#she actually loves cheerleading with a passion
theheadlessgroom ยท 1 month
At this moment of reminiscense, Dorian and Elizabeth's eyes met, and their smiles mirrored one another as Elizabeth commented off-handedly:
"I think I'm beginning to understand that feeling."
Walking behind the two younger couples, unable to resist cooing over her sleeping granddaughter just as her mother was, June caught little snatches of the conversation, with certain remarks just happening to make her ears prick up a little more, though she never let her face show what she was thinking and feeling, to say nothing of refusing to give voice to these thoughts. As she had told Lon earlier in the month, she had her theories, but at the end of the day, whatever was on Dorian and Elizabeth Gracey's mind was theirs to announce, and she certainly wasn't going to impede upon that.
At the very least, when the party had made it back to the attic, and Randall and Emily quietly took the twins to their room for a nap, she took Elizabeth aside for a moment, venturing to say, choosing her words carefully, "Well, if you do ever feel sick again, if any nausea or soreness pops up again...please, don't hesitate to come to me. I'd like to help in any way I can."
Elizabeth studied June's face for a moment, remaining calm upon this suggestion being put to her-the matriarch's face was just as calm as her own, and there was a gentle sincerity in the way she smiled at her, to say nothing of something of a mischievous twinkle to her eye, a sort of subtle, knowing look that reminded Elizabeth of her own mother, and the looks she would give her one and only daughter when she knew something was afoot.
But even with that look, the mistress of Gracey Manor knew Mrs. June Pace was a woman she could trust, and so she flashed her an appreciative smile, saying, "If anything comes up, I'll be sure to look to you first. Thank you, June."
"Think nothing of it, Elizabeth."
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queenie-avenue ยท 9 months
Take my hand, take my whole life too.
โ€”> Headcanons of an established relationship with the yanderes!
โคป reader is gender neutral, reader for the cheerleader and the baseball player are the same, yandere, fluff (ignore the red flags), red flags (you actually can't ignore them), drugging, stalking, possessive behaviour, stealing of personal property, invasion of privacy, obsessive behaviour, photos without consent, slightly suggestive.
note: my first joint post with all the yanderes I have so far! this is honestly a celebratory post for me reaching a 100 followers. thank you so much for all your support <33 this post is very light on the yandere content, I'll probably make a post just inclusive of their more yandere tendencies. first post of 2024!
๐Ÿฆ‹ โคป archives
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โ€” Despite his professional exterior and PR-like smile, Adrian really melts for you. His love is passionate akin to a flame, and obsessive like a forest fire.
โ€” Though he certainly has urges to tie you up and just never let you leave his luxury apartment, he is one of the most tolerant and sane one of all the other yandere characters.
โ€” A gentleman. His grandma was a large part of his life, and he practically grew up with her teaching him how to treat a lady properly. He will never do anything untoward towards you and always asks whether it's okay to kiss you.
"May I kiss you?" He asked softly, his hands wrapped around your waist, his long pale fingers rubbing circles around your hip as he looked up at you expectantly. For such a ruthless man in the business world, he was like putty in your arms.
You smiled at him and nodded your head with a goofy grin as he leaned in.
Slowly, his lips claimed yours, suckling on your lower lip gently and sensually. His hands were bolder than usual, gripping you close to him on his couch. "You're such a gentleman." You whispered into his lips, making him smirk.
If only you knew the type of fantasies he had where he wasn't.
โ€” His love language is physical touch. His hands always graze yours when no one is watching, his body pressed against yours in the elevator even when it's only the two of you. It's tamer at work, but at home, but the moment you get home, his hands are all over you.
โ€” Prefers to keep the relationship private till engagement. His grandmother โ€” sweet as she can be โ€” is just like the rest of his family, judgemental when it comes to spouses. He wants to be in a place where no one can contest your love for each other. Even if they do, he's not going to change.
โ€” Easily jealous. If you even breathe in the direction of another employee โ€” regardless of gender because he sees anyone who interacts with you as a threat โ€” he summons you into his office like it's time for an execution.
"Are you crazy?" He hissed at you, hands slamming you against the edge of his desk as he scooped you onto the glass table. "Doing that in front of me? Do you know how many documents I'm supposed to be looking through today?" He asked, not giving you the chance to answer by gripping your shoulders and hair, slightly tugging at it. It wasn't hard enough to be hurtful, but there was a slight sting.
His eyes were crazed as they darted between your lips and your eyes, glaring at them, as if trying to find a hint of interest in the person that had patted you on the back. What were seconds of staring felt like hours as his grip tightened.
"No, no. You're not leaving this office until I know you belong to me, and only me."
โ€” Afterwards, though, he will be remorseful for snapping at you. He knows it's not your fault. You would never leave him, but he knows how naive you can be โ€” even if you aren't โ€” so he just wants to protect you! Everyone else is in the wrong, clearly.
Adrian's hand soothed down your back as he kissed your cheeks. "I'm sorry, mon chรฉri." He whispered as he ducked his head back into the curve of your neck. "I know I wasn't being a gentleman by getting mad at you... this isn't how my grandmother raised me to be." He sighed, disappointed in himself.
"It's fine." You promised, even if you were still a bit shaken up by his terrifying behaviour.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
How sorry could he actually be, though? He always did this and he always enjoyed the blush on your face afterwards.
โ€” Although he buys you your favourite flowers, he does typically buy you roses as well. He is a traditional man, after all. (Unless you dislike roses, like me-)
โ€” His nicknames for you are a mix between endearing English nicknames and romantic French Nicknames that make you shiver whenever he speaks: My love, my muse, little dressmaker, mon chรฉri, mon ange, chaton.
โ€” If you can't tell, all his nicknames typically have 'my' in front. It's a subtle way of possessing you all for himself.
โ€” Even if you both lived together, he would still steal your belongings like you had no idea he had a crush on you. Specifically, pens or your lotion or perfume if you use any. If you have journals, just know that it will be stolen to be read through once every week. Every thought belongs to him; all of you belong to him.
"Don't forget that, mon ange."
โ€” Always drags you to her games. However, she makes it very clear that you're there to watch her, not the team.
"Were your eyes on me the entire time, pom-pom?" She asked eagerly as she leaned against you, pressing a kiss to your sensitive neck.
"You weren't looking at Jesper, were you? You're only allowed to look at me, okay?" She insisted as you nodded, too tired from the cheering you did for the cheerleader to protest.
โ€” Every weekend, she insists on a date. It doesn't need to be a fancy place but it can just simply be cuddling on the couch and watching a move. (Psst, her favourite movie is Jennifer's Body.)
โ€” She can't cook very well, but she'll try, just for you! Most of the time, it's you who has to take over the cooking, though. Honestly, you're much better at cooking than she'll ever be. If you manage to burn water, she'll somehow catch it on fire.
โ€” Very decent at baking, though! She likes making cookies for you. Which may or may not be laced with some sleeping pills. Or some other drug that will make you more... relaxed as she snoops through your belongings.
โ€” Her nicknames for you are all very cutesy and girly, to the point some of her teammates cringe at them: pom-pom, kitten, cinnamon roll, sponge cake.
โ€” Her love language is words of affirmation. She just loves praising you, okay? She just needs to praise you. I mean, you're literally perfect.
"Your hair is like- so pretty." She commented, playing with your locks of hair, running her fingers through it as her eyes focused on each strand; obsessed. "I can't believe I'm dating someone with such nice hair." She blurted out, which made you laugh.
"What?" You chuckled.
"You know what I mean, I just love you so much. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"I feel sorry for you if that's the case." You attempted to joke, but for the next hour, she made sure you knew you were the best with her actions and words.
โ€” The easily jealous type. When she's jealous, she wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you in, making sure you can't escape.
โ€” Likes to spray perfume over your clothes so everyone knows you belong to her and only her. She goes to crazy lengths to ensure no one has the same perfume as her so that it'll be clear who you are with.
"Oh? You think [y/n]'s copying my style?" She asked one of the cheerleaders, a giddy smile on her face. "Why?"
"I mean, I get that you're their girlfriend, but she's kind of smelling like you now too. Isn't that a bit creepy?" Katie simply smiled at the comment and told her to mind her own business. How dare someone insinuate that you're creepy? Even if you were creepy, she'd love you. Like a small thing like that could stop her.
โ€” The definition of a golden retriever. He is always clingy to you, and wants your attention almost all the time.
โ€” Of all the characters, he is possibly the one who will resort to violence the most when it comes to you.
โ€” His love language is a mixture of quality time and physical touch.
"Where are you going?" Jesper whined as he tried to grab at your waist. "Don't leave... I only just came." That was a complete lie, Jesper had been here with you for hours, skipping practice just so he could hang out with his darling.
"I need to get to the library to study for this test." You tried to reason with him.
"The library? But you can just study here! I promise I'll be quiet, and I won't bother you!" He whimpered, gripping onto you tighter.
"Fine." You sighed as Jesper got his way again.
โ€” Whenever you come to watch his practices, he makes sure to work extra hard just to impress you. He's the star athlete, so he's already the best on the team, but everyone can tell he works harder when your eyes are on him. If you're not there, he'll slack off a bit so his team has to make sure that you're always there when it comes to matches or they'll lose.
โ€” After matches โ€” despite the fact he's drenched in sweat โ€” he will always come running up to you, irregardless of whether you like it when he hugs you when you're sweaty or not.
โ€” Will and can beat up someone for you if they disrespect you. He's a sweet boy, but only for you, he can be quite brutal when you're not there.
Jesper looked down at the bruised guy beneath his foot. "Touch them again, and I'll make sure I'll give you a matching black eye, asshole." He hissed.
โ€” Jesper likes to fold origami flowers for you. Of course, there's also variety in what he makes, but if you have a favourite flower or animal, he'll always make some and place it on your desk. The question that remained was how did he manage to do that before you guys got together and you gave him the extra key to your dorm?
โ€” If you ever blame him for anything or you get antsy with him, he just assumes it's either he did something wrong or your friends said something about him to make you not like him.
โ€” Will honestly be the most loving thing there is on the planet to make up for all the bullying he did to you.
โ€” Probably manipulated you into dating him, to be honest.
โ€” Despite how it may seem, Min-jun pays a lot of attention to you โ€” it helps with the fact he stalks you a lot โ€” and will often pick up on your wants and needs before you even know it. Sometimes, when you're hungry in class, he'll slide over your favourite protein bar or a piece of honey candy from a brand you like.
โ€” Korea is huge on fashion trends and while Min-jun is rather neutral about it all, he insists heavily on wearing certain things that are typical 'couple-matching' with you.
"I got you something." He said, dumping the small gift bag on your desk, his eyes narrowing as you looked at the bag with curiosity.
"Can I open it?" You asked meekly, still a bit concerned with how sweet he was acting now that the both of you were... dating. He nodded his head, and you fished out a pair of matching rings. Knowing your boyfriend's pride, the diamonds on them were no doubt real.
"You'll wear them, won't you?" God, he was still scary, even after being tamed by being your boyfriend.
โ€” Will introduce you to his parents fairly early on. He wants to make it clear that both of you are dating to get married. Nothing less.
โ€” His love language is probably acts of service with a mix of gift giving.
He slid a pen over to you. "I heard your pen broke because you stupidly stepped on it. I got this made especially so it won't snap that easily.
"Unless you're that idiotic to be able to break even this material." He sighed as he rested his head on your shoulder, only quickly shooting up when he realised both of you were still in class. Darn it, you and you stupid face!
He had a reputation to uphold, you know!
โ€” "Study sessions" almost everyday, uh-huh. Right. Sure, both of you study for maybe three hours but then the moment the clock his the three hour mark, it's time for him to bully you with his addictive kisses.
โ€” His kisses are honestly a bit sloppy. Can you blame him? He's never had a partner before, he used to be so focused on studies before you stole his attention.
โ€” No matter what, he is still competitive with you, and his mean side can slip out. Especially when you anger him.
"Are you making fun of me?" He hissed as he pinned you against his king sized bed, his legs over yours to ensure you do not escape him. "Answer me." Min-jun seethed as he used his free hand to grip your chin tightly.
"Look at me. Answer the question, yeo-bo."
โ€” He knows that he's a catch, but he refuses to let you interact with anyone that you could possibly be attracted to. He goes crazy to the point of actually warning other students to not interact with you, isolating you so you'd only be with him.
โ€” His nicknames for you are: yeo-bo (a term of endearment used between married couples in korea), my rival. He has the least nicknames for you.
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pilfappreciator ยท 9 months
Part 1 | Part 2
Bruce/Brandi x Reader: part 2
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Includes: GN! Reader, Vacay Lovers, polyamory, relationship headcanons, slight Bruce Jr. slander
๐Ÿ’œ These two took things slow when they were wooing you, you better BELIEVE they're gonna do the same once you've actually been bagged
๐Ÿงก I MEAN DON'T GET ME WRONG!! They're not any less passionate about you or anything, but like... c'mon. They're middle-aged, run a full time business and are married with kids. They've got a lot on their hands already so chances are they're not immediatly urging you to move in with them or just straight up sign marriage documents (sorry to disappoint u_u)
๐Ÿ’œ But like I said: this doesn't mean they're not good lovers
๐Ÿงก In fact I'd say in my entirely unbiased opinion that they'd make fantastic lovers! Wonderful! Superb, even!
๐Ÿ’œ So naturally, once you find yourself added to the relationship? Expect all that supportive energy thrown your way too lol
๐Ÿงก No matter what endeavor you choose to pursue, rest easy knowing you'll have your own personal cheerleaders having your back at all times. You got a hobby you're really into? SAY LESS BABES!! Gift-giving is Brandi's love language so you bet your ass she's buying you everything you could possibly need. Wanna pursue some form of higher education, maybe get some fancy degree? BOOM, you've just signed yourself up for study sessions with Bruce
๐Ÿ’œ (I mean like... he might not be much help if you're studying for something shmancy like law or medicine, but he will happily hold and read out flashcards for you :3)
๐Ÿงก Or maybe you just wanna help out around Vacay Island which? Yes hello they would love that??
๐Ÿ’œ Running a business is no easy feat so the couple definitely welcome the extra set of hands (paws??). If you're more social and outgoing then chances are you're out on the front lines with Bruce, taking orders for food, welcoming guests and getting them settled in, leading activites like volleyball or the weekly shuffleboard tournament, etc.
