#she hasn't gotten less awesome
johannstutt413 · 2 years
“Doctor!” As he was rounding a corner on the way to a meeting, the Doctor was blindsided by a powerful force and swept off his feet into the arms of an Acahuallan. “I’m back.”
He wheezed in her ear. “Welcome… back…”
“Oops, my bad. Here.” The Invincible Gavial set her dear friend back on his feet.
“Th-thanks,” he sputtered, coughing before finally getting a chance to catch his breath. Once he had, though, the Doctor immediately went back for a second hug. “How’s the new kit?”
The Archosaurian grinned from ear to ear. “Still a Medic at heart, but Zumama’s axe is pretty great. Couldn’t have cut that tunnel outta that rock with my staff, that’s for sure.”
“You couldn’t what.” He hadn’t seen the reports yet.
“I’m sure someone wrote it down.” She glanced around the hall. “Are you busy right now?”
The Doctor grimaced. “I’ve got a meeting, actually. After that, though?”
“Yeah… Yeah, it’s nothing urgent, I guess. I’ll drop by your office later.”
“Sounds great.” Gavial let go of him, but as he walked past, he couldn’t help but notice something. “Hey, Gav, did your tail-”
*SMACK* As if on cue, it slapped the ground. “Did my tail what?”
“Neeeeevermind.” He chuckled to himself as he continued his walk. Still a pet peeve of hers, it seemed.
The meeting went surprisingly fast, but rather than take a leisurely stroll back to his office, he hurried through the halls on the off chance that Gavial was waiting for him.
“Huh.” She was. “That was quick. Went to check on my patients, but they all got reassigned while I was out.”
The Doctor frowned as he closed the door behind him. “Really? Nothing serious, I hope?”
“I think they just thought it was a convenient time to be switched. Speaking of, how are you doing? Haven’t been here to give you a physical for a while.” The Acahuallan slapped the couch cushion next to hers.
“Sid and Hibiscus are trying to turn me into an athlete,” he replied, wincing as his shoulder reminded him of that morning’s workout, “but other than that, no major concerns… It really did get thicker-”
The Invincible groaned as her tail smacked the armrest it was draped over. “I need to carry my staff with something, and I’ve only got two hands. Doesn’t mean I want it getting thick.”
“What’s wrong with a thick tail?” They’d have this conversation before; it always made him laugh how flustered she got about it.
“I- we can do this later.” She shook her head. “There’s something serious I need to ask you.”
He straightened his back, making it crack, to reflect the new mood. “Something serious, huh?”
“Yeah. I… shit, I told myself it’d be hard to say, but I thought I’d still have the words to say it, at least.”
“Take your time.” She didn’t say anything for a while, so the Doctor continued. “Did something happen while you were out there?”
Gavial leaned back. “No, I’ve had this on my mind for a while, just didn’t make sense to bring it up before.”
“Really?” He had no idea what she was worrying over, then.
“I’m going back out into the field as a Guard rather than a Medic because Dr. Kal’tsit said a Medic shouldn’t be beating the shit out of people, and she’s got a point.” The Acahuallan glanced at her weapons resting against the office wall. “Thing is, most of my patients are already scared of me, and I don’t think waving Zumama’s ax and chainsaw around is gonna help with that… I don’t scare you, too, do I?”
He stared at her. “I’m not scared you’re going to hurt me, no.”
“Good.” The physician sighed with a smile.
“You do scare me, though.” The smile immediately disappeared. “I know you always reassure people that you know your body best, that despite your COA having risen over the past year even with all the precautions and treatments you’re still fit for the field, but every day I worry that it might be the last I get to see you. Now that you’re gonna be on the frontlines on Kal’tsit’s orders…”
The Invincible had never looked more vulnerable as she gently slid an arm around his shoulders. “I’m not gonna die out there, Doctor. Not while you’re still around.”
“You’ll always come back to me?”
“Yeah.” She rubbed her eye with her free hand. “Shit, why’d you have to go and say it like that?”
The Doctor wiped a tear from his face. “Sorry, I just remembered that one time you were in the ICU. I cried myself to sleep that night, you know.”
“...No, I didn’t know that.” Gavial slid closer.
“Even just the idea of you-” In the blink of an eye, he went from sitting on the couch to being gator-rolled into position; when the world wasn’t spinning anymore, he was lying on top of the Acahuallan, his head gently cradled against her neck. “I- How did you-”
She flipped back his hood to start stroking the back of his head. “If it works on a deer, it works on my dearest friend.”
“‘I’m your ‘dearest’ friend…” The thought almost made him feverish.
“The road’s not so lonely anymore, but there’s no one I wanna walk it with than you.” Her head turned, leaving her lips millimeters from his forehead. “I still haven’t gotten used to the air conditioning in this place.”
Oh really? “...Is that really the best you got?”
“The best ‘what?’”
“You’re friends with Tomimi,” the Doctor snickered, “I thought your pickup lines would be better.”
Gavial snorted. “Right, because hers worked so well on me. Why would I need a line, anyway?”
“I guess you’re right. All you’d have to do is ask….” He looked at her expectantly.
“...” The Invincible didn’t look nearly as tough blushing like that. “Wait, you actually wanna-”
He groaned. “Yes! Yes. That’s one-hundred percent how I thought this was going.”
"Son of a bitch. Alright, come on." The Acahuallan managed to get to her feet without unentangling herself from the Doctor. "I'm not risking your back on this stupid couch."
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crowtheghost · 1 month
the only problem is the fact that most of the shrimpo ships are GOOD including this one! like, this mf pulling everyone
True true there are a Lot of ships,, I'm a thorough believer in ship whatever you want (as long as it's not problematic), But I never got as invested in other dandy world ships as much. I think in my head it came down to the idea of their interactions.. Excuse me using your ask to rant . _. I'm gonna chatter about Shrimpo and Shelly's personalities and such.
So I think that with most Shrimpo x Toon ships the toon has to have a certain level of tolerance for him, obviously. His personality is aggressive and loud! If the other Toon can't at least look past that They probably would clash. Which is why most ships you see is with nicer toons. Goob, Boxten, Finn, (Those are some examples and there are exceptions to that but you get it) I think that a lot of ships work with Shrimpo because he makes his own problems, the other character has sort of 'I can fix him' (or 'I can match him' or 'I can understand him' etc etc) Which revolves around Shrimpo himself! Its pretty awesome. Then you have Shelly! She is a character with her own struggles, the story has shown how her character has been ignored and she hasn't gotten the spot light as much as she maybe should have. On top of that she is clearly much kinder to others as they sometimes are to her. (Vee for example) And I think this is where my mind realized their potential even just as friends. Shelly and Shrimpo are the most cast out of all the toons. But they also both have their own problems and issues! It becomes less 'one sane character makes the evil character Better' (which I love, don't get me wrong this is NOT a rant on how I dislike the other ships. I love them..) Shelly and Shrimpo can be equally insecure and scared and they can both make each other better. They surprisingly make up for each others faults really well.. Shrimpo can stand up for Shelly, and Shelly can be a side of reason for Shrimpo, as well as being someone kind. Their mutual respect for each other they eventually get allows them both to grow as people and I think that's so cool!! And If I saw them in other ships I'd go insane about them too I think- gjfjdgkh And I'm not gonna go into how Shrimpo never actually states he hates Shelly.. I dunno I'm gooey.. Can't express them how I want to.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 8 months
22. "Show me how much you need me" and a kink huh..... Maybe...begging? or choking? Idk have some fun!
(I'm still in the process of writing my comments for network btw it was just to good and I've fallen in love with it, so thankyou for writing it and sorry the comment is taking so long!)
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Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: E
Contents: Catboy!Dabi, mating cycle/heat, begging, implied marathon sex, sex toys, multiple orgasms, petplay, feminization
Dabi's life is a joke. Some sick, cruel god thought it would be funny to make a creature that wasn't made to survive and then Dabi spent every second fighting against that asshole's will to make it anyway. And it always sucked. Want a great quirk, kid? Too bad, burn on a mountain. Oh, you survived that? Replaced and homeless. Huh, you're still alive, and you've managed to get a good thing going with a little found family of criminals? Oops, you're a cat now. 
Because yeah, in the middle of the skirmish in Deika, Dabi had gotten blasted by a wayward quirk during his fight with Geten. And he's a cat now. Or more accurately, he's a heteromorph now. He was lucky he didn't get a big lungful of the gas because it would have turned him entirely into a cat if he had. What's less lucky is that the retractable claws, slitted pupils, fangs, tail, and extra ears are permanent now. Should have worn off after a couple of hours, but according to Ujiko, due to the skin grafts and treatments he received in his coma, you know, when he'd been considering turning him into a nomu, his body was more susceptible to changes like this. Which was the doc's nice way of saying he'd fucked around with Dabi's DNA and made his cells ready to receive some new code, but he'd escaped the hospital before that happened and this quirk had gone and filled in the blanks. And without extensive gene therapy that would take months, if not years and may prove fatal, Dabi was stuck like this. He's a cat now. Fuck his life. 
That's not to say being a cat is all bad. He definitely hadn't wanted to be a cat. But the inhanced senses are nice, and holy fuck does fish taste better now, plus getting pet is awesome-- even if Tomura is the only one he lets do it because it makes him purr like an idiot. Of the curveballs he's been thrown in life, this one has been one of the least horrendous, so he sucks it up and moves on with his life. And everything is pretty normal for the most part. They get things resituated with the PLF, he adjusts, and things are actually better for the League than they have been, possibly ever.
