#shape shifters? well guess what
000marie198 · 7 months
Learning more about the various mysterious mythical creatures in various cultures even through snippets of media and reading fanfics can be so fucking cool because you know what?
All of them have something in common with jinn and jinns exist in real life so most likely, I believe many of those mysterious mythical creatures are concepts which originated from probably true happening, are based on the truth. Those things do exist but not in the way you think
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radmista · 1 year
So I finally watched Nimona (during that date) and it was not worth the hype. The animation was beautiful and I did love how expressive the characters were. But damn, Nimona the character in general was annoying.
Her backstory was really cool, how it was all integrated and revealed stuff. But just eh, was not a fan of her. I really dislike misunderstandings esp when characters just don't talk to each other or walk in on shit out of context. I get what they were trying to do and say with Nimona. But at the same time, I also see exactly how some people will think they relate to how persecuted Nimona actually is to their life when they live a pretty privileged life. And yeah thats not the movies fault, but eh.
I guess overall it wasn't bad, but just not as good as everyone said it would be. And I knew that going in, just bc I know people overhype stuff, but even with my expectations lowered it still was just meh.
#there was stuff i really liked#i just honestly got super bothered by the 'dont ask small minded questions' like what????#sorry if im too science brain or too curious. but questions are important. and some questions asked were prying#but others were from places of genuine curiosity and seeking to understand and gain knowledge#the fact that part of the message was dont ask 'small minded' questions just really rubbed me the wrong way#you should always be free to ask questions to gain more knowledge. esp since in this case nimona is incredibly unique#of course people are gonna be curious and want to know at least something about her magic or whatever#just bc a question is smth you dont want to answer or makes you uncomfortable doesn't make it small minded#at one point the main guy just asks her if it hurts when she transforms or if she feels anything while doing it#and she gives him this look. like girl seriously? thats such an inocuous question#just esp more confusing/weird when she finds some questions to be okay to answer.#it bothered me more bc i know what people have and will extrapolate from it#but like jfc shape shifters in media can literally actually change their form completely. thats not the same as what tumblr youth do#it was decent enough. if it wasnt slamming you in the head with 'dont ask questions just accept on blind faith' message constantly#questions are good. but i guess only questioning big government is the only good questioning#just random thoughts#also watched howls moving castle and that was also tbh overhyped as well. shit was confusing
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niqhtlord01 · 5 months
Humans are weird: Video Games Part 11
Alien: So what is this one about? Human: Vampires in the wild west. Alien: Sounds interesting. Human: You’d think so, but when the main characters are as animated as the undead monsters they fight it’s pretty hard to take them seriously. Alien: From your own admission they are fighting vampire cowboys…..how serious were you expecting it to be? Human: ……. Touché. ---------------------
Alien: What is “The Quarry”? Human: Murder porn and sadness. Alien: ……………… ------------------------
Alien: “Boltgun”? Human: A man too angry to die because of what a sassy bitch he is. Alien: How does being sassy make you avoid death? Human: Because even death is afraid of being mocked so hard. ---------------------
Alien: Why would anyone want to play an aquatic predator? Human: You ever just look at someone and wonder what they’d taste like? Alien: I believe that is called cannibalism. Human: Not unless you’re a giant fish. ---------------------
Alien: Why does the tiny creature have a machine gun? Human: To stop you from eating it. Alien: Most effective. ---------------------
Alien: I heard this one is a popular game. Human: Eh, I guess. Alien: What do you mean “eh”? Alien: There have been five of them made. Human: It’s mostly made for people that like to watch a slow mo shot of a bullet going through a man’s balls over and over. Alien: What sadistic beings are you?!? Human: You should let me tell you about Meat Boy sometime for more context. ---------------------
Alien: This one looks cute. Alien: It’s about a brother in sister in your primitive era. Human: And a shit load of rats. Alien: What? Human: Yeah, you can make the rats devour a man whole as he screams and begs for his life. Alien: I…..but…..just….why? ----------------------
Alien: Why on florps name would someone want to play a game about manual labor? Alien: is not the point of your entertainment games to seek enjoyment? Human: Some people feel pleasure from a job well done. Alien: That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Human: Didn’t your people worship a rock a couple centuries back because when the light hit it the thing sparkled? Alien: ………touché. -------------------------
Alien: I wish to escape this bunker. Human: You just need to find some dynamite and a plunger to trigger it. Alien: Sounds easy enough. Human: And avoid the ancient giant rat god stalking the halls of the bunker. Alien: What is with your people and rats?!!?!?!? ----------------------
Alien: What is this “Crackdown 3” about? Human: A cops fantasy about how they view themselves. Alien: How so? Human: They see themselves fighting crime when more often they help prop up a totalitarian regime. Alien: Did not the second one have monsters in it? Human: That’s how they see poor people. Alien: Holy gargle…..that’s messed up. --------------------
Alien: What is this one? Human: Designing overly elaborate death machines to murder guys in metal suits with swords. Alien: Is that not what we did to your people during the third age of your species? Human: Come again? ------------------
Alien: Is this game about zombies? Human: More a social experiment. Alien: How so? Human: It has no set rules or goal in a zombie apocalypse, but more often you find people choosing the worst things to do to each other for shits and giggles. Alien: It can’t be all that bad. Human: I watched a group of high level players capture a new player, strip them of their gear, and force them to drink bleach under pain of death for a meme. Alien: ……………….. ----------------------
Human: How’s the new game goin- Alien: *Grabs human friend and sprays them with foam Alien: Good…you’re not one of them. Human: spits out foam One of what? Alien: A shape shifter! Alien: They were everywhere on the station and that made me wonder if those bastards are here in the home as well! Human: Wouldn’t say they’re all bastards. Table: Yeah, some of us are actually nice fellows. *Alien and Human both scream*
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Cullens x teen!reader - strange family
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A Cullen family x teen reader where they adopt an orphan human or wolf shape-shifter? Please - Anon💜
Sitting on the grass outside the school, you sighed to yourself as you looked at the books in your lap.
You didn’t really have an interest in going into the school, not today at least, so you spent the day sat outside working on your homework and studying.
It was nice, peaceful.
At least until a familiar scent hit your nose.
“I’m not causing you any trouble so leave me alone.” You grumbled.
“I just saw you outside is all, do you mind if I have a seat?” The woman asked.
You flicked your gaze up to her, and then shrugged before going back to your studies.
You didn’t have to follow the treaty, since you didn’t belong to the pack, and you weren’t actually from forks itself both the pack on the reserve and the Cullens decided you could stay.
Esme sat down in front of you, and she watched you for a moment.
“Can I ask why you’re not inside? It’s career day, wouldn’t you like to take part?” She asked you.
“I’m fine out here.”
Esme sighed a little bit.
“Won’t your parents be looking for you?”
You shook your head.
“If they’re looking for me I’ll be a bit concerned considering the fact I buried them halfway across the state.”
Esme went quiet and you gathered up your books.
“I just want to be left alone.”
With that you wondered away and left the school, going into the forest to find a different place where you could study.
The Cullens had made an attempt to speak to you, at least Alice, Carlisle, Emmett and Esme had.
The others weren’t too keen on the idea of a rouge werewolf running about the area, but didn’t have much say in it.
You didn’t want anything to do with them or whatever it was that was going on with Bella and other vampires.
You simply just wanted to be left alone.
You spent a few hours away from everyone until you heard someone toss something just in front of you.
“You need to stop running away.”
“I don’t want to stay in that home sir.”
You looked up at the man, and he sighed a little bit as he walked over to you, sitting on the fallen tree.
“Well they’re moving you to a new home today anyway, your current careers have to leave the state.”
You looked at Charlie and frowned a little.
“They’re alright people, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Cullens, you go to school with their kids.”
“Oh hell no.”
“You don’t get a choice in this (Y/N).”
You looked at him and went back to putting your things away.
You didn’t want to argue with him, he had been kind enough to look out for you since you were based here a few years ago.
Charlie smiled at you.
“Thank you, come on then, I’ve already taken your bags.”
You rolled your eyes at him but followed him back to his car, and you tossed yourself into the back seat and laid across it.
Charlie looked at you but said nothing.
You didn’t want to stay with the vampires, so despite their efforts to get you to talk to them you wouldn’t do it.
You spent months confined to the room they offered you, or laying around in the forest as your wolf form.
Today was one of those days, and you turned around as you heard one of the Cullens approaching you.
“Come on, don’t do that.” Emmett laughed.
He walked around you and dropped himself in front of you and you huffed, baring your teeth at him in warning.
“Don’t be so stubborn.”
You made a grumbling noise and flicked your eyes to him, and phased back.
“What do you want?”
“Everyone is busy, and Rosalie went hunting with Esme and Alice..” Emmett grumbled.
You laughed a little.
“So you’re just lonely?”
“Not since I’ve come to annoy you.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes and laid back on the grass, and Emmett tossed a bag at you.
“You’ve been out here for hours, it’s something to eat and drink.”
You nodded and you looked at him.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” You replied.
Emmett laid down next to you and looked up at the trees.
“Do you feel out of place here?”
You thought for a moment.
“Sometimes I guess yeah. But it’s nice knowing you guys aren’t human you know? It makes it easier I guess.”
“Why not live on the reserve?”
“And obey their stupid pack rules? Yeah no.”
Emmett chuckled and he looked at you.
“You’re not so bad. Want to go rock climbing?”
You shrugged and got up.
You began to spend more time with Emmett, he was like you, a little reckless and completely care free, and you got along well.
And you began to spend more time with the Cullens, you began to realise they weren’t so bad.
You got along with them they were good people to you, Carlisle and Esme cooked for you, Alice and Jasper helped you with school work, Emmett and you played game, and Rosalie and you just sat and read in peace.
It was a nice life compared to what you were used too.
You were part of the family, though you didn’t get along with Edward or Bella, or their obsession with one another.
Sitting at the table, you were eating your dinner waiting for the family to come home.
“We’ve got something for you.” Carlisle smiled.
You looked up at him and he set some papers down in front of you.
Looking down you carefully read them.
“You want to adopt me…?” You asked quietly.
“You’re already part of the family.” Esme smiled.
You looked at the two adults and they smiled softly at you.
“We asked everybody else to stay away so we could do this quietly.” Esme said gently.
You looked at them both.
“We know it may be strange, vampires adopting a werewolf, but we already love you like our own.” Carlisle said.
You stood up and looked at the papers.
You looked at them.
It had been years since you had a family, a place to call your own.
You lost your family years ago and had been on your own ever since.
Esme placed her hand on your shoulder and you looked up at her with tears in your eyes.
“We just want to hear what you think.” She whispered.
“I.. I would like that…”
You set the papers down, hugging her tightly and she laughed, hugging you back and Carlisle walked over to start signing the papers.
You were going to be an official member of their little strange family, and how stranger could it be to add a werewolf to the mix
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tenderleavesbob · 4 months
"Legend! Four!"
The battlefield was a mess, but Warriors could still hear Twilight screaming. He finished off his fight with a quick, hard slash of his blade and then looked where Twilight was staring.
Four was on the ground, awake but clearly dazed and wounded. Legend stood over him, sword in his hands and wild eyed. Twilight was surrounded and was fighting like a madman, but Warriors saw that there was no way that he would be able to get to them in time. He couldn't make out the other members of the chain in this mess. This was Warriors's world, and the battles here tended to be spread out and terrible, the enemies using their great numbers to overpower their foes.
Bokoblins tried to swarm Warriors. He fought them off even as he kept one eye on Legend and assessed the situation. Something cut the back of his leg, and he kicked the bokoblin away without looking. Legend was tiring. Four was still awake but not getting up.
Both had revealed themselves to be shifters. Warriors guessed all of the heroes were, although he had only seen some of the different shapes. Twilight often used his wolf shape. Warriors had seen Mask transform but had never seen Time do so. Sky loved flying with Wind. He had only seen both Four and Legend transform once but knew their alternate forms wouldn't help them now. He doubted Four was coherent enough to shift and Legend's shift would only get him killed.
