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curiousxdesires · 1 year
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Sharing is caring
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stevebuscemieyes · 1 year
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The Simpsons: Treehouse Of Horror
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a34trgv2 · 3 months
Why It Worked: Inside Out
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Introduction: Inside Out is an animated coming-of-age film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed and co-written by Pete Docter, with the screenplay being co written by Meg LaFauve and Josh Cooley, the film stars Amy Poehler, Phyliss Smith, Lewis Black, Mindy Kaling, Bill Hader, Kaitlyn Dias, Diane Lane, Kyle MacLachlan and Richard Kind as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Riley, her parents Bill and Jill, and Bing Bong respectively. Released on June 19, 2015, the film was a major box office success grossing $858.8 million on a budget of $175 million. It also received critical acclaim from critics and audiences alike. According to Rotten Tomatoes, out of the 384 reviews aggregated, 98% gave a positive review with an average rating of 8.9/10. It also received numerous awards, including an Oscar for Best Animated Feature, several Outstanding Achievement Awards at the Annies, a Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature, and a Critic's Choice Movie Award for Best Animated Feature. It is often seen as a culturally significant film for mental health and the importance of expressing one's emotions. I saw this film for my birthday back in 2015 and I loved it right out of the gate. After multiple rewatches over the years, I stand by my personal opinion that this is a masterpiece of animation and visual storytelling. I'm overjoyed to talk about this film now that it finally has a sequel out.
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The Plot: This film has 2 stories that are interconnected to one another, taking place in the mind of an 11 year old girl. On the outside, it's a bout a kid moving to a new city and being overwhelmed by the sudden changes happening all at once. On the inside, it's about Joy and Sadness trekking through Riley's mind, while along the way understanding each other's importance. Together, they create a very unique and engaging plot about growing up and learning to express yourself. The film brilliantly cuts between Riley, Joy and Sadness' journey, and what's happening at HQ to organically show what Riley's feeling and how her actions have psychological consequences. In addition to having powerful gut punching drama, it's also a very funny film with plenty of slapstick, goofy gags, and impressive word play that always gets me to belly laugh. Michael Giacchino also provides an enchanting, dreamlike score with great use of the piano and brass sections. The true highlight of the story is, of course, Pixar's masterfully crafted and innovative animation. The film makes Riley's mind so vibrant and expansive with Dream Productions and Imagination Land being major highlights. The outside world also looks very well done with the people looking very appealing, San Francisco looking grimy yet lived in, and Riley's old home in Minnesota looking very welcoming and colorful. Speaking of color, the use of colors in this film is nothing short of excellent from the radiant colors of Riley's memories, to Riley's clothes reflecting her current state of mind throughout the film. I also love how they use black and gray to represent faded memories and lack of emotion. If there's one word to describe Inside Out's story and animation, it's colorful.
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Cast and Characters: This is an outstanding cast they brought on board for this film. Shout outs to the film's casting directors Natalie Lyon and Kevin Reher for picking out some excellent actors. Amy Poehler was phenomenal as Joy, perfectly capturing her bubbly and eccentric personality while also naturally showing her vulnerability and frustrations. Phyliss Smith sound perfectly dower and soft spoken as Sadness, yet at the same time making her sound so innocent and relatable. Lewis Black was the best match for Anger, making him sound crusty, cynical, and having a short fuse. Mindy Kaling brought in the right amount of sass and pettiness as Disgust and her comradery with the other emotions was brilliant. Bill Hader did a great job making Fear funny and relatable as a character. Kaitlyn Dias also deserve major props for her vocal performance as Riley, making her sound like a soft spoken but fun kid who goes through a great character arc in the film. Lastly, Richard Kind was the absolute surprise standout of the cast as Bing Bong as not only did he do a great job making him funny, but also made him relatable, selfless, a bit of an airhead, but also really resourceful. The cast did such a great job bringing these characters to life, with all of them being iconic and memorable in their own way.
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Where It Falters: Outside of maybe adding another scene or 2 with Riley's life in Minnesota, I wouldn't change a thing with this film. It's one of those films where the only nitpick I have is I wanted more. Fortunately, that's remedied with the existence of the 2024 sequel. Coming out a couple years sooner wouldn't have been so bad either, but like I always say, quality>quantity.
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Conclusion: There are a select few movies I consider to be a masterpiece. Inside Out is most certainly one of those movies. With outstanding writing, iconic characters, wonderful voice acting, masterfully crafted animation, and an enchanting score, it has more than earned its cultural significance. I cannot recommend this film enough, especially for those who struggle with expressing themselves such as yours truly. I promise this film will speak to you as it has for me after all these years. Thanks so much for reading and I'll see you soon ;)
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gryficowa · 2 months
I can't enjoy GF because polio is back in Gaza...
By the way, fuck Disney and the Olympics
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And since I have your attention:
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yunggoblin · 11 months
Innocent, Yet Dirty - Sam Winchester (18+)
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Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female!Reader
Summary: *Based off of Season 11 episode 12!* You're the youngest out of Jody's girls. What happens when the topic of sex comes across during dinner?
Warnings: Shy!Reader, Virgin!Reader, bullied, Un-Protected Sex, Awkward Sex Talk, Smut, Cussing, Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,164
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Being the youngest in the house wasn’t the greatest, but it did have its advantages. The good thing about it was you basically got everything and treated a queen. The bad thing was no one heard the youngest, no one thinks the youngest is the one capable of doing things. Being the baby of the family meant basically you were treated like one and that’s what people saw you as. 
The bell rang loudly as you made your way towards your locker, putting in the combination. Once it clicked you opened the locker that was white inside and the shelf up top was silver. Plain. Everyone had pictures up with their family, animals or boyfriend/girlfriends kissing. You, you didn’t have many pictures of your parents since they were attacked by werewolves. You sighed softly only to jump when your locker door was slammed shut. 
"Hey Y/N.“ Alex, the second oldest of the three smiled, her boyfriend Henry’s arm hanging over her shoulder, her close to him. "Are you going to the game tonight?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.
You opened your mouth to speak but someone was already speaking for you. “Alex, babe. It’s Y/N you know she doesn’t go out.” Henry chuckled deeply.
"Henry.“ She snapped a bit, elbowing his side for his rudeness. "Well, I’ll see you in the car.” Alex smiled softly towards you and walked out with Henry, you did not like that boy ever since you laid your eyes on him. A group of jocks with leather men jackets on, obviously friends with Henry, walked by laughing. One roughly slammed his hand on your books making them drop to the ground, papers flying out of them from classes earlier today. 
As you gathered up all the papers and books you shoved them in your book bag, zipping it up and making your way outside to see Henry kissing Alex good-bye. You make your way past them to Jody’s work vehicle. “Y/N, wait.” You heard a voice before opening up the car. “Hey, I’m really sorry about Henry and his friends. I know that they can be assholes at time.” Alex explained in a soft tone, not wanting Jody to hear.
Your eyes flashed to the side mirror to see Jody looking at the two of you, trying to see what was going on. “Uh yeah.” Flashing a fake convincing smile towards your adopted sister. “It’s fine.” Lie, you weren’t fine with it. You just wish high school would be over.
"Great!“ She announced and got into the driver seat as you got into the back. The drive home was awkward and silent, as Jody pulled up in the driveway a black impala was parked there, you recognized that car anywhere. The Winchester boys were here. You couldn’t help but let a blush creep up upon your cheeks at the thought of Sam Winchester appearing in your mind. You haven’t seen him in a few years after the case. He and his brother worked to help you out. 
You knew who could then, Claire. “Can you guys help me with the groceries?” Asked Jody as she parked the car, you climbed out and grabbed a few bags for dinner tonight and a few other nights later on this week. Jody walked in first to see two men standing in the living room, Dean the short one with a jawline that could cut diamonds and Sam the tall one with puppy dog eyes and build like a rock. You passed everyone to put the bags on the counter top so Jody could go through it and put things away. 
"You remember Y/N, don'tcha?“ Jody asked as she pulled away from the hug she shared with Dean. 
"Of course I remember little Y/N. How couldn’t we?” Dean chuckled out, flashing a smile towards her way. 
"Hey Y/N, long time no see.“ Sam said, approaching you with his arms out wide expecting a hug. Your heart raced as the tall male wanted a hug from you. You quickly dodge the hug and rush up the stairs to your room. Sam frowned a bit and looked towards Jody to see if he did anything wrong, Dean also looked at Jody for an explanation. 
