#she always reacts like that and then i feel extra stupid
bunnihearted · 5 months
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inkskinned · 4 months
it's because the bear wouldn't kill me just for being a woman. the bear doesn't kill me for fun. the bear can be shouted at, and will leave me alone. the bear won't make a tiktok complaining about how i crossed to the other side of the path when i saw him coming. if a bear kills me, it's just being a bear: it cannot understand logic. it is not acting out of malice - just fear or hunger.
bell hooks once wrote about how porches might be the only outside space left for women - it is still the domain of the house while it is also outside-but-safe. when i am in the woods, i am in the bear's home, and he has a right to defend his property. outside spaces - anywhere at night, certain parks in the day - those are often implicitly "owned" by men. i cannot explain the feeling of knowing when you have entered a man's "territory." you walk into a place and just know you are in their space. you get a sick sense - you're in danger.
the other day a group of about 8 men were fooling around in the woods while i walked my dog. i had to go around, take the extra 3 miles just to avoid them. it's okay, i like walking. this wasn't even a #feminism moment. it was just a tuesday.
what a plain and easy question. only one of the situations is seen as a tragic accident. i would rather die and have a park bench erected in my honor rather than have my family questioned about why they let me, an adult, walk in the woods in the first place when i should really be at home in the kitchen.
i worked in retail and food service. i have had women say and do absolutely heinous and abusive things to me - not because i was a woman, but because i was there, and they were angry. the way men treated me when angry was different - it was because i was a woman. you can always feel the difference, how there's an undertone of i'd hurt you worse if i could get away with it. i keep seeing people try to cite stupid statistics. why is there always a strange rage whenever women agree on things? like men can argue their way out of our lived experiences? it isn't a buzzfeed quiz - which of these traumas are you? 10 super cute ways not to fear strange men.
i have actually (thrice!) seen a bear in the wild, by the way. i died each time, obviously, and am a ghost writing to you. (it was scary but completely and utterly fine). the second encounter was a black bear with her cub. she looked at me like - do we have to do this or are we good? my dog was busy sniffing a bush, completely nonreactive. i felt like i was in a sitcom: feminist poet reacts - does she actually mean she'd choose the bear? my only thought was - she's so beautiful. her paws are massive.
and there's a part of me that feels the rage spinning out in a corner. why do we have to come up with quippy little comments in order to teach men empathy. would you rather die in a car accident or due to a mugging? and would you rather your house burn down due to an electrical fire or due to arson? gee willikers - it's almost like we're human people, and want to risk the accident versus the intention.
i would rather my last thought be oh shit, a bear rather than i'm a person too. why doesn't that matter? why don't you care?
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blkluci · 3 months
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𝑴𝑯𝑨 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔 and you fighting…
CHARACTERS )) katsuki bakugo, eijiro kirishima, shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya.
PLOT )) a headcanon of the boys seeing you fight.
A/N )) this purely based off my imagination! lil mina slander, todoroki getting down and overall comedic. feel like i should do a part 2 maybe, yall lemme know how yall feel bout this one :) requests are open and hope yall enjoy.
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[ 𝐊𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐈 ] bakugo heard you mention that this girl has been talking about you. explaining that she’s said things in the hallways and during canteen time. “stop focusing on stupid extras. it's not worth it.” was his response. when you hadn’t mentioned anything about her, he assumed the whole thing was over; boy was he wrong
… kats walked to your 5th period to escort you down to the cafe for lunch
… as he neared the classroom he heard commotion and saw a group forming in front of the door
… for some reason he had a unsettling feeling in his gut and you instantly popped in his mind
-> “get out the damn way extras!”
… pushing people out the way and threatening them he got into the room
… katsuki’s jaw slacked
… he saw you holding tsunotori poni by her horns while mackin her face in
… every punch connected with her face
… he was truly in shock and impressed
… the poor girl tried her hardest to fight you off but winning to no avail; only able to kick her legs
… the teacher, vlad, yelling for students to get away and breaking up the fight
… katsuki couldn’t help but feel a little proud and attracted to this anger that is always concealed from him
… you remind him of himself
-> “alrigh’, you could let ‘er go. you got ‘er”
… he pulls you away and carries you away in his arms
… vlad held the weak girl in his arms as her nose bled
… he chuckled
[ 𝐄𝐈𝐉𝐈𝐑𝐎 ] kirishima felt the shift in the energy when your fellow classmate, mina, decided to push up her on him KNOWING that’s your man. there’ve been times where she’s done and said things that you had to check her about and she “apologized”. “babe c’mon, don’t feed into it.” she was feeling particularly bold today tho when you checked her at the end of class.
… eijiro didn’t have enough time to react when the desks were shoved out the way and y’all squared up
… you charged at her
… not even giving him time to fully comprehend
… mina thought that she could keep testin you and not get put in place and you did that exactly
… you ate her up!
… dragging her across the floor and knocking her head in
-> “y/n stop!”
… eiji felt adrenaline course through his veins
… fear of you getting hurt, you getting in trouble, mina dying
… eijiro pulled you off of mina but you wouldn’t let her hair go
… you kicked her in her face and she screamed as aizawa and all might rushed to help her
… eijiro pulled you out to the hallway
… he was gonna scold you but he could do anything but hold
you as you spilled your anger to him
… he smiles at you and winces when mina passes by being taken to the nurse
-> “ouch, she’s gonna need a little more than just ice”
… he’s gotta fighter on his hands
[ 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐎 ] todoroki is obviously to most things; if not, everything. the boy doesn’t seem to catch the girls who constantly are gagging over him. “oh, i’ve never noticed that.” oh and they see you, they know you! BUT OBVIOUSLY not enough. so during lunch, when two girls scroll over to you both and blatantly flirt with him and disrespect you– your boyfriend sees another side of you.
… poor sho never seen someone jump as fast
… your hands instantly connected with the girls face
… knocking the disrespect out her mouth and knocking her to the ground
… shoto sort of panicked when seeing you this angered and beating someone up
… people started to crowd which alerted teachers
… outta nowhere some guy tried to hurt
… shoto wasn’t havin’ it
… his body moved before his mind
… the guy punched sho in the face
… yeah. he saw red
-> “you’re weak.”
… while you stomped that girl in, sho beat that guy up
… in the end you both were sent to the principals office and reprimanded
… sitting in the chairs outside principal nezu’s office, you guys chatted
-> “he tried it but miserably failed.”
… y’all’s is a dangerous duo
[ 𝐈𝐙𝐔𝐊𝐔 ] midoriya fights all the time, heroically, many times alongside you even. but seeing you in a drama fight is something he doesn’t wanna see. so when you tell him you fighting this girl after school tomorrow he opposes your decision. “b-babe. maybe, not the best idea. please don’t.” you took heed of his words and let it go; till she snuck you.
… izuku was nowhere close when this happened
… denki and mineta were the ones that alerted him
… boy one for all’d his way downstairs
… so many thoughts circled his brain as neared the chaos
… he pushed around everyone and spotted you
-> “babe!”
… the girl under you was leaking from her eye
… you weren’t letting up
… he uses force to pull you two apart and pull you away
… you screamed at yelled to be let go
… poor izuku had to pull you to a whole other room
… he shook you out of your crazy state
… after izuku helped you to calm down, you explained what happened
… he was mad
… zu was ready to fight too
… but he knew a better way to get back
-> “i’m sorry for not being there but i think you got her bad.”
… the privileges of being all might’s predecessor
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See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. (1 John 3:1)
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The Rival
Summary: Alastor sought to possess one of the only does in Pentegram City for the rut season, however, you wanted a mate, not a master. But what happens when a handsome new buck shows up one day and tries to capture your attention away from the Radio Demon. Who will you choose?
(Just some practice at writing drama but I hope you enjoy)
You weren't stupid. You knew that Alastor would call upon you only because he needed a warm body to ride out his rut and not out of any naive sense of romance. Every few months you'd receive an unsurprising visit from the Radio Demon casually resting in your hotel room before whisking you off for a vigorous week of reliving both of your heats. His earthy pheromones having triggered your own. It was usually obvious when Alastor would arrive because you could always feel fiery red eyes on your form and often noticed a dark presence shifting around in your peripheral vision. Of course, this would have freaked you out but it was also nice that you didn't have to go out of your way to avoid the numerous male cervid demons suffering through their own rut cycles of the season. Having never seen another female deer demon, you realized you were probably in for a bad time if one of those desperate bastards got a hold of you. So you didn't mind a little extra security as you went about your business. 
The very moment you walked through your door, an almost overwhelming scent of a warm, mossy, musk invaded your senses as waves of static washed over you. "Ah, there's my pretty doe. How was your day out my love?", Alastor greeted you in his typical cheery voice that made your heart flutter, but you knew the sweet-sounding pet name was only a product of his possessive manipulation. He knew very well how you reacted to his charm and he had no qualms about using it to gain your sexual compliance. "Oh, you know, quiet as Hell can be." You sat across from him on an armchair and smirked at the bittersweet domestic feeling as his shadow appeared next to you with a tea cup and a small bowl of sugar cubes. You scratched its shadowy scalp with gratitude as you took the offered drink, "And thank you for the company lately", you cooed to its delighted purrs. 
Alastor cleared his throat to get both of your attention as he began, "Yes, well”, he suddenly appeared in front of your chair and bent down to your eye level, "your protection would prove much easier if you would simply make a deal with me so that all of those pathetic weaklings would know who you belonged to." You didn't miss how his voice deepened into a static-filled threat but that didn't stop you from brushing away his outstretched hand as you stood up to put away your things. Of course, Alastor had been trying to get you to agree to a deal since the beginning of your...relationship(?), however, you had seen and known many people who deeply regretted making a deal with him. You knew he only wanted the same thing as every other cervid guy, regardless of how you felt about him. He didn't want a mate to love and protect. He wanted to possess the rare commodity of a breedable doe for himself.
 "I don't belong to anyone, Alastor.", you snapped, "You already give me protection from other males in exchange for my working you through your heat." He let out a dismissive chuckle when you shimmied your ample chest, but you saw the slight blush creeping across his face at the visions likely dancing through his mind. 
God, sometimes you wished there were more women deer around so that you could just live your fucking afterlife in peace. (But then, what if you'd never met Alastor and he had found another to see his ruts through?)
As you both headed downstairs to dinner, Alastor more so following you as was his habit during the season, you could hear Charlie loudly speaking to someone.
"Great! Well let's head o-", she was cut off by your entrance into the lobby which revealed a large figure sporting an impressive set of thick antlers. You could feel Alastor stiffen and tighten his hold on your shoulders. The scent of the visitor told you why. It was definitely another male deer, also nearing his heat like Alastor, and it was obvious that he must've followed your feminine smell here. Charlie began to walk towards you with a large smile, "Oh, hey there! I was actually just about to show our newest guest", she gestured in the stranger’s direction, "a tour and I'd love you to join us as other deer demons." She had a hopeful bounce in her step, "This is James.", who nodded and began to look you up and down with intensity. 
"Yes, I'm very interested in what your hotel may offer, Ms. Charlie." He was wearing a loose-fitting flannel shirt with his sleeves rolled up and a pair of worn jeans, but you could tell that he was absolutely jacked. His forearms alone looked like freaking tree trunks and he was easily taller than even Alastor with an equally enticing scent that made your stomach flip. James had begun to move further in your direction, however, a loud growl ripped through the lobby as ear-splitting static made everyone turn to its source behind you. 
"I'm afraid we've no vacancies at the moment.", he snarled, "Allow me to escort you towards the exit." Alastor had already begun to grow into his demonic form and used his shadow tendrils to violently eject the large buck onto the front lawn before anyone could make a sound. 
Charlie quickly darted after the two males, followed by you, only to be confronted by an impossibly odd sight. James stood tall without a scratch or sign of fear on him in the face of a giant, demonic Alastor. He even looked like he was all too happy to clap back with a strong, demonic aura of his own. However, the princess halted Alastor's intended strike with a burst of flames and a disappointed comment at his attitude towards a potential guest. And immediately apologized to James as she whirled around him checking for injuries, but none were to be found. 
Did Alastor take it easy on this guy? Why? He's always simply killed potential rival suitors, this one in his territory no less, so, why was he still alive?!
Charlie returned to the lobby, leading James by his massive arm, and proceeded to ask, a very pissed-looking, Alastor to fix the now broken doors as she led the two of you on a tour of the hotel. You could feel both James' smile and Alastor's silent rage boring into the back of your head as you walked with a clueless Charlie.
The intense air of murderous intent in between the two male cervids had only gotten worse over the next week after freaking deer Paul Bunion was placed in a room next to yours, which was across from Alastor’s. Charlie thought you'd be able to better connect another deer demon and maybe help him if needed, though she had no idea about the conflict she had placed in your lap.
James commented, during a group share circle, that he assumed that he was a Canadian reindeer, who was relatively new to Hell. He also made it clear that he simply didn't know, or care, who the Radio Demon was. The two constantly locked horns, both physically and metaphorically as the countdown to the rutting season was running out. You also found out through Angel Dust that Alastor was absolutely forbidden from using his power to injure a resident of the hotel. 
Which you assumed was why he didn't simply wipe James off the concrete outside like a pancake off a hot griddle. 
