#shantae au
mr-glove · 8 months
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sketch of Neo Risky island
In my AU Risky has found a new island between Revenge and Pirate curse. It's not on exact scale but it's something to keep in mind. The island is hard to find if you don't know where to look but it's close to Sequin lands for Shantae to take her own boat there and be there within ¼ of a day. The numbers are locations on the island itself.
Is Risky's new shipyard. It's a hollowed out cave where Risky docks her ship when she's not using it. It will also have a giant gate to keep out seasonal storms.
A beautiful beach
A castle that used to be haunted, but after Shantae pays a visit it will be Risky's new base, fortress and pirate castle
There's a magic cave, I wonder what's inside there?
is the cave from the win screen in ½ Genie Hero. One of Risky and Shantae's love spots on the island
A makeshift village made durring the time Risky couldn't enter the castle
The rest is a jungle and somehow has strong teak trees
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rwac96 · 1 month
OG Stud Crossover. College: Cheerleader
If you think just because Jaune is a geek that he doesn't have a girl problem, guess again. Because every time he is walking by the field during cheerleader practice, the cheerleader captain Shantae always makes sure to get his attention, mainly with her ass.
Jaune Arc exhaled, as he took a stroll, heading for his history class. Since he first attended elementary school, he had been labeled 'the geek' among his peers, even when he attended college. However, he endures less harassment due to the nature of students finding themselves as a part of the college experience. As Jaune walks passed the field, which is having cheerleader practice, the cheer captain Shantae takes notice of the blonde. While the cheerleaders hoped in sync, the purple-haired girl proceeded to turn around; her back facing the fence.
"GO, AXE-MEN! GO-GO!" Shantae leads the cheer, hopping up and down.
Jaune turns around, noticing the cheer captain jumping. His cheeks turned crimson, noticing that she didn't wear any panties. Shantae turns around, facing the fence and the shy blonde. The violet-haired girl gives Jaune a smile, winking towards him.
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Great! Now there's two of 'em!
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A gift piece for @incorrectshantaequotes. Reversal Shantae taunting her strange, half-genie variant from a mirrored world.
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madmanwonder · 8 months
What if Jaune does the flirting that he did on the show towards Seras, Elphlet and Shantae? How would each of them take it?
Fools in Love
Jaune: Well the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it~
Elphlet: I love it! Please marry me!
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Jaune: Well the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it~
Seras: *Snort-Laughing* You are such a big dork to use that dumb pickup line on me.
Jaune: *Bashful Blushing*
A Knight’s Wish
Jaune: Well the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it~
Shantae: And my name’s Shantae, the Half-Genie’s Hero and your wish is my greatest desire *Wink Seductively*
Jaune: *Blushing* Brother’s please give me the inner strength of not being a goofball with her….
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So, here's a quick Reversal AU sketch I did earlier - Rattle!
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best known for being the bearer of the curse (metaphorical (being the only one of Reveral!Risky's friends to actually have a brain cell)) and also being the bearer of the curse (literal (the one that turned him undead in the first place))
as always for the Reversal AU, this design isn't official, I always enjoy it when you guys come up with your own designs; I just hope you guys can enjoy and get some inspiration from this one!
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duckapus · 10 months
(So you know how this
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is a Thing in the Disgaea series? Wanted to do something with that in the SMG AU but make it Not A Joke.)
While relaxing at home, Shantae hears a knock on her lighthouse's front door, "Coming!"
As she walks over, she wonders who could be visiting this late in the evening. It probably wasn't either of her SMGs, seeing as they'd already had an incident involving Ammo Baron and an unusually large Egg (the capitalization there is important) and filled their Wacky Misadventure quota for at least the next few days. And her canon friends all usually had their own things going on at home right about now.
Well, no more time to speculate. She opens the door with a hopefully-not-too-wide smile (Avatar-grade GMod physics are a real bitch sometimes), "Good evening! What can I...do...uh..."
