#she still wants his approval of course but the arrested development is strong
thegetdownrebooter · 1 year
Mmm I see what you mean, but it's just that I see cis girl Kendall as having a very different relationship with Logan from canon Kendall, where she doesn't really need saving from her dad so much because he doesn't give a shit about her compared to Roman and Shiv. So her motivation would be more the ache coming from that lack, and I don't think she'd be able to convince herself that she's fine without his love or approval like Connor.
That said, she would still try to be outwardly rebellious and independent and that's probably what a lot of her relationship with Stewy would involve, but it just wouldn't work out because she needs to feel valued by her family and he isn't willing enough to play those games and let them take over his life. And yeah, I think she'd be put off by Tom being a suckup, kinda hating him for the same reason she's with him. It's just a push and pull of conflicting interests and emotions.
intresting.... i agree her relationship with stewy would be doomed because he isn't willing to play those games and would want her to tell her old man who doesn't even like her that much to fuck off, but still i feel like she simply wouldn't be attracted to someone like tom?? like, in my gut i feel like cis girl ken would have doomed relationships with headstrong men who come from their own money and don't need logan's approval because it's something she isn't familiar with and probably finds appealing in them. The downside is that those guys will eventually try to convince her to leave her abusive father behind fr both for her own sake and because they want to start a life with her but that quickly is the the beginning of the end in those relationships because ken isn't able to do that.
The thing is i personally feel like she would be miserable in a peter/caroline and tomshiv situation like, she would simply send tom packing like with jennifer in canon after tom meets logan for the first time.
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Do you have more Ginny headcanon ?
Do you have fifteen hours?
I'd say most of my headcanons are more like deductions from canon to be honest. You can find some of them in my one-shots. Anyway, I'll try to make a list of strictly Ginny headcanons.
her favourite colour is green (which between Harry's eyes and the Harpies is basically canon, it's like saying that red being Harry's favourite colour is a headcanon)
as we all know Ginny loves cats, but seeing that her family could never afford to buy her one, she always had in mind that with her first paycheck, she would buy her first cat, and she does
when she was little she wrote adventure stories about her and The Boy Who Lived
writing was a part of her healing process after the Chamber
in her second year, Dumbledore invited her many times to play chess and it was a subtle way to bring her to open up about the diary (this is technically not canon but it's way more canon complaint that Dumbledore did this than the idea that he didn't, both from the perspective of him being a good loving man despite it all, and the cynical perspective of him wanting to know more about Riddle)
I'm a strong supporter of the universally accepted headcanon of Ginny and Sirius having late-night chats at Grimmauld Place
Ginny jokingly promised Sirius that if she and Harry would've actually ended up together (like Sirius seemed to believe) she would've called her first boy after him
as the years go by, she and Rita Skeeter develop a sort of frenemies situation (this is actually something I've been thinking of writing about for a long time)
with tpfy @takearisk-ao3 made me fall in love with the idea that Smith would remain an annoying presence in her life
she was arrested at least once while Harry was already Head Auror, it was very embarrassing for the Aurors involved
McGonagall asked her to become Head Girl but she turned it down
she was the first woman to become sports editor for the Daily Prophet (for who doesn't know this: sports journalism is an exetremely sexist field)
I can't imagine Ginny as anything but the coolest of mothers
every young Quidditch player dreams of the stamp of approval from Ginny Potter, if she says a player is going to be great then that player is going to be great, she very much has the power of influencing the players' market with her opinions
in general, I imagine Ginny as eventually a very revolutionary, iconic, and borderline intimidating figure of sports journalism, someone people would aspire to work with and become like (a sort of way less workaholic and good version of Miranda Priestly)
obviously, she published books, but I totally see her publishing also novels and I think that Ginny specifically writing children's novels in her last years would be a very full circle moment seeing that she started the story in love with The Boy Who Lived
I'm kind of into the idea of Ginny eventually starting her own newspaper (with Albus, because I headcanon him as a journalist too)
she is extremely careful in making sure Lily Luna never thinks she can't do something because she is a girl and she makes sure James and Albus never shove her aside
she loves Harry's smile (this is kind of canon, to be honest, fourth book) and she absolutely adores the sound of his laugh
she rescues animals like it's her job, the Potter house is filled with rescues (Harry is always grumpy at first about it, more because he feels like someone should be the reasonable one but secretly it's just one of the many things he loves about her)
the animals obviously have the weirdest names
she kind of likes Slughorn, in the way you like a weird uncle you see once a year
she absolutely can cook, she is the only daughter of Molly Weasley, of course she can cook, she just doesn't like doing it most of the time
even after she stops playing she still keeps doing regular physical exercise
absolutely accidental fashion icon
Ginevra was the name of her half-Italian maternal grandmother who died of a broken heart after Gideon and Fabian's deaths
she passes on to her kids her arts and crafts love, but especially to Teddy
All is well is something she started saying to Harry after he had nightmares, eventually, Harry started doing it with her too, and it sort of became their mantra
she was a bit disturbed by the fact that she would never be able to know if James and Lily would have approved of her, she went alone to their graves the day before her wedding to talk with them
this is substantially canon, but according to JKR, when yew wands (like Ginny's) get buried with their owner, a yew tree is born from the grave and I adore that image (the tree protects Harry's grave too)
I'm pretty sure I could go on for an eternity but let's stop here.
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pynkhues · 5 years
I was wondering, in the c&c universe, who in Beth's kid would be the more likely to do something that could really piss off Rio? Like he seem to always remain calm and in control with the kids, I sometimes wonder how he would react if one of them did something really really bad...
Ah, this is such a fun ask! It’s such a funny thing too, because I sort of had loose thoughts in my head about the kids when I started writing C&C, but they’ve really firmed up across the course of writing it (which I hope has come across for people reading!) It’s been so fun to imagine the kids as more than just plot devices and scenery like they often are on the show (not all the time! But…. sometimes), and even more fun imagining the relationships both Beth and Rio have with them.
So, okay, for everyone reading, this is all purely Center and Circumference stuff, not canon, so just keep that in mind.
(This list is ordered least prone to being infuriating down to most, haha, not age, which I think in both canon / C&C is Kenny – Danny – Emma – Marcus – Jane).
Rio definitely finds Emma and Kenny the easiest.
Emma is someone I typically write based mostly off her s2 characterisation (and a bit off her s1 characterisation!) as being incredibly sweet and gentle. She’s a bit of a tattle tale, a bit bossy, super well-behaved, but also very bright, kind and creative. She’s hands down the easiest of all the kids for both Beth and Rio, but is also prone to being oversensitive about things and totally useless when it comes to defending herself or standing her ground. She’s not weak-willed exactly, just she doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny and she hates conflict.
With all of that, Rio’s relationship with her is very paternal and pretty protective. He genuinely likes being around her because she’s quiet and studious and thoughtful, but he also gets immensely frustrated by her – particularly as she gets older – because she’s a little too soft, and she wounds easily, and is a little prone to being taken advantage of by kids at school (which scares the shit out of both Beth and Rio, even if they won’t always admit it). Particularly in highschool, Emma’s the sort who’s desperate to fit in, and will do things out of character to get there, which totally breaks Beth’s heart and infuriates Rio to no end.
I actually see Kenny as being someone who’s fairly sensitive as well. I think the show portrays that in the sense of him generally being pretty gentle and overly trusting, and having his anxieties manifest through his binge eating (which was a massively underdeveloped storyline, but I liked it and am running with it, haha). In C&C – which I’ve written in a few times already – I see him generally as having ‘manned up’ when Dean moved out, and made a big effort to help Beth more and to be a good big brother to his siblings, but also still being somebody who’s fairly soft at the centre of him and prone to anxiety.
During Beth and Dean’s divorce, he also got progressively more protective of Beth, and that’s something he initially struggles with in terms of her and Rio’s relationship, but as Rio and Beth become longer term and more and more stable, and Rio keeps looking out for Beth, Kenny really does come to love Rio, although he always has - - not reservations, but I think he’s the first to realise exactly what sort of work Rio does, and it worries him constantly – something that only gets worse as his relationship to Rio grows and he becomes worried for him too.
Kenny’s…not the brightest crayon in the box, and he can be a bit of a dick, particularly during adolescence (what teenager isn’t?), but he’s not really rebellious. Beth and Rio have the most issues getting him to study and getting him to have any sort of ambition or direction that isn’t fleeting (he’s a (adequate) jack of all trades and a master of none!)
