#she is best friends with sister Minnie
cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
An Afternoon with Minerva
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Summary: Ari finds himself finally ready to admit the truth about his feelings for you...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Slight Angst, Ari Being A Menace, Mentions of Death, Cancer, Dead Mothers, Brief Mentions of War, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: This story is part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Not beta'd. Not beta'd. All mistakes my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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Somewhere Four Hours Outside of Bell’s Creek, Texas
“Shit!” Ari hisses when he almost slips in the middle of trudging up the muddy hillside. It had been raining pretty much non-stop since he’d made it out of Dallas and it hadn’t shown any signs of slowing down. 
But that hadn’t been enough to stop Ari Levinson – not today anyway. Today he was a man on a mission. And that mission involved a meeting with a very special woman. The very first love of his life, and he’d almost missed it. 
What kind of son forgot about his own Mama’s birthday? Not him. Otherwise he would’ve never heard the end of it from Evelyn and Marcia. 
He knew without having to call them that his sisters had already been by with their families earlier in the day. And the last thing he needed was them throwing a fit over his absence, no matter how justifiable it might’ve been. 
The Bounty Hunter nearly stumbles again as he weaves his way through the numerous memorials and monuments. He tries to move carefully, doing his best not to disturb the tributes dedicated to others’ loved ones who’d all gone too soon, regardless of how much time they’d spent on this earth.
And his sweet Mama was no exception. She’d left him just shy of his 21st birthday. He’d been by her side, holding her hand as she took her last breaths. Which seemed only fitting since she’d been there holding him on the day he’d taken his first. 
Cancer had done his Mama dirty. But while it had robbed her almost everything – her hair, her ability to walk, and ultimately her life – her fighting spirit had remained. Minerva “Minnie” Levinson had gone out swinging, leaving him behind to see after his two younger siblings. 
A sixteen-year-old Evie had been so angry back then. So small, but so unbelievably pissed at the world. Meanwhile, sweet baby Marcie had clung to him so tight he’d damn near had a fight on his hands whenever he wanted to take a piss by himself for longer than two minutes. That ten-year-old might as well have been his second shadow. 
He’d honestly had no idea just how much he missed her following behind him until he’d been deployed overseas during his first tour. But they'd needed the money and the benefits. And he’d needed an enemy – someone or something that could help him channel all of the rage and anger and hurt that had been simmering beneath the surface. 
So he’d left them behind to help fight another man’s war. But not before entrusting his sisters’ care to his friend, Vicky Gunther. And at the time, the fact that she’d also been his highschool sweetheart had felt like an added bonus.
It hadn’t necessarily mattered that his mother had never been too crazy about the woman. But what had mattered was that the girls had someone he knew to look after them while he was out risking his life.
Ari’s grip tightens on the flowers in his hand as he finally finds himself nearing his Mama’s grave. Evie and Marcie had picked it out, all he’d done was sign off on the check. They’d assured him that it was exactly what she would’ve wanted, right down to the quote etched into the granite, which read: “Always keep them guessing.”
That had been Minnie Levinson’s favorite phrase whenever they pulled up in a new town. When you’d grown up being on the run, staying one step ahead of your opponent was an absolute must. Especially when that opponent happened to be your own damned father. Growing up the son of Rex Levinson meant always having to look over your shoulder.
Because you never knew where he might be lurking. He could be states away or, more likely, right around the goddamned corner. Waiting to strike when his poor, terror-stricken family least expected it.
So they’d had to learn to always expect it. Even now, the only reason Ari felt any peace was because his Daddy was currently enjoying an all-inclusive, taxpayer funded 15 year stay at the James Crabtree Correctional Center in Helena, Oklahoma.
Thankfully, Rex still had a few years left on his tab before society deemed his debt to them finally repaid in full. Once he was released, he’d deal with it then. But right now…
Now it was time to see about his Mama. And this chat that they were about to have was long overdue. 
A smile finds its way to Ari’s lips once he’s finally standing in front of his mother’s memorial. He pauses briefly before crouching down to place the bouquet he’d brought with him next to the offerings left behind by other members of his family. Although he wasn’t surprised, he was happy to see that they’d all brought daylillies, which had been her favorite.
“Hey. Happy birthday, Mama.” Ari whispers, allowing his fingers to brush along the cool granite. “I made it. Just like I told you I would.” His eyes flutter closed as a light breeze blows by, gently ruffling his chestnut locks. 
It was a sign from Minerva herself, letting him know that she was there with him too. Just like she said she would be. And his Mama had never been one to lie to him. Not even in death. 
“I see the girls have already been here. I’m surprised they haven’t blown up my phone.” He stands then, grimacing when his left knee cracks as a result of the movement. It seemed like that old injury only bothered him when it rained. Shit sucked. 
“I’m sure Evie brought by baby Micah for his first visit. He’s cute ain’t he? Little chubby-cheeked shit machine.” Ari chuckles at that, scrubbing a big hand over his heart. “And I’m not being rude. First time we met he had a blowout in his diaper that was so bad we both needed a shower.” 
He laughs harder at the memory of him desperately trying to hand off his incredibly messy nephew to first his own Mama, and then his sister. They’d swerved him so fast, claiming that it was about damned time he learned how to change a diaper. 
He’d been mighty pissed at the time. But even so, he and baby Micah had stomped off to the bathroom, determined to handle the stinky situation like a couple of real men. And when they’d emerged from said bathroom forty-five minutes later, they’d been the ones to have the last laugh.
Okay, not really. Micah’s mother, Evie, had been too busy napping on the couch to notice much of anything, her body buried beneath a sea of half folded laundry. And Marcia was playing Go Fish with their four-year-old niece Isobel. But Ari hadn’t allowed the lack of fanfare to take the wind out of their sails.
He’d just grabbed a bottle of milk from the fridge and retreated to his sister’s bedroom, intending to teach the kid about the importance of football until they’d both dozed off. And he still had the picture Evelyn had taken of them both that afternoon, fast asleep in the bed. The baby rocking a Dallas Cowboys onesie, and him wearing her lavender bathrobe.  
“They were just jealous, Mama. There I was being a good uncle, bonding with my nephew, and they were playing paparazzi.” That breeze kicks up again, the smell of wet earth filling the air. 
“But I’m sure you already know that. You were there. You saw everything. Those two were picking on me like they always do.” Ari pouts then, jamming his hands into his pockets. “There’s just something not right about those girls. Everytime I’m around ‘em, they pinch and poke and prod. Always asking if I’m seeing someone.” 
“It’s annoying is what it is. Makes me feel like a damn pincushion or somethin’.” The Bounty Hunter grumbles, nudging a tiny weed with his foot. “How am I supposed to tell ‘em anything if I haven’t run it by you first? Especially when it’s…when it’s…” He trails off as he searches for the right word. 
“Real.” He sucks in a breath as his head dips to his chest. “It’s real and it’s right and it’s new. It’s all those things, Mama. And I don’t know what to do with any of it because it’s like I spend half the damn time fightin’ with myself and the other is spent fightin’ her wanting to fly away on me.” 
One hand leaves his pocket to rest on the back of his neck. “And I know what you’re probably thinking, Mama. But that ain’t the issue. This woman, my little Bird…she ain’t Vicky.” He rocks back on his heels, careful not to slip in the rain soaked grass. 
“And I know you didn’t much care for Vicky. I already told you that I made a mistake with that one. I thought I was doing a good thing leaving the girls with her…” A harsh sigh leaves him as a fresh wave of bitterness rises in his throat. But he swallows it down, refusing to let it choke him. 
Because there was more to be said about the woman in his life today. His woman. His sweet Bird.
“Bird is everything I thought Vicky was. But it’s more than that. She’s the best part about that godforsaken Bell’s Creek. And something tells me that she’s wading knee deep into a pile of shit with this fuck, Martin, and these assholes, the Prescotts. It’s all one big mess that I normally would be chompin' at the to get rid of…”
Ari’s head drops again as he prays for another gust of wind, wanting another sign from his Mama to let him know that she was still listening. He doesn’t speak again until he feels it on his skin. This time it’s a loving caress, a gentle reminder that he’s not alone. 
How could he be when he had Minnie Levinson by his side?
“I haven’t had a single nightmare since I met her. I’m not saying I’m fixed or anything…” He shrugs his broad shoulders. “But maybe I’m not quite as broken as I thought I was. At least she sure doesn't seem to think so. She just tells me I am an ass.”
The sound of squirrels playing in a nearby tree is enough to distract him, albeit briefly. Once they settle down he quietly forges on.
“Ma, I swear this girl is really something special.” Ari whistles, running a hand over his beard. “Sweet, funny, absolutely gorgeous – and did I tell you she runs a bookstore? Can’t go and leave that part out now can I?” 
By now the rain has stopped, with the sun finally beginning to emerge from behind the clouds. He welcomes the warmth it brings. His Mama deserved to enjoy a little sunshine on her special day. 
“She – we fight like cats and dogs sometimes - my Bird and I. But that’s not really my fault. I mean I consider myself to be plenty damn agreeable with most things. But my woman…let’s just say I’ve met mules less stubborn than she is. But even so, it’s…it’s like I can’t get enough of her.”
Ari blows out a comforting breath before closing his eyes, his fingers going to the bridge of his nose. “She’s…she’s making me wanna stay. Got me wantin’ to plant roots and build her a house, complete with the white picket fence.”
“I’ve been lost since the moment I laid eyes on her, Mama. And nothing feels right unless I’m with her. When she’s not around it’s like I can’t think – I’m off balance and…” He swallows thickly. “Like even now, I’m here with you and there’s a part of me that is just itchin’ to get back in my truck and haul ass all the way back to Bell's Creek. I mean, I suppose I could’ve brought her with me.” He cocks his head to the side as the thought strikes him. “She would’ve come, but I couldn’t...”
Ari goes back to awkwardly bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I couldn’t bring her here because I needed to talk to you about her first. Introduce her properly so that I could tell you myself that I…” He swallows again, fighting the lump in his throat. 
“I love her, Mama.” 
There. He’d gone and said it. Not in his head. But out loud to the air. To the world. To his Mama.
“And that sweet little spitfire makes me work for it every day. I’m telling you right now that she needs a damn keeper. And I need her to keep me…balanced.” 
A grin spreads across his features as he feels the weight he’s been carrying suddenly lift from his shoulders. “I’m gonna introduce her to the girls, okay Ma? I know they’ll love her like I do. But can you do me a favor and tell ‘em to be nice? You know they never do anything I say.”
Ari bends down to let his fingers graze over his mother’s headstone one last time. “And when the time is right, I’ll bring her here to meet you too.” He murmurs, wishing for a moment that they were actually speaking face to face instead of like this. But unfortunately, that couldn't be helped. 
“Until then you rest easy, alright? Because me and the girls are doin’ just fine.” He takes a tentative step backwards. “I love you, Minnie Levinson. And I’ll be back to see you real soon.” Ari turns on his heel, preparing to navigate his way back to his truck. 
Halfway through the maze he pulls out his phone, thumbing through his contacts until he lights upon your name. He taps the entry before holding the device to his ear. The sound of your voice on the other line is enough to ease the subtle ache in his chest. At least for now. But he also knew from experience that it wouldn’t go away until he had you in his arms again. 
Just four measly, lonely hours until Ari Levinson felt whole again. 
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pretty-blkgirl · 1 year
Please refer to this post before engaging with any of my work <3 Requests are open so please send them through my asks or PMs!
[When your ex boyfriends break up with you suddenly, you’re left sad and confused. The confusion continues when they call you over to talk]
Part 1  Part 2
[When your ex boyfriends break up with you suddenly, you’re left sad and confused. The confusion continues when they call you over to talk]
Part 1  Part 2
- YLP -
[When your sister is killed by Seoul’s most feared gang of criminals, you take it upon yourself to get revenge]
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3
[When you and your best friends decide to explore a haunted house in hopes of discovering a hidden fortune, you quickly start to fear you may not get out of there alive]
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3
[When you and your boyfriends work together to pull off a robbery]
• Chan Version • //pt.2//
• Minho Version • //pt.2//
• Changbin Version •
• Hyunjin Version • //pt.2//
• Han Version •
• Felix Version •
• Seungmin Version • //pt.2//
• Jeongin Version •
~ Hyung Line
~ Maknae Line
• Chan version
• Minho version
• Changbin version
• Hyunjin version
• Han version
• Felix version
• Seungmin version
• I.N version
[You get slipped a note from your favorite idol to meet him at his hotel room, but he's not the only one there]
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Chan, Minho, Changbin
Hyunjin, Han, Felix
Seungmin, I.N
Apologies (Hyung Line) (Maknae Line)
Hyung Line
Maknae Line
[In a world where one's eyes sparkle when they meet their soulmate, igniting a slight burn on the palm that creates a "soul symbol", rookie idol Y/N is shocked to find out she not only as one soulmate, but eight of them.]
- Masterlist -
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If the Marauders chose to survive
Peter who got scouted by Voldemort and actually thought about it and that scared him so much he went to James.
James who took one look at Peter and said fuck the war. I don't care, not now, not when my parents are dead and my best friend is considering the Death Nibblers. Fuck this.
Lily just grinned and asked what took him so long.
Barely out of school and so in love, Remus would have followed Sirius to the end of the earth and Sirius would not leave his brother in all but blood.
Only he wouldn't leave Regulus either.
Regulus who only wanted to protect his family.
Regulus who brought a sheepish Narcissa and her fiance Lucius who didn't think he had a choice, but now he did.
Severus who knew Regulus inside out and only chose Voldemort because who else did he have?
Severus who now had Regulus and Lily and Narcissa and a group of traumatised teenagers planning an escape.
Dorlas and Marlene who only fought for friends. So if those same friends were now staying in the battered old Potter Manor and refusing to stay for a war that wasn't theirs? Well, there was only one place for them.
Mary who had had friends for the first time at Hogwarts. Friends that somehow lasted seven years of school. Like hell were they going without her.
Bellatrix, laughing and wild, the Black Madness hadn't swallowed her up just yet, and really she didn't want to play mistress to a red eyed boy who was madder than her now.
Plans written and and re written.
An experimental potion, courtesy of Lily and Severus, in Orion Black's drink. Orion who then signed over the Noire Manor in Switzerland to Regulus Arcturus Black.
The same potion in Abraxas Malfoy's whiskey, Abraxas who then gave Lucius Abraxas Malfoy the Malfoi Mansion in, you guessed it, Switzerland.
Fabian and Gideon Prewett with an international portkey, their sister Molly and her fiance Arthur Weasley.
Alice Fortesque and her boyfriend Frank Longbottom with defiance and love in their eyes.
Pandora Rosier at the last second, smiling innocently with her best friend Xeno Lovegood. Oh, and her brother Evan Rosier. And his best friend Barty Crouch Jr.
So many who would have been Death Eaters in another life, one where they didn't get a choice.
Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Draco Malfoy growing up as brothers in two comfortable Manors, with plenty of money, plenty of love, plenty off family and two alive parents apiece.
Luna Lovegood, Scorpia Malfoy, and Ginny Weasley inseparable from birth.
Lyra Black-Lupin, Minnie Potter, and Rosa Meadows-McKinnon sisters for life
Fred and George Weasley being taught Potion-making by three geniuses: Lily Potter, Severus Snape, and Pandora Lovegood.
A family not torn by war.
A family by choice not blood.
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iqzo · 10 months
chapter one, armin x black reader. this is a book in which the reader is a bratty girl.
warnings: drugs, bullying, smut, sexual scenes, language.
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001 ,
“Armin, don’t forget your lunch!” His mother shouted from her bedroom, armin sighs heavily. Glancing over at the navy blue bag that sat on of the marble countertop, “I won’t!” He shouted back as he stuffed the lunchbox in his bag, “Love you minnie!” She shouts, Armin chortles before turning the lock on the door he grasped the doorknob and opened it to a certain extent, “Love you too mom!” He leaves the house and locks the door behind him.
He steps down the porch steps, looking over by the house beside his own. Seeing that familiar brunette hair standing on the porch, a smile instant went on Armin’s face.
“Eren!” He shouts.
The brunette’s head snaps up with a confused glare, his bushy eyebrows furrowed as he stares at the blurry shadow figure by his front gates.
“Your glasses!” Armin shouts through a light chuckle, seeing his face relax, he digs in his bag and pulls out his glasses.
“Arminn” He smiled walking down the steps to hug his best friend, “Good morning,” Armin responds as they pulled away.
“Good morning,” Eren smiled, “What did mama Arlert give you today?” Eren questions as they began to walk along the sidewalk side by side. Armin shoulder shrugged.
“I think i got the lasagna she cooked last night.” Eren hums, “Did you see that update?” Eren asked which caused Armin’s face to screw, “Mortal Kombat or Fortnite?” “Fortnite.” He replied, “Oh yes, I haven’t gotten the chance to update it. But i’ll update it after school and we could play together.” Eren’s hands clapped from excitement of course.
“Oh crap, wait.” Eren groaned, “What happened?” Armin questioned as his eyebrow perks up. “That project from Mr. Simmins. I haven’t started on it and I need too.” Armin’s face scrunched up, he hasn’t seen anything about Mr. Simmins posting about a project. Maybe his class just hadn’t gotten there yet.
Since it’s filled with disrespectful students.
“Do you have a partner?” Armin inquired. “Yeah,” Eren blushed, “It’s Joyce.” He whispered with a full blown red face. “Isn’t she sisters with that brat?” Armin brusquely said, Eren’s shoulder shrugs softly.
“Yeah, but I think she’s the nice one.” Armin hummed.
Finally arriving early at the school, both students walked past the glass double doors. Stepping into the crowded hallways of Bridgetown HighSchool.
Armin walks over to his locker as Eren walks to his. Which was right beside Armin’s.
Armin placed in his combination, the locker opens with a snap. He stores his bag inside keeping his phone in his pants pockets. “Dude, i’m so mad i have math first period.” Eren soughed. “I thought you liked math?” Armin spoke softly as a chuckle emits from his mouth.
“Man I do but having it first period? I would rather have it in the middle of the day.” Armin chortles at his comment, “Oh no you would not. 5th period math class sucks, I’m with the brat and her hooligans.”
quick lil errr fit check.
armin’s fit
eren’s fit
y/n’s fit
joyce’s fit
anyway, back to the story.
Eren chuckled. “Damn, I feel bad for you. I just have one of her friends and they’re quiet.” Armin grins as he closes his locker causing it to lock, “Yeah cause they don’t have their freakin’ ring leader with them.” Armin scoffs as he held his english studies book between his armpits and his side.
“Hey, uhh armin right?” A girl with nice brunette lavish short hair said. Standing in front of Armin. “Yeah?” He answered eyeing the girl.
“I’m new to the school,” she chortles, “My name is Sasha.” She smiles as she placed out her hand for armin to shake.
He glanced over at Eren before returning the gaze back onto her hand, “Nice to meet you, Sasha.” He grins as he shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you too. Do you have any idea where the calculus class is?” She questions with her eyes squint. “Oh uhh.” Armin turned to Eren, “He’s going there now.” His emerald eyes panned over to the girl, “Oh, Uh, yes follow me.” He grinned as he began walking to his class as soon as the bell rang.
Armin sighs, sliding his hands into his pockets he trudges through the crowd of students who were trying to make it before that late bell rung. On his way to class, he saw you standing by his classroom door.
Looking all mad. Armin eyed you and than the outfit you had on.
The two piece juicy couture tracksuit. The fabric settling onto your body, framing it perfectly.
If it wasn’t for the way you acted, Armin would have most likely tried to take you out on a date. But you’re all bitchy because your father owns the school.
He walks pass you stepping into the classroom, your head perked up after your nose inhaled that familiar scent. Your eyebrows furrowed as you stepped inside the classroom, luckily this was your room or it would’ve been a different story.
browsing through the students trying to find that blond hair boy, seeing the tip of his hair peeking over a student you instantly made your way to the back.
Taking the empty seat beside him, you placed down your tote bag on the desk. Slightly slouched on the chair with one leg thrown over the next, “What do you want, Y/n.” Armin tiredly asked. “I wanna know why you didn’t do my chemistry homework,” Armin heavily exhaled leaning into his seat, “Bro, it’s your homework. Not mines, Y/n. You’ve could’ve done it yourself.” He jadedly said.
The tip of his pencil moved against his book, writing down every note Mr. Levi left on the board.
You sucked your teeth, completely ignoring his comment you pulled out the paper and slapped it onto his desk. “Do it.” You whispered.
Glancing away from him—Armin eyed you. That jet black lace front that framed your face and its beauty perfectly, the way your lips glimmered from the sun rays beaming through the large windows, your scent swallowed him whole. As if he couldn’t smell anything, but you.
And it made him mad. But he couldn’t do anything about it since your knuckle headed boyfriend who’s the caption of the football team is always not afraid to beat some geeks head in.
“F-Fine, whatever.” He stammered as he stores the paper into his folder, “I’ll do it after I do mines,” Your arms crossed on your stomach watching him from your peripheral vision, the way he was slouched forward writing down everything he saw on the white board, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. He takes his pointer to push it back up.
He than sits up to make sure he wasn’t missing anything, his messy blond hair framing his cubby face perfectly. As well as his black frames and his comely blue eyes.
He had a perfectly side profile, a nice snubby nose that was slightly red at the tip. His lips that were perfectly pushed outwards. His soft jawline and his adam apple that bobbed every time he’d swallowed. Olive skin that looked so soft if you were to touch it.
You swallowed dryly, looking away with an eye roll, beginning to realized that you were staring at him for too long.
part 2 soon. Hope you enjooyyyeddd, this was lowk rushed idk if u could tell it was but😭
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kairoot · 2 months
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SUMMARY. young rockstar Kim Hongjoong is absolutely infatuated with you, a global star and known singer. he seems like a player to the public eye but no one knows him personally. well, he doesn’t stick around for people to get to know him.. he makes multiple attempts at stealing your heart but you just won’t budge. you thought it would be easy to open up again but your past slowly catches up to you with an unloving father and one crazy ex.
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KIM HONGJOONG — mr. rockstar
hongjoong is a known artist out right now
also known as y/n’s biggest fan ..
he’s always trolling
very silly guy
he takes his music very seriously .. a little too serious sometimes
he started his own company called ‘CHROME SOUND’.
he’s close with everyone he works with
did i mention that he’s down bad for y/n ?
