#she ruined her daughter's life by raising her to be a horrible person and covering up her crime
freesiablooming · 2 years
For those who don't know korean, Yeonjin's mom told her that she should avoid people who have "ㅇ(korean letter ieung, not alphabet o)" in their name because they bring bad luck. It is revealed in part 2 that the person who has the most "ㅇ" in the name is yeonjin's mother "홍영애" herself.
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demigodreading · 3 years
Saving Mini Benson Pt:1
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Request: From @youngjusticeimaginesus​:  Hi, I was wondering If maybe you'd be willing to do a oneshot where Olivia's daughter gets kidnapped by Lewis instead of Olivia?
Summary: That’s right my favorite peoples... This is going to be a two part mini series because there was no way everything that I needed to say could be done in a one-shot! I won’t go into much because I don’t want to give it away but please note THIS PART IS A DOOZY! The next one may be worse but still this arc made me cry in the show and I cried writing this
Characters: Olivia Benson, Fin Tutuola, Amanda Rollins, Nick Amaro, William Lewis, Donald Cragen, Reader
Relationships: Olivia Benson x Daughter! Reader
Warnings: MAJOR Violence, Guns, Cigarette Burns, Episode Spoilers, Alcohol, Smoking Weed, Mentions of Shootings, Death, William Lewis, Mentions of torture... (I Think that covers it but if it doesn’t please let me know)
Word Count: 2320 (Like I said.. there was no way this was gonna be just a oneshot.)
And with that all being said: Let’s jump into it.
Olivia and her daughter rarely fought but when they did neither one wanted to admit the other one was right. Olivia loved and hated her daughter for being so similar to her. Even now as she watched the miniature version of herself stalk the interview room the exact same way she would send her heart racing. Usually the similarities would result in a smile but not today. Today Olivia’s vision was a deep red as she confronted her daughter.
“Y/N you were caught smoking weed underneath the bleachers during class! So not only did you break one rule you broke two!” Olivia shouted, folding her arms.
“Wow glad that you know how to count,” Y/N mumbled looking out the window.
“What did you just say to me?”
“Look mom I just don’t get what the big deal is? It was one joint. One class!” Y/N retorted, throwing her hands up, “I am a straight A student who has a full ride scholarship to Harvard.”
“Yes, because Barba stuck his neck out on the line for you and put in a glowing recommendation,” Olivia spat, “What you did was careless. You could have ruined everything that was given to you.”
“You know for once in your life could you ever be fucking proud of me! I do everything that I can do to make you proud and yet at the end of the day I am never fucking good enough for you.”
“That’s not…” Olivia went to argue but was interrupted by Cragen opening the door.
“Olivia we got a problem. I need you right now,” He said, then shut the door without waiting for an answer.
“Just go save another poor unfortunate soul mom. Don’t worry about your daughter.  I’ll pick up my own pieces like I always do,” Y/N said, wiping tears from her face as she grabbed her coat.
Y/N stormed from the room before Olivia could stop her. She made her way through the precinct eyes trained to the floor as her mother’s voice rang out, “You better head straight home Y/N!  We are not done having this conversation and you are grounded!”
Choosing not to say anything, Y/N merely raised her hand in the air flipping her mother off before the doors shut with a loud slam behind her. Tears made dark spots on the concrete as Y/N made her way back to their apartment. Even the noises of the constant car honks and people screaming couldn’t drown out the voices in her head today. Failure. Waste of space. Stupid. No one. Unwanted. Unloved. 
It was the repeated song that kept her feet moving forward until she finally placed her key in the lock. She threw her bag by the kitchen island and threw her keys on the counter. She was about to turn on the living room light when a noise caught her attention. 
“Hello? Hello?”
As she turned the corner her vision was filled with the sight of a gun pointed right at her temple. A smirk crossed William Lewis’ face as he looked at Y/N, “Ah welcome home Little Benson. I was hoping that it would be your mother who was walking through the door but I guess you will have to do.”
Y/N went to scream but instead Lewis jammed the gun against her throat, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. One small slip of my finger and your mom will be left with a new kind of art all over her walls.”
Y/N let a single tear roll down her face before Lewis’ gun made contact with her skull and the whole world went black.
Olivia had already tried to call Y/N twice but it kept going straight to voicemail. The last known location had been their apartment so at least she had the sense to head straight home. The guilt in Olivia’s stomach was insurmountable. Watching her daughter explain that she never felt like she lived up to her standards. Olivia had promised herself when she had Y/N she would never end up like her mother. Yet there she was shaming her child for one mistake. Y/N was more than just a good kid, she was excellent. She was smart, beautiful, humorous, kind, and so much more. She was everything Olivia could have ever hoped for. Knowing that her daughter thought she wasn’t proud was the worst pain she could have.
After the third call Olivia finally decided to leave a voicemail, “Y/N I know you are mad but I need you to know something. I am proud of you and will always be proud of you. You are the best daughter and the most amazing human. I was rough on you early. Please let’s talk through this. I’ll be home soon with your favorite Chinese. Just don’t do anything stupid? I love you.”
When she hung up the phone she placed her head in her hands and let out a large sigh. Fin placed a reassuring hand on her back, “Liv, it is going to be okay. She is just being a teenager.”
“No Fin, you should have seen her. It was like I was physically taking her heart out and ripping it in front of her. I should have never said those things. I didn’t mean any of them… I was just upset.”
“She knows, they always know.”
Olivia merely shook her head and began to gather her things to head home. She walked out of the precinct without a goodbye and headed down the street to Y/N’s favorite Chinese place. They knew what she was going to order as soon as she walked in the door asking where Y/N was. Liv pushed off their question and scrolled through her phone as she waited for the food. Y/N’s phone was still off giving Olivia an eerie feeling as she finished the walk to the apartment. 
Once inside she noticed Y/N’s bag on the floor and her keys on the counter. There was a sudden rush of cold air that made her notice the window that was open to the fire escape. She shut it quickly and then moved to Y/N’s room. The door was still open with everything the way she had left it that morning. Once her calls were unanswered Olivia opened the window again crawling onto the fire escape. Sometimes Y/N would go to the roof to watch the sun slowly crawl behind the buildings.When she reached the top however she was met with an unsettling emptiness. 
Olivia reached for her phone to call the only person who was able to calm her anxiety lately, “Amaro, Y/N isn’t here. I can’t find her. What if something happened to her?”
“She probably just went to a friend’s house to get away,” Amaro replied stirring the contents of his drink, “She will be back in the morning just to relax. Sleep off the anger and come back with a clear head tomorrow.”
Liv pondered this suggestion over and over deciding what she should do. When the silence became too long Amaro interjected again, “Liv, I’m serious. You two had the biggest blow out that I have seen in awhile. Give her time to be mad at you and think. If you smother her she might only push further away from you.” She thanked her partner for the advice and then shoved her phone back in her pocket taking a sweep of the roof once again. Finally she slowly made her way back to the apartment shutting the window with a slam before locking it. Olivia wandered over to the kitchen moving the cereal that covered the top of the fridge to get to her secret cupboard. From the opening she pulled a large bottle of her favorite red wine. She popped the cork and decided to forgo a cup taking a long swig directly from the green glass. A large sigh escaped her lips as she plopped down on the couch going over the events of the day in her head.
As the contents of the bottle slowly drained till there was nothing else Olivia realized her fears were all coming true. She was becoming her mother. A woman she never once wanted to be. Three empty bottles later she finally curled under Y/N’s sheets crying into her pillow until she finally was able to fall asleep.
The next morning when Y/N did not return and her phone was still shut down all bets were off. Olivia was furious but more importantly she was terrified. Something was horribly wrong. Her morning was spent talking to Y/N’s two best friends and searching their houses for her. When that search was unsuccessful Olivia went to the school hoping Y/N had gone there. However, she had been absent all day and there hadn’t even been a call to excuse her from the day. 
When the morning bled into the afternoon Olivia was running around the city to all of Y/N’s usual hangout spots. The search of the library told her that Y/N hadn’t been there in over a week. The local bakery hadn’t seen her in three days. The coffee shop where Y/N always bought Olivia’s coffee when she came to see her at work had seen her two mornings ago but nothing since then. Even the old lady that had Y/N over twice a week to help her with errands and chores around the house hadn’t seen her. 
It was dark by the time that Olivia fell into her desk chair at the precinct. With her head in her hands she let the tears fall. A whole day was gone and there was still no sign of her daughter. If she had been kidnapped they were running out of time and losing it quickly. The longer she was out there the longer the person had to get away with whatever they wanted.
The squad huddled around in Cragen’s office looking at Olivia curled over her desk. Rollins was the first one to speak, “I bet you Lewis has something to do with this.”
“And what makes you think that?” Amaro asked, “There are plenty of people who could have a vendetta against Liv.”
“It’s just a feeling.”
“Yeah well have you ever considered the idea that maybe Y/N just ran away,” Amaro retorted.
Fin, Cragen, and Amanda all turned towards Amaro, shocked. Cragen was the first one to speak, “I know you haven’t been here long Amaro but this isn’t Y/N. Something is horribly wrong and we are going to figure out what is going on. Fin and Amanda go check out Lewis’ usual hiding spots. I’ll take Liv through her apartment once again to see if we missed anything.”
“And me cap?”
“Amaro… you stay here and set up a tip line,” Cragen responded curtly and then they all disappeared to find where Y/N had disappeared to.
Y/N woke with a jolt as she felt cold water splash her face. She was met with Lewis staring only a couple inches away from her face. He grinned and grabbed Y/N’s chin as she tried to look away, “Well well there. Looks like someone is finally awake. Feeling thirsty?”
Y/N nodded her head yes waiting to scream as he curled his fingers around the edge of the duct tape. As he was about to pull it away he jammed a gun against Y/N’s throat, “Make any noise and I will shove this gun straight down your throat.”
Finally when he pulled the tape away Y/N spit right in his face, “Just shoot me already if you are going to threaten me with it.”
“And miss out on all of our fun Mini Benson. I think not. There is plenty that I want to do to you before then.”
Y/N began to panic as Lewis lit another cigarette. She remembered the way the others had burned against her chest and sides. She had lost count after twenty perfect circle burns and after the second pistol whip to the face she had passed out a second time, She couldn’t go through all of that again.
“My mom knows I am missing and she will be out looking for me. Just let me go and she will never have to know that you did it. Please,” YN begged.
“What is she going to think about that bruise on your face? Or the marks on your skin? I can’t let you go… plus I know that you both fought before you came home. I bet you that she thinks you just ran away and are leaving her,” Lewis chuckled.
“How.. how did you know that we fought?
“This lovely voicemail your mother left you,” Lewis said, placing your phone against your ear.
Tears began to run down Y/N’s face as she heard the apology her mother had sent her. Damnit! Why did I have to fight with her? We could have avoided all of this. Is the mantra that ran through her head as Lewis slammed the phone against her head and threw it at the wall.
“She isn’t coming for you,” Lewis snickered.
“Please… just let me go. I will do anything.”
Lewis pulled his gun and placed it against Y/N’s scalp, “You are still bargaining with me? Really. We are way past that baby.”
“I am the daughter of an NYPD detective. A decorated well known detective. My mother, her partner, her squad, the entire department will hunt you down. You think that you’ve put people through hell. It will rain back down on you.”
“You know what… let it rain,” Lewis said and then hit Y/N once again making her world go black for a third time. 
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The Cult Girl (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 3
So I picked option 2 cause I just had more ideas around it. I could probably still do 1 and 3 sometime but this is the direction we're going now. Y/n gets a call from her horrible grandmother who is expecting a visit.
Trigger warning: discussions of emotional and mental abuse, gaslighting
That night at his dining table was the start of something wonderful. You made a point to apply a bit of perfume to your neck before you left your apartment. Your three slightly judgmental but overall supportive roommates even donated a few drops of their own fragrances from time to time. 
You didn’t like the sound of the sentence “Hannibal is my boyfriend”. It just didn’t hit your ear right. ‘Boyfriend’ was too childish of a title for him. By extension, he found something very diminutive about referring to you as his girlfriend. You were, of course, a grown woman. He remedied this right away, resigning to call you his ‘darling’. You, however, had to use ‘partner’ as a placeholder until a more suitable pet name presented itself. Although the titles were never stated outright, after a while, you knew it was more than just a passionate affair. Hannibal (and you were calling him Hannibal, now) saw potential in you. He nurtured you and had been since day one. 
Finally, things were starting to go your way. You were in classes you loved, had wonderful, supportive friends and a fulfilling relationship. It took over twenty years, but better late than never. 
But, if there was one thing you learned from your short stint as a student of physics, it was that what goes up must come down. Your long-awaited bliss was about to be tested by an equal and opposite force bearing the name “Beatrice [L/N]” on the caller ID. 
Not only did she call, but she called three times in the middle of your meal. And that was followed by multiple texts, several of which containing words like “emergency” in all caps. You were just trying to enjoy another one of Hannibal’s culinary works of art, but the old bitch was persistent. 
You apologetically excused yourself from the table and retreated to the office with your phone. 
Grandma, you had better be on your fucking deathbed. You thought to yourself before sliding the green answer icon across the screen.
“[F/N]!” Came her shrill voice. “You finally answered. I was beginning to worry.” 
“What do you want, grandma?” You groan. 
“I wanted to ask you what you were wearing to Anna’s wedding next weekend.” She explained, calmly as ever. “The color scheme is seafoam and coral and she wants to make sure everyone adheres to it for pictures.” 
You covered the speaker with your hand and pulled your phone away from your ear so she couldn’t hear you bite back a scream. It physically pained you to return the phone to your ear. “Yeah, I RSVPed no to Anna’s wedding.”
“[F/N],” Your grandmother said in that scolding tone you knew all too well. “Your cousin expects you to be there. I expect you to be there. I invested so much money into this wedding, I will take it as a personal affront if you don’t attend.” 
You take everything as a personal affront. You thought.  
“It doesn’t matter, I already said no. She’s not going to have a chair or food for me.” You explained, hoping that you found some way out of this conversation. 
“No, she will.” Your grandma corrected. “I won’t have any child of mine absent from another’s wedding. I put in all the work to pull this event together.” 
For a moment, you almost felt bad for Anna. Having to endure your grandmother’s micromanaging was a circle of hell even Dante refused to tread.
"Of course, heaven forbid someone in your life show an ounce of autonomy." You finally snapped.
"I don't know why you're acting so rude, but it stops now." Grandma ordered. "I raised you as my own daughter. You should be more grateful for the luxuries I can extend to you. I didn't have to take you in, you know..."
It pained you to stay quiet when all you wanted to say was "I wish you hadn't".
"Your emotional manipulation isn't going to work on me anymore." You informed her.
“So, naturally, I’ve seen to it that you are expected." She continued her own conversation without even acknowledging yours. "You and a plus one, of course.”
You hadn’t even considered the possibility of attending the wedding with Hannibal. The two points never once intersected. And they never would. You vowed that Hannibal would never meet your grandmother or cousins. At that moment, that was the hill you were willing to die on. 
“If I come at all, I’m coming alone.” You snap. “You can punish me all you want but I am not letting you get him involved.” 
“Him?” Your grandma repeated. “So there is someone?” 
“Someone you are keeping me from.” You said, thoroughly frustrated and now panicked at the idea that your grandmother knew Hannibal existed. “Goodbye.” 
You didn't want to rejoin Hannibal in such a sour mood, but you didn't want to keep him waiting either. You returned even more apologetically than you left and took your seat.
"Everything alright, love?" He asked. You could tell he was raring to psychoanalyze you.
You shook your head. "It was my grandma."
"I could tell that much." He admitted, beginning to cut into his steak. "What with all the frustration you're trying so desperately to hide. What did she want?"
"She called to tell me she expects me at my cousin's wedding next Saturday." You rolled your eyes. "I'd already declined the invitation, but she didn't like that, apparently."
"Which cousin is this?" He probed. "The one that works as an engineer for Halliburton?
"No, that's Theresa." You shook your head. "And she works for Halliburton, but she's not an engineer. She's a PR executive."
"Right." Hannibal nodded, taking a bite of steak between his teeth. "She took after your grandmother and turned gaslighting into a career."
You smiled a bit. "Right."
"So, it's Anna, then?" He concluded. "You haven't told me much about her. Perhaps she is the benign tumor of the family?"
"More or less." You shrugged. "She works at a publishing agency. Only got the job because her boyfriend's uncle's the CFO. She didn't even make it to the interview. It was pure nepotism."
"And now she's marrying the boyfriend, I presume?"
"Yeah." You felt a grin cross your face thinking about what you were going to say next. "She wasn't even dating him at the time. She was dating someone else and cheating on him with the guy she's marrying now."
Hannibal grinned. "You like knowing this? Having information that could potentially ruin her life?"
You knew there was no use in lying. The look on your face said it all. "Absolutely I do. When you're the black sheep of the family, you've gotta take power where you can get it. Mine just so happens to be potential blackmail."
"I'm quite delighted to be privy to this side of you, love." He smiled. "We're a bit vindictive, now are we?"
"Are you kidding?" You snicker. "These are the girls that psychologically tormented me growing up. Of course I'm vindictive."
"So about this wedding." He didn't look up from his plate. "Do they expect you to bring a date?"
"They do." You nod, your eyes wandering off. "But I can't let them meet you. They're just so unspeakably rude all the time."
For some reason, you felt that this didn't deter him. Perhaps it even compelled him a little. "Oh?"
"They take this really strange pride in making scenes everywhere they go." You explained. "They've already ruined so much of my life. I can't even give them the opportunity to ruin this too."
"Darling," Hannibal leaned in. "Is there a part of you that wants to attend this event?"
You held your tongue before you said anything you both know to be untrue. "...maybe a small part."
"That small part of you that wants power. That wants justice." He nodded. "Indulge it for a moment. What does this wedding look like to you?"
Trying to keep up the illusion that you hadn't thought of this before, you paused for a moment. "...we would show up--you and I--and I'd be wearing a stunning gown that doesn't fit the stupid color scheme at all. And there's just an unspoken knowledge that I could absolutely ruin Anna's entire day. Anna and Theresa and Grandma are all being nice to me because if I so much as mention the name of that boyfriend she cheated on, I'd ruin her life and possibly her career. So finally I hold all the cards."
Hannibal looked proud. He took a sip of his wine. "You want to be powerful, but with just enough restraint so they know you're the bigger person."
"Exactly." You agreed.
"Perhaps my fondness for you is clouding my professional judgment, darling." He put his wine glass down. "The thought of you in an evening gown, commanding attention and reverence... that's just something I have to see."
"...something you have to see?" You met eyes with him, realizing you were on the same page.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket again. This time, you didn't feel the need to step out.
"Hey [F/N], care to explain why my sister is crying?" Theresa snapped through the receiver.
"Is someone cutting onions nearby?" You offered. "That usually makes me tear up."
"Fucking hell, for once in your meaningless life can you care about someone other than yourself?!" Theresa yelled. "Grandma told us you're not coming to the wedding."
You looked back at Hannibal, who gave you a nod. "Actually, I am. We are."
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A Fling With A Surprise
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Gif credit @stilinski-ortiz-dolan
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Gif credit @bodybebangin.
Requested by @stellarosedutton. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for the request.
My first Walker and Colby imagine. I hope it's okay.
"Go get grandpa". Your daughter, Amethyst Rose squealed running on her wobbly feet. She had just started walking and she is now on the go all the time.
"Paaaa". She stumbled and fell but got right back up.
"She's like her momma, doesnt cry when she falls". John chuckled as he picked her up. 
"Yeah, I was taught to be strong". You smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Your husband is down at the barn". John said looking away. He wasnt to fond of Walker. No one really was. But you saw something in him that no one else saw.
"I was just heading that way. Amethyst has a doctors appointment". You say before walking to the barn. Your father took Amethyst into the main house to spoil her even more than she is.
"Hey beautiful". Walker spoke before you even got into the barn.
"How do you always do that"? You giggle wrapping your arms around his waist from behind.
"I know your foot work".
"You ready? We gotta be there in thirty minutes".