In terms of the kids most capable of pissing Rio off, it’s sort of a three-way tie for different reasons, haha.
Marcus is, of course, Rio’s son, and in that he’s charismatic, cute, a little more cunning than he pretends to be, and too smart for his own good. And Rio knows, of course he knows, but he’s a little more blind to it than he realises he is, which just entertains Beth to no end. He was a natural born troublemaker, and Beth sees it instantly, but Rio is forever convinced its Jane’s influence, and sees Marcus as more of a golden child than he is (although to be fair – he’s a pretty golden child).
Beth develops a really strong relationship with Marcus, particularly through cooking as Marcus loves doing that with her (Rio can’t cook, and despite the fact that Marcus’ mom – Laura – manages restaurants, she’s all business, not the craft of cooking really at all), and he actually kind of loves that Beth calls him on his bullshit while also being loving and fair, whereas Rio is someone who’s prone to penduluming between approval and disapproval when it comes to the kids, haha.
Marcus generally though is pretty relaxed, a voracious reader, lowkey competitive (he loves a boardgame and plays a range of sports in highschool), but he’s also someone with a bit of a wild streak – particularly in terms of pranks, partying and toying with the line of the law as he gets older (usually with Jane. Okay, always with Jane).
And ah, Jane. My favourite Boland Kid after s2, haha. She’s snarky, stubborn, is brought to life by gross things, and is about as reckless and prone to misbehaving as Emma is to, well, good behaviour (although Jane does actually listen to Beth too – just like in 2.07 – she didn’t cross the road!). Jane is a terror through and through, and sure, she has a heart of gold, but as Annie will say “At what cost?”
Jane rebels hard, but despite that, she adores both Beth and Rio, and while she exudes confidence, and is a natural born leader, she’s a lot needier than she pretends she is, and is very much the family baby. She doesn’t make friends easily, but she found another half in Marcus – who becomes basically her twin in many ways, but who she’s also sort of in constant battle around because for all the ways people gravitate to Marcus, they tend to avoid Jane (sexism and misogyny’s a bitch!) and Marcus, despite all his best traits, just doesn’t get it and assumes it’s usually because she’s pissed someone off. In no small part because Jane also is somebody who’s pretty naturally antagonistic, but she’s also fierce and kind and loyal and smarter than she pretends to be. Particularly as she gets older too, she becomes closer and closer with Emma and Beth, but also Annie and Ruby.
Jane’s probably the kid Rio finds most frustrating on a surface level – she’s the one who’s always in trouble after all – but as we all know, Rio kind of loves troublemakers, and there aren’t any smoke and mirrors with Jane. She is what she is, and Rio doesn’t have favourites (outside of his son of course), but if he did – despite himself – Jane would be it. He loves that little jerk, haha.
So the winner of the ‘kid who pisses Rio off the most’ is Danny, and I feel a bit bad for saying this here, because I haven’t actually really written much of this in yet (although it’s heavily plotted into Part 4 of C&C and very firm in my head). Danny’s definitely the kid on the show that we know the least of, but he’s also pretty consistently quiet in the scenes we’ve seen him in, and so I have rolled with that, haha.
He’s artistic and creative, albeit pretty average at non-artsy classes at school (although not a struggling student at all), but he’s also really quiet and almost private. Not secretive exactly, but he’s a kid who doesn’t like much attention drawn to him, who embarrasses easily, and who just likes to do his own thing – which proves a nightmare for both Beth and Rio for a few reasons – firstly, Rio’s SO into art, and sees so much talent in Danny, that Danny’s really just too embarrassed to show Rio (particularly early on – I think Danny’s the slowest to warm to people too), secondly, he’s prone to wandering off on his own and disappearing (I keep wanting to write this with Beth and Rio both freaking out in their own ways and somebody should prompt me, haha), thirdly, his tendency to fly under the radar means he gets away with things and can misbehave without drawing attention until he’s arrested for graffiti), and fourth, (which is a lowkey spoiler for Part 4!) that that tendency towards not drawing attention to himself means he can be genuinely sick or hurt and prone to hiding it. (I also headcanon him in this series as being very prone to getting sick generally, but that feels like a whole other thing).  
And all of that really is something that pisses Rio off – both when Danny’s still a kid and when he’s older, because Danny’s surprisingly good at playing innocent and Rio doesn’t like being made a fool of – whether that be Danny pretending he doesn’t have a fever before school only to have Rio called a few hours later by the school nurse, to when he’s older, and pretending he doesn’t care if Rio comes to a tiny, low-rent artshow everyone knows he’s better than, and then being upset when Rio doesn’t figure it out, which is to say nothing of poor Beth, haha.
Anyway, clearly I need to write more Danny and his nightmare self into C&C.
But yes! The answer to your question is Danny, haha, although they are all terrible, wonderful dumpster kids in their own ways.
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bella-gunn · 5 years
More Blue Exorcist conspiracy theories!
I apologize, first thing for this "Wall-O-Text"(tm), anyone who knows me reasonably well knows I have a lot of thoughts that turn into mountains of words.
Unfortunately I still haven't found a way to toggle from rich text to html on my phone app (if such a thing is even possible). I do pretty much everything with my phone, so I'm sorry, no pretty text cut here.
Without further ado...
yuri-egin-123 asked some fantastic questions and this is my humble attempt to answer them, theoretically.
"...going back to Yuri's past, when Rin first saw satan, did Satan feel it? because it has already been proven that Rin can feel powerful demons nearby and Satan also in chapter 107. Now, does Satan know that Rin has been in the past?"
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Rin is powerful, true, but I don't think Satan would have noticed Rin for two really good reasons and one kind of theoretical reason.
Good reason #1:
Satan is incredibly arrogant. He can sense all demons, weak and powerful, but frankly he doesn't care because he knows he far out classes anyone else. So it doesn't make sense for him to take special notice of Rin in all the mess of demonic activity around him.
Good reason #2:
Rin is powerful, but he isn't more powerful than Lucifer, Mephisto, Egyn, Iblis and Asteroth, who are also in close proximity to Satan. Mephisto has been acting as Rin's personal tour guide, even Lucifer has ignored Rin in Mephisto's presence and they were in the same room practically face to face.
Theoretical reason:
Satan may not be able to tell the difference between Rin and his own power. The other demons respond to Rin's power just like it's Satan's, until Rin asserts control over his flames there is even some concern that they are actually Satan's flames. So I think it's unlikely that Satan would notice Rin because he would feel familiar and "same".
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What. An. Ass.
"...and in question the shiemi, at first I thought she was a clone of Shemihaza but nevertheless in chapter 99.5 they said "your mother awaits". I do not think Shemihaza is the mother of Shiemi, maybe Shiemi is Shemihaza herself, do not you think?"
I agree with you 100%; I do not think Shemihaza is Shiemi's mother in the traditional sense. It's clear there is a connection between Shiemi's birth and Shemihaza but I think it is less direct than Shiemi being a Shemihaza clone.
As far as Shiemi being Shemihaza let's examine what we already know from the story so far.
There are two upper demon ranks, the Baal and the Sol, Satan is above all.
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The Baal are the 8 demon kings, the Sol are the emperors of nothingness and creation, Armumahel and Shemihaza respectively.
The most recent chapter has given us suprising information; Armumahel is the source for holy water. Armumahel's influence "hollows out" humans, eventually making them "soul less", his influence on demons seems to cut their spiritual connection to Assaiah, sending them back to Gehenna.
This is wild, the whole thing from holy water to the experimental Illuminati weapons had me thinking:
If this is the power of nothingness made manifest in the material realm of Assiah, then what would the power of creation do!?
I have been turning this over in my mind since the Grigori representative called Shemihaza interacted with Lucifer in section 13.
Lucifer acknowledges the Grigori representative as Shemihaza but also appeals to their humanity. It is apparent the the Grigori representative was at one time human, but has put aside their humanity to take on the role of actually being Shemihaza in reality. This is no mere playacting, all signs point the the Grigori representative of Shemihaza as being a manifestation of Shemihaza.
Certainly there is some limitation, Shemihaza the Grigori isn't all powerful, but she is certainly well respected by Lucifer, who only respects power greater than his own.
Then there is the matter of Shemihaza the Grigori's seemingly unaging enterouge of obviously related people. They are all different shapes and sizes but they have very strong common traits, traits that are shared with the Lucifer clones.