Until he starts waking up at night with the others pounding on his door telling him to shut up. Actually, they had been nice about it the first couple of times, asking if he was hurt or having nightmares or something, but he hadn't known what the fuck they were talking about. Absolutely thought they were gaslighting him as some kind of prank before Toga showed a recording of his door, and the awful loud feline yowls that had been coming out from the room, cutting out only after she pounded on it to wake him up. He has no idea why he's been, apparently, screaming in his sleep. He hasn't even had all that many nightmares lately, certainly not often enough to account for a solid week of screaming. 
He also starts to have the urge to rub his cheeks against things. His phone, his pack of cigs, the pillows in his and Duster's bedroom, the rest of the League. Keeps getting distracted and nuzzling against them, which they're being better sports about than the yowling thing. Even if he does hiss at them when they try to pet him while he's doing it. Usually snaps out of it at that point and excuses himself to be mortified elsewhere. He also keeps finding himself outside. Just walking. Keeps catching himself trying to scent the air like he's looking for something, and it doesn't do him any good. He can't find what he's looking for and he ends up back in the villa incredibly cranky and angry that he's going back to an empty bed. And then the cycle starts again. It's so bad and strange, that when Duster is finally finished with his latest round of treatments, Dabi goes to the doctor's lab to pick him up, just so he can see him as soon as possible. 
He gets there and finds Ujiko in the tank room with their new batch of High Ends, his lover out of sight. "Ah, he's sleeping off the sedation from his last treatment. Once he wakes you two are free to go." Dabi is about to go find somewhere to sulk until then, but reluctantly asks instead, 
"Been feeling weird lately, Doc, you got a minute?" Not thrilled that the mad scientist who was preparing to make him a monster is his only source of medical attention, but he's Dabi's only source of medical attention so he's going to suck it the fuck up. 
"Of course!" Hates how excited the mad doctor sounds about that and takes Dabi to one of the actual rooms and makes him sit on the table like he is a real doctor and Dabi is in for a normal check-up. The doctor draws blood, goes through the usual steps, and Dabi tells him about the weird cat behaviors that he's been dealing with lately while one of his weird advanced machines processes his blood. He doesn't like the way that his brows creep higher and higher as he speaks, but Ujiko just tells him, "Let's see what your bloodwork says." 
When that's ready, he reviews it and makes those humming 'ah fascinating' sounds the whole time which only serves to make dabi more irritated, his ears pinning back and tail flicking as his claws bite into his pants. 
"It seems as though you may be experiencing a... heat of sorts soon." 
Of every fucking thing that the doctor could have said to him, that is not one that Dabi would have guessed in a million years. "A what?" His brain reboots quickly, "That's not possible, aren't heats for girl cats?" 
Ujiko hums in agreement. "They are. Traditionally male cats don't have a mating cycle as such-- but they can react to a female cat's hormones even from quite a distance. There are other feline heteromorphs, it's possible that you're reacting to those pheromones, someone may be bringing more in through the villa, or, perhaps," and his tone changes to a little more careful in a way that sets every one of Dabi's nerves on edge. "There is some behavior or stimulus that you have been in contact with frequently that has had a... placebo effect, making the newly accepted cat DNA a bit confused about which behaviors it should be exhibiting in regards to sexual presentation." 
Dabi is about to make him fucking elaborate on that when the door opens and Duster comes in. Always is a bit paler after spending a week with the doctor, but he's dressed and got his prosthetics on, so he's probably ready to go. Blinks when he sees him. "Firefly, what are you doing here?" 
That's it, my pretty pussy, purr for me. 
Such a good girl, kitten. Taking my cock so well. 
Needy little thing, arching your back so cute. Pushing out your pretty tits. Just begging to be fucked full, aren't you, princess? 
"I'm going to murder you." He says in loo of anything else. And Ujiko just clears his throat and moves along with Duster's pre-discharge check-in. 
They get back home and go through work with Dabi hissing and snarling at Shigaraki any time he speaks to him. Duster, for his part, once Dabi had told him what the doctor said to him, had just looked vaguely amused about the whole situation. And the worst part is, the doctor was definitely right about the pseudo-heat. Because as soon as Shig is back, even though Dabi wants to be very, very justifiably angry with him, he's immediately so horny that it's distracting. When he's not actively snarling at his lover while they're in catch-up meetings, he's biting the insides of his cheeks bloody to keep from purring at him, or yowling, or trying to rub up against him to put his scent on him. And he's barely keeping himself from getting noticeably hard the longer the meetings go on. He's going to lose his mind if they aren't finished with this soon. 
It's a big surprise when, instead of him breaking and just forgetting the other lieutenants are very much in the room in favor of climbing right into Tomura's lap, that it's Toga who suddenly gives a loud, agonized groan and whines, with her hand covering her nose, "Can we please be done now?" And he realizes abruptly that her sense of smell is as strong as his. He hisses at Duster for making this situation even more mortifying. Shig looks between the two of them with clear amusement and concedes, dismissing everyone with a wave of his hand. Then he stands and gestures for Dabi to follow. If he weren't fucking gagging for it, Dabi would have told him to fuck off. Instead he immediately follows after him, an embarrassing feline whine slipping out of his throat in plain earshot of all of his co-workers. Spinner and Twice start to howl with laughter, but he's gonna have to kill them after he gets Tomura to rearrange his guts. 
As soon as the door to their room is shut, Dabi is pressing up against his lover. Loud, needy yowls leaving him as he rubs his cheeks against Tomura’s, against his neck, over his shoulders. And he's already hard just from the press of their bodies and the smell of his lover in his nose. Can't stop himself from grinding his cock against him too so he can feel how badly he needs it. 
"Oh, kitten," mewls so loudly when his hand goes to his hair, scratching nails just right around the base of one of his secondary ears. "After how rude you were before--" 
"Tomura," he whines. 
Catches his ear and gives a mean little tug. Just enough to hurt, and that almost makes Dabi's legs drop out from under him, his arousal spikes so sharply. Barely been alone for a minute and Dabi is so desperate that he'd happily cum in his pants, fucking his lover's thigh just to get some relief. "You really are just a needy whore, a bitch in heat, aren't you, princess?" 
"Yes, sir," he agrees immediately. His whole body feels hot. Not the way his quirk normally makes him, but in a tingly way that is making an ache expand out across his skin. Centered at his-- he gives a mortified little mew. Oh god, he's empty and that hurts. He needs Sir's cock inside of him. Needs his cum inside. 
Tomura's smiling at him, that lazy, mean smile that already turns him on nearly past the point of coherency when he's not in some animalistic state of mind. "Show me how much you need me, kitten." And Sir steps out of his space, watching him expectantly. 
Show? His mind feels hazy. He can do that though, he can show his mate how badly he needs him. His hands are shaking as he starts to shrug out of his clothes, made even harder because he can't put away his claws, but he manages to start shedding layer after layer until he's naked as he moves as fast as he can over to their bed. He's frantic as he grabs their lube and yowls loudly when he sees Tomura taking his sweet time to come over to the bed, chuckling as he undoes his tie. Fine. Dabi scrambles onto the mattress, trying his best to make his claws go away, but when he can't he gives up. Gets on his knees, spreading his legs wide, his tail pressing up along his back, and his shoulders and face against the sheets. His cock is throbbing and dripping a steady stream of pre, so much that he's already making a puddle on the bed. He whimpers loudly and uncaps the lube. Can't open himself up with his claws out, but he still spreads it over his hole. The first touch of fingers there makes him moan desperately and nearly forgets himself in the need to be fuller. Only is stopped from tearing himself open because Tomura's hand wraps around his wrist and pulls him gently away. 
"Oh, kitten, that badly?" 
It's all so overwhelming. He's never felt like this before. Is a slave to the needs of his messed up body again. Dabi can't help it. He lets out a weak sob, nodding his head as bloody tears slip down his cheeks. Tomura makes a soft worried sound, but then there's the rustling of fabric and the mattress dips. He presses along the length of Dabi's body, peppering kisses to the back of his neck. "Okay, princess, you're being such a good kitty, I'm going to help."
 And then there are fingers against his hole. Dabi purrs as they sink inside of him, trying to sniffle and choke away the tears. But he needs it so badly. Normally the stretch of his mate's fingers is needed before he can have anything else, but he needs to be full. His fingers aren't enough right now. Dabi rocks back against them, mewling and making a whole litany of feline sounds in his desperate need to be given what he really wants. Gasps, and whimpers, and sobs louder when Tomura shushes and pets him, kisses along his back, wraps his hand around his cock and starts to stroke him slowly and deliberately. But it's not enough, and Dabi accidentally sinks his claws into the back of his hand when he reaches to get his touch away from there. He needs more in his cunt, not that. Just needs to be fucked full. Get his mate's cum so deep inside of him, oh, just the thought has him meowing pitifully. 
"My pretty kitten," definitely worried now. "Are you hurting, baby?" 
Dabi manages to nod with another sob and Tomura coos and shushes him, fingers pulling out of his needy body much sooner than he normally would think necessary to take his big cock and the rough fucking Dabi needs so, so badly right now. "I'm going to help you feel better," he promises. "Going to give you exactly what you need, princess." 
