#she just switched goals from ‘break him on my father’s wheel’ to ‘kisses for nice vampire boy’ after a little while
stainlesssteellocust · 8 months
Agent First really did rock up out of nowhere with green hair and alt fashion all like “in order to date me you must first defeat all my evil relations” didn’t she smh
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randombtsprincessa · 6 years
Absinthe || 6
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Chapters:  01  02  03  04  05
Warning: Explicit Smut Scene Ahead!
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If there was one thing that Hoseok was, it was persistent. The date after the ice rink was spent in lavishly courting me. He took me on a small picnic near the hillside, took me on a library date, and to a small Chinese restaurant where we spent the time trading stories.
It was a fortnight later that he brought me to his and Yoongi’s shared apartment. It was stark, almost cold. The only sign of warmth was in the kitchen. We sat on his couch eating ice cream and watching movies as he began to ask me more of my private life. It almost felt like an interrogation.
“What about you?” I asked finally.
“What about me?” he asked.
“Tell me about your life. We only ever talk about me. What about your parents?” I asked.
There was a pause as Hoseok stared at the screen. The atmosphere tensed as I watched his gaze sharpen and his jaw clench.
“My parents are dead, Y/N.” he spat out finally.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t kill them.” He said.
“I can still convey a sentiment.”
He let out a scoff and I turned to him in alarm as he straightened up. “You wouldn’t need to if you hadn’t asked.” He turned to look at me. “Don’t ask about my life, Y/N. I don’t like talking about myself for a reason.” His eyes were cold as they bored in mine.
For a moment, I was back in my class, the first time I’d seen him playing back…his aura was dangerous, hiding secrets and dripping with mystery.
“Ok,” I said softly, looking back at the movie, wrapping my fingers around each other.
His eyes softened and he wrapped an arm around me again. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just…I’ve done a few things to survive that are not something you’d…understand. Please, let’s just leave it at that.”
I nodded and from then on, every topic of conversation was me and I never dared breach my boyfriend’s boundary again.
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Her lips tasted of her usual vanilla chap stick as his lips wrapped warmly around them. Her hands buried in his hair, he himself tangled his own fingers in the long strands of her mane.
Just as he felt her tongue brush against his top lips, a small pang went through his chest.
It felt uncomfortably like guilt so he backed away, putting on a mischievous smile on his face as he watched her huff. “What, did you want more, Princess?” he asked but she smirked right back.
“Oh, we wouldn’t want you getting uncomfortable, would we?” she asked.
Hoseok laughed, trying to hide the strain in his vocals as she bid him goodbye, shutting his car door gently behind her as she slipped inside her house.
With a whirr of smooth wheels, he quickly pulled out of her mansion gates. He always tried to not linger, not to show his face too much in case one of them caught him about. It wouldn’t end well for him.
He sighed as he glanced at his rearview mirror, watching the Y/L/N estate grow smaller.
His mind drifted to the dossier he’d been allotted on both her and her father, wondering if his added notes could be cause for concern.
They were both loving people. It was clear that Mr. Y/L/N loved his daughter very much, having gone to so much trouble to protect her from people who would take advantage of her. People exactly like him.
Thing was, there was no one like him. He operated silently and even if people saw his face they would never put him up to what happened to them later. He was always given a while to disappear before the Master brought about his real goal.
This was the only mission he was running where he had more of a risk of recognition but till now he had not seen them about again and he was glad about it. Not only would the mission be in trouble so would Y/N.
When he entered their shared apartment, Hoseok knew Yoongi was lying in wait. He sighed, switching on the lights, illuminating a cold gazed Yoongi on the armchair, legs and arms crossed.
“Yeah Yoongi, you totally pull off the Godfather look. Very suave and creepy,” he commented drily, kicking off his shoes and dropping in the opposite chair.
He didn’t answer, which was cause enough for concern.
“We have another appraisal tomorrow. With the clients,” Yoongi said before getting up and leaving for his bedroom, leaving Hoseok to grind his teeth in worry and anger.
This was not going to go well.
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Hoseok drummed his fingers on the polished wood impatiently, his fingernails tapping out an erratic rhythm that he knew was irritating Yoongi but at that moment he just didn’t care.
He didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to be sitting in the darkened conference room with his partner next to him, in a suit that cost more than the damn table he was sitting at.
He wasn’t surprised at that particular thought. He hated appraisals and this was one more than he had ever attended in his entire career.
What he was surprised at was the fact that he would rather be with the one person who was the source of this misery. He would rather be watching a movie with her or maybe have an ice cream sitting at the park.
His fingers stuttered in his pursuit of mindless tandem.
That was exactly when the door flung open and a bunch of men walked in, each looking disgruntled. Hoseok and Yoongi exchanged a glance, finally standing up with the entrance of their boss.
The Master was in a similar suit as Yoongi and Hoseok, waving a hand to indicate for them to take their seats. He didn’t seem concerned much about this appraisal. Maybe because Hoseok had already weaved his way into Y/N’s life. He was just waiting for him to finish his job now.
“So,” he began first and the first man to Hoseok’s right burst out.
“It’s been months! We’re losing too much money!” He spluttered.
The Master raised an eyebrow. “I see; well, you have already fulfilled your side of the payment so I have no problems. After that, the fact that your business is losing profits is no concern of mine. You need signatures from Y/N Y/L/N and that is all I am to give you.” He said.
“Where are those signatures though? Your best man here is riding about as that silver spoon’s boy toy and we’re the ones suffering!”
Hoseok turned his head to the right, fixing the stout man with an unnerving glare. The man met his gaze, his cheeks flushing at the obvious displeasure in Hoseok’s eyes and looked away.
“That’s what he does and Hoseok’s work has a hundred percent success rating, unlike your down trodden and backward business. Since you’re our clients, we’ll be polite but if you insult my employees and our methods again,”
He didn’t have to complete the threat.
The clients stood up one by one. “If we don’t have results by the end of this week,” one of them said slowly, trailing off as he looked at his co conspirators.
“I will be happy to let you go.” The Master smiled pleasantly.
“With full refund,” the first man said.
“Which is definitely not possible,” The Master said.
There were protests immediately as the boss leaned back in his plush leather chair. “The money has already been invested; if you would like to take it up with law, I will be happy to provide a statement that you came to a law abiding establishment with plans to kidnap the daughter of the man who pays most of their salaries.”
The protests died down as the clients reluctantly filed out.
After the conference room emptied, the smile faded off the Master’s face.
“Hoseok, you should go tend to Miss Y/L/N,” he said, his voice leaving no room for argument. Even as Hoseok rushed out, the Master reached out and gripped Yoongi’s wrist as he made to follow his friend.
“Sit; I want to have a word.”
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“Let’s play something,” I suggested bored finally, dropping my pen on my book. I spun in my chair to look at Hoseok who was lounging in his bed with no care, watching the small flat screen mounted on his wall. He glanced at me once before diverting his attention back to the screen.
“Don’t you have studying to do?”
“I’ll be leaving in a few days anyway, besides I’m sure I won’t need,” I turned to read the title of the book, “Etiquette and Concierge Management in this life time. I already got through all that in France.” I slammed the book shut, smiling as I clambered onto the bed.
His position didn’t change, one arm curled under his head with legs bent, one leg tapping out a beat as he watched the news.
“What’s so interesting about that channel?” I asked.
He shrugged, “It’s nice to stay in the loop.”
“Hoseok, please,” I whined.
He sighed in annoyance, sitting up and turning the volume down on the news channel.
“Why do you want to play something? Can’t we watch a movie?” he asked.
I bit my lip. “That’s all we do, Hoseok. I want to do something different.”
He stared at me for a bit before sighing again, this time one of resignation. “What do you want to play?”
“Truth or Dare,”
His eyes lit up with confusion. “Truth or Dare…?” he asked again, making sure he heard me right. I nodded and he groaned and dropped his head. “What are you, seven?”
I just giggled at his worn out expression. To be honest, I was only playing the game hoping he’d pick truth and I would get to quiz in – discreetly of course – on his life.
“Fine, you go first.”
“Hang on; we need rules, don’t we?” I asked.
