#she doesnt actively try to kill anyone
d12victor · 2 years
katniss doesn't by any means hate (strong word) any of the other tributes, she just has a strong preference for those from the poorer districts, hence disliking the career tributes..
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
Dolliest 🎀
Vincent Sinclair, Jason Voorhees, Asa emory, & Patrick bateman with Chubby!fem!reader who dressed like a Doll! ʚ ₊˚ ᥀✿
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Author Note ✿ : hello lovlies, sorry i have been on a break for like 3/4 days because i just like um.. really need some break and also i had a lot activities going on, but i still try to write something for you all, so please sit down and enjoy :). if you like my writings please give me reblogs and feedbacks. tysm! also we almost got 140 followers atp, Tysm for your support lovlies!!
Trigger Warning ✿ : insecurities, fluff, some murder stuff idk, blood & insect mentioned, and some comfort also :), and maybe some misspelled word. overall enjoy! Reader skin color is NOT announced.
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Dividers from @v6que ꒰ঌ ໒꒱. Gifs are not mine.
✿ Vincent sinclair
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- you're an Art, thats what Vincent think the first time he saw you.
- and oh my god... he freaking loves it watching you dressing yourself!!
- believe me, he would never let anyone take down your confidence, if the one who take down your confidence is his brother (take example : Bo Sinclair) he wouldnt be scared to defend you like it his life-priority.
- but if the one who takes down your confidence is his next victim?? they are dead. even if the victim was important bla bla bla, he doesnt give a fck. how dare they talk down to his beloved partner?? such a unforgivable act.
- Love, i mean﹍LOOVEE drawing you. you're gonna see THOUSANDS paper with a drawing that look Exactly like you, EVERYWHERE. he even had his own fav drawing that he's dedicated to you.
- he, drawing you, and protecting you from anyone who mocks you including his brother, is a way of how he show himself that he is truly in love with you.
- if you're feeling insecure? better be ready to be suffocate from his affection.
✿ Jason Voorhees
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- Man is silently drooling behind his mask.
- kinda like a Mommy kink....
- love the way you dress yourself with those soft pink dress and accesories, those glam nails and hairs and those soft makeup... perfect.
- but theres a time where he felt himself is not appropriate for you.
- we know this man is a insecure boy, but if you manage to cheer him up with your own way, istg your life is going to be put into this big mans life-priority.
- like.. he'll do everything to keep you happy.
- sometimes he even steal accessories or clothes or even make up that he found from his victim, where he collect them all and give them all for you.
- you might feeling kinda nasty seeing those gift is still covered in blood and with like a rotting-corpse smell... but if you accept it brightly he's gonna die on that place & in that moment.
- really love you. if you're insecure, he's going to slit somebodys throat for making you that way, but if you're feeling insecure because your own self? well then, he's going to go to hunt some victim, to get some MORE AND MORE stuff that you may like, well i mean.. thats just how he shows his love for you. his chubby doll 🎀
✿ Asa emory
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- didnt know how to feel....
- but he does somehow, loves the opposite vibes you both gave. like he's the bad murderer boy who likes insect and some nasty nasty stuff, life in a nasty place and then theres you! who brighten up the nasty place he live in, always dress like a doll, pink pink, Vanilla perfume n stuff..
- just perfect and balance combination.
- when his victim saw who he is and when they saw YOU who is behind him they're gonna find themself asking "y-you.. you-you didnt get k-killed?..." and only to get the answer of him "she's my Princess."
- BUT... thats on a rare occassion. sometimes he just called you "my partner" or something. but if he's feeling in a good & cocky mood then he's going to call you his princess.
- and just like jason, he likes to give you a beautiful beautiful stuff who is always & almost covered in blood.
- if he's sees you wearing the stuff he gave you he can feel his cold heart melting.
- jk.. he doesnt feel his cold heart melting, because you already melt him in the first place. he just can feel his cold & thick heart is being burned by your affection.
- and when i'm telling you this.. he's enjoying, every, single, one of it.
✿ Patrick bateman
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- oh my god..
- he's a real cocky man. but let me tell you something..
- like i'm not even joking. he spoils you... really really spoils you to the bone, to your soul like you feel like you're suffocating.
- because he's still a patrick bateman, he loves to suffocate everyone, you're no expectation. the only differences is that he suffocate other people with death.
- but with you?... oh he's going to suffocate you with.. LOVE, LOVE & LOVE!
- in which he doesnt even believe any of that.
- but he does, believe it with you.
- patrick is a aware man. he knew himself real well, so when he found himself on a one knee for you, he found himself surprised and well um.. unbelieveably.
- never in his wildest life he would ended up with someone like you.
- at first he tried to denied, but as times goes by, he cant help, but felt his cold and tough soul was slowly melting over your words and touch.
- you're so.. so.. precious. soft, and round.. need to be protected and loved.
- it has been Too long for patrick bateman since he have been feeling this type of.. feelings.
- but you manage to somehow make him feel it again! and he wont waste it!
- the way he suffocate you, choking you with his affection and love is just how he shows himself how madly he is in love with you..! please dont waste it darling, please dont..
- let your soft appereance burn his cold soul as he would burn this world for you.
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m1sa-w1sa · 4 months
Glad you are okay and hope you doing good! *Random idea I got from plot in manga. Yandere Kyoko Kirigiri and Chiaki Nanami with crush on darling who need glasses to see, only for a day to not have it due to forgot, destroyed, or taken by bullies. Darling needs help to do daily activity of eat (they might eat dirt) and write down notes. Darling might go very near to their persona space near their chest in order to see their notebook to copy them. Good night!
(This is so cool!! Ty for the request annon!! MIGHT BE A LITTLE OC!!)
A/N: Ok so a little things about requests, i got a dm saying ‘why tf havent you done my genshin request?! Blah blah one I already done it TWO i always do it latest to earliest and i DO have a outside life so please be patient! Thats all! Enjoy~!
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Kyoko Kirigiri
•So Im going to start this off as you came to her first asking for help to guide you through the day until you get your glasses back
•She would be on cloud nine, almost letting out a soft smile at the fact quickly accepting the offer to help you through your day, why wouldnt she?! She can protect you and hold your hand 24/7!