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PARK SEONGHWA — other half
seonghwa is hongjoong’s manager and best friend
he always tries to keep hongjoong sane
is a fan of yn himself
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san is hongjoong’s body guard
he doesn’t really use social media like that
but he is in the company group chat
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wooyoung is like hongjoong’s younger brother
he’s the bass player for hongjoong
is apart of the producing team in hongjoong’s company
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hongjoong’s drummer
he’s actually the best drummer ever, evb wants to book him!
he’s unintentionally funny…
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minnie is in artist in hongjoong’s company but she’s also one of his close friends
she also tries to stop him from doing stupid things but..
she loves yn as an artist and has been on hongjoong about letting her join their company
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nae is hongjoong’s sister
he’s been trying to convince her to join his company as an artist too
but for right now, she’s just the head of the producing group
[ 🧾 ] TAGLIST : @dioll — comment or ask to be added !
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bubbleddisasters · 4 months
Since Y’all liked the last one, heres something somewhat similar:
TWST Characters as funny / random ass moments with my friends/family
Ace : A good friend of mine made an entire Cards against Humanity Deck including us, and we played it at like 4 am.
Also, one of my closest childhood friends of now 11 years, the way we first met was he insulted me, and then thirty minutes later I peeked at his notebook while he was drawing (our beds were next to eachother) recognized Sans from a meme, and then managed to bullshit through an entire conversation about Undertale without him suspecting I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about.
I made a joke about it a little less then a year ago, thinking he knew by now, but no. He looks at me and the conversation goes:
“Are you telling me our entire first interaction was you just fucking improvising through a discussion of a fandom you didn’t know shit about?”
“Wait you didn’t know?”
“You genuinely believed that I knew what I was talking about then for 10 years?!?”
“Surprisingly, yes.”
Deuce: I was biking with my sister, and she accidentally biked straight into a fucking lake. Also when my dad looked me dead in the eye after receiving one of my graded tests and goes
“How the fuck do you answer Maine four times on different questions and be wrong for all four times.”
Bonus Adeuceyuu combo: Me and two of my childhood friends once linked together to grab something we saw in a river, turns out it was just a broken fishing rod.
Also another on me and the above two friends meeting: The first thing one of them did was insult me, and I genuinely have zero memory of how I met the other.
Basically, we met at a sleepaway camp as kids, and for some reason, our sleepaway camp had some wackass shit, but one of them was this game. I don’t remember the name of it, but you had to go in groups of 3-4 and tie ribbons around each staff tent/cabinside without getting caught (and keep in mind each campsite and Cabins were very spread apart) at midnight, and the first to return to the cafeteria, where the staff were waiting, and did so after tying them all, on won.
Kids age 12-17, in the middle of fuck knows where in the woods Long Island, running around in the dark unsupervised with only any light bringing items they brought themselves.
So me, and we’ll call them C and M, teamed up. It’d take too long to go into full detail, but it was a very Prologue Mines fused with Camp Vargas core adventure.
Bonus First year gang in general : Me and three friends were waiting for something I genuinely don’t remember in an abandoned dorm area and got extremely bored, and one of them could do a perfect Donald Duck impression, and another a really good goofy, and this somehow led to us having a fake reality tv show verbal bitchfight as Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Minnie for a solid hour. We all regretted not recording it.
Cater: My friend from Wales entirely forgot about the existence of timezones and called me in the middle of my history class. Her ringtone at the time was just a clip of her screaming “Bread”.
How my teacher didn’t figure out who’s phone it was is beyond me.
Trey : Made Russian Roulette Spilt Cupcakes for a large group of my friends, and one is allergic to strawberries, while another’s favorite is, so I very specifically placed the strawberry filled one on the complete other side of the table with the intention of slipping it in after she picked her two.
Some fucking how, she ended up with the Strawberry one, which I had tied with a bow (basically the ones with bows mean they contain an allergen, and the color is the allergen. Ex: Strawberry was BRIGHT FUCKING PINK.) I’m to this day not exactly sure how, but my best guess is she traded hers with whoever originally got the Strawberry one before we ate.
Luckily, I told her partner, who had been my baking partner in crime and convinced me to add in the strawberry after I said it might be a bad idea, to bring two epi pens just incase.
Riddle : I am around 5’3, and I had a friend (?) who was 6’2-3 in middle school. We had almost the blatant definition of a Floyd and Riddle Dynamic, but he’d out of the blue be extremely sweet to me (kinda like that comic in the anthology), only on days I was going through shit. When I tell you I genuinely thought I was hallucinating when he did though-
Also, I yelled at him for nailing, yes, NAILING, a flag on the ceiling reading :”el sábado es para los chicos” (Saturday is for the boys) In the fucking Spanish classroom. Since nobody was as tall as him and the janitors didn’t notice it, it was there for like a week.
Che’nya : My friend and I have an ongoing inside joke where whenever we spot the other through a window in the hallway, we text the other “behind you” or “to your__”
Leona : I brought a pillow with a silk pillow case (gift from my mom) to a sleepover once, and my friend went “You trust leaving me in the room with this?” and I genuinely responded “Its a pillow, why wouldn’t I trust you.” entirely forgetting that Silk can be pretty expensive.
I felt so bad bro.
Ruggie : My friend once dared me to get a one plate of everything during a party. I misinterpreted this and brought a mostly to full plate of each thing, including water bottles.
Turns out they meant balance one of everything on a single plate.
I did not, infact, return the seven brownies, four cupcakes, two cookies, twelevish tangerines, popcorn and god knows how many grapes, but everything else was returned or snatched by friends.
Jack: My friend was throughly convinced she knew where she was going when we got lost outside at one of the biggest malls in fucking America, and we ended up walking a good 4/6th of the perimeter before finding the target (the store, we were still fucking lost) , which we called her mom to pick us up at.
Bonus: My friend, a few dormmates and I were at Starbucks and this random woman comes up to my friend and goes “Hey, they got my order wrong, want my drink?” and I was literally trying to give him this face of “BAD IDEA”. Yea so he ignored the obvious and drank the whole fucking thing and was bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day. (This one could also work for Jamil I suppose.)
Floyd : I was once walking with a friend of mine and jokingly said Trees are giant salads.
This motherfucker breaks off a branch of the nearest tree, takes a fatass bite, drops it, and goes “I want a refund.”
Jade : Randomly got interrogated my mushroom hunters—-
(I kind you the fuck not, MUSHROOM. HUNTERS. Basically, they go out to hunt/find/ forage for rare mushrooms. Atleast thats what they told us?! I wasn’t paying much attention, I was busy petting their dog tbh)
—While camping, my friend and I had zero clue what they were talking about, so she just pointed in a random direction and they thanked us and left.
The same friend also introduced me to mica, but always called them Mermaid Scales, and we more than once walked around in the water looking for them, I was the only one that would literally stop mid-trail to pick some up though. I have a massive collection.
Also she never let me live down the fact I once trapped myself in my tent with fucking dental floss overnight just to see if I could, then couldn’t undo it in the morning, and our adult / guide / trying to keep us alive person had to cut me out with a knife.
Azul : This one very specific time as a kid I was talking to two identical twins, who were standing on each side of me, wearing the same outfits but color reversed, and nearly had an internal breakdown trying to remember which was which, so I just did verbal gymnastics around using their names.
We later literally spent two hours fighting for ours lives together and I shit you not I STILL COULDNT REMEMBER THEIR FUCKING NAMES.
Kalim : Went shopping with my badass grandma and somehow left with a Second Hand Valentino (the brand) dress for $50 and a free bracelet one of the employees gave me because ….I actually don’t know.
Also, I got trapped on a really high up indoor water slide with my sister because the water entirely stopped (we learned later the water machine tied to that ride blew up) , and where we were was like a weird slope like between two drops. We couldn’t get back up, and going down was too risky without water bcs we could go splat.
There was like a window ish on the ride, so like a smart 8 year old, I start calling for help at the top of my lungs. My sister (10) also did this. There was this guy who I guess heard us that we nicknamed Chad because he looked like the most stereotypical 2000’s beach movie love interest lifeguard and was dramatically looking around for where the voices were coming from but NEVER LOOKED UP??
Anyway, My sister got us out in the end because she found a hatch and managed to open it, and I shit you not there was a spiral staircase with a gigantic fucking sign reading “DO NOT CLIMB STAIRCASE.”
So obviously, my sister chucks me across the gap onto the staircase and then jumps over herself, and we end up spending another 40 minutes after that fiasco trying to find our parents while i’m pretty sure Chad was trying to find us.
After the 40 minutes we just assumed we were now orphans and went back to where we left our keycard and low and behold our parents had just come back from wherever they had fucked off to.
Also Chad found us and felt super bad, and bought us a smore cake?!? Someone throw him back in time to be his destined role as an extra in Teen Beach Movie. The cake was great though, but that was one hell of an 8th birthday lmao.
Jamil : My friend from India (jokily) Divorced me after my dumbass asked her if Chai was an ingredient used in Chai Tea.
Spoiler Alert : Chai IS THE TEA. Apparently, asking for Chai Tea is the equivalent of saying “Can I have some Tea Tea please.”
Yea safe to say I felt real stupid in that moment.
Epel : My sister once locked me in the bathroom so she could test her new makeup on me. She left for one second and I kid you not I snuck out of the window.
Random bonus : Me and my cousins for some reason ended up roughhousing outside after one of our older cousins weddings, and I judo flipped a whole ass 17 year old man at age 12 and I felt so powerful in that moment.
Also If you saw about the ranch in the previous post, me that gang had an anonymous cookie provider who would leave us two tins of fresh cookies every day around 12ish pm, usually behind the kitchen or outside the equipment shack.
Yes, we tried to catch them once, No, we didn’t succeed. Also nobody wanted to risk loosing cookie privileges, so we didn’t try again.
Rook: Once scared the living shit out of my online friend by texting him “I am now several miles closer to your location.” . He lives in South America, and I happened to be in Florida with a friend, so I thought i’d be funny.
Vil : I was going to a cosplay convention with a friend, and instead of bringing like a normal amount of makeup, my indecisive ass brought basically a whole suitcase worth of it.
Also won a costume competition at my boarding school for Halloween, and wasn’t even aware there was a competition until the year after, when a good half or more of my dormmates asked me to do their makeup because they’d heard I was really good at it.
Idia: Ok, so, long story, but my friend invited me and two mutual friends to see Sweeney Todd on Broadway w/ the og cast. However, I was the only one who didn’t know we were going anywhere, because he thought his mom told my dad we were going to see Sweeney Todd, while my dad thought my friend told me, but also he was suspiciously alluding to it, maybe unintentionally
So I show up in a blue hoodie with a bad pun on it, mildly ripped sweatpants, mismatched socks and bright rainbow crocs. Not very “going to watch a musical about cannibalism and Serial Killers” attire. But it gets worse.
So around the 3/4ths into the first act is when I usually get snacks at musicals or plays, since they’re usually just finished setting up and theres no line, so I’m in and out and don’t miss much.
Well, I did that as usual, and its important to know we had front row balcony seats, because…
I slipped on my friends playbill on the way to my seat, and my fucking left croc went flying down into the seats below us, and hit an older woman in the head right at Sweeney did the first oofing, and the stage lights go red for a moment in this scene.
I felt so bad, and was literally too embarrassed to go get the shoe myself, so one of my friends got it for me. Apparently the lady thought it was somewhat funny (thank fucking goodness)
Ortho : My sister and I were biking once, and found out some reason the coats we had (school merch from field day I think). had the biggest fucking hidden pockets known to man.
So the next time we went out, she for some reason decided to put our dads entire laptop in there.
Also bonus: My friend once invited me over to their house to help with their costume, and when I came over, the costume was literally a gigantic trash can. No, not the actual object, They were literally making a giant trashcan costume.
I helped but still remained mildly confused in the process.
Malleus : I had a good friend who lived next to a graveyard, and sometimes we would just go on nice walks in the graveyard.
Lilia: Another Wilderness one: We were making Pasta, and one of the guys in our group was playing with a large thing of moss, tripped, and the moss got into the fucking pasta.
One guide said “Nature Consequence, we can still eat it” while the other screamed they were going to get fired.
Also, me and a friend were singing bo-burnham on a hike, and for some reason we had this stupid ass idea of making a fake fishing rod called…..
“The Child Catcher.”
(The irony ony of us both being 14 at the time so technically we were children)
We found a good fishing rod like stick and a vine, tied a vine on, and I kid you not we carried that thing for MILES. We also made a fork with a flatly shaped stick and a rock named Reddie.
Yea living in the woods does somethin to ya I gotta say.
Bonus: One of my childhood friends had a very giant dog, and one time we had a sleepover, she was laying infront of the other side of the door when we woke , and because of the way the door was, we couldn’t get through.
So my genius solution was to climb out the window (this was on the second floor) , Cha-Cha real smoothed to the nearest other window, go through there, and lure the dog away with a treat.
It worked.
Silver: Went to this make your own dipped popsicle thing with a good friend of mine, and watched in pure horror as she got a mango popsicle dipped in dark chocolate and rolled in fruity pebbles.
Another one: I was at a Sleepover and there was this tent like thing that was meant for tiny people (aka me, not really it was for toddlers but I was small enough to fit at the time), and at some point in the middle of the night, someone tripped on the tent and it entirely collapsed on me, and not only did I sleep through it, I ended up being the last person to wake up because they all saw the tent collapsed and assumed I was already awake.
Also I was camping once and I rolled away from my tarp and somehow down a road, and my friend said when she found me there was just several butterflies and caterpillars on me. I originally didn’t know but I found a caterpillar on my head that morning and apparently it was poisonous (I was fine and I named him Bob)
Sebek: I was in an escape room with some friends, and I discovered that a key we had gotten in the very beginning worked on another lock, so I did that, and later one of my loud friends finds a key and is SPIRALING because she can’t find what it unlocks for like 30 minutes, and after several minutes I realized, unintentionally slammed my hand on a desk and screamed “OH SHIT.” with zero context.
That experience was actually my first time in a escape room with friends, and not my family or a bunch of drunk strangers in suits + my concerned mother.
Second years : My friends in the priorly mentioned group consisted of who I’ll call N, who was doing 70% of the work, we had R, who was angrily searching for the lock to the key, we had T, the birthday boi, who was randomly making jokes about the 1930s, S, who genuinely forgot he had a key item in his pocket, and A, who dramatically serenaded the paintings after misinterpreting a clue and me, who kept accidentally unlocking shit ahead of time.
Third Years: Prior to the other mentioned event, we had gone to a small improv event that ended up being just us, and the poor guy running it kept giving us scenarios and random conditions which we would absolutely make the craziest shit from.
If I remember correctly, one of the skits was we were supposed to be a school board, and the condition was when someone said an idea, you had to say yes.
The result? a organ harvesting business thats front was a school, and everytime someone got detention, one organ of theirs was sold, and the funds went into funding the biogenetically engineered creation of Hatsune Miku and Cat Boys.
For some reason this skit also led somehow into atomic glitter and cocaine missiles, selling souls on Ebay with express shipping, using Sephora Products and Instagram to spread our propaganda, making meme complications of our crimes, and nuking the Bermuda Triangle.
Ask no questions because I have no answers.
Yea thats it for now! Enjoy!
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isoobie · 6 months
moots and what they remind you of!
omg sorry this took so long 😢
@boyfhee / she reminds me of cats, bubble tea (even though she hates it), webtoons, kdramas, video calls, late night walks, shared playlists, making food together, baking, bsf tiktoks, sharing airpods, album unboxing, badminton, enoclock, heejay, mirror selfies, best friend dates, cute cafes & big fat HUGS
@weoris / she reminds me of cherry blossoms, spring, rain on a sunny day, ice creams, jungwon (of course 🤞🏻) & train rides !!!
@urszn / she reminds me of jelly 🫰🏻, dyed hair, field trips, sports day, filming funny tiktoks, mark lee n riki & curly haired guys
@voikiraz / mari reminds me of love hearts (the sweet), summer time, park sunghoon ur bf, the word pookie & funny reels
@hoonvrs / saint reminds me of coca cola, funny memes, relatable tiktoks, uncontrollable laughter, accidental voice calls (iykyk 🤞🏻) & HOON
@yeokii / hana reminds me of anyone but heeseung (jokes u remind me of hanni sm), the colour baby pink, angst fics 💔, discord, gaming, cheese corn dogs & floral perfume
@hysgf / mika reminds me of kiss of life, chaeryeong & heeseung, nude colours like beige grey n black, pinterest 👏🏻, black cats & madison beer
@okwonyo / jiji reminds me of mochi, pretty pink bows, compact mirrors, soft makeup, the colour pink <3, wonyoungism, pilates, wonyo & jake OF COURSE
@tyunni / may reminds me of skittles, riki obviously, yuqi + minnie, vintage cameras, sneaking out of lessons together 🙉 & theme park rides
@wonryllis / she reminds me of sweet drinks like milkshakes, halloween, late nights, tulips, the colour beige + purple, fantasy and historical webtoons, cyberpunk core, jungkook (your loml 🙈) & the city tokyo
@wvnkoi / seol reminds me of dancing competitions, fun days out, r&b rap music, mark lee n jaemin, the whole of zb1 n boys planet & the colour deep blue !!
@seongclb / kat reminds me of jayhoon SO MUCH, kdramas, big chunky black glasses, rap music, fluffy blankets 🤲🏻, teddy bears & an older sister!
@atrirose / seiu reminds of a pink girly, milkshakes, strawberries n cream, MINGYU, being a passenger princess 😾, barbie, banana bread & anything coquette !!!
@yenqa / yen reminds me of yunjin, nayeon + jay all combined into one, pretty nature, the colour lilac and sage, vanilla, bows, coquette fashion & stars
@100203s / chae reminds me of tall green plants, all the riize members, the colour green (a nice one like emerald) & wave to earth 🙈🙈
@jjunae / she reminds me of mocktails, summery fruits like watermelons and grapes, leehi the singer, yunjin n jongseob :D, cute decorative lamps & silly diy projects 🙌🏻
@bywons / sru reminds me of coffee, the colours light pink and light brown, seashells, quiet music, daffodils 🔥, JUNG WON (more than hee i think and maybe bc of ur user) & poetry
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hwaseonghwasworld · 1 year
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Brothers Best Friend Chapter 1: The Waiting Game
Summary: Yunho doesn’t want his baby sister (Y/n) dating any of his friends especially Mingi since they are like brothers to him and it’s an issue when all Y/n’s friends are dating Yunho’s friends but he wouldn’t let Y/n talk to any guys since he’s so overprotective, it’s such a shame that she’s been with Mingi for almost 2 years and no one knows. What will happen if Yunho finds out?
Song Mingi x Reader
Warnings: cursing, fights, smut
Word count: 1k
Genre: series, angst, comedy, fluff, hidden relationship, Highschool!au
Updates: probably Friday at 10pm BST
Waking up was always the hardest for me, especially when my annoying brother yanks the blanket off of me leaving me in the cold which woke me up. “You asshole” Yunho laughed at the fact that I was suffering trying t grab the blanket he was gripping onto, since i will never be a morning person he always had to be the one to wake me up and every time he does, I curse at him.
After verbally abusing my older brother, i finally got up and took a shower, then finished off my morning routine; doing my skincare routine, makeup and I put my uniform on, after walking downstairs my dad made breakfast and pecked my forehead.
“I’m going on a business trip for a week” Yunho and I looked at him with the same confused look “please don’t destroy the house or throw any parties like last time, Y/n” I smile at my dad and nodded promising that I won’t throw a party.
“Yunho you’re in charge, and Y/n here’s my card if you want to buy anything” my dad gave me his card and I smile hugging and thanking him while Yunho looked at me in shock since our dad never gives Yunho his whole credit card whenever he asks for money. As soon as it was time to go to school Yunho drove us to school, and I went to my friends who were busy kissing and flirting with their boyfriends.
“Girlsss” I look at them in shock as they weren’t listening to me, “I’ve been standing here for for too long let’s go to class please” they giggled and said bye to their boyfriends and we all walked into Miyeon, Minnie and Soyeon’s home room class since they’re the oldest in our group they were in the same classes as well as my brother and 3 of his other friends. Since the bell had just rang the rest of our group walked into our home room class and we sat in our assigned seat. Mingi passed me and we looked at each other smiling.
“You two are so cute, I ship you too” yuqi looked at me smiling adding on about how we should date I had to add something so they could forget about the idea of me and Mingi, “My brother would kill me, that’s his best friend” “what about San?” I looked at shuhua and she smiled awkwardly knowing I’m gonna say that he’s dating Ryujin.
“Ok felix” “you two have a lot in common” I sighed hoping they will give up trying to match make me with someone “You two are acting like I can’t just pick a guy and date him, that’s not how this works” “I’m just gonna stay single for a little longer” Shuhua smiled thinking that I have a motive on why I said that, “yes play the waiting game, wait for the guy to come to you, good idea” “that’s not what I- never mind” I roll my eyes since they were just making up whatever at this point.
As soon as the bell rang for the end of homeroom the teacher swapped with our maths teacher. I hate maths so I was already struggling with the work. I don’t even understand why my brain won’t function when it comes to maths it’s like it hits reset whenever I look at a maths question.
“Do you need help” Mingi leaned forwards and whispered to me, I nodded and he took my book and wrote down an easier way to do the equation. I quietly thank him and my friends were quietly fangirling over us. Once the lesson ended the teacher put us in pairs, I was with Mingi. We had a free class so Mingi put his seat besides me and whispered something.
“Now I have a reason to go to your house” I smile hitting his arm a little, my brother caught us talking, he walked into the class and pulled me behind him. “Yah! I told you not to talk to my sister” San stood up seeing that my brother looked like he was gonna punch his best friend “relax they’re study partners” “then why are they smiling at each other”
Yunho looked back at Mingi in anger “that’s because I helped her with her work” “and she was thanking me” I pushed Yunho getting annoyed at him being overprotective “go back to your class” “just to be sure, you’re going on a double date with me” me and Mingi looked at each other saying “what” in sync, Yunho looked at us confused then looked at Mingi for validation.
“Yeah no thanks” Mingi quickly glanced back at me and saw how sad I looked. “Why not?” “Are you interested in my sister?” The whole room was filled with silence as Yunho waited for. Mingi’s answer, “fine I’ll go but don’t expect me to be interested in them” “that’s fine by me” Yunho smiled thinking that he broke a spark between me and Mingi.
Mingi looked at me with an apologetic look like he saw the sadness and rage in my eyes, I stepped out of the class and I walked into the girls toilets Yuqi and Shuhua went after me and the other girls saw them chase after me so they walked out of their free class aswell.
