#she loves him really ❤️
samhainmade · 7 months
@barreloftears //
Shona drummed her fingers off the table as the seconds dragged by. Gasping for some kind of distraction for the bordum creeping up inside her, she turned her attention to Barrett with a grin. "Hey shit for brains'-" shona called out, wondering what was going on inside of his strangely shaped head of his. "Who would win in a fight. Me or you?"
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mccoyquialisms · 5 months
thinking about riz and his love for the bad girls, and how if anyone fucks with them, then sooner or later they’re gonna answer to riz gukgak
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starry-nights12 · 7 months
+Bonus gif💖💘
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autism-swagger · 2 years
Anyone else ever notice how many opportunities Amber had to kill Tara that she didn't take?
1. The opening attack. She very easily could've killed her. Her and Richie's goal of luring Sam back to Woodsboro would've still been achieved even if Tara was dead, and yet Amber doesn't kill her.
2. The hospital attack. Amber once again could've very easily killed Tara, but she doesn't. She drags out the attack, and doesn't even do any physical damage to her.
3. Right after shooting Liv. Once again, perfect chance to kill Tara, and yet she ties her up and puts her in the closet instead.
4. When Tara attacks her with the crutches. Amber could've killed her once she got the upper hand. But she doesn't, again. She incapacitates her instead.
We see Amber intentionally pass up opportunities to kill Tara four times. Instead, it feels like she's trying to get her away from the danger.
She's not protecting her, obviously, but it almost seems like she's convinced herself she is.
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pollencoveredman · 1 year
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the way dee looks at dennis as they’re drowning i’m about to be sick
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authenticaussie · 27 days
May I request Sad Dad Times for WIP Weekend please? That sounds fun (for me, if not for anyone actually in the fic) 💚
Sad dad time is a two for one special!!!!!!!
"You ruined it!" Damian shouts, and then hates the drop of guilt that forces his blood from his face. It's true, and it's real, and it's Tim's fault that his Father returned, but it's not fair to say it was ruined, how could he have ruined something Damian had waited his whole life for-
But his father had been overbearing. Had been stern, quiet, and demanding, with no clear goals for Damian to exceed. But his father had been disappointed in him, had pulled away during the first few awkward attempts Damian had made to find common ground, and it - this - felt like a fracture in a wound he had never noticed.
But Damian had waited his whole life for his father's love, and his father had not been the one to give it to him.
Timothy stares at him with confusion and frustration warring in his gaze, an exasperated edge to his tone when he says, “Look, baby brat, I'm allowed to join you and B for dinner.”
It was with baited breath that the people of Gotham waited for Bruce's curse; with parents such as his, with a silver spoon and want for nothing, it would be strong but lovely. What price would stand in the way of another Wayne patriarch improving the city, and how often could Bruce pay it?
There was no question of if he would; you always had to, no matter what, and what Wayne would hold back from serving Gotham?
And then there was the murder.
The lovely string of fake pearls scattered along the streets of Park Row, and Bruce Wayne, too young, huddled insensate over his parents' bodies. By the time the police arrived, they were long dead, and the blood had soaked into Bruce's pants.
It was a spectacle when Gordon and Pennyworth helped him to his feet, for that was when they thought that the last Wayne had been injured too, blood blooming over his chest and dripping down his arms, and the pictures of Bruce's curse and Alfred Pennyworth were front news for the next week.
What an irony, they whispered, when the news came out, that she would have served him better alive then dead.
What an irony, that Thomas' curse had been twisted so much, in the tragedy, that Bruce's bleeding heart became reality.
It had been hard to get news of the Wayne heir after that; the pictures of him could be constituted as gore, sometimes, with the way blood would seep through any fabric he wore, and no-one in Gotham was truly comfortable with the fact that their city's most prominent figure was now the child that had seen his parents die. They were just curses - but this one felt pointed, felt sad, and while it was never easy to live with a Gotham curse, at least the fridge having teeth was a silly story to share with friends, in comparison to the constant tragedy Bruce Wayne wore.
It was almost a relief when he vanished. Even more so when, upon his return, the bleeding had eased - and Bruce had taken to wearing red undershirts under his suits, well-disguising his bleeding heart.
Alfred Pennyworth never told anyone about the blood trails through Wayne Manor, which had not abated in the intervening years, nor did he talk about what did eventually ease Bruce Wayne's curse.
