#she was very cold and unfeeling the entire time and had no tact in going about very sensitive information
cereusblue · 2 years
Hey yall, happy reminder that if your doctor/therapist/psychiatrist treats you like shit? Drop em. Like dead fucking weight. There's a difference between them telling you some hard to swallow information and them being a straight up asshole. Take care of yourself. I know it can be hard to distinguish between hard to swallow information and them being rude, and if you're having a hard time with it then maybe attempt to reach out to them and see how they respond. If they double down and do not take your feelings into consideration, dump em. If they seem apologetic and want to understand and help you feel more comfortable about the information you were given? Then hang on, you may have misconstrued some words. There ARE doctors who care and want to help you. The medical field isn't wholly evil, I promise. I work in it too, I know there's some rules we can't bend and some things we have to do but.. All in all, it's all about giving patients the care they need to live a better life. Please, please take care of yourselves out there. When it comes to your mental health, the only one who can truly take the best care of you is yourself. In the sense that you have to make the decisions to make changes, take leaps, and ask for help. Be good to yourself 💙
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minijenn · 7 years
56 Lapis
56. “Don’tyou dare die on me!”
The fallout from the explosion caused by the roaming eye was immense,more than enough to easily take out the flock of eye bats that had been pursuingthem for quite some time now. Lapis only had a moment to celebrate hersuccessful aquatic assault on the vessel before it came spiraling down towardsthe rubble-laden street right in front of her. Or more specifically, towardsDipper as he stood just on the other side of the road, his makeshift swordstill poised to fend the eye bats and attacking Homeworld Gems off. That is,until he realized that both parties were falling out of the sky right towardshim at an alarming rate.
“No!” Lapis cried, flinging both her arm out as well as amassive swath of water from the broken valve of a nearby building. Her liquidtendril was just moments too later however, as both the roaming eye and the eyebats came crashing down to the ground in a fiery explosion. For only a second,the blue Gem froze, unable to make out anything at all as only smoke plumed outfrom seemingly every angle, her entire form filling with an unspeakable senseof fear and dread. However, she was quick to break out of her shock as she flewforward, calling upon as much water as she could salvage from the surroundingarea as she used it to form a massive hand, one that was just large and strongenough to scoop the broken remains of the roaming eye and the eye bats upbefore tossing them away without a second thought. And, as soon as they weregone, Lapis was easily able to find the only admittedly very broken thing thatremained from the crash. And if she had any blood, then it would have certainlyrun cold at the mere sight of the sight of his current condition.
“N-no…” she whispered, her eyes wide as she stood at the edgeof the crater the crash had created, though she didn’t stay there long. Infact, Lapis practically fell down into it, scrambling to make it to Dipper’sside as he lay in the center of it, prone and unquestionably injured, butsomehow still all in one piece. Though in a sense, he wasn’t really, because afew of the eye bats must have managed to nick him with their petrifying gazeswhile they were plummeting down towards him. Oddly enough, however, he hadn’tbeen turned to stone entirely, most likely a result of the eye bats sustainingsuch damage from their collision with the roaming eye. Instead, only bits andpieces of him were stony and statuefied: his left leg, most of his right arm, apart of his chest far too close to his heart, and worst of all, the entireupper left half of his face, keeping one of his eyes wide open in eternal shockand fear while his other one was rightly shut against the immense pain whateverwas left of his natural body was going through.
Lapis collapsed to her knees beside Dipper, her handstrembling as she hesitated to even touch him, especially as she noticed theblood pooling under his head, over his stomach, out of his mouth and severalother places as well. When she did gently pull him up into her lap, she easilynoticed that he felt much heavier than usual, no doubt because of the pieces ofhim that were now nothing more than cold, unfeeling stone. Dipper finallystirred at the blue Gem’s touch, a shallow, rattling cough escaping him as hisstill in-tact eye slowly opened to meet Lapis’ immensely concerned gaze.