"Yeah, let me go change my shirt and I'll meet you at the car". He kissed your temple and started to the cowboys bunk.
Going back up to the main house, you saw Colby talking with your father and Rip. Then you heard screaming and giggling coming down the steps of the house. Tate was chasing Amethyst and ran right past Colby.
You might think nothing of it but Amethyst is Colbys. You had a fling with him one night and never spoke about it since but then you got pregnant and just never told anyone that she was his. Then you met Walker when you were six months pregnant, got married four months later and he's been Amethyst dad. Oh I didnt mention that Colby never knew I was pregnant, I hid it from my family until I met Walker.
"Amethyst". You called after her and ran scooping her up. "Thanks for watching her dad.  I'll see you later". You didn't look at Colby as you walked away but his eyes were on Amethyst.
"Y/N, hold up". Colby called after you and now the cat was out of the bag.
"Yeah"? You gulped as he came closer. Amethyst laid her head on your shoulder sleepily.
"I know this might be off but um is she mine"? Colby scratched his chin, just gazing at Amethyst.
"Why didnt you tell me"? Colby asked. He was wasnt upset or angry.
"You didnt speak to me after we hooked up. So I figured you were just ignoring me and staying away".
"It was awkward. Rip found me coming in late and I told him. He knows about us".
"I know. No one else knows. Not even Walker. I'd like to keep it that way. I don't want any riff between the two of you".
"So I'm supposed to let Walker raise my daughter"? Colby scoffed.
"She's my daughter". Walker scared you both. You seriously needed to work on your tracking.
"No, she's mine. I didnt get the chance to be there for her cause I didnt know". Colby protested.
"I'm on the birth certificate. She calls me daddy. I'm not confusing her. So stay away". Walker warned Colby but Colby being Colby and not backing down. Colby threw the first punch and smashed his fist into Walkers jaw.
Walker stumbled but striked back hitting Colby in the nose. You covered your daughters eyes.
John and Rip tried pulling the cowboys apart but they weren't letting each other go.
"Walker stop". You yelled. This was not how it was supposed to go when it happened or if at all.
A gun shot rang through the air. Rip stood there with his gun pointed to the sky. Colby and Walker panting. Their shirts ripped, faces mangled.
"Colby, get out of here now".
"But-". Colby tried to protest but Rip wasnt having it".
"Get him out of here, Y/N". Your father told you and you grabbed Walkers hand pushing him into the car. The doctors appointment would have to wait.
Arriving at your house, you laid Amethyst down and patched up Walker.
"Why didnt you tell me"?
"It wasn't your business. Plus I didnt want to make it worse for you than it already is".
"It is my business. I'm your husband. I'm her father". Walker hissed when you put peroxide on his wound.
"I know. But now I'm thinking I should've told him. Gave him a chance to be a father figure in her life".
"I'm her damn father. No man is going to replace me". Walker hit the table. You jumped, you never seen him this mad. Walker got up and stormed out, slamming the door. Waking Amethyst.
You had to go see Colby. It wasnt right not having him know and now you felt guilty. Heading back to the ranch, giving Walker time to cool down. You went and saw Colby.
"Hey". You stepped threw the door. Rip, Ryan and Colby were talking.
"We're just leaving". Rip spoked, nodding to Ryan.
They came to you and Rip picked up Amethyst. "I'll take this". Rip said with a chuckle. Ryan giggled. They both adored her.
"You okay"? You bit the inside of your cheek.
"You should have told me. I would have been there". Colby sighed.
"I didnt know that. I was young. We both were. But that's no excuse. I should've told you". You walked over to the table and sat down beside him.
"I'm not trying to replace Walker as her father. I just want to be part of her life. She looks like me".
"She does. Has a smaller head then you though". You tease. Colby gasped and nudged your arm.
"I want to be there for her. Like I could babysit when you and Walker need a break. I just want her to know me. I dont have to be her dad. I can be an uncle".
"Yeah. She'd like that". You say with a smile.
"Can I be honest"? Colby looked into your eyes.
"Of course".
"When I saw her coming out of the house. I thought I was in a dream. It wasn't real. Like this little girl looked just like me. I was scared when you said she was mine. I wasnt ready to be a dad. I guess you saved yourself a hassle. Walker stepped up and I'm grateful for that cause he's probably doing a better job than I would have. I'm just not ready to take on that responsibility. I'm a horrible person". Colbys head hung low.
"Colby, you're not a bad person. I'm glad you told me this.  I'm relieved to say the least. She'll be honored to have you as an uncle. We'll just keep this between us six. No one else has to know". Your squeezed his arm.
"Thanks. I'm sorry".
"Nothing to be sorry over. We just deal with the hand we're dealt with. I'm a mom to an amazing little girl. You're going to be an awesome uncle".
"What about Walker? He'll kill me".
"Dont worry about him. I'll take care of that". You say with a smile. "But I need you to put those uncle skills to the test". You said with a smirk.
"Oh god, what have I gotten myself into"? Colby chuckled, shaking his head.
Deciding to leave Amethyst with Colby and the others for a few hours, you headed home. Hopefully by now Walker has cooled off.
Walking into the house, it was quiet. But you heard some rustling in the bedroom.
"Babe"? You called out, coming into the bedroom. Walker was laying on the bed shirtless and his pants unbuckled as if he was going to bed.
"Where's Amethyst"? Walker asked, taking the rolled up toilet paper from his nose.
"She's with her uncles".
"And her new daddy". Walker scoffed. "You here to get your things and move in with him"?
"No, you dipshit. I'm here to tell you that you're the only daddy she will ever know. Colby doesnt want that role. He's uncle Colby. He's thankful that you stepped up and took care of her. Of us". You replied, getting on the bed and sitting up beside him.
"He wouldnt just do that. He's crazy if he did".
"Baby, he got scared when he found out that she was his. He was just putting on a show. He doesnt want to ruin her life. You're daddy and he's uncle Colby. We're fine. Theres only six of us that know and we're all keeping quiet. Amethyst has a great thing going, none of us want to ruin it". You kiss his check quickly.
"Sorry, I got angry. I just didn't want him to step in and take away our bond. I didn't want to lose my family ".
"You're forgiven and you're never going to lose us". You moan, running your hand down Walkers chest, slipping your hand down his pants. "He's promised to babysit when we need a break". You whisper into Walkers ear as you nip at his ear lobe.
"I'm liking uncle Colby". Walked flipped you over on your back, his hands went to your clothed breast, squeezing them and then raking his fingers down your torso.
"Come here". You grabbed Walker by the back of his neck and pulled him to your lips. Walker shimmied out of his jeans and pulled your dress up around your hips.
"I love you so much". He grunted into the kiss as he pushed your panties to the side and thrusted in you.
"Fuck. I love you". You gasp, as he lifts your leg over his shoulder and thrusts in deep. He kissed up and down your leg. Your fingers pinch your hard nipple through your bra.
"Mmm. We should give Amethyst a sibling". Walker said way out of the blue.
"You serious"? You panted, licking your lips.
"Why not"?
"No reason". Your head fell back as the tip of Walkers cock, brushed against your gspot.
"I'm taking that as a yes". He growled, speeding up his pace. He wrapped his arm your neck and kissed you deeply with passion and lust. This little break, you could get use to it.
While Walker and you were deciding on a sibling or not. Amethyst was having the time of her life. Colby was playing tea party with her and making mud pies. He was making mud pies. She was throwing them at her other uncles as they watch.
"She's going to need a bath. A hosing off before she goes home". Lloyd chuckled.
"I'm not sure I'm fit for that. I agreed on watching her. Not putting her in water and trying not to let her drown". Colby said a little scared. The others laughed.
"Just take the water hose and rinse her off. Itll be alright". Ryan suggested.
Colby of course listens to them and starts to wash Amethyst off, well he lays the water hose down and she happily picks it up and starts spraying everyone. Theres laughter and screaming as they got sprayed.
"What's going on here"? Walker came up to the water hose party.
"He did it". Ryan, Lloyd and Jimmy all pointed to Colby who was soaked from head to toe.
"Great job". Walker shaked his head. Colby frowns. "Baby, put down the hose, please". Walker walked slowly up to Amethyst and snatched the hose away.
"I'm sorry. I'm not fit for this". Colby sighed.
"No. You're not. But she's having fun and she's alive. That's all that matters. Y/N and I have a date night every Friday night. You're going to watch Amethyst for us. Just try and not burn down our house". Walker laughed, sticking out his hand.
Colby smiled and shook it. "No promises.  Thanks Walker".
"Sure. Oh and clean this mess up. See y'all tomorrow". Walker picked up his muddy little girl and headed home. This was the life for everyone. Didnt matter how it got this way. It just is and theres no use in fixing something that isn't broke.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Like Mother Like Daughter
Requested by anon: Hello love! Would you write something about the reader being Polly's lost daughter that finally found her and she goes to her house and Polly of course is insanely happy and they catch up all night ,immediately connected. The next day she gets introduced to the rest of the family and Tommy is super rude to her because he thinks she's there for money,but she's just there for Polly and just as fierce as her mother, putting him in place? :)
Pairing: Shelby & Gray family + Gray!Female!Reader (No romance)
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, probably a trash story that was also probably really horribly written, posting with out proofreading oops
Note: I apologize sincerely for the likelihood of a shitty background story of how reader discovers Pol being her mum. I am also so sorry if this sucks lol, I couldn’t think of good responses for the angsty part sigh. I really hope you guys like this one, again, I’m sorry if I didn’t quite write the situation all too well. However, the more I write, the more I get to know the characters, so this is a start haha
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace​, @simonsbluee​
masterlist | peaky blinders masterlist
Today was the day. Polly fiddled with her fingers nervously, anticipation for what was to come. Her daughter, Michael’s sister, was just confirmed alive and well, and was being sent to their home. Michael didn’t know he had a sister and Pol had been uninformed of her daughter’s state of health.
It was a surprise, the only person of the family who knew was Polly herself. Y/n was her daughter anyways. The boys could wait until after they caught up; she was eager to reconnect with this girl, who very dear to her heart. Her palms were sweaty, thanks to her nerves.
The news graced her ears just last month. Her lost daughter, alive and well, and pleading with her adoptive mother to let her go and seek out the mystery woman who’s name was with her’s on papers in her father’s office. The girl had no success, getting rejected over and over due to her parent’s hatred for her discovery. Polly, however, found a way to anonymously convince the parents to let her daughter go. Whether it was legal or not, it got it done, and that’s all that mattered.
The door creaked open, the light from the sun shining onto Y/n like a spotlight. Polly’s eyes filled with tears as she scanned her daughter with a small smile on her lips.
“Hi mum...” Y/n smiled back at her, inhaling deeply, not sure if it was real or just a dream. She wished, if it were a dream she could have it every night for the rest of her life.
Polly’s mouth opened slowly, but no words left her mouth. Her hand began it’s journey up to her mouth, stuttering half way, and covered her growing smile. She didn’t know what to do. She was so happy, she could hardly move. True, she was excited to have Michael back, but this was her daughter. A year younger than Michael. More naive than Michael. Lost longer than Michael.
Her words betrayed her, but her body made up for their faults. Pol stumbled towards Y/n and wrapped her arms around her in a bone-crushing hug. “Is that really you? My baby girl?” Her tears soaked into Y/n’s dress clad shoulder, but neither of them cared.
“Mhm.” Y/n too had no luck with her words, too caught up in emotions and snotty tears to give a shit. They chose to make use of their wordless greetings, hugging tightly for a few more minutes. Once they separated, Polly took Y/n’s face in her hands and let her eyes take in the image before her.
“You’re so beautiful... I wonder what you looked like as a child...” More tears fought to escape her eyes. Her breathing was unsteady, like she had just calmed herself from a crying fit, when really, she was doing the opposite, tears greeting her warm cheeks.
“Polly, it’s alright-”
“Mom.” She chuckled softly, “You can call me mum, dear. You are my daughter, after all.”
Y/n didn’t respond. She wracked her brain for words, but they fled at the quiver of her bottom lip. So, she did her plan B. She removed Polly’s hands from her face and quickly surged forward into Pol’s arms. Y/n felt Polly’s arms wrap around her figure protectively, like she was scared that if she let her go she would lose her again.
“Well, mom, we have a lot to catch up on...” They finally separated, but Polly’s hands gripped Y/n’s, the same fear as the hug taunting her heart.
“That is true...and you and your brother have some catching up to do as well, but that can wait until tomorrow.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow with pure curiosity, “Brother?”
. . .
Tommy was walking calmly and sleepily to the kitchen area until he heard laughter coming from a voice that he didn’t recognize. His pace quickened with the need of settling his confusion.
A girl sat next to Michael, laughing at something he said. Tommy felt a slight jab of anger at the sight of a stranger in their home, everyone seeming so comfortable with this new person not even a day into her arrival.
He stepped into the room fully. His brothers and aunt tried to greet him good morning but they were interrupted when he glared at the girl next to Michael. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Might as well as you the same thing, greeting not only a lady, but a relative with a shit attitude like yours.”
“She does have a point. Tom, this is Y/n, Michael’s sister and Pol’s daughter. Which, if you haven’t guessed already, means she’s our cousin.” Ada smirked, astonished at Y/n’s retort.
“Mhm. And she just, somehow showed up over night, am I correct?” 
“Actually she showed up before dark. You boys just didn’t meet her because I wanted to catch up with her as much as possible first. You would too if you had met your daughter whom you thought was dead for seventeen fucking years.” Pol’s attitude seemed to drop from cheery to annoyed.
“So? You chose to believe her?”
“Yes! She’s-”
“She could be a complete stranger who just wants out money or- or- maybe she is your daughter but she also just wants our money.” Tommy turned to Y/n, “Is that it? You’re just lookin’ to take from us? Is that your tactic? Pretend to be our Aunt’s daughter and steal? Or are you not after money? Maybe you work for someone? One of our enemies perhaps?”
Michael rubbed Y/n’s back, he was unsure to why Tommy was acting so shitty today. His reaction was more controlled than this when he met Michael, so why was meeting Y/n any different? Michael furrowed his eyebrows to his older cousin and squeezed Y/n’s hand. She smiled to her brother in reassurance before smiling back at Tommy, not letting his not-so-good-first impression get to her.
Polly, having enough of Tommy’s angsty mood, walked out of the room. She mumbled something about him ruining her day and the reunion.
He grunted and walked past the family, poured himself a shot, leaned against the wall next to the counter, and crossed his arms. Y/n snickered to herself as she viewed his actions. “Oi, what’s so funny?”
“You’re crossing your arms and leaning against the wall in an act of dominance. An attempt to intimidate others, but honestly, your word and argument choices betray your failed claims of top-dog.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well,” she got up from the chair and pushed it back in, walking over to Tommy, “you’re acting childish. Throwing out accusations willy-nilly without reason, acting over dramatic when we could talk like civilized adults, and to top it all off, crossing your arms and pouting when you don’t get your way.” She paused, smiling mischievously.
Her cousin stayed silent. His breathing was a bit off, telling her that she had indeed managed to, if not the tiniest bit, piss him off.
“I came here to see my mother, who I’ve never seen in my entire fucking life, and then I find out I have more family. You can imagine my surprise, happy and finally feeling at home. But now, can you imagine my reaction to the cousin my mum spoke so highly about acting the way you did?”
She didn’t give him time to answer before continuing, drawling out some words and sentences with the intent of mocking the Peaky Blinder.
“You see Tommy, tough guys are what Birmingham sees you, and those of your brothers who are adults, to be, yet I only see two out of the three of you as ‘tough guys’. And now, I’m looking at the missing piece to their ‘tough-guy’ count, but all I see is a whiny child who would rather believe paranoia than his own family. Which, by the way, Polly said you cared most about.”
Tommy’s jaw clenched. Y/n’s face held a victorious smile. “Oh, and one last thing.”
“And that is?”
She swiped the glass from his hands and walked back to her seat, holding Tommy’s shot-glass cautiously. “Trust me or don’t trust me, I don’t care much, but for you and your reputation's sake-” She downed the shot, “you should really man the fucking hell up, cuz.”
Y/n set his glass onto the table, giving him the bird joined with a kind smile before she left the room to chase after her mother. The family, minus Polly and Y/n, sat in silence, processing the personality shift of their newly discovered family member.
“...Yep. She’s Pol’s daughter alright.”
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QTVW Chapter 6
Future* President's Fiancee (VI)
An Mu Lan ignored Ye Zixuan's teary eyes, she patiently stared at her until the other party's face watering expression stiffened and looked stricken, then she tilted her head, a puzzled look on her face, and asked,
"Who are you ......?"
Ye Zixuan seemed to be choking as she asked with her jaw dropped,
"You don't know me?"
An Mu Lan snorted and sneered,
"That's a funny question, I don't seem to have met you on such occasions, do I? Are you some kind of earth-shattering big shot? Someone I have to remember?"
When Ye Zixuan heard this, she immediately shed a few tears of grievance, then she looked around and saw that no one had noticed her, she quickly wiped the tears from her face and told herself in her heart: she must be strong, the world doesn't believe in tears, she can do it!
With this in mind, Ye Zixuan's behaviour finally returned to that of a normal human being, turning to a different strategy, a scene that was like a change of face, as she quickly gathered up her previous aggrieved little daughter-in-law look and changed it to one of reserve and condescension the next second.
She lifted her chin, looked at An Mu Lan and said slowly,
"Miss An, it doesn't matter if you don't know me, I know you just fine, I have something very important to tell you now, if you want to know, come with me."
When she finished, she turned and walked towards the open space. After a few steps, when she saw that An Mu Lan was not following her, she stopped again and looked at her with a scornful expression.
Seeing this, An Mu Lan's eyes went cold, the corners of her mouth curled up in a cold smile, an indignant expression on her face, looking as if she was enraged by Ye Zixuan.
But in reality, the rest of her eyes were focused on Zhang Yao, who was standing beside Ling Xihan, only to see Zhang Yao's face, showing an expression that everything was within her grasp. An Mu Lan lowered her eyes, clenched her fists, and made a very angry face in place, but in reality, she was watching out for the prying eyes that were everywhere.
Now was the perfect opportunity, she thought to herself, and the flexible plan she had outlined all afternoon would soon come in handy.
As An Mu Lan thought this, her breathing heaved and her chest rose and fell, making it appear to outsiders as if she was seething with rage.
Seeing that those around her had noticed her reaction, she smiled apologetically at them before stepping slightly heavier on the ground and walking towards Ye Zixuan's side.
Ye Zixuan took An Mu Lan to an empty corner and said with a heavy tone of anger,
"Miss An, do you know what kind of people your brothers are?"
An Mu Lan expressed some surprise at her choice of the topic to begin with, and when it fell on Ye Zixuan's eyes, she paid attention to a very different content.
She laughed coldly and then shouted angrily at An Mulan, "Your four brothers, QJ'd me at the An family mansion, is this what you call the so-called thousand year old family? Where have your morals and manners gone? If this matter is publicized, it will definitely ruin your reputation!"
An Mu Lan froze, although she knew that Ye Zixuan was a Mary Sue heroine with big breasts and no brain, she really didn't know that the other party would be brain-dead like this.
What does the 'good' deeds done by An Mu Lan's brothers have to do with her, a married woman? ; Besides, what makes this woman so naive? Doesn't she know that one word from her could make her, from this world, disappear silently?
In this future world, with the lineage as the division of power, what on earth did this Ye Zixuan grow up on that she dared to threaten her?! She herself was the lady of the An family, and if she wanted to take the life of a pariah, who would dare to stand up and say a word against her.
An Mu Lan was a little torn and determined one thing, that Mary Sue was indeed a strange creature and it would be better to ignore it in the future and avoid feeling like an idiot just by talking to her.
Despite this thought in her mind, An Mu Lan immediately reacted with a pale, surprised expression as soon as she thought of her plans for the evening. Then, when she looked around in a hurry and saw that no outsiders were here, she made a sad face and said,
"This matter, do any other outsiders know about it? What is your ...... relationship with my brothers?"