•She wouldnt let ANYONE near you, even your friends as she made a excuse about ‘ They were going to tease you about not having your glasses ‘ She made sure that you held her hand all the time even if she wasnt even sitting in her own seat in glass just to help you take notes
•She would feed you herself not minding the stares she might be getting, she likes having you under her wing, her darling just where she wants them
•if your hand travels somewhere else (chest area) she would quickly stop you, telling you what you were about to do, but she doesnt mind, any contact with her darling is alright but she does make sure to guide your hands herself
•If your bullies took your glasses, she would frame them perfectly for a crime that she committed, she killed one of them but made it seem like they all took part, if you broke or lost them she would help you find them at the end of the day, but hiding them for a little longer so you can still be dependent on her
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Chiaki Nanami
•Usually Chiaki is pretty sleepy but when you told her you needed help for the day then she was wide awake for this, you accidentally taped her chest thinking that it was her shoulder she understood and held your hand instead aceoting the offer
•She kept you close paying a little more attention in class to help you with notes, but if you usually dont pay attention in class she would still help you but not as much as she would if you did
•She was happy that you were by her side the whole day, staying with her during breaks and playing video games or her guiding your fingers to play was a joy for her
•She would KINNNDDA forget to feed you until you almost ate like hand sanitizer thinking it was your drink, thats when she quickly started to help you with more things
•If your bullies took your glasses she wouldnt really know what to do but not really wanted to do anything either so you can stay with her but she would try to get them back for you
•If you lost or broke them like kyoko she would hide them or hide the pieces so you can stay together for longer
(DONE!!! I hope you enjoyed! Next story coming soon!!)
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puhpandas · 3 months
Do you have any analysis or notes on how different both dr rabbit and Gregory’s personality is like? I can’t read the book of ggy but I’d like to know how different these two are just like Vanny and Vanessa.
OH DO I. u just opened a can of worms anon. pausing tower of hell for this
thisll all just be off the top of my head but I hope itll help anyway :)
from reading ggy and analyzing the shit out of dr rabbits behavior and doing the same with Gregorys SB personality along with ruin, there are immediately 2 key differences
dr rabbit is a character that puts on a front and a show for everything. hes portrayed as a genius who never does something without it being calculated and valuable for whatever hes trying to achieve
in GGYs case, one of Rabs goals was for some reason to play a part so tony and ellis would like him by playing into each of their interests. this was probably to appear more inconspicuous and seem less guilty since no teacher would pick out a kid from their class as someone to be worried about if he has good grades and has friends and seems plenty happy
he would joke around with ellis and play games with him and hang out with him, and with tony, he would say a couple deep sounding sentences to play into Tony's interest in the meanings of life and its mysteries and stuff. he did it just enough to the point where tony would notice it and prefer him over Ellis because of it but he also wouldnt pay him any mind when he wasn't actively doing that stuff
so basically rab always acts knowing exactly what he wants to come out of every interaction and it usually works. most of his personality is fronts he puts on for whatever goal hes trying to achieve
but with Gregory, none of his personality shown in sb/ruin is meant to put any sort of front or mask on. he doesnt even try to put on a brave face most of the time. he usually isn't that scared of things and can push through it, but he also has no problem expressing fear if he actually is scared of something (shown in the lines "its pretty dark in there" and "what was that??" in response to his watch beeping)
a lot of his interactions with people and just his outward personality are really genuine. that doesnt mean hes always nice or kind, but he just does or says what he actually feels. a lot of the time in sb he happens to be in a bad mood (for a. very good reason) and snappish towards anyone interacting with him. none of the 'quips' he says are meant to be funny, it's just him complaining and it happens to sound humorous just because of his personality
so that's immediately one line drawn between the two of them. tldr rab puts on fronts and nothing of what he does is genuine but everything Gregory does is genuine just in the way that it's true to himself his personality and what he is feeling in the moment
another thing is obviously their moral code. i dont rlly wanna focus much on this because its kinda obvious. rab will obviously do whatever it takes to stay in operation and was probably created to keep vanny in check, even if it includes murdering tons of people and glitchtrap abusing vanny through him. but Gregory holds a very specific moral code that I can boil down best to "I wont help anyone who doesnt deserve it, but if they do deserve it I'll truly try my best to save them, even if it means risking my life"
the way that Gregory decides which people are worth saving is pretty basic. people like vanny obviously don't deserve to be saved because shes evil and kills people. but vanessa was forced to be mind controlled by her and puppeted around to do it so Gregory believed she deserved to be saved
and the glamrocks werent because they were killer robots trying to rip him apart for seemingly no reason. gregory had no idea about any viruses or probably that they were sentient until Freddy became sentient but that was already by the end of the game. he decommissioned them with the knowledge that they were trying to hurt him, they're robots and can be fixed, and that they probably will by tomorrow because in a few hours the place will open
rab is also patient 46 so any little quirks in those tapes also apply to him. things like disliking flowers and liking the dark and liking to watch sports are all him, but theres no telling how much he could have picked up from Gregory by being created off of him
as for just like. dialogue things and how they talk, rab is a lot more literal and blunt with the things he talks about. gregory also says what he means and takes it literal, but he talks with "uh... like... I guess.... umm" things like that. rab doesn't stutter and he has a bigger vocabulary, while Gregory calls the security badge stations "badge head things" and stuff he doesnt know what to call "things"
rab is also very good at reading people and obviously a really good liar to the point where he can get anyone to believe what he wants. but Gregory is a very very shit liar LMAO. he literally just said "I'd rather not say" to Freddy about Monty and just told the truth but changed a little with the others
with vanessa and vanny they for sure changed Vanessa's personality in SB compared to the trailers so she turned from afraid and worried to snappish and annoyed. I honestly think that now vanessa is never vanessa at all during SB but shes always vanny, just in and out of costume. this way, Vanessa's like the opposite of vanny with how shes more timid from all the trauma and naturally afraid
so with Gregory and rab it could be the same but with different things. vanessa and Vannys personalities are black and white, but Gregory and rab dont talk or act very differently outwardly so it's more of a mental change
I've analyzed the crapp out of these 2 so I hope this helped a little bit =)
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timidtresleches · 8 months
random thinking. i love that dude is bi canonically. so great for him. he would kiss a man as much as he would kiss a woman as much as he'd kiss an enby as much as he'd kiss anyone who doesnt ID as those three. i love that for him.
on that note though i've mainly only played up to like.. i think the beginning of day 4 on P2 and like. sure he's got those mean quips towards the bitch but what the fuck why is he so like. dealing with her so amazingly. like "go get me miluk" "yes dearie (frownie face)" he could so easily like idk blast her brains in or SOMETHING! (and i know he does eventually but thats literally optional and when shes actively trying to Kill him as well) but no he's like i may kill random people and piss on their corpses but i refuse to kill my wife or cause harm to her first. i refuse to cheat on her. i refuse to divorce her. idk i think thats an interesting aspect of him. i think if the bitch was Not the bitch and actually a nice woman they'd be cute together and their situation would not be "horrible wife and jaded husband". and by extension, if he was dating anyone and they were like. decent to him as well? i think he'd be a decent partner. snarky, for sure. but words are not always everything.
