#shannon bestie what have you done to her
moonlightsapphic · 2 years
for the past 24 hours I’ve been listening to fletcher’s you ruined new york city for me, the s(ex) tapes, and girl of my dreams and crying about the sapphic heartbreak in my twenties that I’ve never even had like holy hell how does the woman write like that
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wernerherzogs · 19 days
i fucking did it (finished s7) but christ alive
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Hi Cal!!! Lol I’m bad at thinking of nicknames so PCA works for me :p I’m glad the broken up requests works well for you - I’ll keep doing it!
As always I love everything you write!!!
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️(awww bobby getting them the venue! He loves his son! And buck and eddie being so themselves at the idea of a museum wedding was adorable!)
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨(BUCKLEY PARENTS INCOMING!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! I’m so pumped I’ve been waiting for this and I’m so curious about how it’s gonna go in this world)
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟(buckley sibling reunions warm my heart! And we love some buddie beginnings! So excited that the whole team is together now - can’t wait to see what happens next!)
HI PCA BESTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
63 for ⚡️ (Thank you!!!! Very excited for several little special moments this chapter):
“Let me help with your tie,” Eddie says, crossing the room to him. 
“Thanks,” Chris says, standing a bit straighter to give Eddie a better vantage. 
They made sure that Chris got a suit that matches theirs, but isn’t exactly the same. A lighter shade of blue than the navy Eddie and Buck chose for themselves. At the time, navy had made a lot of sense. It was a color that suited them both. It was comfortable for them. It would look nice in the photos taken at the restaurant. Now, with the wedding being moved to a literal firefighting museum, Eddie worries it might look a little too on the nose. But, hey, at this point, there’s nothing to be done. 
“You still feeling good about today?” Eddie asks as he works on Christopher’s tie. 
“If I say no, are you going to cancel the wedding?” 
Eddie freezes.
“Jeez, Dad, I’m kidding.”
“Not funny,” Eddie huffs. 
“It kind of was,” Chris says. “You should have seen your face.”
“I’m going to take that as yes, you are still feeling good about today,” Eddie grumbles.
“Of course I am,” Chris replies. “I’m really happy about it, Dad.”
Eddie takes a deep, relieved breath. Not that he was expecting any differently, really. But he wants to keep checking in. He knows it’s emotional, for a kid, watching their parent marry someone else. Even if Shannon has been gone for years, and he knows Eddie is gay, and he loves Buck. It’s still emotional. And Chris is still his number one priority. 
“Just making sure,” Eddie tells him, finishing with his tie. “I know there’s a lot of change and we’re moving… But you are still the most important thing in the world to me. And to Buck.”
“I know, Dad,” Chris replies. He steps forward and hugs Eddie. 
Eddie’s throat tightens. He wraps his arms around his son, squeezing him tight. 
“You’re the best kid in the world, you know that?” Eddie asks him.
“Yeah, you tell me,” Chris replies a little smugly. 
Eddie chuckles. “Only because it’s true.”
Later, on the drive to the museum, Eddie’s mother drives in the truck with him and Chris. It’s quiet, as they sit in traffic. In the backseat, Chris has his headphones in and is playing a game on his phone. Eddie has music playing softly. He’s a little nervous, truth be told. Not for any particular big reason, but just with the overall importance of everything. And, honestly, the whole vows thing. He’s not sure how he let Buck talk him into that one. He doesn’t love public speaking, least of all when he’ll already be emotional. 
“Eddie,” his mother says as they pull up to a red light. Her voice is quiet enough so as not to reach Christopher over his music. 
“You’re happy today?” She asks quietly. “This is what makes you happy?”
Eddie feels a wave of frustration. “What are you talking about? Of course I’m happy, Mom. I’m getting married.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t… I didn’t mean to… It’s just that, you didn’t do it because you were happy last time.” She explains. “So I just wanted to ask.”
75 for 🚨 (YAY! Yeah it's not gonna go GREAT):
Well, yes. He’s not recovering from bullet wounds or grieving or on trial for manslaughter anymore. 
“Thank you,” he replies tightly. He motions back to Eddie. “This is Eddie. My boyfriend.”
They look at Eddie, then look back at Buck, then exchange a glance. Like they can’t quite believe it. It can’t be that Eddie’s a man. Maddie mentioned to them that he’d be bringing a boyfriend to dinner tonight. So it’s just that Eddie is Eddie and Buck is Buck. And they’re wondering… Well, how? Buck feels queasy. 
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Buckley,” Eddie says, stepping forward to shake their hands. His voice is carefully neutral. “Good to meet you.”
“Eddie,” Phillip shakes his hand. “Is that short for Edward?” 
Eddie blinks. “Uh, no. Edmundo.”
“Edmundo,” Margaret echoes. “How unique.”
Neither of them ask him any further questions. Right. Because they’re genuinely not interested. Eddie realizes they’re not going to ask him any more about himself and takes a step back, returning to Buck’s side with a protective hand on his lower back. Buck wants to apologize for their rudeness. But then he remembers it’s not on him. All they’re here to do is show Maddie they can handle it. Buck can handle it. 
Chim steps forward to introduce Albert and Buck tries to let his mind space out. He focuses on the feeling of Eddie’s hand on his back. He’s got this. He can do it. He won’t make a scene. He won’t fall apart. He won’t be the asshole ruining Maddie’s family dinner. 
Eddie knew he wouldn’t like Buck’s parents. What he didn’t expect was to find them so… Socially challenged? Over the course of their meal, they really prevent any conversation they’re a part of from flowing normally. It’s like their determination to not pay proper attention to Buck stymies everyone else’s efforts to make the evening normal. When Albert, Maddie, or Chim try bringing Buck into a conversation, they simply pull out of it or change the topic. They have a bit more grace with Eddie, but it’s still painfully obvious they don’t care to hear from him. 
It doesn’t really make sense to Eddie. He watches it all like watching a poorly written play, where none of the character motivations are clear. These are his parents. And they don’t even want to know how he’s doing. Somehow, Buck’s own lack of self-regard is becoming a hell of a lot more clear to Eddie. Its origins sitting across from him at the dinner table, trying to avoid eye-contact. 
It all sort of comes to a head as they’re finishing eating. 
“I’m glad you guys had a nice drive,” Maddie says.
“We saw a lot of the country,” Phillip replies. 
“The first few days there was nothing but rain, then we got here, blue skies and sunshine,” Margaret adds. 
“That’s California for you,” Buck mumbles. Not rudely. Just… Sort of flat. Like he’s only half here. 
Margaret nods away this comment. 
“I-I can’t believe you drove all the way across the country,” Albert says. “In an RV! That sounds exciting.”
“Statistically speaking, it seemed the safest way to travel right now,” Phillip says. 
“Yeah, we didn’t want to take any chances, given Maddie’s condition,” Margaret adds. “And it being a high-risk pregnancy.”
Maddie frowns at this comment. Eddie holds back a wince. 
“Well, no,” Chimney says. “It’s not really high-risk-”
“Oh, she’s over thirty-five,” Margaret doubles down. “That puts her at a higher risk. So we all need to be extra careful.”
63 for 🧟 (Thank you!!! Excited to share my plans!)
It has been without a doubt, one of the strangest weeks of Chim’s life since the end of the world. Which is really saying something. And it’s only Thursday. There’s still a few more days to shake things up even further. Maybe a celebrity will show up next, like Bill Murray in Zombieland. That would be pretty cool. 
It’s somewhat alarming to have the population of their little settlement double in a matter of hours. More alarming when one of your original members suddenly announces he’s leaving. Chim feels like his brain and sense of normalcy are going through the spin cycle. 
“I’ll be back!” Buck insists, when everyone looks at him like he’s grown a second head. And why would they? For months he’s been talking about his sister, and she’s finally here, and he’s leaving her. “I’m just going to help Eddie find his wife.”
Which is a dangerous task. Although, Chim suspects he understands why Buck is sympathetic to the guy’s quest. Considering the crap he pulled in the name of his own. Yeah, Chim wasn’t thrilled when he heard about the radio. He wasn’t thrilled, but he couldn’t exactly be mad, either. 
Chim can’t be mad, because Chim doesn’t know what it’s like. See, the apocalypse - or whatever the hell this is - has been a little different for him than most survivors. Or, what he imagines it’s like for most survivors. The people who Chim would be most concerned about, were they separated, are Hen and Karen. His closest friends. He’s lost everyone else he might leave his safety for. The rest? Well, he’s not certain they’re thinking about him. If they're alive.
The thing is, a little over a decade ago, he ran. After Kevin died, Chim got the hell out of Los Angeles. He saw the job posting for a firefighter-paramedic here in Sunport and he left. Between losing his brother in all but blood, seeing how crushed his pseudo-parents were without their real son, and the less than welcoming situation at his fire station, Chim sort of cracked. He left and he didn’t go back. Maybe he’d have gone back more, if he knew he was on a quickly diminishing timer. 