"She’s just a shy girl.” Jody tried to laugh it off, not knowing what your deal was. 
"Yeah, when it comes to contact with men.“ Claire teased out and stood up from the sofa, clapping her hands and rubbing them together. "Now, let's talk about that case.”
A few hours passed as you were sitting at your desk in your bedroom, writing down notes and reading in your History book about the Civil War. Sighing heavily as you rubbed your eyes as they grew heavier and heavier as you scanned the words on the paper. “Y/N, dinner is done!” You heard Claire shout out up the stairs. You placed your history notebook into the book and shut it so you wouldn’t lose the page you were at. You walked down the stairs to see two more people joining for dinner. 
You slowly shuffled towards the only seat that was opened, at the end of the table by Claire and Dean. Forks clinked against plates as silence filled the room, you, Claire and Alex looked at the two Winchesters as they tore into the food like they haven’t eaten in days. Sam ate the food off of his fork, tilting his head back as his eyes were closed like he was in pure bliss. “Hmm.” Dean was the one who broke the silence. “This bird is fantastic.” He basically moaned out from the taste of the dinner. “Just mix it up with the potatoes and- and the peas.” He looked at the four girls. “You guys eat like this everyday?” He questioned swallowing the rest of the food in his mouth.
“It’s just chicken.” Jody shrugged, like it was nothing but the boys were making something out of it. 
“It’s shaped like chicken, not on a patty or- or a nugget.” Sam explained. You couldn’t believe that the boys never had a meal like this; they only ate at fast food or a cheap gas station.
Claire rolled her eyes not wanting to talk about this, “Can we just please talk about the case?” She questioned making Sam stop talking but Dean was still digging into his food, ripping a bread roll apart and shoving it in his mouth. As they talked about the case you couldn’t help but watch Sam. The way he licked off the chicken juice from his fingers, licking his lips every time he took a sip from his wine and how he sat up straight in his chair, broad shoulders up and forearms resting on the table. 
“Yeah okay let’s talk about real life.” Claire scoffed with a smirk, you looked over at her. You knew that smirk anywhere, she was going to make a point and a damn good one. You pushed your mashed potatoes around with your silver fork. You brought up the fork to your mouth and ate the mash potatoes. “You and Henry pick a weekend yet?” She questioned making Alex arch an eyebrow and questioned ‘What?’ to Claire. “When you and Henry go to Jody’s cabin and screw yourself silly.” Claire announced to the whole table. 
Alex’s eyes widened and went red in the face. “Oh, here we go.” Dean said, putting his fork down and adjusting in his seat getting ready for what was about to go down. Sam patted on his chest like he almost choked on his food. 
“This uh, seems like a family business.” Sam swallowed thickly about the situation, he scooted his chair out but stopped when Jody slammed her hand down on the table. 
“Sit, stay.” Jody demanded. You looked over at Claire who was snickering about the thing. “Alex, anything you wanna say?” She questioned which Alex soon declined and slurped on her water. Dean was looking at Alex who was clearly lying and Sam was looking at his food. “Well hey, if we can’t talk about it we shouldn’t be doing it, right?” Jody asked and looked over at Sam and Dean. 
“Wha?” Dean questioned, swallowing a mouthful of food and Sam giving his best confused puppy dog face. 
Jody inhaled and sighed out. “Okay, I’m not going to tell you that you’re too young to be having sex. Nor you,” Jody pointed at Alex. “Or you.” She pointed at you, you almost coughed up your water. 
“Psh who is she going to have sex with? She doesn’t talk to anybody.” Alex snapped towards Claire, Claire rolled her eyes at the comment.
“Wrong person there. It’s Y/N, she’s the one who’s socially awkward. She wouldn’t even give Sam a hug.” You looked up to see everyone looking over at you. Your eyes darted towards Sam who cleared his throat and looked down. You could feel your face heating up and quickly stood up and walked out of the dinning room and rushed towards your room, slamming the door shut.
“Really? Did you really have to say that?” Jody asked in a pissy voice, Claire shrugged slightly and took a sip of her water. 
“This is fun.” Dean said as Jody walked out to get more potatoes. Claire laughed a bit sarcastically and nodded.
Throughout the night you tossed and turned, panting softly. The blanket became a furnace wrapped around your body, you kicked it off only to roll over and groan in your sleep.
Your dream contained Sam's lips against your neck, hands ghosting over your body, teasingly. Moans and groans echoing in the distance. You quickly woke up in a cold sweat, the last thing you could remember from your dream was his hazel green eyes staring down at you while he thrust inside of you. You froze once you moved around a bit, there was an aching in between your thighs. 
"Y/N, time for school.“ Jody knocked and opened the door making you pull the blankets closer to yourself. She frowned, noticing something was wrong. She walked over and put her cool hand against your forehead. "Oh sweetheart, you’re burning up. Stay home today and rest. I’ll be at the station, text me if you need anything.” She smiled softly and walked out, closing the door. 
You sighed out softly, you weren’t sick you knew that for sure. That damn wet dream you had of the youngest Winchester must have had you so hot and bothered that your own body temperature raised, making Jody think you were sick. You got up a half an hour later and took a cold shower trying to calm yourself down. Once you got out you dried off and put on something comfortable. You walked down the creaky steps and to the kitchen. 
As you looked in the fridge you could still imagine Sam’s hazel green eyes from your dream. Squirming slightly you quickly shut the door to the fridge and squeezed your thighs together, trying to gain friction to help with the feeling. 
You chewed on the bottom of your lip remembering when your sex ed teacher said about this. The only thing to really do is what’s called masturbation… well if nobody was around. You let out a shaky breath and walked up towards your room, the stairs seemed much taller than usual. Once you reached the top you looked down the stairs to see the front door, no one. You walked towards your room shutting the door, looking out the window, no impala nor the sheriff's car. You closed your curtains and slowly stripped out of the clothes that made your body feel like 100 degrees. 
You pulled the blankets back and laid down on the cool sheets, goosebumps erupted throughout your body as the air in the room seemed thicker than usual. Your hands slowly slid down the side of your body, going towards your core. You sucked in a break as your fingertip brushed up against your sensitive clit, you let out a whimper in the silent room. “S- Sam.” You blushed at the foreign sound, you didn’t even mean to moan out his name during this but he was all you can think of. 
Your fingertips slowly grazed against your entrance, another soft moan left your lips as you exhaled a sigh. The foreign feeling in between your legs made you shiver, the soft touch of your fingers pressed against your throbbing clit. “Sam, fuck.” You moaned a bit louder than before.
Your lower stomach clenched as you teased your clit, thinking about the youngest Winchester brother, Sam. His sweet smile flooded your brain along with his body. You shivered once more thinking about what was in pants, he was a tall man so it wouldn’t surprise you if he was packing a lot. 
Another hot wave hit your body, making you shiver as your pussy became even more wetter. Exhaling a shaky breath you slowly pushed your index and middle finger in between your aching lips. Swallowing thickly you placed the tips of your finger inside of you, your eyes shutting at the bliss of slowly being filled. “S- Sam, oh god, yes.” You moaned.
Before you could even push your fingers further inside of you, you heard your name being called out. “Y/N?” The person walked closer to the room. Your eyes darted towards the door as it started to open, they walked in as you quickly pulled the blanket over your naked body.
"G- Get out!“ You cried out, Sam’s eyes widen as he had a full view of everything, 
"I- I’m, I’m so sorry.” He said a bit too quickly, not moving from his spot. You couldn’t look at him, too embarrassed to even say anything but you knew he was there, still looking at you. 
“What are you doing?” Sam’s voice sounded deeper than usual. 
You slowly turned your head, looking at Sam who was leaning against your door frame now. “W- What?” Your voice shook when you spoke. You must have been imagining this. Imagining that his voice was deeper and rougher, imaging that he was asking you what you were doing. Imagining that he had a raging hard on.
Your eyes widened to see the large tent of his pants in between his legs. Your eyes shot back up to Sam’s face who was smirking towards you. “I asked you ‘what are you doing’?” Sam pushed himself off of the door frame.
“I- I’m- I’m…” You couldn’t get your words out as you held the blanket closer to your naked body, your pussy still getting wet at the sight of Sam’s eyes roaming your body. 
“Well, it looks like to me you’re playing hooky from school just to rub one out, yeah?” Sam walked inside of your bedroom, shutting the door softly behind him. “And you’re thinking of me while doing so.” You stayed silent as Sam approached you. “Isn’t that right, princess?”