“What happened” miyeon ran up to me wandering why I looked so upset “I think she has a crush on Mingi” Shuhua nodded agreeing with yuqi’s statement making the older wander what’s going on “Yunho told him to go on a double date with him after he saw him and Y/n together” I had enough of hat they’re saying so I decided to just say it.
“You guys don’t understand” “I don’t have a crush on him” they looked at me confused wandering why I’m so mad “then what is it?” I look at them sighing as I get ready tell them the truth. I didn’t know how they would react since I hid it from them them for almost 2 years but at the same time I had told them earlier my brother could have found out and ruin our relationship before we could even start one. And even when Yunho doesn’t know it feels like he’s found a way to cause drama in out quiet relationship.
Next chapter
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cityofjieun · 4 months
★ . . . . jieun and the maknae line
read about jia w/ the hyung line here
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jieun + hyunjin = jijin
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in their 2kr jieun explained that she finds alot of strength in the way hyunjin looks at life. there's just something so healing about his capacity to find beauty in even the most mundae or painful experiences. ji loves to get hyunjin started on something so she can just listen to whatever tangent he go off on.
hyune is someone that she likes to spend quality time with. hyune will usually be painting while shes playing whatever game on her phone/switch she's immersed with for the week.
phone contact: hyunnie 🥟
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jieun + jisung = 2ji
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jieun could not stand him at first ... now she sleeps in his bed..
predebut jisung was a lot to handle, and back then jieun was a lot less patient. but the two have grown a lot since then and honestly have a lot more in common than they initially believed. on a day off you can find these two homebodies sitting on opposite sides of whoever's bed they are occupying that day on their respective devices paying each other absolutely no mind. quality time is very much seongsung's love language. when ko was first getting interested in the production side of music ji was the one to initially push her to try it out.
these two feed off of each other. if jieun is hyper, so is hanji. if she mellows out, hes sure to follow.
while jieun has a master in the art of stealing clothes from all her members, hanji happens to be her most common victim. something about his clothes fitting her the best or something
phone contact: hansung 🦆
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jieun + felix = jialix
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they are very dear to each other
jia calls felix her first friend cause was the first when she became super close with. they also bonded really fast as well.
they bonded over being far from their homes and siblings and really became like that for each other.
jieun was very very dedicated to helping felix with his korean predebut as well as into the survival show. because of that felix's elimination was pretty hard on her as she really felt like it could have been avoided if she worked a bit harder with him.
but these two literally the cutest.
its like when a toddler holds a baby and ur like 🥹🥹
very very clingy. earlier on jia had a tendency to get a little nervy in interviews + variety shows ect and lix made a habit of holding her hand through them. and they are still going 6 years strong...
she's really close with his family. she talks to his sisters (especially olivia) quite regularly.
phone contact: fefe 🐦‍⬛
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jieun + seungmin = jimin
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these two...
jia will not miss an opportunity to praise or brag about how talented her minnie is, just never when he's around….
jieun was actually the first member to join seungmin at his vocal lessons.
honestly from the outside, many may think the two arent close, but that assumption couldn't be farther from the truth.
out of all the members, jieun goes to seungmo for deeper conversations about things that may be burdening her.
but besides that? these two? tom and jerry. they love to terrorize each other, as well as terrorize others together ( poor chan bro )
phone contact: seungminnie 🐕
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jieun + jeongin = jeongji
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jieun's actual baby. yes technically he is a couple months older than her and no she doesn't care. actually, when they met, she thought he was at least a year or two younger than her.
they're both very silly with each other.
the literal maknaes on top idk what to tell you
she's very close to his family, regularly texting his mom and little brother as well
phone contact: ayennie 🥚
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©︎ cityofjieun, all rights reserved. pls, do not copy or repost my work.
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houpss · 7 months
Lily's friends¡!
🧊–return to masterlist ¡! ✥
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Okay, that was too obvious, BUT THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS. They've been friends since 2012, that's so long...
They were united by the fact that they were the only girls in a male group.
Tenshi is a very sweet "big sister".
Tenshi and Lily smells like lemon, sea and summer.
They are everywhere together, well, literally everywhere. The Sasaengs (yiwu) have a lot of photos of them together, as do the paparazzi.
Tenshi is so wise to Lily. 🥹
One is very active, and the other is calm.
They talk about each other publicly and actively support each other.
Tenshi literally went everywhere with Lily when Lily took rest. Tenshi did not leave her side (I will write a drabble about this)
Lily is very tactile with her, too much so.
Joint Live? YES. TikTok? YES.Songs? Maybe)
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Her second best friend from BTS.
Jungkook as positive battery Lily.
ARMY often noticed her on Jungkook's live, but he was silent about her 😠
They starred in a commercial for Calvin Klein together.
Inappropriate fans believe that they are together.
Maybe they will record songs together???
Lily says her ideal type of man is Jungkook.
In difficult moments they are so comfortable with each other.
Lily introduced Chan and Jungkook, now they are also friends.
Jungkook used to be very shy about Lily, but he is her first guy friend:((
Lily sometimes cooks for him, and he just fools around with her.
Frequently joke with each other on social media.
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Friends from JYP!!
They are Park Jinyoung's main haters.
Lily daughter Nayeon)))
They fly together...anywhere, just travel when there is time.
Nayeon is a fan of SKZ 😈
Nayeon forces Lily to be friends and communicate with her plush bunny...
Nayeon is literally the sun and Lily is the moon.
They have lunch together in company.
Lily was ready to kill the leadership of JYP, when Nayeon's stalker became known.
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Dispatch released statements about their relationship, but the company only said that they were very close friends.
In the summer they organize a fight against insects, and the pothos themselves run away from them.
Okay...they're having a drink whiskey together.
They became even closer during Kingdom!
Lily is Ateez's biggest fan and especially Mingi!
Mingi and Lily are very loud with each other, that can't be changed.
They've known each other for over 12 years!!
Lily taught Mingi to speak Russian for fun, but he does it very clumsily.
They are so supportive of each other and care so much :(((
🧊–Lily's other friends:
–Yeji and Chaeryeong (ITZY)
–Lily (NMIXX)
–Jake, Jungwon and Sunghoon (ENHYPEN)
–Karina and Winter (AESPA)
–Lalisa Manoban (BLACKPINK)
–Soomin (STAYC)
–Keeho (P1HARMONY)
–Beomgyu (TXT)
–Yunjin and Eunchae (LE SSERAFIM)
–Ricky (ZB1)
–Dami (Dreamcatcher)
–Vernon (Seventeen)
–Soyeon and Minnie ((G)I-DLE)
–Kim Taehyung (BTS)
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
☆ Introduction ☆
Hi! You can call me Starz! (I have a few other names but this one is funky lol)
I'm 22 years old, I use them/them pronouns and if you just give me a nudge, i Will talk your ears out about my hc about the valkyries and the black sisters. Oh also fuck Joanne, hope you choke <3
Working on a register of marauders nicknames because it gets confusing :(+ new idea for the girls.
I'm mostly into:
✦ The Valkyries
✦ The Black Sisters (and their parents & partners)
✦ The Marauders
✦ And a sprinkle of Slytherin Skittles, Batfamily and Golden trio era (mostly Drarry)
(✦ Merlin is always in my mind but also I don’t wanna interact with it too much bcs they genuinely make me sick like I feel so strongly about them.)
Favorite ships:
Dorlene, Marylily, Pandalily, Jegulily, Quillkiller (+ Zabini on the weekend), Nobleflower, Noblesilver (Narcissa x Zabini), Wolfstar, Poppy x Minnie, and Sybill x Peter.
But honestly I can be sold anything that isn't icky (big age gap, power imbalance, INCEST, etc) if you’re convincing enough. I’m not a big fan of straight ships tho I’m gonna be frl… but any queer ship? Slay!
Fav platonic ships: Marlene & Peter & James, Marlene & Sirius, Moonflower
Favorite characters:
✶ Marlene McKinnon
✶ Peter Pettigrew
✶ Narcissa Malfoy
✶ Evelyn Zabini
✶ and honestly all the girlies ( Lily, Pandora, Mary, Dorcas, ...)
Beliefs, favorite headcanons and stuff under this (take a peek) :)
Things i believe in that can be controversial(?):
Begging people to stop making Peter fucking skinny I'm being so serious, I WILL block you. (also when people don't include Pete as a member of the group like he was chosen as Secret Keeper because he was their BEST FRIEND be frl)
Lily Evans is polyamorous and she's so real for that (with maybe a hint of aromantic vibes tbf)
PANDORA DOESN'T HAVE THE SAME PERSONALITY AS LUNA *cries* no but frl like Xenophilius is right there being a fucking Luna clone and you're gonna give her personality to Pandora?? (i need to get more into how i see her, will make a post at some point lol) Also I don't believe in the hc that she's a Rosier and Evans twin.
If you're gonna redeem Barty and Evan, you cannot go and shit on Bellatrix like let's be serious. You definitely can not like her but why are you over there calling her a psycho (derogatory).. have you seen your boys? (also people are sleeping on the Black Sisters as a whole)
Sybill Trelawney is such an interesting character and I think giving so much of her characteristics to Pandora water them both down. Also the angst is so good? Like come on guys (more on this)
I actually think Severus Snape is an interesting characters.
You shouldn't buy official merch or tickets to events or anything that would give money to jkr because that makes her believe people support her in her views about Trans People.
Favorite headcanons:
✮ Peter, James and Marlene being childhood best friends
✮ Fat Lily my beloved <3
✮ Dorcas and Marlene doing each other's hair every month after getting together (Dorcas dye Marlene's hair blonde and Marlene learn how to braid so she can do new protective styles for Dorcas)
✮ Bellatrix, Rita and Evelyn being the Diamonds and terrorising Hogwarts when they were there.
✮ Peter k!lling Marlene :)
More about me:
My first language is French. I have the shittiest sleep schedule known to man. I am a professional yapper.
I'm absolute shit with tone so might use tone indicator (but tbf the wonder of # here are making this much easier)
If you couldn’t tell from my choices up there, I fucking love angst. I’m writing sad shit and giggling, I’m writing happy shit so the angst is sadder. I Will make you cry (hopefully).
I’m also mad silly.
I have a few others account in the marauders community (Insta, Tiktok, Ao3, ...) but it's a secret (lol)
If you’re interested in what I like to say here, just look up the #starz yap tag, it’s what I use when I have ideas that I write more deeply about. :) + #starz hc for when it’s a personal add on headcanons. Using @starztakes for reposting just my hc and yapping without all the extra stuff.
Alright i think that covers it up. Hope you enjoy my account! P.S: idm stalking of my page and spamming lol so go for it (I do it by accident all the time… #starz struggle)
oh also i'm a Marlene kinnie. kiss.
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acaciapines · 7 days
i’m still not over the end of descendants of olympus chapter nineteen. if you were wondering.
like GOD the scene w percy-vera-minnie….one thing I adore about this fic is how even when characters make choices you don’t agree with you understand how they were brought there and can trace their progression from the happier days of sosf to the nightmare hellscape (affectionate) that has been this last part of doo. Percy’s actions make sense!!
there is just something so HEARTBREAKING, right. like, I’ve always loved how vera and evelyn’s stories have played out, where ev at the end of sosf accepts that her time has come and gone vs vera who NEVER had a happy life, not then, not now, but it is only in this future where the fates are waning in power that she can grasp for happiness and make it hers. and so vera getting so much: leo, a true honest friend who genuinely likes her; Minnie, the sister she tried her best by and still failed brought back from the dead. even in part two she was at least on halfway decent terms with most of the kids by the end—her chapter ends with them all singing kareoke! (sidenote: BEST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE FIC i will hear no arguments)
and then to get this all she had to do was leave the past behind. all she had to do was drop evelyn.
i actually love that she did it—thematically dropping evelyn to save leo is just SO GOOD, choosing this future over the girl she loved in past. but of course this serves to put her on percy’s shit list, percy who loses not just Evelyn, but silena, any easy relationships with his siblings (ex drew), and he sees vera, the girl who killed his sister, the girl whose fault this all is, because it can’t be evelyn’s fault, he loves evelyn, he’d do anything for her, and it isn’t a tragedy, because vera could’ve pulled her up, should’ve fallen with her if not, leo be damned…
and Vera’s sister came back from the dead, while Percy’s sister is a monster, a monster whose salvation of divinity was stolen by a vera who will not let this life be taken from her…
and all he has to do to fight is to hurt someone innocent, whose only crime was loving vera…
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barbielore · 7 months
I have mentioned in the past some of the Disney themed Barbies that were not portrayed as characters from a movie, but as Barbie depicting a fan of the property.
The thing is though that there are surprisingly a lot of Barbies that are themed around... Barbie enjoying Disney. Way more than I mentioned in that post.
So: to summarize. Barbie is often dressed as characters from other media. I wanted to use the specific Snow White Barbie I had as a kid as an example, but there are so many different Snow White Barbies and non-Barbie fashion dolls that I couldn't find it. So instead, you get this one.
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My Snow White had a knee length yellow skirt rather than a full ballroom skirt, and bobbed hair. She may not have been a Barbie, but I'm pretty sure she was. I can't find her anywhere.
But throughout the years, Barbie has had a variety of different outfits where she is not herself portraying a Disney character, but she is attending a Barbie park, or being depicted as a fan of a particular movie.
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I really like this one because this depicts Barbie going to Walt Disney World as a park guest (and was, I believe, only available for purchase at Disney parks) but it shows here wearing a bottle of water around her neck on a lanyard. Theme park attendance rule one: STAY HYDRATED!
(Also this doll's hair is REALLY cute!)
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It's not just Barbie getting in on the fun, either. This giftset from 1991 shows Skipper and Ken also dressing up in themed outfits. (Donald, Minnie and Mickey: the three genders.)
One of the most curiously specific is Barbie's little sister's friend Whitney and her best friend, a stuffed Piglet.
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And she also has a cool prop: a working flashlight.
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Mouseketeers Barbie from 2005 features a then and now, showing Barbie in a knee-length skirt to represent the past and a cute pair of pants to represent the present.
I think my personal favourite, though, has to be the Disney Fun Barbie iteration from 1996.
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It's so busy. You cannot hope to escape that Barbie fucking loves Disney.
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2chopsticks2eyes · 2 years
What You Deserve: Part 3
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This is part 3 of a three part series, please be sure to start from part one!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Fem Reader
Themes: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: All parts are ~67k | AO3
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, mentions of non-con, PTSD, Anxiety, Alcohol, Cussing, Come Eating, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Loss of Virginity, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, References to Drugs, Drug Dealing, Alternate Universe - College/University, Eating Disorders, Childhood Trauma, Vaginal Sex, Protected Sex, Unprotected Sex
Summary: After unfortunate circumstances, you pack up and move to Korea with your best friend Bang Chan to attend college. After falling into Chan's group of friends he had established, you find yourself getting a little too close to the mild tempered and snarky Lee Minho.
Author's Note: I am probably spoiling the whole story with the warnings, but I like to be safe. I originally was only on AO3, but I wanted to link platforms with Tumblr and Twitter too. Hope you enjoy!
Part Three: Making Amends
U looked sexy today dancing
U should wear that shirt more often
Little Mouse🐭😘:
My crop top?
U might need to convince me
What do I get out of it? 😏
Maybe u should come over and find out
Little Mouse🐭😘:
Lucky for u, I don’t work today 😌
Better make it good
On my way
I think u will be VERY convinced 😉
You smiled at your phone and decided to shimmy into one of your more sexy pieces of lingerie, a silky black crop top (might as well give him some incentive) and grabbed a light cardigan for the spring weather to leave. It had only been a couple days since you’d been outside of class with him, but it was enough to get you excited to go to his place. When you stepped out into the living room, Chan was lounging on the couch by himself. “Hey Channie! Where’s Lix?”
“Hyunjin’s place.”
“No surprise there.” You chuckled and he smiled at you. “Holy shit! I forgot to tell you! So you know how your lounge’s coffee is shit?”
“It’s hard to forget.” He grimaced.
“Well, I didn’t tell you, but I asked my boss if he was considering a sister store and I suggested setting up as an addition to collaborate with the lounge! He said if I planned everything out and it would help with both yours and our revenues, he could let me set it up!”
His eyes turned into saucers. “Kiyomi!” He stood up and abruptly wrapped you in his arms. “You are so fucking amazing! That’s an amazing idea!” He stood back with his hands on each side of your arms. “Let me know if you need help with anything. I’m always here for you, sweetheart.”
He gave you a sad smile and squeezed you closely. You were slightly confused, but you tightly hugged him back.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around lately, Y/N…”  He sounded hesitant. “I… I found a girlfriend..." You pulled back and your eyes widened. "-her name is Lisa - she’s fucking gorgeous and I realized I’ve been spending a lot of time with her lately. I hadn’t even considered that you were probably feeling lonely at home.” He raised a hand and cupped your cheek.
You felt guilty and glad at the same time. “That’s great Channie! I’m so happy for you! This wouldn’t happen to be miss couch cowgirl would it?” You tauntingly grinned.
“Well… so what if it is?” His face was bright red and you pinched his flushed cheek, which was immediately swatted away.
“Well at least you tasted a sample before committing.” You winked at him and he gave you a disgusted look while stepping back with an unamused expression. “But really, Chan. I really am happy for you. I will have to meet her at some point.”
“Yeah definitely, I’ve already talked her ear off about you.”
“All good things I presume?”
“No, I absolutely trashed you. Told her you were a piece of a shit.” He said nonchalantly.
“Well joke’s on you. You’re the one who loves this piece of shit.” You poked your tongue out at him and he laughed at you, wrapping you in a warm hug again. You thought about it and you wanted nothing more than to ease his worries. “And about the… loneliness, don’t worry about me, pup. I have 7 new amazing friends that will help out with that. Min and I hang out all the time!”
He tensed at that last bit and you froze. “Minho?” You pulled back and searched his eyes for what he was thinking.
“Y-yeah… he tutors me, remember?” You tried to deflect the attachment to ease his worries.
He physically softened. “Oh yeah. I forgot about that.”
“Channie?” He hummed in response, smoothing the hair on your head while doing so. “Do you have a problem with me and Minho?”
He retracted his hand and sighed. “I- I dunno, Kiyomi. I love him like a brother, I do, but when I first met him… he was a real playboy. He would pick up girls every time we all went out together and would take them home, and the next time we would see him, he would be marked up all over and he was constantly hungover. When we asked about the girls, he just said it was a quick fuck and probably wouldn’t see them again.” He looked up at you with sad eyes. “He hasn’t really done that within the past year as far as I know, but I dunno, I guess I just worry about a pretty girl like you hanging around him a lot.”
Your mouth was agape and your stomach had dropped. How many girls had Minho been with? Is he just waiting to fuck me then bounce? No that doesn’t make sense, he is the one that is wanting to hold off. Well, he could just be playing with his food before… Your mind wouldn’t stop racing at this new bit of information and you started wondering about his past. You really didn’t know much about him before you met other than his cats and the fact that he lived in Gimpo.
“It’s stupid though, he’s an amazing friend and I wouldn’t ever want to change him now. He really seems to have cleaned up his act.” Chan reiterated.
“S-so what? You’re worried we would start dating or something?” You tried to dance around the question, trying to understand what his stance was.
“I mean I guess. I dunno, like I said, it’s stupid. But it’s Min we’re talking about, completely not your type.”
You rolled your eyes. “Chan, you must be really naïve if you think my tastes haven’t changed since high school. I think I prefer actual men other than whiny jocks and stoners nowadays.”
“Touché.” He looked down at the cardigan you were holding. “Going somewhere?”
You panicked. You couldn’t tell him you’re going to hang out with Minho right after he said he didn’t feel comfortable with it! “Uhhh, Ji said he wanted to hang and watch movies tonight.” Guilt overflowed your heart, but Chan wasn’t ready to know the truth quite yet.
“Oh okay cool. Have fun! Be safe!” You breathed a sigh of relief and waved as you stepped outside. Once you got on the bus, you immediately texted Jisung.
Kiyomi Aussie😍:
Jisung! My Blueberry #1! 🥰
My best little quokka! 😍
My handsome piece of cheesecake! 😘
What did u do and what do u want from me?
I refuse to bury a body 🙅🏽♂️
Even if it is for a pretty girl 😉
Damnit now I’m craving cheesecake
Kiyomi Aussie😍:
Ji, u always want cheesecake
But I will def buy u one if u do me a solid
I’m going to Min’s place but I told Chan I’m going to hang w/ u for a movie night
Can u PLEASE cover for me? 🙏🏼
U had me at cheesecake
I don’t know y he would check in w/ me
But I’ll cover for u beautiful 😚
Kiyomi Aussie😍:
Ur a saint Ji! Next time I see u you’ll get u ur cake
So, do tell…
What is it that u and Mr. Lee REALLY plan on doing tonight?
Definitely going to ghost that text. No regrets. When you stepped up to Minho’s apartment door, you adjusted your bralette underneath your shirt and checked your makeup from the camera on your phone. You paused for a moment and laughed at yourself, never did you think you would try this hard to look good for a man. The thought of his previous escapades popped into your mind and you briefly got nervous. Maybe I can slip in the topic at some point…
You knocked on the door and it took a moment for him to answer. When he opened the door, you saw that he was dressed up, had beautiful dark makeup on, and had his hair done with shaggy looking waves. In other words, he looked like a whole motherfucking snack. His eyes went wide as he looked down at your midriff. “Well hello beautiful! You’re bribing me aren’t you?” You sauntered in and gave him a sensual kiss.
“So what if I am?” He ran his hands over your exposed waist and slightly dipped his fingers up under the hem of your top. All according to plan.
You started to pull your cardigan off, but he stopped you. “Don’t, we're going out.” He grabbed your hand and led you out of the apartment.
“Oh really? And where is it, pray tell, that you plan on taking us?” You clung on to his arm and the two of you walked down to his motorcycle. 
“It’s a secret.” He winked at you and strapped on your helmet. Then he fucking lifted  your whole damned body to seat you on the back. I know I weigh very little, but damn, that’s fucking hot. You bit your lip and he gave you an expression that he knew exactly what you were thinking.
The ride was another free flying experience. Adrenaline, excitement, and arousal overflowing your senses. You had never been this horny around anyone before, but it seemed like this man exuded sex appeal wherever he went. Your hands moved from grabbing onto his waist, to grabbing onto his muscular thighs, teasing him by sliding up and down them, moving closer to his groin.