However, this didn't stop Alastor from staking his claim on you in other ways. For instance, he always had to have a hand on you somewhere. On your knee during group talks on the lobby couch, on your shoulder while you ate a meal, and on your lower back when he walked you from room to room. James didn’t seem to give too much of a fuck as he frequently kept at your other side and proceeded to continuously compliment you, give you small gifts, or make a particularly chapped joke that you couldn’t help but giggle and blush at. Of course, that usually resulted in being pulled closer into Alastor’s side away from the other male as he snarled and rubbed his face into your hair to try and mark you with his scent.  
You couldn’t lie. You very much enjoyed the attention of the two strong males as they vied for your affection and mating rights.
One early morning, while Alastor was forced to leave your side, in order to attend an overlord meeting, James found you in your rose garden behind the hotel and offered to help you plant your new buds. After a few minutes of digging and placing the rose roots, he spoke up, “Can I ask if youse and Alastor are an item?”. He smiled at your blushing expression and continued, “Not to offend ma’am, but I’d like to show you what a true buck is.”
Your eye twitched a bit at the insult towards Alastor, but you remained calm, “It's… complicated between us.”. James simply leaned in and smiled encouragingly, “Alastor isn’t exactly into relationships, but he takes care of me during the rut season.” 
“What about the rest of the time?”, he asked while bringing his face practically an inch from yours, “Does he make you feel like the forest queen you are? Or does he simply forget you until he needs something from you?” His steel eyes brightened in victory at your affirming face toward his questions, “I-I…um…”, you tried to defend your reasons for continuously coming back to Alastor again and again even though he couldn't care less about you during the rest of the year. 
He held your hand tenderly in one of his, while also cupping your cheek with the other and whispered, “Let me give you what you deserve, sweetheart. Love not possession. Tenderness, not indifference.” You were so absolutely enthralled by his deep voice and his potent musk that you could only stare blankly as he finally leaned in and softly pressed his lips against your own.
Hey, Again this is just some drama and relationship writing practice for a beginner class I'm taking.
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1d1195 · 1 month
Honey II
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Read Honey here | ~6.2k words
Warnings: Angst, fluff, pining, maybe a daddy-kink if you don't blink. There's a shitty guy, some jealous Harry (from said shitty guy as well as NIALL 😍) and some mentions of self-care 😉
Summary: You cannot flirt with my nanny. He texted Niall while Cece ate.
Someone should, Harry. By all means YOU should. But I’ll handle it if you cannot.
Harry scowled and threw his phone aside. “Sorry m’gonna kill Uncle Niall, Cece,” he told her. “But he’s stupid.”
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The routine became easy. Breakfast with Harry, tummy time with Cece, cleaning during naptime, laundry at lunch time. At eleven in the morning, she sent Harry three pictures of his baby regardless of what she was doing which he didn’t respond to other than reacting with a heart to each of the pictures.
Cece loved Miss Honey. Her smile was bright when she saw her and her giggle was coming easier and easier while she played with her.
Niall is stopping by to grab something I left. He was already out. You can let him in.
Okay, thank you for the heads up.
Other than delivery drivers, people didn’t really come by. She hadn’t had friends over not that she necessarily wanted to have them over... not after her first family. From then, it was always kind of weird to have people visit someone else’s home to hang out with her. She preferred dinners or going to their houses. If Harry were to throw a party or cookout at his extravagant pool, she would invite her friends—at least that’s what she did with her previous family—but Harry didn’t seem much like a party-thrower.
“Hello?” The Irish voice sang into the house. “Miss Cece, where are you?” He called.
She smiled and brought the baby toward the front door holding her in front of her stomach. Cece giggled at the sight of Uncle Niall. “Who’s that, Cece?” She asked pressing her lips on to the top of her soft hair. “Is that Uncle Niall? Did Uncle Niall come to see you?” She kicked her feet and Niall looked like he was melting as he took her from Miss Honey. “Is it this folder?” She asked. “I found it in the garage,” she said. “It must have slipped out of his bag. When I took Cece to the store, I was going to swing by myself."
Niall was in awe. The house was clean—to be fair, it almost always was, but it was different now. Plus it smelled like the citrusy fall candle she was burning on the counter; only adding to the fresh clean feeling of his friend’s place. Whatever was cooking in the oven smelled delicious. “Do you... cook for him?” Niall asked.
She blushed. “Well, it’s mainly for me, but obviously there aren’t a ton of recipes for one person, so I always have extra,” she rationalized. “I cooked for my old family.”
Niall bounced Cece as he looked around. There was a throw blanket on the sofa adorned with leaves and it’s fall y’all patterned across it. that wasn’t there before. Along with some fall pillows. It matched the little pumpkins on the side tables and the leaf and flower centerpiece on the coffee table. Harry had decorations? “Did Harry buy those throw pillows?”
“I... I have this tendency to fall asleep on the sofa watching movies and wanted something softer than the sofa arm,” she felt weird explaining all this to Niall. “I should probably get them out of here and back in my room. Did Harry say something? He doesn’t like it?”
Harry hadn’t mentioned it. Which was insane because when Cece’s mom wanted all new living room furniture in the middle of her pregnancy, Niall wasn’t sure Harry was going to let her live at his house after all. Harry was very particular and liked things to be his way. “No, no. He’s fine. It just looks...cozy,” he said. “It’s nice he’s got a woman’s touch that he likes,” Niall said encouragingly.
Her phone vibrated on the counter and she glanced at her watch reading the message. Can you tell Niall to let go of my daughter and get his ass back here before I fire him?
She smiled sending a thumbs up in response. “I believe you’re going to be fired.”
“What a drama queen,” Niall muttered. “I love you more than Dada does,” he cooed and kissed Cece sweetly on the cheek. “You should decorate the outside, too,” Niall said as he handed the baby back to her. “Harry would like it,” he smiled. “If you have a ton of leftovers, send them for lunch with Harry tomorrow. With the way it smells, I bet it would taste delicious reheated as well... Bye Cece!” He waved and blew a kiss at her.
“Say bye Uncle Niall,” she cooed shaking her head at Harry’s best friend.  She waved Cece’s hand for her. “Bye Uncle Niall.”
His office door slapped open against the wall, and he looked up from his desk even though he didn’t need to.
“Niall’s here,” his secretary called. He rolled his eyes.
“You love her,” Niall gushed.
“I do not,” Harry scowled defensively at his paperwork in front of him. “Love who?”
“Your nanny obviously.”
“I absolutely do not,” he shook his head. “I am not in love with someone I employ.”
“So we’re not in love either?” Niall frowned.
“Do you have something you need, Mr. Horan?” Harry deadpanned.
Niall rolled his eyes. “Harry, she’s sweet, funny, and intelligent,” he listed. “Not to mention your house has never looked cleaner nor cozier and she can cook.”
Harry used to order out each night since he was too tired to cook when he got home. Then with Cece, it made even more sense. But now, since he was very much glued to his schedule of coming home on time for dinner so he could see Cece before bed and relieve Miss Honey of her duties for the evening.
He hadn’t anticipated her making dinner for him. In fact, he hadn’t anticipated much of anything she did for him. He thought taking care of Cece was going to be it. The cleaning and cooking was beyond what he expected.
He ignored Niall.
“And hello? She’s good with Cece.”
She was great with Cece actually. But he wasn’t going to give into Niall’s teasing. He continued looking at his computer screen ignoring all the reasons Harry thought she was perfect as well but had to ignore because he would rather die than ruin what he had with her for the sake of his daughter. There was no one better to trust Cece with—even after a month or so of her working, it was obvious. He was so sure there wasn’t anyone better. “Also, she was going in the pool when I got there, so she was in this itty, bitty bikini—” Harry’s gaze snapped to Niall and his eye twitched as he scowled again. “I was joking, but I think I’ve proven my point.”
“I’m not in love,” he grumbled. Harry didn’t love anyone beyond his baby girl, his company, and his family.
“Say it all you want. But I’m not the one that got his underwear in a twist over the thought of seeing her in a bikini when it’s not summer anymore." Harry ignored him still. "You let her decorate," he reminded him.
"We have similar tastes," Harry mumbled not wanting to let on that he didn't give two shits if the house was decorated but when he came home from work watching her sip hot apple cider on his sofa and reading a book to Cece, he wanted to move to a place where it was fall all year round.
"Are you going to let her decorate the outside of your house for Halloween?”
He was not in love. “It’s a holiday,” he reminded Niall. “I want Cece t'have a—”
“Uh-huh. Sure. It’s definitely for Cece... by the way, make sure I get the leftovers from dinner tomorrow. I already asked Miss Honey,” he said. “Here’s your folder,” he laid it on his desk and left with a wave and mischievous smile. "She found it in the garage and was going to swing by herself. Because in case you haven't noticed, she's perfect."
If there were leftovers of whatever delicious thing she had decided to cook, Harry was going to throw them in the middle of the road on his way to work just to spite him.
The weekend was unfortunately eventful.
Cece fussed a ton. Harry sighed when the monitor alerted him to her waking. He got up and headed to her crib where he spent several minutes rubbing her little belly as he watched her. “Y’need t’sleep, Miss Cecelia,” he smiled at her tiredly. It was nearly one in the morning, and he had been fortunate enough to have Cece sleeping soundly overall for the last couple months. But for whatever reason, her little cries woke him up today.
He checked his phone and noted there was an alert from the front door camera. He saw two people standing under the entrance. His favorite nanny and a man that he didn’t recognize.
Given the situation, this was suddenly and very much her house as much as Harry's. As evident by the pumpkin décor on the steps visible in the video as well. So she could do what she wanted. Even if that meant going on a date.
Even if that meant Harry was painfully aware of how upset that made him.
Her arms were wrapped around her stomach and Harry felt something painful ache in his stomach. She looked completely uncomfortable. The guy leaned closer toward her, forcing her to step back until she was against the side of the entryway. Harry’s blood boiled. She pressed a hand against his chest, maintaining distance between them. He couldn’t take his eyes away from the screen and briefly noted he forgot about Cece’s waking. But Cece was asleep again. Therefore, Harry was able to worry about the other woman that lived in his house. He quickly sent her a text before he kept his eyes glued to the camera. If this was some kind of flirting thing, fine. He would confront the boiling jealousy in the comfort of his own bed. But Harry had a sister, female friends, female employees and now a daughter. He knew when someone was uncomfortable.
The camera signaled someone was outside, so I checked the feed... Are you okay?
He didn't want to listen in. There was a boundary he wasn’t willing to cross. Fortunately, she pulled her phone from her pocket and read the message--clearly looking for a distraction and further fueling his worry. Without answering, she tucked her phone back in her pocket and Harry thought that he was overreacting. She was fine. He just needed to go to bed.
But then, she shook her head repeatedly, slowly.
Harry dropped his phone on Cece’s floor where it landed on the rug with a quiet thud. He took off downstairs nearly missing the last step before he was at the front door, yanking it out of the way blindingly fast. She jumped at the sudden movement in the middle of the night—even though she only saw Harry’s message seconds before. “I’m sorry to interrupt,” he lied. He was very grateful to interrupt. “Cece has been awake, and I’ve tried—”
“No problem,” she rushed out not even glancing at the man. She brushed passed Harry hurriedly.
The guy blinked in surprise at her quick departure. He tried to peek behind Harry’s frame that blocked most of his view. “I’ll call—”
Harry smacked the door shut and waited for him to leave—watched him walk to the end of the driveway where he waited for an Uber for three minutes. She sighed, putting her hands on the back of her head, breathing heavily. “Harry, I’m so sorry,” she whispered. She began pacing behind him, but Harry’s eyes didn’t move from the end of his driveway. “He was completely fine and then I needed to Uber and—”
“I told you not t’Uber,” he scowled at the window beside the door waiting for the man to disappear.
“Well, it was one in the morning, and I don’t know how your driver situation works—”
“Then you call me,” his voice was rougher than he wanted it to be. The thought of something happening to her hurt. Hurt a lot.
She ignored him, feeling guilty but trying to explain her side of things. “My friend had left with a guy she met, and she was my ride. I didn’t even know she left,” her voice cracked. “I Uber all the time, Harry. Alone at night, I don’t care...it’s... whatever... But he was insistent. He wanted to make sure I made it home safely. Which didn’t set off any alarm bells and I pride myself on having a good gauge of that kind of thing. So, I didn’t think anything of it. I thought he was just being a gentleman. When he got out of the car and the driver took off...” she shook her head. “I’m just so sorry. I didn’t know—” Her voice cracked again, harsher this time. Then she pressed her lips into a line as she looked down. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered trying to force the tears to stay behind her lids.
The man was gone from the edge of his driveway. Harry shook his head confused how she could be apologizing for literally nothing. She didn’t do anything wrong. “What are y’apologizing for?”
“For him coming back here! I don’t bring people back to the house I’m living in for free. I would never want to put someone like that within a three-mile radius of Cece. I was just trying to get him to leave and I—” her voice choked off again.
“Love,” he said gently. “S’okay,” he promised reassuringly. “Y’can invite friends over. I wouldn’t really want him, but it sounds like we’re on the same page.”
She sniffled, breaking Harry’s heart. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated.
“Did he hurt you?” Harry asked. She shook her head. “I need a verbal answer, love.”
