#she saw it on Facebook. so y’all post it on all of your socials but don’t send us an EMAIL? C’MONNNNN
digitaldollsworld · 8 months
School was closed yesterday due to inclement weather and, like a fool, since I didn’t get an email or a text alert about it I figured it wasn’t closed today. Well y’all won’t believe what happened next……..
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
the photoshoot: tom holland imagine
a/n | i got this idea from a facebook post i saw and ran with it! i’ve never included a photo story in my writing so i hope i didn’t botch it! my WIPs are all pretty angsty so i figured i’d fluff it up a little for y’all (also this gif amirite)
summary | you are picked for a social experiment: a couples’ photoshoot where you don’t meet the person you’re posing with until the beginning of the session.
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tom x fem reader | contains fluff, fluff, and more fluff | word count: 2.1k | enjoy!
“My god, just pick a dress, y/n. We’ve been here for hours.”
Your friend stood with her arms crossed as you studied yourself in the dressing room mirror, making faces of content then unrest, unsure if this dress was the one to go with- or if it could’ve been any of the last 15 you’d tried on.
“I can’t decide, maybe I just need to go through them again-”
“No!” your friend said, grabbing the pile of hanged clothes off of the hook on the wall and holding them out of your reach. “You’re overthinking this, it’s just a photoshoot! You don’t even know the guy! And the one you have on is obviously the best choice.”
You turned back to the mirror and stared at the starchy white fabric of the dress, its eyelet lace design making it a tight fit that accentuate your curves. You sighed in resignation. “Fine. But if the pictures come out and I look like a ghost, I’m blaming you.”
You took the outfit home and laid it out in preparation for tomorrow, kicking yourself for having signed up for this in the first place. After a long week, you only wanted to stay in your sweatpants in bed tomorrow instead of getting all dolled up to go take photos in cliche poses with a total stranger. You sent your friend a passive aggressive text about it, since she was the one who made you sign up for the ‘social experiment’, and all you received back was an annoyingly curt “you’ll thank me later”. You threw your phone aside and went to bed early, crossing your fingers that tomorrow would go by as quickly as possible. 
You arrived to the shoot location the next day- a vineyard an hour away that you got turned around twice trying to find. Once you stepped out of the car, the photographer came to greet you, a friendly woman in her mid thirties wearing all black and a massive camera swinging around her neck like an oversized necklace.
“Ah, y/n, thank you so much for coming! It seems like your partner is running a little behind, so we’ll just have to wait for a few,” she smiled bleakly, running away to ridicule one of the men setting up the reflective umbrellas.
“We want to capture the people, not the sun, Nicholas.”
You leaned against your car already annoyed at your partner for failing to show up. You had woken up two hours early to curl your hair and do a full face of makeup, and this is how you get rewarded? You swore up and down that you’d smack your friend when you saw her later. The photographer, whose name you learned was Karen—typical—brought you into a tangle of grapevines to test the lighting and shoot some practice photos. You were already horribly uncomfortable when it was just you standing alone, and couldn’t imagine how much worse it would be when another clueless anti-model had to pose next to you.
“Doll, just put your hand on your hip, like this-
“Well no, not like that—uh, Nicholas, can you go pose her?
“Just smile, dear. You look...really unhappy.”
It was nightmarish. 
You were saved by the bell as another car pulled into the lot and a guy of average height wearing a crisp blazer stepped out, wearing the snobbiest looking pair of wayfarers you’d ever seen. 
“Oh, great! Tom’s here,” Karen cheered, happy to rush away from the agonizing one-on-one session you’d just had. You looked at Nicholas, trying again to fix the umbrella.
“Tom?” you asked, and he just nodded. 
“Yeah, Tom Holland. Don’t know how she managed to get an A-lister out here for this, but that’s Karen,” he responded, walking away.
Wait, what?
Karen waltzed back over to you with him in tow, a smile plastered on her face so big you thought the one she flashed you earliest must’ve been entirely insincere.
“Great! Here we are! y/n, this is Tom,” she said, pushing him forward to stand in front of you. He gave you a bright smile and stuck out his hand.
“Pleasure to meet you, love.”
You shook his hand without speaking because you literally had forgotten how to breathe. This was your stranger? You’d had the biggest, most incurable crush on Tom Holland since you were a teenager, and all of your social skills that you’d picked up as an adult had clearly just evaporated in the sun.
“Uh, hi-” Karen and Tom shared a laugh at your starstruck expression. “Sorry, do you two know each other?”
“Yeah, Karen and I go way back,” Tom said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and squeezing her tight. “She taught me how to model.”
“Well, it’s not hard when you have this face to work with!” She pinched Tom’s cheeks and grinned, then looked you up and down, reminding you with a glance how hard it had been just to get you to smile for the camera without looking deranged. Ouch, Karen.
“Okay, well, let’s get started then,” she skipped off back to the rows of vines lining the field and Tom ushered you with his hand. “After you,” he smiled. 
You tried not to stumble over your heels stepping in the uneven earth below you, and Karen brought the camera up to her face with a squeal. “Alright, sweeties, let’s make the camera think you’re falling in love!” Karen, you decided, was an extremely over-the-top human. “This is your meet cute. You’re just seeing each other for the first time. Make it sparkle.”
That was all she gave you direction-wise, and you and Tom just stood staring at each other a few feet apart as the camera started clicking. The shade of your cheeks made it look like you’d just run a marathon and you just started giggling out of sheer nerve, making Tom start to work up a laugh, too. 
“She’s a bit much, isn’t she?” he motioned with his eyes so Karen couldn’t pick up on his comment.
“I don’t even know what she wants me to do.” you said, concentrating on a bushel of grapes instead of Tom’s dreamy face because you were worried if you spent more than three seconds looking into his eyes, you’d pass out cold.
“Well I’m basically a pro at this, so let me help you, okay?” he said, reaching out for your hand again. You took it as your heart did somersaults in your chest, and as he exclaimed “ooh, nice nails”, you genuinely smiled, giving Karen exactly the shot she wanted. 
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Your hand was shaking, and he gave it a gentle squeeze. “Why are you so nervous?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I’m absolutely clueless!”
Tom shrugged and looked off to the side. “Well, you said it, not me...”
You gasped and feigned offense, whipping your hand out of his. “How dare you!”
He laughed and tried to take your hand again, but you dramatically swiped your arm out of his reach, and the camera picked up a series of shots that made it look like you and Tom were playing ninja. 
“Uh, what are we doin’ here, folks?” Karen questioned as you and Tom ran in circles around one another, him trying to get at your hands and you doing everything in your power not to let it happen. Your nerves melted away as the endorphins kicked in. Eventually Tom gave up and decided to grab hold of you, pick you up and twirl you around, in the chaos yelling “We need to please the Karen!”. You were laughing and out of breath from running around, and you slowly lowered your head to his, the look in his eyes reading that he was about to kiss you...
“That was amazing!” Karen squealed, shaking you from Tom’s mesmerizing stare, pushing the moment past you. Tom let you down to the ground, both of you shocked that he’d made such a bold move in the first place. He wiped his hands on the legs of his pants and cleared his throat as you fiddled with some of the curls that had come loose around your face. Karen couldn’t be happier; the money shot came out looking like a magazine ad.
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 Tom gave you a sheepish smile. “Uh, sorry if that was too-”
“It wasn’t,” you batted your lashes at him and could’ve sworn his cheeks were tinted just as pink as yours.
Karen’s loud voice pitched in as you had ended up standing still, a photographer’s worst nightmare.
“Okay, so we’ve met, now show me that chemistry!” she shouted, getting an eye roll from you and a snicker from Tom at your reaction. 
“Is she expecting us to fall madly in love now that we’ve known each other for more than five minutes?” you asked, fluffing out the skirt of your dress.
“Weirder things have happened,” Tom shrugged his shoulders and winked at you before turning around and walking towards a cluster of vines, picking off a grape and popping in his mouth with a satisfying crunch.
“Oh, are we allowed to eat them? I’m dying out here in the sun!” You followed his pattern and picked a few grapes out of the brambles, noticing a few rows away that there was a small table with two glasses and a bottle of wine. Tom followed your gaze to the alcohol and looked back at you, his expression reflecting exactly what you were thinking.
“Can I buy you a drink?” he smirked.
You collectively ignored Karen’s remarks as you wandered to the table and filled the glasses.
“Are we sure this is here for us?” you looked around skeptically. 
“I have no idea, darling. Cheers.”
You sat down in the grass and clinked the flutes together, still unable to believe this was really happening to you. You and Tom started to talk about nothing, already feeling a thousand times more comfortable around each other, bonding over this shared weird experience—and the fresh off-the-vine wine certainly didn’t hesitate to calm your nerves.
As Tom was leaning closer to you, gaze notably flicking from your eyes to your lips, Karen snuck up to you—pretending to be a grape?—and snapped photos of your impromptu picnic. 
“Just adorable,” she murmured, and you almost spilled your wine because of how startled you were. Damnit, Karen, you keep ruining the moment. But she didn’t think twice about the interruption; she almost had tears in her eyes because of how perfect the shots were.
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You both sat up and away from one another, feeling stiff now that a lens was pointed at you.
“Well, don’t stop on my account!” she chortled, wholly unaware her debut was what killed the vibe.
Tom stood up and offered his hand to help you stand, not immediately letting it go as you wandered to a different part of the sunny vineyard. You pushed the photographer out of your mind as you chatted again, bumping each other’s shoulders as you walked and not minding it a bit. Every time you saw a certain glint in Tom’s eyes, any moment he caught you looking, there could’ve been a spark there that ignited something more. But you were constantly interrupted by shutter clicks, yells at Nicholas, and annoying directing interjections by the appropriately-named Karen.
At one point, Tom had clearly had enough of the pestering, and took your hand, pulling you into an array of closely packed trees so you couldn’t be found. 
“Woah- what are you doing?” you asked, confused at the sudden change of scenery.
“Guys? Where did you go?” You heard a shrill voice coming from outside the trees, and Tom attempted to shush you by pulling you close into his body and covering half your face with his hand. 
“Shut up shut up shut-”
You heard Karen’s voice grow quieter as she searched in the opposite direction.
“Tom!” you chuckled, prying his fingers off of your cheek. “You’re going to smear my makeup!”
“It’s not like you need it, y/n,” he said without thinking, attention still focused on hiding.
Your whole face grew hot and you couldn’t help but smile like a complete fool. When he looked down at your reaction, he noticed the weight in what he’d said, and made the cutest giggle you’d ever heard, trying to avert the focus from his compliment.
“Sorry, I just couldn’t handle another photo directive being shouted in my ear,” he breathed while pushing his hair back out of his eyes in some devilishly handsome way. You were still clutching the hand that had been on your face, and Tom looked down to interlock his fingers with yours.
“You do know we’re at a photoshoot, right?”
He playfully shoved your shoulder with his free hand at your sassy comment.
“Just saying, I thought you were a pro-”
You heard the photographer’s voice come into the foreground again and you abruptly ran as fast as you could with heels on, still holding Tom’s hand as you trailed behind him. You found yourselves in an even more tightly packed bramble of trees, facing each other with barely a grapevine’s width between you. 
“Oh, you have a stick in your hair,” you whispered, reaching up to pick a tiny branch out of his curls. As you looked from his hair to his eyes, he was staring deeply into yours, prompting you to leave your hand resting at the back of his neck. 
Wordlessly, he leaned in and kissed you in one fell swoop, and you thought you might implode on the spot when his lips came in contact with your own. He tasted like cologne and crisp grape juice and it was a mixture of scents you hoped would never leave your nose—just the way he kissed you so sweetly made you want to bathe in the stuff.
When he pulled back, he brought your intertwined fingers up to cup your cheek, and you let your hand rest on the back of his as you tilted your head to instigate another kiss, still enjoyably dizzied from the one before. 
Tom let his mouth linger over yours after another long kiss before coming up for air again, and you could see his eyes wrinkling at the corners, knowing he was smiling without being able to see the rest of his face.
“You know, I was hesitant to do the whole ‘stranger photoshoot’ thing, but now I’m pretty happy I was able to be convinced.” He sighed contently.
“This was more of a stranger hide-and-go-seek than a photoshoot, I feel like,” you spoke from your lighthearted chest in airy breaths and moved to lock lips again, unable to get enough of your stranger. He put his hand on the small of your back and leaned you backward, deepening the already electric hold he had on you.
“I don’t want you to be a stranger anymore, darling,” he mumbled against you, sending vibrations through you with his voice. You just whispered a soft “okay”, lost for words, as his mouth touched your cheek, your jaw, and then back to your lips for more of your wine-infused kisses. You were wishing this moment could last forever, Tom holding you and sending shivers down your spine, right as you heard a click and saw the bright white flash of a bulb. 
“Jesus, Karen!”
But she didn’t care that you were mad; her experiment had worked, she’d gotten her strangers together—and just look at that shot.
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foxy-exy · 4 years
Strange Engagement - Kevaaron
Prompt from here 09. we’re strangers who meet at a bar, get drunk, and wake up to announcements of our new engagement all over our social media - what did we do???
cw: alcohol use, blacking out, vomit mention, the vaguest suggestions of sexual content — also take note that sexual content happens while both of them are drunk, fyi
Finished this finally for a late bday present for @starsandgutters !!
Aaron does not get blackout drunk. Well, not anymore. It’s a rule he’s set for himself.
But damn if his recent breakup with Katelyn, who was supposed to be the love of his life, hasn’t hit him hard. And fuck if this man that took up residence next to him at the bar two hours ago isn’t infuriating enough to have Aaron’s pride on the fucking line here.
“You can’t take another,” snorts the asshole. Keegan. No, Kelvin. No…
“Fuck you, Kevin,” slurs Aaron, and feels the world spin a little, but the name is right. That’s right. Kevin Day. Some kind of sports guy, Aaron thinks he’s seen him on TV sometime or another. But that doesn’t mean shit for his ability to out-drink Aaron.
Aaron can so take another shot.
“Prove it,” Kevin sneers, and Aaron growls.
Aaron smacks the bar top, and the bartender, Roland, skeptically eyes them both, but Aaron’s a regular and they’re old friends, so Aaron merely has to glare back and gesture impatiently for Roland to slide another shot his way.
Aaron downs it without pause, and there’s laughter, hooting, from onlookers he didn’t know he had. He swallows against the burn and flicks a glance to more strangers, grinning and nodding at him, flashing thumbs up and pumping fists. He manages a jerky nod before spinning back to Kevin, swaying slightly. “I did it. Can you, big shot?”
Not the wittiest one liner he’s ever delivered, especially with all his syllables melding together as his mouth refuses to work with him, but Kevin also seems slightly off-balance as he turns to Roland, nodding for his next round.
“I absolutely should cut you both off before you start brawling,” sighs Roland, pouring another shot. “You’re lucky I’m an enabler.”
“Three more,” blurts Aaron, as Kevin gulps down his tiny glass. “Unless you can’t handle it.”
“You’re tiny, you’re the one who should be worried,” spits Kevin, though it’s hoarse through the alcohol.
“Oh my god,” Roland says, as he pours the shots and shoves them in front of them both, walking away with his hands up. “I’m done with you both for tonight.”
“Bet you you’ll still tap out before me,” Aaron says challengingly, narrowing his eyes up at Kevin, watching the too-tall man narrow his own green eyes back, the lights of the club catching on the tiny number 2 tattoo on his cheekbone, the tendrils of black hair springing free from his quiff. Aaron blinks away his wandering gaze, realizing Kevin is lifting another shot to his lips, and reaches to do the same, the fire of competition spurring him on.
The trickles of light and sound filter through warm, hazy drunkenness. Aaron is wrapped up in something skin-hot and sweat-sticky, hair between his fingers and another pair of lips melded to his and he cannot think, the wall unyielding at his back and the floor unreachable as his legs wrap around hips.
“Fuck,” mumbles a male voice, into his mouth, and Aaron hums in agreement, lazily tightening his hold and letting a hand fall down the back of his makeout partner, digging his fingernails into a crisp shirt and scratching.
The man — Aaron lets his eyes flutter open as the pair of them part for a moment of breath — Kevin, Kevin Day, shudders against him at the rough treatment and lets his head fall to where Aaron’s shoulder meets his neck, mouthing at the skin there, and Aaron responds with his own shiver.
He falls back into Kevin’s lips with a tug at his hair to drag him back up, and Aaron blacks back out at the kiss.
“We should get married.”
“That’s so stupid, that’s a terrible idea. Just because you’re hot doesn’t mean —”
“But you’re getting over your ex too. You know what would stick it to our exes? Getting fucking engaged.”
“You’re out of it, I can’t get publicly engaged to a man. I’d get os — ostra — I’d get bad press.”
“Fuck that, who cares. Buy me a ring, asshole, you’re rich.”
“Fuck, fine. Fine, I will, if you do that again.”
“Shit, Kevin.”
Aaron’s head pounds a terrible rhythm, and he thinks perhaps he attempted to drink sand last night. There’s no other way his mouth and throat would be this awful, gritty texture.
The nausea that hits a moment later threatens to bring up whatever he had last swallowed, and he spills out of bed to stumble-sprint to the toilet.
When he finally hobbles back to the bedroom with the speed of an especially slow zombie, he stops dead when he finds the form of another person burrowed into his pillow.
Kevin Day groans when Aaron pulls the pillow away from him, shielding his eyes from the bedroom light, and squints up at him like he, too, is not sure how he got there.
“A-Aaron?” he finally ventures.
“Congrats, you remember my fucking name. Get out of my bed.”
Kevin does not, in fact, get out of his bed, simply blinks down at his own shirtlessness, lifts the sheet to apparently check on whether he is wearing pants. (Aaron is suspiciously only in his boxers, and he suspects Kevin is too.) “What happened last night?”
“Guess I was stupid and lonely enough to bring you back to my apartment, for some reason.” Aaron rolls his eyes. Why he allowed himself to reach that drunken point in the first place is beyond him. He can’t remember the last time he allowed himself to actually check another man out, let alone…
He realizes suddenly that the terribly shrill ringing he’s heard several times now is his phone, muffled underneath fabric somewhere on the floor of his room. Someone’s calling him.