And he finally, finally does. Tomura fucks him hard, Dabi purring and rocking back into every movement, pleasure so sharp it hurts, he can feel it pulsing everywhere in a symphony that sends his human mind so far away he can't do anything but let his instincts drive. His claws sink into the sheets, past them, into the mattress, and the sounds coming out of him are all animal. They don't mean anything to his mate, but to him, they're a constant spill of his desperate need. They echo around his skull, begging to be mated, to be fucked so full, to have his mate's cum pumped deep inside of him over, and over, and over again until he knows for certain that he's been fully bred. Dabi doesn't cum until he feels Tomura's release splashing wetly against his walls, and then he immediately collapses onto the bed, into the wet spot, fingers going to his now empty hole, wanting to keep as much of his cum inside as possible-- and only then realizes that that wasn't enough. That it didn't feel right as he pulled himself so quickly off of his mate's softening cock. It should have hurt. Something human tries to float up to tell him that, no it should not have, but his feline brain is positive it should have. That if it didn't then that means it wasn't right. He needs it again. 
He manages to get it another three times before his exhausted body gives out, but he's still not satisfied. It still felt wrong. And by the time Tomura has cleaned him up, even licking at his cheek to try and get him to purr, and put him into their clean bed, he's mewling weakly and crying again softly. 
Whatever amusement Duster had over the situation is long gone now as he pets him and holds him close, rubbing their cheeks together. "Dabi, can you tell me what's wrong? I can't help if you don't use your words, kitten." 
He sniffles, pressing in closer. "Wrong, n-not full enough. Hurt, Tomura--" stops with another loud yowl.
"What hurts, sweetheart?"
He shakes his head. "Need it, should hurt." And that makes Tomura tense against him, holding him a little tighter. But he keeps stroking his hair, soothing him, until Dabi falls into a fitful sleep. 
He wakes up screaming for it again, looking immediately for his mate, but he doesn't have to. Tomura is climbing back into bed with him, and pressing gently between Dabi's shoulder blades. He immediately drops back onto the mattress, pushing his ass up the way he'd presented before. Oh! There's already something inside of him. It's not very big, but it's there, and his mate eases it out of him, letting Dabi feel that he's wet already too. He purrs like a chainsaw when he realizes that means he can have his mate's cock immediately. Tomura starts to press inside and Dabi sucks in a sharp breath. 
And then he moans so loudly he nearly loses his voice. Tomura's cock is perfect. It's so big, always big, but it has a different texture now something that's just the right amount of sharp so that as he fucks into his pliant, desperate body, it hurts the way he'd needed it too. He purrs so loudly, losing himself to how right it feels now to be bred by his mate. 
Manages to cum much more easily than he did before, and when he's all filled up with his mate's cum, his hole aches as he pulls out and that sensation quells his intense need. He's able to roll over and sees that Tomura is wearing a neon green cock sleeve, littered with modest spikes along the whole length of it. 
"Whuh?" He manages very intelligently. His mate leans down and gives him a kiss. 
"Read up on cat behaviors, thought this might help. Was that better, kitten?" 
Wraps his arms around his neck so that he can arch and rub their bodies together from head to toe, tangling their scents all together as he purrs and nods. 
Tomura kisses his cheek, and then rubs them together, making Dabi's purrs go even louder as his tail coils around one of his legs, as if he could get him any closer without having him back inside of him again. "When this passes we can stop playing with feminization, firefly. Make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm sorry." 
Dabi shakes his head. "Don't want to stop. Like being your pretty kitten," just the thought has his cock starting to swell again and his hole tightening unhappily on how empty he currently is. "But if I get pregnant I'm killing us both. No hesitation, Shigaraki." 
Duster chuckles, "I checked in with the doctor again, not a possibility unless you grow a lot of new organs, baby. You haven't felt any intense abdominal or pelvic pain?" 
"Then you're fine. Just going to keep being needy for a... little while." 
And the change in his tone pulls Dabi a little out of the contented floaty place he was at. "'A little while'? How long is that, Duster?" Tomura winces slightly. "Tomura Shigaraki," He demands a little more harshly. 
"...Could be a whole week, kitten." 
"You are very lucky that I need your dick in me again, or I would kill you." 
"I'm sorry, firefly--" "Dick, right now, Duster!"
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Ellooo, Cocoa is back once more and-!) Quick thing to say, may have a reason that Emotionless may act this way)
cracks knuckles let's get this over with. Once as she was born, she was the cutest shy unicorn with many bundles of emotions, including happiness even. wish I could say the same for her parents when they had her. Since I don't want to continue just calling them parents, I'll give them names. Canace and Aithan. Canace is the cold Unicorn mother that really needs to get her royal ass act together, bold and a bit blunt even in crowds, does most of the talking for the both of them cause she doesn't want to see her husband even try to utter a word. shouting at Emotionless for even the smallest things that could just be an easy little fix. but no, everything is her fault at this point. Aithan is the deadbeat Pegasus of a father that never really stuck around, not too charismatic as he may be known to be shy around crowds. he never really like emotionless because he's only too upset at the fact she didn't obtain both genes. honestly skill issu- ahem. Either he hasn't been around to see that happy little sucker grow up and even if he has, he never paid close attention, especially when she had to deal with the verbal abuse coming from her mother. he proclaims he has "better things" to do. despite the pain they've put her through, Emotionless still had hope, she used to believe all people could change, even her parents. but the abuse only gotten worse and less durable, not by physical but mainly mental and verbal, and far worse neglection to equal starvation and locked into a room. she had to endure and listen to every word that came out of their mouths, and they say words can't hurt you. ...screw that it cuts deeper than a damn knife if you ever say that. the only few times they grew violent is when she used their own logic against them, what fair hypocrites thinking it doesn't apply to them. It hurts even more at the fact they treat someone better than what she has to go through. slowly but surely, lying there in her own room, she decided to cut off her emotions. No matter what they threw at Crafty, it couldn't hurt her anymore. she couldn't feel the upset, the pain, the anger nor the sorrow, she's not going to stoop down to their level. when old enough she finally moved out of that hell hole, once and for all. (Either that or they kicked her out at last. roaming the town in the dark shadows where her friends could never find her. she was free. but the words still lingered in her head, she could never get rid of the crappy memories they placed on her. A built-up wall of defense as she grew older, she doesn't know, that she fully can't feel anymore. so, she lived with it. despite losing the ability, searching deep down she still is able to feel only weakly. Things couldn't get any better. ...Hmmmm.. I wonder how her new friends even found her.) How she even joined those... silly little psychos.) ...Hahaha! that's a story for another time!) Before Cocoa goes, have a nice picture.
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AND HAVE AN AWESOME DAY/NIGHT! WITHOUT- A FURTHER-A-DO BUH-BYE DEARY!! Before you could even react, the Witch Throws a magic potion down and vanishes from the blog @living-in-your-walls
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thatcatbasil · 5 months
so, first impressions with endless ocean luminous
there are a lot of changes i absolutely Do Not Like but i would be lying if i said i wasn't having a good time with it so far
unfortunately i'm not gonna have screenshots in here since my phone quit letting me download pics from the switch and i don't feel like going through the hassle of tryna figure out getting the microsd into my computer right now
so first, stuff i don't like just to get it out of the way
yeah elephant in the room is the randomly generated maps. when the first trailer came out i did a lot of mental gymnastics to arrive at the conclusion that the veiled sea was just one map that was randomly generated and we would get other maps that were not but Nope you're only in the veiled sea and it's all randomly generated. makes you really miss the established locations from the first couple games. it feels really ephemeral now and the locations don't really stick with you as much
really miss the hayley westenra/celtic woman tracks. the ambient music's okay but i think the appeal of endless ocean's soundtrack has always been the licensed music to me. 30 mins in i unplugged my earbuds from my switch and put em in my laptop so that i could put on carrickfergus. then i put on jenny nicholson's evermore park video and had that playing for the entire rest of the time i was diving
the main menu's UI is kinda plain compared to the previous games. i miss the marine encyclopedia being an actual book you could flip through. this UI's a lot more sleek and modern but it doesn't have the same charm
no zoom mode makes me a little sad. i miss the little detailed environments! i miss looking for the coins in them! i like that the coins made a comeback as salvage though.
haven't played too much of the story mode cause i was mainly drawn to the solo dives buuut yeah hasn't really gotten hooked me yet. i've only done the first 3 parts of it so far so we'll see if i end up liking it more down the line. i think since it's just the first chapter(?) they're treating it more like a tutorial. i like david though he's silly
there are. a lot of legendaries huh? i do very much like the fact that they brought back the ones from the first two games (ran into ancient mother on my first solo dive and i was like !!!!! there she is!!!!!) but you see them so frequently it kinda takes away the feeling of them being "legendary" in a way? ive done three solo dives and cacao maharaja has shown up in every single one. on my third one i saw three grave diggers all in the same location. i've seen five different apollos. feels like there should be more of a distinction between the new "rare" creatures (the ones that just have funny patterns like the white orca i've seen several times) and the more unique named legendaries where the legendaries spawn a lot less often. but then again i could see that being an RNG nightmare for completion when it's combined with the randomly generated maps.
text to speech lady. i muted her as soon as i had the opportunity LMAOOO. maybe i'm just too used to the previous games not having any voices at all. oh shoot maybe that's why there's no licensed music tracks? cause text to speech lady would distract from them? damn.
not really into the customization. looks like you can only change the colors of your equipment and there's no unique gear
but excluding all that the creature models and most of the environments have been absolutely fantastic. i say most of the environments cause there's been a few situations where the map would have these decently big areas of empty sand with nothing in them (reminds me of manoa lai f-5 and e-4 that kinda area leading out of deep valley around where the pirate ship can spawn where it's a lot of empty sand and no critters except for the pacific white-sided dolphins) and i didn't find it as interesting as the actual coral reefs wrecks etc.
