#she didn't ignore me. sam's just a fucking bastard who has her wrapped around his tiny poodle paws
i3utterflyeffect · 8 months
good news everyone! things are ok thus far.
Basically last night i discovered one of my dogs is very sick, but I went to visit him today and he's doing a lot better. He even had some energy to be sassy at me, which sounds like such a weird thing but it's a good sign.
So! Things currently are looking up
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Dean's POV:
I just woke up and I look to my right to see Y/n's bareback. "Damn I am so lucky to have her and that she's mine," I thought. I started to kiss her back and I wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer to me, I continue to kiss her from the crook of her neck to her mid-back, she started to stir, but I didn't stop at all, "Good Morning sweetheart" I said as she turned to face me with a smile plastered on her lips, "good Morning Bae " she said as she snuggles more with me and I kissed the top of her forehead, "do we really have to go?" she said and I looked down at her, "of course sweetheart I don't want to look bad in front of your dad" I said looking at her, "C'mon Winchester I know that is not the only reason why you want to go. We can probably say that Bobby called us or something my dad won't get mad, he loves you already" she said lifting herself up with her hands to look directly at me, "hey that is not my problem that, the asshole of Scott wanted to get all touchy with 'MY GIRL' he needs to know that he cannot just come in and start touching someone else girl" I said and she smiles and grabbed my face and kissed my lips, "you look so hot when you are jealous Dean, I feel like I could just let you fuck me right now" she said with a wink and she didn't have to tell me twice 'cause I already had her pin to the mattress, "is that so sweetheart?" I said raising my eyebrow, "yeah baby, but we have to go to the case with my dad and Scotty, so today is not your lucky day baby" she said with a pout as she got out of the bed and left me there, "but you said we didn't have to go?" I said looking at her picking up her clothes from last night and putting on my shirt, "well, baby the thing is that you said that you don't want to look bad in front of my dad, and he doesn't like people that are late and that means we don't have time for that baby" she said as she approached me and kissed my lips before walking out.
'she's going to be the death of me' I thought.
Sam, Y/n and I arrived at the dinner where we are going to meet with Rodney and the asshole.
"little bubba!" her dad said as he got up to greet us, "hey pops!" she said happily as she hugged him, then he looked at me and Sam, "how are you son?" he said as he hugged me and I looked at Scott and he rolled his eyes as Rodney called me son, "I'm really Good Rodney, I had a great night yesterday," I said and winked at Y/n and she chuckles, then Rodney greeted Sam with a hug, "take a seat," he said and soon we all ordered.
Y/n was seating between her dad and me, Sam and the other guy were right in front of us and I didn't like the way he was looking at her at all.
Rodney started to talk about the case and I was paying attention most of the time if not I was eyeing Scott, until he started to talk and acted like if I was invisible and he was just talking to the others, "we have to get into pairs, well one group has to have 3 people" he said and placed his hand on tops of Y/n, but she moved it away, while I started at him and under the table I pulled my gun to him and I was ready to shoot him between the legs for touching my girl, "well we can be the 3 of us and you two, if you don't mind Sam" her dad said making me look at him, "yeah no problem Rodney, Dean and her are a great team I bet they don't want to be far from each other" Sam said as he looked at me, "cause he knows I will take her away from him" Scott whispered, but I was able to listen, so I placed my arm around Y/n and she smiled, "so is done we will go to the crime scene while you guys go to the police station" he said and everyone nodded while I smirked at Scott who looked angry at that.
Y/n's POV:
All of us dressed in our Fed suits. My dad went with us in the Impala, while Sam went with Scott in his car; I told my dad that he can be in the front but he said that he would like to be in the back.
"Remember the first time I took you to your first undercover case Little Bubba?" he asked and both chuckle, "well I haven't heard that story," Dean said as he looked at me, "Oh you don't want to, it was really bad," I said as I blushed, " C'mon Sweetheart I cannot believe that" he said giving me one of his sweetest smiles, "actually for being her first time she did pretty well, but I remembered that she went into a library days before to get a law book to learn the vocabulary, it was cute how she used all those words without stuttering," my dad said and Dean looked at me, "so that explains the vocabulary you use on the cases, it makes you way more hotter," he said whispering the last part. We soon arrived at the scene that had the police there, we got out and instantly head to the house.
" We are Agents Larsen and this is Agent Cooper," Dean said as the three of us showed our fake badges to the police that let us in, me and my dad started to look around while Dean was asking the questions to the officers, "he is a good guy I really like him" my dad said, "I know pops, I really hoped you do. But he has a problem with Scott" I said and he nodded, "you have no idea, Scott spend all the night complaining about him and his reputation, the way he looks, the way he talks, I mean everything. I was about to kick him out of the room for not letting me sleep" he said and I chuckle, "of course he will. I knew about his reputation but since I meet him, well both of them, he showed that he stopped doing that and even Sam told me and he was surprised, he said that the only person he flirts with is me" I said and he smiles, "well I'm glad you are happy Little Bubba, that's all I want for your happiness, well some kind of happiness in this horrible world" he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and squish it, "thanks dad" I said smiling.
Then we continue and we saw that no items disappear from the person and we could smell the sulfur letting us know that it was a demon that was looking for something, my dad walked outside and told me that he was going to check for anything then he was going back to the Impala.
