#she wanted me to text her the things i need for easter baking. so i did. i sent a nice list that explained how much of each
ectonurites · 6 months
sometimes i think my mom was designed in a lab to make me feel the need to punch a wall
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jerzwriter · 10 months
Other Open Heart Holiday Fics
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Updated 02.14.2024
** This masterlist houses Open Heart holiday fics not about my two main pairings, Tobias Carrick x Casey (MC) or Ethan Ramsey x Kaycee (MC). You can find their holiday fics by clicking the links in the last sentence.
🎃 Halloween 🦃 Thanksgiving 🎄 Christmas 🍾 New Year’s 💝 Valentine’s Day 🐰 Easter 💐Mother’s Day 🚸With kids/family🔥 18+ 📱Text Fic 🎨Includes Art
Main Holiday Masterlist | Complete Masterlist Open Heart Masterlist
Casey x Jessica
Any Other Day 💝 🎨 Art by @callmebeem Jessica's not a fan of Valentine's Day, and she's made that pretty clear, but now that the day's up on them, Casey realizes there's more to it than meets the eye.
Ethan Ramsey x Casey (Retired Pairing)
Maybe Next Year? 🍾 It’s New Year’s Eve during Casey’s intern year, and she’s shocked to have the night off, but will she get to spend it the way she hoped to?
Perfection 💝🚸Some sweet, unadulterated fluff for Valentine’s Day. The super-fluff crowd should be happy. The anti-super-fluff crowd will throw confectioner sugar at me in hopes of a reverse reaction lol. I hope you enjoy some special time with The Ramsey-MacTavish family.
Dreams Come True 💐🚸Casey & Ethan share her first Mother’s Day with Emma.  
Open Heart MC / Open Heart Gang
All I Want for Christmas is You 🎄Casey fills in for Santa at the Edenbrook Holiday Party, and she ends up learning a whole lot more than she wanted to know.
Easy As Pie 🦃Friendsgiving has been arranged, and food assignments have been handed out. Aurora and Jackie didn't let their lack of baking experience deter them from agreeing to bake pies this year. After all, how bad could it be?
A Little Holiday Cheer ☁️🎄🎨 It all started at Ethan & Merida's place, so it's only fitting that we go back there again! (Feat. Ethan Ramsey x Merida - @lilyoffandoms, Bryce Lahela x Olivia - @storyofmychoices and Tobias Carrick x Casey) Art: @/artbyainna IG
Rafael Aveiro x Carrie (MC)
An Unexpected Valentine 💝It's Raf and Carrie's first Valentine's Day together, and he has planned a perfect day for them, but nothing ever goes according to plan. But by the end of the day, Raf is sure of one thing: it's the perfect Valentine's Day, and he has the only Valentine he'll ever need.
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poedameronloverx · 3 years
Close To Home
Life In Lockdown Masterlist
Pairing - Poe Dameron x F! Solo Reader
Warnings - Massive amounts of Covid talk in this chapter as it starts to effect our lovely little squad, so if that upsets you please don’t read, I don’t want anyone to be triggered or upset by this content <3
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Month 2 – April 2020
As the weeks went on, you found yourself getting more and more used to remote working. Your boss had made a lunch time finish on a Friday a weekly thing and you were grateful for it. Poe was getting every Friday off, and Rose got to finish at 3pm on a Friday. You and Poe were working round each other better, you’d gotten used to his singing and he got used to you getting up to wander round the room and stretch every hour or so. The novelty of having people around all day had worn off for BeeBee, he would choose to spend an entire day with either Poe or you and lie by your feet for the day. Rose’s idea of doing something each evening had stuck and you had set up a weekly plan of things to do. Movie nights became a Friday night tradition. Rose had ordered relaxation colouring books for each of you and that became your Monday night routine. There was a YouTube marathon on Tuesdays, you’d all found a series to binge together on Wednesdays and you played board games on Thursdays. Poe was teaching you to cook, you could make basic things but he was much better than you were and you’d asked him to help you learn. Rose loved teasing your about how cute you both looked and how domestic it was. Things were still strange but everyone was getting used to it.
Rose and Finn occasionally took walks after work, just the two of them. Poe had just arrived back home with BeeBee. He wandered into the living room and found you sitting on the sofa crying your eyes out. He was by your side in an instant, pulling you into his arms and rubbing your back.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“My dad” you sobbed “He has the virus; he’s in the hospital on a ventilator”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry!” he pulled you tighter “He’ll be fine, I’ve never met a man as strong and stubborn as Han Solo!”
“Mum said he’s really ill, she’s not even allowed to go and see him”
“It’s not fair”
“I just want to go and see mum and hug her”
“I know sweetheart, I know”
Poe held you until you eventually cried yourself to sleep. He pulled you onto him, and grabbed the blanket from the back of the sofa and draped it over you. BeeBee jumped up onto the sofa and lay by your legs. Your body heat and the heat from the blanket lulled Poe to sleep. When Finn and Rose came back a little while later they eyed you suspiciously. The sound of Rose’s keys against the coffee table woke Poe.
“This looks romantic” Finn said
“Far from, I’ve just held her whilst she cried herself to sleep” Poe replied, glaring at his friend
“What’s wrong?” Rose asked
“Han’s got the virus; he’s in hospital on a ventilator”
“Oh my god, when did that happen, is he alright?”
“I don’t really know” Poe shrugged “She was really upset, I only got the basic information from her”
“I’ll phone Leia” Rose replied “To get more information but also to check on her”
Finn nodded “That's a good idea”
“I should text Ben.” Poe said “Then we need to work out what to do here. I don't want to put her to bed before dinner, I know she’s exhausted herself crying but she needs food in her system, as much as she probably won’t want it”
“We can make a start on dinner, wake her when it’s ready and make sure she eats at least a little then she can get some sleep” Finn said
Poe managed to lift you off him enough to move, he laid your head on a pillow and made sure the blanket still covered you. BeeBee got up and moved along the couch so he could snuggle against your stomach. Poe headed to the kitchen and made a start on dinner with Finn’s help. Rose sat on the bottom stair and called Leia. She was on the phone for 10 minutes before joining the guys in the kitchen.
“What did she say?” Finn asked
“He had a few symptoms so they called the doctor yesterday and he was told to go in and get checked out, they didn't want to worry Y/N and Ben so they just kept it between them at that point, the hospital got him tested and obviously he had it so they said he would get kept in overnight but he started to struggle to breathe so they put him on the machine. They don’t know when or if he’ll come back around”
“Oh god” Finn replied
“We just have to take care of her” Rose said “We know how close she is to her parents and not being able to be with them is going to be so hard for her”
“She has us” Poe replied “And we’ll be here for her day and night, no matter what time”
“Absolutely” Rose nodded “I’ll wake her for dinner”
The next week was difficult, you’d asked for some time away from work as you knew you would never be able to concentrate whilst your thoughts were all about your father. He hadn’t been getting better but he also hadn’t gotten any worse, which the doctors said was a really good thing. Poe and Rose had both taken a few days off to make sure someone was with you and helping keep your mind off things. You and Poe were on a walk with BeeBee one afternoon when your phone rang.
“It’s mum” you said to Poe before answering the phone. He gently took hold of your arm and led you over to a wall where you could sit. He could only hear your side of the conversation but the fact you hadn’t burst into tears yet made him feel more positive. “I’ll speak to you later mum, love you. Bye”
“How’s things?”
“Dad came off the ventilator this morning” you replied, happy tears appearing in your eyes “He’s breathing on his own and the doctors are really happy with his progress”
“That’s great news sweetheart. And it’ll be a load off your mind knowing he’s doing okay”
“Yeah, it really is” you replied “Thank you, you’ve helped keep me going this last week or so. I really appreciate it”
“I’m here for you anytime sweetheart” Poe replied
“I appreciate it more than you'll ever know. It's been so scary seeing all the stuff on the news, I guess I just didn't think it would end up so close to home”
Poe held his arms open and you fell into his hug gratefully. Poe gave the best hugs in the entire world. He hugged tightly and it made anyone he hugged feel secure and content.
Easter was very much a non event, the weather wasn't great so you were inside all day. Poe cooked a nice meal for everyone and you sat and watched a lot of TV whilst eating all of the Easter snacks you'd ordered in with the food shop. You were all happy to have a few days off work, Finn had a few weeks off whilst the schools were closed for the spring break. A few days after Easter, your father was released from the hospital. He still wasn't 100% back to his normal self but he was really glad to be back in his own home. You face-timed with him and your mother every day, just to check up on how they were both doing. You knew it wasn't easy on Leia either. She had to take care of Han plus do everything herself at home, whilst trying to work. Finn decided to take up gardening whilst he had free time, he ordered loads of plants and gardening tools online and got to work as soon as they arrived. Your garden had never really been full of plants because you and Rose were always too busy and neither of you were that into gardening. Finn cut down all the bushes, planted loads of flowers and painted the fences. The small fence that separated the patio from the grass was painted a sky blue and all of the surrounding fences were white. Poe helped Finn with the painting, whilst you and Rose cleaned up all the garden furniture. Once you were done, it looked like a whole new garden.
As the month went on, things with everyone's work got quieter. You were no longer working full days, Monday to Wednesday you only worked from 11am until 3pm, Thursday you worked 9am-12pm and Friday was a day off. Rose only had to work Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Poe no longer had to do any work. He was luckily still getting paid but his work just didn't have anything else they could do remotely. They told him to keep checking his work emails just incase anything did come in. It took a while to adjust to all of the free time. Working from home had been strange anyway but only working for part of the time made it even weirder. Finn was still working his normal hours after the school break. Friday became a cooking day. Poe continued to teach you how to make meals, and sometimes the pair of you would bake.
Rose liked to come on walks with BeeBee when she had the spare time, the park was everyone's favourite place to go. It became a lifeline to everyone. The stay at home order still said you were only able to go out once a day for some exercise. You all began to look forward to walk time so you could get to your park. You could walk all the way round it twice before BeeBee got bored. You would always stop at the kiosk and get a coffee or an ice cream, whilst the dog ran after his ball.
“This is his dream” Poe chuckled as he watched Rose throwing the ball “He's getting to spend time with people he loves, he's getting much longer walks than normal and he gets to run after his ball a lot”
You smiled “Animals must be loving this lockdown thing, they get to spend so much time with their humans and don't have to stay home alone all day”
“Bee is loving living with you and Rose. He's always really happy when you guys come to visit us so all of us living together is great for him”
“I'm actually really enjoying it too, I had my reservations at first. Especially when Rose just mentioned Finn moving in. I didn't want to be the third wheel in my own home. And even when she said you were coming too, I wasn't sure we'd all manage to work around each other but thankfully we have and I couldn't be happier to be spending this lockdown with you guys. Especially with how much you helped me when my dad was ill”
“I'm glad we're all together too. It's made things feel so much better knowing that anytime I have a bad day I get to spend it with my best friends. Living with Finn is great but sometimes when him and Rose are all loved up it gets a bit annoying. I mean not that I'm not happy for them because I absolutely am, they're a great couple but yeah”
“No, I totally get that. Being the 3rd wheel isn't easy” you nodded “They're adorable, but sometimes it sucks to be left out so I'm glad we have each other during this lockdown”
“Me too, I think you're the only one that gets what it's like to be 3rd wheel to them” Poe chuckled
The final few days of the month were difficult, Rose fell ill with suspected Covid. She had all of the symptoms but she didn't feel overly ill. Finn moved into the spare room with Poe, he didn't want to get ill whilst he was still so busy with work. You looked after Rose, bringing her food and plenty of fluids to keep her going. You were glad that she didn't have a really bad case of it, but you worried for the rest of you.
So here’s the next part. I hope if you read this far that you enjoyed it and you’re still enjoying the series. Your comments would mean the world to me <3 Have a lovely weekend!
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seasonsofeverlark · 4 years
Family Prayer
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Author: @mega-aulover​
Prompt: Buttercup and Diwali are not things that go together. So even though Katniss dosen't like him much, she and Peeta try to make things easier for Buttercup on that day. [submitted by @everlurked​]
Rating: Fluffy G
Author’s Note: This is a story about Diwali and wouldn’t have been possible without @cadsingh77​ who spent weeks allowing me to ask all sorts of questions about Diwali and what it means to her. I patterned it on her descriptions. She read it, as well, to make sure there were no cultural faux pas. I apologize if there is anything amiss. Also, I’m remiss if I do not mention @norbertsmom​ who at the eleventh hour betaed this story. She’s my rock my bestie, and I would be nothing without her.
Peeta glanced at his suit in the closet. His hands shook. 
In a few hours he was going to meet the family of the love of his life. 
He looked at the phone in his hands. He was lying in bed researching everything Diwali. His girlfriend Katniss had gone over the topic. She explained that just as sunset happens an elaborate puja, a prayer ceremony is done in a temple to begin the holiday. But to most Trinidadians or Trinis, as she called herself, like her family, they said little personal prayers in front of Laxmi, Saraswati and Ganesh and then they would light the diyas, little clay lamps, that they were going to placed in all of the rooms of the house. 
Katniss made it all sound so simple. Diwali was a celebration of light. A victory over darkness. A day to wear new clothing, beautiful jewelry, sing, dance, pray, and light diyas. Katniss said any other guests would arrive after the prayers and they would have a ton of food and everyone would eat and hang out, kids would light sparklers, and there would be singing and dancing too. 
Curious, Peeta watched every Bollywood movie on Netflix. Movies, however, never really explained everything. He put the phone down. He had to  be honest with himself; Katniss’ assurances aside, he was a fish out of water no matter what he did. He was going to meet the most important people in Katniss’s life, her family.
In contrast, his parents were Dan and Cindy from Port Jefferson, Long Island. They owned a bakery near the ferry. They were dull people, they were like the parents of Ian Miller from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. But a lot colder and more dysfunctional, dressed in tans and beiges. Peeta constantly questioned why they would own a bakery that matched the color of bland. They never veered from the menu. Never introduced a new seasonal baked good. Peeta was stuck in that rut until he met Katniss and his entire world changed and color was introduced into his life.
Katniss was the electric jolt that kickstarted his dull heart to life. 
The first time he tasted roti, the buttery tasting flat bread he literally cried. 
From the pictures that Katniss shared of her family, he could tell they were a riot of awesomeness. 
Katniss and her parents hailed from Trinidad and Tobago. Her family moved to Long Island from Germany. Her father was an engineer and physicist. He worked at the superconductor in Germany and then came to Long Island so that he could work on a project at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Her mother worked at Stony Brook University. She ran the nursing department. 
Peeta and Katniss both attended Stony Brook University. He was on his way to a yoga class and she was in her Pink boxing class. From the glass covered room Peeta watched her hit the punching bag like Joe Fraser, and he was a goner. Peeta had a thing for strong women. His first middle school girlfriend bossed him and made him carry her books to and from class and he was a sucker for her, but she broke his heart. She told him she was only using him to get to his older brother Ryan. Peeta battled so much darkness in his life and what he needed was to chase the darkness away and to let the light into his heart. But he couldn’t deny he liked strong women. 
There was something about a strong alpha woman who knew how to get things done, unlike his mother who was passive aggressive, and banged the pots in the kitchen and slammed refrigerator doors. 
He sighed as he worried about tomorrow. He googled Diwali’s greetings and butchered the language as he tried to speak in Hindi. 
Peeta sighed heavily.
Katniss’s mother invited him over the phone. She wanted him to come over before the prayers began. It was an honor because he was Katniss’ boyfriend, someone she chose despite her father trying to get her to date the son of a friend of his. Katniss put her figurative foot down and claimed she was dating Peeta. Her father didn’t want to meet him, but he knew of him. 
So the pressure was on to be perfect. He didn’t want to say or do the wrong thing, especially in front of her family. His hands shook, this was important. He wanted to make a good impression on Katniss’ family, even if her father didn’t like him or the idea of him. Peeta wanted them to like him because, truth be told, his own family didn’t like him. 
Peeta loved his family, but ever since he was little, he knew he didn’t fit into the landscape of his family. He was labeled as the emotional one. He was too irreverent for them. Peeta liked color. He loved to paint. He enjoyed the change in seasons where his family loved one season, summer, because they generated the most money then. 
His family liked one or two flavors. Peeta loved all flavors, spicy ones, bold ones, subtle ones. They hated that he was always pushing to change the menu at the bakery. His childhood room was always the one his parents never showed off, because as a teen he painted the walls of his room every shade of orange. Peeta knew they sighed in relief when he decided to stay in the dorms at Stony Brook. His football scholarship allowed him to have that opportunity. He trained hard, studied hard, and loved hard. 
“Katniss,” her name escaped his lips like fervent prayer and a wish. He loved her, was consumed by her, and he was so overly happy that she invited him to meet her family for Diwali. And now he had so much pent up energy he couldn’t sleep. 
His teammates made fun of him, because he got a goofy lopsided I-got-my-hippopotamus-at-Christmas type grin, whenever Peeta thought of Katniss. He closed his eyes picturing her olive skin, thick straight dark hair braided into a rope, small pert nose, and silvery eyes that were breathtaking. Though it wasn’t her physical parts that made him fall in love. It was the woman who lay beneath the surface.
What made him sit up and take notice of Katniss after he saw her box, and he was out of the yoga room, was that there was a blonde girl at the gym working out. There were these idiots guys making fun of her, calling that poor girl fat, just because she was full figured. Katniss walked straight up to the guys and gave them a scowl full of fire and brimstone, called the girl hot and told her that if she were gay she’d do her in an instant. Then she told the guys that they could jackknife themselves off the roof of the building. Peeta had never seen anything sexier in his life. Katniss was full of fire and she was resplendent more so than the sun. 
His phone buzzed drawing him away from his memories as the message came in.
KATNISS: Why are you still up?
Peeta grinned, his phone betrayed him. In some phones a little dot showed up next to the person when they were on their phone. Katniss must have noticed. 
PEETA: Stalk much.
Peeta could see those three little dots moving as she wrote a reply. 
For the most part Katniss wasn’t a talker. Unless she was passionate about the topic and then she was a chatterbox.
KATNISS: FUNNY. Seriously, tomorrow is going to be a long day. You need to sleep.
PEETA: Because tomorrow I am going to meet your family.
Peeta could see her rolling her eyes even through the phone.
KATNISS: You don’t have to be nervous. 
PEETA: If you tell me all I have to do is be myself, I swear I am going to come dressed as Buddy the Elf.
PEETA: Yes, but I’m your dork.
KATNISS: They’re going to love you.
Peeta sighed. 
PEETA: This is important. I want to make a good impression. Your family is important to you and given that my family…
Peeta sighed. He’d brought Katniss to the bakery to meet his family because they didn’t have time for him. His father was pleasant. His mother, however, spoke loudly and slowly as if Katniss didn’t speak English. Katniss spoke various languages and was extremely intelligent. Her mother wanted her to be a doctor, but Katniss had a passion for the environment. Her major was environmental studies, with a minor in geology. She was brilliant and he felt like the dumb jock.
KATNISS: Your family is fine, well except for Ryan. Someone needs to examine him.
Peeta chuckled. His brother Rye stared at Katniss as if she was Christmas, Easter, and summer vacation all rolled up into one. He then proceeded to flirt with Katniss, by using every campy movie line known to mankind. In typical Rye fashion because he’d done it before to their other brother Lyle. Unfortunately in that instance the girl in question dumped Lyle to go out with Rye. 
He sighed. That was his dysfunctional family. Family gatherings were uncomfortable events. They weren’t exactly nice to one another.