Only Mask had seen Warriors's other form, and if he had his way, only Mask would ever see his form. It was humiliating. It was another reminder of how poorly he fit the legendary hero title. He hadn't transformed since the last time Mask had seen him when he was barely 18 years old.
Legend and Four needed him. They were also on the far side of the battlefield.
With a swift slash, Warriors cleared the area around him. Anxiety rose in him but he pushed it back with long experience. He needed to save his brothers.
If any of them laughed at them for this, he would step on them.
Warriors took a deep breath and shifted.
It ached and his muscles protested. It felt like resuming sword practice after a long illness. Warriors hissed with pain, which transformed into a high whinny.
How embarrassing.
His body felt different than what he remembered from the last transformation. The ground seemed farther away than before. Warriors had no time to focus on it or Twilight's sudden, startled shouting. He bolted toward Legend and Four, stomping on or leaping over any monsters who stepped in front of him.
It was easier than he expected. His legs felt stronger. He would need to transform in private later.
For now, he needed to save his brothers. Nothing else mattered.
Well, Legend's wide eyes and fallen jaw mattered. A little. "You're a fucking UNICORN?" he spluttered when Warriors paused beside him.
Warriors snorted and knelt on the ground. No time for that. Legend seemed to agree, because even as he kept muttering to himself, he dragged first Four and then himself onto Warriors's back. With one last huff, Warriors stood up and ran from the battlefield. He would handle the rest of the details later.
"A fucking unicorn," Legend was still grumbling on Warriors's back. It made Warriors feel a little better about his embarrassing shift.
It helped, too, that Legend was stroking his neck with the hand not holding onto Four. Maybe Warriors would even be willing to transform after this battle.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
It's been awhile, Geralt x Jaskier enthusiasts, but here is your newest installment of...
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Otherwise known as...
Things that sound like Geraskier fic writers made them up, but that are, in fact, book canon.
This time with commentary on the original Polish wording from @cherrypoison1889! Thanks, Cherry!
Today we're talking about dopplers, otherwise known as shape shifters, also called vexlings in the world of The Witcher. Dopplers are often used to expose the fact that Dandelion is a vulnerability for Geralt, that he loves him.
There are quite a few Geraskier fics that play with this trope. (I will give you a rec or two at the end of the post.)
It makes sense! Plus, the show used a doppler, (more on that later) so the concept is right there!
But does the concept of using a doppler to reveal Geralt's true feelings for Jaskier just exist in the fevered imagination of Geraskier fic writers?? Is this pure fanon? Or canon?
Well, you may have guessed (since I didn't write all this out for my health!)...
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It is canon.
In The Witcher book, Sword of Destiny, we meet a doppler called Dudu, who turns into Dandelion (Jaskier) to protect himself from Geralt. He even has a few choice words to say about what he sees in Geralt's thoughts.
Want the details? Of course you do, you've read this far, why not?
When Geralt meets Dudu in this story, the doppler is in the form of a halfling called Dainty Biberveldt. Dudu has bonked Dainty on the head, stolen his shit, taken his form, and is running around Novigrad making business deals with his ill gotten gains.
Dainty wants his shit back from the doppler, but does not want to turn Dudu over to the city guards because Dainty is a decent person who knows that they will murder the doppler in an absolutely horrific way that I will not describe to you. Novigrad is rife with violent bigotry towards non humans, and dopplers in particular have been slaughtered to near extinction. They've been subject to genocide, basically, just because they creep people out. (I could write a thesis just on the way this short story handles themes of racism)
But anywho. That's how we get Geralt's involvement. Geralt is pitching in to get Dudu under control so they don't have to involve bigoted law enforcement. (We stan Dainty ACAB Biberveldt in this house)
This particular scene opens when Geralt has pursued the doppler into a crowded marketplace and has finally cornered him in a tent. Dandelion is elsewhere in the market, being a slut, so he is nowhere to be seen. When Geralt corners Dudu, they are alone, and the doppler panics. He can't get away. So, he decides to be crafty.
First, he turns into Geralt as a way to protect himself. The book describes Dudu changing into Geralt, down to the last detail. Now there are two identical witchers in the tent. Then Dudu speaks.
"Don't come any closer," the second witcher said huskily and smiled. "Don't come any nearer, Geralt. I won't let you lay your hands on me."
So now he looks just like Geralt and has his husky voice. Perhaps he is hoping Geralt will not be able to harm someone who looks like himself. Perhaps he just wants to be equal to him physically.
Either way, Geralt's self esteem is too low for the first one to work. Here is how Geralt responds to an exact copy of himself.
"What a hideous smile I have," thought Geralt, reaching for his sword. "What a hideous face I have. And how hideously I squint? So is that what I look like? Damn."
So, Geralt reaches for his sword immediately, and the only reaction he has for himself is disgust.
Here is where I asked Cherry for her thoughts. Is Geralt as mean to himself in the original Polish? Hideous is pretty strong a word! Here is what she said:
Cherrypoison1889: Geralt is indeed very harsh on himself, when he sees the doppler transform into him. In Polish, he uses the word "paskudne" to describe himself, which is literally hideous. However, he also calls his face "gęba" which is a more vulgar word for face, which in Polish is "Twarz". So he's even harsher on himself, I'd say.
Oh noooo. But just when you think Geralt's low self esteem is going to be a strategic advantage, it betrays him. Why? Because when Dudu says, you can't defeat me, because I am you and I know everything you know...
"I am you," the doppler repeated. "you will not gain an advantage over me. You cannot defeat me, because I am you!"
That is where Geralt starts to lose ground. Why? Because Geralt of Rivia says, no, you can't really copy me! Because you are a good person, and I'm a bad bad bad man. I kill people. I'm a killer. You cannot relate. You cannot even begin to understand the mind of a bad evil killer man like me.
"No," the witcher countered, "you are not. And do you know why? Because you're a poor, little, good-natured doppler. A doppler who, after all, could have killed Biberveldt and buried his body in the undergrowth, by so doing gaining total safety and utter certainty that he would not be unmasked, ever, by anybody....But you didn't kill him...Because you're a poor, little, good-natured doppler, whose close friends call him Dudu...you only know how to copy what is good in us, because you don't understand the bad in us."
Geralt isn't saying this to be strategic. He truly believes it! He knows Dudu has seen his thoughts! Listen to what he says next...
"you aren't capable of defying me, because I am what you are unable of copying (sic). You are absolutely aware of this, Dudu. Because you took over my thoughts for a moment."
So, Geralt is like, you saw what a mess it was in there. You know what a killer I am. You may as well give up now.
I thought 'took over my thoughts' was a little bit of an awkward phrasing, it almost implies thought control, when I feel like the context is thought reading, so I asked Cherry about that. She said:
Cherrypoison1889: As for the "taking thoughts over" bit, it is the same in Polish, I am afraid. the word Sapko uses is "przejąć" which means exactly that, although I assume that the "take over" in English was meant to be understood as "acquiring" although I can't be sure of that. It sure does sound a touch awkward.
But back to the story, Tellico (Dudu) has now been inside Geralt's head. So he knows that's absolute bullshit, even if Geralt doesn't. He has seen what is in Geralt's heart, which prompts him to take another shape.
Tellico straightened up abruptly. His face's features, still those of the Witcher, blurred and spread out, and his white hair curled and began to darken.
"You're right, Geralt," he said indistinctly, because his lips had begun to change shape. "I took over your thoughts. Only briefly, but it was sufficient. Do you know what I'm going to do now?"
Do you? Do you dear reader, know what he's going to do now? I'm going to let you make a guess.
The leather witcher jacket took on a glossy, cornflower blue colour. The doppler smiled, straightened his plum bonnet with its egret's feather, and tightened the strap of the lute slung over his shoulder, the lute which had been a sword a moment ago.
Well, if you've read the books up to this point, we all know who's form he has taken. Cornflower blue, egret's feather, lute....smart doppler.
"I'll tell you what I"m going to do, Witcher," he said, with the rippling laughter characteristic of Dandelion. "I'll go on my way, squeeze my way into the crowd and change quietly into any old body, even a beggar. Because I prefer being a beggar in Novigrad to being a doppler in the wilds."
He then has a powerful monologue about being subject to extermination and genocide. About hunger and fear and freezing to death. He makes a very touching plea to Geralt, asking the Witcher why he is denied the right of survival, granted to everyone else, just because he is a doppler. It is about a page and half long and I HIGHLY recommend people read Sword of Destiny, because this is good shit. He says he will stay in Novigrad.
"As a resident of Novigrad, I'll trade, weave wicker baskets, beg or steal; as one of you I'll do what one of you usually does...."
The Witcher said nothing.
Now, Dudu, in Dandelion's shape, having seen Geralt's thoughts, takes his gamble. And boy does he have guts. He tells Geralt about himself, about his supposed bad bad heart.
"Yes, as I said," Tellico continued calmly. "I'm going. And you, Geralt, will not even try to stop me. Because I, Geralt, knew your thoughts for a moment. Including the ones you don't want to admit to, the ones you even hide from yourself. Because to stop me you'd have to kill me. And the thought of killing me in cold blood fills you with disgust doesn't it?
The Witcher said nothing.
Tellico adjusted the strap of his lute again, turned away and walked towards the exit. He walked confidently, but Geralt saw him hunch his neck and shoulders in expectation of the whistle of a sword blade. He put his sword in his scabbard. The doppler stopped in mid-step and looked around.
"Farewell", Geralt, he said. "Thank you."
"Farewell, Dudu," the Witcher replied. "Good luck."
Dudu wins that one, quite handily.
The doppler turned away and headed towards the crowded bazaar, with Dandelion's sprightly, cheerful, swinging gait. Like Dandelion, he swung his left arm vigorously, and just like Dandelion he grinned at the wenches as he passed them.
As he walks away, Dudu even plays the lute and sings "exactly like Dandelion". Then he shouts back advice for Geralt to pass on to the bard.
"Pass that on to Dandelion, if you remember," he called. "And tell him that Winter is a lousy title. The ballad should be called The Eternal Fire. Farewell, Witcher."
Dudu has seen Geralt's thoughts EVEN THE ONES HE WILL NOT ADMIT TO EVEN THE ONES HE HIDES FROM HIMSELF, and his next choice was to turn into Dandelion.
Now, do I think that the author meant to imply that Geralt is trying to hide his love of Dandelion? No. Slim chance of that. However, it isn't like it's a secret that Geralt hates killing creatures who do no harm or who cannot fight back. So there is still something a bit fuzzy to me about the thoughts that Geralt hides from himself.
It is ripe territory for a Geralt x Dandelion enjoyer to exploit, cultivate, and use for their fics and headcanons.
I asked Cherry for her thoughts about this, about what Geralt's hidden thoughts are having read the original Polish, and she said this:
I feel like Dudu used Geralt's self-loathing against him, in a way. As in, if Geralt were to kill Dudu-as-Dandy, he would admit to himself that he is a ruthless, horrible person, who kills "intelligent" beings, despite what he claims, which would also make him a hypocrite. And we know Geralt is a big softie, so he wouldn't do it anyway. I think changing into Dandy was an additional precaution, just an extra measure in case Dudu turned out to be wrong.
I really liked this story, I don't remember reading it back when I read the books (it was ages ago, so I might be wrong anyway). It's really funny, and Geralt is babbie. Darling boy, he just bought himself a new jacket and it got ruined in the frenzy...
Babbie Geralt, that's our darling.
It is sad that Geralt has so much self loathing that it didn't help Dudu to look like him, but it is very sweet that Dandelion is such a point of vulnerability for Geralt, and that Dudu had his number.
Dudu wins this round soundly. The story isn't over. I won't spoil it in case you guys want to read it. But it has a great ending. It is definitely one of my favorites.
I will just never get over how easily he gets the upper hand on Geralt here. Geralt of Rivia, legendary monster hunter, defeated by little Dudu because of his low self worth, his mushy heart, his solidarity with non humans, and his love of a slutty bard.