He turned his head for a moment with a glare and then picked up the speed, making you cling to his waist for dear life. You heard him laugh loudly and you smacked his chest, making him laugh even louder.
He turned into a dark, sketchy alleyway and parked in a small car lot with very few cars. When he helped you off the bike and removed your helmet, you gave him a suspicious gaze. “Is this where you murder me and throw my body in a dumpster fire?”
“Of course not!” He looked utterly offended. “I would sell your organs for petty cash first!”
You couldn’t help but guffaw at that. “Ah, that makes much more sense! You’re so smart, babe.” He snickered as well, as he held his hand out.
“This way to your demise, darling.” You dramatically bowed and took his hand. He led you out of the lot and down a half staircase on the side of the alleyway and what you saw when he opened the door blew your mind. 
A night club with colorful and flashing lights filled the room. It didn’t look trashy unlike what resided outside. A whole ass dance floor filled the room with a lit up bar fully lining the back wall. “Holy demented shit, Minho?! Where the hell did this come from?!” You had to yell over the loud EDM music filling the air.
“Old spot I used to regularly go to a year or two back! The drinks are badass!” Your mind filled with images of him dancing up on other women and you had to shake it from your mind. He’s here with me now, that's all that matters.  
The air was electric and the building smelt like smoke, sex, and liquor. The neon lights that flickered over Minho’s face were mesmerizing. You couldn’t even come up with a witty response to his smirk with how beautiful he looked. He looked completely in his element with his age worn leather jacket and lax disposition. Shadows danced underneath his cheekbones and his eyes twinkled in the lights. Your body moved before your brain did as you placed a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“Well I definitely would like to put our dancing skills into action! Let’s go!” You grabbed his hand and dragged him around the mounds of dancing and grinding bodies. When you reached the bar, Minho raised his hand to the bartender and he immediately left the line of people he was tending to.
“Holy shit! If it isn’t Lee Minho!” He grabbed his hand over the bar to shake it firmly. “Where the hell have you been?!” The man looked close to Minho’s age and had handsome features. Damn, why does every man I meet in this country have to be so goddamn beautiful??
“Hey Jackson! Long time no see! I’ve just been busy as hell!” This supposed ‘Jackson’ turned his gaze over to you and offered a debonair smile.
“Well who’s this lovely lady?” He picked up your hand from the bar and chastely kissed the back of it. You mildly flushed at the action and Minho cutely swatted him away.
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N. Isn’t she a beauty?” Minho looked at you with pride and you nudged his side when your stupid face blushed.
“Girlfriend? Out of anyone I’ve seen you with, since when did you grow a sense of commitment?” Minho’s expression was undiscernible and he punched Jackson’s shoulder over the bar.
“Since I’ve been away from your shit influence!” Minho quickly deflected. “Babe, get anything you like, it’s on me.” He beams at you with an unfairly sexy half grin.
“It’d better be! I’m broke as fuck!” He laughed and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close. “Well I want some Bullet Bourbon and Coke, but I want you –” You shoved your pointer finger into his chest. “-to take some shots with me first!”
He cackled at you. “Whatever you say, your highness!” He turned back to Jackson. “I’ll take the usual.” He winked at the two of you as he took Minho’s credit card and rushed off to mix some concoctions. You turned back to Minho with a raised eyebrow and a half grin.
You figured now was as good a time as any to bring it up. “No commitments Mr. Playboy? Exactly how many women have you brought here?” Your voice sounded teasingly, but your mind was dreading the answer.
Again, his expression was unreadable, but quickly turned into a cocky grin and he closed in on your ear. “Why? Is my little mouse jealous?” You shivered as the hot breath rolled across your neck and you pushed him away rolling your eyes.
“More like I want to see how many women I’m competing with around here.” You crossed your arms and eyed him down.
His expression turned soft and your concerns started to melt. He wrapped his arms around your waist again and linked his hands behind you. “There is no competition, Y/N. No one can compare to you. Mind nor body.” You were positively swooning and there was no way he didn’t notice. But before he could comment on it, Jackson showed up with a tray overflowing with drinks.
You deadpanned over to Minho. “This is your usual? Min, you don’t need to get me shitfaced to get me to want to fuck you. I’ve literally been begging. ” He absolutely cracked up and doubled over.
“Maybe I just wanted to see you wasted out of your mind!” You glared at him and he abruptly leaned in for a sweet, sensual kiss. You felt kind of awkward with the intense PDA, but his lips were so addicting that you couldn’t care less. You melted into it and wrapped your arms around his neck. Before it could get any more heated, he broke the kiss by shoving a shot glass in front of your face, instantly catching you off guard. “ This beauty is called the Screaming Orgasm.”
You looked at him with wide eyes. The shot looked like a mixture between chocolate milk and an espresso shot. In other words, it looks delicious . You grabbed the shot and cocked your eyebrow. “Is this a threat or a promise?”
He grabbed his own from the tray of four more of the same shots and held it up for a toast. “We won’t know until the night ends, will we?” He had a cheeky smile and was looking down at your lips, licking his own in temptation.
The sex this man exuded was beyond belief. “I’m holding you to your word, babe.” The two of you threw back your drinks and your taste buds were stimulated with a creamy, coffee-like taste and the sting of vodka. You closed your eyes and relished in the taste as it slid down your throat. The warmth that hit your stomach was the familiar feel of intoxication that would surely hit you soon. You opened your eyes and Minho was smirking at you. “It’s delicious! But I couldn’t say that I had an orgasm, screaming or otherwise.”
He scoffed at you. “Patience, little mouse.” He picked up his drink which was a delicious shade of dark red. He watched you eyeball it as he took a sip, smirking at you then promptly handing it over to you. You sniffed it and it smelled absolutely divine. When you drank it, the fruity, bitter taste drowned your senses and warmed up your nerves. “Bokbunja, it’s a Korean fruit wine.” You took another gulp with an innocent look and he just rolled his eyes at you. “I guess we’re switching then.” He grabbed your bourbon and coke and took a couple of large gulps as well.
He sat his newly appointed drink down while you gulped down your fruity wine like you hadn't had anything to drink in weeks. When you finished, he laughed and gave you the rest of your original drink which only had about a third left. “Let’s take another shot and go dance!” He yelled over the ever growing noisy crowd. You nodded your head, reluctantly sat down your drink, and clinked your shot glasses together, downing them whole. He grabbed you by the hand and dragged you to the dance floor with a seductive smile on his face.
He pulled you close and brought your arms to wrap around his neck, to which you complied eagerly. The upbeat music overflowed your senses and you felt like it was only the two of you in the room. Of course, with the both of you being dancers, you tore up the dancefloor. The two of you were perfectly in sync and your bodies couldn’t get any closer. You could feel your combined touches heating up and his hands were roaming all over your back and ass.
You turned in his grasp as he wrapped his arms around your waist and hips, pulling you close to him. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his neck from behind. You’d never felt so sexy in your life and you could definitely thank your beyond gorgeous boyfriend for that. 
You felt like you were floating on cloud nine. The bass of the music shaking the floor, the gentle hands ghosting up and down your body, and the buzzing of alcohol in your veins. It was euphoric.
You had no clue how long you two had been dancing, but the more you felt the alcohol getting to you, the more daring you became. You rhythmically rolled your hips back to grind up against him and he groaned in your ear, his hot breath sending heat waves through your core. He suddenly dug his face in the crook of your neck and started sucking at your pulse point, commencing the soaking of your panties.
You turned back around hungrily and repeated the same action to him, re-darkening the already purple marks on his neck. He snaked a knee in between your legs and you started to grind on it, stimulating your clit and not giving a damn that there were hundreds of dancers around you because - let’s be honest - there were others dancing a lot more provocative than you were right now. When you released Minho, he growled in your ear. “I need to sober up or I’m going to fuck you right here in front of everyone.”
“Better than nothing, babe.” You flashed him an evil grin, which he took away with a ravenous kiss. You could feel the reluctance he had to pull away, but when he did, he grabbed your hand and led you back to your spot at the bar, drinks right where you had left them. Jackson hurried back over to you guys.
“More shots? Drinks? Condoms?” He smirked at the two of you. You threw back the two remaining shots. 
“Condoms please!!” Your inebriated state didn’t give a fuck for shouting that to a complete stranger.
Minho rolled his eyes and mussed your hair. “No, just a couple of waters and the tab please.” A moment later he returned with the aforementioned items. Jackson slid over Minho’s card and he scooped it up.
“You good to drive, man?” He said as he slid the waters towards you, which you happily clambered it over to sip on, enjoying the refreshment from the hot atmosphere.
“Yeah, the dancing sobered me up a bit and I didn’t have nearly as much to drink as this little firecracker.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you fell into him, looking up at him with a gummy grin which he returned with a look of adoration, pinching your flushed cheek in the process.
“Okay, man! You two have fun tonight! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“Jackson, there’s literally nothing you wouldn’t do.” Minho deadpanned.
“Exactly!” He laughed as he walked away.
You watched as Minho downed his water to catch up with your already almost finished glass and he grabbed you by the waist. “Let’s get out of here, little mouse.”
- - - - - - - - - -
You crashed through the apartment door, lips still latched onto each other while you stripped off your cardigan and shoes, Minho kicking the door shut behind him. Your hands were all over each other and Minho grabbed your wrists to pin you up against the wall. You whined and tried to free your hands as he flexed his thigh against your pussy, sucking and licking your neck in the process.
“What was it you said about convincing you, little mouse?” He was rapidly breathing against your neck and you had to reclaim your mind to remember what he was talking about. His full body pressed against you did nothing to help with your muddled brain.
Right, this was all about the damned crop top . You scoffed at the stupid idea. “I can definitely say I am getting there.” You gasped as he bit your earlobe.
“I guess I’ll just have to try harder.” You shivered at his whispered words. Your hands clawed at him to pull off his shirt and he did the same with yours. You immediately took off your pants as well and his eyes went wide as saucers as he saw your lingerie underneath. “Holy fuck…” Without warning, he lifted you up by both of your legs and wrapped them around his waist, grinding into your soaking panties in the process. The feeling of his rock hard bulge against your sensitive clit was enough to make you cry.
“Min, please. Please ! I want you so badly, baby!” You threw your head back against the wall as he kneaded your ass and pulled your bralette to the side with his teeth so he could suck on your nipple. You removed one of your hands from where it was wrapped around his neck and reached in between the two of you to fumble with his belt buckle, unsuccessfully unfortunately. 
He pulled you off the wall to venture into the bedroom with your writhing body wrapped in his arms, throwing the two of you down on the bed. You finally pulled off his belt and pants and pulled him back down on top of you. You grinded up onto his warm erection through his boxers and moaned at the feeling of only having two pieces of fabric between you and the scorching heat in his pants that you most desired. “Kiyomi… fuck… you’re making this so hard on me, baby… I want… ngh… it to be special…” You could see he was quickly losing his composure.
You knew you were still drunk, but all you could think about was how good it felt for him to be pressed up against you, your vagina cupping around his bulge perfectly through your panties. Your whines only seemed to egg him on further. He growled and glared down at you with fire and passion in his eyes. He jumped off of you and only got your panties down about halfway before he plunged his face in you.
You screamed as he roughly sucked on your clit, fully thrusting two fingers in and out of you while aiming for your sweet spot over and over and over again. It was too much stimulation all at once and you didn’t know if you wanted him to slow down or speed up. Your hands were tearing through his messy hair, but that seemed to push him even further. His mouth moved to your thighs and you gasped and swore at the delicious pain of his biting and sucking.
You screamed at what was probably the quickest orgasm you had ever experienced, drenching his sheets and vision going fuzzy. He didn’t stop there though, he continued to abuse your aching pussy and ran his mouth and tongue over every inch he could reach. 
He kept on and on and on. You are sure you came at least three times, Minho’s hand pleasuring himself underneath his boxers all the while.
Before you knew it, he had ripped off the remaining distance of your panties and climbed back on top of you. He wrapped your legs around his waist and dry humped your clit through his boxers like a mad man.
The oversensitivity to your clit drove you mad and you could feel your juices seeping through his boxers, the tip of his erection peeking out just through the top of the hem of them. “Holy fuck baby, you’re going to kill me…” He shakily said through his desperate thrusts. You squeaked and gasped at the sensation of his heat pressed up against you through his offending piece of cloth and you could tell he was getting less and less controlled. You both fucking lost it when the bare tip of his dick rubbed up against your clit. “F-fu– fuck!”
His semen completely covered both of your chests from where his head was peaking out of his boxers, completely falling on top of you with an exhausted huff. You ran your fingers through his hair as the both of you were panting heavily against each other. Once you regained a modicum of a brain cell, you breathed out. “Minnie… I’m tired of waiting…”
He leaned up and kissed you on the forehead. “I know, baby. I know…”
- - - - - - - - - -
A couple days after that, the group decided to get together one day after you got off work. You were all going to go to Eunsincheo to hang out so everyone could harass the Aussie to serve your every whim. You really didn’t want to go out in your grimy work clothes, but it had been a while since you had all gotten together, so you said why the hell not.
You were going to go to the lounge and then the coin karaoke again once Chan got off work. The first thing you saw when you entered was the unmatched beauty of the man of your dreams, Lee Minho. For some reason, Chan was nowhere in sight. Everyone was ecstatic to see you and jumped out of their sofas and lounge chairs to come hug you.
Of course it was Felix and Hyunjin first, hugging you from each side and brightening your mood with Felix’s sunshine smile and Hyunjin’s natural humor. Changbin almost squeezed the life out of you. Seungmin and Innie - thankfully - gave you normal hugs. And Jisung picked you up and twirled you around, kissing your cheek when your feet touched the floor again making you giggle hysterically.
Minho came up behind him and shoved him away with a glare. “Whaaat? I haven’t hung out with her in ages!”
“Channie-hyung said you and Kiyomi were together the other day though?” Felix questioned Jisung with an utterly confused look on his face. Your body tensed up as nervous ice froze your nerve endings and you had hoped no one noticed.
Jisung looked at you with a terrified expression. “Uuh y-yeah, we did! But we were just watching movies so… uh, we weren’t really ‘hanging out’ if we weren’t talking?” He nodded his head as if he was satisfied with his own lie. Felix thankfully seemed content with it as well.
Minho finally looked at you with a bright smile and wrapped his arms around your waist, you bringing your arms around his neck and burrowing your heads in each other's necks. “Hi.”
You chuckled at his simple greeting. “Hey, loser.”
The two of you pulled back and realized the whole group was looking at the two of you. You and Minho immediately took a big step away from each other and cleared your throats.
“Kiyomi!! I saved you a seat!” Jisung was bouncing on the cushion as he patted the spot next to him. Bless Jisung for dissipating that tension. Again, you were squished between the two best friends on the couch up against the wall.
You ruffled both of their hairs. “Aw, my blueberry boys are together with me again!” Minho rolled his eyes and flicked your hand away and Jisung just snuggled into your touch, leaning against your shoulder.
“Where’s Chan? I thought he was working today?” You peered around the area and he was nowhere to be found.
Changbin spoke up. “He’s in the back, the shitty coffee maker broke again. Which, in all honesty, might be a blessing. The coffee here is shit.” He took a sip of his smoothie he obviously brought from elsewhere.
“Well then you will be happy to hear what I have to say.” You declared smugly to the group. The circle was silent in suspense. “I am working on convincing my boss to let us join up with you and add a small branch here in the lounge. I feel like if we sell our coffee here, you guys will get a lot higher customer flow.”
The whole group exclaimed different levels of excitement from your statement. “Holy hell, that’s awesome Kiyomi!” Little Innie leaned forward in his seat with intrigue. 
“Oh my god I could kiss you right now! I always knew you were my type of girl, Kiyomi. Strong, independent, smart. You have single handedly saved all of our taste buds.” Ji simply stated as he leaned back against the arm of the couch and spread his legs across yours and Minho’s laps. You watched in amusement as your blueberries stared at each other on either side of you. Jisung with a shit-eating grin and Minho with a bone-chilling glare.
“I just have to draw up a game plan and talk to your boss first before I can even think of that dream coming to fruition.” You stole a drink of Changbin’s smoothie and you were grateful that he didn’t even bat an eyelash. He actually smiled fondly.
“I may or may not have mentioned something to the boss man already.” Everyone looked up and saw Chan wiping his hand on a rag and walking up to the group. “He said he is very interested in meeting with you and wanted me to give you his number.” You jumped out of your chair and ran to hug him. He laughed at you and wrapped you in a tight hug, lifting you up in the process. “Kiyomi, you literally saw me just this morning.” He chuckled as he lowered your feet to the ground again.
You gasped in mock offense. “What? I can’t thank you? Fine! I guess I’m not worthy anymore for the great ‘ Captain Bang Chan’ .” You said with finger quotes. “I guess I’ll find someone else to receive all of my hugs.” You dramatically and wistfully remarked as you turned back to your seat. You felt hands wrap around your waist and Chan squeezed you painfully from behind. Already facing your seat, you saw Minho balling his fists with white knuckles with an unamused face while everyone else was chuckling.
Oh? Is someone jealous? You couldn’t control the smirk that grew on your face and you decided to test your theory. You reached back behind you and poked Chan’s side, making him release you from the tickles. When he did, you turned around and started poking him in all the spots you knew would make him jolt.
He squirmed with a giggle that looked completely ridiculous on a man of his size and muscle mass. He abruptly bent over and threw you over his shoulder, slamming you down on the empty loveseat. You screeched as he jumped on top of you, preventing you from running away, tickling you relentlessly.
“Chan! Chan! Haha! Stop! I’m gonna pee!”
“That’s what you get, runt!” Apparently at some point, Jisung and Minho had stood up from their spot on the couch and lifted Chan off of you, tackling him to the ground and wrestling him. Chan was laughing but he was annoyed that he was outnumbered. “Guys! What the hell?!”
“Kiyomi was sitting with us, you thief! We are reclaiming our honor!” You giggled at Jisung’s bravado as you sat up and walked back over to your place on the couch, making the two blueberries pop up and bound over back to your sides. They wrapped their arms around you, caging you from both sides and shot threatening looks over at Chan. Jisung really looked more adorable than fearsome, but Minho looked down right pissed.
Chan just chuckled as he stood up and then froze when he looked over at you three, instantly putting you on edge. Is he seriously that pissed from just a hug? “Jesus Min! Who the fuck did that to your neck?” Oh. You felt chills down your spine, knowing exactly what he meant.
The marks. The marks you intimately claimed him with. The hickeys that ran all up and down his jaw, neck, and much further down the collar of his shirt than they even knew. Everyone but you and Jisung instantly whipped their heads to look at Minho and they all sniggered. “Is our devil hyung finally getting some action again?” Changbin clapped his hands together as he laughed.
“I knew this would happen again at some point.” Jeongin scoffed and looked down at his hands.
“Hyung, you getting back in the swing of things? Kiyomi! You wouldn’t believe it! Minho-hyung used to take home chicks left and right almost every time we hung out! It was absol–”
“MAYBE I’M DONE FUCKING AROUND!” Minho stood up, cutting off Hyunjin mid-sentence, startling everyone. Everyone was silent and staring at Minho in awe. You had seen him upset before, but he was downright seething now. “Maybe I’m not a fuckboy anymore! Maybe…” He turned around to you and stared into your eyes. “...I found someone worth a damn.”
Your heart ached and you wished you could stand up and wrap him in a big hug. You wished that Chan could accept it. Chan was your beacon of light in your life, but suddenly, Minho was a light in the darkness as well.
Hyunjin stared at him with mouth agape. “Hyung, I-”
“I’ve got somewhere to be…” With that, Minho marched out of the lounge, leaving everyone speechless.
“What the fuck was that about?” Seungmin casually sat back in his chair and you and Jisung looked at each other with worried faces.
“I- I’m gonna go check on him, see if he’s okay…” When Jisung stood up to chase after him, Hyunjin grabbed his arm.
“Can you tell him I’m sorry…?” Hyunjin looked down at his feet and Jisung patted his hand.
“Of course, buddy.” And with that he was off. You wanted to run off to comfort him as well, but you knew Chan would have something to say about it. So you just sat back against the empty couch and numbly accepted Chan’s cuddles when he plopped down on the couch with you as the group started talking about your plans to collaborate with the lounge.
You didn’t engage in much conversation after that.
- - - - - - - - - -
After a very fruitless attempt to enjoy your time at karaoke with the remaining boys, you told Chan you were going to go bring something to Min to cheer him up and hang out with him and Ji. Thankfully, not only did he not protest, but he encouraged it.
You stopped by the store and got some horror movies, popcorn, soda, and some bourbon. And, since you were already there, you got a whole ass cheesecake for Jisung. You hoped and prayed that they were at Minho’s place because you definitely didn’t want to have to get back on the bus with all those groceries again.
You walked up to Minho’s apartment with your arms loaded with bags and knocked on the door with your foot. After a moment, Jisung answered the door when his face completely lit up. “HYUNG! I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU!” He yelled across the tiny apartment as if he wasn’t just a few feet around the corner. You shucked off your shoes and walked into the kitchen to set the bags down on the island. Minho turned around from his spot on the couch and the glower he was sporting turned into a Cheshire grin.
He just about leaped over the couch and pushed you against the fridge, kissing you tenderly with his hands on the sides of your face. His tongue explored your mouth unexpectedly, but fully reciprocated. Your whole body warmed with affection and your arms wrapped around his waist. Shit, PLEASE don’t get turned on with Jisung watching.
As if he could hear your thoughts, you both heard Jisung clear his throat from beside you and you turned your head apologetically. Minho, however, just kept on kissing down your neck and ran his hands down your shoulders. You had to push him away with an exasperated face. “Sung, you’re such a cock block!” Minho groaned.
“Don’t say that about my little quokka!” You shuffled over to wrap him in a hug, which he nuzzled into. “I want to spend time with him too!”
Minho crossed his arms with an unamused face. “Well I guess I should leave you guys alone then. Should I turn on the mood lights before I head out?” 
“Yes please!” Jisung threw his arm over your shoulder as he excitedly responded.
You elbowed him and pointed a finger, motioning at both of them. “Neither of you are leaving because I have planned an extraordinary night for all of us!”
The both of them smirked. “I don’t think I’m down for a threesome just yet, beautiful.”
“Yah!” Both you and Minho shouted at Jisung’s giggly suggestion. Minho immediately tackled him and they started wrestling on the ground. You couldn’t contain the smile of adoration at their stupidity as you pulled out all of the contents of the bags, throwing one of the bags of instant popcorn in the microwave. Their attention didn't waver at all due to Minho having his thighs wrapped around Jisung’s head like he was trying to squash a damn melon.