but the creature models! they're really awesome! they look great! i guess it's to be expected since it's on better hardware but it's still so cool to see the improvement.
also on my third dive something that was actually pretty cool happened. so i came up with a system for exploring the maps where i would just go around the perimeter and then go in like a spiral so that i could get a general sense of everything. when i reached the bottom right corner of the map the water turned green and i was like Oh this is the water color from the prehistoric areas in the trailers. so i go down a little deeper and run into an icthyosaur (forgot the specific name. could've just been icthyosaurus). and i felt like this
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then i turned around to see a GIANT icthyosaur (shonisaurus) and i felt like this
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the prehistoric critters in this game are COOL AS HELL. since we only got three of them total in the previous games (and couldn't even see em up close since they swam outside the boundaries of their respective maps!) it's really awesome to get to see them up close. and so many of them, too! excited to find anomalocaris later on. i love anomalocaris
miscellaneous other observations/comments/etc
honestly i don't really mind that the animals attacking you from the second game was omitted. it does feel a little weird to run into thanatos and not get attacked though (especially since he was doing the exact attack animations from the second game. side note i always thought it was a lil funny that all the creatures would slap you with their tails instead of biting you)
on my third dive i ran into the okeanos's guardian in a cave and i really like the glowing eyes effect it has now. thanatos was chilling down there too. shark party
i'm guessing that you can have creatures follow you? haven't gotten the chance to do it yet though cause i don't have enough points to get the creatures i want to follow me haha. i need to make friends with the orcas
oh yeah this game does have its own unique named legendaries! i found the seal that likes to wear jewelry that i unfortunately can't remember the name of right now. that was cool. trying to find all of those critters to get it to appear is a bit of a hassle but i guess that's why there's so much emphasis on the multiplayer.
but yeah. tl;dr it's absolutely no blue world but luminous does have some good things in its own right. maybe i've just been starved for endless ocean content for the past 14 years though
i think i'll do a proper full write-up for this game that i'll put on the neocities site at some point after i finish up the story mode and do some more solo dives and really let everything soak in. might be some time before that though since it's finals season and i need to work on stuff. see ya
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serpyserper56 · 2 months
TPOT 12 Spoilers:
In Defense of My Two Favorites
Hello to everyone reading this post. I'm pretty small in the community, like speck sized, and the reach of this will probably be pretty low. The chances you readers agree will be even lower, which I'm not blaming you for at all. I just want to make a case for the two characters I've been obsessed with since the beginning.
Since I started watching, Tennis Ball and Pillow have been my two favorite characters, and it's not even close. I wouldn't say I relate to them, but I kind of connect to them, if that makes any sense. I've loved them, their ship dynamics (pillowbook is dead in the water and tengolf is looking rough too,) and I needed to say this to show you how important this is to me.
The last thing I want to say is that this isn't a knock against other characters, this is purely a defense of my characters. I may bring up other characters, but my central goal is to make my favorites safe. With all of this said, here I go.
I'll start with Tennis Ball because I'm less worried about him. Not that I don't care, but he's built up more of a fanbase and has had plenty of screen time. But everyone on that team has gotten a new arc or into some sort of situation.
Pen and Needle have their thing together, Bottle has her thing with Eraser, Basketball is going to find out what One is up to, and TV was used this episode as... Kind of a prop, if that makes any sense. However, I think that TB's dynamic without Golf Ball could be incredibly interesting, as well as seeing new character from him we've never seen before. In addition, seeing him lead a team on his own is entirely new and I believe it's going to be awesome.
Now, it's time to talk about Pillow. Pillow has received maybe the most hate of any character recently. I see people coming together and voting the other contestants not to save them, but to eliminate her, which feels kind of against the point. People write entire lists and paragraphs on how character is bad and it seems like a lot. But why?
She's been put up for elimination 3 times in a row now, which is just absurd. Her character in TPOT 9 was, admittedly, not great. However, I will say she believed that was the challenge, so why would she do anything else?
However, TPOT 10 redeemed her character. She was set on doing good things and helping people, but there was still also the hint of her old character (such as when she thinks good deeds are "lame" and then comes around at the end) and they put her UFE anyway.
So what did they give her this episode? Nothing. She got 37 words and 4 actual lines. I realize they have to fit every single character in, but they didn't even give her anything to say about her almost getting eliminated (again!) or being taken apart from Book and Taggy. Her one (1) scene where she actually got to do something felt rushed and it led to her team losing the challenge (again.)
There hasn't even been an opportunity for her to grow her character like we saw in BFB, and this leads to so many more people not liking her. It feels kind of unfair and it hurts to see. She deserved more time to develop and grow from TPOT 10, and she was given absolutely none of it. Instead, they took her away from the dynamics she already had, and she didn't have any time to develop with them this episode either, so now she's stuck in a dead zone. It feels unfair and wrong.
Who's gonna listen to this? IDK. No one, probably. But if you read this far, I appreciate it, and thank you.
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saba-ody · 1 year
i watched the first episode of OPLA! and i really enjoyed it!! this is gonna be a long post and there will be SPOILERS for just the first episode of netflix's one piece.
here's what i thought:
-really love the core cast. inaki is a GREAT luffy. he really captures how luffy is both childish and rude and he SELLS it.
-mackenyu is fantastic as Zoro. he has some of the best fight choreography from what ive seen so far.
-i am in love with emily rudd as nami. she is fucjing perfect and i love that they gave her some badass shit to do in the first episode
-koby was great!! i thought he was fun and likable and i sure as fuck hope this show goes on long enough for his return in post-enias lobby.
-fucking HELMEPPO stole the show. he was funny and entertaining to watch and he had some of the sillier bits of the episode. i like that they chose to make him have long hair that gets cut by zoro. also his whole booty cheeks were out while flexing in the mirror with zoro's swords and i thought that was funny.
-they managed to make axe-hand morgan fun! i think he's one of the less entertaining early OP villains but I thought they did a good job with him!!
-i really liked shanks' appearance in this episode. the scenes with him and young luffy hit exactly like they were supposed to!!
-alvida was really fun to watch too!! i'm excited to see how they adapt her later appearances.
-okok i gotta talk about the fight choreography again. this shit was GOOD. i mean actually good. i feel like in a lot of shows in the recent past, fight choreo has gotten.. lazy? what i mean is that in this show the hits FEEL like they're hitting. and that is a compliment of the highest regard. luffy's fighting style is well adapted (and i will GET to his devil fruit in a moment) zoro's 3 sword style was both well choreographed and utilized within the scenes it was needed. i love how they play with it a little bit, not having him use all three until the climax of the episode. NAMI has some fantastic shit with her staff and i'm genuinely so glad they dont have her basically sidelined until alabasta like they do in the manga. alvida and morgan both have their weapons have true weight that you can feel to them and i'm so glad. this was the thing i was the most concerned for and its safe to say i'm happy with it.
-luffy's gum gum fruit and the cgi used for it was surprisingly good!! going into live action with a main character made of rubber is one of the most difficult things CG artists have to deal with and i hope they know how fucking good rhey did. body stretching hasn't ever looked this good.
-i liked garps inclusion and i really hope they don't reveal that he's related to luffy until way later. i get the feeling they might since he's there and i think he's going to still be important throughout the season.
-i LOVE. and i mean LOVEEEEEEEEEE that they are already setting up for season 2 mentioning baroque works so much. that shit is fucking AWESOME and i couldn't be happier that they're going ahead and foreshadowing shit for later that is amazing and i'm so damn happy.
-the setwork and costume design are FANTASTIC. the atmosphere becomes amazing because of these two things in conjunction and its fucking great. you absolutely are pulled into the world and its amazingly believeable. everything feels real. the locals, the outfits, really theres some great shit in here so far and i am DAMN excited to see more. they truly went all out and it feels fantastic.
-this show is really funny. not exactly in the way that the anime is, but in a way that works a lot better for this medium. zoro, especially, i thought they really nailed on the head. he's funny!! and luffy is too!! so is nami!! they're all really funny and entertaining to watch and i just cant believe this show exists at all.
-buggy showed up and i'm so excited to see more of him. what a god of a man. he is. kinda bad asf too.
i have one or two critiques too!!
-i liked the original way of making it known that koby wasnt working with luffy and i think its a bit lame the rest of the marines aren't shown to be glad that morgan's gone.
-theres some camera work in this show that just seems,... off? theres these closeups with a shitton of gaussian blur and it just looks. unprofessional to say the least. luckily, its not completely like this (which is kinda what i thought the show would look like at first, which had a bit of apprehension in me.)
-i just realized they didnt show shanks' arm being cut off by the sea monster. i'm sure they will but they didnt here. i sure hope they do that shits an iconic scene.
-uh. that was pretty much it. netflix was being stupid as shit for me so i didnt really get hd quality but i was watching it on netflix party w my girlfriend and it was just so exciting that i didnt really care. but fuck netflix btw.
so, pretty much, you might get the jist that i'm enjoying this show, and i am!! its honestly hitting all the marks i was hoping it would and a lot more. i love that its a show that knows what its doing. it doesnt feel lost. it feels like its confident in itself and its production. i really hope its a hit, and i sure as fuck HOPE netflix doesnt drop it if it doesnf make a gazillion dollars. i'm not religious but i'll pray for that.