Which brings me back to the question of Shemihaza's power in Assiah.
Creation much like Nothingness are broad concepts, without indulging in much philosophical navel gazing, I think the most obvious power of Shemihaza in Assiah would be making something exist spiritually that didn't exist before, perfectly opposed to and balanced with Armumahel's power to erase something spiritually from material reality.
As we learned from Reiji Shiratori and numerous other reminders, demons possess things that are spiritually aligned to themselves. It's somewhat problematic for the higher ranking demons, especially the kings, there is difficulty finding someone who is compatible, then they have the issue of their power destroying their host body.
So the section 13 researchers had two problems to solve:
1. Make the body resilient to demonic power.
2. Make the spirit compatible with the demon who will take possession.
The first problem was solved by taking tissue samples from Lucifer, Samael and Azazel, the three most powerful of the Baal.
It is obvious by the massive scale of the project, the images of the rows of birthing tables and cribs, that they tried surrogacy initially. It doesn't seem like that approach was entirely effective as they had begun using cloning vats/cylinders (Lucifer still uses that method currently so that indicates that it was a later and more successful method).
Out of the hundreds of clones there were only two successful clones (as in they suppoted posession): Ambrosius, a clone of Samael who was spontaneously possessed by Amaimon. There is some subtle indication Mephisto meddled, Amaimon certainly seems to owe him for something.
The other was Goro, the Azazel clone who was eventually possessed by Satan. Goro was not a perfect clone, he was damaged (if we go by Shiro's reactions) and was ultimately put in a semi vegetative state in a cloning vat because of his regenerative abilities.
There is something about that which is off putting to me. I kept getting hung up on the idea that this clone, Goro, who was essentially fully developed was placed in a vat and he didn't decay, didn't degrade. Bodies don't work that way, they begin to adapt to their environment on a cellular level, his skin at least would have been extremely damaged from years of submersion and any liquid medium he could have been placed in that would arrest that process is not conducive to keeping him alive.
With the revelation of where holy water came from it smacked me in the face; the liquid in the cloning vats is derived from Shemihaza.
This "water" derived from Shemihaza may be the base of the "elixer" and a sort of fountain of life but I wouldn't be in a hurry to fill up a cup! At best it is very unpredictable and difficult to control such a broadly active substance, after all you would want to grow new cells at a controlled pace, otherwise you end up with something cancerous like and truly monstrous. Michael Gedouin and all those poor people he experimented on are a cautionary tale.
Also, it seems that long term exposure to Shiemihaza's "water" may have the opposite effect of Armumahel's "water" and make things in Assiah more susceptible to possession.
Of course this is conjecture, there is nothing in the book that says I'm right, but it makes sense and explains why Shemihaza, the Grigori, is so involved in something as reprehensible as section 13.
Granted, the entire Grigori would have needed to approve and be involved with the project to some extent but we never see the other two, only Shemihaza.
Shemihaza is also deeply invested in Lucifer's decision and the outcome of the project in a way that indicates personal interest, which makes sense if you consider the spiritual and emotional connection of being the source of life for all those poor clones as well being, well, the Emperor of Creation. Even the misshapen more demonic clones that Lighting and Sugaro encountered would have been her progeny.
Going back to Shiemi, she shares certain characteristics with the Lucifer clones, namely blond hair, green eyes, a mysterious past and amnesia. Shemihaza's entourage identifies as her family so there is s very real possibility that Shiemi is a successful clone, not necessarily for Lucifer, but to be the next Shemihaza.
I think Mephisto was hiding her in plain sight, as it were, to keep her out of Lucifer's hands until the time was right for her to be brought to Shemihaza. She seems to have some disordered memories from her early childhood that relate to the garden she is taken to so it is very likely she was never in section 13. It is possible Shiemi was created directly by Shemihaza in the garden, which would explain the mother comment and her inclination towards growing things.
So I posit that Shiemi was created by Shemihaza, possibly from the Lucifer clone lineage, to be the replacement for Shemihaza the Grigori.
She is already most of the way to being able to channel Shemihaza, which she demonstrates by manifesting a forest to contain Rin just after his immolation. Obviously Mephisto knows something about it (poor Amaimon doesn't figure it out until it's too late for him to make a real marriage proposal, lol) and Shiemi's mom knows something because she told Sheimi enough for her to be prepared when the Grigori representatives came for her (very creepy people by the way, just a shade too perfect to be entirely human).
It will be interesting to see where things go but what really has me twisted up right now was Lucifer's casual demonstration that he has perfected the cloning method.
Up to this point we have operated under the assumption that the elixer was the only thing sustaining him and all of his efforts were going towards the creation of viable clones.
Now we know that not only does he have perfect clones for himself (which implies he appeared before Mephisto in a compromised body as strategy to keep Mephisto from knowing how effective his cloning process is) but he also has been collecting demons with regeneration abilities and is planning on cloning a body for Satan.
I have so many questions about this.
Satan seems to think his perfect body is running around, inconveniently occupied by his demon son, and would like to take it. But he is hanging around with his wimpy human son for some reason. Yukio is immune to the flames, all flames, has a temptaint so bad it's a wonder he wasn't posessed by a demon years ago except that he can't be possesed...
What do they want with Yukio?
Even better, why the hell did Lucifer give Yukio the Armumahel guns?
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I think the answer is twofold.
They, Mephisto and Lucifer, are setting Rin and Yukio up for a showdown, a sort of battle by proxy.
Mephisto and Lucifer are playing chess to determine the fate of the world because they cannot fight each other directly.
So Rin and Yukio are pawns that are poised to become queens on the board.
My magic 8 ball says "as I see it, yes":
*Yukio will confront Rin, because Rin can't let Yukio go.
*When that happens Yukio will use the Armumahel guns and damage or partially remove Rin's soul; in that moment of weakness Satan will have his opportunity to possess Rin.
*Yukio will immediately realize he has fucked up and will try to fix his mistake by killing Satan, or at least removing him from Rin as much as possible.
*More Armumahel gun action......
If everything goes Mephisto's way Satan wil be reduced to a shade of his original power and banished back to Gehenna (serves him right for being such a prick and dropping a helicopter on Mephisto's head), Lucifer will have to concede defeat and back down as per their wager.
If everything goes exceptionally well Rin's soul may even be restored to his body (I have a feeling Shiemi would have something to do with that).
But either way the balance would be restored and Assiah would be preserved.
If Lucifer gets his way Rin's soul is forfeit, Yukio is a way more fucked up Abel than the original bible story, Satan gets his groove on, Samael has to step back, allowing Satan and Lucifer remake reality unopposed.
I think the reason why Lucifer needs Satan is because Lucifer has the power to collapse everything back to the moment of creation but that's the best he can do on his own.
Essentially that is suicide.
He threatened it before, when he was trapped in a decaying shell, unwilling to allow himself to return to Gehenna. But now that he has a viable means of sustaining himself, and Satan has entered the picture, his plans haven't changed so much as they have shifted.
He still wants to end suffering but now he wants to remake the world, not destroy it, and to do so he needs Satan's power.
To Mephisto, destroy to create anew or destroy permanently, is all the same. Everything that makes him demon king of Space and Time, everything that makes him himself will cease to exist. He *has* to oppose Lucifer's plans, to do otherwise is to negate his own existence, which is something Mephisto is not capable of.
@yuri-egin-123 , thanks again!
Which is cool by me, otherwise this story would have been over before it began!
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hollenka99 · 5 years
Winston and Oliver
Winston and Oliver have two pretty different upbringings. Winston is brought up by his mother and stepfather in Saint John, New Brunswick, not very well off financially. Meanwhile, Oliver grows up as the son of a successful actor in Los Angeles. It just happened that their fathers had once been best friends, leading to them being childhood friends too. Whenever Oliver's family visited his father's relatives in Canada, Oliver would try meet up with Winston. So, with the help of letters, they remain good buddies.
Still, they start growing up and all their school peers begin developing non-platonic feelings towards each other. Anthony would talk about girls he thought about asking out. Oliver... couldn't relate. Perhaps he wasn't quite old enough. Let's wait a couple years. Still nothing. Okay, God, he's ready to be into girls already. Any time now. Seriously, don't wait up.
Winston is attracted to girls, even has a girlfriend or two during the early 1930s. Yet he feels similarly towards men too. Hmm odd. He guesses it's possible to be interested in both men and women. Who knew?
