#she was very nice to Sidney Crosby
aprill-99 · 9 months
Every once in a while I am once again forced to confront the fact that my older sister is intermittently Twitter famous for making hockey players feel bad. Then she starts planning to move to Buffalo with her cats and declares herself a comedic genius prevented from her dreams by the simple lack of $700K, which, same…
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hunterrrs · 1 year
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this is adorable
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babydollmarauders · 7 months
Do any reporters from Mondays game ask Jack about his engagement to dove that happened over the break 👀 🍿
oh my fuck, idk how i never saw this until now and i apologize for the VERY late reply 😭
but yes, once Jack was back to playing, one of the first things he was asked about was his engagement!
Amanda was the one who asked him after the game against the Kraken. it was the end of the interview, “before we go, everyone saw that post over the break; congratulations on your engagement! how does it feel to be engaged? and to someone you get to spend so much time with! most guys have to leave their wives or girlfriends behind for road games and hockey duties, but you get to bring yours along, how is that?”
Jack got so smiley and red cheeked, looking over at Dove across the locker room, who was sitting in John’s stall as he took his pads off, her lips moving a mile a minute as she rambled on to her older friend; John nodding along stoically meanwhile Dawson sat not too far away, practically sitting on the edge of his seat as he listened to the media manager speak, chiming in every few moments with necessary excitement.
“it feels great! i love my fiancée and it’s an honor to be able to spend so much time with her and share so much of my life with her. she understands the game and she understands the schedule obviously and it’s just great to be with someone who comes along on the road games, i sit with her on the plane, we try and squeeze in dates in different places every time we’re away, it’s really nice spending so much time together.”
Amanda grins at his answer, laughing as Jack jokes that maybe spending so much time together makes them a little too comfortable with each other.
“and you’re gonna be connected to Sidney Crosby now, how insane is that? as a young player, you’ve talked about idolizing and looking up to him as a player as you grew up, and now you’re marrying his cousin, who has spoken about him being like a big brother and almost like a father figure in her life, is that crazy for you to think about?” another reporter chimes in, but Jack just gives a humorless chuckle.
“no, not crazy. i’ve been dating her for a couple years now, so Crosby is just another guy to me. was it a little crazy at first to find out i was dating his cousin? sure. but i’ve known for a long time now that i would be connected to him for the rest of my life, it was just a matter of when it became official. so… not crazy to me.”
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•The trouble with love•
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Pairing : Sidney Crosby x Cherrie!
Word count : 11k
Summary : in which she’s trouble and he really should have known better than to fall in love with his best friends little sister.
Warnings: a Lil angst in the beginning. Nothing too bad. Mentions of using drugs , cherries a party girl who likes to self destruct instead of facing her own feelings. Age gap. If that’s not your thing then simply don’t read! She’s 22/23 though. So legal and nothing wrong about it at all. (My daddy issues coming through big time in this me thinks lmfao). Also, when I write these. I only see them as face claims. I’m not writing their personalities because I don’t know them in real life nor do I want to. So don’t be a numbskull. It’s called fanfic for a reason. I write this shit in my own time for free, for my own entertainment to escape my shitty little life for a while. Writing is supposed to be fun, just like reading it is. Not perfect . So be kind or fuck off! Enjoy xoxo
Sidney knew that she was home as soon as he opened the door to her brothers place and smelt the same vanilla and coconut scented perfume that she had been wearing for as long as he had known her.
A small smile twitching at his lips as he took in the sight of her perfectly pristine , dark red , satin heels at the door. Some designer that he recognised vaguely , alongside her Chanel bag hung up on the rack and her usual leather jacket.
He hung his own jacket up beside hers , then dug his hand into his jeans pockets to pull out a small pack of travel sized haribo bears that he knew she loved , he quickly made work of sliding the small packet into her Chanel bag.
Stealing a quick nosy look inside while he was at it, his eyebrow arching at the sight of her fancy perfume , a row of condoms , cigarettes that definitely weren't just nicotine , some lipstick and then...a amethyst crystal at the bottom of the bag.
He slowly shook his head in amusement to himself as he carefully closed it, running a hand through his hair and smoothing out any wrinkles in his shirt before taking a deep breath, preparing himself to deal with her usual attitude and snarky remarks .
It had been almost three months since he had last seen Cherrie and he had honeslty missed her sarcasm and her bitchiness. Somebody to bicker with that didn't give a single shit as to who he was. She laid into him hard , often leaving his ego and pride in pieces for her own entertainment. No matter how many times her brother told her to leave him alone and play nice , she flat out refused.
Because as long as Sidney had known Jacob , her brother , his little sister had never really been very fond of him at all. He don't really know what he had done at first , wondering if perhaps his disgust towards her favourite boy bands when she was eighteen had pissed her off so badly that she felt the need to form a lifelong vendetta against him.
He genuinely didn't know . He had asked her brother about it once , wondering if he knew why his sister hated him so much and his answer has been simple ,
a Casual shrug with a apathetic  "she's like that. A bitch sometimes but she's a good person ...just not a great one." And that was that.
And despite being older than her and knowing better. Sidney couldn't help but snap back at her all the time she gave him her little attitude , couldn't help but bite and give into her goading , bickering with her until she finally got bored and wandered off somewhere. Leaving him with a scowl and fidgeting on his seat , wondering how she could get underneath his skin so easily . Wondering why he couldn't seem to control his mouth or his emotional urges whenever she was around .
He didn't get it, don't want to really. Because Cherrie was annoying , mouthy and had a huge stick shoved up her ass as far as he was concerned . She lived to torment other people , got entertainment when people tripped over , laughed when somebody cried and was all around a little asshole to be around.
So really, he should want absolutely nothing to do with her. And the only reason that he should tolerate her was because he was such good friends with her brother. He should just give a polite hello and leave her alone because she was nothing to him, just his friends annoying little sister . That was all.
At least, that was what it should have been. But this was Cherrie. Stubborn , mouth and insanely beautiful Cherrie that seemed to be heading down a path towards destruction for a while now.
And she got him, because of course she did. She was an little asshole like that.
So despite knowing how wrong it was and how much he shouldn't get involved and how he should just leave trouble alone. He still found himself thinking of her whenever she wasn't around.
He found himself double checking her socials to see what she was up to or who the new boyfriend of the month was (which then he got into a terrible loop of checking out these boyfriends and being horrified by her type: which was assholes. Class A ones that were older and quite frankly not worth a second glance). And then because he couldn't help himself , and knowing how much she didn't want her older brother to know what she was doing , having blocked him on everything and hardly ever staying in contact while she was out of town.
Sidney would snitch on her . Plain and simple. He would snapshot the photo of her with some rich, thirty year old asshole that she definitely shouldn't   have been hanging around (especially when criminally convicted wives : yes multiple: we're still involved.) and simply because he couldn't stand the rush of anger and the ugly feelings that would stir within him whenever he saw her with some asshole that want worth her time , but he knew that he couldn't say anything. Couldn't tell her who not to date , he definitely couldn't tell her why he didn't want her to be anywhere near them.
But her brother could. So Sidney told him and then sat back and watched as she got scolded like a little child , all the while she glared at him hatefully knowing fully well that he was the reason her brother knew all of her business .
Then she would turn to him and lay into him too, running off her dirty mouth and cursing him out until her brother had to literally eject her from the room.
And then Sidney would feel a little bit whole again because when she was screaming at him, when she was bickering with him and giving him her attitude, it meant that she was home. She wasn't running around god knows where with god knows who while getting into trouble .
It meant that she was there, with him, giving him her attention again. Even if it was negative and mean, Sidney just liked her being there. Liked seeing her safe and in the flesh, liked seeing the flush to her cheeks each time she got mad at him. Liked seeing her squirm and lie when she was asked what she had been up to lately. Liked seeing the way she swore to hate him but still followed him around, just to annoy him.
And Sidney knew that it was wrong, he really did. He should leave her alone and he definitely shouldn't have been getting involved.
She was trouble . Big trouble. She was younger , mouthy and a mean, little bitch when she wanted to be. And she was also his best friends little sister. That should have been enough to turn him in the opposite direction running.
But either he was insanely stupid or he was ...insanely stupid. Because he kept coming back and hoping that she would be there too. He kept provoking her , kept getting involved and stirring the pot . And he knew exactly why he was doing it, had known for a while now but he refused to acknowledge his feelings, refused to admit what was really going on. Rationalising it as just wanting to mess with his best friends little sister, annoy her a little. Because he could and that was okay.
She wasn't eighteen anymore, she was twenty two and she was giving him just as much hell as she did back then. If not more. Because somehow she had gotten even more arrogant over the years , something he hadn't thought was possible. He was surprised that her head even fit through the door, she was the little princess who always got what she wanted now. Even if she got it in the most unconventional of ways.
Sidney sighed, ran his fingers through his hair again before finally entering the front room. Spotting said princess already on the couch in matching shorts and top, blanket around her legs as she watched Harry Potter on the big tv . Her brother was cooking dinner in the kitchen , giving Sid a grin and nod as soon as he saw him.
"Hey Sid! You hungry? I'm making pasta." He said ever the friendly guy.
Sidney chuckled as he kicked off his shoes, nodding his head . "Yeah. Sounds good." He said.
Cherrie scoffed frown the couch, not even glancing up from her phone as she muttered moodily  "sounds boring. He should look up salt and pepper seeing as his spice rack is just that..a rack. Empty and bland . Prepare to choke Crosby."
Her brother didn't even blink , simply slamming the kitchen door shut so he couldn't even see or hear them anymore. Not wanting to deal with her today.
Sidney chuckled as he took a seat beside her "in a lovely mood as usual I see." He commented amusedly , taking in her perfectly curled hair and shiny skin. Even when she was cozying up on the couch, she looked like she just come out of some press shoots. A pampered princess indeed.
Cherrie glanced up from her phone so he could see her roll her eyes at him, pulling a unimpressed face in return.
"What's the point of having your own home if you're never there?" She snarked.
He rose a brow at her then, watching her go back to texting. His curiosity peaked as he wondered just who she was talking to.
"You wouldn't know what thats like though would you? How's living at mommy and daddy's going for you?" He smirked back at her, tongue in cheek to stop himself from laughing when she immediately took the bait.
Scoffing as she threw her phone aside to glare at him, kicking his thigh to get him away from her. She huffed "fuck you. Eat dick asshole." She spat at him.
He snorted "now that you know all about. What happened to the last boy toy? Kill him with your hair rollers?" He teased her , pulling at the gold ankle bracelet on her leg.
The same one that he had gotten her for Christmas . It had stars and penguins on it , a small C charm too. For Cherrie. He had said. Lying to himself because he knew exactly what the C stood for. His chest filled with warmth every time he saw her wearing it.
She was picky with her jewellery , refusing to wear anything that wasn't real gold or diamonds . So to see her wearing the anklet he got filled him with some unfamiliar emotion, because she had deliberately put it on. Did she even take it off? Did she wear it whe he wasn't around? Or did she just wear it when she knew he was coming? His mind ran with a million thoughts, all of which he knew he shouldn't be having.
Cherries eye twitched as she sat up, swiftly kicking his hand off her ankle. She knelt up on her knees and leaned forward on the couch , hands outstretched her in front of her.
"No but I'm going to kill you Crosby!" She threatened him , jumping at him. As though she was going to strange him.
As soon as her small hands wrapped around his neck, Sidney was laughing . Head thrown back as she squeezed his throat with hardly any pressure at all, glaring down at him as he giggled.
Then she let out a sharp gasp as he wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her over quickly so that her back was to his chest , her body sliding down as she wiggled and tried to push him off. But he was too quick for her .
"Ooo so scary princess!" He mocked her as he got her into a loose headlock, ruffling her perfect hair with his fist. Laughing as a she screeched and cursed him out , slapping at him with a scowl on her pretty face . Looking murderous but still so beautiful  .
"Fuck you!" She yelled as she tried To get him off, slapping at his thigh, hard. He barely even flinched.
He Just snickered as he hugged his arms around the front of her shoulders, jokingly hugging her as he swayed them from side to side on the couch.
"No thanks. I know where you've been." He snarked. Gasping a laugh when she laid a hard punch to his side, forcing him to let go or be winded.
She rolled out of his lap with a glare , huffing and puffing as she tried to fix her messed up hair .
"Jealous that I'm getting laid? Not a good look on you babe." She tossed back at him. Crossing her arms over her chest, stood in front of him now. Looking down her nose at him.
He just leaned back into the couch lazily, smirking up at her as he got comfortable . Looking up at her in amusement , enjoying how quick to bite she was. She was the only person he could bicker with like this and know that he would 100% be getting that shit back at him. She was nasty.
"I'm babe now am I? Should I call you sweaty? Honey pie?" He teased her. Chest glowing with pride as he watched her face flush as she realised her little slip up .
Immediately rolling her eyes as she looked away from him stubbornly even though his eyes never left her.
"Call me that and they'll have to roll you out on the ice asshole." She warned him dangerously . Stomping around the couch to get away from him.
He tilted his head to watch her leave "it's been a pleasure as always princess!" He called out to her in amusement. Finally feeling relaxed how that she was back where he could see her.
He heard her groan as she stomped down the hallway to her room "eat shit Sidney!" She yelled back at him before he heard her door slam shut.
He grinned just as her brother came out of the kitchen, shaking his head at him with a scornful look on his face as he handed him a bowl of pasta.
"I don't know why you bother syd. She's been extra bitchy since she broke things off with tony." He told him with a sigh as he sat down.
Sidney stopped grinning then, looking at her brother with a slight frown on his face as he nudged his pasta with his fork.
"That was his name?" He muttered unimpressed "the guy looked like a sleaze? He has two gold teeth Jacob.." he pointed out with a look of disgust "two! And two ex wives. And two criminal records . What was she even thinking?" He snapped . Shaking his head.
Jacob rose a brow at his quick mood change , just taking it as him being protective . Like he would be. Completely oblivious to his friends feelings for his little sister . But maybe that was for the best, Sidney would like to keep his kneecaps thank you.
"Are you forgetting what a sleaze my sister is as well Sid? She doesn't care. She'll get with anybody that shows her even the slightest bit of attention." He muttered barely even paying him attention. Gaze on the tv.