Ye Zixuan pouted and said,
"I definitely won't tell outsiders that I'm your family's maid, but that doesn't mean that I have to serve the men of your family on bed, this is simply too horrible, your brothers are simply beasts ......, no, no, they are even worse than beasts. "
A string of black lines slid down An Mu Lan's head, she sank her face in grief and said,
"I ...... I moved to my fiancee's house some days ago, I don't know anything about the An family or my brother's affairs, please don't involve me in this and keep this secret, as long as you promise me that, I can do anything for you, whether you want money or a villa, I can give it to you if you ask."
As soon as the words left her mouth, Ye Zixuan immediately became furious and she shouted shrilly,
"What do you take me for? Am I the kind of person who smells like copper? You should not think that the world is full of people who are all like you, there are still people of noble character in this world."
She roared under her breath, and when she saw An Mu Lan look like she had seen a ghost, thinking she had come to her senses and realised her narrowness, she was satisfied with the first smile she had of the night, and she said,
"I'm sorry I shouldn't yell at you like that, but you're not thinking healthy and that's not good. As for this matter of your brothers, I will keep it a secret, as long as you arrange for me to leave the An family and help me with everything."
When she finished, she nodded in self-satisfaction, and seeing that An Mu Lan did not retort, she continued in a serious tone,
"I'm someone who keeps her words, you can rest assured of that, I'm not like you hypocrites, I'm ......"
An Mu Lan couldn't listen any longer, she overestimated her tolerance.
With apologies and sincerity on her face, she said to Ye Zixuan,
"You're such a good person, I'll make all the arrangements, we owe you these from the An family."
Seeing that things were going in the direction she had expected, Ye Zixuan finally relaxed and she grumbled at An Mu Lan,
"You don't know those men in your An family, they are so rough, they overpower people at every turn, and they always want to control my mind. Hmph, who do they think they are, even if they get my flesh, they will never get my spirit, I belong to me."
An Mu Lan smiled weakly and suddenly showed an alarmed expression as she said,
"We've been out for so long, if my brothers and my fiancée found out, they would definitely think more about it, I'd better go back and check it out first, we'll continue to discuss the details later, you stay here and wait for me ah, don't run around, I'll be right back."
Without waiting for Ye Zixuan's answer, she ran away as if she had been there, thinking: The next time I choose a Mary Sue novel that kills people like this, I will be the first to fund a replacement when I have enough points.
An Mu Lan returned quickly to the table, picked up her previous dessert, forked a spoonful and fed it into her mouth, then with a contented expression, she slowed down again beside Ye Zixuan, who was discussing her escape plan with her while looking at the cake in her hand with a hesitant look.
Ye Zixuan had been serious about the conversation, but when she saw An Mu Lan running away, she followed suit and focused on the cake, followed by a drumming sound in her belly.
She was busy covering her stomach apologetically and shyly and said,
"I haven't eaten today, your big brother and second brother are always pressing me, and ......"
Before she could finish her sentence, a piece of softness was shoved into her mouth. She subconsciously chewed it, and as her tongue tasted the sweetness, she immediately forgot about the previous conversation and said to An Mu Lan,
"Give it to me to eat, I'm so hungry."
With that, without waiting for An Mu Lan's reaction, she took the plate in her hands and ate it quickly.
An Mu Lan watched her eating rudely, her eyes were dark, she looked at the dress on Ye Zixuan and found that it was the princess dress she had bought some days ago, it was seven or eight percent similar to the one she was wearing, she knew that she had made the right move with that layout at that time. Her and Ye Zixuan's figures are very similar. In such a dimly lit night, it would be easy to mistake the two.
She was thinking deeply in this way, before her feet suddenly went weak and she fell to the ground in a smooth motion, Ye Zixuan froze, then squatted down and looked at her, asking in confusion,
"What's wrong with you?"
An Mu Lan's whole body was weak and her tone was low,
"It's hard for me, go and tell Miss Li for me, just say I wish her a happy birthday, I ...... we're best friends but I'm in this state ...... hey......"
Ye Zixuan automatically filled in the ellipses in her words, and without knowing what she had made up in her head, she only saw her eyes filled with tears and ran away crying loudly.
An Mu Lan, who remained in the same place, had a dark look on her face, leaving this scene just now behind her.
She rolled over, took out her personal terminal, remotely controlled an unaddressed communication device and sent the email she had prepared to Li Jiarou.
Then sent another confidential email to Ling Xihan, telling her that she was not feeling well at the moment and was going to the rest room. Within half a minute, she received a reply, which read: Wait for me, I'll be right there.
After doing so, An Mu Lan stretched and quickly stood up, raised her hand to scatter her carefully decorated hair, then with her head hanging low, following Ye Zixuan's walking posture, she walked to the An family's third brother and gave him a truthful account of Ye Zixuan's affairs.
Finally, she concluded reluctantly,
"Brother, do not exceed the limits when you play ...... Besides what is good about this maid, you and your brothers are young masters of the An family, how can you get involved with a pariah, if this gets out, your reputation and the reputation of the An family, both have to suffer losses."
When she finished, she walked slowly to the lounge without waiting for his answer, timing it almost just right as her body began to heat up and burn.
She lay on her **, smiling smugly. She had arranged everything for tonight.
She spent the afternoon going over the plot and the points mentioned in her memory, carefully combing through them multiple times and then pinpointing every point in time to do them right.
When she went out and came back to get the cake, it had been drugged and she only tasted a bit of it, leaving the rest for Ye Zixuan.
Then, instructing Ye Zixuan to find Li Jiarou, who has the Zhang family's eldest young man by her side, with the heroine's Mary Sue aura, the Zhang family's eldest young man will definitely have a fling with Ye Zixuan, who is unconscious and passed out.
After this, she sent the message signed by the Li family's secret service to Li Jiarou, who would be suspicious and wary, but she would more or less pay attention to this matter. She would arrange to have everything around her carefully searched, so that she could always find traces of Zhang Yao's brother's crime.
The Li family has a thousand-year legacy and is entrenched in the political world, so their minds are bound to be nimble and they will take advantage of this matter in return. No one will suspect her, and she will just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.
Everything went smoothly, and the only surprise was that the medicine was so effective that it was beyond belief.
At that moment, she felt dizzy and in the midst of the chaos in her brain, An Mu Lan felt a familiar slight coolness that landed on her forehead.
An Mu Lan struggled to open her eyes to look over and caught a glimpse of a pair of dark, narrow eyes. She deflated at her in aggravation, and finally, under the effect of the medicine, she passed out weakly.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
crocodile tears
Chapter 1: in which marina has the worst day of her life
Hi! And welcome! Yes, I am publishing the first chapter of this fic on my Black Clover blog, I know it’s a little bizarre. Ahem. Anyway- I hope you guys will read this and enjoy it if you like jojo! I know there’s plenty of overlap between these two fandoms. DM or inbox me if you’d like to be added to the taglist! 
Synopsis: Marina considers herself to be a normal teenager, despite both being the daughter of a senator and the center of many bizarre happenings throughout her life. However, everything gets turned upside down when her whole family is kidnapped. In that moment of fear, something within her awakens. Little does she know, this power is called a Stand, and she has caught the eye of the worst person imaginable. Marina must learn to master her stand, and decide where her loyalties lie: with the man who saved her life or with her newfound friends?
Warnings: Violence, frightening scenes, language, and Dio being toxic lol
March 6th, 1988
Cool water enveloped her body. Everything was cloaked in a sea green haze.
She was laying on the bottom of the riverbed, staring up at the muted sun. A crocodile swam by, almost lazily. It did not notice her, and she didn't feel scared.
It was just a crocodile.
"Marina... Marina, wake up already!"
Something cold and clammy grasped the 17-year-old girl's foot. Marina let out a scream and quickly recoiled under the soft white linens on her bed. "Five more minutes, mom!"
Marina’s mother scowled at her only daughter. She was already dressed in long, light pants and a tropical looking shirt. An over-sized hat adorned her head atop dark brown hair, a few shades lighter than her only daughter's. "Marina, we have five minutes before the ship docks. Dad's already gone up to eat."
"Well, that's just Dad," the girl grumbled back, pulling the covers more tightly around her shoulders, as if this cocoon would keep her safe from her mother's impending wrath. "He gets up early every day, that shouldn't mean that we also have to be up at the crack of dawn."
"It's not the crack of dawn, it's nearly ten o'clock already. The ship is running a little early, so we'll have more time to explore Alexandria."
Marina's only reply was a grunt. Her mother sighed. "What is it with you this morning?" She shook her head and swung her bag over her shoulder. "I'll be up on the top deck watching us dock. It's nice and warm outside, so dress accordingly. We'll see you in five minutes, or it's going to be a very long time before you get to go on another cruise, young lady." A few moments later, and the door shut.
Marina groaned and finally blinked her eyes open, immediately feeling the pounding pain of a migraine wash over her temple. Ouch... did I have a nightmare last night? Usually I sleep like a baby on these cruises.
Marina and her family had been on numerous cruises throughout her life. Her father, Mitchell Porosus was a state senator, and earned a comfortable paycheck, so the Porosus family was able to go on trips whenever congress was on a break. Marina wished her dad was around more, but overall the family dynamic was happy and harmonious. Marina had her 17th birthday recently, and this cruise was supposed to be a celebration of that. 
“You know what that means?” her father had told her that day. “You’re the same age as the Dancing Queen! You know, the song? Dancing Queeeen, young and sweeet, only seventeeen-”
Of course they were in public when they said that, so Marina was horribly embarrassed by her father’s terrible singing voice. For someone with a public reputation, he sure didn’t mind ruining it!
But in the end, it was sweet. Her father loved ABBA and Elton John, and Marina imagined that the two of them would dance to Dancing Queen or Tiny Dancer at her wedding.
Marina loved her dad and mom, and that was the reason why she finally dragged herself down from the bunkbed. From their room on the second level, she could see the dock inching closer and closer. With a yawn, Marina turned and walked into the bathroom, where she finally was able to look upon her tired face in the mirror. Her short, black hair was frizzled, but a few brush strokes later reverted it to its usual sleek form. Marina stretched her arms above her head, wincing a little as she heard her shoulders pop. Jeez, good thing I don’t have a swim meet today, my joints are all out of whack. Her blue-grey eyes, still bloodshot from a fitful sleep, harbored a major case of the dark circles. Nothing a little makeup couldn't fix.
A few minutes later, Marina was finally dressed in some high waisted jeans and a non-descript tank top. She had her trusty mirrored sunglasses on, yet the sunlight from the window was enough to make her eyes water. Leaving her room, she walked down the hallway, strutting with her hands deep in her pockets, her fingers running over the ID card given to her upon embarkation. Marina Porosus.
"Finally, there you are," her father greeted when she made it down to the gangway. "Ready to see Egypt?"
Her father was a tall man, with jet black hair like Marina's. While her mother's eyes were a warm brown, his were blue. He looked like your stereotypical senator, even if he didn’t act like it.”
"Do they even have any pyramids in this town?" Marina asked, a bit apathetically.
Her mother shook her head. "No pyramids, but there used to be a library here, the library of Alexandria!"
Marina raised an eyebrow. "Used to be? Well, what's here now?"
Her parents were at a loss for words. "Well, why don't we go see!" her father exclaimed optimistically, throwing his arms around his daughter and wife. 
For the first time that morning, Marina smiled. Even if it was just her parents and her, the three of them would have a good time.
Alexandria was lively place, full of noise and life. Most of it was centered around the port, where the single cruise ship was docked. It was like any other port Marina had visited, except the air was much more dry than the Caribbean. Even Italy was more humid. Marina walked behind her parents as they made their way farther inland. “There’s some ancient ruins I want to check out,” her father said excitedly. “And are you still curious about the Library of Alexandria, Marina?”
Marina shrugged. “Was I curious to begin with?”
“Yes!” her father asserted. “Anyway, there’s a museum all about it farther inland. The walk is a little long, but it’ll be fun!”
Marina sighed, shaking her head a little. She knew her father had enough money to rent a cab, but he was stubborn and insisted that walking “built character.” 
“Tarot card readings! Have your fortune told by the Tarot!”
For some reason, Marina’s feet stalled. Slowly, she stopped, then turned her head towards the source of the voice.
No... it wasn’t the voice that drew her there.
It was... something else.
Like magnetism. Gravity. Marina’s gaze fell upon a short, clocked figure, sitting at the mouth of an alley. The voice was feminine, wracked with age, but Marina couldn’t be sure. For a moment, she almost kept walking, but a moment of hesitation was all it took.
“Dad! Can I get my fortune told?”
Her parents stopped and looked back at her. Her father eyed the fortune teller suspiciously. “Ah, Marina, you don’t believe that stuff, do you?”
“So? It’ll still be fun.” Marina looked back over at the fortune teller. She still had that weird feeling, like that person was someone she knew. “Anyway, Tarot Card readings originated in ancient Egypt, so isn’t this a good experience to have while here?”
Well, her father couldn’t deny that. “Here-” He handed the cloaked figure a twenty dollar bill. “Will this suffice?”
“Certainly.” A deck of cards appeared from under the sleeve of their cloak, and instantly shuffled itself. They spread out across the makeshift table. A wrinkled hand gestured at the line. “Go ahead... pick three, my dear.”
Slowly, Marina reached down. With one finger, she slid one card forward, then another, and then a third. The fortune teller swept them up immediately and placed them face up. Marina’s eyes narrowed as she saw the pictures on the cards, but couldn’t read the writing on them. “So? What does it mean?”
With a soft chuckle, a withered finger pointed at the first. “This card represents your past... This is the Six of Wands card! Confidence, recognition, and success... you’ve known all three throughout your life.”
Marina gulped, shrugging a little. Maybe... but everyone’s had some sort of success in their life! That seems a little too broad.
“And this is the present-” They gestured at the middle card. “This is the Tower Card... it represents catastrophic change, and... awakening.”
Awakening? That’s interesting... I don’t know what that could be.
“Tell me...” Marina looked up to see an eye peering out from behind the hood. It narrowed curiously. “This card is one of the Major Arcana... it represents a milestone in your life. You must have noticed, then... even if you don’t know quite yet...”
Marina wasn’t sure she liked the way the fortune teller was spinning this. I haven’t noticed anything like that! “Okay... and the last card is the future?”
“Yes, yes...”
The fortune teller’s finger fell upon the face of the last card. Unlike the first two, it was reversed, facing away from Marina. “This card, when reversed, represents dissatisfaction, delays, and... an endless, fruitless search for closure.”
Marina felt a chill go down her neck.
“The World.”
The family left the fortune teller behind after that. Even as they searched farther inland, visiting temples and museums, Marina could not shake the slowly growing pit of dread in her stomach. 
A few hours later, it was almost time to get back on the ship. The problem was that the small family had made their way a little too far inland and were now in real danger of being left behind. 
"This is all your fault, dad!" Marina scolded as she jogged behind her parents. There was a taxi station nearby where they could get transport to the port. "You always geek out over this historical stuff and make us late to things!"
"Well, your mother wanted to get that hat from that store back there, too, so I'm not the only one to blame," he yelled back. "In any case, we can just hop on a taxi and-" His face fell, and the family skidded to a halt. The entire plaza was slammed, bumper to bumper traffic as far as they could see. "Mitchell, we're definitely going to miss the boat," her mom said quietly. Of course, Senator Porosus stayed enthusiastic, shaking his head. "No, we'll make it if we run."
Marina groaned as her father and mother started to run again. "Seriously?" It wasn't that Marina couldn't keep up; she had been swimming her entire life and had great stamina. It was just so damn hot out.
"If you hurry, we'll make it back in time for dinner," her mother encouraged, spurring Marina on into a true run.
With her dad leading the way, the trio raced down the street towards where they thought the port was. There were a lot of people walking on the sidewalks, but it wasn't hard to weave between them without disturbance. Marina craned her neck and, with a ton of relief, spied the top of their ship up ahead. "I can see it, Dad!" she exclaimed, already thinking about what she was going to eat for dinner tonight. "We're going to make it!"
"Here, let's cut through this road." He pointed at an alley that seemingly cut over to where the embarkation area was. "We can beat some of the line as well."
"Perfect!" Marina changed course and ran ahead of her parents and into the alleyway.
For a moment, the sounds of the busy streets died away, leaving only three pairs of footsteps slapping their way down the stone path. The buildings on either side were tall enough to block out the afternoon sun, leaving them in a comfortable chill.
Up ahead was a corner. Marina quickened her pace and turned into...
A dead end.
"Shit," her dad exclaimed, earning him a sharp kick in the shin from his wife. "Ah, excuse my french. Back luck, huh." He shrugged, ever optimistic. "Well, I guess we can double back and keep running."
"Yeah," Marina’s mom agreed.
Marina sighed. What a let down! Well, it wouldn't take too long to get back, at least, at this rate we’ll make in in time-
Marina turned around to see that five men, all armed with guns, had cornered them in the dead end.
"Look at this, just the man we were looking for!” one of them pointed at Marina’s dad. “This is the senator we were told to capture? He doesn’t look like much.”
“Don’t worry, this is him... Senator Porosus, a friend of yours sends this message:” one of the men grinned. “You’ve been in my way for too long, Mitch. It’s time for me to put the fear of God in you. Enjoy your extended stay in Egypt!”
“What? Who hired you?” Mitchell gulped and pulled his wife and daughter behind him. Marina felt her mom's cold hand clutch her arm. This time, she didn't try to shrug it off. “I’ve done nothing but get along with everyone. They all want to see me reach the top! I’m gonna be President one day-”
“We’ll see about that.” The man in charge raised his gun. “For now, come to our truck. We’ll make you and your family comfortable until someone generous pays your ransom.”
Oh no, they had a truck somewhere.
"Look... I don’t care what you do to me.” Senator Porosus said, his voice shaking a little. For someone in so much danger, he was staying pretty composed. “But leave my family out of it!”
“Mitchell-” Marina’s mother whispered, her grip on Marina loosening slightly. “Just do what they say, and-” She was cut off with a scream as one of the men yanked her away from her family.
Marina's eyes widened. Shit! This is actually happening- It was like a scene from a movie, some horrible, scary movie, and panic spiked through Marina’s veins. "MOM! DAD!" Someone grabbed Senator Porous as well, and now two more were advancing towards Marina.
"Don’t even try, you’re just going to get hurt!” one of the guys said with a twisted grin. Marina screamed and struggled anyway as her arms were twisted behind her body. 
No... NO!
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. This was supposed to be their last stop before flying home, where Marina would finish up the year and enjoy the summer with her friends. But now-
Catastrophic change... and-
With one last burst of strength, Marina wrenched her arm away, freeing herself for a moment. She turned around, her eyes wide and crazed with adrenaline.
The gun leveled at her head was suddenly crunched into a flat piece of scrap metal. The man holding it didn’t have a moment to realize what had happened, because numerous spots of his arm suddenly burst with blood.
He opened his mouth to scream, stumbling back, but it was as if something was clamped down on his arm, hard. Bones crunched as he was suddenly wrenched to the side, and the movement sent him flying into the nearby brick wall.
Marina froze.
What- what on earth-
But then something hit her in the back of the head, hard, and she fell back down to the bottom of the river.
The crocodile continued to circle high above.
And that’s chapter one!!!! I hope you guys are intrigued 0.0 Please comment/inbox/etc if you have any theories or thoughts, I always appreciate them! I’ll probably post the next chapter on Friday. I changed a couple things to make the story flow better than it did when I first released it. Anyway, see you next time!
Also, did anyone catch the meaning of Marina’s last name? hehe...
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Prompts for someone who is very well meaning but makes a huge mess of things, yet it somehow all improbably works out for the best anyway? If ya don't mind?
Sure thing! I’m used to getting romantic asks so getting this one was kind of easier to do.
Dialogue Prompts
1) “Why would you do that?!” “It seemed like a good idea at the time!”
2) “You woke the dragon?!!” “I fell!” “You’re so clumsy!” “I’m sorry, let’s run!”
3) “Person A if you cough and get us caught I will gut you right here.” “[Insert Person A sneezing]” “They’re hiding over here!” “You’re. Dead. RUN!”
