#shanel mahone
aliypop · 4 years
Word Count: 2,225
Character Count: 11,925
Warning: themes of trauma mentioned, Mentions of Rape,  and all things Hannibal like 
A/N: I really really hope you guys enjoy this fic it’s a part two to Empatia and more of Shanel Mahone please let me know if you guys enjoy it! 
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"Sometimes I think the curse is gone...Days or even months, pass in peace but then, without warning it stirs... like malaria." Shanel said, her grip on the black leather seat hard almost causing scratches on it, It had been only a week since she and Hannibal had, had dinner together, and neither party wanted to bring anything up about it which made her think that maybe it was for the better, 
Hannibal watched her fidget in her seat, pulling at her clothes, specifically at her white buttoned-down shirt, almost as if it were choking her, "One month I can forget that it all," 
"That it all what.." Hannibal asked curiously as to what she would have said next, setting his notepad aside on his desk he could smell the fear on her, not from him but from something else though he'd push to even say that it was from somebody else, "Happened," she responded her tapping her heels and slouching in the seat making herself almost seem swallowed whole by the space around her which was already dark and bleak, she couldn't run and hide from the bad guy in her nightmares nor could she push the memories of what he told her didn't happen away either, 
"Our scars have the power to remind us our past was real.." Hannibal gave her a soft smile and a comforting handhold,
"DON'T!  do that..." she removed her hand away from his as quick as she could, to her it felt as if time was  frozen  and that everything she did had only slowly begun to catch up to her, standing to her feet like a rushing whirlwind only made doctor Lector's analyzation on her stronger, of course, he had known for her to lash out on  themes that he might have mentioned in their sessions, but nothing to the point that it made her end their discussion so early, 
"I really should head back to work.." she mumbled, walking out the door, "Same time next week?" she asked as he only nodded back in response. Her office, however, was only a door down from his, a bleak walk that felt like death row with the gloomy winter skies painting the background of her office she only felt more alone and swallowed whole by her own guilt and shame of her past, something that felt like an anchor on her life still she refused to tell her own therapist about these things, for example, her reoccurring nightmares, flashbacks, or how she secretly fell that she would never be enough and therefore became a lawyer in a country where no one knew who she was, 
"Ms. Mahone, are you okay?"
"Just another bad day, any calls Carlos," she asked, her breathing still shaky as if she had finished running a mile. Carlos was an intern of the Mahone law firm which dealt with sexually, heinous crimes and was more so a cover-up business for what she really did, but that was only a secret shared between her and Hannibal, 
"Not that I know of, but Will dropped off the files for the Hobbs case," he shrugged handing her the files her curled up hair pressed to her forehead, taking the yellowish envelope she rushed into her office, slamming the door behind her making it her sanctuary, one that tended to either blare 80's music and or classical operatic melodies, grew silent the only thing that she could hear was the robotic ringing of her office phone, in which she refused to answer until it rang for the tenth time, 
"Hello," she answered listening to the crisp silence of the call,
" la mia piccola puttana," 
"I.. I don't understand..." she began trembling and shaking under her desk as she repeated to herself that what she had just heard was unreal,  "The.. letters and.. the gifts.. you," 
"I wanted you to forgive me, to trust me... ya know ever since I treated you bad I wanted to make it up to you," a condescending tone in his voice, this, however, was the same man who had taken the wrongful liberties of turning her into what she was today a closed-in private life woman who didn't know what love was nor did she understand the purpose of trusting someone let alone think about it, this was the man who hurt her so badly she killed him, or so she thought,
 "I don't want anything from you," her voice gave out wavering, like a candle in the wind alone by itself. 
"I thought that maybe we could talk, go on a ride as we used to when you were 12, just me and my little puttana," he could feel the way she had nearly shrunk into herself every time he had even uttered the letters to the name that he used to call her, it still reminded him of the power that kept her down enough for him to use her again like old times, Shanel put the phone back on the hook hoping that it would be the end to his scheme, but like most, she was dead wrong, the side of her suit had vibrated, indicating that she had just received a text which read, 
"I see you," 
Peaking her head out from under her desk she could only see what looked like ebony black hair and an olive skin man standing in the parking lot next to her pink sports car, trying to steady herself using her office chair, keeping her head held low, walking down the hallways made her feel as if she were heading towards death row with a bag over her face and two prosecutors carrying her down towards the sweet electric chair which she could hear it buzzing like a song in her ear, 
" Lack of trust in other people increases the need for religion. If you can't rely on others, you'll have to rely on god,"  
She heard the voice of Hannibal say, looking around herself it was almost as if she had transported herself to a museum of  some sort where every picture was everything that she was able to remember some that were good and some that weren't, 
"Where am I... where are we?"  she asked turning to the blonde hair psychiatrist who was dressed in something completely different than what she had remembered from earlier, she too was also dressed differently, wearing red as he wore white,  
"Your mind palace, and as I see, you've built quite the wall around it... tell me Shanel will you let yours fall eventually.."  he asked her watching the way her features fell soft when she was around him, letting him see the sides of her that she wanted him to, nothing less and nothing more to it, besides what was a monster if you loved it she had always figured,  walking alongside him sitting down to admire the "art" around them,
 "About earlier I-" 
"Good you're up.." a hand caress her cheek as she was bent over what felt to be a couch underneath her, a knife was pressed against her leg as it slowly began to peel away her brown skin revealing what was under her skin the beautiful red of O positive blood rushed down her leg staining her tan heels, as he began digging the knife deeper into her skin as if she were a pig and he was checking for fat, 
 "Scream, and I'll kill ya," he grabbed her cheeks pushing her head further down onto the couch, she could hear him unzip his pants, and his satisfied breathing in her ear, silent tears fell from her face her body frozen just like it used to be when Christopher attacked her, though most times his buddies in the mob would join along with him, 
"Now be a good princess and let father Christoph-"  she took her heel gouging out his eyeballs blooding up her suit, 
"I can't see! " he shouted as Shanel then searched into the couch cushion finding a pistol in which she loaded and cocked the gun feeling his hand on her thigh crawling up further under her skirt as her finger found the trigger pointing the barrel at his head, then at his arm blowing a hole right between his shoulder watching him scream in agony, 
"That was how you made me feel, for 13 years !" she shot at him, "13 miserable years, and now it's time to make you pay for it all.." her voice was now a hushed whisper as she watched him beg an plead to her as if she were God, but unlike him, she was unforgiving, the murderess that killed those who hurt the one's who killed those who hurt in the inside, the judge of wicked the wrong and the unrighteous, 
"May he have mercy on your soul.." she mumbled under her breath, taking the final blow to his head, the FBI had then begun to bust into the room watching before them the renowned and loved lawyer covered in blood staggering back and forth as she in a blurry panic saw what looked to be Hannibal falling into his arms,  Will only sighed seeing the shoe that was lodged deep into his eye cavity and the other that seemed to show the deep scalping of his head, the crime was far worse than anything he had seen so far in his profiling classes, 
"I'll take her to paramedics.." Jack tapped Will on the back as he shook his head, 
Shanel laid there in the hospital hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor as well as a few other machines to check her breathing and her vital signs, as Hannibal sat there waiting for her spring to life he contemplated on looking at the wonderful spread of parts near him, but also the beauty of getting to know her true soul, thinking back go the night they shared dinner together made him think about how he wanted to keep her around as his and only his for as long of the time he could get the FBI off his scent, roses surrounded her, but still her beauty had out shown them all, Watching  her fingers move around his own chased him out of the scattering waves of thoughts causing him to  break away from the rushing noises around him, 
"You're up I see," he smiled up at the wounded lawyer, who this time didn't remove her hand from his own, turning her head slowly to look towards him she could sense a new aurora around him a gentle one that almost shocked her in a way,
 " I assume you saw everything.." she asked him
" I did," he squeezed her hand reassuring her, watching her turn away from him, 
"I assume you think me a monster then.." she suggested a chuckle leaving her mouth her bringing a new piece of music to be written to his ears, 
" Must I denounce myself as a monster while you still refuse to see the one growing inside you?" he asked her, taking her hand up to his lips kissing her knuckles in an adoring fashion, 
"I was nearly raped today, and you think by kissing my knuckles, I'll just fall under your charm .. and yet you won't even talk about our dinner.." she pulled her hand away from his "If I never see you again then clearly I would be -" 
"Lonely .. hurt again, drowning deeper in regret then what you already suffer in, feeling that no one will ever love you," he suggested watching her squirm uncomfortably from how correct he was, 
"I've already made arrangements for you to live with me, think of it a partnership.." he smiled,
"My apartment is fine.." she growled at him, turning away hiding her blush from him, she knew that she belonged next to him like Persephone alongside Hades. He was her match in every plausible way, but she couldn't let her guard down,  
"Not from the notes left there, let alone the state that you're in, and as I am currently  your doctor, I know what's best for you.." he suggested, hearing her become silent,
 "You only know what I allow you to know.."  she snarled at him, " which isn't much... besides, I hunt alone," she glared into his maroon eyes deep down into the very last inch of soul left in him, 
"If you want to catch an Egale you better learn to fly doctor lec-" she felt a quick peck on the lips her eyes wide as the very breath in her lungs was taken away from her eyes flickering, and lips puckering up for more, 
"Say you'll stay.." he asked her, as the taste of him lingered on her lips, he had a taste of honey and oak with the sheer sleek taste of iron on his tongue O negative to be exact, the blood of Christopher himself peppered over    rice,
 "We'll have an old friend of yours for dinner.." he suggested watching her nod in utter bliss, "You'll hunt, and I'll gather," he asked her 
" The wicked the wrong and unrighteous .." she looked at him,
"And the Rude.." He asked
"When feasible one should always eat the rude.," he smiled petting her curls taking in her scent, 
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aliypop · 4 years
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Wordcount: 1,925
Character Count: 10,246
Hannibal x Oc
Authors Note: So this is my first Hannibal fic and I hope you guys enjoy, side note this was written in Grammarly which formatting on that is wonky. I do not own the gif or the character Hannibal but I do own Shanel Mahone and I hope that you all like her, lets see uh what else
Warning mentions of eating people and murder! 
"I think it's easy to mistake understanding for empathy - we want it so badly, maybe learning it's distinction is part of growing up, unless I am mistaken, Doctor Lecter,"
The Baltimore office was colder than usual, not because of the Maryland winters that would hit, but because of the shared time in the office between Hannibal Lecter and his new client Shanel Mahone, a woman who was a mix of a wolf licking its wounds and a lion who would go to the ends of the earth to hunt her prey down, But there was something about her that he could sense though she hid it so well that it went by his nose like a short summer breeze, He knew she was a lawyer he was able to smell the scent of the innocent and guilty from the courthouse on her person, though the sinners smell a bit more delectable to him rather than saints,
"If we learn our limitations too soon, we never learn our power." Hannibal gave the semi- young lawyer a smile and a nod, watching her in his darkroom of reds and white almost made him feel as if he had her right where he wanted her, a little lamb simply treading lightly in his trap, and in a way, he was proud of it,
"Think before you speak the last person who didn't... lost more than their tongue.."  Shanel chuckled, her dark curls framing her brown face and eyes.