Sidney frowned at him "don't say that. She's still your sister man." He scolded him lightly . Stomach turning because he wasn't untrue .
Jacob just chuckled and rolled his eyes "I know she is but it's still true. She's a party animal. I keep trying to tell her to stop and slow down but she won't have it." He said.
He took a bite of his food and sighed "this is your dads fault." He mumbled grumpily after taking another bite , frowning even deeper. "He was a whore who didn't give her any attention. And now she's got daddy issues."
Jacob looked at him defensively, shocked. "dude that's my dad! It's not all his fault. He doesn't make her go out and make bad life choices!" He defended. Daddy's boy.
Sidney rose a brow at him , scoffing a little. Feeling his blood pressure rise just at the thought of her father, he had seen the way the man talked down to her as though she was some silly child that was too stupid to understand anything. Demeaning her feelings and refusing to give her any attention , because in his eyes she was a mistake. She wasn't a boy and she wasn't doing anything good with  her life.
Jacob was a successful businessmen with multiple yacht company's around the world. Cherrie dropped out of collage and partied every night and didn't turn up last Christmas. It was safe to say that there relationship was a little more than strained .
"He ignores her unless money is involved. The only time I've ever heard him even acknowledge her was when she was dating that businessmen that he liked." He reminded him firmly , because he hated the man.
"And what did he do when they broke up?" He looked at her brother pointedly , Jacob just sighing loudly in defeat .
"He called her a waste of space and told her that she needed to clean her act up or that she would be servicing men for a living. I mean-" his grip tightened around his fork in anger "what kind of father says that to his sweet daughter who's just trying to navigate the world and doing her best?" He spat before he could even stop himself. Forgetting for a moment just who he was taking to.
Jacob looked at him with wide eyes, blinking In shock. Not realising that his friend felt so strongly about this.
In fact , he had no idea that he even cared at all . "Sweet?" Was all he could repeat , surprised . "My little sister? The one who just tried to strangle you and told you to eat shit? That's the sweet little sister that you're talking about?" He laughed.
Sidney just rolled his eyes and shoved another forkful of food into his mouth so he didn't have to speak. His cheeks flushing from his little slip up that thankfully Jacob didn't think much of , easily getting distracted by the tv again. Leaving Sidney to wallow with his own thoughts, eyes straying to her bedroom door more than enough times.
It was on Friday that Sidney found out that Cherrie had been kicked out of her home . But it didn't stop the air from leaving his lungs as soon as he was told about it, looking at her brother with wides eyes as he entered Sid’s apartment , looking stressed.
"What do you mean they kicked her out?" He voiced incredulously . Mind running with worry as he pictured her slumming it with one of her asshole boyfriends somewhere .
What if she left town and never came back? Sidney felt the panic slowly creep beneath his skin as he wondered what the hell her plan was. Worse, he knew Cherrie , her plan would be terrible , dangerous and maybe illegal.
He groaned.
Jacob sighed , looking annoyed. "They found drugs in her room. So she's out." He simply summed up for him.
Sidney paused by the couch, hands on his hips to stop himself from pacing. He rose a brow at her brother curiously "like..how hard are we talking?" He asked, tilting his head .
Jacob winced "enough to make a horse do the moonwalk." He told him with pursed lips. Not happy at all.
Sidney’s eyes widened "no shit." He muttered with a frown, not happy either. "I thought she only smoked weed?" He was confused.
She had a bad trip a year ago on acid while partying and had refused to do hard drugs after that , she had sworn it to him when he had picked her up from the stupid party and hauled her high ass Back home while lecturing her the whole way. He had stopped for McDonalds for her twice on the way back while she sang a song about ponies to him.
It was a strange night.
Her brother laughed humourlessly "apparently she was dating a drug dealer and was looking after his stash. She's lucky that they didn't call the police ."
Sidney scoffed dryly "yeah . You're dad would just love to see her Locked up." He couldn't help but mutter. Because maybe if he hasn't neglected her, she wouldn't be running around with a drug dealer boyfriends all the time.
"Sidney.." her brother gave him a look.
He ignored it. Running a hand through his hair as he wondered out loud "where is she going to stay?she can't be out there with all her fancy stuff. What if she gets robbed or hurt-?"
Jacob cut him off "I think she's planning on staying at her boyfriends ." Seeing the disbelieving look on Sidney’s face, he quickly added. "A new one. Not the drug dealer." Like that would relax him.
Sidney just tensed up even further, eyes widening. "A new one? Already?" He couldn't believe it. She worked quick.
"And what is this one? A porn director? A 'musician'? Please tell me. Put my mind at ease."He sarcastically said.
Her brother hesitated , then answered him quietly "I think he's a pawnbroker-"
Sidney laughed loudly "oh that's great. Yeah- well she can kiss goodbye to all her designer things then. Don't be so stupid. She's not staying with him." He told him like he had any say in the matter.
Jacob gaped at him, shocked by how hard he was taking this . "What do you mean? Where else could she go? She's refusing to stay with me." He told him .
Sidney thought about it for a long moment then his face lit up. "Oh! She can stay in my apartment next door. That would be perfect right?" He gasped . Grinning at the thought of having her right next door to him, not having to worry about where she laid her head or if she was safe or not.
There was no safer place. Sidney had bought out the entire top floor of the apartment building for his own privacy and the only time that the apartment next door got used was when friends came to stay. So rarely. It was perfect but...
"Just maybe don't tell her that I own it." He told her brother sheepishly "otherwise she'll just tell me to go fuck myself again."
Jacob laughed and relaxed, easy agreeing . Just happy that his sister would have somewhere safe to live now.
True to his word Jacob didn't tell his sister about just who's apartment she would be staying in, leaving her to nearly lose her shit when she glanced up from her front door, where she was dragging In her large box of shoes , only to see Sidney coming out of the door next to hers.
She gasped "what the fuck? Are you stalking me?!" She immediately accused him. Standing straight again. Considering throwing one of her shoes at him for scaring her like that.
Her eyes narrowing when Sidney just chuckled, arms crossing over his chest as he looked her over , taking her in in her athletic shorts set. He smiled.
"I live here." He told her simply . Voice Curt and firm as he asked her next "and how is my favourite criminal?" Smirking at her slyly.
Her face dropped as she cursed "fucking snitch!" She cursed out her brother. Flushing red.
"he's lying!" She lied.
Sidney tilted his head at her in amusement "really? So you weren't hiding drugs for your drug dealer boyfriend then ?" He called out her bullshit.
She hesitated , then mumbled "ex boyfriend." Not denying it. "And it wasn't that big of a deal. I wasn't doing them just...holding onto them for him." She felt the need to let him know.
Sidney wasn't impressed. He took a step closer to her making her look up at him, lips parting a little as he got into her personal space.
"You could have gone to jail. It's a crime Cherrie . You know better than to do shit like that. Especially for some guy that doesn't even respect you." He muttered down to her unhappily.
Her heart was racing as she flattened her expression. Pursing her lips at him . Trying to act unaffected by him.
"He loved me." She weakly muttered.
Sidney chuckled a little meanly "he loved how easy you are." He snapped at her before he could stop himself .
And Cherrie scowled up at him, giving him a little angry shove as she spat "what's that supposed to mean?"
"It means it's Been only twenty four hours and you're already with someone new. Where do you even find these assholes?" He wanted to know. Was it asshole.com or something?
She scoffed and took a step away from him , reminding herself how to breathe normally. He shouldn't be affecting her like this.
And maybe she was easy because she was trying not to squirm in her damp panties as he sternly looked down his nose at her, his broad shoulders blocking her view as she glared up at him.
His eyes Stern and mouth set as he glared straight back at her. Not budging. and she hated how hot he looked then , hated how turned on she got whenever he got like this with her . Hated how much she liked it when he got bossy and when he got strict,  his mean comments and firm hand made her quiver in all the best ways .
She liked it when he tried to put her into her place , pointing out her fuck ups and calling her out on her bullshit. Nobody else did it like him.
She was a mess. "At least I can find someone. How's your love life Mr hockey? Find a way to fuck a puck yet?" She snarked at him. Defensive because he was right.
His eyes narrowed down at her dangerously , and he seemed even bigger then. She pressed her thighs together. Wincing.
"I'd rather be alone than tossed around and catching shit." He insulted.
She gasped sharply "I don't have anything! I get regularly rested." She snapped at him. Shoving him away from her but he barely even moved.
Instead he stood his ground and rolled his eyes at her , jaw clenching. "That's not the point. You need to be more careful Cherrie. These guys aren't nice. I don't wand anything to happen to you." He told her firmly .
She just scoffed , swallowing hard . "You would know all about the not so nice guys wouldn't you? Asshole." She huffed at him. Overwhelmed with what she felt then.
Sidney sighed and shook his head, finally backing up a step to let them both breathe again .
"I'm only trying to help." He muttered.
She turned away from him with a haughty sniff, leaning down to pick up her box of shoes. "Yeah well.. I don't need your help. I'm perfectly fine on my own Crosby!" She snapped at him kicking open her door.
He watched her stomp inside to put the box down before returning. Then they both stared at the heavy dresser that she had yet to bring inside .
Sidney hid his smirk behind his fist, clearing his throat instead.
"Want me to help bring it in?" He offered smugly .
She glared at him and shook her head "no." Then she tried to pick it up and failed miserably.
Sidney looked at her, Cherrie looked at everything but him. Then she sighed and mumbled quietly "please."
"Good girl." He mumbled smugly , as he walked over to help her bring it in.
Chuckling a little as he did so. Smirking at the way her cheeks flush red at his praise. "That wasn't so hard to say was it?" He mocked.
She gave him the middle finger. And as soon as she turned her back Sydney finally grinned to himself , relaxing now that she was there. Safe and okay. With him.
It didn't take long for them to settle into a routine . With Sidney staying out of her way and Cherrie going out of hers to make sure that he heard every little thing that she did in her apartment .
He had never realised just how popular she was until he was being kept up every night because of it , with their loud laughters and music all night. The creaking of her bed and the loud moans, the shouts and the drunken cries . The terrible singing and the rambles , the giggling girls and boorish guys who shouted like they were dying.
It had finally gotten to his nerves by week three , she barely spoke to him. Usually just giving him a Middle finger in passing . But he heard her alright .
And as he was staring down at the ridiculous pile of parcels that he had gathered while she was out, he finally had enough. Staying away wasn't working anyways . So he marched over there and let himself into her apartment without even knocking, he owned it . So he decided that it was perfectly fine for him to do so.
"Don't you know how to fucking knock jackass?!" She squealed at Him in shock as she jumped up off her couch. Staring at him with wide eyes.
Sidney just glanced around the apartment, teeth grinding as he took in the sight off all the mess of beer bottles and clothes strung everywhere, half of which he was certain weren't even hers. He glanced down at his foot and saw an empty condom rapper, and that was the last straw.
He snapped "you're a little witch! You've kept me up for weeks with your shit now! What the hell are you doing ? Don't you have any respect?!" He seethed. Pushing away the jealously and nasty feelings in his chest as he threw her parcels down onto the table angrily . Trying to calm down.
Cherrie paused , startled by his anger then she slowly walked over to him.
Scowling back "I haven't done anything wrong." She denied. Defensive.
Sidney let out a humourless laugh "I can hear everything Cherrie." Was all he has to stress for her to understand .
She went red and swallowed hard . Inhaling a little
Too sharply in shock as she let out a startled "oh." Realising just what he might have heard.
"Yeah. Oh." He scoffed shaking his head unkindly at her .
"No more of that shit do ya hear me?" He instructed her firmly . Not joking around this time. And she got it.
And for once in her life she listened. Nodding her head a little, not looking at him as she mumbled a embarrassed"okay." Shocking him into calming right down.
He frowned down at her, surprised by her lack of argument. "Okay? You're agreeing with me?" He couldn't believe it. That much was evident.
Cherrie rolled her eyes at him , annoyed. "Yes. Anything else daddy?" She tested him .
They both tensed for two different reasons. She leaned against the back of the couch to look at him, even more annoyed when she saw how his tight shirt was hugging his muscular biceps perfectly. She hated it.
Sidney inhaled deeply, crossed his arms even tighter against his chest as he tried to keep calm. Something incredibly difficult to do when it came down to miss trouble.
"What even is all this crap anyways?" He changed the subject before she could get him roped into her said trouble.
Looking down at all of the parcels he had been collecting for her, he rose a brow. "How much more do you need? Are they..even more shoes?" He sounded incredulous because he was.
He knew that she had turned the spare bedroom into a closet, and he knew that because he had spent an entire afternoon filling the walls with all of her ridiculously overpriced heels. She refused to let him leave until they were all perfectly lined in order of colour. Sidney had never seen so many heels in his life , he had been overwhelmed and needed a beer to get through it all. She was ridiculous.
Yet his heart still beat fondly for her as he watched her pull out a brand new pair of heart shaped heels, looking almost identical to a pair that he had seen her strut around in bedore.
Her grin was childish as she held up her leg in the air between them for him to see her new shoes, turning her ankle this way and that way proudly for him .
"Beautiful huh? I got them on sale!" She informed him excitedly . Hardly paying him any attention as she slipped on the other heel and started pretending that the living room was her runway , watching herself in the floor to ceiling length mirror as she did so. Flicking her hair over her shoulder confidently .
Sidney exhaled quietly , tucking his hands into his pockets . "Yeah..yeah." He agreed quietly , eyes glued to her smile . A genuine one. No sarcasm or meanness to it. It took his breath away.
So he quickly turned his back to her and changed his tone of voice again, needing to rid himself of this softness that overcome him then.
"Try not to be so annoying tonight alright? No more raging parties. Otherwise I will be calling your brother about it." He threatened her , striding to the door. Needing to leave before her sweet perfume , ridiculous heels and pretty smile made him do something that he really shouldn't do.
He heard her scoff, but he still don't turn around.
"Get fucked Sid." She called after him, laughter evident in her voice. Knowing that there was no way he would be snitching again. Not when he had her right next door to keep an eye on. Not when he could just go there and scold her himself.
Still, he rolled his eyes and quipped back "you're so obsessed with fucking me and me getting fucked lately princess . You sure it's not a you probekm?"