Now, recommendations.
The Doppler Effect, by @a-kind-of-merry-war This is the first doppler fic I read in the fandom and it has alll the delicious emotional drama, pining, and sexiness that you want from a fic like this. It is excellent.
Images of You, by @pherryt This one is a delightful 'continuation' of what happens in Sword of Destiny. After Dudu learns about Geralt's feelings, he essentially matchmakes Geralt and Dandelion eventually receiving a sexy thank-you of his own.
Them, by @gilligangoodfellow I feel like dopplers and Dudu in particular is so ripe for exploration in fic. So it is wonderful to see a fic like this. It's a short character study of Dudu as gender fluid, with the doppler coming out to Zoltan. Seriously, try it.
Alright, thanks for reading, folks!
For more Geralt and Dandelion "I can't believe it's not fanon..."stay tuned. I am organizing a master post with all of the posts I've done. So keep your eyes out. (in the mean time, most of them seem to show up in the tag, just not all of them)
And lastly, THANK YOU CHERRY! I love having a partner to do these posts with!!
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calliecwrites · 2 months
Shifter HRT, part 4 – First Changes (2 Months)
It’s happening! Slowly – but surely. I noticed the first small changes over the last few weeks. And, despite obsessively checking myself for changes every day, I found the first thing completely by accident.
I don’t bleed anymore. I nicked my finger while cooking, and nothing happened. Eventually there was a little blob of red goo there, but it wasn’t watery like blood, and after a while it seeped back into the wound. That’s what my blood is like now. It kinda makes sense that it would be the first thing to change, since it’s already liquid, and it’s what’s carrying the shifterising hormone around my body. I can’t feel it, I can’t control it, but knowing that I’ve got goo in my veins (what a thing to say) is weirdly validating. All those pills I’ve been taking are actually doing something! And I’d swear the cut healed faster than usual – though that might just be me seeing things where there aren’t any.
Speaking of seeing, my eyesight is changing. Or, maybe not the sight itself, but what my brain is doing with it. I’m noticing details more. It’s like how, sometimes, after meditation, I feel like I’m seeing things more as they are, rather than seeing what I expect to see. I imagine it’s what it’s like for an artist studying something they want to draw. Except now it’s happening spontaneously, and more intensely. For a moment, I can look at a tree and take in the whole thing at once, every leaf and branch, and remember it. It’s intermittent – more often than not I’m still seeing things the old human way – but it’s happening enough to notice.
Everyone always says shifters have a really good eye for detail. In all the human stories where shifters are monsters, that’s how they’re able to imitate and replace people so easily (assuming they don’t just absorb them, which also often ends up happening in those stories). I think this must be the start of it.
Some patches of skin feel different, too. There’s one on my leg, one on my stomach, and another on my back. They look the same, but the texture is slightly different, and I can tell where they are even without touching them. If I really focus, I can make them feel just a bit softer and squishier than normal flesh. Not quite like goo, not yet, but definitely different. I’m thinking these will be the first parts to turn fluid, eventually.
And one more thing: I bought one of those shifter art things. Maybe you’ve seen them? – a little bowl full of goo, with a button on the side that you twiddle to change the goo into different shapes. Or, maybe ‘putty’ is a better word – it’s a bit like wet clay that doesn’t dry. It’s a sculpting toy, basically – that shifters invented. I’ve wanted one for years, but never dared, because someone might see it and… guess what was going on in my head? Who am I kidding? – no one is going to see that and think maybe you want to be a shifter! If they even noticed it, they’d take one look, think that’s a funny little thing, and move on. Paranoia is… well. I don’t think paranoia is too strong a word for it. Everything I did had to be checked against would this make people suspect?, and that overrode everything else. Any sign had to be hidden at all costs. I still didn’t dare buy it in a shop – I ordered it online – but now it’s here, sitting on my shelf, and so far no one has called me a monster. I don’t think anyone’s even noticed.
Right now it’s in the very rough shape of a dragon. Well, OK, so it’s basically a blob with two little blobs that kinda maybe could be wings… and looks more like a mushroom… what you can do with the button is very limited! But the real appeal of these is that once I can turn fluid, I’ll be able to flow into it, mix with the putty, and sculpt it from the inside using my own shapeshifting ability. It’s no wonder shifters love these things. Some of the pictures I’ve seen online are amazing – almost as amazing as what they can do with their own bodies. What I’ll be able to do, eventually.
And so that’s it! Two months, and things changing already! I’m still taking my human hormones – I’ll have to keep doing that for a while – and I still haven’t told anyone (ugh, don’t want to think about that), but for only having been on this for such a short time, things couldn’t be better!
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Thank you baby, sorry for messing up that post the first time, I might be stupid, so your ask is a touch cut off on both sides
Anyway, back to the show
And I decided that this takes place in 1985 even though we don't have a set year so I could reference '84 movies. Do y'all even know what a VCR is? Is that gonna confuse y'all? I had blues clues on a bright orange VHS as a kid and I miss it every day.
Morgie le Fay x Reader
Pronouns used: they/them/theirs
Summary: Morgie could think of about 100 things he’d rather do that coparent a dragon with Merlin Academy’s sweetheart
Warnings: Morgie is a little OOC due to being in a bad mood (and hating dragons), Swearing, reader is implied to be shorter than Morgie (idk how tall Peder is and don't really care so sorry if I made y'all reallll short with that), this reads pretty platonic so sorry if that's not what you wanted, Reader calls Morgie "Daddio" but i assure you it's not how you think
Word Count: 3.5K
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   There was no class that the sorcerer hated more than “Care of Magical Creatures”. The only magical creature he had any interest in was himself, he was a lovely magical creature, a shape shifter. He knows how to care for himself, what other magical creatures could he have to learn to care about? But this? This just made the class even worse. Of course, Merlin would clock him on how often he was skipping the day that Dragon Parenting week started. Maybe graduating wasn’t worth it, he could fail his senior year, he’d be okay with that. If it meant he didn’t have to pretend to care about a dreadfully scaled little creature, he could fail. He’ll graduate next year, that’s fine by him. Who cares what his dreadfully evil mother would say about him failing? He does, he cares about it. Guess Morgie is stuck here.
   Madam Harleen is wandering around her classroom, a bright pink clipboard in her hands as she does. “Now, one big part of this project is making sure that you have a randomly assigned partner. I took the liberty of using a RNG to make sure that each of you were fairly assigned to your co-parent for the week.” His eyes roll back into his head, of course she would. As long as he didn’t get Bridget Hearts or either of her exhausting little friends, Morgie could care less. The last thing he needed was to deal with Uliana complaining about him hanging around one of them while he was caught up with handling a creature so absolutely dreadful. Maybe they could find a cool one, if they went first they could. Morgie had peaked into the box of dragon hatchlings as he passed Madam Harleen’s desk, there were some pretty cool looking ones. As long as he didn’t get stuck with the scrawny little purple and orange hatchling he would be okay.
   “Mr. le Fay and Mx. (L/n),” Madam Harleen is obviously proud of the duo as she says it, looking between the two teens. Of course, who else would Morgie be paired with except for sunshine itself? (Y/n) (L/n) with their sweetheart personality and gentle hands and adoring smiles. The only royal in this entire school who was somehow nicer than Bridget. Today was on its way to ending him. Or at least his reputation, he may as well just go ahead and ask Hades to send him to the underworld. There was no way that Uliana would ever let him hear the end of this, if he could even get through it. Yet here they come, with that stupid bouncy walk and the gentle smile as they make their way to his side. Falling beside him with one of those big sugar sweet smiles. “So,” they reach out a hand for him to shake, “Are you so entirely excited for this project like I am? Because I love dragons, they’re the absolute cutest.” As they realize he isn’t going to shake their hand they draw it back, letting it fall weakly at their side. “Not really.” A frown meets their lips momentarily before something seems to flicker through their eyes. Frown quickly replaced by another excited smile, “Well, if you don’t like dragons, does that mean I can pick our hatchling? There was one I absolutely had my eyes on when we walked in.” 
   Hazel eyes roll in their sockets, a hand waving the excitable royal off, “Yeah, sure , whatever you want. Just don’t make me get up.” What Morgie is pretty sure is a squeal slips from their lips, (Y/n) bouncing out of their seat and over to the box up front, leaning over it with this big sweet smile. It could almost be admirable, something that Morgie would never admit out loud. The person who swallowed the sun in real life. An actual picture of the love of life, painted out right before you. There was something about them that was almost beautiful, or at least they could be. Maybe, if they weren’t coming back to him with the scrawniest little purple and orange hatchling cuddling against their chest. Its head against their chest as if it was listening to their heartbeat. Maybe it was, Morgie was almost sure that their heartbeat had to somehow be prettier or sweeter than other people’s. His sounded different, surely there were other people who had different heartbeats too. Perhaps that was just due to him being a shapeshifter? 
   “Okay this little tag on his collar says he’s a boy, isn’t that fun?” Morgie looks the dragon up and down, nose scrunching with distaste. “Honestly I always saw myself as more of a girl dad.” His comment earns him an eye roll and a giggle, “You know, Morgie, you’re really taking all of the fun out of this.” Now he’s the one laughing, glancing between the royal and the dragon. It hisses at him, a minor puff of fire coming with the sound which makes the boy jump, laughter dying for a look of shock. “There was never any fun in all of this. And that thing hates me.” “He’s not a thing, he’s our son, at least for a week.” The comment makes the boy look even more disgusted, staring at them as if looking for the second head they seemed to be growing. “He’s a pet at best, we do not have a child together. We will never have a child together. Don’t word it like that.” 
   He’d been away from (Y/n) and that dreadful little creature for a few hours now. If Morgie was lucky, they would recognize he was ignoring them and just take all the work, that was his hope at least. But of course, since Merlin and maybe even the gods above hate him, sunshine incarnate found him while he was sitting with his friends. Calling his name like a song as they come up behind him, that awful little dragon curled up against their chest. He pinches his eyes closed, head falling back with a groan as they approach, that perfect little smile on their face. “Okay, so I had him in all of my classes today and I already went and bought dragon food and things of the like since you were nowhere to be found. So I think it’s more than fair for you to take Viper for the first night, and I’ll come get him when your classes are over tomorrow for my night with him.” 
   Morgie doesn’t mean to let his jaw fall the way it does, his intention wasn’t the way his brows raise. But no one spoke to his friends like that, outside of them- they could actually be impossibly bossy with each other. “Yeah, no thanks,” he attempts to turn back to the poker game before them when he feels a hand snag his shoulder, forcing him to stay facing them. Okay, maybe sunshine was more of a rainbow. There was definitely some rain hidden behind them. “No. You aren’t scary enough to trick me into doing all your work for you. You get Viper tonight, I am not doing everything for you. I might be friends with her, but I am not Bridget. No one is pushing me around.” Maybe rain wasn’t the right word, fire. This was fire, and Morgie might be able to get something out of fire. 
   “Viper? I don’t remember agreeing to that.” There’s this odd look of satisfaction on their face as (Y/n) drops the dreadful collection of purple scales into his lap. “I thought you would like it, serpent boy. You’re both snake themed.” Of course they thought like that, why would he ever think otherwise. “Have fun with our kid, Daddio, I’ll collect him tomorrow! He better be alive and well,” Something about their voice is almost mocking, it draws a smirk to the boy’s face. Maybe Merlin Academy’s sweetheart had some tricks up their sleeve. Less of an angel than people thought, huh? He looks down to the dragon, the thing glaring up at him from its perch on his lap. “Well, I bet they’d be mad if I released you, wouldn’t they?” His hand reaches towards it and the dragon snaps its jaws, Morgie quickly recoiling. Wonderful, it hates him. 