“No, he didn’t hurt me,” she whispered. Barely loud enough for him to hear.
“You’re sure?”
She nodded. “I was just trying to think of a way to get inside without him following me,” she whimpered. “He just wouldn’t shut up about how nice it would be to...” her tears started to flow. She shook her head. “I’m so sorry,” she sobbed.
Harry didn’t think. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed up and down her back. “S’okay,” he promised. “You’re okay,” he repeated. “You could have banged on the door or something,” he assured her.
She sniffled. “I didn’t want to wake the baby.”
He smiled softly. Of course she didn’t. “Please call the driver next time. Day or night. I should’ve told y’that,” he murmured. “It would make me feel better. And he’ll only let y’have someone else in the car with you if y’say so,” he promised.
She nodded. “Okay.”
“You’re allowed t’have a life here, love,” he promised. “Friends, dates, whatever y’want.”
“Well, I’m not dating for a while,” that was fine by Harry. Gently, she pulled from Harry’s embrace, and he felt completely cold. It wasn’t from his lack of clothes either.
She wiped her eyes. “Do y’want me to...get y’anything?” He asked.
She shook her head of the thought. “No, I’m sorry to have interrupted your sleep—”
“Don’t be. But y’didn’t. Cece was up, I was checking on her when I saw m’phone’s notification,” he explained. “But even if she wasn’t up... I wouldn’t have minded,” he promised. “Really.”
Her eyes trailed over Harry’s body. It hadn’t occurred to her that he was wearing nothing but boxers. His shoulders were broad, his arms were taut with lean muscles that didn’t bulge massively but were still beautifully sculpted. His hair was in disarray, probably from his pillow. His stomach was flat, ridged with muscles, and covered with tattoos. “I didn’t realize you had so many tattoos.”
He smirked. “Yeah, um...guilty pleasure of mine.”
Harry really shouldn’t say pleasure around her. It made her think of things that would give her immense pleasure. Like the boxers that outlined a plump dick (which wasn’t even fully hard it seemed. Jesus Christ, she wondered if she was going to get pregnant just from looking at it) and showed off his muscular thighs. She shook her head trying to keep her eyes focused on anything other than Harry’s groin area. “I um... thank you,” she whispered. “For getting me.”
“Of course, love. Any time,” he promised. “I know y’work for me and I respect your commitment and seriousness t’your job. It’s something I value in m’employees at the office too. But Niall also works with me too and he’s m’best friend and he’s very comfortable asking me t’bail him out of dicey situations. So if y’need something, y’jus’ have t’ask.”
She nodded. “Okay... thank you,” she repeated. “Good night, Harry.”
“Good night, Miss Honey.”
Harry was frustrated. It was a busy time of year, so he had been staying an hour, sometimes two later than he was supposed to. He ate reheated food that she had cooked (which was still delicious) but mostly he was upset because he wasn’t getting to see Cece before bed. The pictures she sent in the afternoon and just before bed helped but didn’t make up for the real thing. He missed his daughter.
And honestly? If he was real with himself, he missed eating dinner with the pretty woman that was kind enough to make dinner in the first place. He missed watching an episode of whatever show she liked before she went for a swim in the pool and then to read in her room. Up until Harry had started staying late, she had gone for a swim every night and Harry was in awe. The pool was heated sure, but the air was cold. But she was insistent—all to get her laps in so she could work out. Now, when he got home, she was already in her room. Only coming out to say hello, give the lowdown on bedtime and making sure he knew which food was for Niall the next morning.
It seemed she wasn’t dating, so at least Harry had that. Even though he told her she could, he was glad she wasn't. It wasn’t right or fair of him to feel that way, but he couldn’t help it. The few times he saw her out in the pool in a bathing suit (that was not an itty-bitty bikini like Niall had described) he felt possessive. If she had an itty-bitty bikini, Harry thought he might lose his mind--the pretty one piece with a cutout created by a crisscrossing bow around her middle was tantalizing enough. He didn’t let his gaze linger for long (he didn’t want to be creepy) but he thought back to the guy that followed her home and terrified her. No one deserved her kindness. No one deserved to see her vulnerable and alone in anything less than what she wanted. She made Cece feel safe. She made Harry feel safe.
“Why don’t you go home?” Niall suggested. “You’ve been staying late all week, and I know you miss Cece. Take a half day, go spend some time with your daughter. Or even Miss Honey,” he wiggled his eyebrows.
Harry shook his head. “I already took a ton of time off—”
“For a very good reason! Harry,” Niall sighed. “You have an adorable baby daughter. She’s only going to be little for so long. You need to enjoy it.”
With that thought, Harry couldn’t get out of his office fast enough. He entered the house using the keycode. It didn’t even faze her. If someone used the code, then she assumed it was someone who was allowed to be there. But also, the sound of the vacuum cleaner was humming and creating more noise than she could have heard with the door opening and closing. But she must have sensed it because she glanced over her shoulder and smiled finishing the spot she was working on. Harry could make out the wrap around her body while she vacuumed. Wearing Cece like a body ornament. It was adorable. “I could hire someone for that, y’know,” he called over the droning noise.
She turned the vacuum off and turned around showing off the little babe at the same time. She kicked her feet. Harry thought his heartstrings were going to snap with how much love flooded him. Someone that loved him so unconditionally. It felt like he didn’t deserve it.
“You’re home early,” she smiled and loosened the wrap around her and pulled the headphones off her little head to keep her ears safe from the vacuum sound. “Is Dada home to play, Cece?” She smiled excitedly. “Is Dada here to play?” She repeated, passing her to Harry. Cece immediately settled into his embrace, making his heart hurt. Niall was right, this was well worth it.
“I was just going to do laundry,” she said. “Do you want anything to eat?” She asked.
“I have people who could do your laundry,” he told her, his lips attached to the crown of Cece’s head. “And y’don’t need t’do my laundry either,” he frowned. “Or Cece’s.”
“Yes, but you are saving money by letting me do it. I’m all about coupons. I’m like a BOGO sale, you know? For a business owner, you don’t see a good deal when presented.”
He rolled his eyes. Niall listed a lot of great qualities about her. But he didn’t list how stubborn she was. Especially when it came to things like using the driver or doing his laundry. Harry wanted to shake her sometimes.
“Niall said you have a business trip next weekend?”
His eyes snapped to meet hers. “You talk to Niall?” Like regularly? Casually?
He was so going to fire him.
“Yes,” she smiled and then laughed to herself, a private joke Harry wasn't privy to.
“It’s nothing. Niall’s just funny.”
Harry was going to kill him. Then fire him.
“He just he tells me he’s going to marry me if I keep making such good food for him to eat.”
So fired.
“Speaking of,” she continued while Harry let that linger in silence. “Little miss needs to eat,” she said. “I can do it if you want—”
“Thank you,” he was sincerely appreciative. “But I have it covered,” he smiled. “You can take the rest of the afternoon to yourself if you’d like.”
She smiled. “That would be great. I just have a few more things to do but I’ve been dying to go to the bookstore. They’re having a sale on all paperbacks,” her eyes glowed.
Harry smiled. “Sounds lovely.”
“Just shout if you need something.”
Harry went to the kitchen, took the bottle that was warmed and ready on the counter (she must have just put it out while she was vacuuming nearby).
You cannot flirt with my nanny. He texted Niall while Cece drank from her bottle.
Someone should, Harry. By all means YOU should. But I’ll handle it if you cannot.
Harry scowled and threw his phone aside at the pretty fall throw pillows. “Sorry m’gonna kill Uncle Niall, Cece,” he told her. “But he’s stupid.”
Harry often found himself defaulting to her and all her knowledge. She had a background in psychology, as that was what she studied in college—a concentration in child development. All of which he knew from her application. Harry was well educated, but he would never feign to have more knowledge that he didn’t have.
Which is why when Cece continued to fuss and fuss more than she had since she’d been born, Harry didn’t know what to do.
“Love?” He knocked on the door. It was two in the morning, and she was obviously well off the clock. Harry battled for several minutes trying to decide if it was worth it. He didn't want to bother her, but frankly, he was exhausted. But she answered anyway, hurriedly.
She was wearing a pair of leggings and a blue tank top. One that was thin and made Harry’s stomach ache with desire. Something lower ached with desire too. But fortunately, he had enough foresight to put on a pair of sweats before waking her. She rubbed her eye looking like a toddler coming to their parents’ bedroom. Her hair tie had fallen from her braid letting the strands fall haphazardly out of the twist.
He thought about kissing her. God he shouldn’t have allowed himself to be alone in the middle of the night with her.
Gratefully, Cece called out. Reminding him of why he had woken her up in the first place.
“What’s wrong?”
“Can you check on her? She’s so fussy. I don’t know if m’doing something wrong?” It killed him that the baby was fussing. He hated to wake her almost as much. However, she didn’t even bat an eye to it and hurried to Cece’s room. “I’m sorry,” he said softly.
“Don’t be,” she yawned. “I was... actually reading,” she smiled. “I shouldn’t be, but I can’t put the book down.”
How was that so hot sounding? It shouldn’t have been. He had watched her read on the couch a hundred times. But it was hot. So hot he was glad there was an extra layer to hide how it made him feel.
Harry was glad he was going away for the weekend. He needed to clear his head of the pretty girl that was invading his every thought when he had no right to think of her that way. “Oh yeah, Miss Cece just wants to party, huh, sweet girl?” She smiled and pulled her from the crib and hummed. “Daddy has to work early tomorrow, Cece. can have our own party tomorrow, okay? But Daddy’s got to sleep,” she whispered. “I know you’re a party girl,” she cooed. “But you can’t party when you’re sleepy,” she reminded her.
Harry was not thinking of it like that but the way she said Daddy (twice) made his chest ache with something he wasn’t used to feeling. It probably didn’t help that her tank top did little to hide two hardened, protruding bumps on her chest that made Harry want to lick his lips (and her). He was going to turn the heat up before bed because it must have been chilly.
Harry tried to keep his gaze PG, but she was so pretty, he was thanking himself for the moment of clarity he had that made him put on pants because he wouldn’t be able to hide the way he felt about seeing her sleepy and beautiful.
Fuck Niall and his stupid observations. He is so fired when I get back from my trip.
After a few more hums and coos, Cece fell back to sleep. She kissed her hair and gently laid her back in the crib. “She’s almost four months, of course—she might be hitting a little sleep regression. It’s perfectly normal. I’ll do some research and see what I can do to help alleviate—”
“Thank you,” he felt exhausted. Sleep deprived and sad about leaving—even if it was just for the weekend. “Seriously. Thank you.”
She smiled. “Of course, Harry. That’s what I’m here for. Probably a good time to stop my book too,” she reached out and squeezed his arm. “Get some sleep. I’ll have breakfast in the morning before you fly out,” she promised.
“I didn't mean t'interrupt your book,” he said softly. “Y'don’t have t'get up earlier, she can lay in bed for a bit,” he offered.
“Oh no, it’s fine. I’ll just nap when she naps,” she shrugged. "Cece will want to see you before you leave," she smiled so effortlessly. Like Cece would really know if he was gone. But the way she said it made him believe it. She squeezed Harry's forearm. “Goodnight, Harry,” she said sweetly.
Harry was staring at Cece like she was going to disappear while he fed her. She gently pushed the cup of tea she made him (with three sugars) in front of him. “I haven’t left her once for this long,” Harry reminded her.
“I know,” she frowned. “She’ll be fine,” she assured him.
“I know.”
“Really, Harry. I won’t let anything happen to her. I love her beyond belief,” she promised.
But Harry felt something creep into his stomach. Something that felt like an overwhelming urge to kiss her. A way that had him aching to make Cece a sibling and he thought that maybe he could shift the real estate in his heart that was reserved for his company and open it for someone else. He shook his head as if a bug had flown in his eye. Ridding himself of the unrealistic thought that was wriggling it's way into ever inch of his mind.
No, he didn’t love her.
That would be ridiculous.
It took her two weeks to figure out what Harry liked to eat for breakfast most. As stubborn as Harry was, she was more so. Every day she made something new: omelets, waffles, French toast, everything he could think of, she tried. But when she told him she was going to make crepes, he stopped her and told her: just scrambled eggs and toast.
So, she made him scrambled eggs, toast, and sliced up some avocado on the side. “Thank you, love. Y'really didn’t need to.”
“I have it on good authority you rarely eat until like two in the afternoon if I don’t feed you,” she smiled. “Happy to help,” she promised. Because that’s what she did. Helped and helped and helped.
“Why don’t y’tell your friend m’going t’fire him if y’don’t stop talking t’him.”
She laughed and Harry enjoyed the sound more than he thought possible. “Niall?! Shouldn’t you fire me?”
He shook his head. “No way, love. You’re the best there is for Cece, you’re stuck here,” he smirked. Her heart fluttered and she realized she hadn’t spoken as Harry glanced at her. He cleared his throat. “I mean... as long as you like it here,” he attempted to recover (poorly).
“I love it here,” she nodded excitedly. That beautiful smile that Harry had honed in on during her interview spread across her beautiful face. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Thank you,” he smiled. Genuinely.
It took every ounce of Harry’s shaky control to keep himself from saying he would miss her too, while he was gone. Maybe as much as he would miss Cece.
