hiddenwashington · 1 year
geese and gander headcanon memes!
[ African goose ] what is your character’s favorite tv show? 
[ Alsatian goose ] if your muse was given free rein in their favourite shop what would they get? 
[ American buff goose ] does your character work out? 
[ Brecon buff goose ] do they like to dance? 
[ Chinese goose ] describe your muses style or show a typical outfit
[ Cotton Patch goose ] do they like plants?
[ Czech goose ] would they like to travel? 
[ Danish landrace goose ] what’s their secret hidden talent? 
[ Emden goose ] do they wish they could be someone else? 
[ Faroese goose ] do they have a favourite toy from childhood? 
[ Fighting goose ] are they a lover or a fighter? 
[ Hawaiian goose ] what is their dream holiday destination? 
[ Öland goose ] do they have a good sex life? 
[ Pilgrim goose ] have they used a dating app before?
[ Pink-footed goose ] if the answer above is yes, do they have any horror stories?
[ Pomeranian goose ] do they have tiktok? 
[ Roman goose ] do they use social media? 
[ Scania goose ] sweet or savory? 
[ Sebastopol goose ] what is their favourite book series? 
[ Shadrinsk goose ] do they have any red flags? 
[ Shetland goose ] do they have any green flags? 
[ Suchovy goose ] what is their toxic trait? 
[ Toulouse goose ] do they know any languages? 
[ Twente goose ] what’s their favourite type of food? 
[ Vištinės goose ] are they a silly goose?
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joseandrestabarnia · 12 days
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Brónnikov Fyodor (1827-1902) Mujeres romanas en la fuente 1856 Tamaño - 29 x 24,4 Material - papel amarillento Técnica: acuarela Número de inventario - Inv.6924 Recibido de la Galería Estatal Tsvetkovskaya. 1925
La acuarela fue pintada por Fyodor Bronnikov, un pintor famoso en su época, autor de pinturas sobre temas históricos, religiosos, cotidianos y paisajes. Nació en Shadrinsk, provincia de Perm, y recibió su educación artística inicial de su padre, un pintor de iconos. De joven vino a San Petersburgo y comenzó a estudiar grabados en madera. Desde 1845, Bronnikov se convirtió en estudiante gratuito de la Academia Imperial de las Artes, estudió en la clase de pintura histórica con A.T. Markova. En 1853, el joven artista recibió el premio más alto: una gran medalla de oro y fue liberado de la Academia con derecho a un viaje de pensionado al extranjero.
En 1854-1860, Bronnikov vivió y trabajó en Italia como pensionado de la Academia de las Artes. Continuó viviendo en Roma y venía periódicamente a Rusia. La belleza de la naturaleza italiana y el estilo de vida único de sus habitantes atrajeron al maestro. Durante décadas pintó vistas italianas y escenas cotidianas. La acuarela "Mujeres romanas en la fuente", creada en 1856, continúa la tradición de los géneros italianos de K.P. Bryullov, cuyas entretenidas escenas de la vida italiana fueron un gran éxito.
Un día soleado, un viajero elegantemente vestido se detuvo en la plaza de la ciudad. En su mano hay un paraguas que protege del sol. Observa atentamente a tres gráciles muchachas descalzas que se acercan a la fuente para llenar cántaros de agua. La fuente está ubicada en un nicho de un edificio residencial, en el segundo piso del cual, bajo las contraventanas abiertas, se seca la ropa en tendederos. Una mujer italiana descalza está sentada en los escalones que conducen a la fuente y le tiende la mano a un hombre para pedirle limosna. En su regazo hay una niña que juega descuidadamente con un collar de cuentas. Al fondo hay dos escenas. A la izquierda están los italianos y un niño sentado en una valla, a la derecha, una procesión que avanza por la calle, viajeros montados en burros, acompañados por porteadores locales. A lo lejos se ven montañas rocosas contra un cielo azul claro.
Las mujeres italianas están representadas con brillantes trajes nacionales. Gracias a las combinaciones de colores contrastantes, sus colores salen con toda su fuerza. El artista invita al espectador a admirar la plasticidad de las figuras femeninas, la gracia natural de los gestos y movimientos. Crea su propia imagen de la bella Italia.
Información e imagen de la web de la Galería Tretyakov.
