" Often thought as an Einstein quote though the actual source of which it lay is unknown. I wrote this in all my journals, memorized it like poetry, and when I would spend nights crying to myself I would recite it. 
So as smart as I may come across, whether that be because of my impressive vocabulary or articulate wording, I never saw myself as smart. I always bid myself a fool. Something my demons always noted about me in a very literal sense. So now we get to smart phones and watches. The technology of the future. "Smart" devices because they can do what others can't?
But truly measuring devices by usefulness isn't a measure of intelligence either is it? What makes a device smart? Then you have a new question on your hands. What is smart? How does one perceive intelligence and as we stated before in my long biopic of an answer. I'm not the best to give you that reply.
I think it's rather ableist. To judge things on the basis of stupidity or smartness. The walls that could build for us. The separation it creates. That it’s created. What it has done. To me. To you. To the kids that cry do to their math homework or science work. The kids who were me now. I know it's a silly question that didn't warrant so many paragraphs. But what is smart? Subjectivity. What is stupid? The answer may surprise you but I don't believe it exists.
To say that it exists to me would invalidate those nights I spent crying. So I ask you a new question. How do you tell if you are being unfair?
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