After all - everyone knew you had to pay the price of your curse, and no Wayne would hold back from serving Gotham.
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deva-arts · 5 months
...So Vince just has no idea what sex ed is then?
Unfortunately no. Vince was never given any actual education. He also wasn't raised or reared to get the talk. It doesn't help that he himself was made from an assortment of manipulated splices and samples and not a living biological mother and father.
That also adds to his belief that procreation is a sci-fi concept that Nate made up for his weird doctor hobbies. Besides the fact that he just doesn't respect or trust Nathaniel.
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After all, Vincent was grown to be used and exploited for his body until deterioration, never to improve his mental or developmental faculties. The only reason he was taught basic subjects at all was because illiteracy would prove inconvenient in handling him in the future.
He now spends most of his day learning new topics and exploring, but he's still chronically uninformed and stupidly obtuse. He'll eventually find that Nate was telling the truth.
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"What the fuck???"
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wisemins · 8 months
on a wonka note: willy wonka is autistic. literally no arguments to be made. i don't need to prove it. he is the proof.
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mad-hunts · 6 days
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#JOURNALING: a snapshot into barton's mind.#AHH hello y'all 👀 i know it's been a while since i've done one of these so... surprise? yeah LOL but this is regarding a side character-#in barton's life named sloane. now she is actually an art thief whom barton met while he was on a boat heading somewhere-#oddly enough haha and she was there to steal art OFC + barton was there to conduct business and they just kind of.... naturally hit it off-#after barton showed her kindness when she was upset and struggling with something. and after that they got to know each other-#which eventually led to them kissing + entering a fling with each other that lasted for a few months past their arrival in the city-#they were going to which was in romania (fun fact) but OFC since it was a fling that meant it had to end but sloane and barton both actuall#sort of had a desire to continue their romantic relationship but with sloane's work she just felt discouraged from suggesting-#something long term and so she just... let it end even though they both didn't necessarily want it to and this resulted in the two of them-#kind of being hung up over each other to this day with her constantly coming in and out of barton's life though i feel as if he really-#does love her so... it mayyy or may not be a bit romantic haha whenever you put aside the fact that barton's a *cough* *cough* SERIAL KILLE#but yeah. to end this off i'm just going to say that the flower in the upper corner is a camellia which symbolizes love / longing-#❤️ and sloane has a dog that she adopted off of the streets as a puppy which explains the dog in the drawing in the upper right corner tehe#that postcard also says 'greetings from switzerland' and is one of the ones she's sent to him throughout the years from her travels
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ghostbeam · 6 months
i want to know about the ozspike lore 💢💢💢‼️‼️‼️
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I would die for all of u pls know this I’m gonna use this as like the general lore so pls bear with me I’m insane
SO spikeoz has a very long and complicated history lots of coming together and not seeing each other for a while and coming together again and also we are the song steamroller by Phoebe Bridgers okay thank u🫡
What u first must know about us is that Spike meets me before he meets any of the other members of the bebop (which strei asked how we met so I’m gonna go into that in a different ask ajsjsjsjsj) but this is kind of the reason our dynamic is the way it is because I meet him at a very big transition period in his life and he meets me when I am at a standstill
Another thing about Spike is that he is in love with Julia which is kind of why we are the slowest of burns she is a big thing for him and also something I don’t want to push aside and I also won’t let him push aside either. I want him to be completely moved on and not dwelling on his past when we finally get together which causes a lot of frustration for Spike.
I won’t go into the whole process of me joining the bebop in this ask but I basically get injured and Spike brings me back so that Jet can look at me and I end up having to recover on board which leads to me just moving in and no one really knows when it happened (much like the other members) but I’m there now and honestly I fucking love it I’ve never felt more at home ANYWHERE which is incredibly tragic if u know how bebop ends</3
So now I’m seeing Spike every day which is terrible for me (girl who has been in love with him since the moment I saw him and his stupid hair) but kind of great for him (guy who sort of can’t stop thinking of me and also needs to get over the woman who left him to run away by himself all those years ago) which yayyyy the dynamic is kind of not good™️ because why is spike thinking of me as some sort of rebound a little bit no!!! I will not have that!!!!