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anna-lukovka · 5 years
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shadrinsk · 6 years
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Фото @nattvinden #Шадринск #Shadrinsk #Шадрновости #Шадринскинфо #Shadrinsk45 #Russia #like (at Shadrinsk)
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sizamusic-blog · 5 years
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Извините, на озвучку не хватило сил. #siza #sizahiphop #music #hiphop #rap #rapmusic #shadrinsk #Ural #ekaterinburg #tumen #santpetersburg #moscow #love #newyork #Тюмень #Челябинск #санктпетербург #музыка #москва #стихотворения #стихи https://www.instagram.com/p/B23Fx-4JRP0/?igshid=qy322pco7gcb
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Miasskoye - Shadrinsk, Kurganskaya oblast', Russia, 641726
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kostasleko · 6 years
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#шадринск #рябина #драмтеатр #merrychristmas #happynewyear #shadrinsk #itsmycity #ekb #iphoneartists #iphoneartmobile #rnicolibri #kostasleko (at Драмтеатр) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsXdlnBgyF4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i2yus3tqbmub
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orthodoxydaily · 3 years
Saints&Reading:Mon., Feb.28, 2022
February 28_February 15
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Our venerable Mother Euphrosynē was born at the beginning of the fifth century in the city of Alexandria. She was the only child of illustrious and wealthy parents. When she was twelve years old, her mother reposed, and so the girl was raised by her Father, Paphnutios, who was a very devout Christian. He was in the habit of visiting a certain monastery, where the Igoumen was his Spiritual Father.
When Euphrosynē turned eighteen, her father wanted her to marry. He went to the monastery to obtain the Igoumen's blessing for his daughter's wedding. The Igoumen talked with her and gave her his blessing, but Saint Euphrosynē longed for the monastic life. One day, she gave away her possessions to the poor, and then she snuck out of the house.
The Saint had decided to enter a monastery in order to spend her life in solitude and prayer, but she was afraid that her father was apt to find find her in a women’s monastery. Therefore, she disguised herself as a man and entered the same men's monastery which she had visited with her father from her childhood, calling herself Smaragdos. The monks did not recognize Euphrosynē dressed in men’s clothes, and so they received her into the monastery. The monks were impressed by her spiritual struggles and by her willingness to serve everyone.
There in a solitary cell, Saint Euphrosynē spent 38 years in spiritual endeavors, fasting and prayer, thereby attaining a high level of spiritual accomplishment.
Paphnutios was deeply saddened by the loss of his beloved daughter; more than once, on the advice of his Spiritual Father, he spoke to the "monk" Smaragdos, disclosing his grief and receiving spiritual comfort. Before her death, Saint Euphrosynē revealed her secret to her grieving parent and insisted that no one but he should prepare her body for burial. After he buried his daughter, Paphnutios distributed all his wealth to the poor and to the monastery, and then he was tonsured. For ten years, until the time of his own repose, he labored in his daughter's cell.
By her life, Saint Euphrosynē reminds us that we must renounce "worldly passions and live soberly, uprightly, and devoutly" (Titus 2:12). That is, after rejecting the desires of this vain and sinful world, we ought to live abstemiously, with justice toward our fellow human beings, and with piety toward God.
Saint Paphnutios and his daughter Saint Euphrosynē are both commemorated today, and once again on September 25.
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In Perm Gubernia, Shadrinsk county, on the banks of the Iseti River, is the Dalmatian Monastery of the Dormition. In the cathedral church of this monastery is a wonderworking Icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God, which belonged to Father Dalmatios (Δαλμάτιος), the founder of this monastery.
In the first half of the XVII century, a certain resident of Tobolsk, a nobleman by the name of Demetrios Mokrinsky, left his wife and children, and went to the Nev'yan Monastery (Tobolsk Diocese), where he was tonsured with the name Dalmatios, in honor of the fourth century ascetic Saint Dalmatios of Constantinople (August 3).
Since Father Dalmatios was known for his exalted life of asceticism and virtue, the brethren of the Nev'yan Monastery wanted to choose him as their Igoumen, but out of humility, the Elder would not accept such an august position with all its responsibilities. He left the monastery, taking with him an Icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God.
In 1644 he arrived in Perm Gubernia, where he settled in a cave on land owned by the Tyumen Tatar Ilegei. When Iligei discovered that a monk had settled on his property, and even intended to establish a monastery there, he was indignant. Gathering his relatives, he went with the intention of expelling Dalmatios. Iligei spent the night near the cave, beyond the River Iseti, waiting for dawn to make an unexpected attack on the recluse.
Father Dalmatios seemed to be in imminent danger of death, if he tried to resist or defend himself. He could not expect help from anyone anywhere, nor could he flee, since he did not know that an enemy lurked beyond the river in the darkness of night, ready to spill his blood at any moment. The monk did not require any human protection, however, for his protector was the Queen of Heaven.
