#she was too busy being a badass
nessandaus · 2 years
Not really an AU but, I've been thinking about my idea for an ATLA/avatar story.
Set during the time of (young) Guru Laghima, it would follow the story of the Avatar and her older sister. They are from the earth tribes, and have to flee their home after a strong, nonbending general calling himself the King of Earth and his army kill their parents.
The older sister, Sisi, is a 13 year old (at the beginning of the story) earth bender whose family had a stronger connection to the spirits than most. Sisi had been learning wood carving from her mother and earthbending construction from her father when the army destroyed their lives. She eventually grows into the person who invented the bending and solstice locks scattered through the various temples around the world, a feat which earns her the name "Lockbender".
The avatar, Mimi, is 6 at the start of their story, only just starting to learn earthbending. She is found out as the avatar because she liked to play with fire as well, able to make the fire and rocks around her dance from a young age. As she and her sister slowly travel the world, Mimi masters earthbending, then the other elements.
Laghima is a young, cocky, 16 year old airbender in the beginning, out on a nomadic voyage to learn about the world and the spirits that inhabit it. He finds the young sisters and likes to travel with them as he learns from the various places they visit.
Cheeks is Mimi's animal companion, an Iguanaparrot who they found injured. She likes to eat berries and carrots, and she picks up words to parrot relatively easily (and then just says "Berries please berries please" over and over)
The first book, Earth, is mostly slice of life of them travelling and becoming friends for 10 years until Mimi is a master earth bender and ready to learn other elements. Laghima is on and off, visiting temples and meditating with spirits a lot more than his companions. He also makes sure the two young girls are safe from danger, scouting and making sure they avoid the growing Earth army. The finale is them fleeing the Earth Kingdom, as the Earth King is crowned in the newly built Ba Sing Se.
The Second book, Fire, the companions enter the fire kingdom, and Mimi begins her fire training. Sisi, in barter for their stay, starts putting her construction and woodcarving abilities to work, helping to build and reinforce the temples, and gaining her name of Lockbender. Laghima meditates at all the temples, and floats for the first time. This book ends with Mimi being declared a master of firebending in only two years, and Cheeks picking up some fire related swear words.
Book 3, Air, the companions go to the Western Air Temple. As Mimi works on air bending and struggles to get past some blocks, Sisi works on improving the integrity of the upside down buildings. Laghima is made Mimi's part time teacher and is recognized as a Guru by his people. He hasn't yet mastered the state of mind for permanent floating, though is consistently floating with meditation. During this time, they also visit the other air temples regularly so Sisi can check the construction and install the giant airbending locks. It takes Mimi 3 years to master airbending. This season ends with the Earth king finding out about the avatar, and quietly dispatching a team to find and capture her, as the Earth Avatar is one of his citizens and therefore should listen to him.
Book 4, Water. The companions, still with Laghima, head towards the small southern water tribe to learn water bending. On the way, they instead discover some other water benders, a young new tribe in the middle of a swamp. Mimi starts to learn water bending from the swamp benders, and Laghima communes with the (while younger, still large and old) banyan grove tree, and finally learns what he needs to be weightless always. Sisi meets a swamp bender girl named Rocha who decides to join the companions (they're gay, Harold). A short bit through the book, they pick up travel to the Southern water tribe to complete Sisi's training, having gained all they could from the swamp. In the meanwhile, the earth king's team are getting ever closer. With half the book left, they complete the water training, the fastest of the elements, and are captured by the earth king's forces.
then plot, plot plot, it ends with Sisi sacrificing herself so Roche, Laghima and Mimi can escape. Mimi is a quiet avatar who spends the rest of her years trying to protect others from war. Laghima becomes the wise floating guru we hear about. Roche holds the memory of her wife dear, and retires to the banyan grove swamp where she spends years strengthening the spirit of the tree.
It's revealed also that the writer of this history is an old Mimi, with Cheeks also looking a bit grey on her shoulder (parrots live forever), looking out upon a peaceful Western Air Temple. With a small lock designed by her sister on the outside of the journal.
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i used to think will would have a crush on Eddie and mike on Steve bc like obviously mike and eddie look mpre similar and so do will and Steve BUT then i turned my brain on and realised thats a stupid thought
bc as much as mike WANTS to be like edxoe he totally has steves personality mike listens to abba he cares what he looks like he cries while watching romcoms and the only reason mike doesnt look like steve is bc hes actively trying to make his parents disapprove and both of them are crazy incredibly rich and spoiled but also like they feel like they dont belong in their families and they are ultimately massive losers if you actually get to knoe them
meanwhile will listems to the cure anf rock music hes a little weird hes grown up not too well off hes the sweetest boy on earth he would die for all his friends and evem though hes been through the hardest mosy horrible things and thdyre struggling day to day they (and their families) are the most caring loving precious people on this earth that would fuck you up if it came down to it
so ofcourse mike, who has been hopelessly in love with will byers would be into the older version of will who actually managed to express himself and embrace the fact that yes hes a little freaky and no he doesnt fit in but this is who he is and hes not ashamed of that bc there is so much of will in eddie
and of course will would fall for steve bc 1. its steve harrington everyone's had a crush on h8m at some point in his life but also 2. because this is mike if he was 3% less rebellious and 70% more athletic like their personality is the same just in differemt fonts it makes so micj sense all of it and i cant believe i ever believed something so superficial before
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auroralwriting · 2 months
his little finger
spencer reid x fem!hothead!reader
part two here
spencer has you wrapped around his finger; you'd do anything he said without question. your team can't quite understand it. little do they know you and spencer have an unsaid.. thing.
warnings: reader has a hot temper? is that a warning? | words: 1k short but sweet!
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You were known to have a confident personality. You never let anyone shake you, that's why the team loved you so much. You were the sole, beating heart of Aaron Hotchner's team; you never let them give up. Not only, but you were kind of a badass. You knew how to profile amazingly, and you could hold your own if an unsub got a little too rough.
Something else you were known for? A hot temper.
Okay, maybe it could go a little bad sometimes, but you truly meant well. Like that time you accidentally made a teenage boy cry. To be fair, he was a potential unsub. He actually was the unsub, so not all was a total failure.
Today was different for you. The coffee shop you frequented before work was closed due to issues with the electrical systems. That put a chip in your day. How was one to thrive without coffee? Next, you forgot your badge at home, making you late for work since you had to retrieve it to even get into the building. That put a dent in your day.
Derek was known to be a funny guy. Not the kind of funny guy you'd actually laugh at, but the kind who kind of pissed you off sometimes. Yeah, that kind. While he meant well at heart, it just royally pissed you off. You couldn't help that!
You leaned your elbows on the table, listening to the coffee pour into your cup. "Hello my little fox," Penelope greeted, her face frowning when she saw the look on yours. "What's wrong?"
"Bad day so far," You muttered. "Everything's just going wrong."
"It's only seven," Derek said as he walked in, smile on his face. "Come on, sugar. Go on and sit down at your desk. I know how you like your coffee." You thanked Derek quickly as you went to your desk. It was right next to Spencer.
Oh, Spencer. The boy who fell hard for you, who made you fall for him. Neither of you knew that, though, your crushes remaining secret still. "Y/n," Spencer frowned, "what's wrong?"
"It's alright, Spence," You forced a small, pathetic smile. "Just a bad morning."
Spencer gave you a half smile, "Positive attitudes actually give you a higher likelihood of having a better day by ten to thirty percent," Spencer rambled, "and that actually is the same for social connections, being a twenty to forty percent. You're on the right track."
You loved Spencer's rambles. They were adorable. "Thanks, Spence." You smiled.
A few minutes later, Morgan came to your desk with your coffee in hand. "For you, sugar." He grinned like the Cheshire Cat. You quickly took a generous sip.
It left your lips quicker than it entered. You spit it out into the trash can next to your dest, face turning sour at the taste. It was so bitter, so salty. "What the hell, Morgan?!" You cried out, "What is this?"
"Salt, sugar." He teased.
Your face turned hot, "How old are you, six?" His face slowly fell as you became angrier, "Genuinely, how old are you? Because last I checked, children don't have jobs."
"Hey," Derek tried to calm you down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to actually upset you."
"Oh, of course you didn't!" You replied with sarcasm dripping from your lips. "You just don't get when people don't want you to make them feel worse!"
Derek's face fell into a frown. You didn't mean to hurt his feelings, but you couldn't stop your words. "Y/n," Spencer said firmly, "Sit down, now."
Before you could even think, you followed his command. The whole event caught Penelope, Emily, Rossi, and JJ's attention. JJ was quick to rush over, grabbing your coffee. "I'll get you the right one, it's okay." She comforted as Emily quickly lead Derek away. Rossi and Garcia decided to mind their own business, smart.
You groaned, head in your hands. Spencer was quick to kneel by you, taking your hands into his own. "Y/n," He said softly, "Take a deep breath. I know, I know." You followed his instructions, inhaling and holding it like he demonstrated, softly letting it out after. "Good job, sweetheart, do it again for me, okay?"
After a few more times, your face cooled off. You closed your eyes, sighing. "I didn't mean to hurt his feelings."
"I know, he knows, too." Spencer assured. "He knows he was out of line. You reacted the same way anyone would. It's alright."
Spencer raised his hand to your face, softly brushing your cheek with his thumb. JJ walked over, unsure if she was ruining.. something?
"Hey, I got you your coffee," She hesitantly spoke. You looked up, reaching out quickly.
"Thanks," You mumbled, taking a cautious sip. When you realized the taste was right, you took a bigger sip, sighing at the warmth flooding down your throat.
Spencer gave you a small smile, "See? It's okay now."
You nodded with a smile, thanking him softly. He went back to his desk, re-opening his report. You did the same, clicking your pen open.
"Okay, now what the hell was that?" Derek asked, the previous team members crowding around Rossi's desk.
"I felt like I was walking in on them," JJ mumbled awkwardly. "The tension was so strong I thought it was gonna slice me clean in half."
Emily smiled, "I bet they're in love or something, only love can make a person react like that. She would've bitten anyone else's head off." Everyone mumbled in agreement.
"I bet two weeks," Rossi said after a moment.
"Nah, knowing Reid, it's gotta be more like three." Derek shook his head.
Emily laughed, "I bet a week and a half. Y/n's too badass to not admit it first."
"I don't think they ever will until we do for them." Penelope sighed, knowing how stubborn both individuals were.
"I say one week, solid." JJ nodded. "I felt that tension."
Hotch's voice came out of nowhere, "Four days."
Everyone turned around, shocked. "Hotch, you sure about that?" Derek asked, a slight tease in his voice. "You know them."
"I do," He nodded, "Four days. You'll see I'm right."
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Okay we also see Alastor go ham and how wifey swoons over him but now what if wifey let lose, like someone threatens him or the hotel and before anyone could react she dashes forward killing them brutally and mercilessly?
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Violence, Blood, Wifey is crazy, Suggestive
Description: ☝️⬆️
Not many people know that Alastor's wife is a badass, mostly because you're content to watch and support your husband on the sidelines
But that doesn't mean you aren't your own kind of terrifying, you're a bad bitch and that's how you pulled your husband
He knows you can take care of yourself and loves it when you put someone in their place, he even likes it when you put him in his place 😏
Everyone is so used to Alastor protecting you that they never consider what you're capable of, your husband is just being a gentleman
But Alastor knows this and looks forward to the times you want to handle things yourself
Someone is harassing you on the street? Being crude and disgusting to you because they assume you're just some random dame?
Your husband simply looks at you to see if you want him to handle it or not, he would love to teach this punk a lesson for you
But he gets excited when you shake your head and start taking off your jewelry, holding his hand out to hold it for you
"Oh? Do come back dirty for me, I'll lick you clean~"
He just watches you pummel the street urchin with a satisfied smile on his face, letting out a lovesick sigh at the sound of your victim's screams
"Isn't she a vision, Husker? Look at the way the blood drips down her body~ Absolute poetry in motion~"
Husk just sighs and chugs a bottle of booze, already so done with the two of you
"Yeah, uh, she's really somethin'..."
Alastor lets out a happy hum and turns back to watch you, completely enamored by the sight of you
"She really is~"
You try to help your husband in a fight? Well suddenly its just you figuring because Alastor stops to watch the show
"Alastor, aren't you going to help her..?"
He almost doesn't hear Charlie speaking to him, a cloud of hearts practically fluttering around him as he stares at you, frozen in place
"And deprive myself of this beautiful sight? Now, that would be a true sin... Look to your left, my dear!"
He actually has to cover his mouth with his hand to hide his blush when you spin around and impale them, blowing your husband a kiss
"Thank you, darling~"
His tail is wiggling with happiness, dramatically catching the kiss and keeping it close to his heart
Charlie thinks at some point she hears him whistling at you but she doesn't want to look and confirm
Or when someone tries to hurt your family, Alastor has seen you lose your shit because you caught someone trying to assassinate him
One moment, he's relaxed and snuggling with his darling wife and the next, he hears a crash and sees you throwing the attacker across the room
And he'll be damned if he doesn't say that it does something to him to see you like that
You're practically feral as you tear apart the screaming demon, a blinding rage taking you over
"How dare you come into MY HOME! Try to hurt MY HUSBAND!"
Alastor is nearly blushing, flustered and pulling on his collar as he watches you defend him like he's some helpless little demon
"Darling, you sure do know how to make your husband hot under the collar, don't you~?"
He catches one of your hands mid strike and takes you out of your rage, unable to stop himself from kissing your blood covered face
He can't help it, seeing you so angry and violent reminds him of when he first met you-
The would-be-attacker is still alive, a weak hand coming up to grab at your ankle when you suddenly use your own powers to finish him off
You're too busy being kissed and fondled by your husband to devote any more attention to them
He hoists you up suddenly, your legs wrapping around him as he steps over the body of your victim, leaving the room to take you upstairs instead
He nuzzles his face against your neck, distracting you from glaring at the corpse in the other room
"Do you think you could toss me like that, darling?"
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Wifey is just a doll 😍
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dreaming-medium · 1 year
Stray Kids Kinktober Day 6
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Stray Kids Kinktober Masterlist
Frottage - Bang Chan
Word Count: 8.8k
Summary: Being an award winning actress isn’t as easy as some might think. Award shows themself are one of the more difficult events to tackle. But luckily, during this ceremony, you get to meet some of your favorite idols, and they get to meet their favorite actress.
“And after the awards ceremony there’s an after party at The Plaza.” Your agent’s voice is strictly business in the back of the limousine. 
You’re playing with the fabric of your gown while absentmindedly listening to her. 
“Do I have to be on set tomorrow?”
“Yes, your call is at 9:00 AM. Transportation will be at your hotel at 7:30.”
You groan and look up at the ceiling. “Why do they always put these award shows on weekdays?”
“Your weekends aren’t exactly free anymore, either.” 
Yes, you’re aware. 
The life of an actress was not easy. Especially an award winning one. Right now, you are the hot, new, up-and-coming actress that everyone has their eye on. The actress that every director wants in their movie, their TV show, their commercials– everything.