   The last three days have been torture for Morgie le Fay, and not in the fun masochist way. (Y/n) (L/n) was exhausting, nothing he did was right. Of course, to be fair, nothing that he tried to do was correct. He knew that. Morgie had no interest in parenting a scaled flame thrower. He hated that thing, and Viper hated him right back. If it bit him one more time he was positive he would lose a hand. Morgie was good with animals, of the normal variety. The type of animals he could shift into were wonderful. But the only villain that the dreadful thing liked was Maleficent, the girl holding it more often than not when they were all together. Morgie likes to believe it was because she could turn into one of the dreadful things, and honestly he was starting to see her as less likable because of it. 
  But, he didn’t have to see it today. Tonight was (Y/n)’s night with it, he was free for just one night. No fights in the morning, no loss of sleep due to an overgrown lizard hoping on his feet and biting them.  At least, he was supposed to be free. So why was sunshine standing in his doorway, holding the creature he oh so dearly despised? Morgie drags a hand down his face, letting out a groan. “Why are you here, (Y/n)?” The perky smile they give him would be comforting if he wasn’t positive that they were planning something. “Well, Morgie, I think we got off on the wrong foot, all three of us,” they force their way into the dorm as they speak, that smile never faltering. “You, me, and the overgrown lizard?” “Baby dragon.” “Whatever,” he sighs, leaning against his door as he takes in the sight. They stand in his dorm like they’re meant to be there, smile ever so warm and bright.  Sunshine in the dark, villainous room. It was nauseating. 
    “So anyway, I thought that maybe the three of us should try bonding. I can’t tell for sure but I think that Viper agrees with me. So I am going to leave him here, and then I’ll be back with stuff for the three of us to have a movie night.” “Absolutely not,” Morgie scoffs, staring at them as if they had gone and lost their mind. “No, it’ll be fun Morgie. Plus everyone knows that you and Hook have a VCR hidden in here and I just bought ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ on VHS.” He stares at them, waiting patiently for them to do something that lets him call their bluff. But they’re smiling, toying with their fingers as the dragon sits beside them, pawing at their leg. “You have Elm Street on VHS? You like horror movies?” They nod, an eager and fast motion that he was sure made them dizzy. “Yeah, who doesn’t? I also have jiffy pop and cold cokes. If you’re down that is,” there’s this longing hope in their eyes that seems to make his stomach churn. “You, little sunshine and rainbows. Mx. Giggles and cupcakes and tutoring, like horror? Like genuinely like horror movies?” “Is that so hard to believe?” It was. They were the picture of perfect and proper. Shouldn’t they be all over “Sixteen Candles” and “Footloose”? This would let him call their bluff, surely they were just trying to look good in front of a villain. 
   “Alright, go get it then.” A squeal comes out of their lips, the royal literally bouncing on their toes as they clap in excitement. “Perfect, you watch Viper and I will be right back!” They’re running out of the door before the boy can argue, typical. The little dragon jumping from where he was in the center of the room to the door, clawing at it with little barks and whines as if it was a puppy. He was kind of cute like that, not in the way an actual puppy would be, but still kinda cute. He’d actually gotten a little bit bigger since the two of them took him in, all (Y/n)’s doing Morgie was sure. They had been the one to pick out the food, and seemingly the only one who could get the thing to do any tricks. It could care less about listening to Morgie. The sorcerer was beginning to wonder if this was how Maleficent’s mother felt, having a little dragon refuse to listen because it hates you. That would be something. 
   “Get off the door,” the boy groans, throwing himself on his bed. It doesn’t seem to care what he said. “Dragon, stop,” he groans, shaking his head as it seems to get more aggressive. “Dragon! Stop scratching the door!” Though he can’t see it, Morgie can feel the way that his eyes flash into snake eyes, something that only seemed to be involuntary when he was angered. Why did that stupid lizard need his project partner so badly? What made it hate him from the second they met? This is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. He was a sorcerer of dark magic, a shapeshifter, that stupid animal should like him more than Mx. Sunshine and lollipops. What is this thing’s problem? 
   When the door’s catch clicks, Morgie lets out a soft sigh, thankful that (Y/n) was back to make the creature stop. “What the fuck?” Hook hollers, jumping back as the dragon hatchling shoots past him, somewhere between running and flying as it tries to get away from them. “Mate, your awful little pet got out,” he snaps, making a b-line for his bed as he strips from his jacket. He hated that thing. Morgie was absolutely positive that he hated that thing, so why is his stomach dropping to his feet? In a flash, Morgie had clambered to his feet, dashing to the door and snatching it back open. 
    (Y/n) wasn’t expecting Morgie to snatch the door open in their face, his own a mix of terror and shame. “Morgie, what in the world-” They don’t get to finish before he snatches the VHS and snacks from their hands dropping them on the table the boys kept by the door before pushing past them. “The dragon wouldn’t stop trying to get to you and then Hook opened the door and the little thing got out.” “You let him get out?” They could feel fear running through their chest as they realized their new companion, their biggest grade of the semester, was godmother knows where. This was bad, this was insanely fucking bad. “Hook let him out, not me!” “This is so fucking bad,” they nearly whimper, staring down the hall the opposite way from where they came to see if maybe Viper would still be visible. “You swear?” 
    They turn to him as if he’s crazy. “You are focused on the wrong thing right now, le Fay. Now come on,” their hand encircles his wrist, dragging the boy down the hall. He would normally fight it, but they looked so scared, and he felt so guilty, so his feet keep pace with theirs. Where do dragons hide anyway? Where would a dragon go if looking for them? Not their dorm, it went the wrong way for that. “Courtyard,” it's straight forward, gentler than he’d ever spoken to them as they pause for a second. “What?” “We hand Viper off in the Courtyard. If he’s trying to find you, that’s where he is.” A smile breaks across their lips and for a moment they let them both stop to breathe. “What?” It only gets bigger, all bright and sunny again, “You called him ‘him’, and his name. You haven’t done that all week.” He stares at them, his own little smile cracking out across his lips, “Yeah, well, it matters to you.” (Y/n) stands on their toes, tapping the tip of Morgie’s nose, “I think we’re growing on you, serpent boy.”  He hums, rolling his eyes but he can’t break the smile, “Yeah, whatever you say. Now come on, let’s go get our dragon.” 
   The two should have let go of each other by now, they know that. Yet (Y/n)’s hand stays firmly on Morgie’s wrist as they make their way to the courtyard. Both teenagers were hyper aware of the fact that something had changed between them, some little weight lifted from both of their shoulders. Not that they’d mention it, not now anyway. They aren’t supposed to exist in the same world, the week would be over and so would any idea of friendship that might be blooming in their minds. A villain and someone who was friends with Bridget could never be friends. That was law. They get to the courtyard in a comfortable silence, the only one that had ever existed between them. Of course, the little dragon wouldn’t just be out in the open, they should have both known that. But that doesn’t stop (Y/n) from getting a little anxious, eyes whipping around the yard wildly in a panic. 
   “Morgie, he’s not here. He’s not here, we lost him. We’re gonna fail and I’m going to lose him. This is awful.” He doesn’t realize he’s reaching out to them until his hand lands adoringly on their shoulder, forcing the royal to turn to him. Once they are, his hand slides to rest under their chin, tilting it upwards. “Hey, he’s probably just hiding because he got scared when you weren’t here. Let’s split up, check the bushes on either side of the yard. I bet you half the bag of haribos in my room that he’s just curled up somewhere.” They nod, taking a deep breath as they step away from him, turning to go check the left side of the courtyard. Leaving him with the right, and the speed he makes towards the bushes shocks even him. This little dragon meant far too much to them, he couldn’t be the thing that let it get lost. Even if it was Hook’s fault, in a way it was his, wasn’t it? He never tried to care for Viper, never tried to bond with it. So of course, he wouldn’t want to be around the sorcerer. He caused this, and if they couldn’t find him, Morgie would own up to that. Maybe Madam Harleen would give (Y/n) a do over? 
   Not that they would need one, when he checks his third bush in the courtyard, something hisses at him. A tiny puff of fire coming with the sound. “Viper,” the name comes out on a sigh of relief as he reaches down for the little dragon. Delicately lifting him up and against his own chest. “You had us worried sick, you know that?” At the comment, (Y/n) turns around. Their face lights up as they stare at the little dragon, the hatchling fighting in Morgie’s arms to get to his preferred owner. Sunshine itself bounces up to Morgie, relieved and excited hands reaching out for him to hand Viper over. He waits until they’re close enough and softly slip the hatchling into their hands. Watching with a strange adoration as they nuzzle their nose against the top of Viper’s head. “Don’t you ever do that again.” Like a mother scolding their child who ran off in the mall they reprimand the little creature, smiling up at Morgie when they’re satisfied. “Thank you.” 
   “Thank me? I’m the reason he got out.” “But, you cared enough to help me look for him. So whether it was for him, or me, or our grade. Thank you.” He smiles back, reaching out to scratch Viper between the wings. “Yeah, well you can make it up to me with movie night.” They smirk, raising their eyebrows, “Maybe. Depends on what type of Haribos you’re hiding in that room of yours.” Of course they would harp on that, the creature of sugar and sun that they were. “Happy colas, but if I pull them out and Hook sees he will for sure demand that I share with him.” He’s met with a hum, and a playful glint in their eyes as they seem to be plotting something. “Yeah well, we can hide them between us. I’m sure you’ll end up clinging to me anyway. I bet you’re a bitch when it comes to horror movies.” He should be offended, he know he should, but instead Morgie’s body is racked with laughter. “Oh you do swear! Who would have thought? Does your mommy know you act like that?” “Oh shut up!” They’re laughing too, smirk falling to a real laugh. “Does Bridget know you act like that? I thought I was the bully here.” He catches a playful smack to the shoulder, laughing as they grab his hand, “Come on. Let’s go before the Jiffy pop gets all gross.”
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 5 months
Sending in this ask to say !! I would LOVE to read a ramble about the Polyverse plot and I am prompting you to use this ask to ramble /nf
FNF Polyverse plot is very convoluted because as I've said before. It's an RP run by like 7-8 people and we don't stop eachother from indulging. But I suppose I can explain it >>;
Ramble under the cut!
Our story begins YEARS before the actual events of FNF take place. On a computer owned by a really talented coder we named Admin for short. Admin is really good at what they do- they even made their own firewall.
What they didn't realize was the firewall was so well made it was actually Sentient.
Admin for unknown reasons, abandoned their dream of being a coder for a really long time, leaving their sentient firewall all on its own, and it gets really really lonely- deciding to act on its own according. It catches a virus- but instead of getting rid of it, it let's the virus stay- and eventually through contact to the firewall, the virus also gains sentience.
These two are Chaos and Order. The Virus and The Firewall.
Together, the two of them used the code leftover on the computer to make their OWN world. A game world. Their own personal Earth. On this Earth, they made a race of beings called The Ancients who had the ability to change their appearance by will alone. They were shape shifters! And for a awhile things were great.
Until The Ancient Civil War.
Half of The Ancients so closely followed Order's teachings of law and right and wrong that they thought the whole of earth should value Order more, the other half saw Chaos' teachings of self control and freedom as more important, and when their wills so strongly aligned, they would shift to look like Angel and Demons respectively.
Despite Chaos and Orders pleas, Angels and Demons fought long and hard- they killed eachother- destroyed the earth in the process. Till eventually the sides realized they were at a stalemate. Angels and Demons chose to flee- with EVERY Angel fleeing to a plane above Earth they created called Heaven and with MOST of the Demons fleeing to a plane far below it, called Hell.
The Ancient Civil War was put on hold- and while the two sides were away, Chaos and Order began to put earth back together. This time with more species and varying beliefs. Humans- robots- ectect. The demons were still there because of their whole "freewill" thing but it wasn't an issue without The Angels.
This is obviously where a lot of the plot splits off, as with more creations and the earth fully healed up like this, it's obviously where different arcs come into play with the other people RPing. However my arc was BFs.
The Angel's were PISSED that the demons were still occupying earth. They felt as though the stalemate wasn't really a stalemate and vowed to destroy them all- however how to do that? How to break a stalemate with a creature that's biologicaly as strong as you? New weapons.
So a good half of the angels gave up their form to create this giant biblically accurate angel toothpaste lookin ass glob of power named The Collective - in order to CONDENSE huge peices of their code to make more powerful bio weapons.