She's stunned speechless by who she finds; a very tall, very attractive woman who is also very clearly Laharl! She does her best to look up at them, and then very quickly further up when she underestimates the height difference. 'Ohhh, mother have mercy do NOT oogle your genderbent mean demon friend We Have Sexy Zombie Girlfriend at Home.'
For their part, Laharl looks uncharacteristically nervous, or at least is uncharacteristically not hiding their nerves behind either aloofness or rage, "Hi Shantae. If you're not too busy I was hoping for some magic advice?"
'Okay, friend needs help. That I can work with.' "Of course! Come on in."
The two head inside and into the living room, with Shantae settling into a chair while Laharl takes the couch.
"So, what kind of advice where you looking for?"
"Well, uh...I'm guessing you've noticed I look different right now?"
'Different is certainly right.' "Well, I wasn't gonna say anything but...wait, I think I remember this from your games. Did you get stuck like this again from a SMG adventure or something? 'Cause I definitely know a few tricks to make a transformation revert."
There's a flash of...relief? embarrassment? something across their face before they go back to nervous, "Oh, you know where it's from. That makes things easier. And ah, no, dispelling it isn't the problem, I actually changed on purpose this time and I already know the counterspell. I was actually wondering if you know how to modify a transformation."
'Huh, okay then.' "Yeah, I've done that before. Not sure how compatible our magic systems are, but I can at least tell you what works for me. So, what kind of changes are we looking for? Hair color, shoe size, you wanna add wings or a tail?"
"Ah, nothing that drastic, I really just...just want it to feel...more like "me," I guess..." Despite how much taller they are than usual, they quickly curl in on themselves as they say this, suddenly seeming smaller than she's ever seen them.
'Oh...ohhhh.' "This...isn't the first time you've used this form on purpose, is it?"
"...No. I ah, I don't use it very often, there's a lot about it that's honestly a bit much, especially given...well, if you've played the games you probably know about a particular phobia of mine?"
"Yeah...That. That boss fight really hit different after I actually met you."
"Right, so this?" they gesture to their chest, "Does not work for me. Plus it just generally feels like some...some stupid exaggerated fanservicy parody of me. Which makes sense since that's all it was really supposed to be but like, come on!"
"Trust me, I get it. But, you're using it anyway?"
"Yeah, well...at certain points being mildly uncomfortable like this is still an improvement over my boy form."
"About that, I've been using 'they' for you in my head since you got here since I wasn't really sure what was going on. Would you prefer 'she,' or..."
Laharl finally fully relaxes at that, her presence once again filling the room like it usually does, "Yes, please do."
"No problem. Now, to start off, we'll probably want to get you down to your usual age...wait, are you older right now? 'Cause it kind of seems like it, but with how much is different I'm not sure."
She tilts her hand in a 'so-so' gesture, "Kind of? It's-so I'm guessing you know how I got this form the first time?"
"Flonne's angel world flowers, right?"
"Exactly. Now for most of the demons affected it just messed with their internal magic in some way and caused minor physical changes, but I'm half human, so it outright suppressed my demon half. Not enough to interfere with my power level, thankfully, but it made it so I was technically only about forty percent demon. And since humans have far shorter lifespans than demons and my human half specifically came from my mother, the result was me going from a teenage boy to a woman in her early twenties."
"Huh. That's actually kinda neat. And in that case dropping your age is definitely the right starting point. Thankfully I have plenty of experience with that thanks to my Monkey form. So, how you want to start is-"
This goes on for the better part of the evening, and by the time the sun goes down Laharl has a form she can feel much more comfortable in.
After putting the finishing touches on the new and improved Girl Laharl, the demonic Avatar looks out one of the windows, "Oh, I didn't realize how late it was. I should probably be getting back to-" she gets up to leave, only to suddenly feel dizzy and lightheaded, "woah, uh..."