It takes him several minutes to find the source of the noise, but the mystery caller keeps redialing when the call drops. When Aaron recovers his phone, it’s with an awful sinking feeling that he sees TWIN MENACE blinking across the screen.
Andrew does not call him for no reason.
“Hello?” he mumbles into the phone, and there is an awful silence for a minute on Andrew’s end.
“Care to tell me, oh brother mine, what exactly happened that made you post what you did on Facebook last night?”
Aaron’s stomach drops yet lower. He feels dizzy. “What?”
“Nicky’s been calling you, and when you didn’t pick up, he started calling me. What the fuck did you do?”
“W-what did I do?” Aaron stabs the speakerphone button to pull his phone from his ear and navigate to Facebook. His notifications are blowing up, all over a photo he definitely doesn’t remember posting.
It takes a moment to load when he opens it, and the sound he makes when it does makes Kevin wince and cover his ears.
Kevin and Aaron are very deeply and disgustingly making out, and Aaron is holding a middle finger up to the camera. His left middle finger. And below that middle finger, a ring sits on his finger.
An engagement ring. That is still on his ring finger when Aaron looks down at it.
The caption reads, fuck y’all we’re getting married.
“You fucking proposed to me?” he yells at Kevin, who had been squinting one open eye at him, leaning forward to listen.
Kevin falls out of bed in a tangle of long limbs, with his own squawk. “What?”
“I have an engagement ring. I posted that we’re getting married. Oh my god.”
“Dumbass,” is barely audible from the phone speaker, and then the call disconnects.
“Wait,” Kevin mumbles, rubbing his head and trying to navigate sheets that are still wrapped around him. “Wait, no. You proposed to me. You started this. I know that much. I thought it was a bad idea.”
“Obviously not enough to not get me a ring.”
“Quiet,” Kevin pleads.
“What were we thinking?” Aaron tugs on his hair. He’s not sure how it took him so long to notice the ring’s presence in the first place, it feels unbearably heavy on his finger now.
“You wanted to get back at your ex. And mine. We both were upset about our breakups,” Kevin reasons out slowly, eyes fixing on nothing as he appears to search his memory. “We had a drinking competition, and then, we started dancing, and then venting about our exes, and then we started…making out. It gets pretty fuzzy, but. You said we should get married, I didn’t think so. But you, uh. Convinced me.”
“How do I delete this? Fuck.” The exponentially growing number of comments of absolutely everyone he knows on the Facebook post blurs in front of his eyes.
Whoa, that’s a surprise. Happy for you!
Who’s the fiancé???
Didn’t realize you were with this guy now. Congrats on the engagement!
 Classmates, coworkers, distant family, and…
Aaron, what the fuck.
Aaron throws the phone in a knee-jerk reaction, his brain narrowing to the tiny profile picture on the screen. Katelyn.
Kevin catches the phone in the same instinctive way, eyes wide as he stares at Aaron.
“She knows. She knows.”
“My ex, my… Katelyn. She saw. She’ll never take me back now. God, she thinks we’re…”
“Did you think she was going to?” Kevin asks incredulously. Like he fucking knows anything about Aaron and Katelyn’s relationship.
“She could have realized! That we were good! That she missed me! She could have —” Aaron’s throat closes over, and he realizes with horror that he is probably about to cry.
“Aaron.” Kevin still looks sickly pale, maybe a little green around the edges, but he nonetheless kind of crawls across Aaron’s bedroom floor to sit in front of him. Now that he’s extricated himself from the sheets, Aaron can see that he is indeed only wearing a very small pair of boxer-briefs. “She wasn’t going to. You were complaining about how your relationship had been, towards the end. It’s good you broke up.”
Aaron swallows back a lump in his throat and blinks away burning, shoving his fist into Kevin’s chest. “Shut up.”
Kevin looks down and takes Aaron’s fist in his own hands, uncurling it and contemplating the ring he’d apparently bought last night as he plays with Aaron’s fingers absently. “I miss my ex too. But she wasn’t good for me. We weren’t… it wasn’t very healthy, how we got together. And we didn’t know how to be healthy once we got out of that situation either.”
“Now look at us,” Aaron huffs sarcastically. “Oh-so-healthily drunk engaged.”
Kevin’s lips twitching into a involuntary smile is unexpectedly attractive, and the dark eyebrow he raises pulls a snort from Aaron that morphs into a giggle, and then Kevin snickers, and then they’re both laughing and staring at this fucking ridiculous ring that’s caused way too much trouble.
“It’s gaudy,” Aaron announces, when they’ve laughed themselves out. “You have no taste.”
“It’s expensive,” Kevin protests, immediately up in arms. “Look at how many diamonds there are.”
“Oh, of course you’d think bigger is better,” Aaron snarks, and Kevin glares at him, and Aaron shoves him back, raising his own eyebrows, but he can’t drop the grin curling across his face.
“You weren’t complaining last night,” Kevin returns, but before Aaron can toss one more flirty line thinly veiled as an insult back at him, another ringtone sounds from across the room.
Kevin turns toward the sound too fast and groans, hand lifting to his mouth queasily as he picks his way over to his own pants to fish out his phone. It cuts off just as he reaches it, but Kevin blinks down at his own screen, looking a little too off-balance.
“What’s wrong?” Aaron asks.
“I think I… I think I posted something too. Christ.”
“Oh, so it’s all fine and good by you that I posted something, but when you’re the one making a fool of yourself, you think —”
“I could lose my contract.”
Aaron blinks. “Right. Playing…”
Kevin looks scandalized. “Exy? Do you not even know?”
“Forgive me for not knowing every detail of my fiancé’s life when I met you last night and forgot more than I remember of our encounter.”
Kevin appears slightly dead inside, face lit by countless popups his eyes flick through on screen. “My team manager has been texting me. If I lose my spot, I’m —”
 Aaron steps closer to peer at the texts, too. “Can they do that? That shouldn’t be allowed.”
Kevin turns a glazed gaze on him. “Exy is everything to me.”
Aaron feels a pang at the look, feels inexplicably compelled to fix it. “Well… we’re not even actually getting married, so it doesn’t matter, right? Just tell them that. Who cares?”
“It may be too late,” Kevin says in a terrible, numb voice, and Aaron is suddenly very deeply determined that it will not be too late to save his poor, sports-obsessed, asshole sort-of-fake fiancé’s career or so help him God.
“Give me that.”
“What are you doing?” Kevin asks helplessly as Aaron clicks through the frantic texts from Manager to the contact information.
“Setting the record straight,” Aaron says firmly, and hits the call button.
You can find more AFTG fics on my AO3, ihaveacleverfandomurl, linked in my bio!
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eloquent--asshole · 4 years
My Date With the President’s Son Volume 2
a/n: So I just want to say WOW y’all have been so patient waiting for this. I was not expecting to get so many messages for a part 2 and I really appreciate everyone who has read or sent an ask! And I’ve been sitting on it for the last couple weeks because I wanted it to be well.. in my eyes, perfect. I hope you all enjoy :)
If you’ve missed it you can read Volume 1 here
I don’t remember how long I stood in that hallway in the White House. I don’t remember when I let my tears start falling. I don’t remember when Niall came around the corner and enveloped me in a hug. I don’t even remember what I saw on the drive home when my vision was blurred with tears.
What I remembered is how Harry’s normally olive eyes turned black. How his voice shook me like I was experiencing an earthquake. I remember how tight my chest felt hearing how upset he was. And I remember my breath leaving my body as I heard his bedroom door slam shut.
What once was Niall’s hard and cold attitude toward me turned warm and gentle when he dropped me off. “We’ll figure it out, okay? He just needs some time to calm down. I’ll talk to him” I recall him whispering, giving me one last hug before I got out of his car.
Sunday came and went as I laid in my bed, not daring to check my phone for any potential messages from Thompson.
“Hey, Y/N.” I glanced over my blankets to see Derek, Summer’s boyfriend, standing in my doorway. I moved my gaze back to the wall, barely acknowledging his presence.
I hadn’t told Summer or Ashlie about what had happened. All I said was that whatever Harry and I had was over. I heard Derek sigh before coming to take a seat next to me on my bed.
“How are you?” his voice was tender, like it scared him thinking I may throw a punch. I like Derek. He’s always been kind. When he and Summer started dating in college, he fit right in with our tight-knit group. He always knew what to say to Ashlie or me when one of his fraternity brothers would piss us off and helped us pass our chemistry exams.
“I’m okay,” I sighed, pushing the blankets from my chest. “I’ve been better.”
“Summer and Ashlie are worried about you, you know.” He placed a hand on my shoulder and quirked a grin, “Said they haven’t seen you like this since Professor Neuman wouldn’t let you take that final you missed.”
I cracked a smile with him. Of course that’s what they would compare this to. “Okay, Professor Neuman knew how badly I needed to pass that class.” I looked down at my hands sitting on my lap, “Besides, she was a bitch.” I mumbled.
He let out a cackle, “Yeah, that she was, kid. That she was.” I noticed Derek fiddling with his thumbs, avoiding eye contact with me. “Look, Y/N, I’m by no means a love expert. But whatever happened, and whatever will happen, I know that you’re tough and you can handle it. You work for the fucking FBI, dude. You need to remember who you are.”
“Derek, that’s the problem right now. I don’t know who I am. I took a mission thinking it would be a breeze because my boss and team had my back. And it blew up in my face when I couldn’t keep my personal life separate.” I paused so I could sit up against my headboard. “Am I really the girl that can’t keep up with the guys because I’m emotional? Niall has been working with Harry since President Styles got into office. How can I – “ My eyebrows scrunched, and I shook my head, trying to find the words. “I don’t want my personal and work life to be so tangled.”
Derek kept his gaze steady on me while taking in the information I just unleashed. “Okay… So untangle it.” My eyes flicked to meet his.
“You heard me. Untangle it. Separate those again and come back to it.” With that, he got up and headed for the door. “Also, do you want some pizza? One’s being delivered in about 5.” I could only nod in response, still taking in his advice.
Thompson called me later that Sunday night. Should I even answer? “Hello?” I greeted Mr. Thompson.
“Hey, kid.” His voice was eerily quiet. “Niall called me.” Oh, great. Niall told Thompson everything. “He told me Harry found out… About the mission.” I felt the confusion cover my face, my mouth went dry, and a clammy feeling started on my palms.
“Oh, Mr. Thompson I – ”
“So here’s what we’re going to do,” Thompson interrupted, “While I’m working on damage control this week, you’ll still be working. But I’m going to stick you on desk duty for the time being.” He grumbled. What? Not fired? “We’ll discuss your employment next week after we’re finished with damage control.” There it is.
When Thompson hung up, I lay my phone back on the nightstand. I had a few notifications from Ashlie and Summer asking if I wanted to talk, which I ignored. I should go for a run or to the gym. Something, Y/N. Something.
Walking into work was terrifying on Monday. Eyes followed me around the office as I went to my desk. I settled in and turned on my monitor.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” I looked up to see Thompson standing next to my desk.
“Mr. Thompson,” I welcomed him.
“Miss. Y/L/N, we’re moving you for the week.” What? “We’ll be sticking you in an office. Just for your peace of mind.” I nodded my head and picked up my bag to follow him down the hall.
We stepped into a compact room near the back of the office. The office filled with filing cabinets and papers askew from other workers. Thompson gave me a curt nod and excused himself to go back to work.
Sighing, I set my bag on the desk. The wavering lights were dim, almost dim enough to hurt my eyes. I turned on the monitor and logged into the database. Desk duty is probably the worst thing to do. All you do is research. Although, researching criminals sometimes got interesting.
I researched some of our most wanted suspects, finding where they were living, what they were doing, anything I could find. I came across a file that particularly caught my interest. Greg Patterson – Attempted assassination. Why haven’t I heard of this? Maybe it’s from a long time ago.
As I dug deeper into the file, I noticed that he had a connection to Harry, and to the government. Greg was a congressman’s son. Unfortunately for me the file didn’t have much in it except some basic information and a picture.
Last known location: New Orleans, Louisiana – December 2018.
Wanted for: Attempted assassination.
Reward: $1,000,000
I started looking at Harry’s social media connections, checking Facebook friends, Twitter followers, Instagram followers, everything.
Harry had posted nothing in the last week. Harry’s always on social media. I would know.
I scrolled through Harry’s Twitter followers, a username catching my eye. G_Pattsy. I clicked on the profile and was met with a picture of a single emerald eye; I looked back at the computer to compare the colors. Greg’s pictured shows that he has brown eyes, not green. I looked harder at the picture. Wait. That’s Harry’s eye.
I scrolled to the most recent update. It was a picture of the Washington Monument saying So good to be home😈.
Not good, Y/N, not good.
I printed the documents I had up and grabbed them, immediately going to Thompson’s office. The door was slightly cracked.
“Mr. Horan,” I heard Thompson’s gruff voice, “I don’t understand what you’re saying.” I peeked into the room to see Niall standing in front of Thompson’s desk and Thompson facing the windows overlooking the 695.
“Sir,” Niall’s voice shook, “I haven’t seen him in two days. I don’t know where he could be.”
Haven’t seen who? Harry?
“Then you better fucking find him. You better get the entire TEAM sweeping this city to track him down!” Thompson roared. His voice ringing through my ears, and I’m sure Niall’s.
“Yes, sir.” I scurried from the doorway and hid behind a file cabinet. I watched Niall exit Thompson’s office and rush out of the building. My thoughts whirled to Harry. Where is he? I should call him…
I waited a minute before deciding to interrupt Thompson with this information I just found on Greg Patterson.
“Come in,” Thompson demanded after my soft knock. His face lightened only a bit when I entered the room. “Miss. Y/L/N, what do you need?” His voice is dismissive. He’s not happy with you. What had been Thompson’s relaxed demeanor from our time on the mission was replaced by his original hard exterior.
“Mr. Thompson,” I started, walking over to the empty chairs and taking a seat, “I was doing some research and I think there may be a potential threat to the Presidential family.” Thompson’s brows drew together, taking on a frustrated expression.
“What are you talking about, Y/L/N.” Thompson’s voice was so low, I almost couldn’t hear it over the soft hum of the air conditioning.
“Does the name Greg Patterson sound familiar?” Thompson glanced at the papers in my hand and reached for them. He started flipping through the few papers I brought with me before meeting my gaze.
“What did you find?” He interrogated.
“I believe he’s back in D.C,” I informed him, thinking of the picture printed on the page with the screenshot of his Twitter update.
“Damn it.” Thompson reached for the phone on his desk and began dialing numbers. “You’re dismissed, Miss. Y/L/N.” I hesitated to get up from the chair. I found this information. I want to help. “Miss. Y/L/N,” Thompson stopped me, “Have you been in contact with Mr. Styles as of late?” I shook my head. He nodded and motioned for me to leave. “Get me Joe.” I heard him bark into the phone as I shut the door.
If it was two weeks ago, I’d be seeing Harry after work. This week, after work, I would go home and sulk in bed.
On Thursday night, I finally decided I should do something instead of sulking about how I failed. How I failed the director of the FBI because I couldn’t keep it together. How I failed Harry because of my lies. But most importantly, how I failed myself by putting my job above my feelings and letting it interfere with my personal life.
I got up and grabbed my leggings with the pistol holster in the back. I slipped the one I kept in my drawer into its holder. They trained us to carry a gun at all times. Whether it’s in my purse, my boot, or my waistband. I always had it. Harry never knew you had a gun on you.
I looked over to the hoodie laying over my chair. It’s Harry’s. I wonder if he wants his clothes back. A few times when he was over, he brought an extra shirt, hoodie, sweatpants, because “I think you’d look fantastic in my clothes.” Well, he wasn’t wrong. I grabbed the hoodie and tossed it to the pile of his things lying in the corner of my room.
I went to my closet and pulled out a long sleeve NASA t-shirt to slip over my head. Why didn’t I just become an astronaut?
“Hi, you!” Summer welcomed me happily when I walked into the kitchen area. She turned to face me, and I caught Ashlie’s eyes from her position on the couch. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, I’m going to go for a run. I’ll be back,” I stated, opening the front door and shutting it behind me. I could just make out Summer and Ashlie having a conversation through the door, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying.
I let my feet carry me closer to the downtown area, my music blaring in my ears. I ran past an alley and saw a man limp against the brick wall. He was being cornered by 3 others in black jackets, hats, and I could just make out sunglasses covering their eyes from one that was slightly turned to the side. I came to a stop just past the alley and took my headphones out. I noticed I was stood next to an entry of a bar. I listened to see if I needed to intervene.
“Come on, Styles. We know you’ve got something on you. What is it?” The voice was muffled from facing the other direction, but it was hard, callous, and aggressive. Harry? I reached around my back and grabbed my gun, peeking around the corner of the building into the alley. I looked at the ground to see if there were rocks that would shuffle as I stepped forward.
How stupid are they? Not one of them is facing the street to see if anyone is coming by. My eyes wandered around them, not seeing any guns or knives.
“I don’t have anything, I swear.” Harry pleaded. His face was cast at the ground. He was clutching his shoulder. “Greg, I swear.” Greg? Greg Patterson? Oh, God. Help me.
I took a few more steps, so I was standing about 6 feet away and raised my gun, pointed at the man talking.
“Step away from the boy,” I muttered. Harry’s head snapped in my direction. His eyes looked thankful to see someone standing there but grew withdrawn when he saw it was me. Greg slowly turned to face me. A lopsided grin taking over his features.
He twisted his torso to face Harry again, “Hey, isn’t this that girl you were seeing for a bit? Turned out to be a narc?” He took a stride towards me, “What’re you gonna do about it baby girl?” he belittled, lifting his shirt to let the light glimmer off a knife sticking in his waistband.
“Unless you want me to shoot you, I suggest you get out of here,” I said, my voice turning hostile.
“You wouldn’t dare.” He taunted, taking another step toward me.
“Oh, yeah?” I quickly pointed my gun at the ground a foot in front of him and shot. The fire rang in my ears, “Do you seriously want to test me?”
The two other men grabbed him by the arms and started dragging him out of the alley passed me. “You will regret doing that, bitch!” I heard him yell. They started running when I aimed at the wall and released another bullet. I glanced at Harry, who was still slack against the brick wall.