PEETA: I have no excuse for my brother.
Peeta decided to follow his text with a self deprecating joke. A truth, his family thought him the odd one in the family. 
PEETA: But Ryan isn’t the bad apple. I’m not sure you know this, but I am the black sheep of the family.
KATNISS: You mean the sexy one.
A grin spread on his face at her compliment. 
Katniss’ family was conservative, and by extent, so was Katniss. He respected her boundaries and her values.  Family was everything to her and he loved her because of it, Katniss would lay her life on the line for her family. 
PEETA: Have I told you today how much I love you.
KATNISS: No, but I do love to hear you say it.
Peeta pressed the little microphone and recorded his voice, which sounded rougher to his ears than normal.
PEETA: (a voice email) I love you Katniss. I love your mind. I love your kindness. I love how you always talk about your sister Prim. I love the way you adore your dad. I love the way you look up to your mother. I think you are the most beautiful soul. And I am nervous because if you are wonderful, then your family has to be just as great.
He meant every word. 
They’d been dating for the last few months, but they’d been friends for two years. They weren’t easy years because of their schedules in school and the fact that her father had a mild heart attack right after they met. Peeta put himself in the friend zone because that’s what Katniss needed. He didn’t want her to feel pressure to feel romantic toward him when her dad, the most important man in her life, was ill. 
In the end, the bonds of friendship grew to a love so sweet and pure, that it shined out of her silver eyes. The first time she realized the love she held for him was more than friendship left him breathless, like stepping into a world filled with brilliant colors, light and joy. 
KATNISS: (a voice email) I love you too.
Her voice was breathy and filled with her heartfelt emotion.
Peeta couldn’t help but sigh contentedly.
KATNISS: Now as for tomorrow, don’t worry. When they see what a great guy you are, they will love you.
Peeta sighed.
PEETA:  Yes ma’am.
He grinned and would have followed her directions, but instead he stood from his bed and went into his suite kitchen. He needed to bake. It was the only thing he knew that would calm him down. He decided to make chocolate using the vegetarian items he purchased in the store. Come the morning he would make the Laddoos he planned to bring with him. In Hindi they were called Laddu but in Trinidad they were known as Laddoo.
Making the chocolate eased his nerves, so he actually got some sleep. In the morning, he showered and set to work on making the Laddoos. By three o’clock he was done, and all he had to do was wrap up the presents. Taking a red ribbon, he tied each box the way he’d done so many times at the bakery. 
His suitemates were gone. No doubt causing trouble somewhere on campus, which gave Peeta the time he needed to get ready. He took out his new suit. Even though Katniss told him he could wear a nice pair of slacks and shirt, Peeta bought a suit that was on sale for the special occasion. 
Taking a deep breath he took the small presents he had for her family. They weren’t necessary, but he wanted to make a good impression. He gathered up the Laddoos, the chocolate, the flowers - marigolds he sourced at the local home depot, and the paintings he made of her family made from the memory of the pictures she’d shown him. 
He drove, heading to the Everdeen home in Mount Sinai. The cottage-like house looked like something out of a movie or TV show: warm, inviting, like a real home, one filled with love, and not pretend.
As he walked up, he could hear laughter, genuine laughter, followed by singing and joy. Running a hand through his blond wavy locks he took a deep breath. “Okay Mellark, just be yourself,” he whispered, as he stood in front of the door.  
He raised his hand to knock on the door and his breath caught at the man standing there looking more like a navy seal instead of a physicist. This was Katniss’ dad. His chrome eyes were hard and they took him apart, much the way a defensive end could read a play and pick it apart while holding their defense line.  
“Happy Diwali.” Peeta tried to say confidently but his voice cracked. He could feel himself sweating.
Her father raised an eyebrow. “You are Peeta Mellark.”
Peeta nodded.
“Rahul!” A statuesque woman with blonde hair and pale blue eyes swatted Katniss’ father’s arm. He watched her sneak around him, dressed in a traditional red sari with gold thread. “Please behave.” Mrs. Everdeen quietly gave her husband a look. Her golden bangles clinked as she placed her hand dramatically on her hip. Peeta was glad Katniss had gone over the different fashions. He studied each one because he would do anything for Katniss. 
Peeta watched as her father’s hard analytical eyes softened the moment he beheld Katniss’ mother. Peeta could see how Katniss’ parents were a unit of one. They were in love and either one would fight the shadows and all of the evil in the world for their other half.  “Anjali.”
“I am Katniss’ mother, this is her father,” her pale eyes sparkled. “Please come in, we were waiting for your arrival. Come in,” she ushered him.
The home was two stories, to the left a halfway with rooms, to the right a living room, dining area, and a den to the far back. The house was decorated with warm rich colors, but everything was tied around the family, as pictures dotted the walls. There were lights everywhere hanging from the walls, the clay diya’s sat on the mantel.  Peeta stood in front of a picture of Katniss on her father’s shoulders, her twin braids flowing, her eyes crinkled in pure happiness. 
“Ohhhh you’re cute,” a younger, but deeper voice than Katniss’ said with impish mischief. 
Primrose took after Katniss’ mother, with the flaxen hair and the pale blue eyes.  Katniss explained that her mother was of British descent, while her father’s family, although sporting a European name, was from India. His great-grandparents came to Trinidad, fell in love with the island and stayed. 
Her mother walked away from her very wealthy family back in Trinidad to marry Katniss’ father. It was a little like they were the original Romeo and Julliet. 
His parents got together because his dad knocked up his mom.
“Primrose!” Mrs. Everdeen admonished. 
“What,” Prim said. Her pale blue eyes were inquisitive as she walked around him. The way Katniss talked about her sister, Peeta had expected a little kid, but Prim was as tall as he was. Her loose  pajama-like trousers that narrowed at her ankles, called shalwar, swooshed around as she made her round. Her red kameez, a flowing tunic with intricate gold patterns reminded Peeta of the pattern Mrs. Everdeen wore on her sari.
Prim was everything Katniss was not. She was a bold bright bubbly girl, who at this moment was making sure he was the real deal and not some mindless jerk. He stood, letting her because it was important that her family liked him. He wanted to be accepted. He felt his face flame up under the scrutiny. 
“I understand why my boring sister is constantly sighing.”
Peeta grinned, then he said, “Oh these are for you.” He gave them the presents. The flowers, the chocolate, and the sweetened chickpea Laddoos he made by hand for them.
“Oh these are fragrant, where did you purchase them?”
“He made them.” The soft voice that came behind him made his heart rate triple.
Peeta turned around and there stood Katniss wearing an emerald green lenghas. She had explained what it looked like, but at this moment, his brain that was always filled with words was momentarily empty, vanquished by her beauty. He swallowed, mouth slightly ajar. His eyes darted from the perfection of her face with those silvery eyes that captivated him, and the peek of dark hair that was hidden by the sari. 
Katniss held a shiny brass plate, she called a Tarrier, but in Hindi it was known as a Thali, containing coconut, almonds, and other sweets. Katniss told him the plate belonged to her great-grandmother Veronica. When her mother married her father, her great-grandmother gave it to her insisting it should go to her first born. He swore for a second he could see a miniature Katniss with his eyes staring up at him and holding the Tarrier. 
“He made them?” Primrose asked, Peeta could hear the intense curiosity in her sister’s voice. 
“His family are bakers, and Peeta is an amazing cook.”
“Really,” her father said, and his voice, the way he said that one word snapped Peeta out of his hazy fog. 
“Ah,” he nervously said. “I made her cheese buns,” Peeta felt the heat rising from his neck and caused those red splotches that his brothers made fun of. 
“Cheese buns,” her father repeated. 
“When you were in the hospital, daddy,” her eyes did not hide the pain of recalling those days. “Peeta noticed I wasn’t eating and cajoled me into eating cheese buns,” Katniss words were so soft. “He was the friend I leaned on for support when…” her voice trailed.
Peeta watched her father’s face take a look of adoring tenderness at his eldest, and when his eyes turned to Peeta they weren’t as frosty as they had been. 
“He even took me to temple to pray,” Katniss whispered.
“In Selden?” 
“Yes, daddy,” Katniss quietly said.
“Rahul,” Katniss’ mother chided. She cupped his cheeks, “Such a nice young man. Did you make the chocolate as well?” 
Peeta nodded, his eyes went back to her father. He couldn’t mess this up. 
Her mother smiled serenely, then her eyes lit with happiness as if she made a startling connection. “Oh! Pundit Sharma was right; they were destined in the stars.”
“Star crossed lovers just like you and mom,” Prim said. 
Her father cut his eyes away. 
“Oh my, these chocolates….” Prim moaned. 
“Primrose!” Her mother admonished. 
“What, he said they were for us,” Prim shrugged, plopping a chocolate in her mouth. “I’d say he’s golden. So what does a cheese bun taste like?” 
“Primrose, really, must you think only of your stomach?” Katniss shook her head. 
“Girls,” their father said in a stern tone of voice. “It’s near sunset. Upstairs with the lot of you. I swear corralling a dozen baby ducks would be easier.” 
The women headed upstairs. Peeta wasn’t sure, but her father swept a hand for him to follow him upstairs.
Peeta wasn’t sure what he was expecting, hopefully like something out of Khabi Kushi Khabi Gham. They had a small altar where he watched all of the women present the offerings and began to bow their heads. He stood behind quietly observing, but when Katniss began to pray it was like a song and her words that he didn’t understand wrapped around his heart and his lashes fluttered closed and a single tear fell down his face. Song after song her voice combined with that of her father, her mother and sister caused him to realize just how much he wanted to be part of this family, to be loved and accepted. 
He too prayed for a family to want him, to be needed. 
Peeta was so wrapped up in the moment when it was over he opened his eyes to find her mother standing before him with trembling lips, and watery blue eyes.
“Bend down son,” her father said with warmth in his voice. “She’s going to honor you by putting the sindoor on your forehead.” He pointed to his forehead, though his eyes had completely lost the frost. They were filled with admiration and the same warmth he had in his voice. Her father looked at Katniss and nodded as if giving her his blessings. 
Unsure if what he had just seen was real, his eyes went to Katniss,  but Prim said, “Go ahead Peeta, my father has just fallen for you too.” Her voice squeaked with that enthusiasm only a teenager could have. She wiped the tears from her face as well. 
Peeta bent down slightly. Mrs. Everdeen’s hand slipped to the Tarrier and with her ring finger she pressed it into the red dust Katniss’ father called sindoor.
The press of her finger was light. “When my daughter marries you. You will sprinkle this sindor over the part in her hair to symbolize her marriage to you.”
Peeta’s eyes flew to her father who nodded. “Welcome to the family son.” He clasped his back and said. “Now let’s go eat. I’m starving.”
Peeta couldn’t help but grin. He gazed at Katniss who came to him, her smile shy. He was going to follow them, but katniss put her hand on his, then stepped up and placed a small peck on his cheek. Then winked sassily. “I told you they would love you.” 
And like that, his prayers were answered; he now had a family. 
Years later, when he stood in the same position watching his little girl singing the puja, holding the brass tarrier, alongside Katniss. Just as in that memory from years ago he listened to Katniss voice blend with their daughter. Their voices blended in with his father-in-law Rahul, Primrose and her soon to be fiancé. Peeta was grateful that his prayers were answered, the darkness was swept away and light filled his soul.  And he was granted the family he always wanted.
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Devildom Easter Egg Hunt
A little late, but the idea came to me at like 11pm last night and I'm old and suck at staying up late these days.
Anyway, Easter in the Devildom. With my MC Kore, because I missed writing about her.
Warnings: Female MC, Not a reader insert, polyamory, way too much description of baskets of chocolate, that's it.
“What the hell are ya wearing Kore?”
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“Everyone come to the council room after classes, it’s important.” That’s what the text had said. The one sent from your phone to all of the brothers, and all three residents of Purgatory Hall. It was more than a little suspicious, for one Kore never wanted to stay longer at RAD than she really had to, and secondly she was usually much more polite when requesting a favour. But to use the council room she must have gained Diavolo’s permission so it couldn’t be anything too bad right? At least, that’s how they reassured themselves before turning up. Whatever scenarios they had planned out, none of them came close to what greeted them in the council room.
She looked down for a moment, before grinning back at Mammon. “You don’t recognise it?”
“I believe what Mammon means is why are you wearing that?” Lucifer sighed, shaking his head at the younger demon who had been momentarily rendered speechless.
“Well…” She started, still smiling happily at them all, “it’s Easter in the human realm, and since I already had the bunny costume on hand from that serving job we did, I thought I could share some of the festivities with you all. Technically I’m a bit late, Easter was yesterday, but I wanted Dia, um, Lord Diavolo to be able to join in and he wasn’t back until last night.”
The Prince in question was standing behind her beaming happily, nodding along with everything Kore said. “Now now Lucifer, no need to look so grumpy. I think it’s wonderful Kore wanted to bring something from the human realm to all of us!”
“But, that doesn’t explain why yer wearing that!” Mammon huffed. “Anyone could see ya like that!”
“Mammon… everyone already has seen me in this? And you’re all here anyway.” She shrugged. “In the human realm there’s an easter tradition where a rabbit brings chocolate eggs to kids. I know you’re not kids, but it seemed like fun. I organised an egg hunt and everything!”
“Did you say chocolate?”
“Yes Beel, chocolate eggs. The ones for the egg hunt aren’t, because it would give you an unfair advantage, but the prizes are chocolate eggs.” She laughed, pointing to the small pile of baskets behind her. “No touching until we’re done.”
Beel pouted a little, but stared determinedly at the baskets. Levi frowned beside him.
“So, this is a game? Are there clues?” His eyes flashed with interest, games he could do.
“Not really, I can give you some if you’re stuck though!” Kore laughed. “So, I hid 60 eggs, with Barbatos’ help so he’s going to stay here and keep me company guarding the prize baskets. He isn’t allowed to tell anyone where they are, including you Dia, and you agreed to not ask him.” Diavolo nodded. “So, the rules are; no magic,” she nodded towards Solomon and Lucifer, “no stealing from other people, if they found the egg it’s theirs,” a few sideways glances towards Mammon, “and no fighting. Everyone got that?”
There were assorted nods and murmurs of acceptance from the gathered Demons and Angels.
“Don’t look so pouty Luci, you don’t have to join in if you don’t want to. You can still have a basket of chocolates.”
Lucifer huffed. “Of course I’m taking part. But you neglected to tell us where the eggs had been hidden, unless you mean for us to search the whole Devildom?”
Kore blushed and shook her head. “Sorry! They’re in RAD, the Castle and their grounds. I would have hidden them in the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall but I didn’t get time between classes and Barb had duties to fulfill.”
“Then can we begin?”
She nodded at Lucifer. “The inaugural Devildom Easter Egg Hunt is go! Good Luck!”
Kore leaned back against the table, watching with amusement as the group scattered, most heading for the door to scour the school. Simeon and Luke stayed back, opting to look around the council room first instead. Simeon glanced down at Luke, standing on his tiptoes to try and peer over one of the taller plinths and sighed.
She glanced over at the angel. “What is it Simeon?”
“Would it be permissible to work in teams for this game?” He nodded towards Luke, expression fond as ever.
“Of course Simeon! It’s not really as serious as all that, I only put the rules in place so no one spoiled the fun by magicking all the eggs to them or getting into a fight. It’s just for fun.” She giggled, patting one of the prize baskets. “Besides, I’d put money on Beel and Belphie already teaming up. Even if it’s just from Belphie’s laziness.”
As if on queue a shout echoed through the room from the corridor. “Oi! Ya not allowed to work together like that!”
“Kore never said working together was against the rules!”
“Mammon, let them be. Belphie isn’t likely to be much help when Beel is carrying him.”
Kore burst into laughter, shaking her head at their antics. “Well, I would wish you luck again Simeon, but I don’t think you’re in the most need of it.”
He chuckled in response, heading over to the younger angel to guide him out of the room. “Indeed, come on Luke. See you later Kore.”
She nodded, in response, leaning back and listening to the echoing voices through the halls as Barbatos came to sit beside her, letting her lean her shoulder against his.
That was how they found them two hours later, when all of the eggs had been collected and the hunters returned to the room, Kore tucked against Barbatos’ side giggling at something he’d told her while his arm rested around her waist.
“Ah, I’m glad to see you weren’t too bored while we were searching for eggs!” Diavolo boomed, chuckling at the sight before them.
Kore flushed bright pink, head shooting up to stare at the gathered group with wide eyes. Her gaze shifted quickly over Mammon and Levi, smiling softly at them to try and ease the tension from them. There would likely be time for a discussion later, but she was pleased to see neither jumped to chase Barbatos away from her, polyamory was hardest for the two of them but they were growing, learning.
“You should know already that Barbatos is excellent company.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “Go on then, how many eggs have you all collected?”
They handed over their eggs, letting Kore note down how many each had carefully before the next person handed theirs over. She paused half way through, looking at the ones Beel and Belphie handed over with a small frown.
“Um, Beel, why is this one half of an egg?” She asked, holding the slightly mangled object in her palm.
Beel rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to meet her gaze. “I, um, forgot you said they weren’t chocolate and I got hungry.”
“It was lucky he didn’t swallow it whole.” Belphie grumbled.
Kore giggled and nodding, noting down their score.
Once all the eggs were counted Kore jumped from the table ready to announce the scores.
“Alright gentlemen, the scores for the inaugural Devildom Easter Egg hunt are in! I’ll be going in ascending order of score, last place to first okay?” There were a few nods. “Okay, last place with two eggs is Asmo,”
“I knew I shouldn’t have stopped to fix my hair.”
“6th place is Solomon with three eggs, not bad, joint 5th place are Satan and the team of Simeon and Luke with five eggs each,”
“Well done Luke, you found most of those for us! I’d have been last without your help.”
“Damn, if Lucifer hadn’t beaten me up that tree using his stupid wings…”
Kore paused. “Wait, you climbed a tree Satan?!”
“Don’t worry Kore, I have it all on video. I may not have found many eggs, but I did capture most of the best moments on camera. Satan was very cat-like.”
“Thank you Solomon, I’ll be getting all of those from you later.” She grinned, looking back to the list. Okay, so 4th place is Lucifer with seven eggs. Then in joint 3rd place we have Mammon and Diavolo with eight eggs each, congratulations both of you,”
“I guess third place ain’t too bad. At least I beat Lucifer.”
“Oh excellent! I think that was very good for my first Easter Egg Hunt, don’t you?”
“Yes Dia, that’s a very respectable score. In 2nd place with ten eggs is Levi,”
“Damn, I guess it’s not bad for a game that involved physical activity…”
“Which means in 1st place is the team of Beel and Belphie with twelve eggs. Congratulations you two.”
“It was pretty much all Beel.” Belphie yawned. “As soon as he knew there was food on the line I mostly just napped.”
“Honestly I’d have been very impressed if anyone beat Beel in a competition that involved winning something edible.” Solomon chuckled.
“Alright, so Beel, Belphie, you get first choice of the Easter baskets.” Kore smiled, gesturing towards the table behind her.
“Are they not all the same then?”
“No Luke, they’re all the same value but the contents differ slightly. Different shops and types of chocolate. Some just have big eggs, there’s a couple with lots of small things, some are a mix of everything… you know? Also Barbatos baked a couple of treats, so there’s one in each basket too.”
“You put a lot of thought into this.” Diavolo hummed. “It’s very impressive Kore.”
She rubbed the back of her neck, looking down at the floor. “Well, Barb helped a lot, and… um, I just wanted to make sure it was fun?”