Shantae quickly shoots up and helps her stay steady, "Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I forgot how much of a workout someone's first time messing with transformation magic like that is!"
"It's-I'm fine! Just stood up too fast I think." typical Laharl stubbornness. she really is feeling more like herself, "I can still get home just fiIIIINE!"
Aaand once again Shantae saves her from faceplanting when she stumbles and trips over nothing, "Oh no, I am not letting you try to make a portal back to your castle when you can barely walk! I can call Etna and let her know you're crashing here tonight."
"Fiiiine..." she...is she actually pouting? 'Oh dear mother, sleepy Laharl is adorable!'
After getting laid down on the (actually alarmingly comfortable, like where did she find cushions this soft on her peanuts salary?) couch, she once again drops her usual attitude, looking up at Shantae with completely undisguised affection, "Hey, uh, thanks for...everything you did to help me tonight."
"Anytime." as she grabs a blanket for her guest, she adds "And I do mean that. Anytime you need help, with this or anything else, you can come to me, got it."
"Got it."
"And thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about all this." She crouches down so they'll be at eye level, even if Laharl's are already half-closed, "I know how hard it can be to come out to someone."
"Mmm, 'course I trust you. You're family." And with that she's out like a light.
Shantae...actually chokes up a little at that. With her parents out of the picture since before she can remember, and Scuttle Town being...well, Scuttle Town, she can count on her hands the number of people she'd honestly have called family before all this Meme stuff, especially since Seven Sirens and the other four half-genies hadn't existed yet when the pods dropped, and she knows full well that Laharl's own complicated family-related hangups are far worse. So for her to say that so openly and honestly, even while half asleep...
On some sort of impulse, she leans down and brushes Laharl's hair out of her face gently enough not to wake her, "I swear, I'll do my best to live up to that," With that said, she gets back up, opens her command box...and takes a picture of the sleeping Avatar before sending it to Etna.
>Hey, Laharl wore herself out and needed a place to crash, so dw when she's not back til tomorrow.
>HOLY SHIT SHES SO FUCKING CUTE!!!! i gota send this 2 Flonny n the Gs
>thx 4 helpin hr btw, none of us r shapeshifters so we coldnt do jack
>*thumbs up*
'Hell yeah, I got this sister thing on lockdown.'
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mlp410nightcore · 5 months
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Hi Everyone!! Here are some more brand new next gens for my Blossom Love AU. Adrian's parents are Aladdin and Jasmine and Twinkle Aurora's parents are Genie and Shantae. Adrian is very polite and is quite the gentleman. He's also super skilled in his magic and can detect gems all over Agrabah hence why he got his cutie mark. Adrian also loves holding charity events and helping others in need no matter what. Twinkle Aurora is super bubbly, somewhat unintentionally loud and spontaneous. She also loves to perform and has a very good singing voice, which she loves to show off but not in a rude way. Twinkle Aurora got her cutie mark after finding out that she's very skilled in her genie magic and can grant anyone's wishes without the need of a magic lamp. Adrian and Twinkle Aurora have been BFFS ever since they were kids and have a super close bond with each other. Credit goes to Selenaede for the bases I used and to WayForward, Ron Clements, John Musker and Disney for creating The Shantae Video Games and Disney's Aladdin as well as creating the characters Shantae, Genie, Aladdin and Jasmine as well as creating the location Agrabah as well. I only take credit for my next gens, art, ships, stories and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like them!!!
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stellato-17 · 1 year
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Dibujos Inéditos (5/?)
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fluffylilgremlin · 2 years
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Some messy short hair AU doodles
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anonymousfog101 · 5 months
Came up with an AU (or more accurately, an AT (alternate timeline)) for... Shantae of all things.