Currently, you’re in the middle of filming a TV show that has a high fantasy aesthetic to it. You’re the main role in the show, the main badass warrior that everyone roots for. The kind of character that has a million and thirty Tik Tok edits of her.
It’s one of those shows where your character is constantly going through the wringer. The amount of bruises that you have to sport on camera increases each day; real and fake. 
Your nerves begin to creep up on you the closer you get to the award venue. 
Red carpets were one of the hardest parts of the job. Memorizing lines? Easy. Learning blocking and fight choreo? You do that every day. 
Talk to strangers and pose for pictures? No, thank you. 
Who were you wearing again?
“This dress is Gucci, right?”
“No, it’s Christian Siriano. I’m glad you asked. Your jewelry is Gucci and your shoes are Prada.”
You stare at your agent blankly, she hasn’t looked up from her tablet once. You were not made for this part of the job.
“Jesus…” you sigh and lean back into the cushioned seat. 
“While we’re at it, do you even know what award you’re up for?”
“Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series, right?”
“And?” you repeat incredulously. “I thought I was only up for one!”
Finally, your agent looks up with a smirk. “Trick question, you passed. Proud of you.”
You can’t help but laugh and look out the window. “You know I’m nervous as all hell, don’t test me.”
“Don’t be nervous. I’m sure you have this in the bag.”
“That’s exactly what I’m nervous about. I have to get up, walk up those stairs in these Gucci—“
“Prada shoes. And then make an acceptance speech in front of everyone. Millions of people. No pressure.”
She laughs and looks down at her tablet again. “You’re very charming and everyone loves you, you can talk the paint off a wall, Y/N, just be yourself.”
Grumbling, you cross your arms over your chest. But you can’t sit still in that position for too long at all. You’re too fidgety. 
In front of you, there’s a chilled bottle of champagne. You pour it into one of the flutes and sip it entirely too fast for the quality of the drink. ‘Sip’ is putting it gently, you down it. 
A second glass is poured, but you choose to hold that one in your hand tightly. Absent-mindedly, you swirl the champagne around, watching the bubbles form and pop up at the top. 
A few moments of silence pass, you begin to mutter to yourself to ease the stress. “Christian Siriano dress, Gucci jewelry, Prada shoes. Christian Siriano dress, Gucci jewelry, Prada shoes..”
The crowd starts getting louder the closer you get to the event. Cameras are already flashing outside your limousine. 
“I haven’t even told you who’s going to be there.”
Your agent sounds extremely smug all of a sudden. When you look over at her, there’s a cocky smirk on her face. 
“Who?” With that look, you’re not even sure that you want to know the answer. 
“Maybe put the drink down before I tell you. Wouldn’t want you to spill it on your…”
“Christian Siriano.”
“Christian Siriano dress.”
After downing the contents once more, you put the glass down. 
“Okay, who?”
Her smile grows even wider. “You know Stray Kids, right?”
Your face pales, even under all that makeup all the color drains from your skin. 
“They’re going to be there?”
She knows, she knows you’ve been a fan for a while. You were a Stay before fame came your way. 
Your agent smiles and nods, the light from her tablet illuminating her face. 
“Don’t play with me,” your voice is strained. “That’s mean.”
You’ve been keeping your admiration of them on the down low for so long. Now that you’re in the public eye, you have to be very low key about things. 
It was killing you. 
“They did a soundtrack song for a show, it’s up for an award.”
You were nervous before. Now you’re downright hysterical. 
“They’re going to be there? All eight of them?”
“To my knowledge, yes.”
The limousine comes to a gradual stop. The screams outside are deafening, even through the car doors. 
“Will I see them?” You ask, gathering your skirt up to try and assist with a graceful exit out of the limo. 
“Probably!” There’s a little hint to her voice that you can’t quite put your finger on. What is she doing? What does she know? 
The driver comes around the limousine and you take a deep breath, activating your celebrity face. 
It’s never hard for you to muster a genuine smile. You’re humble about your life, you know how lucky you are. Thinking about how far you’ve come is all the motivation you need to let the corners of your lips perk up.
“Ready?” Your agent asks.
“Yes, ma’am!”
The door opens and the roar of the crowd goes insane. You’re practically blinded by the flashes of the cameras. 
You do your very best to keep a level head and follow the instructions of the security team around you. 
In the meantime, as you walk into the venue, you turn and smile at the fans behind the barricades. 
Sending them hand hearts, waving enthusiastically back at them. You look up at your head security guard.
“Can I please go sign a few autographs?”
He looks down at you, obviously annoyed. But annoyed in the fatherly way. Just by the look on his face, you knew he was going to say yes. 
You quickly pick up your skirt and walk over to the barricade. The screams get louder and louder the closer you get. 
“Hi! Hi!” You greet all the fans as they scream for you. So many different objects are thrust over the fence for you to sign. 
You grab a marker and begin leaving your signature over everything in sight: posters, shirts, books. 
Several selfies are taken with you. Every single fan is so sweet and kind that you can’t help but spend extra time with them. 
They reach out and grab your hands, you hold them back and have conversations with them. 
You always do this. It’s something you’re very well known for. 
“Miss Y/N.” your security guard says gruffly behind you. 
“Okay, okay. I gotta go, guys. It was so nice meeting you, and it was nice seeing you again!” You point to a fan that you recognized from a convention you attended a few months ago. 
After blowing a few more kisses, you leave the barricade and head towards the red carpet. 
If it was up to you, you would’ve stood there and talked with your fans all day and never gone into the awards ceremony. They’re the reason you’re here, after all. 
Walking along the carpet, you plaster a smile on your face and wave to all the photographers. You stand still right in the middle of the space and strike several different practiced poses. 
You make sure to look in all different directions and show off the dress hugging your body beautifully. 
It’s a dark yellow gown with huge puffed sleeves that sit off your shoulders. The center of the gown dips down to show off your cleavage. The rest of the skirt poofs out in a princess style. 
It’s absolutely gorgeous. Crafted to show off your body in the best way.
All the photographers call out your name, all of them trying to get your attention. 
You wave to several that you recognize and say hello to others. 
Your short minutes on the red carpet run out and you quickly make your way across to the other side to link arms with your agent. 
She pats your arm, “Great job! Now for the hard part.”
On the other side of the red carpet there are several different magazines, websites, and other fashion sources lined up with interviewers stationed in front of cameras. 
“I studied for this, remember?” you tease her and hug her arm closer before letting go. 
The first interview you do is with Vogue, they had grabbed your attention so fast you almost got whiplash. 
How’s the show? Who are you wearing? Are you nervous about tonight?
These are all questions you prepared for.  
Next interview was with Vanity Fair. You had recognized the interviewer, so you approached her first. 
“Y/N!” Her face lights up when she sees you.
“Hi!” you answer just as cheerfully, wrapping her in a big hug and then holding her out at arms length. “How have you been?”
“So good, you?”
“Can’t complain– busy. I’m so glad to see you!”
“Me too! Do you have time for an interview?” She asks hopefully. 
“I always have time for you.”
She says thank you and her camera man gets into place. A second microphone is handed to you. Before you can blink, she’s in interview mode. 
You smile and listen to her introduction.
“I am here with, Y/N L/N, star of the Emmy award winning show, Kings and Pirates. How are you doing tonight, Y/N?”
You lift the microphone up to your mouth and speak into it happily. “I’m doing great, thank you! Always a pleasure to be talking with you on the red carpet.”
“You flatter me, Y/N! Now tell us the obvious question here: Who are you wearing?”
“I am wearing an original Christian Siriano dress, Gucci jewelry, and Prada shoes.”
“The entire outfit is beautiful! An amazing dress to hopefully show off when you win Best Actress tonight…?”
You laugh humbly. “I don’t know, there are so many amazing actresses nominated tonight. A girl can hope, but when I see the other names around mine, I can’t help but be anxious.”
The interviewer opens her mouth to ask another question, but the crowd absolutely erupts in cheers. Louder than when you got out of your limo, louder than some concerts you’ve attended. 
“Oh my god, I think someone important just showed up.” You joked into the microphone. 
Both you and the interviewer are looking across the carpet, craning your necks to see if you can get a glimpse of whoever just stepped out. 
“Minho! Hyunjin! Felix!” Crowd members scream out several names and your heart rate skyrockets. 
“Oh my god, it’s Stray Kids.” You accidentally say into the mic. 
“Oh wow! Are you a Stay?” She asks you. Your head whips around and a dark blush covers your cheeks. 
Laughing nervously, you look down at the ground, suddenly sheepish. “Ah… well, yeah. I’ve been a fan of theirs for years now.”
“Did you know they were going to be here tonight?”
“I was told it was a possibility, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
Joke after joke makes the interviewer and her cameraman laugh. 
The interview continues without a hitch. But the entire time all you want to do is turn around  and see if you can catch a glimpse of Stray Kids. 
Yes, you’re famous. But you’re just a Stay at heart. 
You say your goodbyes with the interviewer and turn to move onto the next one. 
A gasp catches in your throat as soon as you step away. 
All eight of them are right there, doing their own interview with Buzzfeed. They’re smiling and laughing about something. 
You’re just able to stare. They’re right there. You’ve never been in the same space as them. 
Act professional, Y/N! Stop acting like a fangirl, you’re literally on the clock right now!
Their laughter is contagious and you find yourself smiling as you turn away and walk to another interviewer trying to flag you down. 
“… excited to maybe meet tonight? You guys are usually at music award shows, so this is definitely new for you! There’s some new faces that you probably have never seen before.”
“We actually were just talking about this on the ride over,” Chan says to the interviewer, ever the front man. “We’re all huge fans of Kings and Pirates, we watch it together every week when new episodes come out. We joked that it would be an amazing opportunity to say hi to Y/N L/N.”
It’s like the red carpet is pulled right out from underneath your feet. 
“But that would be like trying to get a private conversation with royalty, you know?”
You? They want to meet you? They watch your show? Every week? Together? 
“I think I just saw her around…” the interviewer trails off, by her tone you can tell she’s looking around for you. 
Act casual, Y/N. Pretend like you weren’t listening to every word of their interview closely. Act normal for once in your life.
“Ah, no way.” Chan’s thick accent reaches your ears. He sounds so shy by his tone. Several other members murmur and tease one another. 
“Oh, there she is! Y/N!” The interviewer grabs your attention— she technically already had it. 
The members begin to get louder when you turn your head to look at the entire group of them staring at you. 
When your eyes meet all of theirs, each of them freeze like a deer in headlights. Do they even know who they are?
You can’t tell if you’ve gone sheet white or bright red. Your heart is beating so fast it might explode. 
The interviewer waves you over, you look over at the other one you were walking to and hold up a finger to say ‘one moment’ before walking over to the large group of them. 
“Hi, hi!” You cheer casually when you come up next to them. 
All right members look absolutely starstruck. Jeongin’s eyes look like they might bug out of his head. 
They all bow politely when you join the group. 
Chan’s bow is a second later than everyone else’s. He’s too busy staring in absolute disbelief. 
“Y/N! It’s so nice to see you!” the interviewer says. You think you recognize her from another event. 
“You as well,” you respond with a beautiful smile.
“Let’s get you a mic— oh, we have no more— maybe someone— can share?”
Chan is the member closest to you, he immediately angles the mic your way. He does it so fast and eagerly it almost hits right into you. 
You giggle and thank him, “Thank you! It’s good to see you too,” you repeat and step a bit closer to him to make sharing easier. 
He smells so good. You can feel his body heat radiating onto your bare shoulders. Thankfully, the outdoor chill isn't affecting you much due to your adrenaline being so high. 
“Y/N, before I ask anything else, I do need to ask who you’re wearing.”
“Oh, a Christian Siriano original with accessories by Gucci and shoes by Prada.”
“Absolutely stunning,” the interviewer compliments. 
A light giggle comes from your chest and you go to thank her. It’s under his breath but you hear Chan say something along the lines of ‘that’s an understatement.’
“I did call you over here for a specific reason, besides the fact that we would love to interview a nominee for Best Actress. It seems you have eight fans all eager to meet you!”
You turn and look over at the members with wide eyes. “Oh my god!” You say out loud and your hand flies to your chest. “I am literally honored!”
“You know Stray Kids?” The interviewer asks. 
Well, if they already said they were fans… 
You lean down into the mic and laugh, “I have been a Stay for so long, are you kidding?”
Every single one of them don shocked expressions. Chan goes stiff as a board. 
You look at each of them with one of the most gorgeous smiles across your face. “When I was called over here with you guys I thought I was going to pass out. I had your discography playing in the room while my stylists got me ready.”
All eight of them move around like little kids meeting their idols for the first time. They each stare at you with literal stars in their eyes. 
“The first album that caught my attention was In Life, actually. Haven is my favorite song.”
You rain compliment after compliment down on them.
“It’s truly an honor to meet you, we’re all such huge fans.” Felix is the one that breaks the silence into the mic. The rest of them all nod eagerly. 
“Since we’re all fans of Kings and Pirates,” the interviewer brings your attention back. “Do you think you could give us a small spoiler for the new season coming out?”
“Ah,” you laugh and look around a bit, sucking your teeth in thought. “I reaaally shouldn’t, but…” You look to the side to make eye contact with all the members but Chan’s piercing gaze is the one that stole your breath away. 
His stylist had done his hair in such a natural, curly way. Every single strand is sitting perfectly on his head. The makeup on his face highlights his features angelically. 
Especially that beautiful nose of his. 
Each of them wore black tie suits with a bit of personal flair on them. Chan’s entire suit, including the undershirt and tie, was black. 
It takes a moment for your brain to reboot, not that anyone noticed. To them, it just looked like you were thinking of a small spoiler to give away. 
“I think that fans can look forward to seeing an old face that we previously had to say goodbye to.”
Jeongin eagerly grabs Han’s arm and says something in his ear. The two of them start whispering about what the spoiler could possibly mean. 
The rest of them all move around anxiously. Except Chan. He continues to stare at you with his lips parted slightly. 
You hold his eye contact for one more moment before looking back at the interviewer with a sinfully sweet smile. 
“Wow!” She says over-dramatically on purpose, “I think us fans have a lot to look forward to. Best of luck to all of you with your nominations tonight!”
“Thank you so much!” You chirp into the mic and stand there with a smile while she does her required sign off to go back to the main camera back in LA. 
During those few moments, you feel Chan shift his weight so that his entire arm brushes against yours. Goosebumps immediately fly up your shoulder and through your neck. 
It takes every muscle in your body not to react to it.
He’s still holding the mic between the two of you just in case you need to speak again. You want to turn your head and look at him so badly. 
You want to talk to him in the worst way; ask him questions about the music, even just how his day is, anything. 
The cameras cut and you instantly let out a sigh of relief, next to you, you see the eight of them deflate a bit too. 
The interviewer says her thanks and the crew takes the mics back from everyone. 
“It really was a pleasure meeting you guys,” you say with your hand on your heart again. “Words cannot describe how honored I am to be talking to you all.”