He raised his head slowly to look at me, a smirk breaking out on his gorgeous face. “Rules…? Oh baby, what fun is a game if there are rules involved?”
I shrugged. “Ok, truth,”
“Have you ever thought about the first time we kissed?”
I paused, looking at him with a frown. “Um…why would I?”
“So, you’ve never thought about it? It wasn’t worthy to be thought about, was it?” his voice dipped.
“That…that’s not what I meant, I mean. I just had a lot of things on my plate.”
“Hmm,” he reached up to place his thumb along his lower lip, attracting my eyes to it. “Would you like to brush up your memory?”
“That’s more than one question. It’s my turn.” I said quickly.
He swept his hand in a ‘go on’ gesture. “I pick Dare,”
Damn it.
“Um, dance with no music on,” I said, eager to get him to move through his dare so he could pick truth next time.
His face fell but he stood up obediently, seeming as eager to get it over with. He bopped his head, swaying his body to the left then right, snapping his fingers before doing a spin and flopping back down. “Your turn,”
Hoseok pouted. “Come on, you’re boring me with this game,” he chastised and I rolled my eyes.
“Fine; Dare.”
“Kiss me,”
I pursed my lips, leaning forward to give him a peck on the cheek but at the last moment he turned his head, letting our lips crash together.
It was less messy than our first kiss, lips moving almost synchronized as he raised his hand to cup my face, bringing me in closer to him.
I moved away from him, watching his eyes flutter open; his pupils dilated and playful.
“I have a better game for us to play.” He said.
“What would that be?”
He smirked, “Too hot,”
I backed away, my turn to raise my eyebrows. “Are you serious? What are you, fifteen?” I asked, mocking him in the same tone.
“Come on,” his voice dropped seductively. “Let’s see how resistible you find me, shall we Princess?”
I huffed, reaching out to pull him in by the collar.
He reciprocated the action enthusiastically, grinning against my lips, even chuckling as I delved into his laughing mouth, making sure to keep my hands off of his skin as he placed his own firmly on the mattress to keep his off mine.
Soon the light din of the new channel faded into silence as the sounds of slight intakes of breath, soft pants and lips smacking against lips filled the room.
He broke away suddenly, his eyes smoldering as he looked at me, almost warring with some thought. “Fuck it,” he said finally before reaching out and grabbing my shoulders and smashing our lips together again, a deep grunt falling from his lips as he nibbled harshly on my bottom lip.
“Wait, wait,” I said backing away from him. “What about Yoongi?”
“He’s out, won’t be back till tomorrow,” Hoseok said, lunging forward to capture my lips as his hands slipped in slowly under my shirt, his fingers licking up my skin, barely touching, the feather light pressure of his cool pads against my increasingly heating skin raising goose bumps in its wake.
I shivered as he finally reached the back of bra before he pulled away to pull his own shirt off.
I sucked in a breath as my eyes trailed down the smooth, toned torso. He smiled at my stare, grabbing my hand and placing it on his sternum, just under this throat before dropping his hand, encouraging me to move with his eyes.
Slowly, licking my lips, I trailed my hand down the centre of his chest, the tips of my fingernails gently raking at the flicker of happy trail leading into his tight black jeans which showcased his long legs.
He jumped at the sensation, eyes rising to look at me with hot desire. His hair was ruffled, falling and darkening his eyes as his nostrils flared. His hands were soon on my own chest, unbuttoning the crimson blouse with hasty and nimble fingers.
He pushed the two free flaps of fabric aside, his body already reaching up on his knees to tower over me, devouring me with his eyes.
“Damn,” he said, his index finger running against the strap of my bra before sliding and flicking it off my shoulder before his mouth clamped down on the delicate skin. My back arched into his warmth as his teeth gently sunk in while his tongue laved over the sting, leaving a wet trail right up to the edge of my ear.
His hand moved the other strap down roughly, making the cup slide down from one breast just until the nipple was barely visible. He let go of my neck with a last suck, looking down at the almost exposed mound before looking into my eyes. Slowly, very slowly, he bent down, neck craning as his warm tongue swiped against the skin, before his two fingers hooked into the front clasp of the expensive bra, unsnapping it with ease.