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wildknightblaze · 12 days
people i want to get to know better
tagged by @ubejamjar, ty :3 don't know who else to tag in response so if you see this and feel like it, consider this an open invitation.
Last Song: A Risky Bet from the recent FFXIV Dawntrail raids. a little weird because my group hasn't even gotten to that part of the fight yet, but it's awesome to have in the background while I'm compiling the strategies and shit for the rest of the group. the drum & bass remixed into the song that was already burrowing into my mind bc it's essentially a Crush 40 3D Sonic theme from my adolescence is just 🤌
Favorite Color: an easy one, right? bet it's soooo hard to guess that the person whose OC has red hair and is always wearing red to the point that she looks weird in anything not red, her favorite color is red, right? trick question. my favorite color is blue. my car is blue, i'd like to paint my walls blue when i have the energy, i just find a deep naval blue to be really soothing, and probably the color i myself look best in. (turns out Ellie has her own tastes. :V)
Currently Watching: rewatching the first season of Gravity Falls because a friend mentioned it, and I never actually watched season 2, so hoping to move into that. After that I'm thinking of rolling a die to pull up something random from the backlog that's been around for years. Or maybe Arcane, idk. Or The Bear. friends have been singing the praises of The Bear.
Last Movie: The MST3k episode of Space Mutiny. A really fun time except, uh, Mike and Crow did a pretty transphobic-stereotype sketch in the middle of it. :/ Stuff made in the 90s sure was made in the 90s. At least the rest of it was pretty funny.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I am such a spice baby that I got an accidental order of spicy chicken nuggets a couple of days ago and they actually made me sick. >.> Sweetness is nice, but I have way less of a sweet tooth than I do for something like a homemade chicken sandwich.
Relationship Status: single
Current Obsessions: if i am not logging into FFXIV even when i have literally run out of stuff to do, i am dead. part of it is also probably how i'm - not exactly leading my raid static, but I'm the one compiling the strats and teaching them to everyone else (and then executing them wrongly to lead by bad example lmfao). Other than FFXIV though, I've been having a lot of fun with a couple of indies I picked up to delve into while recovering from surgery. Tactical Breach Wizards has a really compelling and satisfying gameplay loop and a fun story; the characters are very snarky so like if the MCU has ruined that for you that can be off-putting, but it's still better-written on average lol. I haven't delved too much into Fields of Mistria but I really want to, it's cute af. I'm also thinking it's about time for another Ace Attorney, but I'm not sure if I want to do Investigations 2 IN HD IN ENGLISH OFFICIALLY or finish Great Ace Attorney 2 ALSO IN HD IN ENGLISH OFFICIALLY... ALSO, friends have started a weekly Civilization VI night in discord in the wake of the announcement of Civ VII, and I reallllly want to deep dive into that. Many fond memories of getting lost in the easy loop of V. also missed opportunity that they didn't call it CiVIlization, or CiVIIlization.
Last Thing in My Search History: "surface pro flex keyboard deals." there are none. absolutely insane how much microsoft is charging for something like this. >:( (the "flex" is important, because turns out the normal surface pro keyboard that is already ridiculously expensive doesn't have bluetooth connectivity, which idk if your thing's approaching two hundred fucking us dollars it doesn't seem like an unreasonable expectation for it to be wireless-capable!!) i gotta stop this before i get really mad about capitalism and the tech industry
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Looking back on my life now, I'm seeing how formative it was to me to follow this blog. You presented challenging texts on psychology and queer activism, and gave me an example of a polyamorous life far richer than I could allow myself to imagine. From the bottom of my heart: Thank you. I wish you well. Thank you. How are you doing? Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you
Hi Frozenbasalt!! Cat ( @neuroglitch ) here! Thank you so much for this wonderful message! It means the world to me - us - that this blog was able to provide you with something that was helpful and formative to you ❤️ I sent it in the group chat and it's much appreciated!
While none of us have been very active on this blog, nor have we been making updates to the podcast for years by now, it's not because we aren't doing well, it's just that other projects took precedence and in some ways it's hard to come back to something like this years later, when everything has changed but also everything is the same. Also there definitely have been some rough patches of life where the energy just hasn't been there. But running this blog + making the podcast is a very dear memory to me and I'm so proud and happy to hear that it was helpful to someone!
I still live with Moose and Hound+TP&Co. Moose ( @moose-mousse ) finished his education and got a job as an engineer. The firm is kinda crazy, but hey, they pay him, so that's good :p He's doing a lot better overall now that uni isn't constantly fucking him over anymore.
I finished my education as a psychologist, but ended up on disability pension for now. I'm working hard on making time for my own projects and dreams, but it's a work in progress, especially as I've been struggling a lot with negative symptoms and/or executive dysfunction for a while.
Hound and TP are now more of a collective than they used to be (lots of new and old faces) but at the same time they also have less in terms of dissociative amnesiac barriers between them, and can better be described as a collective rather than two very seperate people who never get to hang out. This past year they've gotten back into driving around the countryside on a scooter, and they have collected an infinite amount of pebbles. Also he's 2 years on T!
The wonderful Bear ( @prygelknabe ) has found work helping students with special needs get through high school. They are on a type of partial disability called flex job, where they work 18 hours but get paid full-time. They are also rediscovering their kink social life and figuring out how to live their best life!
Bat ( @the-life-of-bat ) is learning how to draw, making a comic, doing an internship at a comic book store and more. She has long since recovered fully from surgery and it's been awesome to see her grow. And it's been great for the two of us to be able to meet each other on more equal footing ❤️
Katten is still going strong at @compassionatereminders , bless her - she was broken up with by her long-term bf, but as a result, she is also having a glowup bc dude was kinda .. uninspiring. She went down in medication, has had more energy as a result, and now she's starting to get involved with the local political scene and stuff!
and Lynx is trying to get back to the job market after a lengthy battle with her mental health + immigration services trying to throw her out of the country. Definitely early stages of picking things back up, but there's a momentum now and there's a sense of depression lifting.
This all to say, that yes, ofc we are all facing challenges, and have been as well, but there's good to be found in everyone's narrative too, and we are still in each other's lives, and there's love and care to go around!
I hope you are also doing well! I'm always happy to see you in my notifications, and this message means a lot to me. Thank you for sharing!
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intersex-support · 2 months
Thank you for your response (I'm the anon with the change in diagnosis). It genuinely made me cry /pos
It hasn't been an easy journey since I got that news from my doctor. It's been a lot of grief. Even now, there are a lot of things that don't make sense, but I think more than anything, I've started to realize that a mischaracterization doesn't make my body any less intersex and for being intersex, it is beautiful.
I'm still processing the change in diagnosis admittedly. Certain androgen levels were 3-4x over normal and I also have hyperprolactemia that's related to my androgen levels (when one goes down, so does the other). I've been investigated properly - my gyn is amazing, writing a book on LGBTQIA+ healthcare since she's the area gender affirming surgeon - so I know I don't have a tumor or anything. I know I'm intersex for sure now.
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm a tad emotional rn. Thank you again. I needed to hear that
I'm so happy that my response resonated with you 💜
It makes a lot of sense to me that you've been feeling a lot of grief, especially with all the new information about your androgen levels and hyperprolactemia. But I'm glad that it sounds like it's gotten a little easier to celebrate your intersex body as beautiful. Also really glad your doctor is awesome--that's amazing that she's even written a book on LGBTQIA healthcare!
Truly sending you so much love and support, and hope you have a good night 💜
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vicky82gargoylesfan · 6 months
My Thoughts on X-Men 97 Episode 5 Remember It
Wow this was a fucking awesome episode, It was so Intense, shocking and emotional and I still haven't gotten over it, even watching it a few times hasn't helped but I do love it. I'm certainly going to remember this episode for a very, very long time.
I was actually planning to watch it on my break at work, but I forgot my iPad and as I didn't want to look at spoilers, I just watch tv and didn't even look on my phone. It was good thing I did watch it when I got home, otherwise I wouldn't been able to concentrate.
I didn't realise how dark this show was going to become, it took me by surprise. I thought the matureness would be a bit less than Young Justice season 3 and 4, I was totally wrong.
I knew that there were multiple massacre and genocide events in the comics. Watching it on TV, especially an animated show, hits you differently than reading it in comics and it mirrors real life tragic events, it was very shocking.
It was such a brilliant well written episode, it delivered some powerful dialogue. The shift in tone worked brilliantly.
Loved the animation, some of it was breath-taking.
The voice acting was brilliant, A.J. LoCascio, Lenor Zann and Matthew Waterson were amazing. Lenor Zann deserves an award.
The score was breath-taking. I loved the Ace of Base song, Happy Nation, it's now stuck in my head. I never even heard this song before, the only 2 songs I know from Ace of Base is, I Saw the Sign and All That She Wants. I've now downloaded this song.
When I rewatch this episode, it makes me sad seeing all these mutants being so happy and free, not knowing about to turn tragic later.
It was great seeing Nightcrawler again, I also liked seeing cameo's of other mutants. Dazzler, Bomb Bomb, Arc Angel, Marrow, Multiple Man ect, (sorry I'm not clear on other mutant names).
So on the council, is Emma Frost, Shaw, Moria, Banshee, Calisto and Madelyne. I just love Emma's bitchy remarks throughout the episode.
Jean kissing Wolverine didn't feel awkward to me, as it does happen in the comics, so I'm not going to make a big deal about it.