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david probably sees hu in him a lot. david thinks hu is easily manipulated because of her kindness, i think he’s projecting. as in he used to also genuinely love helping others and sticking out for people. that is, until he realised that his kindness doesnt pay and that people only take advantage of hin for it.
on that note, i think the same thing can apply to him and arei. arei is very cynical, she believes that if people dont take advantage of others, they will get taken advantage of in the end. during david’s mini break down in ep 10 (i think), he clearly pities arei for trying to befriend someone even though she’s someone with no experience with friendships at all. and he pities her for wanting to change. he definitely sees her in himself a lot. deep inside, he wishes he could change, but he stopped believing in himself a long tome ago
imo his ‘facade’ isnt 100% fake, there definitely some parts of him we see that show who he really is inside.
GODDDD you are so smart anon David is constantly projecting himself onto the people he grows close to, and I think in his four most major relationships so far (Xander, Teruko, Hu, and Arei) you can see a part of himself and what his true desires and feelings about himself are through how he interacts with them. As I explain more in-depth in this post, Xander is very much the kind of person David wants to become. someone who's compassionate and helps others and has hope and not only has faith in a better future, but actively seeks to bring it closer. Xander is David's idea of a good person, an idea that gets shattered after realizing that Xander too is not immune to being deceitful and cruel Teruko and Arei are both people that remind David of himself, specifically the cynical black-and-white way he thinks about the world. But the way he treats both of them is vastly different. The glimmer of light that shined then broke with Xander is re-lit with Arei, because Arei not just shows David a reflection of his own mindset, but a person who wants to change from that mindset. Like you said, David unquestionably saw himself in Arei, specifically his desire to change. Meanwhile in his eyes, Teruko shows no such desire and is forever dead-set on her path
David: Gosh. Teruko Tawaki. David: I know you hate anyone who isn't you, but dragging everyone down with you by getting us all executed is a low blow, even by your standards. David: You're searching for reasons to distrust others, like you always do.
Now we the audience obviously know that Teruko is putting up a front, and if my predictions on how the story will go are correct, I definitely think Teruko will eventually come around meanwhile David will continue on his downward spiral. But that's getting more into theory talk. And as for Hu, David definitely sees his more positive traits within her, specifically the fact that David genuinely wants to help others. That's also something he looked up to in Xander as well, and remember, Xander is David's idea of a picture-perfect good person, the person he wants to be, but thinks he can't be. On the topic of Hu (and this is technically getting into speculation but I think there's enough evidence to support it), I 100% think that she ended up opening up to David about her secret, which is most likely the Hopeless Child one.
Hu: I have to be the one to give everyone guidance. That's the only thing I can do. If no one relies on me, then I won't be useful anymore. Hu: You knew how I felt, and yet you... You... Hu: You toyed with my heart!
And if that is true, that also definitely resonated in David as well considering his own feelings of hopelessness, as well as his suicidal tendencies shown in how he is trying to get himself and everyone else killed in the trial, and also how his hidden quote is most likely referring to himself.
David: I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I wish you could just die.
And to cap it all off, I too also think that David's 'facade' was not entirely fake. In a lot of David analyses I see, especially right after the release of CH2-11, there's often a lot of focus on if him pre-CH2-11 was fake or not, and if his current behavior is just another fake persona, or if the small hints of tiredness and grumpiness we see from him like in the prologue is the "real David". But in my personal opinion, I think it's a lot simpler than that I think we're always seeing the real David, we're just seeing him through different perspectives.
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brofightiscancelled · 2 months
found out about the journey to the west matsu aus and discussed the casting with oomf...... transcribing the essay i wrote in their discord DMs here cuz i wrote a lot so why not lol
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oso as sun wukong: this makes the most sense as the red/main guy/foolish guy who suffers from hubris. actually in second pic it looks like he's currently being subjected to his headband punishment which is really funny combined with sanzang (his master who inflicts the headband punishment) being choro
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i do think oso matches sun wukong's stupidity and hubris. and combined with choro sanzang i do think this is probably the funniest option
also he just looks very cute here. he's just a little scamp. wukong has a very boyish charm (at least in the beginning) so i get the transference. i also think the idea of being able to start torturing oso at any given moment is appealing
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kara as the horse dragon prince is 100% real. this is so true. it's a stupid role for him he looks dumb af in this costume and the horse prince is just a stupid motherfucker who gets the short end of the stick throughout the entire story. perfect no notes
he Would be choro's steed. this is his role. he's da horse they ride on who turns into a beautiful woman one time to try to save sanzang and fails. it's perfect for him
it also fits cuz the dragon horse is prince of the sea and he's got like the water theming too
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choro as sanzang: i feel like this is a lowkey blasphemous casting given that sanzang is such a pure and noble monk and choro is just constantly consumed by his desires. but it's not like anyone else wouldve been better (Actually matsuyo wouldve been better. Put matsuyo in this role) and again keeping in mind his dynamic with wukong i do think it's the funniest option so i'll allow it. this dude would not HESITATE to cause oso physical pain when he's annoying him and would constantly berate and harp on the importance of not killing people (who are trying to kill him) to the point of redundancy and to his active detriment. and sanzang i guess is the most proper of the cast trying to keep everyone in line (Because he is a monk) so it fits dynamic-wise
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ichi as bull king: bull king is a famous jttw villain, but honestly not like.... major......i feel like in my memory he is largely characterized by being the husband of the Iron Fan lady and the father to red boy. so casting any matsuno as a Guy Who's Famous For Being A Husband And Father is kind of funny and wrong to me lol. it's very weird that this is his only consistent casting to me (between this set and the merch au) because i dont think the bull king has any ichi attributes (isn't he usually interpreted as very red-colored even? lol)
he has nothing to do with cats and the wikipedia page says he's a major villain but i s2g he's in like 4 stories max. i guess they just went to find "who's the biggest villain in jttw" and slapped him on there even though i feel like the point of jttw is that there arent any like, truly central villains because it's like 9981 disjointed trials. and i guess he looks cool. idk
if it were me i'd maybe have cast him as guanyin because 1. it's funny 2. she's the one who gives sun wukong the punishment headband, and also does a lot of other lowkey sadistic things throughout the series, and is much more of a pivotal figure throughout the story since theyre always going to her for help.....
