#shaw's list
idontdomathlol · 3 months
Since everyone is doing this...Judge me based on my kins! From whom I kin the most to least
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denschnappichmir · 9 months
und das versunkene Dorf ist so Shawndrews core
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zepskies · 4 months
Tag List Update: Russell Shaw
That's riiiight. I'm updating my Tag List form to include one Russell Shaw (Tracker). 😉
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If you'd like to be tagged in what I have coming for this guy, go ahead and add yourself to my tag list!
If you're already on there for other characters I write for, I'll just update your tags. ���
And a masterlist is coming soon...
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pigeon-princess · 5 months
sorry for the aggressive spam liking through your curse of strahd tag i could NOT resist. gonna get my grubby little hands on your zine asap. i want to study silas like a bug. resisting the urge to read thru your session recaps because our campaign is still in its early stages... but know i am watching EAGERLY to see what crops up next regardless!!!!!!!!!!!!
additionally, as much as i wanna say that silas would love my autistic, rambling, wizard-coded pc, i think a lot of the shine would wear off when they eventually realize he's actually a warlock. (it's not ismael's fault. he only has 2 months of memory. and lots of innate arcane knowledge)
AAA NO NEED FOR APOLOGIES AT ALL THANK you so much for the CoS LOVE!!! I always love to see the notifications! I absolutely understand the early Curse of Strahd spoiler struggle, even halfway through the campaign I am avoiding spoilers like the plague. 10/10 would put Silas in a jar to study him. I truly think he could use the enrichment.
I'm sure Silas and Ismael would get along very well even if he is a warlock! As long as he's not a bard I think Silas would still have some respectful curiousity hahaha!! Again thanks so much aaaa!
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lifeaspect · 2 months
Feel free to reply with your reasoning!
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boligona · 1 year
bestimmt hat das jemand schonmal gemacht, aber.. Pokemon AU?
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mit Justus, der eine kleine komfortable Gruppe hat, um das Detektivleben cooler auszuleben
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und Peter, der das Pokemon Game sehr ernst nimmt und gleich ein riesiges Team aufstellt 💀😭
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und Bob mit seiner kleinen Gruppe - hier ein Zytomega (hilft ihm beim Bücher / Archivakte tragen realtalk)
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rebouks · 1 year
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Oscar: They’re worlds apart! Courtney: Are they though? They both lost their way, did things they regret to appease someone they were scared of, killed people they thought deserved it-.. felt guilt, tried to put things right. We can’t condemn one and embrace the other, it’s hypocrisy.
Oscar: [hisses] Among other things, he’s a murderer. Courtney: So is Bruno-.. and don’t lie to me and say you’re incapable of the same, you could’ve killed Wyatt just as easily. Oscar: He deserves-…
Courtney: You just proved my point! If he’s truly a bad person, he’ll get what he deserves one day. Oscar: You can’t leave things like this to karma, Cookie.. it doesn’t even exist! Courtney: It’s not our decision to-…
Oscar: Of course it is, he’s sat in our fucking living room! Courtney: He’s scared of the goddamn cat! Oscar: And?! We can’t just let him-…
[Robin wails loudly, having had quite enough of the commotion] Wyatt: I think I’ve overstayed what little welcome I had; I should go. Oscar: Do you have any idea how lucky you are?
[Wyatt wrings his hands, nodding slightly] Oscar: If it were up to me, you’d be in cuffs by now-.. or strapped to a fucking kettlebell at the bottom of the ocean. Wyatt: I wanted to thank you, Courtney.. however brief it was, you treated me like a real person. I never should’ve-…
Oscar: Fuck off-.. it’s only because of her immense compassion that you get to leave at all. That and the fact I’d literally do anything for her, but I doubt you’d be able to experience that emotion. Courtney: Oscar…
Oscar: If I catch you anywhere near my family, I swear to god-… Wyatt: Don’t worry, I’m not sticking around. Oscar: You better fucking not.