The first three failed as you might have guessed- the 5th was SO perfect, their PERFECT Hero, that they stuffed the 4th one that was being made along side him into a robot body to go down to earth with him.
This as might have guessed, was BF. or Keith as we call him.
Keith is the Angel's perfect angelic bio weapon, destined to be sent to earth to grow up and then slaughter everyone on earth the Angel's deem unworthy to be there.
But while Miku is off getting money to keep the two of them fed and happy as her programming is designed to do- Bf falls in love. With a lot of people. A Demon girl named Lucy, Aka Gf, who the collective would obviously not approve of as a demon, A flawed murderous man by the name of Pico, who's acts of violence outweigh many of his good deeds, and a Ghost/Demon hybrid named Eric who had been stuck in a video game for so long he honestly is an abomination.
But BF LOVED them. For their flaws. For their personality. Every part of them was something he cherished. So when Miku brought him to The Collective to explain his purpose, he turned them down. Refusing to be Their Hero. Insisting that Demons and Angels didn't have to fight like this.
But The Collective had been stuck together for so long that it corrupted them- they had no room to doubt their choices and ended up chasing BF and his partners out of heaven in this epic violent chase sequence- where it then tripped, and fell off the side of the plane. Falling deep into the code when Chaos and Order dismantled it.
Leaving the 4 Poly pals to love eachother on Earth among the other angels and demons who changed their minds.
All of that though is BFs arc! There's a few other arcs like how Skid and his dad The Eyes of The Universe needed to make up in order to stop Eyes from dismantling the whole code of the game- which is how we have so many duplicate modes characters like the remixs and aus, because Polyverse is technically filled with a bunch of Holes from The Eyes. And the Eddsworld arc where BF helped Tord reconnect with his friends. The Omori arcs where he got new siblings who adopted him from the crew of FNF characters. Ectect.
We did a lot. We're technically still doing things. That's how Silly Billy/Yourself was added recently. Every new mod is a new addition to Polyverse! ^^
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nrdmssgs · 11 months
Can you do a soap fic where a new girl gets transferred and she’s also a sergeant and she’s short and really bitchy, soap flirts with her and she never fails to reply within an insult or a snarky comment?
Masterlist Pairing: SoapXReader TWs: no AN: I took forever, I know, sorry.
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The first thing, you thought of, seeing how people gather around Soap, how attentively they catch every bit of phrase covered with thick accent, how eager are they to become part of the next mischief, his mind plotting, is a Kelpie. By no means you were superstitious, but you remember well, what your granny told you: these Scottish demons are nothing but deception, temptation and constant shapeshift, hiding under calm water surface and dragging anyone, reckless enough to trust them, to the depths of cold northern lakes.
You had enough of 'shape-shifters': you were fed up with friendly looking lads, being all sweet around you, only to find out your soft spots and use them against you. So when his smile sparkles too close to your secluded corner of a bar counter - you frown automatically
"Oi, wee-one, what are you doing here all alone, while all the fun happens elsewhere?" That shit eating grin is too familiar. It only portends lies and mockery.
"Daydreaming of your smooches, Sergeant." You know, this man will start flirting with you today sooner or later: after all, he always does. So instead of fearing it coming - you decide on leading this train wreck.
"A'm sa-a-a-a-ae flattered." Johnny can speak British, very much so, when he needs it. But he must be too used to everyone falling for his accent. So he decides to torture your fogged mind with his gibberish.
"And a`m sa-a-a-a-ae lying." You can't hold back a little aping to make this moment even more harsh for him. But that'll teach him.
From your very first day on the base, this man decided, that his holy duty from now on was to haunt you with his flirtatious comments and stupid jokes. You ignored him once, then twice... on his fifth 'strike' you decided, you had enough and fought back. None of Johnny's line remained unanswered by you ever since.
Your rebuffs usually helped for some time. Today it won you fifteen minutes of peace. Because after that Soaps face reappears on the horizon with a jolly 'Anyway, Sg, hae any plans for t`night?'
"Oh, I have one plan, buddy. The first part of it is to not share the other part with the people, I don't want anywhere around me. So lemme guess, this is the moment, you are asking me about the second part?" You talk loud enough, so that not only Johnny, but the whole group of dumbheads enamored by him, hears you.
"I guess, nae, but if you want me to... What's with the second part?" Slowly but surely the damned accent leaves his speech.
"I can't, love, I'm tied up by the first part." Any person, not familiar with Soap would shame you for such a strong reaction. But you knew better, and soon he only proved you right.
"So someone is into restraining? Ah kin just happen tae know a thing or twa aboot this..." You are in mere seconds from snapping right back at him, but he manages to switch your attention to some completely unrelated question.
And just like that you lose concentration for a moment only to find yourself walking down the street with MacTavish and his company. His speech is all honey and velvet with notes of cheerful laughter. Man shouldn't possess so much charm - it is simply unfair. Yet, here he is - all bubbly and so tempting and warm.
Your group turns onto a quiet road, lit by one streetlamp. "Hey, look up!" calls the voice of one of the soldiers, and you lift your head. There is a soda can on the flat lid of the lantern. God only knows how it got there. You're not even surprised when Johnny asks right next to your ear who's ready to knock down the can on the first try. You just turn to him and clarify, “If I do this, can I ask you for anything?”
Soap nods enthusiastically, and before he can add something about the fact that you can always ask him for anything and without any bets, you pick up a pebble from the pavement.
"Watch and learn, Sergeant." You smirk and throw a pebble. The sound of an empty can hitting the asphalt echoes down the street.
Others cheer your victory, when Johnny leans closer and nods with a face of a defeated one.
"Sae what shuid it be, darlin'?"
That smirk. He is trying to look happy even after he lost. Lying scoundrel. Oh, you'll wipe that smirk off his face.
"You seem very proud of your country?" You can't help, but smile, as Soap nods and moves even closer, invading your personal space. So you go on.
"And very proud of that hairstyle of yours... How about we combine your two biggest sources of pride, Johnny." Some soldiers start getting your idea and you hear a few muffled laughs. But Soap doesn't get it till you specify, "Lets paint this mohawk. Blue and white sounds patriotic enough for you, MacTavish?"
If anyone asked you to name the highlight of that day - it was it. Shining smile disappearing from Soaps face, his head ducking, his eyes looking for something under his own boots. He looked lost... But only for a moment.
"Aye. Will need yer help though, wee-one."
For some time, you forget about this evening. Work and duty are quite effective at helping you to put aside any life outside debriefs, trainings and missions. That is, however, only until one late evening, when Soap appears on the threshold of your room with a towel and a pair of tubes of hair dye.
"Sergeant MacTavish keeps his word. Always." These words you hear from a tiny bathroom, where you wash your hands.
He welcomes your return to your room with a bare torso. You try to not look, but one brief glance is enough for his sculpted six-pack, ribs covered with a thin web of scars and tanned broad shoulders to be forever ingrained in your memory. Scoundrel. Seducer. Kelpie. You turn away almost immediately.
"Out of my room. Now!"
"Naw-naw-naw-naw, ye got me wrong! Ah juist dinnae want ma tshirt to get goosed!" He started babbling as quickly as if his life depended on it. So you take a deep breath and nod.
"Ok-ok, calm down!" You come closer to him and brush your fingers through Johnny's dark hair, trying to understand, where should you begin.
It's so strange to see his face not somewhere above, not even on your eye level, but somewhere below. For the first time, you notice the faint freckles on his face, the dark edges of his incredibly blue eyes, the small wrinkles. That all brings you a very strange thought: maybe there are people out there, who know soft and vulnerable Johnny, maybe there are people, whom he will never fail, never betray. You personally can't have a luxury of trusting your colleagues so much as to let them be close to you. But maybe there are people, that trust these eyes and find comfort in these arms.
Your hands fall down. "You know what, Johnny, consider the deed done... To hell ruining your hair, your self-esteem. Forget, we even had this bet, it's stupid."
"Whaaa? Naw, bonnie, it is hilarious! I want this! With ye only! And ah trust ye." He catches your hands and eagerly places them back into his surprisingly soft hair, making sure, your fingers drown in the mohawk fully and touch his scalp. There is not a single note of mockery in his voice - only plea to keep going and trust, endless trust in you - the person, who always had a few sharp words ready for any his attempt to approach you.
You feel guilt stinging you from the inside.
"Ok, I'll do it. But I must warn you - I don't have a single idea, what am I doing. And this will probably turn out ugly."
Soap only keeps nodding, not looking away from your eyes for a moment. His eyes shine with obedience and anticipation.
Not knowing it yet, you are slowly drowning in deep waters, dragged by a Scottish demon. Your very own Kelpie.
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livingfast04 · 2 years
Monster Au? (kind of)
**spoilers for Frankenstein??? I guess??** Part Two --- They read Frankenstein in the 9th grade, Freshman English, with their teacher who had read the book far too many times. She’d waxed poetically about injustice, and how Victor was a Victim. She spoke every sentence as if each and everyone of them had never read a book in their life.
Steve read Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in 7th grade for a book report. His teacher had all but begged him to choose a different option- they read it Freshman year. See it with new eyes then Steve. 
His mind was made up. Already 50 pages in. 
There was no poor Victor. Steve hated him, hated the idea of his character, hated the very words spilled on the page. The creature did not ask to be created, it did not ask to live. Steve hated that he identified with the creature, someone seeking kindness in a world that hated the idea of him. 
Devil, demon, fiend, monster. 
Skin Eater, Skin Thief, Skin Stealer, Shapeless.
If Steve was capable of that kind of violence, he’d kill everything his parents loved too. If his parents were even capable of love. 
So Steve sat bored out of his mind, and angry. In Freshman English, over a book he’d already read, over a woman, a human woman. Who spun sentences about the Human in the story, and cursed out the creature. As if the creature asked for anything. 
Kick the dog, hurt the dog, starve the dog. The kind dog will bite. 
Sink teeth into skin, tear flesh, feel the way their jaws lock around the white of bone.
He kept his mouth shut. In ways that the other monsters in the class didn’t, they huffed, and argued. The wolf at the front of the class snapped out about the logistics, the message Mary Shelley was trying to tell- how Victor Frankenstein was not the victim, but the Villain. It was about all the humans who had children with Supernatural, who abandoned them, who cast them aside, who turned the villages against them. 
When the Witch at the back of the class snapped out about Shelley was a Witch herself. 
Steve kept his mouth shut, when the Vampire boy from the front of the class shouted about how the creature just wished to be loved. 
Not a single word for how much he hated Victor passed his lips. Because Steve was supposed to be just as human as the teacher, was supposed to agree with the teacher. A woman he couldn’t even be bothered to remember her name in the Spring Semester.
Steve was to keep his head down on all things monsters, keep his abnormalness to himself- and act like a human. 
Freak, Freak, Freak
The Harrington’s were the only Shape-shifters in Hawkins, and that was a well kept secret. Only the Harrington’s were to know this fact. The world had come around to Supernatural in the late 1800s, just maybe. 
Werewolves, Vampires, Witches, Gremlins, Fairies, Dragons, Ghosts, Animal Shifters, Sirens, Banshee, you know- 
The human shaped kind.
They did not take kindly to Shapeshifters. 
So they hid, they curbed their instincts and became human-like. Raised their young in private, they did not fight the oppression, they stayed quiet, and said little to how shape-shifters worked to themselves. 
They don’t marry outside of the branch of Shifters, they don’t even think about it. 
Steve’s parents married out of necessity. Keep the line of Harrington’s alive. They had Steve out of necessity too. They shouldn’t have, but it’s what it was. His father too scared to break the cycle made sure that Steve was aware he was an abomination.
A devil, demon, a creature. 
Be human, don’t be anything else. Steve grew up knowing what his body should need, but never getting it. His “natural” body is already supposed to be thin, small, built for movement, and change.