although actually if we were going to extend this then totoko would be a perfect guanyin. so i just dont know who ichi would be in that case
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jyushi as pigsy is sooooo true. pigsy is just a airheaded and stupid lustful guy who likes to eat and is always causing troubles so it fits him within the dynamic. no notes
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and totty as wujing is very fitting because wujing is the youngest disciple and lowkey doesnt get to do anything for most of the story he's just always talked over. i think they interpreted wujing's water attributes as kappa attributes here which is cute. ill allow it
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and then my gripes with the other casting from the merch set
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ok the other one. i think oso is meant to be the buddha based on the ears and outfit but the lotus is a guanyin (goddess) thing so i think they have their visuals a little confused. but ill assume he's buddha...? i think this is a really funny and unfitting choice considering the buddha's basically only role is to give them the goal and then to punish wukong for his hubris and that doesnt suit bakamatsu at all. but it's funny so i get it
kara as sanzang..... i guess i can kind of see it in the same way i see priest kara working but they share no attributes. and again the wukong dynamic doesnt work, sanzang is always berating wukong and will easil yresort to physical punishment . would karamatsu ever hurt jyushi if it came down to it? maybe it's smoke inhalation but im leaning towards kara being too big of a pussy to do that. so
choro as shajing.............. shajing is kind of the quiet serious one so i kind of get it....? and if they want to do the kappa thing i gues the green fits. so like presonality wise this one does fit for the most part. shajing is also kind of a social outcast so i suppose this fits choro better
again i dont knw owhy ichi is the bull king. why was this the only consistent one
jyushi wukong... wukong is certainly sillay and whimsical but i feel like jyushi is lacking in hubris. jyushi Knows that he's stupid but wukong's whole character is constantly being punished for his pride. i think the colors are cute though
totty pigsy... pink so true. but pigsy is explicitly like. a menace kind of womanizer not a charming one. the whole reason he's a pig is because he made a pass at a girl that he shouldnt have and it was his punishment, i dont think totty's really like that lol
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carnagesaw · 6 months
mo4 characters and if they can pull or not
sigkin; yes he could hypothetically, a lot of people are into the wimpy looking sad guys but he cannot keep them nor do i think he wants them
bachikin; absolutely. she can and actively does pull mostly due to her weapons collection i think anyone else she doesnt gaf for
koritora; zero game on this guy. Just dog shit game
otsukin; one of the rare cases of a guy actively trying to avoid pulling bitches and he does a really good job of it but it may be because hes a homosexual but also fag hags are a thing too so idk. eclair may be the fag hag
axez: whiny. dj. alcoholic. probably smells like stale kbbq. this man is not getting any fucking pussy and he doesnt want to admit or change his lifestyle
eclair: yes. she rubs it in everyones faces in fact. this may be just so she can experiment on them though
zakuro: absolutely she does. see twitter user hicuckomori
kashikin: really insane flirting game. horrible at the followup. maybe like. the core of a fanclub in yuri rays ? a lot of himejoshis would love kashikin
syumitaro: insane game. but no game at the same time. Effortless
uie: nuh uh. doesnt care, actually one of the rare cases of only caring if other people can pull so they can write about it
fukurou: absolutely not. doesnt even care.
marikin; he tries too hard. might be gay. gacha/gambling addict. everything is going against this man.
jack: horrible fucking game zero pussy zero bitches no sex at all this man lyin to yall he just a pro gooner
fusakin: hes like a love magnet but that means nothing cause marikins always around him somehow so it cancels out
taiyo: 2 ways for this guy. he does have game, but only because he likes leading people on and then making fun of them after for his own amusement. other way is he doesnt even entertain the thought and will kill someone for liking him
arakawa: femcel. yes and no.
adukin: instant magnet. she doesnt know how to turn it off and its starting to scare her.
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platonicallylovesick · 3 months
Let just say, Katsuki's mother is my BIGGEST op
I mean like.. Endeavor too. Obviously the shit he did was WAYYY worse, but at least Shoto had a good role model too, his mom, and so Endeavor didn't completely get to him.
Besides, you're SUPPOSED to take the abuse seriously in Shoto's backstory, Katsuki's abuse gives me the sickening sinking feeling that its supposed to come off as a joke. Maybe it would for people who haven't lived through similar shit. But I just felt angry and a little sick through the whole thing.
cw for the actual abuse being talked about and shown under the cut
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First of all, she casually hits him. Its the first thing we see her do. Its HARD, not a light smack at all, and she doesnt even fucking blink. She does it with a smile, she does it while cheerfully talking about how much she wants him out of her house and into a dorm room.
He responds as anyone raised in a volatile household would, and yells back at her. "You hag! Hit me again and I'll kill you!" To which she hits him again, visually and AUDIBLY harder than the last time.
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This time she throws in that he was so weak he got caught. Found out where his obsession with being the strongest came from. I actually clocked him for this a long time ago. When I started the show I assumed his father beat him for being "too weak" and "not enough of a man" and that his mother was an alcoholic. Turns out his mother is the physically abusive one that thinks he's too weak, and his father is a pathetic coward of a man, since he mostly just stands by. Obviously he's also being abused, but he's the adult in the situation, its disgusting that he just stands by and lets his child get hit.
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What's important to me here though is that he stops fighting back, he leans away from her and puts his arms up defensively. We've literally never seen him actually take any real defensive stance at all any other time in the show. Not when he was being suffocated by the sludge monster in episode one, not a single time when he was fighting All Might, not when he was kidnapped and surrounded by villains. But when his mother hit him and yelled at him, he pulled back.
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Then there's this shot, where Kasuki's mother has him by the cheeks and he's trying to get her hands off of him. The father stands by and addresses the teachers instead.
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She hits him again, and then holds his head down while turning to tell the teachers that she would be grateful to have him out of the house and in a dorm instead. "People are always fawning over him whether he deserved it or not." Emphasis on the not.
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Absolutely disgusting how she demonstrates why he ended up the way he did while blaming it on him getting undeserved praise from his peers. Listen, could this line be referring to how she developed a more physical approach to interacting with him AFTER he developed an explosive personality? I mean I guess its possible, I know of cases where that's happened, where the mother has to get on her unruly son's level. But that's usually because the child learned the behavior from outside influences, like running in bad circles at school, doing drugs, gang activity, ect. That's Not what we see happening here, being told your Quirk is pretty cool by your friends on the playground and being admired by your peers doesn't instill such hatred in a person. Abuse does. Especially since he was a good kid, he didnt just throw his weight around, he stood up for his friends against older kids, we see it in a flashback scene in season 2. He only became angry at Midoriya specifically when he tried to help him up out of the river, which got him so angry because of values INSTILLED IN HIM BY HIS ABUSIVE MOTHER. He internalized the idea that Midoriya thought he was pathetic and useless and weak because he must be if a Qurkless kid thought he needed help. That's not something a 6 year old just assumes, that's something that's already been beat into him by his mother.