๐Ÿงก Obviously if you'd rather remain behind the scenes, you're more than welcome to join Brandi on her end of things. Making food, booking guests into their rooms, keeping track of all the finances, etc.
๐Ÿ’œ Maybe you're crap with spreadsheets and numbers and just wanna like... keep her company while she works at her desk? Grab her some refreshments every now and then?? Maybe even offer a shoulder massage once you've noticed she's been hunched over for too long???
๐Ÿงก I swear this woman will cherish you forever
๐Ÿ’œ Whether you're another troll like Bruce or a fellow Vacationer like Brandi, the way you spend time with either of these two can differ
๐Ÿงก If you're on the smaller side? Bruce just enjoys getting to hold your hand while walking alongside you on the beach. The man spends pretty much all his time around literal giants and it can get a little overwhelming sometimes, so he can definitely appreciate having someone around who's more on his level (hehe). Brandi on the other hand just thinks your small size is cute! Hands down one of her favorite things is when either you or Bruce (OR BOTH) just like? Casually hitch a ride on her shoulder?? Or she'll hold you both in the palm of of her hand and just go "omigosh it's totally like holding a couple of grapes haha :D"
๐Ÿ’œ Reader POV: Ah yes. Me, my boyfriend, and our giant girlfriend/wife
๐Ÿงก On the flipside, if you're closer to Brandi's size? This woman is taking every available opportunity to take full advantage of the fact. She's laying kisses all over your face, running her fingers through your hair, cuddling with you after a long day of work, etc etc. Technically speaking she COULD (and DOES) do all this regardless of how big/small you are... but at the same time it's just soooo much easier when she doesn't have to constantly watch herself so she doesn't accidentally crush you ://
๐Ÿ’œ Meanwhile Bruce is just like "if either of you DO crush me... you won't hear any complaints from my end, just sayin"
๐Ÿงก Man is horrendously down bad ๐Ÿ˜ณ
๐Ÿ’œ Last post i was like OUTINGS WITH BRANDI, but this post?? SURFING LESSONS WITH BRUCE! This man will not rest until you know how to ride a wave, okay, he is DEDICATED. Once you've gotten good enough, expect regular invites to the beach so you two can hit the ocean asdjahdslak
๐Ÿงก I like to think that even while running a business and family, Bruce and Brandi are still perfectly capable of maintaining a healthy love lifeโ€” both with each other and you. Partly because they're just that in love but also cuz they don't let ANYTHING get in the way of weekly date nights (yeah that's right, plural)
๐Ÿ’œ Bruce, on the phone: "Hey honey, me and (____) are outside the resturaunt. Where are you?"
"Oh, I'll probably be a few minutes. Bruce Jr. just set off a firework in the kitchen, you know how he is. But you two should go get us a table while you're waiting!"
"Alright, we'll see you later, love you :)"
"I love you guys more~"
๐Ÿงก And then Bruce just... hangs up and leads you inside the resturaunt, meanwhile you're just?? Very concerned????
๐Ÿ’œ Dates with these two are pretty casual ngl. Neither feel the need for extravagant displays of love, so chances are the three of you are just spending some quality time together. Chillin at home without the kids, cooking/baking food together, watching reality TV
๐Ÿ’œ (Tbh there's probably some trollverse version of The Bachelor/Bachelorett and lemme tell you that these two EAT THAT SHIT UP)
๐Ÿงก Of course if you wanna go out somewhere fancy then no worries!! Your girl Brandi knows the downlow on all the hottest spots in town and Bruce likely has enough connections to get you three reservations at even the fanciest restaurants
๐Ÿ’œ Simply ask and these two will find a way to get it done <33
๐Ÿ’œ At some point in the relationship Bruce will approach you and go "Hey, our son Benni has a dance recital tomorrow, did you wanna come?" and the second you say yes is the second you offically become a permanent member of the family. You are joining their monthly family camping trips. You are helping Brandi make cupcakes for school soccer games. You and Bruce are sitting down with the kids for homework help
๐Ÿงก Hopefully you've got good memory cuz you're gonna need to memorize 13 different fast food orders whenever the kids drag you to Bergen King askdhalslk
๐Ÿ’œ Speaking of the little shits
๐Ÿงก You thought you were spending a lot of time with them BEFORE you were smoochin their parents?? Well congrats because the second you start becoming a permanent member at the dinner table, expect to have all 13 of them constantly hanging off you
๐Ÿ’œ Maybe one of them needs your help practicing a new move they've learned from their martial arts class, maybe another wants someone to listen as they info dump about their latest hyperfixation, or maybe they just need help kickstarting their underground fireworks selling business
๐Ÿงก Cough cough (Bruce Jr) cough cough
ASJKJDHALJSKD THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN, I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!! There were a for more headcanons i wanted to touch upon but the post was getting long lol. Definitely plan on doing more for them tho so no worries uwu
but i mean like if you guys got prompts/questions then go ahead, my asks are open ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ
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leonsdoll ยท 11 months
puhlease PLEASE a hazel callahan fic takลŸng place after the movie when hazel thought the kiss was special but PJ is treating her the same so hazel tries to make PJ jealous with y/n but they actually start having feelings (at first passionate) towards each other????????
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plot: fake dating never works but sometimes it does just in different ways
warnings: light angst, nothing too serious, r is a cheerleader but that doesn't really affect the story!
word count: 1.8k
notes: sorry this took so long to get out but I'm a little burnt out rn! hope you like this anon๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ
after hazel and PJs kiss, hazel thought that something was there, she tried hanging out more with PJ, but she would just pushed away and end up getting hurt. one lonely night hazel had the bright idea that maybe she could try and make PJ jealous, of course it was a dumb idea but at this point it was all she had.
she opened your contact and sent you a short message proposing the plan
'hey I know it's late but I'm trying to make PJ jealous so I was thinking we could fake date for a while, you down?'
of course she rewrote the message a couple times but when she got it down she nervously pressed send. a half hour later she got your confirmation
'sure, make it simple please I don't wanna waste too much if me time on this'
she smiled at your message excited for tomorrow, trying to go to bed all she could think about was PJ, how she would finally get to be with her, after years of waiting.
you sat on your bed and typed on your computer trying to finish up an essay do tomorrow, but you kept getting distracted by the thought of fake dating hazel, after a long 40 minutes of homework you closed your computer and put on some comfortable clothes. laying in bed you turned over and shut your eyes all of your thoughts just being about hazel
you walked onto school campus and saw hazel sitting on a bench reading something in a small book, 'i wonder what she's reading' you furrowed your brows and started walked over to her, 'hey!' you shouted to her, she quickly looked up and waved at you, you sat down next to her and she closed her little book, 'whatcha reading?' you questioned, 'uhm...she drives me crazy' you nodded, 'okay so what's the plan stan' she chuckled at your lame attempt of a joke and turned her head to you.
'so were just gonna act like we're dating, so hug and flirt and hold hands, all that gross shit, and hopefully PJ will get jealous' she said with a look on her face insinuating she was a very proud of her plan, you nodded and stood back up, 'sounds great to me, I gotta get to class so I'll see you later' you waved and grabbed your bag, 'wait!' hazel said a little too loud, you perked your head up at her, 'shouldn't we go in...together?' she suggested in a nervous tone
'oh shit yeah you're right' you stuck out your hand for her to grab on to, she took your hand and you started walking side by side, you entered the hall and people already turned they're heads to look at you two, I mean it is pretty weird seeing a cheerleader and a total nobody date, you got to hazel's locker and you leaned against against the a near wall, out of the corner of your eyes you saw PJ and Josie walking towards you
'pj and Josie are coming over here' you whispered to hazel, she turned around and shut her locker, a couple seconds later they stood right in front of you, the weird thing is that you had never actually talked to them, so now that you "dating" they're friend you would have to, talking to the girl your crush fake girlfriend is in love with was not on your bucket list. as they started talking you zoned out mid conversation, they talk about such boring stuff, how were you supposed to keep up?
next thing you heard was the loud bell ring, you saw that they had left and now it was just you and hazel, and of course the swarm of students late to class. hazel unexpectedly grabbed your hand and led you through the crowd, you both got to class in time, kinda. the boring school hours past by fast and as soon as you knew it was lunch, you thought you would sit down with your friends like you do everyday, but that was before you were pulled to a table in the corner of the cafeteria with hazel and the rest of the fight club.
as they talked you felt hazel's hand snake around your waist, you felt you face get hot but you continued eating, after an excruciating hour of listening to them talk as hazel moved her hand from your waist, to hips your to shoulder to your thigh, it was finally time to leave you packed everything up and sped out of the cafeteria, hazel catched up to you and walked with you out of school. you both sat down at the same bench from this morning
'so did I do good as a fake girlfriend?' she questioned with a cocky grin on her face, you rolled your eyes and turned your head to face her, sure having her as your fake girlfriend was gonna be nice but what if you catched even more feelings? what if her and PJ actually get together and you're just left alone again. 'you did pretty good' you said leaning against the back of the bench, you smiled and immediately started talking about the rest of the plan.
it has been 2 weeks of the fake dating and it really seemed like PJ didn't care, but tonight there was a big party at Isabel's, hazel thought it was perfect opportunity to make PJ "jealous". you decided to get ready together like a cute couple,hazel wore some simple baggy jeans and a white t-shirt, she almost looked like a frat guy, you chose what you usually wear to party's, nothing to flashy but nothing too simple.
when you got there it was loud and already smelled like BO and alcohol, you sat down on a couch with hazel by your side, she put her arm around your shoulder and you stiffed up, still not used to her touch. almost the whole party you say right there, getting up a couple time's to go to the bathroom, when the party died down, Isabel came out from the kitchen with an empty beer bottle, 'what are we 12!' PJ shouted, you chuckled and sat down next to Josie I'm the big circle of people
Isabel spinned the bottle and it landed on Josie, you could see Isabel blush and Josie had a nervous look on her face as they entered the small downstairs bathroom, after was felt like a life time someone yelled, 'seven minutes is up' you heard the door unlock before Isabel came out with a very visible hickey on her neck, some people gasped and others laughed, they sat back down and now it was Pj's turn, she spinned the empty bottle and it landed on, hazel.
hazel tired to hide her smile and she looked over to you, 'aren't you guys dating?' PJ looked at hazel then you, you opened your mouth to say maybe it was better if she re spinned, but before you could hazel spoke up, 'no it's okay, I mean it's just a dumb kids game right?' hazel looked at you trying to indicate that she really wanted to do this, you looked at the ground for a second before agreeing with her, some guy patted your shoulder and called you a 'chill girlfriend' you let out your best fake laugh and put your knees to your chest
meanwhile the scene of hazel and PJ in the bathroom was to say the least very awkward, 'so do we kiss?' hazel anxiously asked, PJ nodded and moved closer to her trying to make things more natural, hazel cupped PJs face and brought her lips to hers, she finally kissed PJ, after years of waiting she finally did it and she felt, nothing. absolutely nothing, she bearly even kissed back, you got up and told your friends you needed a drink and somehow they believed you, you walked into the kitchen grabbed your purse and left that god awful party, you didn't even think about saying goodbye because if you did you would have to watch them come out of that bathroom and see the start of they're relationship
hazel unlocked the door early and people were confused, 'you have to do seven minutes not three!' Sylvie shouted and people agreed, hazel noticed you weren't there and got worried, 'c'mon guys we're not middle schoolers and where's my girlfriend?' she shouted back, 'oh I think she left' some guy slurred clearly intoxicated, hazel grabbed her phone and said goodbye to everyone and that she was going to find you. what she didn't know was that you were already home by the time she had left, she urgently called you trying to understand where you were so you could talk
after 5 missed calls you finally picked up, 'where are you?' she said through the phone, 'home' you responded dryly, she let out a sigh of relief and started walking to your house still on the phone with you, 'why did you leave?' you thought about actually telling her why but the you remembered you actually dating, 'i was tired' she scoffed as she finally saw your house through the dark, 'open your front door please' she stood waiting impatiently for you, 'are you outside my house?'
you said walking down your stairs, 'yes just please open up it's cold' she hung up, you put your phone down and opened up your front door, you looked hazel up and down and saw no hickey, weird. you moved from the door and she stepped in, she shut the door behind her, you quickly grabbed her hand and took her to your room, she had never actually been in your room, you had been at her house but she'd never been to yours, you closed the door and say down on your bed next to her
'so why do you wanna talk haze?' she sighed and looked you straight in your eyes, 'i don't think I like PJ' she confessed, your eyes widened, had you done this whole plan for nothing, had you hurt yourself...for nothing? 'okay then who do you like? I'm not going to go through this plan another time just with a different person, I really hope you know that' you said in a frustrated tone, she moved closer to you and put her hand on your thigh, 'what the fuck was she doing?' you questioned to yourself
she just responded by crashing her lips with yours, at first you were taken aback, very taken aback, but then you felt how soft her lips were and how passionate and pure this moment was, you quickly kissed back and moved yourself closer to her, she dragged out the kiss for a couple more seconds before pulled away. you couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation, she laughed with you and pulled you into a tight hug.
'i love you' she mumbled into your shoulder, you sighed and kissed the side her neck, 'i love you too' you mumbled back.
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pleasinghellfire ยท 2 years
Time After Time
summary: you just wanted to go to prom with Eddie
word count: 1.4k
All Rights Reserved.
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โ€œAre you excited for prom?โ€ Robin asked, bumping your hip as you made your way to the cafeteria.
โ€œOh yes! I got the perfect dress a couple of weeks ago!โ€ You smiled brightly. You were nearly bouncing over how passionate you were for the annual end of the year celebration.
โ€œDid Eddie even ask you yet?โ€ Nancy questioned as she held open the door so you and Robin could walk into the loud lunchroom. Hawkins was rowdy as ever as prom was just around the corner. Everyone was ready for school to end and summer to begin.
โ€œYeah, ummmโ€ฆhe hasnโ€™t.โ€ You hesitated as the girls looked back at you with shock.
โ€œWhat?โ€ Nancy shouted.
โ€œHe is such a dingus!โ€ Robin shook her head, turning and walking towards your normal table with determination. Nancy started to follow.
โ€œWait! Wait, please!โ€ You pleaded, reaching out for Nancyโ€™s arm holding her back. โ€œHe hasnโ€™t asked me yet but Iโ€™m sure he will. Prom is only next week. There's still time.โ€
โ€œOkay but if he doesnโ€™t ask you soon you canโ€™t get upset if I whack him on his big head.โ€ Robin wrapped her arm around you as you two walked step by step towards the table with the rest of the gang.