More details about it later, but the whole premise is that Sky, Bolo, and Rottytops failed to save Shantae from the Dark Magic during the finale of Half-Genie Hero, which of course means that Risky will successfully convert the entire Genie Realm from Light Magic to Dark Magic... I don't know all of the details on how magic works but for the sake of this story, Half-Genies draw magic power from the Genie Realm itself, which means that 1) Nega-Shantae is far more powerful than Risky expected, and 2) the other Half-Genies are struggling to not become evil.
Risky eventually realizes that she fucked up big time and that Shantae needs to be stopped because she is now A Problem™, more than the Pirate Master ever was (who is not coming back because the curse was broken but I would gladly make some kinda shadow boss that is like a phantom of him or something). A lot easier said than done considering that the three people with the best chance against Shantae are nowhere to be found (because they're trapped in their own personal hells in the Nightmare Realm) and the only known artifact that can directly counter Genie magic is at the bottom of the sea... that is, unless a certain inventor/relic hunter has something to say about it!
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mr-glove · 6 months
Another ½ transformation for Shantae/Tyger hood
I was brainstorming for abother transformation for Shantae's pirate persona. And with her hood and equipment she got during GW2L I really wanted to give her some more assassin/ninja transformation. But I also tend to switch from arcs and volumes to avoid myself from losing intest.
And so as I was adding some stuff for ½GH pirate race (the carpet race doesn't appear in my AU), and there's a giant mountain. My brain went: Isn't there an animal that's called the ninja master of the mountains? And I immediantely went to the ibex as the prime animal for the new transformation.
But after I full had the concept in my head I went "wait this feels familiar" and then I realized I was making Haiji Gotou from Killing bites. But since I'm already too deep into the idea,
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But just imagine she wears a jacket with a face mask like this
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rwac96 · 5 months
The Uninvited (RWBY Crossover Shitpost)
(Loosely inspired by @brokentrafficknight's Pyrrha birthday posts)
Noel: "Weiss? Have you seen Jaune around--?"
*Noel Vermillion blinks, taking notice of Weiss being without her team...only accompanied by Neptune Vasilias*
Noel: *blinks* "Where's your team?"
Weiss: *irritated* "Apparently, they ditched me to head to Pyrrha's birthday party at SchneeWorld!"
Neptune: "Weiss, I'm sure it was a mix-up."
Weiss: "In reality: Yang, Blake, or Sun 'forgot' my invitation!"
Neptune: "Oh, c'mon! I'm sure neither of 'em would do that to ya."
Noel: *blinks, pondering* "Hold on...Makoto, Tsubaki, Tao, and even Ragna left for SchneeWorld..."
Weiss: *looks at Noel* "Wait, you don't mean--?!"
Shallot: *barging in* "WEISS! We have a problem! My teachers and their families got kidnapped!"
Tifa: *annoyed, walking in after him* "Uh, yeah...not that conclusion, 'genius'. I thought Shinra did the same thing when my friends weren't around...until I remembered what day it was."
Shallot: "Wait? Invite?" *thinks* "I DIDN'T GET AN INVITE TO SNOWLAND?!"
Weiss: "SchneeWorld, you dunce! And I highly doubt she would invite you or my trollop of a twin to her party!"
Bleiss: "Yet you're here with us, bitch."
Neptune: *looks around* "Wait...I didn't get an invite either!"
Tifa: *annoyed* "I'm sensing a pattern here."
????: "HELP!!"
*Shantae, in elephant form, comes crashing through the wall, shifting back to her humanoid form*
Shantae: *groaning* "Somebody please stop 'em...."
*Ryuko & Satsuki come barging through the fresh hole, fighting one another*
Tifa: *grabbing both girls* "Ladies, ladies!" *bonks their heads together* "Enough!"
Ryuko: *rubs her head* "Ow! The fuck, Bar Boobs?!"
Satsuki: *rubs her temple* "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't disembowel you for that?!"
Shantae: *slowly getting up, deadpan* "....Mako went to Pyrrha's party and neither of you was invited."
Satsuki: *scoffs, sheathing Bakuzan* "Which one? The imbecile or the spartan?"