In the time since then, Chim became close with Hen through work. He became friends with his then-neighbor, Karen. He introduced them, and then he became their friend. A strange little extension of their family, when he didn’t really have his own. Uncle Chim to Denny. A go-to babysitter. And, really, he is so, so grateful for the Wilsons. He is. He loves them dearly. He’s glad he’s not separated from them amidst all this and wondering how they are and if they’re alive. He’s not sure exactly why he feels jealous of the people who do  have someone to look for. It’s stupid. But he sort of is. 
Anyway, Buck is leaving and it creates a whole mess. 
Bobby is frantic behind closed doors, but completely calm in front of Buck. It’s enough to make Chimney think he’s watching two different movies play out on separate screens. 
“Is he angry?” Bobby asks Chim and Hen, after Buck has told them. “Is this about the radio? Getting himself killed is a stupid way to punish me.” 
“Bobby, I don’t think it’s that,” Hen says. “I think he’s trying to be kind.”
“He’s being reckless!” Bobby protests.
“The guy saved his sister,” Chim reminds him. “He feels a debt.” Maybe Bobby would be able to stop Buck from going if he expressed any of his concerns to him. But he doesn’t.
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lovecolibri · 4 months
SaL anon here friend, ready to get my heart broken tonight by the Buckley-Diaz family. Do I love that we are getting to see just how connected Buck is to Chris and Eddie's life? Obviously. Do I have to like the path of how we got here? You couldn't pay me to. Why did we have to have the transphobe around all season? Why did no one in the writers room say "actually there are about 10 million other ways to have Eddie get over his dead ex than having an exact replica her play act Shannon so he can get closure and his son can be traumatized". So yes, I will cry and eagerly eat this entire Buddie 4 course meal (as opposed to the bucktommy side salad), but the ingredients still suck.
I'll also hold on to the faint but probably misplaced hope that this will be the straw that breaks the bucktommy relationship apart, because let's face it from what we've seen it wouldn't take much. I don't want to have to dodge horrible takes all hiatus as the stans try and make Thanksgiving dinner from a few bread crumbs (that's my 2nd food metaphor in two paragraphs, better eat something before the show). Anyway good luck to us tonight bestie, where about to get some heartwrenching performances I think, especially when tears up after Bobby climbs dramatically out of his hospital bed (I refuse to believe any other outsome is possible). Cheers friend 🍷🍸🍸!!!
Bestie, I am *vibrating*. As someone who carries all my anxiety in my stomach, I am....absolutely not eating yet 🤣 But the snort I made at that side salad joke was SO loud 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah, there was zero reason to keep the transphobe all season and I absolutely could have done without the doppelganger nonsense (or at least have her be played by someone else when Buck meets her so he could be like, Eddie she doesn't look that much like Shannon, Imma drive you to therapy now), but GOD the Buddie stuff has been so good so I'm just gonna ignore it for now and eat my Buddie meal.
I have a feeling hiatus is gonna be messy, unfortunately but at this point with zero development and no scenes showing Tommy really actually wants to spend time with Buck, IDK why they would give Buck another dead horse relationship to drag out longer than it should 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess we will see! I've got ice cream waiting for when I get home and a fic that I swear to christ I'm going to work on.
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jeysbvck · 2 years
tell me you love me ('cause that's all that i need to hear)
a/n: thank u to my bestie @vigilvntes for reading and being my hype person and coming up with the perfect title for this little thing i wrote! comabuck has been embedded in my brain since last year thanks to the lovely genius @loveyourownsmiilee first spoke about the theory, and after 6x10 i reworked the wip a little and came up with this! hope you all like it, and please reblog!!
warnings: minor spoilers for 6x10, angst, fluff, coma buck. if im missing any just let me know!
word count: 2.6k
summary: "You're in love with Buck." Maddie said like it was a factual statement. The sky is blue, the grass is green and Eddie is in love with Buck. "You didn't know?" She asked.
"No, I, um, I knew." Eddie confessed, and a weight fell off his shoulders as he did. "I just…"
"Didn't know anyone else knew." Maddie finished, and Eddie chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he nodded. "Yeah, exactly." "Well, I'm pretty sure the only person that doesn't know, is Buck."
The sounds from the television mounted on the pale blue walls and the high-pitched rhythmic beeping from the monitor Buck was hooked up to were no match for how loud Eddie's thoughts were. He couldn't stop playing what happened in his mind, like he was watching a horror movie on a movie screen. He went over every moment, from Buck going up the ladder instead of Chim, of Eddie himself hooking Buck's rope. He'd lost count of how many times he'd done it, it was almost second nature at this point, but had he made a mistake this time?
Eddie knew he'd never forget the sight of Buck's lifeless body hanging from the rope, or the way his stomach dropped, his chest tightened as he realised what had happened. He saw it when he closed his eyes, he could see it now, and each time it made him want to throw up. Sure, Buck had been hurt before, and it scared Eddie, but not like this, and he'd never been out for this long, he'd never been quiet for this long. Eddie longed to hear the sound of Buck's voice; to hear one of the random facts Buck had learned, or for Buck to ask him a question about a receipe. Even if he could just hear his laugh that filled Eddie with warmth and comfort, like it was his favourite song.
The conversation with Chris about Buck was almost as hard as the conversation about Shannon. Eddie didn't know what to tell him, he didn't have the answers to the questions Chris was asking. He couldn't promise that Buck would be okay, he couldn't tell him if or when Buck would wake up. After Eddie and his son cried and hugged, they had a movie night, with ice cream for dinner, but Eddie couldn't focus. All he could think about was when he was shot and was it all as hard for Buck as it was for Eddie now? Did Buck feel like this; did the thought of losing his partner shatter his heart into little shards that were stabbing his chest? Did Buck feel like his world was ending, just as Eddie did?
Eddie knew he had an advantage over Buck in their parallel situations. Eddie knew how much he and Chris needed Buck, it's why Eddie put him in his will. Something they hadn't spoken about, even since the shooting. Buck didn't understand how much they needed him, and Eddie was sure he still didn't truly understand, even after everything. Eddie needed Buck to fight to come home, to come back, and that's why he allowed Chris to visit Buck.
It broke Eddie's heart, seeing Chris' heart break as he stared at Buck. "He looks like he's sleeping." Chris whispered. Eddie choked on his words, but thankfully Hen stepped in, and placed a hand on Chris' shoulder. "He is sleeping," Hen replied gently, the smile on her face not quite reaching her eyes. "He just needs a lot of it to get better, and the machine helps him." Chris just nodded, then slowly made his way to Buck, sliding his small hand into Bucks large, soft ones. He started talking quietly, and Eddie could only make out certain words, but the one phrase he did catch made him leave the room before he could break down. "I know you'll wake up, Buck, because you promised you weren't going anywhere."
Eddie, Maddie, and the rest of the 118 all took shifts in sitting with Buck. When it was Eddie's turn, sometimes he brought Chris, who liked to read to Buck while Eddie spent the whole time choking on the permanent lump in his throat. When Eddie visited alone, he had to fight the urge to hold Buck's hand, he had to fight the wave of emotion that threatened to drown him. Instead, he told himself Buck could hear him, and he spoke about work, passed on Carla's messages, told him when to expect Chris; he talked about everything, except his own feelings.
That was, until, Buck crashed. Eddie and Bobby were watching through the window, while Hen was in the room. Then, the machine started beeping wildly, and Hen jumped off the chair as she screamed for someone to help. Bobby had to hold Eddie back as he tried to burst into the room, and now Eddie was hiding outside, begging himself not to have a panic attack, begging the universe not to take Buck away from him.
Maddie was the one who found him, and they sat silently on the bench. "He's back." Maddie said, after a while. "He's not awake, but they got him back."
Eddie let out a breath of relief, one he didn't realise he was holding onto, and Maddie put her hand on his arm. "You should tell him."
Eddie looked at her, confused. "Tell who what?" He asked, and Maddie chuckled. "Buck. You love him."
"I-uh-I-what?" Eddie stumbled, words failing him. Of all the things he thought Maddie was going to say when she sat down, this was not on the list of possibilities.
"You're in love with Buck." Maddie said, like it was a factual statement. The sky is blue, the grass is green and Eddie is in love with Buck. "You didn't know?" She asked.
"No, I, um, I knew." Eddie confessed, and a weight fell off his shoulders as he did. "I just…"
"Didn't know anyone else knew." Maddie finished, and Eddie chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he nodded. "Yeah, exactly."
"Well, I'm pretty sure the only person that doesn't know, is Buck." Maddie replied.
"Yeah, maybe he never will." Eddie whispered. Maddie snatched Eddie's hand and gave it a squeeze, making Eddie look at her.
"Buck is going to be okay. He's going to come back to us, to you." She said, her resolve and confidence in her younger brother was enough to let Eddie hope too. "Tell him, now. It'll make you feel better, and it might be enough."
"Enough to what?"
"Bring him back."