His nose nudged down to the hardened nipple and his mouth engulfed it, sucking long and hard on it. I keened, a loud moan erupting from my throat as his other hand came up to my other breast, his thumb pressing into the bud, rotating the digit, small pricks of tantalizing pleasure running to the centre of my body.
He was leaning over me, pressing his weight into me and my hands reached out desperately to get some traction and my fingers hooked into his waistband, nails digging in just around his hip bones.
He grunted again, the suction on my breast vanishing as he looked down at my hands.
He looked up at me with an inflamed expression on his flushed face as he reached down and undid his belt, the dull clang of the buckle unhooking making heat pool slowly down my stomach and abdomen.
He unbuttoned and unzipped his pants just enough for the band of the Balenciaga brief to peek through. “Go ahead, baby, easy access,” he smiled as he returned his lips to mine as I hooked my fingers into his underwear, pulling it away from his skin before letting it snap back against the sensitive skin around his pelvis.
“Fuck,” he growled, breaking away and pushing the shirt and bra off my body as his arm hooked around my waist, pulling my lower half closer to his as laid me down on the bed.
As I stared up at him, I smiled slowly, watching lust pool into the darkness of his eyes as he glanced down at my fingers still on his waist.
“So, are you going to undress me or what?” he asked.
I blinked at how suddenly he was foregoing his dominance and I smirked, more than willing to pick up the gauntlet.
I pushed him to sit up before yanking down the skinny jeans he was wearing. He kicked it off all the way off the bed before he reached for mine. I swatted his hands off, taking the jeans off on my own.
“You wanted me to undress us, didn’t you?” I cooed, rolling over so that Hoseok was on his back, looking up at me with a hint of amazement as his lips quirked with amusement.
I slowly let my weight press just shy of his growing bulge, the silk cotton cool around my thighs as I grinded at an excruciating pace, torturing both him and me.
“Goddamn it, Y/N. Sit on it,” he ordered, hands curving around the edge of my ass, trying to physically pull me onto his clothed cock.
“You wish,” I giggled before running the nail of my index fingers right into the boxer, teasing the skin just at the beginning of his member. “Jesus,” his head buried right into the pillows as he felt the wetness seep from me onto his leg.
“Want me to ride you?” I asked mirroring his smirk as his eyes hardened just slightly.
“How about you sit on my face first?”
I paused just a second before starting the roll of my hips again. He was just trying to get back control and while I desperately wanted to give it to him, I knew he wouldn’t let me live it down for a long time.
“You…fucking…wish,” I growled back, pulling the boxers down to his thighs, trapping them as I sat on his shins, grinning up at him. “Y/N,” he said in warning but I ignored the warning as I captured just the tip in my mouth, sucking on it with the same hard drags that he had employed on my nipple.
His back arched as I let it pop back out and nibbled down the length with my lips sheathing my teeth, playing with the skin near his balls. “I see France agreed with you,” he let out a breathy laugh, rubbing his hands down his face before hiking himself up on his elbow while his free hand went to my hair, stroking it back.
“Look at me,” he said, his voice low and husky and I shot him a smug look, making a show of slurping around the member, making it push against my cheek and he groaned deep in his throat. I moaned right back, creating vibrations around his length while using my nails to draw patterns around the flushed delicate skin.
“Do it again,” he growled and I giggled, pulling away from his cock to give him a coy look while innocently scratching a trail down his hips.
“Do you have a condom?” I asked. His eyes flew up to me, a wildness growing in them. “I’m clean. What about you?” he asked, his voice laced with frustration.
“I got a shot just last week, should be good for three more months,” I said.
Without another word, his hand was wrapped around the back of my neck, pulling me up to kiss him, his tongue delving against mine to taste himself. I finally sat on his cock resting rigid on his stomach, rolling my hips to coat him with my slick and he maneuvered himself straight as I sunk down on it.
Hoseok let his head fall back as his girth went deeper into me and with a downward thrust he nestled inside me to the hilt.
“Fuck,” we both muttered then laughed as his head dropped back, lips raw from biting it, a feverish look on his face.