"Awfully confident are we," a smirk on his wise features, as he stood up behind her, his favorite way to attack some would say like a human boa constrictor sizing up who he picks before he attacks,
"I can kill every person in this building before most of them have a chance to get to their feet. Skills like that do wonders on a person's self-confidence." her head tilted up to look at him, a devious smirk on her face, honey brown eyes meeting the dark maroon glare of a predator, Though most would fear the situation that she was in, however, she was raised much differently than some would be comfortable with,  
"Aren't you afraid of me," he asked his hand around her neck. Nearly trying to squeeze the life out of her. As he hissed in her ear breathing, in the deep scent of A+ blood on her, which clearly wasn't her own, "I stopped being scared of snakes years after I  killed my step-dad."  chin raised high with a fire in her eyes, one that he had grown to admire. Though it confused him like the beauty of Persephone in Hades eyes, and just like Hades he wanted her as his own, though sometimes she made him feel like Hades and other times he was merely just her pomegranate orchestrating him as to where her next demise would fall under, a circle of a cat and mouse game, Once he had looked deep into her eye's he had found the simple answer to her soul,
"I suppose that would make you the hunter," he said a sheer look of surprise something a bit unobtainable for the man who had a few under his own sleeve, "Are you satisfied," she asked her voice a soft whisper, a bit of a gentle to look to her one of a woman who knew how to spin a never-ending web around her prey and may God help anything that flew into her web,
"Oh, my dear, we're just getting started.." his laugh playing in her ear like a tainted sinners psalm, but deep inside she knew she loved it,
"Do you do this with all your clients?" she asked her feeling his hands unravel  from her neck,
"Just the ones I find interesting.."
"So Will Graham.," she mumbled watching him stagger swiftly back to his desk, his scalpel in hand massaging the cold silver metal in his hand as a child holds onto their mother's,
"You've heard of him, I assume?"
"He referred me to you, said you could work wonders on the mind, but I believe you toy with it, like a mother toys with the truth of the world to her child except you don't know where to end it.." she smirked standing behind the slightly taller man,
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you dabble in psychology yourself.." he faced the shorter woman her lips caught slightly between her teeth,
"Law and the practice of toying the mind go hand in hand, besides, in the end, we both want the same things," she took a glance at his suit the way he had unbuttoned his suit jacket as if he knew she was stealing glances of him,  
"And what would that be.." he laughed writing, notes from their shared time together. A bit of a progress report of her recovery from the first time they had met.  
"Perhaps we could discuss this more over dinner," he suggested pressing a slip of paper into her hand, she had always heard about his elaborate parties especially when it came to his dinners, it came to no surprise that she would be invited to one, and even perhaps another,
"Will 7 do?" she asked as he walked her to the office door, his eyes glancing at her heels, and further to her legs making him wonder what dish would suit her best,
The roads were barely frozen over yet which to her was always a good sign when traveling during the winter. Especially when it came to her pink Italian sports car sturdy tires still never meant one couldn't endure a crash, but while driving she had found that her mind went elsewhere, mostly on doctor Lecter. It was the way he had looked at her with a gentleness of contemplation on killing her if to even keep her alive, in a sense, it was like a non-verbal game of quid pro quo, but their eyes were telling the answers for them their true nature and love for the what some would find morbid.
Stepping foot into his home was like a wonderland for the wicked and the wise, pictures of art with very controversial themes to them, but still, she knew the risk she was taking with this one a chance that could possibly even kill her if she dared say the wrong thing, "Sorry if I arrived early, I usually love to help, a common curtsy I was taught.." she noticed his spacious kitchen one that you would see in an intense cooking show although his use of five ovens was a bit weird to her but not a new concept from what she grew up with,
"Thank you for your offer, but I've already prepared everything for our dinner." he looked at her noticing the diamonds on her neck which he could tell were from Tiffany and Co a sign of high society if he ever did so need one, she looked like an angel prepared to meet God himself, but little did she know he wasn't there, and she was no angel in the eyes of the man in front of her,
"Well, at least let me bake something.." she glanced at him pulling an apron out from her bag, his assumptions about her were right she was, in fact, gentle like Persephone but if pushed a bringer of chaos a chosen one of the all mighty high. He gave her a simple nod and with that, she was invited into his chapel his prized possession that was his kitchen.  
"Have you ever killed someone.. ever felt the life leave out of its pretty little body.. and looked into their soul?" she asked, feeling piping bag up squeezing the feeling into her batch of Zeppole di San Giuseppe,  
" I don't suppose I have, though, why do you ask?" he said as calmly as he could be, taking the main course for the night out of the oven his eyes never leaving her figure,
"Continuing our conversation from earlier doctor Lecter, of course, minus the near do strangling, though I must add.." she stopped to taste the sauce that was on his spoon "A bit of a parlor trick hiding who you are.." she pondered on the taste for a bit,
"Well, I always say perception’s a tool that's pointed on both ends," he winked placing his hand underneath her chin getting a glimpse of her inner beauty, the madness that she forbade to show to the world, which was him, at least he had thought he could be her world let her feel independent when she wanted to, but have her feel weak in his presence when he needed her to, much like a God watching his most devoted worshiper at the shrine of his lies.
"So, are you saying that I'm hiding something.."  her eyes focused on the slight detail of his lips the way they curled when he told the truth yet had a slight pout when he lied, she knew he was confessing to something she just couldn't figure out what it was exactly, but when she found it, it would be known, and she'd keep to herself as a little present. Hannibal pulled out her chair gesturing for her to sit setting the table up with the most elegant dinner she had ever seen since her very own childhood, but she did have to admit it a certain smell she couldn't quite shake it from her nostrils.  The animal on the plate, however, to most would seem unidentifiable and to most even a bit fake for fiction, but nonetheless, she was taught to never judge her food.  Hannibal sat there watching her eat his eyes sparkling almost like garnet jewels watching as he broadened her pallet,
" Tomato cream sauce with basil oregano one onion.. preferably diced, minced garlic heavy cream.." she took another bite, "A pinch of salt and pepper and ..." she paused dipping the meat into the oh so savory pasta sauce that he had created by hand, but the meat was something different. She couldn't taste the acidity of its fear, but she knew that whatever it was she had put in her mouth was a bit too familiar,
"You have a gift it appears.."
"I say it was a curse," she kept eating on the pork like meat, " I was born with highly sensitive taste buds... I can taste every detail of everything.." she shrugged watching the expression on Hannibal's face.
"Even, the taste of an emotion?" he asked, flattered by his guest.
"Even emotions.. though love was never one I discovered the taste of... I never found myself deserving of it.." she looked down at her plate then at him, her eyes soft and gentle towards him, "You could smear the blood of millions and still be a beauty to my eyes.." he placed a gentle kiss on the inside of her wrist secretly taking in her sweet smell of cinnamon, roses, and honey, it was the smell of love mixed with longing and it was strong. she laughed lifting the fork back to her mouth as the familiar scent had hit her again,
"I think I know who we're eating.."  her eyes twinkled at the taste of what was him, the man who was first to make her life a misery since the day she was born, "Alberto Mahone my father.." she grins,
"How'd you do it.."
"Do what ..."
"Kill him .." she asked her heart racing.
"With Empathy."
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aliypop · 4 years
Amongst The Roses
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Word Count:3,165
Character count: 17,430
Warning: ususal Hannibal Stuff 
A/N: This is part 5 I hope you guys enjoy it
“Mammina, mammina!” Shanel nearly shouted from inside the manor autumn leaves present in her hair,  " Mio dolce bambino invernale,“ Rose shook her head. Displeased with the appearance of her daughter, she was adventurous wild, even some would agree to a girl who couldn’t be tamed. “You are 16 going on 6 Shanel..” her mother grumbled, watching the way her daughter reacted. “Forse I want happiness… ” she sighed, grabbing her foil from off the side of the wall, Miles who was a butler walked towards the duo, when he wasn’t up to his duties, however, he was usually teaching Shanel something new, whether her mother liked it, however, wasn’t his issue,  
Sitting in Hannibal’s office like usual was Shanel. This time a bit more relaxed then she had been in the past few months that they had started. “What more do you remember that was good from your childhood..” he asked writing every word that she had mentioned down, “Well, there.. was the time where I used to play piano with Milo,  I did everything with him, singing lessons, dance, you name it.” she smiled for a moment as a thought then popped into her head.
“What about you, any good memories?”  she asked him, now that therapy for the two of them felt more like an allotment for a date. “There were some,” he smiled,
“Want to tell me about it?” she asked.
“If you must know, I suppose..” he gave her a playful sigh as his mind traveled back to a semi-simple time.
Winters in Paris were different than in Lithuania, they weren’t as harsh, but they were dreary and colder. Hannibal, who had been sketching once more, had stopped when he heard the sound of distant singing from his door. Poking his head out to listen, he had caught a glimpse of something beautiful. Walking by was a girl with dark brown curly hair and vibrant brown eyes. Who seemed to be carrying around a big stack of books in her arms, she had to be one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen, even though they did share quite a few classes he never bothered to say hello to her. Something about never really finding her interesting was what got him to stay to himself. Besides, he had his internship to worry about rather than the womanly ways of a songbird.
“Aren’t you the one who interns at the hospital..” her accent thicker than his,
“šitai.,” he mumbled under his breath, looking at the girl who seemed close to his age, “Who’s asking.”  
“Just a girl who wants to learn about anatomy ..” she stared at his vibrant eyes, “Spiacente..” she began walking away. Her bow flopping behind her as he tapped her on the shoulder,
“I suppose I could let you join in..” he smirked, “But no touching anything..” he looked at her. She nodded,
“Maybe we could talk this over during how do you say..pranzo.”
“Lunch,” he winked, kissing her hand, “ I would be delighted  to.”  
“Sometimes I wonder where she is,” Hannibal sighed, shaking his head. As he looked back at Shanel, it had him confused as to why she was laughing at him, almost like a maniac escaping bedlam asylum. She couldn’t help but hide her excitement as to why he. Had felt familiar to her, “Well, I could tell you, but you wouldn’t believe me..” she nearly cheesed, a bit worse than Franklyn, who he had an appointment within a few moments. “I think I could get around to it,” he replied, nearly hating the anticipation, he wanted her to spit it out to say something, “We’ll see about that..” she smiled, watching as he began growing impatient on the answer.  
“Well, tell me ?”
“You’re looking at her..” she smiled, watching the utter shock on his face, “And my times up, I should get going..”   She walked towards her office, someone sneaking up behind her as everything around her surroundings went black.  Franklyn sat down tears in his eyes, a bit heavier than usual. Hannibal, who usually knew the drill had already set the tissues out for him.
“ He ignores my.. calls, and .. lately he’s been very annoyed with me, I think he’s hurting people,”  he said in one breath as Hannibal tried to speed up his writing,
“What makes you say this, Franklyn.,” he asked him, knowing that earlier that da Will had called him about the brutally slaughtered opera singer,  "Today he said he was going to kill someone..“ crying harder as Hannibal passed him the garbage can to discard his used tissues in,
Hannibal smiled to himself, knowing exactly where Tobias was, but not exactly who he was trying to kill.  Franklyn continued to cry, and Hannibal kept supplying him with tissues. Shanel woke up with a funny taste in her mouth, which was violin string polishing oil, and if her thoughts were correct, she was next to be a violin.  Shanell looked around in the basement of what seemed to be his shop surrounded by the smell of human guts turned into violin strings. A sigh then left her mouth, hearing footsteps pitter-patter on the hardwood floor she could tell that whoever was the killer wasn’t exactly good at being discreet their steps made so much noise they could alert the police in seconds.
"I see you’re up.. ”  her vision a bit foggy from whatever else he mixed in the polish. She could smell the scent of Tobias sweat, depression, and Franklyn? She had questioned her thoughts. Still, non-the-less Shanel sat there tied up like the Bride of Frankenstein, and Tobias was the doctor.  "What else would I be..“ she laughed, seeing double, "Dead..” her sarcastic wit always got her into trouble when she was younger, but that was just who Shanel was and who was she to change it now. Taking a look at her neck, he loved everything that he saw. He could tell she was a singer, her cords were healthy and just the perfect type he needed for his instrumental experiment.
“Your friend and I are just alike..” he smirked, getting a few surgical tools. Shanel gave out a small laugh, if, he was comparing himself to Hannibal, then he was dead wrong.
“Hannibal would find you sloppy, which by him is just about everyone who tries to be like he is, creating a new God in his head.”  she turned to look at the darker-skinned man watching him become angered by her remarks.
“And what do you think of me?” he smirked.
“ Pitchy, and Bitchy..” she smirked, “I know women who are far better than you are at killing..”  she looked at him rather boldly, “ And if you see Hannibal..”