I do hope that Jean and Cyclops do sort there issues out, they are my favourite couple. Scott and Maddy's psychic rapport moment was definitely a reference to Scott and Emma's psychic affair in the comics.
I love Beast's reaction, when Scott and Jean were arguing.
I do love that Scott was concerned for Jean when she had that psychic attack.
I like the flashback, how Rogue met Magneto. Luckily it was confirmed, she met him when she was in her 20s.
I do feel for Rogue and can understand what's she's going through, she wants skin to skin contact but can't do that with Gambit.
I do feel sorry for Gambit but he was mature and respected Rogue's decision to be with Magneto.
I didn't notice The Watcher, on the first watch.
I know a lot of people think that Val Cooper is Mystique but unless Wolverine lost his sense of smell in the 1st two episodes, it can't be her.
Very powerful lines:-
Valerie Cooper "Most other nations don't allow a terrorist become their leader" Magneto "Yet so many allow their leaders to be terrorists"
I thought Rogue was really pretty in that dress.
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Magneto and Rogue steamy dance and kiss did feel awkward at first but I got used to it when I watched the episode multiple times.
Rogue realises she loves Gambit and rejects Magneto and she understands what Gambit said to her that 'Some things are deeper than skin'
Ok this is the moment that I knew something bad was going to happen (I didn't notice the Watcher). Madelyne had her psychic attack causing her nose to bleed (and we see Jean's nose was bleeding too). Maddy's vision in the 1st episode was actually foreshadowing this horrific event.
I thought the music being slowed down was a nice touch and felt very haunting.
Great to see Cable again and voiced by Chris Potter, Gambit's voice actor from the original show.
When he said 'not again' does this mean this wasn't the 1st time he's tried to warn everyone about the upcoming attack.
When Madelyne realised Cable is her son and Cable disappears back to the future, saying he was sorry, that was pretty heart-breaking.
Wow that 1st attack, that blast, poor Maddy, she didn't stand a chance.
That blast caused Rogue and Magneto to be thrown quite far out
I just love the animation and sounds when Rogue was regaining consciousness.
I was bit surprised by the amount of blood and cuts on Rogue. Magneto didn't have any injuries at all, until later.
Rogue's and Magneto's reactions was perfect, they were shocked and confused at what was going on, they just stood there watching, you can even here the fear in Rogue's voice when she sees Banshee being vapourised. Kurt had to risk his life to save them.
OMG!! I actually thought Kurt had died, I was relieved that when Gambit checked his pulse, he was still alive.
Rogue, Gambit and Magneto, were absolutely brilliant, Gambit and Magnet were both badass.
When Rogue and Gambit went to save the Morlocks, the score gave me goosebumps. Seeing them side by side was great.
Magneto starts having these flashbacks of death and destruction, including a flashback of the concentration camp, he then goes on a rampage and attacks the Wild Sentinel using a train as a whip.
Gambit saving the Morlocks, was obviously a reference to the Morlock Massacre when he betrayed them but this time he saved them. The music made me think, everything was going to be ok but it was all false hope.
When the wild sentinel detected a omega threat mutant, was that at Leech?
I just love that Magneto protected Gambit and Rogue, used metal debris to cover them.
I just love the way Rogue and Magneto were looking at each other.
Magneto telling Leech 'don't be afraid' in German, was gut wrenching.
I was in shock when Magneto and the Morlocks were vapourised. But I do have a sliver of hope that they might have survived.
Then I see Rogue that I've never seen before, there is no score, just hear a heartbeat.
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She's in tears, full of rage and fury and she wants revenge but she not thinking straight and goes she to attack the Wild Sentinel.
Gambit knows she won't make it and has to save her, he throws his charged up bike into her, to get her out of the way of the Wild Sentinel blast.
The Wild sentinel then targets mutants at the Gardens and Gambit has to save them, so he goes after the wild sentinel but then he's impaled and I almost scream, I was in shock.
What I love about Gambit that he still has his sence of humour and he uses his power to blow up the Wild Sentinel, saving the suvivivors.
Then we cut back to the Mansion with the others watching the events on the news, all in shock.
Then back in Genosha, Rogue is crying and cradling Gambit in her arms, then it fades to black and we hear Rogue say 'I, I can't feel you'. I was in tears.
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Even the end credit score was very sombre
What was even more sadder, is that Rogue never got to tell Gambit, she chose him over Magneto.
I love Rogue, she's one of my favourite female characters (next to Jean) so seeing her like this was heart braking. I hope she will be ok, I'm going to be really worried about her.
I know that a lot Marvel characters don't stay dead, so I do have some hope that Gambit and Magneto ect will be alive by the end of the season, keeping my fingers crossed.
So the death list is Maddy, Banshee, Marrow, Shaw, Moira, Dazzler, Callisto, Gambit and possible Magneto and the other Morlocks. I assume Emma survives using her diamond form.
I do have a feeling that Bastion is responsible for the genocide on Genosha.
This was only the 5th episode!!! and apparently just warm up, something even worse is going to happen in the last 3 episodes. What could be worse than a genocide on Genosh and major character deaths??????
The next episode, Lifedeath part 2 won't be much of breather episode either, apparently it's going to be scary and creepy.
I have to say this episode has dethroned The Red Wedding.
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Helluva Boss S2 E5 fixes
These are some scene changes between Barbie and the counselor that make their interaction less gross. First off, I like the show. Yes, it has problems but everything does. But denying what happened in the episode isn't grooming, is just incorrect.
She refers to him as a kid and a teenager in the episode. Sorry, but an off-to-the-side tweet doesn't change that.
The lines:
"I don't wanna fucking hear it, kid."
Barbie is interrupting him while saying this. There is literally no one else in the scene she could be referring to.
"Do you have any idea who easy teenagers are so easy to manipulate?"
He then immediately responds with "Hey. No, I'm not."
He is straight-up refers to himself. There isn't a single other person that they could be talking about. There isn't a second accomplice because the second the guy died, Barb is out of the job. It wouldn't matter as much if there was someone else.
In the first line, have Barb call in dude instead of 'kid'. Why they went with 'kid' instead of any other general-sounding identifier is beyond me.
For the second line, replace teenagers with virgins or something. The rest of the dialog can play out the same and nothing change. The rest of the episode can go on and nothing changes. The counselor being underage means nothing to the show but makes it weird.
(That and Millie getting a nude, while pretending to be a young teen, from a guy who was clearly WAY past legal age.)
Honestly, sometimes it feels like the show crosses lines like this just to get more attention. Yeah, the offensive show is offending people. But the more it stacks up the harder it gets to watch.
(just some thoughts passed this point)
The fact that Barbie and Blitzo's storyline was the B plot makes so little sense. Isn't Blitzo's character journey supposed to be important or something? Why is finding his sister, the one family member he as left, not matter next to a camp infiltration plot?
So we can have a Millie episode, with isn't what happens. Millie nor Moxxie grow or change or learn anything. Moxxie has always praised her and she has always been shown to be the better of the two. The only exception is with her parents in one episode for a few minutes. If that was ever a problem it should have been shown more there.
I'd be less hard on it if it was next to Luna getting a shot or some other non-consequential second plot but it isn't. Blitzo is trying to track down his sister who he hasn't seen in who knows how long and it takes up less than half of the runtime. That time could have been used to explain WHY Barbie doesn't want to see him. Or at the very least hint at it.
Would building around hell would have also been nice. But instead, we get Millie being awesome, which we've seen plenty of. And Moxxie feels inadequate, which we have also gotten a lot of.
Wrote more on that than I meant to. Hope there aren't too many spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm not reading through it to check.
Again I want to say that I like the show but you can make sex jokes without involving kids. Not to mention that there are plenty of dark-humor jokes to work with.
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anerdyfeminist · 1 year
Very long and self-centered work rant incoming.
I know I've referenced a few things about what a hard and weird time it is at work and honestly I've only said about 5% of the truth of what all I'm carrying and that is going on. The ambiguity around what happens w/ my role, in particular, is killing me. I'm not at risk of losing my job, but a major leadership transition is looming and it's all very confusing. The cut to the chase is that I don't know what my role actually is in the new FY, which starts in 3 weeks now. It's a total shit show and in the process, I've discovered that I could be making almost twice what I make now at different nonprofits in fundraising, in positions that carry about 1/3 the responsibility and weight of other people's roles/livelihoods, etc. (It really is true when you are someone who STAYS you get penalized financially.)
I've loved this mission and this team for nearly 14 years now but IDK how much longer I can wait through all this bullshit. Someone I know from the Austin nonprofit world reached out to me to offer me free career coaching bc she's getting her certification and needs guinea pigs and I don't mind being one because I just need HELP and some outside perspective on what I actually want to do as I am 18 years into my nonprofit career at this point.
At our last session she asked me if I ever think about what's best for me instead of constantly focusing in on what's best for this organization and like I knew that's a problem for me but I didn't KNOW-know it until she said it. It's sitting really heavy for me.
I don't mean to sound arrogant, but I'm going to for a second. I'm really good at my job. Like REALLY REALLY GOOD. Like award winning in my industry good. Like has a reputation as one of the few very healthy mangers/team leads of nonprofit fundraising in Austin good. (All 3 of my current direct reports at different times have told me they'll also plan their exits when I go, and I've successfully retained all of them for 5-10 years depending on when they joined.) Like have been attempted headhunted many times but haven't ever wanted to leave this mission before good. Like I wanted to see what's out there that may want me, and I've gotten 3 interviews w/in 2-3 days of contacting some recruiters or putting my resume out there good.