4) “I just ate lightning bugs.” “Oh my god why would you do that?” “The fairy queen said they’re enchanted and that it’ll give me magic.” “And you believed her?” “Why would she lie?” “Because she hates you!”
5) “I don’t know about you but I could go for some ice cream.” “We just murdered a guy!” “A guy who happened to be a serial killer. I think that earns us some ice cream.” “Oh my god.”
6) “Do you think I’m stupid?” “I don’t think you’re stupid. I know it. That’s why I wont let you do Math for anything.” “I just thought you liked Math.” “No, last time you did Math we ended up with twenty goats.” “And?” “And we only needed two!” “But we made so much goat cheese! We made a killing!”
7) “This road trip is going to take how long?” “About six days!” “Why didn’t we just book a flight?”
“I just thought we could spend more time together.” “Oh my god kill me.”
8) “I told Person A that B cheated on them.” “What?! Why would you do that?” “It was the right thing to do.” “No. No it wasn’t. B was going to tell them. B was going to explain everything but now A’s going to freak out and think B was trying to hide it. You made a mess of everything.” “I can fix it.” “Please. Don’t.”
9) “I may not have got the glasses right.” “Are you kidding me? One had poison in it, you didn’t think to make sure we didn’t get the fucking poisoned glasses?!” “I’m sorry.” “If I die I’m going to Freddy Krueger your ass and come back to murder you in your fucking sleep.” “Please don’t do that.” “You’d better hope I don’t have to.”
10) “Don’t be mad.” “Oh god, I’m already so mad that you’re telling me not to be mad. What did you do?”
11) “What if we kill it with the fireworks we have here? What if we put them all in the house, cover them in gasoline and then blow them up when they come inside?” “That’s so stupid it might work.”
12) “You’re an idiot. But your heart’s in the right place.” 
13) “Do you think they hate me?” “You filled their entire room with spiders.” “I thought they said they liked them.” “They don’t.”
14) “How do we defeat the enemy?” “We make them watch The Ring and when they’re done we call them and tell them they’re going to die in seven days.” “Wow, that’s probably the dumbest thing you’ve ever said. Anyone else got any ideas?”
15) “I don’t know why you’re so mean to me?” “You just do nothing. You ruin everything and somehow it still works out for you in the end. Some of us have to work for what we want, the universe doesn’t just make us lucky like you!”
16) “What do we do? We’ve got to get rid of them somehow.” “I got it. We put witch hazel in their contact case.” “That’s so fucked up. Okay.”
17) “Do you think killing that guy makes us bad people?” “Oh god, is this what we’re going to do today? I’m not being roped into having a heart to heart with you where I convince you you’re a good person. I refuse to do it.”
18) “I mess everything up. I’m a failure.” “Yeah…” “That’s it? Those are your comforting words?” “Oh, right, comforting. Um… I don’t know how to be comforting. Let’s get ice cream.”
19) “I’m worthless, I ruin everything.” “It all works out in the end.” “But what if one day it doesn’t?” “Then I’ll prepare for that day. Now stop crying and let’s go kill your stepdad.”
20) “Do you think I’m a loser.” “Oh yeah!” “...” “Oh no, you’re crying. Oh shit. Um, I mean yeah I think of you as a loser but you’re a cool loser, you know? Like a, um, like in a we’re good friends kind of way.” “You’re so bad at this.” “Look, comforting crying people isn’t in my job description!” “Just tell me it’s going to be okay and hug me.” “It’s going to be okay… Do we hug now?” “Oh my god.”
Regular Prompts
1) A is always messing everything up but everything always turns out fine. When people start wondering why A explains they don’t know why they’re always lucky, they just are. That’s when A discovers they have the blood of a rare dragon who’s made of pure gold allowing them to be the luckiest person in the world.
2) A works in coat check at a fancy place and accidentally switches the coat they’re wearing with the coat of someone carrying spy information. When they track down the person they end up watching them die where the secret they were carrying could have been exposed. They get a phone call from another spy, Person B, who instructs them to go to a certain location. When they do Person B recognizes them and takes them with them, making A confused. They get kidnapped, shot at, drugged, but they always pull through and when they get to the right location B reveals that they recognized them as Person C’s son/daughter and knew everyone else would too because they look extremely similar.  A and B are awarded for saving the government's secrets and it ends with A being trained as a spy by B.
3) A is the long lost son/daughter of a Queen/King who died. They are tracked down by people they think are the police. A has stolen something that belongs to the Queen/King and goes on a long chase by the people running the castle. They try to sell the item but just end up calling the police. They run off again, meeting Person B who’s a thief like them. They fall in love along the way and when the police finally catch up to them they explain their the last heir left. A explains they’ll only accept the crown if B’s allowed to rule beside them.
4) A accidentally drops an old key into a sewer near their house  while moving things around the attic, not thinking it’s important they continue doing their thing. When A’s friend gets B to help A neither of them are happy about it. When they start moving around the attic the door closes behind them and locks. The key to unlock is the one in the sewer. Without their phones to call for help they’re forced to sit together in a room until someone gets back. This forces them to bond and get closer as either friends or more. (Bonus if they decide to hang out even when the attic is unlocked)
5) A accidentally gets two samples mixed up resulting in two different pregnancies but they’re not carrying the right person’s babies. A calls them to tell them this and the couples all meet up. As they talk they begin to notice they have more in common with the other people and by the time the babies are born they’ve swapped partners completely meaning the person pregnant got with the person who matches their baby in the end. (Bonus if they end up naming the babies something similar and are still good friends afterwards.)
6) A is cleaning out a rocket when they accidentally fire themselves in space. Panicking the person who was supposed to be in charge, Person B, gets in touch with them immediately and asks what’s going on. A doesn’t know what to do, they’ve never been in a rocket. They’ve quickly got to get used to it and get in the right suit. When they get in space they make it to a station that has food and water for them to pick up for the immediate journey back. A and B talk a lot more and end up bonding over mutual interests that they normally only talk about when A gets panicky. But when A gets to the moon/planet they discover alien life and end up bringing tons of samples back that they wouldn’t have been able to get because of some sort of timing issue. When A gets back instead of being fired they’re praised as a hero and decide they’d actually like to be an astronaut but never without B in their ear or by their side. (Bonus if the first person to greet them is B, especially if they’ve never seen each other in person before.)
7) A ends up getting kidnapped because they look identical to a prince/princess. The leader, Person B, notices immediately that they’re not the prince/princess because of their clothes. Turns out B is in love with the prince/princess and knows they’d never be caught dead in something like that. B explains that the prince/princess was supposed to get on their boat and they were just going to call it a kidnapping because they wanted to run away together to go treasure hunting. When they get back to the kingdom after a long journey to B, Person A and B end up growing closer to each other and A’s sad to leave the ship. Turns out the prince/princess got married so they could be a king/queen in another kingdom. When B doesn’t take it too hard Person A asks if there’s still a space left on the ship for them. B happily tells them yes and they sail off together.
8) After an accident A ends up getting super powers and immediately decides to be a superhero. When they try to save people they realize it’s way harder than it looks. They’re very bad at it but always manage to save the day. 
9) A accidentally starts a war between kingdoms by sending a love letter from a king to the wrong person. It actually helps everyone deal with their issues and ends up bringing the kingdoms closer together.
10) A ends up finding some orphans by finding them on complete accident. Person A makes them food and offers to help them find a home. They get lost and end up with Person B, a recluse who’s never left their home before or been around strangers. Despite that they all hit it off really well and they convince B to leave their house and go out of the woods to see society. After a long journey together bonding over games, talks, good experiences, and horrible ones, they come to love A and B like their parents. When they get into town A heads to the orphanage but ultimately decides to raise them all on their own. B decides they want to sell their home and be closer to the kids. (Bonus if it ends with a wedding.)
Sorry this took so long by the way and if this isn’t what you wanted just let me know!
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xmalereader · 5 years
Javier Pena X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: And they were roommates *Le gasp*
Warnings: Language, Sarcasm, Javi being an asshole at first, Spanish. Italics means it’s in Spanish or I will write it in Spanish because this child speaks it!!
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“Senora, Rosa please.” A young adult male follows around a middle aged women as she walks around the apartment building that he was living in. “I said, I would allow anyone to live here but I don’t have the time for a roommate I need to focus on my projects and whoever this guy is they could ruin my life—!”
“Ya!!” Señora Rosa shouts out as she twirls around to stand in front of y/n with an angry look on her face.
Never anger a middle aged Colombian women.
“Estoy cansada de escuchando te!”
She was tired of listening to his complaints he’s been complaining to her all day about him not wanting a roommate at the moment but as the landlord she was either going to force him or throw him out. So of course, y/n silently agrees to allow his new roommate to settle into his own apartment.
He was going to regret sharing a place with a stranger, as much as he enjoyed having company around he just couldn’t help but want to be alone whenever he’s at home and not have someone on his constant back every single day.
“He’s a nice young man, you’ll like him.” Said Senora Rosa as she gives him a grin and hands him a spare key to hand to his new roommate to be.
Javier was moving back to Colombia for a short period of time, after being caught a couples of years back he was allowed to return back with new information and work in a much bigger position then his last. He’s going to be honest he missed Murphy, his trustworthy partner that he actually got a long with unlike the other partners he had in the past but that all ended once they caught Escobar, Murphy got what he wanted and returned back to America to live with his wife and daughter. Leaving Javi on his own once again.
Once he returned to Colombia to continued working for the DEA, he first needed a place to stay at and moving into his old apartment won’t work since they were all taken. So, before he could arrive he remembers finding any available place, he could stay there but as long as he can handle a roommate. Something that Javier wasn’t up to do but he had no choice but ot take the place wether he likes it or not.
He’s spoken to the landlord about his sudden roommate, she only told him that he was a quiet man and mainly stayed home focusing on his art work. Turns out that his roommate was a painter and worked over seas during a couple of months, but this year his roommate wont be going anywhere.
Javier made sure that his stuff was sent earlier to the apartment, he hasn’t gotten his key yet so he had to knock in order to get inside his new place. He stands outside and waits for the other to answer, he hears slight commotion on the other side of the door and hopes that his roommate wasnt having sex in the middle of the living room or something.
The door swings open to reveal a young man, he looked a little younger than Javier and more American looking but that didn’t matter to him. “Can I help you?” The other asks as he stands in front of the doorway with a rag in his hands, he noticed that they were covered in paint which is why he was cleaning them off. “New roommate? You Y/n?”
The other groans softly and sighs, “Yeah.” He pushed the door wider for him to enter as he walks back to the living room. His place was big, big enough for a family to live in. “So you’re Javier right?” Y/n asks as he tossed the dirty rag on the kitchen counter and turns on the sink to properly clean his hands. Javier watched him closely and nods. “Yeah, Rosa tell you?”
“Something like that,” y/n mumbles out and dries off his hands. “Listen; if you’re going to be staying here theirs going to be some rules.” Javier leans against the counter and pulls out a cigarette, putting the between his lips as he sighs. “And they are?”
Y/n approached him and removes the cigarette from his lips. “First rule, I don’t allow smoking. If you are going to be living under my roof then you are going to keep my air clean. If you want to smoke you’ll have to do it outside and if I notice that you smoked indoors I won’t hesitate to kill you.” He hissed out and tossed the cigarette in the garbage. “Second rule; No drinking either.”
“You’re kidding right?” This guy was taking away everything that he liked doing when he was alone but he was going to have to live with it. Sighing deeply he rubs his temples and nods. “Fine, anything else?” He was tired and just wanted to get some rest before he heads off to work tomorrow morning.
Y/n taps his chin in a childish way as he puts on a thinking face. “Oh right! How could I forget?” He laughs out, making his way around the kitchen, grabbing an apple and a knife. “If you want to have you’re little fun wiht your lady friends, you’ll have to do that at their place. I don’t allow that here.”
That was it, he crossed the line.
“Now, you can’t do that. I live here so I might as well and put some rules down myself!” Javier exclaimed in anger. “Oh, yeah and what’s that?” Y/n questions as he held the knife up and points it at javiers face, threatening him. “This is my apartment, I slaved and I slaved to earn the money that I need to move here. So don’t you dare say that you own this place when you don’t. So, if you so badly hate the rules then you might as well and find yourself another place to live.” With that he silenced Javier.
“You’re crazy.” Javier mumbled out as he watched him closely.
“Thank you, I take that as a compliment.” He finish’s cutting up his apple and smiles at Javier. “Make yourself at home.” He added and leaves back to the living room to continue on with his projects that he left behind.
Javier rubs his face in frustration. “This is going to be harder than I thought.”
After living with y/n for two months, Javier was quick to get adjusted to the place and to the rules. Their morning routines for the first couple of days were horrible, the two would argue about one of them making coffee and the other wanting to make tea. Same with breakfeast, y/n would be up early making food and blasting music which irritated Javier so much. He knows that the other had to be up early as well and do his own work, but Javier just couldn’t stand the blasting music.
But the two were able to work it out. The two made a plan for every morning and were to stick with it for the last two months. The two were quick to become friends, sometimes Javier would come home late and would sometimes buy them a pizza and the two would sit together in the living room and just talk about their burdens.
“Anything new on your project?” Javi asks and leans back on the couch. After living with Y/n for the last two months he noticed that he was an artist and would often spend his time standing in the living room in front of a colorful canvas or a blank one when he can’t think of anything. He was quiet famous for his work and would sometimes sell his own pieces, he didn’t get much but it was enough for him to live here in Colombia and to get the materials that he needed.
“Not yet...” he sighs out and grabs a slice of pizza. Lying down on the couch as he eats it and stares over at his blank canvas. “I would go outside or out in the country but it’s not safe right now. So, might as well and find another way to get inspiration.” He shrugs his shoulders and chewed on his food.
Javier chuckled a little and rolled his eyes. “You usually paint things from nature, why not paint out a portrait of some one? Or of something that happens in the streets?” He asks.
Y/n blinks at the thought and slowly sat up. “You know what? That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I mean I’ve never actually painted anyone before so its going to take awhile for me to do at least one portrait.” He says with a smile. Smirking a little at Javier, he sits up properly with his legs crossed.
“Wanna be my model?” He wiggles his brows with a grin on his face.
Javier raised a brow himself and shakes his head. “I prefer not to.”
“Come on, why not?”
“I’m not a model.”
Y/n scoffs and rolled his eyes, “that doesn’t matter and besides its a simple tasks you just stand there and look pretty. I’ll draw you like one of my French girls.” He grins at Javier and laughs a little. Javier rolled his eyes. “Still, no.” And with that he tossed his pizza crust back inside the pizza box and stands up to go to the balcony and have a smoke. Y/n groans in frustration and shakes his head, he watched Javier leave the living room and go outside , he watched as he stands their and began to smoke which causes an idea to quickly come in mind. He scrambles out of the couch and grabs his sketchbook and a pencil, he sits in front of the entrance of the balcony and began to sketch out Javier. He makes sure that he isnt notice as his hand moves fast against the paper, making sure to get the smaller details so when he paints it out he’lol just have to look at his sketchbook.
He kept looking up at Javier and the back down to his sketchbook, he finishes his body form and his face. grinning as he draws out the eyes before he hears the sound of the balcony door being pushed open. He slaps his sketchbook closed and looks up.
“what were you doing?” Javier asks as he cleans up the mess that they have made. Y/n gives him an innocent smile. “Just drawing what catches my eye.” He replies back before standing up and tucking his sketchbook behind his canvas. “Need help cleaning?”
“Yeah, unless you want to live in a mess and from the looks of it you sort of do.” He gestured around the house where several paintings materials and finishes paintings were being laid around. “My house is clean you jackass.” Y/n says back and takes the trash with him. “Don’t judge me or else you can leave.” He pouts out.
Javier shakes his head with a laugh, he’s usually a closed off person and didn’t show much emotion but living wiht y/n, even though it was for a short period of time, he seemed to open up and be himself only around the other young man that he’s grown to like.
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icariamusing · 4 years
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FACECLAIM: Troian Bellisario
NAME: Aurora Hart
AGE: 28
OCCUPATION: FBI agent on assignment.
HOMETOWN: Portland, Oregon
Can either bless or curse someone with with either success or failure in whatever they’re working on or competing in.
TW: Child abuse, self harm, homophobia
Aurora was born to a family of politicians and scientists; If one wanted to know when the last time a direct relation to her WASN’T one of those two, you’d have to go back four generations… That is if you don’t count her biological mother… Nike, Goddess of Victory. Nike had been watching over the Hart family for generations. Aurora’s great, great, great, great grandmother was a worshiper of the goddess and asked to be blessed; the goddess obliged and had for the past 100 years watched over and blessed each child with a bit of victorious spirit and achievement in whatever they pursued. That was until her father, Richard Hart, was 25 years old. He found and married a congresswoman, Kenna Cooper, who at first appeared to be perfect. But perfection was an illusion and the perfect wife and mayor image shattered ten years after little Aurora was born. Rewinding a bit, Aurora was conceived when her father and mother had gotten into a bit of a tiff and he left her. They were “broken up” or “Separated” as her mother likes to say, for about a week when Richard met Nike. A one-night stand turned into a child delivered to their doorstep 9 months later on the eve of an election. She explained who she was, told Richard stories of his great-great-grandmother who worshiped her and how she had made a promise to look after the family. That this child would come to do great things considering she was a demi-god blessed with Nike’s victory. That she would only return when they told Aurora about her. She wasn’t about to get in the middle of whatever the family wanted to do to raise Aurora.
Needless to say, Kenna was pissed at first to realize that this woman had slept with her husband and that she suddenly was being thrust with a child when she had ambitions and goals to reach. And how was she going to explain the sudden appearance of a newborn when she clearly had not been pregnant? So a plan was made and they said they had used a surrogate mother and wanted to keep the pregnancy hidden and the baby protected. The next day proved just how powerful demi-god DNA was as Kenna won her election by a landslide – only a day before they had assumed it would be close but most likely not a victory. So Kenna started to dote on the child.
For the first ten years of her life, it was picturesque, she had a loving doting father who worked in aerospace, a mother on the rise within politics, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who were in all realms of science and politics who happily would teach her anything and everything… She was brought up to be a perfectionist. At 4 she was already starting to write full sentences, not in great handwriting but still! By 8 she was reading at a 7th-grade level. And by the age of 11, she was a certified genius. She was deemed a child prodigy when it came to academics, specifically those within the realm of politics and aerospace science having picked up those two the most from her parents despite their infrequent times at home.
Her father traveled to and from Florida for NASA for months at a time. While her mother had stepped up to the role of congresswoman and traveled to and from DC on a basically bi-weekly basis. A live-in-nanny was hired to be home with Aurora whenever the parents couldn’t be. Why hadn’t they just moved her? Aurora had no idea. She assumed it had to do with her mother’s role as a congresswoman, she still had to have a house in Portland so why not keep your child there and away from you when you’re that busy? At least – that’s the reasoning Aurora came up with. Aurora had loved it when her father came home. He was so caring, so playful, and fun; his presence kept her mother at bay. Kept the house calm…. But those times only lasted for so long before he had to go back to Kennedy Space Center.
TW: homophobia, abuse, death threats
Her mother though? That was the opposite. Kenna being home meant life would be a bit of a hellscape; it meant screaming, yelling, and insults. It meant crying until no more tears could be produced, it meant pressure and guilt and hatred tossed in her direction if she so much as dared to disagree with the congresswoman. It meant being gaslit and lied to and disassociating… it meant self harm which lead to her mother screaming at her for hurting herself and the image it put out in the world if anyone were to see the cuts. Which lead to even more anger from her mother and the cycle continued. If her father wasn’t there to distract her mom then the only other reprieve was sleepovers with friends. Her mother always put on the face of the perfect loving mom if people were over. It was Aurora’s sanctuary because not even the nanny could stop Kenna’s rage.