“Harry,” I rushed to his side. “Are you okay?” I gripped his arm and went to put it around my shoulders.
“You didn’t have to do that,” He griped, pulling himself out of my grasp.
“Oh yeah, and let them kill you? No way.” I laughed sarcastically. Harry started walking towards the street, rubbing his shoulder.
“They weren’t going to kill me,” He brushed off.
“Harry, that guy had a knife,”
“A little nick is nothing compared to what I’ve been through recently.” He paused. Ouch. “What are you even doing here? What, did Thompson send you here or something?” His tone was demanding,
“What? No. I’m just out.”
“Sure you just happen to be passing a bar I used to frequent. And just so happen to make an appearance when I catch a bit of trouble?” His interrogation sent a chill down my spine. He turned on his heel to look at me, inches from my face. “I didn’t need you to defend me.”
“Harry, what are you even doing here? Without security? Your entire team has been looking for you for four days! And I was just trying to help…” I whispered, my eyes falling to the ground.
“I don’t need your help, okay?” His voice rattled my eardrums. I took an involuntary step back. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. His eyes were glowering, fixed on mine. “I think you’ve done enough ‘help’ in my life. And I certainly do not need your permission, or Niall’s, to leave my own fucking house.” He spat, turning toward the street again.
“Say what you want, okay?” I said, my voice shaky, tears brimming my eyes. “But I care about you, Harry. I wanted to tell you! I have cared about you the entire time. You were and are getting back to being an absolute mess, Harry. Okay, maybe I was used as a prop by the FBI, but –“
“See that’s just it, Y/N,” Harry turned to face me again. His eyes soft, glistening with a few tears. “They used you as a prop. You used me to advance yourself. I thought,” He paused and ran a hand through his long locks, looking at the ink shaded sky. “I thought you were feeling the same thing I was.”
“I was!” I shout, not caring if any passer-byes could hear me. “I was feeling the same thing you were! I wanted to tell you everything! I –“ I took a deep breath to compose myself and looked into his darkened eyes – “I was scared.” I admitted, my voice lowering to a mumble. My eyes flashed around the alley, not daring to meet his gaze.
“Scared of what?” He questioned, furrowing his brows. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. “Of Thompson?”
“No?” He affirmed, confused. “Then what were you so afraid of?”
“Well, yes. Thompson. But I was afraid of you…” My voice trailed; my eyes fixed on the pavement between us.
“Me?” He brought his palm to his chest “You were scared of me?!” His tone deepened. “What did you think? That I’d have you fired or something?”
That was something I hadn’t thought of. Can Harry have me fired? Did he have that much say in the FBI staff?
“I was scared,” I played with the hem of my shirt, “It scared me to think that you’d wonder if everything I told you was a lie. And I was scared you’d be done with me, and that you’d just…” I briefly met his expressionless gaze before settling it back on the ground, “Just walk away without getting a chance to know me. The real me.”
“Well,” Harry stiffened. “I’m sure we’re both glad we don’t have to worry about that anymore.” My gaze snapped to his. “I know exactly who you are, you’re nothing but a con artist who got exactly what you wanted.” He turned his back to me and walked out to the street.
“This is not what I wanted!” I called, he stopped in his tracks, “At the end of the day, I wanted you to know the Y/N that is compassionate and strong. I wanted you to know the Y/N that started falling for the kind, caring and utterly incredible man that you are.” Without a response, he kept moving. I waited for him to round the corner before following. I watched as his back disappeared into the boisterous bar.
I stood on the sidewalk for a couple of minutes before deciding he wasn’t coming out. I turned on my heel to continue my jog home.
My heart began racing like never before every time I thought about going into work on Monday morning. Meeting with Thompson. The looks I would get from my colleagues as I packed up my desk. The only contact I’ve had with Thompson since Tuesday was him texting me to tell me about our meeting on Monday morning.
Friday and Saturday brought me to the gym. Employees of the FBI had exclusive access to a gym on the north side of the city. I stepped on the treadmill and began my jog, upping the intensity every couple minutes. Beads of sweat formed on the back of my neck. I wiped them away, staring out the window at the trees across the field. My feet began to pound harder as I thought back to Thursday night and my actual run-in with Harry.
How could he be so hardheaded to think that someone sent me there?
I looked down at the moving treadmill under me. A pair of feet caught my eye, climbing onto the treadmill next to me. I turned my head to see Niall standing there. I scrunched my eyebrows at him as he motioned for me to take out my headphones.
“Hey…” I said as I pulled them out and pressed the pause button. The treadmill came to a stop, and I faced Niall.
“Hey, Y/N.” He greeted, a hint of a smile on his face. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” I panted, trying to catch my breath. “And you?”
“I’m alright.” The silence took over as both our eyes wandered around the empty room. “I’ve been wanting to get ahold of you.”
“Yeah? Why?”
“Harry’s been to the office a few times, since that night.” He started, my eyes widening. That’s why Thompson moved me. So we wouldn’t see each other. “I don’t know what’s going on but – “ There’s something he’s not saying.
“Are you still working with Harry?” The question slipped from my lips before I could fully process the question I wanted to ask.
Niall harshly blinked, taken aback by what I asked. “Oh – “ he mumbled, lowering his eyes to the space between us. “Yeah. Harry was pretty upset with me, but I think he’s doing better.” I figured.
“Well, that’s good.”
“Y/N, Harry’s just really hurt. You know, by everybody. Not just you.” Niall’s sympathetic tone seeped into my mind. “And, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry, Niall?” I asked, picking up my water bottle to take a sip. “It’s my fault, not yours. I should’ve known better than to let my emotions get in the way of this.” I finished after gulping my water down.
“No, it’s my fault too. I should’ve seen it.” He concluded, his eyes staring out the window at the trees. He glanced at my face before continuing, “I should’ve seen the way you two were looking at each other. I should’ve seen how real it was for both of you.”
Why was Harry at the office so often? Was more than just my job at risk now?
Niall stepped off the treadmill and headed for the front door. I watched him as he exited the building, my legs not allowing me to follow and ask more questions.
Do you ever try so hard to forget something, but then it keeps popping in your memory even more? That’s how I feel with my conversations with Harry and Niall. What is Niall not telling me? What does he know that I don’t? And how can Harry forgive Niall and not me?
Derek broke my thoughts when he walked through our front door, 3 friends in tow. “Hey, Y/N. How was your day?” He asked, heading towards the kitchen.
“It was – “ I glanced at his friends and felt anxiety consume my heart. I can’t place the feeling, but it certainly wasn’t a pleasant one. “fine.”
Derek nodded, filling a glass from the cabinet with water. “Oh, Y/N. These are some friends, Mike, Tyler, and Greg,” Derek said, taking in my blank expression, and pointing to each man standing in my kitchen.
I couldn’t place the faces, but I felt like I’ve met them. “Hi,” I said, giving a slight wave. “Um – Have we met before?” I asked, gesturing between me and the men I learned to be Tyler, Greg, and Mike.
Greg looked at his friends then back at me, “I – I don’t think so?” A smirk took over his features with a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Maybe in a past life.” Flashes of a knife went through my brain. Greg. G_Pattsy.
“Anyway, where’s Summer? She said she’d be home,” Derek spoke, obliviously breaking up the tension slowly building around him.
“She’s in the shower,” I said getting up from the couch. “I have to run an errand.” I grabbed my purse from the counter, side-eying the men standing there once more.
“Problem, sweetheart?” A chill ran down my spine from his menacing tone. “Don’t worry, I know the effect I have on people.” Oh, we’re going to have a problem.
“Don’t ever for a second think you’d have the privilege,” I uttered over my shoulder, slamming the door on my way out. I pulled out my phone and dialed the only number I could think of. “Hey, can you meet me?”
I hung up and made my way to the nearest bar. It was only 8 pm, so it wasn’t that packed. “Hey, you,” Louis said wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “What can I do for ya?”
“Do you want something to drink first?” I laughed, motioning to the liquor sitting behind the counter.
“Oh, yeah.” Louis waved the bartender over and taking a seat on the chair next to me. “Bumbu, rocks, please.” The bartender made his drink and placed it in front of him. Louis took a sip before turning in his chair to face me completely. “So.”
“You’ve known Harry for a long time, right?” I asked, running my fingers around my glass, avoiding his eyes.
“Yeah, since I was about 3, I think.” He said, gazing off into the distance. “I heard about what happened. That it didn’t work out, and I’m sorry. You two seemed good for each other.” Louis confessed, placing a hand on my shoulder. How though? How did we seem good for each other?
“It’s okay.”
“Anyway, yeah. A long time.” He spoke, bringing his hands back to his lap. “Why?”
“Can you tell me about his friendship with Greg Patterson?” I asked, lifting my eyes to meet his.
“Greg? Patterson?” He questioned as I nodded. “Well, there’s not much to tell. Harry and Greg were friends through high school. After that, Greg kind of fell off the grid. Got into a… a more dangerous crowd. Harry didn’t say much about what happened.”
“But what did he say then?” I pressed. Louis looked at me with a frown, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“Uh – “ He ran his hand across his jaw, leaving it there for a second. “I know they got into a tremendous fight. Greg landed in the hospital, Harry walked away with a few scrapes and a broken nose.” Louis lowered his hand, clasping the glass in front of him. “Something about drugs.”
“Was Harry selling?” I asked nonchalantly. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and tucked some strands behind my ear. I took a glance at the door, eyeing the couple walking in. “Or buying?”
“No, no. Harry never got into that.” Louis waved off, shaking his head. “But he knew people that were. Greg wanted in. He didn’t believe Harry wasn’t in on the deals.”
“Have you seen him recently?”
“Who, Harry? Not since the benefit.” Louis glanced at my blank expression. “Oh, Greg? I never knew him. Just of him.” Louis knocked his fist on his chin gently, deep in thought. “You know, I think I heard from someone that he was back in the D.C. area though.”
I thought about Louis’ last comment almost the entire way home. I thought about how the man that is wanted for attempted assassination has gone this long without being found. More importantly, I thought about how that same man had been standing in my kitchen not even two hours ago and every possible way that Derek knew that man and brought him to my house. Does he know?
I pulled up to my building and shifted my car into park, taking notes of the blacked-out SUV sitting a couple of spaces away. I eyed it, warily. Many people drive blacked-out SUVs, not just Harry. I had to remind myself. I slowly got out of my car and walked towards the door, eager to know if Derek was still inside.
I couldn’t see if anyone was in the SUV, but I prayed the Thompson didn’t have it out for me now.
“Derek?” I called as soon as the door latched. “Are you here?”
“In here,” I heard him call from Summer’s room. I made my way, checking my phone for anything from Thompson. “What’s up?” he greeted when I entered the room.
They were sprawled across the floor, Boy Meets World playing softly on the TV. “Can I talk to you about something?” I asked, taking a seat on the floor next to them. He sat up and stared at me expectantly. “How’d you meet those guys from earlier?” Derek’s mouth slightly parted, confused. “Like did you meet them recently? Or have you known them for a while?”
Derek’s eyebrows scrunched together, “Do you know them?”
“No, but I was just wondering.” I shook my head, trying to laugh it off.
“Did Greg say something to you? I’ll kick his ass.” Derek slammed his palms on the ground like he was ready to track him down. “I swear if he fucking said something, I’ll-“
“Derek, no” I laughed, “I think I’ve seen him around or something.”
He raised his hand to scratch the back of his neck, “Okay, good. I met them in NOLA, actually.” I raised my eyebrows. That’s right. Derek went to New Orleans like two years ago. “They were cool, got us into all the good clubs down there,” he looked at Summer who was nodding her head in agreement. “Told him to hit me up if he was ever in DC. Guess he decided to take me up on the offer.”
“I think I may need your help.”
The next day, I was once again sat in the conference room. It was around 9:00 pm and my breath was hitching every other second. I’m nervous about how everything will go. Thoughts swirled my mind. How will Niall react? What are we going to do? I can’t believe I looped Derek into this. This is insane.
“All right,” Thompson started, clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention. My gaze shifted around to each person in the room. Niall, Joe, Thompson, Derek, and a few others from secret security I didn’t quite recognize. “Derek, first and foremost, thank you for joining us and helping us.” Derek nodded nonchalantly. “Here’s the plan.” I started spacing out. I knew I wouldn’t be a part of it. No matter how much I wanted to be. I’d be in the van, with Joe, Thompson and the others. Of course, Niall got to make the arrest. He’d be with them, watching from afar.
What felt like an eternity passed before Thompson’s voice rang in my ears again. “Understood?” His voice was loud, angry, stern. Everything you would expect from the Director of the FBI. Everyone started getting up to pack the van and move. “Y/N,” Thompson stared at me. He motioned for me to wait while everyone else filed out of the room. “You don’t have to come.”
“If it will be too much. Just let me know.” He said gently.
“Mr. Thompson,” I said, my voice hinting irritation, “This is my job. I love my job. And I want so badly to see that sucker put away. I’m not letting what happened interfere with this. At the end of the day, it’s my duty to protect and serve.”
He gave me a curt nod and gestured for me to exit, quickly following suit. We made our way to the vans and got in. Niall and Derek got into their respective cars to meet up with the suspect and the bait. Everyone had their gear on, ready to intervene if need be. Everyone except me. “It’ll be for the best. He won’t be thrown off.”
When the van started moving, all the men started chatting about work life, home life, “Did you hear about Linda in the office today?”, and everything going on in the White House. Thompson’s voice kept me sane. This isn’t a crazy dream I had thought up. This is real life. I kept my mouth shut through it all. Everyone knows what happened. Niall probably told everyone at the White House what happened. Don’t dig yourself a deeper hole.
We pulled up to the dingy bar that somehow became remarkable after one encounter. Niall pulled up behind us and got out of his car. He came up to Thompson’s window to get his earpiece and mic before heading off into the bar. The static on the radio in the back of the van let us know the mics were on. The voices and music started flowing through within seconds.
“Hey,” Niall’s voice came through. “Thought I might find you here.” His voice was hard to hear with all the background noise, but I distinctly heard a chair screeching across the floor. Niall’s sitting down.
“What are you doing here?” Harry’s words slurred, he sounded far away. How much had he had to drink already? Suddenly I didn’t know how to breathe. Oh, how I missed the sweet voice that I no longer had the privilege of hearing.
“Just came to check on you. I know you’re still upset.” His voice was sympathetic. For once, I was grateful it wasn’t for me.
There was a lengthy pause. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Harry’s voice sounded beaten. He sounded rough. And though I couldn’t see him, I knew his eyebrows had a crease between them. “I mean, how could she do something like that? How could you do something like that?” Okay, going right in then.
“Harry,” Niall stuttered, “We were just trying to do what’s best. Look, I’m not here as your guard tonight. I’m here as your friend. If you want to get fucked up and party, I’m here. If you want to get fucked up and talk, I’m here.”
About 30 seconds had passed before I stopped holding my breath. “I just, I could really see something with her.” He has to be careful. Niall’s lack of response confirmed my thoughts. He knew that we were all listening. “Anyway, thanks for letting me do this, Niall. Thanks for being here. It’s been a rough week.” I could basically see the smile on his face, dimples making a full appearance.
“Hey,” Niall’s voice broke. “I know you’re hurting. But you’re not alone, okay? She’s hurting too.” A smile crept onto my face. Thanks, Niall. I didn’t dare look at Thompson, scared he would see the brokenness and weakness hidden in my eyes. I kept my face straight, fading the smile to be more serious for the situation, and for the sake of being within a foot of my boss.
“So you like this bar, huh?” A voice from another speaker broke through, much clearer than the last. A gruff voice I recognized from my kitchen. Someone remind me why I thought this would be a marvelous idea.
“Yeah, been coming here for a short while with my girl,” Derek’s voice was smooth, he had always been a talented actor. Hiding me and Ashlie in his room and straight-up lying to his brothers saying he hadn’t seen us. Pretending to be someone else’s boyfriend so a creep at the bar would back off. Sometimes I’m still amazed and the stuff he can pull off.
A couple of minutes passed as Derek and Greg made their way to the bar, we were outside of. Their voices on the speaker grew cluttered, voices from all around them being picked up. Joe turned down all the speakers, so the van wasn’t being bombarded. Soon after, Derek, Greg, and his two friends arrived and entered. Now it was only a matter of time.
The unfortunate part of tonight was, our eyes were Niall. We don’t have any cameras in the bar, or on our people. All we had to go off of were conversations. Greg and Harry were completely in the dark. But we needed them together to make the arrest. What if Harry gets hurt? You’re at fault for that. My eyes widened at the thought. But if you had said nothing, Greg might’ve tracked Harry down and the outcome would’ve been so much worse. My conscience was trying to rationalize everything happening, but I couldn’t keep up.
“Y/N, I want you to go inside.” I looked over to Thompson to see his serious face.
“You heard me,” He reached into the center console pulling out an earpiece and a body camera. “Here, put these on. And go.” I took the pieces with shaky hands. I strapped the camera onto my torso and stuck the piece in my ear.
“Ted,” Joe leaned through the seats from the back, ‘Are you sure about this?”
Thompson looked at Joe with enough blaze in his eyes to put hell to shame. “Yes, she’s discreet enough to not be seen.”
My body was on autopilot walking into the bar. I looked around. Derek had strategically placed himself and Greg at the bar near the bathroom. Niall had taken Harry to the opposite side of the bar. Niall looked in my direction with wide eyes. I hurried to the corner, narrowly avoiding Harry’s eyes as he turned around. I could still hear everything from Niall and Derek’s mics. I was the eyes of the men in the van.
“Hey, I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back,” I could just make out Harry’s voice above the music and other people talking. I pulled my hood up and looked at the table, catching his feet walking passed. I angled the camera to follow him, hopefully.
I saw Greg take a glance over his shoulder at the passing body. “I gotta take a piss.” Spotted. Greg had spotted Harry. Greg got up from his stool and followed behind Harry.
“Derek, go wait about 6 feet from the bathroom, let us know what happens but don’t do anything. We don’t want you getting hurt. Horan make your way outside to the east alley. That’s the only other door to the bar. Y/N, stay there.”