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This part hit me in the feels. He walks outside for just a few moments to ask All Might what Deku is to him, since he's observed a lot of the direct mentoring All Might's been giving him. For once he doesn't yell or threaten or anything, he's very uncharacteristically quiet. His mother yells at him from inside the house that the police told him not to go wandering off alone, and after a minute he turns to go back inside. "Yeah sure. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Oh and, thank you." Before getting yelled at again on his way inside. Thanks for coming to have him moved into a dorm, and out of that household.
I didn't really like Bakugo so much before this episode, at least in the beginning I thought he seriously needed to chill out and thought that he was just written like that for the sole purpose of having a loud and explosive bully for Midoriya to rise up against as the main character. I had looked at a few reddit posts that came up for the search "Why is Bakugo like that" and also asked my sister (who frankly turned out to have an awful memory, since her reasoning was that she was pretty sure his father had gone to get milk, so to speak) and nowhere did I find mention of him literally being abused, or even being in a toxic and dysfunctional household. The only deeper meaning for his character that I could find was that he felt pressured to live up to this image of himself that everyone else had, the aforementioned "Everyone thinks my Quirk is cool and that I'm destined to be a hero, so I HAVE to be the strongest and I HAVE to be the coolest, otherwise I'm absolutely nothing." But again, that's not really the full story since we see his mother reinforce the same message with a side of physical abuse. I mostly joked about the "I bet your father beats you and your mother's a drunk" shit before because I really didn't think they'd have actually written it in. Now I highkey feel bad.
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Please enjoy this bonus paragraph about how Bakugo being so independent kinda made me think. Now im going to go and lose my mind over more of this show see ya
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spacedlexi · 6 months
Of all the difficult choices in each season of TWDG, What would say are the ones that you struggled with the most for each season?
HMM good question. there are some choices i feel conflicted about when i get to them but these are for the most part the ones that i actively dread having to make (which i like 😏 those are the best choices). there are other choices throughout the series that i feel Bad about, but not necessarily conflicted. like. i Know what my choice is, but i still feel bad about the consequences 😔 these are the ones that i actually mentally find myself battling. i just love the kinds of choices that make me sit on a pause screen for too long when its really Not That Serious
S1: help lilly/help kenny - the circumstances of this choice are what make it hard. literally a ticking time bomb. do you try to save lillys father? even tho hes been nothing but a complete jackass to you AND the group this entire time and put himself in this situation? or do you try to save the group by destroying his brain before its too late? clem being there watching doesnt help because now theres the added layer of "do i brutally murder this man in front of this child even if it means saving her life?" i usually end up trying to help lilly just because i know kenny is gonna do it regardless (and i dont want her to feel completely ostracized by the group). the idea of puling this woman back from her dying father so we can brutally murder him in front of her is.... a lot. like.. you can TRY to save him you know?? even if he turns hed still have to get off the ground first just hold the salt lick ready kenny 💀 plus you still have to actually Die first before turning. theyd have a second to feel his pulse stop. but its a very hectic scene where youre forced to act first think later. and either way clem is forced to see it. the worst part about it is knowing kenny is gonna be on my ass about it even tho i side with him on LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE 😐😑
shoot lee/leave lee - its just 😭 telling this little girl to kill the one person she has left, moments after seeing her dead parents. its time for her to start doing the hard things. but to tell her to do THIS?? you are fucking that child up beyond belief. but also the guilt she'll carry if she DOESNT do it, knowing hes still in that jewelry store, possibly chained to it, forever (which the narrative impact of lee starting and ending the game in handcuffs (possibly a prisoner in his own body??) makes me SCREAM AND CRY LEEEEEEEEEEE THATS GOOD NARRATIVE BAYBEE).
S2: shoot kenny/look away - another "is clem ready to do this?" kind of moment. its time for her to start making her own choices. what does SHE want?? i think even a clem who shoots kenny is gonna be conflicted about it on some level. recently i played a clem who let kenny kill jane then shot him anyway. that was cool :) and the moment is way more dark than shooting him outright. no heartfelt goodbyes. just a tired "do it". oof. the set up for the kenny/jane fight is Not Good like we ALLLLLL KNOOWWW it shouldve been luke ok. but the choice itself is still a HUGE character moment for clem, and its one of my favorite and most dreaded choices in the series. how is clem feeling about kenny at this point? is shooting him something she can do?? before its too late?? or will she be paralyzed by choice? this is a choice she Never shouldve had to make, but here she is, and she has to. before time runs out. i like my clems alone so usually i either wait out the clock (no choice is still a choice. clem just cant do it but cant look away either) and stay at wellington (good alone ending), or i shoot him 1 of 2 ways (clem Can do it)(bad alone ending). shooting him after he kills jane is just like 2 birds one stone to me SHDHSJKDS 💀 and it hits that middle ground of being paralyzed by choice but still ultimately Making A Choice, just too late for it to matter to anyone but herself. and her line of dialogue finding aj alone "we're gonna be ok, we're gonna be ok" like shes trying to reassure herself more than anything WAAAHH i kinda liked it a Lot actually 👀
S3: ??? romancing kate or not i guess?? - its the only one that really made me feel conflicted (aside from maybe the conrad thing?? sorry clem but im gonna force you to stick around actually i like it for the Narrative and it makes gabe less annoying later. also conrads alright). do you respect your brother or do you get with his wife who hates him LOL. because its not one choice you make, not really. its one the game is constantly asking of you, putting you in situations where the choice needs to be made again and again until finally you make the Ultimate choice about it. people who complain about the game being so pushy about it are kinda funny to me because like, ya.. thats the whole point.... (ive pushed back defiantly Literally just because of how pushy the game is about it tho so like i get it) she is a temptation the game is intentionally dangling in front of javi. she is the Final source of conflict between the brothers. will he remain loyal or give into it? i say give in 😏 give david something to actually be mad about. ive both romanced her and not, and the game kinda feels stunted if you dont? like... i Get It. thats your brothers wife who is still wearing her ring after YEARS of him being gone. theres 😬 feelings there. but even if you dont romance her the game still punishes you by having her be weird about it in the garage in front of david anyway. i say do it even tho its messy. it makes the story more sound imo which S3 desperately needs at that point. javi can still feel bad about it. what DID david expect?? i love mess :)