You slowly nodded your head ‘yes.’ “Use your words, baby.”
“Y- Yes, I was thinking of you.” Your voice is small and soft when you speak.
“And here you have everyone fooled thinking that you’re some sweet innocent girl.” Sam clicked his tongue. “You know, from last night's conversation I couldn’t help but put two and two together. You’re a virgin?” He asked.
“Yes, I am.” You looked away, embarrassed but a blush upon your cheeks.
“And here you are touching that sweet little pussy, thinking of me and moaning my name.” Sam gripped himself, rubbing his cock as he let out a moan. “Does it feel good?” 
“Felt so good.” You let out a soft whine as Sam toyed with you, you clenched your thighs together once more.
“Show me, show me how good it makes you feel.” Sam grabbed the end of the blanket and ripped it off of you, showing off your body. The cool air danced along your feverish skin, breaking out in goosebumps while your nipples became hard. “Show me how you touched yourself, baby.” Sam stood at the end of your bed, leaning against your dresser, still rubbing himself.
Swallowing, you licked your lips and laid back against your pillows once more, spreading your legs more to give Sam a better view. “Fuck, you’re so wet and all from thinking about me?” Sam admired your pussy from afar, his eyes becoming darker. “Show me.” Sam reminded you what to do.
Your fingers trailed down your stomach and in between your legs. You sucked in a breath once the tip of your fingers connected with your clit, shivering you circled your fingers around it, toying with yourself. “Good girl.” Sam moaned, never looking away. 
“S- Sam.” You withered out a moan.
“I’m right here baby.” 
Feeling juices collect and leak down onto the bed sheets you knew you were ready to take your fingers. Sliding your fingers closer towards your entrance, you were about to enter them inside of you until Sam spoke. “Stop.”
Stopping your movements you watched as Sam approached the foot of the bed. “You’ve never touched yourself have you?”
“This- This is my first time.” You panted, trying to collect your breath.
“I want to taste you, I want my tongue to be the first thing ever to be inside this pussy.” Sam climbed onto the bed, nuzzling himself in between your legs. “This is if you’ll have me?”
“Please, please Sam be the first.” You begged.
Sam smiled up at you, his green eyes never leaving yours as the tip of his tongue slowly swirled against your clit. You gasped loudly as his hot breath was upon you. “Shit.” You whined. Sam engulfed his mouth on your clit, slowly suckingly softly. “Fuck.” You cursed again, arching your back at the feeling. 
Sam moaned, sending vibrations up your spine. He slowly pulled away, pushing your lips apart he hummed and dove back inside, lapping his tongue away on your pussy. You squealed as he pushed his tongue inside your tight walls, stretching them. “S- Sam.” You tried to warn him about your stomach clenching and your head feeling light. 
Sam kept going, flicking his tongue in and out of you as he fucked you with it, climbing to a faster pace than before. Your breathing got heavier as you rolled your hips against his face. “S- Sam.” You moaned once more, Sam moaned with you as he rutted his hips against the mattress. “Fuck- wait, n- no wait!” You cried out, you tried to push him off but he wasn’t letting go. Something snapped inside of you as your first orgasm washed over your body.
You were screaming in pleasure, bucking your hips against Sam as he kept lapping at the cream you were giving him. Once he knew you were finished, he pulled away. “What- What was that?” 
“You just came on my tongue.” Sam chuckled, licking his lips and collecting the rest of your juices on his face. “You want to do it on my dick?” Sam was now on his knees, rubbing himself through his pants.
“Y- Yes.” You panted, watching Sam get off the bed he pulled his shirt off, tossing it somewhere you admired his Anti-Possession symbol on his chest. Sam’s fingers danced along his belt, taking it off he pushed his jeans down along with his boxers. Sam’s thick cock bounced upwards slightly, hitting his lower toned stomach. Your mouth watered at the sight of his raging cock, leaking pre-come and begging to be stroked.
“Is it going to hurt?” You asked, still not taking your eyes off of Sam’s cock.
“Just a little baby, but I got you.” Sam crawled back on the bed, towering over you. Sam grabbed the base of his cock and rubbed his cock head against your slick folds, watching you come undone and shiver against him
"Sensitive little thing, aren'tcha?” He purred deeply as he slowly pushed the tip of his head in making you hiss slightly. 
"S- Sam.” You whined as his large tip stretched you.
“Shh, I’m right here baby. So tight around me and I’m barely even in you.” Sam looked down as your pussy slowly swallowed him. “That’s a good girl, taking this fat cock.” Sam moaned as he pushed himself inside of you.
You gripped onto his biceps, digging your nails into his flesh as the slight burning sensation washed over you as his thickness stretched your walls wider. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes but you quickly blinked them away. “Shit- you’re big.” You cried out. 
“Almost there baby, it’s going to feel so fucking good when I start pumping inside of you.” Sam’s voice gruffed out as he was struggling to keep the movement slow as he pushed himself inside of you. Sam sighed out loudly, blissfully as he was now balls deep in you. “Fuck! Wrapped so snug around me.” It was Sam’s turn to whimper. “About to make me come.” He teased.
You moaned softly at the sound of that, the thought of your cunt being so tight that it made Sam come undone upon entering you. “Pl- Please, move. I need to feel you.” You whimpered out, gripping his shoulder and clawing at his skin. You wrapped your legs around his waist, the pain slowly fading which felt like forever which turned into pleasure. 
Sam slowly started to grind his hips against you, rocking back and forth as he pushed in and out, low moans erupting from both of you as he started to settle a pace. “Fuck, you’re so wet.” Sam moaned, looking down to see his cock glistening wet each time he pulled out of you. Sam pulled out all the way out and slammed back into you a bit too roughly. You let out a loud cry that could be heard throughout the house. “Shit baby, I’m sorry.” He apologized and stopped his movements. 
"N- No Sam, please. Again, again, again!“ You begged out loudly, he looked down at you smiling softly. He pulled out and pushed roughly back in moaning softly. "Fuck, yes right there.” You moaned.
Sam started to quickly pump his hips, in and out, in and out. “Fuck baby, you’re going to make me come.” Sam grunted out, you arched your back into him as his cock twitched in you.
"M- Me too, I’m going to come. Fuck, Sammy I’m going to come!” You sobbed, "Sammy, please let me come!” You screamed out his name. His hips roughly slamming into you, skin slapping against skin, the most sinful sounds echoing throughout the room, bouncing off the walls. 
You clawed down his back, gripping it tightly as he grunted, the bed rocking with a creak of every thrust. “Shit, fucking going to come.” Sam growled, your walls clenching around his hard cock making it harder for him to thrust. 
"Shit, Sam!“ You cried out as you were squirting all on his cock, Sam also moaned out, the tight feeling of your pussy clenching around him had him on the edge. He quickly pulled his cock out, his hand wrapped around his cock, covering in your juices made it easier for him to quickly jerk himself off. He moaned loudly as ropes of come squirted on your lower stomach. “Fuck, yes, fuck, Y/N.” Sam tilted his head back moaning, his hips rutting against his touch. You panted out softly as you were coming down from your high, admiring the mess Sam made all over your body.
Sam hummed and growled lowly as he milked himself. He slowly opened his eyes, looking down at you as you smiled up at him. He broke out a smile as well, leaning down and kissed your lips softly. Sam reached for his shirt and cleaned the mess off of you. Tossing the shirt somewhere on the floor he pulled your naked form close to him.
“I’m glad you took a day off from school.” Sam chuckled, you laid your head on his chest listening to his heart beat. 
"Hmm, me too.“ You hummed out and slowly fell asleep.
   A few days passed, you blushed as Sam hugged you a good-bye. "I put my number in your phone, text or call whenever you need me.” He whispered during the hug. 
You nodded as you pulled away from the tall male and waved good-bye as the two boys climbed into the 1967 ChevyImpala and drove off. “So, I was doing laundry last night.” Jody mentioned. “I couldn’t help but notice a stain on your sheets.” 
A blush crept upon your face once again as sex talk was coming. “Did Sam wrap it?” Jody questioned. 
"Oh my gosh, Jody.“ You squeaked out only to stop talking. 
“Y/N, we do not need a little Winchester running around here.” Jody dug into her pocket and tossed you a small foil package. “For next time.” She winked.