“Got it” “Moving” Derek and Niall’s voices filtered through the noise. Niall made his way out the front door. My mind went to the alley. The same alley where Harry looked defeated. The same alley we fought because of my job. The same alley he could’ve been killed if I hadn’t been there.
“They’re moving, heading towards a side door,” Derek stated, making me forget anything I was thinking. I felt the color drain from my face. I saw Greg and Harry walking down the hallway.
The door burst open. The last thing being seen was Harry being shoved to the ground as it slammed shut. I felt my heart break at the scene. I couldn’t hear what was being said. Niall was too far away,
“Move!” Thompson screamed; my eardrum felt like it was about to bust. I heard a gunshot go off. Muffled voices and commotion coming through my earpiece.
I got up, grabbed Derek by the forearm, and rushed out the front, knocking a few people out of the way. People on the block were ducking for cover or scrambling into the nearest open shop.
By the time we got to the corner of the building, Greg was being put into handcuffs. Niall helped Harry up and placed his hands on his shoulder. “You okay?” Harry nodded, blank-faced.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to look at Thompson. “Good job, kid.” It was short, but it made me feel secure. I did something right. “Come on,” Thompson ushered me back to the van. Derek walked towards Niall, Harry, and the other men.
I walked towards the van and clutched the door handle. I turned my face towards the alley. My heartbeat sped up as I locked eyes with familiar olive ones. I sighed and pulled open the door, climbing in.
Looking back to the alley, Niall, Harry, and Derek were walking toward the street. Niall gave a thumbs up in our direction. “Horan, you can take Harry home, or to another bar. I will sweep the area before we leave.” As Thompson continued talking my eyes glazed over, thinking about how crazy tonight had been. Derek helped save Harry’s life. Niall helped save Harry’s life. I saved Harry’s life. Who knows what would’ve happened if Greg found him out and about by himself?
I watched as the three boys disappeared down the road. Who knows where to? Harry was glancing back every few seconds. Almost as if to convince himself he saw me. And Derek, well, he had just made friends with my coworker and Harry. The men in suits walked Greg across the street towards the van behind us. “The boys are going to take Greg in that van. Do you want me to take you home?”
“Ted,” Joe spoke from the back, “I’ll take her.” My eyes shifted between Thompson, and Joe. Thompson pursed his lips, giving Joe a nod. “Come on, kid,” Joe said as he pats my shoulder. I took the body cam and earpiece off and handed them to Thompson.
“I’ll see you Monday,” Thompson spoke slowly as I opened the van door. I nodded at him before shutting the door. What happens to my job now?
“You need a drink,” Joe commented and motioned towards a bar across the street. I didn’t say a word as we began walking towards the entrance of the bar.
We sat at a table near the back, waiting for our drinks. “So,” Joe started. “How are you?” How am I? Really?
“I’m okay,” And it was true. I was okay. I had my breath back, the boy I had fallen for was safe, the guy who was wanted for trying to kill said boy was being put away, and I’d be okay if I had to transfer or be fired if it meant I could leave everything that had happened in the past.
“Y/N, I’m not your boss. You can talk to me. Person to person.” Joe smiled, putting a comforting hand atop mine on the table.
“Honestly?” I asked. Joe nodded, giving me the go-ahead. “I’m so exhausted and disappointed.”
“Disappointed? With what?” He asked, grasping his drink after the waitress sat it down. Joe thanked her before turning his attention back to me.
“I’m so disappointed in myself,” I stated.
“Why? You’ve done brilliant work. I would know. We’ve been watching you since you got hired.”
I let the confused expression on my face speak for itself. Completely ignoring his second statement I questioned him, “You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“Know about what I did.” It was Joe’s turn to be confused. “How I completely messed up my mission by putting my feelings above my job. How I couldn’t keep it together. How I let myself, Harry and the FBI down. How – “
“Woah Woah Woah, Y/N. Slow down.” Joe laughed. “What are you talking about? You didn’t let anyone down.” He paused, glancing at the glasses between us, “Look. I’ve worked with the Styles’ for over 5 years. Sometimes we have to do dreadful things in order to get good results. When that happens, we often forget all the wonderful things we did. You did a good job, Y/N. Don’t sell yourself short. And don’t let anyone else either.”
“But what about Harry?”
“Harry? Honey, that kid's crazy about you. He’d be crazy to let you go.” I took a sip of the rum and coke I had ordered. I had grown to like them after having tasted it on Harry’s lips at the benefit. “After seeing you two gallivanting around at the benefit, we all knew.”
“Knew what?” I asked, taking another look around the room. Young couples all around. Being handsy under the table, whispering into each other’s ears, grabbing each other’s hands to pull the other towards the door.
“We all knew that something real would happen.” I let my gaze settle on Joe again. “You were scared, and that’s why you ran and caused some trouble. Stop running. He might surprise you.” Joe dropped the subject after that and refused to answer any of my cut-off questions. He brought our attention back to work and regular life. We finished our drinks and walked outside. The cool air felt nice on my warm skin.
He pulled out his car keys and unlocked the Mercedes sitting in front of us. “When Ted called me about this, I knew I was going to pull you aside.” He shrugged off my unasked question. I pulled open the door and slid in. The drive was short and quiet. The only sound being the soft playing radio tuned to the Queen station on SiriusXM. “I’ll see you soon, kid.” Joe winked when he pulled up to my building. I gave him a tight-lipped smile and got out, taking a deep breath before walking up to my apartment.
I pulled out my keys and turned to the stairwell when I heard footsteps coming behind me. “There you are,” I twisted to see Derek walking up the steps. “Been waiting for you to get back. That was crazy, right?” I laughed as I unlocked the door.
It was exactly 8 O’clock on Monday when I looked at the clock on the wall. The atmosphere of the conference room brought me back to the first time I had an interview with Thompson. His demeanor was tough, cold, and stern. My nerves reminded me even more of that day. My legs bounced under the table, my palms were sweating, and my eyes couldn’t settle on a single object for too long. I was completely prepared to possibly turn in my badge, gun, and ID.
When Thompson entered the room, his intimidating nature followed. He closed the door and sat across from me at the table, setting some papers down between us.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” Thompson started, taking a second to clear his throat. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Mr. Thompson,” I greeted him, exhaling a shaky breath.
“How are you?” I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. How am I? That’s how you want to start my termination?
“I’m – I’m nervous,” I confessed.
“Nervous?” he casually asked. “Why are you nervous?” Thompson started shuffling the papers he had laid on the table. I glanced at them, trying to figure out if they were the agreements I signed when I first started.
“I – “ I pointed to myself, “Am I getting fired?”
Thompson snickered at my question. “Fired? Why would we fire you?”
“I thought – “ I paused, blinking harshly. Am I being punked? “since Har – Mr. Styles found out. I thought I would be fired.”
“Y/N, Mr. Styles has made it very clear we would be stupid to fire you.”
“What?” The question fell from my lips. I was taken aback. Why would Harry tell them not to fire me?
“When Niall called to tell us he let it slip last week, we called in Mr. Styles to talk about it and explain why we did it.” Thompson started, “We talked about suspending your employment for 6 months or transferring you out of D.C. He was pretty adamant about it. But Mr. Styles came in yesterday, unannounced I might add, to tell us if we suspended you or transferred you, well. We’d be out of our minds. In better terms.”
I fell back into my chair. So I’m not fired? Thompson answered my question before I could ask, “We’d be stupid to let you go. Especially after Saturday night.” My eyes flicked to his. “Y/N, one thing I noticed when we first met was how much you reminded me... of me. You are strong, ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes. Those are qualities we need in this job.”
“So, I’m not fired?”
“No,” he laughed, shaking his head. “But we’ll be putting you on desk duty for the next two weeks. For disobeying orders of the mission.” Damn it.
I nodded my head, accepting my two-week punishment. “Thank you, Mr. Thompson.”
“Don’t thank me.” He said, waving me off. “Thank Mr. Styles.” He dismissed me and I picked up my bag, ready to head for the door. “And Miss. Y/L/N,” Thompson said, stopping me. “Don’t mess it up.”
I left the conference room confused. Why would Harry save my job?
I took a seat at my desk and pulled up the database. Researching was tough, but even more so when my mind kept wandering to Harry. Why’d he do it? Why would he come in here to tell them not to fire me? Maybe because you saved his life. Who knows what Niall or Derek told him? The questions filled my mind for the rest of the day. So much so, I could barely get any work done.
I left the office after a few of hours of researching some wanted suspects. I found myself strolling the streets, coming to a halt as I passed the café where Harry and I first met. I wandered inside and ordered a grande iced vanilla soy latte. A drink I genuinely came to enjoy from my times with Harry. When my order came up, I took a glance around the café to pick a place to sit. My eyes landed on a familiar stranger facing the window.
Stop running, Y/N.
I took a seat next to him at the bar, sitting my coffee down, and facing the man. I propped my head on my hand, with my elbow resting on the bar top. “Is this seat taken?” I asked him.
He cracked a smile at me, turning his face to me. “How’d you find me this time?” Harry probed.
“Oh, I didn’t,” I laughed. “I just came here for some coffee. I had a fantastic first ‘date’ here.” I said putting air quotes around the word date. A comfortable silence fell over us. “Why’d you do it?”
“Why’d I do what?” he asked, grabbing his cup to take a sip of his coffee.
“Why’d you save my job?” I asked, dropping my hand, so it hung over the edge of the bar.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, you were pissed at me,” I stated raising my eyebrows.
“Yeah, I was.” He confirmed. “But also, after last Thursday – and Saturday for that matter – I started thinking. And I realized that everyone, at some point, is going to hurt you. Even the people who truly care about you and want what’s best for you. We can’t control that. What we can control, though, is how we react to that, and we get to determine if the person who hurt us is worth it.”
“What’d you come up with?”
“I came up with some people are. The people that make you look at yourself and want to be a better person.”
I stared at him for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath. “Harry I – “
“I don’t want you to tell me you’re sorry, Y/N. You’ve already said it.”
“What do you want me to say then?”
“I want you to tell me what you want.” I scrunched my face at his request. “Thursday night you told me this isn’t what you wanted. So tell me what you want.”
“I want us to start over. I want you to know my actual life.”
Harry stuck his hand out to me, “Hi, I’m Harry. And you are?”
I looked at his hand before taking it in my own, “I’m Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Hi Y/N, I’m the President’s son. What do you do for a living?” He let go of my hand and placed it around his cup.
“I work for the FBI,” I smirked.
“Oh, that’s nice. I’ve heard outstanding things about their work. An agent saved me.”
“Saved you?” I giggled.
“In a way, she saved me from myself, really. I was a proper mess.” He broke into a grin and laughed.
“Oh, really?” I laughed with him.
“She kind of made me realize that I was, yeah.” He looked down at his thighs before his jade eyes met mine. “Do you want to go for a walk?” I nodded as he started to get up. He held the door open for me. We walked out and he interlocked our fingers, rubbing circles into the back of my hand.
We started down the street. I pulled his hand as I stopped on the sidewalk. “Hey, Harry?” I bit my lip and looked at my feet. “Are you sober right now?”
“Yeah?” His eyes held the confusion that laced his voice. I reached for his face and pulled his lips to mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. He pulled away briefly, “At least we don’t have to worry about them,” He mumbled, nodding his head toward the blacked-out SUV sitting across the street. I giggled as he pulled me back for another kiss.
Maybe, just maybe, we could be real.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by dishwallafied
WHO was the last person...
you spoke to, in person? I think it was my sister, like earlier at 1 AM. She was the last person apart from me to head upstairs for bed.
you called? I tried calling our internet service provider’s hotline to inquire about our lost connection last weekend, but all I got was a useless automated message saying they’re on top of all concerns and will be addressing ours soon, which did not make any fucking sense because I didn’t get to report my issue anyway. Their social media was virtually useless too, and my dad had to physically go to one of their offices last Monday to settle the issue.
that called you? My phone’s not near me at the moment (omg a rarity) but it was the delivery person for Reggy’s croissants. GPS has always hated our street and has never been able to identify it, so whenever anyone in the family makes a purchase for delivery we’re bound to get a call or two from the rider assigned to our order to ask for directions.
you texted? It was the same delivery guy. He had tried to call me but I was in a meeting that I couldn’t get out of, so I explained to him I could only text. I also gave him a Waze link containing the exact positioning of our house so that he could set it up on his phone.
that sent you a text? I think it was just my mobile services provider sending out some random promotional text. Idk, I never open those.
you kissed? Gabie.
that kissed you? Also her. I don’t plan on kissing anyone new any time soon.
you yelled at? I haven’t recently been in a situation where I’ve had to yell at anyone...I do slightly raise my voice a lot on video call meetings just so I’m sure everybody on the call can hear me. That’s the closest I’ve got.
that yelled at you? My mom, when she was being a real drama queen about MY money a couple of weeks ago.
you watched a movie with? I watched it by myself, but I remember calling my ex for comfort because the movie was a little scary and creepy. I also remember how bothered she sounded that I was calling her, as if I was a huge burden, so...there’s that. Y’all do me a favor and be with someone who gets delighted when you call instead of making you feel like you’re a waste of space okie?? Good
you ate dinner with? My family. My dad laksa for dinner, which was perfect because I had been watching 2 Days 1 Night yesterday and the cast members kept eating ramyeon, which made me develop a serious craving for noodles all day.
you were in a photo with? I think it had been a family selfie. My family and I were about to leave the accommodation we stayed at in Tagaytay, and my mom wanted a final photo in the living room before we stepped out.
you took a photo of? My employer sent out heart-shaped red velvet cakes for all of us for Valentine’s Day, so I took a photo of it with Cooper in the background to share to the work group chat. I definitely did not expect any goodie sendout considering I never viewed Valentine’s as a special day even when I was still in a relationship, so it was a nice surprise to receive. 
you went to a concert with? Oh my Paramore show was a solo date. Gabie did come to the arena with me and I also drove Denise, Erycka, and Leigh, but the three of them settled for a different section somewhere farther out given how they already did VIP seats for Paramore’s previous concert in 2013. It was my turn to have a front-row seat and since I didn’t know anyone who was as big of a fan as I was or was willing to shell out ₱7,000 for a VIP seat, I went by myself.
you lied to? I think it was Bea, my manager? She scheduled a quick call last Tuesday just to do a check-in with me, and she was asking how I was. Of course I had to tell her I was doing fine, which is never completely true for a lot of people, I think. I didn’t want her to ask me to open up anyway, so saying I was fine was the easy way to go.
you invited somewhere? I recently saw a music clip of a certain song that’s played a lot in bars, so I tagged my entire college barkada telling them we should go back to TK soon, at least when the lockdown and the pandemic subside considerably.
you dated? Gabie.
you dumped? It worked the other way around.
you rejected? I mean, I guess I technically rejected the girl Mik told me was interested in me. We never met since Mik refused to tell me her name or show a photo, but I informed him I wasn’t planning on talking with anyone soon so she can stop thinking I’m available.
you held hands with? Angela.
you hugged? Andi, before they got out of my car since we were parting ways for the evening.
you let cry on your shoulder? This hasn’t happened in a very long time. Most likely Gabie, but this would’ve been around at the start of 2020 when we could still see each other regularly.
that let you cry on their shoulder? Figuratively, Angela and Andi.
you bought a gift for? I got a weekend accommodation for my family, but it was really meant for my dad for his 50th birthday.
you wished a happy birthday? Hans.
that disappointed you? I was more annoyed than disappointed, but it was some random Fil-Am who was being ignorant at the Subtle Filipino Traits Facebook group. That community gives me a huge migraine most days because of Fil-Ams who continue to romanticize the ~beauty~ of the country whilst completely ignoring the socio-political trainwreck here, but the group is kind of the place to be for Filipinos so I can’t see myself leaving it either.
that stayed over at your place? They didn’t stay over for the night but Angela and Hans did a surprise visit to my house a few days after Christmas.
that let you crash at their place? Gab. I used to always crash at her place when I’ve had a few drinks.
that made you angry? Idk man, can I give Mark Zuckerberg as an answer? HAHAHA I went on Facebook first thing today and the first thing I saw was a Facebook Memory, and it was a photo of me and Gabie at Athenna’s birthday party four years ago. I got irritated at first until I remembered that we were both tagged in the post, which means it would most likely show up on her feed as a Memory as well. Just to humor my petty ass, I kinda hope the memory would make her sad, wherever she is; but otherwise seeing the Memory pop up didn’t make me sad or bothered anymore so that’s a win for meee.
that complimented you? Leah, my employer’s CEO. She did a check-in call with me recently to get to know me better, so one of the first things she asked was a list of the clients I handle. I happen to be in the team that works with the company’s more big-league clients, so once she heard the brands she told me I must be a good enough worker to be assigned those clients. It meant a lot and it still does.
whom you complimented? Bea. I just let her know how helpful she’s been with me considering I’m a fresh graduate on her first job in a work-from-home setup in the middle of a global pandemic.
you thanked? A supplier I’m currently in contact with, for work.
that thanked you? The said supplier thanked me back.
you saw, in person? My sister.
that bought you something? Dad bought siopaos for us yesterday.
that made you laugh? The cast of 2 Days 1 Night, from when I was watching the show last night.
that you said you loved? I don’t remember. I think it was Kate since she helped me out with a favor.
that said they loved you? Hannah.
you flipped off? I haven’t whipped out the finger in a while, come to think of it.
you made a silly face at? Not a person, but Cooper.
that drove you somewhere? Dad was the driver for our Tagaytay trip.