Spike has always been charming and flirty but he is sort of amping it up now that I live with him and I’ll be honest I am weak!!!!! The tension is too much our attraction is growing I can only resist for so long!!!! So obviously he finds me trying to find something to eat at 3am and sneaks up on me and makes me scream loud enough to wake everyone up except he covers my mouth and now I’m pressed against him and 😳😳😳 and spike is so cute in his pajamas and messy hair and he looks down at me like!!!!! Like he wants to eat me!!!!! And so we kiss in the middle of the night and then I run away and I don’t talk to him about it for like weeks and he keeps trying to get me alone but I won’t deal with it until Jet sends us off together to get info for a bounty and then we have to talk about it
And he is basically just like I want to be with u but I tell him we can’t until he lets go of Julia which honestly pisses him off because he really thinks he has but hasn’t and I know he’s not over her and he’s just like if u don’t want me u don’t have to make up an excuse just say it and like that kinda drives a wedge between us for a bit
But unfortunately I am right about him not being over her bc the events of Jupiter jazz parts 1 & 2 happen where Ed finds something w the code name “Julia” on her computer and Spike jumps up to chase after it immediately and so urgently that he doesn’t even think twice about it and when Jet and I follow him out to the hanger to argue w him about going and he and Jet get into that fight Jet storms off and Spike looks at me and he knows I was right about Julia but he doesn’t say anything and flies off and so the events of the episodes happen and Faye is found and everything and Spike isn’t any closer to finding Julia but the night he gets back he slips into my bed and is kind of just like pls just let me lay here with u and I’m a sucker so I obviously do
And we don’t talk about it but it starts a new habit of the two of us doing that staying the night in each others rooms and the lines of our relationship are more blurred than ever and honestly it scares the hell out of me which ends in me leaving the bebop and I’m on my own for a bit except spike has had Ed track me down for the months I’ve left so he knows exactly where I’ve been and I only return during the ep pierrot le fou bc Faye makes me come back bc spike goes after that dude alone and super injured and will probably die so I go w her to help and she’s one of the reasons I stay the second time bc Faye does not express any feeling of want or need towards anyone and she doesn’t really express it to me but she’s kind of just like this lunkhead keeps almost dying now that ur gone and ur the only one who can do my nails without getting polish all over the sides so I think u should move back
And so I do and god I can’t believe how long this is but U GUYS ASKED!!!!! So I come back and Spike kind of avoids me the first couple of weeks until he finally snaps and is just like this is fucking stupid I love u and u love me and that should be enough!!!! And at this point I cannot keep pushing me away because!!! He said he loves me!!! And he does!!!!! And so we do give it a shot and it’s really fucking good until. Until the real folk blues and he’s leaving to go end vicious and I’m like screaming at him trying to get him to stay and he’s kind of just like YOU said we weren’t gonna work until I let go of this but now he’s going somewhere that he most certainly will die and I’m selfish and I’m telling him that I don’t care about any of it anymore and he like cannot promise me he’ll come back for me even tho I’m begging him to because he knows he probably isn’t coming back alive and I’m defeated obviously cause he’s never gonna listen to me and so all I can do is hug him and tell him I’ll see him when he gets back🫶
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
Actually I’ve come to the conclusion that Cynthia would like Kingdom Hearts for the exact same reason she likes Graces f (the homoerotic tension,,,,,,)
#Also she’s just an action girlie in general! (sorry dism you have Inigo to enjoy turn-based games with instead 💔)#just pav things#She likes graces better though because it has multiplayer :) So she gets to ramble to Inigo as they both play!#In her mind this is basically forcing Minty to pay active attention to said homoerotic tension rather than passively watching 😎#But also she assumes that with Inigo’s demeanour he doesn’t want to be there :(#So also in her mind she is trapping Inigo into socialising more actively with her. Gaming is a cover for her desire to connect with him#After all it’s easy to say ‘heeey you promised you were gonna do a full playthrough with me >:(‘ and not ‘I really miss you’#Classic You Have No Name Poor CommunicationTM ✨✨✨✨#Inigo DOES want to be there wholeheartedly and sincerely derives enjoyment out of neurodivergent people monologuing about their interests#He loves his creachurs very much and that’s why he gets along so well with Dism and Cynthia! Inigo enjoys interesting people :)#Buuuuuuut he’s driven to suppress his feelings for Cynthia in particular because he’s trying to prevent having an attachment to her#Attachments lead him to get careless and hurt people :) Murder them even :) And then it hurts reeeaally bad :3#Of course this is where you can see the flaw in his logic#Why would he be trying to protect Cynthia from himself. If he didn’t already have an attachment to her in the first place <3#He doesn’t want Cynthy to ‘die’ bc he loves her. Inigo tries so hard to deny this fact in his head bc it defies his faulty belief system#he wants to keep indulging in the Lie born from his emotional Wound :3#In truth though feigning detachment makes him incredibly lonely and dissatisfied and ultimately hurts them both 💔#Cynthia doesn’t help in this either with her own ambitions to heal him hurt/comfort fanfic style for her own loneliness’s sake#So in conclusion fuck yeah codependent relationships ✨ truly a concoction of bottled up feelings#We love the drama hehehe. On some days I even prefer this over Dism and Archie’s mess just because of how natural and realistic it is#There’s no spiriters adding fuel to the fire and facilitating corruption this is just 100% flawed people doing flawed things!#…..Can you tell I was thinking of the moment where Cynthia and Inigo mend their relationship today 😭❤️