โ€œRobin!โ€ Dustin called out. โ€œPlease come tell Jeff that he is wrong and three musketeers is the best candy!โ€
You laughed as you quickly gave Eddie a peck of his cheek and sat in the empty chair to his left. He was in an intense conversation with Gareth over his campaign for Hellfire.
A string of balloons lifted up to the ceiling while two football players stood on top of the table holding out a sign saying โ€œPROM?โ€
โ€œYes!โ€ The cheerleader cried out as she jumped into her dateโ€™s arms. The filled room roared in applause and praise.
โ€œOh come on!โ€ Eddie gagged.
โ€œWhat Munson?โ€ Mike joked. โ€œDisgusted by prom?โ€
โ€œQuite literally actually.โ€ He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, his face still scrunched up in disgust at the prom goers basking in their cheers.
โ€œIs prom not metal enough for you Eddie?โ€ Nancy challenged.
โ€œProm is stupid.โ€ Eddie laughed. Nancy and Robin watched as your shoulders dropped in defeat, slowly losing the hope of ever going to prom with Eddie. The rest of the gang gave each other a shared glance, knowing how much you wanted to go to the dance with your boyfriend.
โ€œProm is just forced conformity, thatโ€™s whatโ€™s killing the kids. Iโ€™m just ready to run like hell out of here. Iโ€™d lose my mind dancing with people who call me a freak for enjoying a fantasy game.โ€
โ€œWell everyone deserves to enjoy prom at least once.โ€
โ€œYeah, well not me Sinclair.โ€ Eddie shrugged off, taking a bite of his food.
You pushed back your chair, gathered all your books for your next class and exited the room. You left your friends behind as they all collectively threw their belongings at the metal head.
โ€œJesus Christ! What the hell?โ€ Eddie shouted.
โ€œYouโ€™re such a dumbass Munson!โ€
It was the night of prom and you were home in your pjs. Eddie never got around to asking you, which hurt your feelings. You sort of gave Eddie the cold shoulder since his little confession at lunch last week and he hasnโ€™t yet figured out why. You still laughed as your friends harassed him everyday, throwing things at his head or calling him names. You loved Eddie but damn, he could be an idiot sometimes. You understood why Eddie didnโ€™t care for prom but that didnโ€™t mean that you didnโ€™t want to show off your hot boyfriend to everyone at Hawkins. You longed for the night to get all dolled up in your pretty dress you knew Eddie would love and dance the night away with him, saying goodbye to Hawkins High forever.
You laid in bed, turning the page in the book you were barely paying attention to when you heard a loud knock on your door. You looked out of your window to see Nancy and Robin waving at you from below.
You rushed downstairs and opened the door to them. They were each holding their dresses in their arms as Nancy pushed past you into your home.
โ€œWhat are you two doing here? You should be on your way to the dance right now?โ€
โ€œYeah, and you should be getting your butt back up to your room to get that amazing dress on and come with us!โ€ Nancy exclaimed, trying to push you back towards the stairs.
โ€œWhat? Wait!โ€ You laughed. โ€œWhat about Ed-โ€
โ€œAh! No! Nope! Nope!โ€ Robin covered your mouth snickering. โ€œWe are not saying that dingusโ€™ name. We are going to prom, just us girls and we are going to have fun. Okay?โ€
You looked between your two wonderful friends and let out a chuckle, โ€œOkay!โ€
โ€œOkay! Now hurry up, get dressed! Weโ€™re going to prom!โ€
You laughed and ran upstairs to get changed.
By the time the three of you made it to Hawkins, the dance was already in commence. Quickly making your way to the middle of the gymnasium floor to catch up on all the missed moments of fun. Losing track of the time, you made your way off the dancefloor, getting a drink from the refreshments table and headed to sit on the extended bleachers for a break.
Soon the ambiance of the atmosphere slowed down, the lights dimming down as the dj merged the upbeat song into โ€œTime After Timeโ€ by Cyndi Laupner. You sadly took a sip from your beverage looking away from the couples swaying to the beginning song. You wished Eddie was here.
Looking down, you caught sight of the familiar scuffed up white high top Reeboks that stop ahead of you.
โ€œSorry Iโ€™m late sweetheart.โ€ You looked up to see Eddie. He had his curly hair pulled back into a low bun at the nape of his neck. His usual Hellfire Club shirt was swapped out for a white button down. You were surprised to see he owned a pair of pants without rips or tears.
โ€œCan I please have the honor of a dance, my lady?โ€ Eddie bowed his head down, extending his hand out to you. You smiled as you accepted his offer.
He led you to the center of the gym, turning around and placing his hands on your waist. You raised your hands to place them around his neck. Eddie pulled you in close, rocking back and forth to the beat.
flashbacks, warm nights almost left behind
โ€œI didnโ€™t think you would ever come. How did you know I was here?โ€ You whispered.
โ€œHenderson told me. For a kid, he has wicked arm strength, little shit.โ€ You laughed as he rubbed the back of his head, letting out a little whine in pain.
sometimes you picture me, iโ€™m walking too far ahead
โ€œIโ€™m sorry.โ€ Eddie apologized, brushing back a strand of your hair. โ€œI should have asked you to prom properly. Iโ€™m a terrible boyfriend. I mean look at you, youโ€™re the most metal Iโ€™ve ever seen.โ€ Eddie shook his head, pulling back to take in your dark black lace dress.
secrets stolen from deep inside, the drum beats out of time
โ€œYouโ€™re not a terrible boyfriend, Eds. I mean look at us, look at you! Weโ€™re dancing at prom!โ€ You smiled softly at him.
if youโ€™re lost you can look and you will find me
โ€œI feel like Iโ€™m losing my mind dancing with the prettiest girl in all of Hawkins High.โ€ Eddie mumbled, looking down at you with love.
if you fall, i will catch you, i will be waiting
โ€œIโ€™m so proud of you baby. You didnโ€™t run away this time. Itโ€™s finally your year. Never change Munson.โ€
Eddie pulled you in, closing the distance and placing his lips on yours.
time after time
time after time
time after timeโ€ฆ
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soullust ยท 5 months
my miscellaneous dps headcanons (including some background characters)
has HORRIBLE eyesight. like wayy worse that meeks but he hates wearing his glasses
loves scavenger hunts
charlie helped him realize he's gay (they made out once to 'check' but never had any actual feelings for eachother)
is diabetic but doesn't know it
is so incredibly competitive it's ridiculous. he'll die before he loses a bet
selectively mute
gets his poetry / writing published at least twice. the first time was even before he turned 18
scrunches his nose when smiling
not a morning person. he's dead until noon
is a huge gossip and his grandma's favorite bc of it
can't lie to save his life
loves horseback riding
can't cook. at all. like he burns water
loves spicy foods and smells
his parents mostly ignored him and his younger sister during their childhood and basically raised his sister himself
but it also gave him a lot of freedom, especially during holidays and school breaks, since his parents always either pawned him off to family or just didn't care where he was 90% of the time.
like, really, they only care about appearances so they get on his back about being disrespectful every once in a while and ignore him the rest that's one of the reasons he acts out all the time he desperately craves attention he never got
tina INSISTS on doing his make-up everytime they hang out. he likes make-up and she's pretty good, so he just lets her
like todd, he's very competitive, but, unlike todd, he's not a sore loser
has a huge sweet tooth smells like it
was obsessed with nordic mythology in middleschool
matthew ("spaz") was his childhood bestfriend, but they grew apart over the years
is allergic to bees. somehow never remembers to take his epipen anywhere. it's a miracle he's survived this long
he's a car guy. wants to be a car mechanic
had a crush on neil in like 6th grade
scared of birds
has a stutter and used to have a lisp
gamer boi
not exactly a hc but yall can we acknowledge how sarcastic and bitchy he is??? he's hilarious
knows how to sew
gives the best hugs
once got arrested and had to call charlie to bail him out. charlie was so proud he bought him ice cream on their way back
has lexical-gustatory synesthesia
his bio dad is dead and he hates his step-father with a passion
is besties with gloria and she finds him hillarious
mr keating used to work as a line cook in his teens. also he was a lot like charlie during his highschool years (chaotic & funny)
chris used to do ballet as a kid, but has moved on to cheerleading and gymnastics. her parents are divorced. she lives with her mother and younger half-brother
ginny really should be wearing glasses but she hates them and her parents refuse to buy her more flattering frames. she can't swim. people always share their secrets with her bc she seems like she can keep them, but sheโ€™s actually a huge gossip
stick has a twin sister. he is nonverbal and communicates thru asl
gloria is training to be a hairdresser
tina canโ€™t walk in heels taller than half an inch
hopkins has a huge crush on cameron
matthew is an origami master
mr mcallister knits in his spare time. he married a chinese woman who, when he met her, didnโ€™t know any english
i take headcanon and one-shot requests btw
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akutasoda ยท 1 year
Hello! If you play genshin impact can I get headcanons/imagine with blade, march 7th, jing yuan and himeko with nilou! Reader?? Thank you so much in advance! Your writing is so good and please continue being amazing ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž
dance with me
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synopsis - you were always so amazing, your dances and your personality
includes - himeko, march 7th, blade, jing yuan
warnings - gn!reader, reader is based of nilou(GI), fluff, slight jealousy, wc - 1k
a/n: hello! thank you <3, i am quite the avid genshin player and have been since it's release(same with star rail) haha
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himeko โ˜…โ†ท
โ†ชperhaps you had met himeko when the express had stopped on your planet of origin and you decided to ask to join. and yet even upon joining the trailblazers you still hadn't given up your passion for dancing. thus performing in most places the express stopped earning a galaxy wide reputation for not only yourself but the express.
โ†ชhimeko was most likely concerned at first considering normally why the express would stop at places, but considering how much people enjoyed seeing your performances - her included - and your ability to carry yourself in battle, it quickly went away. and she often found herself enjoying seeing each and every one of your performances.
โ†ชanother thing she admired you for was your warm nature. alot of the places they stopped at always held stories of not only your performance but how kind and warming you were to anyone. she loved your emotional intelligence and thought it suited you very well.
โ†ชwouldn't hesitate to help you when you were stuck with decisions, afterall you always did seem to struggle with them.
โ†ชdid always remind you to make sure you are looking after yourself inbetween your shows. and that wouldn't change upon becoming official. if anything it increases.
โ†ชand now being official she wanted to make even more effort to see your performances. not just because she wanted to see you or support but because she thoroughly enjoyed them. would love going through all the gifts and letters you are sent, afterall they all get sent to the express.
march 7th โ˜…โ†ท
โ†ชmaybe you had met march in a similar way above. travelling with the express after asking to join but still wanting to do performances so trying to hold one for everywhere you visited with your new friends. and march loved it.
โ†ชshe absolutely loved all your performances, she loved how energetic and passionate you were for them at all times. she did truly admire how talented you were at them and the same went for your emotional intelligence. you both were quite similar in that way.
โ†ชyour warmth was also similar to hers, except she was normally quite cold to the touch. she just admired you as a whole and thought you were so great! she also understood your struggles with making decisions and would help you no matter what.
โ†ชand when you two became official she became like a personal cheerleader. well cheerleader/helper, often making sure you were okay and reminding you to take breaks, helping you choose some clothes and other things she could do to support you in anyway she could.
blade โ˜…โ†ท
โ†ชnow meeting the swordsman was most likely through a mission. he and his fellow stellaron hunters had to stay on the planet and according to elio's plan had to attend some performance on a day. whatever it had to do with the mission, blade did not know but he trist elio's word. but upon entering the performance hall he found himself quite captivated by the striking individual on the stage.
โ†ชhis entrancement was noticed and kafka smirked as her and silver wolf went to the actual mission. he surprisingly found himself staying for the whole thing until kafka tapped him on the shoulder and said it was over. maybe it was due to elio's script that he found himself in so many of your performances.
โ†ชand eventually you striked up conversation with the man who very clearly wasn't from around here. and surprisingly you two clicked. he never saw himself deserving of your pure kindness and natural warmth but allowed himself to be selfish and indulge in it in your presence.
โ†ชadditionally admired your emotional intelligence aswell. amd found himself helping you with any issues with decision making. and when you two became official you understood that meant most likely that you would travel with the stellaron hunters. and you agreed under the condition of being able to continue performing on different planets.
โ†ชyou would always giggle at blade's jealously when another fan had sent a gift or letter to you about your performance. often reminding him that they were just friendly gestures, he would only grumble something in response.
jing yuan โ˜…โ†ท
โ†ชyou had most likely met the general at one of your performances. you were quite well know among the luofu, your performances being highly regarded by everyone. so much so that it was only natural that the general would see a few - or many. you noticed how often he showed up and of course you knew who he was but you payed him no mind, he was just someone else in the crowd.
โ†ชthe general had snuck out to see quite a few performances before he decided to send a letter to your place of work in a bold statement of asking to get to know you better. your fellow performer's teasing you as you felt confused about what to do.
โ†ชinevitably you had decided to entertain the general. you normally wouldn't do this sort of thing but something told you that you wouldn't regret it. jing yuan had been quite surprised that you actually accepted but was happy nonetheless.
โ†ชand you two immediately clicked. he loved how you seemed to radiate this sort of comforting warmth in your presence and your simple kindness. and if you were being honest the general wasn't that bad himself. and thus you two began hanging around more often.
โ†ชhe absolutely admired your level of emotional intelligence, he wasn't that great at it himself. and so would understand if you came to him for a more problematic issue that you couldn't make your mind up with.
โ†ชand even as you two would become official, that didn't stop him from trying to see most of your performances. would always claim to be your #1 fan and admired everything else about you.
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ateez-ana ยท 5 months
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i have the time of my life fighting dragons with you
relashionship with ateez members
these two areโ€ฆ. well we'll get to that eventually, They have known each other since trainee days and have been through thick and thin together. They trust each other implicitly and rely on each other for support and guidance.
Their friendship extends beyond personal connection. They often collaborate on creative projects, bouncing ideas off each other and sharing their artistic visions. Hongjoong values Ana's input and considers her a creative muse.
hey admire each other's talents and leadership qualities. Ana respects Hongjoong's dedication, passion, and ability to bring the group together. Hongjoong, in turn, admires Ana's creativity, versatility, and ability to connect with the audience.