Ryuko: "PYRRHA! Who do you think?!"
Neptune: "Okay...makes sense why you guys weren't invited...but why me?! I'm a handsome face that any babe would invite parties to. Why would a sexy gladiator lady not let me come?"
Weiss: *clears her throat* "AHEM!"
Neptune: "What?"
Bleiss: *shakes her head* "Such boyfriend material, Frost Tits."
Weiss: "Oh, be quiet!"
Jessica: *knocking on the window from outside* "Guys? Did we miss the party?"
Korra: *outside* "Don't tell me your invites got 'misplaced' too?"
Lucy: *outside* "Hold on...YOU MEAN WE GOT LEFT BEHIND ON PURPOSE?!" *wails*
Shallot: "So...this wasn't an accident?"
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The kindhearted girl that works at her uncle's repair shop.
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REVERSAL AU - Communication is Important
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Aaaaaand, since I finally got around to drawing Huntress Baron's design...here's a little comic of some of my personal favorite dialogue from my Reversal AU Mermaid Falls transcript!
Also, since I know my handwriting is not the most intelligible, there's a script under the read more if you need it
RISKY: ENOUGH! Ignoring your...incredibly disturbing home decoration plans for the moment - what do you want with the Giga Mermaid!?
RISKY: ...Your demands. For the hostage situation with her.
RISKY: Giga Mermaid? The mermaid queen?
HUNTRESS BARON: Oh, is that who that is? I hadn't noticed!
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duckapus · 1 year
And now for the good guys!
Probably a bit overqualified to escape literal Hell, honestly.
The main protagonist of "The Cloud's Songbird." Easily the most level-headed of the Avatars.
The main protagonist of Tulip's Road Trip. Both Nimbus and Tulip belong to @forthedancingandthethriving
Tune Dark
As an outlaw, she has the loosest morals out of everyone, which does cause some tension with a few of the other Avatars.
From Kingdom Hearts. Due to a combination of Important Lore Numbers and all the KH memes about how characters who are supposed to be copies of other characters tend to look nothing like who they're based on, his SMGs are recolors of Roxas and Xion instead of him.
Arle Nadja
Yes, the one who shares her avatar slot with Doppelganger Arle.
Ash Ketchum
The new kid of the bunch since he only activated a couple months ago, but also the one with the biggest reason to take Barry down. His Pokemon didn't get transported with him since they're separate characters.
She hasn't been the Avatar that much longer than Ash, so they get to be out of their depth and still adjusting to all that Meme Energy together.
There's also Laharl from the Disgaea series, but instead of joining either group he spends most of the arc trying to conquer Computer Hell and occasionally picking fights with all the other Avatars. Especially Lord Ramagog, because two demonic warlords with extremely different beliefs in one place is a recipe for disaster.
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orgasming-caterpillar · 2 months
F1 Drivers As Desi Boys
A.K.A. The F1 grid as Indian guys
Also, I will be writing an entire chatfic about this AU on ao3, so stay tuned ;)
Charles Leclerc — “Charlie”
I think he would be from Mumbai. But like, he lived in the very high-end part of it so it's very hard to know right off the bat.
I just KNOW he studied abroad, okay? Italy or Canada I think. Look at his face— you just know he's the kinda guy people see on the street and think “angrej”
Speaks Hindi with a subtle but insufferable white guy accent. He can't even help it, that's just how he speaks. He once called Max “bhenchod” with the most authentic, desi accent when he was mad and they have all beaches in that high ever since.
Dropped out of university in his last year and came back to India to handle his dad's business after his dad's death.
Fell in love with the hot employee and made him the manager. Everyone knows Carlos got the position by sleeping with the new young hot boss but they stay silent to avoid getting fired.
Now lives in the same complex in Mumbai as Carlos, Max, Lando and others. Lives with his mother, two brothers and a dog.