When Iligei was asleep, the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream, wearing a crown and dressed in a crimson robe, holding a flaming sword in her hands. The Most Holy Theotokos strictly forbade him to harm Father Dalmatios, and ordered Iligei to give the monk some land for a monastery. Awakened by this terrible vision, the Tatar went to Father Dalmatios, accompanied by all his companions, and gave him a piece of land on which to build a monastery.
The Queen of Heaven's wondrous protection of Dalmatios occurred in 1646. In that same year, the Dalmatian Monastery was founded.
At the end of 1646, the newly-established monastery was attacked by the Kalmyks. They set fire to the monastery's buildings; some of the monks who fled were killed, and some were taken captive. During this time, only Dalmatios, the founder of the monastery, escaped death, saved by the wonderworking Icon. This was the same Icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God which he brought with him from the Nev'yan Monastery. When the Kalmyks went away, Elder Dalmatios returned to the same site and began working alone to rebuild the monastery. A few years later, because of his diligence, a wooden church was already standing on the site of the ruined monastery, and nearby there were also cells for monks. Pilgrims began to visit and made donations for the adornment of the monastery and the temple. From that time, word of the monastery quickly spread all over, not only in the places close by, but also in very remote places.
In 1651, less than twenty years after the founding of the Dalmatian Monastery, it was attacked again. This time it was attacked by the Siberian Prince Devlet-Girei. He ransacked and burned the monastery. The Icon of the Mother of God, however, remained unscathed, although the church completely burned down. In just one place, on the back of the board, there was a scorched spot where a certain Muslim had put his hand.
In 1702, the icon was restored by the Tobolsk iconographer Ivan Nikitin.
The monastery was restored by Archimandrite Isaac, the son of Father Dalmatios. He built a stone church in 1707, and in it he placed the wonderworking Icon of the Dormition of the Mother of God.
During the reign of Empress Catherine II, the monastery withstood a three-day siege by the troops of Emelian I. Pugachev, while the monks prayed before the Dalmatian Icon.
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In 1800 the Icon was adorned with a gilded riza with silver crowns and precious gems, by order of Igoumen Gideon. In 1864 Archimandrite Methodios ordered a new silver and gilded riza from Moscow, decorated with precious stones. The Icon was in a special kiot, decorated with carvings, and was covered with a colorful silk curtain, which could be opened when necessary.
On April 19, 1852, many of the Monastery buildings, including the upper church, were destroyed by fire.
Once again, the Dalmatian Icon remained damaged.
Every year on February 15th, and again on August 15th, the Monastery's Altar Feast, great crowds would travel to the Dalmatian Monastery in order to venerate the wonderworking Icon. The sick receive healing, according to their faith, from this wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God. This custom continued until 1917.
In the early 1920s, after the monastery was abolished, the monks went to other monasteries, taking the Dalmatian Icon with them. At present, there is no information about the location of the Icon.
Those who experience physical or spiritual suffering pray before the Dalmatian Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos for deliverance.
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LUKE 19:29-40
29 And it came to pass, when He drew near to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mountain called Olivet, that He sent two of His disciples, 30 saying, "Go into the village opposite you, where as you enter you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Loose it and bring it here. 31 And if anyone asks you, 'Why are you loosing it?' thus you shall say to him, 'Because the Lord has need of it. 32 So those who were sent went their way and found it just as He had said to them. 33 But as they were loosing the colt, the owners of it said to them, "Why are you loosing the colt?" 34 And they said, "The Lord has need of him." 35 Then they brought him to Jesus. And they threw their own clothes on the colt, and they set Jesus on him. 36 And as He went, many spread their clothes on the road. 37 Then, as He was now drawing near the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, 38 saying: " 'Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the LORD!' Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" 39 And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, "Teacher, rebuke Your disciples." 40 But He answered and said to them, "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out."