S4: kill couple/send aj inside - i love a choice that gives me a lot to think about. even if the actual in game consequences are flimsy to none. with this choice specifically, what makes it hard is the fact that the couple asked to be left alone. if they were just two walkers it wouldve been a no brainer. but with their final request, it becomes a matter of respecting the dying wish of this sad couple (which becomes narratively relevant at the end of the game OUGH WHEN IT COMES BACK). and will you teach aj that respecting those wishes is important? he needs to learn to become self sufficient anyway. clem crawled through her own number of dangerous holes in her youth. but thats the other side of it. that clem, knowing personally how dangerous crawling into those spaces where no one could follow was, i dont know how comfortable she would be letting aj do the same. but also, she doesnt want him to grow up too hardened. if she kills this couple, its pushing him further into that hardened mindset. to do whatever you have to to survive, no matter the cost to others. its a choice i find myself sitting with the longest even tho its consequences are pretty much just 2 lines of dialogue ("that couple clem tried to Guilt me about" LMAO YEAH ITS TRUE AJ THIS IS A LEARNING MOMENT FOR YOU). but yeah this is a choice i have a 50/50 chance with going either way on. every time i kill the couple i feel so bad about it 😭 (and so does clem 🥺). it being more of a philosophical question instead of an actual gameplay decision is what i like about it
not sure/take things slow/girlfriends/kiss - NOT JOKING ABOUT THIS ONE its actually so hard for me HSDHSDJKSJKDJK i dont have a paragraph of reasons why tho i just love them all differently. the first two feel the most realistic. i do like the idea of taking things slow and the dialogue for it is really sweet. but also. they might die or be taken tonight. so one kiss before everything could come crashing down on them is nice. but also hearing them call each other girlfriends???? adds years to my life. vi in ep 3 being like "um so you said you wanted to be girlfriends 🥺?" and clem like "😏 ya" i just love hearing them say it 😭 Out Loud 👁👁. and then either way clem gets another chance to kiss her in the woods in ep 3 so it works out. and 2 more kisses in ep 4 from vi this time!! thank you devs for my life 🙏 what a wonderful choice
i love choice games so much just because of the questions they ask of you. i honestly LOVE looking through the player choice stats i find them SO INTERERSTING ESPECIALLY the ones that are split perfectly 50/50. i would literally look at the stats for every single choice im not joking. where are the stats
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the-nightshade-crypt · 11 months
My personal favorite headcanon for Nerdy Prudes Must Die (spoilers, obviously) (I start off with a shit ton of just the actual story before the theory, I'm bisexual and autistic, I'm hyperfixated as fuck and these two are so cute, leave me alone /lh)
Max is obviously in love with Grace. Even if he frames it as just wanting to take her chastity, it's clear that he loves her. I mean, firstly, he defends her from bullying despite her being the nerdiest prude. Max himself says to Pete that nobody is a loser until he says they are, so if Max says Grace isn't one, then she wouldn't be. When she comes over to him in their first scene he asks so fucking sweetly to carry her books, like, batting his eyelashes and such a sweet voice. And when she declines he resorts to his mean bully self.
Grace very clearly does not love Max back. Despite her sexual fantasies, and even the lyric "I think im loving you more than I should" in Dirty Girl, she doesn't love him. Cause that's all they are, fantasies. In Dirty Girl she makes it very clear, with her saying multiple times "I don't/won't care about you". And its clear she doesnt want him to like her either, since her fantasy Max specifically asks her to "love me like you dont care." Showing that she really just wants him so she can give in to her temptations. She only sees him with lust, a symbol of her "sinful" desires. A symbol she wants to get rid of by any means to stay pure.
When Max decides to kill Steph first, he screams "you fucking Judas", which causes Grace to show up and shout "So you do know the Bible!" She then follows that up with "I used to have a crush on another guy who rose from the grave. But Jesus never threw a football like you max!" Despite her saying "crush" I fully believe she didn't mean it that way. She just needed to get him on board with her plan, and she knows how he feels about her.
She finally gets him to leave Steph and Pete alone and they have sex. When she comes back, she's smoking a cigarette and states "I needed that." Max comes out from behind the the wall and gets on his stomach, kicking his fucking feet like a tween girl writing self insert fanfiction, and says "Hey, uh, Grace? Where you going? Don't you wanna cuddle a little bit?" This line alone proves to me that he's in love with her. Compared to someone like Ted Spankoffski, who would never do something as romantic as cuddling after sex (at least not with anyone besides the girl he loves), it's obvious that Max has real feelings...
Only for Grace to say "Oh Max. I just gave you a gift. A very special gift. In fact, I just gave you what I cherish most. My chastity." Not only did she successfully fulfill what the Lord's in Black demanded, though we all know they didn't like that Pete or Steph didn't die, she also got what she wanted... to give into her sinful sexual urges.
With Max screaming that it was worth it, and him gone into the black and white, Grace becomes almost addicted to the power of the Black Book. The end of the musical is her taking over Max's role to kill the people she deems deserve it, in her case, perverts.
Now, my actual theory is that since Grace is directly connected with the Lord's In Black, she can freely go to the black and white, similar to how Miss Holloway seems to be able to. With Max in the Black and white... I like to think he's still actively pining for her. Whenever she visits to talk with the Lord's he's just kinda watching and trying to flirt with her and she's just completely over it. It gets to the point where even the Lord's are irritated. But slowly Grace starts to find his flirting charming. Realizing that since she is working for the Lord's in Black, effectively denouncing her Christianity, there's nothing stopping her from finding someone attractive, or wanting to be with someone. Their relationship at this point might stay as mostly sexual, but she is falling in love.
Maybe she makes a deal with the Lord's to bring him back to life, or maybe she's into fucking ghosts and just asks for that idk but the point is... I like thinking that with her doing the Lord's in Black's bidding, she can see max and actually get to know and fall in love with him.
I just really love the idea of Max being a lovesick himbo babygirl, only for Grace to reject him and be an asshole. But Max is a hopeless romantic who finds it hot that Grace is mean to him and he doesnt take it to heart. He's desperate for a positive relationship, seeing that he says his dad calls him a cuck and is very clearly emotionally/verbally abusive at best, and it kinda seems like Grace wants to be adored by someone, the same way Linda Monroe does.
They are in love your honor
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phoenixfangs · 17 days
💋 and 🧣!