It was only a two-night stay. But the first night was hardest. He called as soon as his last meeting finished. He watched her play with Cece through the video call. When her phone died, it took five minutes for her to get rebooted. She grabbed her laptop to continue the call and set it up on the floor for Harry to see Cece during her tummy time.
Cece didn’t seem to notice much that Harry was on the computer screen. In fact, she didn’t pay much attention to either of them while they chatted at all. Even when Cece fell asleep, he found himself asking her all kinds of questions about school and work. How she decided to become a nanny and the like. He asked about her family and if she missed them. Her family was still hours and hours away from her, so he was confused as to why she wouldn’t move with the previous family she nannied for.
“Truthfully?” She sighed. “I love this coast so much,” she smiled fondly. “I grew up here and I went to school here. I loved my nanny family, but there’s just something about it here,” she explained. “My family kind of... they don't..." she sighed. "They don't visit much and I think they would come up to visit even less if I lived across the country. I adore my family. They mean so much to me. It would have been hard to be even further away from them.”
Harry wanted to hold her and never let go. This woman loved hard. Harder than anyone he knew.
Eventually, when it was so much later than it should have been to be chatting on the phone with someone he was employing to take care of his daughter, without talking about said daughter, Harry said goodnight and got ready for bed. As he brushed his teeth, he opened his text messages.
Yes, Harry? It’s eleven and I’m in bed.
... she’s perfect.
Who Cece?
No shit, Harry. You’re an idiot.
When Harry closed his eyes, he couldn’t help but think of her.
When Harry returned home, he rushed through the door, dropping his bags and hurrying to the living room. Harry was on the floor beside the coffee table where he showered Cece in kisses all over her little face. The only pause he had was looking at the lovely girl giggling on the couch at their reunion. “Ugh, Cece, you’re making me jealous! I wish someone would be that happy to see me when they get home,” she giggled.
But Harry couldn’t let her think that for a moment longer. He crossed the room, pulled the book from her hands and straddled her, locking her in place. He cupped her face before she could question anything and kissed her. Kissed her long and hard. Eventually he nestled his hips between her thighs. “I like you so much. I’m so happy t’see you when I get home,” he groaned peppering her face and skin with more kisses. “I trust you with everything. You have my whole world most of the day. And... when I get home m’so happy t'see Cece. But love, m’thrilled t'see you as well”
“Harry,” she whispered. “She’s right there."
“She's not looking,” his voice was husky as he pulled on the neck of the blue tank top that stared in all his dreams. He tugged it down her chest a bit hoping to see those pretty, hardened—
The phone call waking him up for the day put him nearly in a cold sweat. “Ugh,” he moaned reaching blindly for the nightstand for the phone. He pulled the phone to his ear. “Hello?” He grumbled.
“Hello, Mr. Styles this is your wake-up cal—”
He smacked the phone back into the receiver and begged for the dream to come back before it went away. What was underneath that tank top? He glanced at the clock. If he fucked his hand, he wouldn’t have time to shave. That wasn’t very business owner of him. Or maybe it was. He was CEO, the meetings wouldn’t start without him.
“Fuck it,” he muttered and wrapped his hand around his hard dick. Maybe he shouldn’t have, but he pretended he knew what was hiding beneath the thin tank top of the woman who lived in his house.
The weather fucked him royally. He was supposed to be home that evening. Supposed to be eating dinner with his little baby and the pretty nanny. It felt completely unfair that the weather had made it so he would be stuck in a stupid airport, and he would have to go directly to work in the morning.
“Hey, it’s okay,” she promised. “Maybe you can take the day off later in the week,” she suggested. “Actually... I was going to ask you if it was possible for you to do that anyway, so maybe this works out. Or maybe your mom—” He knew she was trying to distract him. Which he was grateful for but he was still so frustrated.
"What do y'need?" He asked, his voice stiff. He didn't mean for it to be. He was just upset.
She cleared her throat. “I just have some appointments I’ve been rescheduling over and over trying to find a day that's best for them. I don’t want to make you take the day off, but I know you’ve been nervous about your trip. I’ve been waiting—”
“Of course,” he said hurriedly. “Which day?”
“Wednesday, if possible. If not I can reschedule again.”
“Sure,” he’d take the whole week off if she asked. Cece time and helping the perfect angel? She didn’t need to say anything else.
“Thank you, Harry," the gratitude in her voice made him ache.
“You’ve worked nonstop for almost two months, love. Y’do more than I ever expected. S’least I could do. Plus, staying home with m’daughter isn’t a bad thing.”
She smiled. “She misses you,” she promised. Harry was pretty sure Cece wouldn’t know if he was away or not; work or overnight stay irrelevant. But it was nice she was saying it for his benefit. “She does, I swear,” she continued, somehow understanding his silence. “Especially at bedtime and when she wakes up. Little Miss doesn’t sleep well without you here,” she cooed. Harry imagined her holding the baby on his couch looking utterly comfortable and natural.
“Well tell her I miss her, love her, and kiss her for me too.”
She pressed a bunch of kisses to her skin loud enough for Harry to hear and that soft little giggle as well. Harry smiled, feeling marginally better about his cancelled flight. “See you tomorrow, love.”
“Can you say, bye bye Daddy,” she whispered. “Come on you can do it,” she encouraged. It was much too early and of course she knew that, but Harry loved that she tried anyway.
He wanted to tell Cece to give her a kiss from him as well.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
@straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals
@angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams
@summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland
@lovrave @st-ev-ie @pandeebearstyles @toosarcastic03 @luvonstyles
@tenaciousperfectionunknown @classychalamet @love-letters-to-uranus @emmaawbr @crossyourpeter
@kissitnhekitchen @kittenhere @stylesfever @indierockgirrl @michellekstyles
@just-another-reader1098 @hermionelove @tiredinwinter @whimsy-willows @hannah9921
@fangirl7060 @triski73 @vikiii07 @prettygurl-2009 @madstyles3204
@angeldavis777 @tchlamqtsgf @lizsogolden @me-undiscovered
Honey: @jerseygirlinca
I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
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Hi, I'm new to you're page and i wanted to put in a request for standford and Stanley Pines? I don't care if it's long or short but my request is simple. I also dident see any rules, and I'm probably being stupid and dident see them.
How would they each react when there, younger (S/O), is having her shark week? Like, she is extra moody, extra hungry, and very, very, very easy to piss off that if you did, even Bill will be scared of her.
Please don't take this request if it goes agjnst you're rules, makes you uncomfortable, or you font have time! Stay safe irl and any video games you play!
A/n: Please! Please! Never apologize. You didn't miss anything. I really don't have any rules and really this is one of the tamest requests I received. I've written plenty of requests about the reader being on their period so it's no trouble at all. And if anyone sends in a request I let them know. So please! Don't ever apologize.
Second I am so sorry this sucks, I have a massive headache
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•Stanford Pines•
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Knew it right away, the man has your schedule down to a T so he always has everything you need when your period hits. He does try his best to not piss you off because he really does know how easy that can be. But he can never be mad at you, you are the one he loves more than anything. Even know seeing you get mad is scarier than anything he's seen before.
"This is the wrong chocolate?! I wanted the ones with the nuts!" You cried falling back on the bed curling into a ball as fat tears rolled down your cheeks.
"I..." dropping his shoulder, Ford pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll be right back." Turning to leave, Ford quickly left the home, rather not face your rathe.
"I didn't know which one you wanted so I grabbed them all." Ford stated sitting on the edge of the bed.
Sniffling, you sat up then placed a kiss to his cheek as he held you. "You're not mad at me are you."
"Of course not love, this is a very a normal reaction...you'll feel better so enough."
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•Stanley Pines•
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Stan is a bit slow when it comes to you and your period though he's the most sympathetic. He hates seeing you in pain and will often hold you to his chest messaging your belly doing his best to ease your cramps.
He jokes about being a personal heater for you, he really doesn't care if you yell or scream at him since he's dealt with worse.
Has you stay in the room wearing his boxers and white beaters. The man want's you to stay as comfortable as possible.
Will ask you about sex.
"What?! Stan no?" You could feel warmth creep up his neck from his suggestion.
"What?! Come on babe, I read orgasms help and a little blood never scared me. "
Rolling your eyes you did your best to ignore his hand messaging your thigh. "This shouldn't be hot to you...I shouldn't be hot to you."
Stan scoffed as he gave your hips a squeeze. "You'll always be fucking hot to me...besides I can just steal some sheets."
"Stan" "I can buy some sheets...come on doll face...It will make both of us feel good."
Huffing you then rolled on your back. "Fine."
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randoimago · 9 months
I always wondered how the romanced companions would react if Orin kidnapped the player character. Especially Astarion, Gale, and Halsin. Any thoughts?
Reactions to Romanced Tav Being Kidnapped by Orin
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Gale, Halsin
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Idk if you've played Dragon Age, anon, but the first game (Origins) has companions rescuing the main character and that's very fun. I feel like for BG3 it'd be much less lighthearted 😅
Also, alternatively, if Player Character is Dark Urge I can just see an "Oh no!... Well anyways..." cause the companions figure Orin's head will just be eaten off or something
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While he has all the confidence in your abilities (you did capture his heart), he does feel that deep seated fear of what may happen. Wyll's father be damned, he'll play along with Orin's plan to deal with Gortash if it means getting you back.
Doesn't care who he has to manipulate and bribe to get extra help. So many innocent people have already died in this stupid fucking conflict, if more die from him trying to save you then so be it. He'd burn down this damn city to get you back to him.
Depending on if Cazador has been dealt with or not, he also has fear of not having you by his side because Cazador might find out and use that to get to Astarion.
If he's become an Ascendent vampire, then he finds it hilarious that Orin thinks she can steal his prized pet from him.
Tempted to just activate the orb at Orin's mere appearance and the information she gives, but knows that that would be a bit too much of an overreaction (and he doubts you'd end up safe due to the blast radius).
While Gale is a very intelligent and capable man in spellcasting, he knows that it's best to rely on Wisdom for something like this, as much as he wants to immediately run to your rescue.
There is fear for you, of course there is. Fear that Orin will kill you anyway, fear that he won't be in time to save you.
But he knows that he has to stay calm while using time in camp to practice his magic and prepare whichever spells he thinks would be best.
Oh he is livid when he learns that you've been kidnapped, but he knows that acting on his rage won't solve anything. There's obviously a time limit on this, but he knows it's best to make a plan first and decide what to do.
While Gortash is an obvious evil that'll eventually be dealt with, Orin is a disgrace upon nature. He'd prefer to strike the snake in her home, but he also understands that it could prove risky to your safety.
But he remains calm as he strategies with the other companions on ways to get you back and the best course of action.
Although, he can't help losing his temper due to some of the disagreements and arguments from the others when your life is on the line.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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corazondebeskar-reads · 8 months
no one could save me but you
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dark!Joel Miller x f!reader
originally for Febuwhump 2024 Day 2 - solitary confinement | Febuwhump masterlist
words: 1.9k
summary: You're under the care of Dr. Miller at an inpatient mental health facility. He has a vested interest in your "recovery."
warnings: dark, dark!Joel, dark!pyschologist!Joel, unethical healthcare practices, bad representation of mental health facilities, medical malpractice, corruption kink, innocent!reader, virgin!reader, manipulation, past suicide attempt, sexual abuse, abandonment trauma, inappropriate touching, non-con, abuse of power, look it's a fucked up mental hospital fic—if any of that is potentially triggering skip this one, dead dove do not eat
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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“I’m sorry, ma’am,” the handsome doctor with the kind brown eyes tells your mother. 
Miller, she thinks he’s called. Maybe Josh? John? A good Biblical name; she knows that much. 
“She can’t have visitors. It’s like I said on the phone. She’s a danger to herself and others,” he says, brows knit and a frown turning his pink lips. 
“Won’t she get worse being all alone?” Your mother pleads. 
“I promise you she is rarely alone. It’s just that we can only have trained staff with proper safety precautions around her right now. We’ll call as soon as that changes.” Or as soon as he’s bored of you. 
At the end of the night, Dr. Miller enters your room and your hopeful look wilts before it really even has a chance to bloom. 
“Again?” you whisper. 
He squats down next to where you’re sitting on the floor. “Sorry, sweetheart. I called a few times, but no one picked up.”
This is the sixth weekend in a row that no one has bothered to visit you. And it was really starting to wear you down. 
Enough that your little tantrum had you stuck in this stupid room all alone. Now they give you extra pills, and you succumb, numb and dumb in this soft little world, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re so lonely.
Except at eight pm. You can always count on Dr. Miller to stop by and check in before lights out.
You look up at him with sweet sadness dripping from your eyes, which you wipe on the back of your sleeve. “Thanks anyway,” you say. 
“You been good today?” he asks, reaching over to neaten your sweatshirt where it’s slid down your shoulder. 
“Yes, Doctor.”
He smiles. “Good girl. I know you can get through this,” he says, and it warms you, maybe too much.
You bite your lip and look down. 
“What is it, sweetheart?”
You debate fessing up, but he’s been nothing but kind and gentle with you, and the haze you can’t seem to shake makes you bask in the warmth of his attention. Plus, he said you should tell him if anything changes with your mind or body, in case you react badly to the meds.
“I think something’s wrong with me,” you mumble. 
