#she got sunburnt
sojutrait · 2 months
ronnie girl trip to sulani montage
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then she had to go home and was pissed
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temporary-tats · 2 months
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A ko-fi roulette request from @kaelidascope of team RWBY (and Alfred, the stuffed Gator) on a family vacation to Florida's true greatest attraction, Gatorland!
This is gonna be funny to like, 6 people, and I'm one of them. If you happen to be one of those 5 other people - I hope you enjoy this!
(My Ko-fi, should you wish!)
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valewritessss · 2 months
Um, can someone give me tips to make a sunburn better? I know about moisturizing it but is there anything else, especially for my face?
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icanttakethemonmyown · 9 months
just slightly tipsy on christmas eve and thinking about the nature of love and how my extended family who have never been to america all have texas-themed items of clothing because my cousin married an american and his mother insists on sending us all presents even though she has never even met half of us
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greypetrel · 1 year
🏄 for Aisling!
Hello Mel!
Thanks for asking, this was fun, allowed me to delve in a lesser-faced headcanon... and made me wish to go to the sea, sigh.
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The Lavellans call her Shrimp for this reason. She put sunscreen on -she prepares it herself- but forgot to put it on another time. Probably got distracted by some fish or animal or whatever and by the time she realised, it was too late. Now you can cook eggs on her.
Also, she's the one on the beach who brings food and snacks, here she is with her cooler bag.
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anormalkidingotham · 7 months
not sure how but i'm pretty sure it's even sunny at night now, which is really confusing but not nearly as annoying as when the joker played that annoying music because at least i have blackout curtains
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galaxywhale · 1 year
mentioned twice now that I think we need to start getting the kids to eat lunch in the shady side of the courtyard again because where they are currently, there’s no shade at all, we’re forcing kids to sit in the full sun for like 20 then 15 minutes a day when the UV is already high enough to require sun protection and there’s always at least a couple who don’t have a hat, and then today I did get them to eat over there
and idk she doesn’t seem to care lol and had them back in the full sun again and I’m like :|
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cosmicmakos · 1 year
imagine your f/o helping you take care of your sunburn
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AURORA - The Gods We Can Touch Tour - Brisbane, Australia - 5th of March, 2023
Saw Aurora tonight, she was gorgeous and hilarious.
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jellieishie · 6 months
I got sunburnt for the first time in my whole life and I think this is what hell feels like.
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kittyswags · 1 year
I got fucking sunburnt ⁉️⁉️
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moonlitdesertdreams · 5 months
On the Surface
A/N: Nothing important, please enjoy and send me more ideas! Tags: Fallout, Cooper Howard, Cooper Howard x F!Reader, Cooper Howard x You, Ghoul x Reader, Lucy MacLean WARNINGS: None Summary: Lucy knew traveling with the Ghoul would be tough, but no one told her it would be so... weird. Especially when he stops to pick up another companion along the way.
Word count: 1.2k+
(GIF credit to @talesfromthecrypts)
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Lucy surely didn’t know what to expect when she trudged along after the Ghoul and Wilzig’s dog, charmed by its new companion. 
She followed, weighed down by the revelations Moldaver had laid bare. It had pulled the curtain away from her entire life and ripped her heart to shreds. Between seeing her father flee and leaving Maximus, her mind was heavy with pain. 
The Ghoul was absolute zero on the comfort scale. He walked silently, only breaking it to mutter hypothetical questions at the dog- so affectionately called Dogmeat- and cough dryly. Lucy decided they had to have been walking for hours through sparse woods and dry ground before a flickering light appeared on the horizon. 
And after everything she’d been through, she fully expected another fight. 
But the Ghoul seemed to gain some motivation at the sight, and moved along at a quicker pace than they had been. Lucy was able to make out the shape of a small campfire burning, less than ten feet away from a fairly large, but crudely-built cabin. It was tucked into a patch of dead trees, and had what she thought to be clothes hanging on clotheslines outside. Even the dog was excited, barking loudly and jogging up to the cabin. 
Lucy stopped a few yards away, apprehension freezing her limbs into place. The Ghoul continued on, hopping lithely onto the front porch and knocking at the door. Again, she expected the occupant to come out, guns blazing, and be killed by the man at her door. 
Maybe he’d even make Lucy carve pieces of them off to make jerky again.
What she didn’t expect was the door to open, and the Ghoul to crack a smile she’d never seen. A figure- a woman- stepped out onto the porch. Lucy watched them exchange a few words before the woman leaned in towards the Ghoul and…. hugged him?
What the fuck even was this place?
The Ghoul, always cold and callous with Lucy, chuckled out loud. “Miss me, sugar?”
When she pulls away, the woman is beaming. “Every day.”
Lucy probably looks like a whole fool, jaw gaping and brow furrowed in confusion. She stares at the woman, who eventually turns an eye to her. 
“What’s this? Gettin’ some on the side, Cowboy?” The still unnamed woman trots off the porch towards the Vault-Dweller. 
Upon closer inspection, the woman doesn’t appear as angry as her statement. She’s got long hair wrapped into a complicated braided style to keep it up and out of her face. There’s a smattering of freckles over her sunburnt nose, and a jagged scar running the length of her right cheek. The gnarled tissue pulls her mouth into a scowl, but she’s otherwise well-kept. She’s probably three or four inches shorter than Lucy, but no less intimidating. 
“Calm down, woman.” The Ghoul bites. “This is Lucy MacLean.”
The woman pauses, looking back to him for confirmation before staring back at Lucy. “MacLean, eh? I can see it.”
Spurs clank as the Ghoul takes those slow, scary steps towards the woman. “Thought you might be interested in comin’ along. We’re followin’ her dad. Hank.”
A smile twists the lady’s lips, fighting against the wretched scar on her face. “Come on in. We can leave in the morning.”