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dirtywrestling · 2 years
Special Memories - Rhea Ripley (18+)
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Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Female!Reader
Summary: Rhea has a special day planned out for your 5 year anniversary.
Warnings: 18+, Cussing, Smut, Pegging, Strap-On, Mommy!Kink, Public Sex, Fingering, Oral, Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,719
Follow My Side Blog!: @dirtywresling102
Note: This is not proof read, I had no time!
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Airports. Not your favorite place in the world. People were rushing with their suitcases in hand, cargo trailers swerving in and out of every other direction to pass people. Not to mention the large families pushing past others so they could rush through security and onto their flight. 
Airports were not fun, but you were only here to pick up one person and that was the love of your life, Rhea Ripley. Rhea has been traveling the world for nearly nine months now for the company she wrestles for and she finally had time off to spend with you. 
“Where are you, Rhea?” You grumbled to yourself as you looked down at your phone once more, checking the screen there were no new text notifications from your lover. Rhea just messaged you saying how she just landed and was about to see you soon. 
“Hey dude, watch it!” You snapped at someone who ran into your shoulder from behind, running. “What the fuck.” You mumbled, seeing now that there were more people rushing inside the airport. 
“I heard she just landed!” Someone yelled. 
“Oh my god, I hope we can catch her.” Another person spoke up as their feet trampled the marble floor where you stood.
You went up on your tippy toes, trying to see who everyone was excited to see. Looking around you could only see the back of people's heads and somewhere holding up their phones trying to take pictures of whoever it was. It wasn’t until when someone yelled out her name that made you freeze.
“I fucking LOVE Rhea Ripley! I have to get a picture!” A male voice boomed. “Rhea!” Everyone started to chant. 
“Oh god.” Your heart rate started to escalate as everyone was now pushing and shoving trying to find Rhea, you knew you needed to find her first and get the fuck out of here but since she was the most popular woman in the WWE she was most likely deep in autographs and pictures with fans already.
You looked around trying to find her but it was getting hard to stay in one place with everyone pushing and shoving. How the hell was this possible? How did they know she was here? Grabbing your phone you quickly went on twitter and looked up ‘Rhea Ripley’ 
There were multiple images of her, Rhea was either sleeping on the flight, eating or just reading a book with headphones in. Fans took pictures of her and posted them on twitter right when they landed announcing her flight and location. You really disliked the fans that were out there exposing her privacy like this.
You frowned to see one photo that was just published two minutes ago. It was of Rhea smiling at the camera with a fan next to her and the caption read. ‘Just met Mommy Ripley, my life is complete!’ 
You knew that you were going to be waiting at the airport for hours of Rhea trying to get through the crowd to leave along with photos and autographs. You noticed security running by trying to get people to leave that weren’t supposed to be here so that the regular traffic could flow and not be blocked by crazy fans.
You collided shoulders with another person, this time they had a black sweatshirt on and their hood over their head, hiding their face. “Hey!” You barked, nearly stumbling backwards until they gripped your arm from making you fall. 
“Keep walking.” The girl said, her head being low as she dragged you away from the fans. The woman was hunched over, not showing off her true height as she dragged you away. 
“R- Rhea?” You whispered.
“Shh!” She snapped, not wanting the fans to hear. 
You had a large smile on your face as you let Rhea guide you out of the airport and towards the parking garage. Once no one was around, Rhea straightened up, becoming her full height and pulled back her hood, smiling down at you.
You grinned stupidly up at her, blushing as if this was the first time you two ever met. “Hi.” You greeted.
“Hi yourself.” Rhea’s lips twitched up into a smirk. Her dark hair was slicked back with a baseball cap covering it, her lips were dressed in black lipstick. “You just gonna stare at me starstruck or do you wanna hug me?” 
You blushed harder, running to her you wrapped your arms around her form as she draped her around you. “I miss you.” You mumbled into her chest, your face pressed against her breasts, inhaling her scent. 
“I missed you too, love.” Rhea mumbled against the top of your head, squeezing you tighter. 
You pulled away from her, hands still resting on her waist. “I got the hotel, it’s just a few blocks away.” You tried to pull away from her to walk towards the car but Rhea gripped your wrists, making you stop. Looking up at her confused you cocked your head to the side. “Baby?” 
“You think we’re just gonna leave before you give me a kiss?” She laughed. “Come here.” Her arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to her. Her lips crashed against yours. Moaning against her lips, your arms slipped around her neck.
You pulled away from the kiss first, licking your lips as you stared up at her. “W- We need to get to the hotel now.” You whispered. 
“Fuck the hotel.” Rhea breathed out, pushing you up the nearest pillar, pinning you against the cement. 
Your eyes widened, looking around to only see cars parked in their spots you broke out in a cold sweat. “R- Rhea, someone could see us.” 
“I don’t care, let them see us.” Rhea’s lips attacked your neck, suckling and biting down on your flesh you let out a yelp. 
This could ruin Rhea’s career, her reputation she built over the past years you two have been together. “Oh f- fuck, Rhea.” You choked out a moan as Rhea’s talented fingers slipped in your pants and toyed at your cunt. You tossed your head back against the cream color wall.
“There she is.” Rhea whispered. “You feel so tight around my fingers.” Rhea hummed, she left pepper kisses up and down your neck causing you to break out in goosebumps. “You’ve been a good girl, I can tell.” Rhea darted her tongue out, licking your neck upwards, moaning. “Your sweet pussy is fluttering around my fingers, you haven’t come in such a long time.” 
“I- I’ve been such a good girl mommy.” You whined. “I haven’t come since the last time we had sex over facetime.” 
“And how long ago was that sweet girl?” Rhea’s two digits pumped in and out of your cunt, your juices coated Rhea’s fingers making it easier for her to pump in and out of your pussy and diving them deeper against your sweet spot. 
“Fuck!” You sobbed out. “Three- Three months, mommy. It’s been three months since I’ve creamed on my toy.”
Rhea hummed, her fingers spreading, the palm of her hand grazing against your clit as she scissored your wet channel. “You’ve been such a good little girl.” Rhea watched how your breasts rose and fell with each deep breath you took. 
Tears threaten to spill as the coil in your lower stomach tightens and your cunt squeezed Rhea’s fingers so tightly. “R- Rhea- Come- I want to come.” You begged, grinding your hips against her touch, your eyes were focused on her, nearly forgetting that you were getting fingered in a public area. 
“You wanna come?” Rhea’s tongue dragged along her lips as she chuckled. 
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as you nodded. “S- So badly, please mommy.” Rhea’s ring finger squeezed past your walls, making it three digits stretching your walls, making you feel full. “Oh god, please!” You sobbed.
“Come sweet girl, come all over my hand.” Rhea demanded.
Stars appeared behind your eyes as your orgasm washed you over, arching your back off the pillar you cried Rhea’s name loudly as she quickly covered your mouth with her free hand, her fingers still thrusting inside of you.
“Did you hear that?” Someone in the distance commented on your loud moans.
“Probably just a bird or something, come on mom said she landed.” Footsteps continued to echo in the lot making their way to the exit. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you exhaled a shaky breath through your nose, staring at Rhea. Her dark pupils stared back at you, she slowly pulled away her hand. “Good girl.” She repeated in a softer tone. Rhea pulled her hand back, showing off her drenched come covered fingers she stuck them in her mouth, moaning as she cleaned them off. “Fuck, I nearly forgot how good you tasted.”
Leaning against the pillar, you didn’t trust your legs to move yet as you tried to catch your breath in soft pants. Rhea just laughed at your flushed face and tired body. “Come on my love, let's go to the hotel because I have so much planned for us.” Rhea held your hand while you wrapped your arm under hers, leaning on her for support. “Happy five year anniversary, Y/N.” Rhea kissed the top of your head as you nuzzled against her while making your way to the car.
Rhea indeed made the anniversary unforgettable. Rhea insisted that you book a 5 star hotel and she’d pay all expenses. You tried to deny it before booking the expensive hotel saying how a ‘Hotel 8 is fine for your liking’. But Rhea wasn’t having it. After spending years with Rhea, she trusted you with her credit card so from time to time you either used it for reserving hotels and restaurants and when Rhea knows you’re low on groceries she insists on you to go shop with it knowing your 40 hour job can only pay for so much.
You were grateful for Rhea and everything she has done for you.
After settling in the hotel, unpacking and showering Rhea took you to the city national park, walking around and enjoying nature. You weren’t surprised when people instantly noticed her and asked for photos. Rhea would look at you apologetic and about to deny the people until you spoke up. “She’d love a photo with you guys, want me to take it?” 
