eralacrimae · 11 months
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𝑅𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚, 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑘!
𝑇𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑡ℎ 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑡𝑜 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙!
[Dan Abnett: Meduson]
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mistermasochist · 7 days
Yooo Iron hands in love
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castellankurze · 6 months
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in all honestly need i elaborate
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watermelonsandal · 1 year
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More Named Students (Life is Strange)
This download is for The Sims 2.
Download: [SFS]
While I try to figure out converting hairs to The Sims 4, here are a couple of Sims 2 projects that I’ve been working on/finalising.
River Shadrake and Rory Watts - If you stop Kate from committing suicide, River S. and Rory W. will sign her “get well soon” card.
Tyron Bentz - Tyron is selling a bike that promises to take you ANYWHERE.
Steve Hackney - Steve claims to be the best singer in Oregon. He’s looking to form his own band.
Ray Sinem: Ray lost his swimming goggles at the school’s swimming pool, and is offering a Bean Hip Cafe gift card to anyone who can find them.
Jaime Romero: Jaime runs the Gamer Guyz gaming club.
Sabrina Sorber: Sabrina runs an anti-bullying support group.
One of River’s necklaces requires Apartment Life.
River’s bracelets, Rory’s watch, and Sabrina’s earrings require Bon Voyage.
For anyone who’s curious, Steve’s shirt says “KHOFOCUFF” - go figure.
I tried to include as much of the required CC as possible, but unfortunately wasn’t able to include it all. There are some things that you’ll need to download yourself…
Custom Content Required but not Included:
River: Pendant Mesh Steve: Necklace Mesh ⚫ Bracelet Ray: Pendant Mesh ⚫ Pendant Sabrina: Pendant Mesh  ⚫  Pendant ⚫ Pendant Mesh ⚫ Pendant
Images Used:
Prithpal Bhatia
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tagedeszorns · 2 years
If Sharrowkyn is a no-go does that mean Shadrak Meduson is as well? No prob if not, Meduson is such an underloved character imo. The iron hands need more bois like him!
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No, no, he's okay! I'm not that interested in Iron Hands - I'm indifferent towards them in Heresy-times and actively cultivating my WTF?-face towards them in 40k (only read one book about them in 40k, though). But he really is palpatable. I get "I just want to get this job done and now I am stuck with that cringy showoff, great Ferrus' ghost, what have I done to deserve this?"-vibes from him and that's very relatable. 😁
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maddyaddy · 3 months
‘Too late, boy! The drive’s gone for good. Hull plates are splitting. They’re inside with us! Bastard bloody–’ The image had blinked away for a second. Then it had come back. ‘–ember Rust!’ ‘Say again, my lord.’ ‘I said, do you remember Rust? Fates, you were there! You were one of the first, Shadrak – one of my Storm Walkers from the very start! Emperor’s bloody own!’ ‘Yes, my lord.’ ‘Then don’t you forget Rust, boy! Don’t you lie down and die! Not ever! You know what kind of horror that horde-fight was! Millions of the greenskin bastards! But we raised the storm. We raised the bloody storm! We prevailed!’
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movie-titlecards · 5 months
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Teenage Ghost Punk (2014)
My rating: 6/10
One of those comedies that are at their worst when trying to be funny - because the humor does not work at all, but the actual plot and characters are actually surprisingly engaging, well-written and well-acted. Plus I kind of like the end credit song.
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caiusmajor · 7 months
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The Shadrak Meduson miniature doesn't stand a chance.
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quietbluejay · 3 months
Bluejay Reads Samples: Vengeful Spirit
on the one hand, it's graham mcneill on the other hand, he managed most of angel exterminatus okay on the other other hand, it's graham mcneill writing my blorbo i do not TRUST him
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some meandering on all the old gods being dead
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Horus as JRPG protagonist the dead are screaming and horus is the only one who can hear them
now over to a smaller horus POV
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i guess it's too grim now
oh hi Falkus, been a while
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ohh boy things have changed
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that's his sword name?? snrk but also kind of ouch?
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owo immaterial flesh, wait does this take place after Angel Exterminatus?
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this is positively restrained for McNeill also yes it does take place after AE
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owo wait "recent hurts" what have you been up to???
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was fulgrim on the shorter end before? if so this is funny
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horus: yeah so like is perturabo still alive fulgrim: he's alive, idk and idc what he's doing
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oooooof Mortarion:
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he's right you know mortarion: you of all people talking about keeping your word…… is there something specific he's referring to
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he's been possessed by Tokiomi and Risei!!
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i guess that's. logical.
new chapter and we're over at terra
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are you people unfamiliar with the concept of orbital bombardment. i hate to say it but, dorn was right here
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"noble savage"
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Russ?? choosing to not follow an order and burn a planet? is this the character development i heard about
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…no an executioner kills an opponent who has been rendered helpless the executioner lands the last blow after judgement oh hey Loken, been a while
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here we go again
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why do i have the feeling that these two don't get along ...very petty oooo spooky memory editing
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lmao SHADRAK INTERRUPT whoever this dude is why do i feel like he might be another blorbo for my friend Horus POV …McNeill I am giving you this chance, do not squander it
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for a change it's about Fulgrim not Horus (...there's something unkind about Fulgrim's writing here that I can't put my finger on and I don't know if it's my imagination or not)
Horus repeatedly thinks "I should be dead" ah he's aware of his own plot armour!
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throwing your FREAKING SCYTHE always works i guess
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…huh there's still enough of Horus left to care about his brothers Mortarion finally got a hug! I mean he had to get turned into a prick and pounce embroidery pattern transfer first plus dragging an entire helicopter via scythe (which I think is what happened though I'm adding this comment in later so I don't remember) but also this whole sequence felt like a dnd encounter also Russ wants Loken to help him kill Horus so that's the sample unfortunately, i want to know more
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gaia-mix-nicolosi · 8 months
I have bereavement disorder for a Doctor Who character!