WHAT was the last thing you...
touched? Aside from my keyboard, my vape pen.
threw? Cooper’s bowling pin squeak toy. He’s gotten a lot better at catching things with his mouth, so I’ve been throwing it a lot at him to continue training him.
ate? A caramel croissant.
drank? Coffee.
found stuck in your teeth? Haven’t had this happen to me in a while.
cooked? I’ve never tried cooking anything.
baked? Idk, maybe cookies 873984732842 years ago.
threw away/tossed out? The packet for the sauce that came with the siopao my dad bought.
bought? I made a purchase for 20 bags for a work thing, but only because I was assigned to do the whole correspondence with the supplier. My manager was the one who sent over the payment when the purchase was confirmed.
sold? I don’t think I’ve ever tried selling anything before.
took a photo of? Cooper hahaha. I had been dancing to a song and he was staring at me.
were frustrated with? Our internet provider when they cut off the connection last weekend.
broke? I’m not sure if I can say I broke it, but the adaptor for my phone charger finally gave up on me the other day. I’ve taken to borrowing my sister’s for now, since she says she “doesn’t use it a lot” anyway.
spilled? Some drops of coffee spilled out of my mug when I dumped several ice cubes in it.
tripped on? Kimi. He follows me evvvvvvverywhere, so I bump into him at least once a day.
kicked? I’m not really sure.
put batteries in? Haven’t had to use batteries in a while, either.
turned on? The Bluetooth on my laptop.
turned off? The electric fan last night since I found it loud.
wrote? Other than my answers to this survey, I’ve also been talking with Angela this morning over Messenger.
wrote on? Other than my phone/laptop, my journal.
cleaned? My glasses.
stuck up your nose??? My finger when a nostril itched recently.
WHERE was the last place you...
dined at? Ramen Nagi.
ordered something to go? I don’t do takeout deliveries, but the last thing I got for delivery was banh mi and iced Vietnamese coffee last week.
bought something? Facebook Marketplace.
cried? In the living room. I came across that viral video of a guy proposing to her girlfriend at a Taylor Swift concert, when he knelt at the exact moment Taylor sang “He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring” from Love Story. It was such a sweet, classy, non-cringey public proposal and I allowed myself to be swept away by the cheesiness of it all, haha.
felt uncomfortable? Dining room table. I was sharing a story to my parents about work involving a guy and my mom asked me if I had a crush on him. My dad kind of snorted and said, “Her? Crush on a guy?” which told me he knew something was up re: my preferences lmao. They’ve never heard anything from me yet, so that made me feel awkward and I most especially didn’t want my mom to catch on to the question and suddenly put me in the hot seat.
drove to? Other than back home, I last drove to UPTC.
had an appointment at? Google Meet, hahaha.
went on vacation? Tagaytay. 
hung out with a friend? Andi and I went to a Korean barbecue place at UPTC (again), but we also drove to UP after just to revisit the good old days of being in campus.
bought clothes? H&M in Feliz.
spent more than you had planned? Ramen Nagi. I had a couple of add-ons in my meal and I didn’t know their service fee was going to be quite high, so my final bill ended up being slightly more than the budget I planned out for that day.
saw a band/singer/musician perform? Late 2019. My ex and I stopped by a jazz bar and there was a live band playing.
WHEN was the last time you...
told someone 'I love you'? Last Friday.
cried? Last night.
laughed? This morning. Cooper was being silly around me and my dad, as always. This time he was unusually behaved when we let him out, and the bizarreness of it all made us so unsettled we ended up laughing.
left your home? Last Sunday. I might go out later, too.
drank a soda/pop? Early last year. There was Coke being served at an org event, and since I felt thirsty and there was no drinking fountain around I just said fuck it and drank the soda.
made your bed? Last night when I left my room to settle in the living room.
visited a doctor? May last year.
went to the emergency room? Other than when 23 years ago when I was born, I’ve never been brought to the emergency room.
kissed someone? September.
hugged someone? Mid-January.
prayed? Six years ago. Or maybe five; I can’t really tell when exactly I made it a point to stop for good.
worked out? Around a week ago. I’m thinking if I should keep at it or if I should just stop, seeing as I’m not willing to give up my favorite foods anyway lmao.
made a phone call? I tried to make a phone call to our internet provider last weekend.
answered a phone? The other evening when the landline rang.
had an argument? Two weeks ago, instigated by my mom as usual.
played a video game? I think 2-3 weeks ago when I got in the mood to play the Switch.
played a card game? Safe to say at least a couple of years ago.
played a board game? November when we suffered a power outage for two days and had nothing to do at home.
rode a bike? LOOOOOOOOL March. The lockdown had just started and I made plans to learn how to ride a bike, but those plans fell through as soon as they began.
fell on your butt? This doesn’t happen often.
took a shower? Last night.
took a bubble bath? I can’t even remember anymore; this is a rare occasion for me.
watched TV? I last watched a TV show in general last night, but I last watched something on an actual television last Sunday when my family watched a Sunday mass livestream.
saw a movie at a theater? December 2019.
ate fast food? I got Bonchon for my family last December, if I remember correctly. My dad had done a huge favor for me and I asked what I can do to repay it, and he said to just buy dinner for the 5 of us for that evening.
ordered a pizza? Last month.
made someone laugh? I’m not sure if I had made her laugh in real life, but Angela and I had a humorous conversation over chat earlier this morning.
sang? Few minutes ago.
played a musical instrument? Absolutely no clue.
read a book? Couple of weeks ago when my employer sent me this book on PR that I was asked to read in preparation for my meeting with Leah.
drove a car? Last Sunday.
went swimming? Think it may have been my Nasugbu trip with Angela, Sofie, and Gabie back in August 2019.
got a sunburn? Idk man, when I was 8? I stopped getting sunburns as I got older.
went to church or temple? The last Sunday in March before the lockdown started.
went shopping? I did my final around of Christmas shopping last month for friends I still had to give presents to.
drank alcohol? Sometime last month after my work shift, following back-to-back meetings with my least favorite client.
smoked a cigarette? Feb last year, I think. I don’t buy cigarettes of my own and I’m also a lot more watchful of my cigarette usage, so I haven’t been able to smoke since I haven’t been around a crowd who does. I mostly vape.
threw up? I last felt like throwing up back in May, but I haven’t actualy thrown up in at least a couple of years now.
had a headache? Just this Thursday.
had a cold? No idea.
had the flu? It wasn’t strictly the flu, but I was last sick in May.
had your hair cut? March last year.
dyed your hair? Never done it.
laughed so hard that you cried? It’s happened in at least the past couple of weeks, I’m sure.
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brownandtrans · 5 years
After hearing about a young man named Maurice in the US, who killed himself after being viciously abused for openly loving a trans woman, I was reminded of how many people don’t think people like me are worthy of love, and how our lovers are shamed for simply loving us.
Maurice Willoughby, 20, took his own life after splitting from his girlfriend Faith Palmer after a long battle with drug addiction. Maurice – known online as ‘Reese Him Daddie’ – was harassed on social media and bullied in the street after he openly spoke about his relationship with Faith.
A video posted to Twitter shows the aspiring rapper being verbally attacked by a group of men who hurl abuse, saying: ‘You f*** what?’ and telling him ‘that’s not thorough’ – street slang for masculine or manly.
The way men who date trans women are automatically regarded as gay or bisexual can easily be seen in any public discussion on the topic, and the men dating them face a barrage of homophobic abuse, with their sexuality constantly called into question. This once happened when a guy introduced me to his family, who had googled me and found out I was trans prior to meeting me. Instead of asking me the standard questions about where I’m from and where I work, they started asking whether I’d had ‘the op’ and whether he was now gay or bisexual.
Reese, of Philadelphia, US, celebrated his relationship with Faith, a trans woman, and announced he was dating her in a Facebook Live video that quickly gained over 15,000 views. But friends say that Reese was attacked by trolls online and bullied in person after his live video.
Before his death, Reece wrote on Facebook: ‘Y’all can say whatever about Faith I really don’t care if she not passable I don’t care if she wasn’t born a woman she is a woman to me & I love her flaws that’s what makes her Faith if you heard her story it’s motivating. I’m happy, you should be happy for me.’
In a statement, black trans rights group the Marsha P. Johnson Institute confirmed Reese took his own life on Monday shortly after splitting with his girlfriend and said he had previously been a heavy drug user. The Institute added: ‘Our deepest condolences to Faith and also to Reese’s family.’
A friend, who has not been named, said Reece suffered mental health problems before his death, including depression. They told Aazios: ‘He was getting picked on and joked on all the time. Where we are from, if you like trans women and you black, the streets will talk about you, fight you, even try to kill you. He was dealing with a lot.”
All this shame has created an underground culture where men will only date trans women in secret, making trans women even more unsafe than before. Trans women and trans people in general face heightened levels of domestic and sexual violence in the UK, with 28 per cent of trans people having experienced abuse from a partner at home in 2017.
Reece’s girlfriend Faith yesterday posted about her boyfriend on Facebook, saying: ‘I’m goin’ make sure your story is told and the right way.’ She added: ‘All he wanted was for us to win as we battled all his mental demons. He wasn’t scared of anyone so he fought back for us.’
Janet Mock, producer of Pose, a US TV series which focuses on New York’s African-American and Latino LGBTQ underground ballroom scene, shared a clip of the homophobic attack, saying: ‘My heart breaks for Reese, for his girlfriend, and their loved ones. These men screaming at him are beyond fragile, standing on a shaky altar of masculinity, too insecure to do what Reese did: Unapologetically love a woman who everyone says is unworthy of love.’
Trans US entertainment presenter Ashlee Marie Preston tweeted: ‘When a man is confident & secure enough to openly love a trans woman; this is the bullying and harassment he gets. When trans attracted men kill us; it’s out of fear that this will happen to them if they are outed. Reese didn’t kill his girlfriend; he killed himself instead.’
Men like Maurice are constantly punished for passionately loving trans women in a world that largely thinks trans women are not worthy of love. But they shouldn’t be seen any differently than any other man who loves a woman. Because trans women are women. They shouldn’t be punished, nor should they be automatically celebrated. They should be respected all the same, as well as their desires and sexual orientation.
The leading cause of death for young men across the world is suicide. I’m not surprised. Men are mocked for openly displaying emotion and belittled and abused if their sexual desire isn’t according to some glorified sexual fantasy they saw in straight mainstream porn.
Maurice may have died by suicide, but what really killed him was one of the worst forms of toxic masculinity. And if we don’t eradicate it, everyone will continue to suffer the consequences, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
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thewritingstar · 4 years
1-200 we're all in quarantine so got nothing to do. Might as well ask pls
oo anon you were gonna ask anyways lol. But I did this hella quick during a zoom.....
1. What is your middle name?
2. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name?
2. Do you have any allergies?
-Penicillin (not really thou), but no
4. What is the longest your hair has ever been?
-Lower back
5. How well can you write in cursive?
-Its readable
6. Name one item on your bucket list.
-Going to all the Disney parks in the world
7. Have you ever been on a blind date?
-haven’t even been on a real date
8. What is the oldest piece of clothing you still wear and how old is it?
-prob like five years ago and its jeans
9. How often do you eat out at a fancy restaurant?
-nothing like I have to dress up but maybe once a year??
10. How grammatically correct are you when you text?
-rules don’t apply in text
11. Can you drive stick?
-hell no
12. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
-japan because I think it would be so cool
13. Nutella or peanut butter?
14. At what age did you have your first kiss?
15. DC or Marvel?
-DC. Harley Quinn owns my ass
16. Have you ever hosted a wild party?
-my parties consist of drinking capri suns and playing cards against humanity and Mario kart
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
-...ooof haven’t read a book in a while
18. How many of your Facebook friends do you actually hang with?
-my mom
19. Have you ever donated blood?
-I was apart of a cancer study so I used to donate my blood (and pee) to science
20. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?
-8 I love to decorate but I’m not allow near the Christmas trees
21. Coffee or tea?
-vaniila iced lattes or raspberry ice tea own me
22. What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
-Vanilla bean frap with extra vanilla
23. Last show you binge watched?
-currently its assassination classroom
24. Dogs or cats?
25. Favorite animated Disney character?
-Jessica Rabbit, Dumbo, Rey, Tamatoa and Guedo
26. Have you ever cooked a big family meal by yourself?
-mostly baking for my family
27. Favorite winter activity?
-Staying inside
28. Have you ever butt dialed anyone?
29. Can you blow a bubble gum bubble?
30. How early in the year do you start celebrating Christmas?
-my mom plays Xmas music year round
31. What emoji best describes your life right now?
-the wilting rose
32. Are you fluent in more than one language?
33. What is the longest you’ve ever kept a New Year’s resolution?
-I don’t make them
34. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? Did you gain any of the weight back?
-I’m on a diet to gain weight and its not going well
35. Are any of your grandparents still alive?
-only on my moms side
36. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions?
-hahaha my face gives everything away and I can read people pretty well
37. Have you ever gotten a commercial jingle stuck in your head?
-EDUCATION CONNECTION! Get connected for free
38. Have you ever left a movie theater before the movie was over?
39. Do you consider rapping singing?
-rapping is in its own ballpark...its why its called rapping
40. Does your home have a fireplace?
41. Favorite non-chocolate candy?
-sour gummies worms
42. If you could have only one superpower, what would you want and why?
-oooof ummmmmm maybe teleportation
43. Have you ever locked your keys in your car?
44. Do you listen to any religious music?
45. Do you drink soda? If so, which one is your favorite?
-I hate soda
46. What was your ACT score?
-do not do me like this (21)
47. Rice or quinoa?
48. From 1-10, how good of a driver do you consider yourself?
-like an 8
49. Do you like horror movies?
50. How easily do you cry?
-uh depends on what it is
51. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where?
-no but I want some
52. You are hanging with your closest friends. What are you most likely doing?
-being dumb and quoting tik toks at target
53. Can you handle spicy foods? What is your spice limit?
-not very well
54. Can you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones?
55. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
-middle of the road
56. Last CD you bought?
-Folklore by Taylor Swift
57. Do you like roller coasters?
-yessss but they cant be extremely tall
58. What day of the week is laundry day for you?
-uhhh depends on when I have time
59. Have you ever played spin the bottle?
-uh maybe once but I was in fourth grade and walked away
60. How long have you known your best friend?
-I’ve known my bestie for 16 years (met when we were 4)
61. Can you eat using chopsticks?
-yes!! I usually eat my Chinese food with them
62. Do you have any stickers on your laptop computer? If so, what are they of?
-no because I need to get a case for my iMac and iPad
63. How often do you say y'all?
-every fucking day. Y’all is my go too
64. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
-cookie dough, pralines and cream, blue raspberry sherbert, vanilla, coffee
65. How long was your longest relationship? Are you still with that person?
-my longest relationship was like three weeks in fourth grade with my friends cousin who I saw twice
66. Star Trek or Star Wars?
-haven’t seen either but prob Star Wars cause r2d2 is cute
67. How good are you at math?
-ehhh I’m okay at stats
68. Have you ever acted in a play or a musical?
-used to do the plays in middle school :)
69. How often do you read/pay attention to your horoscope?
-not much my horoscope but just my sign in general
70. What is the shortest your hair has ever been?
-just above my shoulders
71. Have you ever broken any bones?
-my big toe
72. Do you like to go fishing?
-nooooooo I went fishing once and it pooped on me
73. Do you believe in evolution?
-of course
74. Favorite costume you wore for Hallowen? How old were you?
-I was perry the platypus…. 19
75. Real or fake Christmas trees?
76. How many pillows do you sleep with?
-usually 1-2 but like 5 in the winter
77. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
-House rn
78. How many of your friends are of the opposite gender?
-in my close circle, one but I do have many boy homies
79. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
-many times
80. How long have you been at your current job?
-four weeks
81. What kind of car do you drive (year, brand, model, color)?
-white car
82. How flexible are you?
-not super but mama can bend
83. Have you ever ended a romantic relationship?
-haven’t even started one
84. Phrase you say the most?
-“I’m uncomfortable” “Y’all” “I would let J.D from heathers…..”
85. Have you ever kissed anyone of the same gender? If so, did you like it?
-no but I wish
86. Do you own any homemade clothing?
-not that I know of
87. Do you like fast food?
88. Have you ever given anyone CPR?
89. Have you ever learned to do anything from a how-to video on YouTube?
-I fixed my moms glasses yesterday with a video so she wouldn’t have to spend a shit ton of money
90. Describe your sense of humor.
-if Always Sunny in Philadelphia and “vine comp that butters my eggroll” had a baby
92. Favorite cereal?
93. Have you ever auditioned for a reality competition show?
94. Have you ever gotten a TV theme song stuck in your head?
-Sugar, spice and everything nice, these were the ingredients…….
95. Do you believe in ghosts?
96. Do you think there is life on other planets?
-hell yeah
97. Have you ever given money to a street performer?
98. Your deepest fear?
-lets not go there
99. Pancakes or waffles?
-waffles but I don’t even like them that much
100. Are you still friends with anyone from high school?
-yep, my friend circle dates back to elementary
101. From 1-10, how good of a dancer do you consider yourself?
102. How much of a patient person are you?
-I can be extremely patient. Once waited three hours in a dressing room with my friend and I didn’t have a phone
103. Do you know your IQ?
-no but its prob god level
104. Do you eat meat at all?
-mama loves meat
105. Do you own any clothes from a garage sale or a thrift store?
-I think so
106. Have you ever bought anything from a flea market?
-yess my mom used to take me to flea markets all the time
107. Have you ever quit a job?
-early this year
108. Have you ever gotten a song you dislike stuck in your head?
-many times
109. Any movie(s) you can watch over and over and over again and enjoy just as much each time?
-robots to ratatouille
110. Do you or have you ever worn glasses?
-just sun glasses
111. Have you ever skinny dipped?
-when I was like 6
112. Are your birth parents still together?
113. Have you ever been in the audience for the taping of a TV show?
-not that I know of
114. Favorite type of cookie?
-chocolate chip or the sugar cookies with the pink frosting on them (I’m a whore for them)
115. Have you ever been broken up with?
116. How often do you smile when getting your picture taken?
-most of the time
117. Have you ever accidentally dialed 911?
-yes I have and I was 6 and bullied for it for years by my uncle even though my cousins tricked me into doing it
118. Oldest memory?
-throwing a chair at a kid in preschool for stealing my cookie
119. Have you ever been the victim of a nasty prank?
120. How often do you snort when you laugh?
-uhhhh a lot
121. From 1-10, how good of a singer do you consider yourself?
122. Favorite Disney song?
-uuuuuuhhh Shiny, See the Light, Why Don’t you Do Right, Show Yourself
123. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
-hopefully in la
124. What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?
-I’m an advocate
125. Have you ever had a fortune cookie fortune come true?
-I think so
126. Name one thing you wish people would stop posting on social media.
-fascist, racist, homophobia stuff
127. Last musical artist you saw live?
-Jonas brothers
128. Credit cards or cash?
-cash cause I feel like I didn’t spend anything
129. Favorite fandom?
-the powderpuff girls or fairy tail
130. What is your astrological sign?
131. Have you ever been fired from a job?
-nope I’m a good noodle
132. Any hidden talents?
-I can do the cinnamon challenge
133. Can you surf?
134. What motivates you to do well in life?
-the fear of failure
135. Your worst physical feature?
-my acne
136. From 1-10, how much are you like your father?
-mehhhhhhhh like a 4
137. How lucky do you consider yourself?
-I’m a pretty lucky person ngl
138. Name a moment in your life when you were pleasently surprised.
-when I won a coffee maker at my senior grad night raffle
139. Have you ever been summoned for jury duty?
140. What type of shoes do you wear the most?
-my converse
141. Favorite summer activity?
-getting coffee
142. Favorite song to sing in the shower?
-any Taylor swift song
143. Have you ever lived with a roommate you did not get along with?
-my parents sometimes
144. Have you ever lived on a farm?
-my grandparents owned a cherry farm when I was little
145. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal?
