narcichondriac · 7 years
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It’s been a tough year, my stirling starlights, But SELF LOVE SEPTEMBER is finally, almost here. Even though I am still healing from the latest Epstein-Barr episode, even though I woke up to comfort and love my amazing 2 year old from 2am to 7am when she finally drifted off back to sleep, even though this year is becoming stranger every day, I choose to see the beauty in myself, my circumstances, and all of existence. I was kind, as my intentions were set to be. I am growing more kind daily. It starts with being kind to me. You cannot pour love from your cup, if your cup is dry. It is nobody’s place to tell another that they don’t need time alone, time to heal, time to integrate. That is time to grow! Once we restore ourselves, we have so much more love and kindness to give. So thankful to myself for allowing yoga to bless me today. I hope we don’t go so long before seeing each other again. So excited for #SelfLoveSeptember and all of the opportunities for growth I have this month. Baby steps to integration... and giant leaps to compassion. One cannot truly hold compassion for another with holding compassion for oneself. It feels way better... don’t trust me. Try it yourself. #SelfLoveSept. #SelfLove. #SelfCare. #SelfCareIsSacred. #yoga. #yogi. #mamayogi. #yogaeverydamnday. #holdingspace. #understanding. #compassion. #generosityofspirit. #nurtureyourself. #liveyourself. #feelingood.#feelingrest. #healing. #integration. #motherhoodrising. #strugglebug. #mamastruggles. #introvert. #individuation. #shadoweork. #shadowworker. #healingvibes. #innerchild. #crewativity. #expressyourself. #moveyourbody. #loveyourbody. #selfloveallowsloveforothers. #selfcarefirst. (at Fairfield, Iowa)
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