“You did an excellent job on your own, I merely offered a helping hand.” Barbatos sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Do not sell yourself short Kore.”
“Ah… Thank you. Okay guys, pick your baskets.”
Beel, to the surprise of no one, picked a basket full of large eggs, Belphie went for one with small sheep shaped chocolates. Levi picked a basket with a mix, including some small pink flower shaped chocolates that looked just like ones from an episode of the anime he watched the week before. Mammon’s basket also had a mix, mostly white chocolates dusted with golden sheen. Diavolo picked a basket of large eggs, dark, white and milk with intricate decorations across their surface. Lucifer’s basket of choice was filled with the darkest chocolate, more bitter than sweet and perfect with coffee. Simeon and Luke picked matching baskets, large and small chocolates in marbled milk and white. Satan’s basket was small chocolates, full of unique flavours and combinations. The final two baskets were fairly similar, a mix of sizes and types, though Asmo’s leant more towards fruity flavours than Solomon’s. With all the baskets collected Kore grinned at them.
“Happy Easter everyone!” She paused, glancing over at Barbatos. “Oh, Barb, your basket should be in your room.”
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brasskier · 4 years
Chapter 3 of my modern AU holiday fic series is up, and this one is the much-anticipated Jewish!Ciri chapter.
Hanukkah 2018, or The One Where Jaskier Conquers Judaism (A Year in Review):  When Jaskier discovers Ciri's birth mother is Jewish, he's determined to help her keep in touch with her heritage. He tries - and oftentimes fails - throughout the year to provide her this connection. Maybe he'll finally get it right for Hanukkah.
Find it on my ao3, or keep reading below the cut:
It all began with an offhand comment from Geralt not long before the new year. It was burger night, one of the few nights Geralt was actually around to cook. Most evenings Yennefer prepared dinner, or else they were left with one of the handful of dishes Jaskier could reliably not burn. And when he called into the living room for everyone's cheese preference - cheddar for Jaskier, pepper jack for Yen - Ciri had asked for a slice of American on hers. And Geralt had huffed a laugh, bemusedly muttered,
"That's not kosher." And for whatever reason, the statement attracted Jaskier like a moth to light. Before Geralt knew what was happening he'd flitted into the kitchen, pressed his elbows on the island counter and leaned forward.
"What's not kosher?" It sounded like an innocent enough question, but the shit-eating smirk on Jaskier's face said otherwise.
"Cheeseburgers," Geralt shrugged, returning his attention to the stove. Jaskier raised an eyebrow, dropped his chin into his hands. "Her mother was Jewish. Clearly not that Jewish, though." 
"Huh." And that was the end of the conversation, except the wheels were already spinning in Jaskier's head. He knew very little about Judaism, but he did know it was matrilineal, making Ciri, by birth, a Jew. And, just like that, Jaskier had found his new year's resolution. 
Jaskier was by no means a religious man. He loved his Hallmark holiday Christmas, but that was about the extent of it. He was certainly not a Jew. But how hard could it be, he figured. If he found a way to celebrate Christmas and Easter without really knowing what he was doing, he could surely find a way to give Ciri a slice of her heritage. 
Shabbat seemed like a reasonable place to start. Light some candles on Friday night, take a much-needed break from tech, have some challah. Except, Jaskier was no ordinary parent; he was going to go above and beyond for his lion cub and bake his own challah. 
This was mistake number one. 
The challah caught fire in the oven. He only had a split second to react before that godforsaken fire alarm went blaring, sending Yennefer trudging down the stairs to inspect the situation. Thank god Ciri's school let out later than the high school. He yanked the charred bread from the oven, sustaining a neat little burn on the inside of his wrist that he'd have to find an excuse to explain away later. 
"I'm going to try again," he declared, more to himself than anyone else, his wrist held under the running faucet. Yennefer shook her head, busying herself rummaging through their first-aid kit. 
"You're no cook, Jask." She turned the faucet, dabbed carefully at his arm with a paper towel. "Just go to the store and buy one. Ciri won't know the difference." His face fell, and he rubbed at his jaw with his free hand.
"But I will." She spread a glop of antibiotic ointment over the wound, trying her best not to scratch him with vampire-red nails. 
"You better not burn the house down," was all she had left to add, smoothing the band-aid over his skin.
The second challah (mistake number two), thankfully, did not catch fire. It did, however, refuse to rise, remaining a goopy mess in the bottom of the pan. Yennefer shuffled back through the kitchen again, presumably just to tease him further. A quick glance at the clock informed him he had just enough time for a third try before Ciri came careening in from the bus. Yennefer not-so-subtly recommended he go to the store yet again.
The third challah (mistake number three) did not catch fire. It didn't refuse to rise, either. Instead, it simply exploded, sending half-baked shards of bread splattering all over the interior of their oven. Geralt was going to kill him. Hell, he still didn't have a challah to show for his labors, and Ciri was going to kill him. With a beleaguered sigh, he shuffled on his coat, yanked his keys from their hook in the foyer, and called up to Yennefer that he was running to the store. 
After nearly wrecking his car in a race against the school bus and almost cracking his head open on the counter in a dash to make it to the kitchen, Jaskier finally had a beautiful, golden-brown challah waiting on the table. Well, actually, two challahs. He wasn't sure if he should get the regular one or the kind with raisins and, not wanting to mess up any more than he already had, he bought both just to be safe. 
He wasn't sure the hug Ciri flung herself into when she caught sight of the rolls waiting for her was well-deserved, but he found his voice wavering with the threat of tears anyway as he stumbled through the blessings over the candles. On the bright side, Kiddush was a fantastic excuse for a glass of wine. With a joyful b'tayavon, they tore into the challah. Yen was right; Ciri didn't know the difference.
Purim was early in 2018, on the first of March. This was, admittedly, something he knew very little about. But he did know that there were services for Purim, so he perused Google until he found a nearby synagogue that welcomed non-members. Perhaps it would've been better advised to reach out ahead of time, but Jaskier was never really one to plan in advance. 
This was mistake number four. 
He dug out one of the suits he reserved for parent-teacher conferences, enlisted Yennefer's help in wrestling Ciri into a sparkly yellow dress with more ties and zippers than Jaskier knew what to do with (mistake number five), and loaded her into the car before heading off. The first thing he noticed upon crossing the threshold was the costumes. A Batman sprinted past him, followed by an Optimus Prime, while a Princess Anna shouted after them. He glanced from the costumed children, down to his dolled up lion cub, and then back up. Fuck. A sympathetic father wriggled away from his wife and approached him, sticking out a hand for Jaskier to shake.
"You're new, aren't you?" He asked, and Jaskier nodded slowly.
"She, uh… her mom's Jewish," he muttered, tilting his head towards Ciri. She beamed up at the man.
"Papa is learning how to be Jewish for me because Momma celebrates Diwali and Daddy doesn't like holidays," she declared, and Jaskier tightened his grip on her hand. He was humiliated enough as it was; the last thing he needed was to explain his unusual family arrangement to a total stranger. The man quirked an eyebrow at her before returning his attention to Jaskier.
"She's a charmer, isn't she?" He laughed before gesturing towards a redheaded little girl around Ciri's age in a Wonder Woman costume. "That's my little girl, Eliana." Jaskier breathed a sigh of relief.
"This is Ciri." She waved up at them with her free hand. "And I'm Jaskier." 
"David." Jaskier shook his hand again, not really certain whether he'd already done so. "Well, I think it's awfully sweet that you're trying to learn for her. But for future reference, the kids usually wear costumes." Jaskier wanted to ask whether that applied strictly to Purim or services in general, but didn't care to embarrass himself further.
The service itself was not terribly long, which was a blessing, because it was entirely in Hebrew. Ciri, for what it's worth, seemed more entertained than him, enraptured by the opportunity to make as much noise as possible at the antagonist, Haman's, name. On the bright side, they got plenty of hamantaschen afterwards, and Jaskier was very grateful that he hadn't had the thought to try to bake them on his own.
Jaskier didn't know much about Jewish holidays, but he did know that Passover was pretty important, and that it was his opportunity to really test his mettle. It was perfect; he loved to entertain, and what was a Seder but one big dinner party. Valdo Marx, his distressingly put-together PTA arch-nemesis/band director of his biggest rival high school, had extended him an invitation to his massive yearly Seder, because "it's tradition to invite literally anyone ." Jaskier refused. 
This was mistake number six. 
The occasion started to unravel when he found out his parents couldn't make it, but he pressed on anyway (mistake number seven). He decided to cook for the occasion (mistakes number eight through twelve), but the matzo balls came out soggy and underdone, he cut himself slicing apples for charoset, the brisket ended up overcooked and rubbery, his potato kugel was a bland, tasteless mess, and he even managed to mess up hard-boiled eggs. No matter, he could surely just go to the store. But then Yennefer texted that she'd gotten caught up in City Hall and wouldn't make it back in time, and Geralt had work that night, and two did not a Seder make.
Jaskier tucked his tail between his legs and texted Valdo to belatedly take up his invitation. Along the way he ran in for a bottle of Manischewitz (mistake number thirteen). At least he'd checked the internet to make sure Ciri didn't need to be in costume for this holiday. Valdo leered at the bottle of wine he shoved into his hands as he shuffled through the door with Ciri in tow. Go figure, on the table sat an array of much more expensive (and tasty) wines. 
When it came time to recite the Ma Nishtana , Valdo scanned the room before his gaze settled on Jaskier and Ciri tucked away in the corner.
"Cirilla," he asked, "how old are you?" 
"Seven!" She provided eagerly, and Jaskier decided he needed to have a conversation with her when they got home about how it's sometimes okay to lie, actually. 
"That makes you the youngest child," Valdo continued. "Go for it." Ciri, very clearly, wasn't all too sure what exactly she was supposed to be going for, and Jaskier's heart sank. "The four questions?" Valdo elaborated, as if that would be of any help. At her continued and increasingly distressed silence, Valdo set his sights on Jaskier. "Tell me you didn't forget to teach her the four questions." (Mistake number fourteen.) Jaskier shrunk back in his seat, guilt drawn across his face. He leaned to the side and whispered into Ciri's ear.
"I'll do it with you, okay?" She rubbed at the tears forming in her eyes with a small fist.
"You're not a kid," she argued back.
"Your Dad begs to differ," he laughed, tracing the transliterated text with his finger. "Come on. Let's do it together." She nodded meekly, and let her voice fall under his as they stiltedly recited the four questions.
Valdo was onto him and his abject failure as a parent, and if he hadn't been already, Jaskier was sure of it when Valdo interrupted himself just towards the end of the Seder and gestured to him.
"My dearest Jaskier here is an esteemed colleague of mine." His words dripped with sarcasm, and Jaskier felt very small. "A fellow music educator." He raised his glass as if making a toast. "Jaskier, why don't you treat us to that impeccable voice of yours and lead us in Dayenu?" He tried to escape, he really did.
"My concentration was in trombone, you know. Not choir, like our marvelous host." Oh, but Valdo insists he has a beautiful voice (which he does , thank you very much.) "I haven't gotten to warm up." No matter, Valdo assures him. Take your time. "I think I might be coming down with something." Well then he should be in bed, shouldn't he, the poor dear, Valdo interjects. Finally, Valdo's uncanny ability to shoot down every last excuse outpaces his capacity to wrack his brain for them. Thank god for the musical notation printed with both Hebrew and transliteration, and thank god for years of sight-reading practice. He hobbles his way through it, and Ciri buries her head in his side. 
The Seder is not a total bust. For one, if someone had told Jaskier a minimum of four glasses of wine were in order, he would've converted a long time ago. Second, Valdo is actually a good cook ( damn him ), and his matzo balls are round and fluffy. Third, Ciri found the afikomen and all of Jaskier's transgressions were swiftly forgotten. She was asleep in her car seat before he'd even pulled out of Valdo's driveway. He decides to write the evening off as a wash and vows to do better next year.
Rosh Hashanah is the next holiday to roll around that he thinks is significant enough to bother with. And it's simple enough, right? Some challah, apples and honey, a few blessings? He can surely do that. Hell, how could he mess it up? 
He entirely writes off the prospect of baking his own challah and picks up one of those beautiful, braided loaves the day before. Unfortunately, no one at the kosher bakery thought to warn him that Rosh Hashanah challah should be round, so he has to run back to the store and get another one the next morning (mistake number fifteen). 
He cuts himself slicing the apples. Again. (Mistake number sixteen.) Perhaps, Geralt warns him, his knife privileges should be revoked. Except, this time, the cut won't stop bleeding. Spending Rosh Hashanah in the ER with Yennefer mercilessly teasing him the whole way through had not been part of his plans. Six stitches later, Yen swings by the grocery store and picks up a pack of pre-sliced apples on their way home while Jaskier slips in and out of sleep in the passenger's seat, and prays Geralt hasn't put Ciri to bed yet.
Ciri is wide awake when he sheepishly steps through the front door, curled up with Geralt on the couch and already in her pajamas. He leans over the two, plants a kiss on each of their foreheads. 
"Sorry, princess," he muttered, slumping onto the couch next to her. She smiled, wriggled free from Geralt's arm and pressed against his chest. "So much for Rosh Hashanah."
"It's okay." She tugged at his hand. "Can I see it?" She asked, gesturing towards the bulky bandage wrapped around his left hand. He held it out for her to inspect while Geralt reminded her to be gentle. "Did it hurt?" He couldn't help but laugh.
"It did. Which is why we don't let you use the big knife." And why Jaskier also probably shouldn't be allowed to use it either. 
"Who said Rosh Hashanah had to be cancelled?" Yennefer emerged from the kitchen with a plate full of sliced apples, round challah, and honey, shifting onto the couch next to Geralt. Ciri leapt up, elbowing both Geralt and Jaskier in the process, and devoured the plate eagerly. Maybe it wasn't entirely a bust, after all. Just no more apple slicing moving forward.
Yom Kippur is a big deal. Like, a really big deal, and very serious. Jaskier knows it's not exactly the holiday Ciri is looking forward to, but he has to prove he's serious. It's very important. So, he decides they're going to services.
This was mistake number seventeen.
Step one is waking up at the crack of dawn, dragging himself out of bed, and making an entire pot of coffee before he remembers he's supposed to be fasting (mistake number eighteen) and can't actually drink it. Step two requires digging the suit up again and stopping Yen on her way out the door so she can fix his tie. Step three is to rouse Ciri, singlehandedly deal with the inevitable meltdown that accompanies waking an eight-year-old early on a day off from school (mistake number nineteen), and enviously watch her devour breakfast before the inevitable battle of getting her into a dress. 
The service is long . It is boring. It is entirely in Hebrew. And it is certainly not designed with hyperactive elementary schoolers (or their starving, restless parents) in mind. After the third time he thinks it's finally ending, only for the Rabbi to launch back into prayer again, Ciri starts to get especially antsy.
"I need to use the potty," she tells him urgently in that whisper-shout that is a trademark of youth. Fine, he can handle that. He shimmies her through rows of enraptured attendees, waits like a sentinel outside the door to the women's room, and then tiptoes back in. 
"Papa, I'm hungry." Not exactly something to announce to a room full of people who can't eat, but so be it. Another hushed escape, a quick munch on the Goldfish he'd been smart enough to pack, and then their cautious reentry. 
"Papa, I'm bored." There's not exactly much he can do about that, so he shuffled his phone out of his pocket as discretely as possible, makes absolutely certain the volume is off, and passes it off to her. Unfortunately, this is only a temporary solution, and she's squirming in her seat before long. "Papaaa, I'm reeeally bored." 
"Just a little longer, lion cub," he assures her. He should've fled while he still had the chance to do so with dignity and grace, but he's sure it must nearly be done, and they can brave it out (mistake number twenty). This is, apparently, the very worst decision he could make. It is not, in fact, nearly done.
"Papaaa!" She's getting increasingly louder, wriggling around with increasing intensity. That heart-melting, will-bending pout of hers is drawn on her lips. This is decidedly not good. "I wanna go home!" That one was loud enough to turn a few heads, which means it's definitely time to go.
"Okay, okay," he attempts to placate her, "we're going now." But it's too late. The tears are coming. 
"Now!" That one's nearly enough to grind the whole service to a halt. He does the only thing he can think to do: tuck her under his arm, scurry through the aisle, and run. 
He feels dizzy and especially winded by the time they reach the car, and he's not exactly sure why. All he knows is that Ciri needs to please stop crying for a moment so he can catch his breath. It must be a Yom Kippur miracle (do those exist?) when she relents, jerking a hand free and placing it against his cheek.
"Are you okay?" Her voice is so tiny he nearly doesn't hear it.
"I'm fine, kiddo, just gimme a sec." He leans heavily back against the car, Ciri still clung around his chest. The dizziness passes just as quickly as it came on, and he hurries home eagerly, relieved when Ciri dozes in the back seat. 
They cozy up on the couch while Geralt mows the lawn outside, and spend the rest of their day off watching a movie - Ciri's choice, which is Moana, no surprise. He's sick to death of the movie but he sings along with every last song anyway. Damn that Lin-Manuel Miranda can write a catchy tune. 
Jaskier has all but forgotten about the earlier dizzy spell when the front door clicks open and a very sweaty Geralt parades inside, Yennefer, fresh home from work, on his heel. Which is why he really doesn't understand what's happening when he rises to greet them and the whole room tilts with him. He wavers, eyes squeezed shut and hand pressed against his face in a desperate attempt to will his head to stop spinning. It's no use, and before he can even go to sit back down he's careening forwards. 
His eyes fluttered open to a sharp prick on his hand, a high-pitched beep, and a total stranger hovering over him. He startled, fighting to prop himself up in a sitting position, but a firm hand he recognized could only be Geralt's forced him back to the ground. 
"The fuck's going on?" He managed to ask, and his own voice sounded oddly far away. He scanned the room for clues as to what could possibly be happening and settled on Yennefer's face just as she shot him a glare that he knew translated to watch your language. 
"You passed out, Jask." Geralt, somewhere overhead and out of view. "Hit your head good on the coffee table." Well, that would explain the pounding headache.
"And he is…?" He gestured vaguely at the stranger only visible in his peripheral.
"An EMT, sir," the man supplied, shifting back into view and shining a flashlight in his eyes. 
"Ah." He blinked reflexively, wincing at the fingers that firmly held his eye open. "You didn't have to call an ambulance, you know." 
"I didn't." Of course Geralt didn't, the man would probably gladly perform an appendectomy in the back of the bar at which he worked. It had to be Yennefer.
"Wasn't me." He considered for a moment if she could read his mind or if he was accidentally saying everything aloud before shakily remembering that he had a betrayingly expressive face. Well, if it wasn't Geralt, and it wasn't Yennefer…
"They taught us at school to call 911 if there's ever an emergency," Ciri casually explained. He couldn't help but smile. His little lion cub looking out for him, it made him feel warm.
"Alright," the paramedic commandeered his attention, helping shift him upright and propping him against the couch. "You're not diabetic, correct?" He nodded, which was a mistake, because silver stars erupted in his vision. "Your blood pressure is a little on the low side and you're pretty hypoglycemic. When did you last eat?" Oh, yeah. Fuck .
"Last night? It's Yom Kippur, I'm fasting…" He felt thoroughly, indescribably humiliated. He tries to be a good dad/surrogate Jew, and this is what he gets. As they say, no good deed goes unpunished.