Steve grew up, not really honestly. He tried to grow up. It took years of monsters, and years of exhaustion, and a skin that was wrong to even begin to grow up. There was no real transition, there was too human, and then too monster-ish. 
Too much, too much- 
And then there were real monsters. Not the human shaped kind. 
Not the Humans. The regulars, the ones with the slurs, and shouting, the human shaped monsters who didn’t like wrong. The ones who were the same as him, who didn’t like themselves either- 
Kick the dog, hurt the dog, starve the dog. 
The dog bites. --- I, got the writing bug, for something other than my two WIP. So, weird way too much world building Monster Au that I had to get out of my head an on to paper before I lost it completely. Both my sanity, and the idea. (The Au is Steddie, there’s just a, well Lack of Steddie in this. For some reason- probably because I word vomited for 25 minutes- and this was all I could come up with, without writing 10k-)  This was born because I’m reading Frankenstein  praise be Mary Shelley. And I’ve got far too many thoughts to be allowed to consume media.  So Stevie gets to suffer now- It’s okay tho, His Vampire Bf will make it better later down the line- :)
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I was talking this morning about how the og Titans were so off balance that they had to keep removing Donna and Wally from the narrative just to make it work because those two were WAY too overpowered for the typical Titan mission.
And do you wanna know what they did in today's Nightwing? Huh? Do ya? They, you guessed it, removed Wally and Donna from the narrative. But that's not all folks! Nope! Starfire got removed as well!
Honestly, I'm surprised Raven managed to still be in this thing. Cause it'd go Wally, Raven, Kori, Donna in terms of firepower.
Man... They weren't even clever about it. Wally was gone the entire issue with no explanation. He checked the perimeter of a jail once. That was it.
Donna and Kori got relegated to babysitting duty while the other Titans (sans Wally for no explainable reason) did the actual plot and went on a Heist in Hell.
This is concerning because this man is writing the new Titans series. The og series suffered because Donna and Wally were on a different level and the writers didn't know how to compensate for that so they kept knocking them out at the start of every issue. And now the same thing is happening.
Taylor doesn't know how to power balance. The best Justice League runs deal with assorted power levels by having different roles for the heroes to play. Ollie isn't on the front lines fighting General Zod with Clark and Diana. Hal doesn't tag along on stealth missions with Dinah and Bruce. Different heroes have different power levels and different abilities. Narratively, you have to juggle that.
And it's hard! I get that. It isn't easy. But I'm going to be honest, if a writer can't power balance then I don't want them writing the Titans series.
Because having half the cast drop out of the plot for no reason other than 'they would solve the plot too fast' is not good writing.
And I'm sorry. I'm going to say it. It's because Taylor is power scaling everything back for Nightwing. It doesn't take the entire goddamn Titans team to take out Blockbuster or to take out a single shape shifter. For some reason Taylor has this fascination with Grayson being the best and smartest Titan who can be the only one who solves issues, so every bad guy is difficult but doable for Nightwing to defeat.
It's incredibly annoying and it makes Nightwing seem super unlikable which is... I'm flabbergasted at that because it's Nightwing. How the hell do you make him unlikable?? But this is it. I've found it. This is the limit . Mary Sue Nightwing has no place in my heart.
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derangedanomaly · 11 months
Sans x Fem! Cat reader 🐾
Hi! So, this is gonna be a little different than it sounds. But I thought that it's an interesting concept. Enjoy :)
nothing could be heard from inside the house, as you sleep on the bed of Sans The Skeleton. You would be lying if you said it wasn't nice.. you've never felt this peaceful before.. As you laid there, sprawled on the bed in your small, petite little cat form, your thoughts were cut off when a certain skeleton teleports back to his room, finding you on his bed.
At first, you both just stare at each other, not uttering a single word. Well this is awkward... You could hear Sans chuckle quietly, until sitting next to you. "Hey..so, ya stayed, huh?" It is true you didn't want to stay with him, and plan an escape.. but something inside you made you stay, and you have no idea what. "..." You could only stare back at him, your yellow eyes shining. "Well..guess you're staying with me now, catnips" this is gonna be an interesting year...
Sans found you laying on the snow near Grillby's dumpsters. He didn't want to take you home with him, so he just left you a bit of Grillby's hamburgers.
This cycle repeated many times. Sans went to Grillby's, took home food and fed it to you. The reason Sans didn't want to take you home, is because he doesn't know how to take care of cats.. he's also lazy. (Mood)
This kept on repeating until Papyrus found out, and immediately wanted to take you home. Throughout the whole ordeal, Sans tried to talk Papyrus out of it, but Papyrus was having none of that. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST LEFT THIS POOR FELINE HERE!" Sighing, Sans knew he couldn't do anything at this point, so he just followed Papyrus, with you, home.
A menace. You were such a menace everywhere you went. You have any idea how many things you already broke? And you were with the skeleton brothers for only a week! "Wait, I wouldn't do that, kitt-" bam. Another broken vase. Papyrus ain't gonna be happy..
It was normal for you to randomly go missing, finding something that catched your eyes and trotting towards it. Papyrus screamed bloody murder when you first went missing! And all the other times... "SANS!! WHERE'S THE CAT?! I'VE LOOKED EVERYWHERE!" Sans only stayed quiet, thinking about Papyrus' question.. "SHE'S MISSING?!"
You never ate the cat food Sans bought, but what you did enjoyed, was Papyrus' spaghetti! Papyrus was overjoyed that someone enjoyed his cooking, even if it's an animal. Sans on the other hand, got soft when he saw you happily nimble on the spaghetti. Now he knows who to give his portion of the spaghetti to....
You really enjoyed Sans' bed, as you often laid on it. One day, this eventually led to him laying on the couch. You wouldn't let him sleep on his own bed! It was actually really ridiculous. He wanted to use his telekinesis on you, but figured he could hurt you..so he avoided that outcome and decided to just sleep on the couch. "*Sigh* so we're gonna do this again?" You only silently purred, closing your eyes. Sans sighed and teleported to the living room. "I'll get my bed back one day."
You and Sans got really close over the 3 months. You trusted him enough to actually show him your true form. The humane form.
You mewled at him to look at you. After awhile of Sans sleeping your nudging off, he stirred awake. Staring at your form, he chuckled. "What is it Catnips?" you jumped on the couch, laying next to him. Safe to say, you were nervous. How can you not be?! You bit the bullet and just shape shifted in front of him. He stared at you with wide eyes. "Hi....Sans? Um.. name's Y/n, and I'm a shape shifter!" Another silence ensued, getting you nervous. "Going to Grillby's...see ya...I guess?" He scurried off, being at loss of words. You sighed and closed your eyes..oh boy...
Poor Sans was so confused 😭 he literally had no words. I mean, his pet cat just turned out to be a human! To be honest, he said he's going to Grillby's just so he can be left alone with his thoughts..
Sans eventually got over the shock and treated you normally. Sometimes throwing little jokes here and there, but that's all, really.
You were close before, as an owner and a pet, but now... you're closer than ever! Sans doesn't treat you like his pet anymore, but more like a friend. Which was nice, you were getting tired of the 'pet treatment'.
You still use your pet form to get your way. Basically a bribery. It's very effective though. (Sans couldn't resist)
Sans was so clingy towards you. it was basically weird if you two weren't seen together. (Alphys has found her new favorite ship)
Sans and you were walking together in silence, feet crunching on the cold snow. It was comfortable, but you two were cooking up a plan. Sans nodded at you, a secret sign for you to transform into your cat form. Deviously smiling, you did as told and sat on his shoulder.
"Human. . . Don't you know how to greet a new pall?" The small human child seemed frightened, which made you wheeze a little. "Turn around and shake my hand.." the human stood still, but decided to trust the voice and do as told, shaking his hand...a sound of fart was heard as you couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the human's dumbfounded face.
The human yelped when they saw you transform to your human form, laughing your ass off and getting off Sans' shoulder. Sans couldn't help but smile endearingly at you, finding joy at hearing you laugh thanks to him.
"Heh, guess I really tickled your funny bone kitty, huh?" Snorting, you looked at the child before you, who was just staring at you with opened mouth. "Hey kid, I'm Y/n!" Sans also looked straight at the child and introduced himself.
After awhile, the kid, now known as Frisk, made it to Sans' puzzle. You snorted when Papyrus found out Sans' puzzle was only a quiz. Sans was always looking at you, to see your reaction, and was always really happy to see you laughing and smiling. The thought of you being happy around him made him feel extremely warm...almost like his soul shook within him.
After the puzzle, Frisk came up to you and Sans, pointing at you two. Frisk asked if you two were a couple! This question made yours and Sans' cheeks light up. "What?! I- huh?!" You had no words as Sans only awkwardly chuckled. "Uhm... where'd you get that idea, kid?" You nodded along to Sans' question. Frisk only smiled in response, saying that you two looked really adorable together. This was too much for you, you transformed to your small cat form and sat on Sans' shoulder. Sans seemed to get the memo. "Why don't you go solve another part of my brother's puzzles, kid? We'll see ya later." You both left the smirking child. How embarrassing...
After the first genocide started, Sans had barely gotten a wink of sleep. Anytime he would close his eye sockets, he would see your and his brother's form on the ground, slowly dying by the hands of that child.. he partly solved this by snucking you into his room, and holding you close to him, letting him hear your heartbeat. He found comfort in knowing you're still alive and breathing..
As for you, you weren't aware of the reset, or why Sans was acting different than before. You two were walking through Snowdin, laughing together just yesterday! What happened? You would always ask him this question every time a reset happens, he always responded with 'I had a nightmare.' but nowadays, he only responds with; 'I don't know..' He didn't found a point in telling you anyways, seeing you were also affected by the resets.
He actually told you in one of the many resets, feeling the frustration pent up inside him. Safe to say, you were shocked to hear all this information from him. Does this mean I've been experiencing the same day for 7 years? You asked him, but all you got was silence, confirming your question.
After the internal shock, you looked at him with sadness. "How many times...?" Sans looked at you with confusion at this question. "Huh? Y/n-" you cut him off, demanding an answer. "How many times have you watched all of our friends die by the hands of that monster...?" He stayed quiet, pupils disappearing. Tears ran down your cheeks, as you went towards him, laying your hands on his shoulders. "How many time did you had to suffer..?" The air felt suffocating, Sans looked at you with sadness washing over him. "Too many times..." Your breath hitched in your throat, looking him deep in his eye sockets. "Sans... I'm sorry..." It was as if time had stopped at that time. Sans felt more confused than ever. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you in your time of need.. I'm such a terrible friend..." You quietly weeped, your hands shaking while holding his shoulders, looking down.
Sans felt terrible now..he didn't want this..he didn't want to make you feel this way.. he didn't utter a single word as he wrapped his arms around you. "It's ok Y/n...you didn't know. It was not your fault.." you let out a shaky laugh, hugging him back.
After awhile of you two comforting each other. You felt rage wash over you, thinking about this puny human that thinks they can just hurt your friends. Determination took over you, looking at Sans. "Sans, let's team up against this human.." he thought about your request, until shaking his head. "No." Widening your eyes, you looked at him again. "What?! Why not..?" He darted his gaze away from you momentarily, until looking at you again. "I just can't...I don't want to drag you into this." You wanted to retort back until a loud sound made its way to your ears, feeling shocked.
You looked down to see a red slash across your chest, making you chuckle weakly. "H-Heh...guess I was too late, huh?" Your feet couldn't hold you up for too long as you crashed on the snow, Sans gasping and rushed towards your laying form. He held you close to his chest, with widened eyes. "N-no...no..no, no, no, no, NO, NO! Not again! I-I can't lose you AGAIN." You could only chuckle weakly and hold out your arm, hand resting on his face. "S-Sans... I love-" dust. Only dust was left from your form, as Sans sat there crying. The human only smiled maniacally, and left.
Sans never felt so much rage. He wanted to make the human suffer. Suffer just as much as he did these past 7 years. Safe to say, the fight between the two was so much brutal than ever.
After this reset, Sans never told you again, fearing for the same outcome. Guess he just has to lie to you forever..though one thing still bothers him to this day...