The person who she spent the most time with, that helped relieve the hellscape that was her mom was Kassandra. The two grew up next to one another, a tree between their houses branches stretching out and brushing each of their windows. It became a treehouse as the girls got older, a way for them to sneak between houses to hang out together. The two were thick as thieves doing everything together, experiencing everything together. It started innocently enough, their first day of school, their first tests, one another first best friends, but as they got older their firsts became more mature, first crushes – on one another, first kiss… They were surprisingly not one another’s first relationships that honor went to Brandon, a boy in their grade who was surprisingly decent. The two ended based on the fact that Brandon – wanted to have sex… which Aurora was not ready for. She was still a virgin at the time. So the two ended… though they stayed friends. Not long after Kass and Aurora started to date in secret. Neither were ready to come out to their parents; so they kept it between themselves, using the tree to sneak into one another’s room and one thing led to another and they became one another’s first time as well.
Things had been going surprisingly well in young Aurora’s life if you could ignore the abuse that Kenna lobbed at her on a bi-weekly basis. She was starting to think she could make it out of the house alive and without hating everything … when the worst happened. Kass told her mother about her being gay and she was promptly kicked out; Kass’ mother came next door once the other was gone and demanded to talk to Kenna knowing that Richard was out of town. There was a hushed conversation that Aurora tried to listen in on, but nothing could easily be made out. Though, when the other woman left all hell broke loose in the house – She screamed and screamed about how Aurora could NOT have a gay best friend, that she could NOT hang out with that “degenerate” anymore. That she, well really, both of them, were pieces of shit, that she was going to hell. Aurora tried to stand up to her, to tell her that Kass was a wonderful person, that she loved her best friend, and that her mother had no right to say any of that. This was when for the first time, Kenna slapped Aurora telling her that if she was anything like that f-word that she would not see the next day because no daughter of hers could be gay and that it would ruin her reputation as a congresswoman.
It was the blood she touched on her cheek that finally shut down Aurora’s brain and let her just zone out as her mother continued to yell and scream. Kenna’s wedding ring had created a long cut along her cheek and despite seeing her daughter bleeding by her own hand Kenna didn’t stop yelling. It was three hours later before Kenna finally stopped and Aurora could take care of her cheek,  by the blood had run down her face and scabbed over and a bruise had started to form. She took the next couple of days off school and avoided everyone. Or tired too, but she ended up getting yelled at each day by her mother, each time there was the threat that lingered over her head that something horrible would happen.
So when Kass asked to meet her at the park one day Aurora knew she would have to do the hardest thing and break up with her. She couldn’t keep this up or she might end up dead. Putting on makeup and trying to hide the bruise and cut she made her way to the park — only to lie her ass off and break both their hearts in the process. Aurora cried for three days afterwards which only caused her mother to rage more. Luckily for Aurora, her mother was called back to DC and she got a reprieve.
It wasn’t until six months before graduation that her father finally learned the truth about what Kenna had been doing when he came home the day after his wife left to see Aurora covering up a bruise on her shoulder. He demanded to know what happened – and she broke down. She told him everything, told him that if he didn’t believe her to call her old nanny that she would corroborate the story. That Kenna threatened her too and to not get mad at the nanny. She had done what she could to protect Aurora. Two months later her father filed for divorce and custody of the almost 18-year-old Aurora – but the allegations of abuse had been shoved under the rug, avoided, and hidden away. Her mother was too powerful and had too many friends in high places.
After four months of living with her dad and she was off to college. Aurora could not be anymore more excited to get away from her family and be on her own. She gained herself a roommate, her own space and started school. For the first three years of college, Aurora had never felt freer and more herself. She had escaped her mother’s clutches but even despite that, she couldn’t let go of the political aspect – she wanted now, more than anything, to get into politics so she could make it easier for kids to escape abusive households and harder for abusive parents to skirt the system. She rose to the top of her classes, stood out, and earned summa cum laude with her bachelor’s. As she returned back to college to get her master’s she met Juliette. Juliette – the most beautiful woman on campus, the smartest, the kindest – and needless to say – Aurora fell hard and fast.
It became clear though that the feelings were reciprocated and the two fell so quickly and so hard it would be impossible to deny that the two seemed rather perfect for one another. Their friends joked that they were waiting for a wedding invite after four months of them dating. The two laughed it off and just continued on. They moved in together a year later. Jules graduated and started working in a firm while Aurora started to work for the local government. As Jules moved up quickly and Aurora couldn’t have been more proud of her girlfriend. They celebrated one another whenever they got a chance and told one another everything.
Aurora did end up telling Jules about the abuse she experienced and confided in her about all of her hopes and fears. This was the first time she ever told anyone about the abuse she experienced, save for her father. This, in Aurora’s mind, cemented the next-level – engagement. They had been talking about it on and off for a year already, so it seemed inevitable. Aurora went out, found a gorgeous ring, and waited for the right moment – but the moment never came. Because at 24 Jules left her and went to rejoin the Huntresses.
Heartbroken and alone Aurora tossed herself into her work, her sudden silence worried her father knowing his daughter had had such a rough go of things. So he came out to check on her. In doing so he asked if she cursed herself, if she had for some reason thought she deserved the pain. Insulted and upset she asked him what the hell he meant – and that’s when the truth came out. She was the daughter of Nike, goddess of Victory — and at the mention of her bio mother the goddess appeared. She scolded Richard for keeping her a secret for so long and not getting Aurora out of the horrible situation she had been in. Nike spent the next week training Aurora in her powers, teaching her about the Greek Gods and just – getting to know one another.
When the week was up Aurora knew her purpose, she would help politicians in fighting to protect those that couldn’t protect themselves and she would work with the government in actually physically saving those that were not in a good place. She got recruited to the FBI at 25 and dedicated her life to helping others; she used her ability to grant victory to her coworkers and slowly started to make big changes within the community. By 27 she had risen in the ranks and was slowly starting to choose her own assignments and partners. This is how she ended up on a case that kept her up at night. A human trafficking ring – that seemed to have something a bit odd going on, or odder than just the trafficking. Every fiber of her being screamed that it was demi-god related and she couldn’t let it go. She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus on anything other than these missing people. Was it related to the kidnappings of demi-gods around the world? She really didn’t know but she was damn determined to find out.
It took almost a full year to get it all together but they finally busted in on multiple clients of the ring. Each had at least one demi-god trapped and being used for personal gain. She kept close tabs on each person rescued, making sure therapy was set up and things were in place to take care of them…. When one just vanished. The fact that one of her charges vanished without a trace pissed off Aurora. She wanted Jane to get the best help and now – now she couldn’t. So, with a bit of research and time, she found Jane Doe on Icaria taken there by her demi-god father. Arrangements were made and Aurora was on her way to Icaria to find Jane and make sure she was okay.
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lordseochangbin · 5 years
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i’ll protect you
hitman!changbin au w babygirl series <3 
word count: 4.2k
a/n: thank you for 1.4k !! i hope you guys enjoy this
warning: cringe superM reference,, remember all work is fiction :)
the light was still red and the timewatch in front of gave 10 seconds to cross. but that didn’t stop the car from coming at you with full speed. it felt almost blissful, like someone knocked the wind out of you, but it didn’t hurt. the way the driver cursed in court, saying he would end your life for all the charges you brought upon him and his family. the dark past, the stitches and bruises that painted your skin remained forever. this was something that would remain in your darkest dreams, an occurrence reminding you of the event that changed your life.
the man’s words remain imprinted in your head, “i’ll get you back for my money”
you groaned as your friend pulled the comforter away from your legs, goosebumps covering your skin from the cold air.
“stop it!!” you laughed, trying to grab the sheets again
“y/n, you take forever to get ready! it’s best if you hop in the shower instead of being late again. unless you don’t want to here news about your ‘husband’”
“like i said, nora’s dad is not my husband. i dont even know who he is” you replied
your friend shot you a curious look, “don’t ask like you’re not secretly wishing he showed up for the parent-teacher conferences”
“im not!! nora just sees me as a mother-like figure” you said, having to reassurance yourself of the statement in the process
you winced at your friend, who threw a towel at you and pointed to the bathroom door with the shower already on. “right..now go while we make breakfast” 
you smiled at the thought of breakfast before running to your friends and giving them a hug “thank you, and thank you! i shall shower” you winked before running to the steamy room.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
“i swear to god if that fucking teacher is late to your class again i will actually have a one-on-one talk with her” changbin cursed, getting on one knee to put a warm black-leather jacket on his daughter
“daddy! no curse words, we’ve been over this!!” nora exclaimed, throwing her dad a soft punch on the shoulder
changbin threw a hand on the spot, feigning hurt. “oh no! my princess got me!” he chuckled
nora sat down beside her father, “please don’t yell at my teacher, she’s my best friend. she could make a nice wife too...” she winked
changbin scoffed. a teacher? best friends with my daughter? changbin dismissed nora’s mention of a wife as he tucked the jacket, securing its warmth, and gave nora a peck on the forehead. “your only best friend is me, and i don’t plan on sharing.” 
nora rolled her eyes as she stomped on changbin’s foot, “well get used to it!” 
“ah! feisty!!”
“i only learn from the best!!!” she said before running down the hallway.
changbin laughed as he watched her run down the hall, knowing he wouldn’t hear enough of this mysterious teacher as her pink dress flowed under the black leather jacket. she looked like one of the boys, and she definitely acted like one of them. he took a deep breath, a wave of exhaustion running through him from last night’s business, before running after his little princess
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
the second changbin parked his car in front of the school, nora was already out the door. “love you dad!” she sent him a flying kiss before running up the stairs to the school’s entrance. 
“love you too” he whispered to himself before driving off.
changbin’s life was no easier than yours, he constantly hustled at the car garage to make money. being an only father to a girl who had the attitude of a queen, he ensured nora was happy and was able to have all the experiences a child could live for. daily appointments at the shop meant he came home late, nora being dropped off by a school friend after school. 
little did he know it was you behind nora’s happiness all along. always helping her out with homework and making sure she came home safe. by the time changbin was home nora was sound asleep, and by morning he would have already forgotten to ask how she got there. 
when changbin pulled his jet black mercedes into the shop, a sensor scanned his perimeter before a secret door could open. he pulled into the lot inside before stepping out.
“a new appointment today changbin” bang chan said, throwing a gun for changbin to catch. this was the 3racha “car garage”, and if you’re wondering ‘who is 3racha?’, then maybe it’s better if you paid attention to the news. it was almost every week the words “3racha” met the headlines, they were one of the most popular hitman organizations. cb97, spearb, and j.one were their names. 
“who is it this time?” changbin said, loading his gun and carelessly throwing it to the backseat.
“it’s a female in her 20s. client claims he stole her money, you think you can get on this one changbin?” jisung said, his eyes glued to the computer screen in front of him as he tried to find more details on the client’s request
“it’s always about money, huh?” changbin sighed
“isn’t that how we got here?” chan asked, throwing a wad of cash to changbin’s chest.
“now listen changbin, don't give me any of that ‘oh, she has a baby bullshit anymore’, okay? i dont understand why you’ve softened up lately with your requests, but don’t like our person go like last time- or i’m handing you off to the police”
jisung got up from his seat, “chan, jesus calm down”
chan turned around, grabbing changbin by the collar. “what do you mean calm down? you know what he did last time?! he almost got us caught!”
changbin grabbed chan’s wrist, easily shoving him to the side and taking a moment to relieve himself of the adrenaline and steaming blood that shot up his veins seconds ago. 
“look chan, i’ll do it okay?” changbin dully said
“you don’t mind, right hyung?” jisung got up to help chan who remained on the floor.
“no, i dont mind.”
“‘just another day in the business’” changbin said under his breath
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
you arrived at the school early, planning out your lesson and making yourself a cup of coffee as a reward for “always” being prepared. the bell rang, students rushing to the classroom filled with excitement. “Y/N!!!” nora said, running into your arms for a big hug.
“nora!! cute outfit, lovebug!” you complimented
the girl grabbed the ends of her dress, doing a little twirl for you before giggling in joy. “daddy picked it for me!”
you raised an eyebrow at the price tag, still hanging off the crook of her neck before grabbing a scissor
“looks like your ‘daddy’ forgot to cut the price tag as well”
god, what kind of father forgets to cut the price tag? sometimes you could only wonder what selfish hooligan took care of nora. she was well disciplined and had an amazing personality. you fell in love with the girl in an instant, hanging out with her on a daily basis and dropping her off at home. sometimes you’d wait until she walked inside, staying a few hours in the empty parking lot until you saw the all-to-familiar black mercedes arrive at 12 sharp. you never found yourself interested in the man inside
at pulled nora in for a hug, making a few jealous students join in as well. “we love you ms.y/n!”
“thank you” you giggled along as the whole class got together for a huddle.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
the last bell dismissed all the kids, nora joining the crowd basically dragging her outside to the spot where everyone waited for their parents.
you,on the other hand, decided to get into the habit of preparing for tomorrow’s class the day before- just to make it easy on yourself. this took a few minutes as you took out lesson plans and paperwork, humming to an superm song under your breath while your hands made weird gestures to the beat, sometimes you just couldn’t help the inner dancing queen inside you.
“god… what a cringey sight” changbin said, watching you through his binoculars. 
changbin stood on the building next to the school, not even recognizing the area as his focus was on you. he scratched the crook of his neck as he contemplated on whether he could watch you any longer or just go for it right then and there inside of the school classroom because he couldn’t watch you ruining his favorite superm song any longer.
before you knew it, changbin was right next to the window, placing a hearing device on the wall to hear what you might’ve been saying inside. maybe she’s dancing to distract others -changbin thought to himself- maybe inside she’s discussing mafia plans, or discussing how to rob the nearest bank, or maybe she’s…
“I DON'T EVEN CARE, 여긴 우릴 태울 stage, LEFT TO THE RIGHT, WE GON MAKE IT-MAKE IT BANGGGG” (a/n: >superm-jopping< ty genius lyrics :D)
“aw fuck!” changbin cursed, throwing his headphones at the sound. his nose scrunched up at the screeching he heard earlier, mentally face-palming himself for even thinking you may have been someone suspicious, but no-you were just a very.. very horrible singer.
why were you even being targeted by a client? changbin thought back to his recent nights, where the girls were either associated with crimes or drug lords
but you seemed like a regular woman, just someone who was going about in their daily life. changbin picked up his equipment and walked away, the school just seemed like a terrible place to begin with. 
“hey jisung, you want this done this week?” changbin asked into the phone
“no- i want this done tonight” chan replied in a stern tone
changbin rolled his eyes at chan’s sudden response, hanging up seconds later to avoid any further argument
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
after your superm marathon, you grabbed your bag and locked the door. the school seemed dead silent, aside from an unfamiliar sound. you followed the small whimpers before finding yourself outside, where nora was hiding in the corner. “nora! baby, what are you doing here?” you said, taking her in for a hug
“i-i can’t find my daddy” she sobbed into your shoulder, her hand wiping her tears as tried to regain her breath
“aw..aw no love! you should’ve told me” you said, holding her hands in yours as you straightened out her puffy pink dress
“it’s okay, daddy said princesses like me don’t need others” she whispered in the midst of tears
you placed a finger under her chin, making contact with her as you tried to cheer her up “did your dad say this? then maybe you should know, princesses love milkshakes right?”
“milkshakes?! princess nora loves milkshakes!!” nora exclaimed in excitement, her grasp on your hand tightening as if to say ‘take me, i don't want to be lonely any longer’, and you listened, guiding her to your car.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
it was about five pm when you arrived at nora’s front porch, “and here we are princess nora” you said, putting the shift on park before getting out to open her door. 
once you got to the passenger’s side you noticed nora didn’t remove her seatbelt, nor did she grab her bag. “nora… aren’t you gonna go inside”
nora silently turned her head to you, a pitiful was readable as she whispered “there’s no one inside” 
“your dad isn’t inside..?”
nora shook her head no, and you thought about all the times you dropped her off at home and waited. “nora, has he even been home?”
“in the mornings” she shrugged
your body stiffened a little as you pitied the girl in front of you. sometimes nora’s responsible qualities amazed you, in fact, you could even argue that she was more responsible than you. it wasn’t right though, to leave her to an empty house like this. you shot her a quick smile, “then how about we stay at my house since your dad won't be home till midnight?”
“sounds good,” she said, giving you a thumbs-up with both hands. her eyes wrinkled when she laughed and you couldn’t tell if it was because she tried so hard to laugh each time or if it was because she was genuinely happy. 
you hopped in the car before your phone could ring inside your call. “god, where is my phone” you said to yourself before nora could find it on the floor.
“here!” she said, handing you the device before you could answer
“what..both of you guys won't be home..?ahh okay, working late… okay okay i’ll leave dinner” you said throughout the conversation before hanging up
“looks like it’s just you and me nora” you said, backing up from the parking lot… not expecting the night to come. 
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
the clock read eleven pm, and by now nora was in your room sound asleep. you left the bedroom door closed to lock any noise, your feet propped on the coffee table in front of you as you settled on the couch. a book in your hands, the sound of nothing in your surroundings make you feel at peace. 
it was only until you heard the noise of your doorknob jiggling. god, your roommate was probably struggling again-you thought. chuckling softly to prevent any noise you slouched on the couch, hiding your head to surprise her. 
the door slowly opened, a creaky noise following it as you heard soft footsteps enter the room. you stayed in your place, wanted to quietly surprise her since nora was sleeping. you felt that footsteps stop however, a perfect chance for you to get up. 
“boo!” you exclaimed with a smile on your face. your smile slowly faded as you stared at the man ahead of you, your eyes almost popping at the sight of the man with a facemask and a gun in his hand. in any other situation, if your life isn't at stake, you would’ve laughed as horror movies never spooked you and your vivid dreams held much worse. this, this was real. you jumped over the couch, standing in front of your bedroom door.
“who are you?! take anything, you can take anything fuck just take anything please, please!”
the man stepped closer, making your body shiver in fear as he placed a finger on your cheek. a finger slipped between your lips making your heartbeat increase. almost out of your chest. your fingers ached. your adrenaline pumped. your instinct had so many plans, grab the vase and knock him out. grab his wrist and twist it. kick him in the crouch. but you knew this wasn’t like the dreams, you were helpless. you gave into his touch and your legs gave up. falling onto your knees, your lips trembled at the sight dawned over you. 
“why are you protecting this door? what’s inside?” the muffled voice questioned
“n-nothing… nothing” you stuttered as he placed the gun to your head
“what’s inside?” he repeated in a loud voice that made you want to surrender right then and there, but you knew that wasn’t right
you took a deep breath to regain any sense of stability before replying, “one of my students, shes of a young age please- please don’t harm her” you said, “ i’ll do anything you want! please, please don’t go inside”
“fuck it” the man cursed before opening the door behind you. you gasped in shock to see nora standing in the middle of the room, her hand covering her face from the gun pointing at her.
you got up in an instant, taking to step to grab the glass vase before nora could speak
“d-daddy?” she said, “what are you doing here?” her words came out in a frightened, as if she didn’t want to believe this man was her father
“nora?!” the man threw off his mask and ran to the girl, “are you okay? are you hurt?” the man turned around, pointing the gun directly at you before you could scream in shock
“what the hell are you doing with my daughter?!” he exclaimed 
“daddy no please! she’s my friend!! she’s helping me!!!” nora said, hugging changbin’s right leg and jumping in an attempt to grab the weapon in his hand
“don’t shoot!! dont!!” changbin’s heart was pumping out of his chest, his own daughters words hitting him hard as he dropped his gun. his hand went straight to his forehead as he tried to figure out the situation in hand. 
“daddy… why do you have a gun?” nora asked in shaky voice
changbin fell to this knees, pulling nora in for a hug. “i’m so sorry baby, i’m sorry you had to see daddy like that” 
nora pushed him away however, running to you in a heartbeat. “don’t harm y/n! she’s my best friend! i wont leave her!” 
changbin gulped at the sudden request, looking around in uncertainty. this all passed by you like a dream however, and you couldn’t get yourself to believe what was happening.
“nora, stop” you said, picking the girl up into your arms. “is this man really your father?” you asked her, as changbin stared at the floor
nora simply couldn't respond though, wrapped two hands around you and sobbing into your shoulder for the second time that day. 