They are each other's biggest cheerleaders. They celebrate each other's successes and offer comfort during challenging times. Their friendship is a source of strength and inspiration for both of them.
Ana and Hongjoong met in 2016, during auditions for KQ Entertainment,their relationship is based on trust and mutual respect. They tell each other the truth no matter how difficult it is, and they are always there to listen to each other and offer each other a shoulder to cry on.
The relationship between Ana and Hongjoong has been a subject of much speculation and discussion among ATINYs. While there is no official confirmation of their romantic involvement, their undeniable chemistry and close bond have led many fans to believe that they are more than just friends.
Over the years, various rumors and speculations have circulated about Ana and Hongjoong's relationship. These rumors have often stemmed from their interactions during live performances, interviews, and social media posts. Some fans have pointed to instances of them holding hands, exchanging lingering glances, or showing affectionate gestures towards each other as evidence of their romantic connection.
"Hongjoong is so talented. He can rap, sing, dance, and write songs. He's an all-around amazing artist." - Ana, in a V Live broadcast
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Seonghwa serves as a mentor and role model for Ana. She looks up to his maturity, wisdom, and leadership skills. Seonghwa, in turn, sees Ana as a bright and promising artist with great potential.
they often discuss music theory, songwriting, and their favorite artists. Seonghwa enjoys sharing his musical knowledge with Ana, and she appreciates his guidance and support.
They have a deep understanding of each other's personalities and needs. They can read each other's emotions and offer support without even saying a word, He always makes sure she is comfortable with her wardrobe, they share clothes with each other, he always makes sure she eats enough and prevents her from seeing comments about her body since in his eyes she is a baby who needs protection.
Their close-knit relationship has often been compared to that of siblings, a testament to the depth and genuineness of their connection. This sibling-like bond is playfully expressed through their "lost sibling" joke, a lighthearted quip that has endeared them to fans worldwide.
Seonghwa's fervent love for Star Wars, a sci-fi saga that Ana has yet to fully embrace. Seonghwa, determined to share his passion, has reportedly employed various tactics, including "forceful persuasion," to convince Ana to delve into the world of Jedi and Sith.
nerdy duo after that they usually recreate scenes from the saga, they even dressed up as Leah and Luke for Halowen
"Seonghwa seemed a bit intimidating at first, but I soon realized that he's actually a big softie. He's always there for me, and he always knows how to make me smile.
Despite their initial impressions of each other, Seonghwa and Ana quickly developed a close bond. They became roommates during their trainee days, and they have spent countless hours together practicing, performing, and simply hanging out. Their friendship is built on mutual respect, admiration, and shared sense of humor.
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holymultiplefandomsbatman ยท 2 years
Hungry For Your Living Kiss [sub Loki Smut]
Sub TDW!Loki x Dom fem!reader
Summary:ย Loki has been locked up in his cell on Asgard for a while. You are one of Friggaโ€™s maids and visit Loki regularly to bring him new books, as ordered by Frigga herself. The only difference: you choose to hand them over in person. Loki has developed an interest in you but heโ€™s buried too deep in guilt and self-hatred to do anything about it. When you visit him again after he wakes up from a nightmare, Loki finally cracks.
Words:ย 5.7k
Warnings:ย NSFW! 18+ย ย sub!Loki, dom!reader, face-slapping, praise kink, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, body worship, trauma, Loki having a panic attack, mentions of torture under Thanos, discussion of consent and boundaries, Loki being a soft cinnamon roll
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Well, there we go. Iโ€™ve actually written smut for once, big surprise! This fic kinda developed a mind of its own at some point and now this is the end result. I donโ€™t know what happenedโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‚
Thanks to @lokisgoodgirlโ€‹ for inspiring me and being a cheerleader, and also thanks to @lokischambermaidโ€‹ย for encouraging me to actually go through with writing this nonsense. I hope you enjoy it.
@muddyorbsblrโ€‹ I hope you like this too!
I havenโ€™t written smut in a long time, so this is basically my first official attempt in... 3 years, I think. Please be kind. ๐Ÿ˜…
The title is inspired by the poem โ€œIf I Was Deadโ€ by Carol Ann Duffy. I love her poetry and every single one of her works gives me Loki vibes. I can only recommend you check it out.
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Loki stared grimly into the dungeon hallway, his vision obscured by the orange glow of Asgardian magic trapping him in this dreaded cage.
With nothing to do but reading.
And maybe waiting on new material โ€“ not that he was concerned about the plays and mythology retellings his mother kept bringing to him.
โ€œThe books I sent, do they not interest you?โ€
Loki bit back a comment about how he was far more interested in the maid delivering them than he cared about the books themselves. He paused, taking a deep breath to steady himself before he turned away from the wall to face his mother.
โ€œIs that how I am to wile away eternity?โ€
Lokiโ€™s voice was calm, though the words sent a flash of pain through him.
Trapped in this cell, forgotten by the world. All alone.
Bitterly, he added, โ€œReading.โ€
โ€œIโ€™ve done everything in my power to make you comfortable, Loki.โ€
Friggaโ€™s calm words carried a certain emotion that he couldnโ€™t quite place. Loki looked up at his mother, interrupting his mindless pacing around the cell.
โ€œHave you?โ€ he asked slowly.
He took a step towards her, allowing a hint of pain into his voice as he eyed his mother with his usual faรงade of indifference.
โ€œDoes Odin share your concern? Does Thor?โ€
The look she gave him in response made Loki want to laugh. โ€œIt must be so inconvenient, them asking after me day and nightโ€ฆโ€
Frigga ignored his comment, as she always did.
Memories of his childhood rose from the depth of Lokiโ€™s mind, how his mother had smiled in amusement whenever he showed her something he cared about. Heโ€™d been so convinced that she cared about his stories, that she was listening with interest.
Now, Loki couldnโ€™t help but wonder how much of it had just been her being amused at his childish joy. If sheโ€™d simply waved his passions aside like they didnโ€™t matter.
Had she ever truly listened?
Frigga frowned at him. Her stern eyes trapped Loki under their stare, preventing him from hiding behind his carefully-constructed mask again.
โ€œYou know full well it was your actions that brought you here.โ€
Loki bit his tongue, fighting a memory that threatened to close in on him.
Your actionsโ€ฆ
โ€œMy actions.โ€ he echoed in a dull voice, turning away from Frigga to pace around the cell again. His stride was more forceful now, every step crushing a painful memory beneath his sturdy boots.
Loki soon found himself arguing with his mother, finally allowing himself to release a fraction of the weight heโ€™d carried on his shoulders since his childhood days. Friggaโ€™s insistence on his parentage ignited a storm deep within his chest, his ears filling with white noise while she continuously compared his actions to Odinโ€™s.
โ€œHEโ€™S NOT MY FATHER!โ€ Loki finally interrupted her, screaming the words right into her face.
Frigga didnโ€™t remain quiet for long even though sheโ€™d taken a step back at his loud voice. โ€œThen am I not your mother?โ€ she asked softly, her ancient eyes filled with sadness.
Loki stared at her, his mouth opening and closing as he choked on all the things heโ€™d always wanted to tell her. When he finally managed to say something, it turned out to be the worst possible option he could have chosen. He already regretted the words before they even left his mouth.
โ€œYouโ€™re not.โ€
Frigga just looked at him, that same deep sadness from before still on her face.
Loki reached out, wanting to apologize, to touch her, to hold her. Anything.
His hand faded straight through hers.
Friggaโ€™s eyes didnโ€™t leave him as she slowly dissolved into sparks of magic.
Loki stared at the spot where sheโ€™d stood only a second ago. His chest constricted painfully as their conversation repeated in his head.
You know full well it was your actions that brought you here.
He shut his eyes, trying to hold back the memories of what heโ€™d done in the past two years. What heโ€™d been forced to do.
As usual, Loki was too weak to fight the onslaught of pictures and sounds. They overwhelmed him, playing out in front of him in blindingly bright colors.
The screams. The pain. The view of all the destruction from atop Stark Tower, in that brief moment where heโ€™d finally been himself again. The way Thor had pleaded with him, right before heโ€™d lost control once moreโ€ฆ
Lokiโ€™s legs gave out beneath him. He stumbled to the ground, the impact shooting a flash of hot, burning pain up his spine. Tears trickled down his cheeks before he even knew he was crying.
Your fault. Weak, useless, despicable.
Loki pressed his forehead against the cold stone floor, his hands balled into fists next to his face.
The whispers didnโ€™t cease. They only increased in volume as a single word stood out among the storm of insults. It echoed off the walls, digging its claws deep into Lokiโ€™s trembling body.
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Loki awoke with a start. He blinked against sleepโ€™s firm hold, trying to shake the remnants of his dream โ€“ or rather, his nightmare. He barely remembered anything and the pictures faded quickly as he reached consciousness.
He could still hear the screams though. They always followed him, even when he was awake.
Loki slowly sat up. His entire body protested and his limbs ached as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He paid it no mind.
Heโ€™d survived so much worseโ€ฆ
Loki stared at the hard surface beneath him in confusion; he must have fallen asleep on the floor. No wonder heโ€™d been plagued by a nightmare.
Not that his waking hours were free of horror. The ghosts of the past two years followed him like a shadow even when he was wide-awake. No matter how hard he tried, he simply couldnโ€™t escape them.
Loki wiped at his eyes to brush away the first tears rolling down his face. He gritted his teeth, ultimately failing to control himself as he gave in to the pain.
It would be one of those days againโ€ฆ
Voices rang out in the dungeon hallway. The two guards with their rough, ceremonious language โ€“ and then a third person, speaking in a much more joyful tone.
Loki froze. An ice-cold flash shot through him as he stared at the nontransparent cell wall.
No. You couldnโ€™t be here, not right now!
He couldnโ€™t let you see him like this, crying on the floor like some pathetic wimp. You deserved his best behavior, the charming prince who treated you like royalty. Not thisโ€ฆthis sobbing moron.
Loki tried to hide his tears, desperately rubbing at his face with his sleeve. It was no use. Fresh tears continued to spill from his eyes, no matter how harshly he wiped the old ones away.
You entered the cell, the pile of books in your arms so high that it obscured your vision. Youโ€™d brought more than usual this time.
Maybe Frigga had added some books to teach him a lesson after their fightโ€ฆ
Loki shuffled backwards until his spine met the wall. He suppressed a pained hiss as his back protested at the impact and instead pulled his knees up towards his chest, trying his best to hide himself from you.
โ€œGood morning, your highness. I hope Iโ€™m not too early. Queen Frigga requested that I deliver these as soon as possible.โ€
Your voice was far too chipper for the current time of day.
You carefully set the pile of books down onto the chair, reaching out to catch one of them before it could fall to the floor. Afterwards you turned around, quickly wiping your hands on your clothes as you searched for him.
โ€œI know you probably havenโ€™t finished the old ones yet, so I thought Iโ€™d just โ€“โ€œ
Loki could tell when you spotted him cowering in the corner. He tried to make himself even smaller, wishing he could just fade into the wall.
An expression of deep concern washed over your beautiful features. You hurried across the room to kneel beside him, cupping his face between your palms.
โ€œAre you alright?โ€
Loki could only stare at you in disbelief. His crying ceased, the pain replaced by utter shock at your proximity.
Did you forget who you were talking to? That you couldnโ€™t just touchโ€“
A shiver ran through him as your thumbs softly wiped his tears away. The careful, almost loving caress fueled the ache in his chest, though it was another kind of longing this time.
Why were you being so gentle with him? Why werenโ€™t you running from him like everyone else?
Your touch became stronger. You angled his face towards you, leaving Loki no choice but to look at you.
โ€œAre you alright, your highness?โ€
The title made him shiver, even though youโ€™d addressed him in this manner countless times before ever since Thor had dragged him back to Asgard.
Something about your soft voice as you said the words this time was different.
It almost sounded like a term of endearmentโ€ฆ
Lokiโ€™s mouth fell open, a quiet gasp slipping out against his will. His hand flew up and covered his mouth as he stared at you, embarrassment at his own reaction stunning him into silence.
You studied his face. A smile spread over your features โ€“ gods, you were truly beautiful โ€“ when you carefully pulled Lokiโ€™s hand away from his face. You placed it ever so gently against your cheek instead, closing your eyes for a second and leaning into the touch before you pressed your lips against it, softly kissing the palm of his hand.
Loki couldnโ€™t breathe. He stared at you, your boldness leaving him completely speechless.
If someone saw you, youโ€™d be executed immediatelyโ€ฆ
You were still smiling as you kissed his palm a second time, and a third, before your lips gently grazed the soft skin on the inside of his wrist. Your lips left goosebumps in their wake as you slowly kissed along his forearm.
A shiver shook Lokiโ€™s body. He gritted his teeth, trying to keep some semblance of composure โ€“ not that heโ€™d possessed much to begin with. Your eyes met his while your mouth still brushed against his skin. He audibly gasped this time, the sound far too loud for the silence of the room.
With a soft peck to the inside of his elbow, you lifted your head and sat back on your knees, looking at him expectantly. You smiled, soft with a dash of mischief.
โ€œDoes your highness require anything else?โ€
Loki opened and closed his mouth without making a sound. His silver tongue betrayed him, a situation that didnโ€™t occur often. He could usually rely quite confidently on his eloquence and quick wit.
In this moment, Loki was robbed of that gift. His tongue was immovable as stone inside his mouth.
Ironically he only ever found himself in this position when he was with you.
โ€œI โ€“ โ€œ Loki gulped, silently willing his mind to come up with anything, anything at all. It disobeyed him when he watched a small smile form on your face.
Oh, how badly he wanted to feel your lips on his skin again.
โ€œKiss meโ€ฆโ€
It was intended as a command, authoritarian and cold to remind you of your place.
Instead, Lokiโ€™s voice was shaky, the volume barely above a whisper. Heat rushed to his cheeks and he gave in, covering his face behind his hands to hide his embarrassment.
Your amused chuckle disrupted the silence, accompanied by the shuffling of fabric. A shaky breath later, your hands grabbed Lokiโ€™s wrists, slowly pulling them away from his face.
He barely dared to look at you.
Surely youโ€™d laugh at him, mock him, tell him how ridiculous โ€“
Your fingers caressed his chin, slowly pushing his head up until Loki had no other choice but to look at you. Your eyes were kind, without any of the mockery he had grown so accustomed to. Your thumb gently stroked over his skin.