“BOYS!” You called their attention and they quickly untangled their limbs, standing up immediately, Minho with a smug smile and Jisung with an apologetic face. You gave a satisfactory smile and displayed your assorted items on the countertop, the microwave beeping with perfect timing.
“CHEESECAKE!!!” Jisung dove over to you and wrapped his arms around you possessively. “Hyung, I’m sorry, but I am marrying her. You have no say in the matter.” He kept his arm around you as he lifted off the plastic covering and inhaled the sweetness.
Minho grabbed your arm and pulled him toward you harshly, catching you and snaking his hand around your waist. “Yah, do you want to die, Han Jisung?” He took an aggressive step toward him and the quokka cowered away.
“On second thought, I think I’ll just marry this cheesecake.” Jisung grabbed the container and moved safely to the other side of the counter. 
You pushed Minho away. “Yah! I’m not a ragdoll, you assholes!” They chuckled at your whining and Minho kissed you on the cheek.
The quokka looked down at the rest of the goodies on the counter and squeaked at the movies. “Horror movie night!” He grabbed a fork, cheesecake, and the movies and shuffled to the living room, plugging in a DVD.
“Who uses DVDs anymore?” Minho smirked, taunting you. He placed his hand on your shoulder with mock consolation. “Your age is showing, noooona . We use streaming services now.” 
You punched his shoulder and he fell against the wall and acted like he had been shot. “Maybe the same person who still owns a DVD player!” You pointed to the opening trailers of the movie on the screen.
“Hah! She’s not wrong, hyung!” Jisung yelled from over the edge of the couch.
Minho refused to respond, but instead repeated Jisung’s words with a mocking tone like an adolescent teenager. You rolled your eyes amusingly and poured the popcorn into a bowl. As you pulled glasses out of the cupboard and turned back around to the island, Minho was instantly in front of you, bracketing you with his hands on each side of the counter.
“Are you trying to get me drunk so I’ll fuck you?” He whispered with a menacing tone.
You shivered as he ran his finger down the side of your jaw. You tried to regain your composure. “Maybe I just thought you needed to take the edge off. Either way, Ji is here so I think that would be off the schedule anyway.” You winked at his dark expression and pushed past him, going to pour everyone’s drinks.
- - - - - - - - - -
The three of you were lazing back on the couch, Jisung on your left and Minho on your right, all of you having finished about three drinks each. You were leaned back against Jisung’s chest while Minho was between your outstretched legs down the length of the couch, on his stomach and arms wrapped around your waist. You ran your fingers through Minho’s hair with his head stuffed right in between your boobs, head still turned toward the TV.
Eventually, you realized that your boyfriend had fallen asleep, indicated by his deep breaths and turning his head to snuggle further into your breasts. You chuckled at him and Jisung looked over the side of your head to examine the sleeping beauty.
“You know he really likes you right?” Jisung said in a low voice from where he was positioned behind you. You slightly leaned your head over on his chest so you could look at his face. You smiled at him and nodded.
“I really like him too…” You looked back down at your purring kitty and continued petting him.
“He probably doesn’t want me talking to you about this, but…” You looked back at the quokka. “He had a really hard time a couple of years ago. It made him desensitize himself and he did some really messed up things that he regrets.” Jisung looked down at Minho with sad eyes. “I won’t get into the details of why, but I just wanted to fill you in what the guys were talking about at Eunsincheo.”
“Yeah, um…” You guiltily looked away. Movie completely forgotten. “Chan might have mentioned something… but he was kind of vague…”
He looked down at you with worry. “He doesn’t want to say anything because he is afraid of how you will react, so I won’t say anything other than the fact that that life is behind him. You’re all he sees, he won’t shut up about you.” Your face lit up at Jisung's words. “It’s annoying, really. Especially since Minho is usually broody and distant with people… Out of everyone in the group, I’m glad you ended up with him. But I might be biased.” He winked at you, making you giggle and turn your attention back to the man on your lap.
“Out of everything I’ve done, he should know that I would never be able to judge him.” You looked back up at Jisung. “I’m glad he has you too, Ji.” He gave you a soft smile and gave you a whisper of a kiss on your hair, hugging you gently and laying his head on top of yours to redirect his attention back to the TV.
Again, you were submerged in unexpected emotions of how unreal this new life felt. You still expected to wake up and it all be a fever dream from either being knocked out cold by your dad or fainting from hunger.
The warmth emanating from the men around you gave you the feeling of sanctuary. You closed your eyes for a moment and before you knew it, you were dead asleep.
- - - - - - - - - -
For the next several days where Minho was over to tutor, Chan made sure to be at home. Not only at home, but over on the couch watching TV while you and Minho were across the room at the dining table. Needless to say, it was pretty obvious he wasn’t fond of the two of you alone anymore. It really pissed you off, but you couldn’t really say anything without rousing suspicion, so you kept quiet.
You and Minho would sneak amorous glances and light brushes of the fingers in attempts to show any semblance of affection. For some reason, with the way Chan seemed to want to monitor you around him, it just made you want to jump Minho’s bones even more than usual.
Someone is looking sexy today 😉
Little Mouse🐭😘:
I am legitimately in sweats and an shitty T-shirt
I didn’t say it was u
Chan is looking like a damned snack in that tank top
Little Mouse🐭😘:
Ah yes, how selfish of me to assume
U do rock that outfit though
Tho I really think I much prefer what’s underneath 😏
Your whole body heated up as Minho texted next to you under the table. You clenched your thighs together and of course the bastard noticed it. You saw a simper form on his face as he side-eyed your dilemma and he turned back to his phone.
U like the sound of that baby?
Want me to throw u down on this table?
 Show Chan that ur mine?
I’ll make u cum so hard that u won’t even care if he knows anymore, baby 👅
Your thighs were clenching and crossing so hard it was almost painful. You glared at him as he smugly continued to feign studying. Your hands that were holding your phone moved closer to your crotch so the heels of your wrists could add at least a little pressure on your throbbing sex. You continued to type with your hands pressed against your lap.
Little Mouse🐭😘:
Do u want to die? 
Because Chan would be out for blood
Plus, I’ve begged for u to fuck me
But SOMEONE is too much of a pussy
You grinned to yourself as a thought crossed your mind. Maybe he needed a taste of his own medicine.
Little Mouse🐭😘:
Speaking of pussy
Mine is so wet that u could drown a baby down there
It’s a shame that I have to resort to finger fucking
I can’t wait to find out how my soft walls feel around ur dick
Imagine how much of a mess I would make if I came on ur cock
You felt kind of embarrassed talking this dirty, but it was worth it when you could see his face drop as he shifted in his seat and leaned forward a tad bit. Time for the killer blow.
Little Mouse🐭😘:
I want to feel ur hot cum shooting deep in me
Drizzling out of my cunt and down my legs to mix with my juices
His whole form froze, his thumbs that were about to type had suspended above the screen and the muscles in his arms and legs tensed. It almost looked like he couldn’t breathe. You figured it wouldn’t hurt to play with him a bit more.
You scooted closer to him so that the two of your backs created a wall between you and where Chan sat.
“Can you show this to me again, Min? I’m having a hard time with it.” You leaned forward and closer to him and pointed at something in the textbook in front of you with one hand. The other hand, however, glided down to rest on his inner thigh, slowly climbing up to his growing erection.
He slowly turned his head your way, forcing you to look at his bone-chilling glare.
“Hey, I’m gonna take the trash out and run down to the convenient store. You guys want anything?” The two of you swiveled your heads to look at Chan next to the front door with his keys in one hand and a trash bag in the other. Thank the lord and everything that is holy.
“Uhhh, yeah. Do you think you could get me some grape Ramuné, Channie?” You silently applauded yourself. You knew for sure that the nearest convenience store didn’t have any because you spent what felt like ages looking for some last time you went. That should buy you and Minho some time to ‘sort out’ this debacle.
“Will do, sweetheart! Be right back!” Once he stepped out the door and locked it, Minho lunged at you.
He circled his long arms around your frame and lifted you, only to plop you back down again on the couch. “Sweetheart? What the fuck is that about?” He stared down at you with fire in his eyes. He was hovered over you with his thigh between your legs and the other standing him up off the ground, trapping you in his space.
“Why, are you jealous , Minnie?” You taunted him with a raised eyebrow and a condescending tone. You stared down at his bulge and caressed your hand over it, feeling the heat through his thick jeans. “Or was it what I said that got you all hot and bothered?” You were increasingly more bold the more time you spent with this goddamned ethereal creature.
He borderline growled and pressed his body down against you. You bit your lip from the pressure of his thigh against where you most desired him. “You’re playing with fire, little mouse. I’m just itching to expose us with your filthy words.” The whisper against your ear made your back arch and the hand against his bulge palmed him even harder.
He removed his thigh -making you whine- but lifted your legs around his waist, pulling himself flush to you and grinding his erection onto you. You gasped with a smile on your face and he pressed an open-mouthed kiss on your jawline.
He grinded again. “You drive me absolutely fucking crazy, Kiyomi. I’m a completely different person when you’re near.” He whispered with a sound of wanting. There is no way there is another man on this earth that is more perfect than this human being.
You caught his lips in a hungry kiss with your hands on each side of his face and explored each other’s mouths with abandon. It was messy and ravenous and filthy and your panties were surely soaked through. You were loving it.
You wanted him as close as humanly possible and you made that abundantly clear with the way you looped your arms around his back and clawed him in attempts to get him closer.
His hand snaked down your body and dove underneath your drenched panties, pinching and swiveling your clit between two fingers. You yelped in ecstasy and the mixture of the two of your breaths pressed against each other was intoxicating you.
You didn’t even hear it. The sound of your heartbeat and the heaving of breaths between the two of you completely deafened the sound of the door unlocking and opening.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!” Minho flew off of your body like a damned froghopper. The two of you peered over the back of the couch to be met with the mortified faces of Hyunjin and Felix.
You and Minho looked at each other in complete shock and turned to the pair with shaky breaths. Oh, why does this world hate me so?
- - - - - - - - - -
You handed Felix and Hyunjin a cup of tea and sat next to Minho on the couch, eyes glued to your fidgeting hands. “So this has been going on for a while now? And Ji knows already? I would have never guessed…” Hyunjin sounded flabbergasted as he sipped his tea.
“I just don’t understand why you are hiding it from Channie-hyung. He loves you both. I think he would be happy for you…” Felix looked at you with pleading eyes.
You put your consoling fingers on Felix’s hand. “I know Lix, but he has made himself clear. He really hates the idea of me dating anyone let alone someone in our group. I love him to death and he is the only reason I am here, so there is no way in hell that I want to stomp on his wishes.” You looked over to Minho who was faced away with an annoyed face. You placed a hand on his knee and he instantly deflated, his eyes melting into a soft warmth that peered into your own with affection. “But… I really like him… He makes me happy in more ways than I can count…”
Minho laced his fingers into the hand on his knee and kissed it softly. Damn him for being so goddamned sweet and making me melt no matter where we are. Or who we are around for that matter…
“Who are you and what have you done with Minho-hyung?” Hyunjin pointed accusingly at Minho and you giggled. 
Minho quickly stood up and towered over him. “Do you want me to show you where he is, Hyunjin-ah?” He said threateningly. 
“No! No, it’s okay…” He cowered behind Felix to which you and the other Aussie laughed at.
You pulled the hand you were still holding and sat him back down. Felix looked at you with a twinkle in his eye. “Okay… we won’t tell Chan. But I expect you to tell him eventually. He deserves to know, Kiyomi.”
You sighed as you stood to pull Hyunjin and Felix in for a hug. “I know, Lix. I will. And thank you guys. Really.” They rubbed your back and you, once again, swam in your adoration for the men around you.
“Of course, darling. Of course.” The two of them sat back down at the very moment the front door opened again with a very disgruntled Chan walking in the door.
“Kiyomi, I couldn’t find your drink, so I just got you this generic grape soda. I’m sorry, love.” You rounded the couch and gave him a big hug, startling him for a moment but then he dropped his bags and wrapped his big arms around your lithe frame.
“It’s okay, Channie. Thank you, pup.” You pecked him on the cheek and turned back to your friends with a soft smile that was returned by each. You would tell him soon. You wanted everyone to know who you belonged to. Your mind had been made, you just needed to find the right time.
- - - - - - - - - -
“Pst!” You felt an elbow nudge you from the seat next to you. You elected to ignore it to focus on the shading of your self portrait. “Psssst!” Another nudge. “Kiyomiii.” You rolled your eyes and turned towards your annoyance.
“Lee Minho, I am going to fail this class if I keep sitting next to you.” You nudged him back and he just smiled back. Stupid sexy man with his stupid sexy face. “You already ruined my watercolor painting last week from teasing me so much I knocked over my wash cup.”
“Hey now, technically you were the one who tipped it over, not me!” You mockingly raised a fist at him and he just smugly crossed his arms with grandeur. He glanced over at Jeongin that had left his seat across from you guys to go ask the professor a question, though he leaned in to whisper anyway. “All I wanted to say was that I have to go back home this weekend to take care of the cats. Mom and Dad are going to be gone and they need someone to stay at home for them.”
“Oh…” You were a bit disappointed because you really wanted to be with him this weekend, but it couldn’t be helped.
He rolled his eyes and nudged you again. “I’m inviting you to go with me, moron.” You whipped your head up and stared at him in the eyes, gobsmacked.
“Y-your parent’s house? To meet them? To stay the weekend? Alone? Cats?!” He vibrated in laughter and pushed your arm just enough to sway you.
“Yes to all, m’lady.” He gave you a soft smile with a tiny hint of something else behind his eyes. Desperation? “So, will you come with me?” Did he even need to ask?
You nodded frantically and threw your arms around him to which he chuckled at. “Of course! I can’t wait!” You praised the heavens that you didn’t have to work that weekend.
“Can’t wait for what?” Jeongin’s smiling face appeared from across the table.
You rushed to pull away from the feline to think of an answer. “Minho wants to plan a trip for all of us to go to Jeju together one day!” Nailed it!  
“Awesome! Count me in!” Well shit, could have thought that one through a bit better. Jeongin looked genuinely excited and you felt like you might just need to make that a reality now. 
- - - - - - - - - -
It felt like ages before Friday came around, and even then, classes felt like one minute lasted an hour. The last class felt like a day long, the bus home felt like a year long, the time waiting at home and dolling yourself up to leave felt like a century long.
The plan was this, you told Chan that you, Jisung, and Minho were going to Gimpo for the weekend to visit some of their old friends (which wasn’t entirely a lie except for the fact that Jisung wasn’t going and the ‘friends’ were Minho’s parents and cats). Close enough, right?
By the time Minho and Jisung showed up at your flat, you were fully packed and vibrating in anticipation and anxiety. You were going to meet Minho’s parents. He was an only child so Minho was their entire life. No fucking pressure, right?
You wanted to look nice for a good first impression, so you wore a cute, modest red dress with a floral pattern embellished in the fabric. You wore red heels and black stockings with garter straps that the dress was long enough to cover perfectly. And lastly, you had an elegant black choker to finish off the look.
When Chan showed the two of them inside, you felt instantly relieved of your tension at the sight of the two bright faces beaming at you. You bounced up from your seat on the couch and bounded over to hug them both.
“Hah! I just saw you at dance practice a few hours back, little mouse. No need to get riled up!”
You pouted at Minho. “Well I’m sorry Captain Doucheweed, maybe I’m excited to explore more than just this part of Korea!”
He smirked. “More of Korea, huh? Maybe we could stop by up North, I heard they love foreigners.” The cheeky bastard had the gall to wink at you after that. You tried - and failed - to flick him on the forehead as he dodged the contact. Chan wrapped his arms around you from behind.
“Yeeeah sorry Min. That wasn’t quite on the itinerary when I brought her here. I’m sure the northerners would have different plans for her just ‘stopping by’.” Chan also winked at you and you felt an awkward tension in the air as Minho glared at him.
You and Jisung looked back and forth between the two and your blessed quokka spoke up. “So, beautiful, where’s your bag? I’ll help you lug it!”
“I’ll get it!” Minho and Chan said in tandem and the tension returned. Damn it all.
“Guys! I’m not a child! I’ll carry my own damned bag!” You tossed your duffle over your shoulder and wrapped your arms around Chan’s neck. “I love you, Chaaannie. Behave okay, pup?”
He scoffed and hugged you back as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. “Look who’s talking, you’re a magnet for bad luck. Don’t let these two guys get you into any trouble.”
You pulled back and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. “Where’s the fun in that?” You cracked a smile. He glowered at you and you rolled your eyes. “Chill, man, I’ll be fine! I’m in good hands.” You broke the hug and smiled at your two blueberries.
All of you whipped your heads to Felix’s bedroom door when a very loud and deep moan belonging to Hyunjin seeped through the door.
“Ooookaaay I think that’s our cue to leave! You ready?” Jisung jovially asked, Minho already headed to the door with an annoyed aura. Jealousy looks cute on him.
You amusedly rolled your eyes at his behavior and placed a consoling hand on Chan’s shoulder. “See ya later, pup. Have fun listening to Hyunlix’s symphony!” You waved at the man who was now burying his face in his hands and followed the boys out the door.
Before your foot could cross the threshold, you felt a strong arm hold you back. You turned around to look at Chan’s worried face and gave him a sentimental smile, placing a gentle hand on his cheek and rubbing your thumb across the smooth surface.
Chan had always worried about you. Growing up, unless you had to go home or on a drug run, he was attached to your hip. When he visited during holidays from school, you couldn’t find one of you without the other.
There were so many instances where he refused to let you go, afraid of what was waiting for you at home. The only way you could prevent him from further action was to remind him of his family’s safety. There were many times where you had tried to avoid him, thinking he would be happier and less anxious without you around. 
To say the least, he was not okay with that idea. 
The last time you tried to do that, he had a nervous breakdown and almost went directly to your house. The house where your parents were. Where Chan could be discovered. Where he would be put in danger.
You stopped trying to leave him after that, deciding that it was best for both of you to accept that fate had brought you together. Every part of your being was connected to Chan. The only reason you were still alive was because of Chan. So it only made sense that he would be wary of having you travel in an unknown country without him.
You looked at the desperation in his glossy eyes and instantly wanted to quell his anxieties. You jumped into his arms as he wrapped them tightly around your waist. You whispered in his ear as you stuffed your face in his soft hoodie. “I love you so so so much, Channie. You know that right?” He meekly nodded into your shoulder. “Please try not to worry too much. I’ve been through a lot and I think I can handle a simple trip to Gimpo. I trust the boys to take care of me.”
He nodded again and kissed the side of your head. “I love you too, Kiyomi. Please keep me updated alright?” You released him again and gave him an enthusiastic nod.
“Hey! We’re not getting any younger over here!” Minho shouted from Felix’s borrowed car they just finished loading. You stuck your tongue out at Minho, which he returned in kind. You squeezed Chan’s hand one more time.
“Bye, baby bro! I’ll text you later!” All he responded with was a hum and a meek wave as you jumped in the passenger seat.
You watched Chan through the window as the car drove down the road, feeling guilty in more ways than one as you watched his downcast face turn around and head inside. You felt an endearing hand smooth over your own and looked to the driver's seat to see Minho comfortingly smiling at you.
“It’s okay, little mouse. If you want, you can stay. I don’t mind going alone if you aren’t comforta—“
“No! No…” You grabbed his hand with both of yours. “I want to go, I just… I dunno, I feel guilty…” You hated keeping secrets from him, you never kept anything from each other and it just felt wrong that he didn’t know about this. Even if it was your idea and yours only.
“You said you’re going to tell him soon, right?” Jisung piped up from the back seat.
You felt Minho slightly tense underneath your hands. “Yeah… I think I’m gonna tell him when we get back home.” You saw Minho’s head whip around to face you.
“Really?!” You pushed his face away.
“Keep your eyes on the road, dumbass!” He turned his disbelieving gaze to the narrow, uneven streets ahead. “And yes, I think I’ve had enough sneaking around. I just hope he doesn’t kill you.” You squeezed his hand again. “I don’t want to have to buy a new cat, I kind of like this one.” He scoffed at you as Jisung cackled from the back seat.
The car pulled up to Minho’s apartment and Jisung hopped out. He beckoned you to roll down your window as he rounded the corner. “Stay safe, beautiful. I’ll hold down the fort!” He quickly pecked your cheek and winked as he ran away from Minho’s jealous yelling.
“Damnit what is with all of the fucking kissing?!” He huffed and you couldn’t help but giggle at him.
You leaned over the center console of the car and placed a slow, tender kiss on his jaw. “Why? You jealous, kitty cat?” He growled and abruptly grabbed your jaw with one hand.
“The only one who should be giving or receiving any kisses from you is me. ” He crashed his lips against yours and you melted in his firm touch. He was ravenous and there was no control in the kiss at all, only tongues, lips, and spit dancing around between the two of you.
When he pulled back, he stared into your dizzy eyes for a precious moment before releasing your jaw and starting the car again. “Goddamnit Minho! You can’t get me all hot and bothered like that in these situations!”
He just smugly grinned to himself. “Oh well.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Guess you’ll just have to deal with it, darling.” You huffed and turned to your window, crossing your arms and legs in defiance. 
You two had traveled to the point where you were mostly on back streets and uninhabited roads and you were amazed with how smoothly he drove around the sharp and narrow lanes. However, you were also horny now and you were pissed . Every bump and curve rubbed your crossed legs together and you clenched them tighter to gain pressure on your sex.
It was quiet for the next few minutes and you thought, fuck it. You uncrossed your arms, leaned back, and snaked one of your hands down your torso to creep underneath your dress. You let out a heavy sigh as you felt the pressure of your fingers rub directly on your pearl over your panties.
Minho glanced over briefly and you looked directly at him, biting your lip when he had to do a double take. “W-what the absolute fuck do you think you’re you doing?!”
“You said I’ll have to deal with it. This is me ‘dealing with it’, baby.” Your left hand snuck up your dress and under your bra to play with your nipple and you deftly slipped underneath your panties with the other. You watched as his mouth watered and he kept glancing between your wandering hands and the road. “Keep your eyes on the road, baby.” And just to kind of milk it, you said it with heavy breathing.
“Goddamnit, Kiyomi.” Minho grumbled.