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
“so you’re telling me.. someone wants to kill me?” you asked, a scoff leaving your lips- as if things could get worse
“uhh… essentially” jisung replied hesitantly. you stared at nora in your arms, eyelids shut but you could still see her eyes moving around in fright. 
chan and changbin stood in the opposite sides of the room, chan’s face buried in his palms as he tried to hide his sudden anger at changbin. yes, changbin failed his mission again. yes, changbin’s weak spot was targeted again-yet unintentionally. but this wasn’t about the mission, this was his best friend here. he was conflicted between his daughter and his own job-and chan wanted to be the last person to get in the way. 
“changbin, lets just give up this mission” chan said, looking over to the boy who simply stared at the ground
give up on the mission??- you thought. to be honest, you didn’t know what you were doing here, in a room with three hitman. any sane person would’ve ran, but you somehow registered that as long as nora was with you- they wouldn’t hurt you. holding her tightly to your chest, you listened to the discussion among the three men before realizing what they were talking about. 
“hold on, hold on.. if someone paid for you guys to kill me and you guys say you just ‘cant’, then wont they just find someone else?” you asked, your heartbeat increasing at how lucky you were to have been with your murderer's daughter, and chances of it happening again being low.
“i… i mean, yes?” jisung said in an uncertain voice. chan and changbin looked at the youngest with a look as if to say ‘what the hell are you doing?’
“so.. you three are just gonna leave me to be murdered by someone else” you said in the most calmest voice you could possibly muster up. in fact, it was so calm that the three boys turned to you in surprise, watching the way you clutched onto nora with such comfort. changbin looked away but the other two couldn’t help but notice how much of a connection you had with nora. 
“i won’t let it happen” chan said, looking at changbin. 
you turned to chan in surprise of his sudden regard, “you… you won't?”
“changbin, she has obviously been taking good care of nora. if you know what’s best for her, then you’ll protect her. we’ll protect her”
changbin looked away from you this whole time, not wanting to see nora in the hands of another individual. in fact, it just reminded him of the terrible parent he was. 
jisung nodded in agreement however, “yeah changbin, eventually you’re going to need some help with parenting and.. you like nora, right y/n?”
you sighed as they asked the obvious, your hands running through nora’s jet black locks. “of course i do”
changbin looked right at you when you responded, his eyes drilling into yours as he watched the way you hugged the girl in your hands. “then…” he started, “let’s find out who your client is. and end him”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
you arrived at the same home you found yourself dropping off nora every night. this time it was different though, you got to sleep inside. you carried nora in your hands as changbin guided you to the master bedroom and you placed the girl in the middle of the bed.
“is it fine if i sleep on the floor?” changbin asked, his hands anxiously rubbing his sides
“you’re asking me to sleep in the same room as the guy that tried to murder me less than a few hours ago?”
“look i’m sor-”
“the floor looks uncomfortable. i don’t mind if you sleep on the bed” you said, tugging the warm comforter and facing your back towards him. you felt the mattress carry extra weight as changbin joined, sitting on the other side of nora
he was quick to turn off the nightlight behind him, a groan escaping his lips as he adjusted to the minimal space in his own bed
“changbin?” you whispered
you heard a few ruffles from the bed before he could reply, “yes?”
“a-are you okay? you know.. with the whole thing earlier?”
changbin sighed before replying, sitting up on the bed as he grabbed nora’s hand. “shouldn’t i be asking you that?”
you rested your head on your elbow, looking up at his dark figure before he could turn on the night light behind him. he looked straight ahead of him, his large fingers playing with the little girls hand before he could turn to you 
“i don’t know.. i mean sometimes i have these awful dreams at night of just me.. screaming at nothing? i don’t know what it is but it just felt weird.. i felt like i could trust you in someway. it just didn’t feel as scary. i didn’t feel like i had to scream for help or something”
with the light on and your attention on him you finally got a look at changbin. the boy in the black tee, sleeves hugging his arms filled with tattoos printing his skin in colors of red and blue. black vans and ripped jeans that covered the pink socks underneath. these socks were probably picked out by nora, you thought. she loved the color pink. 
changbin caught your eye as you stared at his figure before clearing his throat. “well, i definitely had to scream for help. the way you ruined jopping for me… i honestly cannot explain”
you choked on your breath, laughing as you remembered the way you sang to the top of your lungs. “you were there for that?!” 
“it’s not even funny. you seriously ruined that song for me”
you slapped his shoulder with your free hand, “stop it, you know you want an encore”
“y/n open that pretty mouth of yours and i swear i will kick you out of this house”
“‘pretty mouth, huh?’”
changbin scoffed, looking the other way as his cheeks turned a shade of pink. 
“well, anyways. i just want you to know that nora is really intelligent and fun to be around with. she seriously deserves the world”
“does she?” he asked, his other hand reaching out to grab yours and giving it a squeeze. “why don’t you help me give it to her?”
“what do you mean?”
“y/n, you seem stupid as hell but i seriously think we could get along. i don’t know what it is but i already like you” changbin confessed, making you smile as your fingers intertwined with his
“god, what am i gonna tell people when they ask me if i’d die for you” you laughed, throwing your head back as you realized how dumb you were. you closed your eyes, settling into the comforter in ease, you dreams vanishing away with the comfort of two others
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
it was usual for you to wake up in the middle of your sleep, so when you found yourself sipping coffee in the middle of changbin’s living room it was no surprise. but what did surprise you was the buff arms that wrapped around your waist. 
“hey, y/n” changbin’s raspy voice whispered into your ear, “what are you doing in the middle of the night?”
“just thinking” you replied, warming your hands with the cup of coffee as changbin laid his chin on your shoulder
“about this.. who is this guy? i’m scared changbin, i’m scared to go to work, i don’t know who this guy could be” your lips formed a somewhat whimper sound making changbin worry as he now stood in front of you.
“y/n, look” he said, grabbing your shoulders. “i don’t know who this guy is either, but i’m sure he doesn’t have the ability to hear your talent for singing, so you wont have to worry”
you rolled your eyes at his unexpected comment before he could continue, “and i just want you to know that i’m here for you,okay? i’m gonna protect you. not just for nora, i love you y/n” changbin said, placing a kiss on your forehead. his grip on your shoulders softened as he slowly placed a kiss on your cheek, and next on your lips. 
you pecked his lips one last time before lying your head on his shoulder, “i love you too”
“i love you three!!” nora exclaimed, running over and joining the hug party. “i told you she’d make a nice wife” she said, wiggling her eyebrows at changbin
“just wait till you hear a voice nora, sounds of an angel” he remarked with a smirk, earning a stomp on his toes from you
“ouch!! feisty!” changbin replied
“i only learn from the best!” nora giggled. 
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icariahq · 4 years
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Thanks for applying Lauren! We look forward to seeing Aurora around the island. Make sure to send your blog in within the next 24 hours or reach out to us if you need an extension. Troian Bellisario is now taken!
( TROIAN BELLISARIO, FEMALE, SHE/HER) ⌇ have you seen AURORA HART around icaria? they are the 28 year old child of NIKE. they remind me of long hours at work, perfectly delivered quips, a gun strapped to her thigh, and a gaze that watches your every move. They’ve been on the island for one day.
IT ME. Lauren / she her | 30 | EST
To damn long.
FACECLAIM: Troian Bellisario
NAME: Aurora Hart
AGE: 28
OCCUPATION: FBI agent on assignment.
HOMETOWN: Portland, Oregon
Can either bless or curse someone with with either success or failure in whatever they’re working on or competing in.
TW: Child abuse, self harm, homophobia
Aurora was born to a family of politicians and scientists; If one wanted to know when the last time a direct relation to her WASN’T one of those two, you’d have to go back four generations… That is if you don’t count her biological mother… Nike, Goddess of Victory. Nike had been watching over the Hart family for generations. Aurora’s great, great, great, great grandmother was a worshiper of the goddess and asked to be blessed; the goddess obliged and had for the past 100 years watched over and blessed each child with a bit of victorious spirit and achievement in whatever they pursued. That was until her father, Richard Hart, was 25 years old. He found and married a congresswoman, Kenna Cooper, who at first appeared to be perfect. But perfection was an illusion and the perfect wife and mayor image shattered ten years after little Aurora was born. Rewinding a bit, Aurora was conceived when her father and mother had gotten into a bit of a tiff and he left her. They were “broken up” or “Separated” as her mother likes to say, for about a week when Richard met Nike. A one-night stand turned into a child delivered to their doorstep 9 months later on the eve of an election. She explained who she was, told Richard stories of his great-great-grandmother who worshiped her and how she had made a promise to look after the family. That this child would come to do great things considering she was a demi-god blessed with Nike’s victory. That she would only return when they told Aurora about her. She wasn’t about to get in the middle of whatever the family wanted to do to raise Aurora. 
Needless to say, Kenna was pissed at first to realize that this woman had slept with her husband and that she suddenly was being thrust with a child when she had ambitions and goals to reach. And how was she going to explain the sudden appearance of a newborn when she clearly had not been pregnant? So a plan was made and they said they had used a surrogate mother and wanted to keep the pregnancy hidden and the baby protected. The next day proved just how powerful demi-god DNA was as Kenna won her election by a landslide – only a day before they had assumed it would be close but most likely not a victory. So Kenna started to dote on the child. 
For the first ten years of her life, it was picturesque, she had a loving doting father who worked in aerospace, a mother on the rise within politics, aunts, uncles, and grandparents who were in all realms of science and politics who happily would teach her anything and everything… She was brought up to be a perfectionist. At 4 she was already starting to write full sentences, not in great handwriting but still! By 8 she was reading at a 7th-grade level. And by the age of 11, she was a certified genius. She was deemed a child prodigy when it came to academics, specifically those within the realm of politics and aerospace science having picked up those two the most from her parents despite their infrequent times at home.
Her father traveled to and from Florida for NASA for months at a time. While her mother had stepped up to the role of congresswoman and traveled to and from DC on a basically bi-weekly basis. A live-in-nanny was hired to be home with Aurora whenever the parents couldn’t be. Why hadn’t they just moved her? Aurora had no idea. She assumed it had to do with her mother’s role as a congresswoman, she still had to have a house in Portland so why not keep your child there and away from you when you’re that busy? At least – that’s the reasoning Aurora came up with. Aurora had loved it when her father came home. He was so caring, so playful, and fun; his presence kept her mother at bay. Kept the house calm…. But those times only lasted for so long before he had to go back to Kennedy Space Center. 
  TW: homophobia, abuse, death threats 
Her mother though? That was the opposite. Kenna being home meant life would be a bit of a hellscape; it meant screaming, yelling, and insults. It meant crying until no more tears could be produced, it meant pressure and guilt and hatred tossed in her direction if she so much as dared to disagree with the congresswoman. It meant being gaslit and lied to and disassociating… it meant self harm which lead to her mother screaming at her for hurting herself and the image it put out in the world if anyone were to see the cuts. Which lead to even more anger from her mother and the cycle continued. If her father wasn’t there to distract her mom then the only other reprieve was sleepovers with friends. Her mother always put on the face of the perfect loving mom if people were over. It was Aurora’s sanctuary because not even the nanny could stop Kenna’s rage. 
The person who she spent the most time with, that helped relieve the hellscape that was her mom was Kassandra. The two grew up next to one another, a tree between their houses branches stretching out and brushing each of their windows. It became a treehouse as the girls got older, a way for them to sneak between houses to hang out together. The two were thick as thieves doing everything together, experiencing everything together. It started innocently enough, their first day of school, their first tests, one another first best friends, but as they got older their firsts became more mature, first crushes – on one another, first kiss… They were surprisingly not one another’s first relationships that honor went to Brandon, a boy in their grade who was surprisingly decent. The two ended based on the fact that Brandon – wanted to have sex… which Aurora was not ready for. She was still a virgin at the time. So the two ended… though they stayed friends. Not long after Kass and Aurora started to date in secret. Neither were ready to come out to their parents; so they kept it between themselves, using the tree to sneak into one another’s room and one thing led to another and they became one another’s first time as well. 
Things had been going surprisingly well in young Aurora’s life if you could ignore the abuse that Kenna lobbed at her on a bi-weekly basis. She was starting to think she could make it out of the house alive and without hating everything … when the worst happened. Kass told her mother about her being gay and she was promptly kicked out; Kass’ mother came next door once the other was gone and demanded to talk to Kenna knowing that Richard was out of town. There was a hushed conversation that Aurora tried to listen in on, but nothing could easily be made out. Though, when the other woman left all hell broke loose in the house – She screamed and screamed about how Aurora could NOT have a gay best friend, that she could NOT hang out with that “degenerate” anymore. That she, well really, both of them, were pieces of shit, that she was going to hell. Aurora tried to stand up to her, to tell her that Kass was a wonderful person, that she loved her best friend, and that her mother had no right to say any of that. This was when for the first time, Kenna slapped Aurora telling her that if she was anything like that f-word that she would not see the next day because no daughter of hers could be gay and that it would ruin her reputation as a congresswoman. 
It was the blood she touched on her cheek that finally shut down Aurora’s brain and let her just zone out as her mother continued to yell and scream. Kenna’s wedding ring had created a long cut along her cheek and despite seeing her daughter bleeding by her own hand Kenna didn’t stop yelling. It was three hours later before Kenna finally stopped and Aurora could take care of her cheek,  by the blood had run down her face and scabbed over and a bruise had started to form. She took the next couple of days off school and avoided everyone. Or tired too, but she ended up getting yelled at each day by her mother, each time there was the threat that lingered over her head that something horrible would happen.
So when Kass asked to meet her at the park one day Aurora knew she would have to do the hardest thing and break up with her. She couldn’t keep this up or she might end up dead. Putting on makeup and trying to hide the bruise and cut she made her way to the park — only to lie her ass off and break both their hearts in the process. Aurora cried for three days afterwards which only caused her mother to rage more. Luckily for Aurora, her mother was called back to DC and she got a reprieve. 
It wasn’t until six months before graduation that her father finally learned the truth about what Kenna had been doing when he came home the day after his wife left to see Aurora covering up a bruise on her shoulder. He demanded to know what happened – and she broke down. She told him everything, told him that if he didn’t believe her to call her old nanny that she would corroborate the story. That Kenna threatened her too and to not get mad at the nanny. She had done what she could to protect Aurora. Two months later her father filed for divorce and custody of the almost 18-year-old Aurora – but the allegations of abuse had been shoved under the rug, avoided, and hidden away. Her mother was too powerful and had too many friends in high places. 
After four months of living with her dad and she was off to college. Aurora could not be anymore more excited to get away from her family and be on her own. She gained herself a roommate, her own space and started school. For the first three years of college, Aurora had never felt freer and more herself. She had escaped her mother’s clutches but even despite that, she couldn’t let go of the political aspect – she wanted now, more than anything, to get into politics so she could make it easier for kids to escape abusive households and harder for abusive parents to skirt the system. She rose to the top of her classes, stood out, and earned summa cum laude with her bachelor’s. As she returned back to college to get her master’s she met Juliette. Juliette – the most beautiful woman on campus, the smartest, the kindest – and needless to say – Aurora fell hard and fast.
It became clear though that the feelings were reciprocated and the two fell so quickly and so hard it would be impossible to deny that the two seemed rather perfect for one another. Their friends joked that they were waiting for a wedding invite after four months of them dating. The two laughed it off and just continued on. They moved in together a year later. Jules graduated and started working in a firm while Aurora started to work for the local government. As Jules moved up quickly and Aurora couldn’t have been more proud of her girlfriend. They celebrated one another whenever they got a chance and told one another everything. 
Aurora did end up telling Jules about the abuse she experienced and confided in her about all of her hopes and fears. This was the first time she ever told anyone about the abuse she experienced, save for her father. This, in Aurora’s mind, cemented the next-level – engagement. They had been talking about it on and off for a year already, so it seemed inevitable. Aurora went out, found a gorgeous ring, and waited for the right moment – but the moment never came. Because at 24 Jules left her and went to rejoin the Huntresses. 
Heartbroken and alone Aurora tossed herself into her work, her sudden silence worried her father knowing his daughter had had such a rough go of things. So he came out to check on her. In doing so he asked if she cursed herself, if she had for some reason thought she deserved the pain. Insulted and upset she asked him what the hell he meant – and that’s when the truth came out. She was the daughter of Nike, goddess of Victory — and at the mention of her bio mother the goddess appeared. She scolded Richard for keeping her a secret for so long and not getting Aurora out of the horrible situation she had been in. Nike spent the next week training Aurora in her powers, teaching her about the Greek Gods and just – getting to know one another.
When the week was up Aurora knew her purpose, she would help politicians in fighting to protect those that couldn’t protect themselves and she would work with the government in actually physically saving those that were not in a good place. She got recruited to the FBI at 25 and dedicated her life to helping others; she used her ability to grant victory to her coworkers and slowly started to make big changes within the community. By 27 she had risen in the ranks and was slowly starting to choose her own assignments and partners. This is how she ended up on a case that kept her up at night. A human trafficking ring – that seemed to have something a bit odd going on, or odder than just the trafficking. Every fiber of her being screamed that it was demi-god related and she couldn’t let it go. She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t focus on anything other than these missing people. Was it related to the kidnappings of demi-gods around the world? She really didn’t know but she was damn determined to find out.
It took almost a full year to get it all together but they finally busted in on multiple clients of the ring. Each had at least one demi-god trapped and being used for personal gain. She kept close tabs on each person rescued, making sure therapy was set up and things were in place to take care of them…. When one just vanished. The fact that one of her charges vanished without a trace pissed off Aurora. She wanted Jane to get the best help and now – now she couldn’t. So, with a bit of research and time, she found Jane Doe on Icaria taken there by her demi-god father. Arrangements were made and Aurora was on her way to Icaria to find Jane and make sure she was okay. 
yeah this got long. sorry!
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australian-desi · 4 years
Qurbaan Hua ~ Episode 5-9: Of IVF Being Horrible, Windchimes, Cunning Aunties and Disgusting Husbands
Gonna dive right in
Episode 5
Mans has gone from “me and Meera have been dating for 6 months” to screaming “I LOVE YOU MEERA” at the top of the mountain 
Time for another coincidance - it’s purnima so he’s going to go ask for a mannat and on this day different people from different faiths go to this certain place for their wishes and prayers - and we all know what that means
Also now that I’ve watched a few episodes, I have to say I really like the styling  for Chahat they’ve given her a mix of ethnic and western wear and the fancy clothes she wears are really pretty (so far) and I hope it stays this way
I am a complete slut for mannat scenes and this one was very pure
Why can’t these people say Saraswati, it isn’t that hard
Also it’s 2020, surely it’s time we understand just because a woman is pregnant doesn’t mean she’s disabled and needs to be carried everywhere
Also, Naveli (Anjali2.0 and Neil’s cousin) is superrr suss
And she’s given him meds to give to the people he interacts with coz he causes them headaches (and he’s held onto it the whole time coz Pehle Pyaar Ka Pehla Tohfa) 
Awww our OTP has ‘Bhags stamp of approval’ 
They’ve also touched her feet how cute
Episode 6
So Ghazala has ruined Chahat’s mum’s sharara and like this is what I mean they’ve written her horribly, like why would someone go out of their way to hurt a kid like that - her mother’s dead what more does she want
And daddy dearest has another pooja to attend so he’s said no to attending his daughter’s baby shower, something Neil is now salty about
For a doctor, Chahat’s dad is quite daft 
And for a pandit, Neil’s dad is quite mean
Nice touch by Ghazala by turning this whole thing on Chahat, and thankfully her dad believes her
Episode 7
So this Kamini wannabe of a mami has said that Saraswati’s baby is najayaz, and at this point I really have got to ask - how the fuck did she jump to that conclusion?????