And that’s how Lucy finds herself in the rickety cabin. The woman- who still hadn’t offered up a name, much like her Ghoul friend- had led her to a room and tossed a scratchy blanket and pillow in behind her. Despite her gruff exterior, she had told Lucy there was a pantry in the kitchen full of non-perishables, and cans of purified water hidden in the back. And though water sounded beautiful, Lucy was more stoked about the water purifier connected to the house. She was told there was cold but clean water in a makeshift wash room to clean up.
So Lucy took her time to freshen up in the first relatively put-together place she’d been since coming up from the Vault. The little cabin did have lights, thanks to a generator that hummed along outside. She was able to scrub the grime from her face and hands, and attempted to do the same with her Vault-suit. There was an old Nuka-cola  bottle on the floor in the washroom with ‘SOAP’ scratched across it in cursive. It lathered like any other that Lucy remembered, and she felt like a new person walking out of the wash room and back into her own little space. 
Unsurprisingly, her empty stomach reared its head in protest, and she decided she’d make one last trip to the pantry before bed. There were no voices outside of her room, just the humming of an old Television setup she’d seen on her way in. Lucy tiptoes back to the junction of the living area and pantry, but stops dead in her tracks. The lights are all off, and it takes a moment for her eyes to adjust. 
The living area right inside the door, the one she’d passed by on her way in, was occupied by both the Ghoul and his mysterious friend. However, instead of the simple sofa she’d observed prior, it was now pulled out into a bed. 
A bed in which the woman and the Ghoul were curled up,  completely unconscious. 
Lucy almost feels bad intruding on the situation, but she’s more bewildered that anyone could show such affection towards the irradiated man she’d come to hate over the past few days. And they’re not even just sharing the bed, they’re tangled together and… cuddling? The Ghoul is on his back, head propped on a pillow and hat still on his head but tipped down low to hide his disfigured face. The long coat he’d worn day in and day out is hanging over the armrest beside his bandolier, guns easily accessible. And the woman, looking relaxed as ever, is curled up on her side with her head on his chest. The Ghoul has one arm curled around her shoulder, the other loosely gripping his inhaler device as he sleeps. 
Lucy collects her jaw off the floor and scoots along to the pantry, snagging a couple ration bars and a can of water before heading back. She tries not to look again as she goes back to her room, but the temptation is too great. She pauses, turning back only to hear the click of a gun being cocked. 
In the darkness, she can only see the whites of the Ghoul’s eyes and a flash of teeth. “Move along, Vaultie.”
Lucy obeys, and practically dashes back to her room. 
So when they move out in the morning, Lucy pretends not to notice anything. When the pair stops their trek and leans in close to murmur directions at each other, Lucy taps away at her Pip-Boy. 
There’s even a time where she returns from gathering water to find them locked in a kiss, coats swaying in the Wasteland wind. And Lucy had immediately backed up, lingering in the treeline until they broke apart. 
The displays of affections continue with the travels, and it wasn’t odd to wake up to the sight of the woman curled beneath her Ghoul’s arm, content as ever. Days pass, and Lucy doesn’t mention it. It’s kind of cute, she comes to think. She didn’t dare mention anything in fear of the Ghoul’s wrath. 
So their odd trio trots along through the desert, letting Dogmeat take the lead. 
And Lucy? Well, she's learning to be blissfully ignorant towards the abnormalities on the surface.
thanks for reading, much love ❤️
Read More: Fallout Masterlist
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wileys-russo · 1 month
high stakes II barça femeni
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part of the pollito universe - based around codies request here
high stakes II barça femeni
"oye pollito. up for a challenge?" you swallowed your mouthful of water and met mapi's cheshire like grin with a curious quirk of your eyebrow. "what challenge?" you asked skeptically, hundreds of possibilities racing through your head all at once, some awful and others amusing.
"the crossbar of the little training goal. whoever hits it ten times first wins!" mapi flicked the football at her feet up and into her hand, tucking it under her arm and awaiting an answer. "no stakes?" you asked still cautious, a few of the other girls hovering nearby.
"loser does laps until they throw up!" cata suggested with a smirk, all of you already doused with sweat as the temperature was soaring today and you pulled a face.
"pollito is scared of throw up." jana snickered as you shot her a venomous glare and she just stuck her tongue out at you. "ohhh, sí. the dinner!" mapi remembered with a snap of her fingers and a sharp bark of laughter as your cheeks blushed red.
during one of your first nights out with the team you'd all gone for a celebratory after a rather large el classico win. after watching cata try to eat snails on a dare which she promptly spat back out onto the plate, it wasn't long before your own dinner was so good you enjoyed it a second time.
you weren't sure where it came from, what caused it, or when it started but ever since you were younger if someone so much as gagged, spat or god forbid threw up in front of you, it triggered that same reaction in you.
your mami and papi had called it a 'sympathetic stomach', your hermana called it disgusting and your older brothers just called it weekly entertainment.
thankfully you'd practically tackled vicky and bruna out of the way to get out of your seat, just making it to the bathroom in order to empty the content of your stomach onto the tiled floor, alexia bursting in a moment later and wincing at the sight.
of course ingrid arrived right after her and seeing the utter humiliation in your features and alexias woefully failing attempts to console you she took charge, sending the catalan to ward off anyone else from coming in while she helped you clean up.
however of course ingrid had told her girlfriend, la bocaza, and mapi promptly told...everyone else, at training the next morning. you were relentlessly teased for weeks and still now it would come up, though you'd learned to have a thick skin being the youngest of four.
your older brothers had done a particularly successful job of 'toughening you up' and despite your size you gave just as good as you got. so following on from the 'dinner incident' was also one of the first times the girls learned about your dark side, and your oh so dreaded list that nobody wanted to be on.
"cállate! i am not scared of throw up." you scowled, sending a withering glare to everyone who laughed. "vale. then those are the stakes, do you accept?" mapi challenged again with a sly smile, twirling the ball around on her finger as your eyes rolled.
"sí, you're on león."