And it's all just making me so fucking sad because I don't WANT to leave, but I DO want to feel appreciated and seen and make the kind of money my peers are, for doing FAR FAR less work....or to at least feel as recognized by my current employer as I do these prospective new ones for how obviously awesome and valuable I am.
I've always been an authority-pleaser (ugh abuse baggage.) I've damaged myself tenaciously reaching goals that were too much, too hard, etc. I've been working now for 25 years in some form or another and I'm consistently told I'm a top performer...so why don't I feel like it here and now??? I started working as a babysitter and tutor when I was like 13, and I began pulling down "real" paychecks when I turned 16. Across the dozens of jobs I've had, I've never had a single corrective action taken against me...I've never been written up or fired. I barely have any listed areas of "needs improvement" on any of my reviews across ALL TIME. I don't say all of this because it's how i believe employees should act, but because I just want to paint a picture for you as to what a dream I am to have on a team because my sense of self-worth has been toxicly linked to what I do/produce and if I can get an A, and if the teacher/boss/lead loves me, since Day 1.
And HEY KIDS, GUESS WHAT??? It hasn't been worth it!!!!!
Thankfully, I do get to take care of myself fairly well in my current organization's culture and I do take time off and I don't have to pull crazy hours. But I also carry and "produce" and take care of way more than anyone else in my side of the org. Way more than anyone SHOULD. It's been admitted to me several times by leadership that I am "the agency's most precious human resource" (even if they don't make me feel that way by how I'm compensated or treated when it comes to this ambiguity.) But carrying this much means I've probably had 2-3 true incidents of burnout w/ my org in the pushing 14 years I've been with them, but I always somehow found a way to recover and get back to happiness or at least contentment.
I'm not sure if that's possible for me now, and it's largely due to the fact that our board doesn't know what they're doing and they are torturing someone who they really really depend on for the agency to stay afloat w/ unnecessary ambiguity. I'm drowning in the ambiguity.
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acacia-may · 1 year
Ooo may I ask for 7, 24, and 30 for Vanessa and maybe your OC Altan please 🥰?
Aww thank you Lyra! I adore Vanessa and will gladly take any and all opportunities to ramble about her, and I'm flattered that you'd like to know more about Altan. I'd be delighted to answer these for you!
Questions for this Character Ask Game
(Warnings: some mentions of Vanessa's childhood trauma, the Forest of Witches arc, and related nightmares. Some mentions of the House Vaude drama, related trauma, and strained relationship between Finral and Langris)
Vanessa Enoteca
7. A quote of them that you remember
This is a hard one because Vanessa has so many amazing moments, but I think I'll go with the two that came to mind immediately. (1) I love the moment where she tells the Queen of Witches, "You and I have no bonds." Recognizing that the Black Bulls are the family she always wanted and that she doesn't need Her Majesty's "love" to be happy is such a pivotal moment in her character development, and it honestly still gives me chills every time I watch or read it. (2) An anime addition, but I love that encouraging little speech she gives Finral before he faces Langris in the Royal Knight's Exam (I won't type out the whole thing but it ends with something like "You're not going to lose to him so easily anymore. Go show him how awesome you are--and I don't just mean the hair!"). Vanessa just has such a gift in building up her friends and encouraging them, and she believes in them even when they don't believe in themselves. I love that scene because it is a real reflection of that.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
In general, I think a lot of what happened to her in her childhood is a big secret for Vanessa. Vanessa is the type of person who really tries to bury her pain and focus on the positive and/or on other people's problems even when she, herself, is hurting. She had told very few of her friends about her childhood in the Forest of Witches, prior to the arc that took place there, and even then, I think she only told them bits and pieces of the story.
Since she doesn't want her squad family to worry about her, she's never told them that her past still comes back to haunt her, mainly in her nightmares and fears of enclosed, crammed spaces. Though they had gotten less frequent, she does have still nightmares about her childhood and also about the events in the Forest of Witches arc/losing her friends, and when they get particularly bad, she will sleep by candlelight because she is afraid of waking up back in that cage and her tower.
30. The funniest scene they had?
Vanessa has such a great sense of humor, and I loved any time she affectionately teased her friends. There are some great moments between her, Noelle, and Asta on their first outing to the castle town of Kikka for instance, and her friendship with Magna especially has always made me laugh from their first appearance where they're poking fun at each other's vices. The scene that came to mind immediately read this prompt is also from Episode 80 in the Royal Knight's Exam (can you tell that's my one of my favorite episodes?) though. There's a moment where Magna asks if she'll do his hair too, and Vanessa teases him that there's no way. It's all in good fun, and Luck gets some great lines where he chimes in and teases Magna too. It's cute and makes me laugh every time.
Altan Vaude (OC)
[A/N: Altan loves his auntie very much so he would be so happy to know he has been included as part of the same ask as her 💖]
7. A quote of them that you remember
Poor Altan. I've barely written about him, so he hasn't gotten to say much yet. He has appeared in some of my wips though, and there's an exchange between him and his Papa that I really like so I'll share that here:
Langris had to admit, he was happy for the temporarily distraction from poor Finesse and her failing health. His palms started to sweat again at the thought, and he began to wring his hands before Altan’s tiny fingers curled around one of them.
“Is Mama alright?” he asked.
“She’s just not feeling well,” Langris explained—trying to shake the worst-case-scenarios out of his own head.
“Should we go pick some flowers for her?” he asked with a kindness that brought a smile to Langris’ face. No words could describe how relieved he was that his son took after his gentle, kindhearted mother rather than a disagreeable misanthrope like him. The hard-lines in Langris’ face softened, and he even managed a slight smile.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
Altan is shy, but he's not particularly secretive on purpose. If asked about himself, he will share and actually answer instead of deflecting questions and playing 3D chess, smoke and mirrors mind-games like his dad used to do. It just isn't easy for him to freely offer such information without being asked about himself since he doesn't particularly like the spotlight. He tends to be pretty open with his family and closest friends though so he doesn't have too many secrets from them.
He does have one big secret, however which is that, by the time he's in his teens, Altan actually knows a lot about what went on between his father and uncle and how strained their relationship was in the past. Finral and Langris had long ago agreed to let bygones be bygones and decided not to tell their children about how much bad blood used to exist between them. Altan, however, kind of put a lot of pieces together and knows that his father made a lot of mistakes when he was younger, especially in regards to his relationship with his brother. He doesn't ever really bring it up, however, because he knows that his father has a lot of fear that learning all of that would change the way his son saw him, and he doesn't want to open those old wounds for his dad. However, the realization doesn't change much for Altan--he has forgiven his father and thinks what is important is that his dad learned from his mistakes and tried to better going forward, and in fact, he thinks that is a very admirable thing. Someday when Altan is a grown man, his father sits him down to tell him the truth, and it is such a moving moment for Langris when Altan just smiles at him and says he has known for a long time and it doesn't change anything.
30. The funniest scene they had?
Altan gets roped into all kinds of shenanigans thanks to his much more rambunctious cousins and friends, but he himself doesn't usually cause too much trouble or chaos on his own. However, he did participate in a prank of his dad once. When Altan wanted to get his hair cut by his aunt, the extended family decided to pull a bit of a prank on him and sent Altan home wearing a wig of a ridiculously awful haircut. Langris was so relieved when it was revealed just to be a wig, and they actually got him to laugh which made Altan very happy.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Time for another Flash episode. And the jerky camera work is not off to a good start.
So Blaine is now playing mechanical engineer for Red Death and he still hasn't gotten anything out of this relationship.
"A superstitious and cowardly lot" Red Death says of criminals. As if she is not one herself.
I think Barry & Iris are getting a little too caught up in the 'avatar of the negative speed force' thing. The Speed Force has lots of speedsters and Nora 1.0 proved that more than one speedster can use the negative speed force at a time... sometimes a speedster is just... angry. (Of all the retcons, what they've done with the Negative Speed Force and the other negative Forces I like the least. The N!SF was originally just something Eobard made himself. Which was a big deal when it inspired Barry and Cisco to attempt the same thing... and foreshadowed that the ASF would have bad side effects. It's now it's own living thing? That's... whatever, it never totally made sense that the N!SF survived the Eobard being erased from the timeline anyway.)
Oh, hey, Jenna gets to be a person again. The show has remembered this child exists again!!! Now if only her parents would do the sensible thing and move the hell out of Central City. I would hope that they'd sell the house to Barry and Iris, though. It's a gorgeous house, been in the family for two generations now. It should stay in the family.
I'm proud of the Central City citizens who realize red lightning is bad news and got the heck out of dodge when Red Death showed up. Could have done with less screaming, but they have learned to book it when a bad speedster shows up.
Oh, it's Roy Bivolo! Haven't seen him since S1. I'm so glad to see him. And he's learned new tricks and emotions to mess with. Also... he kinda deserves a little vengeance after the pipeline thing in S1.
Blaine unsurprisingly protects Barry's identity from the last people in the city who don't know the Flash's real name. Because of course Blaine has to be wrestling with his conscience and it's leading up to some heel face turn that I honestly don't care about because at this point he's used up his chances to be even remotely sympathetic.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Khione continues to be nature girl and inspires Allegra and Chester to get in touch with their new Rogue friends using a metaphor about static electricity. But if talking in metaphor is getting a bit annoying at this point since that's all she does. If that's her super power - making nature based metaphors - then it kinda sucks. I'm honestly not seeing why the show writers killed Caitlin off if this is the best they can manage with Khione.