The sound of a heel being thrown against the door as he quickly shut it behind him , echoed alongside his laughter as he went home. Grinning the whole way.
How's my sister settling in? Jacob text him concerned. Not causing you any bother is she?
Sidney didn't hesitate , no bother at all. She's a good girl.
Sidney finally got to meet cherries new boyfriend that weekend , he was already standing by the elevator waiting for it to open up when he heard a familiar voice coming from around the corner, footsteps coming his way.
He tilted his head down to his feet. Straining his ears as he listened in, brows furrowing at the upset whine to her voice. One he recognised all too well.
"I don't see why you're complaining. There's nothing wrong with my dress." She was clearly not happy, sounding put out.
Sids frown deepened . Her dress? He wondered confused. What could possibly wrong with what she was wearing? She looked good in everything and every time sid saw her, she was dressed to the nines. She loved her clothes, loved her fashion. She was trendy and on top of her game, and most the time she looked like a supermodel. Even when she was just at home.
It was something that always amazed Sidney about her. How put together she was, even when she was acting out like a little shit. She always looked good while doing it. Always a new dress and perfect hair , Sidney had never known her to miss a single nail or hair appointment even when she was sick.
A deeper voice echoed back, sounding annoyed. And it instantly had his shoulders tensing.
"A dress?" The man scoffed "is that what you're calling it? I hope you don't bend over tonight then otherwise it's over for you." He said.
Sidney scolded darkly . She did like to wear short dresses. But so fucking what? If the jackass couldn't handle it then what the hell was he even doing around a girl like Cherrie? She was way to good for him. Way out of his league.
If she was mine, Sidney thought darkly . I wouldn't care what she wore because it was her body and her choice , and if any asshole had anything to say about it. He could fight. So She wouldn't have to worry with him.
"Well you definitely won't be bending me over with that attitude mark!" He heard her snap back, but Sidney knew her. And he could hear the subtle hurt tone to her voice and knew that his slut shaming comment has gotten to her. No matter how much she pretended it hadn't.
"I'm just saying!" The idiot continued on talking down to her. And Sidney felt his fist clenched by his side as he waited for the to round the corner, wanting to see this idiot with his own two eyes.
Because why the hell was she doing going out with a guy that clearly had no respect for her? What could he have that she could possibly want?
"And I had to wait over an hour for you to get your nails done again! I've never met a girl as high maintenance once as you before! Can't you calm down a little with it? Life doesn't always have to be diamonds and high heels babe!" He condescended.
Sidney scoffed. Then he straitened up to his full height as they finally came around the corner , Cherrie looking like a deer in headlights as she realised that he had heard every word. Not looking impressed at all.
Crossing his arms over his chest, he felt his eyebrow raise in shock as he looked at the jackass. Wondering what's he saw in him.
Then he did a double take.
Dark hair. Older. Broader . Taller . Looking like a knock off version of Sid, dressed in jeans and a button down shirt . Rolex on his wrist.
Sidney couldn't believe it. His eyes flickering over to Cherrie, only to see her uncharacteristically quiet , eyes staring down at her sparkly heels instead . Looking uncomfortable as she stood stiffly by her boyfriends side.
He looks like me. Sidney thought faintly , biting back a knowing smirk as he came to a realisation then. Looking at her a little longer , almost daring her to meet his eyes. But when she didn't, when she just stayed quiet. Sid sighed.
"I don't think being high maintenance is a bad think. Sounds like she just wants to be looked after." Sidney commented bluntly , looking at the man.
Mark looked straight back, eyed him up and down in distaste. "And who the hell are you?" He scoffed.
Cherrie was embarrassed , keeping to herself as they all stepped inside the elevator . Arms around her waist , shoulder brushing against Sids as he shuffled closer to her. Eyes never leaving the side of her face , anger making him clench his jaw at how upset this guy had made her with his stupid comments.
"He's my neighbour mark. This is Sidney." She muttered.
Mark laughed "ah. This is the guy you were complaining about? The one who's got a stick up his ass?" He repeated her words.
Her cheeks flushed red as Sidney a brow at her, lips twitching . Her eyes briefly rose to meet his own for a moment before quickly looking away and clearing her throat . Embarrassed.
"Yes." She mumbled.
Sidney snorted "you know, I prefer your complaints hand delivered to me. Not second hand." He told her, unimpressed by her shit talking him to this asshole.
Cherrie looked at him with a glare "shut up Sid." She snapped.
He laughed quietly but his smile quickly fell when mark muttered impatiently that they were going to be late because of her, already walking out of the Elevator as soon as it opened, not even waiting for her as he strode off to his car.
Sidney frowned, gently taking a hold of her arm before she could trail off after him. She looked up at him in surprise.
He cleared his throat a little , eyes staring into her own with concern. "Call me if you need a getaway car alright? I don't like him at all. You shouldn't be letting him talk to you like that. He's an asshole." He murmured to her , angrily.
Embarrassed that he had seen her in such a way, that he had seen her as anything other than her usual confident and self assured self. She yanked her arm away from him with a scowl.
"Leave me alone Crosby ! I don't need your help." She hissed at him bedore storming away. Leaving Sidney stood in the lobby of their building with his arms hanging by his side, watching her leave with yet another guy that wasn't good for her. Worry written across huf face , chest tightening as she left.
Fucking hell. He rubbed a hand over his face stressfully. He was so fucked.
It wasn't until the next night that she called him in a fit of tears. Having him be her getaway driver as he picked her up outside some fancy condo. Watching in shock as she wailed in the passenger seat, mascara running down her face. Still in last nights dress.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He rushed out worriedly to her . hands hovering over her as he looked her over for any injuries . Finding none. Just tears falling from her eyes as she scowled furiously , Hand wiping at her tearful face angrily .
She sniffled loudly "it's over! He was a Right cunt Sid !" She declared to him while sobbing .
Sidney cautiously  glancing around before starting his car and getting them out of there, heart racing as he kept glancing her at her in concern, not knowing what the hell had happened. Hating that she was crying and hating that he didn't know how to solve it.
"What happened?" He asked her in one breath. Reaching his hand over to wipe at the tears falling down her cheeks, keeping one hand on the wheel as he drove them home.
Cherrie groaned. Leaning down to pull off her heels, sniffling and crying as she mumbled "I overheard him calling me a bitch and a slut to his friends so I..." she hesitated to tell him. Remembering then just who she was talking to.
She crossed her legs beneath her, reaching into the backseat to grab at Sidney’s hoodie he kept there. Not even asking him before she was pulling it over her body. Covering her dress. Inhaling his scent and calming down a little , scrunching up the sleeves in her hand as she turned her body towards him.
Wanting comfort and seeking it in him.
Sidney glanced over at her, then down at his hoodie that she had pulled on, before meeting her tearful gaze again.
He sighed, bracing himself for it. "Jesus. What have you done now?" He asked her concerned. Because he knew that look on her face, knew exactly what it meant.
It was mixture of guilt, fury and shame. Like she couldn't decide what to settle on but she knew that she had fucked up. Again.
"Well..I thought. Fine. I'll show him just how much of a bitchy slut I can be so I .." her voice quietness as she told him in embarrassment "I fucked his dad."
Sidney’s head snapped to her with wide eyes, mouth dropping open in disbelief.
"You did what?!" He almost shouted. Hoping that he heard her wrong.
He hadn't.
She grimaced. Sinking deeper into her seat in shame.
"I went over there and I knew-I knew that he was at least attracted to me . I mean who wouldn't be?l" she missed Sidney’s incredulous look as she started crying again.
Still a little drunk from all the wine she had been pitifully downing the whole night . "So I seduced his dad and then fucked him-which by the way-he fucked so much better than his stupid son did-"
Sidney made a strangled noise, teeth clenching as tightly as his fists did around the steering wheel. He did not want to hear this.
"Okay! That's enough! I don't want to hear it!" He snapped. "God! Why are you like this?" He felt the anger, jealously and frustration in him take over.
Shaking his head in disappointment at her , making her lip quiver as she watched him tearfully . "It's not you at all! Why do you keep doing this? All this sex, drugs and -"
"Rock n roll?" She chimed in weakly. Giggling drunkenly as she held up the rock on sign with her fingers. Only lowering them when Sidney just glared at her. Not impressed At all.
His look of disappointment just made her cry harder, curling into herself as she looked at him with a pout on her face. Chest feeling heavy, regretting all of it. Just wishing that she had stayed home. That she had just stopped doing this and just stuck to annoying Sidney instead . Maybe then she wouldn't be stuck feeling like this.
"You're not funny." Sidney let her know . Shaking his head. "Stop crying." He muttered as he turned into their building. Chest feeling tight at the sight of her tears.
He turned off the car and unbuckled himself . Leaning over the console to cup her face in his hands , gently brushing away the tears with his thumbs . Still glaring at her as he did so. Tense and upset.
She snuggled onto his hand with a sniffle "I'm sorry." She whined , looking up at him with big , glossy eyes.
"I'm going to stop all this. I'm gonna be better." She suddenly declared. Meaning it.
Sidney laughed. He had to. Smirking down at her incredulously . "Oh really?" He didn't believe it and she could tell.
Frowning up at him , upset  . Watching as he got out of the car. Jogging around to her side to open the door for her. Unbuckling her and helping her out, grabbing her heels from her hands. Steadying her.
"I mean it Sid." She continued trying to convince him. Letting him wrap his arm around her shoulder as he led them inside safely , leaning into his side with loud yawn. "I'm done being a wild child."
He laughed even harder then , the pressure slowly easing from his chest as he cuddled her into his side. Pressing his lips against the side of her head as they came out of the elevator , stopping by her door.
"Yeah." He chuckled ruffling her hair gently "I'll believe it when I see it." He muttered amusedly.
She just huffed tiredly. Then groaned when he suddenly spun her around and tugged her into him, wrapping his big arms around her back as he squeezed her to his chest firmly. Leaving her to stare wide eyed at his chest, gasping in surprise.
She slapped his stomach "what are you doing?!" She exclaimed, voice muffled against his shirt.
He just squeezed her harder, chuckling on top of her head as he closed his eyes. Savouring the cuddle.
"Hugging you.." he mumbled. Amused. "Don't tell me you don't hug either? Are you too cool to hug me?" He teased her.
Cherrie groaned. Cheeks heating up as she loosely wrapped her arms around his waist , hugging him back. "Shut up." She mumbled. Giggling a little. "You're so stupid."
He chuckled lowly "you are." He stated shaking his head as he slowly pulled away from the embrace . Sighing at the state of her.
He took her keys from her bag and opened the door, taking ahold of her hand gently instead as he led her inside the apartment.
"Come on trouble . Let's get this makeup off you and you can sleep off the hangover." He instructed her gently .
She followed him without a single complaint. Jumping up on the counter as he pulled out her makeup remover .
"Hey Sid?" She spoke up a few minutes later when he was wiping the streaked mascara from her cheeks.
"Yeah?" He looked up at her. Biting his cheek to stop himself from smiling as he saw the pouty look on her pretty face.
"You like my dress?" She wondered quietly.
He laughed lightly , affectionately. "I do. I like all your dresses." He replied. Then "that guy was a idiot and a liar. You're perfect as you are. Don't change." He told her quietly.
His eyes widening in surprise when she suddenly leaned forward and willingly hugged him on her own, squeezing him to her with a long sigh . Her soft smile pressed against the side of his cheek as he hugged her back without any hesitation.
Yeah. He sighed. He was so , so fucked.
Sidney couldn't believe it but things really did start changing for the better after that night.
Meaning that suddenly , she never left him alone. He had almost gasped in fright the first night that he returned home after practice to find her already on his couch, watching tv.
Having let herself in without any shame . She hadn't even looked at his astonished face , merely pointed to the kitchen. And told him that there was some leftover takeout in the fridge for him.
Getting over his shock had been hard but then he was watching a movie with her. Listening to her ramble onto him about all of her favourite scenes , smiling to himself when she told him where he could have seen the actors before. His heart pounding in his chest when she fell asleep with her head against his shoulder , his arm around hers . In disbelief to himself . She stayed the night.
And since then she hadn't really left.
She was there in the mornings, sharing his horrible healthy smoothies with him. She let him drag her along to the gym with him with the promise of getting her ice cream afterwords . Then they started hanging out , going shopping together , or just driving around .
Sidney accompanied her to the bank where she got him to sort out all of her Money problems for her, claiming that she needed an 'adultier adult.' Which she clearly was not.
Then she started coming to see his games. In the family box waiting for him, wearing his shirt with a wide smile on her face each night. Hugging him whether they won or lost and Sidney felt like he was on cloud nine. Yet too scared to break it, too scared to wake up from his dream. So he didn't say anything for a while , didn't question her sudden closeness. Just bathed in it instead.
He ignored his friends knowing looks, told her brother that he was just looking out for her as he cooked her a home made meal . Bought all of her favourite snacks and tried to bake cookies just because she was craving them.
And Sidney could only feel both overwhelmed and amused because he knew what was happening. He wasn't some dumb kid that wasn't aware of his own feelings or somebody else's .
He could see the way she looked at him now, saw the way she lingered and waited impatiently for his attention. The way she would look his way after each dumb joke she said, just to see if he would laugh. The way she went out of her way to prove to him that she wasn't going to be some dumb little shithead anymore that sent his blood pressure skyrocketing just for fun
She finally wanted him her like he had wanted her for so long and it felt so fucking food to know. Even though they hadn't said a thing.
Sidney knew what was happening. And he could only smile despite knowing how fucked he was. He has fallen for trouble and trouble was finally falling for him too.
Then he opened his door one night and could only sigh in disbelief as he saw Cherrie waiting for him, eyes trailing down to the fluffy fur ball in her Arms, a not so innocent smile on her pretty face She cheesed at him.
He just groaned "Jesus Christ Cherrie! I was only gone for a couple of hours!" He breathed out . Hesitantly reaching out his hand to stroke the kittens soft head, eyes never leaving cherries face. Arching his brow at her as he waited for excuse to come.
It didn't disapirnwmnt . She never did.
"I needed a friend! Isn't he pretty? It's a rag doll. I've called him zoomy." She told him proudly. Kissing it's little head repeatedly as it purred away in her arms, big blue eyes slowly blinking up at her. She awwed loudly .