"that is four for mapi and three for pollito!" cata called out, stood beside the small goal keeping score as you huffed and hiked up your training top to wipe the sweat from your brow, the early afternoon sun prickling uncomfortably at your skin.
both ingrid and alexia had already given you and mapi a mouthful about how this was a dumb idea and if either of you got sunburnt or heatstroke there would be no sympathy.
everyone knew they were bluffing.
"it has been almost an hour! how are you both so bad at this?" pina chimed in from where she and a few of the younger girls from the b team who'd trained with you all today sat watching.
the majority of the team had already headed inside, enjoying the aircon inside to cool off before you all had a final media session before you were dismissed to go home for the day.
"would you like to try claudia? or maybe we will change the challenge from hitting the crossbar to hitting your big forehead!" you snapped as cata doubled over laughing and mapi let out a chuckle beside you.
"such a short fuse. is the pequeña getting hot and grumpy?" the spaniard cooed pinching your cheek as you puffed air from your nose and promptly stomped on her foot.
"oye! watch it, if one of us gets injured we will never hear the end of it." the defender rubbed her foot where both of you had thankfully taken off your boots, playing barefoot due to the heat.
"then kick the ball and shut your mouth maría." you grunted, stepping back and gesturing she take her turn. "dios mío you are grumpy." mapi mumbled, whistling under her breath and taking a few steps back with a shake of her head.
you watched with baited breath as she wound up, surging forward and hitting the ball with a thump, eyes widening as it seemed right on target but just skimmed the top of the bar and you exhaled in relief.
"joder." mapi grumbled in annoyance at the close call, cata retrieving the ball and tossing it back to you as you trapped it at your feet. "don't miss pollito!" mapi jeered beside you as you blocked her out, squinting one eye and manifesting the ball would hit the bar.
and hit it it did. you let out a cheer and jumped up happily as the ball smacked off the bar and came rolling back toward mapi who groaned and jogged up to retrieve it.
"don't miss!" you mocked her earlier words as she pulled a face and shoved you, putting the ball down and licking her finger, holding it up into the air as if to test the wind direction making you smile but roll your eyes.
unfortunately it seemed it worked, as mapi kicked the ball with a little curl and it thumped against the bar causing you to crumple in defeat and the older girl pump her fists and do a little victory wiggle.
"oye! pollito still gets a kick, otherwise you had one more turn than her and that is unfair." vicky yelled out in your defence as you perked back up and sent her a grin, mapi immediately arguing thats not how it worked.
"is too!" "is not!" "you are only saying this because you got five!" "exactly. i won!" "not yet!"
a sharp whistle stopped your bickering, and right in time as you were a mere millisecond away from launching yourself at the older girl, the heat having you already irritable and on the edge.
"you idiotas are still going with this?" patri rolled her eyes, her and alexia appearing from inside with hands on hips. "get inside and get some water. both of you!" alexia warned as both you began to argue you were almost done and it was unfair if mapi won by default.
with a roll of her eyes and a click of her fingers patri gave up, pina and most of the younger girls following after her inside. "one more kick ale, por favor!" you begged, clasping your hands together and hitting her with the best hopeful puppy dog eyes you could manage.
and sure enough, she broke.
"bien. one more kick!" alexia warned with a sigh as mapi huffed and muttered something under her breath which you missed but her best friend didn't as she glared at her and you snatched the ball back.
"if pollito makes this then its sudden death, a tie break!" cata called as alexia opened her mouth to advise that was not what was agreed on but again with another look flashed her way she fell silent and crossed her arms over her chest.
"see the goal? it is just so so tiny pollito. like you!" mapi teased trying to throw you off as you ignored her, cata nodding at you encouragingly as you took a few steps back.
"so so small. no way you will hit it!" mapi continued, stood beside alexia now who shoved her with a warning look. "may as well give up now chica, save yourself the embarrassment." mapi shrugged, whining as alexia punched her in the arm but still you blocked them both out.
"miss. miss. miss. miss!" mapi chanted quietly as you charged forward and kicked the ball, perhaps with a little more anger and frustration than skill as it soared much too high and flew right over the goal.
"ha!" mapi cheered, but suddenly as the ball hurtled forward time seemed to slow, almost frozen as the groundskeeper zoomed past on his little buggy and at the near perfectly wrong time.
you couldn't have predicated what came next with all the time in the world to guess.
"mirar hacia fuera!" you cupped your hands around your mouth and yelled, wincing as the ball smacked the poor man right in the side of his face and he swerved.
your eyes near bugged out of your head as the series of unfortunate events continued, each second passing causing the situation to get worse and worse and worse.
as the groundskeeper swerved he almost hit some of the staff who was walking back toward the field, who all dove out of the way and promptly fell backwards into the safety fencing around the construction site where they were redoing the gym.
then, the disaster reached its peak.
the fence collapsing in on itself meant it fell backwards into the scaffolding around the new structure, knocking over several poles and ladders and sending four poor workers head over heels into a pile of dirt, curses ringing out all over the place as everyone watched with horror as the structure began to wobble.
you exhaled as it seemed to settle, the staff helping one another up as the groundskeeper sprinted over to help the workers. "that was close." you sighed, shoulders dropping with relief.
but no, you were wrong, now it reached its peak.
with an almighty clatter that surely could have been heard from the other side of the country the scaffolding collapsed, bodies diving out of the way as metal beams, poles and bolts all came raining down onto the ground below.
you couldn't breathe, couldn't move, as mapi fled the scene of the crime your eyes were as wide as plates and your feet were rooted into position as the yelling started.
then came the worst part, the all too familiar hands settling themselves on your shoulders as you felt her looming behind you and closed your eyes. "it was all mapi's idea?" you squeaked out as alexias grip tightened and her nails dug into your shoulders leaving small crescent moon dents in the tanned skin.
"lo siento mucho?" you laughed nervously, crying out in pain as alexia grabbed you by the ear and started to drag you over to the mess you'd made muttering angrily under her breath so only you could hear.