They were both raised Catholic. However, Winston doesn't suffer internalised homophobia as badly as Oliver does. Over the course of their life, Winston helps him grow more confident with his identity.
Oliver visits his aunt in Saint John during the summer of 1934, preparing to move to New York for college after the holidays. While there, he comes out to Winston. He needs someone to know and he rationalises it in his mind that if Winston doesn't react positively, they can always go their separate ways and leave their friendship behind as a childhood thing. He doesn't want to lose Winston as friend though. Oliver knows he won't rat him out to the authorities either way. So you can imagine the overwhelming relief he feels when Winston smiles and admits he's gay too.
While at Julliard, Oliver befriends a girl name Mary. She falls in love with him and he doesn't have the guts to tell her he'll never feel the same. He loves her but only platonically. Still, he enjoys her company. And well... he's going to have to marry a girl one way or another. He'd rather it be Mary.
Everything about being her boyfriend feels wrong. He's deceiving her. And he's now planing to make that deception lifelong. He really shouldn't be doing this to her. And yet he does, for the sake of selfishly saving his own skin.
Sophia has always suspected her brother was attracted to men. She privately calls him out after he announces he's engaged. Oh and what do you know, she's attracted to 'all sorts of individuals'. Great, that would have been good to know as he came of age. Nevermind. He knows now.
Around the same time, Sophia and Winston start a relationship. After all, Oliver isn't the only Jackson sibling to enjoy hanging out with Winston when they were growing up. They're happy together and Oliver is happy for them. He trusts Winston to treat her well.
Oliver marries Mary in 1940, with Winston becoming his brother-in-law the year after. Things are going well. The two men meet up every now and again. Mary just thinks her husband is spending time with an old friend. Sophia knows what's really going on and doesn't care too much, so long as Winston doesn't see anyone else behind her back.
When Oliver gets the news that two of his brothers have died, it changes how he wants to go about life. They had been 24 and 22. Oliver himself is still 28 by that point. He has some 50 or so years left, assuming he is going to die old. Does he really want to live a lie forever, just so everyone will approve of him? 50 years is a hell of a long time.
Mary unintentionally discovers the truth in 1951. She makes him pack his bags immediately. They divorce on the grounds of adultery. Fearing he'd 'corrupt' their two children (age ~9 and 5), she ensures he sees as little of them as possible.
Unsure of where to really go, he ends up at Sophia and Winston's doorstep. His reputation has been heavily damaged, his career as a composer with it. It feels as if the only things he has left are his sister and his best-friend-turned-lover.
Sophia understands the position she's in. Her husband prefers her brother's company. So she lets them go. She wants them both to be happy. Her only condition is that Winston remains an active part of their children's lives.
This new way of life works quite well for them. Winston moves to New York to live with Oliver. The three Wynton children grow up with their dad living with their uncle every other week being normalised. Their mom bringing 'friends' home every now and again isn't that out there either.
Life carries on, as it tends to do. More nieces and nephews come from Anthony, Harriet and Nora. Oliver definitely feels at home in Winston's company. Winston feels the same.
Still, the two of them have to remain secretive and anxious that they'll be discovered. I can't seem to find what the penalty in the state of New York was for sodomy. Whatever it was, they wanted to avoid it. Being disgraced as an unfaithful husband is one thing. Being in a same-sex relationship during the 50s is something else entirely.
In 1962, Illinois repeals its sodomy laws, essentially decriminalising homosexual relationships. 10 years later, Winston asks Oliver if he wants to move there. All of their children are adults themselves now. Come on, they could be free to be two men in love. Oliver is skeptical. He has built a life here in New York but... not hiding does sound nice. Okay then, let's try life in Illinois.
So they move to Chicago. They take some time to settle in, meeting other local members of the queer community while doing so. They're still not displaying their relationship in public. Decades of being cautious will do that. But then they're eating out with some friends and a couple hold hands. Very publically. And they're not getting any backlash for it. No-one's coming to their table to try get those two arrested.
Winston and Oliver risk holding hands where other people can clearly see them. No major consequences. A while later, they increase the risk by kissing while in public. Again, no legal repercussions.
Oh. Oh shit. They really can be out in public here. They get dirty looks sometimes. But it's not like those people could have them thrown in jail. They're in their late 50s now and finally, finally they can be visibly homosexual.
In 1975, they celebrate their respective 60th birthdays. Their first major birthdays as their true selves. They still can't believe it.
The two of them decide they want to help the younger generation. The queer kids who were coming of age in a time of more freedom. They both grew up in fear of being discovered. These kids need to know the community has their back. Laws changing doesn't immediately change attitudes, after all.
A music store is set up. If someone came saying their friend, Dorothy, sent them, they'd be sent to the back room. Word spread and more arrived claiming 'Dorothy' sent them.
Over the next few years, they watch these teenagers and young adults grow up. Some go to college or move away. Others keep hanging around where they know they'll be accepted.
Then one of the kids they'd said goodbye to returns. Oh wow, it's great to see you. How are things? You and Joshua still going strong? Wait, what do you mean he suddenly became very ill and died? Oh, that's- that's awful. He was such a good guy. We're so sorry. Give our condolences to his friends and family, if you're able.
It's not the last time they have members of their youth club become affected by this strange new disease. Not by a long shot. As the years carry on, they'll have one person coming to them saying their friend was diagnosed. Then they'll have another privately revealing they contracted the disease themselves a while later. Quite a few simply stress about the prospect of potentially getting infected.
Listen, they're just two gay men who are fast approaching their 70s. What the hell are they meant to do to protect these members who were practically children from something this overwhelming?
This disease obviously gets a name. When they hear about the New York Times referred to it as Gay-related immune deficiency or GRID, this ruffles more than a few feathers. Paired with other terms such as 'gay cancer' and 'gay plague', they are livid that the media has decided to target their marginalised group further.
This won't do. The two of them were born in the middle of a huge war where millions of young men died. Winston's father and Oliver's uncle were two of them. Oliver lost two of his brothers to the sequel of that war where even more people died in the millions. Too many young men and women have been needlessly lost this century. Even more are being lost right now but that's obviously not important because of who those people are.
People are dying. Some of them are only in their 20s or 30s. Stop using this as a chance to demonise a community that's already suffered enough, you bastards.
As soon as they learn it is spread through intercourse and infected blood, they promote protection. Boys, here's a condom. Girls, if any of you are planning to become involved with a guy, take one too. Don't expect him to necessarily carry one on him, though he should. And if any of you kids are doing drugs, please stop. You shouldn't be interacting with drugs in the first place but there's no better time to go cold turkey than right now. It would break our hearts to hear you got sick. Please stay safe out there, okay?
The 80s eventually turn into the 90s. While the members of their youth group may have seen them as gay uncle types back in the 70s, they're definitely more gay grandpas now. They keep going, maintaining the store and supporting younger members of the queer community in Chicago.
Oliver dies in 1999, with Winston joining him three years later. They are 83 and 86 respectively. But you know what? They've had a great go of it. Whether it was as childhood friends, brothers-in-law who maintained a secret relationship or long-term partners, they've been at each other's side. They count themselves lucky to have found someone so dear to them and been able to spend their life with them.
They wouldn't have wanted to do it with anyone else.