Sidney just sighed, more than amused. Unable to be mad at her. I mean. It was Cherrie. This was absolutely something she would do. Silently move herself into his home and get them a cat while he was at practice .
"Why?" He dared to ask.
She grinned "cause look." She put the little kitten down. Both of them watching as the cat suddenly took off and started sprinting around the room chaotically , fast as fuck.
Sidney let out a mixture of a groan and laugh, rubbing his hands over his face with a disbelieving grin.
"You're unbeblivale ." He said. Fondly .
Then he looked at her and muttered "going home anytime soon?" Already knowing her answer . The little kitten scratching at his heels as it followed him into the kitchen. Sidney pulling out all the ingredients he would need to make her favourite food.
Cherrie threw herself down onto the couch with a giggle. "You kicking me out?" she called out to him. Grinning As she put in his favourite movie for them to watch.
He grinned down at the cutting board , cheeks flushed with happiness as he picked up zoomy and placed the kitten on his chest , kissing its little head .
Heart pounding in his chest as he dared another peak at her, safe and content with him. In his home.
"Would you even leave if I did?" He joked.
Then a snort "i don't listen to liars Sid. You've always wanted me here. You're never getting rid of me now." She told him confidently . Seeing right through him. She always had.
Sidney just smiled.
Then her brother text him , my sister doing good?
Sidney hesitated . Then replied. Best she's ever been. And he's wasn't lying. He just failed to tell him that the reason why she was the best she had ever been was because she was with him.
Sidney finally spoke up about them playing house without telling each other how they really felt a month later.
After staring down at the boutique of flowers on the kitchen island that he had gotten her every Friday , signing off his and cherries name as his plus one to his teammates wedding . He came to the startling real stool then that this was really it for him.
They did everything together now. He had met her friends. She hung out with his. They had dinner together almost every night . She practically lived with him. Most of his wardrobe was filled with her pretty dresses and he could barely find his sneakers through the mountain of her heels.
Her makeup sat in his bathroom, her tooth brush next to his. Most nights they fell asleep on his bed while cuddling together, their favourite shows playing in the background.
They were a couple without being a couple and Sidney was getting too old to be playing these games and he knew that if he didn't bring the whole subject up first, then they would be doing this forever . Because Cherrie definitely would not say it first.
She was more of a 'always have the last word' Kinda girl instead.
So looking down at the little cat in his arms. He kissed it's tiny head for courage , sighing into its soft fur as he mumbled . "This is it zoomy. Jacob is going to kill me." Before putting him down carefully.
Then Sidney took a deep breath, gathered his courage and looked at her. She had been browsing gifts to get his friends for their wedding, head snapping over to him mid ramble when he said her name. Firmly .
Eyes widening at the serious look on his face, she blinked at him. "What?" She laughed a little, but the feeling in her gut told her that she knew exactly what was coming. Had been waiting for this moment really.
She slowly put down her phone and faced him, fidgeting with her rings as she sat on her stool. Heart pounding nervously in her chest. This was really it. She realised.
"What the hell are we doing Cherrie?" He breathed out . Slowly walking to her side , bending his head so that she would meet his eyes. Needing her to realise that he was serious this time. No time for playing around.
She laughed a little nervously  "what do you mean?" She tried to play dumb but it wasn't working.
Sidney just levelled her with a stern look, shaking his head at her. Tapping his fingers against the counter anxiously . "I'm getting too old for your games princess. What's going on?" He repeated a little more firmly this time. Watching her cool facade crumble just like that.
The sigh she let out was shaky as she swung her legs around to face him, wrapping her arms around his stomach as she pulled him in between her legs. Hugging him, Sidney only hesitated for a moment before loosely putting his hand on the back of her head as she rested her chest on his chest. Running his fingers gently through her hair to keep her calm, grounding her.
Her mumble was muffled ahinst his shirt "you've always taken care of me Crosby." She fiddled with the belt loop of his jeans as she said it.
He gently tugged at her ponytail to get her to look up at him, his face calm despite the rapid racing of his Heart . He knew that this was meant to be. Knew where this was heading and he wasn't scared anymore . He had been waiting for this moment for what felt like forever.
"I have." He agreed quietly "I've always wanted the best for you but you never seemed to go for that." He told her honestly .
Even when they were bickering and arguing , when she was giving him attitude and getting on his nerves . He had always made her his priority. Had always made sure that she was okay, that she was safe and getting everything that she needed and wanted. Simply because he was a sucker for her.
He always had been. That was the problem. Falling in love with his best friends little sister had never been the plan. But when did anything ever go as planned anyays?
And deep down, Cherrie knew it. She knew exactly what she was doing. Knew exactly what he was feeling and how he felt about her. It wasn't hard to see.
How he had spent years making excuses to be around her. Coming to every gathering, every party and event with them. Even though he liked to be low key and kind of hated the rest of jacobs friends. He still came , because he wanted to see her.
He always picked up the phone in the middle of the night , always ready to drive her home from her drunken escapedes . Always ready to be her getaway car. Helping her sneak back in the house , helping her sober up so her parents wouldn't realise what she had been doing . Even when they 'hated' each other. He was always on her side. Always.
She sighed in vague amusement , and fondness was written all across her pretty face as she gazed up at him. Chin resting on his chest as he looked down at her, throat bobbing as he swallowed hard . She rested her hand over his heart and felt how it raced beneath her skin, then she laughed lightly .
"I know that the apartment you gave me is yours Sid. And I know that you paid off my parking tickets and I know that you're the one that got that jackass , who badmouthed me at that restaurant, fired. And I know that everything good that's happened to me has always been because of you." She admitted to him affectionately.
Sidney was speechless. And a little mortified .
Face going red as he realised that he really hasn't been subtle af all. It was one of those times where he thanked the heavens that her brother was so fucking oblivious, otherwise he had a feeling that he would have had his ass handed to him a long time ago.
Was his love for her really that obvious? Who else knew?
She did.
And she was smirking up at him smugly , gently squeezing his waist to bring him back down to Earth.
"You know?" He weakly muttered. Taken aback. Having expected that he would need to lay out a whole love confession to her to get her to understand.
She nodded her head, giggling. "I know old man." She confirmed amused.
"Can't resist a pretty face huh Crosby ?" She teased him.
He gently cupped her face in his hands. Smile softening , face wary as he admitted to her quietly. "I can't. Not one as pretty as yours but Cherrie.." he hesitated for a moment. Not wanting to scare her away but needing her to know that this was it for him.
"This is serious for me alright?" He tells her softly , the colour on his face only deepening. Blushing like a school girl as he gazed down at her , so in love with trouble that it hurt .
"I want forever with you . I don't want to play games or have to worry about you not being mine. I want-" he stumbled over his words for a moment , overwhelmed by her then. Overwhelmed by all that he felt for her. He didn't know that it was possible to love somebody so much. "-I'm not getting any younger and you're still so young ..you have to be sure-"
She cut him off quickly , still smiling .
"I'm sure." Shes more serious than he's ever seen her. Looking up at him like he was her entire world and all the stars intertwined .
He breathed out shakily , hands trembling on her jaw as he pulled her closer . "Are you? Because I'll get it if you're not ready , you've never been serious about a guy in your life. I don't want to be boyfriend number thousand. I don't want to be someone that you regret." He whispered to her .
She shook her head at him, eyes glossy and heart so full for the man that had never let her down. Had never let her go. Realising that he had waited for her to be ready, had let her get all of her stupid mistakes and rebounds out of her system first .
He had let her be young and dumb, had let her live. But now she realised that happiness was what she wanted. And what was life without happiness?
Her happiness was staring down at her like she was his heart . Like she was the shoelaces to his shoes. The bones that protected his heart, like she was the one.
So She smiled "Your not going to be.. you're going to be the last boyfriend that I ever have Sidney Crosby . Because I love you. I have for a while and I'm sorry for being such a little shithead and making you wait around for me." She told him honestly . A little embarrassed but so fucking thankful that he had stuck around .
He laughed Wetly , struck with love for her. Shaking his head in vague amusement , his thumbs rubbing circles into her soft skin as he nudged their noses together gently .
"Don't be. I enjoy you being a shithead . It's what made me fall in love with you , you're trouble. And I love that. Are you sure that you're serious about this?" He needed to know. His future standing right in front of him. Bright eyes and a pretty smile .
It was always going to be her , wasn't it?
"I am." She promised him. Her cheek in his hand. Smiling up at him genuinely. "I want you Sidney." She told him. Meaning it with everything in her. She wanted everything that he could give her.
So he kissed her. Like he had dreamt of kissing her for the last couple of years. Caressing her mouth with his own, his hand cupping her jaw as she pulled him closer. Her fingers scratching lightly into his scalp as he sighed blissfully against her tongue , tasting her. Needing her so bad it hurt .
"Aren't you going to say it back to me now ?" She impatiently mumbled into the kiss, and he could feel her frowning against his cheek , fingers tugging a little harder at his hair in punishment for making her wait .
He laughed breathlessly against her lips, more than amused at the sass she still had. Even in a soft moment like this, she still gave him attitude.
That was his girl.
"I'm so in love with you." He grinned , kissing her again simply because he could now .
Then he groaned in misery "And your brother is going to kill me." He muttered , sighing as he pulled away.
Looking down at her carefully , his lips twitching . Taking in her swollen lips and flushed cheeks , the way she pulled him in. Fidgeting with his belt loops , Puckering her lips up impatiently for another kiss. Greedy for them now.
"Which part of my face do you think he'll break first?" He wondered out loud warily.
She just grinned. Giggling . Kissing all across his face , giddy with love.
"Hopefully not your nose. I really like your face. Kind of want to sit on it soon ." She let him know. Not caring too much about it.
She loved him. He loved her. There really wasn't much her brother could do about it now. No matter what he did or what he said , it wasn't going to change a single thing.
So She kissed him again. Smugly. "I'm worth it through aren't i?" She confidently muttered , giggling as he bruised his face into her neck. His laughter tickling her skin as he held her close, the smile never leaving his face.
He laughed breathlessly as she began tugging him impatiently to the bedroom. The buttons of his shirt flying across the room as she ripped it off him, leaving him panting and watching her with wide eyes . So in love it hurt.
"You are so worth it." He promised. Meaning it.
He would take as many punches to the face as her brother gave him. As long as he got to come home to her for the rest of his life. He would be happy.
She was trouble . But she was Cherrie. And he loved her. So the little shithead was worth every headache and every worry.
Because she was his now.
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
(day four) not so alone , sidney crosby
note, this fic is part of my christmas series called taylor's very merry christmas series. check out this masterlist for the rest of the series. pair, sidney crosby x reader summary, y/n and sid are staying in pittsburgh for christmas this year, with their families coming out to visit instead. y/n heard through the grapevine that some of the guys weren’t going home, so she decided to welcome them over so they weren’t so alone. warnings, baby + kids (baby rakell & little geno) word count, 853 words
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(gif not mine)
"I got everything on the list, but is there anything else you need?" Sidney asked. Before practice, you had given him a list of things you needed for your big Christmas dinner.
"Well, we need dog food, but I can pick that up tomorrow." You looked over at your two dogs.
"No, I got it." You could hear the cart being pushed down the aisle from the other line, "Anything else?"
"Well, there is one thing." You held your breath.
"What is it?"
"I heard about a couple of the guys weren't going home, so I was wondering..." You paused, "I thought we could invite them over to our house."
"Invite them over?" He repeated.
"Yeah," You smiled, "No one should be alone on Christmas, Sid."
He let out a laugh, "Yeah, of course we can.”
You smiled, "All right, you finish shopping, then come home, and we can talk about how we're gonna do this."
"All right, I'll speedrun the rest of your list."
"Thank you. See you soon."
"See you soon."
Sidney got home and you discussed your new dinner plan and how you were gonna get another long table now that you had even more guests.
Before it was just gonna be your parents plus your sister, his parents and Geno plus Anna and Nikita, but after, you calculated that it was
While you were in charge of the menu, Sidney was in charge of cleaning, getting the house ready, and inviting his teammates over.
So, after practice, while everyone was getting ready to leave, that’s when he thought it was the best time to do it.
“All right, one more thing before you all go.” He announced, gathering everyone’s attention, “Mrs. Crosby heard some of you weren’t going home for Christmas this year, so if you don’t have anywhere to go, our home is open for you.”
They all nodded, appreciative looks on their faces as they all went back to what they were doing. After they all finished up, a few guys approached him.
He looked at the 4 guys in front of him, Jarry, Rakell, Kapanen, and Joseph, and smiled. Before they could even open their mouths, “Be there at 4.” They all nodded and were on their way.
On Christmas, you and Sidney were rushing around the house. Sweeping, vacuuming, and making sure everything was in tip-top shape.
Your parents were also in town, so they were helping out where they could. The first to arrive were the Malkins, and they arrived with a very nice bottle of wine. The moment Nikita stepped into your house, he was running off to play with your dogs.
Geno brought the dish they brought into the kitchen, and while Sidney followed him, you and Anna made your way into the living room with glasses of wine already in hand.
Not long after the Malkin’s arrived was when everyone else started arriving too. Tristan and his fiancé arrived with a nice bottle of wine.
Then Kappy and PO Joseph came together, looking dapper as ever. You opened the door, holding one of your dog's collars so they wouldn't run out the door.
You smiled at them, and smiled even brighter when you noticed the bouquet of flowers in Pierre's hands, "Glad you guys could make it." You gave them each a brief hug as you were handed the flowers.
"Thank you for inviting us."
Lastly to arrive were the Rakell’s, which you didn’t fault for being late due to the baby, who was now fast asleep in your arms.
You all congregated around the table and began talking amongst each other, enjoying the food prepared.
Due to the sleeping child in your arms, you couldn't really cut or eat any of your food, so Sidney did the work for you. He cut up the turkey into smaller pieces and spoon-fed food to you.
"I just wanted to thank everyone for coming." You announced looking around the table, "I know it was last minute, but I really do believe that no one should be alone on Christmas, so thank you." You smiled at everyone as you bounced the sleeping baby in your arms.
"Thank you." Emmeli, Rickard's wife smiled, "Thank you for welcoming us into your home. It means more to us than we can say." You smiled happily before taking your seat again, leaning into Sidney’s arms.