"you can kiss the video games, tu novia, tu amigas, sunshine, freedom...you can kiss all of goodbye! just you wait until we get home and your mami hears from me about this. pollito you are grounded for the next month! no, six months! no, a year!" and it was safe to say, what fate had in store for you now was much much worse than a few laps in the sun.
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mallowsweetmiri · 2 months
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Strawberry Pie 🍓 ~ F.W.
Part 1 • Black Bikini
Summary: You’re staying at the burrow for the summer like you do every year. All is well expect for the fact that you kind of slept with your long time family friend, Fred Weasley.
Warnings: thigh riding, cursing, mentions of sex
Your POV:
You woke up in Charlie Weasleys old bed to an unusual amount of chaos coming from a few floors below you. You groaned as you rubbed your eyes and stretched. The morning sun bathed your skin in warmth. You let out a content sigh as you closed your eyes once more. You loved being here, especially since you got Charlie’s old room, the best room. The window next to the bed looked out on the sprawling hills towards the east, a big tree sat in the middle of the view. Little birds chirped in the thick cover of leaves. You heard the patter of footsteps rapidly approaching your bedroom.
“Y/N!” The door busted open to reveal a bounding Hermione Granger with Ginny hot in pursuit behind her. Hermione threw open her arms and squealed as she jump onto your bed to tackle you with a hug.
“Granger! I didn’t know you were coming today, I would’ve gotten out of bed earlier,” you frowned as Ginny and her took seats on your bed.
“Sorry, I forgot to tell you yesterday. You know, too much sun at the beach and then I wasn’t allowed to hang out with you last night,” Ginny glared at you but you just laughed. Ginny couldn’t keep a straight face, but you knew that she really did want to hang out with you and twins last night. She was just too young for drinking games with the twins. And… oh Merlin.
Suddenly, you remembered what had happened last night. George had taken Ginny and Ron back to the house, leaving you and Fred alone on the hillside. One thing led to another and… well… you ending up naked with your oldest family friend.
“It’s okay! Now that you’re awake, we can start our day,” Hermiones voice tore you out of your thoughts.
“Okay, okay I’m getting up now,” you sat up straight and yawned, “what are we doing today?”
“Get dressed and meet us downstairs for breakfast,” she grinned, “we’re going strawberry picking.”
After Ginny and Hermione left your room, you quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a white cami. You checked yourself out in the mirror. You had definitely grown this past school year. The biggest difference was your chest which had filled out significantly in a just one school year. In fact, you really needed a new bra. But besides the physical side of things, you also just felt more mature. You swept your hair up into a loose pony tail, leaving your neck bare and exposed. You fell still as you saw a small purple blotch in the crevice of your neck.
“Shit,” you cursed, tying off your hair and reaching for your wand on the bedside table. You applied some glamour to your neck to hide the mark and then pulled out more than a few strands of your bangs to give you more coverage. You had forgotten that Fred was kissing you all over last night. You saw yourself blush at the thought. You continued to get ready like this. You started brushing you teeth and recalled opening your mouth for Fred last night. You applied lip balm and remembered his wet mouth in between your thighs. You walked downstairs and made yourself swear to stop thinking about it, but you wondered if Fred was in the kitchen too.
As you reached the bottom floor, you saw Molly cleaning in the kitchen and 5 seats taken at the dining room table. The Weasley children and Hermione sat around the table feasting on pancakes, sausage, eggs, potatoes, and toast with jam. You graciously thanked Molly before sitting down to get some grub of your own.
“Okay so after breakfast we’ll leave to walk to the fields. Definitely pack a hat or something to cover yourselves so nobody gets sunburnt. Also I was thinking that after we come back we could bake something with the strawberries,” Hermione spoke with incredible speed while simultaneously spreading apricot jam on her toast. Ron huffed out a smile and took a bite of his own breakfast.
“That sounds great ‘Mione. And while you girls cook, I’ll be taking a nap,” Ron said with a full mouth. Hermione turned to smack him on the arm causing the twins to laugh. Of course this made you look up, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Fred was wearing he wore a simple t-shirt, but it seemed like he was starting to grow out of it. You couldn’t fathom that the twins could grow anymore, they were already a full head taller than you. But there was Fred, leaned back nonchalantly in his chair. His hair had grown out slightly from the year away from home and his face seemed to be more dotted from the summer sun. He met you gaze and gave you a soft smile. You could’ve sworn he was blushing a little.
“What do you think Y/N?” Hermione turned to you to hear your opinion. You cleared your throat and ripped your eyes away from Fred’s.
“Erm- what were we talking about?” You asked with a sheepish half-grin. Hermione raised her eyebrow at you.
“What should we bake this afternoon?” She asked, sweeping her eyes to Fred as he sat back with a noticeable grin on his face. Merlin, couldn’t he keep that smile off his face for two seconds? It was hard to think.
“Hmm, strawberry pie,” you grinned as you sat up to bring your plate to the sink.
“Mm, that sounds simply divine,” George said in his best posh voice, standing up to join you by the sink. Fred gathered his plate as well.
“Indeed, George. That sounds delicious,” he crossed the kitchen to put his dish in the sink, “and I do like to have something sweet after dinner.” His arm brushed against yours. Immediately the contact made the hairs on your arm stand up. Since when did that happen? When did Fred start making you feel this type of way?
Maybe since his head was buried between my legs and he used his pretty mouth to give me the best orgasm of my life, you thought to yourself, making yourself blush a crimson shade of red. You cleared your throat and made your way onto the front porch. You sat down on the bench and began putting on your boots, you knew the fields would be muddy. The screen door swung open and Fred turned towards you with a half smile. As soon as you guys looked at each other, both your faces flushed red and you looked away. Fred took no time to recover and made his way over to sit next to you. Suddenly your boot zipper was extremely fascinating.
“I’m glad to see you up in this morning, Y/N. I was afraid the fire whiskey had gotten to you,” he teased, putting on his own boots.