“Are you kidding?” Chan jokes. “We all feel the same way. I don’t think we even thought we would be able to stand near you tonight.”
You laugh and see your agent signaling you out of the corner of your eye. 
“Bah! I’m just a girl, really! Best of luck to you guys tonight, I’ll be cheering extra loud from the crowd when you win!”
“The same goes for us,” Chan smiles. He sticks his hand out and you immediately grab it. 
Electricity shoots up your arm and you have to bite your cheek to keep yourself from screaming. 
Your hands shake and you say your goodbyes to each of the members before walking away to your next interview. 
As soon as they think you’re out of earshot, they all begin talking rapidly to one another about you. 
“Can you believe it?”
“She’s a Stay!”
“Oh my god, I think I blacked out, did that really happen?”
“You lucky bastard, you got to shake her hand and share your mic with her.”
“Stop acting like a middle schooler.”
Their voices fade into the background the further you get from them. You just can’t help but smile and look down at the floor sheepishly. 
“I’ll find you after the awards show, okay, hon?” Your agent catches your attention as you walk into the auditorium. 
She grabs both of your forearms lightly and kisses your cheek. “Best of luck to you, don’t make yourself look stupid on stage.”
That last part is whispered into your ear and it makes you laugh. “I won’t! I won’t!”
She says her goodbyes once more and you look up at the usher waiting for you. 
This award show has its nominees all sitting around large dinner tables. There’s about ten people per table. 
For your show, you were the only one nominated for an award tonight, so not even your director or crew was here to sit with you. 
The usher held out his arm for you to take and you did so with a gracious smile. There’s a reason you’re known for charming everyone you meet. 
He leads you through the vast room. Several fellow actors call your name and greet you, and you respond to each one happily. 
“Here we are, Miss Y/N.”
No way. Absolutely no way. 
Seated around the entire table are the eight members you saw mere minutes ago, their manager taking the ninth seat. 
Sure enough, your name is printed on a sign draped over the back of the chair. 
Minho looks up at you first and waves sheepishly. You immediately wave back.
If Lee Minho waves, you wave back. 
“Hi again!” You greet them all before turning up and gently laying a hand on the usher’s bicep to thank him. He bows his head once and walks off. 
Chan, who was seated next to your empty chair, practically springs out of his seat and stands next to you. 
“I can’t believe this,” you tell him with a wide smile. He mirrors it and holds his hand out to the chair. 
You laugh while he grabs the back of it and pulls it out from the table. 
It takes a little bit of special maneuvering, but you manage to fold your poofy skirt down in order to sit down. Chan pushes your chair back in and takes his seat next to you. 
He now sits on your left, Seungmin on your right. 
“I guess I would’ve met you guys tonight regardless, then!” 
“It seems that way,” Chan answers. He reaches up and rubs the side of his neck with his hand. 
Now, from years of being a fan, you know that’s a nervous tick of his. And with your friendly nature, all you want to do is soothe him. 
“It’s like I’m getting a deluxe, VIP fan meeting. When Stay watches the award ceremony they’re all going to put a bounty on my head.” 
They all laugh and you turn to look at Seungmin, “Can I have an autograph before I die? I didn’t bring any of my albums with me, though.”
He laughs at your joke and your heart smiles with his beautiful grin. 
“I knew I should’ve brought a photocard with me.”
Behind you, Chan shifts around. “You bought our albums?”
You turn back to him, “Of course I did. I wanted to support you guys. Best way to do that is streaming your music and buying the albums, right?”
“Yeah,” he answers nervously, his bottom lip pulling between his teeth. “Yeah, you’re right. Just didn’t think I’d ever meet a celebrity I admired and find out they’re a Stay.”
You giggle and lean forward on the table. “I hope that’s not weird. I think I would’ve exploded if I didn’t tell you guys how big of a fan I was.”
“Not weird at all, just unexpected.”
“I guess I feel the same way, especially after hearing that you guys watch the show.”
“We love the show!” Han tells you from across the table. “Sometimes Minho will cut dance rehearsals early for us to go back and watch it.”
“Seriously?” you ask. “Wow, that really means a lot, you have no idea.”
“It’s easy to be a fan of yours,” Chan grabs your attention. “You’re one of the kindest people we’ve met in a while.”
Oh, you are practically kicking your feet around. 
“Fame is a whole other universe to tackle. I wanted to make sure I treat my fans and everyone around me the way I wanted to be treated before all this happened to me. It’s important not to lose yourself. But I know you guys all know that already. You’re masters at it.”
“Hyunjin still lets it get to his head.” Felix jokes. 
The pre-show continues like this as the rest of the celebrities file in. Many stop by your chair and say hello to you.
With each one, you get up out of your seat, hug and kiss them hello, then sit back down only to be interrupted again. 
“You certainly are popular,” Chan comments after you say goodbye to a fellow actor. “That last guy crossed the room to come say hi to you.”
With a giggle, you joke, “Is someone jealous?”
He stiffens for a moment, his back going straight and he clenches his fists on the tabletop for a moment. “No.”
His answer is not firm at all. 
Before you’re able to analyze it, producers come out among the audience to tell everyone the cameras are about to begin rolling. 
“When is your award in the lineup?” You whisper over to Seungmin. 
“Right before yours, actually.”
“Maybe I’ll see you all backstage then.”
You both smile at each other and shift back in your chairs. 
Several cameramen come out into the audience with their large sets of equipment. One of them is very obviously hovering by you. 
You know he’ll signal you if you’re being shown. The teleprompters strategically placed along the venue also show what is being broadcasted. 
Opening music begins playing and the lights dim among the audience. The centerpieces on the tables give off an evening glow. 
A waiter comes over and places your drink on the table. You actually had forgotten you requested one before sitting down. 
You thank him and he takes his leave. 
“What’s that?” Chan whispers in your ear. 
“Espresso martini,” you answer. “Wanna try?”
Chan looks over at his manager, who is busy watching the host make his opening speech. He nods quickly and leans down, taking a long sip off the top. 
A tiny ‘mmm’ comes from the back of his throat and he looks at you while licking his lips a bit. 
“Oh that’s delicious.”
“And dangerous.”
You lift the glass and take a long sip from it and place it back down on the table. 
“I got my first major role fresh out of college. I’m still learning how to not rely on alcohol to have fun.”
Chan just laughs and both of you direct your attention to the host on stage. 
“-and if all else fails, we have our lovely knight in shining armor to protect us, tonight.”
The camera man turns and has the camera on your face. You smile brightly and blow a kiss into the camera. The entire audience lets out several positive reactions. 
When the camera cuts away, you let out a sigh of relief. “I knew they were gonna do that.”
You take another large swig of your drink. It’s almost empty already. Curse these fancy people and their tiny portions. 
Chan leans over and suddenly his hot breath is on your skin. Goosebumps rip down your body and you can’t suppress a shiver. 
“Careful,” he whispers lowly. “I don’t think you want to be stumbling onto the stage.”
“I think you underestimate my alcohol tolerance, Mr. Bang.”
You both make eye contact.
The audience applauds as the host leaves the stage and the first announcer comes on. Both of you clap and Chan leans away from you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see his tongue dart out to wet his bottom lip before he pulls it between his teeth.
His cologne lingers around your senses even after he’s gone. 
Dammit, he’s right. But, my god, you need another stiff drink.
“And here are the nominees…” The announcer says into the mic. The entire table is holding their breath. 
This was it, this was Stray Kids’ award. Your jaw clenches with anticipation as the names are read off one by one. Individually, you crack each of your knuckles anxiously.
All eight of the members are staring up at the screen, each of them have their own nervous ticks. 
You reach under the table to try and comfort Chan a bit, your hand landing on his knee. He jumps in place at the table at the contact.
Without looking at each other, he places his hand on top of your and squeezes a bit.
“It’s going to suck when I have to sit here by myself after you guys win.” you whisper to him.
“If we win.”
“You’re going to win.” You squeeze his knee again.
“And the winner is…” 
You suck in a breath, all of them stiffen up. Cameras are pointed at each of the nominees tables. 
“Stray Kids!”
Immediately, you spring out of your seat with a gleeful cheer. Clapping your hands together and smiling at each of them. 
Without a second thought, Chan wraps you into a grand hug, pure joy written across his face. Your face morphs into a shocked one, but you hug him back happily.
He’s so warm. His hug is so tight.
After a few heartbeats, he tears himself off of you with an unreadable expression. All eight of them walk up to the stage and grab the award from the presenter.
Sitting back down, you take a second to catch your breath. 
So badly, you want to focus on their acceptance speech, but all you can think about was the way Chan held you. It went straight to your heart, and thanks to the alcohol in your veins, it traveled a bit south as well. 
Nervously, your hand comes up and rubs at your chest by your collarbones, a small nervous tick of yours.
The table feels so empty without the eight of them there. Their manager is the only one left sitting there with you. He’s watching their speech intently.
Both of you stand and clap once more as they walk off the stage. All of them pushing each other gleefully and playing slap ass. It makes you giggle.
All of the lights around the room shift again and another announcer comes into the stage. The same camera man as before comes around the side of the table to stand closer to you.
The announcer goes through their speech about how important actresses are, how each of you stood out, how it was an honorable nomination. Your heart is in your throat, you can feel each thud against your ribcage so closely. 
No one was next to you to hold your knee. 
“And the nominees are…”
Various clips of the other nominees in their element flash behind their names.
Your name is third. Several different dramatic scenes play out within the five second window. They chose some of your best scenes for that little animation. The next few nominees flash after that.
“And the winner is…”
You suck in your breath.
“Y/N L/N! King and Pirates!”
The entire audience erupts in cheers. Practically everyone stands up on their feet.
You bury your face in your hands in disbelief. 
“Oh my god!” you practically yell as you stand up. 
An actor from the next table places his hand on your back to help you out of your chair. You smile gratefully at him and make your way up to the stage. 
During the entire walk, several different people offer you their congratulations, you thank each of them, shaking their hands. 
Climbing your way onto the stage, you make your way over to the announcer, kissing their cheeks as a thank you and turning to speak into the mic.
“Oh wow,” you laugh into the mic, looking down at the award and then back up at the audience. “I know everyone says this, but I really did not expect this! I mean, have you seen any of the other shows?”
A gentle laugh comes from the crowd. 
The rest of your acceptance speech is short, sweet, and to the point. The timer on one of the teleprompters definitely motivated you to speak quickly. 
As you walk away with your award, music plays behind you. A stage manager comes up to you and ushers you through the wings.
Several more congratulations come your way, you respond to each of them humbly.
You turn a corner and are met with a cheer even louder than the one from the auditorium full of people. 
All eight members of Stray Kids are clapping for you, jumping up and down in excitement. Your enthusiasm immediately matches theirs as you come up to them.
“I can’t believe it!” you say loudly, holding the award out to look at. “I think I’m dreaming!”
You turn and look up at Hyunjin, “Pinch me, I have to be asleep!”
He laughs at you and lightly grabs your arm. You yip dramatically and look back down at the trophy. “Nope, definitely awake!”
“If you guys would please find your seats, we need to clear this hallway.” a stagehand ushers your group away. He turns and looks down at you with a soft smile, “They wouldn’t leave until you came back.”
“Aww,” you coo to all of them. Your arm wraps around Jeongin’s, who happens to be the closest at the moment. “You guys are too sweet!” 
Your head rests on his arm and you hug it close as a thank you. He pats your hand and bends his arm to escort you back to your table.
A pair of deep brown eyes burn into the side of your head the more you grab onto Jeongin. Not that you noticed. 
Walking through the hallways, you see one back hall that has signs for the bathroom.
“Actually, I’m going to run to the ladies’ room before going back to the table. I’ll meet you guys back there. Do you mind taking this back to the table for me?”
You drop Jeongin’s arm and hold the trophy out to him. The maknae is hesitant, but takes your award anyway. You laugh at him and rub his arm before you head back to the bathroom.
“Am I allowed to be holding this?” he asks as you walk away.
The venue was a grand, old hotel, you follow so many twists and turns to get to the bathroom. Was there even one back here?
Did you take a wrong turn? There aren’t even workers back here. 
You definitely aren’t supposed to be back here. Turning back and finding another bathroom is probably the best option at this point. 
A gentle grasp on your wrist makes your heart jump and a gasp tear from your throat. Frightened, you turn around and raise your hand to hit whoever snuck up on you. 
“Y/N! It’s just me!” Chan says quickly, cowering behind his hand just in case you still swing. 
“Ugh, Chan! You scared the shit out of me!”
“Sorry, I called your name a few times, I guess you didn’t hear me.” You shake your head, he sucks his teeth. “That explains it. Staff told me there’s no bathroom down here, I wanted to grab you before you got too lost.”
Chan chuckles nervously, you laugh too. “That explains it. I guess those signs must’ve been extras that they printed for the venue. Who knows?”
It’s now that you notice he’s still holding your wrist tightly in his hand. His hand is so warm, so soft. 
He nervously licks his lips and his eyes look all around the hall, anywhere but at you. His throat bobs with a gulp. 
“I don’t ah— I don’t believe I gave you a proper congratulations. So, congratulations on the award. You deserve it.”
“Oh!” You giggle. “Thank you! And a hearty congratulations to you as well, I can’t think of anyone who’s worked harder than you guys.”
Taking another step closer to him, you turn your wrist around and take a hold of his hand.
“I also can’t think of any other celebrities I would want to celebrate with.” The corners of your lips pull into a grin, Chan’s twitch as well. “You guys are so sweet, cheering for me. Made the win that much better.”
Slowly, his ears begin to turn red and his jaw clenches a few times. His chocolate brown eyes flit all over your face and around the hall. His nerves on clear display. 
“Yeah, well, you deserve it, so.” Chan clears his throat and adjusts the tie around his neck. “I can’t take credit for it, it was Changbin’s idea to wait for you and all.” 
You reach up on your toes and press a long, soft kiss to his cheek. With his lips right by your ear, you’re able to hear him gasp under his breath and then stop breathing. 
Underneath your lips, you feel how much heat is radiating off his smooth skin. It’s like you kissed a frying pan. 
“Thank you, Channie,” you whisper against his skin. 
The hand around yours twitches and tightens. 
You press another kiss to his cheek before going to back away. 
Quicker than you can blink, Chan’s free hand comes around your body and holds you against him. His hand curls around you to press into the small of your back. 
Your head tucks under his chin, ear against the dip of his throat. His heart is beating just as fast as yours. 
“Not yet,” he whispers so quietly you almost didn’t hear it. “Please, not yet.”
Your heart thuds in your chest at his words. How could you not? The Bang Chan is asking you to stay closer to him for just a little while longer. The same man you’ve admired from a distance for years. 
The man who created such a deep parasocial relationship with you that it took a lot of self reflection to bring yourself out of it. And now, here you were, in his arms in real life, tucked away in the hallway of this hotel. 
Smelling his expensive cologne and aftershave, listening to his shallow breathing, the entire world seems to stop. If your past self could see this, she’d probably pass out. 
Hell, you might pass out now. 
You squeeze his hand once and he responds with a grip of his own. 