“ Guess you’ll just have to deal with it, darling.” You mimicked his words from earlier, earning you an annoyed glare. You wanted him to feel as frustrated as you, so you took it for all it was worth. You looked at your surroundings to make sure the coast was clear and, thankfully, you were riding down the outskirts of town, nothing much but empty highways and open fields. Not only that, but it was starting to get dark out too. You took the opportunity to raise your ass and shimmy your panties down to your knees the rest of the way, freeing up some space to spread your legs.
“The fuck, Kiyomi?! Do you want us to crash?” You huffed out a half chuckle, but you were becoming enraptured with the feeling you were giving yourself. You licked your lips and set your sights on the pure personification of sex of a man next to you. His veiny forearms that you could see below the rolled up sleeves of his favorite mint-green button-up, reaching out to grip the wheel with white knuckles.
His grumpy furrowed brow even looked sexy. His blazing eyes focused on the road, with the occasional flickers of looks at your working fingers. He grazed his tongue over his lips and finished with a bite of his lower lip.
You spread wide enough for him to be able to see everything you’re doing to yourself. You moved the fingers that were working your clit further down, skirting its way through your soaked lips. A small mewl escaped your already panting lips and you could see Minho’s black jeans get tighter in his crotch.
You couldn’t help but have your mind slip back to the fantasy you’ve constantly thought of ever since you met Minho. He would feel so fucking good inside me. Minho watched as you slipped your middle finger in slowly, reaching as far as you could and curling up into your sweet spot. You breathed out a shaky moan and Minho snapped.
For some reason he maneuvered one hand off the wheel so he could grab his black sweatshirt from the back seat. He then grabbed the hand that was stimulating yourself and threw it to the side, stuffing his sweatshirt between your legs and under your ass, making you gasp with the roughness of his movements. And, without further notice, he plunged two fingers in your dripping pussy and drove with the other hand, leaning forward to get a better angle.
You yelped in surprise and started whimpering and bucking your hips into his fingers that were relentlessly massaging and thrusting against your g-spot. “Who’s fingers do you like more, baby? Yours or mine?”
You could tell how much he was enjoying this himself with the pure electricity in the tone of his voice. “Y-yours! Oh god!” You closed your eyes and your head fell back against the headrest. God, you could never get enough of this man’s touch. You cried out when you felt his fingers leave your heat and, in frustration, you whined as you looked up in panic, frantically missing the delicious build up. “Wh-what?”
“Suck...” He was holding his slick fingers up to your mouth with your juices glistening on his knuckles. “...and I might let you cum.” You probably should’ve been put off or had a touch more pride than to allow it, but the thought of him being the only one to allow your orgasms made you that much more turned on. You decided you wanted to be good for him just this once, wanted to earn it.
You waited for his eyes to flicker back over to you from the road, then you stared at him as you licked a stripe up between them, wrapping your mouth around the digits and sucking and licking around and between them to make sure everything was collected. You could hear a deep hum in Minho’s throat before he pulls his fingers from you and plunged them back inside you.
You screamed at the sheer force of his thrusts and expert maneuvering to hit just the right spot. “F-fuck Min! R-right there!” Your fingernails dug into the fibers from your grip on the nylon upholstery of the car seat for dear life as he single handedly worked to dig your orgasm out of you.
“See what you get when you behave, little mouse? Such a good girl for me, baby.” He doubled his efforts and you felt the quickest orgasm you’d ever had crash over you. You released your tidal wave of arousal on his sweatshirt underneath you and thanked the heavens he thought of that ahead of time for Felix’s sake. After your high settled down, you slumped back into your seat, wiped out.
Your eyes still wandered to the man next to you as he brought his fingers up to his own lips and sucked off the remainder of your fluids for himself. “Holy fuck, your hands belong to the gods.” He just chuckled and brought your hand to his mouth to kiss it. For some idiotic reason, that is the reason you blushed, not the fact that his hand was just inside your cunt, no, it’s because of his act of being a stupid romantic piece of shit.
He grabbed the soiled sweatshirt between your thighs and wiped the rest of you clean, removing the cloth and throwing it on the floorboard in the backseat. You pulled up your panties and readjusted your dress, but saw that Minho was still hard as a rock. You licked your lips at the sight and reached towards him. “Let me–”
He blocked your hand and interlaced your fingers with his. “Don’t. Or else we will definitely crash.”
- - - - - - - - - -
The car ride was more fun than you thought an almost three hour car ride would be. You and Minho would switch from deep conversations, to singing playfully along to the radio, to simply sitting in content silence - just enjoying the scenery and each other’s presence.
When Minho started to pull into the quaint suburbs of Gimpo, your anxiety made itself known. You started wringing your hands together when you thought of all of the ways you could screw up your first meeting with his parents. You wracked your brain to remember all of the proper Korean etiquette techniques you were taught. When you met Chan’s parents, you were like, what? Eight years old? You didn’t have to worry about that kind of shit at that age! Not to mention you were in Australia.
Of course, you did your research, but nothing could ease the worry that you might miss something or screw it up somehow. You checked your makeup for the umteenth time in the little mirror on the sun visor and took a deep breath as Minho pulled into a small lot next to some condos. When parked, you texted Chan of your arrival and you mentally prepared yourself to go inside, but Minho placed a hand on your knee.
“Jagi, you really need to relax. They aren’t piranhas, they are going to love you!” He chuckled as he, of course, saw right through you.
You traced the veins down his arms with your index finger and kept your eyes down. “Well… what if, like, I forget the correct manners without knowing it? Or I get nervous and mess up my Korean and accidentally call your mom a crazy bitch or something? Or I ending up breaking some sort of hundred year old family heirloom and they–”
“Y/N!” You halted your words and meekly looked up at your boyfriend. “Even if any of that happens, they’re really cool, okay? Do you trust me?” 
Do I trust you? Of course I trust you. You trusted him more than you trusted yourself. It really was amazing how fast he earned your trust, really. After everything from your past, finding someone to trust was few and far between. You knew without a shadow of a doubt that you would lay your life in Chan’s hands, and now, Minho was starting to be another you could say that about. “I trust you…”
The sincerity in your words made him smile and he pressed a sweet, tender kiss to your lips. “Let’s go, yeah?” 
After Minho’s collected all of the baggage - because of course he insisted on carrying it - you stood at their front door, adjusting every piece of your outfit perfectly. You found him smirking at you and you scowled as you smacked him with the back of your hand.
He snorted as he knocked on the door and your mind was running at a thousand miles a minute. You suddenly noticed every little thing around you. You saw the light just inside the door turn on through the peephole. You heard a rustling on the other side of the freshly painted white door. You watched with anxiety as the age-worn doorknob turned.
You were met with a short, beautiful older woman with laugh lines and a sweet smile. Her skin wasn’t much unlike Minho’s and you could see where he got his beautiful eyes and cheekbones from. “Hello! You must be Y/N! We’ve been so excited to meet you!” Both you and Minho were caught off guard when she pulled you in for a hug, which you happily returned.
“Yes ma’am!” You deeply bowed when she releases you. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Lee. Thank you for inviting me to your home! The neighborhood seems lovely.” Little did she know that you were just about pissing yourself with nerves.
She gave you a sweet smile and Minho spoke up. “Um hello? Darling mother of mine?! The one I haven’t seen in months?! Any hello for me?”
“Oh shush, Minnie. Don’t be whiny.” She just waved him off with a small pinch on the cheek while she whisked you inside with a hand on your shoulder. You removed your shoes as soon as you entered and allowed her to pull you up to round the half staircase and into the living room. A tall, slender man with bifocals and a tired look turned to you after pulling a couple suitcases into the room. You could feel your heart drop out of your ass when you looked at his stern face.
You immediately dropped into a deep bow. “Good evening, sir. I’m Y/N! Thank you so much for inviting me into your home.” You sounded like a broken record. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lee.” He smirked and glanced at Minho. Well I can definitely see where Minho gets it from. That and his intimidating features with a sharp nose and defined jawline.
“Oh no need to be so formal, sweetheart! Feel free to call us eomeonim and abeonim!” Minho’s mother said as she put a shawl over her shoulders.
“Yes ma’am! Thank you, eomeonim!” It felt odd to call her ‘mother’ but a good kind of odd.
“Very lovely to meet you as well, Y/N.” Minho’s father walked up and encased your outstretched hand with both of his, shaking it slightly. “What is a beautiful young lady such as yourself doing with my son?”
“Yah!” Minho protested and his father just chuckled and ignored him.
You giggled along with him. “Well, he seems to be doing well so far. I thought I’d go ahead and keep him.” You said sarcastically with a sly look and a wink at Minho.
“Hah! I like this girl.” His dad guffawed at his mom and patted your shoulder with a force that would’ve knocked you over had Minho not had a hand around your waist. 
“Well, dear. I’m terribly sorry that we have to leave just as you have arrived, but we really need to catch our bus. Thank you two so much for watching the place for us while we’re gone!” You and Minho walked them to the front door you had entered just moments before. “Please help yourself to whatever you like and make yourself at home! I will just have to break out the baby photos when we return!”
“Yes, please–!” “God,no–!” You and Minho said over each other, making his parents laugh.
“Okay, well you two have fun! See you two on Sunday!” Her bright tone completely erased all of your worries and you and Minho waved them goodbye, bidding them with safe travels.
As soon as Minho shut and locked the door, he was all over you. Mouth latching onto yours like you were the air he needed to breathe. One hand tangled in your hair while the other squeezed your breast through the material of your dress. Pelvises slotted together as he pushed you against the wall. You were in love with it all, but something snatched your attention away when you felt something brush against your leg. You broke the kiss as your gaze wandered down and Minho’s eyes followed yours.
A bright-eyed orange cat weaved its way throughout Minho’s legs. “Soonie!” You crouched down to allow the feline to sniff your finger.
“You actually remembered who he is?” Minho seemed flabbergasted.
“Of course I do! You’ve talked about them so much and I’ve seen enough pictures and videos that I feel like I already know them!” Your heart filled with warmth when Soonie rubbed his head up against your outstretched hand in invitation to pet him. Minho squatted down next to you and you could see him watching you through your peripheral vision. You turned to look at him and saw a fond smile on his face, which you returned without thinking.
“C’mon, let me show you the rest of the place.”
- - - - - - - - - -
Dori had briefly shown herself once in the tour, but Doongie was nowhere to be found. “He’ll come out when he’s ready.” You were dejected to hear this, but you knew he was right. The only problem was that you had shit patience.
 You were filled with fondness and adoration for this man as he took you around the house, recounting different stories from his past that he wanted to share. Each story was so expressive and you could tell he was excited to get to share his precious memories with you. It was moments like these that made you really love Minho…
Love? The thought had come to mind plenty of times, of course, but this time you thought without hesitation. Love didn’t come to your head as a question to yourself, it was a fact. Love as in, yes, this is one of the reasons why you are in love with this man. Love as in, yes, there is nowhere else you would rather be right now. Love as in, yes, you want him in your life from here on out.
Your face turned impossibly red as your mind brought the solidarity of your feelings to fruition. He definitely noticed because one moment he was describing how he would always help his mom with dinner while the two of you were chatting on the couch, and the next he was turned toward you, caressing your face. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, gorgeous?”
You could only shake your head as you stared up at him with starstruck eyes. He’s so fucking beautiful. “You are amazing, you know that? How did I get so lucky?” The words naturally rolled off of your tongue and the scoff he let out brushed across your face.
“Trust me, I’m not all that great, sweetheart.” He paused for a beat. “There are things that–”
“I don’t care.” You cut him off. You didn’t even have to cogitate on it. You already knew there was something he was holding back, but you didn’t care. Whatever it was, however bad, it made him the person that he was. And without a shadow of a doubt, you were in love with the Minho he was now . The only thing you did doubt was if he loved you back or not.
You knew it was stupid to ruminate on it, but if you said it and he didn’t love you back? That would make for a very shitty weekend. But damn him for looking like a fucking lovesick puppy with the way he was currently gazing at you.
His thumb glided across your cheek and over your lips. “You’re perfect, Y/N…” He slowly leaned in with his sights fixed on your lips. The kiss he placed there was delicate and chaste, as if you were made of porcelain. When he pulled back, the look he gave you made you break.
“I love you…” It was barely a whisper but you knew he heard you from the astonished look on his face. Well shit. I was just telling myself not to say it and the bastard made me slip! You were internally having a meltdown and the silence between words seemed like an eternity.
To say he looked shocked was an understatement. It looked like he just discovered the taste of cheese or something equally as life changing. His eyes were wide as saucers as he stared down at you with a slack jaw. You wanted to curb stomp yourself and crawl into a hole. But what’s done is done…
“I-I’m sorr–” Your words were cut short by a pair of lips searing its heat all over yours. Sensual and ravenous. Romantic and wild. You almost felt dizzy from the pure intensity and abruptness of it. His hands had grabbed you by each side of your face and you could hear your own heart beating out of your chest.
“I love you too, Y/N.” Another kiss. “So fucking much.” You couldn’t contain your giddy stupidass schoolgirl smile that grew on your face as he continued showering you with kisses. The kisses gradually became more solid and the breaths that mingled between the two of you became heavy and laden with want . Need.
You only momentarily parted before Minho heaved you up with his hands under your thighs and your legs surrounding his hips. He must have had this house read like the back of his hand because he didn’t let up on the assault of your lips even as he shuffled through the hallways to his bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind him and the only light that illuminated the two of you as he laid you down on the bed was his dim bedside lamp and the moonlight shining in the window.
Minho was slower, more controlled now. Hovering above you, he slowly, painfully slowly, pressed tender kisses from your lips, to your jaw, to your neck, and finally to your shoulder where he slid the seam of your dress over slightly to skim down your collarbone.
You laid there aching, but you waited patiently, loving the careful attention he was committing to you. With the hand that wasn’t holding himself upright, he slid down from the sleeve of your shoulder, around the crest of your breast, down the dip of your waist and hip, all the way to the hem of your dress. His eyes explored your body the whole way.
His hand slipped up your thigh under your dress and he returned to languidly kissing and suckling on your neck as he kneaded your ass, making you mewl with need. You could feel his weight shift to his knees as the fabric of your dress was being bunched upwards by both of his hands. You stopped his ministrations on your neck for a moment so you could rid yourself of the offending piece of fabric.
However, before he could continue, his eyes were glued to what you wore underneath. Red satin and lace lingerie were matching underneath your dress and you wondered how he didn’t notice it with the way he finger fucked you on the way here. He stared at you like you were the finest piece of artwork alive and his hands skimmed up and down the sides of your boney frame.
“Breathtaking…” He laid a sweet kiss on your exposed navel.
“Minnie…” You couldn’t say anything above a breathy whisper as you watched him meticulously unlatch your garters with feather light touches. His fingers hooked under the hem of your stocking and slowly pulled them off one at a time, kissing his way down your legs while doing so.
This was a whole different experience than what you had known Minho to be like in bed. This was tender and patient, an intimacy like you had never experienced permeated the room and made your heart swell painfully. His movements were soft and calculated and the fingertips he ran across your skin left chills in its wake. Your entire body was trembling with nerves and anticipation.
When he had removed your stockings, he breathed his way back up your legs, over your wet panties, up your torso, and to your lips. His kiss was long and languid, moving sensually and when you felt his tongue slip out to meet yours, you could feel it was almost hesitant.
You tried to control yourself but you were so painfully desperate that your hands moved on their own. Your fingers ran through his hair as your kisses made your eagerness known. The light tugs you gave on his blue locks pulled a groan from his throat and one of his hands skimmed around to your back to deftly unlatch your flimsy bralette.
You ran your own hands down the front of his minty shirt and clumsily started unbuttoning him with your shaky fingers while his lips were still savoring your own. Once you had successfully undone the last button, he sat back and threw it off to the side, leaving his top half naked.
You had seen him shirtless many times, but you could never get over the sensation you felt in your gut as you looked at him. You sat up to meet his toned frame that was nestled in between your legs, kissing slowly down his abdomen as he ran his fingers lovingly through your hair. When your lips met the hem of his jeans, you mimicked his slow movements as you looked up into his eyes as you lazily unclasped his belt and pulled it from its loops.
He lowered his hand to thumb at your bottom lip as you unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper, indicating you wanted them off by tugging down the thick material over the cleft of his ass. When he stripped them the rest of the way off and returned to you, he laid you back and pressed into you again. The feeling of his throbbing tumescence against your heat with only your undergarments separating you two made your head spin. I’m turning into a goddamn bitch in heat.
You desperately rolled your pussy down on him and he attempted to suppress a moan as he reciprocated the movement, suddenly more eager than before as he started biting and sucking on your pulse. You threw your head back in ecstasy of the pressure and whimpered. “M-Minnie… I want you so bad, baby.” You reluctantly pulled his head away from his assault on your neck with your hands cupping his cheeks to look straight into his eyes with a dead serious composure. “Please make love to me, Minho… I’ve never been more ready…” 
His glossy eyes searched yours and your heart rate spiked as you could feel his head nod in your hands. He quickly and clumsily stumbled over to his wallet and pulled out a square foil. Really? In your wallet? You didn’t have much time to think about the less than optimal storage space as he climbed back on top of you and tossed the rubber to the side.
His fingers went back to exploring your thighs as he leveled his face to your sploosh-soaked panties and hooked an arm underneath one of your legs. You felt a jolt spring through your body as you felt the white hot pinch of teeth sinking into your inner thigh and then felt the softness of a tongue smooth over the pain.
Your breaths became louder and whinier as you felt his hot breath ghost over your wetness. He slowly dragged his unoccupied index finger up the inside of your thigh and hooked it into the crotch of your panties, pulling them aside so he could delicately flick your throbbing bead with his tongue. You craned your neck as the pleasure overpowered you, the anticipation making everything that much more delectable.
He obviously was starting to get impatient as well as he decided to loop his fingers in your panties and garter belt and slide them off the rest of the way. He gazes at you with desire dripping from his eyes as he lowered his face into your dripping folds and dipped his tongue in, reaching as far as he could and pulling out again. After only a moment, his mouth returned to suck on your clit and his fingers snaked their way into you to work their magic.
“Ngh! Min!” You grabbed onto his hair as he ate you out like a carnivorous animal. His fingers worked with a clear goal. To make you cum as fast as possible. “M-Min! I want to finish with you !” His whole body froze and his fingers inside you stilled.
“Holy shit. Okay, baby. Okay.” He quickly shucked off his boxers and for some reason you got super anxious, even scared almost. It’s like the excitement of getting your ears pierced for the first time, but when you see the needle, you get scared shitless.
You’d already known that he was rather large and could probably split you in two, but to realize you were just a few moments away from it happening made you worry about the pain even more. Whatever, this pain can’t be nearly as bad as what I’ve had to endure before. He seemed to read your turmoil as you stared doe-eyed at him ripping the packet open with his teeth and rolling on the condom. He paused after it was fully on and he kissed your forehead. “Don’t worry, little mouse. I will try to make it as painless as I can.”
Your gaze returned to his eyes and you saw the sincerity within him. You trusted this man so wholeheartedly that all of your worries subsided, only leaving you to dumbly nod at him. You gasped as he slowly pressed his head against your opening, swirling it against your sopping clit around your folds as you keened at the devastating heat and pressure against you.
“You ready baby?” You nodded frantically and wrapped your hands around his nape with both hands, refusing to look anywhere but his eyes and grabbing the fading blue hair on the back of his neck. The two of you groaned in unison as you could feel him intrude your walls, your eyes fluttering violently at the stretch. “Oh, fuck… Shit, you’re so tight.” His words were strained and he looked as if he were about to bust a nut right on the spot.
He paused once only his head was in to let you adjust. “O-oh god!” Well, that was what you tried to say, but really it only came out as a choked squeaking noise.
“You okay, jagi?” You could see he was struggling himself, but he used his free hand to gently caress the side of your head. Unable to release any words, you just nodded your head slowly and wrapped your legs around his waist, imploring him to keep going.
After a minute or so, he was fully sheathed and you could barely breathe. The pleasure and pain of being completely full was intoxicating. “I need words, baby girl.” He breathed out against your neck.
You had to shake yourself back into a conscious state so you could find a proper sentence. “F-fuck… You’re splitting me in two…”
His eyes went panicked and he loosened himself from you. “Do we need to stop?” You almost growled at him once he started to move away and you latched your legs around him impossibly tighter, making him slam back into you. You let out a yelp and he choked on his own gasp.
“I will legitimately kill you if you leave my pussy right now.” He breathed out a shaky laugh against your neck and placed a small peck there. You waited another moment before speaking up. “O-okay… I think… I think I’m ready for you to start moving.”
You felt him start to pull back shallowly before pushing in again, pulling back further the more times he did it. You squinted the pain away and tried to focus on the captivating man above you.
You were entranced by the glistening sheen of sweat that started to form across his forehead and his heavy eyelids consumed with lust. You watched his toned abdomen contract and relax as he pumped into you, and when you looked down to where you two connected, you almost orgasmed on sight as you watched him slide in and out of your dripping cunt, his dick coated in a thick sheen of your arousal. He was so loving and gentle and your heart swelled almost painfully with the tenderness and care he was treating you with. Each thrust was calculated and intimate, you couldn’t imagine anything more perfect.
He abruptly stilled his movements, making you whine at him because you were finally getting past the pain. He stared down at you with wide eyes and brought his hand up to your face. “Y/N baby, you’re crying…” He smoothed his thumb over the dark mascara line of your tears and you were surprised with yourself. You didn’t even know you were crying. “I think we need to put this on hold, Kiyomi. I’m hurting you too badly.”
“No!” You clung onto him for dear life, shoving your face in his neck. “Seriously, Min! It barely even hurts anymore! I think… I dunno, I guess I’m just really lost in the moment…” You lifted his head up and gave him a soft kiss. “I’m just amazed at how I really don’t deserve you, Minnie…” You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead against him.
Desperate for him to continue, you rolled your hips up, making him groan. He pushed deeper and you gasped. “It’s me—“ Another deep thrust. “That doesn’t deserve you.” He slowly pulled back and looked directly into your eyes. “You deserve every wonderful thing in this world.” He slammed back into you deep and hard at the same time he captured your lips in a searing kiss.
You moaned into his lips and happily gave him access to your mouth as he collided tongues with you, followed by a long lick across the roof of your mouth. Your kisses started to turn sloppy and you mostly breathed into each other’s mouths as he rocked into you, occasionally colliding tongues as your foreheads mashed together. You started to lose control of your senses when he sat up and strengthened his thrusts, grabbing onto your hips and lifting you up using only pure muscle power to pump right into your sweet spot. His manic movements were causing his old and rickety high school bed to creak and bang against the wall furiously.