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
some terrible part of me wants to comparatively analyze the reynevan/jutta sex scenes VS the birkart/douce sex scenes as good VS evil…
it’s about the worship of VS subjugation of…
#sapkowski kind of kinkshamed with that he said no rights for S/M LMAO#no before you know it there will be people who are like ‘he’s my joker and i’m his harley quinn’ but with the wallcreeper and douce of pack#dude how the black riders slowly start becoming less of a supernatural force and more of a just general banditry and sadists#and how the wallcreeper gets WAY more context and backstory compared to the two previous books#that being said when he and douce um… met for the first time#i reread it like thrice trying to ascertain if this was r*pe or not#and then i realized it doesn’t really matter because. evil. that’s why#like what happens when two murderous sadists throw themselves at each other. that. that’s what#honestly i was very happy that douce of pack showed up and played a part and wasnt just forgotten about#she made my blood run cold in her introduction in warriors of god so i’m just happy that she met her equal and also suffered horribly ❤️#dude when she’s fucking crying for help to not be left alone and birkart is like. ✌️bird form see ya#like contrasted with reynevan and jutta. as she. oh my god#i am loving the contrast actually it took him like this long to make the wallcreeper like a guy and not just a phantom#i mean you kind of see it in warriors of god too but. its kind of this awkward part where it feels inconsistent with the character#dude the way that over the three books everything just loses its sheen and becomes so real and painful#txt#hussite trilogy spoilers
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If you wanna be happy (because Ze with students) but also sad at the same time (because of what he says) ... this is your video
#its the meeting with the students in Chernivtsi#absolutely watch the video but have the tissues ready#besides tissues it is a really really good talk with the students#also this is the meeting where he talks about the movie the english patient that one anon recently mentioned#some lovely moments also some ze smiles and laughs#and they let him do it outside in nature! ❤️#the double comment VOVA 😂😂😂#the part about him not respecting/valuing time before the time is something he mentioned several times before 💔#and in the end it is closely related with his family 💔#his kids literally grow up now#having a lot of special and important moments you cant do again#he cant be there for them and to live these moments with them#and he already missed moments in the past pre war and pre presidency because of his work#the question remains if he would change something now with this new knowledge and if he could travel back#but on the other hand if the spends more time with his kids in the past other things wouldnt have happened#maybe he never would have been president#maybe they would never have filmed SOTP#maybe other kvartal things would never have happened#but also maybe other things would have happened#or moments would have happened totally different#for better and worse#and endless “what if” and regret and “what could have been”#“i can no longer call my daughter a child because she is almost 20” 💔#sasha hopefully gave him a really long hug after that and reminded him she is stil his child despite being an adult#also that part a bit later...he has nothing but work 💔💔💔#they all need time but there is no such time...not enough never and not at all because there is only work#so even though he now realized he didnt value time enough he still has no time#not only the kids needing time with him but also he needs time ❤️❤️❤️#love the part about his values have not changed and in this regard he is still the same because YES yes he is#the part about life chosing you and going in different directions
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comfortstars · 5 months
guys I was the BIGGEST tsukkiyama shipper in 2020. I need to draw them again
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thevapollo · 6 months
I have talked about how Jolene is lowkey ranwan coded before but fem ranwan where Mo Ran is Jolene 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
My favorite thing about the Jasper/Maria ship, dynamic, or whatever is how complicated and mysterious they are, like we don’t know much about them but what we DO know speaks to something deeper going on that isn’t quite explored. Like they make each other worse but they also make each other BETTER! It’s insane to think about really. Everyone’s usually like “they make each other worse!” but you’re like the only person to point out just how much they also make each other better and your points are so solid it got me thinking!