3 JOHN 1:1-14
1 The Elder, To the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth: 2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 5 Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers, 6 who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well, 7 because they went forth for His name's sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we may become fellow workers for the truth. 9 I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will call to mind his deeds which he does, prating against us with malicious words. And not content with that, he himself does not receive the brethren, and forbids those who wish to, putting them out of the church. 11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God. 12 Demetrius has a good testimony from all, and from the truth itself. And we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true. 13 I had many things to write, but I do not wish to write to you with pen and ink; 14 but I hope to see you shortly, and we shall speak face to face. Peace to you. Our friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
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zyaka · 4 years
Наконец в ней проснулась мамина помощница. #samoyed #dog #dogsofinstagram #instadog #dogstagram #samoyedpage #samoyedlove #varvarasnowmiracle #самоед #самоедыроссии #самоедыекатеринбурга #варвараснежноечудо #копайчеллендж #diggingdog (at Shadrinsk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE_KMPyHlv5/?igshid=mn6llly1mhsz
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cherdachello · 5 years
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Подвеска-сердечко 500р За подробностями в директ #чердакбардак #эпоксиднаясмола #ручнаяработа #сухоцветы #шадринск #handmade (at Shadrinsk) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9RfmX6ohvO/?igshid=peu8s8cokrgo
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12-30 The Baptism of grand prince of Kiev Vladimir the Great in 987', 1883. Bronnikov, Feodor Andreyevich (1827-1902). Found in the collection of the Museum of Regional Studies, Shadrinsk. ... http://dlvr.it/Q8BMQT
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gorodkurgan-blog · 7 years
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⛅⛅⛅ Наслаждение природой 🌊🌊🌊 📷 Автор фото: @surtaeva_photo . . . . . . . . . . . #шадринск #курган #лошади #деревня #Верхозино #2017 #никон #лето #природа #лицомкприроде #фотограф #shadrinsk #kurgan #horses #summer #august #nikon #ph #photo #photos #photographer #like #likes #liked #nature #facetonature #followme #followed #followers (at Kurgan)
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shadrinsk · 6 years
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Место, с которого началось строительство Шадринской Слободы. Фото @mari_krylosova_ #Шадринск #Shadrinsk #Шадрновости #Шадринскинфо #Shadrinsk45 #Russia #like (at Shadrinsk)
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shadrinsk · 4 years
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Новости одной строкой 📝На 26 января в Курганской области лабораторно подтверждены 100 новых случаев COVID-19 📝В эти выходные Шадринск вновь примет всероссийские соревнования по мотогонкам на льду 📝Опрос: жители Курганской области не хотят прививаться от коронавируса 📝В Шадринске полицейские задержали подозреваемого в совершении серии краж из торговых объектов 📝Подарок для Центральной библиотеки г. Шадринска в ее юбилейный год 📝Мурашко включил Зауралье в число регионов, где хорошо организована вакцинация от ковида 📝В 2021 году завершится ремонт региональной автодороги Шадринск-Ялуторовск 📝АО "СУЭНКО" продолжает ремонт уличного освещения. Просим шадринцев сообщать о проблемах по телефону единой дежурно-диспетчерской службы 8(35253)6-22-01 📝В 2021 году завершится ремонт региональной автодороги Шадринск-Ялуторовск 📝Очевидцев ДТП на 217 км автодороги Екатеринбург – Шадринск- Курган, произошедшего 22 января 2021 г. около 11:10, просьба позвонить по тел. 8-992-332-0196 или обратиться в каб. № 38 МО МВД России «Шадринский» 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Все новости размещены в телеграм-канале. Ссылка в шапке профиля 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Благодарим за фото @glassofmulledwine #Шадринск #шадрфорния #Shadrinsk (at Shadrinsk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKguQ2fJfZW/?igshid=6tm2tr66nobs
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shadrinsk · 4 years
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Морозное 30-градусное утро💙#Shadrinsk Благодарим за фото @photo_vlaso (at Shadrinsk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ-QJpkp7I3/?igshid=12m1ixzuqpdui
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shadrinsk · 4 years
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Новости одной строкой 📝На 12 января в Курганской области лабораторно подтверждены 105 новых случаев COVID-19 📝По прогнозам синоптиков в ближайшие дни в Зауралье столбики термометра в ночное время опустятся до -35˚С 📝В новогодние праздники в Курганской области на пожарах погибли девять человек 📝На дорогах в Челябинской и Курганской областях с 12 по 14 января из-за чрезвычайно-опасных погодных явлений может быть затруднено движение 📝Следственными органами завершено расследование уголовного дела в отношении бывшего первого заместителя губернатора Курганской области Сергея Пугина, обвиняемого в совершении должностных преступлений 📝13 января на территории Шадринска и района возможны перерывы в вещании цифровых эфирных телеканалов первого и второго мультиплекса, а также «Радио России». Работы будут проводиться с 8 до 17 часов 📝За период с 01. 01 - 10.01.2021 в Курганской области зарегистрировано 3892 случая ОРВИ, темп снижения составил 20% 📝Для обслуживания городской дорожной сети в зимний период муниципалитетом заключены контракты с тремя подрядными организациями на сумму более 55 млн рублей 📝Шадринский «Урал» снова порадует чиновников деликатесами 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Все новости размещены в телеграм-канале. Ссылка в шапке профиля 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Благодарим за фото @viacheslavsoshnikov #Шадринск #шадрфорния #Shadrinsk (at Shadrinsk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ8tPu6p84l/?igshid=wdsh5lhmqvng
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