Apparently coz she was barren for 8 years, so how can she be pregnant now, so something must be up 
By this logic they shouldn’t use annnnyyyy modern technology 
I understand Neil now, and why he’s so done with this bullshit
Look Chahat, I love you and all, but like listen to Neil when it comes to his crazy psychotic family
Also do not tell me like the Oberoi family, this whole family cannot have 1 smooth sailing function/party 
We love a sibling duo that had to raise each other because their parents were dead/useless 
I’m so fucking done, now not only does your doctor have to be of the same religion, he/she has to be from the same caste 
Neil’s trying to talk some sense to these people, but as usual, he gets shut down for talking sense 
Also by saying that if he’s so for modern technologies in other areas, why is he against iVF 
Omg daddy pandit finally got some sense - this was an exhausting feat
Poor tacky Kamini, unlike the og, this one’s plans always fall short 
Neil, take Saraswati and just get the fuck out of here, this dumbass mami has come with a plan and is not going to rest until one of these kids gets disowned 
Episode 8
So Vyasji in a twisted turn of events has accepted Neil’s gf, as long as their kundlis meet 
Let’s be real their stars ain’t aligning in this life 
Chahat is talking to her mother through this windchime she made with her mother’s jhumke (I guess its a coping mechanisms) about how she’s gotten a cake ordered and needs to pick it up
The windchime has told her that she needs to learn how to cook to get married 
Basically even if your Indian mother is dead, her ghost will still taunt you on your inability to get married even when you are a doctor 
She has decided she will marry a chef so that she doesnt need to learn how to cook 
The foreshadowing, the cluelessness
Omg Neil’s dad writes with ink and a peacock feather (why did I think this man would write with a pen like a normal person)
He’s literally whipped out a chart and started making Neil’s (ex)gf’s kundli RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF HIS DAUGHTER’S BABY SHOWER BECAUSE #priorities 
Anjali2.0 is literally sitting there praying as if Vyasji is sitting there calculating her Year 12 results and not a kundli
And we’ve got an “asambhav”, but we all knew that - Neil’s literally smirking coz he knew no matter what, the stars won’t align 
Omlll he’s inherited the whole “I write my own destiny” from Arnav 
“Main uss ladko ko kabhi nahi apnaunga” “Toh kya faraq padta hai, main usse apna chuka hoon” Boisss I really like this dude 
I wish I had this confidence but alas, I do not
And Neil has decided to leave the chat, go to Delhi and get married there, while giving everyone a fuck you (except his sister ofcourse)
Little does he know he isn’t even gonna make it to the bloody bus stand before he ends back here 
Anjali2.0 is begging her dad to stop him, but he’s talking about the stars and shit 
And right on cue Chahat and Neil are walking on the same bridge, none of them paying attention, they crash and just like that, the cake has fallen into the deep sea, adding to the pollution 
OMGG THIS MAN TOLD HER HOW ALL DADS ARE USELESS AND SHE GOES “oh hello, tumhe bohot saare childhood issues hai, lekin mere baba aise nahi hai ... woh mere liye taare bhi tod sakte hai” 
and now he’s sarcastically congratulating her on her father because “aur ek mere baba hai jo hamesha taaron mein uljhe rehte hai, aur vaise tumhe tumhaare taare todne waale baba, bohot, bohot, bohot hi ziada mubarak” 
Lolll I never knew he will be stuck here because of a cake 
But personally, I feel she gained it 
Turns out the shop that she got the cake from, is his friend’s shop, and now he’s baking the cake himself because my man is also a pastry chef 
And he’s friend has left the chat because he doesnt want to get beaten up 
So it’s time for the kitchen romance.tm
Omg he told her he’s a chef and she’s so turned on 
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But should’t she tie her hair #justsaying
Now back to the Neil’s crazy fam, where the only other person with sense, Anjali2.0 has also said to her dad, that Neil was always right about him 
Yesss gurlll, give it back to him
She’s telling him off how he forego his religious beliefs for her, but why can’t he do the same for Neil
I actually like her so much and the way she’s written
She’s also telling him how she tried to make sure that Neil never felt their mother’s absence (a responsibility she didn’t to take up), because her dad never let Neil feel loved 
Everyone is shook (including me)
I was not expecting her to give her father an ultimatum
So she said, that if he does not give Neil and Meera his blessing, he will see her dead 
Episode 9
We’ve begun with some cuteness regarding her rubbing flour all over face 
And like the idiot he is, he’s told her that her face is completely clean 
Like same, but I also cannot 
Also I’m lolling at the fact she’s imagining their Nikaah, like his family won’t kill him for that
Awww I spoke too soon, she left the cake at the shop and he was just messing with her 
Guysss I really love their chemistry
He said that he won’t sit behind her, coz he doesn’t sit behind girls *rolls eyes*, but she’s not having it and reminded him that she beat him in a motorcycle race so he should suck it up
And they’ve had their first ‘accidental’ pressed up on each other fall 
A trope I do love with all my heart  
I’m hoping that Shyam1.5 isn’t as bad as his predecessors, but I do realise that is wishful thinking coz the couple scene where he talks to Saraswati was quite sweet
She’s found Naveli’s earrings on the ground, Shyam1.5 and her are having an affair aren’t they
Saraswati please go fuck him up 
Well that’s another week done
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kittinoir · 4 years
Echoes of You Ch. 13
Read on Ao3
‘You shouldn’t be here, Chloe.’
Beside her, the blonde girl is furiously wiping tears from her eyes as they crouch in the ruins of a bank, as though if she catches them fast enough no one will know she’s crying. To her credit, her lips don’t tremble and her scowl remains firmly in place. Some things never change.
‘I need to apologize,’ Chloe said. Her fingers curl into fists, clenched in front of her as though she could make her feel her sincerity by sheer force of will. ‘I was…I was wrong. I thought you didn’t trust me. I thought you didn’t like me. I thought you were trying to hurt me by keeping the bee Miraculous from me.’
‘I tried to help you, Chloe,’ she said as she peers around the rubble for her foe. ‘I tried to explain it to you. But what you did…It was unforgivable. And even if it wasn’t, I’m not the one you need to ask forgiveness from.’
‘How do you apologize to a whole city?’ Chloe cries. She doesn’t bother swiping at her tears anymore. They leave dark tracks down her cheeks and drip off her chin.
The timing couldn’t be worse, but even now, after everything she’s done, she can’t turn this broken girl away. Something in her wants to try to save Chloe - to save everyone. It always has. It’s going to get her killed. She knows it, but still…
‘You’re the mayor’s daughter,’ she says, pulling the blonde after her as they make for better cover. ‘You have influence. Use it to benefit the city.’
‘Paris doesn’t want anything from me,’ Chloe says, her voice breaking over a sob. ‘Maybe…I should just leave. Go to New York with my mom.’
‘Running away won’t fix anything, Chloe.’ She couldn’t stop the frustration from bleeding into her voice. ‘Doing the right thing is hard. Making amends is hard. The truth is there is no easy fix, but if you don’t face this, the wound will never heal. This one choice will be your legacy. It will define you for the rest of your life.’
She sees resolve flash in those pale blue eyes, absent of the malice that’s been known to accompany it. ‘I…I want to make things right. I want to try. Do you…think I can do it?’
‘Honestly, what I think doesn’t matter,’ she says. ‘ Do you think you can do it?’
‘I know I can,’ Chloe says. ‘And I want to start right now. I want to give you my oath.’
‘You want to give me your what?’ she says. She’s known Chloe a long time, and she hasn’t always made sense, but this is beyond the norm.
‘My oath,’ Chloe repeats. She silently rearranges herself until she’s kneeling, her head bowed. ‘I swear to you, Protector of Paris, that I will dedicate the rest of my life to being better than I have been. I swear to strive for fairness, justice, and…and kindness. I swear to make amends and to face the consequences of my actions. Will you accept?’
She stares at Chloe, dumbfounded. She knows the girl is prone to dramatics, but this? She’s just a girl herself; how can she save or condemn this girl?
‘I accept,’ she says. She hesitantly lays a hand on the girl’s shoulder. ‘And…I’m sorry for the role I played in what happened.’
Chloe’s head snaps up. She can tell that while Chloe blamed her, at least a little, for what happened, she’d never expected an apology. After all, super heroes weren’t supposed to be wrong. They weren’t supposed to make mistakes. She of all people should know that they were only human.
‘I’ll make you proud,’ Chloe promises, but then she, too, is scanning the rubble. ‘Where is that cat?’
Chloe’s question brings her back to the present, making her heart flutter in her chest, as it had been doing for the past three weeks now, ever since that day on Pont Neuf. She was caught in a horrible limbo of anticipating his arrival and fear of him showing up. He’s too reckless. He always has been. One of these days she isn’t going to be able to save him. She’s been having nightmares about it.
‘On his way,’ she lies easily, risking a peek over a fallen column. ‘He’ll be here any minute.’
The horrifying voice echoes around the destroyed lobby. The two girls whip around to discover the monster has circled around them without them noticing. Before they can run, it raises a pure white staff in their direction. She braces for impact, but it never comes. She opens her eyes to see Chloe standing in front of her, trembling, glowing with suffused white light.
‘Run,’ Chloe manages to get out. ‘I’ll keep him…busy. You have to go…!’
It isn’t the first time Chloe has sacrificed herself to save her, but it’s always a surprise when it happens. In this moment, she knows why her partner is so generous with the girl. They’re more similar than she thought they could be. 
‘Speak,’ the monster commands, gliding forward. 
Chloe’s back arches and she falls to her knees as the truth is ripped from her. ‘I’m afraid I’ll fail again,’ she gasps, fingers curling into claws on the cold marble floor. ‘I’m terrified that evil is my nature, that it’s a part of me, and I’m afraid it’s all I’m capable of.’
She scrambles back, away from Chloe and the horror unfolding before her. She dives behind more wreckage as Chloe continues to spew truths, from the mundane to deep, personal thoughts no one deserved to hear. She starts to make for the stairs when she feels the bolt strike her right between the shoulder blades. It feels like being run through with lightning.
She falls, sprawling across the floor. She pushes herself onto her back in time to see Veritas gliding around Chloe as though the girl isn’t even there. She knows what the monster is going to say next. She knows what she will tell it.
‘Small truths!’ Chloe shouts, crawling forward. ‘Pick something insignificant, or useless!’
But before she can, the monster commands her. ‘Speak.’
A thousand secrets howl up, so fast she almost can’t stop them from spilling out. For a moment, she struggles silently as they vie for dominance. It’s all she can do to pick one. ‘I’m never able to tell the boy I love how I feel about him because I’m more afraid of being with him than rejection,’ she spits out, a blush warming her cheeks even under the mask. ‘I’m terrified of having everything just to lose it because of the secrets because I can never tell him who I am.’
‘Good,’ Chloe coaches, but then she shivers. ‘I push everyone away on purpose so they never have a chance to leave. I make sure it’s always my choice.’
‘Sometimes I wish I’d never been chosen for this,’ she says, spring-boarding off her last truth as she struggles to her feet. ‘It’s - it’s too much. It’s killing me.’ She backs up slowly, the ripping magic of the Akuma making it impossible to move quickly. Her muscles have locked with the pain of it. The truth really did hurt.
‘I…’ She gasps, trying to swallow the words as she pulls out her yo-yo with shaking hands. ‘I’m in love with… with my partner.’ Tears are streaming down her face, now, too. She bites back his name, but she can tell she won’t stop it. Seconds, maybe minutes. She will say it. And her name will be right behind it. ‘I’m in love with Chat Noir. Everything finally… makes sense. I’m not confused anymore. I love him.’
She lashes out with the yo-yo, aiming for staff where she knows the akuma is hiding. Veritas manages to dodge her strike, and the magic surges again. 
‘I…I know…’ she slaps a hand over her mouth, stifling the words. Suddenly Veritas is there. He seizes her wrist with one hand, wrenching it to the side. When she tries to strike him, he grabs that wrist as well. In three strides she is pinned to the nearest wall, the monster’s hideous glowing face inches from her own. She presses her lips together, shaking her head, eyes squeezed shut.
‘Speak’. She hears the monsters' voice inside her head, ringing like a bell. It’s irresistible.
‘I know,’ she breathes, ‘I know who Chat Noir is. I know his name, his real identity. I discovered it by accident three weeks ago and I never told him. I didn’t know what to do about it. I know who he is.’
Veritas grins, and it sends shivers crawling down her spine. This is it. This is the beginning of the end. But she won’t betray him. Not until it’s the very last secret she has.
‘My name,’ she says, her voice catching on a sob, ‘…my name is Ma - ’
Marinette sat straight up in bed as she came suddenly and violently awake, clutching at her chest, panting with the pain of the pounding of her heart. Images of the nightmare crashed through her out of order. Hadn’t Chloe been in it? That was nothing new, but it had been…well, over a year since since she’d had one of those. And one of those akuma’s had been in it, too. That was no surprise, what with the events of that afternoon. 
Marinette brushed her fingers along the hollow of her throat where the mouse Miraculous had sat. The fight had been terrifying, but for the first time in weeks she felt…whole. 
Even in the dark, she felt like her face was glowing. ‘Whole’? She wasn’t broken. She was just…a normal girl, with a normal life.
But still… she liked who she was when she’d been wearing the mask. She’d liked being able to help, and she liked being able to control her fears. And teaming up with Chat Noir…
Marinette shoved the thought from her head as she untangled her legs from the twisted sheets and climbed down to the floor of her room. She had successfully avoided thinking about how that encounter made her feel right up until her subconscious had ambushed her with it while she slept, but that didn’t mean she was going to unpack that now. Besides, it wasn’t like she even knew him.
Silver moonlight shone through the windows, giving her just enough light to see by. She headed for he sink and the glass she left there. She filled it with cool water and sipped at it, but her face still felt flush. Her pulse had slowed, but she still felt jumpy, edgy, restless. She needed to get out. She needed fresh air.
She briefly considered the balcony, but it was too small. She needed to move.
Before she could think of all the reasons why she should just try to go back to bed, Marinette threw a sweater around her shoulders, grabbed her phone from the desk, and slipped through the trap door. She made her way carefully down the stairs, avoiding the spots she knew were squeaky and straight-up tip-toeing past her parents’ room, a move which nearly made her knock over the book shelf in the front-entry.
She picked up the pace once she was on the stairs that lead down to the bakery, and in moments she was out on the street. Lamplight glistened off the wet cobblestones stones. Marinette tugged her sweater tighter around herself in the chill and started towards the park.
Marinette wondered briefly why she didn’t feel worse - or anything, really - about sneaking  out in the middle of the night. Maybe it was left-over confidence from the afternoon’s fight. Maybe she just felt safe knowing Chat Noir and Ladybug were out there. Whatever it was, it didn’t feel dangerous. In fact, it felt familiar. 
The sound of water echoed softly around the park as Marinette set foot in it. She could see the fountain in the middle, lit by several small lights. It was otherwise abandoned, but she blinked, and for a moment she could see Adrien and his photographer by that same fountain, feel Manon clinging to her leg as Alya gushed by her side. That had been in the early days, when her crush was new. She blinked and the memory faded, but the warmth of it stayed.
She’d though she loved him then. Maybe she had. She didn’t know. All she knew was that what she felt now was a million times stronger. She’d never used to believe in soulmates, but…she didn’t know any more. If they existed, she was sure Adrien was hers.
So why the mixed feelings on Chat Noir? Where had they come from? Was it just her heart fluttering over a cute guy? The intimidation of a super hero? She couldn’t place it, but they felt rooted in something real, like she could see past the mask to the person underneath. But that, of course, was just arrogance. She saw whatever he wanted her and the rest of Paris to see. She was imagining something that wasn’t there. Her feelings for Adrien were spilling over to someone else just as unattainable. That was it.
“Bit late to be wandering out here alone, Mousinette.”
Marinette whirled. There, standing a few feet away as though her embarrassing reflection had summoned him, was Chat Noir. He was leaning on his baton as though he he didn’t have a care in the world, smirking at her like he knew what she’d been thinking.
“Looks as though the cat’s already caught me,” Marinette said, turning back around.
“And what better company to have,” he quipped, falling into step beside her. She could feel him eyeing her without trying to make it look obvious. “Unless you’re out here to be alone…?”
“No,” Marinette said, glancing up at him. “No, just needed some fresh air. Bad dreams.”
“Oh. Want to - I mean, do you need to talk about it?
“Not really,” Marinette said. She frowned in thought. “Actually, I can barely remember it. Something about an akuma I think.”
“I’m surprised you’d have nightmares like that,” Chat Noir said as they rounded a corner, “Considering the butt-kicking you gave Weeping Willow earlier.”
Marinette was glad for the cold air on her cheeks and the darkness of the night. “It was hardly a butt-kicking. You and Ladybug did all the work, I just…ran interference.”
“Well, it was the difference between winning and losing,” he admitted softly. “Are you joining the team then?”
Marinette shook her head. “One-time deal. I gave the Miraculous back to Salem. He seemed nervous about giving it out. I can see why.”
“Ladybug was the same way,” Chat Noir murmured. She glanced up at him, but a shadow had fallen across his face.
“She’s more lenient now?” Marinette asked.
“Hmm?” Chat Noir blinked and looked down at her. The two of them stepped into a shaft of moonlight and he suddenly froze, reaching out to take hold of her arm .
“Chat…Chat Noir?” Marinette’s heart was pounding in her ears. She could feel her blood rushing in her finger tips, and for a moment…well, for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her.
“Sorry,” he said, abruptly dropping her arm and stepping back. “Just…for a moment you reminded me of someone.”
“In a good way?” Marinette said. Her skin still tingled where he’d touched her. “Or a bad way?”
“Both,” he said with a small smile. “Always both.”
Marinette shivered and pulled her sweater close again as she resumed walking. “What brings you out here at this time of night?” she asked, steering them towards a safer topic. “Surely even heroes deserve to rest?”
“No rest for the wicked,” Chat Noir quipped, giving her a decidedly wicked grin. “But I’m almost done for the night. I just have one more stop to make.”
“Ladies to save?” Marinette teased, recalling his earlier comment.
“Something like that,” he said. “Just a quick stop at the Eiffel tower to pick up a message from a friend.”
“You leave each other messages at the Eiffel Tower?” Marinette said with a giggle. 
Chat Noir smiled. “When the occasion calls for it.”
“You don’t have to wait for me or anything if you’ve got somewhere to be,” Marinette said, though it was the last thing she wanted to do. “It’s not far to home.”
“I’ll rest easier knowing you made it back safe,” he said, twirling his baton between his fingers. “Besides, how else will I get a sneak peek at that dress you’re modelling after me?”
Marinette’s mouth popped open. “You won’t!” she said indignantly as she began to circle back towards her home. “Besides, you won’t even like it right now.”
“I find that incredibly hard to believe,” Chat Noir said with an added eye roll.
“It’s currently a muslin mock-up,” she explained, trying to trace the shape in the air with her hands. “It barely even looks like a dress.”
“Hmmm.” He frowned, as though faced with a life-or-death dilemma. “But I want to see it.”
Marinette shrugged. “If you really want, I can leave it in the window at night and you can, um, sneak a peek when you patrol. I just can’t leave it there in the day because the sun will fade the black over time, and I know it’s not a lot of time, but still, I want to use the blackest-black I can find, because your suit is like that, and it might be a while before I find anything because those little honey-combs are so specific and I really want to incorporate them in my feline - I MEAN MY DESIGN - plus a lot of the changes are structural so it might not even look like I’ve made any progress on it - ”
“You’d do that just because I asked?” he finally interrupted her. Marinette blinked up at him, trying to gather her scattered thoughts. 
“Um, yeah,” she said, hooking a piece of hair behind her ear self-consciously. “It’s not a big deal. It’s actually pretty flattering. And, um, I don’t mind.”
“I’m the one who’s flattered,” he said softly. “Who else could say they had a Marinette Dupain-Cheng original designed after them?” And then he swept forward in a bow at the waist, lifting her hand to his lips. It was a small kiss, the barest brush of his mouth against the skin of her hand, but the electricity of it prickled over Marinette’s skin, making her heart race for the third time that night.
“Good night,” Marinette whispered as Paris’ hero slowly straightened again. “Thank you for the company.”
“It was my pleasure,” he purred. All she could see was the glowing green of those eyes and the thousands of secrets he was hiding in them. 
Marinette swallowed hard and made herself turn for her home. She could feel Chat Noir’s eyes on her the whole time, but when she paused at the door to look back, he had disappeared. She slipped inside, making sure to lock the door behind her and stumbled briefly to the bakery before heading back to her room.