“Yes..” he smirked, trying to hide his anger.
“Give him this!” she gave him an uppercut blow to the jaw knocking him out cold for a while, crawling up the steps to find Will Graham standing there like a deer in headlights.  
“And where were you..” she growled, seeing Jack by his side.
“The concert Hall,” he said, as the two heard a car leave from the back, Shanel sighed trying to sturdy up her strength to get up. Jack, who helped her up, looked at her he was suspicious as to why she wasn’t so deep in hysterics but instead calm. Hannibal, who was now sitting with Tobias, was enjoying a nice glass of wine something, that he didn’t often do with all of his patients.  Their conversation had lead them in quite a turn of events.
“ I could use a friend, someone who could understand me, who thinks as I do, who can see the world and people in it the way I did.” Tobias smiled as Hannibal nodded along with him, looking at the bruise on his jaw.
“I see you’ve encountered Shanel..” he made a gesture to his thigh and his face, “A feisty woman… I don’t see why you don’t kill her.” Tobias laughed, having yet another drink as Hannibal stared blankly at him. Tallying him for every rude thing he could think of, “So did you do it?”  he asked, trying to change the subject. Tobias had already known that Hannibal was the Chesapeake Ripper, but as friends, no one else needed to know that,  
“Do you have to ask..” he laughed, confirming that he did it, “You and I aren’t so different..” he smirked, laughing as Shanel walked into their little session, throwing her razor at Tobias as he ducked striking Hannibal with a few violin strings,
“And to think I was going to kill him first..”  he looked at Shanel as he got back up, knocking Hannibal down. Shanel, who had sprung into action, took Tobias by chance, her other razor in hand as she bobbed and weaved, waiting for the right moment to strike. To her, this was just like fencing, and she was merely using a short foil. “ En garde..” she whispered to herself, going for his legs, “Hannibal, he’s all yours!”  she growled tossing him over to the library ladder, she watched as Hannibal tricked Tobias to punch him through the ladder, in her many years of fighting experience that was the first time the woman saw a ladder as a weapon,
Hannibal took Tobias by the arm as he broke it, leaving him quite crippled to try to fight back, still swinging his strings in the other hand he was no match for what was behind him, Shanel who took a left hook blow to the face gave him a right hook jab her eyes still watering. She blinked away the tears as he tried to strike her, but her kick to the ankle made him fall over, “NOW!” Shanel shouted, watching as Hannibal took the stag sculpture as he bludgeoned him to death with it right in the adam’s apple.  Will Graham came in through the door, Looking tired like the most days he’d come to visit. The rest of the FBI came to check on what would have been considered the crime scene.  
“Will you’re okay,” Hannibal said, a bloody gash on his nose and lip.
“Did he attack you?” Will asked, watching as Hannibal nodded, Shanel who had seen Jack from across the room, she only sighed as the FBI questioned her and tended to her wounds.
“So, you killed him..”  Jack stared at Hannibal,
“It was self-defense, he, did kill Franklyn, my patient, he snapped his neck..”  Jack walked away, keeping his eye on Hannibal and watching at Shanels reactions, she seemed to be in a type of shock that he had never seen before.  Calm, although he couldn’t tell who, he knew that someone was lying and they were doing it quite well.  Shanel looked at Will, who only gave her a nod as he exited out the office, a signal of he’d talk to her later. Night had fallen, and Hannibal had been prepping for the return of his dinner parties. Shanel, on the other hand, had already started getting herself to get ready, besides she wanted it to be a surprise to everyone who was coming if she were to be playing the lie of Hannibal’s fiance then why not make an entrance.
Guests began to appear one by one in the humble home of Lecter, some not knowing that it could be their last time. Plates of beautifully garnished victims danced around the table as everyone oohed and ahhed over it, although the food was a crowd-pleaser they had been waiting for the morbid Jay Gatsby, Hannibal Lecter who had worn his best suit for the occasion that he would be returning to his pompous social circle gathering parties, everyone around him sounded almost like a chattering lamb nearly screaming for his attention,
But there was only one woman who held it, promenading down the stairs was Shanel in a deep red mermaid gown that graced her figure beautifully and had the finest golden trim jewels around it. In her hair were diamonds that accented every curl in her updo. All eyes were on her, but she only cared about one set, Hannibals. Walking gracefully down to him, she took him by the hand escorted to the dining room where everyone was breathless of her.  "Sorry, I’m late everyone, do forgive me..“ she gave them a small chuckle of a laugh something from charm school that she kept with her.  Standing there was the grace of her mother and the fire to succeed in his little test.  "Shall we begin our fest?” she looked at Hannibal as he gave her nod.
“Though I must warn you, nothing here is  Vegetarian .”  a curl to his lips as he kissed Shanel on the hand.  The night had seemed to last almost an eternity. She had never felt so drained around people in her life, but when you get asked the same several questions, repeatedly, it could most certainly wear you thin. Sitting on the edge of his bed, she noticed just how much she was changing to the person she had wanted to be.
“What you said back there,  did you mean it?” She asked wiping, the last bits of makeup off her face.
“Every word of it.” he kissed her forehead, unzipping her dress for her, “You, my dear make me smile.” he took in her scent.  She turned towards him laughing,
“Just weeks ago, the lamb and the lion hated each other, and now the lion loves the lamb.”  she kissed him softly grabbing him by the side of his face, moonlight shining above them from the window, she had it bad for Hannibal, and there wasn’t a thing she wouldn’t do for him, nothing at all.  
“Ms. Mahone..” Crawford said, looking over at the shorter woman who had seemed a bit pissed at him, reason being was Bloom had called her at precisely 1 in the morning to tell her that Jack had not only brought in Abigal to identify the body of someone who he had presumed she killed, but he had questioned her without the sight of her lawyer,
“Crawford..”  she snarled, “You asked my client, a minor who is also facing trauma to identify a body..” she sighed her hand on her temple, “And on top of that questioned her!”
“An attorney doesn’t have to be present for either of those.” he smirked, “Or did they not teach that Ms. Mahone,” his eyebrow raised, looking at her. Most people were intimidated by Jack but not Shanel,
“No, but as her represented voice, it would be best not to push me, Crawford, I am something not to reckon with.”  Shanel took the pencil, stabbing it right into his desk, “That’s not a tone you want to carry with me, Mahone.” he jerked back, watching the smile on her face, “Then don’t ever question me.” getting up from his desk walking towards the morgue.
She had passed a classroom with gruesome pictures displayed on the projector screen listening in on what was said. “Now The Hunter is a difficult one to catch there’s, never a trace of footsteps barely any DNA left from the victims, but we know one thing he has a vendetta .. a cry in the murders,” Will said, looking over his shoulders only to find that no one was there.  Shanel, who had a pleasant grin on her face, had always loved the sheer fact that the FBI could never trace the fact a woman was behind the murders, and it pleased her. Walking down to the morgue had become a relaxing pastime of hers the more times that she had begun to do it.
“Morning, Brian morning Jimmy.” she winked, sitting her briefcase down. Grabbing a pair of goggles and gloves Shanel, couldn’t believe her eyes as to what she was seeing.
“Morning Shanel,” Brian smiled, “Wanna see something interesting,?” he asked as she nodded, walking over to him she could see the rope burns the discoloration but not exactly how long they had been dead. Taking her finger and pressing it on the forehead and then to her tongue, she nearly heaved.
“Well we found-”
“1977..” she looked at Brian, then Jimmy.
“This ones been dead since 1977..” She looked at the state of the others, “Where did you find them? ”
“On a beach,  pieced like a totem pole,” Beverly said, ushering her towards the pictures, Shanel stopped and stared at them remembering Will talking about something to the extent of this crime in Hannibal’s office but, she didn’t remember too much or if all that he had said, looking at the pictures she was generally impressed with what she had seen, everything had seemed to mostly be done in post mortem,
“Doesn’t look too bad?” Shanel smirked, looking at the disembodied jigsaw puzzle, “But if I were your third opinion … I would say the killer doesn’t have a motive .” she then looked at the three examiners,
“Gotcha.,” Beverly smirked, finding a bit of DNA attached to the fighting dead body, “Well, I should get going..” Shanel smiled, walking away back to her car. Opening the door in the early morning fog, she felt hands grab her waist. Shanel then bent over as she leaned to the side, breaking away from grasp stabbing him right in the eyes as she then slit his throat open, tossing him in the trunk, another present for Hannibal as she liked to put it.
“Hannibal I’m home and I-” Shanel paused, walking into the kitchen as her eyes had gazed upon Alana Bloom drinking an ice-cold beer, the two giggling and carrying on about psychology as they both cooked.  She could feel something in the pit of her stomach boil and a bad taste in her mouth form. “You ?” Hannibal looked up, waiting for her to finish her sentence, “I’ll tell you later it’s great to see you, Doctor Bloom..”  she nodded, walking up the stairs.
“Would you like to join us for dinner?” Alana asked a slight smirk on her face.
“I wouldn’t want to interrupt a teacher and his student.”  She laughed, walking back upstairs, a bit upset about everything she had just seen, and right after she had trusted someone confided into someone, there would be nothing left but the slow ache from her heart. She would convince herself that nothing was going on between them, but it would have been fine if they didn’t look so in love with each other.  Sitting the tub, she could hear them laughing and talking about the good days when he was a professor and how everything he taught her she used. For Shanel, it made her practically sick to her stomach.  
“I don’t think I can love you anymore..” Shanel said, looking in the mirror, rolling her hair.
“I wish every day to hold you.” he held her by the waist.
“Let go of me, You don’t love me like I love you.”
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aliypop · 4 years
All Roads Lead To Nowhere
Wordcount: 2,757
Character Count: 15,189
A/N: This is part 7 to Empatia I hope you guys enjoy it!
Warning: Usual Hannibal tendancies 
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"Sorry, i'm bleeding on your couch," Abigail grunted as she tried to ease herself in a more comfortable position. Hannibal pressed the gauze pad over her wound, "What was that... I couldn't hear you over the gaping hole in your chest," he looked at the young woman. While holding his hand out for his assistant to give him his surgical needle and thread, he couldn't help but wonder how his wounded deer found its way home. Shanel, on the other hand, watched his hands move, guiding the needle and thread gracefully against the wound area. It was almost like cooking to him a second nature in the form of many talents. 
"What were you doing out there.." Shanel asked in a motherly type of tone.  Watching the way Abigail had reacted almost brought back memories from her upbringing when she would try to "escape" Christoper.
 "I was trying to outrun my past.." she looked up at the other woman hoping she would understand what she meant by her phrasing. Shanel gave her a nod and a teacup, "You'll need it, to take your mind off that troublesome past a bit.." she smiled, walking back upstairs. Hannibal looked back at her then at Abigail as he felt that for one moment in his life, he had everything he could have asked for, but sometimes happiness came with a price that not everyone was ready to pay.
 As the night got darker, the silence in the room became thicker. One with Shanel pondering on how to lean the evidence on Chilton, and two how to set Will free and back to his habitat, 
Hannibal, who had agreed to take Will's place for the remainder of his cases, laid there thinking as to how he could get away with all of his beautiful masterpieces, as he pulled Shanel closer towards his person. 
"How would you like to-"
"No." Shanel turned to look at the maroon eyed killer.
"No?" he asked, shocked that she even answered before he finished asking.
"Murder is not on tomorrow's agenda, Lecter.."  she laughed, her hand dangling off the bed.
"It's not on anyone's my pet.." he laughed, kissing her nose.
"Oh no, it's on mine, just not until Thursday." she half-heartedly joked, cuddling deep into the warmth of his skin, taking in his fresh scent of clean linen with a hint of lemon. "Why Thursday?" he asked, taking her hand to his lips, giving it a nice " passionate" nip." If you must know.." she watched the way his lips parted, "Hey, if you're planning to eat me at least make me into a nice alfredo," 
she laughed, seeing his eyes go into complete shock, 
He had never met a woman so full of life and dark humor that he would kill for except for maybe his aunt, who he hadn't heard from in years. "Does your mother know about your agenda." he gave her a soft, tired laugh.