“Move, Y/N,” he said and I began to grind down at the same slow pace as before but he let out a complaining moan at that, moving his own hips to rush at me.
“Shh,” I pressed down against his chest, increasing my pace till my eyes closed at the burning heat setting aflame in my lower stomach, pulsing and tightening, just waiting to burst at the seams.
“Yes, yes, Princess, you feel so good,” he whispered as he gripped onto my waist, fingers digging into the skin, surely leaving bruises as he bounced me faster on himself.
Sweat dripped down his forehead, our chests shining with the thin sheen as he brought one hand to rake his trimmed nails into the valley between my breasts.
“Play with them,” he said, his eyes fixed on them and I teasing pressed them closer and he let out a low whimper, before he sat up and pushed me back flat on the mattress.
He threw my legs over his shoulders before ramming harder into me, setting a bruising pace. He reached down, his thumb pressing onto my engorged clit as his eyes fixed on mine, watching me climb up to my high.
“Come for me, Princess. Let go,” he panted and I dug my nails into his forearms, cries of his name spilling out as his own eyes closed, muttered praises worded as he chased his own high.
His mouth fell open, before he was pulling out, hand wrapping around his base to jerk himself hard and fast. His eyebrows were scrunched; breaths coming out in harsh pants before with a deep resonating groan erupted from deep within his chest.
His head thrown back his expression cleared out as his hot seed spilled over my core.
His hand shot out to catch his weight as he looked into my eyes, something playing behind his eyes as he leaned in and very gently placed a kiss on my forehead.
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Yoongi watched with narrowed eyes as his best friend and partner leaned forward, one hand braced on a locker as he captured Y/L/N’s lips in a kiss, watching her reciprocate with a heady sigh.
His eyes widened.
He might not be a field worker per say but he was so familiar with Hoseok’s work by now that he could recognize his tells from miles and this one particular tell was the easiest to differentiate.
He’s done it. He’d slept with her, taken the relationship to the next level, and established a form of bond that women so easily believed to be one of commitment. He was so close to his goal.
Something was off though…
Maybe it was the way he didn’t pull away from the kiss quickly…teasing and leaving the victim wanting more. No, he pressed in, before finally breaking away, his eyes soft and a gentle smile of his mouth.
Yoongi’s eyes narrowed again as he marched forward, latching onto Hoseok’s arm harshly.
Y/N and he both jolted, looking at him with wide, surprised eyes before he gritted out, “I need to talk to him,” and dragged him away with him.
“What the hell, Yoongi?” Hoseok grumbled when they were near the student lounge.
“Do you have feelings for Y/N Y/L/N?” he asked bluntly.
Hoseok paused before raising his eyebrows. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t act dumb with me, Hobi. Do you fucking like her or not?”
There was a pause in which Hoseok glared balefully at his handler. “What will you do if I say no?”
Yoongi shrugged. “Obviously, let you get on with your work.”
“And if I say yes…?”
“Follow protocol,”
“You mean you’re going to get me off the case and get someone else? No way in hell,” Hoseok crossed his arms.
Yoongi pursed his lips, “So, what’s the answer?”
“I don’t like her, which is exactly why I will not let you get one of the others anywhere near her.”
Yoongi sighed, pinching his nose bridge, “Hobi, be practical; I can tell you like her, you’re compromised. If the Master finds out,”
“He won’t because there’s nothing to find.”
“I’m on your side, buddy. You get yourself the girl but the clients…”
“The clients can leave as they please. They want her signature. I will get them her damn signature. They will get a share in her company and they will kiss our ass but no way am I letting someone like Wang get anywhere near her. I’m fine Yoongi. Someone like Y/N Y/L/N isn’t going to get me to settle, no matter how good a lay she is.”
With that he spun on his heel and strutted off.
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Even as Yoongi hurried to keep up with his long legged stride, two boys stared at each other just around the hallway bend, stunned into silence.
“What the fuck?” Jungkook cursed.
Taehyung shook his head, too shocked to even say anything.
They looked down at their shoes before looking back at each other before nodding solemnly.
Y/N needed to know.
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