So here was Eddie, about to confess to his partner, his best friend, the person he'd put in charge of his life, his world, that he was in love with him, with absolutely no idea if he could hear him. He took Bucks hand, which was surprisingly warm, and sighed. Even here, Buck was stunning, and Maddies words echoed round his brain. It might be enough to bring him back. Eddie was willing to try anything to make Buck open his eyes, and if this worked, if Buck opened his eyes and laughed at Eddie's confession of love, it would be worth it, just to look into Buck's breathtaking blue eyes.  
"Hey Buck, it's me, again." Eddie began, rolling his eyes as the heat of embarrassment crept into his cheeks. "Shit, this is embarrassing. I need to tell you something, and it can't wait anymore." Eddie sighed, his eyes fixed on Bucks face, waiting for any sign that Buck was waking up, or even just that he could hear him, but nothing. "Buck, I need you to wake up. I don't know how to do any of this without you. You just- you're such an important part of my life, of Christopher's life, we need you, more than you know."
"I can't function without you, Buck, nothing feels right. Being at work, without you there, it's wrong. Sure, we've worked without each other before, but this is different, because right now, you're not coming back. And I need to you're coming back. Movie nights without you don't feel the same, I miss you talking over the film, I miss you making us pause it because you have a crazy fact. Christopher won't even look at the zoo when we drive past it. He's been writing everything down in a little notebook, everything that he's been doing, so he can tell you when you're awake."
"Jee misses her uncle Buck too, she keeps asking for you, and Chim doesn't know what to tell her. She knows somethings wrong, kids always do, but she doesn't understand. We all need you, Buck, we love you. I- I love you, Buck."
Eddie wiped the tears streaming down his face, and his eyes darted up to the window, grateful that nobody was watching this unfold. Had Maddie told everyone about the conversation? Were they giving Eddie privacy because they knew he was confessing his feelings? He hated that this is how he had to do this. He hated that the first time he was truly expressing his feelings for Buck, was while Buck was seriously hurt. A part of him hoped it didn't work, that Buck didn't hear him, then Eddie could tell him after his recovery. He had recognised his feelings long ago, and he didn't want Buck to think this was just because he was hurt.
"Buck, I've been in love with you for years. I- I didn't know until therapy, but Frank- well, he made me see. I'm not sure when I fell in love with you, maybe it just happened one day. You just- you make me feel safe, Buck, there's nothing that feels more like home than being with you and Christopher. I handed you most of my heart when I made you Chris' guardian, and now I'm giving you the rest of it."
Eddie's heart slammed loudly against his ribcage, and he was certain that if anyone walked in now -or if Buck woke up- they'd be able to hear it too. He couldn't bear to look at Buck anymore, so he leant forward, dropping his head down as he brought Buck's knuckles to his lips. Then, he lowered Buck's hand back on the bed, but he didn't let go, even when Bobby finally came into the room.
"You alright?" Bobby asked and Eddie nodded. "Athena is on the way, she's bringing coffee, I think everyone's had enough of the stuff they serve in the cafeteria." 
Eddie chuckled, then sighed. "I'll get out of your way in a moment, Cap, I just-" Eddie stopped, his eyes wide as he stared at Buck. Was he imagining things, or did Buck just squeeze his hand?
"What's wrong?" Bobby asked, and Eddie shook his head. "Nothing, I just thought I felt-"
He felt it again, this time it was stronger and he looked up at his Captain. "Bobby, I think he's waking up!"
Bobby took two strides towards the bed and took Buck's other hand. "Buck? Can you hear me?"
Eddie's blood turned to ice in his veins as he flashed back to when he asked Buck that same question, before he realised he was unconscious in the air. Everything came rushing back, the tight chest, the guilt and anger that bubbled up when he tried and failed to pull Buck towards him. But when Eddie heard Bobby open the door and shout for help, Eddie was brought back to reality. His eyes found Buck, whose eyes were open slightly, as he adjusted to the light.
Eddie felt relief consume him, and he tried as hard as he could to blink the tears away as the nurses removed the tube from Buck's throat and helped him sit up. He watched silently as Bobby helped Buck take a drink of water.
"How you feeling, kid?" Bobby asked, and Buck's slight chuckle turned into a cough. "Like I've been hit by lightning."
Eddie rolled his eyes but his heart swelled. Buck's voice was gravelly, and he no doubt had a sore throat from the intubation tube, but he still sounded like himself. Eddie didn't even know what to say, he just stared at Buck, like he couldn't believe he was real. Like Eddie was going to wake up any moment, and Buck was going to be lifeless again.
"I guess I won't be working for a while, huh Bobby?" Buck said, and Bobby laughed.
"You've been awake for two minutes and you're already worrying about coming back to work." Bobby sighed, and Buck smiled, bashfully. "Just focus on getting better first, okay?"
"Okay." Buck agreed, then he looked at Eddie for the first time, and his eyes softened, like he was seeing his favourite painting for the first time. "Hey, Eddie."
"Hey, Buck." Eddie breathed. Hearing his name come out of his mouth, for the first time in almost two weeks, was almost enough to make Eddie burst into tears, but luckily he held it together.
"Hey Cap?" Buck said, his eyes fixed on Eddie, a playful smirk on his face, and Eddie knitted his eyebrows together, watching Buck suspiciously. "Did you know Eddie loves me?"
Eddie choked on air as Buck grinned smugly. Eddie was shook, not only by what had just happened, but by the mere fact that Buck had actually heard him.
"I'll go let everyone know you're awake." Bobby said, the chair scraping across the floor as he stood up, and before he left the room, he turned to Buck. "And yes, I did know."
Buck laughed loudly as Eddie groaned. "You're such an ass." Eddie said, and Buck grinned.
"Yeah, but you love me." Buck replied, and Eddie rolled his eyes. "Come 'ere." He said, beckoning Eddie towards him with a curl of his finger.
Eddie got up from the chair and sat next to Buck on the bed, the shitty hospital mattress dipping as he did. Buck too a deep breath, and then smiled. "I love you, Eddie."
"You...you do?"
Buck nodded and held his hand out flat, palm facing up. Eddie took it without hesitation, and Buck wrapped his fingers round Eddie's tight, just as he had done to Buck's earlier. "I'm in love with you."
Eddie's free hand instinctively caressed Buck's cheek, Buck's long eyelashes fluttering as he closed his eyes at the gentle, intimate touch. Eddie leaned in slowly, stopping just inches away from Buck's full lips. "You know, this isn't because you're-"
Buck closed the small gap between the two men, their lips moulding together as they fell into the kiss. Eddie had never had a kiss like this, it took all the oxygen from his lungs, the volcano inside him erupting as the world around them faded away. This is what a first kiss is supposed to feel like.
"I know it isn't." Buck mumbled against Eddie's lips. "We should've done that a long time ago."
"We're idiots." Eddie said with a laugh, and Buck beamed. "We've got plenty of time to make up for it, though." He replied, pressing his lips to Buck's again, just in time for the rest of the 118 to burst through the door.
Bobby, Athena, Maddie, Chim, Hen and Ravi all stood crowded at the door, staring at the two men on the hospital bed. Then, Hen grinned and shouted, "Time to pay up!" as Chim and Ravi groaned and muttered complaints under their breaths.
"You guys knew?!" Buck asked, and Chimney laughed.
"Neither one of you was very subtle about it, cowboy."
"I'm never going to live that down." Eddie grumbled, and Buck laughed as he kissed his cheek.
"Just be glad those weren't your last words to me." Buck teased and Eddie groaned again. "Is it too late to retract my declaration of love?" He asked.
"Yes it is." Buck giggled, then his voice dropped so only Eddie could hear him. "Maybe I still have my cowboy hat somewhere, from when I worked on the ranch. Would that make up for my mocking?"
Eddie raised his eyebrow at Buck, who was smirking shyly at his adorable attempt to flirt. "Hmm, It's a start." Eddie replied, before kissing Buck again, forgetting -or not caring- that everyone else was still in the room. "I'm gonna hold you to that, Buckley."
"Oh I'm counting on it, Diaz."
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rayniscatstatue · 2 years
Stellarlune unpack with me
Sophie is done, she needs therapy
Keefe come back, please
Sophie and Ro one bed trope… slay
Dadwin was only there for a few chapters. Shannon fix this. What is wrong with you?!
Ro should’ve punched Cassius in the face… Sophie has my back
Let Sophie burn things
That fight within the entire group. Nah uh, I’m not having it
Tam vs Linh?????
What crack is Shannon on to make her do that?!
It must be a high dose whatever she is on. Like girly what? Give us back the twins as twins. Twins deserve to be bestie twins. We also deserve bestie twins
Tam sticking up for Sophie
Cue me and my fake dating Sotam au where they fake date just to piss of Fitz and add more chaos to the group
I am living for platonic Sotam
I eat that shit up
No but Sophie and Tam vs everyone
Literally everyone hates the pettiness duo. It’s Snarky Sophie and Spiteful Tam
Just Sophie and Tam being besties and glaring at everyone
Enough about platonic Sotam, we will get back to that later
Linh just stop
I want the old Linh back, she literally carried books 5-8
Stina’s redemption is just down the drain…
I think Shannon mopped it up or licked it up, who knows?