I have Autism and CHARGE Syndrome and since about September 2022, I've had bereavement disorder from Luvic of Traken, although I am most likely Aromantic Asexual.
Yes, Luvic has only 15 minutes of screentime, then dying of entropy wawe one story later, and yes, Robin Soans is still alive and propably will be working as an actor for another few years.
But still, the only time they brought Robin back is to play a 5-minute-screentime character who is credited as "Chronolock Guy", as in, the guy who got killed by a Chronolock, presumably existing as a sort of reference to the events surrounding Luvic's death. Expecially as Chronolock Guy does seem like what an older Luvic would be like. Technically there's also Shadrak Winter but.
BUT my stuff with Traken started even before watching Doctor Who. I first got into the Doctor Who fandom around 2012, through a My Little Pony meme called Doctor Whooves, so I knew a lot about Doctor Who even before watching the show, and even made a forum named Trakenboard and called myself Nyssa of Trakenboard online. (I was'nt completely emotionally in me at the time.)
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mournivaldisco · 8 months
The absolute brass balls of Shadrak Meduson.
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eralacrimae · 11 months
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Work in progress of a portrait of Shadrak bloody Meduson
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christophe76460 · 2 months
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Mon frère ma sœur pour cette épreuve que tu es entrain de passer en ce moment je veux te dire:
Tiens bon sois fort(e) ne baisse pas les bras. Rappelle toi de nuée de temoins qui t'encourage en ce moment.
Souviens toi Abraham est passé par là, Jacob est passé par là lui il a même fait 14 ans d'esclavage avant de se marier.
Daniel a été jeté dans sa la fosse au lion et pourtant il n'a rien fait de mauvais.
Les 3 amis de Daniel shadrak, meshack, Abed Négo ont été jeté pas dans la fosse au lion hein hun eux. C'est dans le feu 🇨🇻 qu'ils ont été jeté mon frère ma sœur le feu ne connais pas la personne même qui l'a allumé et pourtant c'est dans ça ont avait jeté ces jeunes gens
Joseph lui a été vendu par ces propres frères.
Job n'en parlons plus satan a tout attaqué dans sa vie (sa santé, ses biens, et même ses enfants)
Mon frère ma sœur tu n'es pas seul (e) quelques soit ce que tu vie souviens-toi qu'il y quelqu'un qui vis le pire quelques part.
N'abandonne pas persévère soit fort((e) je sais ce n'est que pas facile nous sommes de milliers.
Shalom mon frère ma sœur
Je suis le gardien de mon frère.
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findingoblivion · 6 months
Sorry I'm not a bot, I'm really person
Cool, so it's a real person who is trying to scam me from a newly created blog 8 hours ago! Diversity win!
Listen buddy, if you wanna give me your address I can send you insulin, since it's your insulin that's the problem that will help you right? Your paypal links to Shadrak Kirui, that's a Kenyan name, are you from Kenya? Do you live in the US? Is that why you need money for Insulin? Your english seems like it was learned as a second language based on what I've seen. I'm actually diabetic, so I can really appreciate the plight of a fellow Diabetic, but you haven't provided any details about yourself. How old are you? Where do you live? There are a lot of resources for diabetics in the US to get Insulin subsidized or free. Personally I like to know the bare minimum about someone before I donate to them. Your're disabled? Hey me too. Did you know that a lot of the times disability insurance will cover Diabetes?
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duecredits · 7 months
Jake Shadrake
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Teenage Ghost Punk (2014)
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kateofumbar · 10 months
The Orcs of Summerleaze Close
Mrs Shadrak put her shopping bags on the kitchen table heavily. "My boys have such big appetites", she said to no one in particular. "Ordinarily I'd be happy about that, but it does make the shopping heavy".
"Aw, bless you, you never let them go hungry, though", said Mavis.
"Oh, I couldn't do that. They need their food. Grishnash is going to be a big lad when he grows up". Her eyes shone with pride. "And Daisy is already a size 14, and she's only 6! Mrs Gorman at the supermarket was only saying today how bonnie she is."
Just at that moment Grishnash came bounding into the kitchen, accompanied by his cousin Chris. "We've been playing on the swings", said Chris. "Grishy pushed me so hard I thought I was going to go right over the top". The boys sat down in the sofa, still grinning at the memory. "What's for tea?", said Grishnash. "Not fish again, I hope."
"No, not today.", said his mother, smiling. "There was a lovely leg of lamb at the butchers counter. Mr Glamper had saved it for me. We're having it with potatoes dauphinois and broccoli."
"Ugh, I hate broccoli", said Chris.
"You don't have to eat it, your mother might have something different for you.", said Mavis.
"But I want to stay here this evening. Me and Grishy need to plan our adventure".
"You're welcome to eat with us. Do you like parsnips? I could do you some of them?"
"I love them, but can you do them with a honey glaze, like you did last week?"
"Of course I can, angel", beamed Mrs Shadrak. "Mr Shadrak is home later from his raiding party. He loves parsnips in honey too."
"Daddy's coming home!" yelled Grishnak. He leapt up from the sofa and bounced around the kitchen like an Orcan Pogo stick! "Are you certain?"
"Yes, dear" said his mother. "The adjutant had just put a notice up on the information board by the camp hut as I passed on my way in to town I thought you two boys might want to go to the great hall to meet him and his squad when they come in".
"Yes, Chis, let's do that. What time are they expected, mummy?"
"Any time between 4 and 6 pm, if the Elves don't get them".
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