"Happy new year," the EMT offered earnestly. A bottle was pressed into his hand, and he shakily raised it to his lips and drank without even questioning it. Whatever it was, it was incredibly sweet. "Some fast-acting carbs and a good meal should sort that out, but I'd still recommend you go in, just to rule out a concussion." He sipped some more on the mystery beverage and was fully prepared to politely decline when he felt small arms wrap around his shoulder.
"Fine." The second Jewish holiday in a row spent in the ER, just what he wanted . He was going to start racking up frequent flier miles if he kept it up. And all three of them accompanied him, evidence enough that he'd clearly rattled them. At least the doctor was sympathetic, suggesting he eat a bigger meal later at night next year. (Which was giving Jaskier a lot of credit, assuming there would be a next time.) He typed out sub plans on his phone while he waited for the discharge paperwork, knowing full well he wasn't making it to work the next morning. On the bright side, he didn't have a concussion after all.
Hanukkah was his chance to finally get it right. It was Jewish Christmas, right? And he'd always been pretty good at Christmas, so surely he'd nail this one. He dug around a few shops until he found a menorah he was fond of - cast in gold and decorated with music notes and a big treble clef - and proudly set it on the kitchen counter. He even bothered to watch a few YouTube videos of the blessings over the candles, so he'd nail the melody. Finally, he had to buy gifts. Eight of them. For three people. So, twenty-four gifts. He perused the dollar store, the budget section at Target, and every clearance section he came upon until he'd collected every last gift. Even wrapped them in paper adorned with little menorahs and dreidels.
The first night finally rolled along, and he could hardly contain himself. Ciri, too, was bursting with excitement; apparently Hanukkah was the one holiday her mother ever really bothered to celebrate with her. He wedged the first candle in place, carefully lit the shamash candle, and managed to return it to its spot without burning the house down. He led them in the two blessings without so much as a crack in his voice - plus shehecheyanu, which was reserved for the first night only (if reformjudaism.org was to be trusted, which he was sure it was) - and breathed a sigh of relief when even Geralt knew better than to blow out the candles. 
Gift-giving was always one of his favorite aspects of Christmas, so watching his family tear into his tiny presents and enjoying a warm embrace from each was easily his favorite part of the evening. They played a rousing few rounds of dreidel, in which Ciri inevitably won every last piece of gelt. The latkes he'd picked up at the kosher market were delicious, and this time it didn't even take Yennefer to convince him not to try cooking them from scratch. The final piece of the puzzle was the box of jelly donuts he'd hidden away from Geralt all day. 
And yet. Something was wrong, he felt like something had to be missing. It made him uneasy. So he finally did what he probably should've done to begin with; he reached out to a Rabbi.
"Are you looking to convert?" He was not prepared for the first question from the Rabbi - an older fellow named Levi with a gentle smile and kind eyes. 
"I don't think so. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. Just to give my daughter a connection to her heritage, I guess." He'd been caught up in the personal mission of it all, but that was truly all that mattered. "We've always kind of been the spiritual-not-religious type, Christmas-Easter only. I was hoping there was something like that in Judaism, but there's so much history. It's hard to keep track." Levi nodded sympathetically.
"Judaism is beautiful because we are more than a religion - we are a people." He smiled fondly. "If you ask me, I don't think there's a wrong way to be a Jew."
"Then how do I know I'm doing enough?" That's all he really ever wanted, was to be enough. For Ciri, for Geralt and Yennefer, for his parents, for his students. "Which holidays do I celebrate? Is it okay if I can't bake my own challah? Do I really need to drag her to Yom Kippur services? Should she be Bat Mitzvah'd?"
"You ask a lot of questions, young man," he chuckled,  and Jaskier felt his cheeks flush. "Is she happy?" 
"Yes." That was at least an easy question to answer. Every step of the way, as overwhelmed and harried as he was, she was always a constant source of joy (or, at least, most of the time).
"Then there's your answer." There's his answer. Ciri is happy, and that's all that matters. Hanukkah 2018, it seems, was a success.
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The One Where Jackie Settles In
Summary: Chapter 3. Jackie gets used to life with Marvin.
Warnings: death mention, violence mention
@bupine @badlypostedeverything
In the minute it takes for Jackie's mind to wake up along with him, he becomes confused as to why his chest is in agony. More confusing than that, he appeared to be in the bedroom of someone's home. In a pile on a bean bag was a pre-arranged outfit for him to wear. Dressed, he ventures to the hallway. And things finally click. Right, he was living with Marvin now. Marvin, who happened to also be Cat. The past 24 hours had been quite eventful. He'd… rather forget it. He requests anything Marvin had on hand. If he was a superhero, surely he was no stranger to injury. Therefore, there must be something lying around to assist with pain management. To his relief, Marvin can indeed help him. In fact, he goes further and offers him whatever is required for his recovery. With the medical care over, Marvin invites his new roommate to help himself to mini Weetabix or bread. Jackie doesn't think he can manage more than a simple buttered slice of toast this morning. The Russian blue missing her front left leg observes them from her shelf. Marvin notices where Jackie's gaze is directed. "Indie's watching us eat, isn't she?" "Yep." Jackie chuckles. "Come face us, you little spy." Marvin turns around in his seat, wearing a mock scowl. "Caoimhe was like that. I couldn't eat anything at home without her staring at me until I gave her a bit of my dinner." Marvin is facing the table again. "Caoimhe?" "Oh um... she was my dog before- before all this." "Is she with friends or something?" "I guess. Them or my dad. It all happened so quickly." Suddenly, stories relating to pets fill the space between toast and soggy cereal. Jackie learns of the time Indie somehow found herself stuck in the space between the television and the wall. Likewise, he tells his friend all about Caoimhe's misadventures as a puppy, including her habit of attempting to snack on his drumsticks. This in turn leads to Jackie confirming that yes, he was a drummer and guitar wasn't his preferred instrument. The two of them chat at the table until Marvin realises in a shock that it was already time for him to get ready for work. Running late slightly, he blurts out his apologises and suggests Jackie finds a DVD to watch while he's alone. Despite how abruptly it had ended, the morning had been an enjoyable one. Joel checks up on them a couple days after the incident with Anti. He raises the issue of Jackie not having any clothes of his own. The Canadian offers to accompany him around the shops, making the point it would be a proper chance to get to know each other. With the promise expenses shouldn't influence decisions, they leave. They manage to collect a variety of tops and jeans. Apparently ripped jeans were fashionable now. Fashion had certainly changed in the past three decades. He and Joel are still able to find items that were close enough to what he used to know. The shops they visit are lacking in leather jackets but Joel is able to offer a black denim one as a compromise. With socks and underwear also in their possession, it was time to move on from clothes shopping. Almost. Doing so as discreetly as he can, Joel mutters quietly to Jackie. "I can see you eyeing the women's section. Why don't you have a look?" "No, it's weird. Trust me, men were not made to wear feminine clothing." "Listen, I have two dads and a diminished sense of gendered clothing. I am the last person who will give a damn about a guy wearing a dress. You have a similar build to my dad so..." Joel approaches the racks, flicking through them. Periodically, he scrutinises Jackie to likely determine if the dress was right for him. The most Jackie lets his new friend buy for him is a skirt that reached his knees. It seems to please him that Jackie allowed him to get even that. He supposes it was a nice garment. And a kind gesture too. With the clothes stuffed into the back seat of Joel's car, the duo return to explore the Tesco Metro. The older of the two triggers a whole conversation about Easter celebrations. Joel talks about the Beaches Easter parade in Toronto while Jackie grumbles about Easter Sunday masses. They both agree there's no such thing as too many Easter eggs. "Hey, you should get a notebook or something. It might help if you have somewhere to put your thoughts about the 21st century." "What, you want me to write you an essay about modern life when I've known nothing else? I'm 20, I was born in... 1999." "It's April so if you want to turn 21 this year, it's 1998." "Wh- 'if I want to turn 21 this year'? Can I please get through the rest of this month without having my life being threatened?" Joel groans. "No, dumbass, it was advice." He leans close to Jackie's ear. "I know about Village Square and how you were born in 1966. I'm sure you want to talk about this further but I don't have anywhere I can really take you to speak privately." "You're psychic?" "No." Joel places his bags down, resigning himself to tackle this subject while standing outside a WHSmiths. "Sure, I can create portals but I'm no mind reader." "Then how-?" "I already told you, this is not a conversation we should have in public." "What about your apartment? You don't live with Marvin and you told me you weren't living on the streets anymore." "In Canada. And I doubt it would be healthy to send you somewhere over 3500 miles away when you sustained a major injury a few days ago. Listen, how about you text- A phone, we need to get you a phone too." "Right." Mobile phones are unrecognisable. How the hell did technology advance to the point where this small slab of glass and alloy was capable of receiving calls? Not to mention the plethora of things it also offered. And controlled by your fingers on top of it all off. Joel reassures him he can take it slow with this technological leap. The main reason he bought it was for communication and it could remain so if he wanted. Jackie supposes the shiny blue back was pretty. It wasn't hard, growing accustomed to life with Marvin. His roommate would sleep in after a long night of patrolling then spend most afternoons working a shift at the local garden centre. In addition to that, Marvin would also don his Magnificent Cat costume twice a week so he could help those still on the streets. Jackie usually sat those out, feeling awkward about his new situation. Marvin was typically the one to cook. As such, Jackie felt it necessary the head of the kitchen should be aware he couldn't have mustard. If the hero could try getting into the habit of checking ingredients and being wary of anything labelled 'spices', he'd be much obliged. Marvin does his best to follow these instructions. It seemed to be working fine as there was yet to be any allergic reactions. At some point during that second week, Marvin invited Jackie to the kitchen. His plan was to bake his favourite cake, one containing chocolate and strawberries. Their joint efforts go well for a short while. Then Jackie gave himself an edible moustache upon stealing the whipped cream from the fridge. Marvin confiscated the can, only to follow suite. By the time the cake was ready to exit the oven, the duo were laughing, in need of a whipped cream restock and a change of clothes. It is after returning from a shift that Marvin introduces Jackie to an unusual pizza crust arrangement. "Pizza Hut have the best stuffed crust though. This is only the best Morrisons has to offer, as far as I've tried it." Marvin continues on, rambling about how, while studying at university, he made it his goal to find the best frozen pizza supermarkets within walking distance of his accommodation had to offer. As such, he had designated this specific pizza as his favourite. Something about the other varieties being too liquidy or whatever. He has no interest in this subject. Pizza was pizza. But... Marvin seemed very engrossed in imparting his findings to him and who was Jackie to stop him? "Oh, tell you who would go with us to Pizza Hut, my friends Henrik and Jameson. Maybe Chase too but he tends to be a rather busy guy. You should meet them. I think you might get on with those guys." Marvin makes a note as a reminder to invite his friends for a meal out. For the time being, that is the end of that. Before long, the Easter weekend arrives and with it, a chance for Jackie to finally meet Sean. It was clear Marvin looked up to his big brother from the way he spoke about him. As far as Jackie was aware, Sean was 9 years older, a video game developer and a reluctant cook, hence why the two roommates were taking care of the big meal. He can certainly see the resemblance between the brothers. Their features were very similar. The main difference between them was hair. While Marvin was clean shaven with waves descending to his shoulders, Sean had stubble and short straight hair. It was pleasant to see them have such a good relationship, complete with teasing and half-serious threats of burning the other if he kept pushing it. Jackie found Sean likeable. The whole meal, they kept themselves occupied with chatter. He learns Sean enjoyed painting in his spare time. In fact, he was creating the backgrounds for his company's new game. It is at this point that Marvin lets him know there was still a blue smudge, albeit slightly faded, on the side of his left hand. The afternoon is a good one but like all things, it comes to an end. Before too long, they are bidding Sean farewell and exchanging comments about the day's success. Night, the stranger found, was the best cover. Some dark clothes to reduce visibility and a hood to better conceal his identity from CCTV cameras. With some silent fiddling, the door grants him entry. He knows precisely which room he has to visit first. His most recent escapee is completely oblivious to the intruder. He could ensure Jackie never woke up with a single touch. But Marvin would discover the truth were that to happen. That method was too obvious. Besides, this wasn't what he was here for. The envelope slips out of his bag. In the morning, Jackie will find the surprise on his bedside table. That done, he moves on to the other bedroom. The hero is still awake, albeit engrossed by his phone's screen. Only now does Anti allow his presence to be sensed. Marvin reacts accordingly by throwing the covers to the side and defensively leaping to his feet. A palm is raised to prevent any provocative action before it could be carried out. The message is delivered. "Back off, Marvin. You should know by now what I'm like when frustrated. Let the next one slide and you won't hear from me for a good while." He looks like a three year old persevering with their poorly thought out argument. He's certainly a 24 year old man in his pyjamas rather than an on duty superhero fully in costume. "I... I can't." "One life for several. Aren't you supposed to be on the better side of the morality spectrum? Surely this is a easy choice." Anti doesn't wait for any potential response from Marvin. The serial killer leaves the way he came. The sun rises and with it, Jackie. Marvin was already awake, cradling an abandoned coffee. He gives his friend little acknowledgement as he enters the kitchen. The piece of paper Jackie is holding, however, gains his attention. Especially when he asks the dreaded question. "Uh, Marv? Do you know anything about this?" It's only a portion of an A4 sheet. A pair of scissors has been used perhaps a third of the way down. The contents is limited to a single typed line which reads: We both know he's no doctor. Maybe you should ask why he hasn't taken you to be treated by professionals. Jackie starts talking as soon as he's sure Marvin has read the message. "I- Listen, I will admit I had wondered why you never sent me to a hospital. But I guess I brushed it off as a secret identity thing. So why didn't-?" "You're new to this city, right?" "Yes." "So you don't know Anti like I do. He likes making a point of finishing what he started. I don't know how the hell he does it. But if he's the one who put you in hospital, the only place you're going after that is the morgue. So forgive me for wanting you still around. And yeah, it's true, I am not a doctor. However, books on human biology and the internet have served me fine. I've had way more injuries than Sean is aware of. Yet here I am, walking around despite the occupational hazards my hobby is littered with." "Marvin-" "If you want me to apologise for prioritising you staying alive, then I'm afraid you're out of luck." The aggression radiating from him remains for several seconds. It dissipates into something softer. "But I am sorry for putting the decision solely in my hands. If that means anything." Jackie lets the air settle between them before answering. "Alright. Listen, I am still upset-" "Fine, then I'll leave for a while." Marvin begins making his way to the shoe pile by the door. "What I was going to say was I'm still upset but I'd rather move on and let bygones be bygones for now. Just promise you won't do something that risky again." He stops completely to face Jackie. "Yes, of course. I promise." "Thank you. And, as a sidenote, if you're going to run from disagreements, at least fix that mess you call your hair. It's horrendous." The sleep deprived hero scoffs, a tiny smile creeping into existence. "Got it."
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purplesurveys · 4 years
WHO was the last person...
you spoke to, in person? It was my mom. She went down around 20 minutes ago to make a couple of sandwiches for herself and dad. The quarantine has made our body clocks completely bonkers and it’ll be typical to see either parent go downstairs at 12 or 1 in the morning to make a meal.
you called? I rang up Gab fiveish minutes ago so we can do a video call on Messenger.
that called you? My mom called me from downstairs the other day to reprimand me about something I said on Facebook cause she said it might offend some of my relatives lol.
you texted? I haven’t texted in a hot fuckin’ minute. I’ve only been at home in the last month, so there’s been little need to spend on load for my phone when I can communicate with classmates and family from online anyway.
that sent you a text? My dad. He texted me that breakfast was ready so that he didn’t need to go into my bedroom, which I’m highkey thankful for. My mom would just burst into the room, pull up my window shade so the sunlight can come in, and yell in a loud voice so I wake up. It’s never improved my mood in all the times she’s done it so I dunno why she continues doing it.
you kissed? Gab, but that was a month ago ugh.
that kissed you? Also her.
you yelled at? My mom. She was yelling at me, so I yelled at her as well because two can play at that game now.
that yelled at you? ^
you watched a movie with? I watched Two for the Road by myself last night but as for companions, the last one I had was Gabie when we watched Titanic a few months ago.
you ate dinner with? My family. We eat dinner together every night, at least whenever my dad is back home in the country.
you were in a photo with? Also family. I haven’t been in a photo with anyone other than them in a while...
you took a photo of? That would be my dog. I don’t take photos of people these days, mostly because I’m unable to.
you went to a concert with? I went to my Paramore gig by myself since I couldn’t find anyone who had front row seats like me, but on the day of the concert itself, Denise, Erycka, and Leigh (who were all also going to the show but got cheaper seats) asked to hitch a ride with me. Gabie was also present but that’s only because she was excited for me and wanted to be around for that experience of mine.
you lied to? Probably a schoolmate that I had told I was busy even though I wasn’t and I just didn’t want to work that time.
you invited somewhere? I think Blanch? I told her we should go to Ayala Museum once we can go out again so she can see the prehistoric gold exhibit that they have.
you dated? Just my current girlfriend.
you dumped? I haven’t dumped anyone.
you rejected? Uh... technically Mike. There weren’t any words said, no closure or whatever, but I think we both knew and understood that he liked me but I let him find out for himself that I had already gotten back with my ex. Back then I was still horrible at the confrontation thing and didn’t know how to break it to him.
you held hands with? Gab, over a month ago.
you hugged? Same answer.
you let cry on your shoulder? Egh, I’m only mentally capable of doing this for Gabie. I can let people rant to me but it’s personally not good for my own mental health if I had people crying to me all the time.
that let you cry on their shoulder? Technically it was my dog. But the last person was either Angela or Gab, I don’t really remember.
you bought a gift for? I don’t remember aaaahhhhh. It was probably a Valentine’s gift though.
you wished a happy birthday? Luisa.
that disappointed you? Some distant relative who had recently added me on Facebook then, only for me to see her pro-government posts. I never unfriended someone so quickly.
that stayed over at your place? Ralph, my sister’s now ex-boyfriend. Never liked the guy and am so glad they broke up, I never did like seeing him around in our house hah. that let you crash at their place? Gabie, but only to have dinner and work. that made you angry? My mom told me personal insults over a chore I did wrong a few days ago and it made me really angry. that complimented you? Andrew and I exchanged compliments when we needed pick-me-ups sometime last week. whom you complimented? ^ you thanked? My dad, when I saw him baking chocolate chip cookies a while ago after I had nagged him all week to make some. that thanked you? Mom. She asked me to fetch her something. you saw, in person? Right now I can see my sister on the couch. I think she’s watching an anime or playing some game on her laptop. that bought you something? Now hasn’t really been the time to ask for non-essential stuff, but my dad did buy me my requested soju a few weeks ago. that made you laugh? My sister I think? My family watched an online mass livestream earlier and my mom wanted to try out an American Catholic church after my grand-aunt (who lives in the States) recommended that specific parish. ANYWAY so of course their accent was very different to what we’re used to, and my sister’s fazed reaction to how they said one of the words made me laugh. that you said you loved? Gab. that said they loved you? My mom. you flipped off? Haven’t done this to anyone in a whiiiiileeeeee. you made a silly face at? It would always be just my dog but person-wise I don’t even remember anymore. that drove you somewhere? Dad drove me and my mom to the local columbarium last month.