"Good night Hannibal.." she rolled over, giggling at him.
"There's food in the refrigerator, books in the study, of course, in any case of an emergency-"
"Call you or Hannibal," Abigail said, her hands behind her back, watching Shanel pick up her keys from the kitchen counter, "And if we don't answer?" she paused to look at the teenager, 
"Code butterfly," she smirked.
"That's my girl." Shanel smiled, kissing her forehead while walking out the door. 
When she entered her office, she saw two things. One was Carl flirting, and the other was the tattle crime magazine on her desk. "WHO LET LOUNDS IN!" her voice nearly booming through the halls of the building. Susana ducked down, hearing the rage in her voice. Animalistic brown eyes made their way to the younger woman while the room around them was deathly still, "I trusted you.." 
"You can't blame me for your mistake." Susana gave a small chuckle while Carl turned away, "And besides, are you not Will's love toy-" Shanel grabbed her throat, hearing the sweet sound of life mangled in beautiful sounds of struggling,
 "I know where you live.. and I'll kill you if you speak to me again like that.." Shanel laughed, whispering in her ear, taking a nice lick of her ear, "Good, you're scared of me." she heard the other woman whimper under her like a hurt dog. "Y-you're hurting me.." she felt her let go. Although Shanel's day was a bit rough, it wasn't as bad as Hannibals. Playing Will Graham was becoming a challenge, so many ingredients for a  presented in front of him yet so little time to sneak away and take a prize for himself in front of him was a beautifully preserved body apart of a feast for sight. Yet he would do anything to get his hands on it to take a bite of the juicy flesh covered in resin. The aroma was practically killing him to fight it as he dwelled into the scent. Jack stood behind him, watching the way he observed the body almost like it was art.  "Well, did you find anything doctor.," he asked as Hannibal looked behind himself, 
" Preserved while still alive..." he examed some more of the body, "A rare case that can happen," he asked, watching the way Jack looked it over. Hannibal was pleased, to say the least, that he was blending in so quickly. Back in the office, however,  Shanel had quite the news to tell Hannibal about mostly because her receptionist had now gone missing. Which was something Hannibal would have found exciting, but as she saw it, he was busy.  
"Well... this is lovely.." Abigail stood behind the two adults, a butterfly knife in hand just in case she had to kill them both, "Simonetta would have been so proud.." the older woman who resembled Shanel whispered, looking at the portraits on the wall. Next to the woman was a man, he had short brown hair and glasses, 
"Do you think she'll be surprised.."  he asked, watching the way his lover looked him, "Amore, we are her surprise." she kissed him on the cheek. Abigail crept closer, trying to take a slash at the couple.
Abigail wasn't quick enough as she felt the pain surge into her arm. "I wouldn't do that piccola ragazza." he laughed, with a dark expression on his face. As the door creaked open, he leaned in closer, "Let us pretend you didn't try to kill me." he winked, watching her nod. 
Shanel and Hannibal walked through the door exchanging, their interesting days as she took off her suit jacket, not noticing how quiet the house was around her while on the other hand, Hannibal could sense that someone was there the scent of Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue went past his nose, 
"Rosalina.," he whispered to himself, hearing the sound of her voice, he hadn't seen her in years though he didn't know that his dinner exhibition had made news to Italy. Sitting in the living room was Shanel, who had made it her duty to relax first before she had gotten all dressed up for the occasion. But sneaking up behind her was someone that she knew very well. The footsteps behind her were silent, and his breathing was non- existent. Before she could turn around and he could plan his attack, she grabbed him into a hug filled with laughter and love. "Il mio piccolo guastafeste!" he nearly squeezed the woman. Shanel chuckled, shaking her head, "I am not a trouble starter, Milo." Hannibal, on the other hand, was stuck with Rosalina.
 "Taking care of my Shanel.." she asked, holding him by the arm. 
"She is my first concern, your highness." he turned to look at her, hist face aglow at the woman who once made him feel like home in his times in Italy.  "You don't have to call me that here," she smirked, taking in his more mature features.  Hannibal couldn't help but laugh at the way she looked at him. Turning his head, he could hear the cold metal clanking of swords in the living room and the sounds of grunts and laughter, "Ah, they've picked up where they left off.." she gestured for him to walk in.  Abigail,  who was keeping track of their score, looked over at Hannibal like a concerned child looks at their parents. 
"Like daughter like father.." Rosalina smiled, not noticing what she had just let slip from her mouth. Shanel looked over at her mother in disbelief. "Like who.," she asked, hoping she didn't hear the phrase correctly. In her mind, it didn't make sense for Milo to be the big F word in her life. It wasn't possible, and she refused to believe that her mother's butler was her dad, but if he were, he would have some explaining to do, like sitting there when her life was slowly leaving her, or sending her away to boarding school when she would have been home, let alone the wards and hospitals. 
"I have so much to do... Hannibal come with?" she ushered upstairs. 
"Shanel, wait!" Milo said, watching her slowly walk out his life again.
Hannibal sighed, watching as she threw another knife, this time catching it. He knew that at times she was one to lash out in anger, and luckily it was something he was good at, "You're taking this a bit hard, Ms. Mahone, what to do we do when we are angry." seeing the look of a shark smelling blood, he realized that his old tricks would no longer work. "Lets, talk this out perhaps." he ushered for her to sit on the bed. She looked up at him playing with her fingers, shaking her leg the things she used to do when they had first started therapy. 
"Well, I was thinking about us.." She got behind him, taking her pearl necklace from behind him.
"Changing the subject, are we.." he nodded, knowing that in time she would take it out on one of their victims. " No.." she looked away from and then back. "Yes..but the point is.." Hannibal sighed, growing impatience with her struggling. Though he couldn't say, he couldn't relate to it.
"DON'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING!" she burst out, hands almost hitting his chest. Hannibal grabbed her wrist, a blank expression on his face watching the way she acted like a spoiled child, not getting her way. She had been excusably rude in the past, but this was going to be his last straw. As she tried to fight, she felt a sharp prick in her thigh.
"Shanel... dove sei.. where are you?" A familiar voice said.  Sat in the middle of the woods was Shanel, covered in blood. Butterflies flew past her, but each one was different.  "Where am I?" she asked, looking towards the sound of familiar footsteps. A hand covered her lips as another one grabbed her waist. As the grasp got tighter, she felt as if they'd rip her in two. Blood began to drip down her dress as she watched from afar two creatures feasting on what looked like her eight-year-old body. Standing there was a Wendigo and a Butterfly Moth creature eating away her eyeballs. 
"Help me! don't let them take me away HEL-"
Shanel jolted out the bed, her mouth dry and eyes wide. Her breathy was unsteady, and she knew why. "Vistaril.. nice.." she began getting drossy again as her head hit the pillow and into a slow thickness of blood. 
" Must I denounce myself as a monster while you still refuse to see the one growing inside you?" the familiar voice said, blood gushing into her lungs and out her mouth. In her hair even was blood but by her feet was the body of Albert and Christopher. Hannibal, who looked at her stone-cold, had in his hand a slaughter knife while the other reached out to grab her. "Well, must I... " he  asked, watching her  reach for the knife, 
" If I kill the rude. While another detests the righteous, what will you have left in my pantheon," he asked.
"The wicked.."
Another prick of pain hit her as she stood up, deep scars on her arm, as she laid there a bit. " Parasomnia.," he mumbled, realizing why she had has tended to squirm around whenever he'd leave her side while sleeping. "Someones up.."  he smiled, "And in time for dinner.," he added, handing her dress over to her. Though something confusing was going on in his heart every time he watched her struggle, it was a pain that made him want to hold her tell her everything would be alright, much like he wish he could with his sister Misha a stinging pain in his arm when it rains. Looking down at his feet, he saw trails of blood mostly from Shanel. Taking his finger to get a taste, he had noticed something different about the blood "Low in iron.. " he smiled to himself, "Perhaps I should fix things.." he then made his way into the bathroom. 
"Why did you do.." 
"To relax you, you went into hysterics  .." he walked closer towards her watching her body language, "It's nar-"
"I know what it is.. you wouldn't be the first to inject me." she rolled her eyes, feeling insecure about her response, "You would know that..." she got dressed, her eyes looking down and away from his. "I was happy once as a kid.. you know I wasn't always a psicopatica." she turned her back towards him, and he felt that pain again, but this time in his heart. The trust he had built was fading. He walked closer towards her trying to hold her hand.
"GET away from me!" she pushed him aside.
"I can't do that." he looked into her brown eyes seeing something he had never seen before reflecting at him. "And why can't you."
" Sometimes, I think of the sun and moon as lovers who rarely meet. Always chase and almost always miss one another." he smiled, helping her zip her dress,
 " But once in a while, they do catch up, and they kiss." he looked at her reflection. "And the world stands in awe of their eclipse." his voice went hoarse while his heart stung in a long-forgotten pain called love. Shanel turned to look at him catching his eyes for her own. She could see it in his eyes that cupid hit him in his murderous heart. " Say it.." she nearly whimpered, her eyes on his lips. 
"I love-"
"Dad... um, Mr. Lecter, the guests are arriving," Abigail mentioned. 
"We'll finish this later?" he looked over at Shanel, who gave him a sigh and a nod.
 Everyone who was anyone showed up at the luxurious dinner party. There wasn't a soul in there that Shanel didn't know except, of course, her parents. She and Hannibal had been socializing all night. It seemed like forever since she had even sat down. That, of course, was until Hannibal had gestured for everyone to migrate like birds to his set to theme beautifully Greek pantheon dining room. Shanel giggled a bit watching, as she noticed the details in Hannibal's food decor of pomegranates, hers having six seeds next to it. "Some say that this very feast is what Persephone didn't eat upon," Hannibal said, standing behind Shanel, his pitch-black suit matching her soft spring pink dress traced with roses in the fabric.
" The story of Hades and Persephone is one of the most well-known love stories in Greek mythology." he pulled out Shanel's chair, waiting for her to sit. "Hades, was known for rarely ever leaving the underworld," he laughed a bit. "But one of the few times he did, he came across Persephone, and he fell instantly in love." Hannibal kissed Shanel on the forehead, his hand resting on her shoulder. "  But Demeter would never allow her daughter to marry the god of the underworld." he then looked at Rosalina and Milo. 
"With each pomegranate seed, I proclaim my love to you." he smiled, holding out a box kneeling on one leg, "With this ring, I confess my dying need to l'amore della mia vita." he kissed her hand. 
"What do you choose, my pet," he asked.
Shanel looked around, her heart fluttering with many emotions eyes staring her down. Her mother and apparent father both looked at her as she looked at the ring. She could hear the mumbling going on from her mother.
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aliypop · 4 years
Amongst The Butterflies
Wordcount: 4,583
Character Count: 24,811
Warning: Murder
A/N: This is part 4 to Empatia I hope you guys enjoy it! 
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"My wife can't find out anything about this.." a man who appeared to be in his '40s said covering the mouth of a young girl who seemed to be no younger than maybe 16 at most, it was a full moon in Baltimore a chilly wind blowing and a particular psychiatrist was on the prowl to hunt for his latest snack, nothing too heavy for palet just something that was easy to catch, but next to him in a tree was a distinctive woman, not too tall and not too short where she would miss her aim,
Drawing back her bow, she could already hear the torturous screams while she envisioned the ripper running after him like the suckling low life pig he was. While in her head, he was just another sinner to be crucified. Letting go of the arrow watching it soar had always made the hunter feel good as if they were playing god, but this time something was different,  "Run rabbit, run.." she mumbled under her breath aiming for the man's ankle. Without a moment due, their rabbit was, sure enough, running for his. Running from tree to tree the hunter, followed the lead of the ripper until they had him front and center where they wanted him to be.