[Wyatt teeters dangerously at the top of the stairs as Oscar shoves him over the threshold]
Oscar: Get the hell outta my house. Wyatt: Uh, my jacket-… Oscar: Fuck your jacket, it’s mine now.
[Wyatt yelps as Oscar slams the door shut in his face, unable to prevent himself from tumbling down the metal staircase. After a series of clangs and grunts, Wyatt comes to an abrupt halt halfway down] Wyatt: [mutters] Could’ve been worse, all things considered…
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fandom-geek · 1 month
just watched alien romulus and 10/10, the horror film utterly horrified me
like idk, alien has always had me more scared and squeamish than any other horror series (i say this as someone introduced to it by isolation and who has only seen alien and prometheus). but still - fantastic horror film with really good pacing.
the acting was also really great, especially the guy playing andy. the synths are always a highlight of these films and i'm glad to see this lived up to that. the actresses playing rain and kay are also fab, and genuinely it's the same across the cast. everyone was acting their pants off.
i was also nearly shocked (if not for the still my cinema used as the thumbnail for the film) that the guy who plays mal in shadow and bone was in this? i completely missed him in the trailer but he does a fantastic job. there's a moment where his character goes into shock, most of which is in the background, and it's perfect. he really got to show off his range here compared to what i remember from s&b.
i was going to say there's a few moments of fanservice and, tbh i stand by that, but apparently i missed a few references. either way, unless you're a massive alien nerd, there's probably only 2-3 things that will stick out to you. one i vaguely wasn't sure abt while watching but only because i'm faceblind so it was like "i recognise this but i don't know how". the other was clearly a reference by the delivery but kinda tracked bc it also called back to earlier dialogue and the delivery was super in character. the third also made sense in context and for the character but is such an iconic line it's hard to miss, lol.
also 10/10 for the extremely phallic/yonic imagery. there's a shot that is pretty much a dick coming out of a vagina, so they really nailed that giger imagery. they also threw it an almost "blink and miss it" moment of the film going full hog on the romulus/wolf of rome imagery, so congrats on that. i may hate the telegraph but they were fucking hilarious for saying this won't do anything for national birth rates. yeahhhh, they're really not wrong abt that.
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leg0sbian · 4 months
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decided to do this zombies tier list considering my zombies hyperfix is back in full swing.
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
I think this may have turned into an oc thing💀
Lasko's listener: I just established the other day that they own an axolotl named Cella (that Freelancer is hellbent on calling "Celery" and Huxley loves her ((the axolotl))sm) and this is canon to me now. They also have a Chinese water dragon named Lotus bc I said so :)
Freelancer: do rats count as an exotic pet?? (Google says they do-) They named her Gribby. This is also canon to me.
Angel: they 100% have a sugar glider named Goblin (and David is terrified of him.) They want a fennec fox and they will get a fennec fox and they will name her Deedee. Short for Speed Demon.
Baabe: snake. They own a snake and they named her Rory and Asher loves her to death.
Sweetheart: chameleon. His name is Karma and he and Aggro are besties to the max.
Darlin': a fucking raccoon. Or a badger. Either one named Cujo.
Lovely: they own a bat named Valentina.
Bright Eyes: also owns a rat, but they didn't him Remi. They couldn't remember the rat's actual name so instead they ended up naming him fuckin Ratatouille💀
Starlight: albino ferret albino ferret albino ferret and she's named Carina :)
Seer Obscura: literally owns a barn owl named Tiresias.
Cutie: they have a couple mice they named Allen and Atlas.
Honey: iguana named Geechee, but he also responds to the name Bee for some odd, unknown reason (*cough* Guy-)
Warden: snake. Burmese python. I feel like they would want to name her, but wouldnt know what to name her, so they'd settle for Mesii (to base it slightly off "burmese")
Mentor/Baby: four ferrets. Four ferrets that are specifically named Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde.