Slowly, you pull your head back to gaze up at him. He stares down at you with the most thoughtful expression. 
Eyes are windows to the soul; and right now, his soul is so flustered and fulfilled at the same time. 
“I can’t believe tonight is real,” you murmur. 
Several times, you catch Chan’s eyes flicking down to your lips. Each stolen glance adds another butterfly to your stomach. 
His hand on your back pulls you even closer. 
“You keep talking as if you’re not one of the biggest names in the world right now.” he teases and you chuckle softly. “If anyone should be pinching themself, it’s me.”
His breath is cool and minty. Yours is tinged with espresso. 
Your tongue comes out and licks your bottom lip before you pull it between your teeth. Chan watches, trying not to make it obvious. 
“Can I try something?” Your question is deathly quiet. If it wasn’t for the silence of the hallway, there’s no way he would have heard it otherwise. 
“Yes,” he replies immediately. It comes out as a huff; quick, short, and desperate. 
“Close your eyes, Chan.”
He listens right away, his eyes snapping shut. 
You hesitate for a split second, just taking in his ethereal beauty. Every curve of his gorgeous, blemish free face. It’s not fair.
Both of his hands twitch, his jaw clenches. 
You lean up slowly and press a featherlight kiss on his plush lips. 
His shoulders seem to sag inwards, a large, relieved exhale leaves his nose. 
Fireworks explode behind your eyes, tingles shoot down into your fingertips. 
You pull back after a second, his eyes open a bit and Chan stares down at you, his lips parting for a moment. 
He stares intently into your eyes, as if trying to read you or see something within them. 
Without breaking eye contact, he leans down and kisses you again. You melt into the kiss with half lidded eyes, they unfocus as you fall further into his kiss. 
Chan pulls back for a moment to turn his head and capture your lips once more, his bottom lip slotting between yours. 
Both of your eyes shut. 
Your hands move and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling his head closer to yours as he kisses you like his life depends on it. 
Chan holds your waist with both hands, the heat from his hold going right through your dress. 
Each kiss is hot and heavier than the last. His grips at your dress grow needier and needier by the second, he can’t hold you close enough to his body.
Within moments, you’re both opening and closing your mouths, with open mouthed, wet, sloppy kisses. His eyebrows pull together.
Erotic pants fill the empty hallway.
You ever so gently bite down on his bottom lip and pull your head back. 
Chan sighs and his half lidded, hazy eyes look down into yours as his lip snaps back after you release it. 
He takes two long steps and walks you backwards until your back hits the wall. 
“Tell me to stop,” he murmurs against your lips before capturing them in another heated kiss. “You’ll have to tell me. I can’t do it myself. Not when I’ve wanted you for so long.”
Your fingers thread up through his hair on the back of his head and you pull him closer against you. 
Tangled tongues and gentle grunts mix together. 
“What if I don’t want you to stop?” you ask lowly in between kisses. 
Chan groans and presses his entire body into yours. 
You felt like you’re on fire with the way you’re so feverishly pulling him closer. 
One his hands moves up and down your waist. The puffiness of your skirt getting in the way of his hips grinding directly into yours. 
“So beautiful,” he mutters between kisses. “So gorgeous.” Kiss. “Wanted you for so long.”
It’s your turn to moan at his praise, you suck on his tongue and his eyes roll back in his skull. 
When you pull away from each other panting, you look around in the hallway. There’s a door right next to you both, where it leads, you’re not sure. 
Chan kisses your cheek and then makes his way down your neck with his lips. 
“Chan,” you moan out. 
“Yeah, baby?”
Fuck. That goes right to your head and makes your stomach flip. 
He presses another wet kiss to your exposed collarbone and your head tilts back, knocking against the wall. He’s making it impossible to try and get any words out.
The hand on your ribcage squeezes when you let out a breathy exhale. 
“Did you need something?” he mouths against your neck and bites down right after. 
Oh, that cocky motherfucker. 
“Fuck, Chan…!” You pull at his hair. 
He brings his head up with a dopey look on his face, eyes half lidded and hazy. 
“Hm?” he hums and leans in, pressing another kiss to your check. 
One of your hands comes down and runs over his chest. You grab a hold of his tie and twist it around your hand before yanking on it. Your lips are right next to his ear and you make sure to let out hot exhales.
Chan gasps and presses a hand on the wall next to your head to keep his balance. A shiver wracks his body.
“You’re starting something you can’t finish.” The low, gravel timbre of your voice shocks even you for a moment. It’s raspy and sexy. It has an effect it has on Chan immediately. His pupils dilate and he takes a sharp intake of air.
“Oh, princess,” Chan bites your earlobe before blowing against it lightly. “I’ve never started something I didn’t intend on finishing.”
God, his voice. It’s like running your fingers over velvet. You yank his tie to the side and drag him towards the room like he’s on a leash.
Chan lets out a surprised grunt, but follows you nonetheless. Just like your little puppy begging you for your attention.
The entire walk over to the door, his hands are on your body. Anywhere Chan can reach, he’s touching you. 
When you push open the door, you’re happily surprised to find an empty dressing room. All the lights are off– perfect.
Once you both are inside, the door shuts and you push Chan against the back of it. Your lips desperately smashing together.
He’s everywhere on your body. His hands don’t stay in the same place for more than two seconds before he’s groping somewhere else. 
Blindly, he reaches for the door handle and clicks the lock in place. 
Your fist is still tightly curled around his tie, you wind it around your hand a few more times while your tongues tango. Sinfully wet noises emanate from your locked lips. Your other hand runs down his chest to unbutton his blazer.
Chan pushes off the wall and shucks the blazer off his shoulders, dropping it onto the ground. 
Never once do his lips leave yours. He’s intoxicating, you can’t get enough and neither can he.
He backs you up again until your ass hits a counter.
In one smooth movement, Chan reaches down and grabs your waist and lifts you onto the countertop. Your legs part and he stands in between them.
“This fucking dress,” he growls against your lips and nips your bottom one lightly. Desperately, he begins grabbing at the fabric, bunching it up around your hips. Underneath, you’re still clothed in stockings, corsets, spandex shorts, and many more.
He doesn’t seem to care. With both hands now grabbing your nylon-clad thighs, he brings both of your legs to wrap around his waist.
As soon as both of your hips meet, moans leave both of your mouths and you swallow each other’s. He’s hard as a fucking rock against you. So many layers of clothing separate the two of you from one another, it’s endlessly frustrating.
You pull his tie even tighter and one of his hands comes down to grip the edge of the counter for balance. 
Your hips roll against his once and he has to tighten his grip so much his knuckles turn white. 
“Do it again,” he whines against your mouth.
Who are you to say no? 
Again, you roll your hips up into his. This time, his hard cock rubs right against your clothed clit. It’s just enough to send a ripple down your legs and into your toes and they curl in your Prada heels.
You don’t stop in between hip rolls this time, you do it again and again and again. Each one feels better than the next.
It’s like your head goes underwater, deep within the riptide of the oceans of pleasure. 
And by the noises that are coming out of Chan’s mouth, you know he feels the same way. 
His hips begin to meet your thrusts with his own. Both of you are grinding into each other like teenagers in your parents’ basement. 
But you both are so needy at this moment that you’ll take anything you can get to scratch that insatiable itch. 
With each thrust, his exhales get heavier and heavier, whimpers and whines come out in between them. 
Your head kicks back against the mirror behind you after one particularly delicious roll. There’s no way you’re even on planet Earth right now with how much he’s making your body thrum.
“Fuck, babygirl,” he moans out and kisses your bare shoulder. 
You pull on his tie absentmindedly while you cry out when he thrusts even harder. 
“Wanna hear those moans with you on my cock,” he hisses when your legs tighten around his waist. “If I’m making you feel this good without touching you, think of how loud you’ll scream when I can finally fuck you into my mattress.”
“Chan-!” you whimper, your eyes squint closed, mouth falling open.
How is he so fucking good at this? Those dancer hips are merciless. It sends just the right amount of pleasure through your body.
“You know that Vogue photoshoot you did last month?” he moans into your ear, his lips right next to it. 
Your Vogue photoshoot was a borderline boudoir shoot. Only a black sheet covered you in most of your shots.
All you’re able to do is whine out an “uh-huh”.
“Babygirl, I can’t even think about that shoot without my cock getting hard. God, fu–huck! Shit.”
He’s going to make you cum just by grinding on you. You can feel it coming closer and closer. 
One of his hands travels up your body to grab at the side of your neck, his thumb caressing your jawline while he licks and nips at the other side. 
“Want you to pose like that for me. I want you all to myself.” He sounds like he would eat you whole if he could. And fuck, you would let him.
He could tell you to get on your knees and bark right now and you would.
“Close, Chan…” you whimper.
Just hearing that he’s going to make you cum makes his eyes roll in his skull. Every single wet dream of his is coming true under his own two hands. He has Y/N L/N’s legs wrapped around his waist, his cock pressed against her clothed cunt, her skin in his mouth.
Is this what winning felt like?
“You gonna cum for me babygirl?” he hisses and bites your neck.
“Yes! Shit! Don’t stop, please!”
When you try to meet his thrusts, your hips stutter, they’re unable to keep up with how fast he begins moving.
“Need you to cum, babygirl, need it so bad. Need it like I need oxygen.” Chan’s hand moves and he pulls your lips together.
He’s all consuming.
Three more thrusts and your body seizes, your orgasm gripping you so tightly that you think you might black out. 
You break free from his kiss to throw your head back. It thuds against the mirror. Your legs tighten around him so much he can barely move.
Chan rolls his hips a few more times, letting you ride out your mind-blowing orgasm. Each one is slower and more sensual than the last.
After a few seconds, your legs loosen up a bit around him. Chan trails softer kisses down your neck, over both of your collarbones, then back up to your cheeks.
They’re gentle and sweet. So different from the way he was absolutely devouring you mere moments ago.
“Chan,” you pant out. “Let me help you.”
“Soon, baby. Not here.”
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gold card– a hotel roomkey. 
Chan leans forward and presses a long kiss to your swollen lips. While he’s attached to you, he slips the roomkey into the top of your dress where your breasts sat.
“The Mark, room 103. Fuck The Plaza, you have your own afterparty to attend to.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
Somewhere Only We Know
Dustin wants to know why Eddie despises you over every other member of the dark side. You're just some cheerleader, right? What could you have possibly done to incur Eddie's wrath?
Starts off with Dusty Buns POV, then Eddie then yours.
Mentions of weed, Jason being a prick, Eddie pines but won't admit it... Mdni. Vecna? Who's Vecna.
Dustin truly thought Eddie Munson was one of the coolest people he had ever known, Steve of course was on that list of total badasses as well.
However for all, Dustin knew of Eddie and that was a lot (the guy made his feelings loud and clear on a variety of things, conformity, Jason Carver, why metal was the superior genre of music, Jason Carver.
But in the few short months since Dustin joined Hellfire and was taken under Eddie's wing, there was one topic he wasn't so clued up on, and that was you and the mystery of why Eddie seemed to despise you above everyone else in this school.
He had tried to casually bring the topic of you up, sure you were a cheerleader and on the dark side and Eddie hated conformity and shit but clearly you had done something painful to Eddie for him to hate you like this.
Dustin wasn't exaggerating either, anytime you and Eddie were in the same vicinity of each other it was like the temperature dropped in the room and Dustin was chilled to the bone at the icy glares between you and Eddie.
Literally, the mention of your name had Eddie's eyes filling with disdain. "She's a traitor and can't be trusted, don't ask about her again Henderson" Eddie snapped during one lunch break when Dustin brought you up out of curiosity.
"Uh meaning?" he asks confused but not wanting to piss Eddie off any further. His question is ignored until Gareth answers it quietly.
"She used to be in Hellfire, then she tried out for a spot on the cheerleading squad and got in. Refused to choose between the two, said she could do both and that Eddie was being an asshole, they had a big fight and she left Hellfire. It broke Eddie's heart even though he pretends otherwise"
Well, shit. "Don't tell him I told you that dude and don't bring her up again. Touchy subject" Dustin nods and expects that's the last he will hear about you.
It's not.
Eddie ignores the chatter around him while his gaze is solely focused on you. Jackson had been hanging around you constantly and for some reason, it pissed Eddie off. Couldn't he enjoy his pretzels and Yoohoo in peace without seeing such a sickening display?
If Eddie felt a twist in his gut every time Jackson got too close to you then that was his business.
"Can't they go to the bleachers and hash it out so I don't have to bring up my lunch every time Jackass decides to flirt" Eddie snaps and narrows his eyes at you, Gareth rolls his eyes and Jeff hides his snort behind a cough when Eddie's glare is aimed at him.
"Dude she's not even interested in him. He was an asshole when they dated and she got sick of him within two weeks" Jeff is apparently very informed on the matter and this annoys him even more.
"You're very informed on the dating lives of the dark side Jeff?" Jeff shrugs and mutters something under his breath, something suspiciously like he still talks to you from time to time.
This would be Eddie's next rant. Giving the time of days to traitors was not in the Hellfire handbook, just because they had pretty eyes and a sweet but deadly smile was not an excuse to break said rule.
Unfortunately, he has a deal to make, the rant would be adjourned to another time. "Gentlemen, I must leave you now to embark on a quest for gold in the deep dark woods" he bows then heads out to his spot in the woods.
Waits for ten minutes and thinks that whoever it is isn't coming. All he had to signify the meeting was a note in his locker and he's still unsure if he's walking into a trap by Carver.
Impatient and just about to give up, he gets up and then stills when he sees you walk into the clearing. What the shit... Since when did you smoke weed? He's never known you to do it in any of the time he's known you.
"Munson" you nod and he closes his gaping mouth as you join him on the table, he expects you to be tense but you close your eyes and enjoy the cool wind and the peace of just the birds singing and leaves rustling gently. He forgot how much you liked being out here.
He clears his throat refusing to get lost in memories and you sigh, open your eyes and he stares back impassively. "Surprised Jackass isn't hanging off you like a limpet" he snarks and you roll your eyes at his tone.
"Jackson' you emphasize ''needs to take a hint. Look, Megan asked me to pick up weed for the party this weekend, so we can cut to the chase" Eddie snorts, you never did have time for bullshit.
"How much do you want?" you shrug and place twenty-five bucks on the table.
"Carver is paying apparently" There is a glint of mischief in your eyes and you smile impishly. Eddie does not get lost in that smile, no way. He clears his throat and smirks.
"Well if it's Carver's money" he takes the full amount and is surprised when you unsuccessfully try to hide a smile. He sobers up and plays with his rings, looks at you briefly then speaks again.
"Uh, it's potent so just make sure that you don't get overboard" he spits it out quickly, like he doesn't care either way what you do. You pause before getting up and there's that soft smile again.
"Careful Munson, anyone would think you still care about me'' there's a sadness to your tone and Eddie watches you go. There's an ache in his chest that feels all too familiar.
You loved cheerleading, the closeness you felt with the rest of the team, learning routines together and having each other's backs. The close friendship you had with Chrissy and Tina. It was senior year and the cheer squad were on the precipice of winning a trophy for the school.