Leo is a recurring guest in every society event no matter what. Shanta aunty ki kitty party? He's invited. Children playing cricket below? He is the referee. Security guard's dad died? Arthi Leo hi utha raha hai.
Best friends with Pierre. went to the same school as him in his childhood.
Not friendly at ALL with Max.
Carlos Sainz— “Mirchi”
Marathi Mulga for sure
Maula Mere Maula king of guy
His ass should be in a TV serial
Was a regular office worker before he fucked down his boss and now he's the manager. And, well, a win is a win, right?
His parents were kind of homophobic before he became the manager. It's hilarious, actually.
He has such a good voice. If you catch him singing one of the old bollywood songs of Lata Mangeshkar or Muhammad Rafi, consider yourself blessed by the gods.
Knows how to cook since he lives alone
Literally the guy every aunty dreams of marrying their daughter to. Manager of his office. Cooks. Cleans. Respects his elders. Funny. Charming. Every time he and Charles go out at least one middle aged person has asked Carlos if he's married yet and frankly, as his boyfriend who's Right There, Charles is pretty offended.
Have y'all seen the pictures of him in those button up shirts and trousers? The eyes that make Rahat Fateh Ali Khan songs play in your ear every time you look into them? So desi husband material
Best friends with Lando, basically brothers with his they are with each other
Like any best friend, he does NOT like Lando's boyfriend
Max Verstappen— “JATT DON'T CARE 💪🔥💯”
From Haryana
The M in Max stands for Mharo Balam Thanedar Chalawe Gypsy— jkjk
Some say he's aggressive, hot headed, quick tempered; some say he's just Haryanvi.
Is in a psychosexual homoerotic rivalry with Charles and is in denial because of his internalised homophobia.
His dad and Charles’ dad were business partners and now they're always wanting to one up another in the family businesses.
Talking about his father— his dad is very rich and also a typical Haryanvi dad. Bapu sehat ke liye haanikarak type shit.
His father made him do kushti when he was younger and Charles still teases him about it
Will randomly infodump about his father whenever the opportunity presents itself
With how he usually is and what his childhood was like, you'd think he'd be a horrible father but you're WRONG
Everyone loves his daughter Prithvi, or P, for short.
They love spoiling her. Every year on her birthday she gets so many gifts it takes her two days just to open them.
Funnily enough, she once “betrayed” him by saying her favourite was Charlie Uncle.
I just think it would be so funny if he drove a Toyota Fortuner.
Lando Norris— “Lassan 🧄”
From Bangalore
Youtuber. Makes videos for every one of his channels religiously. Has a channel for gaming, another for vlogs, another for shorts and somehow manages them all while uploading reels and posting on Instagram???
He's a university student but nobody knows it because he's always posting videos so they just think he's a full time youtuber
“Shares a room” with Oscar, who is his boyfriend, by the way. You'd never guess. (that is a fucking lie. If you watch even one of his livestreams you'd know that they have explored each other's bodies. He's always “dekho guys Oscar aa gaya 😄😄😄” bro you're not fooling anyone)
Has his own merchandise. His designs are always so cool that they sell out before they're properly out.
Will probably make his own content team when he graduates
He once slipped on the desi toilet while travelling and Carlos made a reel about it. It is one of his most famous reels and Lando will absolutely ignore you if you talk about it.
Kinda fuckboyish???? Like he gives off the vibes of the kinda boy that only texts you past midnight and says shit like “what are you wearing? ;)” Like thank god he has a boyfriend or he would single handedly destroy the faith in love of every girl in a 5 kilometre radius
Oscar Piastri— “gora pakora”
From Goa
Frequently shows up on Lando's videos and livestreams
Studying engineering and living with Lando, basically taking care of him because of course he is
Regular victim of Lando's youtube shenanigans. Gets pranked one too many times every other day.
Has this kind of dead stare where he's just 😐 until Lando comes and annoys (see: kisses or pranks) him
Gets asked “bhai tu kabhi kuch bolta kyu nahi hai” so frequently he should just write “pata nahi yaar” on his face.