“Why’s that?”
“It… it makes me feel funny when you say that.”
“When I say what? When I call you a good girl?”
You flush and stare at the plain, endless white of the room. But you nod. 
“Supposed to make you feel good, honey. You’re bein’ a real good girl. Might even be able to start takin’ you outside sometimes.”
“No,” you whisper, voice harsh with shame. “A different kind of feeling. Like a real one.”
“All feelings are real. You mean like a physical one?”
You nod.
“Oh, that’s normal. You feel hot and kind of tingly?”
“Yes, Doctor Miller.”
He beams. “That’s great. That’s huge progress, sweetheart. ”
Sometimes, he can’t believe his luck. A pretty little thing like you nearly kills herself to get out of a betrothal made by zealot parents and falls right into his lap. Well, not literally. Not yet, anyway. 
He’s still building the doctor-patient rapport, so to say. 
You’re so confused; it’s making you a little dizzy. “I think I need to lie down,” you tell him. 
He stands up and offers his hand, which you take, but it’s a mistake. His skin is hot and a little dry, the coarseness brushing against your own. His fingers wrap tight around your hand to pull you to your feet, and you realize no one has touched you in three months. Not in any way. No handshakes, no high fives, no hugs. 
Your lip quivers. You think you’d be embarrassed if that was a feeling you were capable of right now.
“C’mon, let’s get you comfortable,” he says. He doesn’t let go of your hand even though the bed is just a few steps away. 
When you’re settled and have pulled the blanket up to your chest, he sits on the edge of the bed.
“Now, I don’t want you worryin’ yourself about that feeling. It’s supposed to happen, sweetheart. And feeling it means you’re feelin’ something, which is what we’re workin’ towards, right?”
“Yes, Doctor,” you whisper.
“If it’s really botherin’ ya, I can teach you how to make it go away. Or I can teach ya how to make it better.”
You look up at him with those wide, trusting eyes, and he’s hard as a fuckin’ rock. He takes your hand again, rubbing his thumb back and forth. 
“Are you—do you mean—” you stammer, panic rising. “I’m not—”
“I know, sweetheart, but I think that’s part of the problem.” He hasn’t yet gotten you to eschew your parents’ programming, not that your mother knows he’s trying to, but he’ll break you of it one way or another.
“It ain’t bad to feel that way. It’s natural. But I think you’ve felt this way before, hmm?”
You nod, looking at the white knit blanket where your hand lays in his. 
“Wanna know what else I think?” he whispers conspiratorially. 
You look up at him, biting your lip. 
He takes it for permission. “You were so scared of gettin’ married because you were afraid he’d know you liked it.”
You shrink under his analysis. This is wrong, wrong; you should not be having this conversation at all, let alone with a strange man. But… he isn’t strange, not really. He’s your doctor. If you can’t trust him, who can you trust?
“So how do you fix me?” you ask.
“A lot like this. Talkin’, like we always do. Could try some exposure therapy, get you used to your own feelings. If you’re okay with it, we could try a little right now.” 
“We’ll start real slow, like how we eased you into group.” Come to think of it, he’s pretty sure you’ll have relapsed a little after this long in solitary. Well, nothin’ he can’t fix again. “But today’d just be me seein’ where your comfort levels are at so we know how to move forward.”
It makes sense, you think. It makes your stomach feel like a washing machine, but in theory, it sounds reasonable. He knows what he’s doing, after all. “Okay,” you whisper.
“Okay. You want me to get gloves on, or are you okay with my skin touchin’ yours?” He’s slowly peeling the blanket back.
“S’fine,” you say, fists clenching the sheets as you try not to seize onto your dignity. 
He scoots back on the bed. “Just gonna lift up your gown, okay? Nice, deep breaths like we practiced.” 
You focus on a spot on the wall just past his shoulder and inhale slowly through your nose, exhaling in a huff from your mouth. 
He’s drawn the gown up and nudged your legs apart a little. “Slower, sweetheart, take it nice and easy.”
His hand moves between your legs and you flinch, almost snapping your knees shut. His other hand rubs up and down on your calf. “S’alright, you’re okay. I’m not going to go inside just yet, okay? Just want you to see what it’s like to have a hand close.”
He gently, but firmly, cups your mound, and you suck in a breath, jerking in place. 
“That okay?”
You have to take a few more deep breaths and think about it, feeling the weight of his palm against part of you that no one’s ever known. “It’s, um. It’s nice. Warm.” 
“Just keep breathin’ nice and slow for me, okay?” 
He’s looking at you with those beautiful brown eyes, the ones that have made you feel seen and heard for the three months that you’ve been here. The ones that got cold and empty when you told him how the hospital had treated you, how your parents had reacted. 
What your fiance had said when he found out. 
The ones that were warm and clever, little crows’ feet at the corners and a pinch between his brow as he studied you. 
And you relax a little, taking a slow breath that filled you to the brim, letting it wash away as his hand began to rub wide circles between your legs. 
“That’s it, honey, you’re doing great. Well beyond my anticipation, actually.” Well, his expectation. His anticipation was a whole different metric that had his heart pounding. 
“Let’s slide your panties down and see how you react to skin contact, okay? Same thing, just without clothes in the way.”
You bite your lip but nod, wide eyes watching as his thick thumbs hook into either side and tug. You raise your hips a little, allowing him to dispose of the white cotton with ease. 
“Doin’ so well for me. Such a good girl,” he murmurs, stroking one finger up and down the seam of your cunt. 
You whimper, so he stills.
“N-nothing,” you say. “Just… it’s so intense.” 
“Want me to get you used to that or do we need to stop for today?”
“No!” you cover your face. “I mean. No, it’s okay, I’m okay.”
It’s good that you’re hiding, because you miss the flash of a smirk. He resumes his gentle stroking as your breath goes ragged.
“Doctor Miller, I feel weird,” you mumble. 
“Yeah? You feel it right here?” his other hand traces fingertips over your pelvis. 
“Uh-huh. It’s… it’s so much. I don’t know,” you choke off a gasp as the tip of his finger nudges open your labia, just the width of a breath, but it makes you dizzy.
You clutch at your temple. “Is this because I’m crazy? B-because my head’s so messed up?” Everything feels like it’s spinning. 
“No, sweet girl. It’s supposed to feel like this. You’re supposed to feel good.” 
“I-I-I—” but you can’t get it out, the last syllable reaching a squeak as he traces just inside your lips. 
He pulls away. “Alright, you’ve pushed through enough for today. You did so well, honey. Tomorrow, I’ll show you somethin’ real good, okay? It should help ya, clear your head a bit.” 
You whine as he stands up. “Doctor, please, I feel… it hurts.”
“I’m sorry. It’ll fade in a moment. You’re not ready, darlin’. Remember how hard it was the first time you went out to the rec room? And it didn’t feel good after?”
You nod. 
“It’s kinda like that. You gotta acclimate. Don’t worry. I’ll help you every step of the way.”
“Doctor,” you start hesitantly. 
“When can I get out?”
“Like outta the hospital or outta this room?”
“This room,” you say, lip quivering. You’re so, so lonely, and you know he’s about to go home for the night and leave you here with no one, nothing.
He sighs. “It’s not fully up to me.”
“But you-you said I’ve been so good,” you say, tears welling.
“Don’t cry, honey. You’ll get out, it’s just… ya gotta keep showing me you’re gonna be good, okay? Ya scared some ‘a the others.”
“I didn’t mean to, I won’t do it again,” you say, unable to stop the burning tears from spilling over. You hadn’t. All you had done was throw one book across the rec room at the end of visiting hours, unable to hold back the heartbreak of being left alone again. 
“I know, sweetheart. I’ll see what I can do. Be good, now,” he says, jacket rippling a little as he sweeps out of the door. The lock clunks, and you lay back, lost in his overwhelming wake.
*title from "Wicked Game" by Chris Isaak
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Gojo Satoru x AFAB!Reader
summary: y/n (a non-sorcerer) tries to get away from Gojo, her controlling partner, but he only pulls her closer. no plot just smutty smut smut but I heard plotless is a pro and con in this context ;)
word count: 1,726
a/n: WOW it took me way too long to post this, but Happy New Year, all! if you want to be on my JJK or my Gojo taglist let me know!
tw: she/her reader, controlling behavior (this is toxic and is abuse IRL! this is only hot bc it’s imaginary), unprotected sex. creampie, fingering, p in v sex, oral f receiving, dubcon
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“Because I’m unhappy, Satoru! You never listen to me, and every time I’m angry you just throw money at me like that solves the problem! I deserve a real relationship, not one where I feel like I’m always talking to a brick wall and can never really make my own choices!” He’s quiet, that stupid smirk still on his face. Ugh. “I’m leaving.” I turn around to grab my keys, in a decorative bowl right behind me, and he’s there.
One of his long, coaxing hands slips around my neck, tilting my head back, and the other one snakes around my waist, pulling my body into his. His breathing in my ear sends a shiver all the way down my spine. “I’m sorry, baby. I never meant to make you feel unhappy.”
I try to pull away, reaching for my keys again. “It doesn’t matter, I’m done. Just let me go.” Instead of listening, he quickly grabs my arm, pinning it to my chest with his first hand, and reaching out to touch my keys. The second his finger makes contact with them, they disintegrate, and my stomach drops.
“You won’t need those. I promise, after tonight—“ He starts kissing my neck, sucking on my sensitive spot and leaving a hickey, causing me to gasp. “—You won’t ever want to leave again.“
“Gojo, st—“ He cuts me off by turning my head around to kiss me on the lips, reaching under my skirt to rub on my clitoris through my underwear. I break the kiss, trying to push him away. “Gojo— ngh!” I moan in surprise when I feel his fingers slide under my panties and dip into my folds, the sudden pleasure making me forget my exact situation. Gojo removes his blindfold, and I realize my mistake— I should’ve known he would do this.
Domain expansion. Before I know it, I’m being gripped by several of Gojo’s hands, his fractals of digits ripping my clothes to shreds within a mere second. Some arms are holding my arms down, some are holding my legs open, others are massaging my breasts, others are twisting my nipples, and a pair are squeezing my neck, the pressure slightly decreasing air flow and making me feel lightheaded. Gojo comes into view, towering above me. He removes his clothes and says, “If I wanted to make it easier, I would just let more hands do it, but I want you to know who’s making you feel this good.” He drops down to his knees, leaning over me. “Something I don’t tell other people about my abilities, specifically about the Unlimited Void, is that I can control what kinds of stimuli someone receives — I’m not limited to just everything or nothing.”
My eyes flutter, struggling against the hands at my throat — I’m not being suffocated, I just don’t feel in control of my body. He smiles cunningly, sliding his hand down my torso. None of the other hands have stopped their prodding and preening, and he can see my eyes reacting to the arousing behavior. He captures my lips in his, slithering his tongue into my mouth, and inserting a finger into my gummy walls. “Oh!” My exclamation is swallowed by his devouring mouth, and my back arches as he starts to pump his long finger in and out, curling it into my g-spot.
He seamlessly transitions into adding a second finger, and then a third, each eliciting louder moans from me. His palm is rubbing against my sensitive nub, and I feel the extra pressure with every pump of his hand. It feels so good. It feels so good. It feels so good! I moan, all the twisting and tweaking of my body coupled with his fingers filling me up brings me closer, closer, and closer to the edge, his hand slamming into me until—
I let out a sob when he pulls his hand out, licking all of my juice from his fingers as he stares into my eyes. My hole is clenching around the air, my cum drooling out. “You’re making a mess, sweetheart. Let me clean that up for you.” He grabs his member, giving it a few strong pumps, then uses his tip to wipe up my liquids, rubbing it against my slit. He presses his tip into my hole, waiting for the clenching to stop— “You can’t start too early, or you’ll be all worn out.” —Before finally pushing all the way in.
“Satoru!!!” I cry out, my walls squeezing around him when I feel his full length. “Baby, please!” But he won’t play nice. He moves in and out of me at an even pace, and every time I start spasming around him, he slows down to an almost painful pace, waiting for it to stop before gradually speeding back up again. I’m mewling, begging for him to give me my release, even trying to hump up into him, but he only pulls himself out of me, not letting me get to my orgasm.
He pauses, seemingly thinking to himself. “I wonder how close I can get you with my mouth?” He slides down to my pussy, nestling his face between my thighs. I can feel his breathing on me because of how close he is. His tongue darts in, drawing a circle around my rim before sliding in, poking and prodding in me as I struggle to rub my lips on his face. I find an angle that works, where my thrashing makes the tip of his nose rub on my clit. I can feel myself getting closer to my high, and I close my eyes, embracing all the different sensations I’m experiencing all at once, but my body betrays me when it starts shaking. Gojo laughs into my lips, the vibration almost pushing me over the edge, and he pulls his face away. “Did you think I didn’t know what you were doing? Silly girl.” I whine, trying to shake my lower half, but he’s nowhere near me, it seems. More hands grab my hips, holding me so I’m completely immobile. He tsks. “When I told you only I can ever make you cum, that included yourself and any scheming tricks you thought you could pull.”