In that sense your life was perfect. In other ways not so much. You hated Jason but tolerated him for Chrissy. Jackson wouldn't stop bugging you to go back out with him, even though you had barely dated him for two weeks and grew tired of his jealous and demanding behaviour.
No way were you going down that road again. Then there was Eddie Munson, who hated you and made that feeling known, he was the bane of your existence and yet you were so tired of the animosity between you both.
Most of all you were sick of Jason and his stupid superiority, boy did he never let you forget that you didn't belong with the cheer squad. He all but cornered you after lunch to rant at you for laughing at one of Eddie's stupid jokes at Jason's expense.
It was a reflex. That's all and it was funny to see Jason brought down a peg or two.
"Don't think I forget where you came from freak, you can easily go back to obscurity playing Dungeons and Dwarves with Munson and his band of geeks" Jason snaps and you meet his gaze with unwavering intensity.
"Dragons", He looks confused and you smirk ''Its Dungeons and Dragons, dumbass" you tack on dumbass at the end just to piss him off even more, how dare he threaten you? Who did he think he was?
Sometimes you wished you could just go back and be a part of Hellfire Club again, a club that so easily accepted and looked after their own. Cheerleading was similar to that but the people in your friends circle sure liked to ruin any sense of security you felt. Mostly Jason and some of his Neanderthal friends.
Jason snorts and then he slams the locker beside you hard and it rattles you but you don't show it, when that doesn't work Jason knocks the books out of your hands and they go flying and he stomps on them before he leaves.
His laughter echoes down the hallway and you shout after him that he's an asshole, gather the books as best as you can and freeze as your well-loved copy of The Hobbit which already isn't in the best state falls apart completely.
Tears pool in your eyes and you hastily wipe them away, it's just a book, it's just a book you chant in your head but it doesn't work. It's been your constant companion since you were nine and it breaks your heart to see it tattered and broken.
Ringed hands help gather the rest of your work and you whimper. Shit, not him. Not now. Hastily you wipe your tears away and stand up, meet Eddie's gaze as he holds your books for you.
He looks begrudging in helping you but slowly his features soften at your tears, he looks at the tattered book in your hand, at the faint smudge of a shoe print.
"Who...Carver did this?" he growls and you nod still seething but the anger is ebbing away to sadness.
"I've had that book since I was nine and I know I can buy a new one but it's not the same, I hate him and I hate his stupid bullshit king title. He's an asshole and his group of Neanderthal friends and he can't even get the name of D&D right and I miss...'' you swallow and Eddie's anger melts away, his gaze intent on you.
"What do you miss?" he asks softly and you figure you've already spilled out some secrets so why not indulge one more.
"I miss Hellfire and I miss y...everyone" you hurriedly say and hope Eddie didn't notice the slip ''but everyone hates me now"
Eddie gently hands you back your books and you thank him. He's silent for a moment then speaks up.
"Everyone misses you too" he is about to walk away when you stop him. Your heart is racing but you have to be sure.
"Everyone?" you confirm and he knows what you're asking, if everyone includes him. He nods and reaffirms what he said.
"Everyone sweetheart and one more thing... no one hates you" he walks away at that point, runs to catch up with one of the freshmen in Hellfire and steals his hat. A laugh bursts out from you as you watch Dustin? as he chases Eddie around the hallway.
Yeah, you do miss Hellfire...and Eddie.
When you get to your locker on Monday morning there's something jammed in your locker so that it isn't fully closed. When you open the locker, a book falls out and you recognise the cover immediately.
A new copy of The Hobbit. You pick the book up and hug it to your chest, eyes sparkling with tears. You know exactly who left it in your locker but the little note of crumpled-up paper falls out.
It's clearly ripped from a Dungeon Masters notebook. All that's on it is a small message in a messy scrawl but it makes your heart skip several beats anyway.
Since Carver ruined the first copy, I thought you might want another.
E M 🖤
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thenightwolf51 · 1 year
"Danny was born a Wayne" AU except he's Bruce's grand uncle. The result of a one time drunken affair, shortly before Kenneth Wayne's death, to a young unmarried woman who gave the baby up for adoption.
(Whether the Fenton's, and therefore Amity, were just ahead of their times or the DC timeline is shifted a bit so that DP happens in its cannon era is up to you. Dealers choice, though now that i know about her i just love badass widowed prohibition leader Laura Elizabeth Wayne)
Danny grows up knowing hes adopted and loved by the Fentons but something (dealer's choice) happens and he loses his family and friends (maybe the whole town goes too?). In an attempt to avoid a Dan situation he flees into the Infinite Realm and doesn't stop.
He just wanders, time passes in its weird Realms way, not that Danny truly notices. A protector spirit thats lossed everything it protected. Its a wonder he doesn't fade and he actually might've if it wasn't for his human side.
But its a tug at his core that brings him from his near catatonic wandering. Gone before he can even understand it but enough to shake him back to himself. Enough to know that hes nowhere near ready to go anywhere familiar so he continues on, his wandering no less pointless but at least he's aware again.
What feels like a relatively short time later he gets another tug, and this time he manages to follow it.
He follows it invisibly through a natural portal that drops him somewhere in New Jersey and all the way to a fancy hospital room in the gloomiest city he's ever seen.
In there he sees his half brother Patrick Wayne, though he wont figure out their connection for a few more years, holding little Agatha. She's adorable in her little dress and pigtails and her sweet face causes that familiar tug he recognizes from what must have been six years ago given the girls age.
Then a nurse comes in and hands a little bundle to what must be the mother (whos name i cant find) and Danny takes one look at the little core tugger who brought him here and just melts. Even without knowing yet that this is his last remaining family, his instincts latch on and he vows to protect and care for the Waynes.
And he does.
He finds his forgetful brother's documents and keeps Aggy company when everyone else is busy and soothes baby Thomas so his poor sister-in-law can get some more sleep. He ices fevers and bruised knees and helps on later games of hide and seek.
He very rarely becomes visible and only to the children. His grief over the Fenton's convinces him its better to protect his new family from the shadows.
Danny explores every inch of the manor, including secret passages and an underground cave system. He claims a forgotten room in the back of the attic as his own, which over the years fill up with knickknacks, heirlooms, and pictures of the family. Even a gift or two from Agatha, who hadn't stopped believing in their shadowy guardian like her brother did when Danny felt they were too old to see him without drawing suspicion.
The manor becomes his haunt and he always knows where each family member is within it. And when any guests have some no good intentions.
And when baby Bruce is born tugging at his core and with the bluest little eyes, he welcomes the fussy little thing. And makes sure dear Martha never knows just how fussy baby Bruce really is, otherwise she might've never had a full nights sleep.
Danny blames himself for not being there when Thomas and Martha die, and promises to never leave Bruces side, practically becoming the boy's living shadow. Watching over him as he gets older, secretly aiding him in his training. Danny feels a bit of pride when Bruce takes some inspiration from the old stories Thomas told him of the shadowy Wayne family protector when creating his Batman identity, glad his nephew still remembers him even if he hasn't shown himself since the now young man was six.
Danny continues to protect and care for the family in a variety of ways over the years even as the family grows.
Lightening Alfred's workload, softening Dick's falls, calming Jason's temper both pre and post pit, hiding Tim's coffee when the boy hasn't slept in far too long, providing plenty of shadows and hiding nooks for Cass, helping Damian hide the litter of kittens he found.
And no one seems to know he's there, except maybe Cass and he's pretty sure Alfred has been know since he first started working for the family. No one knows, that is, until Duke Thomas moves in and lookes right at him watching invisibly from the sidelines.
(@omnicrafts @dcxdpdabbles @hdgnj @ailithnight @nelkcats @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 i dont know, the main point of all this is that Danny's been protecting the Wayne family for decades and no one, except maybe Alfred, knew until Duke moved in)
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sunfyrisms · 1 month
literally why is it that every single velaryon seems to exist to boost up rhaenyra.
laena isn’t loved by daemon because he misses the niece he groomed, her “i want to die a dragonrider’s death” will surely be made to make rhaenyra’s demise a badass moment (it will never be anything of the sort. it is empty and tragic). in fact, rhaenyra fucks laena’s husband the very night of her funeral and marries him the day after or so!
corlys literally cannot grieve the loss of his wife without being given her station and made out as the bad guy because he’s angry at rhaenyra (he already made her bastard son his heir, though we can all acknowledge it was more out of benefit to his house, and his house has worked tirelessly to supply her ships).
literally 99% of the scarce screen-time baela receives is propping rhaenyra.
rhaena is ordered to be a glorified babysitter to rhaenyra sons (who are, uniquely, her half-brothers but you couldn’t tell with the lack of warmth between rhaena and her step-mother).
it’s interesting that the only velaryon who doesn’t fall into this category, vaemond, is literally brutally murdered for calling out rhaenyra and the fact she wants house velaryon to be ruled by a bastard who has no legitimate direct tie to his house, and literally knows nothing about their ways. in fact, he has to call her a whore to distract the audience from the fact he’s speaking the literal truth and everyone is too busy purposefully ignoring it to acknowledge he’s right.
it’s a bit odd that they were all intentionally made black when literally all they do is prop her up, and the man who doesn’t kiss her ass is executed, that’s all!
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riacte · 2 months
hermitcraft horror story staring false and ren in which it starts out as a fun silly haha world tour but after they pick up a bag at tango’s storage, they can’t find anyone— at least, anyone that can interact with them in some sort of meaningful way. hermits are afk, mysteriously run away, or turn mute. the world seems frozen in time— storages are empty, shops lack pricetags, creepers hide in doorways. no one talks to them. it’s like the world itself has stopped talking to them, the only sign of movement being the flicker on false’s multipass.
eventually things start getting Really Weird (weird even for their standards) so they hide in ren’s base and lock themselves in. the laika companion robot dog (that false gifted to ren) shows up for emotional support. something bad happens within the colony and they get separated, but they’re both able to navigate the colony (thanks to false’s multipass) and it’s a repeat of the house of nightmares lobby (aka. yelling out each other’s names repeatedly, except this time their voices bounce off empty corridors and echo eerily).
they find each other— or do they? BOOM imposter time (doctor who wild blue yonder style). false is instantly suspicious and keeps 10 blocks away from imposter ren (but she does this to the real ren anyway). ren is the complete opposite and goes omg false i found you :D let’s work this out together :DDD. imposter!ren desperately tries to convince the extremely paranoid false. meanwhile ren babbles to imposter!false who nods along. but false of course finds out the imposter is an imposter in a badass “the colonel calls me riza when we’re alone” way and instantly strikes. meanwhile our ren reveals he’s known the imposter false was fake from the start and was lulling her into a false sense of security so he could trap her (knowing he can’t beat her in pvp — this is also a reference to his demise 2 kill). false and ren reconcile. they also reconcile with the robot dog. and the space rats.
eventually they figure out a way to reset the server and turn it back normal with the power of twaddle and technobabble. the key ingredient is the macguffin— squirtiflora. and maybe chives. idk. anyways they twaddle their way back into reality because their back and forth twaddle feedback loop can break dimensions.
everything seems normal. they return the cursed bag to tango’s storage. they finally encounter a hermit (it does not matter who) and false and ren are too relieved to put on their salesman bit. it’s all smiles and giggles, the two leave, the hermit returns to their business. their smile fades. there’s an ominous pause.
false says bye to ren and returns to her base. the phantoms are still in their boats. maybe it’s a little quiet, or maybe it’s just the lack of ren.
unbeknownst to her, inside her pocket, her name on the multipass jolts. something flickers across the screen. then it powers off. her name is gone.
ren is cheerfully humming and making his way around his base and checking up on everything. but then something stops him in his tracks.
in sea of healthy plants, there is one dead plant— the first plant false created for him.
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jm-2406 · 5 months
Hi! I saw that your requests are open and I read your rules. Can I request a Theordore Nott with a Hufflepuff reader? A Hufflepuff who is quiet, but not shy. Like she speaks when spoken too or whenever she deems it necessary. Maybe they get grouped together in a project or something where they cross paths. Preferably fluff. Thanks love
You're feisty.
Summary - a study session ends with a confession.
Pairing - Theodore Nott x Hufflepuff! reader.
Word count - 775.
Note - I think I strayed a little and my work is rusty, I've written after a long break. I hope you like it.
Warnings - none.
Requests - open || find my work - here.
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Being in hufflepuff was a good as well as tiring experience. Your housemates were cheerful and had a positive vibe, most of them were smart and badass but to others, you guys were portrayed as a bunch of smiles and laughs. The most common assumption that other houses had regarding you was that they thought you were shy, sweet and naive but you are not, you are just quiet and enjoy your alone time. It was a given that most of them who tried to bother you or make fun of you were pleasantly shut down and put into place. And on such days, your friend Hannah would find you in a sour mood.
“What happened now?” She asked curiously after seeing your grumpy expression. You shook your head and mouthed ‘potions’. That was enough for her to guess what might have happened. You shared potions with the Slytherins and one of them always bothered you because he considered himself as an expert in the subject just because of his house when in reality he was not. As you guys were about to sit down and relax, someone's footsteps caught your attention. To your left stood Theo, the boy with whom you were paired up, courtesy of professor Snape.
“Need to discuss something.” He said plainly and turned around. You didn't know what he was expecting but still stood up to follow him. Hannah looked at you with wide eyes and a smirk, knowing well about your crush on the tall boy. “Out of my league.” You would say but she was convinced that he liked you back.
Theodore led you to one of the quiet spots in the library. You took a seat in front of the windows while he wandered off to select the books needed for the potions assignment. After a few minutes he came back with not one but three thick books making you chuckle and the tall Slytherin graced you with a rare smile of his own. It made your heart flutter.
“All good, badger? You sure this is a study session and not a tutoring program for yourself?” A nasty voice interrupted your study session. You were too deep in the books to notice him the first time.
“What do you want, Codnor? We're busy here.” Theo said to his housemate. The boy continued to stare at the two of you until you finally snapped.
“Codnor, please go to madam pomfrey and get your eyes checked. They're stuck at our table, I think that might be a serious issue.” He looked at you with a very displeased expression but before he could retaliate, Theo had gotten up and made him leave.
When he returned, he saw you mumbling and couldn't hold back his laugh. “Stop it.” You whispered angrily. Theo raised his hands in surrender and took his seat. “You know [Y/N], there's something about you that I might've guessed wrong.”
“What?” You looked at him confused.
“I thought that you were one of those shy ones but you're not. You're feisty. I like that. I like you more now.” An awkward moment followed after his unexpected words. Theo cleared his throat and tried to find the right words.
“What do you mean, Theo? You're not teasing me, are you? Because that's a little evil considering you know how I feel.”
“No. I'm not. I'd never.” He reassured you. “And I know about how you feel.”
For the first time since you reached Hogwarts, you saw Theo at a loss of words. “Are you saying that you feel the same?” You asked him quietly, hesitantly.