Has strong beef with Carlos. Do not talk about that man in front of him. Now this is really inconvenient because Carlos is Lando's bEsT FrIeNd iN tHe WoRlD
There beef started when Lando cried because he missed Oscar and Carlos showed up to Oscar's parents house asking him to square the fuck up. His parents —poor them they don't even know their son is gay— were left to wonder why their son was on a video call with his roommate OUTSIDE in the middle of winter vacation while a strange man cussed him the fuck out.
Lando can and will and DOES make him do silly dance trends with him on Instagram reels
Best friend is Logan, who studies engineering with him. You don't know how much you can depend on someone else until you're an IISER student and they're the only good friend you have.
Daniel Ricciardo— “Paaji”
From Chandigarh
Y'all remember Sodhi from Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chashma? Yeah. Him.
No one knows how he's able to control Max. Literally his best friend. Max will always have a resting bitch face but when Danny paaji is there he's all “😆😆😂😂🤣🤣” like bro 😐
I just know he would randomly say “oye balle balle balle balle balle” for no reason other than to annoy people. I just know it.
Actually works very hard and always helps people, but he's such a troll that people just think he's some unemployed youtuber with a prank channel
Absolute party animal. Do not ever in front of him mention that you're free that night.
George Russell— “nazuk kali”
From Delhi
Graphic designer. Edits Lando's videos for nim. Studies computer science.
Shared a room with Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant. Their relationship status is very complex. I'm not saying that they're a throuple, I'm not saying that they're friends. What I'm saying is that they're so dependent on each other I don't think they could function alone anymore. These three idiots make a full functional human being together. George cleans the house, Alex does the cooking and Logan does the laundry and the dishes. They manage, thanks.
George Russell is the type of guy to say “ghar pe maa behen nahi hai kya?” When he sees a girl getting catcalled.
George Russell is the type of guy to say “aapko kahin lagi to nahin?” When he bumps into someone.
George Russell is the type of guy to cover his mouth and say “uff” when he eats something spicy on accident.
On that note, George absolutely cannot handle his spice. Never bit into a raw green chilli willingly in his entire life.
You just know he eats the meethi pani puri with the red chutney and all.
Thinks momos are better than pani puri (he's wrong).
Closes his eyes and covers his ears when a condom ad or a spicy movie scene comes on the TV
Very pale because he rarely leaves his room (which— he's a computer science major, come on)
Lewis Hamilton— “dac saab”
From Kozhikode (Kerala)
Fashion influencer, gets brand deals all the time. Always promoting this brand or that.
Also actually a veterinary doctor with his own dog clinic.
Has a youtube channel where heostly makes affordable fashion tips etc but also posts the dogs at his clinic from time to time.
Spent a lot of years in South Delhi where he fell in love with a guy when he was a teenager but when he eventually moved back to Kozhikode they fell out of contact. Now he’s moved to Mumbai as he opened up a new clinic there and doesn't even know that he actually lives in the same goddamn building as the guy he fell in love with 20 years ago back in South Delhi.
I think y'all can already guess who the guy was, but if you can't (shame on you) it's Nico Rosberg.
Had a wife but she cheated so they divorced or something idk how do you justify a 40 year old guy being unmarried in India?
Loves his dogs more than anything, if there's a dog at his clinic that he can't save he will be sad for days.
Speaks Hindi in a voice that's like three octaves lower than his usual voice. Thinks he sounds bad but he sounds so damn hot.
Nico Rosberg— “thi ek.”
From South Delhi
News anchor for sure. Has a sadness in his eyes that makes you wonder if he ever got over the heartbreak he had at 19 (he did not)
Most people think his hair is dyed (it is not) because he's a chapri (he might be)
Legends say that the only time he has been seen with a smile on his face on TV was when he was talking about his childhood best friend.