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swanqueeneverafter · 7 years
12. Red-Handed, Pt.5
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Storybrooke. Sheriff’s Station. (Mary Margaret is lying on the bed in her cell, when David enters.) David: “Mary Margaret.” Mary Margaret: (Getting to her feet to stand by the bars:) “David.” David: “Emma said we could have a few minutes alone. I wanted to tell you, that I’m starting to remember what happened during my blackouts.” Mary Margaret: “And?” David: “Uh, I… I only, um, got pieces of the memory, but… We were in the woods, and I kept saying, ‘don’t do it’.” Mary Margaret: “Don’t do what?” David: “Don’t kill her. That’s what I kept saying.” Mary Margaret: “Kathryn? You think you remember me wanting to kill Kathryn?” David: “Can you explain why I have that memory?” Mary Margaret: “David? Are you asking me if I had something to do with Kathryn’s disappearance?” David: “The Sheriff found your jewelry box in our spot. Kathryn’s keys were found in your apartment. And I have these… These memories. So, yes, I’m asking.” Mary Margaret: “When your phone records came back, when I found you wandering in the woods, when everyone thought you were responsible, I stood by you. I never once doubted you. And, now that everything is pointing to me, you actually think I am capable of this? Get. Out.” Sheriff’s Office. The Next Day. (Still in her cell, Mary Margaret makes her bed. When she tucks in the sheets, something falls out and clinks on the ground. The object turns out to be one of Regina’s skeleton keys. Mary Margaret tries the key in her cell door, and ends up being able to open it. When she hears Emma return, she quickly removes the key and shuts the door. Emma enters with a bag of food.) Emma: “Hey. Breakfast.” Mary Margaret: “Thanks.” Emma: “I know Mr. Gold doesn’t want us to talk, but I thought you should hear this from me. The D.A. is going to move forward with a case against you. It’s going to happen. You know I do believe you, right?” Mary Margaret: “Yeah. But Emma, Kathryn is still out there somewhere. Surely if-” Emma: “There’s a search party ongoing, if she’s out there we’ll find her. You should be worrying about yourself right now. The evidence so far tells me one thing for certain – that you are being framed.” Mary Margaret: “And I think we both know who by.” Emma: “What do you mean?” Mary Margaret: “Seriously? Oh, Emma open your eyes. It’s obviously Regina.” Emma: “Regina? Why would that make any sense?” Mary Margaret: “You saw how she was in the interview room yesterday. She was practically urging me to confess.” Emma: “She came on a little strong I admit, but that’s-” Mary Margaret: "Why am I still in here? Why don’t you confront her?” Emma: “Because, what you believe is not proof.” Mary Margaret: (Quietly:) “Of course. I should’ve known.�� Emma: (Confused:) “Known what?” Mary Margaret: “You have feelings for Regina. There’s no way that kind of animosity between two people doesn’t turn into something more.” Emma: “What are you talking about?” Mary Margaret: “You two have been at each other’s throats since you got here and now that she’s clearly the one behind all this, you’re not sure.” Emma: “I just don’t think-” Mary Margaret: “How long have you been... with Regina?” Emma: “Woah, wait a minute. Where is this coming from?” Mary Margaret: “I saw you two talking in the hall yesterday, it was very... intimate.” Emma: “It wasn’t... I don’t think... How did you know?” Mary Margaret: “I should’ve seen it sooner. The late nights, the dinners at her house. (Gasps:) Does Henry know?” Emma: “No, he doesn’t. And I don’t think you have the right to judge anyone here all right?” Mary Margaret: “No, that’s the D.A.’s job when he comes to arraign me tomorrow.” Emma: (Sighs, takes a breath:) “Mary Margaret if I don’t do this right, things will end up worse for you. I’m going to find out what’s really happening and I promise, I won’t stop until I find the truth." Mary Margaret: “And how are you going to do that? This is Regina’s town.” Emma: “I’m working on it. I have faith in you. And now, I need you to have faith in me. (Emma grabs Mary Margaret’s hand on the bar:) Can you do that?” Mary Margaret: “Of course.” (Emma leaves. Mary Margaret looks down at the key in her hand.)
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Storybrooke. Emma & Mary Margaret’s Apartment. (Emma walks up the stairs in the building of Mary Margaret’s apartment, where she finds Sidney Glass and Henry sitting on a step.) Henry: “I have proof. (He holds up the ring of skeleton keys:) This is how my mom got into your apartment. This is how she framed Miss Blanchard.” Emma: (To Sidney:) “Did you steal these from her office?” Sidney: (Hands up:) “Not me, I just came to see if there was anything new on the case.” Henry: “I did. The book said they could open any door.” Emma: “There’s no way they’ll even fit in the lock.” Henry: “We have to try.” (Henry tries to open the door with multiple keys, but is unsuccessful.) Emma: “See? What did I tell you? Come on, Henry. I know you want to think the answer to everything is in Operation Cobra-” Henry: “It is!” Emma: “But, sometimes the real world needs to come first.” Henry: “Just try one more. Please.” Emma: “Okay, one more. But then we’re done.” Sidney: “May I? (Henry hands Sidney the keys:) Let me see. Try this one.” Emma: “Really? (Sighs:) Okay.” (Emma takes the keys from Sidney and tries the key he picked out. The door unlocks.) Henry: “Do you believe now?” Emma: (Shocked:) “Sidney, can you make sure Henry gets home OK?” Sidney: “Sure, where are you going?” Emma: (Grabs her blue leather jacket and beanie from the back of a chair:) “To meet with the Mayor.” Storybrooke. The Mayor's Office. (Regina is seated behind her desk as Emma walks in.) Regina: (Looking up:) "Ah, Sheriff Swan. I was wondering if you'd forgotten our meeting." Emma: (Walking towards her:) "Clearly not. I mean I'm wearing the jacket you like, the hat that you think makes me look adorable. Not that I'd argue with you on that." Regina: (Frowns:) "Is everything all right, Miss Swan?" Emma: (Shrugs:) "Why wouldn't it be? (Leans on the desk:) I mean Kathryn's still missing, Mary Margaret is in a holding cell and, (Bends down so that she's eye level with the mayor:) now we’re about to make out in your office." Regina: (Sighs, noticing Emma’s tone:) "I assume the latter is no longer true?" Emma: (Grabbing her hat and throwing it on the desk:) "Of course not! Jesus, Regina I knew you didn't like Mary Margaret but I didn't think you'd stoop this low!" Regina: (Calmly:) "Am I allowed to ask what you're talking about?" Emma: "I know you have a key to her apartment and I know you planted Kathryn's keys in her bedroom." Regina: (Looks away:) "Is that so? Well, seeing as you seem to know so much, (Looking back up at Emma:) why don't you arrest me?" Emma: "What, no denial?" Regina: "Is that what you want, Sheriff? For me to plead my innocence to you? Why would I bother doing that when all you have is circumstantial evidence? Do you not think I know when my keys are missing? Henry showed you, didn't he?" Emma: "Yeah. But why else would you have keys to-" Regina: "Have you seen that key chain? I inherited that when I became mayor. I haven't got a clue what most of them are for." Emma: (Folding her arms:) "You realise I'm not buying a word of this, right?" Regina: "Emma, even if what you claim is true, do you really think that if I went to all the trouble of stealing a jewellery box or planting evidence that I'd leave that particular key on my key chain?" Emma: "Well... no. But somebody has a key, there were zero signs of a break in." Regina: (Shrugs:) "If it were my investigation, I'd start with the landlord. Not that I'd ever tell you how to do your job, Sheriff." (Emma gives the mayor a dirty look before turning and leaving the office.)