WHAT was the last thing you...
touched? Other than the keyboard and trackpad, I used a spoon to eat some of the raw cookie dough my dad had prepared heh.
threw? Second day I’m trying to finish this survey lol. I just took the last piece of painkillers to treat my headache, so I threw the packaging like 30 seconds ago.
ate? Shrimp pasta that my mom made for dinner.
drank? Coffee.
found stuck in your teeth? Idk, bits of food that I don’t really keep track of.
cooked? :( Never cooked a full meal ever but the last thing I *helped* my dad with was breading the meat he was gonna use to make pork chop haha.
baked? Chocolate chip cookies two years ago. I remember it distinctly because I never bake.
bought? Man I haven’t bought anything in forever. I’m thinking about it and it’s probably something I bought for lunch at school? The only thing I buy is food anyway so I’m pretty sure I’m at least on the right track.
sold? I'm not much of an entrepreneur. 
took a photo of? My dog with a cold compress on top of his head. The weather is starting to be unforgiving so I’ve been allotting my own compress for Kimi so that he doesn’t feel overheated.
were frustrated with? My mom telling us we had to watch a mass livestream this morning -_____- I thought she was only gonna make us ‘attend’ the Lenten masses i.e. Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, but it’s past Lent and she’s still making us do it. I’m guessing it’s gonna be routine every Sunday now, ugh.
broke? I don’t tinker much for the very reason that I tend to break everything I touch. That being said, I haven’t broken anything in a while.
spilled? I have a fear of spilling stuff because my mom has always reacted negatively to that. Yay for trauma!
tripped on? A piece of bone that my dog had left on the floor. It felt like stepping on a goddamn Lego.
kicked? My blanket when I started feeling too warm inside my room.
put batteries in? I haven’t used batteries in ages.
turned on? I opened my laptop to continue this survey.
turned off? My Nintendo Switch, when I didn’t feel like playing anymore.
wrote? A survey, if anything. I haven’t had to write anything ever since they suspended online classes.
wrote on? I think it was my sister’s notebook.
cleaned? Myself? I just took a bath if that counts.
WHERE was the last place you...
dined at? I’m pretty sure it was Yabu. Gab and I went out for dinner on the last Monday before the lockdown, didn’t see each other all week, then by Saturday when we saw each other again we just had dinner at her place. So it’s gotta be Yabu.
ordered something to go? A local sushi place and a local pizza place, a week ago. My dad was too lazy to cook that evening so we got takeout instead.
bought something? The local milk tea place that we have in school and Rodic’s. I got myself milk tea, and I got my dad my favorite meal from Rodic’s, tapsilog.
cried? My room, I think.
felt uncomfortable? Just the house cause I haven’t been anywhere in a month.
drove to? My girlfriend’s school and then her house.
had an appointment at? Eye doctor at SM Marikina.
went on vacation? Tagaytay and then we moved to Cavite the day after so that we got to maximize the time that we had to have a staycation.
hung out with a friend? The 30th. Ughhhhh I miss the mall.
bought clothes? Feliz, at an independent clothing stall at one of the top floors.
spent more than you had planned? Feliz then I even had the audacity to move to The 30th to spend more lmaooooo AND THAT WAS A MONDAY. I was so bad at saving money skksks.
saw a band/singer/musician perform? One of the local arenas in Manila so I can watch Paramore.
WHEN was the last time you...
told someone 'I love you'? A little over an hour ago I think.
cried? I don’t remember.
laughed? A few hours ago, maybe? I always laugh when I come across a dumb meme on Facebook.
left your home? March 10th. Really not a good time to be asking that question lol.
drank a soda/pop? Sometime in February when my org had an event and the only drink being served was Coke. I was extremely hungry/thirsty that evening so I had no problem chugging soda down, even though it was so unpleasant.
made your bed? This morning.
visited a doctor? March 9th.
went to the emergency room? I’ve never had to go to the emergency room except for the time I was being delivered.
kissed someone? The last weekend before the lockdown. Man, I had no idea how lame/sad my answers were going to be lmaooo I really should have thought that through before starting a “when was the last time you” survey.
hugged someone? Also a month ago. I’m not a hugger in the family but I do hug my friends a lot.
prayed? Sometime when I was 9 or 10 years old.
worked out? Last semester when my PE was actually focused on working out instead of a sport.
made a phone call? This afternoon. My mom got me load for my phone (after a month of not having any!!!) just because, so I surprised Gab by calling her.
answered a phone? Last night.
had an argument? A few days ago.
played a video game? A little over an hour ago. I was playing Mario Kart 8.
played a card game? It wasn’t necessarily a card game but last January at Rita’s place, she took out a deck, asked us to pick certain cards, and then told us about our relationships and the issues that lurk beneath it based on the cards that were left hahahaha. Of course I think the strategy itself is bullshit but Rita speaks well and is a psych student, so we still ended up having a good conversation after hearing the verdict for mine.
played a board game? Ages ago. I can’t even tell you how long it’s been.
rode a bike? Around a month ago. I told myself I was gonna learn how to ride a bike during the quarantine, but it’s been so hot outside these days that it’s so easy to run out of enthusiasm for it.
fell on your butt? I don’t remember.
took a shower? In the last hour.
took a bubble bath? A year ago, maybe longer.
watched TV? I asked dad to watch El Camino with me on my his and my mom’s TV when it came out, so that would be last October.
saw a movie at a theater? December. It was for Knives Out.
ate fast food? 3-4 weeks ago if I’m not mistaken.
ordered a pizza? A couple of weeks ago. We tried Angel’s Pizza for a change and it turned out to be loads better than Pizza Hut which tends to be our usual.
made someone laugh? I probably made a few people laugh off of the few memes I shared today, so there’s that.
sang? Like a half hour ago. Hayley from Paramore shared a clip of the band performing Hard Times to celebrate the song turning 3 and it turns out the gig was from their show in Manila, so I hurriedly clicked on the video and sang along.
played a musical instrument? It’s been many months since I last used the keyboard.
read a book? A month-ish ago.
drove a car? My dad asked me to move my car to a different spot sometime last week, which felt so surreal as I hadn’t driven in a few weeks. It felt so weird driving again and I had to drive in a crawl to get accustomed to being in the driver’s seat again.
went swimming? August 2019, at a beach in Nasugbu.
got a sunburn? Haven’t gotten a sunburn since I was little.
went to church or temple? First week of March.
went shopping? I don’t really remember but it was one of the last few weekends before the lockdown.
drank alcohol? Two weeks ago.
smoked a cigarette? Sometime in March, the same night when my friends and I went to BGC to party. When everyone else went home, Gab and I stayed for a bit, strolled around The Palace, and had a smoke while watching everyone else around us get crazy wasted.
threw up? Sometime last year. I haven’t drunk too much recently.
had a headache? Tonight.
had a cold? Maybe last year or a couple of years ago. I don’t get colds a lot.
had the flu? Probably not since I was little. I’ve gotten fevers in the last few years but that was all there was to it. I’ve never been sick and had cough and colds at the same time, at least not for a very long time.
had your hair cut? A week before the lockdown -____- Barely anyone got to see my bangs and I’ll always be disappointed about that hahaha.
dyed your hair? Never.
laughed so hard that you cried? I remember watching a hilarious clip on Facebook of this lady who had a contagious fucking laugh, I think it was a week ago or a little over that.
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Happy Birthday Harry -Harry Hook x reader -  one-shot
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Summary: Its Harry’s first birthday in Auradon and Uma wants to do it properly, one thing though, she doesn’t bake. Good thing her roommate does, good thing Harry also loves chocolate.
h/c- hair color
e/c- eye color
h/l- hair length
s/c- skin color
y/n- your name
Uma paced her dorm, it was three days before April 21st, Harrys 18th birthday, and Uma wanted to celebrate it for the first time! well more or less. Birthdays were a thing on the Isle, just you really didn’t celebrate, it was more of ‘hey you survived another year, good job! here’s some alcohol’. So Uma wanted to celebrate it PROPERLY. So Uma was tossing ideas back and forth between her crew, bonny suggested a sword fight party, Uma dismissed it, FG would never allow it. Gozno suggested that they steal one of ben’s larger boats and blow up stuff, Desiree shushed him, saying that was a one-way ticket to the Isle.
Uma groaned and flopped on her bed, what could they do?! It was Harry for hades sakes! It was her oldest and dearest friends 18th birthday! It needed to be special.
“how about we just throw him a party in Ben’s houseboat? I think Ben would allow it” Gil popped in, Uma snarled and sat up, about to yell at him when she stopped.
A birthday party? On a ship? On the water? That sounded perfect! Uma thought at that moment that doing too much would overwhelm harry, so a houseboat birthday party sounded perfect!
Uma grinned and shook Gil’s shoulders “Gil you’re a genius!…actually I wouldn’t go that far, but Gil that sounds perfect!”
Gil grinned and said he’d ask Ben if they could borrow the boat and rushed out the door, Uma yelling after him to not spill the beans to harry. It was supposed to be a surprise.
He gave a thumbs up in return as he ran to Ben's office. Uma sighed and turned to the rest of the crew. Clapping her hands together, the crew stood at attention.
“Alright, Harry’s birthday party, Desiree, you’re in charge of snacks and food. Gonzo, drinks, but! Only non-alcoholic, FG will hound our asses if we’re caught with that shit” the two nodded and raced out. “Jonas, Davis, Serena, decorations, and for fuck’s sake, if there is any fire, other than a bonfire, I will lose it!” the three pyromaniacs cackled as they ran off to…somewhere or other.
Uma turned to the last four people in the room. “Johnny and bonny, music” they nodded and also raced out of the room. “Erick and Calvin, lights” they raced out before Uma could assign them anything else.
“now that just leaves the cake, now who-“ Uma stopped, right, she just assigned jobs to everyone, everyone but herself, that meant… “I have to make the cake” she could just order a cake but…it was for Harry! It had to be homemade. Uma sighed and head for the kitchens, luckily it was Easter break, giving her time that wouldn’t have been possible with classes in session, besides how hard could baking a cake be?
“dammit!” Uma screamed in frustration, slamming the burnt hardened chocolate cake on the counter, hades dammit! Why couldn’t she do this!? It was just a simple chocolate cake! So why was she burning it beyond recognition! And even the batter tasted terrible! Uma could cook! Why couldn’t she bake!? It was so similar!
Uma growled and wiped the cocoa powder off her face, time to try again. And she was going to follow the recipe to the smallest detail!
Yeah, she couldn’t do this, two days of trying to make Harry a cake, to no avail. Uma dragged herself to her dorm and sluggishly showed, ridding her self of the flour, cocoa, melted chocolate, and sugar.
Uma entered the main dorm and flopped on the bed, glancing at her roommate, who was sitting at her desk, drawing away, munching on a chocolate cupcake…wait!
Uma sat up, making her roommate jump at her sudden movement. Uma jumped off her bed and slammed her hands on the (h/c) girls desk, making her fall back and flail, Uma preventing the chair from falling any further. Uma grabbed one of the extra cupcakes and held it in front of her roommate.
“did you make these?” the girls (e/c) eyes stared at Uma with confusion and surprise. “uh-“
“did you make these?!” Uma strained, she needed to know! The girl nodded her (h/l) (h/c) hair bounced with her motion. Uma smirked good.
“Alright, I need to do something for me…” Uma frowned, trying to remember the girl’s name. the girl huffed and forced her chair back up, standing and picking up the accidentally tossed cupcake. And threw it in the trash. She sighed and turned back to Uma, hands on her hips.
“My name is (y/n), and what do you need me to do?”
Uma nodded, and bit into the cupcake, wanting to make sure that you were a good baker, which you were because when Uma bit into the chocolate cake her mouth exploded with flavor, the bittersweetness of the chocolate crossing with the sweetness of the icing on top.
“holy shit you made this?!” you snuffed (laughing through your nose) and nodded, smirking at Umas face, surprise, and bliss. The greatest face someone could make when consuming an artists work.
“anyway,” Uma swallowed the confection down, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “I need you to make me a cake” you raised an eyebrow.
“why?” you asked, walking over to Uma and sitting back down at your desk and saving your artwork. “why do you need me to make you a cake?” you looked up at Uma, who was shuffling in place, unsure as to tell you the reason why, before Uma remember this is Auradon, you wouldn’t refuse and tell someone that Uma was being nice, you would agree, or politely decline and suggest someone else.
“it’s for harry, it’s his 18th birthday tomorrow, and my crew and I are doing a birthday party for him, so I wanted to have a cake that was from scratch, not a store cake.” you hummed and asked, “why did it need to be a homemade one?” Uma paused, this was kinda personal, but if it got you to make a cake she’d do it.
“we didn’t really do birthdays on the Isle, so this is Harry’s first proper birthday so-“ you stood at that, face set in determination, “ I will make the greatest fuckin cake that boy has or will ever eat!” you pulled Uma out of the room, and to the kitchens, Uma mentally groaning, she just came from there! But it’s for harry.
“so why didn’t you just make the cake yourself?” Uma just looked at you and grabbed a trashed burnt cake and showed it to you, you just nodded and turned to retrieved the ingredients, but paused, you didn’t know what kind of cake you were making.
“Uma?” she hummed, getting out the utensils and bowls. “what kind of cake do you think he’d want?”
“chocolate, he loves chocolate”
“devils food or just a straight up chocolate cake?”
“what the hells a devils food?”
“devils food it is”
Hours later, the cake was ready…to be decorated, and Uma was amazed that they were able to get to this point, Uma had tried for almost three days and had failed each and every single time. While you had only tried once and had created a three-tiered cake.
“Um, thanks (y/n)” you turned and smiled brightly at Uma, make her smile slightly as well, a contagious smile. “you’re welcome uma~ it was fun, I love doing stuff like this”
As you were preparing the buttercream, Uma had a thought, “(y/n)?” you hummed as you were scooping the cream into the piping bag “do you want to come to the party?”
You paused and look at Uma, who flushed and tried to rebuttal but you gave a closed eye smile and happily accepted the invite, but you asked why she thought to do that in the first place.
“well, you did something that I couldn’t accomplish, so…you might as well”
“kay, when and where?”
“ben’s private docks, the houseboat, at 6:00 pm, that’s the time for the set up”
“I’ll be there”
Harry sat in his room with Gil, working on his easter break math homework. Gil was typing up an essay when his phone went off, he grabbed it in a haste and glanced at the text from Uma
From Cap’in Uma at 6:25 pm
-ready, bring him down, remember the blindfold-
Gil grinned gleefully and hurridly saved his progress and tossed his laptop onto his bed and rushed over to Harry, tugging on his jacket sleeves. Harry shook him away but relented when Gil said Uma wanted to see him.
“why-wha’ the hell?!” Gil wrapped a red cloth around Harrys eyes, blinding him. “wha’ the hell Gil?!”
“don’t worry about it!”
“don’t worry about it!”
Gil pulled harry through the halls, running into ben who burst out laughing at the sight of a confundled harry with a blindfold on and being tugged around by Gil.
“ben help! I’ll stop bugging you for a week if you save me!”
“Sorry, Harry I know what this is for, I promise you’ll be happily surprised, don’t run him into anything Gil”
“oops sorry!”
Soon they arrived at the private docks and Gil bounced slightly as he pushed Harry down the dock and carefully led him onto the boat
“Careful, there’s a gap there, aaand there, kay now into here!”
“Gil, what the fuck is goin’ on?”
“you’ll see!”
The crew silently laughed at Harry’s comments, and as Gil settled harry in the middle of the main room, and ran to join the group, crowding around the table with all the food and drink, the large chocolate cake resting in the middle.
“can I take this off now?”
Uma answered for Gil, who was too excited to speak properly “go for it”
Harry ripped off the cloth and his eyes widened
He stood there, eyes wide and mouth open. The crew laughed at the look on his face, Harry was speechless! “i-I, wha’?”
Uma laughed and smiled at Harry “it’s your first birthday in Auradon, and we wanted to do it properly, sooo here ya go, happy 18th birthday harry”
Harry’s eyes shined and watered, and tears overflowed and he wiped them away as quickly as he could, the crew laughing and crowding him in a group hug,
“Jesus fucks, i-“Harry’s voice cracked, the crew tried to squeeze in tighter. “I forgot it was my birthday, ye all know me da-…he…me bein born wasn’t a good thing for him” (a line borrowed from @edream93 )
Gil pulled back and grinned at Harry. “he might not like your birthday, but we’re all glad you were born!” the crew stopped and stared at Gil, Harry freezing up. Gil stood there for a second before deflating, thinking he said something wrong before Harry rushed forward and hugged Gil.
“thanks, Gil.”
Gil happily hugged back, they separated after a couple of moments before Harry turned to Uma.
“so how’d ye do this?!” Uma smirked and shrugged, “I just asked Ben if we could throw a party for you, he happily gave us permission to use his houseboat and private dock, we have this whole thing to ourselves for the entire night!”
“awesome!” Harry grinned, he glanced toward the cake before looking back at Uma, “so did ye make a cake o something’ tha’ doesn’t look store bought?”
Uma groaned at the memory of the cake failures “I tried to, but I kept burning them, so I asked (y/n) to help” Harry was confused, who was (y/n)?
“who’s (y/n)?”
“my roommate, shes over there” Uma gestured to someone and Harry turned and Harry felt that cliche at first sight feeling that the princess and princes talk about.
A short/tall girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair that caught the lights, and sparkling (e/c) eyes, smooth/bumpy (smooth or bumpy skin you beautiful boo) (s/c) skin, plump/thin lips that had a breathtaking smile, ‘holy shit shes pretty’ Harry thought Uma snickered at his staring, yelling for (y/n) to come over, Uma already making fast friends with her earlier.
you stopped in front of Harry and Uma, smiling still, and Harry still not able to take his eyes off her.
“hey (y/n), this is Harry, Harry this is (y/n)”
You smiled and held out your hand for a greeting, “hi harry~ its nice meet you!” harry grasped your hand and smirked back at you, flirt mode activated “nice ta meet ya to lassie, Uma didn’t tell me ye were this pretty~” you blushed and giggled, covering your face with your hands.
Uma rolled her eyes and left you two alone, Jesus one look at you and Harry was smitten
“PRESENT TIME!!” Gil screamed, the crew yelling with him and pushed Harry into the chair in front of the table with the presents,
“okay okay im opening them!”
To harry from bonny: a cup with the words “im the reason the rums always gone” “I fucking love it bon!” “I knew you would!”
To harry from Gonzo: a new calf-length fabric jacket made by evie “I didn’t know you had a fashion sense gonzo?” “haha evie made it”
To harry from Serena: a lighter with a skull on it “I should have expected this” yes you should have”
To harry from Gil: a 100 pg sketchbook “gil, why-“ “dude we all know you love to draw, no point in trying to deny that” “fine, thanks”
To harry from Uma: charcoal pencils and alcohol makers “holy shit Uma! These are fucking expensive!!! How’d you get these?!” “I have my ways~”
And so on and so forth
Until Harry got to an unmarked long case and a small leather bag.
“wha’s this?” Uma shrugged and looked around, the rest of the crew shrugging as well, they didn’t give those to him.
Harry lifted the case and carefully opened it, a gasp ripping from his mouth, “holy shit” in the case was a beautiful Renaissance-style rapier including a mock-ivory handle and gold pommel, with a swept-basket style hilt in gold over brass with gemstones and tableau-engraved decoration.
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 Harry carefully lifted the sword out of its case and the light hit the blade and the gems on the hilt causing lights to hit the room, and the entire crew gasped at is beauty, never having seen a sword like that, Harry glanced back at the case. Seeing a folder with a paper in it, picking it up and examining it he saw two things, one was a note, another was a weapon permit.
To harry: all pirate lords need a blade to wield.
Ps. A permit so FG can’t take it.
Harry furrowed his brows, pirate lord? His dad was one, but he wasn’t. or at least his dad was one, but not anymore, not after being sent to the isle.