“Oh shit! Fuck! Right there Min! Oh god!” You could slightly see the smirk cross his lips from the pride of his efforts, but it was quickly replaced with a look of determination and euphoria. “Please d-don’t stop! P-please Minnie! I’m so close—!“
“Me too, baby—“ He started to replace his power with speed, repeatedly pounding against your delicious bundle of nerves and making your body shake in ecstasy. Your hooked legs around him clenched him closer and deeper with each thrust. You could feel his thrusts start to get sloppy and you dared to look down at his throbbing cock impaling you over and over again.
That finished you. You screamed as you came all over the bed coverings and his twitching dick, your clenching walls causing Minho to empty into the condom himself with a choked growl. His stuttering hips rode out both of your orgasms and he fell on top of you, sticky sweat coating both of your bodies.
The only noise that filled the air was the mingling of both of your heavy breaths and the approaching summer night’s cicadas. You wrapped your arms around your exhausted lover and kissed his shoulder, running feather light fingers up and down his back and through his sweaty hair. It was an interesting sensation to feel Minho’s erection slowly soften inside you.
After a moment he pulled out and tied the condom, disposing it in the bin by his bed. When he returned to your side, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you on top of his chest. He closed the distance of your lips and kissed you languidly and intimately.
You eventually pulled back and rested your forehead against his, breathing into his mouth. “That was even better than I could have ever imagined. I love you so fucking much…”
“I love you too, my little mouse.” You smiled against his lips and left a chaste kiss against his mouth before sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed. “Where do you think you're going?”
“Oh, well I hate to break it to you, but I only stuck around for your dick. I’m actually gonna head back home and find another boy-toy.” You winked at him and he looked furious. He lunged for you and you screech-laughed as he pinned you down.
“You think you’re funny, huh? You’re lucky I only had the one condom or else I’d be making you scream right now.” A delicious shiver ran up your spine and you lost your cheeky smirk from before.
“Well… um… I may or may not have gotten an IUD a month or two back…” His face turned completely gobsmacked. You felt partially guilty for not telling him that the doctor basically said it would be difficult for you to get pregnant at all with all of the previous internal damage you had suffered.
“Fuck, Kiyomi. You’re going to kill me…” His lips attacked you again and, if you weren’t already sore and tired as all hell, you would totally be down for round two. 
You reluctantly pushed him away and rolled him off of you, making him whine. “I need to shower and sleep so I can be alive tomorrow! You big baby. You made me wait long enough, it’s your turn bitch.” The smirk on your face, however, was wiped off when you tried to stand and your legs buckled underneath you like a baby deer.
You flopped back onto the bed and Minho cooed at you. “Aww, is my mouse tired? Too much exertion for her weak little body?” You glared at him and his petulant baby voice. “Don’t worry, baby girl. I’ll help you.” Before you knew it, Minho had hooked his arms underneath your knees and was lifting you into the air. 
“Minho! What the fuck?! I’m too heavy!”
“Tsk. Please.” He said sarcastically.. “I’ve lifted paperweights heavier than you.” He rolled his eyes. “Plus, I've already carried you several times before! I don’t know why you’re only saying this now!”
“I’ve gained weight since then!”
He scoffed. “Ah, yes, very true. Now you weigh about two paperweights.”
You huffed and clung onto his shoulders. “Fuck you…”
He responded with a wink. “Any time you like, darling.”
Once he entered the bathroom, he plopped you down on the vanity countertop and turned on the shower to warm up. You took a few moments to, once again, appreciate his beautiful naked body. All of his muscles were beautifully toned and he wasn’t too buff or sculpted like some beefcake. He looked like a goddamned piece of art, a true personification of a dance statue. His skin was absolutely flawless like chiseled marble and as soft as silk. His ass was the perfect balance of plump and toned.
When he returned to you, you could see hearts in his eyes as he looked at your lustful face. You could never fathom what he saw in you. You reached out to him with a pout and grabby hands and he chuckled. Without any words, he stepped in between your legs that were dangling off of the counter and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“How did I fall in love with such a bratty, badass little mouse?” He said in a low voice as he leaned in to kiss you long and languidly. “You think you can stand in the shower, jagi?” You smiled as you nodded at him, standing up with newborn legs and taking his hand to step into the blissfully hot shower.
You leaned your head back underneath the water and sighed. This has to be one of the best days I’ve ever experienced, you thought as you felt the trickling heat loosen your tense muscles. You melted as you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist from behind. You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes, the two of you swaying under the water in silence.
He was sweet and gentle as he helped you clean your skin and wash your hair for you, delectably massaging you all the while. He was a truly perfect man. You spent most of the shower lazily kissing and embracing each other.
Once the two of you finished getting ready for bed, you thanked yourself (and Felix for buying it) for bringing a lace and satin, mint green camisole. Once you slipped it on and Minho got in bed with only a pair of boxers on, he looked at your dressings and glared at you. “Are you wanting me to ruin you? Because that kind of bullshit is a one way ticket to getting cross eyed screwed.”
You fluttered your eyes and sat on your knees next to Minho on the sheets, slightly emphasizing your breasts (that had blessedly started filling out with weight gain) as you puffed out your chest. “I thought this was your favorite color, baby.” You flourished your sweet words with a slight lilt to your voice. You crawled to hover over him with your upper body to whisper against his lips. “If you want to ruin me, your going to have to earn it, kitty cat.” And with that, you left a peck on his lips and rolled over to lay down, facing away from the shirtless, baffled man.
You suddenly felt a strong arm around you yanking you tight to his chest. “You’re a fucking tease, little mouse. One day, I’ll make you learn your lesson.” You just hummed in response and rolled over to face him, still encased in his warm embrace.
Once you threw an arm and a leg over him and snuggled into the heat of his chest, he completely melted, letting a heavy sigh escape his mouth. “It's weird that I get to tell you I love you, my MeanHoe.”
You felt him squeeze you tighter. “Wow, that was almost romantic.” You giggled into his chest, smelling your freshly brushed, minty breath hit his chest and waft back into your senses. “But I love you too, my bratty mouse.” He kissed the top of your head that was snuggling ever closer into him. “Sweet dreams, jagi.”
You were already drifting off as you heard the words leave his mouth. Fading to black with a smile spread across your features.
- - - - - - - - - -
You couldn’t run fast enough. With every step, you felt him getting closer, breathing down your neck. You could see Chan in the distance, standing outside his house back in Australia and waiting for you with open arms. You desperately wanted to be held by him. You wanted to feel safe again. Wanted to feel loved again by the only person who ever loved you. However he wasn’t the only person now. You could see Minho stand up next to him, both of them exchanging worried looks to each other then back at you.
You were using all of your strength to reach them, but you felt like you were going at a snail’s pace, barely moving an inch at a time. You could feel the fingertips of the man trying to grab you, just barely out of reach, and you thrashed your body away from every touch.
Out of nowhere, you heard a loud crack in the air. A boom that you knew all too well. The boys that were your whole world were no longer in front of you and you could no longer move. You could feel something was wrong. Your hand traveled to your stomach to feel the warm, sticky substance and you looked down to see blood seeping through your thin camisole and onto your hand. You were surprisingly calm. Like you secretly always knew that your past would catch up to you, making you defenseless in the end.
The hand behind you grabbed your arm and threw you to the ground. You watched in silent defeat as your father stood over you and your mother faced the other way. The blood draining from your body made you violently shake. Seriously, you felt your body uncontrollably spasming around on the ground like you were being shaken furiously–
“Y/N!!! Wake up! Baby, please!” You gasped for air as you watched Minho grabbing your arms and shaking you violently. “Kiyomi, baby…” He hugged you tightly. “It’s okay, love. You’re okay…” You hadn’t even realized that you were sobbing loudly until he wiped the tears from your eyes and kissed your forehead. “It was just a dream, baby. It’s okay now. I’m here. I’m always here.”
Sadly, this wasn’t the only nightmare you’d had from your past, but it was definitely worse than others. “I’m so s-sorry Min. I w-woke you up…” You stuttered through your trembling voice.
“Shut up. Don’t be ridiculous. I’m always going to be here for you. Always …” Your heart palpitated with these words. Always. He said always.
You hugged him tightly and silently cried into his chest. There was a long while - you don’t even know how long - where the two of you laid against each other in silence. You, coming down from your panic attack and him, comfortingly smoothing his hand up and down your back. “Minnie?” He responded with a questioning hum. “What if I still haven’t escaped them? What if… what if they are looking for me…”
He stilled his movements and was quiet for a minute. “Then we will protect you. All of us. I won’t let anything happen to you, Y/N.”
You looked up at his face with tears in your eyes. “How can you know that for sure?”
He looked back at you and smiled sadly. “Because I'm not the only one that loves you. They all do too, dummy. Their love may be in a different way, but you are one of us. No one will hurt the family we have become. No one .”
You knew it was foolish but, just once, you wanted to believe it.
- - - - - - - - - -
The weekend was full of Minho taking you around his hometown and showing you a whole bunch of places from his childhood. He taught you how to fish, showed you cute little shopping strips, and took you on romantic dates. You met some of his old friends and they were more than complimentary toward you. The teasing of Minho was relentless and you couldn’t get enough of it. It really was the most ideal and wonderful first time going to see where Minho grew to become the man of your dreams.
Sunday morning after the two of you woke up and Minho cooked you a phenomenal breakfast, you wanted to get presentable again before Minho’s parents returned home that evening. “I’m gonna go take a shower, Minnie!” You yelled behind your retreating frame to Minho who was still cleaning up the kitchen.
“Sounds good!” You were beaming with pent up happiness as you stepped in the bathroom and stripped off your clothes. You were all too eager to take a relaxing shower.
The hot water cascaded down your hair and you tilted your head back to take in the exceptional pleasure of the soothing heat. Yesterday had been so packed full of activities that you automatically crashed after returning to the house. You felt disgusting and you sighed at the relieving feeling of getting clean again.
You must have been lost in your own head thinking about the amazing previous day that you didn’t hear Minho come in, because you jolted in surprise when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you from behind.
“Jesus, Min! You about gave me a heart attack!” You slapped his forearm that was wrapped around your waist, to which he just chuckled wickedly and placed a chaste kiss on your shoulder. The two of you stood in silence under the water, happy with just existing in each other’s presence.
After a moment, he removed one of his hands from your waist and ran it over the back of your drenched hair, moving it to the side of your shoulder and tucking his head into the crook of the bare side of your neck. Once he returned his hand to its previous position wrapped around your waist, you could feel the wet heat of his mouth press just below your jaw. His hands dipped down to your hips and he pulled you closer to him.
You let out a long, satisfied sigh and leaned your head over to lay back against him to give him more access. This seemed to spur him on more as he ran his tongue over your pulse and up to suck hard right behind your ear. There was no way that there wasn’t going to be a hickey there later, but you didn’t care anymore. If need be, you could cover it with makeup or your hair. Your knees went weak when he suddenly snuck his left hand down to your clit and started rolling it between his fingers, coaxing a breathy croon from your lips.
Your vagina still hurt tremendously from the other day, but you could feel yourself getting painfully horny again, and you knew he was too once you could feel his hard-on pressing against your tailbone. You figured you could handle a bit more pain. Why not?
You spun yourself around in his arms and smashed your lips against his, tongues and teeth clashing. He seemed just as eager as you as he grabbed two handfuls of your ass and pulled you flush to his erection, squishing and massaging your plush cheeks in the process. You moaned into his mouth and tried to wrap a leg around him. He obviously took the hint as he lifted you up around his waist and pressed you up against the tiled wall.
“Shit, I’m a weak man. You’re too addicting.” He whispered as he frantically kissed down your neck. You started to feel desperate as you could feel him so close to your entrance. Your body moved on its own to try and wiggle around to feel him against you.
“Min…” You whined. “God, please just fuck me.” He looked like he was fighting an internal battle. You were quickly losing your dignity as you realized you were literally begging him to ruin you. 
“Oh yeah?” He slipped his hand in between your bodies and grazed over your clit again. “You want that, little mouse? Want me to fuck you up into the wall?” His fingers found their way through your pussy lips and teased at your entrance.
You tried to grind down on his fingers but his strong hold under your ass kept you firm in his grasp. “Minnie… please…” You looked and sounded pathetic - you knew you did - but the feeling of your walls fluttering around nothing due to him circling your opening was driving you insane. You huffed in frustration. “You can cum on my face if you want, but I just need you in me right now .”
You saw his fiery gaze waver only slightly before returning with a vengeance. “As you wish, my good girl.” He slipped his fingers in to get you nice and stretched, digging right up against your sensitive bundle of nerves and making you twitch and fall apart in his arms. Your squeaks and high-pitched grunts earned an evil grin from Minho as he upped his efforts. Once he felt you were fully prepped, he pumped his erection a couple times before he swiftly lined up to harshly slam into you. You gasp-squeaked and wrapped your arms around his neck, compressing your upper bodies tightly. You wanted him as close as possible, both inside and out. You left open-mouthed kisses against his shoulder between your breathy yelps and croons. He was relentless. He enraptured you into a haze of pain-pleasure as he pounded into you. He fucked you into the wall just like he said he would and his labored breaths fell heavily on the side of your back. “Kiyomi– *ngh* –you feel so fucking good.” 
You could only respond with a choked gasp as he rammed into you with a particularly harsh thrust. “F-fu–” There were no words. As much as you tried, your body and voice were no longer yours. They were his. His to control and mold into immense pleasure, leaving you stuttering like a complete brain-dead whore.
He sped up furiously and you couldn’t even fathom how he had the strength to not only hold you up, but also fuck into you so enthusiastically. You could feel your high quickly approaching as he painfully nailed into your cervix and rolled into your g-spot. After a particularly painful thrust, you borderline screamed as you came all over his cock. “B-babe… I–I’m–” He sounded frantic.
You could tell he was just about to cum from his choppy thrusts and you quickly hopped off of him and sank down to your knees, trying to ignore the throbbing in between your legs. The shower water uncomfortably sprayed the side of your face, but you couldn’t be bothered with it as you were preoccupied with stuffing your mouth with dick to help him chase his orgasm. He fucked deep into your mouth and you tried to hold back your gags as you swallowed his length. Without warning he whipped himself out and jerked himself in your face, painting you white as your mouth hung open.
You watched his face as he rode out his orgasm and you’d never seen or heard anything more beautiful in your life. His breathy, velvety groan when he came was music to your ears and you never thought getting manjam all over your face and hair would be so exhilarating. You stood up and let him get a good look at his artwork. “Holy shit…” He breathed against your cum covered lips. He then promptly ran two fingers across the strings of white fluid and shoved his fingers in your open mouth, making you wrap your lips around them and suck seductively. “Damn, you are fucking unreal.”
You quickly rinsed off his sperm so you could dive right back into kissing him. You had wrapped your arms around his neck and you kissed him with a gentleness that showed your appreciation. He cupped his hand over your cheek as you parted and looked into your eyes lovingly. As you looked back at him with a similar expression, basking in the silent moment, you decided to speak up. “My pussy hurts like a motherfucker.”
His face morphed into one of pure bemusement. “Way to ruin the moment, brat.”
“What?! It’s the truth! Your dick destroyed me! You're lucky that I was horny enough to go again!” You turned around to finally start showering yourself with a proud pout as he chuckled.
He wrapped his arms around you again, similar to his previous position, whispering in your ear. “Extremely lucky. Your cunt feels like heaven.” He pressed a chaste kiss against your cheek as you shivered. You used to hate that word but it sounded so delicious coming from his mouth. Probably your new favorite.
Your libido must have been through the roof that day because as you both showered off, all you wanted to do was jump on him. Thankfully, your body was too weak and exhausted to do anything marginally active.
- - - - - - - - - -
When Minho’s parents arrived back home, they greeted you with open arms again. As promised, Minho’s mom showed you all of the embarrassing childhood photos of him and his adorable, nerdy, high school selcas.
Minho’s dad patted him on the back as he lamented and protested the entire time. You cooed an extraordinary amount of times and gave Minho shit-eating glances, earning you daggers for eyes.
During dinner, just like Minho said, he and his mom worked together to create the most succulent, delicious Kkanpunggi Chicken you have ever tasted. The table was packed with food. Kimchi, pork dumplings, and kimbap covered all corners and you quickly found out where Minho got his habit of force-feeding you. With the three of them combined coaxing you to eat everything and your will to not want to displease them, you ate until you felt sick and your back hurt with the pressure of fullness. It took an immense amount of concentration not to throw it all up with the slightest movement.
Small talk was easier than you thought it would be. You and Minho’s dad discussed how well you were adjusting to the transition to Korea and all the differences and you discussed with his mom how you liked everything at school.
“So, Y/N, what do your parents do for a living?” Fuck. You supposed you should have anticipated this, family was of great importance in Korea and it only made sense that his dad would ask, but still…
You subconsciously wrung your hands together in your lap under the table and had an internal panic attack just thinking about them. You could feel Minho burning holes into you with his eyes but you couldn’t bring yourself to look anywhere but his parents' awaiting faces.
“That’s not impor—“
“Not much, they just run a small family business. Mostly just transporting goods.” You cut Minho off before he could utter another word. It’s not really a lie, right? They technically transport 'goods'... Their contented smiles stayed on their faces and nodded.
Minho’s mom propped her elbows up on the table and rested her head on her knuckles. “How lovely! Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
“No ma’am, it’s just me.” You said easily with a polite smile. “Only child just like Minho!” You cheerfully said while looking at Minho, hoping to ease his tension. By the look on his face, you weren’t entirely successful.
“Awe, well your parents must miss you terribly. I can’t imagine what it would be like if Minnie was in an entirely different country.” Your heart ached with the realization that you would never have that.
You still had Chan’s parents… 
You would talk to them a couple times a month and they would check on you, tell you they missed you and Chan, and tried to refuse your money every time. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself that you did, in fact, have parents that loved you and missed you unconditionally.
You smiled up at your boyfriend’s parents and confidently spoke. “Yes, eomeonim. I’m sure they do.”
- - - - - - - - - -
You reluctantly bid your farewells to his parents as Minho finished packing up the car. You warmly hugged his parents goodbye and his dad told you to come back any time ‘free of charge’ he said with a chuckle to which you couldn’t help but giggle in return.
You watched Minho’s parents retreating frames as the two of you drove away, heart swollen and contented with your perfect weekend getaway. You turned back to the man in the driver's seat as he silently grabbed your hand to kiss your knuckles. You smirked at him. 
“You’ve been too nice to me. When we get back home are you going to be a pain in my ass again?” A smug smile took place on his lips.
“Only if you’re lucky.” He winked at you from the side and you giggled.
The trip back passed surprisingly quickly and the two of you were almost back home. You were excited to finally see Chan and get everything off your chest.
When your phone started buzzing, you were startled at the irony when you saw Chan’s contact popped up. “Hey, hun! I was just about to call you to let you know we are headed back! Almost home now!”
“Nice, how are the boys?” His voice sounded very flat and almost even pissed.
“Th-they’re great! We had a great time!” For some reason, you were starting to feel anxious and apprehensive.
It was silent for a moment and then Chan spoke up. “Is Sung available? I need to ask him something.” Your stomach dropped out of your ass.
You puffed out a nervous chuckle and Minho gave you a confused expression. “Nah, he’s passed out in the back right now. Eventful weekend, you know?”
More silence.
“Y/N.” Okay, using your first name confirms that he was pissed. “In all of the years I have known you, I have never seen you so shamelessly lie to me.” Your heart sank. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. “It’s funny how you think that I wouldn’t see Jisung around. Considering we work together and I can blatantly see when he clocks in and out.”
You knew that Jisung had to work, but he reassured you that it was nowhere near the hours that Chan was working. This was definitely a factor that you three had overlooked. “Channie…”
“Save it, Y/N. I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing, and I know you had some sort of reason—“ You could feel tears build up in your eyes. “—but whatever the reason, I never expected you to lie to me about it.”
The tears were falling more consistently now. “Channie let me—“ your voice was uncontrollably shaky.
“You‘ve been a completely different person lately, Y/N.” He sounded like you had broken him. “If I’m not able to trust you anymore, don’t bother coming back.”
“Channie—!!!” He instantly hung up the phone and you found that you...
...you were suffocating.
You felt like every breath you took was filled with water and your face burnt from the friction of your hands rubbing your streams of tears away unsuccessfully. There was a ringing in your ears and the constant words of ‘don’t bother coming back’ filled your entire being. It was happening again.
You’re worthless .
You aren’t welcome .
You deserve to be alone .
You could feel a hand shaking you but could barely hear the muffled yelling of the man next to you past the overflowing thoughts in your head.
No one loves you.
You’re just a tool.
‘Find somewhere else to sleep tonight, bitch. I want you out of my sight.'
Your father’s words ran on repeat in your head and you wanted to smash in your own brains to escape them. You could feel your body close in on itself and your chest palpitate with hyperventilation. You were minutely aware of the door opening next to you and strong arms lifting your balled up form.
You didn’t care what happened to you anymore. You deserved nothing but to be used and discarded. Your mind brought you back to the nights you would wander the streets all night without any place to go. You didn’t want to burden Chan, and yet, here you were. You were more of a burden to Chan and his family than anything in this world. 
You. Are. Nothing.
Your vision was blurred with tears and the dazed over pain of your mind. You didn’t know what was happening around you and you couldn’t remember anything but Chan’s words.
‘...don’t bother coming back.’
‘...don’t bother coming back.’
‘...don’t bother coming back.’
You suddenly felt warm all over. A pressure consumed your body like a comforting cocoon and you melted into it. The cold, stiff tension in your body subsided and your body allowed you to feel again. You could hear yourself sobbing and realized that you had been all along, along with the repeated words of ‘worthless, I’m worthless’. With this realization, you allowed yourself a breather from the frantic words escaping your mouth.
The suffocating air had minutely thinned to an acceptable viscosity and you could feel your nerve endings returning to a modicum of function. First, you felt the soft embrace of your favorite blanket. Fluffy and thick with the perfect amount of weight to it. Second, you felt arms squeezing you tightly and a body pressed against your front and another from your back in a warm embrace. Lastly, you felt gentle hands comb through your hair and over your scalp, soothing the heat that was coursing through your brain.
You were starting to realize that you were having an anxiety attack. The last time you had one was during the last years that Chan was gone and you rationalized your mind to figure out how to climb out of it again. You focused on the feelings around you, trying desperately to escape the relentless thoughts coursing through your brain. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. You discovered that these words were being told to you by the arms around you. The fog in your vision started to clear and the light blinded you. Your eyes adjusted and you could see tendrils of curly, dirty blond hair in your field of vision.