“Merlin! Yes. I am not good with words but I'll try. [Y/N] [Y/L/N], i am infatuated with you, your personality and intelligence add to your charm. Will you do me a favour by being my girlfriend and making me the happiest man alive?” He forwarded his hand, palm up, to you.
You blinked in shock then did a little dance while sitting on the chair because you couldn't shout in the library. “Yes. A thousand times yes.” You placed your hand in his. He brought it up to his lips and placed a chaste kiss at the back of your hand.
The rest of the afternoon went away peacefully and by the end of it, you ended up in Theo's lap, sharing your first kiss.
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darnell-la · 1 month
heyy.. hey, how y’all doing 😭🫶🏽
i absolutely love this blog, you are so talented and the work you put out BOMB !! logan’s personality/dialogue is amazing. i was wondering if you could do a part 2, or maybe a whole new blurb about logan + anal with reader? thank you so much <33
thank you so much for your kind words and support. we’ve been busy with all of these Logan x reader stories, but we’re completely fine with it. We love this man. The character AND the actor.
this is a whole different story from the last but still involves anal with the reader. he’s very mean in here but has a reason to be. I think you guys would like this…
follow our Instagram @ darnell.la so we can start posting random videos, photos, edits, and memes of the people we write about!
Tonight was a fun night. At first, Logan showed her off by dancing with her, filling her drinks and maybe giving her a few pecks here and there. It felt special since this was the first time he’s shown real affection towards her in public.
Everyone kind of had an idea months ago after he yelled at y/n, telling her it was too dangerous to fight without being by his side. Every mission from them, he’s literally glued on her, not letting her out of his sight for even a second.
After a couple of hours, the mutants were drunk and Logan was gone. He’s been gone for only ten minutes, but y/n noticed. She always does.
Y/n got up to talk around and find him, maybe even get another drink while she’s at it.
“So you like them badass now? Uncontrollable and dumb!?” Y/n heard Jean yell in the kitchen. “I’ve never not liked them badass, Jean,” Logan spoke. The jealousy of him talking to Jean about anything flooded her body.
“You didn’t like me when I was badass or uncontrollable. What is it about her that I don’t have, hm? Does she kiss better? Fuck? Suck? Tell me, Logan, because we both know I can do it better,” Y/n wanted to say something, but she wanted to hear what Logan had to say.
The man chuckled, knowing Jean was nowhere near how y/n was. Her personality was better, she treated him better, and she wasn’t scared to show how much she adored him. Jean never showed anything towards him unless they ran into each other in an empty hall or room.
“You wish,” he went to walk away but Jean grabbed his face and pulled him to a rough kiss. Y/n’s eyes widened as her fists balled up, but she stood still. Why? Because Logan didn’t do anything.
Y/n felt her eyes tear up, her breathing get heavy, and her head spin. She couldn’t stay watched. She left right before he finally did something.
The man grew his claws out and raised them to Jean's neck after pushing her away. “You touch me again, and I’ll bring 'em out with my fists on your neck,” Jean was angry but stayed silent. He truly has moved on, or maybe he’s never wanted her like that in the first place.
For the rest of the party, Logan searched for y/n. He walked through the whole mansion after he didn’t find her on the couch she left.
He hated not being around her. It’s not like anything would happen, but he needed her presence.
“Ssh, not too loud,” Logan heard his girl's voice coming from one of the bathrooms. The man sighed in relief, glad he finally found her until he heard a man's voice. That man was Scott.
“Why? No one’s around here, and even if they were, who cares?” The man couldn’t stop kissing all over the girl. She was so sweet and he’d been wanting to get at her before Logan claimed her.
Logan couldn’t believe what he was hearing, so he kept quiet and placed his ear on the door.
“You taste so good — I bet you’re soaked,” the man spoke as his hands traced under her dress. “How about you find out,” she giggled right before his fingers rubbed through her slick.
“Fuck,” he groaned, and that was it. Logan had enough. “The fuck is going on here!?” Logan kicked the door down. Literally. The door had broken off of the hinges, making y/n and Scott jump. His fingers instantly pulled out of her.
“Dude, what the fuck is your problem!?” Scott shouted at the man as he covered y/n up. The girl's right tit was out, her dress was pulled up and her makeup was smudged slightly. How long have they been at this, Logan thought to himself.
Logan couldn’t help but laugh at the two. He could feel his head hurt from the anger running through his body at the sight of Scott of all people, on his girl. His fingers were in his girl.
“Ima give you 5 seconds, Scott, and if you’re not off of my girl and out of my face — I’m gonna slice your ass in half,” Logan threatened and after first, Scott wasn’t scared. He wasn’t going to do shit.
“Look, she told me what you did, so why do you care if I have her now?” Scott spoke. “Five,” Logan said. “Dudes, c’mon,” Scot spoke again. “Four,” Logan said, fists balling and eyes staring through Scott’s soul.
“Logan, get out of here. I’m busy with-“ y/n was cut off after Logan’s claws came out. They seemed longer than ever. “Three,” he spoke. Now Scott was terrified. He was actually going going to do it.
“Come to me later,” Scott said as he fixed his pants and went to walk past Logan. Logan grabbed Scot by the shirt, making the scared me shout in fear, and y/n jump.
“There ain’t no later,” Logan said before throwing Scott off of him. He watched the man speed away and back to the party, ignoring how he could’ve been mauled by Logan.
“L-Logan, you can’t just-“ Logan’s hand was around her neck, cutting her off from whatever dumb shit she wanted to say. “How much did he touch you?” Logan asked. “W-What-“ Logan shook the girl by her neck in anger as he shouted, “How much did he touch you!?”
Y/n didn’t answer. She was shocked at the way he reacted. She wasn’t scared, but she knew he was pissed off. Why when he cheated?
“Answer me!” He demanded as he gripped tight. His right hand still had his claws out, trying to intimidate her, but she knew he could never hurt her, so she decided to have a little fun.
“A lot,” she replied to the man’s question. It seemed like his eyes instantly grew dark. “Did you suck him off, y/n?” He asked, praying to go she wasn’t that stupid.
He still doesn’t know that she thinks he cheated on her. All he’s thinking is that she’s too drunk to fully understand what she’s doing. Even if she did understand, he wasn’t going to let her go. She was his, and she knew that.
“What if I did?” The girl whispered with a grin he hated seeing on her face. She didn’t get the chance to, but she was thinking about it. “Why would you do that, y/n? Why!?” Logan felt his heart shatter.
“Why would you do what you did, huh!? You think this shit only goes one way!?” Y/n choked but managed to get out what she needed. “What are you on about? Y/n, you’re drunk as fuck,” Logan released her neck.
“So what? I rather be drunk and drown on Scott’s lips than spend another second with you and fake love,” y/n spat, eyes instantly tearing up at the view she saw almost an hour ago. She thought the alcohol she’d consumed since then would stop her emotions, but it failed.
“Don’t fuckin’ say that again, and what fake love are you talking about? Y/n, are you even thinkin’ right now? Is your head fucked up or some shit?” Logan tried to understand what had happened since he left her.
“The only thing that’s fucked up is you!” Y/n’s eyes darkened in anger, but they soon faded away. She was sad to unleash any type of power on him. She felt weak and betrayed.
“Baby,” Logan spoke as he stepped towards her and raised his hand to cup her cheek, but she slapped his hand away, eyes barely being able to stay up and looking at him.
“C’mere,” he softly said, finally cupping her cheek with one hand and using the other to rub her thigh. He did anything to calm her down. She’s never lashed out so bad where her powers showed.
“Talk to me, baby. You can’t just stay quiet and expect me to know what I did to upset you,” she spoke low as he rubbed the tears from her cheek. “But you should know — Y-You did it and-“Y/n cut herself off with a choked cry.
“Tell me what I did, bub — I wanna make it up to you,” he said and even though he had no idea what he did and y/n still believed he cheated, she would’ve definitely taken him back. He’s so good at apologizing in different ways.
“She kissed you — A-And you didn’t pull back,” Y/n said as she turned away. “Baby, what?” He asked, already forgetting about what Jean tried to make him do. He would never leave y/n for a woman who can’t make her mind up.
“Jean,” y/n said low, finally holding her cries in. All of a sudden, she felt angry again. “What? Baby — Wait-“ he said, remembering what went down in the kitchen. He could’ve sworn smelt y/n near but he was too busy trying to get through Jean’s head that he’s been done with her.
“Baby, she kissed me then I pushed her off of me,” Logan said. “No, you didn’t!” Y/n yelled at him before pushing his chest hard, causing him to stumble. She was strong. She always has been.
“Y/n, yes I did!” He said, confused about what she saw. Y/n scoffed as she walked out of the bathroom. “Baby- Y/n!” Logan ran after her as she stormed back towards the party.
“Y/n, stop, don’t you fuckin’ go back to him,” Logan growled, knowing that was where she was going. “Fuck off and let me have fun,” Y/n said, making the man’s blood boil.
Before she knew it, y/n was pinned up against the wall, Logan’s hands on her head and pressing her cheek up against the cold wood.
“You think I’m going to let you walk back to him? Just like that!? No — You’re gonna fuckin’ listen to me,” Logan said through his teeth as y/n tried pushing off of the wall, but every time, he slammed her back.
“I didn’t kiss her, okay? If you were there long enough, you would've seen me threatening to claw her, but I fuckin’ bet your emotional ass left before any of that, huh? Huh!?” The man shouted.
“Because you didn’t pull away-“ y/n tried saying but the man pulled her back and then smaller her against the wall again, not really wanting to hear her speak about what she thought she saw.
“I didn’t pull back right away because she got in my mind. I told her to pull back, or I’ll make her. That was it! Ten fucking seconds, and you left in five,” Logan was heated.
“W-Why would I stay and watch my boyfriend kiss his ex?” Y/n genuinely asked as she felt his body crush her. “You didn’t have to, but maybe next time you don’t go sucking Scott’s tongue and not hear me out — And, she’s not my ex!”
It was silent for a while. All you could hear was Logan’s breathing. His deep, dark, animalistic breathing. He’s never been this furious around her before. He wanted to run after Scott and make sure y/n saw nothing in him after he fucked up his face.
“I-I’m sorry,” y/n said, now understanding that Logan didn’t cheat on her. He threatened Jean for y/n, but she was too emotional to confront them or stay any longer to see what he would do.
“Oh, are you now?” Logan asked in her ear before letting out a laugh. “You always are — You’re always yellin’ at me like I’m some bitch,” Logan’s grip on her head and waist tightened.
“You couldn’t even keep your legs closed for an hour after I cheated. You were just gonna slut around, hm? Hm!?” Logan’s hand that was on her waist, loses and travels down her dress until he pulled them up, now rubbing his crotch against her ass.
“I’m sorry,” it came off as a beg for him to forgive her. “Well, sluts get treated like sluts, don’t they?” Logan asked her like she was going to answer. She didn’t know what to do or what to say to calm him down.
It was too late to calm him down. He’d already reached into his jeans and pulled his cock out. She panicked when she remembered they were in the hallway. Anyone could come out.
“No, Logan- Not out here,” she whispered like they weren’t just yelling at each other. “Sluts get treated like sluts,” Logan said after he spat on his cock, rubbing a huge amount on. He needed to make sure he could fit.
“Baby, baby, just please let’s- let’s think about this, okay? Let me apologize,” she begged, trying to move her hips away, but she was going nowhere. He had her pinned down.
“Sluts get treated like sluts,” the man repeated before she felt his tip push at the hole she’s never used before. Before she could scream at the sudden burn, Logan used the hand pushing her face into the wall, to cover her mouth.
Her body was now pressed back against him, allowing her to hear all of his low and deep groans. It hurt him pushing in, but he was going to make it work.
“L-Logan,” y/n cried, her voice still muffled but it’s not like she would’ve been heard anyways. Her heavy breathing won’t let her get a sentence out.
“That’s it,” Logan pushed until he was fully inside of her to the hilt. “So fuckin’ tight — Gotta be the most perfect girl there is,” Logan spoke as he moved his hips, thrusting to her girl slowly, allowing his spot to coat his entire cock and her hole.
Y/n cried in pain as her back arched. She was fighting for her life to keep her legs still, but they were shaking too much. He’s already big, and now he’s in her ass with lack of preparation.
“Did he do this?” Logan asked, talking about Scott. “Can he fuck you like this, hm? You think his cocks meant for your hole like I am, y/n?” The paste he was fucking her in, only made it harder for her to speak. He hadn’t even taken his hand away from her mouth.
“Oh, I know, baby — I know I’m the only one that can make you look this stupid,” Logan could see her eyes cross. She swore she was actually losing her mind. “My little dumb baby,”
Logan’s free hand dug into y/n’s waist, forcing her weak body into his thrust. He couldn’t get enough of her begs, her cries, her small moans, and the way she shook on him.
“You think he’ll want you after this? After you can’t speak for yourself?” Logan continued his bullying. “Actually, I bet he would. After his nasty ass fingers got a taste of you,” Logan got angry once he remembered.
“Bet he ran off sniffing and smelling how sweet you are. So fuckin’ sweet, but that’s supposed to be for me. Only me!”
“You fucked that up, bub, and ima make sure you regret it,” Logan pulled y/n off of the wall before throwing her to the ground. Not too hard because he still cared for her, but enough for her to know he was pissed.
“L-Logan, I’m sorry-“ she couldn’t speak before he had her on all fours and slammed right back into her ass. The scream she let out was loud, but the music the party had was louder.
“I pray to god that son of a bitch comes back out here to this view. Who would want you after you slut yourself in the middle of school, huh? Who?” He asked, pulling the girl back by her hair.
“That’s what I thought. I’m the only one that wants a pretty little slut like you,” he said in her ear as his free hand traced to her tits before letting them free.
“I’m the only one that can control you and give you what you want. No one else, do you hear me?” The tone in his voice made y/n know he wanted an answer. “Y-Yes,” she sobbed.
“So fuckin’ drunk — God, y/n,” he chuckled. “Gonna let me have my way with you? Gonna let me keep fuckin’ this ass till you pass out?” He asked as her eyes slowly became heavy. He could see her. He knew she was close.
“Cum for me first, baby doll. Wanna hear that shit all over the floor,” his deep voice seemed needy, but y/n didn’t need him to tell her twice before she let loose just like he told her to.
“That’s it, princess — My dirty little girl cummin’ brain dead,” y/n was confused but too fucked out to fully realize Logan was fucking her in the air. Her knees were on the ground her feet grazed against her floor.
“Gonna cum, baby,” Logan’s arms held her up as her asshole squeezed so hard it hurt, but he dealt with it. Apart of it made him closer.
Before he knew it, he was filling the hallway with his deep groans and the loud sounds of their skin clapping. “F-Fuuuck, baby,” he could hear his spit and cum mix around in her ass.
Logan was out of breath, but his thrust never stopped. They got harder, feeling like hard hand slaps on y/n’s ass cheeks.
“You thought it was over, baby?” Logan laughed deeply as y/n’s eyes slipped away. He knew he punished her well, but he wasn’t going to stop until Scott came back out to her to “come to her later”.