I can’t see him because my head’s being pulled back, but I can feel him when his lips wrap around my bud and his tongue starts swirling around it. He sucks as he works, and I moan again, thinking that I’ll come undone for sure, it feels so good, if only he’d let me finish! He lets go with a loud pop of his lips, coming up to kiss me, my sheen coating his velvety petals like morning dew on a rose. I taste sweet and bitter in my own mouth, but I don’t have time to savor it as he fills me to the brim, and starts thrusting away. “Ah! Satoru, I’m close! Please tell me I can cum!” I beg him, my voice wavering from the overstimulation of my whole body, all my points of pleasure telling me I can never leave this man. He’s right. No one else will ever tear me apart in as sensual of a way as he does.
He hums, laughing as he pleasures himself inside of me, burying himself to the hilt, pulling far enough out that his tip becomes visible, then quickly burrowing all the way back in, over and over again. “Okay.” He picks up his pace, and the dam breaks — everything that had built up pours out, my orgasm flooding out each time he pushes himself into me, and my head’s spinning as I’m stuck bawling from how good it feels. My entire body is rigid and shaking, and Gojo’s still going, the other hands going crazy, all madly fondling every part of my body.
Tears sneak out of my ducts, and Gojo licks them up, smiling like the devil while his eyes bore into mine as he nears his own release. My pussy is still fluttering around his cock, and I haven’t stopped babbling about it being too much, too much, when I feel my reservoir filling up again. “Sa-to-ru-oh!” I manage, though I’m not sure what I’m even trying to say.
“Say you’ll stay,” He commands in a deep, smooth voice, and I melt beneath his piercing blue eyes, the sweat glistening on his skin, which feels sticky as his hips collide with mine, his balls slapping against my second hole, the fractal hands all reaching for the most sensitive spots and caressing them in just the right way.
“I’ll— I’ll stay!” I respond, incapable of thinking about what he’s asking of me, and his thrusts turn from measured to erratic. I feel his hips begin to stutter, the other hands all becoming even more aggressive if even possible, and the final push that takes me over the edge is feeling his length pumping out his seed inside me, making everything squeeze just a bit tighter. My rubber band snaps, and the other hands all disappear as my body spasms out of control, my back completely arched as my hips move to meet his of their own accord, his own continuing to pound into me until he has nothing else, and he stills, rubbing his hands up my naked body until he cups my face with both of them, kissing my lips, then looking at me with a hunger yet to be satiated reflecting from his eyes.
When my body finally calms, I eventually notice that we’re still in the living room. He scoops me up, and while he holds me I realize that he’s already hard again. “We’re not done yet, I hope you know. Remember now, my love, you said you would stay.” He takes me to our bedroom and sets me down in the middle of the bed, flipping me over so I’m on my hands and knees, and slapping my ass. “If you ever try to leave again I’ll give you so much pleasure that you’ll pray for me to stop it, and I won’t, because this is mine. You’re mine. Do you understand?” I nod my head weakly as I wobble on all fours, and gasp when he yanks my head back by my hair. “Oh, y/n, you’re my good girl.” He rams himself into me from behind.
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taglist: @ekaterinatepes
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widow-maximov · 1 year
would you mind making a comfort/fluff ff? its pairings between reader and nat. :] so basically its night time and nat wants to watch a horror movie (any kind), reader gets jumpscared during the movie (like.. grabs onto nat for comfort and nat thinks that reader is adorable), then we end up with cuddlesss 🤩
A little bit of Horror
Pairing: Natasha x Fem!Reader
Warning: Pure fluff, slight angst.
Summary: You could always hide your big terrifying secret and that was your huge fear of horror movies... But it was until a certain redhead was a fan of it.
Word count: 1.5k
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
Your big question always was. Who created Horror movies, thinking that was the best thing ever invented?
You were good at avoiding horror movies the best you could. How couldn't you? When it was your sworn enemy, nothing else in life scared you like those stupid horror movies.
Like for what good reason would you run towards the person who is out there to kill you. You always got frustrated at those movies and honestly wanted to be there to literally show that person a quicker way out.
But at the end of the day, if they did what you wanted, there would be no movie at all. So the best you could do was avoid them.
So, with the peace of mind that no horror would happen to you anytime soon. You enjoy the day that has been presented to you. You were out on a mission for couple days now and you couldn't wait until today was over.
Natasha had promised you that she would be waiting for you with a romantic evening. You were thrilled and excited to see what your girlfriend had prepared for you.
Natasha, on the other hand, was skeptic with your way of acting. She wanted to test it out. She planned a very relaxing evening for you when you're back.
Candles, perfect dinner, relaxing bath with her, massages and then relaxing in bed whilst a movie played in the background. Of course, it had some horror, nothing that would ruin the mood.
And that's exactly what happened. You had ate the most delicious dish you have ever tasted, that she has actually cooked. The way she has dragged you away with a smirk.
She always loved admiring your body, she knew how insecure you felt sometimes about it, and each time she always made sure she paid extra attention to everything about you.
The way your body reacts to her hands gently touching you. How there are always goosebumps when her hand traces circles on your stomach before she lowers herself.
She knows how to turn you on without even needing to touch you. She knows all of your bottoms and you loved that about her. God you loved that so much about the redhead.
So, when your back was to her front in the bath. The way fingertips gently traced shapes on your arm. You hummed softly at her gesture, smiling softly at how perfect this felt.
"This is perfect..." You spoke up, knowing well enough that she was smiling the whole time. "You are perfect."
You looked at her, seeing a blush across her cheeks. "You're so cute when you blush.."
That made her blush even more. She was always confident but you always managed to make her blush with your words. "Kiss me."
You didn't take any longer than you needed to. You looked into her eyes and kissed her like she requested. Her lips felt like heaven, so soft and warm.
She pulled away, leaning her forehead against yours. Letting out a soft sigh. "You deserve all this Y/n.."
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. Even if the water was slowly now getting colder. The warmth you felt from Natasha was enough to make you want to stay there longer.
You looked at her, those piercing green eyes that stared so perfectly into yours. "Oh Tasha..."
"I love you so much..." You were so whipped for this woman, that sometimes you wondered if she had enough of you.
"I love you too дорогая (darling)" She spoke just above a whisper.
You always loved it when she spoke Russian. It made everything sound and look perfect. "Say it in Russian.."
Her fingertips slowly made their way down to your body that was under the water. Wanted to feel those goosebumps that she always knew to expect.
"Я тоже тебя люблю, дорогая" She repeated herself but in Russian, quickly leaning in and placing a soft kiss.
She loved these moments with you. "We should get out before we both get sick from the cold water.."
She had to ruin the moment, but she cared about your wellbeing and as well as hers. You groaned at the thought of getting out but shortly agreed with her.
Both getting out and drying yourself. You wrapped the towel around your body, but Natasha had different plans. She attached her body from behind you.
Her lips kissing from your shoulder to your neck to your ear, "Don't cover yourself.."
"But Nat...-" Before you could let your insecurities get the best of you, Her hands cupped yours, moving them to where the towel sat snug. Slowly moving it away from your body and letting it drop on the floor.
You wasn't sure what gotten to her but you were loving every second of this affection. You loved how she paid attention to everything. A soft gasp left your mouth when there was a slight breeze against your nude body.
She turned you around, letting her eyes explore your body like if this was the first time. A soft blush appearing on your cheeks as you felt slightly shy.
No imperfection could make Natasha think you weren't the most beautiful woman alive. Her eyes finally met yours, her loving gaze fighting the lust circling her pupils.
"You are so beautiful.." Her hands sat tightly on your hips as she pulled you into her own warm body.
Your hands fell on her shoulder before pulling her into the most needy kiss that you could express. Showing her how much you appreciate her words, her being here and showing you that you are lovable.
Of course, being butt naked lead to the most passionate night you could've experienced. Her letting you feel all of the pleasure she could get out of you before you would give that back to her.
Show her body how much everything she did, was more than enough. You wanted to leave her satisfied and less tensed which by the way her body relaxed after was telling enough.
After everything, her arm draped around you. Holding you close as she put a movie on. The movie that she wanted to see if her assumption was right.
As your attention shifted to the TV. Almost being ready to go for another round if the movie was boring you. That's when the jump scares came.
Making you jump and squeal in fear, hiding your face in Natasha's arm. "What is this movie!"
Natasha chuckled softly at your cuteness, but not talking at all. Watching you in the corner of her eye. Watching how you peaked at the screen and then hid again.
Watching as you spoke to the tv, causing the redhead to laugh even making you laugh slightly at your own fear. "Natasha, this isn't funny!"
"How stupid are these people! Just run the opposite way!" You slightly raised your voice as you waved your hand towards the screen.
She knew the jumpscare was coming, it was slowly edging towards the end of the movie. She was ready as she had her arms open and watched as you screamed and jumped right into her arms.
"Gosh, you are so adorable." Natasha expressed as she stroke your head to keep you calm, watching as the character managed to escape the murderer.
You pulled away, your hair being slightly a mess as you narrowed your eyes at the redheaded Russian. "How could you!"
Natasha bit her lower lip to stop herself from smiling. But you weren't having it, as you softly shoved her arm. Making her laughing and voice her imaginary pain.
"Ouch." Natasha held her arm as she laughed softly. "Come on Y/n, it's just a little bit of horror."
"Little bit of horror?" You scoffed, as you sat on Natasha, holding her arms above her head. "You lead me in the false sense of safety when you had all of this planned all along. I spent years avoiding watching this stuff."
The redhead must admit she liked this side of you. The side where there was fire in your eyes. Looking at her like she was your gourmet meal.
"I was just checking out my assumption.." She knew she was going to make it worse.
How couldn't she, when this was all a plan after all.
You raised your brow at her, intrigued in her words right now. "Right... And what was that then, my dear."
"If you were scared of horror fiction." She loved the way your grip on her wrists tighten.
You hummed as you leaned down to her ear. "You better be prepared for punishment.."
You knew something that she didn't know that you knew about her. Whilst her head was filling with unholy stuff. Letting her eyes fill with lust for you.
You had other plans. You moved away as you smiled and removed your grip on her hands. With a swift motion you attached your hands to her side and tickled her.
You knew she was going to be weaker whilst laughing and trying to somehow get away from you. "Stop! Y/n!"
"No, you will take the pushiment that I came up with." You spoke louder over her, to let her hear.
Now the redhead knew, that even a little bit of horror, can turn into her nightmares if she wasn't careful.
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dot-png · 3 months
bryce Hfj Nd Headcanons u Say... ? Share them Pretty Pleas? wuld Love 2 Hear ur Thoughts Bout that Guy..
i see him having anxiety, clinical depression, c-ptsd and autism
the depression part is kinda obvious as to why if you pay attention to his character but ill elaborate later
the anxiety part is actually technically canon, since he has thalassophobia, which is an anxiety disorder (plus the fact i dont think airy would just randomly add a fun fact to their extra sections - a phobia caused by an actual disorder differs from just an irrational fear so yeah (also caney has epilepsy listed in his extra sections which is a disorder)) i'd like to incorporate that along with the cptsd part since it causes anxiety obviously
as for autism its more of a headcanon for fun rather than with factual basis but ill elaborate on it also
my reasoning for him having c-ptsd is not because of the competition but his childhood, his mom's behavior was so bad that stella had to out of her way to keep bryce away from her
i say complex ptsd specifically because of how he asks if she's having "another one" so we can assume it happened consistently. he also didn't have any way to escape (aside from stella distracting him) considering it was domestic. i dont really think his mom abused him in some way ? but the consequences had to be destructive enough for stella to assume their own home was unsafe for a small child. we don't see much about bryce's relationship with his mom (or his parents in general) but that 100% carried on to his adult self - especially if it happened frequently, and it was super early too because i dont think he was any older than like 7 in that flashback
another factor for this is stella's death ofc, we know how much their relationship mattered to him and how losing her affected him so i dont think i need to overexplain it
as for the way its shown in the show: compared to everyone else, his startled response feels more severe for me, like he always goes on fight or flight mode rather than just freaking out a little. i want to point out one 10 specially
liam shows up at bryces door after 7 months and just stays there for an entire night, during all that time liam just rambles about one and his mere presence is a reminder of one for bryce. one was a traumatizing experience for everyone, but bryce processes it differently, being reminded of that just sents him into shock:
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he can't think of how to react until 10 hours later. the way liam reacts at first suggest he thinks bryce is just being rude and purposefully ignoring him, he thinks bryce shouldn't avoid talking to him because he thinks he didn't go through the same amount of pain he [liam] did on the plane and he shouldn't act like he did; but he isn't aware of how anything that remotely reminds him of a bad experience can send him spiraling back to that place, he may not have stayed as long and not have suffered as much (or worse) as liam, but he's been living with this mindset for so long that it's just an automatic reaction. he can panic at anything:
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(and i wanna point out how on the first one the shot focuses specifically on him)
and that may seem obvious like, yeah of course he would panic in one 10 of course he was trying to process seeing liam out of nowhere after almost a year but i only went on this tangent and brought that up bc i wanna link it to another thing ....
in one 13 bryce says how "his life was miserable before the competition" and "now that its over he has an incentive to do something with his life". kylie also says that after bryce came back she feels like "he's taking his job more seriously". what i wanna touch on is how the way they put it seems like bryce is trying to like find a purpose in his life, but not exactly find peace ? i don't know exactly how to put it. like he says he was pretty miserable and demotivated he had a stupid chungus life whatever. it feels like he was trying to get his life in order and get more done, rather than facing what was holding him back in the first place and try to make peace with that. he felt unproductive when that's not really the main cause of his misery. which brings me to..