Harry picked up the pouch and opened it, and his jaw dropped. “Harry?” Uma questioned “Harry what is it?!” harry hurridly emptied the bag and he held it up.
A small coin
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But not just any coin, a piece of eight, the coin that the 9 pirate lords of the brethren court held, and what’s more, it was his father’s coin. The one he had replicated by one of the blacksmiths on the Isle to brag to the other pirates of the Isle.
This-this meant.
Another folded note was in the bag. He rushed to open it and read it, ignoring Umas questioning
James Hook has been removed from his post, and as per request from the fellow lords, you are to be his successor. Protect this with your life. Welcome to the brethren court, Harry Hook,  as one of the 9 pirate lords
When the moment arrives, you know the call.
Hoist the colors
-the king of the brethren court.
“it-it” Harry stammered, Uma stepped forward and grabbed the coin, flipping it in her hands “it says im the newest addition to the brethren court” the crew stared at him in shock. Gozno broke the silence, waving his arms around
“hold up, hold up, hold up! You mean! You” he pointed at Harry “are the newest pirate lord?! What?!” the crew burst, yelling and screaming, both from excitement and disbelief.
You sighed and broke through the crew, reaching Uma and harry who was talking animatedly, harry straightening at the sight of you, shoving Uma.
“hey (y/n), what’s up?”
“nothing, but im going to head out, this new situation seems to be a thing you and the crew should talk over, happy birthday harry”
“thanks, lassie, see ya”
“see ya”
As you walked away Uma had a thought, she yelled after you, making the crew silence.
“(y/n)” you turned “I never got your last name!”
“Oh, its Sparrow, (y/n) Sparrow” and you walked off the ship and let them sit with that information.
You re-entered your dorm and sighed, you never thought you’d get that sword and coin to harry, but finally, with the gize of Harrys birthday, you were able to complete aunt Elizabeth’s request, for Harry to be appointed as one of the 9 pirate lords, in place of his father.
Now to wait for them to ask If you jacks daughter, which spoiler alert, you were.
And just like Harry, you had taken your dads spot in the brethren court after your dad’s banishment to the Isle of the lost.
—the end~!—
i hope you guys enjoyed that! this was written for Thomas Doherty’s 24th birthday!!
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borhapparker · 5 years
odd love  |  tom holland
summary: in which the reader is 28 hears old and a costume designer for spider-man: homecoming, as well as mutually pinning for tom holland.
Word Count: 1481
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Y/n is a famous makeup/costume coordinator. Best known for fitting Grant Gustin into his Flash suit and Barry Allen’s clothes, Gal Gadot into her Wonder Woman suit, Tom Cruise into his outfits and fighting makeup and Jennifer Lawrence with her Katniss Everdeen attire.
And now, she was in charge of fitting the newest Marvel actor, Tom Holland, for his role as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man.
She was most excited about this role, because she had been asked to play with the outfit a little more than the other ones.
‘Make it unique,’ they had told her, days before they were set to meet in Atlanta for Captain America:Civil War.
And that’s what she did. She changed the style, made it tighter and more fitted to the body. She added little details in the suit, alongside his new chest piece.
As soon as she had gotten to set, on the first day of Captain America: Civil War, she immediately headed over to the directos, turning in her finished costume before she headed off to makeup.
Every day the same routine, as it became a habit rather than a chore. Soon enough, it was time to leave, as filming was finished, and everyone had gathered at a cast crew’s house to watch the raw footage of the movie, where everyone would help pick out little things that didn’t go into the movie.
This was her favorite part. Everyone was at their most vulnerable, where they would not only joke around and bond, but they would also share a small part of their contribution. Everything that they put into a year be half of filming was coming together and they felt they were at their most vulnerable.
And then, it was over. She was back to making her own costumes to sell, until her manager had called her.
“Marvel called. They want you back to fit Tom Holland for Spider-Man: Homecoming.”
That’s how she came to be where she is now. Walking back to set in Atlanta, her jansport backpack sling over her shoulder, converse on her feet and her hair up in a loose ponytail.
Jon, the new director, had welcomed her, a smile on his face as he told her how much he admired her work and her costumes. “The costume details are perfect for this movie!”
They had handed her back the suit, asking her different questions about the details and how to incorporate them into the movie. It was simple. And then, it wasn’t.
“We are up for playing with anything at this point. So, hit us with some effects and anything you’d like to change about how it might look on screen.”
Her list was long, but it was worth it, because it was approved as soon as the words spilled from her lips.
“I was thinking, for the new spidey symbol on the front, we could do it so whenever he wants to take off the suit, he just pushes the button and it loosens from his body, making it like an oversized suit and it just slips off his body. And whenever he wants to put it on, he presses the button again and it instantly adjusts to his body.”
“That’s an awesome idea.”
“And we could have hidden spidey wings between the elbow and his ribs.”
The design was simple, and made for a good easter egg in the movie, since it would connect to the Disney XD show, Ultimate Spider-Man.
That’s how her first day went, talking to the directors, and meeting the new cast.
Some people she had been before, since she worked on the set of Captain America: Civil War, and others she met occasionally, when they were doing casting.
And then, came her time to see Tom Holland again.
Over the course of her job, she had developed feelings for the brunette boy, who was actually 7 years younger than her. Yet, during her time there, she had seen him grow into someone she never imagined. And he greeted her with a smile and a wave.
The smile that made her heart hurt.
She was 28. He was 21.
The age gap was huge.
She didn’t mind. He didn’t mind.
But they knew it wouldn’t work. The media would go crazy, the fans would call it “sexualizing” and “illegal”, when they were both adults.
She wanted to tell him. Tell him everything. But she ignored it, knowing it could ruin their careers.
She never expected for him to make the first move.
Especially, in front of everyone.
“Hey, y/n, you got a minute?”
Turning around at the sound of her name, she noticed Harrison standing there, a smile on his face as he waved.
“Hi Harrison. What’s up?”
“Uh, are you available this weekend?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Because I’m throwing a surprise party for Tom and we need some help. Also, because we wanted you to help design the cake.”
Did I forget to mention that she knew how to bake? Not only could she decorate like a professional, but she could also make the best chocolate coffee cake out of her whole family.
“Yeah, of course! Where is it gonna be?”
“Do you want me to text you the address? And we could meetup so I can help you with the cake.”
They exchanged phone numbers, as she smiled at him before Tom walked through the door.
“Hey guys. Y/n they told me to come in here for my makeup for scene 67.”
“Right! Sit and I’ll put it on.”
He sat in the chair, his phone in hand as he started to record the process, something he really liked to do. Her hands moved quickly as she brushed layers and layers of makeup, making him look dirty and beat up, a bruise on his cheek and a split lip.
“This looks amazing, mate!” Harrison exclaimed, a huge smile on his face as he watched her brush move over his lip, adding the finishing touches on masterpiece.
“It does! Thank you so much, y/n!” Without a second thought, Tom pulled her in for a hug, his arms around her waist as hers circled his shoulders.
They pulled away with a blush on their cheeks, as Tom, with another smile, walked out, Harrison behind him before he stopped, and turned to her.
“You know, he really likes you.”
The blush grew, as she smiled, looking at Harrison.
“Love, I can see it in his eyes.”
“But, I’m so much older than him. He could have anyone he wants his age.”
“Darling, do you have any idea how much he doesn’t care about the age gap? He is utterly in love with you.”
“I really like him too.”
“Then tell him.” Harrison then left without saying another word, leaving her with a lot to think about.
Y/n was packing up her things, as filming had ended for the day, and everyone was told to stay in their trailers. She had been putting away her makeup when she got a text message from Harrison.
'Love, would you mind meeting me at Stage 6? To talk about Tom’s birthday surprise.’
She responded immediately, while grabbing her adidas jacket.
'Course. I’ll be there in 5.’
Heading out, she headed straight for Stage 5, seeing the whole cast waiting as she entered.
Everyone looked at her, before making a passageway in the middle of the crowd, reaching Tom on the other end, who was waiting with roses in front of him.
A smile was on her lips, as she walked towards him. It almost seemed like a dream. Everyone watched the pair as they neared each other, before she had stopped, a couple inches from his body.
“These are for you.”
Handing her the roses, she smiled, before looking up at him.
“Y/n, I know it might seem weird, especially since I’m younger than you, but I really like you. I’ve liked you for a while and I didn’t want to wait anymore. I don’t care if others don’t approve of our relationship or if they find it inappropriate. I really don’t give two shits. I love you. I love you so damn much and I don’t care what others think. I only care about you.”
A smile was on her lips, as a tear slipped down her face. Tom wiped it from her cheeks, a smile on his face before she stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his.
Time seemed to stop, as they were only focused on the feeling of their lips against each other, smiles on their faces, and knowing, that this, was true love.
When they finally pulled apart, Tom was looking down at the girl of his dreams, a smile adorned his face as he took her in.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Without hesitating, she answered a simple word, that changed their whole lives.
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nancydrew65 · 5 years
SKAM NL Season 2 Episode 8 Thoughts
So, I just realized that SKAM Dutch, the tumblr page that posts translated clips and text messages from the show, also labels how each clip is related to the episode, including which episode it belongs in! I am an idiot for not noticing this sooner. Now, I can post reactions sooner. Hurrah!
I Miss You
Liv wakes up hungover in Noah’s room lying in bed beside Morris and the blonde girl from the party.
Oh my god, I just realized this because I watched all the clips that just came out, but when Liv puts on her clothes, she doesn’t put on her bra. Rewatching this scene to write this reaction was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
As Liv leaves the house, she gets a bunch of messages from an unknown number. It is Noah and he lost his phone. He doesn’t want any more space and he texts her that he loves her. What a punch to the gut for Liv.
She has to throw up/retch by a tree. I have to say that lead-up was very realistic. I saw it in her before she did it that she was going to throw up.
And here starts the spiral into doom
What Happened Last Night?
Liv takes a shower at home, very similar to what Grace did in SKAM Austin. She buries herself into her covers and tries to fall asleep.
Ralph barges in and soon sees that something is wrong. He is worried about her not going to school and offers to make her juice! Sweetest Eskild ever. He is so attune to Liv’s feelings. I love him so much. I hope Liv confides in him soon.
Under the sheets Liv looks at all her messages and decides to send one to Morris asking what happened the night before. I think this is one of the hardest things that the Noora character is put through. Not only was she possibly raped or sexually assaulted, but she has to message her possible assaulter just to find out what really happened.
This clip was… I almost felt physically sick watching it.
Liv is scrolling through instagram - there was an easter egg to SKAM with fan art of Noora - and looks through Morris’ profile. She finds a photo with Morris and the blonde girl who was in bed with them. Her name is Marie Van Aspen. So, this girl appears to be the Mari character. I really hope she and Liv have a scene together because she was so funny at the party.
Liv then searches for signs of whether or not you have had sex. My dear, poor girl.
Liv watches a youtube video of a girl who went through a similar experience as her, where she was drugged and taken advantage of in Las Vegas. I think it is really important for Liv to watch that video so that she realizes that whatever happened, it was not her fault.
There’s a knock at the door. Noah is outside, looking for Liv. She ignores him and he finally goes away when she texts him that she has the flu.
And then Morris texts Liv back and oh my god… SKAM NL just did that. So, I think SKAM NL set certain things up to make Liv’s situation seem better than other Noora’s, like how Ralph was so supportive and sweet and how Liv watched that really helpful, inspiring video of the girl who had been sexually assaulted. I think they did all that to shock us with this new reveal. For one, Morris responds much quicker than any other version of Niko and there is no fake-out text where he tells her nothing happened, she reunites with William, and then he texts her again and shows her the naked photo he took of her. Instead, we get this wholly awful scene where Morris texts Liv a video he took at the party where Liv is in bed wearing only her bra. In the video, Morris pulls back the covers of the bed and proceeds to slip Liv’s bra off, leaving her breasts exposed.
This is… shocking and horrible to say the least. I really wish there had been a trigger warning. Morris is easily the worst of the Nikos. And I feel kind of uncomfortable ranking the relative awfulness of each version of this character because each version is a terrible person. However, there is a large difference between Noora stripping and Niko taking a photo of her naked (still absolutely disgusting) and Morris approaching an almost unconscious Liv and stripping her bra off while she is protesting. That is sexual assault. And we don’t know if anything else happened… But that is so, so terrible regardless. I made an earlier post where I said I thought it would be interesting watching a version of Season 2 where Noora actually got assaulted because I thought it would be an incredibly complex and important storyline to tackle…. And I guess, be careful what you wish for. I am already so upset and horrified after one clip.
I Had to Do It
Liv is doing the wash and there is a very beautiful contrast between the white of the clothes and the dark hoodie Liv is wearing and the dark colors of her room.
Noah shows up with groceries. How domestic. No, I’m kidding. That was really sweet of him, probably one of the nicest things a person can do in a relationship tbh.
Liv explains that she isn’t angry anymore about him fighting, but she is sick and needs time to think. They share a kiss, so there’s hope. (Who am I kidding? I just watched the latest SKAM NL clip where a version once again leaves a version of Noora collapsed on the ground crying. I am very pissed off, but I will get more into that next episode.)
There was a great visual moment when Liv closes the door and leans back on it. She turns to the left where the glass part of the door is and through the frosted glass we see Noah’s silhouette. Very poignant. Once he leaves, she opens the door and grabs the groceries.
I Don’t Remember Anything
There was a trigger warning at the beginning of the clip, so at least SKAM NL took its fans thoughts into consideration.
Liv bakes cookies for Ralph and Jayden, but doesn’t have any herself. Is this a hint of her eating disorder? I know they kind of brushed that off in SKAM Austin and I can’t tell if they are doing that here.
Jayden comments on how put together Liv is… and that broke my heart because Liv is falling apart inside and she feels like she has to put up this strong front. Let people in!!!!! Tell the girls!!!!
Liv gets a call from her mother who sounds quite busy. Like the only time you can call your daughter is when you are in the car? Really? She does sound more concerned and invested in Liv’s life than her father who is really only interested in Liv’s music. And we got confirmation that Liv’s dad is experienced in the music industry.
This also made me notice that the record company meeting is probably equivalent to the article Noora had to write. That kind of makes it more sad, in my opinion. In Noora’s case, yeah, the article was a great opportunity to invest in her job goals, but for Liv it seems more serious. Music is something she loves and hopes to make a career in. This meeting could have potentially life-changing consequences for her and it is all ruined because of Noah’s asshole of a brother.
Liv’s mom suggests getting a plant (an offer Liv takes eventually) and tells her daughter that she is always there to talk. So, I feel like Liv’s mom actually does care about her daughter, but is a bit distant and is not really great in initiating contact.
Liv goes back to her room. Ralph asks to use Liv’s computer to look up a recipe to cook for Benny, his sweetheart. He finds what I assume is a website looking for symptoms of if you’ve been raped. We don’t know for sure.
He immediately confronts Liv about it. She yells that it’s not her fault. 1. It is incredibly sad that she has to assume that is what Ralph thinks, but 2. At least she doesn’t think it’s her fault.
Liv has a breakdown/panic attack and Ralph goes and hugs her, telling her she doesn’t have to go through this alone.
Now, I really enjoyed this scene, don’t get me wrong. I think SKAM NL has developed Ralph and Liv’s friendship very well this season. However, they do get rid of what is, in my opinion, Noah’s best scene in the season. And honestly, I would have cared more had I not just seen the scene where Noah confronts Liv. Now I’m glad they gave this scene to Ralph because Noah does not deserve it.
You Don’t Have to be Ashamed of Anything
While I am so so so so so glad that Liv has a support system much sooner than in other remakes… I am kind of uncomfortable about how SKAM NL handled it. I really wish Liv could have told the girls on her own, not have it something that was discovered. Despite how terrible it was watching Noora suffer alone, it was such a relief when she finally confided in the girls. I wish Liv could have been allowed to have that same initiative. She seems very reluctant when she is telling the story to the girls.
The girls (and Esra!) all arrive at the apartment (i’m pretty sure Ralph called them) to talk with Liv. I am glad that she explained the whole story to them and that Ralph didn’t just tell the girls all the details.
Speaking of the details, can we acknowledge how courageous Liv was to have showed them the video?
I loved the juxtaposition of everyone on one side of the bed, watching the video with Liv by herself on the other end. And as soon as the video ends, Isa and Engel climb right back to Liv’s side. It is kind of a metaphor for saying, we are here for you, it’s not your fault.
Esra says to go to the police… and yeah. Liv should most definitely go to the police. I am not very happy with SKAM NL executed the whole confrontation scene between Liv and Morris, but I will get more into that next episode. Long story, short: I wish they had adapted it better to the unique situation Liv is in, a situation vastly different from OG.
Liv doesn’t want to go to the police, but Engel convinces Liv to at least confront Morris. Janna says she will fight Morris bare-breasted. That is something I would like to see. Fight him, Janna!
Liv seems to get a renewed sense of confidence and messages Morris to meet with her.
General Thoughts
This has been probably my favorite episode in the whole season so far. I thought SKAM NL did a great job depicting Liv’s anguish and struggle (Zoe Love Smith is a fantastic actress, she is killing these extremely intense scenes) and despite how hard it is to watch, I am really glad they gave us a version where the Noora character is assaulted. For dramatic storyline purposes, I wish we had gotten the next clip (where Liv confronts Morris) as the last clip for this episode, but I understand that they have to distribute clips accordingly to each episode. That is really all I have to say.
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jojotier · 5 years
The Next ONE Manga
“Our top story- children all over the region are coming down with a strange epidemic of tummy aches.” The perky news anchor on screen said, gesturing vaguely to a screen where a cartoonish diagram depicting a lot of frowny faces over a map of Sado Island. “The outbreak began just last night…”
Tsukishima rubbed his head, feeling around the counter for wherever the hell that pill bottle had rolled off to. He should also find the remote, while he was at it… The volume on the tv was too damn loud for this time in the afternoon. And too damn loud for the pounding between his ears.
He managed to reach the aspirin and water, downing two pills and slightly metallic water. It tasted pretty bad, admittedly, but he didn’t really have the energy to dig anything out of the fridge. Besides, he had coffee brewing- or really, his hangover cure for the day. Jesus, why the hell did he let Koito talk him into…
His attention drifted back to the news, passively taking it in until one phrase struck him. “... and it appears that mysterious sightings of cupcakes all over the area are to blame.” Cupcakes… Why did that sound… a little familiar.
“Last night, hundreds of colorfully frosted cupcakes appeared all over town, Easter themed. Many of the afflicted children described eating at least one before, hours later, coming down with their unfortunate present illness. Local hospitals say that nothing was inherently wrong with the confections- only that they’d been baked with wildly inconsistent measures of sugar and butter, overloading many sweet tooths in the area.
“Local parents and grandparents, however, are outraged. Many are calling this a deliberate poisoning, while others are coming forward with accounts of other food-related acts of villainy.”
The camera panned to one woman, identified by the text at the bottom as Ienaga Kano. In one hand, she held a very familiarly frosted cupcake with a crooked rabbit ear with disdain. “I was babysitting my little nephew earlier when I found him nibbling on this- atrocity! These gaudy things were just left every which way around the park, on benches… it’s inescapable. It’s the demands of the PTA of greater Sado that these menaces be brought to justice-”
And then it clicked.
Tsukishima cursed as he fumbled with the glass momentarily, setting it down at the counter and quickly walking around the little wall divider between the kitchen and living room. On the couch in front of the television, one Koito Otonoshin lay sprawled out every which way, one leg dangling off the side of the couch while the other was hooked on the back of it. His face was smushed into his sleeve and the couch cushion. There was an almost inconceivable amount of drool.