Smartass: they have a bearded dragon named Ivy and she vibes with Aaron.
Sunshine: they have chinchilla siblings named Nimbus and Nebula :3
Anton's listener: they have 2 tree frogs named Mika and Aivo, and a chinchilla named Seria (I like my chinchillas, okay?? I've always wanted one-)
James' listener: hedgehog named Morose and he's the cutest little baby James has ever laid his eyes on.
Asset: they found a mouse in the vents one time and they've kept it ever since. They named her Thias. They like to show Thias to Anton. Anton likes to see Thias(Thias reminds him of Seria). They have also introduced Thias to Brian. Brian also likes Thias. Most of the people working with/on Asset know Thias.
Precious: they aren't allowed to own a pet. Because owning a pet means giving their love and affection and attention to someone other than Regulus.
Bonus Bits!
Damien: ...Freelancer, I think you have rats.
FL: huh?? Oh, no, that's just Gribby.
Damien: *petting Gribby* who names a pet "Gribby"?
FL: I do. Oh- don't touch her left back leg.
Damien: why? Is she hurt?
FL: I got her checked out first few times it happened, but they said nothin' was wrong.
Damien: then why..?
FL: she just starts screaming.
Damien: what.
David: Angel, I'm—
Goblin, who escaped his habitat: *zooms up the fridge and soars straight towards David, landing on his face and getting comfy on his head*
Angel: Goblin, where'd you go!? Oh! Aww! He loves you!
David: *frozen with fear*
Sam: Darlin'?
Darlin': hm?
Sam: why's there a raccoon/badger on your kitchen counter?
Darlin': that's Cujo.
Sam: ...Cujo was-
Darlin': "mEhMeHmEhMeH cUjO wAs a dOg tHoUgH" let me name my trash panda/rage skunk whatever tf I want.
Vincent: you got a pet bat?
Lovely: yeah! I wanted to name her Vincent as well, but then I thought you might get confused, so I went with Valentina instead! ^-^
Vincent: *teary-eyed* you wanted to name her after me??
Vincent: ...wait- you thought I'd get confused-
Vincent: did you buy a rat?
Bright: I found it in the trash can and he's mine now.
Vincent: o..kay. Does he have a name?
Bright: um, duh. Anyone who owns a rat and doesn't name it Ratatouille is committing an actual crime against humanity.
Vincent: ...hold on.., wasn't the... wasnt the rat's name Remi?
Bright: ...
Vincent: ... I-
Bright: y'know what Vincent?
Vincent: wha-
Bright: shut the fuck up.
Chat: you have a pet!??
Honey: yeah *fetches Geechee from his habitat* His name's Geechee
Honey: iguana*. Anyway, this is Geechee, but I've noticed he also responds to the name "Bee" and I have some speculations as to why that is.
Guy, in chat: I haven't the slightest clue what you could possibly be talking about.
Baby: I found these poor little guys in a box thrown in a trash can.
Baby: yes, we're keeping them and no, I haven't named them yet.
Ollie: ..suggestion?
Baby: I suppose.
Ollie, immediately: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde!
Baby: *sigh* goddamnit, those are gold.
Ollie: Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde?
Baby: *nods* Inky Blinky Pinky and Clyde.
Ollie: YES!
Asset: hi Marcus!
Marcus: jEsus chRIst- you scared me half to-...
Marcus: what do you have?
Asset: I found someone!
Marcus: you... found someone..?
Asset: *opens their hands to show a petite lil mousey* I've decided to name her.
Marcus: oh- y-yeah? And.. what did you...name her..?
Asset: Thias!
Asset: good evening, Anton.
Anton: good evening
Asset: Thias says hello, too!
Anton, with a tired but genuine smile: hello and good evening to you as well, Thias.
This was fun. I had much fun. This was so much fun :3
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robinsnest2111 · 6 months
if I had a nickel for every time I fell in love with a fictional redneck with a mullet and a rifle, I'd have 2 nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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charlies-storybook · 6 months
The Town is Yours. Is All Mine.