True to her word, she slide the mannequin with the muslin mock up on it in front of the window. Then she cracked the window and set the plate of cookies she’d snagged on the window ledge - just in case.
‘I’m being ridiculous,’ she thought as she climbed back into bed. ‘Absolutely ridiculous.’ He wasn’t going to come, she tried to tell herself. He’d just been being nice to the girl that had helped them that afternoon. He flirted with everyone. She wasn’t special. She wasn’t. But she didn’t go back down and close the window.
The next morning, when Marinette finally woke up, the plate was empty.
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Fairy Tail’s Fairy Tale’s Chapter 8
((Part 8 of my contribution to the fairy tail big bang by @ft-ez-bb ! I hope you enjoy! Please comment/like/reblog/ect. if you did!))
"Gajeel, do you wanna be in the next story?" Wendy asked. "Sure, what is it?" he asked curiously. "Aschenputtel!" Wendy read, happily. "Bless you." Gajeel said. Levy laughed, "Aschenputtel is the German name for Cinderella." she explained, "I think it's very fitting for you." "Really?" Gajeel asked surprised. "Uh-huh. " Levy nodded, "You have a history of holding women against their will." she said, smiling. "When are ya gonna let that go?" Gajeel asked, annoyed. "Never." Levy replied. 
"Hey, we want to be part of the story too!" Jet said determinedly. "Yeah!" Droy agreed, "We wanna act with Levy and Gajeel!" "There's not really any other characters. . ." Wendy said, "I guess you could be the evil stepsisters?" "We're in!" Jet declared. "Yeah! How hard can it be?!" Droy added. Levy opened her mouth to object, but Gajeel quickly covered it, "This'll be great." he whispered to her, grinning. The team headed backstage. 
"Once upon a time, the wife of a rich man fell sick. And as she was dying, she told her daughter to be good and kind. After the woman had died, the little girl planted a hazel twig at her mother's grave, and she visited so often and cried so much, that it grew into a large, beautiful tree. And when she sat beneath it, if she made a wish, a bird would grant her it. Her father had remarried to a woman with two daughters of her own. All three were beautiful of face, but vile and black of heart. The step-sisters treated the little girl cruelly. They made her wear rags while they wore fine dresses, made her do all the chores, and instead of a bed, she had to sleep by the fire. Because of this, she was always covered in ash, and so they called her Cinderella." Wendy began. 
Levy walked onstage in rags. Jet and Droy walked behind her in fine suits. "Wait- we have to be mean to Levy?!" Jet exclaimed, "I can't be mean to Levy!" "I can't either!" "Guys, you're called the evil stepsisters." Levy pointed out, "What did you expect?" Gajeel's loud laughter could be heard from backstage. "That jerk. . ." Droy glared. "He knew this would happen!" Jet yelled angrily. "Guys, relax. It's just a play." Levy assured, "I know you're not actually being mean to me." "That doesn't make it any easier!" Droy wailed, tears streaming down his cheeks. Levy couldn't help but laugh, "It's okay, guys. Really. We need to continue with the play." The boys sniffled and wiped their eyes. "Okay. . ." "Fine." They agreed. Chelia leaned towards her friend. "Your guild is weird." she whispered. "I know." Wendy nodded. 
"The King proclaimed that there would be a three day festival to find his son a wife. All of the eligible maids in the kingdom were to come, and Cinderella was told to help her sisters with the preparations to go to the ball. Cinderella helped, but was sad, because she wanted to go to the ball, but her stepmother would not let her. She said Cinderella didn't have nice enough clothes and couldn't dance, Cinderella would embarrass the family. The stepmother and sisters left for the ball, and Cinderella went to her mother's grave." Wendy explained. 
Levy sat on the ground and looked up at the ceiling, "Shiver and quiver, little tree, silver and gold throw down over me." Erza used her magic and in an instant Levy was clothed in a beautiful gold and silver silk dress, and silk slippers. "I'm off to the festival!" Levy dashed offstage. 
Gajeel lounged on a large, iron throne at one end of the stage, he was in a fine suit with a crooked iron crown on his head. His hands were behind his head and his feet were draped over the side of the chair. Jet and Droy stood onstage, a little ways off, as did Pantherlily, now in his large form. Levy walked onstage and looked around before walking past Jet and Droy to Gajeel. "Who's that?!" Droy asked, watching Levy eagerly. "I don't know!" Jet answered, "Must be a foreign princess."
Gajeel whistled as Levy approached. "You clean up nice, Shorty." She gave him a playful pout in reply. Gajeel sat up properly and offered her his hand, "Wanna dance?" "You're a jerk." Levy declared, happily taking the hand. Gajeel stood and rested his other hand on her shoulder, "Your jerk." he reminded smirking. Levy shrugged, "It's not my fault I have bad taste in men." Gajeel laughed and they began dancing. "The prince danced only with her." Wendy narrated.  "Mind if I cut in?" Jet asked politely. "BUZZ OFF, SHE'S MINE!!!!" Gajeel yelled angrily, pulling Levy closer to his chest. Jet sulked over to his 'brother', "This sucks." "Let's get out of here." Droy agreed. The two left and Levy stepped away from Gajeel, "I have to go. I'm sorry." 
Gajeel blinked, "Oh. . . Well, can I walk you home?" "No." Levy ran offstage. ". . . Whaddya mean no?!!!" Gajeel yelled after her, offended. He sat in his throne again and crossed his arms over his chest. "What a bitch!" he snapped angrily, ". . . I hope she comes again tomorrow." 
"She did come again the next night." Wendy continued, "And again the prince danced only with her." Levy came on, this time in a beautiful yellow, lace dress, which Gajeel twirled her in. "And again Cinderella ran away as quickly as she had entered." Wendy continued. Levy ran offstage again. 
Gajeel sat in his throne, glaring at the floor. He and Pantherlily were alone onstage. "If you're trying to burn a hole in the floor, it isn't working." Lily informed his master teasingly. Gajeel slammed his fist on the arm of the chair and whirled on Lily. He leapt to his feet in fury "TWO DAYS!!!" he yelled angrily, "For two days I've fallen in love with the same woman, tried to find out who she is, and failed! I'm marrying her if it's the last thing I do!" he slumped back into the throne. 
"But, Gajeel, tomorrow is the last night of the festival, you have to do it then, or you'll never find her." Lily said worriedly. "I know!" Gajeel suddenly sat up and grinned, "I'll trap her!" Pantherlily stared at his master for a moment, "YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!" he suddenly yelled. Gajeel was taken aback, Lily rarely raised his voice. "Levy told me what you did to Mirajane!" he scolded, "I know you crucified Levy when you first met!" he added, "WHY IS YOUR FIRST INSTINCT TO HOLD A WOMAN AGAINST HER WILL?!!" Pantherlily sighed and ran a tired hand down his face, "Whatever. Your poor life decisions are your own problem. I'll spread pitch on the stairs. . ." he walked offstage. Gajeel stared after his exceed in shock, then turned his glance towards the audience, ". . . What just happened?"
"The third night, Cinderella returned." Wendy narrated. Levy walked on in a beautiful white ballgown, a veil sat on her head and Gajeel stared at her in awe. ". . . Woah. . ." he breathed. Levy walked up to him, smiling. "Gajeel?" she asked, "Are you okay?" "You look beautiful. . . " Gajeel said. Levy blushed and beamed, "We're supposed to dance." she gently reminded. "Oh, right! We're in a play!" Gajeel remembered and quickly took her hand. They danced a bit and Wendy continued narrating. "That night, Cinderella left again." Levy ran offstage, but left a glass slipper behind. Gajeel picked it up, "I'll marry whoever fits this shoe." he vowed. 
"The prince searched the land and at last came to Cinderella's house." Wendy continued. Jet and Droy stood onstage, as did Levy in her rags. "He tried the shoe on the stepsisters, but finally gave it to Cinderella." Wendy continued. Gajeel carefully eased Levy's foot into the shoe. "They got married and lived happily ever-" "Hang on!" Droy interrupted the little sky slayer, "We're not gonna try on the shoe?" "Yeah! That totally ruins the suspense!" Jet agreed. "Well, in the original version, the stepsisters cut off parts of their feet to fit in the shoe. . ." Wendy explained. Jet and Droy looked horrified. "Well it's a good thing we skipped that part then." Levy said, in an attempt to ease the men's horror. "The end!" Wendy declared. 
She turned back to her book happily. "Next is. . . Tufty Ricky." "Oh, I love that story!" Freed exclaimed, putting a hand on his heart, "It's about how love changes you for the better." "Perfect!" Wendy said, "You and Laxus could do it! You could be the prince- and Laxus could be the princess!" "I'm playing a damn princess?" Laxus asked, glaring. "Well," Freed said , "You can either play a beautiful, dumb, princess, or the hideous, smart, prince." Laxus sighed. He knew Freed was the smartest person in the guild. Laxus wouldn't have made him Captain of the team if he wasn't. "I'll be the pretty princess. . ." Laxus grumbled, heading backstage with Freed. "There's a sentence I never thought I'd hear Laxus say." Bixlow mentioned. 
"Once upon a time, a little prince was born so ugly that the queen wasn't sure he was even human. But a fairy was there when he was born, and promised that he would be as smart as he was ugly, and blessed him with the power to give intelligence to the person he loved most in the world. The prince was named Tufty Ricky for the small tuft of hair on his head." Wendy began, "In a neighboring kingdom, a queen gave birth to two princesses. The older was beautiful, but the youngest was horribly ugly. The fairy was also present at that birth, and promised that the younger would be so witty, that no one would notice her lack of beauty. But the older would be dumb as can be. The fairy, however, blessed the older that whoever she loved most, would be as beautiful as she." 
"As the daughters grew, the mother praised the younger for her wit, but could not help but reproach the older for her stupidity." Wendy continued. "I don't like my part in this story." Laxus announced as he walked onstage and sat on the ground. "You chose it!" Mirajane reminded from the bar. Laxus flipped her off. 
"One day, the elder princess went into the woods to mourn her cruel fate, and that's where she met Tufty Ricky." Wendy added. Freed walked onstage and knelt at Laxus's side, "My good Sir, I must confess, I can't fathom why one with such beauty as yours could possibly be so unhappy." "That's very kind of you." Laxus said simply. He wouldn't meet the other's eyes. "Beauty," Freed continued, sitting by the slayer, "Is an asset. Why with a beauty like yours, nothing could trouble you so much." Laxus glared at him, " I would rather be as ugly and as smart as you, then as beautiful and stupid as me." he replied, bitterly. "Oh?" Freed asked, smiling fondly, "I happen to think that the greatest mark of intelligence, is believing you don't possess it. It is the very nature of smarts that the more one has- the less they believe they do." Freed declared dramatically, standing up to do so. 
Laxus just stared at the other in confusion. Freed quickly returned to the blonde's side, "If that is all that is troubling you, then I can easily put an end to your suffering." "How?" Laxus asked. "I have the power to give whomever I love most in this world intelligence. If you will marry me, you'll become the most intelligent person on this earth." Freed stood and turned his back to the other, "I'll give you one year to-" "Fuck it. Let's do it." Laxus said. Freed blinked, 'Uh. . . Alright. We'll get married in a year." With that, the two left the stage in opposite directions, and Wendy took over again. 
"The day after she met Tufty Ricky, the older princess was more intelligent. The kingdom loved her, and she had many suitors, but none were as intelligent as her. But one day she found a man that, while he wasn't as smart as Tufty Ricky- would do just fine, and she was debating whether to marry him. She didn't realize that it had been exactly one year since she had made the promise to Tufty Ricky. The princess was in the woods, thinking about what to do, when she found him again." Wendy narrated. 
Laxus walked onstage, staring at the ground thoughtfully as Freed bounded up to him, "Well, my love? Are you ready for the wedding?" the rune mage asked. "I gotta be honest with you- there's another guy I like." Laxus said bluntly, "And I know I promised to marry you- but I was dumb back then! And I'm having a hard time making a choice." he confessed. '"Well, let's make it easier then." Freed offered, "Apart from my ugliness, is there anything about me you do not like? Are you unhappy about my birth, my intelligence, my character, or my manners?" "No." Laxus answered, "I love all of those things about you- more than I love the other guy." "Then we have reason to rejoice." said Freed, "The same fairy that blessed me, blessed you. You can give the gift of beauty to the one you love most." Laxus shrugged, "If it is my gift to give, then I happily give it to you." 
"In that moment, Tufty Ricky appeared the handsomest man in the world." Wendy began again. Laxus opened his arms and Freed eagerly ran to his embrace. "There are some who say that there was no magic at work here and that love alone caused the transformation. The two were married and they all lived happily ever after- the end!" Wendy declared.  Freed was positively giddy as he exited the stage. 
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justjessame · 4 years
Dr. Tali Sullivan Chapter 29
Harvey felt my first real shiver from the cold, and helped me onto the porch. He pushed me toward the front door and promised that he’d be right behind me. I didn’t want to leave him alone with this John person, but Harvey knew guns and standing near one another, they were well matched physically.
I watched from behind the closed door, catching a word here and there, both men gesturing toward me and glares being tossed in both directions. Harvey was clearly telling the other man to go, that he wasn’t welcome, but I heard the stranger say Abi’s name and my blood ran cold.
Opening the door, I stepped back out, still in my winter coat and gloves. “Did you say ‘Abigail’?” I asked, staring down at the man who still hadn’t taken a step onto the porch. “How do you know my daughter’s name?”
“You mean OUR daughter, Tali,” and as I stared in horror at this man making such a completely ridiculous claim, he didn’t see Harvey’s fist coming until it made contact with the side of his face. Before he could retaliate, I yelled for the both of them to stop.
“I don’t know who you are, or why you’d make something so completely horrible up, but you need to leave. Now.” He stood his ground and I did something I hadn’t allowed myself to do for a long time. I prayed for Cas.
 He was beside me in a flash of light, eyes only on me, so he missed the two men staring one another down with clenched fists. “Tali?” Cas’ voice held concern and confusion. “What’s wrong?”
“You knew where she was?” It was the strange John that growled at my guardian angel. “You knew she was here, alive and well, raising MY fucking daughter?”
He didn’t take the first menacing step toward Castiel because Harvey blocked his path. “Think of that first punch as a warning,” he glared down at his doppelganger. “The next is gonna hurt a shit ton worse.”
Castiel was trying to keep my attention focused on him. “Tali, you need to calm down,” easier said than done, my stomach was in knots. “Think of-” his hand touched my coat where it covered the tiny one growing inside of me. “Please?”
I could feel his angelic power giving me a tiny shred of peace, but I was still worried that Harvey would be hurt. “Harvey? Come in the house with me, babe, please?” I wanted to lock this stranger and his anger out. I wanted to have my future husband holding me as we watched his truck drive away.
“Let me see our ‘guest’ out, sweetheart, and I’ll be right behind you.” Harvey promised, but John looked like it would take a LOT to ‘see’ him out. “Go, Tali, I’ll be right in.”
I watched him give Castiel a sidelong look, and the angel was helping me back over the threshold, shutting the door behind us. “We need to call Rowena, Tali, now.”
 I called the witch, Harvey was still outside when I heard her Scottish lilt added to the noise of their voices outside. Sighing, but knowing that Cas would probably restrain me to keep me calm if I tried to join them, I tried to make myself busy with making tea.
“Tali?” I didn’t turn toward the voice, afraid that it didn’t belong to Harvey. Then his arms wrapped around me and his lips were on my ear. “We’re at a stalemate, honey.” I sighed, wondering what the hell we were going to do, other than call the police and have this weird man removed. “Rowena has an idea.”
I turned in his arms and buried my face in his shirt covered chest, letting the beating of his heart and the scent of him calm me. “What’s the idea?”
 Rowena, it seemed, wanted to give me back a part of my life that I asked to be removed. At least temporarily. Just long enough for me and John to sit down and talk. Well, that’s what I agreed to, anyway. Anything to get him out of my hair and my life back to normal.
She touched my forehead, whispered words that I didn’t catch, and stared into my eyes to watch for the dawning of my memories to return. I felt every single piercing pain of loving John Winchester come rushing back in a flood. The first kiss, the last goodbye, every speck of any moment that we’d ever had all returned in living color. I felt like the air had been knocked out of me, and that I was dying all over again.
Tears streaming down my face, I watched as Harvey called for my first real love to walk back into my life. And I knew, it changed nothing. Not how I felt for Harvey, not how he felt for Mary, but definitely how Abi’s life may change from this moment on.
 Harvey refused to leave me, and for that I was more grateful than I could say. Holding my hand, he gestured for John to take a chair close, but not near enough to touch. Harvey’s thumbs brushed my tears away and he gave me a soft reassuring kiss, and when I turned back to John i noticed his fists were still clenched.
“How’s Mary?” I asked, thinking that reminding him of his wife and her return to the land of the living was worth the dig and would cool his irritation off. It didn’t have any effect on him, but I didn’t really care.
John didn’t look comfortable. He looked like a caged animal who wanted to pace and growl, but he managed to hold it in. Thinking about Harvey’s reaction on the porch, I thought it was a good idea myself.
“She’s fine.” He was glaring at Harvey’s hand curled protectively around my stomach, and he didn’t look all that happy about the way I was curved into his body. “Why did you purge-”
I gave a harsh chuckle that stopped him. “Why did I get rid of my memories of you and your family?” I wanted him to understand that to me, HIS family and MY family were completely opposite. “It made coming back more bearable. I wanted a fresh start, or fresher start.” I bit my lip. “And I have one, John, I have a new lease on life. A peaceful life.”
He sat back as if I’d punched him, as though my words hit harder than Harvey’s fist. “With him?” He gestured at Harvey with a just of his chin. I nodded as I felt Harvey’s grip tighten on me. John gave a soft snort. “He could BE me, Tali.”
I raised an eyebrow. “No, he couldn’t.” I knew that John was basing his belief on the way they looked, but that wasn’t the only thing I saw in Harvey. “Harvey loves me completely, John, not because I sacrificed anything for him. Not because he watched me grow up and saw my crush grow. Harvey loves me. He loves Abi. But the real difference between you and Harvey?” He was staring at me like he was seeing me for the very first time. “I’m Harvey’s Mary.”
I saw John’s Adam’s apple bob from the hard swallow he had to take. “That’s not fair, Tali.” I had trouble hearing him, he was so quiet. “I told you that-”
“That you loved me just as much as her?” I offered, fully capable of remembering every word he’d ever said to me now. “That you’d love me until I took my final breath? That I would be your ruin?” I nodded. “But you didn’t, John, not really. You didn’t want to see that I wasn’t even there those nine years you had me. That I wasn’t even THERE when you helped create Abi. You didn’t fight Castiel, did you? When I had him tell you not to come, not to visit, not to try to see her?” I shook my head and squeezed Harvey’s hand for strength. “You have Mary, John. You have Dean and Sam. You have the life you always wanted, the life that you saw when the djinn took you. Let me have Abi and Harvey. Let me have the life I want. I never asked you for anything, not really, but I am now. Leave us alone, let her have a father that has loved her since the first moment he laid eyes on her.”
His eyes were tight and I felt a tug of my own pain at hurting him. I just couldn’t let him back in. I couldn’t. “She’s my blood, Tali.” I huffed out a tiny breath of disbelief. “She is, and you-” he closed his eyes to gather his words. “You meant more to me than you think.”
“If I did?” His eyes met mine. “If you’re telling the truth and I meant so much, John, then let me and Abi go.” It hurt me more than I wanted to admit to, to push him away, but I had to. For my own sanity and his. “Let us have our new life, please?” I was begging, and I knew he could hear it in my voice.
“Can I see her?” Bargaining, John Winchester was trying to bargain. “Just once, Tali? Let me see my little girl and say goodbye?”
I agreed, but told him that it would have to wait until the next day. She was with her grandparents and I didn’t want John to have a punch to the other side of his face courtesy of my dad. Agreeing to meet the next day, in a neutral spot, John left even as I watched him struggle not to reach for me.
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