-tumblr is my diary
146. TV show or movie you quote/reference the most?
-Always Sunny, The Office, Gotham
147. How often do you get mad at yourself?
148. Have you ever gotten any stitches?
-only in animal crossing (he’s so cute)
149. Have you ever been hunting?
150. Favorite YouTube channel?
-Jenna marbles, try guys, mukbang edit channel, drama channels
151. Have you ever had a pet besides a dog or a cat?
-I had a mouse once
152. From 1-10, how well do you work with others?
153. Are you friends with any of your exes?
-I don’t got exes
154. Apple or PC?
-I have an Apple Mac rn but I think I loved my pc so much so I’m getting used to the format
155. Do you collect anything?
-what don’t I collect? Funko, pins, so much stuff
156. Have you ever seen any Broadway plays or musicals?
-I saw Newsies and A Music chorus
157. Any missed opporunites you wish you had taken?
-I’m not too sure
158. Have you ever uttered a spoken hashtag?
159. Do you have a pool at your house?
160. What is the longest you’ve gone without sleep?
-like 24 hours and it was hell
161. Last thing that made you laugh?
-a meme 20 sec ago
162. Disney or Nickelodeon?
163. Name one celebrity you wish was still alive.
-Billy Mays (Oxyclean dude)
164. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother?
-maybe a 6
165. Your best physical feature?
-my hair
166. Earbud or earmuff headphones?
167. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender?
-..hmmmm sometimes I think it would be cool but I’m pretty content with being a girl...
168. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ear lobes?
-my nose
169. How often do you wash your hair?
-every other day usually
170. Showers or baths?
-I love a good bath but I take showers more
171. Have you ever been a bridesmaid or a groomsman?
-noooo but I wanna be
172. Bottled or tap water?
173. What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid?
174. Any guilty pleasures you’re willing to discuss?
-watching glee
175. Favorite video game?
-Mario kart
176. Have you ever gotten a New Year’s kiss exactly at midnight?
-nooooo why are there so many questions about kissing
177. How many of the United States have you visited?
-four, ive passed over a few more in a plane
178. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?
179. Have you ever gotten a surgery?
180. Your least favorite food?
181. From 1-10, how competitive are you?
-depends. I’m like a 6 but I can be pushed to a 10 when motivated
182. Do you like wearing hats?
-only a snap back occasionally
183. How much of a jealous peron are you?
-ehh not really
184. What was your SAT score?
-900-1100 (stop nationwide testing doesn’t work and I didn’t learn eveything)
185. Have you ever voted for a reality competition show?
186. Does anyone in your family currently serve in your country’s military?
-my cousin
187. Snowboarding or skiing?
-I don’t do snow
188. What celebrity would you most want to play you in a movie about your life?
-jack black
189. Have you ever been a Boy or Girl Scout?
-hell no
190. Have you ever dyed your hair?
-many times
191. From 1-10, how good of a cook do you consider yourself?
192. You have just opened up a web browser. What is the first site you visit?
-this cursed site
193. How many things can you do with your weaker hand?
-a lot
194. Were you involved in any academic clubs in high school?
-honors i guess
195. Have you ever played hooky from school?
-like twice
196. Are you comfortable with watching rated R movies?
—-not with my parents
197. Do you root for any sports teams?
-bold of you to assume i do sport
198. First thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
199. If you could take home any one animal from the zoo, which one would you choose?
-a lizard
200. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know.
-uhhh ummmm (I have a tik tok with 7.5k followers) 
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quakerjoe · 5 years
I’m done. I’ve had it with Facebook, so fuck this shit; I’m out. Here’s the final publication...
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Perhaps you’ve noticed that it’s been quiet around here despite all the political excitement. If you’ve guessed “He’s in facebook jail again”, you’d be right. Being put in a childish “time out” because I pissed off someone who came to MY page uninvited is the name of today’s game, and I’m done with it. I already lost the original Quaker Joe page with well over 10,000 followers without an opportunity to say good-bye, so I’m doing so here and now to you all and to share some final thoughts about what I’ve learned about America, its people, and the political process in a collection of simple, straightforward observations. Here it goes.
First, it has become abundantly clear that America simply does NOT want to make this “a more perfect union” as prescribed in the Constitution that everyone claims to hold so dear. My whole life I’ve watched the GOP sink the economy and destroy civil rights and worker & environmental protections while making massive money grabs. While doing so, they’ve enacted shit laws to benefit the rich while screwing “the help”, meaning YOU in general.
This brings me to “Democrats are feckless” and suck-ass at delivering a clear message or any sort of show of strength. While they’re busy trying to clean up the mess left by the GOP every turn of the tide, the GOP points at them and they shout “Look at the mess the Dems are responsible for!” and Dems say nothing. Civility, I guess. It only goes so far before you get the reputation for being wimps. You know, like today.
Democrats are yesterday’s Republicans. They’re scared, angry and afraid of taking chances. Bold leaders like Bernie Sanders want to bring us ALL to a new, all-time high. Democrats are now his #1 enemy, trying to tear an honest man down. “He hasn’t accomplished anything” the same way Jesus didn’t in the N.T. No, I’m not comparing the two, but it’s funny how a “Christian Nation” isn’t rallying behind a Jew who is a former carpenter and is trying to lead a movement to tend to the poor and heal the sick. Fuck, Bernie could walk on water and turn water into wine all while bringing a dead man back to life and the Dems AND GOPers would still shit on him.
Liz Warren. She’s a brand. Granted, her brand is taking a royal shit on the rich and powerful by calling them out on their bullshit, and she used to be a hero to me, but we’ve got to face it- she ignored the call in 2016 when Bernie urged her to run for POTUS. She was either afraid of Clinton or she was playing the “But I’m A Woman” card and secretly wanted to back HRC. Either way, Warren was out for Warren, not a Progressive agenda and clearly wasn’t behind the cause. When Sanders picked up the torch for the Progressive Cause, she fucked him over and backed HRC, all while calling herself a Progressive. Again, she saw HRC as the inevitable victor and ponied up with her, probably hoping for a cabinet position. She’s doing it now, only more cautiously. This round, however, she thought it smart to shit all over Sanders EARLY in the game and when she did it cost her and her campaign tanked. She’s dropped out. So why hasn’t she openly endorsed Sanders, a fellow Progressive? She won’t. She’s waiting to throw in with Biden after the Primaries and we ALL know it. She’s no champion of the Progressive cause. She’s a brand and she’s looking out for her own ass and nothing more. She’s fallen from grace, if she ever truly had some. She WAS GOP before and clearly nothing’s changed much.
Biden. Fuck me, are we seriously considering fronting this next generation “W”? Why not just hand the election to trump now and get it over with. 2016 all over again. He’s already lining up his potential cabinet with Wall St. tycoons, and has OPENLY admitted that he’s going to slash Social Security (even though the Fed. OWES it a fuck-tonne of payback from all the times it has dipped into YOUR paid-in benefits) and Medicaid/Medicare, but do Americans find this a threat? With typical GOP mentality on BOTH sides of the aisle, it’s only a threat when a Dem. wants to do it, but if the GOP tries, well then it’s all good and fine. Biden is a fucking REPUBLICAN. Just because he CLAIMS to be a Dem, it doesn’t make him so. He’s racist, and twats like Kamala backing him already after the whole “I was that little girl” jab in the debates only shows that she’s not for “We the People” but her own ass. Shocker.
I could go through the list of formerly anti-Biden hypocrites who’ve jumped on board to support Biden and shit on Sanders. All the moneylenders are organizing and ganging up on the ONE true delegate trying to save YOU and not the RICH. Again, this is a CLEAR example of how America doesn’t WANT to be saved.
This has taught me that Americans are not only deluded and hypocritical, as a people in general, but that they seem to LOVE being put into position of strife and misery. It’s where they’re the happiest; embracing the stupidity and ignorance instead of trying to find a way to make us ALL safer, healthier, and happier. Americans HATE being happy with the “others” are happy too. Instead of reaching down to help a fellow American up, it’s the “American Way” to punch down and blame the poor and powerless for their own failings while the rich at the top keep pissing and shitting down on them all while making money grabs.
Next, there’s all this infantile bullshit about “Bernie Bros”. Seriously, shut the fuck up. Hypocrisy in action, yet again is what this is. I’ve found in my personal experience that if I call out another Dem on their bullshit, I’m labeled a “BB”. No matter how you try to point out how Pelosi’s asleep at the wheel or Schumer’s a babbling idiot or how Biden’s a declining fuckwit who can’t string words together and that trump will eat him alive on the debates if he’s the nominee, because I back Sanders, I AM THE ONE getting labeled. The media and the fuckwits out there who are tender little snowflakes who can’t handle criticism or having dirt on their picks dug up and called out cry and cry and cry until someone puts an admin in FB jail for days or even weeks or months.
So to them I say- “Fuck ALL y’all!” I’m done here. Cry me a river because I’m sailing off of Facebook and leaving you all with this cesspool of social mania run by a cunt who backs trump. It’s bad enough knowing that the game is rigged when electing who’ll be our nominee in the Dem. party, but it’s fucking stupid trying to fight the battle here on social media when there are thousands of people following who don’t have a problem with my postings, the description WARNS that I cuss here, yet it only takes one or two fucktards to shut down your page. Fuck this bullshit. I’ve got better shit to do, and my posts on other platforms like Tumblr and even Twitter never get me blocked or locked out. Childish as this whole notion of social media is, at least virtually every other platform is infinitely less riddled with whingers, bitchers and cry-babies who can’t take the heat and instead of clicking to go elsewhere they feel the need to fuck up a page. Enough is enough.
So for those of you who’ve even made it this far and still want to follow me, you can find me on Tumblr, a much more grown-up platform, here at https://quakerjoe.tumblr.com/. If you’re into Twitter (yuck) I’m there too for who knows what reason. https://twitter.com/QuakerJoe2020 will get you to me. I hope to see you all at one of those places. It’s been a real adventure and learning experience, but all I’ve learned is that America is a dirty, filthy nation with a dark and sinister past that it refuses to acknowledge and accept, let alone apologize for because admitting that you’re wrong is UNAMERICAN. Trying to do some form of penance is considered weakness, and turning to truth instead of lies and deceits only leads to the revelation that you’re all up to your eyeballs in selfishness, racism, misogyny, all sorts of phobias, and that you’re only happy as a nation in general when you’re literally given the liberty to tear each others throats out legally.
Good-bye, Facebook. I hope you ALL get a chance to get the fuck out and perhaps regain some sanity one day because if there’s one thing that trumplefuckstick did that was good, it was that he took off the covers and the gilded paint and showed us all what Americans REALLY are, it we’re not pretty.
-Quaker Joe
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onisiondrama · 5 years
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Two uploads to Encore channel. If you don’t already know, Encore has always been a throwaway channel where Greg throws re-uploads and occasionally wipes it, hides videos, etc. It’s random, old content and the channel itself was never very popular, so it seems these videos were purposefully uploaded there to not be seen by his regular audience. These seem to be directed at the people commenting on his Facebook pages because he uploaded one video to each of his pages and linked the second video on his main facebook page.
Anyway, notes time. Oh yay.
“the truth about... what happened”
- He says “some chick” he doesn’t know (Madame) is pissed at him over copyright, but she used a song of his. He doesn’t think she knows a damn about copyright and doesn’t think she talked to a professional. - Says she apparently started a campaign and generated revenue from y’all. He says he doesn’t watch any Youtubers except reaction videos, but he’s been by his Patreon discord she raised funds to sue him in small claims court and she used the funds to go to a fly to Washington to go to a concert and flew home. - He laughs and says people online think they’re justified about some things, but they’re not. - Says there was “some chick”, Joy Sparkle, who called kids “poo babies” because of their skin color. He says he warned us about her, but we didn’t listen. - Compares himself to Shane. Says Shane acted angry is his video “I’m not a blah blah blah”, and he did the same to Joy Sparkle because he saw she was crazy. People thought Joy was right, but she was completely nuts. - He says “y’all got played” about Madame, but he says you can gets your money back by going to small claims court.  - Says she can’t get money back for song copyright claims. Says he would react to music and no matter what he did, they would get claimed. This is why he doesn’t do Tik Tok reactions anymore. - Says used Andy Biersack’s music video with no audio and it was blocked from anyone ever seeing it. - Asks who the “tall chick”, “the yeti” that works with Shane was. “She’s like 6′20″.” Laughs and says it isn’t a bad thing, she’s just very tall. Says he made a video making fun of her with clips from her video and she copyright claimed it. He says he didn’t make a big deal about it because he knew he was in the wrong. - Says people don’t realize “fair use” isn’t “fair monetization.” Says you can use the content, but not monetize someone else’s song. “This is where we all go oh shit and clench our assholes cuz we’re like oh fuck he’s right.” He says you can use people’s stuff, but when it comes to profiting off it it depends on the copyright holder. - Says he used stuff from JoJo Siwa and Social Repose and they never had a problem with it, but he would understand if SR claimed it. - He says eventually we’ll be able to cut people’s content out easily so we can have out video back. “I know this for a fact.” - Says what Madame did was literally fraud and laughs. He says sorry to everyone that was defrauded. Says online there is more outrage than the real world.
(Notes for the other video will be in a new post. Gotta watch it now. I think it’s about BPD.)
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Post #46—Them Dirty Roses: Locked Down & Unplugged LIVE
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“Cause I found the wind that blows, It’s blowin’ me back home 🎶”
Nashville-based southern rockers Them Dirty Roses recently let the wind blow them back to the Bama clay they were raised on for two consecutive nights of sold out shows at Sidetracks Music Hall in Huntsville, AL. General manager/talent buyer Shane Bickel was eager to re-open and provide both musicians and fans alike a safe, socially-distanced outlet for music, so Hillbilly Hippie Music Review made the trek there via Indiana and L.A. (that’s lower Alabama) to enjoy a couple nights of tunes post-lockdown.
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Deemed “Locked Down & Unplugged LIVE,” the set of acoustic shows was the perfect, albeit different, way to kick off the return of live music—especially since HHMR’s last show before the nation-wide pandemic lockdown was in March with TDR at Sidetracks. Total full circle kind of moment, and one we wish we could have frozen in time. But, I’ve got to be frank—despite being a total glutton for acoustic music, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, being that everything had changed so quickly. Would people hesitate to interact? Would we dance and sing or sit there like statues? Would the energy in the room be relaxed or tightly-wound? At first, there was a bit of an unsure current in the air, but before long, everyone was loosened up and moving to the groove in their seats and all the ladies made their way to the stage to end each night with “Shake It,” a TDR ritual.
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Before we dive into the specifics of the weekend, here’s a little background for readers unfamiliar with TDR: Brothers James Ford (vocals and guitar) and Frank Ford (drums) formed Them Dirty Roses with their friends Andrew Davis (guitar) and Ben Crain (bass) in Gadsden, AL circa 2012 prior to moving to Tennessee to travel the country playing their brand of rock and roll and finding success both stateside and across Europe. Their sound is a bit southern rock heavy laden with outlaw vibes, and a bit party band mixed with a penchant for slower, sentimental jams—in other words, it’s eclectic and every bit as unique as the four men who form the band. However you describe it, a TDR show is always a good time—and it only takes one to get hooked on the electric energy these guys bring to the stage. On June 5th and 6th in a little venue off by the railroad tracks in Rocket City, the vibe was killer and the feeling was out of this world. Not only were the fans ready to rock, but the band was ecstatic and thankful to be back in action.
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HHMR contributor Linda Owen’s first-ever TDR show was March 13–the night the country shut down due to the pandemic. She has the unique perspective of experiencing the “typical” wide-open TDR show and the stripped, intimate version back to back. Here’s what she had to say:
“Three months without live music—I know I slowly watched myself go from the happiest most optimistic person I knew, to a complete mess. It may have seemed like I was okay, but I assure you I was not.
I’ve always known how much music has impacted my life. It has always brought me the greatest memories and blessed me with many friendships and there were so many times in my life where the only thing I had to hold on to was a song. Three months without my music family was torture. With that being said I'll never forget my first shows post-COVID-19. Ironically, the first post -COVID-19 show was at the same venue with the same band I saw pre-COVID-19, and it was perfect.
Let me set the scene. Sidetracks Music Hall is the kind of local music hall we all want in our hometowns: you feel at home as soon as you walk in, you are treated like family, and it has by far the friendliest staff and patrons of any place I've been to date. The venue possesses a large open floor plan with the bar area in the back, so there is not a bad spot to see the show. For this show in particular, tables are spread about what is normally the "pit" area. To be honest, I was a little nervous that this social distancing acoustic show wouldn’t quite fill that void that COVID-19 has left me feeling...I was so wrong. After getting settled in with a drink, my sidekick Lyssa and I did some mingling getting to talk to new-to-me friends that I'd made three months previously at the last show I had attended. The excitement in the room was palatable—and it only got better from there.
TDR hit the stage and you could feel the spirits of every single person in the room glowing around you. All the doubts that an acoustic show wasn't going to feel right with social distancing rules melted away! We danced and sang along like those tables weren't in the way the first night. "Whiskey in My Cup" "Grew Up In The Country" and "Molly" had us all on our feet grooving. We were treated to covers by The Black Crowes, Jason Isbell, and The Allman Brothers, in addition to fan favorites and new songs from their upcoming album expected to release in September—and we are stoked for it.