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bruciemilf · 10 days
I NEED more Poolverstorm content!
minute ororo shows up Wade is instantly obsessed. It’s not even romantic at first, — man’s saw how badass, caring, compassionate , patient, powerful, capable and brave she was and immediately went ‘new bestie acquired’
Will never stop bullying Logan for not choosing her since day one. Sir. If you think Wade’s gonna let him fumble the same bag twice you are MISTAKEN—-
Every interaction they have shortens Logan’s immortality (his bisexual senses are tingling and he needs 2-7 business days to recover)
One of Logan’s favorite memories from childhood is snowball fighting, sledding, — everything involving winter.
Wade likes autumn because it gets him one step closer to Halloween and he can finally order the pumpkin mega blast from Starbucks without feeling guilty. Ororo makes both happen specifically
Whenever someone asks Logan why he puts up with it, he just shrugs, “He makes her laugh.” (He’s so in love with Wade it makes him look stupid)
Wade had to plan an entire thing to ask Roro out. It was supposed to be extremely extravagant and complicated and grandiose, but, Logan went to Ororo instead, cheeks slightly flushed, and groaned something like, “Idiot’s just trying to impress you. Just…Don’t laugh too much? “
She already planned on accepting it, but she’ll indulge them.
Roro starts wearing Logan’s dog tags once they start going out. Wade basically steals everything from shirts to belt buckles, boots, tank tops, some of her necklaces, scarves, heels
Wade being slightly insecure about taking off his mask around them. At least at first. He tries to accept and adapt, — but it’s hard, when dating the prettiest people in the entire world! After Hugh Jackman, at least.
Ororo gently kissing his bare cheek one day, — maybe he lost his mask while trying to clean, or maybe Laura took it for her and Ellie’s play pretend games. She gets right and Logan gets left. “I like this face.”
“Yeah. Well.” He laughs because he’ll cry if he doesn’t, “you’ve always had a thing for weirdos.”
“Shut up, bub.”
“Okay, fine! Hot weirdos.”
Wade explaining how they call marry Roro legally if they kidnap the pope:
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Logan is their GUARD DOG!!! Missions? One breath away from their neck. Claws out and ready. Shopping? Arms crossed, scowl on, daring someone to bother them while Wade tries to justify a 400 dollar Lego pruchase.
“My darling. No.”
“But it’s the WOLVERINE collection, Ro!”
Ororo sighs and gives Logan a Look. “Talk some sense into your husband, please?”
“When he’s annoying he’s YOUR husband.”
Blind Al and Ororo? Best of friends. Mother in law/awesome wife who loves her weird ass sons. Would test Ororo at first, like, “You can have everyone in this world and you pick those two? Why?”
“Wisdom has been chasing them but those two can run.”
“…Come sit next to me. You like cocaine?”
“OOOkay, — mushy introductions over, Laura, grab Mary, we’re LEAVING—“
Wade seeing how gentle Ororo is with the kids while still being firm, getting them in line when they don’t listen, but wrangling them expertly?
Ellie actually,,, ate her vegetables? Laura didn’t stab anyone over doing the dishes? Jubilee actually goes to sleep before 6 am?
“We have GOT to get her pregnant.”
Logan is so fucking tired. “I don’t think there’s a cure for whatever you’re on.”
“Alright, FINE. Get ME pregnant then.”
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
Merry Christmas
Christmas 2023 (Krampus x GN!Reader)
Chains and Whips
CW: Non-con, dub-con, bondage, anal, sadism, monster fucking, mild brat training, bratty reader, pain play, breaking and entering
"So... He's, like, a demon?" (Reader) took another sip of their cocoa while giving their friend a half jokingly judgemental look, squinting their eyes over their oversized mug. For the holidays (Reader) found themselves with nowhere to go, and ended up traveling with their best friend to her hometown. It was a tiny little place, cute, and very strange. (Reader) had, of course, heard about Krampus before but only because of B-rated horror movies, so seeing an entire village of people hanging up pictures of him alongside Santa Claus was a culture shock, to say the least. Stranger than the abundant Krampus merch was the fact that everyone spoke of it with respect, as though the creature was real, a respect not given to Santa.
"Well, no, kinda, but no." Johanna flicked her wrist as she spoke, eyes glazed and unfocused in the warmth of the heated living room. "Krampus is older than Saint Nicholas and Christianity."
It was difficult to stay awake, all bundled up under a mountain of blankets while the TV quietly played a movie in the background. Snow was falling outside, while children played in the setting sun, laughing outside Johanna's window.
"So, does he kidnap naughty children?"
"No, he beats them with a stick." She tiredly waved her hand in a whipping motion to illustrate her point, as though (Reader) didn't know what she meant by "beating".
"That sounds horrifying." (Reader) smiled, chuckling. Their eyelids were beginning to glue themselves shut.
"Yeah. During Krampusnacht boys like to dress up as him and try to scare people. I used to be terrified of him." Johanna rolled over and propped herself up, resting her head on her hand while sprawling out further on the warm couch across (Reader) on the adjacent lounge. "Thank God I was such a good kid!" She said cheekily.
(Reader's) grin grew. "Should I be in trouble then?"
"Because I'm naughty." (Reader) joked, wiggling their shoulders comically.
The young woman sat up. Her face had flipped instantly from silly to frustrated, swapping from a sleepy gaze for furrowed brows. "That's not funny, (Reader)."
Shocked by Johanna's sudden seriousness, (Reader) sat up as well, doubling down on the joke. "Should probably lock your door tonight, to keep me safe."
"Stop!" She whined, looking genuinely nervous.
"What?" (Reader) leaned forward, amused by their friend's reaction. "Are you really scared?"
"Scared he's going to come punish me?"
Johanna rolled her eyes. "Krampus is real."
(Reader) wanted to push their friend a little further. This was the first time they had ever seen Johanna act in such a way. Johanna was a fearless woman, a badass who was a regular ole adrenaline junkie; the kind of person to jump out a plane without hesitation. And here she was, losing her patience over a mythological creature.
The dramatic young adult launched themselves off the couch and towards a window, swaying their hips theatrically. They threw open the window as far as it could go, cupping their mouth to amplify their voice out into the neighborhood, moaning;
"Oh no! I hope some big, hairy, Krampus doesn't come and punish me for being such a naughty little whore!"
"Please, don't come punish me for being such a tight little cum slut!" (Reader) laughed as Johanna grabbed their arm, now giggling as well, albeit more out of nerves than honest joy.
"(Reader), please! I'm serious!" Johanna closed the window, forgetting to lock it as she was too busy looking over her shoulder at her ridiculous friend. "I swear to God, if I have to wake up in the middle of the night to save your life..!"
(Reader) wasn't done being obnoxious, shaking their ass as they pretended to run away in fear. "Oh no! Don't let him spank me! Oh noooo!"
Johanna grabbed a throw pillow and chucked it at (Reader's) head hard enough to make them lose their balance. "You would get fucking wrecked by Krampus."
"Yeah, my ass-"
"Wouldn't even last a second. You would lose a fight against a marshmallow, you aren't going to go up against an ancient being worshipped for centuries."
After falling back onto the couch (Reader) had chosen for their sleeping spot, they rolled their eyes, dropping the act. (Reader) wasn't actually a naughty person. Not only were they not "naughty" in the innocent definition of the word, being the kind of person to return other shoppers' carts they refused to put away themselves, but in the dirty sense they weren't particularly "naughty" either. (Reader) wasn't a virgin, just suffering from a dry spell. "Goodnight, Jojo."
"Goodnight! I set my alarm for five.'
"I'll see you in the morning!"
Johanna left (Reader) for her childhood bedroom, leaving (Reader) in the dark living room, not entirely alone.
(Reader) wasn't asleep for long when the room became too unbearably cold, causing pins and needles in their legs that forced them to stand up. The time on their phone informed (Reader) that it was only one in the morning. They bundled up in the blanket Johanna provided and slipped into the kitchen to make a cup of decaf tea.
'Why's it so cold?' (Reader) shivered violently as they waited for the water to warm up enough for their drink. It was so warm before (Reader) passed out, that if the Christmas lights on the tree weren't still on they would have thought that there was a power outage. The water loudly began to sizzle in the electric kettle, making (Reader) panic, turning it off. They would have felt like shit if they accidentally woke up Johanna. Her grandparents were out of town, opting to go on a cruise during the holidays instead of hanging around in the cold to visit family, which (Reader) respected. They deserved to enjoy their retirement. Although they had never met, the older couple offered (Reader) their room, which (Reader) politely declined. Although (Reader) said that it was to respect their privacy, it was actually because (Reader) just didn't feel comfortable sleeping in someone else's bed.
The mug began to smell like tea instead of hot water as the bag steeped. (Reader) drank quickly, eager to warm up and get back to sleep. They peaked over at the clock on the oven.
It had taken almost ten minutes to make one cup of tea, but the time was still one am.
(Reader) felt a shiver crawl down their spine.
Before they could wrap their mind around the time, a rough hand with long, sharp nails, clasped over (Reader's) mouth, dragging them off the chair. The mug went flying, shattering against the tile flooring, along with the wooden chair tipping over and loudly clattering.
Despite the struggle and muffled screams, Johanna did not come down to (Reader's) rescue.
The lights that had been strung up on the tree were tied around (Reader's) arms, securing their hands behind their back. (Reader) fell unceremoniously to their knees.
Above them stood a giant shape in the dark. A tattered red cloak, chains and hooks, black fur..
Hooves sunk into the carpet of the living room. Black fur covered the majority of it's exposed body, and the skin that wasn't hairy was a dark grey with black discoloration. Large horns rose from his skull like a crown. His long, almost human face held a twisted smirk, split open just enough to show off his rows of sharp teeth. Within his primate sockets were goat like eyes, yellow and glowing in the dark.
Despite the heat of the bulbs pressed against (Reader's) arms, the terrified person felt colder than before.
He bent down, gently pressing his clawed thumb into (Reader's) mouth, rubbing his bitter tasting finger across their tongue as (Reader) sat shell shocked.
'He's real.'
(Reader) felt as he played with the wet insides of their mouth, only breaking out of their trance when his nail poked the sensitive wall of their inner cheek.
A surprised cry echoed throughout the house, earning a hand grabbing a fistful of (Reader's) hair, yanking their head back warningly. (Reader) bit down on the disgusting tasting hand as harshly as they could, but it only resulted in an amused chuckle. The creature's laugh was deep, rumbling like thunder in his chest.
He released (Reader) and effortlessly pulled his thumb out from their teeth. One of the many chains with hooks was uncoiled from the demon's shoulder and thrown to his cloven feet.
"Hey, wait-!" (Reader) protested as they were lift up and placed on their feet with only one hand. Their pajama bottoms were pulled down around their ankles, taking their underpants with them. "Stop!"
The hook Krampus had prepared was picked back up, the stench of his body becoming overwhelming as he engulfed (Reader) in his arms, jangling the chain behind their back as he prepared something.
"I don't know what you are, but I swear to God, I'm going to start screaming rape if you don't stop! The neighbors will call the cops!" (Reader) didn't know what they were saying, the adrenaline spike forcing out tough sounding sentences that made no sense, given the fact that this wasn't a normal human home invader.
Another rumble rolled throughout his rib cage as something cold violated (Reader's) ass. (Reader) involuntarily screamed as the hook was lodged into their anus.
They tried to fall to the floor, allowing their legs to turn to jelly, but Krampus tugged on the chain above them, forcing them up onto their toes. Their hands were still tied behind their back, so their balance was depended entirely on the chain.
Krampus seemed pleased, looking down at the teary little human.
(Reader) was not on the naughty list.
They had always been a good person, mindful of others and always attempting to do what was right. So when they opened the window that night, releasing their scent and calling out to Krampus, he knew what they were really implying.
A long, pink cock slick and shiny in the multicolor glow of (Reader's) bindings emerged from the black mass of fur between his animalistic legs. It was thin, but it continued emerging, revealing itself to almost be the length of his thigh.
He grabbed (Reader's) hair again, forcefully pushing their upper half down, bending them at their waist. They couldn't fall because of the chain still holding (Reader) up. The hand on (Reader's) head shoved their face down to his crotch, slipping his slimy cock between their lips as they begged him to stop. Like a sword, the long penis went down their throat, rubbing against their uvula, and poking into their stomach. Vomit rose and threatened to choke (Reader), coughing it up around his thin cock that smelled like his fingers.
(Reader) tried to straighten their back to pull his dick out of their body, but the Krampus yanked up on the hook while laughing, causing (Reader) to fall forward back onto his dick as their feet lost contact with the ground.
The chain was given some slack, placing (Reader) back onto their toes. They were able to pull off his dick long enough to release the bile onto his thighs. It was still in their mouth, but at it's thin tip, allowing (Reader) the chance to breathe. Then he pulled up again, ramming (Reader) onto him like some kind of pulley operated sex toy.
(Reader) felt their muscles burn as their face was mercilessly fucked by the monster, bobbing their head up and down his shaft by the chain still attached to (Reader's) ass.
Krampus dropped the heavy metal chain to grab (Reader's) head, slapping his heavy balls against their chin as his fucking became more erratic, smashing their nose into his thick fur as his chuckles turned to deep moans and pants. Then, (Reader's) face was held against his pelvis tightly as painfully hot fluid shot straight into their stomach.
He pulled out slowly, still twitching with little pumps of cum as he slid the cock out of their throat and over their tongue.
(Reader) left their mouth open, feeling the smelly fluid drip off their tongue and onto the floor, hoping they would vomit up the rest of his jizz they were forced to drink. The appearance of (Reader) with sticky white drool still connected in a long string to the tip of his hard cock, along with the pathetic little sniffles they made as tears dribbled down their cheeks, excited Krampus more, encouraging him to continue.
Still coughing up the suffocating muck, (Reader) was hoisted into the air, this time not by the hook that had fallen out of their rear, but but the Christmas lights around their midsection.
Suspended above the ground, (Reader) frantically kicked their legs. Krampus held the back of the bindings of their arms with one clawed fist, exposing themselves to him. A foot made contact with his knee in the struggle, but Krampus didn't flinch, completely unfazed by (Reader's) strength.
"No more! Fucking stop!" (Reader) squealed in desperation. They knew he could see how aroused they had become from this angle. (Reader) couldn't see his face, but knew he was smirking at them like the bastard he was. They didn't want to, but their body couldn't help it. It felt good to be fucked.
It had been a long time since (Reader) had had sex, but even longer since they had been fucked.
His still wet member pried open (Reader's) clenched hole. It wasn't painful, with how thin it was, but it kept going in, deeper, and deeper. It hit the point where a large human cock would have stopped, but the monster didn't seem to care for (Reader's) discomfort, forcing himself all the way in. (Reader) didn't even know how they fit all that dick inside of them. But the moment they felt his hot hips grind against their ass, their eyes fluttered.