“I don’t think it would’ve been the fire whiskey that took me out,” you mumbled, color running into your face again. At this point, you were sure you looked like a tomato, and you could hardly look up at Fred. You had a small moment of panic, what if last night ruined everything? Fred’s chuckle took you out of your doubts.
“Take a breathe, Y/N. You look like you’re about to faint,” Fred laughed as he took a look at your face. You smacked his arm and let out a breathe you didn’t realize you were holding. Your mouth couldn’t help but curve into a smile. That always seemed to happen around Fred. The two of you fell into a small silence as you both finished tying your boots. The door burst open as the rest of the gang piled out onto the porch to put their shoes on. You gathered some baskets and passed them around before the 6 of you set out towards the fields. They were right next to the burrow, but they spanned for acres. You and Fred naturally hung back from the group and strolled at a leisurely pace.
“Summers here are truly amazing,” you sighed, breathing in the fresh breeze. Fred smiled down at you.
“Truly, and I have a feeling this summer is going to be the best one yet,” Fred hummed as he veered right towards a particularly abundant bush.
“Oh yeah, and why is that Freddie?” You skipped up next to him and began picking berries. You figured you already knew the answer but you wanted to hear him say it. Half of your mind was still convinced that last night hadn’t happened at all.
“Well I told you, Y/N. I’m going to make you mine this summer,” he said this so casually, you almost didn’t hear him. You’d completely lost interest in the berries at this point.
“Fred,” you tested. You almost thought he was joking, but his face was dead serious. His expression was something you rarely saw on the face of a Weasley twin. “Are you serious?”
“Look at my face,” he said, pointing up at himself, “do I look like I’m joking.” He did not, but it only took about one second of his seriousness to cause both of you the keel over laughing. You dropped your basket which Fred promptly picked up for you. As you grabbed the basket from him, your eyes locked. It felt serious again.
“Fred, I don’t want to ruin anything while I’m here this summer. Even if last night was... I don’t want anything to go badly…” you trailed off, feeling vulnerable in front of your best friend. He only stepped closer to you and put his hand on your cheek. Even though he’d been inside you only last night, this felt more intimate than anything you’d done before.
“Just trust me, Y/N. Nothing is going to be ruined,” Fred whispered. His finger ran along your cheek, behind your ear, and down the side of your throat. He chuckled, “except maybe your neck.” You blushed and swatted his hand away.
“Can you see it? I thought I covered it this morning,” you grumbled, rubbing your neck as if to wash off the mark.
“I can only see it because I was looking for it. Don’t worry, you can keep up your little goody two shoes act,” Fred teased, flicking a strawberry your way. You rolled your eyes and smiled at his words. The two of began to walk toward the group once more. Ginny was laughing her ass off.
“What’s so funny?” You asked, strolling up next to Ginny. You soon saw why she was laughing. Ron was frowning, sinking into a mud hole, his boot stuck in the mush and filled with mud.
“He’s such an idiot,” Ginny barked, pointing at her brother. Hermione tried to stifle her laughs.
“Oh, come on now, Ginny. Let’s help Ron out,” George said, stepping up to grab Ron’s arm. Ginny grinned and grabbed his other hand.
“On three,” George said, “one… two… three!” The two of them tugged on Ron before releasing him back into the mud. He fell with an oof as the rest of you broke down in laughter.
“You guys are actually the worst,” Ron grumbled, throwing a handful of mud at Fred.
“Hey! What did I do?” Fred exclaimed, grabbing a handful of mud at slinging it at Ron.
“Oh, fuck,” Ron said as George pelted him with another handful. It took about 3 seconds before everyone was covered in mud, howling with laughter as you continued to pelt each other with mud pies. Your fun lasted all of two minutes before a shrill yell came from the house,
“What in Merlin’s name do you kids think you’re doing!”
Molly Weasley was marching out of the burrow and towards the strawberry fields. You all stopped. You let the mud slip out of your fingers and slop onto the ground.
“Come here right this instant!” She yelled, stomping her foot and pointing towards the ground she stood on. You looked towards Ginny who whispered, “oh shit.” The six of you started to head back towards the house, the twins grumbling to themselves.
“Its like she’s allergic to fun,” you heard George whisper, Fred laughing and elbowing him in the side.
“Seriously don’t make me laugh. We can’t get in trouble this summer,” Fred whispered back, earning an eye roll from George. His eyes looked back to you for a second, and you wondered if he knew about last night. He probably did.
“You kids are trouble! I thought you were going to go pick strawberries, not roll around in the mud!” Mrs. Weasley scolded, making Hermione drop her head in shame. “Go clean up in the pond-”
“But Mum! There are frogs in there!” Ron whined, earning a glare from his mother.
“I don’t care, you lot are a bunch of frogs. You’re not allowed back in the house until all the mud is off of you. You tried not to laugh at her sass as you walked towards the pond. Ron was grumbling to Ginny about this was her fault and Hermione looked like she was going to cry.
“Don’t worry, ‘Mione. She’s not really mad. Once we bake her a delicious pie she’ll forget all about this,” you smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. She swallowed and nodded. That girl was too sweet for this world. The grass grew longer as you entered the shaded brush near the pond. You stripped your shoes off and waded into the water. It really wasn’t too disgusting, it was just warm. The twins followed after you.
“Watch out for the bullfrogs, Ron,” Fred teased.
“Yeah, we caught at least 5 of ‘em yesterday,” George added, stripping off his shirt. Next came Ginny and Hermione, who were mildly grossed out by the slime. Then Ron who looked disgusted. You chuckled to yourself as you sunk into the water, rubbing the mud off of your arms. Fred watched as you rubbed over your chest, his lips twitching at the corner. You sent a splash his way to deter him from looking which didn’t really work. Fred followed George’s suit and stripped his shirt off, the shaded lighting making him look absolutely divine. Fuck. You almost groaned at the sight and had to turn away to prevent yourself from drooling. Gods, you thought he looked good playing quidditch this year but seeing him shirtless and wet everyday this summer made you feel insane. After a few minutes of washing off all the mud, and a few splash fights, you guys headed back towards the burrow. One by one, you all cast drying spells on yourselves, and headed inside.