"Please don't kill me, please don't kill me plea-" the gut-wrenching sound of the arrow being lodge between his temple and his skull seemed to have pleased the ripper enough to bring a smile on his face, one the hunter knew all too well. Taking the sedative out from her shoe, she lodged in his neck, giving him enough time to stay alive for the ripper to work his post mortem magic,
"Would you do me the honors?"  he pointed towards the body, watching the hunter evaluate with her grotesque tongue, " Go for the lungs, and leave him open, no stitching him up." She ran off, chasing the 16-year-old girl attaching sedative needles to her arrows. She knew something was off about this girl, from the way that she ran to the way her body language showed that this wasn't her first rodeo. Dropping a chloroform gas bomb in the area, the hunter vanished without any trace left hearing the snap of her neck, while the other body placed next to the young girl remained open, the hunter went to work sewing the teen's lips shut placing a butterfly over it.
"Doctor Lector..." Shanel said in a passive tone, walking towards her office, an ivory necklace around her neck, custom made byLector himself.
"Ms. Mahone," he nodded, watching her walk by in the designer suit he had picked out for, even though he trusted her to make her dissuasions. It was still keen to have a little doll around that he could dress into her image rather than his own, "May I offer you tea, coffee," her heel attached to the door.
" Perhaps during our session.." he smiled. Walking into his ever so bleak office space, library books at the top fireplace behind him, and the knocks of "Franklyn Froideveaux.. please come in." sitting where he always would the leather seat nearest to the window, Franklyn at the most had an obsession with Hannibal to the point that it drove him crazy,
"I hate being this neurotic." he sighed, placing his crumpled tissue on the table next to him, Hannibal, who had the look of disgust plastered on his face, tried to hide it quick enough.
"If you weren't neurotic, Franklyn, you'd be something much worse." he nodded. Watching the way he moved even annoyed him, it made him want to rip Franklyn apart tendon by nerves, to get him away from his office, but for now, obligations came first whether he liked them or not. Shanel, on the other hand, was faced with her favorite person. Big red curls blocked the view of her desk as the smell of whorish perfume wafted into the law firm, it was none other than the Tattler Fredrica Lounds, or Freddie for short, she wasn't one for ethic's which Shanel could excuse, but personal space, however, was a work in progress for the young girl.  
"I heard you were on the Hobbs case, her lawyer correct?" she smiled, sitting on the edge of the desk. Her caked-on making Shanel even laugh,
"Correct, but may I ask why you're here?" Shanel glared, covering up her cases.
"Got something to hide.." she smirked, trying to pry her nose into something else yet again. "If I had something to hide,
I wouldn't have it out in the open.,"  Shanel growled, as Freddie  saw a picture on the lawyer's desk,
"Your mother was aristocratic who later married a mobster, " leaning in closer towards Shanel, she placed a hand on her shoulder, " And gave birth to you a rape victim. How was that, by the way?" Freddie then jumped, hearing the collision of Shanels fist and the desk collide.  "Carl, can you show Ms. Lounds out before I do.." she looked at the intern catching her breath and counting her breathing,
"Everyone has something to hide Mahone," she shouted, Carl, slamming the door in her face as she sat there huffing, and puffing walking down, "She will pay for this.." sporadic curls leading her down the hall to exit. Shanel, who sat at the counter in their shared kitchen with Hannibal, was quiet than usual. "Something the matter," he asked, as she broke her concentration,
"It's that Lounds woman, she's rude and she thinks she knows every thin-" her phone dinged with a text from Will and a link to the latest issue of the Tattler, "If it's about me there will be no promises that I will be kind when I rip her LIMB FROM LIMB!" Hannibal sat down next to her, "I assure you it can't be so bad.." the pair both read the article tears welling in her eyes from sheer anger,  Shanel Mahone, a lawyer, a mob doll, the love toy," Hannibal readout chuckling at the caption,
"She doesn't know you as I do.."  his hand rubbing against hers, calming her down, her head snapped back at him as her eyes gave him the impression for 50 words for murder and she was every one of them, " How long has it been since you've had fava beans and a nice Chianti ? " she asked him watching his eyes glow in joy,
"Since the census taker tried to test me,"
"Wouldn't you like to have a nice meal out of Lounds.."
she whispered in his ear, " Her heart paired with a nice glass of chianti, "
"She would be more useful to us alive than dead... but her time will come, love," plating the dish of Fettucini Alfredo, though it wasn't lavish to him, it did tend to cause comfort to Shanel. Something that he cared much about ever since they had gotten a bit closer and fonder of each other, twirling the noodles with her fork and spoon she moved the pile to the right of her plate uninterested, "We do not play with our food.." he watched her poke at it some more,
"When you do it, however, it is a work of art.," she mumbled, looking away from him, Shanel wasn't one to take pity on liars, but she supposed that for Hannibal her hatred for Lounds would have to subside, for now, the night had only gotten dark and the moon more mysterious. Sitting in the round black marble tub was Shanel, her hair pinned up a glass of wine sitting beside the tub, with a beautiful view, "Must you tease.." she laughed watching the moon reflect in the calming water, watching him untie his tie slowly looking at himself in the mirror almost as if he were in love with himself,
"You almost look like when Narcissus discovered himself," she snickered,
" That makes you the nymph Echo," he turned to look at her. He then smirked, "Are.. you trying to flirt with me?" she asked him, eyes reverting down to look at the slow ripples caused by her fingers. If he were flirting, this would have gone against every wall she had put up against these such things. The three don'ts, don't date, don't fall in love and especially don't kiss back, but clearly, she'd already broken one of those rules, his hands rested on her shoulders as he took in her scent, roses with a hint of chocolate and a smokey desire.  "And if I were, how would you react.," he asked. Feeling a knot of stress on her shoulders massaging it out, he had been warning her lately to be less harsh on her body, but as always, she was very hardheaded.  
"I wouldn't know how to react.," Shanel responded, her lips on the wine glass, "Right there ... that spot has been troubling me.. could be my mattress or the Chiliton.. the other pain in my side." she shrugged, soft lips leaving gentle traces on her back.  Causing her to shiver as she felt more at ease, her guard wall slowly melting away feeling, his hands rub down her arms, collecting the access soap around her fingertips. She looked up at him eyelids fluttering, shut, as she began leaning into his embrace,  into a kiss, the taste of wine swirled onto his tongue like the taste of blood on hers.
"We can't.. we shouldn't I.." she fell back into the grasp of his lips. She did it, broke rule number three, one more strike, and she could never turn back.  
"The original story of Pandora's Box reminds all of man to look into their own, to find the spirit of hope that still shines," he said, handing her a towel.
"As a moral, we can find happiness even during the darkest of times, provided that we look back into the box."  
"What are you getting at .."
"Perhaps i'm your pandora's box," he kissed her hand, watching her march off into his bedroom where she proceeded to get dressed. " We are partners I help with the legal papers, and you tamper with their psychic, there's nothing else between us... " she got in the covers of their now shared bed,
"I do believe you're wrong," he held up a pillow, "Though you hide your emotions very well around others, you're quite messy with them around me... why is that Shanel. Taking the blanket and pillow from him, she shook her head in the way he chose to open the can of worms which was the topic of emotions,
"Well," she sighed, getting closer towards him between the covers "As a child growing up, I was silent and reserved. The perfect child, who never wanted anything and therefore got sent away to boarding school when mommy just wanted a normal LIFE!" she ripped the pillow in half.
"Breathe." he removed what was left, "It's a touchy subject I just wanted .."  
"To make your mother proud of you.." he nodded,
"Have you ever had someone that you wanted to make them so proud of that you'd give your life up to make them understand-"
"That everything I do is for you.." he finished her sentence, Hannibal knew how she felt all too well, especially when it came to sister Mischa, who he loved dearly. He had been in Shanel's shoe's all too many times, he knew what pain was, but he also knew how to hide and be numb to it. Like a monster in a very well-tailored person suit. They hadn't uttered a word at each other just a few conversations with their eyes, and head nods something that they had been doing since they first met. Morning rolled around and, as usual, Shanel had already left out for work. There was a breeze a bit of sun and Jack Crawford sitting in her office chair nearly fuming it seemed.
"Ms. Mahone.." he looked at her, his glare was a look that could kill millions, "You wanna tell me what this is about?" he asked holding the issue of the Tattler in hand.  She rolled her eyes getting him a cup of coffee,
"Is this what you came to my office for?" she slammed the cup on the table agitated at only 8 am, "I'll be asking the questions here," he growled, Jack had the temper of a needle if you pushed him over ever so slightly he'd blow his fuse and be ready to fight god if he came knocking at his door.
"Do you or don't you have ties to the mob," "I have the right to remain silent." she smiled, handing her finished files to one of her interns to file for her,
"That didn't answer my question.." he began gritting his teeth.
"I'm not invading any taxes and cleary you like my work you keep coming back.." she rolled her eyes, handing him the finished decree for Abigal Hobbs.
" I suppose you're going to want to find your next copy cat killer the info's on page three,"  she smirked. Her phone yet again vibrating. "Seems I'll be going your way.." she mumbled, taking her keys from off her desk as Crawford only grew wearier of her. Everyone was a suspect at this point after all, and he was swaying his options. The ride down to the forest was soothing something, that she'd always loved was the beauty of nature. Her mind kept wandering to the night of the crime, the way the victim's faces looked, and how they were after the three days of decay.  
FBI was scattered everywhere on the scene of the crime, cop cars parked, and the two bodies becoming a new color. The foul stench went past everyone's nose, but what they had seen didn't go beyond their eyes. Standing over the bodies were Will Graham, who had his eyes closed envisioning the scene.  
"I follow Howard back to his house.." he said, walking towards the two-story house, "I make sure not to leave any traces of footprints .." he began walking on his toes hiding behind a bush, "he leaves with his next of prey, " picking up a rock as he threw it towards a tree causing them to get distracted, "When the times right I run," the sound of his feet leaving the ground was barely even heard going miles per minute as he soon climbed into a tree,
" I take my bow and arrow I puncture his Achilles tendon."  he smirked, "I then find the girl I  lodge an arrow right between the artery, with a sedative." he sat there watching them die as he placed the butterfly on her lips, "This is my design."
"How'd they do it this time champ," Beverly asked, standing next to Will, "A bit of hunting," he looked at her,
"Seems our killer has a type.." Jack sighed, walking up towards him, Shanel and Hannibal by both sides, Shanel smirked, handing Will over his criminal record, "And what would that be sir," Beverly asked, watching Shanel and Hannibal's reaction.
"Seems your copycat has access to criminal records.." Hannibal suggested taking a glance at Shanel who held the file, "This is the original copy of his records, he was a high school teacher who was.."
"A pedophile... I know." Jack glared at Shanel and her eagerness to help on the case which never used to bother him before, but it was the fact that she had been so pristine and detail-oriented that it scared him,
"As well as a trafficker, there's no telling what his wife doesn't know," Beverly responded looking, over his record. "Maybe this copycat is a vigilante."  she shrugged,
"Batman is a vigilante.. but this.. this is a vendetta a..a sign. His cry for payback." he looked at both Hannibal and Shanel, he knew in some sense that they understood him he never questioned why but the secret would come out one day,  Shanel looked at her watch then at Hannibal,
"I have to get going,"  running towards her car, as she heard the sound of a camera flashing she knew that it had to be nobody else but Lounds. Looking directly towards the clicks, Freddie seized the camera a shiver down her back as her memory went blank. " You didn't have to do that.." she mumbled under her breath, getting inside her car.  " It's getting rather dull eating Alfredo." Hannibal smiled, closing the door for her.  
She smirked, "I agree, your, sauce is a bit dry." pulling out and leaving him there to pout like usual. Walking back into her office she could sense chaos, mostly because Carl jammed the printer, and to top it off one of Hannibal's clients walked into the wrong room,
"You must be Franklyn Doctor Lector should be down the hall..at any moment." she winked at him.