My heart and soul were happier those two nights than they'd been for the past three months. I sang my way back to Indiana..caught myself sing at work on Monday too!”
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The magic wasn’t solely felt by the HHMR team—the air was saturated with it and everyone in the room had a taste that left them yearning for more. Below are a few comments from TDR fans:
“The first show post lock-down came with more enjoyment than just the music. We were super excited for the chance to get back out and hear live music! Them Dirty Roses were the last band we got to see prior to the lock-down. Now, it turns out that Them Dirty Roses would be the first post lock-down. The music was great! What we didn't anticipate was the joy it also brought by seeing so many friends with smiling faces! It was amazing to be seen again and to hear two nights of wonderful tunes!”
—Bud Gambrell
“Went to the Friday show and it was a group of guys that were ready for a show. They were the last band we saw before the Coronavirus shut things down in Huntsville. Looking forward to seeing them again.”
—Kevin Boyd
“The first show post quarantine was like something wonderful that I had been deprived of for a long time. I think sometimes we don't see how many things that surround us in life we take for granted. I see at least two live music shows a month. During the summer, I probably go to 2-3 shows a week. Honestly, it seemed like such a wonderful release and something that people needed. Everybody has something that feeds their spirit—mine is music. Being deprived of other people and the things we love are just some of the things that add to that depression that comes with the whole quarantine/covid situation. So, being around friends and music felt really great and normal. It seemed like life may be getting back to normal finally. I smiled all night!”
—Jerolyn Davis
“Needless to say, Them Dirty Roses put on one hell of a show two nights in a row, which was just what I needed after the almost three month drought of no live music! The fact that they were the last live show for me before everything shut down is kinda ironic and cool at the same time. I'm also very thankful to Sidetracks for putting on the shows, they rock!”
—Robin Huff
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Guitarist Andrew Davis was on the same wavelength as many in attendance. When asked his thoughts on performing again post-pandemic, he said: “In March, the future of the entire industry was uncertain. We all knew that April was going to be postponed, but we couldn't even imagine postponing or cancelling the entire festival season. Then, weeks later, exactly that happened. With all of the uncertainty surrounding the future of our industry, it was very reassuring to get back out and play again. It definitely answered a lot of lingering questions about whether or not people would rush back to live venues.”
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After last weekend, it seems life will slowly, but surely, get back on track and all will be right in our world again. Until that day comes, be sure to support live music and independent venues—such as Sidetracks who has hosted many fabulous performers like Anderson East, The Steel Woods, Black Stone Cherry, Adam Hood, Kingfish, Ritch Henderson, Muscadine Bloodline, Whitey Morgan and the 78s, and many, many more in addition to TDR—in whatever manner you can so that we have them to return to when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted nation-wide. And don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for that new Them Dirty Roses record to release this fall—it’s without a doubt some of their best work. In the meantime, keep up with the band and their tour schedule at www.themdirtyroses.com and @themdirtyroses on both Facebook and Instagram.
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As always, stay safe, spread love, and be kind to one another. See y’all down the road!
*This is an independent review. The Hillbilly Hippie Music Review was not compensated for this review.
*The opinions expressed are solely that of the author(s).
*Fan quotes have been edited for conciseness and clarity.
*These images are not ours, not do we claim them in any way. They are copyrighted by Todd Dean with Butterdean Photography, Linda Owens, & Lyssa Culbertson.
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going off the back of that post that i reblogged last night about being a virgin/not dating/not having had a relationship by your 20s should be normalised and not shamed.... i thought I’d make a separate post bc meh anyway.
but yeah going off that post, I hate how when I was 17/18 and 18/19 when I had guys approach me on facebook for sex/a relationship/to date etc the question i had the most from all of those men (who at the time were in their early-to-mid 20s) was “are you like waiting for marriage or some stupid fucking bullshit for losing your virginity? like why the fuck haven’t you slept with someone yet? you’re 17-19! you’re obvs broken and let me/us (the us part was when it was 2 dudes, one trying to set me up with his friend) fucking fix you! what the fuck?” and then obviously that rant devolved into my typical point of “you should’ve fucked someone by the time you were 15!” bullshit rant that all of these men rattled off after the marriage/virginity question.
but no. i’m not waiting for marriage to have sex/lose my very non-existent purely social construct virginity. no. i’m not waiting for it to be “special” bc I know a lot of losing your virginity is MEANT to be awkward and funny and uncomfortable, unlike all the media around it making it seem seamless and perfect half the time.
but you know what I’m waiting for? a person that fucking respects that, in a sense. a person who doesn’t fucking think their stupid fucking mostly good-for-nothing genitals (ok in these cases it obvs a dick) will magically control me and “make you (me) into a real woman who loves real dick, real men, and real sex” which is something that “I’ll give you sex lessons in my car” guy literally said to me in 2014 when he was angry at me for not having lost my virginity by 18/19. im waiting for just like the bare minimum respect level that SO MANY MEN fucking refuse to fucking meet that it makes me fucking sick.
warning: this next part mentions suicide/self-harm.
like y’all I went through a lot with my stalker constantly harassing me with his “will you fucking hurry up and fucking consider that wonderful weekend of sex down the coast, so that I can be the first to have your virginity???!!! (and also so that I don’t try and kill myself, you selfish bitch!)” act. like why in all honest fuck would I give it to a guy that consistently threatened me with his suicide/generally threatened self-harm each time I refused to touch him? why would i give it to the guy who made me terrified that he’d punch me in the face if i ever called that bullshit out or generally criticised his behaviour in any way, shape, or form???? why would i give it to the boy who DEMANDED in first two days of knowing me, that i “hurry up and get on the pill so that I can fuck you!” and then followed that up with refusing to use condoms and then the “we’ll get married & have kids one day bc you’re girlfriend material” line, as if he was going to trap me at 16 with a kid to be his baby mama, and then never let me go to uni etc bc i obviously had to be stuck with the kid while he fucked off and fucked around with other girls.
like y’all 16 year old me mentally read my stalker for fucking FILTH each time he pulled his bullshit acts. she knew that he was abusive/manipulative/controlling etc. why the FUCK would she give him the satisfaction of “being the first to fuck you (her)” like she was some gatekept special unicorn or other fucked up shit???? virginity is used to control women by these creepy manipulative men. and the men mentioned in the first half of this post all were like “like yeah he sounds fucking yikes, but you should’ve just fucked him anyway; to be normal and to not be a fucking stuck up, frigid virgin bitch like you are now! you should of just given the guy a chance!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 maybe he would’ve treated you right if you fucked him and gave him what he wanted!!!! lower your fucking standards!!!!😡” like no????????? and y’all are really going to excuse suicide threats/self-harm threats and other violence towards women, over a woman not having lost her virginity yet???? what THE ACTUAL FUCK IS FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU?????? you are MOTHERFUCKING TRASH and you need to FUCKING LEAVE.
then yes there was the less yikes clear braces guy at catholic school. but all the same. 14/15 year old me DID NOT LIKE HIM in that way at all. I didn’t want to fucking touch him, because everything about him disgusted me (which was super fucking rude I’ll admit, but yeah).
but why the fuck was she expected to give up her virginity/have a relationship at all etc with a boy that she NEVER had feelings for???? why was she ALWAYS dismissed (typically more often by male students, but also by some female students and then eventually teachers) when she said she didn’t like him???? and even after she fucking dumped him???? WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO FUCKING HARD TO BELIEVE GIRLS/WOMEN when they say that they DON’T LIKE and NEVER LIKED someone?????
but other than that, why was I expected to give myself to him??? I had boys who always said to me “I bet you’d love licking the shit out of his braces. yeah get that nasty shit out of there for him with your tounge... I bet you dream about it” and other vile shit about this guy’s psoriasis etc, and other shit like that for 3 straight fucking years..... and then those boys fucking wondered why i’d fucking slap them and storm out of fucking class.... and then they always pretended to act all nice after it. why the FUCK was i expected to endure that?????
this is the relationship where the WHOLE year group pressured me into it (or at least I felt super pressured by my entire year) bc even the other half of the year started to harass me about it. whenever i told anyone to fuck off about it, they’d just push it harder. it was a fucking mortifyingly awkward and awful relationship where i never answered his texts.... where he would spell my name wrong although I was his “best friend” (although yes autocorrect but you wouldn’t over sight that in a text to your girlfriend, right?) and where I constantly faked sick or totally ignored his advances for dates...... by actually going over my friends houses, instead of going to the movies with him.... and then when he moved schools at the end of 2010 I felt like it was my fault bc I’d dumped him???? so he’d lost a good friend after that??? idek man teenagers suck lmao
but in the whole story about clear braces guy, I think you can see the underlying thing there was that i OBVIOUSLY wasn’t ready for a relationship, and honestly I don’t think this guy was either..... considering that when he asked me out over the phone he seemed awkward about it I suppose.... like we’d been pressured into FOR 3 YEARS of constant harassment from our year group..... so he felt like he HAD to ask me out finally. and then when he made it “facebook official” i gagged... and then snapped and then yelled at him. i was fucking livid. i cringed at the couple selfie he took of us at the end of one PE lesson after the “fb official” disaster. it was a fucking nightmare lmao.
can y’all see that this SHOULD NOT HAVE FUCKING HAPPENED AT ALL if we’d just left been left fucking alone to be friends that talked every day???? like yes he had his story of having a crush on me since the start of 2008/year 7, but I always felt nothing like that for him. EVER. we were just two metalhead friends bonding over parkway drive and marilyn manson and emo kids bonding over adtr and other bands which everyone else was into anyway.
like I did feel sorry for him in my class bc no one would sit with him, bc he was a bit weird (the braces thing didn’t help him either). he talked to me too bc most of my class was scared of me and my very dramatic screaming matches with teachers/emotional outbursts that would get me sent out of so many classes for most of year 7. but i always, ALWAYS saw us as just friends. basically it was just my group that believed that I didn’t like him (well eventually) bc they always got up and moved away whenever braces dude came to sit with me at at lunch/recess. like my group was embarrassed for me or something???? idek man.
but yeah. my point with braces guy is that why fuck should I have been pressured into that??? and ESPECIALLY why the actual fuck did it have to be a fucking whole year group level of sustained harassment for 3 straight years, where on every fucking level I WAS FUCKING IGNORED by everyone????.... and where that sustained harassment made me feel as though if I’d said no, i would’ve been called a selfish bitch/whore/slut bc teenagers are dumb as fuck. like even teachers started pushing it from time to time by 2010. i fucking hated it. why should a teenager be harassed ON THAT LEVEL FOR THAT LONG while still being invalidated..... and then still be expected to have a good view of relationships and sex exploration after that???? like it warped my views so much.... and then gave me a big part of a horrible fucking year long depressive episode in 2011..... and also gave me a weirdly obsessive and deathly obvious crush on one of the very popular pretty boys who had pushed me into that relationship anyway.... especially when that said boy gave me a flirtatious comment when I was “going out” with braces boy. like how the fuck is any of that healthy???? why was I expected to lose my virginity to someone I never had feelings for in the first place????
so yeah. this is my view on why people never having had a relationship/never had sex/not lot their virginity by their 20s should be a more normalised thing not to be shamed for...... and why teenagers should NEVER be harassed to have relationship that they don’t want, fucking period. just relationships in high school are fucking awful.
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I haven’t really looked at many other “step-mom” blogs... but, I can only assume there are many posts out there like the one I am about to make. Believe it or not, there are women out here in the world (myself included) that are not trying to marry your ex and steal your mommy card! Amazing, I know. I approached this situation in my brain as such: “Okay, well, her mom’s going to be around so, like, get used to it.” Because I am a possessive human being, if you will. Not like psycho-crazy-my-significant-other-can’t-have-friends... but, like, if we see your ex in public just KEEP WALKING. So, this was a given. She’s her mom, she is going to be around, end of story. “So... like, you gotta be a good influence. Be someone Z can look up to in a positive light.” I try my best to be a good woman figure in her life. I let her make her own opinions of things and support her in whatever she wants to do. I praise her, I make her happy as often as I can. I taught her how to braid hair. I teach her hygiene. I do face masks and girl things... but also go play soccer in the backyard with her. “Do I, like, go to lunch with her mom? Do we get coffee? Do I set up an interrogation room so she can ask me anything she wants or needs to know about me?!” Oh, yeah. I was SO prepared for interrogation. If I ever had children and the father and I split and he got himself a new lady... I would definitely be about that interrogation life. I want to know who is around my child, intentions, set boundaries, all that jazz. (This was not the case, I was quick to find out)
So, time goes on. As I just stated, that whole talking with mom was not the case. In three years, we have said “hi.” That was only because I showed up as pickup was being done and Z called me over and introduced us (because she’s fucking adorable and it was cute how she did it). Fast forward, things are said to my fiancé. I am being referred to in derogatory ways. APPARENTLY, “trashy,” “dirty,” “a stripper...” you name it, that’s me! I suppose those things were stemmed from a facebook post I had shared. Mind you, I have a very short fuse. Smaller than a grain of rice. I was watching my fiancé go through a court battle for custody/child support nonsense... I was angry about things being said and done. I was angry that Z was being talked about like she was a pawn. So, I shared this post about women abusing the child support system. In the comments I MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE MENTIONED HIS EX. (I did) AND SHE SAW IT. BECAUSE MY PETTY ASS MADE IT A PUBLIC POST SO SHE COULD SEE IT. Well, that is still being rode out to this day. The post was made, like, two years ago. She screenshotted it and took it to court. Used it against my fiancé. I deleted the post, blocked her on all social media, and quit posting things like that. Because it was a small mistake and it was dumb. I AM HUMAN. I acted out of frustration. I will admit that. Am I sorry about it? Not right now. I’ll be sorry when I am recognized as a healthy person in her daughter’s life in her eyes. Call me immature or petty, but that’s my belief. You want an apology? You can have one... when I get mine, too.
I have since then reached out to her two or three times asking if we can just talk. Not even in person. We can talk on the phone or ever through text if she wanted. But, since I am going to be a permanent thing in her daughter’s life I think it would be healthy to at least have one conversation. She ignores me every time. Is it annoying? Fuck yeah, it is. Can I do anything about it? Nah. Will I continue to provide, love, care, spoil, and  nurture her daughter? Of freaking course. Because what goes on between the adults does not need to affect the child at all.
I hope more of that back story can help you understand the way I explain things, or think about things. I also hope that when I say I love Z as if she were my own child, you believe me. But, loving a child I did not give birth to does not mean I wish to take over as her whole mother. Z is very blessed to have two parents and now a bonus parent to help her grow in life and become a wonderful adult. She has so much love surrounding her. People who see the “new woman” as a threat or a burden or trashy stripper... Have you ever talked to them? If your answer is no, then maybe you should. Tension can at least be reduced a little bit. Communication is a good thing in any kind of relationship. If you have talked to them, and the outcome was shitty... well, that’s a situation I can’t even touch on. (Cuz I would just tell you to punch them in the throat). If you have, and the three of you have a solid communication--I applaud you. Thank you for giving the child(ren) a healthy environment. I envy you.
Thanks for stopping by to read my coffee fueled ramble session today, y’all. Until next time.
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mbl17 · 6 years
Kim Berry Keeps Her Collection Plate on Deck
We have sat back and watched Prince’s former hairstylist Kim Berry tease fans with her upcoming book, Diamonds and Curlz: 29 Years Rolling with Rock Royalty, since last year. We never saw much value in a book written by Prince’s hairstylist unless she was spilling the man’s beauty secrets and we suspect that book publishers felt the exact same way. In a move that would make Joanne The Scammer proud, Kim launched an Indiegogo campaign to crowdfund the book with a goal of $10,000. Believe it or not, 171 backers helped Kim exceed her goal to the tune of a cool $11,357.
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Fans who gave $20 to $550 (W...T...F???) could get a range of “keepsakes” from a Certificate of Love (which we’ll get to later) signed by Kim to an autographed photo of her styling Prince’s hair (which we’ll also revisit). If you gave one of those big baller amounts you could have a private meet and greet or dinner with Kim and 4 of your friends. Kim’s Indiegogo campaign specifically stated that these funds would “cover the cost of every aspect of writing and promoting the book” and the donation would enable a 20 city book tour, so can anyone explain why she launched a Go Fund Me campaign for $20,000 whole dollars on March 18th to pay for a book tour? Many fans were outraged. We’re not sure if the campaign was reported or if Kim managed to scrape together some decency and ended it on her own, but roughly 24 hours later it had vanished. Kim’s latest attempt to take advantage of Prince fans has kept her riding high atop the shit list of many people.
Back in January Kim planned to auction a lock of Prince’s hair along with his comb. L.A. Archives surprised everyone with a Facebook post announcing the auction and we have to admit that we were speechless.
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Of course we have no way of verifying whether or not that hair actually belongs to Prince. For all we know Kim snipped a piece of her own hair or the family dog’s and tried to pull a quick okie-doke, but we do know that you have to be a thirsty individual to put something as personal as a dead man’s hair on the auction block. While Kim swore that it was all a big misunderstanding, L.A. Archives stood by their post and also said that the consignor, aka Kim, had been gifted this hair by Prince himself.
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So Kim expects us to believe that Prince, a man who preferred to call his fans “friends” because he didn’t like the association with fanatic and had no interest in being deified as a God, would give someone a piece of his hair? Anyway, she obviously decided against publicly selling the hair because she was being dragged across social media by her own edges and chose to proceed with auctioning Prince’s worn socks instead. Sigh.
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Kim’s “apology” only highlighted her lack of self-awareness that would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic. She refers to Prince as family yet she’s quick to reduce him to dollar signs for her own enrichment? You can’t make this stuff up.
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Earlier we mentioned a “Certificate of Love” that fans could get by making a donation on Indiegogo. Well look what Mi-Ling Stone Poole posted on her Facebook page. Y’all remember Mi-Ling right?
