#she sucks and i met some distant family on my mums side and they treated me better in one day than my sister has in so long
Tfw ur immediate family that you've known all ur life treats u like a burden but the distant family you've literally only met yesterday treats u like a person
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captain039 · 6 years
Avengers X reader
Summary: You were a young woman who was used and treated on as an experiment when the avengers found you Tony and Steve took you under their wings they were like fathers to you. What happens when the civil war hits can you stop it?
Mentions of implied stony don’t like don’t read
Warnings: Trauma, some swearing, mentions of torture.
Sorry ive been so inactive!
Decided to do a different type of story not so much romance more family relationships.
  Waking up again your mind black your vision blurry you saw figures in front of you moving though you couldn’t make them out. You groaned your head rolling to the side as the world got clearer you shook at your restraints again the people around you whispering and pushing buttons you had needles in you, your hands twitched when suddenly you saw light emitting from them you screamed in terror. It was fire coming out of your hands you saw something go down the needle hose and into you before your world went black again.
Waking up this time there wasn’t murmuring or anything you frowned your head hurt like hell. You opened your eyes you weren’t in the lab anymore you shot up looking around seeing you were in another cell this one larger and much nicer but still a cell. You saw someone move outside he had blond hair and a large frame. He turned around and looked at you dropping what ever he had in his hands and walked over to the cell his eyes were a blue colour with a tinge of green in them.
“W-where am I?” You asked scared.
“You’re at the avengers compound” He said you frowned avengers?
“Who are the avengers?” You asked you saw his face sadden when another man walked in. He was shorter with dark brown hair.
“Rogers” The man said.
“Stark” Said the blond. You frowned.
“What do you want from me?” You asked.
“Nothing we rescued you” The blond-haired man said you questioned his rescuing.
“I’m Steve Rogers or Captain America this is Tony Stark or Iron man” The man Steve rogers said.
“Y/n Y/l/n” You said playing with the hem of your sleeve when suddenly your hand began to glow again. You frowned when flames came out of it again and tried to shake it away panic flowing through your veins.
“What’s happening to me!?” You cried as the flame got bigger.
“Tony let me in” You distantly heard.
“What are you crazy?” Tony argued but Steve rushed in anyway. You were scared when suddenly someone grabbed your wrists you snapped your head up looking into to blue eyes.
“Y/n breathe” He said you sucked in a breath closing your eyes trying to calm yourself. You finally calmed down the flame disappearing as your body shook.
“You ok?” Steve asked you nodded taking in small breaths.
He let go of your wrists nodding as he stood up straight.
“Where not going to hurt you here your safe, I’m going to show you to your room” Steve said you frowned room?
“Come with me” He said with a kind smile you were still scared but followed him. Sun hit your skin and you blinked a little you never got to see the sun very often in that place.
“This way” Steve said you followed him through the large building as he opened a door showing you a very neat room.
“This is yours we can change it up what ever you would like” Steve said watching you walk in your fingers brushing against the quilt then it dawned on him you never had a room.
“You’ve never had a room?” He asked you shook your head.
“I was taken when I was born” You said memories rushing back as you tried to ignore them.
“I’m sorry” he said you turned to him nodding you never knew how to act around people or what to say.
“Well this is yours now” He said trying to put on a smile you nodded as a thank you.
“Ill come back soon to bring you to lunch for now get settled in” Steve said smiling then walking off. You sighed sitting on the bed it felt different wrong what did these people want from you?
The dark-haired man showed up Tony as he brought a box in you froze.
“Hey, it’s nothing just clothes ok” He said opening the box up you saw clothing and a few other items.
“Brought you some things I don’t know what you liked but yeah your bathroom is also in through that door I brought some bath room things as well” He said pulling things out of the box.
“Why are you doing this?” You asked he frowned.
“Because we saved you and your special” He said you frowned how?
“I’m nobody” You whispered, and he looked at you.
“I’m an experiment” You added he shook his head.
“You are a human being with gifts you are not the only one” He said standing up straight.
“I could hurt someone” You said your fears rushing back in.
“No, you won’t not if you can control it” Tony said seeing your panic.
“How?” You asked your face strained.
“We’ll teach you ok I promise” He said as Steve walked in.
“Would you like something to eat?” He asked, and you nodded as he smiled.
You were eating something called pancakes you never had them before in the cell they were delicious though. That’s what they did they took care of you made you food and soon you felt comfortable, but you were still haunted with nightmares. You met the rest of the avengers as well Nat was soon your best friend even though she was closed off. They always talked about someone called Bruce and thor you didn’t know them. After a year you got comfortable with Tony and Steve they were like parents you never had Steve acted more like a mum though which you found funny. You were welcomed into the family as one of them you learnt to control your powers you trained with them Steve said you would do good things when the time was right. You didn’t know when the right time was though you never really went out fighting Tony made you stay home wanting to protect you. You sometimes stayed with Clint at there secret farm house which wasn’t really secret, but Tony trusted you there as did Steve. You didn’t really open up about your past and no one forced you too but when the nightmares hit it was bad.
Steve awoke to your scream and he ran down to your room you were having another nightmare again he walked over to your bed gently shaking you as your eyes shot open and you sat up. Your breathing was ragged, and you were sweating. Steve placed his hand on your shoulder as you flinched.
“Its me its me” He said you breathed out nodding as he sat down in front of you.
“Did I scream?” You asked he nodded.
“I’m sorry” You whispered as he shook his head.
“Its ok I’m worried about you” he said you had a small smile on your face.
“It’s the same over and over” You said quietly as he nodded listening.
“I’m cuffed to a chair needles in both my arms something running into my veins and, and these distant voices” You said a tear rolling down your face. He pulled you to his chest as you gave in easily as he patted your back as you sniffled.
“They can’t hurt you anymore” He whispered you nodded you felt safe here. Maybe things would be ok from now on you trusted them everyone they were like a family you never had but then someone called James Buchannan Barnes showed up.
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