“Before we start the pie, I’m going to go change,” Hermione said with a face of disgust. While the pond got the mud off your clothes, you definitely reeked of dirt and sludge. You all murmured in agreement and headed upstairs to change. You got off on your floor, heading swiftly to your room.
Fred’s POV
I watched her go towards her room as me and George kept climbing up the stairs. She was going in there to change, to take off that little white tank top that was just soaking wet against her chest. Fuck. I had to keep my train of thought from wandering. I didn’t realize how difficult it was going to be to control myself after last night. After I saw her perfect tits bouncing while I fucked her and watched her face as she came and fuck. I didn’t even realize I had turned around and started back down the stairs and towards her room. I knocked on her door swiftly.
“Fred?” She asked when she opened the door.
“Can I, uh, come in?” I asked, smiling sheepishly at her. She nodded and moved to the side to let me in. I shut the door behind me and stood in front of her. She looked nervous, waiting for me to say something.
“Y/N, can I be honest,” I breathed out a chuckle, feeling slightly awkward in front of what used to be only my best friend.
“Of course, Fred,” she replied, holding her hands behind her back as she looked at me.
“I can’t stop thinking about you, uhm, after last night,” I admitted, feeling a relief as the words left my mouth. She let out a breath.
“I know how you feel,” she chuckled, moving towards me.
“I don’t even really know why I’m here,” I chuckled again, breathing in as she stepped closer again.
“Do you want to, I dunno…” she blushed, looking up at me expectantly. I wasted no time in closing the gap between our lips. I let my hands grip around her waist, making her gasp into my mouth. I pressed her against my body, wanting to feel all of her. I couldn’t get enough, I just wanted to take her to bed.
“Com’ere,” I breathed, falling to sit on the bed and pulling her with me. She groaned as she straddled my hips, sinking down and feeling my length through my jeans. I groaned and pressed her down against me. Her legs felt so good under my hands, her hips gently moving on top of me. I swiped my thumbs across the front of her hips, causing her to whine into my lips. Merlin, she sounded so sexy. I moved my leg under her and used my hands to guide her hip back and forth on top of my thigh. She threw her hand back with a moan.
“Shhh,” I shushed her, bouncing my leg up and down as she rode me. I brought my lips up to hers, causing her to fall closer to my chest. She whined into me, giving me the change to slip my tongue into her mouth. I pushed her back and forth on my leg, earning more pretty moans from her mouth. I felt her shudder on me as she pulled back.
“Fred, I’m so close,” she whined, her face falling into my shoulder. I kissed down her neck.
“That’s it, come for me darling,” I murmured, licking over her neck and rubbing her down on my leg in a faster rhythm. Her moans got muffled in my shoulder as she sped up her movements. I wanted to hear her while she came, but shushed her gently as a reminder. She whined quietly as she shuddered on top of me, her hips grinding slowly on my leg. I kissed her tenderly as I helped her ride out her high. “Such a good girl,” I whispered in her neck before kissing up the side of her jaw and towards her lips. We shared on last kiss before she pulled back, her lips curling up into a smile.
“Fuck,” she giggled, panting on my lap. I smirked back at her.
“Did you like that?” I asked cheekily. She blushed and nodded before burying her face in my shoulder. I laughed and picked her up, placing her on her feet. “You should probably get changed. We don’t wanna be late to the pie making party.” She chuckled and playfully shoved my chest.
“Then get out of my room so I can change,” she teased, rolling her eyes. My face fell into a half grin as I threw my hands up and started towards the door.
“Okay, okay, I’m going,” I protested, exiting out into the hallway. She smiled as she shut the door behind me. Once again, a permanent grin was plastered on my face as I walked up the stairs. I readjusted my pants before stepping into my room.
“Mate, are you and Y/N fucking?” George asked, fixing his hair and the mirror. I breathed out a laugh and shrugged, moving towards the closet to change.
“Oh, it’s so much more than that, Georgie. I think I’m in love,” I sighed, pulling a band tee off the hanger. George chucked and came over to clap me on the back.
“Good for you, brother. I knew it was going to happen this summer,” George smiled at me and I smiled back. He would always be my number one wing man.
“Thanks, George. You mind helping me out with something? I have a plan,” I grinned. He grinned back at me.
“Count me in.”
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ddejavvu · 2 months
can i request for multiverse monday where hotch is the coach of the little league team that the reader's son is in, and they develop feelings with every meeting they have <33 thank youu
"Orange slices, Mr. Hotchner?"
Aaron turns, the breeze blowing his t-shirt tight against his stomach. He feels the wind against his bare skin, and adjusts the hem so that it's not rucking up his abdomen.
"I think those are for the little leaguers," Aaron smiles, warmly, kindly, accompanied by a soft pinkish hue to his face and neck. It's homey, the bright blue of the sky, the vibrant green of the grass, and soft like the material of his tee that juxtaposes the stiff suits in his wardrobe at home.
"I cut them, I can hand them out," You shrug, extending a small plastic bag of oranges towards him, "Besides, I hear they help with your skin."
He takes them, opens the bag and pinches one between his fingers before he teases, "Are you telling me I've got wrinkles?"
"No!" You laugh, and then you reconsider, "Well, frown lines. Probably from telling Manny to stop catching butterflies instead of balls. But I meant that you're gonna get sunburnt, Mr. Hotchner."
"I put on sunscreen," He shakes his head, absentmindedly tugging the flesh of the orange away from the rind with his teeth, his eyes drifting lazily over the kids playing catch.
"Not well."
He's broken out of his focus by your hand braced against his cheek, your thumb rubbing against the bridge of his nose. He stiffens, caught in the feeling of your gentle caress. He's fairly certain orange juice runs a sticky line down his chin. When you pull your hand away again there's a white paste on your skin, clearly sunscreen he hadn't applied as thoroughly as he'd thought.