King Rowan sat on the throne with his preteen daughter on his right thigh making her jump up and down by bouncing his leg.
The unaware nine-year-old enjoyed the quality time with her father, while he presented his ideas to her. The young Princess thinking it’s only a game they play. Little did she know, the King planned to attack innocents so she could have land and people to rule over once the right time came and she was mature enough.
“The town is yours.” The King’s tone was hushed as if sharing a secret with his young daughter and he feared that even the walls of the throne room had ears.
“The town is mine,” young Phillipa repeated back, all giggly and giddy.
“So take it all,” he continued.
“So take it all.”
“It’s worth fighting for.” The King leaned in to brush his nose with the child, making her giggle even more and squirm on his leg.
“It’s all mine!” Phillipa giggled, spreading her arms above her head in entertainment.
“It’s all yours,” Rowan agreed.
7 years have passed. Young Phillipa grew into her beauty and into her duties. As she sat on her father’s throne. The royal apple in the right hand and the scepter in the left hand. In her practice coronation dress, her father’s ermine cloak around her shoulders, overwhelming her small frame and despite the fur, too heavy to bear on her shoulders as the burden she started to notice within her father’s words.
“The town is yours.” The King tapped his chin with the back of his hand, giving Phillipa a stern look.
“The town is mine,” Phillipa repeated, lifting her chin and straightening her back. Obeying her father’s silent command.
“So take it all.” Rowan continued, tapping his various body parts, giving Phillipa silent commands to sit and behave properly.
“So take it all.” Phillipa watched her father pace the throne room.
“It’s worth fighting for.”
“It’s all mine.” Phillipa’s tone was steady as she turned her head to stare ahead.
“It’s all yours.” Rowan nodded.
12 years and a few weeks after her 21st birthday, it all came down on her. What it all meant, what it all meant for her.
As she picked up the crown her fleeting father left behind, sitting it on her head, her father’s mantra echoed in her head.
‘The town is yours, so take it all, it’s worth fighting for.’
Phillipa slowly stepped onto the balcony, where all of the townspeople - Tchuvomans, Jovirkans, Arpahans; and even Tovicans, who were glaring at her as if she was the carbon copy of the King’s actions, stood in the courtyard.
“So take it all, it’s worth fighting for,” Phillipa whispered to herself, raising her sword above her head.
“The town is yours, it’s all yours,” Phillipa said to herself a bit louder this time, declaring herself the new Queen.
Tag List:
@lexiklecksi, @aquadestinyswriting
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zepskies · 14 hours
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Welcome to my little corner of the world!
About Me: Alex (she/her | 28) || Hopeless romantic, Dean Girl - EST 2014, Latina POC 🇨🇺🇵🇷🇩🇴
Fandoms I currently write for: - Supernatural - The Boys - Big Sky - Tracker - Dark Angel - Smallville - 10 Inch Hero - Dawson’s Creek
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Main Masterlist 📖
Writer's Room ✍🏽
My tag lists are closed, but you can follow my fic library blog - @zepskieswrites - with notifications on so you never miss a new story.
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REQUESTS ARE CLOSED. I will only be accepting requests on Patreon. But please feel free to hit me up in my inbox with questions or comments about my work, about fandom and characters, creative writing, or even just life in general! 💜
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(Bingo masterlists, podfics, podcast interviews, writing questions answered, fic rec lists, what I do not write, and even more stuff below the cut):
Jacklesverse Bingo 2024 Masterlist
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Stories that have been narrated in podcast form by Sandra, one of the lovely hosts of the Idling in the Impala podcast. Go here to check out the full YouTube playlist of podfics.