“Koito- dammit, Koito,” Tsukishima hissed out through his clenched teeth, shaking Koito’s shoulder.
“Huhhhuabbitiba…” Koito mumbled, burying his face slightly more into the small drool puddle. All of that was, of course, utter fucking nonsense. Normally Tsukishima would take that as his cue to leave Koito be and maybe grab a blanket, but it was kind of urgent,
He shook him harder, hissing out, “ KOITO.” He managed to duck out the way of a swinging arm as Koito gave a screech, cracking with the disuse of a voice that had been resting, and shot up like a bullet.
“Tsukishimaaaaaaaaa,” Koito whined, glaring daggers at him. “What the HELLooowwwwwww owowowow ow ow,” He clutched his aching head, eyes screwing shut against the light. Tsukishima would have chalked it up to karma, if not for the fact that they had way too many empty alcohol bottles in the kitchen to ignore another, far more plausible possibility.
“Shut up for five seconds and look at the damn news,” Tsukishima mumbled, head turning back to the screen. It looks like it’d conveniently gone to commercial while Tsukishima was dealing with Koito, but now, it was coming back on.
“... and there were no survivors.”
Tsukishima’s heart stopped. It was deathly silent for a moment as the newscaster stared back from the screen as if taunting them. Even Koito had gone still, shocked.
“... And that’s the tragic end to No Survivors, the new horror comedy collaboration between Junji *** and *iro**k* Arak*.”
Tsukishima blew out a relieved breath all at once, hand instinctively pushing against his heart. Christ… It was going to be bad enough on his conscience that his own drunken actions had apparently led to a bunch of kids getting sick. If any of them had actually died… Koito slumped down, a shaky laugh coming from him as he asked, “What- was that all-?”
And then as if to taunt them further, the reporter said, “And now back to the cupcake story- we have several eyewitness accounts stating that they saw a tall, spindly man placing the cupcakes all over the city, speaking in tongues…”
Tsukishima slowly turned to Koito, staring. Koito stared back, face slowly losing color faster than an inconsistent mangaka could lighten dark skin over 150 chapters in. “I thought,” Tsukishima said calmly, knowing full well that he was still processing everything because otherwise- if he weren’t- he’d likely be far angrier, “you agreed you were going to throw those cupcakes away.”
“I-!” Koito choked on a breath and some satsumaben before coughing, managing to get out through gritted teeth, “I know- I thought maybe you meant that you just needed to be rid of them?! Recycling technically counts-”
“No. No, it does not.” Tsukishima flatly said, eye twitching gently. “I said throw them away- there were too many. And what in the hell did you do?”
“Don’t blame this all on me!!” Koito nearly hollered, fingers twisting into the couch cushions. He pointed at Tsukishima accusatorily, “Besides, YOU’RE the one who made all those cupcakes in the first place!! Why the hell weren’t you paying attention to what you were putting in them, huh?! What if you accidentally replaced the salt with sugar or something?! I’M NOT the only one-”
“I know damn well you aren’t accusing me when I was drunk,” Tsukishima ran a long-suffering hand down his face. “Because of, might I remind you, your goddamn insistence that we drink some chardonnay. I don’t even like wine!”
“Well YOUR shit taste isn’t MY problem, now IS it!” Koito shouted back, sitting up straighter so that he could channel his energy into aggressively gesturing with his hands. “Besides!! That didn’t stop you from drinking it all last night!! That was my last goddamn bottle- do you have any idea how hard it is to get when I’m not with my father?! Ridiculously hard!”
“You INSISTED on a drinking contest to see which of us would buy a new bottle,” Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose, realizing that this bickering wasn’t going anywhere and wasn’t really addressing the topic at hand. “Look- that’s not the point. Last night happened, and we may have made several mutual mistakes that just so happened to escalate into a long series of regrettable choices. Happens to every college student, probably. We just need to calm down and think through this-”
“YOU’RE NOT EVEN IN COLLEGE ANYMORE- that’s the POINT.” Koito groaned loudly as he flopped backward, banging his head against the arm of the couch and hissing out a pained breath because of it.
Tsukishima’s lips pressed into a thin line as he said, “Alright. Noted. Just make sure they didn’t catch any video of you on the news.” He turned to go back to the kitchen. “I’m making coffee. Do you want-”
Just as Koito seemed to want to interrupt, there was an insistent buzz at the door. They both glanced at the door as the buzzing overlapped as the doorbell to their shitty little apartment was pressed again. Koito eventually said, “Well? You’re already up- you may as well see who the hell is bothering us.”
“If it’s the police, I’m not hiding you.” Tsukishima deadpanned as he walked to the door, peering out of the peephole. “... Huh.”
“Huh what?” Koito lazily asked, pouting like a fucking infant on their couch.
“It’s Enonoka.” Tsukishima said, somewhat bewildered.
Koito sat up again, turning his body towards the door. “Huh. That is odd… She’s still on break, so she shouldn’t be here for tutoring… and I didn’t think her English teacher gave homework…”
“Yeah.” Tsukishima’s eyebrows furrowed as he stepped back and opened the door. “Hello, Eno…” He trailed off as his eyes landed on the spot where Enonoka had just been standing a few seconds ago. When he pulled the door open, she wasn’t there anymore. He blinked and poked his head, looking down either side of the hallways to see if he could catch a glimpse of her running away. Odd…
He glanced over his shoulder, saying, “She’s not there- I guess she ran…” Then, Tsukishima noticed Koito turned towards the back of the couch, rigidly sitting with wide eyes raised towards the kitchen. “Hey? What are you-”
“H,” Koito wheezed out, mouthing something before just giving up and pointing frantically in the direction that he was looking. Tsukishima raised his eyes, and his gaze met Enonoka’s.
She was already inside the apartment, sitting on the divider between the living room and kitchen.
“...” Tsukishima quickly turned back to the front door and opened it, peering out. Then he turned his attention back inside. Enonoka waved from the counter. Well, that was weird. But nothing was really setting off any true alarm bells- after all, she was just a child. It’d be dumb to be intimidated by her. “Hello, Enonoka. … How’d you get into our house?”
“Oh, you know,” Enonoka said, failing to elaborate on what they knew. Tsukishima closed the door. She swung her legs a bit, pointing at the news. “I guess you know the rumors, huh?”
“Rumors?” Tsukishima asked with some disdain. God, it couldn’t have been more than twelve hours… how were there already rumors? Surely they couldn’t be about them- it didn’t seem like anyone had caught a good look at Koito, barring their little next door neighbor, perhaps- which meant she might have seen Koito. Oh, dammit.
“They say there’s a supervillain around town- fun, right?” Enonoka said. Tsukishima sighed, leaning against the door. “They say he’s made of a bundle of living noodles in the shape of a man and uses his sweet sauce tentacles to mind control kids into eating his sweets.”
Well, Tsukishima couldn’t fault whoever started the rumors on their apparent imagination. “Sounds a bit farfetched… don’t you think?”
“Of course it’s farfetched.” Enonoka assured. “I’m not an idiot. I know what’s going on.”
Tsukishima sighed. So she likely had seen… “Listen… it really isn’t all that you think it is. Koito didn’t-”
“Oh, I know it wasn’t Mr. Koito,” Enonoka said confidently. “Are you kidding me? He’s not made of noodles or anything.” Koito wasn’t looking any less tense though, gesturing at Enonoka as he tried to mouth something at Tsukishima. Tsukishima couldn’t read lips very well, but maybe he was saying something like… powder? Did they leave the powdered sugar out? Crap, the kitchen was still a mess… Koito was probably reminding him that she was sitting on a very dirty counter. God… how embarrassing. Tsukishima hadn’t even had the time to clean…
Then, Enonoka pointed at Tsukishima. “You’re the mastermind.”
“Ah…” The misunderstanding just seemed to deepen. “I guess in a sense, but it really isn’t-”
“I knew it! And you know too, right?” Enonoka said, eyes gleaming with some excitement. “Which is why you’re denying it. Don’t worry, Mr. Tsukishima- people will be sure to believe you.”
“I should hope so- I’m trying to tell you the truth,” Tsukishima tried to continue.
“It’s okay- I already know!! That’s why I’m here.” Enonoka said, practically vibrating in her spot. She was mature for her age and intelligent… but Tsukishima guessed that this was still just a kid thing, whatever game was being played. “Don’t you get it, Mr. Tsukishima?”
“Get what?” Tsukishima asked, taking a step closer as he decided to humor the child a bit. Koito finally seemed to shake himself from his flabbergasted state, trying to tell Tsukishima to wait- but Enonoka was already knocking two of the empty bottles off of the counter. Shit- if those hit the ground, it’d be a damn minefield if Enonoka tried to jump down! What the hell, kid?
Lunging forward, Tsukishima tried to catch onto the falling bottles when suddenly, they weren’t falling at all. He paused, watching them freeze mid air… and then reverse their trajectory back upwards, onto the counter where they had been sitting untouched moments before.
“... Huh.” was all Tsukishima could get out, uncomprehending.
“That’s my power, Mr. Tsukishima- I think it could really help you,” Enonoka said, eyes twinkling. Tsukishima slowly straightened up, looking to the child as in the blink of an eye, she was standing on the floor in front of him, looking up in determination. Enonoka pointed at Tsukishima, eyes blazing with intensity.
“You need to teach me how to be a villain!”
(Sometimes........... things are better................................ without context)
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joi-in-the-tardis · 5 years
I came back from vacation to a corporate holiday walk in three days (ie, it’s today).  I was told to (a) bake enough to cover tables and (b) don’t over-do it because they’re auditing our use of the computer assisted production.  FYI: those two things are mutually exclusive.  But, whatevs, you know?  I thought I was walking the line pretty good.  I did a large-ish bake yesterday so today I could focus on fluffing things up and making it look nice.  Company isn’t due until after I leave at 1pm.  I figure I don’t want to over-do it on rolls on Thursday when the real buying won’t even start until Friday and no bread I bake today will make it through the weekend.  Customers are (mostly) reasonably intelligent- they understand how to read dates on packages.  If they’re having Easter dinner on Sunday they aren’t going to buy something now with a sell-by of Friday or Saturday.  I did just enough to have things covered for today (with a tiny bit extra to account of possible random sales).
I spent all day yesterday deflecting management who kept wanting more and more things that are not my job.  Our supervisor was due in, with help, at 1pm and she had a plan.
I got a text from her that she sent last night after 10pm which I didn’t get until 2am because I was asleep (not that when I got it matters since I wasn’t on the clock either way).  They decided, last minute, that they want another three-tier basket of rolls.  So now I have to go in and break those out, force thaw them, proof them, bake them, and pack them.  It’s not a huge deal.  But... they could have told me that any time yesterday.  Instead of fussing about the seasonal display table cloth.  And can we find dessert shells. And make sure there are party trays (that also won’t last the weekend).  And make sure there are Easter colors on the donuts (sure, it’s fine for me to spend the time on it now when you want it).
I don’t know why any of this still comes as a surprise to me.  This happens every time.  Every.  Holiday.  I’m not even mad, per say.  Just... Really?  They’ve been prodding us towards panic about this walk for days.  I have refused to panic.  Panic doesn’t help.  
Just... tell me what you want within a reasonable time for me to do the thing and I’ll do it.  I’ve always managed it.  We always pull it together.  But y’all need to have your shit together first!
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pixiealtaira · 6 years
Becoming We
Hummel Holidays prompt 15 - traditions
Pairing- Kadam.
Summery: Kurt wants this relationship to last.
Adam considered laughing when Kurt sat him down in September for the first annual “Hummel and Crawford” relationship maintenance and planning meeting.
Until Kurt spoke about it, then Adam smiled and kissed him on the top of his head and asked when Kurt would like to have it.  How could he have any other reaction after “I think I love you and I want this to last a long time and one of the most dangerous things about relationships is navigating expectations, especially around holidays. I need this, Adam.  I need to know what is important to you and you should know what is important to me. I don’t want to mess up.”
Kurt chose a Sunday Morning over a huge meal.  Kurt had spent the night and got up early and when Adam got out the table was covered with food…and notebooks and calendars and pencils and boxes of tissues.
“I guess mostly we need to talk about holidays and traditions,” Kurt started out. “I mean, if we ever moved in together, we’d have to have one to set household rules.  So maybe we should have relationship house rule rules?”
“Like what?”
“Hmm…well, at home they were things like ‘if you break it you replace it or at least tell someone about it and work it off’ and ‘chores done before 10pm, unless a reason is already noted on the calendar or you don’t get paid’. Not sassing too much and no name calling too much and don’t throw things at each other and no pushing, hitting, kicking, shoving or biting.  We didn’t start with no biting but Finn bit me when I told him Rachel was a banshee and not allowed to haunt near my room because he couldn’t kick me anymore.  I bit him back. I left deeper marks.  Curfews and things like that.”
“I thought you became family when you were already 17?” Adam asked.
“We were seniors when that happened.” Kurt replied. “I can’t explain it.  Finn made me revert back to being three…maybe even two.  Don’t relationships need rules?”
“Well, maybe we could set some….like, If you are running late you should call and tell the other that you are if it will be over 15 minutes.” Adam said. “That way I wouldn’t worry you and you wouldn’t worry me.”
Kurt smiled and relaxed a little in his seat.  “And we should decide how to do clean up for dinner.  I mean, I feel bad not helping.”
“How about the cook does dishes but the guest can set and clear the table?” Adam said.
Kurt beamed.
“Do we need more of those yet?” Kurt asked.
“If we realize we do, we can remember to talk to each other and make a list.” Adam said.
Kurt beamed.
“I guess that brings us to Holidays.  What do you celebrate and what has to be done?”
“What do you mean?” Adam asked.
“What would you like to do for Valentine’s Day?” Kurt asked.
“Spend some of it with the one I love.” Adam said.
“What type of gift do you need?  Chocolates? Flowers? And outfit? Dinner out someplace where meals cost more than 50 bucks and need reservations months in advance? Jewelry?” Kurt asked.
“None of that is needed. Maybe a card would be nice, that I could look at over and over again.” Adam said.
“A card?” Kurt asked.
“I wouldn’t say no to chocolates.” Adam chuckled.  “Kurt, close your eyes and tell me YOUR perfect Valentine’s Day.”
“Breakfast with someone I love and who loves me. We have strawberry or cherry and whipped cream filled crepes. We exchange cards.  My dad always gave me a small box of Chocolates at breakfast, and when I got old enough I gave him one, too…so an exchange of a box of chocolates picked out just for the one I love. We spend the day texting each other little notes or messages. We spend the evening together, or as much as we can if someone has to work.  Dinner would be nice, movies are too crowded.”
“Dinner out at someplace expensive?” Adam asked.
Kurt hummed. “It doesn’t matter.” He said quietly. “I just want to be with who I love.”
“Open your eyes, love.” Adam said.  He smiled at Kurt when Kurt looked his way. “None of the rest is important.  Time with my loved one is.  Could that time be a fancy dinner and dancing?  Might be, but not having that won’t break my relationship.  Might also be a pub and karaoke, or the Lover’s Charity ball, or dinner at home by candlelight at midnight because my love worked a late shift. If my love can’t afford lavish gifts, I don’t expect anything lavish.  I would like a bit of warning for lavish gift giving…as I know you would…as neither of us like getting if we don’t have a gift to give in return.”
Kurt smiled.  He had tossed a bit of a fit when Adam bought him the steampunk top hat he’d been looking at but hadn’t saved up enough to buy the month before.  Adam just shrugged it off and told Kurt he wanted Kurt to have it but he knew the boutique they’d seen it at sold limited pieces and often things didn’t stay long.
“New Year’s Eve?” Kurt asked.
“I’ll go with you to Time’s Square ONCE, if you feel some bizarre need to do so.” Adam said.
“If I wanted to stay home and watch the ball drop on TV?” Kurt asked.
“I’m good with that.” Adam said.
“Host a party where we play card games and board games and sing all night long until the sun rises?” Kurt asked.
“That sounds fun.”
“Even if we didn’t have any alcohol?”
“Have I struck you yet as a big drinker?” Adam asked.
Kurt smiled. “No.  You generally get one beer or two when we are out, but only if it’s good beer.  I’ve seen you have a cup of wine here or there.  We had those daiquiris at that one bar.”
“I don’t care one way or the other, but if we have alcohol we’ll switch to non-alcohol as soon as the ball drops and everyone will stay for another several hours, if not all night.”
Kurt beamed.  “Ok, St. Patrick’s Day?”
“I’m not Irish.  I can take it or leave it.”
“Ehh…we need peeps and chocolate covered marshmallow eggs.  Blame the Apples for those. The rest…Easter was a Religious holiday in my family and I’m not religious right now.”
“If I wanted an egg hunt and Easter basket?” Kurt said.
“I’d make you an egg hunt and Easter basket.  We can also do a Grand Easter Dinner if you’d like, but you’d have to tell me what YOU eat at one.”
Kurt shrugged. “Really, the only thing that was a must was deviled eggs made from the eggs we had dyed.”
Adam smiled. “We can dye eggs and you can make me your best deviled eggs for Easter.”
“Birthdays?” Kurt asked.
“Whatever we want to do.” Adam said. “I do love birthday gifts though.  My favorite was you asking me to coffee.”
Kurt laughed. ”Seriously, though, what type of things do you like for your birthday?”
“One year we went to a show in London.  One year my mum bought me a new suit.  Once I got a new bike.  I’ve received books or clothes or movies.  There isn’t a set recipe for Birthday gift giving.  Unless it’s an American thing I’m missing.”
Kurt sighed. “I have a feeling I just know too many people with extreme expectations.”
“To quickly cover it, there isn’t really anything from home I celebrate here, although last year I did find a bonfire to attend in November for Guy Fawke’s night. Also…I’ll go along with whatever is important to you for your American Holidays.  Just tell me when and where to be and what is needed.”
Kurt laughed. “I might just stick you with the Turkey with that attitude.”
“Bring it on, love.” Adam said.  “I’ve never made one yet, but I could certainly try.”
Kurt nodded.  “I guess that leaves Halloween and Christmas time.”
“I appreciate a good Halloween party.  I’m a theater lover, darling, we live for dressing up.  As for Christmas, my mum had a rule of gift giving we all followed. A game or toy, something we needed and something we’d wanted really bad, something to watch, two new books…one that was fiction and one that wasn’t, and clothing.  Always socks, underclothing, and a knitted jumper.  Father Christmas brought new outerwear, sweets and coins, and something for hobbies.  Often he also brought new outdoor items, like a sled or skates…or tickets to a museum or something that we could do over the holiday.  For us kids, we had to give each other gifts.  Right now we have to spend more than 15 but less than 100. On Boxing day we went to my grandmother’s and had a huge family party there where we exchanged gifts…small things like puzzles or comics or marbles or such…Aunt Emily’s family always got each person a cookie tin and filled it. My father’s family gathered for twelfth night and we exchanged gifts then…there it is was always hobby related. Neither of those days are big here. I send my mum a box to take to each gathering.”
“What about Christmas Eve?” Kurt asked.
“We hung stockings and went to bed.  Father Christmas prefers mince pies and mulled wine.  Currently, I wake up, open my box from my mum which has Father Christmas gifts and a stuffed stocking, eat breakfast, and open anything from other people. Then I do whatever for the rest of the day. How about you?”