Fitz needs to be angry
Let the child be angry but still be Sophie’s friend!
Chapter 23 tho!!!!
Sophie fawning over Keefe the entire chapter and finally realising her feelings
But also Ro leaving the chapter before
The Glimmer reveal
Like Rayni sounds so hot
Time to count how many people want to marry her
And that she doesn’t regret being in the Neverseen. Girlboss
Rayni is a girlboss
Say it with me, Rayni is a girlboss
Tiergan adopting all the gay kids
He is that meme of “how many kids do you have?” “Biologically, legally or emotionally?”
Tiergan is done with this hetro shit
He must want to quit teaching Sophie and Fitz at this point
The “Stop calling us Fitzphie!” Damn
Like dude you literally still have a crush on her…
Rayni is what made that book not boring
She made that meeting happen
Dex and Biana are totally dating but haven’t told anyone
You can’t convince me otherwise but their is chemistry between the 2, and it is getting spicy
Like they are getting along too well
Dexiana is sailing
Wylie stop being a fucking council stan
I am begging you Wylie!
Your dads taught you better
Btw, Tiergan and Prentice are the closest to canonically in love we will ever get!
Sophie snapping at Oralie
Dex must be there for that drama because damn, Sophie hates that girly
Just calm down a bit
And Sophie’s new attitude is slay
Marella putting gold in her hair
If that doesn’t tell you that she is head over heels in love with Linh then I don’t know what will
I ship it
Okay but the Jensi appearance
Sophie and Jensi besties
No, Sophie, Tam and Jensi as the new trio!
Jensi is gay tho, you can tell
Okay now the meeting! Rayni slay the day you absolute queen
Sophie with her entire plan
Rayni feeding Tam when his stomach growled will never be forgotten
The Trix and Rayni friendship
Tam stopping Sophie from having a panic attack because of Vespera!
Tam would honestly be an amazing friend
Trix outing Keefe for being fake with the Neverseen! Like Keefe is really an idiot
No but Maruca and her “is that true?”’s to Tam
Girly was shook
Sophie and Tam showing up to Dex’s in the middle of the night with a forbidden spy ball with ways to get Keefe back
Dex would’ve screamed
What if it was Juline that opened the door to Sophie and Tam?
Also Biana was missing
She literally just disappeared throughout that book
No but you can tell Sophie and Tam annoyed Dex so much while he was rigging the Spy ball
He wanted to slap them
Also Bex and Lex annoying them
Also poor Rex
Save Rex petition
I don’t like Shannon for that one
Then when they jumped out a window to flee to London and drag Keefe back
Sophie, Dex and Tam slayed
Then how Tam wishes Linh was there
Okay In the hotel, the “Foster?” As Sophie literally hug-tackled Keefe
Should’ve bitch slapped him tho
How Keefe was trying to take his shirt off for Tam, like you are gay
Dex standing there
Poor Dex
Also Tam just standing there
Poor Dex and Tam
Then them going back to Havenfeild
Edaline hugging Keefe!!!!
Also Keefe having presents ready to give to Sophie because of what he did
That’s what you get for running away
I want to see Sophie, Dex and Tam babysitting the triplets
Even Sophie and Dex babysitting them would be amazing
Oh my god, the kiss
The kiss guys
Sophie and Keefe finally kissed and Fitz was salty about it
Also both of them caring about each others feelings
Keefe calling Sophie “Sophie” during the confession
Fitz is salty
Like “You kissed him, you didn’t even kiss me” *wah wah wah*
Fitz is acting like a toddler that got his toy confiscated from him
Calm down dude
The damn hairpin was in Biana’s jewellery box, that was Biana’s plot point in the entire book at this point
Then Tam chaperoning Dex and Biana
He knew that Sokeefe happened so he had to move onto Dexiana
Keefe teasing Sophie
Like he really wants to kiss her in the moment
Then Keefe coming along with Sophie to make sure she is safe
That is like Sophie stopping Keefe from going to Ravagog in book 4
Sophie, Keefe, Marella, Maruca and Fitz at it
Gisela bowing up Vespera so she doesn’t have to confess her love for her
Taking notes
Then Elysian
Elysian neutrals
Like Damn girly, that cliffhanger…
And why hasn’t Ro came back yet…?
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boasamishipper · 3 months
Hi, I’m intrigued by the Night Court content I’m seeing from you. How did you start up with this show from 40 years ago? Which episodes give you Harry/Dan vibes? (Truly curious! I’m watching the show rn on FreeVee because of you.)
how did i begin watching night court, you ask?
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okay so the story ACTUALLY begins several months earlier. i'd been seeing ads for new night court on tv, and i was like hey!! that's the guy from richie rich!! and so i looked up old night court on tvtropes and ao3, found some fics for the show, skimmed them, and moved on with my life.
THEN in november 2023 i got laid off (corporate reorgs my detested) (dw i have since found a new job) and started looking for non-indeed.com ways to fill my hours. cue another commercial for new night court, which was returning to nbc in january. huh, thought i, jokingly. wonder if anybody on here watches this.
one quick tumblr search informed me that there were, in fact, other people who watched this show. specifically the original show. and then i saw this post, thought 'boy that judge and that prosecutor sure have Something going on' and proceeded to devour all nine seasons over the course of two months. (then i caught up with the reboot and watched s2 as it aired.) i posted my first fic, Zeitnot, nine days after i started watching the show, and told my bestie caroline that now that it was up, i had gotten all of my night court thoughts and feelings out of my system and would shortly go back to finishing my other wips.
(narrator voice) she did not, in fact, get all her night court thoughts and feelings out of her system.
anyway so 90k+ words of night court fic later here i Still Am and here i Still Plan To Be for a good long while.
so why night court?
well, to begin, it's the wildest show i have ever seen in my life. it's set in - you guessed it - the night shift of a manhattan arraignment court during the 1980s. the judge (harry stone, played by harry anderson) is a gangly goofy cutie pie dork who loves magic and mel torme and sees the best in people and has the saddest backstory of any of the cast. the prosecutor (dan fielding, played by john larroquette, who won four emmy awards in a row for this role and would have won more if he hadn't taken himself out of consideration to give someone else a chance to win) is a womanizing lecherous pervert with a heart of gold, a sharp tongue, thick hair, and an ass you can bounce a quarter off of. harry shoots plastic snakes in dan's face in their very first meeting and by the end of the show the two are partners in shenanigans and platonic soulmates and perv4perv best friends. (another anon asked me my top harry/dan episodes; i'll answer that in their ask.) other characters include Tall As Fuck Intimidating Ditzy Bailiff Bull Shannon (richard moll), Spunky Naive Morally Upright Prude Public Defender Christine Sullivan (markie post), Hot Court Clerk Who Is Done With Everyone's Shit But Will Nonetheless Participate In The Shenanigans Mac Robinson (charlie robinson), and a collection of short, snarky, tough as nails bailiffs (selma diamond in s1-2, florence halop in s3, and marsha warfield in s4-s9).
the show is incredibly funny. if you don't like one joke wait five seconds and there will be another, even funnier one. physical comedy galore. hijinks and shenanigans everywhere. logic and realism? don't know her. wile e coyote once showed up as a defendant. dan once got so horny he locked himself in a closet and shoved a firehose down his pants. in another episode bull twisted dan into a human pretzel. it has to be seen to be believed.
but what i love most about night court is its heart (something that the sequel series has not found yet, but that's a rant for another day). the characters (at least as long as reinhold weege was involved with the show - again, a rant for another day) feel like real people. they have real flaws. they make hard decisions. they love with all their hearts, and we love them for it. they hurt, and we hurt with them. and the show - especially in the earlier seasons - balances the heart with the humor incredibly well. in 4.01, harry tries to reach out to his mother, who abandoned him when he was five, only to find out that she died, and the show does not shy away from his pain and conflicted emotions. that's the a-plot of the episode. in the b-plot, a ventriloquist's dummy commits suicide. not the ventriloquist. the dummy. and it's one of the best episodes of a start to finish stellar season.
and if you are still not convinced to give the show a try, watch this compilation of the best dan fielding moments. then watch all nine seasons of night court (available for free on freevee!) for more.