When you smiled at him, it was like the sun came out.
โ€œWhat did you ask of me, my prince?โ€
Loki blinked, completely entranced by your presence. Your words repeated in his head, over and over again.
My princeโ€ฆ
He took a shaky breath, exhaling slowly before he opened his mouth. His voice was stronger this time, though it still trembled ever so slightly.
โ€œKiss me.โ€
Loki leaned forward, the tip of his nose brushing against yours. โ€œPlease,โ€ he whispered.
He was begging now but he didnโ€™t care anymore. How could he, when you looked at him like he was the most precious being in the universe.
Your fingertips trailed upwards from his chin, cupping his cheek in the palm of your hand. Loki nuzzled into your touch, making you smile for the duration of a second before you pulled him towards you.
Your lips connected with his. Loki swore he stopped breathing.
Everything slowed down as if hit by a freezing spell. Even the silence faded away thatโ€™d been so deafening a few minutes ago. Loki could only sit still, completely overwhelmed by the heat of your body, the gentle pressure of your lips against hisโ€ฆ
They were slightly chapped, something he hadnโ€™t noticed before. And incredibly softโ€ฆ
A shaky sigh left Lokiโ€™s mouth as he gave in. He returned your kiss, moving his lips cautiously against yours. His eyelids fluttered shut and he relaxed against your body, his hands clenching into fists at his sides as he fought against the urge to touch you.
He would never forgive himself if he hurt youโ€ฆ
You shifted to straddle him, your knees resting on either side of his thighs. Carefully, so carefully, you reached for his hands, peeling his fingers apart before placing them on your waist.
Loki groaned. Your weight above him made his head spin. He dug his fingers softly into your hips, straining his neck upwards to kiss you again from this new angle.
You pulled your head back and pressed your finger to his lips.
โ€œAnd what do you think youโ€™re doing?โ€ you asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
Loki stared at you in shock. Your commanding tone sent a shiver down his spine.
โ€œI-Iโ€™m sorryโ€ฆโ€ he stuttered, struggling to even get the words out. His throat had become almost painfully dry.
You clicked your tongue dismissively and shook your head.
After a moment of silence you leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. Lokiโ€™s face scrunched as he pouted. You simply giggled in response, kissing his nose once again.
Your lips began to trail over his skin, to his cheek, then his jaw. You grazed your teeth over it, making Loki shiver at the sensation. He closed his eyes as his head fell back against the wall, exposing his neck to you.
Your mouth soon latched onto his throat. Your kisses were starting to linger now.
โ€œMine,โ€ you whispered softly, tracing your tongue across the main artery in his neck. โ€œAll mineโ€ฆโ€
Lokiโ€™s breath hitched. Heโ€™d never thought about belonging to someone before, at least not in this manner. Something about the sound of your voice as you said it made him tremble beneath you.
The words slipped out of Lokiโ€™s mouth before he could stop them. โ€œCan I โ€“ can I touch you? Please?โ€
You pulled your mouth away from his neck and raised your eyebrows at him. Your eyes darted to where his hands were holding onto your hips.
โ€œYou are touching me.โ€ you said teasingly.
Loki closed his eyes in embarrassment. Yes, he was aware of that โ€“ but it wasnโ€™t what he meant and you knew it very well.
โ€œI want to make you feel good. Please, itโ€™s not right that Iโ€™m not giving anything back to you.โ€
Loki barely opened his eyes fast enough to catch the grin that lit up your face. He still saw a hint of it though, the fondness in your smile quickly overtaken by desire as you leaned back, raising your hands in a gesture that he read as, Well, what are you waiting for then?
Lokiโ€™s hands carefully moved upwards from your waist while he watched your facial expression for any sign of discontent.
โ€œMay I kiss your neck?โ€ he asked softly, just to make sure.
You nodded immediately, tilting your head to give him access.
Having your soft skin displayed right in front of him like this tore a whimper from Lokiโ€™s throat. He surged forward and buried his face in the crook of your shoulder, breathing you in. His mouth tenderly caressed the side of your neck.
Your gasp echoed off the walls. You dug your fingers into his hair, pushing his face even further against you.
Loki chuckled at your reaction. He couldnโ€™t believe that he was holding you in his arms right now, that he could kiss you like this.
He would very likely still doubt his memories once he woke up tomorrow.
Loki gave into the desire boiling in his veins. He pressed his lips firmly against you, sucking harshly. You panted above him as he carefully dug his teeth into your neck, making sure he didnโ€™t break skin.
โ€œYouโ€™re doing very โ€“ mmmm, yes โ€“ very well. Who knew that silver tongue was good for โ€“ ohhhh โ€“ other things as wellโ€ฆโ€
Loki shivered at your praise. His fingers began to play with your nipples through the fabric of your clothes as he sucked on your neck. His efforts earned him another moan from you, this one even louder.
You pulled his head away from you by his hair, staring down at him with hooded eyes.
โ€œI need to fuck you, now. Will you let me do that?โ€
Loki nodded without having to think twice.
You reached for his pants, pulling his aching cock free where it had previously strained against the fabric, hard and dripping. Your free hand quickly pulled off your undergarments. You kicked them off before digging your hand into his shoulder for leverage and sinking onto his cock.
Loki couldnโ€™t breathe.
You were a true goddess, your eyes dark with lust as you stared down at him.
You could've asked him for literally anything in that moment and by the gods, he would've done it so willingly. Without question.
Lokiโ€™s mouth fell open as you started rolling your hips. A guttural moan echoed through the cell, the sound so primal that he didnโ€™t even recognize it as his own at first.
โ€œMine,โ€ you growled into his ear, your teeth scraping against his neck, โ€œall mine!โ€
There it was again, the word that would haunt him in his dreams.
Loki threw his head back. It crashed against the wall but he didnโ€™t care, not even when his spine protested at the painful impact.
Your hand wound itself into his hair, gripping it roughly as you pulled his head back further and pressed your hungry mouth against his throat. A whimper fell from his lips, the sound turning into a low growl when you tugged on his hair.
โ€œYes,โ€ Loki gasped. His head slammed back into the wall. โ€œI โ€“ mmmmh, godsโ€ฆ I โ€“ Iโ€™m yours!โ€
It felt incredible to actually say it out loud, like a rush that left him dizzy.
Loki wasnโ€™t sure how much of it was rebellion against the way heโ€™d been raised โ€“ a prince declaring himself owned by a servant; all the stuck-up royals at Asgardโ€™s court would gasp and clutch their pearls โ€“ and how much was the idea of belonging to you. Of being yours.
It didnโ€™t really matter either way.
Loki squeezed his eyes shut, chanting the word until his voice cracked. Yours, yours, yoursโ€ฆ
Your moans echoed in his ear as your hips moved faster, grinding into him relentlessly.
Heโ€™d never felt this close to Valhalla.
You kissed him again, your hands still buried in his hair. Your kisses took his breath away, suffocating him and bringing him back to life at the same time. Lokiโ€™s hands grabbed your hips tightly, clinging to you as he desperately tried not to drown.
Gods, he loved you.
Loki froze. The blood in his veins that had just been on fire turned to ice in a matter of seconds. Even your lips were cold now as they pressed against his.
He couldnโ€™t love you. He couldnโ€™t do that to you.
Words echoed through Lokiโ€™s mind. Words that kept him up at night, accompanying his nightmares so often that he saw the scene replay around him even though his eyes were wide open.
If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he can not find you.
Lokiโ€™s breathing picked up.
Thanos would find him. Heโ€™d kill anyone in his way to get to Loki, anyone who mattered to him, just to watch him suffer โ€“ a punishment for his failure.
If Thanos found out how much Loki cared for youโ€ฆ
The air was too thin now, his tunic gripping his chest so tightly that he wheezed, still unable to breathe properly.
What if โ€“
A sharp pain on his cheek snapped him back to reality.
Loki gasped, his body surging forward as he struggled to fill his lungs with air.
He reached out, searching purchase. Something to hold onto, to ground himself. Something real.
Your arms wrapped around him from where you were now kneeling next to him on the floor, holding him against you.
Lokiโ€™s hands clung to your waist, gripping you tightly in a desperate attempt to center himself as his forehead fell against your shoulder. Your hand gently ran through his hair while you mumbled something in a soothing voice. The other hand stroked over his cheek, providing a sensation for him to focus on.
Loki didnโ€™t know how much time passed until he finally dared to lift his head from your shoulder. His eyes fixed on the pendant around your neck, staring at it as if he wanted to commit every little carving in the material to memory.
You didnโ€™t rush him, just calmly playing with his hair until Loki slowly raised his gaze to meet yours. You seemed surprisingly calm. He couldnโ€™t spot any confusion or anger on your face, nothing but a soft smile.
โ€œAre you alright?โ€ you asked carefully.
Loki paused, taking a few breaths. Then he nodded.
โ€œYes,โ€ he replied, surprised by the steady sound of his voice. He cleared his throat. โ€œWhat, er, what happened?โ€
Your tongue darted out to wet your lips. Loki stared for a moment before he caught himself and looked away.
โ€œYou didnโ€™t respond anymore when I tried to talk to you. You were justโ€ฆโ€ you lifted your hand from his cheek and waved it through the air in search of words, โ€œyou were frozen. And, well, Iโ€ฆ I had to find a way to bring you back.โ€
You lowered your eyes for a moment.
Loki slowly raised his hand to the side of his face that was still tingling. His eyebrows rose as he stared at you, realization dawning on him.
A sheepish smile twitched at the corners of your mouth.
โ€œDid you hit me?โ€ Loki asked, completely dumbfounded.
You chuckled, looking at him with what he presumed to be a mixture of embarrassment and playfulness. โ€œI had to get you back! What was I supposed to do?โ€
โ€œNot slap me, perhaps? Surely you couldโ€™ve figured out something else!โ€
Loki rubbed his cheek, grumbling under his breath as you chuckled. He shook his head in disbelief.
Youโ€™d just slapped him. Right across the face, with all your might.
His mind conjured an image before he could stop it.
You raising your hand, your palm colliding with his cheek, the sharp burn as you hit him.
Loki bit back the groan that threatened to rise in his throat. He couldnโ€™t suppress the shiver running up his spine, though. His body twitched.
You looked at him with barely concealed amusement, a knowing grin on your face.
Loki rolled his eyes, turning his head away from you. He was still unable to shake the mental image and it confused him greatly.
Your fingers caressed the sensitive spot on his cheek where youโ€™d struck him a few minutes ago.
You applied pressure. Loki hissed sharply through gritted teeth.
Your amused laughter erupted right next to his ear.
โ€œYou knowโ€ฆโ€ you said slowly, your hand dropping from his face to play with the tips of his messy hair instead, โ€œI could justโ€ฆ hit you again. If you want to see how it feels.โ€
Lokiโ€™s breath hitched. He squeezed his eyes shut until he saw spots but it didnโ€™t help him gain control over the onslaught of confusing thoughts.
The image in his head just wouldnโ€™t go away.
Loki looked over at you, huffing grumpily for good measure.
You smiled at him, your fingers still tangled in his hair. Your other hand now cupped the unharmed side of his face while your thumb stroked over his cheekbone.
โ€œWe donโ€™t have to do it if you donโ€™t want to,โ€ you assured him.
Your voice was soft but firm. It calmed the chaotic thoughts racing through Lokiโ€™s head, although he didnโ€™t know why. Maybe he was underestimating just how much power you truly held over him.
He trusted you though, he knew that with every fiber of his being.
Loki took a deep breath. When he spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper.
โ€œI โ€“ I would like toโ€ฆ I would like to try it.โ€
You studied his face carefully. โ€œAre you sure?โ€
Loki nodded. He didnโ€™t have to think this time.
โ€œAlright. Weโ€™ll try one and then see how you feel, yes?โ€
Your voice was still gentle but it now carried a hint of determination. Loki shivered. He nodded again.
You gave him a stern look, similar to the one his mother always used with him. โ€œWords, your highness.โ€
โ€œY-yes,โ€ Loki stammered quickly, nodding his head in confirmation.
Your fingertips stroked his unscathed cheek one last time before you raised your hand, looking at him questioningly. When he nodded, you slapped him swiftly across the face.
Lokiโ€™s mouth fell open, a moan ripping from his throat. Pleasure washed over him like a wave as his body surged forward, almost as if it were chasing after the pain. He doubled over, forearms resting on his thighs to steady himself while he shivered and gasped for breath.
Before heโ€™d met you, Loki was sure he knew pain. Heโ€™d experienced enough of it to last multiple lifetimes, even where Asgardians were concerned.
He didnโ€™t know it could feel this good though.
Loki slowly straightened again, his breath still coming in short pants. He looked at you, only to discover that you were watching him intently, carefully taking in his facial expressions and his body language.
You gently held his face between your palms, stroking your thumbs over his cheekbones.
โ€œAre you alright? I didnโ€™t hit you too hard, did I?โ€
Loki shook his head to the best of his ability, your hands brushing across his skin. โ€œNo,โ€ he said slowly.
You smiled at him, some of the worry leaving your eyes. You reached out to push some of his messy dark hair away from his face.
โ€œDo you want me to do it again?โ€
Your tone was casual now, as if you were discussing the weather.
โ€œYes! But โ€“โ€ Loki interrupted himself, awkwardly pointing towards his lap, โ€œw-would โ€“ um, would youโ€ฆโ€
You giggled under your breath and grabbed his cock, slowly sinking back onto him. Your combined moans reverberated around the cell.
Lokiโ€™s hands clutched your hips as you started rocking back and forth on top of him. He tried to keep his grip light enough that he wouldnโ€™t impact your movement while still having something to hold on to.
Lokiโ€™s hips instinctively jerked upwards and he groaned low in his throat.
You didnโ€™t punish him for it this time. Instead you smiled and lifted a hand from the back of his neck, softly brushing your fingertips over his cheek.
After a moment, you pulled your hand back, eyeing him questioningly.
Loki nodded and closed his eyes, his breathing picking up in anticipation.
His head flew to the side as you slapped him again, hard. The sound echoed through the cell.
A hot flash raced up his spine, making Loki cry out in pleasure. The stinging sensation almost tipped him over the edge.
โ€œTh-th-thank you,โ€ he stammered once he was able to speak again. His face burned from humiliation and pleasure.