"I just really needed to see him, I got so much in a hurry that I must have panicked, " he said in one breath, being handed a cup of tea. Watching him take a sip from it made the realization as to why Hannibal would come home from sessions with him and want to blow his brains out, Franklyn hadn't shut up about his prestigious crush on Hannibal and how it upset him so that he had to pay to see him, it made her sick and green with envy hearing the way he described him as if he were a god when in fact he was more than just that,
"And then there's Tobias." he blushed.
"Do you like him?" she asked out of curiosity.
"We're best friends."  he looked at his watch, seeing that he practically missed his appointment. It had been a much longer day in the office then what she had anticipated. Hearing the clock tick-tock back and forth nearly drove her insane as her phone began to ring, the sound of a concerned Hannibal on the other line. She had completely forgotten about the sheer fact that he had gotten tickets to the opera, he figured that since he heard sing a little that she'd enjoy it.  "Go on without me." she smiled, phone to her ear as lose hairs came out of her ponytail.
"Are you positive about this?" he asked her, hearing a bit of trouble in her voice.
"I'm sure, trust me .. though be weary trouble lurks." she hung up the call, hearing footsteps come behind her taking, a pen and lodging it in the neck of the unfortunate soul, hearing it stab through the skin as veins and blood gushed around the ballpoint pen.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, hearing her breathe hard.
"On a second note,  I think I'll join you." walking towards the bathroom as she changed into a dark sparkling blue gown and heels to match walking out of her office as she felt something tug her arm, "I'll see you downstairs." she took her razor blade from out her pin curled bun slicing his hand off of her using her nails to gauge his eyeballs out while never spilling any blood on herself, Hannibal waited outside listening to his soothing classical music trying to find the missing piece for something he had been working on with his harpsichord, whenever he did he thought of Shanel sometimes falling deeper into her pool of love and other times how deep her throat was to cut,  
Coming towards him like a dream was Shanel, a dark blue dress matching his tux. He had never been, so breath taken before until he saw her an angel.  Shanel tucked a loose hair behind her hair, sapphire earrings dangling from her ear lobes the sight of her in that very moment made him go completely weak. "Well, don't you look appetizing ." Shanel blushed taking his hand as he ushered her inside the car, "I could say the same for you." she looked at him, his hair slicked back the way she had liked for a gentleman's hair to be when in a tux, he looked like what she daydreamed him to look like,
"First time I've seen you in something that isn't your usual suit." he laughed, closing her door for her driving off. "First time I've seen you in a tux.." she smirked, staring out the window watching the stars pass by in the night sky, reminding her of the things she never did in her childhood like camping or star gazing unless she was with her mother and Milo who at the time was very important of her. He stood as the father figure she had only wish to have. The opera house had been carrying a full house of guests as both Shanel and Hannibal looked at each other. The pair had both seen people that they knew and detested, but when in doubt, personal appearances came first holding onto Hannibal's hand to complete him,  walking through the crowd of his dinner options and her next masterpiece he could smell the rudeness almost radiating off of the big names in the room,  
" Doctor Lector."  a familiar looking lady practically wrapped herself around him.
"Mrs. Walter.." he tried to remove her from his being,  "When are you throwing another dinner, you know I just love the way you cook, it such art!" she squealed a bit pre-show drunk. As she leaned in closer to Hannibal, coming from behind her was Shanel, who looked as prideful as a lion ready to bite her meal.
"Hanni, my love shows going to start." she took him by the hand, giving him a wink.
"Hanni?" the other woman said falling off his arm like a slug to salt, she had seemed so surprised that a woman like her pulled off the definition of a man like Hannibal.
"My Fiance."  he smiled, pulling her close to his side, hearing a short gasp come from her mouth.
"Your Fiance.." Mrs. Walter had looked shocked incredibly broken even, hearing him say that "Pleasure to meet you.." she said almost in a jealous rage. Shanel, who had the grace of her mother, extended her hand out, the one with a ring her mother had given her.
" Shanel Mahone, charmed, you know as Hannibal, and I always say we'd love to have you for dinner.."  she then smirked at Hannibal getting an ingenious idea to embarrass him. Besides she had no idea, he would call her his soon to be bride most men usually went for fake girlfriends in that type of situation, " My darling ." he took her by the hand as they began walking off,
"My Hannikins just loves his opera." she winked, watching him crumble inside from the pet name, "You're welcome by the way.."  she whispered to him a bit upset as to how he didn't act like he appreciated what she had just done for him, "You'll get your thanks soon my dove," he kissed her forehead smelling the pure stench of jealousy radiating off her,  
Sitting down in their seats, Shanel couldn't help but think of the way the music made her feel. The melody of the song always reminded her of herself full of suspense and deadly, but she knew surely things were changing for her, and maybe it was time for it.  Hannibal who like Shanel had too enjoyed the melody until he looked over and saw Franklyn, the man who would stalk Hannibal to the ends of the earth, Shanel felt him stiffing up beside him as she then looked over and saw him,
The other man who they both presumed to be Tobias was also staring, but this time only at Hannibal, looking at each other as the two then, sighed.  "He's staring again," she whispered to him, "I know.. I can feel his wandering eyes from here." he then looked at Shanel, placing her hand inside his own.  He had never appeared to be so uncomfortable before almost vulnerable in a sense.
When the show had ended, the pair tried to rush out as quick as they could, but they didn't make it, both Franklyn and Tobias had spotted them like two flies on the wall with nothing else better in their lives to do.
"Doctor Lector you're here, I mean I didn't think you like opera, but then I guess you do well would and, Tobias this is my psychiatrist and Hannibal Tobias." he smiled, the two men merely staring at each other as Shanel and Franklyn looked at each other and then at Tobias,
"Do you play?" she asked, seeing the calluses on his hand.
"I own a violin shop not far from here," he said, looking at her hands, "Seems it been a long time since you've played.." he smirked a  psychotic look on his face,
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow !" Franklyn grinned.
Sitting downstairs in the living room was Shanel, her chin pressed down on her chin rest as her left hand held the instrument and in her right the bow. Strumming her instrument, she had begun to remember childhood, and the first time she had played Mozarts Lacrimosa, her favorite dramatic piece. As the melody continued to play through, she could hear the sound of a harpsichord joining her, "You play?" she kept her eyes closed knowing. Who was in front of her.  
"I could ask you the same thing," he smiled, keeping up with her violin playing. He was no longer uncertain about what to do with Shanel. At this moment, she was his equal the missing half to his melody that he had been trying to find. She was going to be his symphony, and he would be her conductor.  If only he could get the right melody to pluck the harp of her heart.  The music had stopped playing as stood behind him,
"Bad posture doesn't look good on you.." she commented with her hand on his back, fixing his posture, "Neither does jealousy look good on you." he turned his head to look up at her. She was as radiant as the stars, an ethereal woman a universe. She was the missing venus in the Botticelli painting in his memory palace that he could only hope to find,  motioning for her to sit next to him he scooped her in his arms, "You cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love." he whispered tilting her chin up placing a small kiss right under the skin that made the curve of her lips. He wanted to let it linger let her know that he would be willing to care,
"You're falling hard and so sudden," she whispered back, cupping his face feeling his hands pull her closer towards his body as she gave him a quick peck on the lips. He had wanted to share a moment like this for so long, and he could tell she did too. Leaning in once more their they had met in a tender kiss the type you couldn't say anything to a friend about because it meant you had found the missing happiness in your life.  
"I would not wish any companion in the world but you." he pressed his forehead against her own, the two smiling at each other as if they had once more killed someone,
"If music be the food of love play on.," she smirked, giving him a chuckle.
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aliypop · 4 years
Word Count: 3,235
Character Count: 17,58
Warning: Slight murder?
A/N: this is the third part to Empatia and Simpatia so I really hope you guys enjoys and please let me know if you do!
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"Seems you're home early.." Hannibal said a soft smile on his face, "It would seem so if this were my home," the lawyer grumbled her leg resting on one of his pillows, the doctor had told her that resting would give herself a bit more strength than when she had entered the hospital, but as always she was reluctant and hard-headed, staring out the window in the living room she focused on the raindrops something she had been doing lately other than trying to cook in Hannibals unexplainably Sweedish supplied kitchen, 
"Have you taken what the doctors prescribed you yet.."  he sat next to her on the couch, watching the way the dim lamp lighting made her glow as if she were heaven-sent.
" Madness can be a medicine for the modern world. You take it in moderation, "  mumbling as eyes focused on the case trying to read Wills chicken scratch handwriting, "Is that not what you've always told me, " Shanel asked, her tone of voice blunt and oozing with sarcasm,  "It is but it's best if you take them in this case to heal," trying not to get aggravated with her although she had only been out the hospital for a week, he still couldn't hide his concern for what he found in her file, "You should leave me alone .." she mumbled under her breath trying to verbally push him away, 
"You feel like you're sinking, " he looked at her,
"I'm fine.." she looked away from his shark-like gaze.
"You barely come out of your room, " he sighed, watching her avoid his eye contact, "Why is that?"
"Well, Doctor Lector.. if we're playing a game of doctor-patient.." she tried not to lash out at him, her fingers fidgeting around the fabric under her, "This isn't my home, I question why I agreed with you to stay, nothing I own is even here," Shanel sighed, attending to her note again Hannibal closing her notepad, 
"You've been awfully rude lately.. " he growled much as a lion would growl to get a lamb to grovel at its feet, dark honey eyes glared at his amber ones, 
"Maybe I would enjoy it if I was home in my apartment, or if I didn't have nightmares every night, or if I wasn't such a!" she covered her mouth, turning away from him quickly, Hannibal could sense and smell what was going on with her he could practically taste her sleepless nights the stench of her depression her aching bones from working herself too hard let alone the way she startled around him lately, he'd only seen this in a few older clients, but never this close, 
"How long have you been surviving post-traumatic stress disorder," he sat down on his chase, sketchbook open, "If you must know.. I've been suffering from this since I was little.." she mumbled, focusing on his hands, his face the way it no longer blurred, instead, he stood out among the darkness surrounding him, 
"You've gone through quite an awful lot of psychiatrists have you not..' he looked up, catching the lighting from above her head as she continued to talk, 
"I have, even a few mental hospitals.." she laughed, "I bit my doctor a few times got punished for bad behavior ."  her eye's now on him as she rests her head on the arm of the couch her dark hair framing her face landing on her shoulder, the dark circles under her eyes definitely indicated her lack of sleep, much like Will Graham who too seemed to almost suffer from something slightly similar, but that was neither here nor there in the matter, 
"Quid pro quo Doctor Lector.,"  she suggested, 
"I beg your pardon.," he responded, stopping in his tracks of sketching. 
"I tell you things, you tell me things," she smirked, placing her head in the palm of her hands, "nothing has to deal with my case file," she suggested as he nodded. A little game with the young lawyer wouldn't hurt at least he had hoped it wouldn't, 
"How long have you been orphaned," she asked, "If you lie, I will uncomfortably lick you.." she stared deep into his ever so changing soul, pencil now on paper, besides she was always told it's best to know the person you live with then break bread to a stranger, " I was 8 years old," he looked directly at Shanel, not knowing the first question would be such a big blow to his oh so secretive past that not many knew about it, his own secrets to the grave he'd say, 
"Your aunt was she a.. nice lady?" she watched the tension in his back, and how it made him stiffen up, "She taught me a few tricks.." he laughed playing off the stings one by one,  
"Quid pro quo, tell me about your boarding  school years," 
" Quid pro quo, why did you leave Florence but yet forget me.," her voice turning into a small tremble, there wasn't a sleepless night when she was a young girl that she didn't think of her perfect stranger in the museum, after all, her mind palace was modeled after it, the silence between them felt as if someone had died and was never coming back, neither party wanted to break it they didn't know-how, the air was deathly still as she collected her thoughts, her phone ringing the caller idea flashing Will Graham's number, "Duty call's" getting up from the couch using her crutch limping about to the front door,
"Jack wants to see you in his office," Will said, "How soon can you get here?" 