Like it’s honestly crazy to think about how they’re both in such bad circumstances and they’ve done bad things together; but there’s also the fact that they’re so tender and forgiving towards each other, how much they’ve learned from each other (especially from Confederate!Jasper’s side considering he had a LOT to learn/unlearn), and how they made each other stronger, smarter, etc.. while being from two completely different worlds yet they met and bonded through a similar core experience: War.
They became winners together after having lost so much before and they both chose each other naturally. Jasper could have chosen to follow Lucy or Nettie at any time but he chose Maria and he knew from the moment he met them that she was the special one, the leader. “It was immediately clear that the brunette was somehow in charge of the others. If they'd been military, I would have said that she outranked them.”
Maria was able to pick apart his compelling nature and knew he would be special/useful to her too, that’s why she chose to keep him and changed him herself bc one of the others said they were more likely to kill him. She probably didn’t expect to develop feelings for him later down the line but that’s for another conversation lol. They met by chance and they chose each other. They saw something.
I think both characters know this deep down and that’s why they still have some leftover feelings for each other. To me it’s the only thing that explains their out-of-character behavior towards each other. Like come on there’s no way Jasper is just thinking and talking about Maria like that if she didn’t still have an impact on him and there’s no way Maria’s just randomly thinking of him enough to want to find and visit him if he didn’t have some sort of impact on her too.
That speaks to so much potential between them. If they were so powerful and successful and hung-up on each other in the unfortunate situations they were in, imagine how powerful and strong they’d have been if they were in better circumstances. It gives me such a “right person, wrong time” feeling with them. Idk just my thoughts. You seem like the only person I can share these with lol.
- same anon btw
ANON it's wonderful to see you in my inbox again!!! you know i'm always here for Loving María Hours 🥰
you're right, there's so much deeper shit going on between Jasper & María, it's kinda crazy that all these other characters/ships get so much more attention when Jasper/María literally have a built-in story! (no hate to those who create content on minor characters ofc — we're all out here doing the lord's work LMAO)
you really hit it on the head. like the fact that their story is so "evil" and their characters are so "bad" speaks to the gentleness and goodness that obviously came out of their relationship considering Jasper is now a vegetarian Cullen freak. & the idea that the external conflict (war) is used as a vehicle AND as a symbol for their own internal conflicts & the thematic discussion at hand?!?!?! THE STORY 👏 WRITES👏 ITSELF👏👏👏
bro ofc Jasper followed María!! bad bitches only. & at the end of it all Lucy & Nettie AINT SHIT! they betrayed their covenmate! smh. tbh it spoke volumes that she had no problem killing them YET took so long (& ultimately did not) kill Jasper. girl can sniff betrayal from a mile away & even though she let the paranoia get the best of her, in the end she didn't let it control her 😇 it's not a perfect cutesy HEA, but dammit if it's not GROWTH
only semi-related, but the fact that Jasper mentions she had a good judge of character, and the fact that she seemed to look specifically for humans who would be gifted/powerful, makes me wonder if she didn't have some sort of gift herself. i like to think that Nettie & Lucy didn't betray her bc of something she did but rather bc they simply couldn't cope with the way María always chose Jasper & her country above all. María's gift is that she sees the good & the strength & value in people. even when they don't see it in themselves. war is simply not a good medium for people to reach their full potential...& once María draws it out of them, they discover want more for themselves than what death & violence can give them. in Nettie & Lucy's case, they lash out bc they assume they will never live up to María's vision. in Jasper's case, he defects so he can live up to the person she sees in him ❤️ María's weakness is she gets so focused on her mission she gets tunnel vision, so these are all seen to her as betrayals
but i imagine María realizes this down the road & works on healing herself instead of her country. obviously the Southern Wars haven't gotten out of control, & wtf does Jasper know about the South's situation after his 150-year absence? maybe the fact that she hasn't gotten herself in trouble lets him know that she's more focused these days on looking out for herself, finding potential within instead of working in vain to fix something that can realistically never be repaired in the way she always dreamed. & that's ok :)
all he knows is she's got a softer side & that he's rooting for her on her own journey to healing, & he will always wish her well 😌
TLDR TRUE TRUE, ANON. right person, wrong time.
all hail María ❤️
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