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livvyofthelake · 5 months
new lost character ranking <3
jack... he's just my special guy... what can i say! i love him! he's just good and complicated and a hater but kind... remember do no harm. i'll be a jack girl forever and ever i fear!
shannon :( my girl... my lovely girl... you do nottt understand i LOVED shannon she's exactly the kind of bitch i always go crazy for in tv shows she was such a cunt but like with hidden depths. oh my god she never got to see mean girls. shannon you would have loved regina george you would have loved mean girls you would have loved grey's anatomy you would have loved taylor swift you would have loved friday night lights you would have loved six the musical and seeing it on broadway when you would have lived in new york... you would have loved sharpay high school musical... and her fabulous adventure...
kate, a classic, she will literally ALWAYS be near the top we love kate and we love straight people we love her tank tops and bootcut jeans and low ponytails <3
sayid my bestieeee... let's not get into these last few episodes with sayid 😐. but he's the bestie!
eko. what if there was a guy who was strong and brave and stoic and so so so kind and caring... he brought all the dead bodies from the crash out of the water so they could bury them... he carried sawyer all the way back to jack to save his life knowing sawyer would never do the same for him... when ana lucia was like if it were you he wouldn't save you! and eko was like i'm not doing it for him... that tiktok comment about how snails can't feel pain and the reply was like what about my pain... he couldn't leave sawyer to die not because he cared about sawyer but because he just cares period... wowie... i like this guy a lot if you couldn't tell
hurley, some may say this is too high a spot for hurley of all people. well EYE really like hurley and i really liked his episode this season and i think he's nice and funny and brings good vibes... as rose said, he's the only person on this island that everybody loves....
sun <3 they have not been giving her much this season fr!!!! but i love her anyway <3
bernard and rose getting ranked together because they're sooooooo everything <3 true love wins!!! they found each other...
claire my girl who does not do very much but she's literally my friend belle! and she's the only character who can have scenes with locke where he's tolerable...
ana lucia. i kinda love it when women like. really suck. you might think YOU'RE a supporter of women who suck but many of you couldn't even handle zelena mills. i'm in the big leagues of loving women who are just the fucking worst. so i suppose it was only natural that i'd end up an ana lucia apologist in the end <3
michael. he's been serving kinda nonstop lately. they were like yeah hey we need a guy just some guy. and what if we got that guy who played mercutio in baz luhrman's romeo + juliet... ok!
libby. kinda a lesbian queen idk. just saying things. i was picking up vibes... she hasn't been given much to do but i've liked her a lot
jin. i actually like jin a lot now i feel like the original plan in the beginning was to portray him as less likable and forgiving because it looked like sun and michael was almost gonna be a thing but they clearly backtracked that like halfway through season 1 and it's much better this way i think
sawyer. he's never climbing this list very far i fear... as much as it slays when he's just absolutely miserable and pathetic and he has an infected bullet wound and he's had the worst several days of his life and nearly died. and as much as we love the horrible man polycule. he's still sawyer... i mean. he's sawyer.
locke. an enemy of jack's is literally an enemy of mine... he hasn't actually done anything in a few episodes but i'm just always kinda mad at him
charlie. he has simply been pissing me the fuck off lately. idk
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desertgremlin · 2 years
Gosh, Alex and Sean would have been amazing even if Alex didn't get out. They could have really fucked shit up. Alex was the brains and Sean was the muscle. But it would have been amazing to just seem him happy and doing his thing.
I did always wonder why and how Shannon became so callous and dark. Like, did that come from Ed or...? Because Alex wasn't like that. He used violence when he needed to but Shannon really doesn't fuck around. No hesitation on her part at all. And I'm curious about Ed as well. God, I was so sad when he saw Alex's body. What a horrible thing for a parent to go through. I do hope he takes Luan's words to heart. He really just has been going through the motions and I know he is trying to be smart, but at some point you gotta like find your.....cojones, man. I get being strategic and tactical, but you have to have self-respect too, and you can't let every single person just do what they want at your expense. Especially when your son took his life because of that. Speaking of Luan, this man is really going through it! I am glad that he is fighting for his family but it's taking a toll on him and all of them mentally. I genuinely thought he was dead when they hit him, but they fooled me. I'm glad he and Mirlinda are safe for now, but I also think he is succumbing to Koba too easily. Like, I absolutely knew they were tracking that phone. He has to be smarter. I do love that he always gets out of these shenanigans, but damn do I want him to just hit back really hard with everyone he has. He seems to just want to make his family happy and have a stake in London (vs. being on top) but people need to know he isn't someone to fuck with.
My bestie, my pal, I just watched the fifth episode and I feel like a lot of what I was wondering in past asks have been answered but also??? what??? is happening??? I didn't expect this. Though I am intrigued.
No spoilers for it in this answer though just in case you haven't seen it. I feel like Luan is just scared now. Which, fair enough, Koba has really done a number on him. But how are you going to run your business and have a stake in the game my guy!! Stay strong. I'd be here for a Luan gets his mojo back and hits harder than anyone expected arc 🤣
Yeah, I wonder if there's a point where everything that's happened with Alex and with his family will make Ed flip his shit or will he be perpetually think-y about it all.
Let me know what ep you're up to! Much to say with all this new info 👀
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sopheliza25 · 4 years
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Flashback Recap
In case you've forgotten everything other than Sophitz, fear not, I am a reliable source of information
Sophie's trich is getting better! It took her four whole pages to pull out an eyelash, which might be a record.
Biana tackle hugs Sophie and they aggressively compliment one another's appearance. No homo
Speaking of homo, Fallon Vacker definitely dated Bronte at some point.
People always bring up Alina/Alden drama at the least convenient time and it embarrasses them both so much. This is fantastic.
Della can beat people up with ease and she is so hot (-livvy sonden, probably)
To avoid living with Alvar, Fitz considered moving in with Keefe. We were robbed, I tell you.
Fitz also considers moving in with Tiergan. The Keefitz option is undoubtedly better but I'd never say no to the "Tiergan adopts everyone" agenda
Sophie roasting the Neverseen is fantastic and something we all need more of.
A murderer wearing spandex called me out on my daddy issues. This is probably a low point in my life.
Umber probably has a personal connection to the Vacker family. No one else contributed a theory, so mine is that she was/is in love with Della.
Wylie attacked the Neverseen with rainbows. He is straightn't and probably cisn't.
"Tiergan and Prentice happily raised a child together. As bros do. No homo." -Shannon, 2018
Sandor made me feel emotions? Him blaming himself for Sophie getting hurt got to me okay-
Bronte has been in regular contact with Fintan and working with him for weeks... what are they "working" on... making out?
Grady needs a hug.
Keefe needs a hug, and also therapy, and KOTLC needs to not be for eight year olds.
POCKETS. That is all. Shannon definitely wrote the pockets monologue after getting pissed at the "pockets" in women's clothing.
Biana Vacker saying "I’m sick of being treated like I’m some broken doll because of what Vespera did- and you know that’s what you��ve been doing" supremacy.
Biana's stuffed yeti named Lady Sassyfur supremacy, also.
The Keefe and Elwin dynamic! Let's be real, they've been acting like father and son this whole series.
It's canonically a definite possibility that Keefe lets Fitz win at splotching. Their earlier book friendship is so sweet and I'm still not over losing that.
When Sophie expects Elwin to be the responsible adult and he just shrugs and grabs popcorn... they are a family... they deserve to be happy okay
The Ballad of Bo and Ro.
More Dadwin!
It may not be canon that Elwin and Livvy are besties but it's canon to me.
Livvy keeps a list of the top ten grossest things she’s done. Marrying Quinlin is on that list. Alden thinks Livvy has terrible taste and will marry Quinlin if ce doesn't want to. Quinlin is thrilled.
Keefe pretending he wasn't that worried about Fitz while nearly crying with relief... beloved...
After Cassius tore up Keefe's sketchbook, there was some Keefitz hurt/comfort, and I need to see this for science.
Forkle stop using gendered titles for the collective and kotlcrew, all of whom are clearly nonbinary, challenge. However he got nailed in the face with a pillow (Keefe saw) and that is punishment enough.
Elwin absolutely despises Cassius. We all need protective Dadwin in our lives.
Tiergan not giving a shit about the heterosexual drama part ???
Keefe is such a bi idiot, panicking when Fitz touches his head.
Gisela gave him the PERFECT opportunity to propose to Fitz, bi the way, and he didn't take it!!
All elves are nonbinary, confirmed once again
Tiergan is the epitome of the "how many kids do you have" "biologically, legally, or emotionally" meme. He has so many children emotionally it's hilarious.
Within like 2 seconds of meeting a traumatized queer child he's adopted them.
Forkle knows how to braid hair
Tinker is Not Cis.
Sophie saying "They didn’t break me. They’ll never break me" supremacy. Same vibes as the Biana line.
Biana kicked Fitz in the shins.
Good for her!
(Not Fitz hate, we'd just all like to kick our siblings sometimes)
Considering how jealous Keefe is of Fitz being closer with Sophie than with him, I'm not sure Fitz is the one he's jealous of.
Villain Sophie foreshadowing? Villain Sophie foreshadowing.
✨fitz getting caught in the chandelier✨
The normalization of relying on one romantic partner for all of your emotional needs features a bit too prominently in this book for my liking. Kill amatonormativity please.
Protective older brother Wylie!
Biana telling Sophie "You look… really good," with those ellipsis. That is so loaded with suppressed lesbianism wtf-
Alvar doesn't remember Ruy :((((
Someone get Sophie some self esteem. Like. Now.
The day with the alicorns being born must have been so wild for Stina.
Also, the alicorn birth scene is pretty batshit.