Podcast Interviews
September 24, 2024: Sandra and Kasey, the lovely hosts of @idlingintheimpalapodcast — the podcast for all things SPN and fanfiction — invited me on the pod for an interview…
We chatted about Dean Winchester and Jensen Ackles’ early roles, the best and worst seasons of SPN, the joys and pains of writing Soldier Boy, and much, much more.
For all the timestamps of key moments, fic recs, and SPN writer shoutouts, see this post (you'll find the link to the video there too).
About Writing
My thoughts on creative writing and fanfiction, the writing process, tips I've learned or been given, and questions people ask me.
Ways to Say I Love You
There Are Two Kinds of Writers: Architects & Adventurers
10 Top Favorite Romantic Comedy Movies
5 Tips to Stay Motivated to Write
5 Tips for Beating Writer's Block
Writing a Good Kiss/Romantic Scene
Where Do I Get My Writing Ideas?
Asking the "What If" Question & Developing Plot Ideas
How to Build a Tumblr Following - (At least, in my experience.)
What Does "Supporting Writers" Mean?
Characters, Fandom & Fic Rec Lists
Why We Love The Boys: A Review of Supes Ain't Always Heroes
Tips on Writing Dean Winchester
3 Tips for Writing Soldier Boy (Ben)
Supernatural Fic Rec List
Dean Winchester AU Fic Rec List
Beau Arlen Fic Rec List
Soldier Boy Fic Rec List
August 2024 Fic Recs
**Author's Note
All 18+ content is labelled across my stories, as well as any dark themes or trigger warnings. So minors, please don't interact with those posts. Also, I do not read or write:
RPF (real person fiction)
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Jaws (1975, Steven Spielberg)
Jaws is a 1975 film directed by Steven Spielberg, based on the 1974 novel of the same name by Peter Benchley. It tells the story of a great white shark that kills swimmers on Amity Island, prompting the local police chief to try to kill it with the help of a marine biologist and a shark hunter. The film stars Roy Scheider as police chief Martin Brody, Richard Dreyfuss as oceanographer Matt Hooper, Robert Shaw as shart hunter Quint, Murray Hamilton as the mayor of Amity Island and Lorraine Gary as Brody's wife Ellen. The screenplay is credited to both Benchley, who wrote the first drafts, and actor-writer Carl Gottlieb, who rewrote the screenplay during production.
Filmed mostly on location on Martha's Vineyard, Jaws was the first major motion picture shot offshore and, as a result, had a troubled production, exceeding its budget and schedule. Because the mechanical sharks created by the art department malfunctioned, Spielberg decided, in many scenes, to merely suggest the shark's presence, employing a menacing theme created by composer John Williams to indicate its approach.
Jaws was the prototype of the summer blockbuster and is considered a watershed in the history of cinema. Its release was considered a turning point in the history of cinema and the advent of the New Hollywood.
The film was released in US theaters on June 20, 1975. Generally well received by critics, Jaws became the highest-grossing film in history, and remained so until the release of Star Wars (1977). It won three Oscars for editing, sound and soundtrack for John Williams, as well as consecrating the fame of Steven Spielberg, then a little-known director aged just 28, and is often cited as one of the best films of all time. It was followed by three sequels, none of which featured Spielberg or Benchley, and many knockoff thrillers.
In 1998 the American Film Institute placed it in forty-eight place in the list of the 100 best American films of all time, while in 2007 it dropped to fifty-sixth place. In 2001, Jaws was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States National Film Registry, being considered "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant".
In the seaside town of Amity Island (New England), a young woman leaves a late-night beach party to go for a swim, but while out at sea she is viciously attacked and dragged underwater by something. After the medical examiner concludes that it may be a shark attack, newly hired police chief Martin Brody wants to close the beaches, but Mayor Larry Vaughn convinces him to reconsider, fearing that the town's summer economy will suffer.
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crysoon · 2 years
ask milo, asher, babe, angel, and sweetheart about switching clothes with each other and they all start talking about david’s closet
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Endless list of favorite movies (1/∞) - Jaws
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