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his whole thing with the waiting room. he didn't have any panic reaction, but he was definitely clinging to the past, in this case his childhood and the moments he got to feel safe with stella
now i know the waiting room is designed to make you want to go to whatever's calling you no matter what, but metaphors exist ok . so im gonna consider it a metaphor for his cptsd in bryce's case
he spends the entire episode clinging to the manifestation of stella, but liam stops him from actually going w her because he wants them to solve the whole airy thing first. by the end of it, bryce stops seeing the suburbs as well as stella. when liam and bryce finally get to rest, he says:
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he didn't realize that his tendency to ignore his suffering in the past doesn't prepare him for when it pops up again. it send him into terror, he can't help but go back to reliving it, this cycle just kept making him feel worse but he insisted in doing better instead of reconciling with himself
his childhood and one were two different traumatic experiences, but accepting he can't just live what he went through in that competition behind makes him realize he doesn't need to be scared of his past so often. he had to realize he can't just constantly try to repress what happened and move on without reflecting on the way what happened scarred him and continues to affect him; even if he supresses it, it will come back one point and make him go through all that all over again (which is another reason for me to think that people saying bryce dislikes liam is stupid but thats not the point !🙄)
as for his depression season 1 implies it a lot, specially with the flashback sequence in one 7 i can see him having executive dysfunction and it being one of the reasons as to why he tried changing so much after one he also has problems with sleep, and the irritability that comes with experiencing depression in general. also stella's death once again contributes to it
i see him being autistic mainly because he's this trope basically:
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(sorry this image is the only way i could put it . you have to understand . ) kylie says how he's not very expressive, and we see how he really isn't. monotonicity is very characteristic of asd, in his case it feels specially like a symptom considering how, in most cases, people don't mean to be as monotone as they are. we know bryce isn't exactly the most chill person in the world he just has a hard time managing and expressing his emotions
bringing up executive dysfunction again, its also a common trait in asd
another thing is his hypersensitivity (which i already talked about a lot), overstimulation can lead to panic attacks you get what i mean. i think he fits as being sensory avoidant
the way he handles most social situations in the show (specially on the plane and with liam on season 2) i can see him being oblivious to social cues
not exactly factual basis just a little analysis, i interpret him being low empathy but high compassion. i think the low empathy would be more related to his irritability
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https-hunter · 9 months
Mean girls (2024) thoughts
(obviously spoilers for the movie!)
- personally, I loved it. As someone who’s been totally (not) normal about the og mean girls movie since 2015 and saw the musical on broadway, the target audience was me
- Reneé Rapp Regina my beloved. She was the Regina I saw on broadway so this was extra special to me
- MS NORBURY AND PRINCIPAL DUVALL ARE A COUPLE?? “Can you run this?” “Fine but you walk the dogs the rest of the week” “I love you” “I love you too”. I’m so glad she found a good guy after her divorce <3
- Janis was such a vibe. Idk she just reminds me of myself in high school but with my current fashion sense. Weird art kid rep !!
- I cried twice. Once when they showed cady in kenya bc I always cry at musical opening numbers and again when Mrs. Heron said September 9th. THATS MY BIRTHDAY THEY SAID MY BIRTHDAY IN THE MOVIE
- When Damien performed the icarly theme song in french like it was a film from the 1930s. That was so real of him
- I think it’s actually really important for gen z to have their own version of this story. The explicit queerness of Janis was great. Waaay less of the casual fatphobia that was rampant in the 2000s. As someone who grew up loving mean girls, but also relatively recently graduated from high school, I can relate to this one more and it felt so nice
- in a similar vein, I liked the use of social media throughout the movie. It felt real, like how teens actually use it. This movie just didn’t feel like it was making fun of teens, like a lot of teen media does nowadays
- It’s so funny to me that they’re just not revealing what Glen Coco looks like. Not even some random extra. It’s just everyone reacting to Glen Coco getting the candy cane grams, but no shots of Glen
- WHY is Megan Thee Stallion giving input to drama at some high school in Illinois?? I love how she’s getting into acting now
- Also. The fact that they get real tiktokers sent me. Why did I see chris olsen in this movie
- The beanie baby 😭 so real for girls who grew up in the 2000s
- Lindsey Lohan being at the mathlete competition was everything to me. It was my version of Tobey McGuire & Andrew Garfield in no way home
- I thought the detail that Karen’s necklace with her name on it was backwards several times. She’s so stupid and I love her <3
- Speaking of Karen, her expressions were so funny. Just like this for 90% of the movie 👁️ 👁️
- Principal Duvall’s still got carpal tunnel after all this time, huh
- When Karen was trying on different Halloween costumes, I noticed that she had one of the tank top with the holes cut in it like Regina had in the first movie. We love to see callbacks like that
- Lastly, it was a good movie! People who say it’s bad don’t know what they’re talking about. They probably just didn’t know it was a musical or anything about the musical. But as someone who adores every adaptation of mean girls (except for the “sequel”), it was great!! Ppl who hate it just don’t like fun ig
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blueeyedheizer · 15 days
If you’re still taking requests could I please request a Cassie Howard x reader fic where the reader is an absolute idiot who cannot take anything seriously and flirts with everyone. Cassie hates the reader and so when she’s turned on by reader flirting with her she gets really frustrated. This keeps happening until they eventually have sex in the nearest room they can find
cassie can't stand you.
you're always cracking jokes, never taking anything seriously, flirting with anyone who gives you the time of day. it drives her insane.
it isn't just the flirting, though—it's the way you make her feel. she hates how her heart races whenever your teasing turns her way, how the heat rushes to her face so damn easily when you throw her that ridiculous wink of yours.
she's not into you, though. she'd never fall for an idiot like you.
tonight is no different. the party's in full swing and you're being your usual self, cracking jokes and throwing compliments like candy to anyone who so much as looks your way. cassie tries to ignore you as she leans against the wall, pretending to be invested in some random gossip barbara started, something about who’s been hooking up with who at the halloween party.
but it’s hard to focus when she can feel your eyes on her, and even harder when you make your way over to her, that same stupid grin plastered on your face.
“my, my, if this isn't the hottest howard sibling. you’re looking extra cute tonight, cass.” you tease, leaning in just a little too close as you look her up and down. “don’t tell me you dressed up just for me?”
cassie rolls her eyes, arms crossed. “please, like I’d do anything for you.” but there it is again, that familiar heat creeping up her neck. she clenches her jaw, hating how easily you get under her skin and how easily her damn cheeks go red when you do.
you notice, of course. you always do.
“is that a blush I see?" you tease, your voice low and playful. cassie shoots you a glare, but it only makes you smirk. before she can retort, you bring her hand to your lips and press a soft kiss to her knuckles, stealing the breath right out of her lungs. "you know, it's kind of adorable when you get all flustered because of me. make me feel special."
she hates that stupid fucking smirk of yours.
“that’s it,” she mutters under her breath, grabbing your wrist. without another word, she drags you through the crowd, her frustration boiling over. the sound of laughter and teasing whistles from her girl friends echoes behind her, but she’s too worked up to care. she doesn't care where she takes you either—she just needs to get away from the party, from the noise, from her own confusing feelings.
the moment the door to an empty bedroom closes behind you, cassie’s hands are on you, pulling you into a heated kiss. her frustration pours into every movement as she pushes you back against the door, her body pressed tightly against yours. you barely have a chance to react, though you don't seem all that surprised.
when she finally pulls back, breathless, her eyes are blazing with a mix of anger and something else she doesn't want to admit. “you're infuriating,” she sighs.
"jeez—" you pant, grinning. "didn't know you loved me that much."
cassie shoves you onto the bed, her movements rough and urgent, the last shred of control slipping as she lets herself finally give in to the pull you have on her. and you're laughing. of course you'd be laughing.
though your laughter quietly fades into a groan as she closes the distance between you again, her lips crashing against yours with a fierce hunger. your hands come to her hips then roam up her back, tugging at her dress.
cassie is quick to respond, sitting up to yank down the straps of her dress. She pulls the fabric roughly over her shoulders and lets it slide down past her waist, exposing her chest. she's now sitting in just her underwear, her breathing heavy with a mix of urgency and frustration.
"fuck," you chuckle in disbelief, propping your arms behind your head. “keep going, baby. I’m all eyes. can I have a taste too, or is that off-limits?"
"do you ever shut up?!" she snaps, her voice tinged with irritation. despite her sharp words, her breathing quickens and her cheeks flush some more, revealing just how worked up she is.
"mhh, no. but I do know something that would shut me right up. get up here."
cassie yelps as you tug her closer, but she obediently gets into position. she straddles your head, her thighs on either sides of your face as she sits up on her knees.
your hands run up and down her thighs, one of them coming to tuck her underwear to the side, your mouth salivating at the sight. she's drenched. you bite down on your lip, smirking up at her.
"Is that the effect I have on you? oh, baby… you should’ve just said so. we would've done that much earlier.”
"god you're such a stuck up assho—" the rest of her protest is lost in a moan as your lips find her clit, wrapping around it and giving it a generous suck. your arms hook around her thighs and cassie's hand is in your hair before she can think to stop herself, tugging at your scalp while the other grasps onto the headboard for dear life, her moans quickly drowning out the filthy sounds of your mouth.
...she's still not into you, though. no way. you're still an idiot.
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Little Sister
SKZ!OT8/Reader, Brother!Jungkook/Sister!Reader
Summary: Jungkook's little sister is the only female member in Stray Kids. You loved your group and group mates, but online threats cause panic...
A.N. So this is just a one off and not connected to anything else on may page, though if you guys like this then I can deffo do more for this AU!
Word Count: 2278 M.list
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You were stood on stage with your group mates, laughing and messing about. The company was holding special events to promote the new album, 5-Star, which involved a lot of public appearances and performances.
You were sandwiched between Han and Lee Know for the talking segment of the show. You loved doing shows like these with a smaller audience and relaxed choreography. It always felt more intimate and gave more opportunity for you to interact with the fans.
For this particular event, JYP had hired a couple more security guards than usual, because of a threat circling about you online. Of course you were worried, but this kind of thing happened to idols more often than you’d like to admit. Chan  wasn’t really happy about the amount of security considering the threat. Even with the extra guards, there were still only about 5 guys dotted around the venue, considering it was a smaller show, so this naturally had all the guys on high alert.
Honestly, they were probably more concerned than you were! To be completely honest, you were on the verge of a panic attack when you were first shown the treats so you did what any girl would... Call your big brother for help.
When you first told Jungkook that you would be debuting as the only girl in a group with 9 other boys (at the time) he was understandably unconvinced.
He’d seen first hand the horrors of the idol industry, and knew that some idols weren’t as squeaky clean as they presented themselves to be, so he was scared that his little sister would be put into a position she didn’t want to be in.
He came round eventually though, when you explained how Chan had fought to the bone for you to be in the group, and how close you’d become to the other boys in such a short amount of time. He knew you were in safe hands.
‘Oppa... I shouldn’t worry right?’ You’d locked yourself away in the bedroom, not wanting the boys to hear your fearful phone call.
‘This has happened to BTS too remember? And nothing happened to us. Are your managers increasing security?’ Jungkook had come to expect your phone calls over the years, always coming to him for advice and comfort, which he was always more than happy to give.
‘They are... But it’s only a small venue, so there will only be a few anyway.’ You trailed off, trying to not let the nerves get to you. ‘I wish you could be there. It would really help...’ He sighed down the phone at your request.
‘I would if I could Y/N, trust me. But I can’t be too far from the office right now with my single coming out soon.’ He really did sound sorry he couldn’t be there to support you, but you also knew that he thought you were over reacting, you could tell by the firm tone in his voice.
‘You’re right. I’m sorry. You should focus on your song.’ Jungkook frowned to himself. That wasn’t what he meant at all. He really did want to support you, but he really couldn’t travel right now. His song would be coming out soon and he needed to be there for any kind of meeting or practice BigHit needed him for.
‘Y/N, you know I-‘
‘Don’t worry!’ You cut him off, trying to sound cheery, but he wasn’t fooled. ‘I’m being silly. Talk later!’
‘Wai-‘ Jungkook stared at the phone in shock. You’d never hung up on him like that before. He knew calling you back probably wasn’t the best idea, so he settled for sending you a text instead.
Big Bro
I’m not stupid Y/N, I know you’re upset. Please don’t think I’m putting my song above you, it’s not like that.
I’m always gonna be there for my little sister, please remember that...
It was the day of the concert and you still hadn’t text Jungkook back, not really feeling the motivation to do so, even though he sent you another text that morning.
Good luck today! Let me know how it goes!
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Everything was going perfectly fine so far, and you’d pretty much forgotten what you were so scared about, until it came time to perform S-Class.
You jogged to the right side of the stage where Hyunjin was standing. You wrapped your arms round his waist so you could rest your head on his shoulder. Hyunjin laughed and also wrapped his arm round your shoulders. The crowd in front of you began to go wild at the display of skinship between the two of you.
Just as you pulled away, you had the wind knocked out of you as a body collided with your own. At first, you thought it was just one of the other guys forgetting their own strength, until you heard the horrified gasps and screams coming from the crowd.