You smirked, pulling Loki into a rough kiss. Your hips continued their maddening pace that made his head spin all over again
โ€œAgain,โ€ Loki urged softly once you broke the kiss, โ€œp-please, again.โ€
You paused and frowned at him, slowing down the movement of your hips. He whined loudly in protest.
โ€œWhat was that?โ€ you asked slowly, a hint of darkness in your voice.
Loki shuddered, squeezing his eyes shut as he battled the last remaining shred of his pride.
โ€œPleaseโ€ฆ please hit me again, Y/n.โ€
He cringed, ashamed of the utter desperation in his voice. This was so far from the behavior his mother had taught him, so unlike what his golden brother had always been praised for during their childhood.
However, when you resumed the grinding of your hips on top of him โ€“ moving even faster than you did previously โ€“ and leaned forward to capture his mouth in a passionate kiss, Loki found he didnโ€™t care. He simply let go, allowing you to do whatever you wanted.
You broke the kiss soon after, smiling in amusement as his lips chased after yours.
โ€œWell done. Just close your eyes and enjoy it.โ€
Loki complied, a drawn-out moan falling from his lips as you started bouncing on his cock.
โ€œYes, th-thโ€“ ohhhh โ€“ th-thank you โ€“ mmmm, just like thatโ€ฆ Please hit me again, I want it so badly, I โ€“ ohhhhh, GODS!โ€
Your hand had come down onto his face again, striking him so hard that his ears were ringing. This time however, youโ€™d slapped him on the other cheek.
Loki swore he saw stars. The sharp sting pushed him over the edge and he spilled inside of you, your name falling from his lips in a broken scream. He remained sitting propped up against the wall as waves of pleasure rolled over him, leaving him a trembling, moaning mess.
You bounced on top of him, your head thrown back towards the ceiling while you chased your own release. You reached between your legs, rubbing your clit relentlessly until you came with a strained cry.
Loki caught you in his arms as you slumped forward into his chest, spent and exhausted. He stroked the back of your head with tender fingers, smiling to himself in awe and disbelief.
How in the hels did he deserve you?
You hummed softly, burying your face in his shirt. You remained that way until your heartbeat slowed down and your breathing returned to normal.
Lokiโ€™s breath caught in his throat when you finally raised your head to look at him, leaning in to kiss him so lovingly that he forgot everything around him.
All that mattered was you.
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Loki woke up slowly, feeling rested and calm for the first time in forever. He found himself curled up in his chair, which explained why he wasnโ€™t in as much pain as usual.
He didnโ€™t remember lying down to sleep though.
He couldnโ€™t remember when heโ€™d last slept without nightmares either.
Loki stretched carefully, not quite trusting the lack of pain just yet. After all, heโ€™d learned the hard way how easily his body could be manipulated, how it felt to lose control of his own hands only to wake up to find them covered in blood that he didnโ€™t remember spilling.
Loki yawned, rubbing at his eyes while he slowly shifted into a sitting position.
Today would be a good day, he could feel it. He really deserved one.
Someone pointedly cleared their throat.
Loki flinched, his eyes almost falling out of his head when he spotted Frigga standing in the middle of his cell.
โ€œMother! What are you doing here?โ€
Their conversation two days prior came back to him. Loki practically jumped out of the chair, the quick motion making him dizzy. He pushed the feeling aside.
โ€œMother, I apologize for โ€“โ€œ
Frigga only lifted her hand, effectively silencing him.
โ€œNo need,โ€ she said graciously, a hint of her usual loving tone resonating in her voice. โ€œYouโ€™re forgiven.โ€
Loki stared at her, a weight falling off his shoulders as he processed her words. He took a deep breath of relief.
His motherโ€™s presence still confused him though. Why was she here?
Frigga smiled at him. When she spoke again, her eyes held a spark of amusement, maybe even mischief.
โ€œI suppose youโ€™ll be interested to hear that I disguised yourโ€ฆ encounter with my maid. I wouldnโ€™t want you or Y/n to face punishment over something so trivial.โ€
Lokiโ€™s eyes widened and he was unable to look at his mother. Her words left him torn between shock and disbelief as the realization slowly set in.
He didnโ€™t know what to say, utterly mortified by what she was implying.
Frigga grinned softly and shook her head.
Loki remembered that reaction very well from his childhood, whenever the guards dragged Thor and him towards her after theyโ€™d once again done something reckless and incredibly stupid. Sheโ€™d looked at them with the same expression then as she regarded him with right now.
Frigga took a small step towards him, the movement barely noticeable. The amusement in her eyes dulled, though it didnโ€™t fully disappear.
โ€œIโ€™m so glad that Y/n reciprocates your feelingsโ€ฆ but next time, please try to at least conceal yourselves a little bit.โ€
Loki swallowed and nodded. His face grew hot as his boots suddenly became extremely interesting.
After a while of awkward silence, he slowly dared to raise his head, discovering that Frigga had disappeared. He dropped onto the chair beneath him, burying his face in his hands.
When you came back two days later to deliver new books, Loki barely managed to cast an illusion before your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss.
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emojellyace08 ยท 1 year
Lookism Men x Female Reader "Their types on a woman" PART 4
Thanks for the request @chocolatemilk1221! You have already read my mind that I was going to do a Samuel and DG one. And yes, I'll make a part 5 and 6 of this (if possible). Genre: Fluffโ˜๏ธand slight lime (not too explicit) Warnings: Mature themes
Samuel Seo (Seo Seon Geun)
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I honestly think that Samuel's not even into dating because he doesn't find anyone interesting (he's in love with himself bbg).
He probably had one night stands with anybody but he'll just forget or brush it off later on. That's it. (Headcannon: Samuel likes women who are a bit older than him (1 year age gap example)
Also doesn't like whiny and noisy girls. It annoys the hell out of him.
Samuel likes women who are matured in thinking but not too boring (just like Gun).
He also likes it when their someone hypes him up but not really like cheerleaders and obsessed fan girls who will scream his name from the top of their lungs. But if their gf believes in him on what's he's doing and genuinely showers him lots of compliments without sugar-coating it too much, he'll smirk at this feeling amused and good for himself. For example: "Your hair looks good today". or "You actually fight good". Compliments like this can soothe Samuel's inferiority complex so give him lots of positive comments about himself. He won't say too much or he'll just grin at you (he loves it so much).
And his ideal type is someone who will do anything to strive for success. A someone that is passionate about the things she loves doing can strike Samuel's attention. It makes him less feel alone since he himself is too obsessed with power. But you just wanting to do something for a living just to provide yourself can make him kind of confused with people like you. A woman with a normal lifestyle? It kind of bothers him a bit. Samuel is often surrounded with women who are either abusive, just cares about hooking up or is just plain boring for him (well except for the girls who work in the Big Deal street though he doesn't care much). But he can feel it when someone who's actually genuine and kind, so it can probably soften his tough interior. He also wonders why some women just don't care about money and power and just wants to go to the flow and live a normal life. (Like not that money is not important but y'know what I mean). It's probably because he never got to experience a loving family, so having a soft girlfriend can make him a bit relaxed and composed.
But you gotta keep this man calm since his emotions get in the way sometimes. He finds it annoying sometimes and he'll probably curse at you for minding other's business, but if he sees you cry or hurt it can make him feel guilty about the things he had said to you ( I don't really like this kind of attitude or condone emotional abuse). Samuel will try to make it up to you though like saying the word which he'll rarely say "Sorry". He's not the type to be apologetic to others even if he's being an asshole and knows that what he's doing is wrong, but seeing you being upset about him brings back his insecurities of about feeling like a failure. So he'll genuinely apologize to you (it may sound cold sometimes but you can feel it when he's actually sorry). Will cuddle and fuck on the bed with you especially on cold weathers. He's not really good with showing his love but as soon as he gets used to it, he'll even insist to kiss you on the cheek (in private of course). Will also beat the sh*t out of everyone who tries to mess with you.
If Samuel is a red flag, he needs a wifey who's a green flag. Getting into a relationship with Sammy is challenging since he's still adjusting from it. But opposites do attract after all.
James Lee/DG (Kang Dag Yeom)
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Another one who just don't give a damn about dating especially now that he's a K-Pop star. I headcannon that he doesn't have romantic experiences or relationships since he's too focused about taking down the Kings of First Gen. But he's more emotionally normal than the others (Gun, Goo, Samuel) that's why he's more affectionate.
DG likes women who are also matured regardless if they're younger or older than him (HE DOESN'T LIKE MINORS OKAY. For example just 1 or 2 years age gap). As we see, DG's mostly calm all the times. So having the same partner with a soft edge can make him peak his interest. You'll probably met him as his new identity and lucky for you if you're his manager. "Hello DG how you doing?" "Just fine I guess." Also likes it when their crush give him acts of service. For example giving him snacks (even if he's not initiating or asking you to go get him some), asking him if he's okay especially in long-timed travels, and just doing your job, protecting him and being polite with others can catch his attention.
If he really likes a woman, he would make it obvious but not in public though. Treating you with fancy gifts and dates and lowkey flirting with you just to see your reaction (if he really feels like you're a really good person and not just using him for money or for his looks). And if you like it, oh girl his playful attitude won't stop until you finally confess to him and the rest will be history. He also likes women who can be easily trusted. If you have build a strong connection with DG, he might tell you his problems that's been lingering his mind for a while. But if you break his trust, he'll just cut off his connection with you not caring if you're hurt (sorry it may sound rude but I feel like DG likes ghosting others who just shitted on him lol).
And if you met him before he's known as DG, you'll be really lucky if you're classmates with James. Not only because you have a handsome classmate, but also an award-stealer making fan girls drool over him.
Headcannon: James secretly likes competitive women. He's really amused how you still haven't given up to be on the top just to prove him that you can do better than what you're doing now. So just imagine being enemies with James but you and him actually have secret romantic feelings for one another (enemies to lovers trope). "I already beat you in poetry why won't you just give up?" "SHUT UP YOU JUST WON BECAUSE YOU'RE HOT!" "So you think I'm hot? Well, just admit it Y/N you're secretly cheering for me to be number one again". "SHUT THE FU-" But he doesn't like the super cocky ones either. He's not a fan of boastful people because he knows he can beat them without trying.
James also likes women who are super responsible like finishing their homeworks on time. He will also feel when you're being burned out with studies (he's actually nice sometimes).
"Studying again?" James asked as he can clearly tell that you're stressed for the final exams. "It's none of your business" you replied bluntly which makes him smirk. "Of course it is" he replied back with a sassy tone on his voice making you close your text book. "You know what. Why the hell are you even talking to me? You're so fucking good at everything but you think that I would just hit on you because you're hot? Or you just like tormenting people so much that you can't fucking leave me alone?" you replied annoyingly making him question if he's hurting you. He likes teasing you not going to lie. And he's not sorry for ruining people's lives especially with other people who tries to bring him down. He knows he's the best at everything. Singing, dancing, martial arts, art, poetry and literature, mathematics, you name it. He always thought that women are just a waste of time and they only care about making themselves look pretty but you proved him wrong. When you do things with passion and care, you not giving up on your dreams not because you want to feel validated by others but to explore what you can do in life, it has always fascinated him. Pinning his down to the wooden desk, he leaned closer to you while you backed out and refusing to make eye contact making your stomach twist not because of disgust but because you're nervous. You secretly liked James for a while, you admit that he's hot but also because you idolized him for being a good student as much as you don't want to admit it. He inspires you to do better in life and doing your best even if sometimes it's not enough. And he likes you for being a wholesome person and not giving up despite when others try to bring you down. "You know what Y/N, as much as I hate to tell it to you, you have always fascinated me. Even when there are times when you can't win, why can't you just give up? It may sound rude but even when you're desperate for success sometimes, you just won't let others even myself bring you down. Most people can't handle me so seeing you resist makes you even more interesting". (And the rest is history ;) But! if you haven't met him for God knows for so long and him breaking up with you (because he doesn't want to involve you with his gangster life) and meeting him again in his new identity can be a little weird. Why does a pop star know you? Did he stalk your social accounts? "Hey who the hell are you?" you asked the hooded man who have been following you when you bought your snacks and groceries at the local family mart. "Relax, it's just me" you heard a familiar voice as he removes the hoodie that's been hiding his beautiful face. "James Lee?" "Yup it's been so long Y/N". he replied with a smile making you run into him hugging his taller form making him laugh as you rumbled why did he followed you without even introducing himself making you freaked out. "I just missed you. I was just buying some stuff too but then I noticed you. I can't remove my hood because of stalkers so I tried reaching out to you but you kept running away". He explained as you pulled his hoodie back down "Stalkers..." "Yup".
James like interesting, trust-worthy and nice women in general. But you gotta adjust from calling him DG because you don't want to expose his secrets ;)
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gingiesworld ยท 1 year
I See You (4/?)
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Coersion
Throughout the months, Pietro had helped Wanda through her break-up. Although she was shocked to see the state Jarvis was in and Y/N's hand was messed up again. But they didn't care this time.
Wanda walked through the halls in her old clothes. Her black skater dress and docs. Her hair up in a high pony like she used to and her make and smoky eyeshadow. Y/N smiled as they saw her walk through the halls confidently. Even if they kept their distance from her. She always heard their words in her head everyday from the first arguement they had had.
'I was your best friend Wanda. For years I stuck by you. During your emo phase and now you're a cheerleader and you promised nothing would change. Nothing. You don't even see me anymore Wanda. When you walk into the same room as me, your eyes never want to find me. Not like I see you whenever I am near you.'
Those words plagued her every thought. She had also noticed that Jarvis had moved onto Carol funnily enough. The cheerleaders all looked at her with disgust as she went back to her old ways.
"You looked so much prettier as one of us Wanda." Sharon spoke up as she approached Wanda.
"You know what? I don't care what you all think of me anymore." She told them. "I don't no why I ever cared in the first place." She pushed passed them all and made her way to her History class, sitting in her usual seat.
"I'm proud of you Wanda." Y/N told her as they passed her to get to their own seat. Wanda couldn't help the blush on her face as she looked down at her books before the lesson started. She looked back over her shoulder, biting her lip as she noticed Y/N already staring at her.
Wanda was lay beside Y/N in the grass, watching the clouds slowly pass and feeling the calm breeze grace their exposed skin. Wanda soon turned to face them as their eyes remained firmly at the sky above. She hadn't really notice how attractive they were growing up, but now she was lay their admiring their sharp jaw line and deep blue eyes.