The tears that were streaming down your face had decreased in consistency and you could feel the pain in your throat from the strain of your sobs. You could feel an aching in your back from being hunched over and you instinctively straightened up, stretching out the dull throbbing. You felt the hands loosen around you and realized you had two pairs of eyes plastered to your ugly crying face.
You allowed yourself to accept the focus of your surroundings. You were in your room, centered on your bed with a blanket around you and two men surrounding you. 
Then you focused on the man in front of you. Chan.
Your brother.
Your savior.
The sanctuary that had always been your beacon of light.
You broke out in sobs again as you clung to him for dear life. Afraid that if you let him go, you would lose him forever. You couldn’t hold on tight enough, close enough. Even though you could feel him hug you back, your body wrapped around him like a monkey, arms and legs circling his entire form. Your face buried in the crook of his neck and you could feel tears and snot rub up against his ivory skin.
“Ch-Channie! D-don’t leave me! P-please!” You were frantic. You were almost screaming out your plea’s to him. “Don’t th-throw me out! I love you! I’m s-so s-sorry! Please! Please !” You were clawing at his shirt as your body begged to cling onto him.
“Shhh shhh, you’re okay, love. It’s okay.” His soothing voice was being drowned out by your sobbing. He smoothed circles over your back with his wide hand. “Don’t be afraid, Kiyomi. I’m right here. You’re not going to lose me, baby girl. I’ll always be here.” You weren’t entirely sure, but you could have sworn you heard a crack in his voice and felt the wet heat of tears settle on your shoulder.
You weren’t sure how long time had passed. With the gentle shushes and the rocking and swaying of Chan holding you, time was irrelevant. “D-don’t leave me Channie…” You whispered against the soaked crook of his neck. Your throat was raspy and you could feel your eyes were swollen and strained.
“Shhh, I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. And neither are you… I’m so sorry, baby girl.” His voice was gentle and soothing, even if you could hear the lump in his throat.
You hiccupped back your sob. “I’M the one that’s sorry, Channie. So fucking sorry… I lied… I deserve to be thrown out on the streets.”
You felt him pull back and you picked up your breathing in a panic. That was until he grabbed your face with both hands. “Don’t you ever FUCKING say that, Kiyomi. I’m a goddamned piece of shit for even THINKING of saying that to you. You deserve better than me, Kiyomi. God, I’m so fucking sorry!”
You watched as the tears streamed down his face and by pure instinct, you stopped all thoughts other than wanting to make him quit hurting. “Why are you apologizing, Channie? I’m the one that fucked up…” You wrapped your arms around him who now had his crying face buried in his hands.
“I’m such a fucking idiot! I hurt you, Kiyomi. I swear to fucking god I will never forgive myself!”
“D-don’t you dare say that, Channie!” He popped his head up at your angry outburst. “I did this. I’m the one who fucked up. You deserve to hate me. After everything you’ve done for me, I hid this from you…”
Chan glanced behind you and you realized that Minho had been sitting behind you the whole time. “I can understand why you did, sweetheart. And that’s my fault too…” You looked at him with wide eyes. Did he already know? “Minho told me everything... I was the one who tried to forbid you from being together… I’m the one who made things harder on you…”
“Y-you…” You looked back at Minho with worried eyes.
He offered a sad smile and caressed your face. You were sure you could feel Chan stiffen underneath you, but you elected to focus your attention on your lover. “Come on, my little mouse. We can talk about this later. Let’s just calm down for now.” He held out his hand and you eagerly took it, trading your embrace from Chan, to Minho.
- - - - - - - - - -
“I’m so sorry Channie… I really was planning on telling you…” The three of you were sitting in the living room with the comfort of junk food and anime in the background filling the room. There was definitely tension, but you could tell that it was minimized for your sake.
Chan sighed. “I’m not going to lie and say that I am thrilled with the prospect of you being together, but…” Chan focused his sights on Minho. “Min says he is in love with you… and I am choosing to trust him.” His eyes turned into daggers. “But I swear to god, Min, if you hurt her, you better pray that I don’t find your sorry ass.”
Minho doesn’t scare easily. Hell, he is usually the scariest one in the group. But you could see the panic in his eyes as Chan spoke those words. “I wouldn’t dare…” Minho looked at you like you hung the moon. “She means more to me than anyone in the world…” 
You could feel your doe eyes glue to his as a single tear dropped from your eye. Minho reached his hand out and folded your hand in his. There was a moment of silence before Chan decided to add a meek response. “Kiyomi… I can’t express to you how sorry I am for saying that to you. I don’t know what was going through my head, but I hate myself for it. I hate to know that I am the one that caused your panic attack when I swore to myself that I would always be the one to ease them…” He glanced over at Minho with what looked like a tiny smile. “I suppose I have Minho to thank for taking care of you when I couldn’t…”
You were completely lost. What exactly had happened when you were trapped in your mental confinement? You must have shown your confusion on your face because Minho stroked your hair as he spoke up. “I didn’t know what happened on the phone with Chan-hyung, but I definitely knew something was wrong when you wouldn’t respond or look at me…” His face turned downcast. “You… you started screaming and crying and…” He swallowed dry. “I rushed to get you out of the car and carry you inside.”
Chan piped up from where he was looking at his fiddling hands. “When I opened the door and saw the state you were in and Minho’s panicked face, I knew that I had caused this. What I did to you…” His face lifted to Minho again. “I may not like the prospect of you two together… but I at least know that you are in good hands…”
Minho's face went dead serious as he straightened up. “I will do everything in my power to treat her how she deserves, hyung.” Minho softly smiled at you. “Because she deserves the world…”
If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading all three parts! Please like, follow, and share! Thanks baby stays! 😘
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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justhilary123 · 2 months
Curse of the WereMouse Chapter 4
*Hilary meets up with Leela, Ethan and Freyja near the rendezvous point.*
Hilary: Hey, guys!
Leela: Good. At least we’re all safe and together.
Hilary: *suddenly realizes something* Wait. Where’s Alexander and Eliza Kirby? We need to find them.
Freyja: Okay. But, we better hurry in case that werewolf targets them first.
*They run off to go find Alexander and Eliza Kirby. Meanwhile, Colin and Josephine was walking down the street.*
Colin: You know what I like most about our brother and sister friendship, sis?
Josephine: That we can have fun no matter where we go and no matter what we do?
Colin: Yeah! It’s all about the fun!
Josephine: It certainly is, bro. It certainly *noticed Mickey in werewolf form behind her* is.
*Colin and Josephine look up and see Mickey the WereMouse*
Colin: And to think that seeing the beast was the scary parts of Beauty and the Beast.
Josephine: Okay. When I say run, I want you to… *noticed that Colin has already ran off* Hey. I didn’t say it!
*Colin and Josephine sprints ahead to get away from the werewolf. But, they bumped into Wallace McDuffy.*
Colin: Huh.
Josephine: Oh no!
Wallace: *noticed Mickey in werewolf form* Aha! There you are! *takes out his shotgun* Take your best shot! *he opens fire, but, Mickey dodge the bullets as he runs off*
Colin: C’mon, sis! We gotta protect Mickey!
Josephine: I’m coming!
*Colin and Josephine took off after Mickey. Though they were still scared to see him in werewolf form.*
*Meanwhile, the kids are looking for Alexander and Eliza Kirby.*
Hilary: Alex! Eliza!
Freyja: Where are you, guys?
*They saw some bushes rustling.*
Ethan: Guys! Is that you?
Pluto: *jumps out and howls*
Hilary: Pluto?! Wait a minute. Where’s Mickey? Is he okay?
Pluto: *shrugs as if he doesn’t know*
Leela: Let’s split up and look for our friends.
Hilary: C’mon, Pluto! Let’s look over here!
*The kids divided and conquered, hoping to find their friends.*
Hilary: Alexander! Eliza! Where are you?
Pluto: *barks*
Hilary: What is it, Pluto? Did you find Alexander and Eliza?
*Pluto went into a pointer bit, pointing toward Colin and Josephine running by.*
Colin: Hey, Hilary!
Josephine: Bye, Hilary!
Hilary: Guys! What’s going on?
Josephine: I don’t think you want to know.
Hilary: Huh. *gasps as she noticed the werewolf running this way* Oh no! Werewolf! Run, Pluto! *She and Pluto took off like a shot*
*Not far from here, Minnie, Daisy, Donald and Goofy are seen, walking down the street*
Hilary: Gangway!
Minnie, Daisy, Donald and Goofy: Hilary?!
Hilary: *She bumps into Donald*
*They both fall onto the ground*
Hilary and Donald: Whoa!
Donald: Hey! What's the big idea!?
Hilary: No time to explain! We gotta get out of here?
Goofy: Gawrsh! What was that all about?
Daisy: I think a better question would be, what is that?! *points to the werewolf, who lets out a loud powerful howl*
Minnie: Oh no! A werewolf!
Hilary: Run!
*The gang ran away*
Donald: I don’t understand what is happening.
Hilary: No time to explain! We have to get to safety!
Daisy: This way! *She along with Donald and Goofy head down an alleyway*
Minnie: C’mon! This way! *She along with Pluto and Hilary dashed down another part of the alleyway*
Hilary: Oh no! Dead end!
Minnie: *points to the werewolf*
Hilary: That’s just great!
Minnie: Now, look here, beast. I will not let you hurt my friends, especially Mickey.
Hilary: *suddenly noticed something* Huh. Wait a minute. *took a closer look at the werewolf and gasps* No way! Minnie! Hate to break it to you, but, Mickey’s the Werewolf!
Minnie: *gasps* Oh, Mickey!
Mickey: *hears a gunshot noise and runs away*
Wallace: Get back here, you furry creature! Wallace McDuffy always gets his creature!
Hilary: Oh no! Wallace is after Mickey! This is not good! *She and Minnie run to stop Wallace*
Pluto: *barks*
Wallace: I gotcha now, werewolf!
Minnie: You leave my Mickey alone, you nasty little monster!
Wallace: Never!
Pluto: *bites Wallace in his rear end*
Wallace: Yeow! Oww! Why you little?!
Hilary: Go, Mickey! Run! Save yourself! I’ll keep Minnie safe. Don’t worry about us. Go!
Mickey: *runs off*
Minnie: C’mon! Let’s go while the getting’s good!
Hilary: *whistles* Pluto! C’mon! Let’s go while the getting’s good.
Pluto: *barks as he follows Minnie and Hilary*
*Meanwhile, Leela, Ethan and Freyja are looking for Alexander and Eliza.*
Ethan: Alexander!
Leela: Eliza Kirby! Where are you?
Freyja: *Noticed Alexander and Eliza Kirby in the distance* Look. There they are!
Alexander: What’s going on, guys?
Eliza: Everything okay?
Leela: Not exactly! It seems that we’ve got ourselves a werewolf on the loose in the Magic Kingdom!
Alexander: A werewolf on the loose?
Eliza: Not good!
Freyja: And to make matters worse, there’s this hunter named Wallace McDuffy.
Alexander: Umm. Where’s Hilary?
Leela: *her phone rings* That’s her now. *she answers* Hello! L-E-E-L-A speaking!
Hilary: Did you find Alexander and Eliza Kirby?
Leela: Yes we did!
Ethan: They’re with us right now. Where are you?
Hilary: With Minnie and Pluto. And get this, it turns out Mickey’s the werewolf.
All: Wait. What?!
Hilary: Yep! I noticed his red shorts with white buttons while we were in the alleyway. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Wallace is after Mickey. And if we don’t stop Wallace, he’ll catch Mickey the WereMouse for sure.
Freyja: Not good! We’re on our way!
Leela: C’mon, guys! It’s time to put Operation: Stop Wallace and Save Mickey Before It’s Too Late into action!
Freyja: Let’s do this!
*The kids do a handstack*
All: For Mickey!
(To Be Continued)
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panjakes · 1 year
Years later PRT.2
part 1 here
Part three here will be here
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It was now Minnie’s birthday and she couldn’t be happier. She was ripping and running around the house trying to put her outfit on or trying to dip her finger into her cake.
“Uncle Jake when is the party?” She asks
“In a few hours mini me are you excited?!” Jake screams making her scream back
She was so excited and it put a smile on her mothers face.
“Mommy can I get in the bouncy house?” She asks
“Not yet baby you have to wait” Yn says making her groan and pout
“But mommy!!!” She says whining
“Yeah!! But mommmmm! Let’s us in the bouncy house!” Jake says poking at Yn making her giggle
“Only for a minute… don’t be out there long I still have to do your hair Minnie” Yn says causing the now three year old and Jake to cheer and run out towards the back
Yn shakes her head with a smile as she finishes preparing the rest of the food and refreshments for the party.
A few moments later the front door opens and in walks Heeseung and jay. Yn frowns before speaking
“Jakes in the back” she says continuing with her business
“Hello to you too Yn” jay says
Yn rolls her eyes ignoring the man. He scoffs and walks towards the backyard. Heeseung stays behind which makes Yn frown again
“I said jakes in the back” she says putting a fruit tray into the fridge
“I Uh heard you. I just wanted to know how you were doing” he says fiddling with his thumbs
“Didn’t think you care” Yn mumbles with a sigh
It was silent as Heeseung tried to keep the conversation going
“She’s pretty…your daughter” Heeseung says
“Thank you…her names Minnie” Yn says
“She’s sunghoons…isn’t she?” He asks
“Yupp” Yn says awkwardly
“Look Yn, I’m sorry about what happened back then. We were really good friends and I ruined that because of Mariah. She was such a good Lier and I believed every thing she said. I’m really sorry Yn. We don’t have to be friends again but please forgive me?” Heeseung says making Yn sigh
“Please? I got Minnie a gift” heeseung says holding up a pretty pink box with a golden ribbon on it
Yn cracks a smile taking the box
“What is it?” Yn asks
“A doodle table, Jake says she has a habit of drawing on things” Heeseung says making Yn laugh
“She does. I can forgive but I’ll never forget” Yn says
“As you should, hug it out?” Heeseung says opening his arms
Yn hesitated before walking around the table to wrap her arms around Heeseung
“Aww you two made up!” Jake says coming into the kitchen
“Yeah we did” Heeseung says
“That’s great but where’s your niece?! We need kids here Heeseung not adults!” Jake says
“Oh hush! My sister is going to drop her off” Heeseung says making nod
“That’s great! We need to make sure Minnie has the best third birthday ever” Jake says running back outside to play with Minnie
“He really loves that girl” Heeseung says smiling
“He does” Yn says also smiling
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So far Minnie’s party was going very well. Yn did her hair and she had on the prettiest dress ever. Yn smiled as she watched Minnie run around playing with the other kids that came
“So Yn what’s you and jakes relationship?”
“Oh no there is no relationship, Jake is literally my bestfriend and he helps me take care of Minnie” Yn says
“That’s so sweet of him”
“Yeah I’m lucky to have him in my life honestly”
Jake walks over throwing an arm around Yn making the women around her smirk and giggle at her
“Minnie looks really pretty in her outfit” Jake says
“She does” Yn says sighing
“You know she’s going to get it dirty right?” Jake says watching the three year old roll around in the grass with the other kids
“Yup, that’s why I took pictures before I let her play” Yn says putting her fist up
“Smart” Jake says giving Yn a fist bump
“Oh Yn! Minnie’s father is so handsome! You really lucked up!”
“Her father? What?” Yn asks looking at the women as if she was deranged
She nods pointing behind Yn causing her to look behind her. She turns around seeing Sunghoon crouched down to Minnie’s level handing her something
“Yn wait” Jake says as Yn stalks over to the man and her daughter
“Happy birthday princess” sunghoons says with a smile
“Thank you mister” she says opening the poorly wrapped gift
Yn steps in front of the child before sunghoon could even see her reaction
“What are you doing here sunghoon” she asks with the deadliest glare
“I’m here to to celebrate my daughters birthday”
“You need to leave” Yn says firmly
“Yn don’t do this” sunghoon says
“I’m serious. You need to leave and stay away from my daughter!” Yn mumbles
“Mommy look!” Minnie says coming between the two adults to show her the pretty pink rabbit plush
“She’s my daughter to yn! I’m her father” sunghoon mumbles back
“I don’t want you here. LEAVE!” Yn says
“No” sunghoon say flatly
“No?!” Yn asks in shock
“She’s my daughter. I’ve already haven’t been here for the first three years of her life. I refuse to miss anymore” sunghoon says
“You don’t get to make that choice. You left me” Yn says
“You! I left you! I didn’t know you were pregnant! Do you really think I’d leave knowing you were pregnant? Like I’d leave you alone to take care of a big responsibility alone?! You didn’t tell me you ran away! You were in America your whole pregnancy!” Sunghoon says getting more upset
“Mommy can the man stay?” Minnie asks
Before Yn could respond, Jake comes over pulling Yn to the side
“Let him stay” Jake whispers
“No” Yn whispers back
“It’s only for two hours. Let him stay. She’s still his daughter” Jake whsipers
“Are you really on his side?” Yn asks
“It’s not about sides yn. It’s about Minnie knowing her father” Jake says making Yn sigh as she looks over at her ex and her daughter who were actually getting along
She walks over to the two before whispering in sunghoons ear
“You can stay. After this leave us alone” Yn says making sunghoon look at her. He doesn’t respond ignoring the last part of what Yn said
“How old are you princess?” Sunghoon asks holding his hand out allowing the girl to put her tiny hand in his
“Three!!!” She shouts making sunghoons heart melt. He missed so much of this beautiful child’s life.
“Your so adorable” sunghoon says smiling
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The party was now over. Jake and Heeseung were cleaning up the backyard while Yn and minnie opened the rest of her gifts as sunghoon watched
“What this?” Minnie ask opening the doodle pad Heeseung got her
“A coloring pad! You can stop drawing on uncle jakes furniture” Yn says tickling the girl who laughs
Sunghoon stands up pulling Yn to the side
“Why are you still here?” Yn asks
“You know why. Stop being petty” sunghoon says
“I have every right to be petty” Yn scoffs
“Yes you do but don’t take it out on my daughter” sunghoon says causing the women to go wide eye staring at her
“Your daughter? You don’t get to call her that sunghoon. I did this alone. By myself for three fucking years. I don’t need your help and I don’t want your help” she says
“But she needs her father” sunghoon says pointing at Minnie who was going to town on her new doodle pad
“She’s been just fine” Yn says
“I’ll take you to court” sunghoon says stopping Yn in her tracks
“Court? For what? Custody?” Yn asks
“If that what it takes for me to know my daughter so be it” sunghoon says making Yn chuckle bitterly
“As if the courts would EVER take her away from her MOTHER to be with the likes of you. I haven’t seen you in three years and you have the nerve to try and take my child from me? Fuck off sunghoon. You need to leave now. And don’t come back” Yn says walking away from the man
Before Yn could get far sunghoon grabs her wrist
“Get off me!” Yn whisper yells
“Y-Yn please. I-I want to be in Minnie’s life” sunghoon says causing her too look back
Yn’s eye widen at the tears in the man’s eyes. He was crying.
“No, you don’t get to do this” Yn says
“I know I was wrong. And nothing I can say can make up for the bullshit I did. I shouldn’t have left you. I shouldn’t have believed Mariah. I was wrong but please, don’t keep my daughter away from me anymore”
He was practically begging and Yn couldn’t help but let her hard exterior crack just a bit.
She looks over at Minnie who sat at the table with Jake drawing on the doodle pad. Yn looked at sunghoon then back at Minnie who looked just like sunghoon. It was almost scary. The moles in on her face in the extant place as sunghoons
“Fine. You have one chance sunghoon. One fucking chance. Don’t screw this up” Yn mumbles
“Thank you. Thank you” sunghoon says making Yn roll her eyes
She watches as the man walks back over to the table shaking her head
“Your doing the right thing” Jake says to Yn rubbing her back
“I hope” Yn says with a sigh
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A couple of days later, Yn fount herself at a restaurant with Minnie waiting on sunghoon.
“Mommy” Minnie says coloring on the menu
“Yes baby” Yn responds looking over the menu
“Is mr.Sunghoon my daddy?” She asks causing Yn to pause
“Why do you ask sweetheart?” Yn asks looking at her
“He looks like me and meirah called him my dad” she says
Yn sigh not knowing what to say. She was soon saved by the bell as sunghoon walks over to the table with a smile on his face
“Hi princess! I got you something!” Sunghoon says making Minnie light up
“Hi daddy!” She screams shocking both sunghoon and Yn
He looks over at Yn with a questionable look who only sighs putting her face into her hands
“Hi sweetpea, you hungry?” He asks putting the bag onto the table
“Yeah! Uncle Jake made pancakes and bacon and he made me a smoothie” she says happily
“Sounds like your full to me” sunghoon says tickling her belly
“So…are you my daddy?” She asks with big wide eyes.
“Yes princess I am” sunghoon nods
“Well I’m glad your back from your trip from the moon” she says making the two adults go wide eye
“Sweetheart who told you daddy went to the moon?” Yn asks
“Uncle jake” she says
Yn shakes her head making a mental note to ask Jake about that
“Well daddy’s not going to moon anymore. Daddy’s staying” sunghoon says
Minnie smiles before giggle and jumping into sunghoons arms. Sunghoon wraps his arms around her smaller frame trying his best to hold back his tears.
He loved this girl already.
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Yn stood in the doorway of Minnie’s room watching as sunghoon put her in her bed. Sunghoon stood there for moment watching as her chest slowly went up and down.
“She’s literally so precious” sunghoon mumbles pushing a stray curl back into the girls bonnet
Yn comes into the room kneeling next to the bed
“She is. She’s my everything. Don’t hurt her sunghoon. Please” Yn says
“I wouldn’t even dream of it. I’m sorry Yn. I really am” sunghoon says looking over at the brown skin girl
“I don’t want your apology sunghoon. Just take care of you daughter like you claim you want too” Yn says standing up and leaving the room
Sunghoon sighs standing up from the floor going to the door
Sunghoon turns around to see Minnie now awake
“Yes sweetpea?” He says coming back to the bad
“Can we go eat again tomorrow?” She asks hopefully
“If mommy agrees we can go where ever you want” sunghoon says making the three year old smile
“Okay. Bye daddy” she says yawning
“Bye sweetpea” sunghoon says turning off the light and closing the door leaving it cracked
He leans against the door with a sigh.
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