"Well, need I remind you I am an hour away and injured?"  she stated behind gritted teeth as she got into her car, "Patience is virtue Graham .. but clearly it's not enough," she mumbled under breath, the headquarters, unlike Hannibal's home, was brighter and a lot less bleak in the mix, though the odd aroma caused by decaying evidence, however, leave a trace in her naval cavity it wasn't as bad as,
 "You and your ship bottle aftershave.." she laughed, 
"I keep getting it for Christmas.." he shrugged, noticing something off about her. 
"Remind me to buy something else, perhaps Dolce and Gabbana?" she patted him on the back a snicker leaving her lips, walking towards Crawford's office never felt that long of a walk it was usually five minutes but with crutches and a limp it was five hours or so it seemed in her head, 
 "Will you've changed .." Shanel pointed out, "you've been irritable .. lately losing lack of sleep... " she looked at his tired blue eyes his curls still springing to life on his head unlike him, "First, Lector now you..." he kept his gaze off of hers a thing he usually did, 
"And since when did you become so wise with psychology .." 
"Damn it, Will, last time you got close you almost died I sat there every day in your hospital room waiting for you to breathe or.. or move you're my friend, and I can't let you suffer!"  she growled, throwing her crutches down out of anger,  
he only laughed at the way she reacted, "And yet you can," he snarled walking inside, seeing Alana and Jack who were like usual discussing Will Graham with his shaky mental health, Shanel only sighed looking at the scruffy consultant's reaction as he pulled at a seat for his favorite lawyer, Shanel could only feel discomfort in herself and around her, never truly understanding why they called in a lawyer from another state she sat there dreaming off until they mentioned her name which never really happened,  
"Are you going to let his love go to waste?" Hannibal asked as his voice echoed through the gallery halls longer than ones in a cathedral, Shanel knew where she was though still getting used to transporting herself there and getting out was the hard parts, " You ask me questions and, never answered mine, why is that," she asked looking down seeing that her suit was now a pink dress sheer showing her vulnerability but with solid silk showing all she was hiding, flowing behind her was long fabric making her look so well put together even when she felt that she wasn't, standing before her was Hannibal, and as usual, he was in white a color that suits him very well, "You're a challenging one," he said offering his hand out to hers waiting for her to take it,
 "Am I..."  she asked him, watching the way her hands came to her side, " And what's this about love going to waste.." her response snappy, 
"The way you look at Graham.." 
"What about it.."  she walked by his side, "You think I love.. " she saw him nod as she laughed, knowing he wasn't her type at all, instead of Will her interest was more on someone who was intellectually competent skilled in the arts and a lover among many things, 
"Well do you, Ms. Mahone," 
"Ms. Mahone.."
"Ms. Mahone.." Jack sighed, "Are you sure you're able to take on this case.." watching how she reacted, Shanel had understood most of what Jack asked of her, " As her appointed lawyer you want me to consult with Hobbs seek out that her wishes have been fulfilled and keep her record clean," she recited back to him her head feeling like it could pop off at any moment, however, she wasn't the only one feeling the same way, Hannibal watched the move in company as they emptied the truck of his new roommate per se items scuffing up her pure gold headboard and nearly ripping her king-sized mattress, 
"Do be.. careful with that," he grumbled seeing how rude they were made him want to smash the very blood and brains in their heads against the walls, he wanted her return to their now shared home to be breathtaking and impressive even though she drove him up a wall with her condition that she'd been avoiding to talk about, walking into what was now her closet he took notice of what she had made the hidden compartment into, stocked with her guns, knives, and sedation medication along with several embalming fluids that not even he could get his hands on anymore without his license, but what caught him off guard the most was her pink suit that almost resembled a two-piece rain set, which made him feel two things, curious and slightly scared of what a short woman like her was capable of doing,
"Hannibal, I'm here.." she said announcing herself through the door, scraping off the access blood off her hands, as well as the leftover brains that were now on her heels, "That'll teach you lot not to go for the cookie jar," she raised her heel up pressing it into one of the victim's necks, rotating the point on his sternocleidomastoids,
 "Do you eat vocal cords," she asked hearing Hannibal  come across the steps,
"Should I perhaps be worried as to why you asked.." he looked down seeing blood on his wood floors and barley any on Shanel, "If so I'll be sure not injure them if not.." she began pressing the pressure deep into the man's neck hearing him gargle blood as the bones snapped one by one like a button on a shirt, "They were entirely rude, he scuffed your beautiful furniture, and If I'm not mistaken, he smells of tortured children..," he pointed towards the man under her foot as she took her finger tasting the pure sweat from the works face,
 "I believe you're correct! " she laughed, eyes almost a pitch-black from the lust she received from killing, this was the side he had wanted to see, how she committed her art of personal treason the faces made, and how the trophies were made if any were even kept, to see the true her was knowing everything he needed to see, 
"Did you want a piece of the action?" she turned to him watching how he carried the bodies over his shoulders like pigs left to slaughter, "I've got it from here," he smiled walking through the kitchen and into another forbidden door across from the wine pantry, standing like a deer in headlights she remained still and never once moved, "You don't have to be scared little lion," he said  hearing her bare feet on the ground, from her soft walk he could sense she was a ballerina almost a pro, heading down the many flights of steps limping down, she could feel the breeze of trust pass her way, along with an unfamiliar sensation crossed, that she'd almost call it admiration for the slightly older man, 
"Well, isn't this adorable a torture basement, you know.." she began, placing the bodies on the surgical table as she took a needle out from the heel of her shoe connecting it to the victim's arm and IV, 
"Yes, nurse Mahone," he joked, looking at the way she played doctor with him, "My father had one of these when I was little, installed it himself, so many times I walk and.. he was cutting a finger or an eye," she sighed almost flashing back to those times, he took the plastic tube from her, caressing her finger a way to remind her that her scars were a reminder that past was real, a lesson she had tended to forget,  "How was your day back on the field," his hand finding his favorite surgical tool, 
"Crawford wants me on the case around, Hobbs at most times, meanwhile Bloom thinks I'm not ready to be back, and Graham thinks everyone's attacking him," she sighed,  stitching the eyes aggressively together pricking herself, "Merda," she grumbled Hannibal took her finger, placing it to his lips taking a bit of the sweet, decadent taste on his tongue, not paying any attention to how flustered he made Shanel he could smell the scent which was just enough for him to know he was on the right track.,  "Such language ..," commenting on what she had muttered under her breath,
 "You speak Italian .." she questioned, removing her hand from near his mouth " The might be a safer bet, he has liver, pancreatic, and lung cancer not what you'd want to serve to your guest tonight," she mentioned waiting for his answer as he nodded, " My mother was Italian  Simonetta Sforza-Lecter," he studied her reaction to the name seeing how she froze in her tracks, the name was so familiar, but couldn't place where she had heard it, 
"And yours?" he asked, "Only finishing our little game from earlier," he smirked, giving her a wink.
"Rosetta Leoni Addorio Mahone" he looked at her in shock but saw how the resemblance was uncanny, it had been so many years since he had last seen yet even been in Italy that he didn't even think twice to names, "Perhaps we'll talk after dinner, our guest will be here any moment, " he said seeing Shanel leave up the steps ascending like an angel, soaking in the tub her mind couldn't help but wonder about what she experienced from lector, one moment they're nearly at each other's throats, and the next moment he's trying to doctor her up and butter her up to get her to trust him, as she looked at the bubbles around her they seemed to have been showing her a new her the suds began getting dark,  the feeling of something tugging at her feet weighing her down while the water was as black as blood in the moonlight, she kept gasping for air, but she couldn't breathe scream or even shout, trapped watching her past float around while the taste of Iron scaped into her mouth, 
"Shanel..." a voice said calling out to her,
"Shanel.." She sank deeper the water becoming thicker seeing a bright light at the end, 
"Shanel, are you alright?" Hannibal wrapped her in a towel, checking for her pulse feeling her shiver much like a helpless kitten, "Can you hear me..." he asked opening her mouth, wheezing and coughing occurred but it was a sign that she was alive and well, frazzled from what she saw she hid her face deep into his neck knowing that what she once was becoming came to return to her,  he sat her down on her bed as Shanel kept clinging on to Hannibal his scent calming her down, 
"What did you see.." 
She shook her head not wanting to talk,
"Please cooperate with me.." he sighed, sitting her down, "If we don't talk about these things, they eat at us and turn us into crazies," he tried getting her to talk, giving up shortly he turned his back to walk away, 
"I sa-saw bla-bla-blood," she stuttered, " An-an-an-and, I saw h-h-h," she began shaking the moment of Christopher grabbing her foot the sound of the zipper played over, and over again in her mind,  he could only cradle her like he once did someone else long ago,
 "The mirrors in your mind can only reflect the best of yourself not the worst of someone else,"  he tilted her chin up with his index finger, the puddles of tears clouding her eyes like a river, she looked down as he brought her eyes to face his, "You are no more a monster than what he is," he kissed the bridge of her nose, 
"I'll be down in a minute.." she whispered as he nodded exciting out of her room, she took her time applying her makeup and adding garnet clips in her hair to match her red dinner dress and heels, she could hear the chattering downstairs almost like a group of screaming lambs carrying, but now it was her time to carry on amongst them as the lion he knows her to be, "Bloom, Abigal lovely to have you both for dinner at his - our humble estate," Shanel gazed, over at Hannibal who wore a matching garnet tie. 
 "It's our pleasure really,"  Alana smiled, "I figured we'd check on your well being and dinner,"  she joked as Hannibal pulled the seat out for Shanel, 
"Must we talk about me, and not Ms. Hobbs" she looked over at Abigal who gave her a soft smile full of nerves, " I promise you I don't bite though,  Hannibal I can't  speak for him," she laughed yet again hearing the table enjoy her joke,  Dinner like always had been great, company laughs and of course surrounded by fake smiles and fake love, Shanel sighed washing the dishes humming a slight tune as she heard Hannibal walk beside her listening to the melody from her mouth, it made him think a woman with so many gifts had so many talents, "I hope dinner was to your liking," he began making small talk, 
"You fit in quite very well out there, " he got closer towards her, "You put on the mask so that no one sees the true you it becomes buried deep inside you instead," he watched her  body language, 
"Suppose we keep it up then what.." she asked him getting irritable,
"People will think we're in love," he took her lips with his own walking away,
"You make me want to murder you..." she grumbled.
2 notes · View notes
aliypop · 4 years
The Show Must Go On
Word Count: 2,845
Character count: 15,612
Warning: Slight smut but not too much!
A/N: This is part 6 sorry it was a little late alot was going on, but with that I hope you all enjoy it!
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"Too bad the parties hosted by people who want you dead. I heard he'll have a chocolate fountain." Shanel giggled, sitting on the other side of Will Graham in a cell that Chilton had hidden cameras in, "Don't tempt me." he laughed in response, knowing who she was talking about, But as his lawyer, she wasn't allowed to discuss that quite yet. Looking around the Baltimore State hospital, she could tell that it was quite lonely and depressing. 
Standing next to Will in his mini cell was Able Gideon, A surgeon who became a murder who barely knew who he even was. "I'm surprised you didn't bring your shadow with you.." he gave her a sinister chuckle watching the way she turned to look towards him. She and Hannibal hadn't talked to each other in months except for dinner parties where they had to act pieced together. "My shadow?" she asked, a bit confused by what he meant, pausing to think, hearing the sound of a cane and the distant mumbling stood a man at the end of the hallway that she knew all too well. 
"Doctor Chilton..." she sighed, watching him waddle like a penguin across the floor. Sure it was nothing to laugh at the way they found him mutilated against his own will, but it almost made her think why didn't she think about it.  "Ms. Mahone.." he smirked at her, "Has he asked about me?" he smiled, referring to Hannibal as he kissed her hand.