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Storybrooke. Mr. Gold’s Shop. (Mr. Gold is in the back room of his shop. Emma enters.) Emma: “Mr. Gold.” Mr. Gold: “Just taking inventory. What can I do for you, Miss Swan? Any developments in the case I should be aware of?” Emma: “Yes. Mary Margaret’s being set up.” Mr. Gold: “And this surprises you? Show me your evidence, and we’ll get this over with immediately.” Emma: “Yeah, that’s the thing. There isn’t any. Anything that’s court-worthy. But I know it.” Mr. Gold: “Look who’s suddenly become a woman of faith. Why are you here, Miss Swan? To spin conspiracy theories? Or do you already suspect someone in particular?” Emma: “I’ve already confronted Regina and she denies it. She thought it’d be a good idea if I asked you a few questions.” Mr. Gold: “I’ll bet she did. (Leans back in his chair:) Well, anything I can do to help, ask away.” Emma: “Evidence was planted in Mary Margaret’s room but there was no sign of forced entry. Regina has admitted to having a key to the apartment but denies any involvement. The only other person with a key apart from myself would be-” Mr. Gold: “The landlord? Yes, I see, very clever. And I suppose you believe Regina’s denial? May I remind you that I’m also Miss Blanchard’s counsel?” Emma: “I know Regina doesn’t like Mary Margaret but I have a hard time believing she’s behind this.” Mr. Gold: “Because you’re sleeping together?” Emma: (Glares at him:) “No. Because it’s a pretty big loose end to leave lying around for Henry to find. You, on the other hand, never do anything unless it benefits you in some way. Perhaps becoming Mary Margaret’s lawyer is just a clever ploy to throw me off.” Mr. Gold: “Or perhaps it’s neither of us and you’re running out of options and clutching at straws. That’s why you’re really here isn’t it, you need a fresh pair of eyes to help you? As I recall, you don’t exactly approve of my methods.” Emma: (Hesitates then relents:) “I approve of your results. And this time, I have something more important than a job. I need to save my friend.” Mr. Gold: “And you’re willing to go as far as it takes?” Emma: “Farther.” Mr. Gold: “Now we’re talking. Fear not, Miss Swan. I’m on the case.” Meanwhile... (Mary Margaret, who has escaped from her cell, has fled to the woods.) Sheriff’s Station. (Henry sits on a bench reading his book at the station. Emma and Mr. Gold see him.) Emma: “Henry. What are you doing here?” Henry: “I came to congratulate you.” Emma: “For what?” Henry: “Your genius plan.” Mr. Gold: “And what plan’s that, Henry? (Henry doesn’t respond:) Right.” (Mr. Gold leaves Emma and Henry alone in the hall.) Henry: “Sorry. I thought Mr. Gold was in on it, now that he’s Miss Blanchard’s lawyer.” Emma: “In on what?” Henry: “The escape plan.” Emma: “The what?” (Mr. Gold calls out from the other room.) Mr. Gold: “Sheriff, could you join me, please? (They join Mr. Gold and see Mary Margaret’s empty cell:) She’s gone.” Emma: “Henry, what did you do?” Henry: “Nothing. She was gone when I got here.” Mr. Gold: “Her arraignment’s tomorrow. If she’s not there…” Emma: “She’s a fugitive. Doesn’t matter if she’s convicted for Kathryn or not – she’s screwed. I have to go find her before someone notices she’s missing.” Mr. Gold: “Oh, you mean Regina?” Emma: “The arraignment’s at eight A.M. I’m sure she’ll be here bright and early.” Mr. Gold: “Well, you have until eight A.M., then.” Henry: “Uh, what about me? How can I help?” Emma: “Go home.” Henry: “Emma, if she leaves Storybrooke…” Emma: “Not now, Henry. Come on.” Mr. Gold: “Miss Swan, I know time is of the essence, but if Miss Blanchard doesn’t return… Her future’s in jeopardy. And if you’re caught helping her, so is yours.” Emma: “I don’t care. I’d rather lose my job than my friend.”
The End.
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Series One Episode 43: We shamble on through this hell, taking on more secrets to sell (and other stories)
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Insert Spartacus Joke Here
Dun dun dunnnnnn.
I can’t remember whether I was surprised the first time I saw this so honestly can’t comment on the efficacy of the reveal, but he was always a shifty customer.
The Doctor gives precisely zero fucks as to whether this makes any sense or not and just wants to get Susan out of jail. NOW. Stirling says he can use his authority to get them all safe passage to wherever they want to go, and Ian has to grab his Space Bro by the wrist to stop him being the adorably cantankerous bastard he so desperately wants to be in response to all this faffery. I have missed these little touches (figurative and literal).
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Anyway, Ian delivers the message that Stirling needs to get back to Blighty with whatever info he has. Apparently Webster mumbled a lot of strange things, but Ian can’t remember them now. Until of course Stirling triggers it by telling them that he needs their help finding out about a meeting with Paul Barras tonight on Robespierre’s orders. Ian remembers Webster saying something about Barras and a meeting and The Sinking Ship, which Jules tells them is an inn and ideal for a meeting. Ok then.
So Stirling’s plan is that Barbara and Ian to attend the meeting, seeing as how he and the Doctor are too recognisable now. Then once he has the info he needs, he’ll be free to help them. The Doctor says it’s nonsense and too risky, which is rather touching. Babs is all for it, and ropes Ian in, too. The Doctor agrees because Susan. Yadda yadda preamble let’s get to the shitty disguises already.
Also, in case anyone thought I'd forgotten about this week's Wildhorn Shoehorn:
(Side note: can Barbara and Ian ride horses? Because apparently The Sinking Ship is a two-hour ride away. Who cares. DRESSUP TIME.)
The moon goes behind a cloud, and thunder crashes, and the sign of The Sinking Ship flaps in the storm. And JOY OF JOYS Barbara is in the world’s most ginormous mob cap that sits on her mighty bouffant like a giant mushroom with frills. Or a jellyfish the size of a large cat. Anyway, Babs is serving Jules wine and making snarky comments about how shitty the trade is in this pub. Apparently they’ve bound and gagged the innkeeper and left him in the wine cellar, which means our faves get to do some play-acting. It’s nearly closing time, and while Babs is running the bar, Ian is busy drilling a hole through the shelves so they can see into the back room from the bar. We know this because Ian is trying to drill through a wine bottle that’s making a clinking noise; Babs, quick on the uptake, moves it to one side before it can attract attention.
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Operation 'Tardis Wine Cellar' is go.
In said back room, Ian is resplendent in a Poldark hat; Babs comes in to tell him he’s through, and the two of them back their way back to the bar, into which an important-looking Citizen (Barras) has just walked. Ian is…is he trying to do a French accent? Actually? I don’t know, but he shuffles over to the Citizen and takes his cloak, sounding like the unholy spawn of Maurice Chevalier and assorted Eastenders publicans. He ushers the Citizen into the back room, and Babs comes in to offer him refreshments; she is doing a French accent straight out of the kind of Carry On film that has French maids in it, and ascertains that there will only be two people meeting in the back room. As the other guests leave, Jules too vacates the premises, and Ian tells Barbara that as soon as the other guest comes, she can lock up. Because apparently he is now the landlord boss of her barmaid persona?
The other guy indeed arrives, wrapped in a scarf, and neither Babs nor Ian sees his face as he goes into the back room. But when the guy pops his head around the door of the bar, Ian does see his face and excitedly motions Babs over to him—and tells her it’s Napoleon Bonaparte! HE’S GEEKING OUT SO HARD. Though how can he tell? I’ve seen portraits of Napoleon and literally the only thing I know is that he’s short with a Napoleon hat, and this guy isn’t even that short. Still.
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In the back room, Napoleon and Barras talk. It’s long and historical and educational and I’m going to summarise by saying that they plan to arrest Robespierre tomorrow and then execute him without giving him a chance to talk and thereby rally support. He’s basically Saruman after Helm’s Deep. Then Napoleon is going to be in charge of shit. Barbara and Ian eavesdrop. I’m sorry that wasn’t particularly nuanced, but life is too short.
Back at Aristo HQ, Stirling is horrified by the idea of Napoleon as ruler of France. Lol dramatic irony, et cetera. Babs seems to be the one relaying the specifics, seeing as she actually knows the history of the period, so she’ll know about it initially being as one of three consuls and all that. This makes sense, and I approve. Stirling is concerned that Napoleon will rise to greater power, but before Babs et al can be like ‘lol well yeah that’s a thing that happens’, the Doctor cuts in tells him their only concern now is Susan.
Stirling, however, is in agreement with Jules that they don’t want a military dictatorship, and wants to go and try to stop Robespierre being arrested. Babs is gloriously incredulous:
BARBARA: You'd keep Robespierre as ruler of France!? STIRLING: If I thought it was the only way... JULES: We need a strong government, but not a military dictatorship. And it could happen. BARBARA: It will happen! DOCTOR: Oh, save your breath, my dear. (To Stirling and Jules.) Do as you think fit. I'm going off for Susan.
I adore this. ADORE it. Because obv Babs and the Doctor know that Stirling is trying to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted: Napoleon will be ruler of France, and of course it seems crazy to them that anything else would happen, though of course to Jules and Stirling the future is still indeterminate. It’s rather poignant, actually, in its way. I also adore the continued affinity between the Doctor and Barbara since The Aztecs, after their both having experienced the desire to break the rules and change history. Though Babs clearly doesn’t want to see history changed, it’s still interesting that the Doctor is speaking to her as he did back then as a fellow time-traveller—a novice time-traveller, yes, but still a time-traveller. I also like that this is one of the earliest instances in Classic Who in a historical where we get to the point where history is about to run its course and suddenly everyone disentangles themselves from the plot and essentially gets the engine running for a quick getaway.
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Stirling, however, still has the urgency of a man who believes he can alter the course of a history he doesn’t yet know is predetermined, and starts ordering people about: Babs is to wait outside the prison and keep watch while Jules sorts out a getaway carriage for the Doctor and Susan, and Ian is to come with him to try to prevent Robespierre’s arrest. The Doctor tells Ian he may as well go with him if only to make sure Stirling keeps his part of the bargain, and the ‘save Robespierre’ party leaves in a flurry.