But hey, looks like we're getting Hartley, Goldface, and Jaco back after all. Fun times. :D
Red Death torturing Barry for the funsies. While Barry makes speeches. Fun times.
Oooh, is that the real Ryan? Does this mean that I was right about the multiverse finally getting reintroduced??? Then again she does have the skunk stripe too, but maybe they just decided her hair is styled that way now. Either way, Ryan and Iris getting a chance to bond is something I've been wanting since it was announced Ryan would be in this season.
Still... something about Ryan seems off... and that skunk stripe. I don't think I trust this is the real Ryan.
So I feel like they wouldn't have needed the Rogues if they still had Cisco. Chester just... is not as good under pressure as Cisco was. Though Hartley showing up and being all smug about his toys and then... his speedster tracker doesn't work. *snicker*
Red Death showing off fancy new tricks is cool and convinces me that the Ryan with Iris isn't the real Ryan. But I'm also pretty sure Iris suspects something is off too, so hopefully I'll be proven right about that.
So Red Death 'built their own speed' so they made an ASF of their own. Which is what the Negative SF started off as...
Woohoo, Iris suspects Ryan's a fake. Go Iris. She's just so awesome.
'Another timeline'. Let's just call it the multiverse mmkay?
Red Death stopping thought crime and presumably killing criminals instead of catching them. No wonder the alt timeline's Flash fought her. There are lines she shouldn't have crossed and it sounds like she crossed them. And... if she needs this Iris to talk to that other Barry... did Ryan kill her 'best friend'?
Barry trying to talk Blaine around. *flat tone* yay. Who would have seen that coming?
Using Frost as an example of Barry giving second chances isn't a bad decision, but oh wow was the situation so different there. Frost was struggling to find herself as a person, afraid of Caitlin who was suppressing her, and everyone assumed she'd be evil before she ever had a chance to make her own choices. It was less 'giving her a second chance' and more 'giving her that first chance they'd failed to the first time around'.
I know. I'm a Frost apologist. *sigh* But seriously, I see people in the fandom getting upset over Frost never apologizing herself and being easily forgiven but first? Practically no one apologizes on this show and everyone's easily forgiven. And second? No one gave Frost a chance to be anything but evil in S3. None of them. Especially Caitlin. Even Barry 'reaching out' in the pipeline was him urging Caitlin to take control and Caitlin to be a good person.
Anyway, back to Iris and Ryan and the more interesting conversation... I gosh, I was right. Red Death killed her reality's Iris West. Whoops. Maybe you shouldn't have been trying to kill your besty's husband and you wouldn't have killed Iris instead, Ryan.
Iris pointing out the flaws in Ryan's story is great. But sadly interrupted by the storm knocking out my power for several seconds. So time to save a draft and come back later.
Okay, storm has calmed down and the worst has moved past my area. I still have power so I'm gonna finish this episode.
Back to Iris calling out Ryan for lying and twisting the truth.
So the Red Death's armor coming to her is a neat sequence but a little... uncanny valley at points?
I do like Cecile's telekinesis. But Joe is right about them needing to move.
And Hartley's machine works! Also Blaine double crosses Red Death and proves to be a better no-power fighter than Barry is. I will give him that much.
Oh! did Allegra pull Nash's teleporter out of storage?
I was hoping for some more Rogues vs Rogues fighting. But i guess next episode? I wonder if Blaine's actually dead. I mean. I'd like to be done with his character but it's a comic based super hero show and i don't believe a character is dead if I don't see the dead body. And even then, how many times has Sara been dead?
And what was the point of the Joe wanting to move plot if there's no pay off? Because him deciding to stay is just a return to form after not really having anything of substance happen. Like, seriously, what was the point of that subplot?
And Red Death declares war in the end. But I gotta wonder. What's been happening with the real Ryan? Has she been dumped into the Red Death's reality? (timeline? Whatever.) I really hope we get to see her next episode to know she's okay.
Okays, so final thoughts on the episode was, not nearly enough time with the Team Flash ally Rogues, way too much time spent on subplots that go nowhere (Joe wanting to move, the Allegra/Chester nonsense, Khione rambling about nature), and I guess parallel timelines are the new multiverse?
I do think that Khione is correct in real world terms about every life being precious and it being important to try to save lives when you can. But I also think Hartley probably made the right call getting them the hell out of Dodge with Nash's teleporter. Even at Blaine's expense. They do Blaine no good if they die too. No one deserves to die a terrible death, but needlessly sacrificing yourself to save someone else's life when doing so won't actually achieve that goal? No one can save everyone. Not even heroes.
Sometimes Barry has to be dragged, kicking and screaming, away from the brink of martyring himself. This was probably one of those times.
It seems like, as has become a hallmark of the show in recent seasons, the pacing of the various plots is all over the place in a very bad way. Dragging out plots that should have been short or cut altogether and then rushing the main plot as a result. So I'm sure there will be more of that in the next episode.
Speaking of which, based on the trailer it looks like Red Death will be taking a play out of Zoom's book next and going after the CCPD. And of course Barry's speed has been drained - again. Bringing in Red Death was a really cool idea for the final season but... once again... the Flash seems to be suffering from poor execution of good ideas. It's not as bad as last season - at least Red Death has a single plan and motivation instead of three conflicting plans that make zero sense when executed simultaneously - but that just puts it on par with season 7 and I wasn't exactly impressed with that one.
If the team ups with Hartley end with the Red Death: Rogue War plot then I honestly don't know if I'll be sticking it out. I mean... I am interested in the return of Jay Garrick and Bloodwork coming back for round two - since Bloodwork's time as the show's main villain was probably the last time the show had good pacing and had subplots that were relevant to the main plot and interconnected everything really neatly - but there's a difference between interested and excited and I'm just... never excited about the show anymore.
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echoesofadream · 1 month
for the asks
1, 16, 19 <3
hi <3
what’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
it is a bit hard to say what is the best advice i've ever been given but i can say a good advice is that of a cbt therapist gave me when she was intermittently seeing me after screening me for autism and i was waiting to get evaluated at a psychiatry where they would do a real assessment for diagnosis. i do not have a good experience with cbt, it's never worked for me, but we were basically talking about thoughts, and how do you know whether you can trust your brain? because if there is a fire and you touch, your brain tells you to withdraw your hand and you do, so you learn to trust your brain. but then the brain tells you many many things and not all of them are true. and she said telling these things apart can be extra difficult for people on the spectrum. and for me until that point which was in 2022, so i was 21 years old, had never questioned a single thought of mine. i did not understand that there was a difference between what i believed and actual truth. not as in i never changed my beliefs but i never questioned my own thoughts. okay so there is a difference between thoughts and thoughts here... i mean more like impressions? In a situation and I got a certain impression, I believed this to be truth instead of a projection of my own thoughts.
it's a very well known mind trap in CBT therapy especially with regards to social anxiety that you can read other people's minds. the thing is though i did not even realize this was a mind trap because i didn't know it was a thought i had rather than just fact. Well anyways this therapist took out a paper and wrote down a thought, and then she showed me i could replace that thought with literally anything, like oranges are yellow or whatever i wanted because the thought is meaningless and not real. i don't know but something just clicked for me. this was really helpful though i don't know if it's changed much about my life because i still get insecure and feel like other people are thinking the same thing that i think about myself. but at least I know it's not the case. it's not really advice persay more like a realization and a way to question my thoughts or understand what they are, the writing down and just scribbling down thoughts and playing around with them on paper was an advice she gave me that helped understand this.
wow... that got long sorry. there's probably good advice i've gotten that i've forgotten, this was what came to mind rn.
2. what is a skill or talent you’ve completely lost or overlooked? why did that happen?
hmm... i feel like those questions are quite different. i've probably lost most of my math "skills". i've never been a natural math and numbers are still my enemy. but when i got older like starting from 7th grade i started taking math more seriously. in 8th and especially 9th grade i started to understand it and like it. then i started swedish equivalent of high school but its more like a fusion of hs and college, age 16 to 19 (for me, depending on when you're born in the year) and i went to the natural science program. and basically i went into a frenzy started to study math every day and did so for three years more or less, i took math 1-5 (this means nothing to anyone who hasn't gone to swedish school ik). then i studied maths for a little less than a semester after graduating, starting with introduction to math which was awesome and then one variable analysis (envariabelanalys) which was also awesome. did start a course called like algebra and geometry but i didn't understand vectors and i couldn't give it the time i needed because i was also busy with other classes that were incomprehensible to me and i dropped out. this was november 2020, and since i have not done math like. once. so it is pretty safe to say it's all gone even though doing all that math probably altered my brain chemistry. yeah i'd say i've probably completely lost it.
idk any skills or talent i've overlooked. i'd have to think about it.
19. tell me something you don’t like telling the people you are close to.
that i can have pretty violent psychopathic thoughts.. and don't really care about things that i should. like i'm not a good kind person, i'm very selfish and don't care about other people like i should. my thoughts are very cruel and judgmental. i don't like telling people i know irl about how i live mostly in daydreams and things and that reality does not interest me. my general philosophy and way i view things or the way i live. my fanfiction or writing. how really obsessed i am with some things like kpop. and how bleak my life is. i also don't like telling people about my desires and like how lonely i feel. i also don't like telling people how i feel about religion because i grew up in a very cold atheist place and family whereas i'm more questioning and sometimes pray.
Thank you <33 i'm sorry this got so long
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