"Oh." He mumbles sheepishly, swallowing the sour fruit in his mouth, "I thought-"
"Did Jack do it?"
"No," He admits, and he'll take the hit to his ego for the way your nose scrunches with glee as you laugh.
"Use a mirror next time, Mr. Hotchner," You suggest, bumping your shoulder into his as you begin surveying the kids like he was. One nearly trips over her own cleat and you tense, ready to spring into action, but she rights herself and you settle again.
"You're not one of the players, you know. You can call me Aaron." He hums.
"Oh, yeah? I think," You cock your head to the side, eyeing him, "That you just want one of the otter pops in my cooler. Orange slices weren't enough? You've resorted to buttering me up for a blue raspberry popsicle?"
"I do not want an otter pop," He chuckles, "Or maybe I do, but not to eat. I just want to hold it against my sunburn."
Your laughs combine into a sweet thing, a brief symphony among the thwacking of baseballs on leather and the huffing of little players. You reach down to the cooler and withdraw a pink popsicle, handing it out to him with a soft smirk.
"You're lucky I'm a team player, Aaron. Pink is my favorite, but since it matches the color of your face, I suppose you're welcome to it."
He thanks you for the popsicle as he settles it against his warm cheek, but he willfully neglects to tell you that the strawberry tones of his face are less from sun damage, and more from the way your shoulder comes to brush feather-light against his own, barely there but unmoving all the same.
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lovebugism · 1 year
hehe for your summer fic fest!
 “are you okay? is the heat getting to you?”  w/ shy!reader x steve harrington! <3
maybe something like established relationship (or not) and he knows shy!reader won’t ever complain :)
love ur writing <3
thanks so much for your request angel! hope you like it!! — the one where you get sunburnt and steve calls you his lobster as a declaration of love (shy!reader, hurt/comfort, 2k)
bug's summer fic fest ♡
Steve emerges from the blue pool water with oversized goggles covering the top half of his face. They leave a soft red indention around his eyes when he shoves them to his forehead to push back his wild strands of wet hair.
His chest heaves with labored pants, lungs aching after being denied air for over three minutes. He blinks salt water from his eyes and squints across the patio. Your lounge chair has your beach towel thrown over it but is entirely vacant of you. 
His heart deflates with a boyish disappointment when he realizes you weren’t around to see him break his breath-holding record.
“Where’d she go?” Steve shouts to Robin over the sounds of splashing water and roughhousing teenage boys. 
The brunette girl looks up from her book and glances at the empty chair beside her. She turns back to him and shrugs, all cool with dark sunglasses over her eyes. “Um, I don’t know… She went inside, like, a minute ago, I think.”
Steve pouts. “So no one was keeping time?” he wonders with an unabashed whine.
“I was... Then I got bored.”
“Great. Thanks, Robin,” the boy deadpans. 
He backstrokes to the steps of the pool and tries to avoid the splash war between Lucas and Dustin on the way there. 
He wipes his dripping skin with a fluffy towel before wrapping it around his waist. His wet feet leave dark prints against the burning pavement, drying just as quickly as they’re made. He walks by Mike and Will sitting beneath the poolside cabana, and then by Robin who doesn’t look up from her book, as he heads to the backdoor.
Steve stumbles backward when the glass entrance slides open. Max and El giggle into their ice cream cones as they walk by him, paying him exactly zero attention as they go. They both wear matching Xena Warrior Princess t-shirts over their bathing suits.
“Can you guys save me one of those? Jeez,” Steve asks with a laugh, only half-joking in his complaint. “You’ve both had, like, ten since you got here.”
El smiles shyly at him, tilting her chin to her chest as she peers up at him through her lashes. Her cheeks reddened — a combination of misplaced embarrassment and sun exposure. 
Max is a lot more sneering with her glare. She arches an auburn brow in a challenging leer. “You should go get your girlfriend,” the redhead monotones just before licking at her vanilla cone.
Steve’s brows furrow. “What?”
“She looked sick,” El concurs with a firm nod.
“What do you mean she looked sick?”
“She means that she looked like she was seconds away from puking her guts out,” Max explains in her usual dramatic inflection. Her lip quirks at the look on Steve’s face, the corner of it stained with ice cream.
“Oh. Jesus. Okay,” Steve murmurs with a scrunched face — a mixture of concern and disgust. 
Worry blooms in his chest at the thought of you being unwell. He hates the idea that you might’ve felt sick and were too nervous to tell him. He loves how soft you are but despises how polite you are shyness. You’re still frightened of being a burden, even though Steve tells you all the time you don’t have to be scared of being human.
The cool air of his house makes his skin prickle with goosebumps. It soothes his reddened skin as he ascends the stairs on a quest to find you. The door to the main bathroom is shut. A yellow light glows beneath it. The soft hiss of the faucet sounds muffled in the hallway.
Steve taps his knuckles at the closed entrance — gently in a mindful attempt not to frighten you.
“Babe?” he calls, face absentmindedly contorted with worry. “Are you okay?”
You mumble something unintelligible in response. He can’t quite make it out. The distance and the sink drown out your soft voice.
“Can I come in?”
Again, you just mumble. 
Steve’s chest burns with a fleeting panic. He’s momentarily terrified that you’re halfway passed out on his bathroom floor, lying barely conscious on the tile. He opens the door, slowly at first, just in case you want to slam it in his face for barging in. He knows you’re too soft for that, though. 
When you don’t protest, he walks all the way in. The door squeaks when he shuts it behind him.
He finds you, not on the floor, but leaning against the sink. You’re drowning in the t-shirt he gave you to wear as a cover-up. It’s oversized even on him, so it swallows you whole entirely. You blink at him with wide, glassy eyes while you press a damp rag over your face. Your skin is tinted a warmer red after spending the afternoon in the sun.
You look beautiful, but very unlike yourself. Max wasn’t lying — you looked like you were seconds away from being sick all over his bathroom. He rushes to you, anyway.