Rhea gave you a soft smile as the fans were excited to get a photo with their favorite wrestler. Taking the phone from the fan you pointed the camera at them. “One, two, say cheese.” You clicked the circle snap button a few times making sure to get a good photo. 
“Oh my god, thank you so much.” The girl said as you handed the phone back to her. 
“No problem, enjoy your day guys.” You waved at them as the girl and her friends rushed off down the trail.
“It’s okay to say ‘no’ ya know?” Rhea spoke up as you both started to walk down the trail.
You wrapped your arm through hers, resting your head against the side of her shoulder. “I know, but it’s not every day you run into your hero.” 
Rhea tossed her head back and let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t say I’m anyone’s hero, I guess an idol?”
“Fine, idol. It’s still not every day you run into your favorite idol.” You squeezed her hand tightly. 
“I suppose not, but this is our anniversary date. I’m trying to make it special.” She sighed.
You watched the branches on the trees slightly sway as a breeze rolled by, it felt nice while the sun beat high in the sky. “We’ll have plenty more anniversaries to make special.” You reminded her. “I’m fine with you taking pictures with fans, Rhea, really.” 
Rhea stopped in her tracks making you stop as well and look up at her. “Fuck, how did I get so lucky.” She whispered, cupping your jaw.
“You have someone that understands the business.” You chuckled. 
It was true, you trained for a while a few years ago, even did some indy matches but unfortunately one big nasty bump ruined your chance to move on with your career. 
It was an intergender match against a guy you knew very well, Timmy Titan, and it wasn’t your first match together. It was where you met Rhea too when she was still in her indy days. She just came to the States to see all the fuss was about trying to try and make it big in America. 
Timmy went for a drop kick while you were getting distracted with Timmy’s manager, his feet collided on your spine, doing a drop kick. Tthe spot was for you to go over the top rope and lose by a ten count. But the plan failed as you felt numbness went up your spine and you weren’t able to feel anything. Dropping to your knees, a cold sweat went through your whole body as you weren’t able to move your fingers or toes, worrying you went paralyzed. 
The ref quickly slid over to you asking if you were alright you quickly whispered to him something was wrong and to take the match home. Timmy quickly scrambled over to you with a pin. “You okay?”
“I can’t fucking feel my legs.” You wanted to cry, trying to be strong so the fans wouldn’t worry.
After the match an ambulance was called, carrying you out on a stretcher while fans asked if you were going to be okay and what the hell happened. A warm spark shocked up your hand as you looked to see Rhea walking besides you as you were getting rolled out, she was holding your hand.
“I’m right here, Y/N. I gotchu.” Her Australian accent is thicker than ever.
You exhaled a sigh, resting your head back on the uncomfortable stretcher pillow knowing you were going to be alright since you could now feel Rhea’s hand gripping yours.
As if Rhea knew what you were thinking she spoke up. “You fucking scared me that day.” Rhea said.
You looked at her dark eyes, remembering how worried she looked. You smiled at her. “Aye, I lived.” You tried to joke.
“You could have been paralyzed, Y/N.” Rhea’s fingers twirled around your hair, playing with it. 
“I’d do it all over again, to hear the crowd one last time.” 
Rhea stared at you while you looked away trying not to cry. Sometimes, when watching Rhea every Monday Night Raw, you grew slightly jealous hearing everyone cheer for her, whistle and applaud. You craved the aching feeling along your back from hitting the ropes or taking bumps from a shoulder tackle, you missed the smell of the wrestling mat. 
You sniffed, feeling the pad of Rhea’s thumb wiping away a tear that escaped your eye, you didn’t even notice that you were crying. “I know, baby.” She whispered, leaning down she pressed her lips against yours to make you feel better.
As the rest of the day went on, Rhea kept having surprise after surprise after surprise and of course while doing so she took photos of fans wherever she took you. “That was really nice of that family to pay for our meal.” You said walking alongside Rhea down the beach shore. 
“Yeah, it really was.” Rhea held your hand tighter as she swung both of your arms. Rhea took you to a five star restaurant that had strict dress clothes along with a wait list that lasted for months.  Rhea wore a black button up shirt along with black slacks and dress shoes that were now in her hands.
You wore a black skin tight dress that made your breasts push up perfectly to which the waiter couldn’t keep his eyes off. Rhea had to keep clearing her throat making sure the boy didn’t over spill the wine he poured. He’d meekly apologize and rushed away to another table with a blush dusted on his cheeks. 
Your dark heels dangled in your left hand, the sand squished in between your toes as the softness of it brushed up against your feet with each step you took. “Do you have any more surprises I should know about?” You teased. 
Rhea chuckled looking over at her, you noticed the top two buttons of her shirt were undone, the cool night breeze made the cloth slightly move. Your eyes dragged down seeing her breasts peeking out.
“I do have one more surprise to end this perfect day.” Rhea looked straight ahead. “It’s right here.” 
You looked where she was looking to see a blanket with a picnic basket on top of it and a dozen candle lit lanterns around the blanket. “Oh, Rhea. This is perfect.” You smiled at her. 
“Perfect way to watch the sunset.” Rhea hummed, pulling you towards the romantic set. She laid down on the large blanket and tugged you down. You laid down next to her, head against her chest as you watched the waves roll in and the orange sun setting leaving behind a pink, purplish, blue sunset. 
“It’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.” Rhea hummed, her hand rubbing up and down your back as she posted herself up along with you on her breasts. You could hear her heart thumping a million miles per minute. You knew she was nervous about something. 
You watched as the sun crept below the horizon until it was fully dark and the stars replaced the pretty sunset and the moon was in the sky. You sat there, watching the waves wash onto the beach and roll back into the ocean. “Well, should we start heading back to the hotel?” You sat up looking at Rhea. You slightly squinted at her, confused by her grinchish grin. She has something up her sleeve. “What?” You broke out a smile.
“I want to do something before we leave.” Rhea whispered, grabbing you by the waist she rolled you over, making her on top.
“R- Rhea?” You swallowed, slowly getting the idea she had in mind. 
“Shh, relax baby, relax.” Rhea’s hand slid under your black dress, pushing it upwards she let out a soft moan. “Fuck, no panties?” 
“I- I know how much you like it when I don’t wear any.”
“I’ve trained you so well, Y/N.” Rhea’s hard slid up your smooth thigh, massaging your waist. Rhea leaned down, her hot breath against your sensitive cunt. You squirmed in her grip making her chuckle. “Poor darling, I haven’t even touched you and you’re squirming under me.”
“S- Sorry, mommy.” You moaned as her tongue slowly licked the entrance of your cunt, you bit your bottom lip, arching your back. Rhea didn’t hesitate to thrust her tongue inside you, swirling it around and stretching you. She moaned against your pussy, moving back and forth, the bridge of her nose pumping your clit.
“Fuck!” You sobbed, bucking your hips against her face. “I- I’m close, I’m gonna come.” You warned. 
Rhea lapped her tongue over your tight walls a few more times before pulling away, a string of your juices snapping off her lips as she smirked. “Already? So soon?” Rhea’s fingers replaced her mouth, smearing her saliva over your eaten out pussy. 
“Hmm’ sorry.” You sucked the inside of your cheek, feeling slightly embarrassed. 
“Oh no need to be embarrassed, love. I love when I can make you come so quickly. But how about you come on my cock, hmm?” 
“You- You brought the toy?” You gushed.
“Oh honey, I did more than just brought it.” Rhea sat on her knees and started to unbuckle her belt. “I wore it.” 
Your cunt pulsed, the thought of Rhea wearing the strap-on underneath her pants made you even wetter before. Please mommy, fucking put it in me.” 
Rhea laughed lowly, pushing the black slacks down her thighs to fully let the cock extend from her pants. “Such an eager little girl, huh?”
You nodded your head without a response only to cry out, arching your back as Rhea slapped her palm over your wet cunt. “Y- Yes, please yes, fuck!” You cried out.
“Always such a good little girl, Y/N.” Rhea reached over at the wooden basket she brought and pulled out a small bottle of lube. She squirted some in her hand and soon lathered the cock with it. The straps were secured over her thighs and waist making her ass plump. “Fuck, I’ve been dreaming of coming home and fucking you every night, baby.” Rhea bucked her hips, fucking the fake cock into her lubed up hand. 