HOLDING UR HANDS AND PRESSING OUR FOREHEADS TOGETHER AND LEVITATING WHILE WE EMIT AN ETHEREAL GLOW!!!!! kim and i share custody of feiga and so much of what makes feiga feel like A Person in my head instead of a concept that gets abandoned (like most of my ocs, rip) comes from kim, ILU KIM U WERE IN THE DELIVERY ROOM WITH ME FOR 37 HOURS WHILE WE BIRTHED OUR SWEET PUPPY!!!! ❤️
💋 is ur oc a good kisser? have they kissed anyone before? do they even enjoy kissing? what was their first kiss like in comparison to their most recent? | LATE 20S VIRGIN!!!!!!!! has never had a Real Kiss. she never would have had time for relationships or fooling around, not as a teenager living in the tundra with Just her family around (and even if they still lived in a proper village/town, she was Much too repressed to first of all acknowledge her sexuality, let alone indulge in it), and not as a young adult in her training where that kind of fraternization was punished harshly. cold, dead-inside assassins dont kiss!!! she doesnt even realize she Has a sexuality until she has her run-in with riza, at which point she goes basically crazy with lust shes still Trying to repress now that she has Awakened to her raging lesbianism fjdsklfjsal. whenever she DOES have her first kiss, she is so scared and stiff. shes that meme thats like 'doesnt know how to kiss while the other person has their mouth open expecting tongue'. i think she probably prefers Other intimate activities over kissing anyway, if the kissing is foreplay then she has like No patience for it and would rather put her mouth to work. Elsewhere ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) once she gets over her repression and accepts her carnal need for muff
🧣what comforts ur oc? is it an item? an action? a person? whatever it is, how and why does it comfort them? | basically any action where she feels In Control. the most discomforted she gets is when she feels like things are slipping, like she is slipping, and losing a handle on herself or a situation. oh, she missed her mark (riza, and also to a lesser extent roy but this aint about him) for the first time like Ever and now the mark has clipped her shoulder with a lucky shot (also a first), and gotten away? she is now going to throw away all protocol And her contract to personally kidnap her mark and torture/kill her with her bare hands. that will make her not feel like everything is crashing down around her! it will surely not backfire and spin even more wildly Out of her control and put a target on Her back, forcing her to flee her homeland! oh, riza is going to beat her in a brawl and spare her life despite begging to be put out of her misery before she is captured/tortured/killed by her military for deserting/becoming useless to them, and now shes also feeling intense lust towards riza because shes beautiful and kind and feigas sexual awakening? time to help riza escape the country and never see her again because the only course of action here is to Get That Woman The Hell Away From Me Before I Explode. Badly.
eventually i think beth becomes a greater source of comfort for feiga and helps her cope with things when they fall out of her control, and just hearing beths words of encouragement and belief and faith in feiga, as well as her physical presence and affection, does a lot if she finds herself stressed over whatever. also BEACH TRIPS!!! feiga needs the ocean. she needs to sit in the sand and listen to the waves and ponder the deep dark. it will heal her.
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trickstarbrave · 13 days
i am white as a preface for this post. but i do know a LOT of indigenous people given i grew up literally right by a reservation and then went to college near navajo nation.
but lily orchard likes to posit people call her a pretendian because she is light skinned, unenrolled, and has had to connect later in life to her culture. when in fact i think the much bigger issue is the shit she has said about other indigenous people which is honestly insulting and terrible things to say. i guess its not impossible for her to be indigenous and have these extremely harmful, bigoted beliefs, but alongside everything else and her sister's explanations as well as the vague tribe she claims to be from it (Cherokee-unspecified) doesnt look very good
i've met numerous light skinned indigenous people who are unenrolled for various reasons. either they werent allowed to, they were taken from their families and raised by white people, they didn't have high enough blood quantum, or their parents/grandparents did not enroll them because they thought their child would be forced into poverty and be subjected to horrific racism on a societal level. it's complex, and especially in america, the government has made an active effort to divorce indigenous children from their nations, families, and culture as well as trying to de-incentivize enrollment
but frankly none of them have ever had the blaze attitude toward their fellow ingenious people like lily orchard has. she insulted people living on reservations (something they can't fucking control), said she was so thankful she grew up in a white suburban area, disparaged "backwater/barbaric" tribes who refuse to assimilate into white culture, and more insulting remarks.
people dont live in poverty on reservations because they want to or are too stupid to give it up. they are forced to. they were forced out of their lands and away from their homes and everything they knew in a grueling march to somewhere foreign, often lumping tribes that historically didn't get along into the same area with limited resources. they've had their water polluted, animals killed, sprayed with deadly herbicides, had their children forcibly taken, had their languages and spiritual/religious practices criminalized, and so on. these people have kept traditions alive the best they could, often through insurmountable odds. where do you, someone raised more privileged, get off on telling them their backwards idiots "complicit" in their own oppression and poverty and telling them to just give it up and assimilate into white colonialist culture? why would anyone want to give you the benefit of the doubt when you have shown you have no compassion for other indigenous people?
i can't know for certain and it's not my place to call her out but other indigenous ppl have and it's not hard to see why. but she'll never address the real reason why
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fecto-forgo · 2 months
question for susie: who do you think are the top 5 other kirby characters that could most get along with her? the 5 most likely ones that could be her friends, basically
i usually try to answer these as soon as i get them bc i have autism but i actually didnt manage to this time bc.honestly? i dont think susie has 5 friends.best conclusion i got is she has 3 friends n 2 girls who think theyre acquaintances
susie is just.so herself? i feel everyone thinks shes some degree of obnoxious n lacking on morals n just kinda seems weirdly shady.for ppl that like her tho:
i feel kirby is rly obvious but Who Doesnt Kirby Like? susie helped last at the end of KPR so as far as kirby cares shes all set for becoming a friend! in fact she essentially already is! she hasnt done evil things again so rly theyre on great terms.she lets them test ice cream flavor samples for HWCs ice cream brand
i think both susie n magolor consider each other annoying but they mean it affectionately.they get on each others nerves (its nearly always magolor doing the annoying) but somehow get along great anyways.its a mystery they just never fight seriously
taranza would get along w her as well, i think out of every wave 3 character hes the most actually friendable for everyone bc his freak isnt immediately noticed, but.theyre both freaks w no moral compasses n taranza is a professional woman apologist n what would susie want more than to get cry shoujo tears explaining her tragic story while he pats her back like "i completely understand...you were so justified queen dont listen to the haters"
rly she could tell magolor n taranza shes doing anything morally questionable n theyd reply "okay lol" "okay ^_^" if not straight up go w her
now the next 2.susie sure has intense feelings abt but they do not !
susies intense grudge for francisca originates from susie never outgrowing her "i HAVE to kill girls i feel threaten ME being the prettiest in the room" phase bc she didnt get a proper growing up experience.shes constantly making up ways francisca is stealing the spotlight from her.idk francisca was probably more welcomed by the other allies bc shes polite (i am not claiming franny is a nice girlie shes just polite but has the american psycho monologue going on in her head that entire introduction) n susies never gonna get over that bc "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME EVERYONE LIKED!!!" anyways i think itd just be so godamn funny if francisca didnt? know susie wants her dead? shes socially absent she doesnt pay attention she doesnt care lmao.she thinks theyre acquaintances bc of how often susie "talks to her" (shes trying to be subtly mean).even if she realized susie hated her shed be like "okay lol.good morning to you too"
n ive already mentioned it before but im a suzan yuri believer but not a "susie can win anyone over" believer.shes had a long running lesbian crush on zan w 50 layers to it (ranges from "she has such an aura of coolness ♪" to "i can fix her n i can kill her father too i can save her" to "WE CAN MATCH EACH OTHERS FREAKS.TOGETHER.") n has tried every way to try winning her over n zan doesnt understand a single one of them.she believes theyre acquaintances.susie could literally kiss her n shed reply "...my HP bar is already full but thanks.i guess." ironically most times that get zan liking susie a little more is when shes not actively trying to rizz her up, bc oh man.susie was right they match each others freaks of "im the only normal person in this room.(unstable weirdo)".the only ppl this yuri can be considered toxic for is everyone else.