After everyone had gone home with heaps of leftovers and everyone staying over at your home had retreated into their rooms for the night, you and Sidney spent some time cleaning up the easy stuff, pushing all the harder stuff for the next morning.
“So, I saw how you were with Daisy,” He started, shooting you a smirk.
“Don’t start.” You shook your head, “You were the exact same way. You were giving her goo-goo eyes and playing peek-a-boo all night.”
“I’m not denying it.” He raised his hands in surrender.
“I’m perfectly happy where we are right now.”
“All right, but what wasn’t a no,”
“No, it wasn’t.” You shook your head as you set some plates by the sink to deal with the next morning.
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toasttt11 · 3 months
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May 28, 2024
Cameron hurried into her home in Nova Scotia and paused in the doorway hearing laughing, she smiled as she walked into the kitchen seeing her dad, Nate and Fraser sitting around the island eating her dad’s famous banana bread.
Sidney had offered to go pick Fraser up because she had a training session at the same time. Cameron was still surprised how much her dad seemed to like Fraser since he met in him in the hospital.
Cameron smiled even softer seeing Mr. Mack sitting right next to Fraser.
Cameron quietly walked over to them and leaned over Fraser grabbing a small piece of the banana bread and eating it.
Fraser froze as he knew immediately who that was and beamed spinning around and seeing Cameron standing there, “Cam.” Fraser was beaming as he pulled her into a gentle hug.
“Hi Fras.” Cameron whispered softly hugging his back.
Sidney raised an eyebrow at Nate as the scene in front of him proved his point, Nate didn’t believe Sidney at all when he said Cameron had a crush on someone.
Nate titled his head still looking shocked.
They pulled away from their hug and Cameron turned to her dad and uncle “Were you nice Uncle Nate.” Cameron narrowed her eyes at Nate, she knew better than anyone that Nate likes to tease but she wanted to make sure he was nice to Fraser.
Nate gasped dramatically putting a hand over his heart looking offended, “I was so nice Cammie!”
Cameron hummed in response not believing him for a second and grabbed Fraser’s hand and pulled him out of the kitchen.
“Hey!” Nate called out offended making her giggled as she continued to walked away with Fraser.
“Come on i’ll show you my favorite spot.” Cameron softly spoke to Fraser and she guided him through her house and to the back yard.
Fraser looked around realizing the Crosby’s house is right on the water.
Cameron brought him to the hammock and she plopped down on it patting the spot next to her making Fraser quickly sit down next to her.
The hammock has always been Cameron’s favorite place to be and she is always found sitting there.
Cameron set her head on Fraser shoulder and closed her eyes listening to the peaceful silence.
Fraser set his head on top of Cameron’s head and happily relaxed next to her.
“Thank you for coming.” Cameron softly whispered, she fiddled with Fraser’s hand.
“Thank you for inviting me.” Fraser whispered just as softly back as he gently squeezed her hand.
Fraser stayed for a few days and Cameron showed him around her home town, bringing him to all of her favorite places. He met a lot of her family not all of them yet but the ones that met him could all tell why Cameron adores him.
Fraser really enjoyed being able to see more parts of Cameron and got to see more sides of her, he loved getting to see all the things that are important to her.
He also found it very sweet how close Cameron is to all of her family and how much all of her little cousins look up at her.
It was the first of many times that Fraser came to the Crosby’s house in Nova Scotia.
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thedevilrisen · 4 months
Do Ellen and Jim like nova? And does Sidney like Luke?
Ducky Anon!
Ellen and Jim like all parents are weary of Nova to begin with, however Ellen develops a soft spot for Nova over the short period of time they first met at the convention which helps when she becomes Luke's girlfriend. Jim accepts Nova after an instance where he couldn't get the BBQ started and she jumps straight in and helps fix it from knowledge her dad passed down.
Sidney Crosby however. That's his babygirl. His beautiful daughter, how could anyone touch her! However, while he just has dad instincts he also has reason. Nova had a really shitty boyfriend for a few months and he was not a very nice person.
Sid does like Luke, but gives him a hard time because why not? Luke also has to get approval from the majority of the penguins organisation.
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tapedsleeves · 3 months
Thank you <333 Everyone is so loveable 😭 I'm so glad you added Hutton cause I vaguely remember him playing in a few games but the lip sync video is sooo funny
One last batch of questions if you're up to it cause I adore how you describe everyone <3 looking at the roster I think the last guys left are Barbie and ammo? (the funniest nicknames 😂) and guys like Dorofeyev, brisson, and jiri patera but I think they might fall under the Henderson duckling group?
also if you don't mind, I keep seeing patches and Reilly smith pop up when I scroll thru himbeaux's blog. I've heard a lot about marc andre fleury before but I didn't realize how many other ex-players were also so beloved! I'd love to hear about any of them if you have the time
There are actually a couple I haven't talked about in depth, but Hertl & Hanifin have only been on the team since the trade deadline. I don't know probably more about them than you do.
So, here's the list of current roster guys I'm gonna touch on: Ivan Barbashev, Michael Amadio, Pavel Dorofeyev, Brendan Brisson, Brett Howden, and Jonas Rondbjerg
and the traded guys I'm gonna talk about: Marc-Andre Fleury, Reilly Smith, Max Pacioretty, Robin Lehner, Ryan Reaves, Erik Haula, and Dylan Coghlan.
Now you see why I was like "I don't know if I can do it all in one ask" - because not only is team chemistry defined by who's there currently it is SO informed by who's been there.
These blurbs are probably gonna be shorter, because there's (counts) 14 of them.
That's many. And there are some that I don't know a whole bunch about. That's truer for some than others.
Ivan Barbashev Traded to VGK at the trade deadline in 2023. Learned about the trade at the same time as his wife (she screamed in the other room). was very excited to play with petro again, since they're good friends. got headbutted by LT and was very cute about it. his little face when jack yells He's actually just. giggly in general. he was part of the 12 Knights of Giving and was VERY VERY cute about giving ppl their groceries for free. his face on this save is REALLY CUTE. He fell off the bus during the STL parade. this supports my theory that he's made of like. variable density. it's impossible to knock him over and yet he is SO fast and agile? it's fucking wild.
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he's got really good taste in sunglasses
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2. Michael amadio: UNDERRATED!!!! i love Ammo. based on getty, i think either he and nic roy have very similar schedules or ride in together bc they are almost always in walkin photos together. i'm just now finding this out.
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I don't know a lot about him, because he's very quiet, but he's got really nice eyelashes and his face looks very soft. even his beard. even his voice is soft & deep. he seems really nice. just a cool room guy.
3. Pavel Dorofeyev: Dorothea!!!. Ok so this is not his actual nickname. I call him this bc when Dave Goucher says his name on the broadcast it sounds like Dorothea. And when Dave had Laryngitis, and he said his full name, it truly sounded like he said "pebble dorothea." this is his name in my head.
Dorothea is SO cute. He looks like a Tall Bitty to me, and i can't get that out of my head.
I know that's not very informative, but that's just.
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when Brendan Gallagher busted his teeth in, alec martinez picked them up and carried them to him. Dorothea is one of the HSK guys, who are the closest.
4. Brendan Brisson - son of famous agent Pat Brisson. babysat by Sidney crosby. Umich guy. lots of ppl know more about him than me. always wants to tuck himself into a hug. this is very funny hwen the other guy is shorter than him
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lots of people who followed him at umich know more about him than me, i'm sure.
5. Brett Howden: Bread!!! Just a sweet young manitoban guy. Childhood friend of nolan patrick went through Tampa & New York before coming to Vegas. changed his play style to play with Mark. Was part of the 2018 WJC team, but hasn't been implicated in any crimes :(
Grabbed Marchy by the jersey and yelled "we did it we did it" when they won the cup
Jonathan Marchessault followed up with him after and said "oh i had to tell you, when i had my vision of winning the cup, we weren't wearing the white (away) jerseys. we were wearing the gold ones"
indicating that??? Marchy??? has prophetic visions?? and shares them with brett howden???? what the hell is happenign here i love this so much. (seriously this video has SO MUCH. keegan kolesar kissing marchessault on the face SO MUCH. jack and marchy beign sO romantic about Marchy's conn smythe win "I did it for - you did it for me." / "that's the best thing i've ever seen" and all the i love yous. I just. love them)
6. Jonas Rondbjerg - Ronny is just a really sweet, quiet HSK guy! he's not the main roster, so when he gets called up, he hangs with the guys he knows. He was best friends with Jake Leschyshyn before he got traded to the NYR.
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Notable Guys who've been traded
Marc- Andre Fleury - found out he got traded on twitter. Known prankster. Everyone loves him, excellent but aging goalie who is going to retire after 24-25. After retirement, he's moving back to Vegas to live during the non-summer months. If he hadn't been a goalie, probably he'd have been captain. I love him so much and he tried to fight jordan binnington while he was on the Wild.
Reilly Smith - OG Golden Misfit, traded to VGK with Jonathan Marchessault. Jonathan Marchessault said of him that he was relieved when they got drafted / traded that wasn't scared to go to a new place bc he would know somebody. And when Smitty joined VGK for their White House Cup Visit, Jonathan said in the interview after "Everywhere he is is home a little bit"
Reilly started the Battle For Vegas, a charity baseball game during the summer, which is a great time which Jack Eichel took over since Smitty got traded. Said "What a time to be alive" with an absolutely blasted voice while on the ice right after they won the cup.
Max Pacioretty - Traded to Vegas after doing frankly a nuclear option with his prior agent (switching to Allan Walsh on draft day) because talks with Montreal had gotten so bad. was SO happy to be in Vegas. When Stone was traded in February, was kind of worried bc they'd been such rivals during their time in MTL & OTT respectively. but they were almost immediately complimentary of each other. They were best friends. Patch says that he knew, almost as soon as Mark came in that he was gonna be the captain. Which is WILD. Bc it had been almost 3 season without them having one. but Mark is their captain. He was right.
Ryan Reaves - is a GREAT room guy, and a WONDERFUL guy off the ice. Loves a prank. ate spicy chocolate. He's done B4V a couple of summers (he did it last year iirc) and it's just. Really sweet. A lot of these guys just. really really bonded for life during that first year, you know? I know that Belly is still friends with a bunch of the OG Misfits, and so is Reavo (he was pumped to play on the wild with flower, for instance). Reavo said that when mark stone fought tomas hertl that "Those hands aren’t made to fight; they’re made to dance. They’re supposed to be soft." basically "I'd rather they let ME do the fighting, their hands are meant for better things" like. ReAVO MY GUY. UGH.
i love him
Erik Haula - Another guy who does B4V, got traded to the Canes (who mistreated him) and is now with the Devils (who love him). Is still best friends with Karly.
Dylan Coghlan - came to VGK in the Erik Haula trade from the Canes system. Was VERY VERY good friends with the younger guys, Haguer, Roysie, Whitecloud, Keegan, Howden, etc. Went to a concert with Jack, Haguer, & HOwdy/ Also still does B4V and excels at it. Is a defensemen, but when we didn't have any forwards, filled in. I would know him by his teeth anywhere (very distinctive). adorable.
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spine-buster · 2 years
To Sail Beyond the Sunset ft. Sidney Crosby | Chapter 4
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gif credit @/9116
A/N: Surprisingly, no flashback scene in this one...but we finally get to figure out what June's hiding! And some interesting thoughts from Sid...
Lazy nights with June on the lake were Sidney’s favourite thing to do in the summer. Besides fishing, it was probably the one activity that brought him the most solace. It was the only time that his mind was completely clear from any worries, doubts, overthinking, everything – even hockey. Time with June was the best medicine in the world; it was the cure for everything, and the thing Sidney always wanted.
It was Canada Day, which meant that June was over. Sidney heard his screen door open as the sun set over Shubenacadie Grand Lake, and saw June carrying their drinks – a Jack and coke for him, a margarita for her – before she closed the door with her foot and walked over. “Thanks Junebug,” he said as she handed him his drink.
“Anytime,” she smiled, settling in right next to him, as she often did, the entire left side of her body pressed up against his right. She raised her margarita and he raised his Jack and coke. “To Canada,” she said.
Sidney clinked their glasses together. “To Canada.”
“And to Mr. Canada-who-scored-the-Golden-Goal.”
Sidney snorted. “You just had to, didn’t you?”
“Of course I did,” June put on an exaggerated smile, clinking their glasses together again for good measure. “Do the people across the lake still do fireworks?”
“Mhmm,” he nodded, taking a sip of his drink.
“Good, she said, leaning her head against Sidney’s bicep as they looked out onto the lake. “Nothing can beat this sunset, though.”
Sid smiled, taking another quick sip of his drink. They were quiet for a few minutes, just listening to the sound of the lake waves gently rolling. Sidney was thinking about the feeling of June nestled into him. This was far from the first time that they’d been in this position, but the feeling of her body so close felt…different now, especially when Andy’s words were still mulling around at the back of his mind.
Sidney thought about June as a wife. She’d been engaged before, to a man named Cameron Currie from Toronto. His family bred thoroughbred horses at a farm north of the city and had been doing so for generations – they socialized in very prominent circles and donated money to the arts, which is how June met him. He was a nice guy, well-to-do, great pedigree and all that, but they called off the wedding. June told him it was because they couldn’t work out some things, and that they could never find a resolution. While Sidney was happy for her, and wanted to see her happy, at the back of his mind, he would think about her life as a wife. Would they buy a new house together, or inherit his parents’ farm? Would June be a hostess to the social circles and put on parties with passed canapés and champagne flutes? Would she put all their commitments on a shared calendar? Would she visit him at work and support him in his business endeavours? Would she take off her robe at night, get into bed, put hand cream on, and read a book until she fell asleep? Would she kiss him goodnight? It was probably sick to think about, but Sidney did it anyway. And whenever feelings of jealousy would arise in him, he’d squash them down quickly, wondering why he was even feeling jealousy in the first place.