“Me too, I’ve been wanting your cock mommy, I’ve been craving it.” You tried to waist patiently, you squirmed your hips, watching her fuck her own hand and not you was like torture. “Rhea, please I want it.”
“You’ll get it, love.” Rhea tossed the small lube bottle towards the basket and pulled you closer to her, making you squeak. She rubbed the silicon cock against your folds, pushing very slowly and watched your cunt swallow the toy whole. Moaning lowly as your walls clenched down on the large toy. You wrapped your legs around Rhea’s waist, forcing the toy to bury deeper as she leaned forward. “Fu- Fuck!” You moaned.
“Yeah, there she is.” Rhea kissed your neck and jawline as she slowly started to rock her hips against you. “Take it so well, princess.”
“Y- Yes, faster, please.” You clenched the back of Rhea’s shoulders, trying to pull her closer to you as your dress kept hiking up further on your body.
“Naughty girl, I wanted to take it nice and slow for this special night but you wanna be fucked like some whore from the streets.” 
“Yes!” You screamed. “Fuck me like a common whore, mommy.” 
Rhea sat up slightly, watching how her cock pushed in and out of your dripped cunt, smirking at the sound of your wet cunt taking the toy. “Fuck, look at you. A sobbing mess for my cock.” Rhea rutted her hips in a circle, hitting it from a different angle. Rhea smirked at your facial features, your mouth hanging open and no sounds coming out. “Fuck, looks like I ruined you with this cock. Looking so cock drunk for me.” Rhea laughed.
Rhea didn’t let up on her thrusts as she grunted with each movement, your quiet sobs left your throat as you arched your back. Your walls clamped tightly around her cock each time she pushed in and tried to keep her in whenever she pulled out. “C- Come, I’m gonna come!” 
“Oh no sweet heart.” Rhea pulled her cock out from your fucked cunt making you sob loudly from the lost of contact. “You’re gonna work for this orgasm.” Rhea used her muscles, filling you over and forcing you on your knees while your shoulders and head were pushed into the ground. “Fuck, I nearly forgot how flexible you are.” Rhea moaned, grabbing the base of the cock she pushed back into your needy hole.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You chanted as Rhea’s cock was buried to the hilt of your cunt but didn’t move. “Pl- Please!” You sobbed, feeling fresh tears drip down your cheeks and onto the blanket.
“Oh no, you wanted to act like a whore so I’m going to treat you like one. I want to see this ass bounce on my cock and earn your orgasm.” Rhea’s hand sharply slapped onto your ass once more, making sure your dress was out of the way.
You groaned, about to push yourself up onto your hands but was pushed back down onto your face by Rhea pushing the mid of your back down. “No. I want you to work for it. Grind.” 
You shivered at her dominant tone, rocking your hips back you moaned softly as her cock nearly slipped out of you, leaving the tip and pushing back into you. “Fuck.” You whispered to yourself. “Feels so good.”
“Looks so good.” Rhea replied, watching as you started to pick up pace, riding yourself on her cock from behind. “Fuck darling, you’re taking this cock so fucking well.” Rhea gripped your ass, trying to stop herself from thrusting inside of you. “Keep going, baby.”
“M- Mommy.” 
“Mommy has you baby, keep going.” Rhea grunted, she watched as your creamy cunt lathered the cock up with your juices each time you pulled out. She moaned at the sight, not helping herself but slightly buck her hips against you, hitting that sensitive spot nearly making you go over the edge. 
“C- Commies, mommy, I need to commies!” You warned, slamming your hips back against the cock it was hitting you in all the right places. The way Rhea gripped your waist and was meeting your thrusts made you scream her name as she was grunting behind you. Sloppy wet sounds of the cock plunging your cunt erupted on the empty beach.
“Come baby, come on my fucking dick.” Rhea moaned. 
A fire spread from your cunt throughout your body as your walls clenched tighter against her dick, you gripped the blanket tightly as you gasped loudly. The dam breaking and your orgasm riding through your body, you shuttered out a moan as you squirted on her cock.
“Holy shit!” Rhea exclaimed, surprised by the mess that she was covered in. 
You stilled yourself, light headed and seeing stars as you tried to blink them away. “Y/N, Y/N?” Rhea called your name, her hand rubbing your back as you hummed in pleasure.
“Are you okay?” She slowly pulled the cock from your cunt making you wince slightly. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You asked, rolling over on your back your eyes widened at the sight. Rhea’s pants that rested upon her thighs were soaked and the rubber toy was dripping with your juices. “Did- Did I just-”
“Squirt? Yeah, all over me.” Her eyebrow arched with a cocky grin.
“Oh god, I- I’m so sorry, wait hold on.” You reached into the basket to try and find a towel or something to clean her up. You were too embarrassed to even look at your girlfriend, being the first time you ever squirted, you didn’t hear her voice.
“Wait, no, Y/N!” Rhea reached towards the basket trying to take it away from you but you stopped looking for the towel only to see a small black box, slowly reaching for it you pulled it out.
“What’s this?” Your eyes left the black smooth box and looked at Rhea who looked guilty, rubbing the back of her neck and looking away. She swallowed thickly and finally looked at you.
“Open it up and see what’s inside.” 
Your heart was racing as you kept your eyes on Rhea the whole time. You didn’t break eye contact even when you opened the box, you were too scared, worried that it was just a pair of earrings and not what you really wanted. Your eyes glimpsed at what was inside only to quickly shut it. “N- No.” 
“Yes.” Rhea smiled, in one smooth motion she tucked the dripping toy covered in your juices into her slacks, adjusting herself and buckling them up quickly she got down on one knee. “Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest wrestler in the world and be my wife?”
“Oh god, Rhea Ripley yes! I fucking will!” Despite your dress being a mess you lunged towards her and hugged her. 
Rhea laughed, holding you close as she took the box from you, opening it again and pulled out the ring. She held your shaky hand and slid the band onto your ring finger. “It’s a perfect fit.” You sniffed, trying not to cry.
“Come on, let's take a picture.” Rhea helped you up onto your feet. She gave you time to adjust your dress and hair only to steal a kiss from you on the lips, you held your hand up towards the phone as she snapped the picture. “This is going on instagram.” She smiled, quickly posting the picture.
The likes instantly started to come in and comments on how people are proud and congratulations. One comment that got the most likes stated: ‘They fucked on the beach’.
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Rhea Ripley's Masterlist
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stevebuscemieyes · 1 month
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Dir. Tilman Singer
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occultwaters · 6 months
Introduction + free readings
Hello everyone! It’s occult waters, but you can call me Selene. I’ve created this blog to share my knowledge and skills around my abilities and divination. Namely tarot and astrology, but I am open to, and have practiced other forms of divination. As this blog is new, I’m going to give away some free short readings until I have gained a few followers. What you guys have to do is follow, like, and repost. I will temporarily close the free readings on the 12th of April 3pm Central European Time (CET), then answer each one. I have turned off anonymous asks for now to make sure it’s fair however, in the future, as long as I get sensible asks, I will turn anon asks on. Thank you and do make use of this opportunity!
Blessings ✨
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a34trgv2 · 2 months
Top 10 Cartoons I Hate But Many Others Like
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#10. The Amazing Digital Circus: Yes, I'm aware only 2 episodes have been made of this cartoon. I'm also aware that both episodes have been praised by viewers and critics alike. As much as I would love to join in on the fun, I cannot ignore how badly structured it is. From the unlikable characters, the poor world building, the unfocused narrative to the lackluster jokes, poor handling of themes and lack of stakes, this it the kind of unmitigated mess that more infamously bad cartoons are ripped to shreds over. I will say that the animation and voice acting is well done so it's not all bad.
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#9. The Owl House: Many people were disappointed by my disappointment with this disappointing cartoon. But no one was more disappointed that I was left cold by the show than me. I love fantasy, magic, mystical creatures and enchanting worlds. The Owl House should've been up my ally, yet in practice I wouldn't even spit in it's direction. With an irritating cast of characters, bad world building, formulaic plots, the writing was already on the wall. Then Amity showed up and it made the show unbearable to sit through. I'm all for LGBTQ rep, but I draw the line at a bully and their victim becoming and item. I'm sure Amity has some sappy sob story about how her parents pressured her into being an entitled brat, but she's still and entitled brat that shouldn't even have friends, nevermind a girlfriend, because her attitude STINKS!