“What happened?” Steve wonders quietly, brows pinched in concern. “Are you okay?”
You shake your head, slow and lazy.
“Was it too hot outside? Is the heat getting to you? Do I need to fight the sun?”
You nod this time, holding the cloth to the burning apple of your cheek.
“Shit, babe. I’m sorry—” He doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for, only that he feels the need to say it. 
He reaches out to touch you, to hug you to him so he can absorb all the sick you feel and take it all for himself — but you jerk back before his fingertips can reach you.
“Don’t,” you tell him quickly as you step backward. You drag the wet rag down to your chin and pout. “Don’t touch me. I think I might burn you.”
Steve grins a lopsided and very pink grin. “Yeah, I’ll take that risk, babe.”
When he reaches out to touch you this time, you don’t protest. 
You feel like an inferno. The cold rag is hardly making you cooler. Actually, you think your fiery skin might just be warming it all over again. 
It makes you feel sick — not a stomach kind of sick, or a simple-head cold kind of sick. Those you can fix pretty easily. This is different. Whatever this is. 
You feel icky all over, and with no real root to the problem, you don’t know how to fix it. You just have to hope the A.C. will eventually break through the barrier of fire dancing over your skin and that Steve’s magic touch will be able to help you through it.
His hands curl around your elbows, much cooler compared to how hot your skin feels. His fingertips just barely graze your arm before he jerks them away again. His face scrunches in a halfhearted frown, feigning hurt as he pulls back like you’ve burned him.
“Ooh,” he winces playfully.
You pout while Steve laughs at his own dumb joke.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he assures through his laughter.
He swipes his fingers over your cheek to smooth the damp hair sticking to your temple — maybe from sweat, or water from the rag, or a combination of both. His face contorts with concern all over again. “You are warm, though, babe. Like, crazy warm.”
“I think the sun is trying to burn me alive,” you monotone, only half-joking. 
Steve takes the damp rag from your weak, trembling hands. He sticks it beneath the running faucet to rewet it for you. When it’s sufficiently soaked, he wrings it out with one hand and turns the sink off with the other.
“Here. Up,” he commands with a halfhearted wave, motioning you to sit on the counter. 
You try your best to abide him, but you’re too tired to do anything more than rise to the tips of your toes. Steve helps urge you backwards with his broad hands on your hips, encouraging you further back until your feet are dangling off the ground.
He stands in between your thighs. You lean into his touch when he dabs the colder rag against your forehead.
“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” Steve wonders with worry softening his tone. “I coulda got you inside before it got this bad. And I would’ve made all those shitheads go home before they made it worse.”
“That’s why I didn’t wanna tell you,” you confess, slurring from the sudden exhaustion that settles heavy on top of you. He brings the rag to your right cheek and presses it there for a few beats. “Everyone’s having such a good time. I didn’t wanna ruin it because I’m a baby…”
Steve scoffs out a laugh and holds the cloth to your left cheek. “You’re not a baby because you’re melting like an ice cream cone, babe. That’s not your fault.”
“Well, no one else is getting a cold rag pressed against their face by Steve The Hair Harrington,” you retort in a tone so soft that he can’t tell if you’re joking or not. He figures you might be toeing the line between both, still halfway delirious in your heatstroke.
“Yeah. ‘Cause I don’t love them like I love you.”
You cower at his words, not expecting him to be so suddenly affectionate. 
You’ve had a hard time getting used to that — his incessantly flirtatious disposition. It’s hard having an aversion to compliments, but it’s harder dating someone who loves to give them. 
Steve smiles when he watches you go all shy. You always get so sheepish when he loves on you, so pretty in the way you get all bashful. It isn’t any wonder why he loves to do it so much.
“Feel any better?” the boy asks when the corner of your lip quirks in a shy half-smile.
“A little… Do I still look sick?” you question, blinking at him with your eyes not as glazed over. “Maybe don’t answer that,” you protest quickly after.
Steve drops the rag to the counter and drags his knuckle across your cheek. Your skin isn’t quite as warm, but it still glows a faint red — obviously sun-kissed. “You look beautiful, babe. You always do. Even though you kinda look like a lobster.”
“I just said not to answer!”
“Lobsters are cool!” Steve defends at your pouting. “I like lobsters! Everyone likes lobsters!”
You don’t want to laugh, still feeling a bit too sick, but he makes it dreadfully hard not to. A halfhearted giggle sputters from your lips at his high-pitched assurance before you can stop it.
He smiles at your smiling, wide palms squeezing gently at your knee. “Lobsters actually mate for life,” he singsongs with raised brows and a crooked grin. “Betcha didn’t know that…”
“I think that was disproven, actually,” you squint.
“No, it’s true! Wanna know how I know?”
He’s fishing for a reply. You know it, but you bite anyway. You humor him with a nod, the corners of your lips lifting in an anticipatory smile.
He steps closer to you. His hips press into the edge of the countertop as his palms smooth up your thighs and settle on your waist. His honey eyes sparkle at you when he tilts his head and peers at you from beneath his lashes. 
“’Cause you’re my lobster,” he confesses with a scrunched nose. “And you’re also my soulmate— and one plus one equals two, and blah blah blah…”
“I’m your lobster?” you humor in a high-pitched whisper, eyes twinkling with fatigue and adoration.
Steve beams, grinning at you like the lovesick idiot he is. “Yep. You’re my lobster. Take it or leave it, sweetheart.”
“I’d love to be your lobster, Stevie,” you tell him, giggling through your promise.
“We’ve said that word too many times, I think. It’s started to lose meaning now,” he says with his own breathy chuckle right before pressing his mouth to yours. He tastes like sunscreen, blue skies, and vanilla ice cream — like heaven and the rest of your life.
Steve kisses you breathless, telling you all the words he can’t say out loud with his pink lips slotted between yours. 
He hopes you know that was his dumb, roundabout way of promising forever with you. You kiss him like you do, anyway.
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