 "Yes, his exact words were what can I do to have him for dinner." she winked back at him, "He's been killing to have you over.." she joked, her hands on her enamel pearl necklace, "One could say practicing even.." a chuckle leaving both Gideon and Grahams lips Shanel only leaving them to their own devices, 
 "I'll see you around, boys.."  she waved as Frederick ushered her down the hall. She sat there, imaging the glee of having Hannibal in one of those glorious cells slowly rotting away. Frederick could only notice the look on her face of pure bliss, one that he hadn't seen since they first met each other, "Trouble at home.." he asked, watching her come back to her reality, "Not that it would concern you.." walking past him and through the door. "Though I would advise you to be early for dinner, Hannibal is not a man to keep waiting.."  she gave him a mischievous grin, her heels clicking on the floor of Chiltons mile-long collection of psychopaths. A parade of whistles and catcalls followed her down the entire hallway as she shrugged them off like water to a ducks feathers.
"I've heard men in Sicily have better taunts than you lot.," she mumbled to herself, finally getting out of the drab collection. She felt bad for Will, who was framed and mistreated for his illness, but she was beginning to understand what Hannibal was capable of, but if Shanel is not careful, Frederick would be holding a file with her name on it with keys to her cell suit. Walking into Hannibal's house lately felt as if world war three had hit, and they were on opposing sides. Hearing him hum over his classic pick of Mozart, however, never failed to bring a smile to her face, but she was still angry at him for something that never even happened, at least not yet. 
Going towards the kitchen, she rolled up her sleeves, taking one of his aprons off the wall as she tied it over the skirt of her suit. Chopping up vegetables pretending that they were once him had to be more therapeutic than any therapy session she'd ever had. Hannibal, on the other hand, kept hearing her mumbled curses under her breath every time she'd cut her finger. Taking her hand into his own, he couldn't help but watch her angered features and laugh.  She looked at him, giving him a tight-lipped smile trying to compress just how much she wanted to punch him.  He took her lips in a kiss, his Cheshire smirk following with it. Shanel drew her left hand back that held her mother's ring on it, making a harsh impact on his cheek. 
"It's been a while since we've talked... I didn't think you'd resort to violence yet." he rubbed the side of his red stinging bruised cheek. 
"You think you can run that pretty little mouth of yours whenever you want!" she swung a knife at him, nearly missing him by an inch. "Well, you can't!" she watched him back away from her, the grasp on the knife became tighter. 
"And what are you going to do with that.." he laughed, watching her stance.
"Hopefully, kill you.."
"Prove it.." 
Shanel only laughed as she threw the knife at him, nearly beheading him if he hadn't ducked that was. Taking the knife out from his pantry door, he could see what he had gotten himself into an easy fight.  Taking the butcher knife out, Shanel was ready for her attack as she got closer, punching him in the jaw, bobbing, and weaving as Hannibal twisted her arm to take the butcher knife out of her hand. "It makes the fight equal," he said, as he grabbed her leg, pushing her back. "Shut up.," she growled, throwing another knife at him while she stabbed one between his shirt and the cutting board. Tagging his eye a bit, "That's for traumatizing Will!" she then punched him in the nose. "And that's for me trusting you-" she ducked, watching him throw the butterfly knife at her. 
 "Yell at me again, and I'll give you a reason to scream." he threw the butcher knife at her.
"Bite me.." she laughed, catching it between her teeth as she growled, seeing how shocked at her he was. Walking closer to him, her hand on her knife as he pressed her against his body, his hand hovering over her neck. While his other hand grabbed the butcher knife from it, she could feel his breath tingling at her ear goosebumps on her skin as he whispered to her, his voice deep and husky. " Wanna try that again.. sweetheart," he asked, pinning her up between the counter and the cabinets. 
"You have no power over me.." she chuckled, a bit bloody and bruised up.
"Are you sure about that, my little lion.," he smirked, glancing at her lips as he then bit his own, sending her a signal of want.
"If you bite your lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you.." she leaned closer towards him, her hair a mess, her features rougher than usual, a vision of her true self looking at him. She could see through him at that moment that he was just a  shivering puppy with his tail caught between his legs, but her only thought was the power to control him to be a good boy in her ever-growing darkness.   
"Prove it then.." he taunted, biting his lip once more feeling her teeth pull at his bottom lip as the sweet perfume of Chanel number 5 didn't exactly drive him crazy, but the sweet smell of cinnamon, roses, and a wanting smokiness. She could taste the trace of merlot on his tongue. His breathing was getting a bit heavier than usual, and so was hers, but she was scared to admit it. Definitely, when it was in the moment that she had feared all her life. Hannibal, who could smell it on her, took her face in his hands, feeling his heart nearly pound in its chest. She was the woman he had wanted and, seeing that she trusted him enough for him to get this close proved it.
 "Don't kiss me.." she whimpered, gasping for air.
"Surely you don't mean it." he laughed, his hands in her hair watching her eyes look at him.
"I do.." her heart throbbing, wanting him to send that spark right back into her.
"Then say it.."  he motioned, to unbutton her blouse, 
"I want you ..." she pulled him by his waist, whispering her emotions to him. Watching him take each button from it's surrounding fabric with his teeth, his hand pulling her leg across his waist, noticing the dark pink set he had bought her fit perfectly on her skin. She began squeezing her legs together, grinding against herself to keep the newfound friction going. Hannibal couldn't help but wonder that his little lion cub had been trying to plan this out for a while.  
"Perhaps we can finish this after our guest.. " he gestured for her hand, seeing how dizzy she had gotten just from his touch,
 "A a uh shower would be nice." Shanel blushed, getting flustered, "Possibly cold..." 
The water rolled down her back, nearly freezing as it fell to her legs, the sound of the shower doors open, startling her from her thoughts was none other than Hannibal, " Why are you in here.." she asked him. " keeping her eyes up to the ceiling. "Showering together can bring a sort of bonding passion to a relationship," he suggested watching her body in hunger different from his usual one. "Wouldn't you agree.." he rasped out, turning her to face him a bashful look on her face. "I wouldn't know.." Shanel laughed, moving closer to him, their hips practically touching.
 " And why is that.." his hand tilting her chin up, getting a good look at her neck. 
"I've never had someone show me pleasure the right way.." she breathed out, feeling him nip at her neck as he Placed his fingers down into her dripping heat. He could feel her heartbeat quicking its pace while her head rested against his chest. "If I continue. There's no turning back." he kissed her ears, hearing a soft moan leave her lips. "Please.." she looked up at him with lustfully intoxicated eyes feeling his fingers work faster he'd, ask from time to time if she was okay, but as he realized the more she moaned, the less his troubles melted away.  "Why don't we save the rest for tonight," he winked, removing his two fingers for the third time. 
He could hear her whimpers and whines from in front of him. Shanel stood behind Hannibal, wrapping her arms around his waist, watching as he straightened out his tie. She could see the bruises forming upon his face.
"I guess you could say I win.." she chuckled, her dark pink dinner dress hugging her curves, "I let you win," he mumbled, watching her apply makeup on his face, his eyes soft and relaxed from their not so cold shower. "Or did the catching the knife in my mouth cause that.." she asked him, watching him nod, "How did you even..." putting on her earrings, she turned towards him, "I had a Russian nanny.." he gave her a smirk and a nod following her down the steps towards the door. "You better cherish this dinner, the number of puns I made for his invitation was unbelievable," she said through gritted teeth. Frederick walked in, looking around as he always did this time, his gaze on Shanel. 
" You look flustered then you did earlier today."  he picked up on her rosy cheeks and her slight glow, 
"There's nothing to worry about, come sit, Hannibal should be joining us soon," she said, walking towards the dining room. Her legs crossed by the ankles as she sat at the table that once hosted Lounds, Bloom, and him in one sitting. The night where she aggressively ate the tongue he had cooked.  "So tell me, why aren't you dating him?" he asked, tapping his foot on the floor, waiting for her response, "I hadn't thought about it.." Shanel shrugged her shoulders, "You two do live together.." he mumbled, "I assume you feel things for him.." leaning towards her, studying the way her facial features fell upon his question. 
"A nice merlot pot roast, " Hannibal said, uncovering his lavish version of the dish. Chilton sighed, smelling the delicious aroma reminded him that he could only take in low levels of protein.  
 "Well, it all looks so good, but."
"There are beets.." Shanel pointed out. 
"One can grow to love beets." he nods, putting one in his mouth, making direct eye contact with Hannibal. "Last time I  saw you two, you seemed to be in a bit of a quarrel.." he smirked, 
"We aren't ones to talk about our private life.." Hannibal said, kissing Shanel on her hand. She looked at him, nodding at his response, "He's, right on that, we're both very private people.. you could understand that, though if I may ask.." she glared, 
"What is your plan for Graham... " 
"I find him fascinating .. he doesn't think he's the ripper, but there's a possibility, and it's intriguing to see him tick." he laughed, seeing how Shanel only nodded, trying to hold back her anger for her fellow friend. 
"I suggest you should know what side your bread is buttered, Doctor Chilton.. you may never know when the knife will attack you."  Shanel snickered, her hands folded in her lap as she glanced over to Hannibal and then back to him, Taking in the flavor of the roast more so his "Pork" roast got her to thinking would Hannibal prepare him if he had the chance. He only gulped, continuing to eat the vegetables around the meat on his plate.  
"I'm afraid she is right when Will comes back in terms with his memories, it'll, be in a matter of time before the deer is no longer frightened by the headlights." He smirked, taking the plates up, 
"Well, I should get going.." Frederick said, trying to stand up from his chair a bit dizzy, "What did you p-put in the wi-" Hannibal helped Frederick up, ushering him towards the door. "I assure you there's nothing in the wine, just the simple fact you had too many glasses.." he hummed, ushering him to his car, "Do be careful driving back.." a dark grin on his face as if he had planned their next meeting towards each other as a dinner dancing with death.  Shanel watched how he interacted with Frederick, a bit different than she had expected him to be with him, a gentleman, a kind taller giant, some animal secretly preying on him.  Watching as he walked back in, Shanel couldn't help but ask him,
 "Loving you is a death sentence, isn't it."  she looked at him, her dark eyes growing lighter, ushering him back in their home.
"I suppose one could say that," he smirked, placing his hand on her back as he looked at her, "But like love, death to is earned." he watched as she stared at him, 
"Would you be willing to earn it?" he asked, watching the way her eyes sparkled aflame to his soul.
"My mother didn't raise a fool.." she got to his level.
"No, but she did raise a psychotic cold-hearted killer.," he mumbled, looking down, seeing the grin on her face, 
"True, but still not a fool.." she pulled him by the tie leading him up the steps. It was a safe bet to say that she did have feelings for him, but something was telling her he too felt the same, or else he wouldn't have asked, "Is my soul to dark for you?" the tone of his voice chilling every hair down her spine. 
"To be fair, doctor, I didn't know you had one.."  her laugh filling the hallways with endless wonder, a small touch of dim light to his ever darken one. "Are you trying to flirt or perhaps fight." his fingers under her chin,  "We fought earlier." she rubbed the concealer off his face, "Remember I won.," she whispered in his ear, watching him shiver made her feel powerful over him. As her graceful yet nimble hands wrapped around his throat, she could see Hannibal going into a blissful frenzy, almost at if she had put him in a trance. One that he was oddly enjoying. Their eye's finally seeing each other for a change, and it was breathtaking.
"oh.."  they both said in unison. 
"I think I might be falling in love with you.." Hannibal said, taking her by the wrist and sitting her in his lap, 
"That's a big step, Mr. Lecter."  she turned her head to look at him, then back at the mirror in the room they shared. It was almost a year that the murdering duo had been together. And at that moment, she knew, looking at the reflection, Hannibal could see what he had wanted to be true that there was someone out there who would love him just as much even when he was a monster. Shanel heard a rustling in the bushes turning towards Hannibal, who handed her her prized butterfly knife as the two took going downstairs and outside to see what was going on. 
"Don't hurt me!" her hands raised.
"Abigail .."
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aliypop · 4 years
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“My nightmares become as if I’m being pulled down a barrel by everyone who never loved me..”
(New Character Shanel Mahone)
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aliypop · 4 years
Would anyone like to talk about about my Hannibal oc?
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