outside of those 5 i think everyone to some degree dislikes her.n yes i think shed play victim abt that.im a firm believer nobody in wave 3/4 save for flamberge is properly befriendable to most of the cast (franny n taranza r in good terms w most ppl but again.inner american psycho monologue girl n polite looking guy who had way too much working for the evil monarch).n thats their appeal theyre all kinda shitty ppl 🩷 i wish i could end this w a beautiful rant on how shitty traumatized ppl still deserve love n redemption but honestly i just think characters r more fun when they kinda suck lol
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maidragoste · 2 months
hello! i hope your day has been well!!
its me again, I've come to rant....
this show has driven me to the point of insanity and not in a good way. its the common cause of bad writing good scenery. like the writers focused more on the surroundings and costumes and hair then the actual plot and the actual writing and dialect that needs to take place.
aemond is actually a crazy man, like not him forcing everyone to march to the riverlands knowing daemon resides there instead of trying to garner other areas that could go head to head with them OR instead of getting more men. also not him putting alicent in her place because she helped create the patriarchal environment so now she has to deal with the fact she's raised horrible men.
also if aemond is that way with his mother, imagine if he had a wife?? i'd be scared for her. like alicent needs to slap him because i would lowkey. she slapped aegon so much as a kid, she forgot to slap aemond to keep his ego at ground level.
daemon having hallucinations for a tenth millionth episode is too much for me bro, like he needs more help than i do. like he's actually crazy and not him thinking it was simon doing it when its alys.
also alys having to give daemon life lessons is crazy to me. like thank goodness shes like 100 stuck in a young body because her wisdom must prevail and she looks young so people will listen ish.
not rhaenyra kissing mysaria like what is actually happening?? like too many heart to hearts, like they're good, but what do they add??
aemond wanting to actively kill everyone is beyond me like he's the real villain. like he doesnt care about the small folk and parades dragon heads like he's at a festival like he would make a bad ruler. i'm starting to think he's maegor the cruel not even with teats just maegor the cruel lol. like he is on a kinslaying spree.
aegon was even scared of aemond though he claims not to remember im sure he does and didn't want aemond to know because he knows his brother would kill him to silence him. like if the maester didn't walk in...
alicent realizing her dad is the only one who gave her power is wild and gwayne inadvertently telling her she failed as a mom was tier like she lowkey did in a way bro. like daeron is kind because he didn't grow up with your kids and your nonsense. like idk how helaena is even surviving because poor girl.
this whole show is so bad, but i have to watch to the end type of bad like it's not like i read the books yet to make the comparison so i'm not like uh "ohhh but in the book!!" like these are general observations that anyone can make about the show. it's not good and if i was the author of the book...i'd be a little pressed at all the fillers and them saying there's gonna be a 3rd season when this one has too many fillers....
sorry for the entire essay, and thank you for being a good listener and active responder!!
hi anon, how are you?
I was late in responding because I am sick and I only saw the episode today hahaha
I think I didn't suffer so much with this episode because I read your ask first so I already knew what was coming xd
I feel like I shouldn't laugh but the comment that Alicent should have hit Aemond made me laugh a lot 😭😭
About the hallucinations, I'm glad I was right that there was going to be a hallucination with Viserys, but I can understand why so many hallucinations are getting boring, and I didn't like it so much that Viserys is saying dialogues that he already said in the first season. they could have invented something
honestly i didn't expect to like alys but i like her dynamic with daemon
I don't know how to feel about the kiss, a part of me already saw a tension between them and I like that they confirmed rhaenyra as bisexual but I don't know how they are going to continue with this plot
I honestly don't know what to think of Aemond's writing anymore ☠️☠️ I feel like even the maester doesn't trust him
I loved the conversation about Daeron (I'm just a girl who gets excited at every mention of him). I felt sorry for Alicent, I really don't think Gwayne wanted to make her feel bad 🥺
My friend and I also thought that the show went bad (we also read the book) but we still continue watching it because we already started it and we want to see some things that are to come
Thank you for writing to me and I hope you are well 💖💖
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milfcamilanoceda · 2 years
Does anyone get sad thinking about how when Eda and co were younger they seem to be close friends but now they are just so estranged with each other? Like it's not even "school friends who lost contact and grew apart with time", some of them seem to actively resent each other before and during the events of the show.
Like we have Eda and Lilith and the entire curse mess who only started to get along after the events of Young Blood, Old Souls
Raeda broke up and only come to contact years later despite still being in love with each other and caring about each other. They still struggle with communication and tendency to keep secrets from one another
Raine and Eda were willing to kill Darius without hesitation. It was not out of malice and definately more out of greater good, a solid plan that Darius clearly appreciated and even encouraged a similar but less deadlier version for the day of unity. But still that was cold and ruthless especially if they were meant to be friends as kids. Not to mention it's "Head Witch Darius!" and "Raine Whispers!" like no familiarity. Absolute strangers. Only reconcilled when their goals aligned
Darius actively resents Alador and Alador doesnt seem to care about him either. They were close with each other and Odalia as kids and yet now the mere mention of Alador just irks Darius.
Odalia just grew up to be such a hateful and greedy person, like as a kid she seems to be someone who just wants to hang around with her friends, and now she doesnt care about anyone at all. Like girl what happened to you?
Perry seems to have nothing to do with any of them. Like he seemed sad when Eda was gonna get petrified even under the strict reporter professionalism but like that is it. (Then again this one is more likely to do with his non existent screen time than anything else)
Alador and Eda's only talk was Eda being rightfully pissed about the factory incident but it also feels like there was more resentment then that.
And just all of them were so separated from each other. Eda was living as a wild witch. Lilith was head of the Emperor's coven and trying to capture Eda and nothing else. Alador and Odalia were in a loveless marriage focusing more on their careers rather then each other and even their own children. Darius and Raine reconnected only when they revealed that their goals aligned. And Perry was doing his own thing.
Like what happened to that friendship both the show and the crew keeps hinting at. Was it a later added thing? Or would we have seen them through flashbacks only for it to be cut out due to disney?
Either way it really makes me sad thinking about so many friends who were potentially close, just growing apart and even starting to resent to each other.
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