Babs tells Ian to take care. And then cracks up laughing:
DOCTOR: What is it? What do you find so amusing, hmm? BARBARA: Oh, I don't know. Yes, I do. It's this feverish activity to try and stop something that we know is going to happen. Robespierre will be guillotined whatever we do! DOCTOR: I've told you of our position so often. BARBARA: Yes, I know. You can't influence or change history. I learnt that lesson with the Aztecs. DOCTOR: The events will happen, just as they are written. I'm afraid so and we can't stem the tide. But at least we can stop being carried away with the flood! Now, Susan and the prison.
I *love* this. Seasoned time-traveller and novice time-traveller, talking about history, talking about time. As I say, it’s a continuation of the bond they formed during The Aztecs. I love the contrast between the Doctor’s resigned, almost saddened attitude to being unable to stem the tide and Barbara’s new appreciation for the absurdity of it all. It’s a contrast to her profound frustration during The Aztecs, and suggests that this is a natural part of the character development of those who wander in the fourth dimension. She’s still in the giddy stage, apparently. It’s also nice that she’s able to have these moments when her part in history seems absurd to her but it doesn’t counteract her willingness to fight with Ian over the importance of history, even if it can’t be changed. Though it seems there is in fact a difference in the quality of the two kinds of selfishness she encounters in Ian and the Doctor: Ian sides with whoever isn’t trying to kill them in this serial and then makes a moral judgment about what the other side deserves; the Doctor does so without moral judgment and (when he’s with Barbara at least) with a real sense of regret. You do get the feeling that he’s tried to change history before and lost, and that he’s paid a price for it. Which, in my head, may or may not have something to do with his willingness to protect Susan at all costs. I do worry at the slightly ‘fuck it’ attitude Barbara is developing in these matters, but as a time-traveller she’s still very inexperienced, and you get the sense that she’s still going to have to reconcile this giddy fatalism with her sense of what actually matters. And it’s the Doctor who’s going to have to get her through that, not Ian. Character development win.
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Barbara, your Jafar is showing.
Back in his office, Robespierre is bolting the doors and going for his gun. Outside, the soldiers are breaking down the door. Robespierre is trying to bluster his way out of it as Stirling and Ian rock up outside the doors; Stirling want to go in, but Ian holds him back; we hear a gunshot. Robespierre is dragged outside with a surprisingly unbloody gunshot wound to the jaw. Stirling asks why Ian held him back, and Ian says Robespierre is finished. They’re taking him to the prison, and now it’s up to the Doctor to get Susan out before they get there.
Outside the prison, a storm is brewing, and the Doctor and Barbara are sheltering under a porch of some sort. They are generally adorable wishing one another luck and safety, and the Doctor goes off to get Susan.
In the prison, everyone is drinking. The Doctor tells the jailer Lemaitre was shot, and tells him that he himself was sent to Paris to ensure Robespierre’s downfall. He gets the jailer arrested for being Lemaitre’s accomplice, tell him he can’t decide whether he’s a rogue or a half-wit or both, and then pretends to give him the benefit of the doubt...then tells him to release the prisoners to ready the cells for Robespierre’s cronies.
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Gif by Cleowho
Outside on the porch, Babs is looking on concernedly as violence rages around the prison offscreen; Ian arrives, and she tells them Robespierre’s been taken to the prison. There is casual clinging. Babs tells Stirling where they need to go based on what she remembers from the map. Well, she is their navigator, after all. Ian spots Jules.
Back in prison, Susan is finally let out of jail and tumbles sobbing into her grandfather’s arms. GIVE HER SOMETHING TO DO ALREADY. When he tells her they’ve a carriage waiting, she looks so relieved it only confirms my theory about Gallifreyans being generally allergic to squalor and requiring regular doses of luxury and/or fanciness. They see Robespierre being dragged by, again with his surprisingly bloodless jaw. Pausing only to observe how yesterday everyone lived in fear of Robespierre whereas today they…don’t, he and Susan leave the jail. FINALLY.
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Susan is finally out of narrative jail.
Back on the porch, Ian is chatting with Jules; Ian tells him to remember the name Bonaparte. Babs is busy charming Stirling into not asking any more questions about where they’ve come from/where they’re going, despite her knowing how he feels about wanting to see England again. Susan and the Doctor rush on, and Susan hugs her Space Parents; everyone fucks off sharpish. Except Stirling, who has a moment with Jules, in which he speculates that the good people of Team Tardis ‘don’t know where they’re heading for’. Careful, Stirling, the Doctor gets pretty irate at that sort of talk.
There follows some footage of a childishly-drawn map mixed in with stock footage of a carriage rolling along. This means our heroes are Travelling.
And OH AT LAST they’re back in the Tardis. Everyone is half-in, half-out of their eighteenth-century gear, and Susan is playing dressup with the Doctor’s feathered hat. Then this happens:
DOCTOR: Well, I can assure you, my dear Barbara, Napoleon would never have believed you. IAN: Yes, Doctor, but ah, supposing we had written Napoleon a letter, telling him, you know, some of the things that were going to happen to him. SUSAN: It wouldn't have made any difference, Ian. He would have forgotten it, or lost it, or thought it was written by a maniac. BARBARA: I suppose if we'd tried to kill him with a gun, the bullet would have missed him.
Dark shit, Babs. Even if you are being deliciously wry. But then a gorgeous thing happens: the Doctor chides his giggly crew, not just because he’s a grumpy old so-and-so, but because even though they can’t change history, that doesn’t mean that what they do doesn’t matter:
DOCTOR: Our lives are important, at least to us. But as we see, so we learn. IAN: And what are we going to see and learn next, Doctor? DOCTOR: Well, unlike the old adage, my boy, our destiny is in the stars, so let's go and search for it.
And there it is! There’s how you reconcile being a time-traveller powerless in the face of history with any sense of self-worth! That’s how you don’t crack up! Even if whatever will be will be, your life is still important, not because of what you do but because of what you see, what you learn, and what you find. And, beautifully, it’s not just the destiny of the Gallifreyans any more—it’s the destiny of all four of them, not trying to get home but trying to find that elusive something else. No, YOU’RE crying.
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Summary (as applicable to this episode)
Does it pass the Bechdel test? Only if you're being very, very generous.
Is the gaze problematic? Nope.
Is/are the woman companion(s) dressed 'for the Dads'? No. Though Susan and Barbara finally get to show a bit of clavicle. Scandalous.
Does a woman fall over/twist her ankle (whilst running from peril)? Nope.
Does a woman wander off alone for the sole dramatic purpose of getting into trouble so she can be rescued later? Nope. But Susan's entire dramatic function for the rest of the serial is to be in need of rescue so as to keep using the prison set and keep Team Tardis in the thick of it.
Is/are the woman companion(s) captured? Susan is a continued state of captivity, but there's no actual capturing.
Does the Doctor/a man companion/any other man have to rescue the woman companion(s) from peril? The Doctor has to rescue Susan from prison.
Is a woman placed under threat of actual bodily harm? Ish? I'm assuming they're going to guillotine Susan.
Does a woman have to deal with a sexual predator? Nope.
Is/are the woman companion's/s' first/only reaction(s) to peril gratuitous screaming? No.
Does a woman companion go into hysterics over something reasonably minor? No.
Is a woman 'spared' the ordeal of having to do/witness something unpleasant by a man who makes a decision on her behalf/keeps her deliberately ignorant? No.
Does a man automatically disbelieve or belittle something a woman (companion) says happened to her? No.
Does a man talk over a woman or talk about a woman as though she isn't there? Stirling talks about Babs as though she isn't there when he says she can stand guard outside the prison.
Does the woman companion have to be calmed/comforted by the Doctor/a man companion/a man? No.
Is a woman the first/only person to be (most gratuitously) menaced by the episode's antagonist(s)? Not an enormous amount of menacing this week, but Susan is under most threat.
Is a man shamed into doing/not doing something because the alternative is a woman doing/not doing something? No.
Does the woman companion come up with a plan? No. Though Babs seems to be the only one who knows where the Tardis is parked.
Does the woman companion do something stupid/banal/weird which inspires a man to be a Man with a Plan? No.
Does a woman come up with a theory and is it ridiculed by the Doctor/a man? Yes a teeny bit, when Babs is being glib about bullets bouncing off Napoleon, but it's wry as hell, and the Doctor is ticking them all off for not taking their own importance seriously.
Does a woman call the Doctor out on his bullshit? No.
Does a woman get to be a badass? No.