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#8. The Loud House: I've made it no secret that despite the warm reception and continued popularity of The Loud House, I was never a fan. I never found it funny, well written, or relatable. All I got from The Loud House was this is one of the most annoying dysfunctional families I've ever seen. I do think it's well animated and I commend the crew for moving forward with the show despite the disgraced creator's termination.
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#7. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: I consider myself a big Marvel fan thanks to the MCU and Spider-Man franchises. I never heard of Moon Girl or Devil Dinosaur before this show was announced, so I was genuinely curious to see how this would play out. Needless to say, I was not impressed. Despite having dazzling visuals and really good voice acting, the show is just badly made with terrible writing, unfunny jokes, dull characters, and repetitive action scenes. This show clearly has its fans, but unfortunately I'm not one of them.
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#6. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous: Those who know me know I love dinosaurs and am a huge Jurassic Park fan. You'd think a cartoon based on the series would be as exciting and interesting as the movies. Well like so many of the dinosaurs victims, you'd be DEAD WRONG! This show shoots itself in the foot by having 6 unlikable and annoying characters, and not one gets eaten by a dinosaur. Not to mention it's sluggishly paced, the animation is stiff, and the score only reminds me of the movies I'd rather be watching. Clearly I'm in the minority here as I had a blast watching ALL the Jurassic Park movies, even the ones critics didn't like at all, over this.
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#5. We Bare Bears: I like bears as much as the next guy, with my favorite cartoon bear of all time being Winnie The Pooh. Despite my fascination with this big, furry creatures, We Bare Bears never made me like the main trio, much less love them. They're all varying degrees of unlikable and the show isn't funny or well written to keep me engaged. They also did San Francisco dirty by making the people so unlikable. The one element that I think would've made for a much more interesting show is Chloe Park. Her character was utterly wasted on this stupid show as she's a kid with a high IQ and is in college but still wants to be a kid. She deserves better.
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#4. The Mitchells vs The Machines: As much as I like Sony pushing for more expiremental animated films lately, this expirement didn't succeed in my book. Sure, the animation is amazing and the voice acting's mostly good, but tells such a generic story, has such incompetent and unlikable characters, and I will never get over the fact that Aaron Mitchell sounds like a middle-aged man and not, you know, A CHILD! The worst part about this film is despite it's best efforts, it is just NOT funny. It relies so much on cringy, outdated memes, weak slapstick, and dull visual gags and I never once found it funny.
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#3. El Deafo: I was confused as to what this show was supposed to be based on the trailer. Watching it for myself, I found that it was more frustrating than anything. Don't get me wrong, I commend author Cece Bell for turning her personal struggles with impaired hearing into a comic turned cartoon and I fully understand wanting to tell a story from a deaf person's perspective. That said, though, I just despised the execution from the awful writing, the unlikable characters to the terrible sound mixing. As pure as the intentions were, they were sorely lost in the execution in my opinion.
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#2. Frog and Toad: When I was a kid, I loved reading the Frog and Toad books. They were simple, yes, but the characters were so interesting and the illustrations were well crafted. This show should've been exactly what I was looking for in an adaptation of the books. What I got instead was a prime example of how NOT to adapt a beloved children's series. Despite having spot on voice acting, the abysmal writing, the incompetent characters, and the lackluster animation really soured the experience. I know the author's children were involved in this, but I don't think they did the books justice. The show didn't take full advantage of the medium and played more like mediocre live reading of the books.
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#1. Summer Camp Island: I clearly struck a nerve with fans of the show when I said I hated it. Well, y'all will be please to know that your efforts to change my mind were all in vain. I just couldn't get passed how badly written it was, how hatable the characters were, how grossly unfunny it was. The worst part is that this is a world where anthropomorphic animals and mystical creatures exist, yet they can't tell anyone about the magic on the island. To this very day, I CALL BOLONGA!
Conclusion: I'm not saying y'all are wrong for liking these show and you definitely won't see me call them "overrated." I just wanna offer a different perspective on these popular and well liked cartoons. Some honorable mentions include Miraculous Ladybug (many people love it, I can't stand it), The Ghost and Molly McGee (you all know how I feel about that chatterbox), and the "adult" cartoons that received critical acclaim such as Rick & Morty, Smiling Friends, Bob's Burgers and The Simpsons. Agree? Disagree? Let me know in the comments and I'll see you next time.
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gryficowa · 1 month
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Remember about the boycott (Yes, even for liberals who say they support Palestine and then go to McDonald's)
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Now that I have your attention:
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priestly-prince · 6 months
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If you're interested in getting something, send me an ask or a message or hit me on twitter and I'll see what I can do for you!
Slots are currently very restricted, but I hope to open up a little more later.
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stevebuscemieyes · 1 year
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30 Days Of Night, 2007
Dir. David Slade
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infinity-brain · 6 months
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royaleofury · 2 years
❥Rahu and Ketu Axis
Part 1
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Rahu and Ketu, the two nodes of moon, have always been a mystery for the astrologers. No matter how much you dig in to find information about them, they always fall short. It always feel like there is so much more about them, than what we have been taught or told.
There is whole story in Hindu mythology about how both Rahu and Ketu came into existence. The Vedic texts state that after a long and ferocious war between the gods and demons, they finally agreed to co-operate with each other and churn the ocean( which is called "Samudra Manthan") and whatever came out of it, was to be shared among the gods and demons. In the process of doing so, a nectar came out of the ocean, which was told to give immorality if it was drank. This made the Gods worried because the demons becoming immoral was no good to world and peace of it. Therefore, Lord Vishnu took the incarnation in the form of a beautiful damsel ‘Mohini‘ and tried to please and distract the asuras. On receiving the Amrit, Mohini came to Devas to distribute it to them.
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Svarbhanu,‘ one of the asuras, changed his appearance to a deva to obtain some portion of the Amrit. However, Surya (Sun) and the Chandra (Moon) realized that Svarbhanu was an Asura, not one of the devas. Knowing this, Lord Vishnu severed Svarbhanu’s head with his discus, the Sudarshan Charka.However, even though his head and body became separated, they remained immortal as a separate entity. Before his head was served, he managed to drink a drop of the nectar from the Amrit. The head is known as Rahu, and the headless body is the Ketu.
Since then, Rahu and Ketu constantly chase the Sun and the Moon for revenge as they are the cause of separating the head and body of the Asura Svarbhanu. It is a popular belief that when they succeed in catching Sun and Moon, they swallow them, causing Solar or Lunar eclipse, but they can’t hold them for long, and Sun and Moon emerge again intact as they also had nectar and are immortal
( Mythology story taken from vedicfeed.com)
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■Rahu in 1st and Ketu in 7th house : As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. Here, with Rahu in the 1st house, you will see that the person remains confused most of the times and they fail to take important decisions of life without the help of someone. If Rahu is making tight conjunction with the ascendant then, it can mean that the person is very popular in their community and they attract a lot of people towards them knowingly. It's like they know it that they are quite popular and they enjoy the fame that they get. But, you will see that this person will have self esteem issues a lot and they have been told from time to time to be confident about their abilities and capabilities. Also, many a times, others will see this as someone who is not genuine enough or someone who fakes a lot. In this life, they have to work a lot on themselves, their personality and how they come off to others. But, they always fall behind in doing so. Because ketu in 7th house, makes them extremely dependent on the people around them. For some, it can their romantic partners and for some it can be just the people that they adore and have a liking towards in a platonic way. But they do have an inclination towards doing things only after consulting. Even though they feel extremely comfortable in the 7th house but eventually they have to move on to 1st house and become an individual first. If they do not do this on their own, circumstances will make them do it and that too, in a hard way. They will be literally pushed to the 1st house. Also, their relationships( romantic or platonic) always have ups and downs because of how they choose not be themselves but they project an image that they think is suitable for a situation. It's just like how you cannot love the person in front of you unless you love and accept yourself. It's because of this reason that they fail in love and have to go through the same cycle again and again. You will also see that when they are too exhausted from the Rahu house, then they will hide themselves in the Ketu house and seek some comfort there.