It's Sophie’s right as a bisexual to insult the council whenever possible, particularly Alina
Keefe middle name angst!
Don’t think about the conversation where Fitz told Keefe he was dating Sophie :) :) :)
By which I mean think about it! Think about the Keefitz angst!
Vespera and Luzia are exes.
Fintan and Forkle are also exes.
I want more Fintan backstory tbh. Which definitely involves dating Forkle. Also dating literally everyone else the man gets around-
According to him, Fintan has no flaws other than being a fucking drama queen.
He also knows Caprise? Apparently? And I would like details.
Someone who is not Fintan was the one to start the Neverseen.
Fintan is very funny someone calls him out for murder and he just shrugs.
Vespera was, and I quote, “fixated on Luzia Vacker.”
FINTAN AND MARELLA RELATIONSHIP it lives rent free in my head
I will shut up about Fintan now.
In my defense his scene is pretty interesting.
Somehow, Sophie is unaware of Luzia and Vespera's past relationship. Luzia is not at all subtle, so I don't know how she hasn't connected the dots.
Marelliana 🧡
Marella struggling with her power is the best concept ever 10/10 I need more content for this despite having already written two fics about it.
I need Wylie as an older brother. We all need Wylie as an older brother. That is all.
Fitz is jealous of Keefe's relationship to Sophie... and Keefe isn't the one he's jealous of...
Fitz yeeting the alvar-tracker-device is both hilarious and a terrible decision, really.
OH SHIT (keefitz argument)
Queen shit from Biana Vacker (going off at Vespera. as she should)
Fuck Alvar (-ruy ignis, probably)
"Yes, Luzia says many things, does she not? It gets very hard to determine when she is fooling you and when she is fooling herself" okay Vespera we know you're in love and she broke your heart you can stop villain monologuing
Tam being stunned by succeeding at shadow shit but immediately pretending he knew what he was doing all along is so funny.
Fitz and Alvar is a realistic sibling depiction. Who among us hasn't attempted to murder their sibling honestly?
Hehe this is the last time Tam and Linh see each other for a while- they hug and she tells him to be careful- and then there he goes!
We were robbed of getting to see the rest of Tam's family react to this. It's on the list of fics you might see sometime in the vague future.
Sophiana angst
Thinking about dating Fitz makes Sophie pull at her eyelashes... that's... not great honestly.
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grabberfangirl · 2 years
You're mine, Bunny The grabber x reader
Y/N was walking with her best friend shannon from school as they both chatted about their day, they hated their school if it wasn't for her best friend she probably wouldn't even go to school they have been friends for years ever since they were a child at the age of four their mothers were best friends but tragically Y/N's mother and father was killed in a car accident she was living with her alcoholic brother and his Tramp of a girlfriend named Emily
"you don't have to go home Y/N." Shannon smiled as she put a hand on her friend's back. " you know mom and dad wouldn't mind they really love you hell you can move in with me if you want to."
"Thank you, Shannon. But you know how Michael is he can be very violent I don't want him to hurt you." Y/N cringed at the thought of her brother hurting her best friend causing Y/N to laugh.
"That fucking idiot won't do anything to me, he's a pussy." She put an arm around you "I could kick his ass."
Y/N laughed "of course, you could."
Shannon giggled at her friend, before looking at the road and you both saw a black van passing you, very slowly like the person driving was watching you "that's a creepy pedo looking van." Shannon laughed.
Y/N had a bad feeling about it, as she took her best friend's hand and started walking quicker as Shannon looked at her best friend looking a little bit worried "are you okay Y/N?" she asked
Y/N nodded "Yeah, just had a bad vibe about that van you know."
Shannon nodded in agreement, "it could have been the grabber." She laughed as Y/N looked horrified. "I'm only kidding, Y/N."
"Well, I gotta go home before Michael gets mad, I'll see you later shannon." She hugged her best friend as she started to walk into her small home, before shannon stopped her " my offer still stands y/n, you know you can stay with me anytime I love you bestie." Shannon gave y/n a tight hug before walking towards her home
Y/n smiled "I love you, too bestie." She nervously walked into her house the smell of alcohol was everywhere as she seen her brother's girlfriend laying on the couch being lazy as usual his girlfriend's name was Emily. She had no job and was getting money off of her y/ns brother and as far as stealing off y/n she tried to tell her big brother about Emily stealing off of her but Michael would just shout and even hit her she hated this place so much she was soon planning on running away but saving enough money to leave. YN would make money from her babysitting jobs and cleaning for elderly.
"Y/N! I am hungry make me some food!' Emily snarled as she lazily put her legs up on the table, y/n rolled her eyes at that
" can you ever do anything for yourself Emily?" Y/n replied
Emily glared at her "make me something now or I will tell your brother!!" That made y/n leave the room quickly and into the kitchen to start dinner, god she wanted to grab something and just bash Emily's skull with it
An hour later her brother walked in from work and she just wanted to leave the room because she can smell alcohol on his breath, "Y/n you better have dinner done!" Y/n nodded "its done!" Emily and Michael walked into the kitchen as Emily smirked at YN.
"Y/n got smart with me again, Michael." Emily told Michael, while smirking at y/n, Michael glared at her as he walked over to y/n grabbing her hair "what have I told you about being rude to Emily! I put food on the table and this is how you repay me being mean to my girlfriend who treats you good!" Y/n had tears in her eyes that was lies, emily has treated her like garbage for 2 years that her and Michael were together " go up to your room without dinner and that should teach you how to respect us."
Y/n quickly ran up to her room with tears in her eyes as she went and laid down on her bed, her covers were slightly torn as she hasn't got any new covers in 2 years she was getting so tired of being treated this way she had enough as she started to plan her escape but she had to wait until Michael and Emily were in bed, she quietly packed everything she could all of her money that she has saved within these four years she grabbed a photo of her, her father and mother and Michael when he was good to his sister. A time where they were all happy before her parents passed as she wiped tears from her eyes why couldn't it still be the same she was a very good person to her brother but why couldn't he be the same way to her, about an hour later she had everything she could pack as she walked into the living room everything was quiet Emily and Michael was already in bed as she slowly opened the door and walked out into the night not looking behind her.
So it's the first chapter, I hope everyone likes it. I am currently starting on the second chapter! I finally have the confidence to write a story I haven't in almost 8 years like I said if anyone has any ideas or I've made any errors you can text me I am not very good at writing so I am so sorry.
I do not own the black phone!
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Thoughts on The Buddie Talk from 502
Other folks have looked at this conversation, but I wanted to get on my bullshit about it too. LOL.
So imho this whole conversation is about love and heart, specifically Eddie’s but with Buck’s heart added in. Line by line analysis and commentary. Let the BS begin. Here we go…
Buck: Hey are you sleeping, or just pretending?
Day and night/light and dark are strong themes throughout the episode. @benka79 did a meta on this theme. I think that by extension, awake vs asleep is meaningful in this scene. In matters of the heart, Eddie is trying to sleep or turn a blind eye, doing what he thinks is best for Chris rather than himself. This is exactly what Carla warned him against. But he knows. He knows that Carla is right but he’s ignoring her and trying to ignore Buck. He’s only pretending to be in the dark about his heart and his desires, at least to a degree.
Eddie: I was actually trying to until you interrupted.
Enter Buck, shaking shit up. Interrupting Eddie’s well-intentioned lie. Eddie knows there’s more than meets the eye and Buck is forcing him to open his eyes, wake up and see what’s really going on and reckon with himself and his true desires.
Buck: I’m exhausted. Uh, how are you feeling?
This line has been rattling around in my brain for what feels like a thousand years. Buck is NOT asleep, he’s not able to turn a blind eye. And being the only one willing to look directly at matters of the heart is wearing him out. Dude’s exhausted! He SEES that something is up with Eddie’s heart and he wants Eddie to tell him all about it.
Eddie: Hot. I’m sweating out of places I didn’t know I could.
During the blackout, AC isn’t working so everyone is sweating. Buck even has a thin layer of sweat in the scene. Sweating from the heat is normal and completely reasonable, but is that what’s being invoked here? We know that sweating is also a symptom of health issues (panic and heart problems not the least among them, and definitely symbolically relevant here). Eddie looks like he’s sweating for normal reasons but in the next line Buck questions that.
Buck: No uh like a cold sweat though, right? Uh, any chest pains?
Again, Buck is wide awake. He KNOWS something is wrong with Eddie’s heart/feelings and that Eddie is hiding it from him. He jumps to cold sweats, the kind that are most connected to health problems and are not about the actual temperature in the room. Then follows up with asking about chest pains. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Buck is paralleled with the cardiologist. She’s about Eddie’s literal heart but Eddie’s figurative heart is in Buck’s hands and Buck’s hands only. And my dude is assertively assessing the situation.
Eddie: You don’t give up, do you? I’m fine, Buck.