The reason he doesn't anchor for any of the big or daresay political news channels is because they don't like how he compares international disputes to the fight he had with his best friend when he was 19.
Regularly travels to other metropolitan cities for news coverings (mainly sports) but lives in Mumbai for majority of the time.
In fact, lives in the same building as Lewis. The fact that they haven't run into each other in the elevator yet is a miracle (or a curse).
Will talk about love and heartbreak to anyone who would listen. You know those boys who say “thi ek” whenever someone tries to talk to them about love? Yeah that's him.
Married and has two daughters that he loves very much.
No pets because they remind him too much of Lewis.
Sebastian Vettel— “Chacha”
From Delhi
Lives in Mumbai with his wife.
Best friends with Lewis, knows everything about him and Nico.
Kind of a father figure to Charles.
The beloved colony uncle that always has the wildest stories ever. Catch him at the tea stall and just get him talking— you will be a changed man when he is done.
“Aur phir uska accident ho gaya aur usne apna haath kho diya, to uski manghetar ki family ne unse rishta tudwa liya. Jiske baad uski manghetar ki sagai mujhse hui aur phir hamari shaadi hui or shayad aaj bhi wo akela hi ek haath se apna hila raha hai bechara”
You would think considering how sweet he is, he was always this sweet but NO, this man was a MENACE.
Everyone who knew him before he got married wants him dead even now after all the years.
Fernando Alonso— "Kaka"
From Jaipur
The exact opposite of Sebastian.
The old man you see on the side of the road with paan in his mouth and a gaali on his lips
Also tells you stories from his youth and they're just as interesting but he's so arrogant about it that you're no longer interested in listening five minutes in no matter how interesting the story is
The kind of old man who sees children playing in the streets and starts acting like an overly invested referee for no reason.
Goes to the park in the morning at the same time as Sebastian but unlike him, Fernando does not let the joy and whimsy of life have any effect on him making you wonder why he's there at all
Lance Stroll— “vegan wali diet almond wala ghee 😌💅”
From South Bombay
Ameer baap ki bigri aulad
“What do you mean I can't buy the whole store?”
Y'all remember that “Mawn, terew paaw ki jewtie maawwww” girl??? Yeah
Sonam Kapoor is jealous of how much better he is at being a nepo baby
Logan Sargeant— “ye bhi thik hai”
Lives with George and Alex
From Goa
Thank god he does because he would not be surviving otherwise
Might have feelings for his roommates but all he knows how to do is wash the dishes and the clothes and he doesn't wanna die of hunger so he's silent.
Except maybe in front of Oscar but that's his best friendddd
Studying computer science too
Alex Albon— “dhokla4lifer”
From Gujarat
I might be projecting a bit but as someone who fucking LOVES dhokla, I don't see any reason as to why Alex should not.
Cooks for his two roommates, and always cooks so good.
Dhokla on Sundays and a tiffin box full of thepla and aam ka aachar whenever one of them is travelling home
Studying history and geography
Yuki Tsunoda— “momo wale bhaiya”
From Dehradun
Do not call him momo wale bhaiya. He can and will kill you.
Actually does love cooking
Has his own restaurant near the university campus
Pierre Gasly— “tantar mantar”
From West Bengal
Tired of everyone's “kaala jaadu” jokes.
Charles’ best friend and confidante.
Gossip girls. They have all the tea on everyone in the uni.
Does sports.
Final year law student
Esteban Ocon— “Pierre's ex (he is NOT)”
From Odisha
Has beef with Pierre.
Will argue about anything from the origin of roshogulla to the state's contribution in the fight for freedom of the country.
Also final year law student
Sergio Perez from Bihar
K Mag from Kashmir (haha get it? Because he's a track terroris—)
Nico Hulkenburg from Kashmir too
Valtteri Bottas from The Andaman Nicobar islands or something idk he shows so much ass it's unreal
Zhou Guanyu from Meghalaya
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