For the first time, Sidney’s mind wandered, and he let it go further, further than he’d ever taken it before. He thought about June as his wife. He thought about her teaching her classes and him dropping by more often and how her girls would probably giggle and call her Mrs. Crosby instead of Miss June just for fun. He thought about her being home when he got home from a game or a road trip and hugging him at the door. He thought about her running him an Epsom salt bath for him after a long road trip or gruelling game. He thought about her making him grilled cheese sandwiches when he missed home. He thought about her cuddling into him at night and holding each other as they slept, or being one of those couples that always had to be touching somehow when they slept, even if it was just a foot. He thought about her attending his games – more of them, obviously, since she’d be around all the time. He thought about waking up together in the morning and making coffee. He thought about hearing the sound of little feet running down the hallways and jumping into bed with them to cuddle underneath the covers.
He thought about June as a mom. He held his breath in his chest when he did, but his mind was running wild. He thought about breakfasts together in the mornings and dinners together at night. He thought about everybody helping out in the kitchen and throwing spaghetti against the cupboards. He thought about being at the table and doing homework together. He thought about school runs and birthday parties and hockey practice and dance classes. He thought about Halloween costumes and Christmas decorations. He thought about baking cookies for Santa and wrapping the kids’ presents and staying up to put them under the tree. He thought about June scooping their kids up in her arms and peppering their faces with kisses. He thought about her brushing and braiding their hair. He thought about them reading to their kids at night. He thought about them sitting out on the deck, with their kids in their lap, watching Canada Day fireworks over the lake.
Their kids.
Sidney could feel his heart skip a beat at the thought of having a family with June. To say he never thought about it would be a lie, but every time his mind wandered and it did come up, he would think to himself that it was impossible. They’d grown up together, they had been separated but still stayed close, they had entered into other relationships with other people and never once mentioned the possibility of being together. Being with him – was it something June even wanted? Being with him in that way? And more than that – she wasn’t just with him. She was with Sidney Crosby. He knew that he wasn’t “Sidney Crosby” as an abstract idea to her, as he was to everybody else, but she would be with Sidney Crosby and the idea of Sidney Crosby, and that was a lot to take on. He could understand completely if—
“Yeah Junebug?”
“You were just sort of…out of it there,” she said, her tone having a bit of worry. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said, trying to play it off. Just thinking about you as my wife and the mother to our children. “Just had a rough workout with Andy.”
“He didn’t even give you the day off for Canada Day?”
“You know Andy.”
June laughed slightly. “I do. He never quits.”
When the sun had set, and the sky became pitch black except for the light of the moon and stars, the fireworks from neighbouring cottages on the lake began. The distant sounds of kids screaming every time a pop went off and exploded into the air made Sid and June smile. They were done their drinks by the time the fireworks finished, and they were both almost too comfortable to get up. But it was getting cold, and June’s feet were always colder than the rest of her body. When they moved inside, Sidney immediately got a blanket out of a pouf June made him buy for the family room and turned his TV on to Netflix. “What are we watching?” he asked.
June was bringing their glasses back to the kitchen. “I don’t know. Something patriotic?” she joked.
“I don’t think so,” Sid grinned. “Come on. What have you been watching?”
“Honestly? Selling Sunset.”
He burst out into laughter. “Seriously, Junebug?”
“It’s addicting!” she defended herself as she walked back to the family room. “It’s mindless and mind-numbing and I love it, okay? Forgive me for getting into a show like that after the doom and gloom of the last year and a half.”
Sidney rolled his eyes playfully. “Alright, fine. Selling Sunset it is,” he said, plopping down on the couch, into the corner of the sectional. June unfolded the blanket, sat on the couch next to Sid, and lay it at their feet. She leaned into him just as she’d done outside, using his bicep to rest her head against. He scrolled through Netflix to find the show, and played the episode and season June told him to play.
He had no idea what was happening, so he would ask June some questions. “What’s her name?”; “Her husband is how old?”; “Wait didn’t we just see her?” At some point, he noticed June’s voice get softer. Eventually, when he pointed out how ugly a house was and she didn’t respond, he looked down to see that she had fallen asleep against him, her chest rising and falling softly. She looked incredibly peaceful that Sidney couldn’t help but smile. Like many things, this wasn’t the first time, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last time. This time, he decided not to wake her. Instead, he let the TV show be background noise and allowed himself to fall asleep too.
Nathan MacKinnon and the Colorado Avalanche had, unfortunately, been defeated in the playoffs by the Las Vegas Golden Knights. That meant now that Nate was back home in Halifax, but it also meant that Nate was angry and trying to get over yet another second-round exit by his team. As one of his best friends, but more importantly his mentor, Sidney took the role very seriously. He had talked to Nate already – a long, emotional conversation – and assured him that he felt the same way about his own team’s exit. It took a while, but Nate did seem to get over it – superficially, at least – and was in the mood to work out on a consistent schedule with Sid and Andy. This was a positive, since Nate loved them. He took his diet, nutrition, and fitness extremely seriously – unlike Sid, who ate what he wanted to eat (like four grilled cheese sandwiches made by June) and drank what he wanted to drink.
However, despite the workouts being consistent and Nate’s typical responses of getting hot-headed and angry when he lost a race or a drill, Sidney was shocked to see that at this particular workout, Nate was paying more attention to his phone than he was the pylons for his lateral movement training. But when he saw the tell-tale answer – a smile from Nate – Sid knew he was going to rib him. “What’s keeping you on your phone?” he decided to start off light.
He clearly caught Nate off guard. Nate looked up quickly, pretending that he hadn’t just spent the last few seconds staring at his phone screen and smiling. “Nothing. It’s nothing,” Nate was dismissive.
“I don’t think it’s nothing,” Sid pressed, a grin growing on his face.
“It’s nothing. Just drop it,” Nate insisted.
“Stop pretending it’s nothing,” Sid countered, being an ass.
“Not pretending.”
By Nate’s tone of voice, Sid knew he had him right where he wanted him. “Then why were you smiling?”
“God, what are you, a private investigator?”
“Detective Crosby at your service,” he said. “Come on, man. Is it a girl?” he asked, already knowing the answer to the question.
“Is it a guy?”
“Is it—”
“—Sid, I’m asking you nicely. Please drop it.”
Sid could tell Nate was ready to explode by the playful line of questioning. Nate didn’t like to get called out on his mysterious behaviours and when he did, he went off. Sid was one of the only people who could call him out on it though. Though Sid wanted to take things further and aggravate Nate a little more, he dropped it. “Okay, fine. But if it’s a girl you should bring her around sometime,” he put in one last quip.
“Oh, you mean just like how June’s meeting us for lunch?” Nate decided to bite back. Two could play at this game.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Nate rolled his eyes. “I don’t think I have to spell it out for you, do I?” he asked. “You guys are in love with each other. Always have been.”
Sid furrowed his brows. “Where’d that come from? Did Andy tell you to say something?”
Nate laughed out loud. “Andy thinks so too?” he asked. Clearly Andy hadn’t said anything to Nate, which made what he said all the more shocking to Sid. “Nobody has to tell me anything, Sid. I saw it the first day I met her, and I see it in you all the fucking time. We can all see how in love you guys are.”
Sid shook his head. He couldn’t take this from a guy eight years younger than him. “It’s not like that. It’s different with her. She’s my best friend.”
“Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be?” Nate asked rhetorically. “You wouldn’t want to marry someone you’re not friends with, right?”
“Well, sure, but—”
“—But what? It’s not rocket science. You guys just don’t see it, do you?”
Sid couldn’t say anything back. He couldn’t talk back to Nate because he knew Nate made a good point. Just like Andy. But Sid couldn’t say that out loud, because he was still trying to grapple with his feelings, whatever they were. “Hey Nate?”
“I’m asking you nicely. Please drop it.”
Using Nate’s own words against him was the only way Sid knew to fight back at this particular moment. Nate understood that completely, but he wasn’t going to let Sid off the hook. And truth be told, Sid shouldn’t have let him off the hook either. They were best friends – they should be able to talk about this stuff. “Her name is Sorcha,” Nate revealed. “We grew up together. Went to all the same schools. But she was bullied really badly because of her size and her hair and all that stupid shit, and I was friends with the guys that did it. I saw her the other week in a café and we’ve been reconnecting. I don’t know exactly what’s happening but I know that I want to be spending almost all my time with her.”
“So you like this girl?”
Nate nodded. “I like her a lot. It almost scares me how fast I got really into her. She’s a sparkplug and she takes no shit from anybody, let alone me. She’s got this confidence to her and I—I’m just so attracted to her and I don’t know what to do.”
Sid nodded softly. He and Nate would always end up this way – being secretive before spilling their guts to one another. “June’s already been engaged. I don’t know if she’d ever want to do that again. And to do that with me. I mean I know—I know we’ve known each other forever, but nowadays, being with Sidney Crosby means something a hell of a lot different than if I was just some guy from Cole Harbour.”
Nate nodded his head now too, completely understanding where Sid was coming from. But Sid was still so blind, and Nate wanted to open his eyes. “Do you want my honest opinion?”
“Of course.”
“She’s always been with Sidney Crosby, bro. From Shattuck to Rimouski to the Penguins and the gold medals, she’s always been with you. I don’t think your question should be if she wants to do it with you. I think she has been doing it with you and will always do it with you no matter what. It’s just up to you guys to have that conversation about your future together.”
Fucking hell, Nate was right. He was exactly right. How could he be so dead-on about something? Sidney wondered what he and June looked like to outside eyes if this was the opinion of the majority of people around them. Did everybody think this? Was everyone just waiting on baited breath until they got together? “Since when did you get so mature?” he asked Nate,
“Since I started hanging out with you, bro.”
June said she was working late again tonight. So Sidney had a plan.
Late lessons meant that lights would be on in the studio. It meant June’s car would be in the parking lot. It meant that he’d see a parent’s car dropping off their daughter and coming back after however long to pick her up. It meant that Sidney was in his car across the street watching and waiting to see if all that happened.
It didn’t.
Once the lesson was over, parents did come to pick up their daughters. But nobody returned. Not after an hour. Not after two hours. Not even after three hours. It was only June’s car in the parking lot for the entire night – nobody else came or went, not even a cleaning crew. That’s when Sidney knew something was up, and that’s when he knew he needed to get to the bottom of it tonight.
When he saw from across the street that the lights in the studio were starting to be turned off, he got out of his car and walked across the street. When he saw June emerge, locking the front door behind her, he approached. “Junebug,” he called out her nickname so she wouldn’t get startled and scream.
She still jumped at the sound of her nickname. She looked up, clearly shocked to see him there. “Sid? What are you doing here?”
“You told me you had extra lessons,” he said. He didn’t want to make this too confrontational, but he knew that if he didn’t press things, he wouldn’t get anything out of her. “I saw everybody leave and then nobody came back.”
“You were watching?”
“I—right across the street,” he pointed over to his Range Rover in the parking lot across from them. “You’ve been acting funny and now all of a sudden you’re supposedly giving extra lessons when I know you want these girls to live a normal life outside of ballet. Why’d you lie to me, Junebug?”
June let out a sigh. She’d been caught – and of course she’d been caught, because her best friend in the entire universe was Sidney fucking Crosby. “Sid, it’s not what you think it is.”
“Really? Because I’m thinking you’re keeping a big secret from me, and we never keep secrets from each other.”
“Sid, I—”
Suddenly, it hit him. “Do you have a secret boyfriend you’re not telling me about?”
“Oh my GOD Sidney,” June rolled her eyes like she was a fourteen-year-old girl again. Why on God’s green Earth Sidney would ever think she’d get a boyfriend and hide him was a mystery to her. “I do not have a secret boyfriend and you know that.”
“Then what’s going on? Were you seeing anyone in there?”
“I wasn’t seeing—UGH!!!” she let out a loud, slightly angry, and exasperated groan at his jumping to conclusions. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down – so did Sid, waiting for her to answer for her secretive behaviour. She didn’t – couldn’t – even look him in the eye as she mustered up the courage to reveal to him what she’d been doing. She didn’t know what reaction to expect from him. “I’m dancing again, Sid,” she finally revealed.
He was shocked. June watched as his jaw dropped slightly, but he must have been aware, because he picked it right back up after a few moments. “You—you’re dancing again?”
“Yes. After the girls leave I just—I just sort of dance alone in the studio.”
Sidney felt so stupid that he accused her of having a boyfriend now. This was not what he was expecting given what had happened to her. “I can’t believe it,” he didn’t know what else to say. “I—pointe shoes and everything?”
“Mhm. Pointe shoes and everything,” she used his words, nodding her head slightly as looking down at her feet. “I’m just seeing if I can do it again. The pointe, I mean. And the movements and variations and grand pas and all that. I mean, it’s not like I’m going to become a professional dancer again or anything—”
“You’re still a professional dancer, Junebug,” he interrupted, his voice soft. “Nothing or no-one will take that away from you.”
June didn’t respond, looking away after Sidney’s words. If she did look at him, she was sure she would burst into tears. “Anyway, that’s what I’ve been doing. Not off gallivanting with some secret boyfriend.”
Sidney felt like an idiot. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.”
“Can I watch you one day?”
June’s eyes focused on his. He’d seen her dance countless times before, but they had all been when she was in the National Ballet of Canada and their company. Every time he’d seen her, she’d been at the top of her game. She hadn’t danced in a proper ballet since her injury, obviously, and though she knew Sidney wouldn’t have an ounce of judgement in him, she didn’t know if she was prepared for him to see her dance after not dancing for almost six years. Especially since he was still at the top of his game, so talented and gifted despite his age. To her, he still played like a 21-year-old when he won his first Cup. The things he did on the ice still inspired her. Though she was still surrounded by ballet in her every day life, their situations were vastly different. “Maybe one day,” she said hopefully. She knew she would have to fight for the courage.
Sidney understood. June took a lot of pride in what she did. He bit his bottom lip slightly. “When you are ready to let me watch, can you tell me?”
“Of course.”
June held up her hand, extending her pinky. Sidney let out a chuckle and he raised his too, locking their fingers together. “Promise.”
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rinkrookiepod · 8 months
Rating Every NHL Arena - Crypto.com Arena, Los Angeles, CA
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Team: LA Kings Location: Los Angeles, California Opened: October 17, 1999 Capacity: 18,230
The first time I'd been to the Crypto.com Arena was for Elton John's Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour in January of 2019. Back then it was the Staples Center (and still will always be the Staples Center to me and everyone else who lives in Los Angeles) and I wasn't paying too much attention to the place. I was just happy to see Elton John.