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■Rahu in 2nd and Ketu in 8th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. So, with this axis, you will notice that the person feels extremely comfortable with learning occult, psychology, tarot, astrology, etc. They like getting into things that are lesser known by people and have not been explored much. But there's a reason as to why they learn all these things, because the Rahu in the 2nd house needs all these things to succeed. Rahu here needs to self sufficient by doing things on their own or earning money on their own and therefore, all these things like psychology, tarot, etc. will help him to earn money on his own. This person is extremely good at managing money of his own as well of others because 8th house Ketu indicates the money and assets of other people. This person will be very good at financing jobs because he knows how to manage money. Someone who will make monthly budgets of others but they have tendency to spend for themselves a lot. Even though, they make budgets for others but they fail to do for themselves and that's what they have to achieve in this life. Also, this axis teaches them how they shouldn't be dependent on others to earn their livelihood. They have to become self sufficient. There's also a possibility that the in- laws taught them this because the 8th house indicates in-laws and inheritances, and this person will face problems regarding this things. Like delay in getting inheritance or maybe someone else took it away, teaching them how only the wealth that they created and earned on their own will come in handy. At the same time, you will see that if the family of this person does a particular type of profession/ business, then they will choose a whole different profession from that because they are someone who's meant to be different in this aspect. People will tell them how their whole family has( doctors) for example, and they chose to be a dancer?. Since 2nd house has the energy of Taurus, they will succeed in artistic professions, they can earn a lot in that type of business. Also, the family of this person will be very different from that of other families.
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■Rahu in 3rd and Ketu in 9th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. This placement can indicate someone who is very courageous and strong headed. They are not taking sh*t from you unless they agree with you. Once they make up their mind, it's almost difficult to change it and there's a reason why they are like this. It's because they have researched well and devoted their time into what they think is correct. Ketu in 9th house makes them stay away from blindly following rules and regulations. They don't go for what seems to be true for others but they actually dive deep into what certain things work in the manner they are. Once they learn about it, they are now confident to face the world with their knowledge. Also, they don't have to put much time and efforts in researching about things and getting information because these are already what they have learnt and mastered in their last life. They are just remembering all of those and using them in their current life to achieve the goals of their present life. Also, since 3rd house is the Upachaya house meaning whatever planets you have in this house, they will start to benefit you as you grow, so Rahu in 3rd house will start giving you it's results with time depending upon the sign placement. You may not notice what exactly this Rahu is doing to you when you are quite young but with time, you will. Also, this Rahu will make you travel to different places especially short distance travels often, especially during Rahu mahadasa. You will see that during Rahu mahadasa, you may go for certain short distance trips related to higher studies or some spiritual practices or pilgrimages, a lot. Now, how you ketu in 9th house is actually helping your Rahu to achieve its goals, and this is how. Rahu in 3rd house shows self efforts and self acquired success, no one's gonna help you with it. You, yourself with whatever knowledge you have gathered with the help of ketu in 9th house, will help you with your Rahuian goals. But, you are restricted from believing anything straight out from the books. You have to understand why certain beliefs are out there for people. Once you do a thorough research, then that's when you will be able to achieve whatever you have to. This placement can also indicate ups and downs with father, meaning you don't interact much with them. Also, your belief in religion and spiritual may not be constant, like when you were young, you were very religious and when you grew up, you found those beliefs absurd for some reason, so you stopped believing in them.
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■Rahu in 4th and Ketu in 10th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. Now, this placement can be very dynamic due to the involvement of Kendra houses( 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house). Ketu in the 10th house makes you very dissatisfied of your job and the environment within which you are working. You will always feel the need to breakaway from it and do something that's not expected from you. The normal job rountine that everyone does makes you sick and you are always looking for bringing some dynamic changes in them. Also, the usual jobs or work that we hear about alway, will never make you feel peaceful. It's only when you do something that's different from what others are doing, you will find the long lost peace coming your way. The moment you walk far away from your home, you will find success in your job and mentally too. Staying away from home can be temporarily or permanently but yes, during that time, you will find a very core essence of yourself and you will relate to yourself at the most basic level. Also, due to ketu in 10th house, you will see how you never reveal about yourself in the public. Very few people will know who you exactly are. I have seen celebrities with this placement that just do their movies or dramas, and then do not come back in the public again until it's time for their new movie to come. They do not like facing the people again and again for no reason. With this, people may start having pre-conceived ideas about you or some may even say that you are kinda "fake" because what you saw out in the public, is not the real you. This one is kinda a theory but I have seen people with this placement may get married earlier than expected or may marry twice or thrice because of their need to build a family and provide them all the luxuries that they ask for. Also with this, your mom may have some unusual interest or hobbies and you were always intrigued by them. The home environment can be good or bad depending upon the planets influencing rahu and ketu and the houses but the environment was something that was not common for other people in the first place.
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■Rahu in 5th and Ketu in 11th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. This axis is comparatively easy to handle as compared to those 1/7 or 4/10 axis. You will see a better flow of energies here. Rahu in 5th house makes this you someone who is liked by kids a lot because of how you behave or because of your nature. This is because kids are attracted to unusual and unique people, and you are the person who matches their vibes a lot. Many a times, kids will throw tantrum when they are made to stay away from you. Also, since 5th house rules pregnancy, there must have been something unusual when you were born or maybe when you will give birth. Mostly, I have seen babies who have been given birth through c-sections. Personally, my mom have this placement and I was born in very unusual circumstances. This placement makes some fantastic artists to name in the history. Like the ones, who becomes very notable in their field and are looked up by other newcomers, Narendra Modi( the prime minister of India) has this placement and man became one of my most popular politicians ever in India. Since, 5th house also rules early education in life, this can show that there were some trouble or break in early education. I have seen people saying with this placement that they were home-schooled, which can be another possibility. A bunch of things are there but not everything can be stated. Now, ketu in the 11th house makes you deprive of friends. You will see that your friends were obstacles in your life or career or they were jealous of you, so you had to cut them off in order to rise in your life. Your social circle is very small. The moment you cut off your unwanted friends, you will experience random kick of creativity in you. Also, many a times, you will not be able to connect on a deeper level with your friends. It's like if they serve your purpose and vice versa, it's all good for you. You don't expect much from them. You may not have much desires or wishes to be fulfilled. At times, you may also see yourself getting involved in humanitarian work and doing something for the society as a whole. If there are elder siblings, you may find yourself detached from them for some reason. It's like you two don't work out well together.
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■Rahu in 6th and Ketu in 12th house: As I already told above that Ketu is where you feel comfortable and Rahu is what you have to achieve in this life. Rahu in the 6th house makes you a very disciplined and strict person. Your schedules are totally different than what a normal person's schedule would like. Extremely hard on yourself if you couldn't meet the expectations that you set for yourself in a particular day or week. This house also indicates enemies, therefore, you will see that you will have a lot of enemies in your place of work. If you are not working, then it can also mean your school or college, but yes, you will have lots of people who will be jealous of you and they want to pull you down with them. But, the good thing is that, you will always win over your enemies and emerge out as a winner. No matter how many obstacles are thrown in your way, but you will cross them all, surely it will require lots of efforts on your side but you will overcome them with determination. 6th house also indicates diseases, therefore, you may feel that you have some sort of diseases but they are more of illusionary ones. In a more wider sense, that many a times, you will feel that you are suffering from some sort of disease but you are not able to comprehend what you are suffering from and even the doctors will find it hard to diagnose your disease. On the other hand, Ketu in the 12th house, makes you someone who finds it easy to let go of people when they don't serve you or they are hurting you. You will not be begging or crying in front of them when they are on the verge of leaving you. Yeah, there will be a feeling of sadness but not the extreme ones. This Ketu also makes you someone who spends money after giving lots of thought on it. You are not a over spender or someone who loses money. I have seen people with this placement, who gets random lost money of someone, especially if it is hidden by your family members, and you find them accidentally. Kinda lucky with that. Also, since 12th house is seen as a spiritual house( ruled by pisces) and 6th house is seen as practical house( being ruled by virgo) , you often feel the conflict between choosing a spiritual and practical life. You are mixture of both but find it difficult in choosing when to apply spirituality and when to apply practicality. At times, when you are done with your practical life of 6th house, you will go on random spritual travels to cool down the over-exploded energy of 6th house.
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Part 2 Coming soon~
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chao-studios · 9 months
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herio: "merry xmas anda happy new year everyone!" ;D (shares gifts around) <3
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underlands-wonder · 4 months
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"You've returned, Alice. But not on time..." -------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to underlands-wonders. If you are interested in this account's purpose, feel free to read my introduction - [UNDERLAND OUTBREAK] WARNING: INFECTION A.U. GORE/GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS!! (in the link) ---------------------------------------------------------
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"Enjoy your stay, for it may be your last..."
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