Unable to touch the ground, (Reader) was held up by the Krampus' left hand and his erection. The lights dug into their ribs painfully, scraping against them as Krampus used the decoration as a harness. His thrusts were fast and hard, just like when he was raping (Reader's) mouth. He went deeper into their slutty hole than anyone ever had before, forcibly giving (Reader) unwanted pleasure.
"H- Help!" (Reader) shakily whined as they fought against how good his slimy inhuman dick felt as he pounded them from behind. Each snap of his hips hit their nerves better than any man had before. The building tightness was eroding (Reader's) will to fight.
'This isn't morally wrong.. right?'
'It's like a dream.. no one judges you for who you fuck in a dream you can't control..'
Their stomach contracted as their orgasm built, threatening to release. But just as (Reader) was about to finish, Krampus ceased his movements, holding them unbearably still against him.
(Reader) involuntarily whined. The climax slowly dissolved, losing the momentum. "Please let me go.."
Something hard painfully slapped their ass, cracking loudly like a riding crop. (Reader) cried out before they could bite their lip, earning another chuckle from the goat man as he continued dicking them down from behind.
Just as (Reader) tried to hush the sounds of enjoyment singing out from their own mouth, another slap from the wood stung their rippling ass cheek as Krampus buried his cock into them.
The rising orgasm built faster this time, causing (Reader) to shake as though they were helping rock themselves onto Krampus' long dick. Their thighs quivered and their breaths became ragged. Each thrust was alternated with a stinging whack to (Reader's) behind. And each time that wood contacted sharply against their skin, (Reader) was brought closer to the edge.
But again, he stopped, only keeping himself in as (Reader) lost their orgasm. They moaned angrily.
It seemed obvious that (Reader) was enjoying this, so why did he keep stopping?? Embarrassment filled (Reader) up and spilled out as tears and a cock hungry sob. "Please.." (Reader) squeezed their eyes shut in shame. "Please finish up.."
"Be more specific." A frighteningly deep voice rumbled from behind (Reader). "What do you want me to do, naughty little whore?"
Precum leaked down (Reader's) legs. "Please let me cum.."
The switch smacked them harder. "What was that?"
"Please let me cum!" (Reader) felt themselves tightening around his dick as they raised their voice. "Please fuck me stupid! I want to cum!"
Another harsh slap earned a gasp from (Reader), urging them to continue begging.
"Please fuck me!"
He laughed quietly while pulling (Reader) up so they could see his face. His dick was still buried deep inside of them as he gazed down at them with predatory eyes. "What a good little slut.."
His lips smashed against (Reader's) forcing his tongue into their kiss as he resumed his assault on their tired, raw genitals. (Reader) returned the kiss just as desperately as Krampus gave it. Their kissing made (Reader) light headed as his ramming cock fucked them past the point of no return.
(Reader) came loudly at the same time as Krampus shot another round into their greedy fuck hole. Even after his seed spilled out he continued pumping, slapping his wet hips up against (Reader's) as he rode out his second orgasm. He kept his cock nestled deep inside (Reader) as they passed out, falling asleep in his arms as he weakly continued rubbing himself against their twitching walls.
(Reader) woke up in the morning on the couch, their clothes on and bundled up in a warm blanket. Johanna was awake, making coffee. Their face burned, wondering what they could have eaten the night before to make them dream about something so dirty, and so vividly.
"You awake yet?"
(Reader) quickly sat up, sore, presumably from sleeping on a couch. "Yeah, I'm getting up."
They stood, but almost immediately felt their knees buckle as cum poured out of them into their pants so quickly (Reader) thought they pissed themselves. (Reader) squawked, pulling open their bottoms to find their underwear missing, and the insides of their pants painted with someone else's fluids, still leaking out of their swollen hole.
"Haha, what was that?" (Reader) quickly pulled up their pants as their friend entered the living room with the mug (Reader) broke the night before.
"You sure? You look kinda feverish.."
"I'm good!"
"I was just thinking about how to get on the naughty list again next year~"
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gerry keay (classic flavor):
skinny. not in a way most people notice off the bat, because he's quite tall and very good at looking big, but leitner hunting burns a lot of calories and he's been chronically underfed for most of his life
eye tattoos on each of his joints, placed there by supernatural means as a protective ward against other powers
his hair always looks like shit for several reasons, including but not limited to:
- he doesn't like to dye it when his mother is around, both because of the vulnerability of the position and because he doesn't like to be Perceived by her while doing anything he actually. ya know. enjoys. this means that it has a lot of time to fade and his roots grow out.
- if she's around too often for a stretch of time, he has to find a local business he hasn't already been banned from and rinse it out in one of their sinks. this leaves it looking understandably patchy and rushed.
- the dye he uses is cheap as hell -- having his own money is an occasional luxury which cannot be taken for granted.
- he just. generally doesn't take care of himself and his hair suffers overall as a result. he doesn't shower often enough and when he does he uses precisely one (1) type of soap. and it's like. if they have irish springs bar soaps in england then it's that and if they don't then it's the closest equivalent.
he isn't actually like. goth. as we would think of it.
black clothes don't show bloodstains and they made him feel safe edgy and dangerous as a teenager.
we're talking thrift store jeans purchased when he was 16 an never replaced. maybe some band tees. boots for marching into a den of hunt avatars.
the leather jacket is also secondhand and while yes he does feel very badass and cool in it it's also a practical piece. good for fighting. especially when the people you're fighting might have claws or want to set you on fire.
sewing needle piercings with visible scarring around them.
he just generally looks. kinda sick all the time? again, not something that usually registers because he's also good at being intimidating but if you're looking for it there's all kinds of evidence of chronic sleep deprivation and malnutrition. he looks unhealthy, concerning.
gerry keay (tmagp):
goth. like, real goth. like buying from thrift stores still but more often and having fun with it now.
we're talking fishnets. we're talking eyeliner. we're talking black lipstick. we're talking absurd and impractical jewelry. we're talking dabbles in lacy skirts and definitely owns a corset. and yes he still wears a leather jacket but exclusively because it feels cool and badass. he's goth babey!
no longer skinny. precise body type is whatever your heart tells you is true but three square meals agree with him and he's gained a very noticeable amount of weight.
the hair dye is still not professional, his roots grow in occasionally and it's still a bit patchy, because he's still doing it at home, but also. he's doing it at home. it's fun, and he has fun with it. the dye is better quality. gertrude helps him with touchups. black is still a favorite but he's dabbled in other colors, dark purples and greens and blues.
loves to be covered in stuff. when he's baking, he will intentionally smear flour on his black pants and make it look accidental, and when he paints he doesn't wash his hands. this is partially so he can see the evidence himself, and partially because he wants people to notice it and ask. he wants to say, "oops, i was baking earlier, i must've wiped my hands on my pants."
he still has shitty irresponsible piercings from when he was a teenager. the more recent ones are more professional.
his tattoos are pretty and useless. he designed most of them himself.
there's color in his face. sleeping gets a little easier every night.
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maddascanbe-blog · 3 months
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Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you Little Vesperia. She's a powerful punch in a petite package! I posted her design in sketches ages ago but I was SO jazzed to finally do it digital. And I finally could do Teen Zoé and Vesperia.
Buckle up folks this is a long one.
I won't go into too much detail on Teen Zoé's fit, since I already talked about it in here. But Vesperia is where things get more interesting.
Little Vesperia obviously takes more inspiration from Queen Bee since in my rewrite Zoé idolizes Chloé so much. Zoé's father couldn't really be bothered to care about Zoé, she's been at every boarding school and summer camp he could afford while still keeping most of the money Audrey sends him. She rarely sees him, and when they are stuck together he wants her out of sight and out of mind.
Then Zoé is uprooted entirely when Audrey's infidelity is exposed. To save face she gets brought to Paris, to play at being one big happy family. She may be young, but she's wise enough to know this is just another person using her for their gain. She did face bullying at her schools, and a whole lot of nothing done about it from the teachers.
She also does not speak french. Which means that a good 70% of people have no idea how to communicate with her. And Audrey was no help. Zoé vas given so little information she didn't even KNOW she had an older sister when the was taken to France. Chloé was a complete blindside to her.
And she especially doesn't expect this intimidating teenager to kneel down to her level, and in perfect english explain that it's okay to be scared and she'll make sure Zoé won't be stuck wondering what's gonna happen next.
They spend the rest of the day learning where everyone is, and what certain things are called in french so that Zoé has a better way to communicate. They also sit down and order decorations for Zoé's room.
Zoé fully anticipated André to ignore her, but he is kind like he is in cannon. Just very busy so can only get in small conversations with her. Still, he's shown her more care than her own father had in the 9 years she's been alive. Since he'll ask her about her day, anything she may need, how school has been, etc. He also manages to get a free day to show her all the cool things in the hotel that most people don't know are there. He tries to have dinner with Chloé and Zoé as often as possible and they eat lunch together at the hotel at least once a week.
Now to Teen Zoé. I'll probably write this down in a separate post but my Idea for her is because of the limits I put on the rabbit miraculous Bunnix is no longer able to fight Timetagger, but she IS able to bring someone from that point in time to help instead. And since bringing anyone that could be recognized could potentially cause a paradox, the best solution is to bring in someone who they haven't met yet.
Design wise I like Vesperia's cannon design but it does look more like a wasp than a bee. I based her top on these biker jackets that had segments on the sides and just made the segments alternate black and yellow. I originally planned to keep the black top and yellow bottoms, but it just didn't look the way I wanted it too. I think making the jacket yellow makes it look much more like a bee. Also black mask because I like how those look better.
I think Little Vesperia looks good too, different enough from Queen Bee while still looking like she took inspiration, my favorite part was making it look like she had striped socks. While Teen Zoé looks like a logical progression while also dipping into badass as opposed to cute. Also her pupils turn gold to further differentiate her from Queen Bee.
(Bonus- Verpseria with colors closer to her originals)
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
i discovered your blog today and i have a scenario in mind that i have to share with you!
could you write a Heartsteel!Kayn request with K/DA!reader? — headcanons, fic or even the two of them talking on discord; it could be anything! — if you want to ignore it, i will understand, dear.
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn with K/DA!Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.1k
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: I'm also going with headcanon of the idol thing where they try not to get caught in public together to avoid gossip but people somehow ship you guys and speculate anyway teehee ITS CUTE!!!!! I'm also pretending you guys got together after he joined Heartsteel so its after he got removed from his old band.also PARANOIA DROP IN 10 HOURS LETS GO TEAM!!!!!!!! I LOVE HEARTSTEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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xxxx On Tour xxxx
-  It sucked so bad! It was touring season and the both of you guys were busy. All your time together were quick video calls over Discord and sporadic updates via message. It wasn't a secret to your bandmates at least so your respective bands did try their best to give you space. Quiet moments in dressing rooms to call each other were now your small moments of peace between practice sets and live shows.
- Somehow still finding ways to love each other apart. Kayn getting Akali to buy you some chocolates from him. You pleading Alune to help you send Kayn some flowers after his show. (She's a sucker for romance so she lovingly helps you.) Or the way he would spend money getting someone to deliver dinner to you after a long show.
- If only one of you guys are touring, the other totally pays and watches all the livestreams and tries to pop by to shows! You're performing 3h from him? He's begging your manager to let him drop by. Waiting for you backstage to congratulate you on your hard work.
- If you're the one waiting for Kayn backstage he always visibly lights up. He tries to look cool and badass on stage but when its after a good show, seeing you wave at him in the halls, his heart soars! He runs over, pulling you in for a tight hug. " Did you hear me! I was good today wasn't I!" He'd smile proud, giving you a kiss as he fishes for compliments. There is no approval he craves more than your own.
- The other boys are surprisingly nice about it, no one really makes fun of Kayn for being so excited to see you (other than Ezreal). They treat you as one of the band, giving you VIP passes to pop by their shows. And you do the same for them! When possible you slip their manager some VIP tickets to your show for them to sneak in. A mutual understanding from both groups to protect you and Kayn from media.
- Pre-debut Heartsteel, Kayn has also went to almost all your shows, front row every time and surprisingly he always tries to match you hair color for the tour. You have bright blue for tour? So does he. Its blonde now? He's the same. Kayn just thinks its kinda cute to safely match with you in someway shape or form, it is just a small thing that paparazzi wouldn't pick up on so easily since so many other fans do it too.
xxxx Off Stage xxxx
- A supportive power couple, you two help each other out with band activities off stage. You aid him when he practices singing. Kayn giving you tips on how to get keep a good rhythm in your verses, and is also a personal cheerleader for dance practices. You'd help him get connections to other companies that K/DA has collabed with, trying to help Heartsteel succeed! Kayn helps out in his own ways too, sometimes playing tunes in his room for you to sing to. It is all really sweet.
- When he drops by your studio its adorable, it was before Heartsteel's debut and shortly after the peak of KD/A's release. Kayn trying to hide from paparazzi for your sake as he sneaks in through the back. Always in a different cap and sunglasses that he stole from Ezreal, he would wait in the practice room, sitting in a corner and cheering whenever you successfully get a dance move down. The other members don't seem to mind him much, he's now a common presence in the studio. The other girls seem fond of him, happy that you have someone so supportive by your side.
- You try to do the same between your busy training schedule too. Dropping by Kayn's place during band practice evenings, Yone always being the one to let you in since Kayn always sleeps in late. You'd bring snacks and a discerning ear. Your feedback being super useful as you're one of the few people Kayn actually listens to. What Aphelios or Sett say would take multiple attempts and a lot of effort to get through to Kayn, as such, the rest of the gang keep trying to get you to push him to not try to squeeze a "totally sick line" into the rap bridge.
- He doesn't show it off but Kayn has all your merch, you offer to give it to him but he refuses, something about manly pride and supporting his partner, he will spend his own money and time fighting with other fans to buy your merch. A lightstick by his bed, your album on his shelf. A limited edition photocard safely stacked in a top loader on his table (he doesn't have a wallet or else he would totally bring it around.)
- You do the same for him, as one of Heartsteel's first fans you own some of their original merch, simple tees with just their logo, a average blank CD with " Paranoia KAYN MIX" scrawled on in messy marker, they are all your treasured possessions. Kayn even let you keep some of his guitar picks, you have one with a hole punched in as a necklace that you wear when apart from him. Your one secret? You have CDs from when he was in his old band, only the album that he was included in of course, but you don't bring up how you were secretly a fan from his early career. - Sometimes you guys try to go out on dates, risky but fun! 3am walks at the beach, alone together as he plays the acoustic guitar for you by the waves as you sing. Expensive private room dinners at secluded restaurants, walking in, both of you with your hair temporarily dyed black with hair spray dye to try and avoid attention. Small things. Fun things. - It was a little embarrassing when rumors first circulated. Fans somehow finding it cute that Heartsteel can be seen at your shows or how sometimes K/DA gets spotted backstage at Heartsteel concerts. They started to ship members together and when a photo of Kayn looking at you with a soft loving smile was snapped, the internet went wild! *Isn't it cute how they can get Kayn to smile that way!* *Ah! It should be me I want to be them so bad!!!!* Kayn would never admit it to you but he likes all the TikTok video edits of the two of you together, he thinks its really cute unironically.
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