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I started to look around looking for Dean and I saw him talking to the same officer that let us in, "so tell me, man, how is it to work with your wife?" the guy said and it made me stopped on my tracks to listen to the answer, "well what can I say, I don't like that she is in this work 'cause I don't like the risk that she can be put on, but if it wasn't for this job I wouldn't have met her at all. Answering your question I love it cause I know that I can protect her from the danger and guys that hit on her all the time" he answers and I was able to see the sparkle on his eyes, "that's really great, man. I wish I could have the courage to talk to the girl I like but I'm afraid I will push her away from me more cause she works with me" the guy said and when Dean was about to answer, but I interrupted, "just do it I feel that she will not say no and both will be happy" I said and the guy looked with hope while Dean just stared at me, "Agent Cooper is waiting for us at the car" I said and he smiles and kissed my cheek, "well I'm done here too. Thanks for answering all my questions Officer Brown" he said and he guy smile, "No problem Agent Larsen and thanks for the help" he said and both of us walked out towards Baby in which my dad was already in.
Scott's POV:
We were all back at the Motel room in which me and Rodney were staying at the moment. Sam is a great guy to work I wouldn't mind working in several cases with him, but don't get me started with the other dude I hate him, why does he has to be with Y/n, my Y/n. She was supposed to come running into my arms and be together hunting like the old times, but no this Ken Doll is here acting all Alpha trying to prevent me from getting her back, but come on I know I still have a place on her heart.
"Those sons of a bitch took nothing from the house but killed those people, all the murders were from people that were not related and took nothing which we are not sure why it is," Rodney said as all of us gather around the table and I look at Y/n, she is so beautiful more beautiful than I remember her to be when she broke up with me for a stupid mistake.
"This is the plan we know they took the kids to a warehouse, we go there kill those bastards and get the kids out," Ken Doll said, "stupidest plan I have ever heard" I said and everyone looked at me, but his eyes looked full of anger, "and why so pretty boy?" he said as he approached me and I saw that Y/n try to stop him, "well Dena, I don't think that little head of yours can comprehend," I said spitting venom on my voice, "it's Dean, you asshole!" he said loudly, "Dean just ignore him, we just have to save the kids and Scott just shut up" she said pulling Dean away from me, "why don't you make your doggy stop barking so I will be able to shut up Y/n!" I said and Dean looked at me and he moved her aside and pushed me, we were starting to fight but Sam pulled Dean away from me and Rodney hold me back, "BOTH OF YOU SHOULD STOP ACTING LIKE TEENAGERS AND BE FOCUSED ON THE CASE!" Rodney yelled at both of us and we looked at him then down, Dean pushed Sam away and I just stormed out of the room.
"Scott! Wait!" I heard Y/n, "leave me Y/n just go with your stupid boyfriend! " I said loud but she stopped me, "we have to talk, you and I!" she said and she gave me a look that I am afraid of.
"look I don't know what you have against Dean, but it has to stop," she said, "you don't know why I am against him Y/n! I think it is pretty obvious. It was supposed to be me and not him by your side! Do you even know if he's not cheating on you ?!" I said out of pure anger, "well at least he would tell me on my face and not do it with one of my friends, then lie about it when I saw it with my eyes!" she said holding back her tears.
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I just stare at her and saw all the hurt I caused her when I did that, "I'm sorry okay! I said that it was a mistake, she never meant anything to me Y/n, it has always been you. Don't you think that I regret it every day after you left me on that crappy Motel that we were staying? When I heard that you went missing in Latin America I went nuts! I just wanted to go and find you but I couldn't I had to stay with your dad and give him support when the rumors of your death started to go around, I just wanted to kill myself and I tried but your dad stopped me" I said calmer and as tears were about to start rolling, she looked up and I saw the tears roll down, she was like a commotion all because of me, "and I am truly sorry but I couldn't stand another guy being with you, touching you and doing all the things that you and I were supposed to be doing together" I said being completely honest with her, I looked down and took a deep breath then I felt her hand on top of mine holding it, "I'm sorry it couldn't be the way you wanted Scott, but I can't change the way I feel about Dean, I love him and he loves me" she said with a sad smile, "don't worry I understand. But can I ask you for a favor?" I said hoping she will accept, "yes Scotty you know I will do anything for you, we were best friends before we were lovers" she said with one of the beautiful smiles that make me fall in love with her, "could I have you for the last time?" I said and she looked on my eyes, "Scott you know I can't do that to him" she said and I could tell she was having a fight inside of her head, "at least one last kiss, then you can tell me that you don't love me and I should just go to hell" I said an she looked down, "I don't know Scott I have to think about it before I can answer you and we should get back to the room before they think that we got kidnap or something worse" she said and that's all I needed a maybe, that gave me hope that she stills loves me.
Dean's POV:
I was going nuts.
'What if she's hurt or that asshole did something to her?!" I said as I walked around the room thinking the worst things, "look son just calm down, please. Scott loves her and wouldn't do anything to hurt her and I can tell you that she knows how to take good care of herself" her dad assures me but it just gave me a little peace, but not enough.
As I sat down on the bed all of us jumped on our feet as we listen glass shattering and people yelling, we run outside and see five demons fighting Y/n and Scott, he try to protect her and he was thrown into one of the cars, the girl snapped her fingers and Scott and Y/n were unconscious on the floor. When one of those son of a bitches was about to get Y/n I run to get to her before he did, "not so fast pretty boy" the same girl said and neither Sam, Rodney and I were able to move from the spot we were in, "I SWEAR I AM GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH IF YOU TOUCH ONE HAIR OF HER HEAD!" I scream, then those things disappear with Y/n and Scott. As soon as they did we were able to move from our spot and I hit the closest thing that was there, "we need to get going now!" I said and all of us nodded.
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