The next time I'd made it out to the arena (by this time, I think it was being called Crypto.com Arena) was for my first hockey game and I saw the LA Kings vs the Chicago Blackhawks on March 24, 2022. I wasn't quite into hockey like I am now so I was there for vibes and because it was free. The company I work for has season tickets that they give to clients or the employees, and since my roommate and I work together and she's from Chicago and grew up supporting the Hawks, we went. The Hawks beat the Kings 4-3.
By the third time I made it out to Crypto.com Arena, it was for a hockey game that I was actually extremely excited for. The Pittsburgh Penguins vs the LA Kings aka finally getting to see Sidney Crosby.
I've now been to the Crypto.com Arena 4 times and here's what I've gathered:
Ticket prices range from $35-$1000+. The $1k+ tickets are glass seats with VIP parking and a bunch of other things that are included.
Here's what I've paid so far for what games, what seats, and with fees and such:
Kings v Penguins (11/9/23): $55.13 for Section 315, Row 6, Seat 9 Kings v Avalanche (12/3/23): $43.00 for Section 305, Row 3, Seat 1 Kings v Kraken (12/20/23): $165.25 for Section 113, Row 2, Seat 7 Kings v Blue Jackets (2/20/24): $31.85 for Section 304, Row 7, Seat 3 Kings v Kraken (4/3/24): $140.75 for Section 113, Row 2, Seat 7
Downtown LA is a nightmare- no matter the time or day. I've left my apartment with plenty of time and still ended up arriving after doors opened. I'm about 16 miles from the arena and it can take anywhere from 30 mins (no traffic) to an hour and a half (around rush hour). The area is a pain to navigate, as most downtown areas are with one-way streets and lanes that disappear and reappear as you go.
Parking is easy enough to find though once you get close to the arena and there are a few garages almost right across from the arena, but it'll cost ya around $40 or more. I know there are some surface lots around that might be cheaper but they're almost always cash only so keep that in mind. I'd recommend parking at LA Live or near the Regal at LA Live.
The area around the arena is nice though, with plenty of restaurants, sports bars, coffee shops and anything else you could think of. An ice skating rink even popped up over the holidays.
I'm a big fan of the staff at this arena. They're all very chill and easy to find and can help you with anything you might need, like directions or trying to find something, like lost and found. There is a no bag policy here though, not even clear ones. A wallet is about all you're going to be able to bring in. And their sign policy is very strict (11x17) so make sure you measure before bringing your sign asking for a puck.
This is a newer building, at least compared to the Honda Center, so there are escalators to get you from section to section. It felt like a luxury after only having stairs as an option over in Anaheim.
There are tons of food options inside the arena, with familiar places like a Blaze Pizza or a Wetzels Pretzels- even sushi. They also have those Amazon Markets where you can scan your card, walk in and grab what you want, and then leave. Prices are steep, as I've now to come to realize are standard in these arenas. $20+ for a Coke and a hot dog or a pretzel.
The main team store here felt quite small. It wasn't ever crowded when I'd made my way in there the few times that I have. A good selection of merch though and tons of jerseys. There was a smaller store in the upper level that had a small selection of things, which was nice if you missed the store on the main floor as it felt like it was kind of tucked away.
The bathrooms here were nice. The upper level bathrooms had stalls where there wasn't a gap between the door and the separator. Both Arielle and I were impressed with this on our trip.
As for seating and views, I've sat in the 100s and the 300s. I definitely enjoyed both and I think they have their time and place. I was in the 300s for the Pens game and again when I went back to November to see the Colorado Avalanche. I had a good view in both 305 (Avs) and 315 (Pens) and would sit in either again. The upper bowl is always going to give you that full view of the ice and you'll have a better capability to see full plays develop and not have to rely on the jumbotron.
I had what is almost considered a glass seat for the Seattle Kraken vs LA Kings game I went to in December. Section 113 is right across from the goal and since there's a curve, there's more leg room and the boards are spaced out just a bit further. Since it's not quite a glass seat, they don't charge as much for this ticket. I really enjoyed sitting here and since it was close to a face-off circle, I got to see a handful of face-offs right in front of me. I did find myself watching the jumbotron though when the action was happening down at the other side of the ice.
I will say, a big negative of going to this arena are the fans. I've had more bad interactions with Kings fans than good ones.
With all of that said, I do think I prefer making the trek down to Anaheim (44 miles) to see Ducks games rather than staying close to home and going to Kings games (16 miles), despite the Kings having a nicer arena- the parking and tickets are cheaper and the fans aren't quite as bad in Anaheim.
Rating: 8.5/10
By Ashley Newby, 2/5/24
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chanelfunnell · 2 years
NHL Q and A
After long time. Sorry, I am lazy, busy and picky. So here we go.
A) anon, Sidney Crosby looked very cheerful in Florida and he looks better now. Shame that he (and Razer) don't have children yet. Unfair on Kate but its their biz.
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B) anon I admit I have read her envious or delusional jealous gibberish on Crosby Interesting but not recently. I am glad she's off from my blog and so drama. She was rude and vulgar about wags recently with slur shaming, no obsession with certain. NHLer now.
C) anon, you know what a baby girl is Calamity Jane spoilt little daddy's girl of former Blackhawk.
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D) anon, my fav Blackhawks family is the Shaw family and kids.
E) anon, no idea why I'd say Leon Draisaitl does not shift apart from Celeste but they have split up recently. Mc Connor is going stenght from strength with him and so with Lauren. I think personally that Draisaitl is very chilled out and funny guy unless you cross him etc. Then he does not scream but he unleashes his cruel sarcasm or so... He can bite lol but looks quite cuddly nice guy off ice. With NcConnor in synch lol bromance. I'd not call 27 yes old, not even 32 or 35 hrs old player old. I mean 27 is the middle NHL age and the peak and 32 so. 33+ is veteran in. NHL but all changes and so in normal world 35 is pretty young. Its odd like 25 yes old model is promoting anti ageing cream.
F) my bet is on Boston Bruins and Colorado Avalanche in NHL finals. There are more teams tanking, so St Louis Blues, two top players trades, young squad of Red Wings better due to new experienced leader. There is a question of team chemistry, management..
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Congrats on your follower milestone! 🎉💛
Could you please do something for Sidney & Evie, and 22) "Who said this is a good idea?"
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Monday, October 14th- Pittsburgh Penguins jet
On the short flight back from the west coast, Sidney dug into his backpack for his tablet- the regular tablet he used for reading. His eyes went to the pocket where he kept the special tablet- the tablet that Evie had gifted to him during his extended European vacation, the tablet that contained very naughty pictures of Evie and three very incriminating videos of them having various types of sex. One of the videos was a long video of a particularly kinky play session. The special tablet was not there. He blinked his eyes, shook his head and checked the pocket again- no tablet. “Don’t panic,” he thought to himself, “You probably just put it in another pocket after last time. Stay calm.” Sidney opened each pocket and thoroughly searched. There was no special tablet to be found. “Think,” he thought, “When did you have it last?” He knew it had been yesterday afternoon because he watched a video. 
“Fuck,” he sighed, “Fuck, fuck, fuck- Evie is going to kill me” 
Four days earlier- their bedroom
“Beso,” she said slowly, “What are you doing?”
“I am packing for the road trip,” he said softly. He looked up at her as she sat cross-legged on the bed. 
“I know that, doofus,” she chided, “What are you doing with the tablet?” He held the special tablet in his hand and slid it into the laptop pocket in his backpack. 
“I always pack a tablet for the road. You know that Evie,” he responded, ignoring her obvious question. 
“This is the first road trip since you have had the new tablet,” she prodded, “Why are you taking the new tablet?"
“I think you already know the answer to that question,” he challenged. 
“Beso,” she sighed, “You have to keep up with it. If it gets lost…… “ Her voice trailed off. They were both aware that the videos did nothing to conceal their identities. “You know what could happen if you lose it,” she warned. 
“I won’t lose it. I promise. I just need it while I am away from you,” he gave her an impish grin. “I did change the passcode though,” he laughed. 
“To what?” she asked, “8787?” His eyes widened and she continued, “You picked the easiest number in the world to guess for you? Beso, I swear to God, if those videos get leaked,” she cried. 
“Nothing will happen, Evie. Trust me,” he assured her. 
Monday, October 14th- Pittsburgh
Sidney fruitlessly searched the backpack one more time. The plane had landed ten minutes ago. Normally he was one of the first off down the stairs in a race to get to Evie. He knew that she would be at work right now. He paused and thought. Would it be better to break the news to her at work? She would be less likely to lose control at work. “Yes,” he thought, “That will work.” 
Forty five minutes later, he knocked on her office door. She looked up from her desk and smiled. “Beso!” she gushed, “This is a nice surprise. She got up and crossed over to him. He bent down and gave her a quick kiss. He set the bag of lunch down on her table and pulled her into a more passionate kiss, kicking the door shut with his foot. “You brought me lunch?” she asked, “Why?”
“Do I need a reason to spoil you?” he asked. She started to respond but thought better of it. They sat at her conference table and Sidney unpacked the bag. Evie chattered about her day and Sidney tried to work up the courage to tell her. She picked up on his distraction quickly and asked, “Sidney, what’s wrong?” 
His head spun to look at her. He knew that he was caught. He whispered, “I may have lost the tablet.” and took a swig of water. 
Evie blinked slowly as she processed his words. “You may have lost the tablet?” she shrieked. “Please tell me that you are talking about your regular tablet,” she whispered. He shook his head no. “You lost the special tablet?” she shrieked again, “Sidney Patrick Crosby!” Her facial expression changed from shock to fear to anger in the span of ten seconds. “Take the special tablet so you can jerk off on the road. Who said this is a good idea?” she stammered. “Oh my god, Oh my god,” she repeated to herself. 
“Don’t freak out,” he said softly, “It has a passcode on it.”
“The passcode is your number, Sidney. A kindergartener could hack into that tablet,” she said as began to hyperventilate, “They will be scarred for life but they could hack into it.” When real tears started rolling down her face, he began to panic. 
“I’ll find it, Mon Etoile, I’ll find it,” he soothed. 
“Don’t you fucking Mon Etoile me, Sid,” she seethed. 
Sidney’s phone rang and he glanced down. It was Dana calling. He eyed Evie and stammered, “It’s Dana. I have to take this.” 
“Hey Sid,” Dana said casually, “Are you missing a tablet?”
“A tablet?” Sidney asked as non-chalantly as he could muster. Evie’s eyes got wide. “Yeah, black leather cover?”
“With your name embossed?” Dana continued, “You left it in your locker last night after the game. I picked it up and put it with the gear. Honestly, I forgot about it until I started unloading just now.” 
“You’re the best, Dana” Sidney sighed, “I’ll swing by and pick it up on the way home. You didn’t by chance open it or turn it on, did you?”
“No- why would I do that?” Dana questioned. Immediately Dana thought “What’s on the tablet?” His mind thought of few possibilities before dismissing them, “Nah, he’s not that stupid.”
Evie threw a potato chip at Sidney’s head, “You’re lucky, Beso- so fucking lucky”
He leaned forward and pulled her into a kiss, “Luckiest man alive to be with you.”
“Nice deflection, Crosby, nice deflection,” she smiled as she kissed him. 
Monday, October 21st- their bedroom
“Evie,” Sidney called from the bedroom. She walked in and sat cross-legged on the bed. “Do you know where the tablet is?” he asked. She pointed to his regular tablet sitting on the nightstand. “No, not that one- the other one. You know the special one?” he asked. 
“Nope, absolutely not,” she warned.
“But Evie- I need it. I am going to be away from you for five whole days,” he whined. 
“The tablet is in time out, Beso. Use your imagination but you are not taking that tablet out of this house again until you prove that you keep up with your things,” she scolded him. 
“But, but, but,” he pleaded. 
“You can have it back for the next road trip, but only if you are good boy and keep track of your things,” she conceded. 
“Wait, who is the boss here?” he pouted. 
“Definitely not the man who lost the tablet the last time,” she laughed.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
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ilyasorokinn · 3 years
little giroux , sidney crosby
note, so, i know they wouldn't have like nhl events like the one i wrote, but everyone let's just go with it. also, this doesn't take place now, so the year in which that scene takes place will be in bold, so keep an eye out for that. another note, happy birthday claude LMAO pair, sidney crosby x reader summary, y/n giroux is the little sister of claude giroux, the captain of the philadelphia flyers. so that means she's supposed to hate the penguins, especially their captain, right? warnings, a few curse words word count, 3577 words (whoa. did not expect this to be. so long.)
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(gif not mine)
Everywhere you went you were known as "Claude Giroux's little sister" and yeah, it was true, but it got tiring after a while. You were your own person, and things only got worse when he became captain.
Of course, you were ecstatic for him, but there was still that nagging annoyance in the pit of your stomach.
Claude had invited you to an NHL event as his date in Ryanne's stead since she had a prior commitment. You were a bit apprehensive at first because you'd be surrounded by a bunch of famous hockey players who you barely knew.
But that's how you ended up sitting at a banquet table by yourself while everyone conversed and talked with each other.
It wasn't that they didn't want to talk to you, you just didn't know how to walk up to someone and start a conversation, "Do you wanna dance?" Claude asked walking up to you.
"I'm okay. Sorry for ruining your night." You put on a smile but winced internally.
"You're not ruining my night." He smiled back.
"You sure?" You asked.
"Yeah, I promise." He nodded. You smiled and nodded back.
"Okay." Claude sipped the champagne flute on the table before walking away to make conversation with a few other players. You sat back in your chair, sipping your champagne.
"Y/N Giroux." You heard a familiar voice.
"Sidney Crosby." You smiled, turning around.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here with Claude." You answered, "His partner was busy, so I was option number 2." You shrugged.
"Oof." He wined, "Option 2."
"It's cool." You shook your head, taking a sip of your drink.
"Yeah, I'm gonna nod my head and pretend I believe that." Sidney nodded, sitting down next to you.
"Well, believe it cause it's the truth." You scoffed. Sidney watched you examining your face for a few seconds trying to dissolve if you were telling the truth or not. Once he was satisfied, he sighed and shook his head, looking away as he sipped his own flute of champagne.
"What?" You asked.
"Nothing." He shook his head.
"No, clearly your thinking about something. What is it?" You pried.