“I did an Advent Calendar…we actually did about three. I had one for activities so things would get done. I started that when I was nine. My mom made one when her and my dad got married.  It hung on the wall and you put little things on it each day.  Then I had a treat one.  Most years my dad would fill it, some years I filled it myself…like last year and senior year. I lit advent candles.  Dad did them when he was little, but not when he got bigger.  My mum didn’t do them growing up as they were too tied with religion. When they got married they started the candles up again. She used the themes…love, hope, peace, joy…but not the religious aspects of it.  On the love week we focused on finding love and spreading love in our lives, on peace week we focused on finding peace and balance, on joy we focused on sharing and finding joy, on hope we focused on goals and looking to the future. I still do that, but only by myself and not where anyone can see me.  We also burned Christmas smelling candles all month long...and had a candle in the window.  We did a solstice thing. I bake all month long.  I go see the Nutcracker…doesn’t matter where.  I’ve been to some spectacular small company shows. We listened to Christmas music all the time and watch Christmas shows…there is a list.  We opened a gift Christmas Eve…pajamas and a book.  The rest we opened Christmas day, Santa left a full stocking and presents…but Santa didn’t leave big things. My dad shops much like your mom, but probably a bit less. Dad was big on experiences.  He left a lot of family things under the tree, things we could do together.  He always gave a ‘memory’ gift.  The day after Christmas we always went shopping. I get one or two memory ornaments each year; we had the tree in the living room and a memory tree. When my mom was alive we just had the one tree, but it made Dad sad, so we had two for a long time. After he married Carole that all changed. Everything changed.  Because we did it all wrong.”
“Wrong?” Adam asked.
“Yeah, because it was just me and my dad for so long, so we got everything wrong about Christmas and even Thanksgiving.” Kurt said.
“Wrong according to who?”
“Carole and Finn, Rachel, Quinn and Blaine and Santana.” Kurt said.
“I don’t understand. How can you get it wrong?” Adam asked. “And isn’t Rachel Jewish?”
“Well, if you have multiple trees they all have to be properly themed and coordinated. You must have only baking days…you cannot bake all month.  If you bake all the time it is not special and therefore can’t be holiday baking.  Advent calendars cheapen the holiday, as do anything else like that. Candles are either pretentious or just for poor people…I’m not sure which one. Christmas Music will get too old too quickly if listened to in the house, so must be reserved for in the car. Solstice is only for devil worshipers…”
Adam snorted and Kurt stopped and looked at him.
“I’m sorry but just because your traditions were different didn’t mean yours were wrong.  I know you realize this in your head…you said you still do several of them.  So how did you end up managing?”
“We did things Carole and Finn’s way or not at all.” Kurt said. “In the loft we did things Rachel and Santana’s way or not at all…mostly Rachel’s way.”
“Tell me about it more.”
Kurt sighed. “Christmas to Finn and Rachel was about what they got.  They wanted big things and lots of them.  Newest, biggest, best. Finn told his mom what he wanted and he expected it under the tree.  Rachel gave people lists and she was to have received it all. Santa brought big things…like TVs and such.  To Finn. Carole let Finn open whatever he wanted that was under the tree from Christmas Eve day on…if he got bored. Even things not to him were fair game because things under the tree were supposed to just be to Finn, as it had been that way since he was little and he couldn’t be expected to look at tags when excited. Rachel was the same way.  Everything under a tree where Rachel lived was obviously to her.  The trees had to be themed and everything on them had to ‘go together’.  Carole bought new stuff every year and gave what she had used to her Aunt to do with whatever she liked.  There were to be colored balls and lights and maybe a few other things but not much, except that first year when she decided since she had Dad who could afford it she could do her dream of purple and pink Victorian.  That involved lots of lace and fake roses and satin cones filled with treats and dolls and shoes and old fashioned hat boxes and tassels and puffs and it was horrid.  She also spent like 800 bucks on it and then went and tossed half it out. I was allowed to bake just five days in December. Finn could not see the advent stuff at all…and dad could not put it together for me, it wouldn’t be fair to Finn.”
Adam moved over to Kurt and pulled him up and off the chair and then sat down and pulled Kurt into his lap.
“I want a relationship that is even, darling.  I don’t want you to do everything MY way and I will not do everything just YOUR way. We will find OUR way and do it together. Sometimes OUR way might be doing things your way, because it works best.  Sometimes we might do things my way, because it works best.  But we will figure it out together and it will be what is best for us.”
“Even my night time ritual?” Kurt asked.
“When I stay over do you do your nighttime ritual the same as when I don’t and do you regret it if you change it?”
Kurt leaned his head on Adam’s shoulder. “I do everything I normally do, but I do it with you there with me talking to me and I talk to you.  It is a great sharing time.”
“So…we do it OUR way…a way that works for both of us.” Adam said.
“I’m being silly about this aren’t I?” Kurt asked.
“No.  I don’t think so.  You had a relationship start up and because of that had to give up traditions and listen to how wrong you had been about them.  To me it sounded like many you were told off about had been things you shared with your mom.  That hurt and left scars, even if you got over the initial hurt.”
“And then there was Blaine.” Kurt said.
Adam hugged him tight. “Yeah, and you haven’t even talked about that.”
“He never got me anything. I never got a Christmas gift from him…or graduation gift or birthday gift or Valentine’s gift. However, I always had to buy him gifts and give them to him.  If I didn’t get the right thing or give it at the right time or with the right amount of flair…it was an issue.”
“It was all about him, then. Not surprising…everything always was.” Adam said. “I want us to be about US…both of us.  We’ll work traditions out as we go.  They will change as our circumstances change.  We will make it a mash-up of epic awesomeness, though. Especially doing it together.  Now, tell me more about your advent treats…”
Kurt launched into descriptions of different ways he’d done his advent treat calendar and his activity calendar as Adam held him. Adam made note on Kurt’s papers and thought about all the ways he could bring some of the traditions Kurt had not been able to enjoy back into Kurt’s life…and what to introduce him to from his traditions. He was looking forward to mending some old wounds.
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poiregourmande · 6 years
Alright, drabble request.... Inga Lam x Steven. Like a slow burn kinda thing, them realizing they have the same taste in music (they've actually gone to concerts together) and the same love for Food, in common.
ok this doesn’t really fit the prompt but i hope you like it still
fill for @rarebuzzships Rare Steven Week
Steven isn’t often around. Inga had been delighted when he moved to New York – she thought they could spend more time together, maybe see where this tension between them would lead.
But Steven’s a traveller. The fact is, she doesn’t see much more of him now that he lives in New York than before he left LA.
So she takes whatever she can get. Dinners here and there, concerts once in a while. She tries to convince herself that she’s not on the hook – he’s just a friend, they’re just having fun – but the fact is that she always tries to free up her calendar whenever Steven’s in town.
Which is a totally normal thing to do for a friend you don’t often get to see, right?
All these questions, all these doubts, however, fly straight out of her head whenever they’re together. Steven lights up like there’s no one he’d rather be with, and they stay up until dawn, just talking. Inga suspects this is a side of Steven few people ever get to see. Raw, unfiltered, honest.
It’s the Steven she falls in love with.
He texts her dinner Thursday? and she agrees before she can even realize.
Thursday is Valentine’s Day.
It probably doesn’t mean anything. His text only said Thursday, nothing about the special occasion, or a date, and anyway, he’s probably gonna invite other friends along too, like JP – JP always comes with.
Thursday finds Inga in the Tasty kitchen, stress baking. She can’t make valentine’s treats, because the last VDay videos were wrapped weeks ago so she tries her hand at making gourmet marshmallow peeps – it’s about time to start Easter themed videos anyway.
The first ones look more like boobs than chicks and she laughs so hard she forgets her nervousness for a while. It comes back in full force when Steven texts her can’t wait for tonight 😊 and she starts spiraling again. She ends up using the rest of the marshmallow mix to make a small heart, which she carefully wraps in a box and shoves at the bottom of her purse.
It’s not like she’s hoping for a reason to give someone a valentine’s gift or anything…
It’s just… there. Just in case.
JP’s not there when she meets Steven at the restaurant. Neither are any of Steven’s numerous friends. It’s just him, leaning against a brick wall near the entrance, hands shoved deep into his pockets, collar raised against the cold wind. He beams when he sees Inga, holds out a hand to guide her inside.
They’re led to a small table towards the back, very intimate even though the place is crowded with couples. Inga tries not to feel self conscious, acutely aware of the marshmallow heart in her purse, struggling to remember why she shouldn’t get her hopes up.
But Steven helps her out of her coat and pulls out her chair and her hopes skyrocket up. She’s speechless for a bit, trying to hide it by looking at the menu but after a while she can’t help it. Her knees are shaking with anticipation and she feels almost light-headed. She needs to know.
“Um, Steven?”
He looks up from the menu with a grin. “What’s up?”
“Um.” This is stupid. She should keep her mouth shut. Protect their friendship. “Is this a date?”
Steven blinks. “You-you didn’t know?” He facepalms just a bit, chuckling at himself. “I thought it was obvious, since…” He gestures around them at the fancy restaurant, the valentines themed menu, the roses in a vase on the table.
“Oh! I don’t, um. I’m not good at reading between the lines.”
Steven scrunches up his nose. “Sorry about that… if you want we could go to some place low key, grab some pizza, just as friends.”
“No! I mean, um. I’m okay with this being a date.”
“Just okay?” Steven pouts, but amusement gleams in his eye.
“I got something for you,” she blurts out before she can think of backing out. She pulls the small box out of her bag and hands it to him.
He unwraps it gently. “Is that a — ”
“A matcha and gold leaf marshmallow peep — well, this one is a heart, not a peep, but, um. It made me think of you.”
Inga hides behind a curtain of her hair — one of her nervous habits when she gets shy.
“I love it,” he says, taking her hand on the table.
“I wish I could bake like you,” he says, rubbing circles inside her wrist. “Maybe you could teach me?”
Inga doesn’t know where this bravery came from but she jumps on it, blunter than ever before. “Free tomorrow morning?”
Steven’s jaw drops.
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sweethails · 6 years
Prompt List #7 (Q-V)
Send a request with the number(s) and which prompt list it’s from if you don’t give me the prompt list I will just assume its from #1. and also Give me the character you want!  
[Example request]: Can I please have number 2 from prompt list #7 and number 72 from prompt list #10 for peter parker where the reader finds out Pete’s spiderman
You can send in your own prompt(s) or just send in a request without one. these are here to use at your leisure (Most of these are not mine. Credit goes to those who made them.) I am add to this list occasionally so check back later for new ones. This is prompt #7 (Q-V)
I do not take straight up smut requests even if some prompts sound slightly dirty. (I might change my mind who knows send me your smut request and i might decide to do it) There may be some repeat prompts but bare with me I’m trying to clean them up. Thanks enjoy!!!!!!
There are 282 prompts in this list
Quick, pretend your talking to me."
Quit beating me up!"
Quit looking at me with that stupid expression. You’re pissing me off."
Quit smiling at me, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that."
Really? Right now?"
Regardless of what they think, I know you’re an amazing person."
Remember that time I said I thought you were cool? I lied."
Remember that ‘I owe you’ you gave me? Well this is it. You ARE wearing this couples costume"
Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither."
Remember when we were little?"
Remind me to kill you. Please."
Rise and shine, motherfucker."
Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change."
Run for it!"
Running seems to be all you’re good at."
Safety first. What are you? FIVE?"
Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity."
Say what?"
Scaring the kids? You already do that without a mask"
Scientists say the universe is made up of neutrons, protons and electrons. They forgot to mention morons."
Scoot over.  I wanna sit next to you."
Seriously!?! The powers out?"
Seriously, staring at me won’t get me to be your new years date."
Sex doesn’t make you any better at playing Overwatch."
She always burned so brightly."
She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips."
She’s complicated like the DaVinci code, you know but harder to crack."
She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage."
She’s dead…"
She’s hiding behind the sofa."
She’s hot, but she’s evil."
She’s lost without you."
She’s not yours."
Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was really."
Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go."
Shhh. I know."
Shhh…  You need to be quiet."
Shooting star. Make a wish."
Should we decorate Fall or Halloween themed?"
Shouldn’t you be with him/her?"
Show me what’s behind your back."
Shut up and kiss me already."
Shut up and kiss me."
Shut up."
Since when have we ever been friends?"
Sing along with me"
Sirf tum hi ho"
Sit down and eat the damn food!"
Sit in my lap."
Sit on my lap"
Sit still"
Sleep in your car if you don’t like it."
Snow angels!"
Snowball fight!!!"
So am I supposed to be weirded out that you’re a werewolf? Dude, I know."
So I was driving past a pet store and couldn’t help but wonder how cute an animal would be like in our home.."
So stick that in your juice box and suck it."
So that’s it? It’s over?"
So turns out people from my school are actual vampires but that’s cool because the chances of me becoming a vampire just went up."
So, is Halloween your favourite time of year by default then?"
Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair."
Somebody’s cranky.Somebody needs to shut up."
Someday you’ll go far… and I hope you stay there."
Something’s not right…"
Sometimes I forget my middle name."
Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies."
Sometimes I really don’t like you"
Sometimes I really don’t like you."
Sometimes I wish the sun wouldn’t go down."
Sometimes you have to think of yourself as a priority."
Son of a bitch."
Sorry doesn’t fix everything."
Sorry I ruined your birthday and summoned a demon, but they were real nice. They even helped us bake the cake."
Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!"
Sorry I’m late."
Sorry, this is just really different from our constant arguing."
Sorry. I don’t speak skank."
Sorry… I wasn’t born with a filter."
Sort yourself out first."
Sounds like you have a problem."
So… Looks like we’re the only ones without dates, huh."
Stand up."
Stay awake."
Stay here tonight."
Stay with me forever."
Stay with me"
Step out that door andIswear we’re done."
Stop being difficult."
Stop being so cute."
Stop being such a baby."
Stop biting that fucking lip!"
Stop copying me."
Stop distracting me!"
Stop distracting me"
Stop eating the kids’ candies."
Stop hogging all the blankets!"
Stop ignoring me…"
Stop it."
Stop making empty promises!"
Stop pretending you’re okay, cause I know you’re not."
Stop staring at me."
Stop stroking your plushie."
Stop teasing me so much…"
Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night."
Stupidity Isn't a crime, so you’re free to go."
Such big evil in such a little thing."
Summoning a monster.
Sure.  Why not?"
Sweetie, I’m gonna need you to put those few remaining brain cells together and work with me here, okay?"
Take a picture, it’ll last longer."
Take me home. Now."
Take my jacket. It’s cold outside."
Take off your shirt."
Take that back!"
Take your medicine."
Talk to me."
Tea is so much better than cocoa!"
Tell her the truth!"
Tell me a story."
Tell me once more"
Tell me this isn’t you."
Tell me what’s wrong."
Tell me you need me."
Thank you, Captain Obvious."
Thank you, for everything."
Thanks for helping me back there."
Thanks for nothing."
Thanks for the gift… I guess."
Thanks for the.. Uh.. Gift?"
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard come out of your mouth."
That is way too expensive."
That look in his eyes. That was enough to tell me he didn’t feel the same anymore."
That night never happened!"
That was an order."
That was kind of hot."
That was last year's theme."
That was supposed to be me, not him."
That was unexpected."
That was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done."
That wasn’t funny."
That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?"
That’s doing me head in"
That’s how the story goes."
That’s in the past."
That’s just adorable."
That’s my theme song."
That’s never going to happen."
That’s new."
That’s not even fair."
That’s not fair."
That’s not gonna happen."
That’s not helping."
That’s perfect for them!"
That’s starting to get annoying"
That’s sweet."
The bow was perfect before, but then I got paranoid and had to check to make sure it was still in there."
The corner store didn’t have your favorite, so I got you this instead."
The diamond in your engagement ring is fake."
The female of the species is more deadly than the male."
The first second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were."
The girl is strange no question."
The government didn’t give me a choice."
The house is so warm."
The kids said they miss you but they don’t want you to come home."
The kids, they ambushed me."
The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids."
The last thingIsaid was for him to never come back."
The least you could do is not hog the blanket."
The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up."
The nights still young."
The night’s still young."
The one day I can return to this realm, and this is the greeting I get?"
The only way you’ll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken’s ass and wait."
The racoon did it
The store ran out of Easter eggs."
The trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready."
The tree looks… Nice…"
The universe may not always play fair, but at least it’s got a hell of a sense of humor."
The way I feel when I’m with you…"
The world can be amazing when you’re slightly strange."
The world was too cruel for us."
Then come here and make me."
There are some remarkably dumb people in this world. Thanks for helping me understand that."
There are some things you’re just going to have to let go."
There is no us, there never was."
There is no ‘us’."
There is nothing on this Earth that you could do to make me go back to you."
There is nothing wrong with you."
There is nothing you could do to make me love you any less. Okay? My love doesn’t come with strings."
There was never an us."
There were two so I figured one was mine-"
There’s a fucking ghost in our bedroom."
There’s a herd of them!"
There’s always another way."
There’s been some real friction in our friend group lately. I suggest an orgy to save our friendship."
There’s no way I’m going out in that weather!"
There’s nothing I can do anymore."
There’s nothing quite like being lied to, is there?"
There’s only one bed."
There’s only one bed…"
There’s so much blood."
There’s so much snow in my boots."
There’s someone for everyone, and the person for you is a psychiatrist."
They can’t hurt you anymore."
They didn’t deserve you."
They hide paper towels in their room and I don’t know why."
They may not understand you, but I do."
They’re going to love you, don’t worry!"
They’re gone."
They’re kind to everyone, even me. I guess that was my weakness all along."
They’re monsters."
They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off."
They’re right behind me aren’t they?"
They’re so cute when they’re asleep."
They’re your best friend before anything else."
This always happens"
This has to stay between you and me."
This is a totally inappropriate soundtrack."
This is a whole new level of moronic, even for you."
This is an excellent time for you to become a missing person."
This is awkward."
This is definitely going on Snapchat."
This is delicious!"
This is fucking boring"
This is fun.Seriously, we’re trying to hide a body."
This is girl talk, so leave."
This is going to hurt."
This is hard for me too."
This is just great."
This is new."
This is the best cookie I’ve very eaten."
This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done."
This is the fifth night this month, just tell me what’s going on."
This is the opposite of whatItold you to do."
This is the worst cookie I’ve ever eaten."
This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it."
This is why I fell in love with you."
This is why you’re my best friend"
This isn’t fair!"
This isn’t going to go very well, now is it?"
This isn’t goodbye."
This isn’t my idea of a good time."
This isn’t what I wanted."
This isn’t what it looks like."
This isn’t who I am."
This isn’t your fault, okay? I promise."
This isn’t your fault, okay?"
This is… exactly what it looks like."
This place gives me the creeps."
This place hold a lot of memories for me. Some bad, some… No. No, no, all bad."
This place is a mess."
This place is creepy."
This shall be my day! Why? Because I declared it!"
This should be against some sort of rule."
This tastes horrible."
This was a mistake."
This was fun— Let's do it again sometime!"
This wasn’t meant to be a date, but we’ve had such a good time and now it’s 2am and I should really go home…
Thou shall not enter thy room, heathen!"
Thought I might find you here"
Three cups of coffee wasn’t enough?"
Time changes people."
Trick or Treat?"
Trust me."
Trust you? You don’t know the meaning of the word."
Truth hurts, doesn’t it?"
Try it"
Tu hali iyk zaalim hai"
Um.. somebody broke that."
Um… I’d rather not."
Up to roasting marshmallows?"
Volunteering at a Haunted House.
  Other Prompts Here Masterlist Here Request Here
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