Good ol’ Eddie, perfecting his avoidance and denial game. But he knows Buck. He does NOT ever give up and he especially doesn’t give up on the people he loves. Eddie recognized this and thanked Buck for it in 303. Buck didn’t give up on Christopher during the tsunami, or on Eddie in Eddie Begins or in Survivors. But that was about Chris and Eddie’s life. This scene in 502 is new in a way. Buck is refusing to give up on Eddie’s heart, his feelings. Now Buck is fighting for Eddie’s quality of life, for his happiness.
Buck: People who are fine don’t go and see cardiologists. You need to tell me if something is wrong.
Buck was so worried about Eddie in 501. Of course Eddie denied that anything was wrong but Buck isn’t stupid. In 501 he asked about the situation clearly and openly because he cares about Eddie and wants to help in any way he can, and Eddie pushed him away. So here in 502 he implicitly invokes the Will. He’s like fine if you won’t tell me as your friend who gives a shit about you, then tell me for Chris’s sake because thanks to the will, I actually fucking need to know if you’re going to drop dead.
Eddie: Alright, it was a panic attack, not a heart attack. A panic attack.
Eddie’s frustrated confession was solid gold. It laid my edges and raised my credit score. He knows that Buck’s persistence is harmless and comes from a genuine place of respect and care. Still, that doesn’t make it any less annoying for a man who’s trying to sleep, pretending his own heart isn’t breaking under the weight of his sense of duty to his son.
Buck: Since when do you panic?
My God, he knows him so well.
Eddie: That’s what I said. I don’t panic. Except I did.
Eddie accepting that this was absolutely a panic attack was huge. Before he had been pushing against the reality of it, but here in Buck’s loving care he could be honest with himself and with Buck that it was indeed panic.
Buck: Ok, well, what triggered it? I mean you did just get shot and almost killed by a sniper. I guess that could be considered an anxiety inducing-
Buck’s in full “cardiologist” mode. He’s paying forward all those years of therapy! What he’s doing here isn’t a replacement for my dude getting some real therapy but here’s Buck with his clipboard efficiently helping Eddie figure his emotional shit out. It’s perfection. It’s also good that he acknowledged the shooting. I think it’s super important that when Buck mentions it, he looks down and away from Eddie.
Buck, my dude, you are not over being covered in the blood of the love of your life. You can still feel his weight in your hands, muscle memory from lifting him above the spray of gasoline and bullets. Eddie may still be asleep on that front but, Buck, you are wide awake and exhausted by the heavy love you’re carrying.
Eddie: That wasn’t it. Ok, if I’m being honest with myself, I think it was Ana.
Oh this is fun. So you are capable of being real, you just choose not to be. Good to know.
Buck: Uh, I thought things were great with her.
Stop. Lying. You saw Eddie get squirrely when talking about the Christening. You saw Eddie get awkward af when A*a and Christopher came to the firehouse. You’ve seen these issues with your own eyeballs. Great? Really? Yeah, this just makes me think muh boy is oblivious and/or he really was expecting Eddie to come clean about issues related to the shooting, not his love life. This reiterates my point that Buck himself is not nearly done with processing the shooting.
Eddie: She’s been a godsend through all this - staying with Christopher - but I think that’s what’s causing the panic. Somehow it become a ready-made family and I don’t know if I’m ready for that.
This portion of the conversation has been analyzed to bits by many brilliant others. I don’t have anything to add. I’m like, look dude, you already have a family with Buck and Christopher. A*a’s effin’ up your happy healthy family flow. It’s ok, just turn her loose.
Buck: So what are you gonna do?
Buck’s wisdom grows every frickin’ day. He knows this isn’t sustainable for Eddie. He knows that the heart matters. He knows that feelings are real and help us navigate toward a happy life. Action is needed and he’s nudging Eddie in that direction.
Eddie: I think I’m just gonna stick it out. Ana’s been the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon.
Oh dear, Eddie’s overblown sense of duty to everyone but himself strikes again. He can…tolerate… A*a. How romantic!
Buck: Stick it out? That’s not the way you talk about someone you’re in love with.
Um, no. Buck calls shenanigans. He’s not A*a’s bestie but he doesn’t feel any desire whatsoever to have her condemned to a loveless relationship.
Eddie: My kid loves her!
Always putting Christopher first but not realizing that if he isn’t truly happy, Christopher will know because he’s perceptive af. Plus the two haven’t discussed A*a on screen so I’m not convinced Chris loves her as much as Eddie wants to believe.
Buck: Is that enough? Eddie I have been Ana. I know what it’s like to be in love with someone who is not all the way in. Deep down you know it and it hurts. It hurts worse than the truth, so if you don’t want to hurt Ana, you owe it to her to be honest.
Buck is doing A LOT of work here to help Eddie see that his plan of inaction is not good. He centers Eddie asking him if staying for Chris is enough. When that doesn’t work, he realizes that Eddie doesn’t care about his own heart enough to leave so he changes strategies and puts himself in A*a’s place to invoke some empathy for A*a from Eddie. It’s super…interesting that Eddie doesn’t care enough for A*a to come to this conclusion on his own!!
Eddie: You know it just feels like a lot man.
Why, my dude?? Explain. Could it be that A*a is serving a purpose beyond Chris? Could it be that staying with her helps you avoid, allows you to pretend and be oblivious to deeper truths within your battered but still beating heart? Does she obscure the Buck shaped hole in your ticker?
Buck: Well, go to sleep. You don’t need to decide right now. It’s not like we’re going home anytime soon.
Buck is disappointed, exhausted, and frustrated and it has my dude slinging shade like morning hash. He’s like fine turn a blind eye, ignore your heart it’s cool *all the sarcasm* Then we get the reference to home and the fact that the two of them are far from it at this point and we all know how important home is as a Buddie theme. I wrote a little about it here.
Bonus: Eddie closed his eyes after Buck walked away, the he OPENED them again. He fully saw what Buck was saying. He can’t avoid the truth of his heart for much longer.
Y’all this has GOT to be the season that one or both of these idiots realize their feelings. Excuse me while I end.
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marauders-aesthetic · 3 years
The Red Thorns Adventures
Chapter 1 : Kingscross Station
September 1975 King’s cross Station, England
Blathnaid POV
Getting to King’s cross Station was always difficult. I had to get to the portkey on time, but with Mother always fussing about my appearance. I hurry with my luggage, bag full of books and my guitar. I look like I was going on holidays. Well not exactly! I’m a witch you see! And I need to get to get to platform 9¾. It doesn’t exist you say? I’ll let you in on a little secret… It does! It is located between platforms 9 and 10, you just go through the wall and voila! I’m currently doing that with my pet fox-squirrel Teto.
I can see it! The Hogwarts Express, it’s recognizable red color with its impressive black smoke coming out of it, here to take me home! I walked to my compartment to find Eireann already there. She is one of my best friends. She is a muggleborn Hufflepuff! What is a muggleborn? Oh well it’s someone like me! Who have non magical parents! She lives in Cork, Ireland with her parents who are writers and artists. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She has a younger sister who is in the same house as her. Eireann looked up to see me.
- Bloom, she shouted and hugged me
- Hey Re! How are you?
- Aaaaaah There you are, exclaimed my other best friend Saoirse as she let her bags drop at her feet.
Saoirse is a Ravenclaw, she has brown eyes and gorgeous long chocolate hair. She is a pureblood from Dublin, that means both her parents are wizards. She is an only child and she is a fighter, black belt in judo and karate and she is a pro horse rider.
She sat down next to Re:
- What happened love? I asked
- What do you think? she snarled, My parents! They want me to be nicer to the Slytherin Purebloods this year!
- What? Why… I don’t understand…., whispered Eireann
- DAMN RIGHT IT’S WRONG! shouted my bestie Shannon Murphy
She was wearing her signature leather jacket and combat boots. She was holding her bike helmet while letting her beautiful black hair down.
- Shan don’t shout, I exclaimed
- Her parents are going to marry her off to some rich pureblood who can’t even fight for his own life, she snapped in her Belfast accent, Oh and by the way, I just ran into you know who!
- Oh no, said Re scared
- She doesn’t mean Voldemort, I reassured
- Don’t say his name, snapped Saoirse
- Sisi! Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself, I said eyeing them, she meant the idiots, I added
Shan sat next to me. What you need to know about Shannon is that she is from Belfast like my own father. Her dad is a muggle while her mother is a witch. When her dad found out about this, he threw her mom out the door. Shan still sees her mom of course; she lives outside of town and is a herbologist. Shannon has two older siblings, Marl and Niamh who are non-wizards. Shannon is my best friend in the world. She rides a motorbike and is an amazing photographer. She looks tough on the outside but I know better. She is passionate about English Lit. She was wearing an oversized sweater today!
- Shan… what are you hiding, I whispered urgently
- Can we not? Please…
- But … fine! But you will tell me when we reach Hogwarts, I sternly said
Shan looked away to talk with Sisi. I looked at my friends, our group of 4, The three musketeers! We were known as the Red Thorns. Why? Because we always wore a rose pin on our clothes. We started to talk about the year, our 5th, that was about to start, that’s when Snow mentioned her costume designs:
- So, Snow! Got our Halloween costume done, questioned Saoirse excited
- Of course! I have the sketches here!