"You're staring Wanda." They stated as she shook her head no as her lip was between her teeth.
"I never really noticed how beautiful you are Y/N." She told them as they chuckled.
"I'm not beautiful Wanda." They told her as she shook her head. Looking their deep blue irises as she shook her head at them with her lip between their teeth.
"You are Y/N." She whispered as her fingertips danced across their features. "I see you Y/N. Very clearly I see you."
"I've always seen you Wanda Maximoff. Always." They whispered as she glanced at their lips. A mixture of nervousness and excitement within her.
"Kiss me." She told them as they smiled softly. Lifting their head up to meet hers in a soft passionate kiss. Holding her as close to them as they possibly could.
Wanda groaned when she heard her alarm going off. She ran her hands over her face as she looked at the ceiling. Realising what she should have known all along. She is in love with Y/N. It was never Jarvis or anyone else. It should have always been Y/N and she hated herself for not seeing it sooner.
"Hey Wanda." Pietro greeted her as she entered the kitchen.
"Y/N is going to be staying here this week since their parents have a business meeting." Mrs Maximoff told them both as she made sure she had everything she needed for her day at work. Wanda was actually nervous about them staying with them for the week.
"Where will they sleep?" Wanda asked as her mother smiled to them.
"We can move the cot into your room." She told her as Wanda just nodded. Her heart beating in her chest. "In fact, we can do that now."
"I can stay here on my own mama." Y/N told their mom as she was making sure she had everything.
"No. I want to know that you are safe and Mrs Maximoff is the only person I trust with my most precious love for this world." She said as she tapped their cheek.
"Mom, you're going to a conference for a week. I'm not going to war, I actually don't think they make you join as soon as you turn 18 anymore, but you know. The government changes a lot so what do I know." Y/N told her as she smirked at them.
"You're staying with them and that is final." She told them before she left the house. Y/N watched as she got into her own car and drove off. They had their own bag packed ready for the week before they drove to school.
"I hear you're staying with us for the week." Pietro said as he joined Y/N at their locker.
"My mom doesn't trust me to be alone at home for some reason." They shrugged as Pietro raised a brow.
"Most likely because you'll fuck anyone in the comfort of your bed instead of your car." He teased them making them laugh before they went their separate ways. Wanda's eyes always subconsciously found them now. Even as she watched them disappear down the hall.
"So you do like the freak?" Jarvis questioned as he walked up behind her.
"Fuck off." Wanda said as she closed her locker.
"Why? So you can join a convent?" He teased her as she tried to walk away from him.
"You know I could have them arrested for assault." He told her as she soon whipped her head to them.
"And I could have you arrested for rape." She countered as he laughed.
"No one will believe you Wanda." He said as he leaned in. "Just remember, I own you. I always will." With that he left her frozen in the hall with a note in her hands.
'Meet me at our old spot at 8pm, or say goodbye to Y/N.'
She didn't know what she should do so she decided to follow through with it. She didn't want Y/N to go to prison, but with this decision she was going to lose them either way.
"So, I have to share a room with Wanda?" Y/N questioned as Pietro gave them a sad look. "Can't I sleep on the sofa or even on the porch?"
"Sorry Y/N." He patted their back as Y/N just sighed, placing their bag near her desk.
"You came." Jarvis smirked as he leaned on his car.
"I am doing this for Y/N. Not you." She told him sternly.
"You know, I have had pretty much every girl in both of our classes but you." He told her as he moved towards her. His hands moved to her hips as he moved to her ear. "This is going to be so much fun."
Wanda made it home late, tears in her eyes and expecting Y/N to be asleep. When she silently crept into her room, Y/N was sat up reading a book, their eyes instantly finding her tear filled ones.
"What happened?" They asked her as soon as they put the book down.
"Jarvis." Was all she was able to get out before she cried, moving to curl up on her bed as Y/N nervously sat on the edge of it.
"What did he do?" They asked her as she calmed down enough to tell them of the deal he was having her make. "Don't do it." Was all Y/N said as Wanda looked at them confused.
"I have to or you can get arrested!" She yelled at them.
"I don't care what happens to me Wanda." They told her as they sat back down on their bed. "I could go out tomorrow and get stabbed and I wouldn't care."
"I do. I care!" She told them as the tears fell down her face. "I care what happens to you because you're." She stopped herself as Y/N stood up, watching her very carefully as she took a deep breath. "I see you Y/N. I do. I can't live my life without being able to see you. Hear your voice. See your goofy smile." Y/N remained still as she continued. "I see you." She stepped towards them. "I know that this is late coming but it's better late than never right." They smiled at her softly. "Please say something." She pleaded as the silence filled the air.
All they done was cup her face and wipe her tears away, looking into her jade eyes with a growing smile. Their slowly leaned in as Wanda stood there, waiting for what felt like an eternity for their lips to meet in a soft kiss. She gasped as she felt her whole body tingle. Every nerve was aware of their touch. Their lips moving in unison as Wanda gripped the front of their shirt, trying to pull them closer to her.
"I see you Wanda. I always have." They whispered as they rested their head on hers as she wrapped her arms around their middle. Finally at peace with herself, but the sinking feeling that she may lose Y/N now since they don't want her to do what Jarvis has asked of her.
Taglist : @dark-hunter16 @whitewidowsbite @marvelwomen-simp @canvascoloredin @idkbubs
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consistentsquash ยท 9 months
Author Love Letter - Scarlet
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Folks, definitely chime in you want to add stuff because a lot of folks have probably met Scarlet in different contexts!
Also it's like 4am here so my spag and everything is going to be pretty bad. Sorry about that.
Scarlet, @givereadersahug on Tumblr and emeraldlove on AO3. Powerhouse of a human, brilliant multiship and multifandom writer, moderator, fest runner, community builder, absolute role model. 0% drama, 100% love. People first always. The Queen of giving without expectation.
We were like talking about having a Rec Fest sometime back in March 2023. Of course I was 100% talk 0% action. But Scarlet actually got a lot of great folks involved, started the fest, got comods to help out and literally just made it happen. That's a good TLDR intro: Make Things Happen Behind the Scenes. Like an iphone or something. Scarlet behind the scenes = it was going to work 100% without problems.
When I think about Snarry fandom, like any big and old fandom we have different folks with different strengths/contributions. Great writers, artists, podficcers, organizers. But it's pretty hard to find somebody whose first priority is making the fandom thrive because we are fans/fan creators, pretty attached to the stuff we are doing, we have time limits because fandom is a hobby and we have to prioritize between creating and community building a lot of times. Scarlet really said Community First, People First. I don't even know how to explain it but 0% transactional vibes.
Making space for people. Meeting folks where they are at. Obviously introverts have a hard time in communities sometimes. Some folks learn how to handle it. No judgment here because these experiences can be subjective. But I have seen Scarlet go the extra mile for folks who are new/introverted/feeling imposter syndrome/going through some complicated fandom experiences. Just being there for them and supporting them to get started.
Also a brilliant writer of darkfic!!! Scarlet's darkfic shorts are some of my all time favs because of how dark/delicious/intense they are. These fics really give me 2000s dirtyhotbadwrong vibes because of how totally out and proud they are about their fiction is not reality vibe. Tons of range and lots of genres but the darkfics get my special love because they are just dirtybadhotwrong shameless amazingness. Check out In His Bed to get a sense for that unique vibe! Her community building and cheerleading wins are huge but also her darkfic writing is some of my all time fav.
Also Queen of Attention to Detail. I have read some fests with her and she guessed authors just like that during anon phase. Just incredible observation Sherlock Holmes style.
My fav fest memory is doing Snapecase reading with her. She guessed the author for Candles Lit Against the Dark, @perverse-idyll based on the title because she noticed/connected a lot of the flame/shadow imagery in the author's other Snarry fics. I am pretty good about guessing some authors myself because I can identify their style but guessing from the title is advanced superpowers. I can't even!! So extra, Scarlet. So totally extra and I love love love <3
Another fav memory I have is about analyzing fics with her. When HotD was airing eldritcher's Ossuarium was being written episode by episode. It was an insane time. We had a brilliant time analyzing those fics :D We were both passionate but Scarlet was so extra passionate, noticed tons of detail that was totally lost on me, really good at connecting the dots, just a hardcore close reader.
Also dead dove fics! 100% supporter of folks writing dead dove, incest, darkfics.
Also reccing older fics! Her Dudley phase was insane and she was finding fics from like 2000s on wayback just like that with some superhuman skills. On like websites I didn't even know existed. Really Sherlock Holmes <3
Also smaller fests. Scarlet supported a ton of Dreamwidth fests and got new folks to join them/introduced them to Dreamwidth culture and literally was the bridge between different types of fandom culture a lot of times.
Also reccing fic! Her recs for For I Have Found Salvation by @lumosatnight and also for @wilfriede's podfics have so much love/passion/enthusiasm and I just love those works 2x because of the emotional connect of her reccing <3
Also nwhiker! I really got into this author's Snack fic, Second Life because of Scarlet's passionate, passionate reccing. When Scarlet got into something the reccing happened with big big love and for me that was like the best thing ever because folks who love things with big love are just super special <3
Also my concrit buddy for movies. Ingmar Bergman to Audrey Hepburn to Past Lives just a total knowledge wikipedia about movies/movie making/movie meta/movie crit. I really changed my perspective about movies after learning from her. Also shows! Watching HotD and doing episode reviews with Scarlet is like one of my best memories ever ever ever <3 Also books!
Also moderator of Snarry discords like @houseofsnarry, participated, started and ran a ton of communities and fests including the @hprecfest which is just finishing this week <3 <3
If I have to describe Scarlet in like one word I am going to say Connection. 100% about connection, 100% heart led. So special. Love, love, love.
pic source Los Angeles Street Art photography by bigcitiesbrightlights
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spacey-llama ยท 3 months
RIGHT ABOUT NOW! THE rockafeller skank lore BROTHER! CHECK IT OUT NOW! THE rockafeller skank lore BROTHER! (requested by @peter-griffin-mpreg-the-second)
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I actually actively am a fan of this guy he is one of my (many) Just Dance blorbos. Heโ€™s so! Special to me! ALSO, this one is definitely more like a smattering of headcanons than like... a consistent lore thing for him.
Preface (mostly for the person who requested him): As a fellow Rockafeller Skank fan, Iโ€™ve seen your posts and your headcanons are super awesome and cool (I love to see people thinking different thoughts about the same character, itโ€™s so fun)! Mine are. Way different! I came up with a lot of this months ago! If you donโ€™t like them that is so okay and valid :)
So! This is DJ Rock-A-Fella AKA Rocky! He's a dorky highschooler that DJs in his free time. Also, he goes to Woodcrown High School in Dancity. Originally, though, he's from Cyberfunk :)
If anyone's throwing a house party, you just KNOW he's going to show up with all his equipment and be like "Hi, what's up, this music sucks, I'm plugging my stuff in."
He's like one of those guys that has to play a guitar at every party, except instead of playing "Wonderwall," he's making a mashup of "It's Raining Men" and "Holding Out For A Hero." No one expects it to be good, but he's amazing. It's his passion!
Currently, Rocky's dating D.A.N.C.E (who I call Julie). They've been together since middle school. They did one slow dance together on a whim at a school dance (it was kind of awkward) and Julie asked, "Hey, do you wanna, like, date?"
And he went, "Sure."
And they've been together ever since. She's a cheerleader! I imagine they go on little arcade dates and she absolutely DESTROYS him at like... Mortal Kombat.
I don't know! To me, he's just this little nerd with really good music taste.
Bonus headcanons!
He collects TokiDoki Unicornos! Rocky and Julie have matching Unicorno keychains :)
He owns at least three Domo t-shirts.
Julie's been trying to teach him how to rollerblade, and it hasn't been going well.
Under that beanie is a buzz cut (and fun fact, in his map you can briefly see that his hair is blue!)
But yeah! That's kind of what I have for him? I adore him so much.
EXTRA BONUS! Because you caught me on a character I really loooove, here's a playlist I made for him forever ago :D
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medecineformelancholy ยท 2 months
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For Chapter 20 of I Really Enjoyed Getting to Spend This Time With You by @rngaredead ๐Ÿฉท
If you want to read a season 3 fix-it for Ted and Trent with love letters (covered up as a certain sports book and other), a million of beautiful quiet moments, getting to know each other and finding themselves in the process, the heartbreak of a ticking clock, an epic romcom moment including an airport, and just about all the feelings one can fit into written word, my friend HERE has you covered.
But the true heart of the story is Catherine - Trent's best friend, biggest cheerleader and a voice of reason in his beautiful silly head. (See also: a brilliant scientist with a passion for teaching, an absolute menace of a gossip and a lovely mess). And I think she has some wisdom for all of us.
Here are some of my favourite quotes from Catherine (SPOILERS I GUESS?)
๐Ÿฉทโ€œYou canโ€™t see anyway. Thatโ€™s why youโ€™re the one with glasses.โ€
๐Ÿฉทโ€œWell, Trent Crimm,ย The Independentโ€ฆ I too am independent, as youโ€™ve probably figured out.โ€
๐Ÿฉทโ€œFeelings are messy. But feeling somethingโ€”even if itโ€™s rotten right nowโ€”means it was real.โ€
๐Ÿฉทโ€œYou finish the book, babe. Get it all out.โ€
๐Ÿฉทโ€œWalk toward him, Harriet. Fly, you fool.โ€
๐Ÿฉทโ€œYeah, well, [Roy]'s scary and you listen to him. So maybe you should listen to me.โ€ย 
๐Ÿฉทโ€œYou need to find your light again. Tedโ€™s not the actual answer to anything, but you owe it to yourself to see if heโ€™s part of how you get back to being you. Or maybe even you getting to be you for the first time?โ€
๐Ÿฉทโ€œDonโ€™t be sad about later when you still have some now to feel something wonderful. I know this is too much for you, but I think thatโ€™s a good thing. And I think deep down, you do too.โ€
๐Ÿฉทโ€œWe canโ€™t have three puppies.โ€
๐Ÿฉทโ€œI love you. And he does, too. So go on.โ€
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rottenkadaver ยท 1 year
polychamp's display of affection headcanons?
Gosh these are my favorite to think about
โ€ข Prune Juice Cookie isn't used to physical intimacy. To any extent. He mainly uses pet names or words of affirmation.