What were you about to say while dying in his arms that day?
Yo yo yo! This took a sad turn. I planned this to be all cutesy, and it ended up really depressing 💀
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed! I actually had a blast writing this!
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fanfics4all · 10 months
Pure-Blood Potter: Chapter 21
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Request: Yes / No  This was requested by @loxbbg​
Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Draco Malfoy x Fem!Potter!Reader (Eventually)
James Potter x OC Arabella Renaud
Harry Potter x Half-sister!Reader
Word count: 3105
Warnings: Mentions of depression
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
Pure-Blood Potter Masterlist
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I walked into Defence Against the Dark Arts and all the desks were gone. Everyone’s things were off to the side and they were standing around. There was a large wardrobe towards the front of the classroom and I was confused. 
“Y/N!” I looked over and saw Harry waving me over to him and Ron. I walked over and smiled at the two. 
“Are you alright?” Harry asked and I nodded. 
“I’m fine.” I said and the two didn’t look convinced. 
“So, do you know what we’re learning today?” I asked, quickly changing the subject. 
“No idea, but could be anything in this bloody class.” Ron said and I giggled slightly. The cabinet started shaking and everyone went quiet. We all looked at the wardrobe, some whispered wondering what could be inside. 
“Intriguing, isn’t it?” Professor Lupin said from behind us. 
“Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?” He asked as he made his way to the front. 
“That’s a boggart, that is.” Dean answered. 
“Very good, Mr. Thomas.” He said and my eyes went sightly wide. The wardrobe shook again and a few of us jumped slightly. 
“Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?” Professor Lupin asked. 
“No one knows.” Hermione said and we looked at her confused. She most definitely wasn’t next to us before. 
“When’d she get here?” Ron asked. 
“Boggarts are shape-shifters They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That’s what makes them so…” 
“So terrifying. Yes. Yes, yes, yes.” Professor Lupin finished her sentence. The cabinet continued to shake as he made his way next to it. 
“Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart.” He continued and the shaking got a bit more intense. I jumped back slightly and Harry placed his hand on my arm. I gave him a small smile, which he returned. 
“Let’s practice it now. Uh, without wands, please.” Professor Lupin said. 
“After me, Riddikulus!” He said. 
“Riddikulus!” We all repeated. 
“Very good. A little louder and very clear. Listen, Riddukulus!” Professor Lupin pronounced the spell clearer and louder. 
“Riddikulus!” We all said louder than before. 
“This class is ridiculous.” I heard Draco mutter. I looked over at him and he sent me a small smile. I smiled back at him and noticed Pasny wasn’t standing next to him like she usually would. 
“Very good! Well, so much for the easy part.” Professor Lupin said and I turned back to face him. 
“You see, the incantion alone is not enough. What really finished a boggart is… laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Let me explain. Uh, Neville.” He picked out. 
“Will you join me, please?” He asked. The wardrobe shook again and Neville looked truely scared. 
“Come on. Don’t be shy. Come on. Come on.” Professor Lupin gently coaxed him to the front of the group. 
“Hello. Neville, what frightens you most of all?” He asked the boy gently. Neville mumbled his answer under his breath, poor boy probably doesn’t want to get made fun of. 
“Sorry?” Professor Lupin asked. 
“Professor Snape.” Neville answered louder and clearer this time. Some students started to laugh and I rolled my eyes at them. 
“Professor Snape? Yes…” Professor Lupin also chuckled slightly. 
“Frightens all. And I believe you live with your grandmother.” He said. 
“Y-Yes, but I don’t want that boggart to turn into her either.” Neville answered and the students laughed again. 
“No.” Professor Lupin shook his head and looked back at the shaking wardrobe. 
“It won’t.” He added. 
“I want you to picture her clothes- only her clothes- very clearly, in your mind.” He said. 
“She carries a red handbag.” Neville started, but the professor shook his head. 
“We don’t need to hear. As long as you see it, we’ll see it. Now, when I open that wardrobe, here’s what I want you to do. Excuse me.” Professor Lupin said and walked night next to Neville. He whispered something in his ear and Neville looked at him in shock. 
“Can you do that?” Professor Lupin asked. The cabinet shook again and the Professor started taking out his wand. 
“Yes. Wand at the ready.” He said and Neville held his up. 
“One… two… three.” He said and unlocked the wardrobe. The door creecked open and Professor Snape walked out, looking as angry as ever. 
“Think, Neville, think.” Professor Lupin encouraged. The door shut behind the creature and he was standing in front of Neville. 
“Riddikulus!” Neville shouted and pointed his wand at the fake Professor Snape. He quickly was put in some old woman clothes that looked ridiculous. Everyone, including Professor Lupin started laughing at the boggart. 
“Wonderful, Neville! Wonderful! Incredible. Okay. To the back Neville. Everyone form a line!” Professor Lupin said. Everyone quickly started getting into a line and pushed and shoved each other. 
“Form a line! I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most and turn it into something… funny.” He said as he put on some music. 
“Next! Ron!” He said and Ron stepped up. 
“Concintrate. Face your fear. Be brave!” Professor Lupin said. Ron’s boggart turned into a giant spider. Ron whimpered and he pulled out his wand. 
“Come on, wand at the ready, Ron. Wand at the ready.” Professor Lupin said. He finally pulled it out of his robe and pointed it at the boggart. 
“Riddikulus!” He said and the spider was now wearing rollerskates. Everyone started to laugh as the spider struggled at stand up. 
“Yes! You see? Very good! Very good! Marvelous! Absolutely very, very enjoyable. Parvati! Next! Parvati.” Professor Lupin said as he laughed along with us. 
Parvati’s fear was a giant snake. She turned her boggart into a jack-in-the-box, which was quite funny looking. I was up next and I took a deep breath. I knew what my fear was and I really didn’t want to face it. I didn’t want anyone to see it. I didn’t want Harry to see it. I stepped up to the jack-in-the-box and watched it turn into my Father. Everyone was deadly silent as he took a step closer to me. 
“Why would I ever love you when you were just to get my parents off my back? You were only born to restore your Mother’s statue. I left to the family I truely loved, Harry will always mean more to me than you. A muggle-born will always mean more to me than you. You are nothing to me. Just a means to an end.” The boggart hissed at me. I felt tears well in my eyes and I didn’t even try to hold them back. Hearing my Father, my true Father say such things to me when I never really knew him broke my heart. I felt small and worthless. I felt someone pull me back slightly and looked up to see Harry now stood in front of me. The boggart quickly turned into a dementor and Harry stood just as frozen as I was. It was coming closer to the both of us and Professor Lupin quickly slid in front of Harry. 
“Here!” He shouted. His boggart turned into the full moon behind some clouds. 
“Riddikulus!” He said and the moon turned into a balloon. He opened the wardrobe and the boggart was now locked behind the door once again. 
“Right, well, sorry about that. Uh, that’s enough for today.” He said, Harry and I were both still frozen in place. I still had tears running down my face and I felt awful. 
“If you’d all like to collect your books from the back of the class, that’s the end of the lesson. Thank you.” He said and the students groaned, but gathered their things anyway. 
“Sorry, sorry, go on. You can have too much of a good thing.” He said. Once most of the students were already out of the classroom I snapped out of my frozen state. I quickly gathered my things and tried to wipe the tears that were still falling. 
“Love, are you alright?” Draco asked, gently grabbing my arm. I hid my face behind my hair and nodded. 
“F-Fine, Draco…” I whispered. Draco grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. He looked so worried and gently wiped a tear that was near his thumb. 
“Talk to me, love.” He whispered and I pulled away. 
“I-I said I was f-fine…” I sniffled.
“Miss. Potter, would you mind joining me in my office?” Professor Lupin asked, before Draco could say anything. I looked up and him and nodded. 
“Meet me in the common room as soon as you’re finished with him.” Draco said, making me look at him again. I could tell he wouldn’t take no for an answer and I smiled slightly, he was acting like my Draco again. 
“O-Okay��” I whispered. He sighed and gently kissed my forehead. I blushed slightly and followed Professor Lupin into his office. 
“Would you like a cup of tea?” He asked as he motioned for me to take a seat. I gave a small nod and he smiled at me. He silently made us each a up and took a seat behind his desk. 
“I’m not sure if your Mother told you about me and your Father, but-” 
“You were friends with my Father. You, Black, which I’m guessing is Sirius Black, Pettigrew, and my Father always got into trouble.” I said and he nodded with a small smile. 
“Mother said you were the most responsible one.” I said and he laughed. 
“That’s true, James, and Sirius specifically were always getting into trouble. They loved playing tricks on people and I tried to keep them in line, but I partaked as well.” He said with a fond smile. He gently shook his head and lent forward on his desk. 
“I’d like you to know that your Father would never say anything the boggart said to you.” I said and I felt a tear escape my left eye. 
“Y/N, when your Father told us that Arabella was pregnate with you, he was so happy and excited. We were all equally happy for him, but then he told us that he’d never be able to see you. I’ve never seen James so heartbroken in his life.” He said and I nodded. 
“I know… Mother gave me the letter he wrote…” I whispered. 
“Then you must know that James would absolutely never say any of those things to you. He loved you more than you could possibly know and he very much wanted to meet you.” Professor Lupin said and gently placed his hand over mine. 
“He said that in the letter…” I said and let the tears fall. 
“James wanted to be apart of your life so badly, Y/N. Lilly was hoping that Arabella would give in a let him see you. Your Mother was trying to protect you.” He said and I looked into Professor Lupin’s eyes. 
“Did he truely want to see me?” I asked, my voice quiet because I felt like I was about to break. 
“I promise you, he wanted to see you more than anything.” He answered and I smiled a bit. 
“Thank you, Professor.” I said and wiped my tears away. 
“Of course, my dear. My door is always open if you need to talk.” He said and I smiled a bit brighter. 
“D-Do you think you could tell me about my Father one day?” I asked and he smiled at me. 
“I would love to, dear.” He said and I smiled brightly. 
“Really? Mother’s told me some things, but I knew they weren’t friends in school.” I said and he chuckled. 
“Oh no, but James never really bothered her, Sirius on the other hand…” He laughed and shook his head. 
“How can you talk so fondly about a man that escaped Azkaban?” I asked, confused. 
“It’s a long story, that I’m sure you’ll find out about at a later date.” He said with a sigh and stood up. 
“Right, well I have another class in a few and I’m sure you have classes you need to get to.” He said with a smile. I nodded and stood up. He opened the door for me and I smiled at him. 
“Thank you again, Professor, I needed to hear that.” I said and he smiled fondly at me. 
“No need to thank me, Y/N.” He said and I left his office. 
I held my books to my chest and smiled slightly to myself. Professor Lupin really did know how to make me feel better, unless he put something in that tea, but I doubt he’d do that. I can see why my Father was friends with him. I walked through the halls and down to the dungeons. I felt my stomach tighten slightly as I made it closer to the Slytherin common room. They all saw me crying. They all heard what the boggart said to me… I quickly dropped my head and hopped that they weren’t just sitting around the common room. I mumbled the password and the wall opened up. I made my way into the room and saw them all sitting around. Draco and Pansy were sitting next to each other, Blaise was sitting on one of the lone chairs, Vincent and Gregory were sitting on the couch opposite Draco and Pansy. Of course they were all sitting there waiting… I quickly looked down and tried to make my way to the girl’s dorms without being noticed. 
“Y/N! Come hang out with us.” Pansy called and I froze in place. 
“Actually I have a lot of studying to do and I’m feeling a bit tired… I’m just gonna go up to the dorm.” I said with a small smile. I turned to go towards the stairs again, but Pansy made her way quickly in front of me. 
“You’ve hardly hung out with us anymore.” She said with her arms crossed and a frown. 
“I’ve just been busy with classes.” I lied. Pansy narrowed her eyes and pointed at me. 
“But you have time to hang out with those bloody Gryffindors and that stupid Hufflepuff of yours?” She asked as she poked my chest. 