Re took out her sketchbook out and showed us drawings of our new costumes. They were amazing! This year we were sure to win, the group costume contest. Every year our rival gang, the Marauders, would beat us. We needed to beat them! It was a matter of Pride as the Red Thorns. Oh! You must have heard how Sisi called Re, Snow? Well before the end of our 4thyear, the girls and I became what is called Animagus. That means that we can transform into our spiritual animal. It is a very difficult process and very dangerous. But we managed. Re is a snowy owl, that is very rare! Sisi is a mare but her Patronus (spiritual animal if you wish) is a Abraxan Winged Horse, we call her Spirit. Shan is a phoenix but her Patronus is a Thestral, I still don’t know how that happened… She goes by the name of Flame. And what about me? Well, I’m a cute bunny. The name is Midnight, but beware….
What is it? what are our costumes? Hahaha a player never reveals his cards my friends. You will have to wait and see. Anyway, we have arrived. We have arrived to our home for another year, Hogwarts…
@hpaestheticsstuff @padfootspuppy @padsmoonyprongs @prongsandlilss @helleiaiwritting
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here bestie and *deep sigh* here we are...again. Not to get off topic but have you ever seem The Green Mile?? I have a complicated relationship with that movie but I the thing from it permanently imprinted on my brain is when the warden comes in demands "What in the Blue Fuck was That!?" It a whole ass mood right now after watching that clip and I highly recommend just watching that line to get the full effect.
Why, for the love of God, are we bringing up Shannon again??!! She didn't even really come up during Eddie's PTSD arc but we're just gonna randomly insert her in a episode sort of about death?? Of course we are because KR has literally no new ideas. Oh except for this season where she's like "You know what hasn't been done yet?? We haven't emphasized importance of family by blood so we'll redeem all the horrible parents with zero effort to let everyone know your grudges are petty and just hurt you." You know why that hasn't been done Kristen??!! Because this is a show about FOUND family, realizing your importance and worth in a space that's safe for you to do that, and having the support you need when the bad times come!! She has actually forgotten the very foundation of this show and I'd scream but I'm also so, so tired. You know what time it is then 🍸🍸🍸. Gonna read comfort fic and find a comfort show to put on when that gets hard. Cheers friend!!
Bestieeeee! What. The fuck. Is happening?! I didn't answer this Friday and I should have because yesterday was a WHOLE other mess! I feel so bad for dragging you into this show just in time for it to all go to shit. We survived RNM, we don't deserve to suffer like this again! 😩😩😩
Your "KR has literally no new ideas" line is SO apt after that clip yesterday literally recycling the eddieana meeting. Parallels can be used and be effective but after she literally just re-did Buck's fight with Bobby over returning to work with Eddie (only to not show their apology or Eddie's decision to return to work on screen), and re-did Eddie's "it's time to get back out there after Shannon and figure out what you want") s4 arc last week, this "Buck meets a girl on a call in the exact same way Eddie met Ana" just looks...so so so lazy. Not to mention Buck and Eddie are only ever with women after they meet them on calls, AND we are reverting Buck back to season 1 "a relationship with THIS women must be able to fix me" which is just...gross. Buck was always one of my favorite characters but GOD I dread his personal scenes now because KR just doesn't know what to do with him unless it's trying to get into his pants in some way and she doesn't understand any of the motivations or what drives him as a character. Stop ruining my boy!! GOD I need her off this show like, YESTERDAY.
This whole Shannon thing has me so 🙄🙄🙄 because as good as Ryan and Gavin are and Eddie/Chris scenes always are because they play so well off each other, this is like, the LEAST interesting thing they could have done and it's clearly not about Chris or Eddie or their complicated history with Shannon, it's just being used to push the "Eddie choosing someone to date for himself" idea. They could have given something deep and emotional this season like Chris now being old enough to start asking harder questions about Shannon leaving and Eddie trying to navigate that with him, or having a talk about Chris starting to be interested in dating and asking Eddie some hard questions about why Eddie isn't dating again since Ana has been gone for so long. But nope! It's "let's pretend this parent never did anything awful and there are zero complex feelings about them" hours once again. Thanks, I HATE it. And for me it ruins the nuance of Shannon's character because she WAS just a person who was struggling. But where Eddie thought his son didn't need *him* so much as he needed Eddie to provide for him and once he found out Chris just wanted to spend time WITH him he fought tooth and nail to make it work no matter how hard, Shannon decided it was too much and cut off all contact because keeping in touch with her son and making sure he knew he was loved wasn't as important as her not wanting to be put in an awkward position. And that's life! And Chris and Eddie should be allowed to acknowledge that they loved her at some point, Chris should be allowed to have good memories of his mom, and still be allowed to acknowledge that she abandoned them and hurt them deeply and there are complex feelings around that!
These complex parental relationships leading to the found family of the 118 has ALWAYS been at the heart of the show and you're right that KR has NEVER understood that and has spent this season undermining that bond across the whole team and any time the story tries to emphasize the found family it's also still pushing the blood family importance so the storytelling comes out confused and in opposition to itself giving the audience emotional whiplash. I'm just so very very tired of this. I'm positive it's too much to hope for but with audiences tuning out and the constant complaints at how the show is handling arcs and pacing and KR's choices, and even now articles by people who often write about 911 calling out the inconsistencies, maybe the negotiations for renewal will come with some stipulations on who gets to be in charge. Even if I didn't love EVERY storyline choice in the early seasons, the episodes themselves were ALWAYS enjoyable overall and there was so much good stuff going on it was easy to let the stuff I didn't like as much roll past, so it would be good to get back to that sort of vibe again and KR has proved over several seasons that she is NOT up to that task. With the Tarlos wedding wrapped up, we might get...I don't want to say "lucky" because I don't think Tim is the greatest thing ever, but we might get some bit of pacing and consistency and flow back in the show (I know LS has some pacing issues as well but that feels to me more like them having to work around RL's insistence on centricity than anything else)
Oof. Lets see if we can make it through these last few episodes with this dating nonsense, the sperm donor arc and L coming back, and maybe even a Tay Kay jumpscare. Can't wait 🙄 At least Ravi is back home and the finale emergency looks like it will be good and we're getting injured Chim so we're going to get *some* crumbs out of this mess. And then it will be summer and I've got a fic idea started soooo, we'll see if I can get anywhere with my astronaut!Buck, NASA medic!Eddie Countdowns inspired thingy. Cheers my friend, we are going to NEED IT. (But hey, if we survived RNM, we can do ANYTHING. But also we shouldn't have to and I need this show to STOP IT.) 🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
the dress you picked for hannah was so cute what would you pick for the others?
This is such a fun question omg other people feel free to also answer this because I love looking at pretty dresses
For the record this was the dress I said Hannah would choose over that weird two piece silk one they put her in
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But I could also see Hannah in a Lirika Matoshi like the Once Upon a Dream Dress or the Pink Skies Dress
Hope's prom dress is my favorite dress in the game, but I don't think it necessarily fits her style. She clearly loves prints, metallic accents, sharp silhouettes, and tighter clothing with looser sleeves. I would've loved to see her in something gold to bring out that color motif (because she's not really associated with emerald green), like something from Christie Brown
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I hate hate HATE the dress they put her in for the wedding, she looks like the mother of the bride not the bride's bestie. Also the fact that we never properly got to see glam Shannon? When we know she goes to casinos and fancy ass places on the reg? A crime.
Shannon is the moment, I just know she would look so good. I'm obsessed with this dress that Yung Miami wore, so I'd bet Shannon got something similar
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I honestly think the prom dress they picked for Lottie was perfect. No notes, it's just precisely her vibe and style. If I HAD to put her in something else, though, I think she would love to do a latex gown. I love her patent leather dress, and I think she'd thrive on the drama of a latex look. She wouldn’t wear it for more than one night so it getting nasty and sweaty wouldn’t be a problem, and I’ve been obsessed with this dress since I saw it on Ink Master
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Lottie would get it in black, for sure.
Ngl, Marisol's prom look is... Kinda boring. The same suit with no bra look she wears for the finale, the same style as her white blazer dress, but in pink? When has Marisol ever done pastel pink? I'd be fine if she added a corset or something with structure underneath the suit and did the same cut/shape but in her colors (dark purple or black/white).
But if I had to style her, I'd do something like Valentino's RTW Spring 2020 collection- they have suit-inspired looks that are actually dresses and a lot of the same sharp lapels/shoulder padded looks that Marisol prefers. (middle edited to be in Marisol's colors)
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Priya would be in something elegant, silky, burnt orange, and form fitting. I can definitely see her in a mermaid or high leg slit, since she already seems to like high-low dresses.
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tbh I only really already talked about Hannah because I feel like she and Lottie are the only ones seizing the opportunity to be absolutely extra. The rest of the girls looked nice but like... They weren't here to turn out Looks (TM)
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