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The autographed photo above was taken by Steve Parke. He stated in no uncertain terms last week that he did not give permission for Kim to use his work for promotional purposes. This is also the second time that Steve has had to address this issue. Yup, he’s that colleague and friend that Kim is talking about in her Facebook apology. Steve first addressed Kim for allegedly selling an autographed version of this picture while on a Prince themed cruise in January.  Steve’s statement sadly escalated when a few unhinged fans made threats to Kim because of it. The threats were gross, unnecessary and ridiculous and we highly doubt that was Steve’s intention, but he has every right to be passionate about his art and protect it’s use. Don’t think for a moment that Steve has been the only one subjected to Kim’s sticky fingers. She’s also used Troy Gua’s Le Petit Prince artwork in book promos without his permission too.
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You have to wonder how 29 years of rolling with rock royalty and owning a hair salon at one time leads you to hawking a dead man’s items on the internet? We couldn’t tell you, but sis had her cosmetology license revoked at some point and got it reinstated with 3 years probation in 2015. This is an interesting tidbit because it was mentioned in the investigation files that Kim had allegedly not worked for Prince in the six years prior to his death. Allegedly. That also kind of calls her 29 year timeline into question.
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You know what else makes this 29 year tenure a head scratcher? According to Prince Vault, Kim’s name doesn’t appear as a hairstylist on any of Prince’s tours until The Ultimate Live Experience in 1995. Maybe she can explain this new math in the book.
When you’re a big star like Prince you employ a lot of people who depend on you to eat. Unfortunately, there are some associates who think that Prince owes them a meal ticket after death too. Since Kim’s book is slated for release on April 16th we expect her to take her antics to Minnesota just in time for Celebration. What better way to keep the gravy train now known as Prince chugging along than to peddle a few books to grieving fans with cash to spare?
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wwevampireamongkpop · 7 years
From Demon to Shield
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Pairing: soon to be Seth Rollins x reader, Roman Reigns x reader (platonic), Dean Ambrose, Finn Balor x reader (story line), Sasha, Bayley
Warnings: cussing (normal)
An: first Seth Rollins, it’s not the best but it’s building
Tag list: @ladyjayelehnsherr
Part 2 Part 3
               You had been on the Raw roster for several months and within a few weeks of being there you were thrown into a story line romance with none other than Finn Balor. On screen you guys were killer mix tag team and backstage you guys were more like brother and sister. Sure you thought that his accent was hot and his body was amazing but the two of you didn’t have that spark for a real relationship.
               In the time you were on Raw, you had made friends with mostly all the divas. Sasha and Bayley were your go to girls, they were your like the sisters you never had growing up. Bayley was the one who noticed that you had been eyeing someone.
               “Why don’t you go up to him and just talk to him? I know you want to.”
               “Who are we talking about now? Sheamus, Elias, or” Sasha looked up and down the hall, mainly in the direction you were looking, “ oh, or is it Seth?” She saw how you reacted when she said his name. “I heard that since Finn is going to be in Japan next week, Seth is going to be your tag partner for your match next week against Elias and Fox.”
               “Really, I knew Finn was going to Japan but not about Seth. How the fuck am I gonna concentrate during that match?” You looked at both women while biting your lip and thinking of Seth beating the hell out of Elias as you watch from your corner. “I’m so screwed.”
               Bayley sat her hand on your shoulder. “Yes, yes you are.” Then she pulled you into a hug before she released you and nodded her head so her and Sasha could get ready for their woman’s tag match. “See you later, (Y/n).” Both women waved as they walked away, leaving you in the hall contemplating on what the hell you were going to do.
               You looked towards Seth, seeing him smiling as he talked with Dean and Roman always put a small smile on your face. Seeing him so relaxed around his boys was amazing. All three of them have stuck to each other’s sides since they reformed the Shield and that was something that you had wanted to be a part of even when you were still NXT.
               You and Roman had talked a few times, you could call yourselves friends.
               Roman must have noticed that you were looking their way because he was now walking over to you with that goofy smile on his face.
               “What’s got you smiling like that, big dog?” You smirked at him just before you gave him a quick side hug.
               “I see you lookin over at us, baby girl.”
               “Yeah, I can’t help it. Y’all make it hard not to.” You couldn’t help but giggle a bit.
               “You know, Dean’s gonna be in your corner next week since you’re teaming with Seth.” His signature smirk plastered on his face.
               “I know Deano will be there. Seth and Dean are practically inseparable. Plus who else will be there to try to play Elias’ guitar during the match just to distract him?” Roman chuckled at your words.
               Roman leaned down enough to whisper in your ear. “Seth can’t wait for next Monday. I’ve heard him mutter to himself about he should be your man.” With that, the tall Samoan walked away. Leaving you standing there trying to process what he just said.
               You were thankful that the night was over. Roman’s words still replaying in your head as you made your way to the hotel. You were ready for a hot shower and some much needed sleep after your last match for a couple weeks with Finn. Finn was off to the airport while you made it to the hotel, texting Finn telling him to have fun. You were lucky this time, normally you shared a room with Finn but for the next week or so you had your rooms to yourself.
               You made it to your room, tossing one of your bags on the huge bed as you rolled the other next to the dresser. You shed the demon Balor shirt you decided to wear when changing out of your ring gear at the arena and then the shorts you had on. It was time for your shower that was most needed.
               After your shower, you decided to wear the Shield shirt that Roman gave you a couple weeks ago. Saying something along the lines that you were a member of the Shield despite not officially being a part of the storyline Shield. The thought of being able to be that close to Seth made your heart race and a smile spread across your lips. Your mind was pulled from your thoughts by the sound of Romans ringtone.
               “Hey Ro, what’s up?”
               “We all decided to head to the bar down the street, I wanted to see if you wanted to hang with us boys.”
               “You’re sweet, Ro, but I’m just gonna lay in bed, watch some tv and check what some of the fans were saying on social media about tonight’s show. Thank you though dude.”
               “Awe come on, baby girl.”
               “Sorry big man, my happy little ass is already sitting on my bed.” You weren’t sitting down you were just standing there next to your bag in nothing more than a pair of black panties and a Shield tee. “Maybe next week. I’ll even buy a round.” You could hear him thinking it over.
               “Okay, Dean was kinda looking forward to if what Balor said was true.” What the hell did Finn tell them?
               “What exactly did that Irishman tell you? I swear if he said the wrong thing I will hurt him.” Roman chuckled.
               “All he said was that you were fun to drink with.” A wave a relief washed over you, not like it really helped. You hoped Finn didn’t tell them that you were a major cuddlier when drunk. “Oh, he did send me a text the other day. I’ll have to send you a screen shot of it.” He spoke in a hushed tone, as if he didn’t want Seth or Dean hear him. Your heart nearly stopped, Fin sent him a text about you being a cuddlier. You were going to kill an Irishman when he gets back. Not waiting for a response, Roman hung up. You were now nervous, worried and on top of that tired from tonight’s show.
               You moved your bag off the bed, grabbed your lap top, and climbed into bed. Instead of checking Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, you decided to go to tumblr. You loved reading what the fans said about the night, who they wanted to win, and you even saved some of the fans gifs that they made. You were even a sucker for the fanfiction that they wrote. There were times that some of the fans could write better storylines than the creative team, which you would never say out loud.
               After scrolling through what felt like hundreds of posts, you passed out. Unknowingly stopping on a fic that was about you and Seth.
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Wow they bashing Spinelli?!? This is why I stay off Twitter, plus I honestly didn’t realize Killy was such a huge thing until Steve came back. They’re becoming worse than Liason fans
Yeah, I mean it’s only really Twitter in which the Killy stans are ugly, and that’s simply because Twitter is such a toxic environment when it comes to fandoms and stanning - I mean, I should know, I received death threats and insults from the Cl/exa fandom on Twitter last year.
What bugs me the most was that Bradford responded to one of the trolls politely saying that it was no harm, him and Steve are friends, nothing about Jason, but the trolls were still being abusive. Even after Kelly addressed it, they retweeted her tweets about #KillyWithKindness then proceed to abuse Bradford more when he quoted her tweet with “Love these two”. 
My favourite tweet from a troll was that they are not sending abuse to the actors but to the characters, so that is fine. A Killy/Stelly stan gave them receipts which basically insults characters of GH like Carly, Robin, Sonny - anyone that believes Steve is Jason, then specifically insults Steve Burton. And they were like “And? It’s ok to hate the characters” and when someone pointed out that Steve isn’t a character but a real life person. They responded that they did no wrong and Steve doesn’t count.
But yeah, I think it is partly Kelly’s fault, but it was not intentional. She broke the first rule of fandom/ships in recent years, don’t state your preference in ships. General Hospital fandom is becoming like any other fandom, being infiltrated by the younger generation which have a percentage of crazies that can’t seem to separate fiction from reality.
However, articles came out about her Con with Billy in which she said that she loved working with Billy and the current JaSam and Killy fans took that to mean that Billy is Jason and they will stay together no matter what. I think Kelly didn’t realise the harm that her actions did since I don’t think bad apples came in full force until afterwards when they felt threatened by Steve returning. But at the same time, she couldn’t go I prefer Steve or miss the original JaSam. Part of the reason she could have said Billy was because he was there. However if the rumours are true about their personal relationship then she might of said Billy simply because of that, it’s obvious that Killy are closer and have a much different relationship to Stelly - however that doesn’t mean that she hates Steve of Stelly‘s JaSam.
I saw some people comment on an article about the abuse and said that it’s Kelly and Billy‘s fault for keeping their relationship private. Now firstly, they don’t owe us anything, we don’t have the right to know if they are dating or not. They are humans, they have their own lives. Billy is especially private. If they want to keep their personal lives private, that’s their prerogative.  However, I do feel that if they are in a relationship and confirmed it, then Kelly’s comments about preferring Billy would be less harmful because fans would go “Well they are dating, of course she prefers him” - But what Kelly should have done and what many actors struggle to do is to push the company line. Which in a way, she sort of did, at the time of filming Killy JaSam was the focus. But I think in that case, she should have remained impartial, stressing favourite things about both JaSams and the actors - or do a joke answer.
I think no one really considers General Hospital or soaps to have fandoms like say The 100 or The Vampire Diaries or any show that has a predominant youth audience.
But as people get older, new audiences are watching the soaps, soon they are going to the tech savvy younger audience that has grown up with social media, internet, fandoms and stanning and actors are sadly going to realise that they have to be careful with what they are saying. It’s a toxic environment. 
Like I said, Kelly did unintentionally contribute to this, by stating her opinion, and it‘s stuff like this that can turn people away from a certain storyline/relationship happening. 
What is a little odd is that Kelly use to be good at keeping with the company line, when JaSam first broke up she told (I believe) SOD that she hated the breakup and felt that it was abrupt which was sad but that she was enjoy Lucky and Sam’s relationship. 
But the Killy’s on Twitter have been crazy on Twitter sending abuse to actors who are good friends with Steve (they have known him longer, y’all) and some trying to get actors fired.
Like I said in my Original post, not all Killy’s are behind it, even some try to stop the trolls however, sadly the bad apples make the loudest impact and give people a bad rep.
It’s why I stay out of the GH fandom on Twitter, there are probably many more, could explain why Facebook GH fandom is more balanced and Steve (part of that has to do with a bigger demographic on facebook). 
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thatgirlfromwindsor · 7 years
92 Tag!
I was tagged by @roleplayingexo, my lil love
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. (20 ppl ur funny)
1. Drink: Iced water to go with my cookie bc I’m lactose :c 2. Phone call: I think my auntie. She wanted to talk to my dad or something. 3. Text message: My cousin :D I think I was asking her to steal a baby for me
4. Youtube Video (this was fked when I got to it so imma just do my own…): My girl Taylor Nicole Dean
5. Time you cried: Yesterday. I was talking to Mel about my hypothetical dead bird dying because it outlived me and got sad and didn’t understand why I was gone and I broke
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Boy I haven’t even dated someone once r u kidding me 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: :’) I’m a boyfriend virgin and a kiss virgin I feel personally attacked 8. Been cheated on: See above 9. Lost someone special: My puppy was run over by a car the other day. That effing sucked. 10. Been depressed: I haven’t been diagnosed by a doctor and I don’t really have sad periods or anything. I don’t think I have serious depression but sometimes a girl just wants to d*e ya feel me lmao  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: *sigh* I’m a drunk virgin too. I have gotten tipsy before tho (my first time drinking and it was soju smh the inner koreaboo strikes again :////)
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Pastel pink, mint green, coral pink/red
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes! I started uni this fall, so I’ve met loads of new people :) 16. Fallen out of love: I don’t think I’ve ever really been in love. I did unbias Minseok though. All the merch is a lil awko taco now. (Still loaf him, but Jongdae owns my heart n soul now uwu) 17. Laughed until you cried: Today. I was reading a confessions post from my uni and o lor d 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah. It sucked 19. Met someone who changed you: @universitykpop when did we meet again lmao 20. Found out who your friends are: ?? Who knows all of y’all could be snakes and I’d be none the wiser 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: See above for further explanation 
GENERAL 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Almost all of them. I have Mel on there and some distant family friends or something 23. Do you have any pets: I had Chocolate but I had to leave her behind in Vietnam when I came home (technically I only babysat her for a lil bit but she was my puppy and I cried when she died) 24. Do you want to change your name: Yes. My last name is stupid and in the wrong language. 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I just had a small get together with friends. We chilled, played jenga, gossiped, the usual 26. What time did you wake up: Today’s a saturday so like probs something dumb like 11am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching animal videos 28. Name something you can’t do: Not cry during an argument I’m a lil pussy 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Like 2 hours ago before she went to bed 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I got into working out so I wasn’t a fat out of shape slob
31. What are you listening right now: My songs of the moment are Babe by Hyuna, Forever by Exo, Kokobop by Exo, p much all of Exo’s discography. I slide in some Pierce the Veil and All Time Low too. They’re rad 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Most likely?  33. Something that is getting on your nerves: My makeup is nearing the end of it’s run but 1) I spent a lotta time on this look and 2) I’m lazy to wash my face (I’ll post a pic if any of yall are interested) 34. Most visited Website: Loncapa :’))))))))) Fuck me up chem
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: Nope! 36. Mark/s: Beauty marks/birthmarks by my eye, on my arm, on my back. They’re not moles though. They’re very much flat. I have some scars on my hands from stupid things like getting cut on coral and shit 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be an author. I thought I loved writing but I guess biomed was always my true calling 38. Hair colour: Black 39. Long or short hair: Long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah and the bitch’s name is Kim Jongdae 41. What do you like about yourself: I think I have pretty lips. I like my eyes 42. Piercings: Just my ear lobes but I’ve always wanted a nose piercing or a double helix 43. Bloodtype: No idea but according to an old wives tale I’m an O type 44. Nickname: I like to go by Vivi on here, or Viv sometimes. Mel likes to call me Weimoney :’)))))))))) 45. Relationship status: Single af 46. Zodiac: Pisces 47. Pronouns: She/ Her 48. Favourite TV Show: Go Fighting! I used to be really into the Flash, I really like Orphan Black too 49. Tattoos: Nada 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: I don’t think so. My parents thought I was dead when I was born tho so who knows what the doctor did to me 52. Hair dyed in different colour: I’ve tried! My hair is a really really dark dark black colour. I’d have to bleach it and I don’t wanna fuck with that at home lmao  53. Sport: I like jogging sometimes. I’ve tried to pick up yoga 55. Vacation: I loved loved loved China. I visited Xiamen recently and I love it so much. I feel so at home. Also Grand Cayman. It’s beautiful there (my heart goes to all of those affected my the hurricanes. Stay strong!) 56. Pair of trainers: (does this mean sneakers or runners???? I don’t get your foreign slang Jess) I like my converse. They’re my babies. I have a pair of Free Runs tho. They look really good with skinny pants.
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: I ate a cookie bc I skipped dinner oops 58. Drinking: The same iced water 59. I’m about to: Do some chem hw 61. Waiting for: My next trip to NR to I can justify blowing all my $$$ on Exo notebooks 63. Get married: I would love to. It requires that I’m in a relationship first though… 64. Career: Med school is the dream. It’s a big dream and a big ambition, but I hope with hard work and perseverance I can make it a reality. I’m not sure what I want to specialize it, but I’ve always found reproductive endocrinology super interesting. 
65. Hugs or kisses: I love hugs. Hugs are the greatest. They make me feel warm and loved. No experience with kisses
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. Eyes hold so much expression and history.
67. Shorter or taller: Both! Kyungsoo and a smol lil cutie patoot, and Channie is a tol giant full of love and cuddles. Both could take me any day
68. Older or younger: Older. I can’t imagine being with someone younger at this point in my life
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I just want my boothang to be happy and healthy. Channie bear pls don’t starve urself abs aren’t worth it bb :((((
71. Sensitive or loud: I don’t know what this means but if it means what I think it means than kinky sex
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’m a massive piece of shit with social anxiety so you know what who fuckin knows at this point
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: SEE ABOVE ONCE AGAIN HOLY HSIT 75. Drank hard liquor: I’ve had soju so it’s like half vodka? I’ve tried a berry alcohol (it’s native to Vietnam and super hard to come by) that’s 40%. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: I lose my sunglasses on my face. I’m a failure 77. Turned someone down: Possibly? I’m terrible at reading signs. 78. Sex on the first date: I feel personally attacked at this point. No first dates ever :/ 79. Broken someone’s heart: That would mean that someone would be interested in me…  80. Had your heart broken: Yes 81. Been arrested: Nope. I’m a good girl 82. Cried when someone died: Yes 83. Fallen for a friend: Nada
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Meh. I guess so 85. Miracles: Yeah 86. Love at first sight: I believe in lust at first sight. I don’t believe that you can truly fall in love with someone before meeting them 87. Santa Claus: Nope 88. Kiss on the first date: Sure, why not? A kiss is just a kiss 89. Angels: I like to think so, yeah
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: @universitykpop is it sad if I say you? 91. Eye colour: Brown 92. Favourite movie: Rush Hour. It’s a fave of mine. Brings me back to the good old days :’)))
Tagging: @universitykpop @penseuls I have no other friends oops. If you see this then I tag you too!!! And tag me in your responses. I love reading them. Haneul I dare you to do this all in your bullet journal (might as well get some content for your blog)
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