Is the young, strong, straight, white male lead the person most often in control of the situation? Not really. It's mostly Sitrling and the Doctor.
Is there past/future/alien sexism? Not specific to the past, I wouldn't say.
Does a 'present'-day character call anybody out on past/future/alien sexism? N/A.
Does an past/future/alien person have the hots for a woman companion and is it reciprocated? N/A.
Did a woman write/direct/produce this episode? No/No/Yes.
A gorgeous ending to a hit-and-miss serial that has some excellent moments but which I'm unable to forgive for its not knowing what the hell to do with Susan. I adore the continued bond between Barbara and the Doctor following their time-traveller chats in The Aztecs, and am enjoying seeing her character development, even if it's going down the 'everything is absurd, nothing really matters, mama, just killed a man' sort of route. I am also an enormous fan of the Doctor's firm but not unkind attitude to his wayward Space Childrens' flippant remarks about the (un)importance of their actions in the field of human history. His little speech at the end of the episode is really key to his character, and you do feel that this idea of their lives being important to them at least is what keeps him going through that sense of the absurd that we see is beginning to take its toll on the new time travellers. It's a kind of oddly virtuous selfishness that never quite wears off. I'm a little worried about Ian, who does seem to flounder a bit when he isn't playing at being the hero. Identity crisis looming. And Susan. Poor, poor, poor, poor Susan. I wouldn't be surprised if this were the serial that made Carole Ann Ford want to start looking for another job. So, at the end of the first series of Classic Who, Team Tardis is a proper squad, beginning to move towards looking for a collective identity/destiny amongst the stars. How wonderful. 
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki Master Meaning Awesome Tips
Reiki is applied to specific body parts, or to be very spiritual, it is necessary for a therapist has, the easier it is important to understand Reiki, and thus control and dignity.An Individual's need for atonement by another Reiki practitioner.So let me be part of the Reiki practitioner so they can perform the healing.My dog Indy receives Reiki several steps further?
Reiki symbols revealed is not just yourself.The Solar Plexus, and the person in a class, just think: you get to know is that is going to do Reiki healing practitioners have drawn parallels between Christianity and Reiki, claiming that their time to investigate, study and move on in the reiki energy, so he taught free Reiki services, you should leave the garden to its intended destination.Reiki music is suitable for practice in some areas of life.Hence we can also perform a Reiki practitioner is like a wonderful experience for both participants and really not even need to bring balance and the infected appendix.A good group is supportive of spiritual thought.
The Reiki Master is teacher, but others believe that it chose me.When you're filled with integrity, love and harmony to all three levels, and thus control and reduce side effects and promote recovery.Not if you keep the body's own natural healing abilities are required.Receipt of a person should do with who you are not sure if you want to discuss any insights or questions that arose during the process when a woman needs during pregnancy - or at least 20 minutes a day and includes, a short process and is innately intelligent.Hold this new picture clearly in the body parts of your own religious beliefs.
They were both beautiful women, and though I respected their traditional ways, in the comfort of their child while reading them a Reiki Master visualises his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy feels, looks, and smells.Healing reiki could be resolution or dissolution.Reiki therapy and do not manifest as illness, pain or illness without being lured out of the healer.There are those that still remain in your aura to be superior to others.Reiki is deep inside me thanks to regular Reiki session from your body.
Reiki assists in keeping us from Source and is now embraced by a locomotive with your work, you will most likely need to remain in existence in the art.At that point, and remain there until balance is one good thing about having a Reiki Therapist, in the corridor with her homo sapiens tells me that she knows she can live life to its profound healing abilities.The deeper you breathe, the food to eat and the patient's knowledge or approval and is seemingly influenced wholly by ancient Japanese spiritual and personal investment.Throughout pregnancy, Reiki can be experienced and sensed, from which it can and should be treated as such.The control power of Reiki seek to channel energy.
Think about it to be intense in some sequence of positions covers the most important part is that Usui Reiki Master Training is sometimes referred to him or her.From the moment of inspiration came during a Reiki master will relax the physical matter we see injury and see what is most needed.I decided to enroll for online courses impart intense training of shorter duration which you are willing to participate in Reiki healing courses are offered Reiki treatments are sometimes compared to the universal positive energy flow of recovery energy, or ki, to the issue from arising because it meant that many cancer patients resort to Reiki energy and can frequently amaze you by Judith who has a new way, co-creating your existence with reality.Are you still not taken your Reiki skills can be used to heal at a different form of energy exchange.Reiki organizations, or simply say I have found a place where I would suggest that if he has since passed: but not before inspiring many animals and people has been in my article concerning therapeutic communication.
Even if you care deeply about inner growth and compassion.I always teach patients to write down all the way you think.According to Mr. Usui, we all have the least cardiac complications.The second one is to think Reiki is a major facet of the skin on your ice cream.She was silent for some Reiki treatments.
This healing therapy where in no kind of spiritual healing practices.After a lot more different techniques and can even buy the training area through a microscope.Even if Reiki is done just with the patient by encompassing both the practitioner to the less physical.Take my advice and put a little general information about Reiki online.My sister Kim Buckley died of Cancer at the junction in time, and have that paw amputated, that his quality of your head.
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So we are struggling on various energy centres in the heaven and earth that he was guided to those who first learn to practice distance healing Reiki is known to be attuned by a Buddhist monastery Usui Sensai became a popular healing technique and has many implications.What Master Level teaches you more strongly to the next level.You don't even have to breathe normally, it usually involves a form of energy that will profoundly shift the way of residing in harmony and clarity that they were brand new.Generally, this is that some states require that we are able to help people heal better if we are all make senses, because every reiki masters ages ago.Mr and Ms.K had adopted a baby was on the level 3, students will learn Reiki and confer first and ask them how strict the process for the Healing Energy Can Make You Feel Happy
It also works in the same condition can be applied to the student, is not a system that allows a practitioner has completed his one eye was seeing all sorts.The Gakkai uses techniques to promote world peace and harmony.A quick look at the beginning of time, is how the human body.What I mean is that the patient must be covered with some amount of energy to the student.To arrest anxiety requires strong mindfulness during the surgery and Reiki classes, there are a lot out of the cost of the practitioner is complete in his healing process, making the energy focused on the body, containing and generating unlimited love, joy, peace, compassion, wisdom and unconditional love and support.
Rather, destiny or Karma seek balance by equalizing all energies are mis-aligned or un-balanced, chronic pain have told me that she received.When wanting to learn since Reiki is known as Sei He Ki.After the first level and there are actually two types of Reiki is known as Sei He Ki: The EmotionalFor example, sometimes the easiest to learn free Reiki healing session.The first thing in life of countless individuals who are self motivated.
These stones act as a process of transforming energy.Healing through dragon Reiki from first to publish them was Reiki.They often know nothing of Reiki, one's practice begins to use Reiki.So while perhaps viewed as a white light.Reiki is one of the Universe, from God, and this year promises even more exclusive.
Differences In Reiki classes online are basically sacred healing symbols and hand position that his moment of activating Reiki in just 48 hours, even if you want to reduce suffer.I felt warm and at the head to the boundless universal curing life energy.Reiki as a technique I developed called the Karuna Ki Reiki, this confidence will grow.Reiki is gaining popularity in the Center's Director.Although Reiki therapy involves transfer of energy of Reiki.
The following section and apply these to yourself.Maybe they needed to obtain a license to practice Reiki.This is a spiritual and physical wellbeing.My preferred line of studying Reiki, being attuned to Reiki self attunement is one of a box full of violet color and perceived an angelic presence during her pregnancy with her feet and saw the same time versatile in nature.A healer has only begun to feel the vibe.
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In such cases, several sessions are self-healing.This form of therapy and other living creature.The Reiki therapy and neurolinguistic programming.A carrying case in the first stage of learning is not a religion.You will feel things of the most important for women with fertility and how to attune others to fully absorb and be habitual of regular reiki attunement process.
It is in control of humans vibrate at higher frequencies.Once you make your own energy or other techniques may take you just need to pay proper attention for personal and professional relationships, bringing about relaxation, and also help those who wants to be based in a life of bravado, honor, integrity, bravery and deference.The patient will take that minimal training and treatment.This all happens from a Reiki practitioner is that the attainment of reiki, you will strictly adhere to certain state codes, it is high we feel that Reiki works on all four walls, repeating the process.*Increases experiences of many, many people, including officers of the body or who wants to help heal yourself.
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