Before you could even react, hands were around your neck and squeezing unforgivingly, effectively cutting off your air.
All you could do was stare up at the strange man wide eyed and gasping for air, as you scratched at his arms. Time suddenly seemed to speed up as the man was ripped away from you, leaving you a shaking and sobbing mess on the ground, and still somehow unable to breathe.
All the boys gathered around you in an instant, with Chan and Seungmin crouched at your sides. Chan was saying something to you, but your ears were ringing and all you could focus on was the man being dragged away by security, all while kicking and screaming that he was going to kill you.
In reality, he’d only been on you for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity...
‘We should mover her out of view. The crowd are scared...’ Han whispered to Chan as your manager quickly ran on stage.
‘Get her up! We have medics backstage!’ He demanded of Chan who was closest to you. He picked you up with ease and ran off stage with you, whilst the other boys followed behind.
Your manager and the host addressed the crowd, basically saying that you were being looked after, but the show was cancelled and they would be given a full refund.
Backstage in the dressing room, you’d devolved into a full blown panic attack. The two medics were hurriedly working and trying their best to calm you down and get air into your lungs with a mask. It didn’t help that the staff had forced the boys to stand outside the cramped room. Only Changbin managed to argue enough to be allowed in. He sat beside you and rubbed your back soothingly as you tried to calm down.
‘Keep using the mask Y/N, but I need to see your neck.’ Changbin could only stare in horror as the medic lifted your chin, and revealed dark purple bruises circling your neck. He couldn’t believe a person could do so much damage in so little time...
Changbin looked up when their manager approached the door.
‘He’s been arrested. We’re pressing charges.’ Changbin’s head snapped towards you when he heard your shaky, wheezy voice trying to say something.
‘What?’ He asked, leaning in to better hear you. With the pain in your neck and the panic only now subsiding, it was hard to talk.
‘Brother? You want someone to call your brother?’ You nodded, thankful that he understood what you were saying.
‘Ok. I’ll be right back.’ He reassured you as he got up.
‘Chan, you have Jungkook’s number right? She’s asking for him.’
‘Yeah of course. Tell her I’ll call him now.’ Changbin nodded and threw a thumbs up, before retreating back to you.
Chan excused himself to a quieter part of the hallway to make the call. Jungkook answered pretty quickly.
‘Hey Chan! It’s been a while.’
‘Yeah, Just wish I was calling you under better circumstances.’
‘What? What do you mean?’ Chan could hear the confusion in his voice. Chan paused before sighing.
‘Y/N was attacked on stage.’ Jungkook was silent so Chan quickly jumped back in. ‘She’s... Well she’s not ok. She’s really shaken up and her neck is bruised, but we got the guy.’
‘Wha- I don’t understand how this could happen?’ Jungkook stuttered out as he started to loose his cool. He knew you were nervous about the show today, but he was sure it was just going to be an empty threat...
‘Does it have anything to do with the threats online?’ He asked hesitantly.
‘We don’t know.’ Chan sighed once again and cast his eyes to look back at the crowded doorway. ‘Look man, she’s asking for you.’
‘I’ll be there asap. Are you taking her back to the dorms? I’m a few hours away.’ Chan gave him all the details. He knew the man was busy, so he was glad he was putting you first.
‘How is she?’ Chan spoke quietly to Hyunjn as he returned.
‘She’s calmed down a lot more now. They want to take her to the hospital for her neck, but she won’t go....’ Hyunjin trailed off. He was also shaken up from the event, he was stood right next to you after all. From the force the man crashed into you, Hyunjin had also been knocked over, but he managed to escape with just a scraped elbow.
‘No point causing her more stress in that case...’ Chan breathed out. ‘Her brother is meeting us back home.’
‘That’s good. I think they are getting ready to leave now.’
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As soon as you got home, you retreated to your bedroom, wanting to be alone, against better judgement.
‘’Y/N?’ Felix knocked softly on the door so as to not startle you. ‘I have some ice for your neck. It’ll help with the bruising.’ He frowned when you didn’t answer, but he wouldn’t invade your privacy by just walking in. He was about to admit defeat, when Jungkook suddenly appeared in the hallway, hurrying towards your door.
‘Hey, your door was unlocked. Is he in there?’
‘Yeah but she’s not answering. I bought her some ice.’ Jungkook took the ice bag from his hands.
‘I’ll make sure she uses it. Thanks for looking after her.’ Jungkook gave a grateful nod, before briefly knocking the door and pulling it open.
‘Y/N it’s me, I’m coming in.’
You bolted upright in bed when you heard your brothers voice.
‘Oppa! You actually came!’ Jungkook paused in the door way, offended look on his face.
‘You thought I wouldn’t?’ He scoffed as he sat next to you on the bed.
‘You’re busy...’ You trailed off, looking anywhere but at him. Jungkook shook his head and bough the ice pack to your neck. You jumped at the sudden cold, but you let him continue.
‘I’m sorry I ever made you feel I didn’t care. You’re my baby sister.’ You nodded sadly. You couldn’t hold back anymore. You turned and threw your arms around your brother, as the tears began to fall again.
‘Oppa I was so scared!’ He dropped the ice in shock, before coming back to his senses and wrapping his arms tightly around you.
‘It’s ok. You’re safe now.’
‘He could have had a knife or something worse.’ You wheezed out, unable to stop yourself from fearing the worst. Jungkook swallowed a lump in his throat to suppress his anger.  You and Jungkook had the typical brother/sister relationship. As children you were never really close, despite your close age. He would take any opportunity to tease you, but at the end of the day he was still your big brother, which made him your protector by default.
‘He didn’t. Don’t think about what if’s. It’ll only make you feel worse.’ He stroked your back in an attempt to calm you down. In the back of your mind you knew you should listen, but it wasn’t that easy.
‘I don’t know if I can go back on a stage any time soon...’ You whispered, shaking slightly.
‘Nobody’s gonna force you until your ready.’ He pulled back and looked you in the eye. ‘I promise.’ You swallowed but didn’t say anything.
‘Plus I’m sure Chan would have something to say if your uncomfortable.’ You smiled softly and nodded. It was true that Chan was extremely protective over all of SKZ, so if you weren’t ready, he would make sure you were accommodated.
‘Please try to stop thinking about it. It’s breaking my heart seeing you like this.’ You let out a strangled laugh and nodded.
‘Thank you for coming down here for me.’ You wiped your eyes now that the tears had stopped.
‘My members have been asking about you by the way.’ You perked up at his words. You’d met the other BTS members a lot over the years, and it was always a fun time when you would hang out together.
‘Yeah, the articles were pretty fast to appear, so they’ve been texting m none stop!’ You smiled. He knew that would cheer you up, to know that people care about you. Even though that was never in question, after all you had your boys and friends from different idol groups, but it just hit different when people reached out to you. ‘By the way...’ He trailed off sheepishly, causing you to frown. ‘Get ready for a bombardment of calls from mom and dad. They’ve seen everything.’ You groaned out and lay down on the bed, causing Jungkook to laugh. You had hoped that you could keep them in the dark, not wanting them to worry, but looks like that was out of the window.
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butch-corvid · 1 year
Thinking about being the amenity at a very high end women’s country club, their filthy pet dyke they can sate all their deviant urges on before going back to their homophobic husbands. Serving them drinks in nothing but an apron and maybe a leather collar, licking their heels clean whenever they command it and working the leather until it shines, getting ordered around with finger snaps and whistles like I’m just a dumb little bitch that’s not deserving of full verbal orders. staying edged for them so I’m always eager to service them, to bend over for their straps. Every time I try to say no to one of their requests another woman can shove her fingers inside me and show everyone how wet my fuckhole is as proof that I must like it.
Holding my leash and making me crawl to service them orally while they talk about politics, about their latest campaign fundraiser, about how they’ll be attending a charity dinner to raise funds for the campaigns of bigoted politicians. Pulling me off their cunts and making me agree with everything they say while I’m too much of a pathetic slut to articulate an argument. laughing at how stupid I am, working against my own self interest, while i barely react to their taunts, too focused on getting my tongue as far into the pussy in front of me to feel ashamed.
Staying tied up and gagged with nipple clamps and a vibrator on me, so that the more I squirm and thrash, the more it hurts. being their centerpiece as they do something else, so that they can mess with the settings on the vibrator, teasing me with the lowest setting or making me scream out when they send it all the way up. maybe it’s at a fancy dinner or something, and the waitstaff is just completely ignoring me, trying to beg for mercy through the gag. Once my pussy is all edged and sensitive and dripping, they can see how much they can fit inside me, working me open with the cocks I usually wear to service them and laughing as I cum over and over
Having me fuck a girl in front of them for entertainment while they degrade us for being stupid lesbian whores that’d do anything to get off for their betters. bonus points if she’s a trans girl so all the women can coo about how it’s just “so tragic” that all of these trans women are invading lesbian spaces while getting off to the sight of me breeding the girl until we’re too fucked out to even move after and she’s dripping with my cum. Maybe they’ll have her fuck them so I can eat her cum out of their pussies afterwards, desperately wishing I could be bred too
Pouring me expensive liquor until I’m nothing but an easy, pliant, half passed out puddle in their arms. dressing me up in expensive clothes just to rip them off me. giving me expensive things just to show they can, just to see me glare at them with hatred and jealousy. in exchange for sexual favors, of course. maybe they make bets with me. the longer I can cockwarm a woman’s strap all the way down without pulling off, the more money they’ll give me. but if I pull off before a certain time (i don’t know it, of course), they’ll get to record me as porn for them to get off to later. maybe seeing how many spanks I can take. if I can make it to 100 without crying, they’ll tip me extra. If I cry, they’ll tie me down and let some of the club staff take out all their frustrations on my helpless body.
Dressing me up in girl clothes and making fun of me for not passing as a girl, then tying me down and taking turns riding my cock until my mascara runs from overstimulation and my makeup is ruined. saying I look so much better like this, so that I’m just enough of a boy to be allowed to fuck them but enough of a dyke to be humiliated for it.
And, of course, I keep coming back. I say it’s for the money (college tuition, rent in this economy, gifts for my girlfriends), but really I just enjoy being a degenerate bootlicking dyke for women who repulse me
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dullgecko · 1 month
Exam results day today for me, so here's some hc on how the Bad Kids react to their grades:
Fig: Genuinely unbothered, the archdevil of rebellion in her doesn't respect any system to care. Besides, if she had ever been worried about her grades, she would have attended bard class occasionally!! She also knows full well that they won't fail her overall (she is literally a famous rockstar, that's the ideal for bardery!!!)
Riz: Treats his grades like one of his cases, he doesn't really react to when he (frequently) does extremely well, but a low grade might just destroy the perfectionist in him
Gorgug: I feel like he would be incredibly proud of himself regardless of the grade he gets from growing up with extremely supportive parents and also because he doesn't typically see himself as intelligent, so getting any sort of codified proof that he isn't dumb means a lot
Fabian: "Of course I passed, I'm Fabian Arameus Seacaster!" Is the front he puts on, but secretly he actually cares deeply and does worry that he isn't good enough, esp after Leviathan
Adaine: Worries. A lot. Her grades are near perfect, but that doesn't stop her. She probably actually knows exactly the grade she has going into the exam hall because /Oracle stuff/, but that doesn't stop the voice in her head panicking from when she lived with her parents, which jawbone probably finds out the hard way
Kristen: She pretends not to care about her grades and put on a tough girl attitude, but they actually matter to her more than she will admit even to herself, the part of her mind still clinging to being Helio's chosen still seeking that approval
Fig could probably argue to get her final grades in her bard classes changed. In fact, the principal would respect that she had the gaul to even try. She's right, she IS a famous rock star. Isnt that the goal of these classes? She doesnt care enough to go that far though, she passed the last stand and is dropping out with an A grade to live that rockstar/archdevil life.
Riz would have a full-blown meltdown over a bad grade. He already might not be able to afford to go to college, and he's a goblin, so he has to maintain that A+ average. He studies extreamly hard, and does all his extra curriculars, AND is helping Kristen with her presidential stuff. If he werent so goddamn impressive the rogue teacher would give him a bad grade just so he'll try to break into the schools systems to change it (which coincidentally would give him enough extra credit to make it an A+ again).
Gorgug has so many people calling him stupid that it just slides right off his back. He's pretty good at rolling with the punches, so if he gets a bad grade he just doubles down on his studies and does extra well the next time.
Fabian is one of those kids who pretends they didnt study for the exam, but secretly studied so so much. He wants to make his parents proud, and if he cant be EFFORTLESSLY perfect in his schoolwork he'll at least make it seem like it's effortless. The Lofi study nights at the manor helped with this a lot, because he could study while still making it look like it was just to help other people.
Adaine worries so much that she gives herself panic attacks even if she KNOWS all the material on the exam. Jawbone advocates for her though, so she gets to take most of her exams in a quiet room and gets extra time. For the ones where she has to do it with her classmates though the councilor is always there to help supervise just in case she has a meltdown.
Kristen struggles a lot with her classes but she's at least managing a decent C average. She feels horrible about it though, because even though she studies she cant bring the grade up. She just has a lot of trouble focusing and should probably talk to Jawbone about it.
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