“Dipper!” the blue Gem gasped, unable to hold back tears asshe took in his expression, which was completely wracked with silent agony. “I-I…I’m sorry! I didn’t know the roaming eye would fall l-like… o-or that the eyebats would-” She cut herself off, shame filling her as she realized she hadcompletely failed in the one thing that had always been her sole resolve:namely, keeping him safe from harm. “I-I’ll figure out a way to help you. Evenif I have to go up against Bill and Yellow Diamond myself, I’m not about to letyou-”
“L-Lapis…” Dipper spoke up, his voice far too soft and weakfor the blue Gem’s liking. “Y-you… you can’t do that… You know you can’t…T-they’d… they could shatter you…”
“I don’t care!” Lapis exclaimed adamantly, taking hisstill-natural hand and gripping it tightly. “I put myself up against much worse to keep you safe before, andI’m not afraid to do it again! I can’t just… I-I… You can’t…” She trailed offinto a heartbroken sob, knowing that as much as she didn’t want to lose him, hewas already starting to slip away from her regardless.
“Lapis, I-I… I’m sorry…” Dipper muttered, glancing awayguiltily towards his petrified right arm as it hung like dead weight from hisshoulder. “All o-of this,” he nodded toward the relentless destruction fromWeirdmageddon that lingered all around them. “Is -my fault… A-and now… I can’teven do a-anything to help stop it… I c-couldn’t protect Great Uncle Ford, o-orGrunkle Stan, or Steven, o-or Pacifica, or Mabel, or even m-myself… But… atleast y-you’re ok for once, Lapis… T-that’s about the only regret I won’t be going out on, I guess…”
“No,” Lapis shook her head, fear pouring into her like waterupon hearing this. “No, Dipper! Don’ttalk like that! You’re not—I-I can’t… Don’t you dare die on me! I won’t let you! Without you, t-there’s nothingleft on this planet that I… I…” She broke down once more, this time letting outa loud wailing cry as it all dawned upon her. She was losing him, he was dying.And in a matter of minutes, the human she cared for as if he were her own son,as odd and confusing as that relatively new concept was to her, would be gone.
And the mere thought of that alone was almost enough to breakLapis entirely. Until Dipper managed to find a way to steady her one finaltime. “L-Lapis… Can… can you do something for me?” he asked, his voice barely awhisper as he struggled to keep his eye open and maintain consciousness againsthis fading senses.
“Y-yes,” Lapis nodded instantly amidst her tears, squeezinghis hand and painfully realizing that it was growing much too cold. “Anything.”
“W-when you find Mabel… c-can you tell her that I-I’m sorry…?She’ll know w-what it’s about…”
“O-of course,” Lapis nodded tearfully, already aching at thethought of having to deliver the news of Dipper’s brutal, untimely demise toMabel, or to anyone else for that matter. But for him, she would shoulder thatburden, knowing that it was the least she could do after everything he had donefor her. “I-I’ll tell her. I promise.”
Dipper let out a small sigh of satisfaction at this, his eyeslipping shut as his hand fell out of Lapis’ and the slightest of smilescrossed his features. “T-thank you, Lapis…” he muttered on one of his finalbreaths, and then after that, he said no more.
Lapis’ breath hitched in a tight cry as she realized that hewas indeed gone, but that didn’t stop her from pulling him into a tighterembrace, holding onto him tightly as she sobbed against his small, stiff,lifeless form. She stayed in that spot, doing only that, for what seemed likeages, not even caring about the possibility of any Henchmaniacs or Homeworldforces happening upon her. After all, if they shattered her now, she couldn’thave cared less; one of the few things she still truly cared for was gone, deadin her arms all because she had failed to protect him. Really, shatteringwouldn’t have been any more painful than the immense anguish she was enduringnow.
Still, she knew that she couldn’t stay there mourningforever. She had made him a promise, one that she was resolved to keep beforeanything else. And so, she did what she had to. Too ashamed and heartbroken totake his body back to the shack, she instead flew it off to the barn, hopingthat it would stay relatively safe from the onslaught of Weirdmageddon and theinvasion there. And then, with purpose on her wings and pain in her heart, theblue Gem rose above the destroyed town, her tears never ceasing as she made abeeline towards the bizarre pink bubble positioned between the cliffs. She hada message to deliver, a promise to keep. And, as far as she was concerned, upholdingthat promise for him and him alone was going to be the last thing she ever did.
(….too much? Too much, right. Damn I be layin the angst on thick with these prompts, especially with anything having to do with Dipper and Lapis huh? Still, this was… interesting. Idk why I decided to set it during Weridmageddon but I did so *shrugs* Still yeah, kinda a fucking downer, so to fucking lift my depressed ass spirits I’mma do a fucking fluffy one of these next because DAMN this was dark. Brb gotta go have a good crying session now, bye!) 
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