โ€ข Kouign-Amman Cookie and Capsaicin are EXCELLENT singers. They primarily sing to Prune Juice when he's not feeling well.
โ€ข Kouign-Amman loves to spoil her boyfriends rotten with nice gifts and awe-inspiring trips around Earthbread.
โ€ข Capsaicin always hugs his girlfriend and boyfriend. He loves burying them in bearhugs because he loves giving and receiving the warmth of embrace.
โ€ข Prune Juice, though specialized in potions, is the type to try and conjure up actual magic to impress his lovers.
โ€ข Capsaicin actually has a knack for art! He was always amazed by statues and paintings specifically. He tries to create different art pieces that remind him of Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice.
โ€ข Though being unfamiliar with physical affection, Prune Juice is a complete sucker for Capsaicin's hugs and Kouign's kisses.
โ€ข Most describe it as odd, but Kouign-Amman loves to lift her boyfriends. She even bridal carries them when they go to weddings.
โ€ข Capsaicin loves to help Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice with their daily tasks. Both of them barely admit it but it makes them feel loved.
โ€ข Kouign-Amman and Capsaicin bond the most when they're outside play-fighting, watching TV together or just having a discussion about things they're passionate about.
โ€ข Capsaicin loves to cook and bake for Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice. Prune Juice likes making beverages for Capsaicin and Kouign-Amman. Kouign always insists they should let her cook for once, and they do let her! But only sometimes. Capsaicin and Prune Juice mainly cook because they always want Kouign to feel like she's being surprised.
โ€ข Capsaicin's voice is lovely to doze off to sleep to. And he learned this over the course of the first two weeks of living with Kouign and Prune Juice. So usually he just rambles or sings to help them fall asleep faster.
โ€ข Capsaicin and Kouign-Amman do something that Prune Juice has coined as "A Love Riddled Headlock" where they put their foreheads together whenever either one is going through a rough time.
โ€ข Prune Juice kisses his lovers on the forehead or cheek whenever they feel lonely.
โ€ข Capsaicin and Prune Juice are Kouign-Amman's cheerleaders whenever she has to show her face to the Crรจme Republic.
โ€ข Prune Juice and Capsaicin love doing experiments together in their spare time.
โ€ข The three love to go on walks together. Though because Prune Juice doesn't get out much, he's usually quite weakened after around 15 minutes.
โ€ข Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice love studying Earthbread history together.
โ€ข Kouign-Amman and Prune Juice love to dance together. Their favorite dance is the Waltz.
โ€ข Prune Juice always writes cheesy romantic poems about his lovers. And Kouign-Amman always goes mad whenever she hears him reading them out.
โ€ข Kouign-Amman and Capsaicin love to back Prune Juice into a metaphorical corner when they flirt with him. 8 times out of 10, Prune Juice gets flustered and can't recover. But 2 times out of 10, he has a comeback that completely FLOORS both of them.
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afxckingsensitivebxcth ยท 5 months
Nina The Killer Redesigned! By Villanous_Content
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PS: This AU is NOT meant to spread any hatred towards Nina's Creator or Original Design. (I Actually Love both the New and Old Nina lol) This is made solely for Entertainment and Creative Purposes, Following a *Very Late* trend started by BlackMambaZANE on Deviant art. *I might post it in the App if I have the time to make an acc on it TvT* Sending Luvs and Appreciation to Nina's Creator โ™ก๏ธŽโ™ก๏ธŽย 
-------------- โ™ก๏ธŽ ๐ˆ๐ง๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ๐ฆ๐š๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง: ---------------
๐—™๐˜‚๐—น๐—น ๐—ก๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ: ๐–ญ๐—‚๐—‡๐–บ ๐–ฃ๐–บ๐—‹๐—…๐–พ๐—‡๐–พ ๐–ง๐–พ๐–บ๐—‹๐—๐—Œย 
๐—”๐—ด๐—ฒ: 17
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๐—ฆ๐—ฒ๐˜…๐˜‚๐—ฎ๐—น๐—ถ๐˜๐˜†: Unlabeledย 
-------------- โ™ก๏ธŽ ๐…๐ฎ๐ง๐Ÿ๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ฌ: ------------------
๐Ÿ’œ: Nina's Parents were divorced. Her Last name was changed after the settlement between her Parent's on who's taking Custody of her, and Chris. She went with her Mother, Who's last name was โ€œHeartsโ€ and Her Brother, Chris, was under her Father's Custody, Who's last name was โ€œHopkinsโ€
๐Ÿฉท: Nina was two years Older than Chris. She's Very fond and Overprotective of her Younger Brother.ย 
๐Ÿ’œ: The Jersey she's wearing, was her old one. It was the first Jersey she owned when she joined the women's basketball hosted by her former University when her parents weren't divorcing yet.ย 
๐Ÿฉท: A Very Outgoing Social Butterfly. She can be friends with ANYONE if she wants to. She's very easygoing, And Accepts critics about her Personality and how she could improve if she has to.
๐Ÿ’œ: Despite her Girly persona, Nina's very much into Sports. She joined the Cheerleading team mainly because that's the only women sports in her School that was available. Nevertheless, She's very Flexible and fast. If she was given an Opportunity, She'll definitely join basketball or football.
๐Ÿฉท: Nina is a Girl's girl, She'll DIE for one if she had to.
๐Ÿ’œ: VERY caring, She is an Observer of small details. As a Friend, She'll care for your favorites, and Comfort no matter how small It looks.
๐Ÿฉท: Loves K-pop and Anime. She also liked reading Books. Her Main Theme and Genre is Slice of Life and Adventure.
๐Ÿ’œ: She's fond of Pinks and Purples. Not a fan of men in General, But she's into having boy crushes here and there. She's more likely interested on K-pop Idols and Fictional Characters though.
๐Ÿฉท: Very Childish, In a sweet way. When she's with Chris, Chris was the more matured one than the two of them. Still, She takes great care and responsibility of Chris when they're together.
ย ๐Ÿ’œ: Incredibly Smart. She can Balance her Academics with her Love for sports.
-------------- โ™ก๏ธŽ ๐๐š๐œ๐ค๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ: -----------------
ย A lot of things had to change when Nina's parents finally divorced. Her last name, Her address, And the Custody she's put in. It took a hard Impact on her, Especially when she found out that She and her Younger brother, Chris, Had to start living seperately under the agreement regarding parental custody.
ย As Nina left their old home, finally settling down to her Mother's original hometown, Nina was enrolled to a new school. Everything was hard for her to adjust onto, Especially in her passion for sports. The New school she enrolled in, Never had any women related sports. And if there is, It is limited to Volleyball and Cheerleading. Nina's main sports was Basketball and Football, Yet she didn't want to leave her old hobbies behind, So it was a hard choice for her to take.
ย With barely little choice, Yet the spark of Interest taking reign on her heart, Nina took Cheerleading. She used to take part in Gymnastics when she was young, As her parents wanted her to grow up flexible, So it wasn't too hard for her to adjust in the field of Cheeleading. However, There's one major challenge that she had to face while playing her role in her new known sports club.
ย Nina faced bullying. Everything she did was always criticized and bad mouthed by her new enemies. What's worse, Is that one of her Bullies, was her Cheer Captain, Who envies her Flexibility and Versatility.
ย Despite this, Nina was still able to adjust to her new environment just fine. She made new friends quite easily, and Before she knew it, She's starting to LOVE the new environment she's in.
ย Once, When the School Break finally arrived, Nina decided to visit her Father's custody. It was mainly to spend time with her Brother, Chris, Whom she hasn't seen for so long. She and Chris take turns visiting each other to fulfill their Parent's Custody settlements, And this time, Happens to be her turn.
ย The Moment she saw Chris welcoming her to where she was formerly living, Instead of a Happy, cheerful greeting, Nina's face turned into a scowl. Chris's face were bruised and he had bandages wrapped around his left arm, and a part of his leg. When asked what happened, Chris used his Club as an excuse. Chris was a part of a Martial Arts club in the school he's in. However, Chris was too โ€œKindโ€ to use his abilities against someone, And The Injuries on his bodies are much more severe compared to the ones he usually receives. Nina knows Chris was lying.
One day, While Nina and Chris were on their way to the store, Nina came across a Group of Men who seemed to know Chris. They approached them, and She found out that Chris apparently had a match with someone as a part of their training in Martial Arts. Chris's opponent lost, and held a grudge against Chris. Unfortunately, That Opponent Had connections to a group of a certain Fraternity. And now...ย 
๐˜›๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜บ'๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐™๐™–๐™ฏ๐™š ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ด.
ย Nina and Chris were able to escape before anything bad happens to them. However, Telling their parents only went in vain. Their Father doesn't believe them, and when they told their Mother, Their mother only created a heated argument between her and their Father. It was all worthless, And Nina understood why Chris lied about the reasons for his Injuries. They tried calling the Authorities, but it was also hopeless as they don't have enough evidences.
ย When School break was finally over, And Nina came back to school, The Bullying strangely got worse. Her friends started to avoid her, and everyone are spreading rumors about her.ย 
ย On her way home after school, Someone abducted Nina. They covered her mouth with a hankerchief, drugged by a Sleeping spray, as she fell unconscious.
Waking up, Nina found herself in an Unfamiliar place. When her Kidnappers revealed themselves, She realized that it was her Cheer Captain, and The Group of Fraternities that messed with her Brother. Turns out, Her Cheer Captain, was also a part of a Sorority that had connections with a Group of Frats. The Frats mentioned was coincidentally the same ones messing with her brother.ย 
ย Nina felt rage when she realized she was sabotaged and was turned to a Victim of hazing. She worries about her brother's well- being, Knowing that her parents aren't doing much about his case.
ย Nina was ๐™๐™ค๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™ช๐™ง๐™š๐™™, In every way possible. most of their Attacks were hidden from inside her clothes; Like her Back, and her inner thighs. But That wasn't the Cruelest they did.ย 
ย They wrapped a Heated Barbed wire around Nina's mouth, and Started ๐™‹๐™ช๐™ก๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ her around like a dog. This caused the side of her mouthsย  to almost melt, as Open injuries occured. The feeling was ๐˜Œ๐˜น๐˜ค๐˜ณ๐˜ถ๐˜ค๐˜ช๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ. The Sharpness of the Barbed wires, Plus the burning sensation because they're heated could only make Nina cry. It was the only Injury she's given that was in pure sight, and even on her face. She knew the reason why. She was a chosen muse to represent the cheer department, and her Captain ๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ซ๐™ž๐™š๐™™ her for it. She wanted to Inflict Nina on the face, Because she knew the Impact it would have on her.ย 
ย However, What they didn't expect from Nina, was the sudden release of Havoc she was hiding all this time. The Rage from hurting her Brother, The Anger from the Bullying, and now, Her Wrath from being Abducted and inflicted.ย 
ย Nina forcefully removed the Barbed wire in her mouth. Despite the heat, and the Sharpness of the barbs dugging onto her skin, Causing her hands to bleed, She barely felt anything. With her strength that was motivated by her Anger, she was able to cut the Barb wire in half. Turning to the Cheer Captain, and the Other Sororities and a Few Frats that caused her misery, Nina felt her Sanity left her body. And Before she knew it, She felt her vision darkened.
ย Nina woke up in the Hospital, Greeted by Chris. She can hear her Parents fighting from the side of her head, But she paid them no mind. All she cares about at that moment, was Chris and his Safety. Hugging Chris, Chris explained that Nina was able to ๐˜ฎ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ All of the people involved in her abduction. The police came when one of the Frats forced themselves to call the Authorities before being killed by Nina herself. The Police knew that what Nina did was self defense, and The rest of the said Frats that got involved with Chris, will go to Jail for Child Harassment and Hazing. Nina felt relief wash over all her worries, But when she tried to voice it out, She realized her mouth was bandaged shut. And She wouldn't be able to speak for atleast 2 weeks.ย 
ย Upon her healing days at the hospital, The Doctors observed Nina becoming more Abrupt and Violent. It was already expected for Nina to turn out this way after commiting murder, A possible reaction of either Trauma Response, or A Psychotic episode. The Doctors suggested to her parents to bring her to a Psychiatric ward, or if it's Minor, A Psychologist- instead of going to a Youth Detention Center for her unwanted crimes.
ย When Nina was finally discharged from the Hospital, and the Bandages from her mouth were finally removed, Nina grew insecure. She hated her face scar, and No matter how much Chris encouraged her that she still looks Beautiful, Nothing worked.ย 
ย ย After seeing Nina grew more and more insecure with each passing day she spent in their home, Her parents finally agreed On bringing her to a Mental Institute, Where Nina would stay for awhile. The Doctors in charge with Nina explained to her that her sudden Volatile tempers and Violent demeanors may become a threat to the people around her. Nina strangely wasn't aware of her actions, But because of what was informed to her, She became self- conscious. She chose to comply obediently to them, Afraid that if she didn't, She might hurt her Friends, and most importantly, Chris; Whom she always wanted to keep Safe and Comfortable.
ย The Mental Institute was no good for Nina. It was located in a Private area near a forest, Which gives it an Eerie Atmosphere. Everyone in there for some reason, hates her. She was treated as an Outcast no matter how friendly and approachable she was, So she chose to stay quiet and Isolated, While Waiting for the time where she fully recovered and discharged.ย 
ย However, That time didn't came. A Fire suddenly broke the peace in the Mental Institution. The suspect was one of the Patience who suffers from Psychosis. The Patient grew aggressive, and Decided to set one of the Facilities on Fire. Nina escaped, but Suffering from Minor burns, her Thighs were especifically more damaged. When Nina finally escaped the burning Facility, She couldn't bring herself to go home, or atleast wait for the authorities. She knew she wasn't fully healed, And that she could hurt Chris if she goes back home. So, Despite her willingness to go back home, To her loved ones and Family, She chose to walk in the Forest's Direction, Slowly getting lost into it, and Becoming one with it...
ย When the Authorities finally came to the scene, Nobody survived. Nina's family were hopeful that she was alive, Only to be vaguely disappointed. The Authorities informed them that everyone in the scene died, But Chris felt something differently...
ย As Chris turned over to the Forest near the Facility, He realized that the Fire did not affect the Forest in any way. He felt a sense that something was wrong, and as he walked over to it, He knew that he was right.
ย Nina was alive. And Chris knew it.
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