“Pansy, lay off.” Blaise said. 
“Why are you always coming to her rescue? She’s been ignoring us!” Pansy said, glaring at Blaise. 
“I’m not rescuing her.” Blaise rolled his eyes. 
“Maybe she’s ignoring us because you and Malfoy are ignoring her.” Gregory said and Pansy turned her glare to him. 
“Excuse me? Draco and I aren’t ignoring her, she’s ignoring us!” Pansy hissed. 
“You two are too obsessed with each other to even notice she’s hurting.” Blaise said and my eyes widened. 
“Hurting? I know when she’s hurting.” Draco growled at him. 
“Oh really? Is that why you ignored her all through her birthday party and didn’t notice that her little Hufflepuff broke up with her that night?” Blaise asked with a raise of his brow. “Blaise!” I hissed. Draco’s head shot over to me and I quickly looked down. I felt the tears returning and I really didn’t want to be here anymore… I heard footsteps coming closer and they lifted my head up to face them. Draco looked at me, searching my eyes to see if Blaise was telling the truth or not. 
“Is it true?” He whispered. 
“Draco…” I whispered and let a tear fall. 
“Did that bloody idiot break up with you on your birthday?” He asked with a growl. 
“Yes…” I answered quietly. I saw Draco tense and he grabbed my hand. He pulled me with him to his dorm room and shut the door. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, not facing me. 
“I-I wanted to…” I answered. 
“Then why didn’t you!? I’m you’re best friend, Y/N! Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” He shouted and I looked at him with wide eyes. He looked angry, upset, and hurt all at once. 
“Beacuse you were with your new bloody girlfriend! You and Pansy have been all over each other since my birthday! I was so excited to spend time with you at my party, but you were all over her! I came back in after he broke up with me and you were with her! Blaise was there and he’s the one that made my birthday better. He’s the one that helped me forget about it for the night. All because my blood best friend was busy with his new girlfriend!” I shouted at him and he looked at me with wide eyes. The two of us were quiet and I turned around, I couldn’t look at him right now. I heard Draco walk closer to me and gently placed a hand on my shoulder. He turned me to look at him and he looked so sad and guilty. He gently wiped away my tears. 
“Pansy and I aren’t dating.” He said and I furrowed my brows at him. 
“W-What?” I asked. 
“It was her stupid idea and I was an idiot to think it would work.” He said and I was even more confused. 
“What are you talking about?” I asked. Draco sighed and caressed my cheek. 
“Pansy said if we pretended to date then you would get jealous and you’d break up with that stupid Hufflepuff.” He answered and my eyes widened slightly. 
“W-Why would you want me to be jealous?” I whispered. 
“Because I was losing you to those stupid Gryffindores and that bloody Hufflepuff, and I… I wanted my Y/N back.” He said, slightly hesitant. 
“I felt like I was losing you, Dray…” I said, choosing to ignore his hesitation for now. 
“I’m so sorry, love. I should have been there for you…” He said, resting his forehead on mine. I hugged him tightly and took a deep breath. His smell is still so comforting to me. 
“Please come back to me, love.” He whispered. 
“You’ve always had me, Dray…” I whispered back. Draco clung to me tightly. We stayed like that for a moment before moving to lay on his bed. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“I’m bloody exhausted, Dray, can we just lay here, please?” I asked and he smiled. 
“Of course, love, whatever you want.” He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled and snuggled into him. This is just what I needed. I felt my eyes slowly start to close and felt the most relaxed I’ve felt in months. I guess I just needed my Draco back.
Tag list: @psamathegoesrawr @kkmstblog @nox-ceur @nighttimemoonlover @aactuaaltraash @solacestyles @smoooore @wonderstruks @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @in-slytherin-we-trust @accio-rogers @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101 @vanessa-kom-skaikru @impulse-anchor @psamathegoesrawr @nighttimemoonlover @liz-owl @dracoswhvre​
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heyo-428 · 1 year
ACFTL Sneak Peak (Well, now I guess it’s a leak) Chapter Thoughts:
Spoilers below!!
This isn’t proofread if something is confusing please ask me in the replies for clarification
- The dedication to “anyone who ever wanted a second chance” is… almost ominous. On one hand it seems it’s like just a normal dedication but on the other it’s almost as if it’s a warning. Like Stephanie’s trying to warn a person who wants a second that it’s not always gonna end well.
- The story from the beginning about doorknobs was told before I believe and I think emphasizing this again is to allude to her ability to open doors with her blood. Will she figure this out again on her own? The doorknobs to what is rumored (The rumor’s probably true) to be the Valor children’s rooms in Wolf Hall spoke to her.
- Evangeline being absolutely lost is actually so sad to me. While I was reading the second page and it said she was feeling as if she couldn’t breathe I actually started to cry a bit. She’s in an unfamiliar location with no clue how she got there, when she got there, why she’s there.
- Her last memory is her father dying. 😭
- She doesn’t remember anything about Apollo but does remember there was something important she needed to say to someone. She doesn’t remember but it’s that she needs to tell Jacks she loves him. She slightly remembers Jacks even though she’s not able to attach a name to it. (I’m latching onto any hope I can)
- “Your memories were stolen by someone who’s been trying to tear us apart” Apollo if you don’t shut your ass up.
- “…and over his heart was a vibrant tattoo of two swords in the shape of a heart with a name in the center: Evangeline.” I CACKLED. THATS SO BAD 😭 IM DYING FROM SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT. She doesn’t really want you Apollo please give up.
- Apollo says that the marks on his back was the price he paid to return from Hell. Also the price Evangeline payed for your stupidity when you decided to get tortured😐 Who even tortured him? Or was it like done on purpose to have a story for why he came back. Doubt it’s the ladder because the curse wasn’t having him thinking right.
- Okay so Apollo’s not lying when he says Jacks put him in a suspended state but, Apollo, PLEASE calm down it’s not that deep. AND STOP LYING JACKS WOULD NEVER INTENTIONALLY HURT EVANGELINE
- Out poor boy Jacks is gonna have a difficult time in acftl 😭
- “You’re looking at me differently” he’s acting like she shouldn’t be…
- No Eva :((((( you didn’t trade your memories to be with him :(((( HE STOLE THEMMMM
- He makes her go back with him and then almost instantly leaves her. She is left as a shadow of herself because of him and he leaves her in her room to go handle matters. Like PLEASE how does Evangeline think this is okay.
- I- Stephanie please stop with mentions of arrows it reminds me of the fact Jacks is the Archer and what he’s been through (this is obviously why she’s doing this and i love and hate her for it)
- Wonder which door handles belong to which of the Valor children’s rooms. If what the rumors say is true. Feel like the one shaped like a dragon is Dane because he was a shifter and the one story LaLa told about him picking her up as a dragon or something. I’m not sure about the fairy wing one or wolf head with crown (maybe Aurora??) because we don’t know a lot about the Valor’s besides the basics. I am very excited to learn more though, they have a very interesting story.
- The fact Evangeline’s having to relive the grief she felt over the death of her parent’s because she doesn’t know it wasn’t very recent (thanks to her memories being stolen) is so tragic. I feel terrible for her :( It’s terrible having both your parents die but to have to deal with the grief twice?
- The door handles speaking to her is crazy because if I remember right known of the others ever did. I wonder why they do that. Probably because they’re old and from a family of people with magical gifts lmao. Plus Eva is literally a part of a prophecy connected to them. It’s gonna have some importance (hopefully)
- Really looking forward to learning again (or hopefully remembering) that she can open doors with her blood.
- Wait crazy theory, what if Stephanie’s making references to things from ouabh and tbona throughout the whole book? Like important things Evangeline forgot? That’s a bit of a stretch but I am writing this at 1 am so
- A few things have happened that are almost like deja vu/repeating history moments. If you think about it, it’s happened a lot throughout the books too. I’ll make a more in depth post on this at a later point.
- The maid Martine seems important. I don’t know what yet but there’s something. How could he just have moved so quickly from the Meridian Empire?? Something isn’t adding up especially her pause in speaking.
- “Her heart still hurt as if it had been broken” This is so sad Stephanie will be expecting many therapy bills after this book.
- It’s so upsetting that Evangeline can’t remember anything like our poor girl :(
- I don’t like this doctor but the helpers are odd
- Wait Evangeline is 17. I guess it makes some sense but like wow that’s crazy.
- I still really hate that reporter guy he’s annoying.
- Who is Yrell really because like why did they shut Telma up? There’s gotta be some reason.
- Okay okay the reporter guy just… disappeared? Like it was super quick too. wtf? How? Probably reading too much into this but how does he just disappear. It’s not like it would take a while to read that card there was nothing on it practically and then he just is gone.
- “He would carry her through more than freezing water” Eva darling that’s not Apollo that’s Jacks please remember 😭😭
- Apollo you are a monster not Jacks so stop lying. You removed Evangeline’s memories, you literally hunted her down and I do not care if you were cursed Jacks got over it before.
- He makes me SO mad. How can he so easily lie??
- He’s selfish to think a ton of people would make him monuments and stuff. Apollo you haven’t even done anything grand to help the people (that we know of) why would they do that?
- Who else knows Apollo took her memories? He says that someone does but that he won’t have to worry about them soon. No one else was right there and able to know? Right? I thought they were all in the Valory. It can’t be Jacks because it goes on to talk about Jacks directly after and it’s in a different manner.
- Crazy idea, what if because Apollo knows the Valor’s are out he thinks the one who’s able to see the future (Think his name is Vesper I don’t feel like looking right now) knows what he did 👀 I doubt it but.
- Apollo’s really upset over Jacks being better that he’s making reporter guy make his crimes uglier until he’s caught. He wants his name synonymous with vile, Apollo, you are synonymous with vile please shut the fck up <3
- Was it previously mentioned that the Great Houses have a council? I don’t think so but that makes sense I guess.
- Them talking about Luc attempting to steal the throne and calling him a whelp 💀 Where’d he run to? Back to Chaos’s? Kinda doubt that they have issues because Luc won’t listen to him or something. Wonder where he’s at and if he’s gonna be important this book.
- So funny to me that Wolfric Valor just shows up and is under the house of “Vale” like whose idea was that? It’s like the worst disguise ever Vale and Valor sound the exact same.
- How does Apollo know the Valor’s aren’t really dead? Unless it’s a secret that everyone in the Arcadian family line kept because Wolf Hall used to be the Valor’s.
- Am I the only one who doesn’t like Wolfric that much? I get bad vibes.
- Plus the whole betrothing his daughter to a dude named VENGEANCE
- I know he didn’t exactly know his name before betrothing her but you think he would’ve been like “uhm maybe not” HIS NAMES VENGEANCE I MEAN HE CAN’T BE GOOD
(Sorry had to rant about that because that whole story is absolutely wild to me)
- Who tf is Byron Belleflower. Like I know who he is he’s some lord but like who tf is that??
This whole thing probably doesn’t make sense I’m sleep deprived
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tttrashmouth · 1 year
something i think nimona did really well was that they didn’t make nimonas oppression like,,,,, “her fault” i guess is a way to put it. i feel like far too often, whether the plot is an allegory for race, gender, or disability, it goes something like “x person is oppressed and treated like shit” and then you find out it’s because they turn into an uncontrollable monster that kills or hurts people and it’s like, why is that the metaphor we’re going with here. like with jk rowling and werewolf’s representing AIDS somehow. like, what the fuck do you mean by that?
but what nimona does well is they make nimona a shape shifter (trans person approved, i would love that) and then it’s not her problem that she’s different. just because she technically might fit the definition of monster doesn’t make her one and then we find out that the things that made her “bad” in the first place weren’t even real. it was a lie made to demonize nimona. she’s never the bad guy, she doesn’t want to hurt people, she’s just nimona and happens to be a shape shifter. and that’s how you do it in my opinion. you can’t make the oppressed the aggressor in these situations, because they literally never are. or at least should never be the original cause of it all, because in real life they really aren’t. they are the original victims of bigotry and their stories get rewritten so they look like the aggressors.
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