"Dance with me." He interrupted, standing up and offering you his hand. You raised a brow at him, trying to discern his angle, "Come on. It's just a dance. It won't kill you."
You stared at him for another second before grabbing his hand and allowing him to pull you up. He led you over to the dance floor where many other couples were dancing together already.
You felt your heart pick up when he placed his hand on your back. You laced your hand through his while your other laid freely on his shoulder.
"So, are you enjoying yourself?" He asked, completely out of the blue.
"Tonight? Yeah." You nodded.
"Good, I'm glad." He nodded.
"Wasn't exactly how I planned for my Saturday night to go, but we're taking it in strides." You nodded.
"What'd you have planned?"
"Well, on Saturdays, there's usually Harry Potter reruns on TV, so every week I watch those." You shrugged.
"Every week?"
"Every week." You nodded.
"Sounds like quite the tradition." He smiled.
"Thought you said you didn't want to dance," Claude stated from behind you.
You turned around, removing your hand from Sidney's, "Maybe she just didn't want to dance with you." Sidney joked.
"Okay, let's not do this tonight. It's a nice night, the weather's nice, the food is free and very good, let's just enjoy it. No fighting, let's not "drop the gloves"." You spoke, putting the last part in quotations.
Claude grabbed your hand and pulled you away from Sidney. Claude proceeded to glare daggers at Sidney, "Stop." You hut him, "He was being nice."
"I asked if you to dance and you said "no". Make it make sense." He swayed to the music with you.
You shook your head, "I don't need to explain myself to you, Claude." You pulled away from him and stormed away. It was pretty dramatic, but you were slightly tipsy, and that must've been justified somehow,
"Y/N..." He sighed.
"I'm gonna catch a cab." You shook him off, "I'll see you tomorrow." You downed one last flute of champagne as you headed for the door.
The next day, you were sitting with all the other girls. The Flyers were playing the Pens, and you could tell, even all the way in the box, that Claude was being a bit more aggressive towards Sidney.
"Did something happen last night?" Ryanne asked.
"No, what do you ask?" You asked, taking a sip of your beer.
"Oh, nothing. Just Claude came home a bit angry last night, grumbling about you and Crosby." She shrugged innocently.
"Nothing happened. He asked me to dance, I accepted. He got angry and pissy so I left. That's all that happened." You shrugged.
"Huh." She nodded, "Interesting, interesting."
"What?" You raised a brow.
"Nothing, nothing." She shook her head.
"Stop saying every word twice." You narrowed your eyes. You winced as Claude laid a particularly hard hit on Sidney.
"You sure nothing happened?" Ryanne asked once again.
"Yes, I'm sure." You nodded.
"All right, if you say so." She nodded, leaning back in her seat.
After the game was over, it was rough but the Flyers won. Instead of heading down to the Flyer's locker room, you headed towards the guest locker room where the Penguins were.
All the guys looked dejected and upset, for obvious reasons. You waited until you spotted Sidney, "Hey..." You spoke up. Sidney looked up from his conversation with Malkin and excused himself.
"Hey..." He flashed you a smile.
"You okay? Sorry Claude was so hard. All those hits looked hard and aggressive." You winced.
"Eh, it's part of the job." He shrugged.
"No, I think it's something else, I'll talk with him about it."
"Don't it's fine." Sidney shook his head. You looked at each other for another minute, "Is that all you came over here for? Not that I'm not happy to see you."
"Oh, I guess that was all." Disappointment settled in your stomach, "I'll see you around, Sid." You smiled.
"Yeah, see you around, Y/N." He smiled back, waving to you and watching you walk in the direction of the Flyer's locker room.
"Where were you?" Ryanne asked.
"Talking to a friend." You shrugged.
After that game, things went back to normal. The Flyers were still doing well, Claude wasn't as angry at you for whatever it was that happened between you and Sidney. All was good and peaceful until the Flyers played the pens again.
Their last game against each other was a few months ago, so this was the first time they were seeing each other since then.
You were once again seated in the box with the rest of the girls, huge beer in hand and ready to just get borderline wasted. You weren't the DD, so why not?
"Anything new going on with you and Sidney?" Ryanne asked, drawing out his name.
"Nope." You took a big sip of your drink.
"You sure?"
"Yep." You nodded.
"All right." She seemed unconvinced but decided to stop pressing you about the matter.
You watched on and were disappointed when you saw Sidney get a goal past Carter Hart. He did his normal celly with his team, then the next thing he did was a surprise to everyone in the arena, including you.
Sidney looked up to the box and pointed up to it as if he were dedicating the goal to you. You rolled your eyes but fought off a smile as you watched your face show up on the jumbotron.
"You still sure it's nothing?" Ryanne teased.
Claude watched your face show up on the jumbotron and lost it. He grabbed Sidney by the shoulder and socked him in the face. From there, it only escalated. Punches were thrown, helmets were ripped off, teammates from both sides jumped in and it was a bloody mess in the end.
You sighed, sitting back in your seat, watching the whole thing unfold. By the time the fight was over, the half that was left of you your beer was gone.
"I'm gonna take this." Ryanne took the beer from your hands, "How ya feelin'?" She asked.
"I think..." You were at a loss for words, "I'm gonna..." You gathered your stuff and rushed out of the box.
"Where're you going?" You didn't answer her as you practically ran out of the box and down to the guest locker room. Sidney came out of the fight a little worse the Claude had.
He was getting stitched up by a medical staff person, "Miss, you can't be down here." Someone told you.
Sidney looked up and saw you standing in the doorway, a worried look on your face, "No, it's fine. Let her stay." Sidney shook the staff member off as he gestured for you to walk in.
Everyone exited the room, leaving you and Sidney alone, "You shouldn't have done that." You scolded.
"That's just part of the game." Sidney joked with a shrug.
"You gotta stop doing that. He's gonna kill you." You punched his shoulder, causing him to wince.
"Wow, you are definitely siblings." He rubbed his shoulder.
"Seriously, stop." You told him, watching his playful demeanor slip away, "You gotta ask a girl on a date before you dedicate a goal to her." As quickly as it slipped away, the smile found its way back onto his face.
"All right then, Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me?"
You smiled, "I'd love to."
The date you went on was beyond perfect. It was everything you had ever wanted, and somehow there was more. You hadn't told anyone except Ryanne. She really was like another sister to you.
"You sure you don't want to tell him?" She asked.
"Yes, I'm sure. The last time I told him I was going on a date with someone, I never got a second date. And imagine his reaction when he finds out the person I'm going on a date with is his rival." You pointed out.
"Okay, okay, good point." She nodded, "Will you call me tomorrow with all the details?" She asked.
"I promise I will." You nodded.
"All right, I gotta go, he's coming." She whispered.
"All right." You hummed, hanging up.
After a few weeks, things between you and Sidney became official. You had yet to tell Claude, and it was becoming increasingly more difficult to keep the secret from him.
You finally decided to sit down with Claude and tell him everything, "So, what's with the ominous text about wanting to meet?" He asked as he sat down in front of you. You had invited him to a coffee shop, figuring if you were in public he wouldn't make such a scene.
"Well, I have some news I wanted to share." You stated nervously, playing with the sleeves of your jacket.
"What? You and Crosby going out or something." He joked, laughing at his own joke. You winced, not laughing along, "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me." He stopped laughing and dropped his coffee rather harshly on the table.
"No, don't." He stopped you, "Are you kidding? You're actually dating him?"
"What's your problem with him? He's never actually done anything to you." You pointed out.
"That's not the point." He glared.
"You don't even have a reason to hate him. You just hate him." You glared back.
"I do have reasons." He answered.
"Really? List them." You crossed your arms over your chest. When Claude didn't answer you raised a brow, "That's what I thought." You scoffed, grabbing your bag and standing up, "I asked you here so we could be adults and you wouldn't have to find out from some article or something."
"That's what you would've done? You wouldn't have told me and I would've had to find out myself through an article?"
"No, that's not what I'm saying." You were getting angry, but trying to keep it to a minimum so people around you wouldn't notice, "I'm saying I wanted to have a mature conversation with my brother about the guy I'm dating. I guess I was wrong."
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yngiroux i just think he's really cool.
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sidneycrosby87 ❤️
hockeywags i wonder how claude feels about this 😭👀
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sidneycrosby87 i got to meet the dog.
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yngiroux ❤️
pensfan they're kinda cute, really vibing with them
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After going public with your relationship, some of the most popular questions both Claude and Sidney got were about you. Sidney would get all smiley whenever you were brought up but answer professionally while Claude would show no emotion and answer the questions very vaguely.
"So, Sid, tell us, has Claude welcomed you into the family?" A reporter asked.
Sidney smiled, "I mean, he's been putting me through the wringer whenever I go over, but nothing I can't handle." He answered.
Claude was pretty similar questions about your relationship to his number 1 rival, Sidney Crosby, "Claude, Sidney admitted you've been putting him through the wringer. That true?"
"I mean, I think it's my job as her brother to at least be a bit annoying, right?" He laughed, "But yeah, I might be a little bit of an ass."
After you watched the interview, you immediately called Claude, "So, you do agree you're being a bit of an ass?"
He sighed from the other end, "You're never gonna let this go, are you?"
"Nope." You were giddy, "But I do think you owe someone an apology."
"All right," Claude sighed, "Well if you see Sid, tell him to call me."
"Claude!" You snapped.
"I'm kidding, I'm sorry, Y/N. That day in the coffee shop, you didn't deserve that and I'm sorry. You're a grown adult and can make your own decisions. Sometimes I forget that, and I need to work on that. But you can make your own choices and I know he's a good guy."
"Thank you. That's all I wanted." You smiled.
"I love you."
"I love you, too." You hummed.
"You better not be sporting a Crosby jersey the next time we play the Pens." He threatened.
You were running around the kitchen of your apartment like a chicken with no head. Sidney watched from the island as you mumbled to yourself, whisked eggs together, checked the oven about a dozen times, made sure things weren't burning.
"You sure you don't need help with anything?" Sidney asked. You were so deep in your head that you didn't hear him, "Y/N?" Again no response.
He stood up and walked over to you, grabbing your shoulders and turning you around so you were facing him, "Take a deep breath for me, all right?" You took a breath, "Good. Calm down. You're stressing me out. If you keep pacing, you're gonna tear a hole in the ground." He joked.
"I can't." You told him, "This is the most anxiety-inducing night of my life." You told him.
"Why? It's not like I've never met Claude before." Sidney chuckled.
"I know, but this isn't just my brother, this is my whole family." You reminded him, letting out an angry huff, "Get out of my kitchen." You pushed him out.
"What? You can't kick me out." He laughed.
"Get out, Sidney." You pushed him, "Take this. Put this in the living room." You handed him a cheese platter and pushed him out of the kitchen.
Throughout the entire dinner, things were going great. Claude kept his mouth shut for a good chunk of it, which eased some anxiety. He did say he would try to be nicer to Sidney, and so far he was keeping his promise.
Sidney was charming our parents, making them laugh and see the good person he was instead of whatever tough-guy persona he had on the ice.
At the end of the night, while you were talking with Ryanne, Claude pulled Sid aside, "Look..." He started, "I'm sorry for being such a dick."
Sidney cracked a smile, "It's all good."
"No, it's not." Claude cut him off, "You're dating my sister and I was such a jerk so I'm apologizing for all my previous behavior."
"Thank you. I appreciate it." Sidney smiled, holding out his hand. Claude looked down at it and shook it.
"Looks like they're getting along just fine." Ryanne nodded behind you. You glanced over your shoulder and saw Sidney and Claude shaking hands, then quickly laughing together.
"They're gonna be best friends in no time." You joked.
"So, G..." Claude knew exactly where this was going, "Recently, your sister got engaged to her longtime boyfriend, Mr. Sidney Crosby himself."
"Yes." Claude nodded.
"Did Sid ask for your blessing or anything?"
Claude chuckled, "Funnily enough, he did. I mean, he asked our parents and our sister then he asked me and my wife."
"Your wife?"
"Yeah, Y/N and her are best friends." Claude chuckled.
"Now, I heard you were against it at first, how do you feel about it now?"
"I mean, if you had told me five years ago that my sister would be dating our rival, I would've socked you in the face." He laughed, "No, but in all seriousness, all I want is for my sister to be happy."
On the day of the wedding, you decided to do a first look with Sidney (obviously), but you also decided to do a first look with Claude and Ryanne. Although Ryanne was your maid-of-honor, you wanted to have this special moment with her and Claude.
You fixed your hair one last time before you walked out the french doors and down into the garden. Ryanne and Claude were facing away from you.
"You ready?" You asked.
"As we'll ever be," Claude responded.
"3-2-1." The videographer counted down, and the two of them turned around and immediately froze.
"Oh, my God." They both gasped.
You did a little spin, "You look gorgeous." Ryanne walked around you so she could get a better view of the dress, "Holy crap!"
"What do you think?" You asked, eyes meeting Claude's.
"I mean-" He was speechless, tears coming to his eyes. He wiped them away with his thumb, "You look beautiful." He pulled you into a hug.
"I think you look very spiffy in your suit too, dude." You laughed, wiping the tears from the corners of yours as well.
About an hour before the guest began to arrive, you and Sid were getting ready to do your first looks. Sidney had his back to you, his hands crossed in front of himself, as he patiently waited for you.
You walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and covered his mouth in shock, "Holy..." He stopped himself.
You laughed, reaching up and wiping a tear from his cheek, "Oh, my God." He gasped, pulling away so he could look at the dress, "You look... amazing." He was speechless.
"You look pretty amazing too." You laughed, straightening his tie, the same way you do before every game.
"I don't think this suit is any competition for this dress." He laughed.
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yourusername i take this magnetic force of a man to my... lover ❤️
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sidneycrosby87 just married.
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yourusername cookin'.
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ryannegiroux i'm crying!! literally so excited for you guys!! 😭❤️
penswags a baby penguin!! congrats!
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sidneycrosby87 we can't wait to meet you ❤️
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"Sidney, congrats to you and your wife. I feel like we've all been here since the beginning." Sidney laughed, nodding.
"Yeah, thank you. We're both very excited."
"What was the family's initial reaction?"
"They were all very excited, and in all honesty, Claude stared me down the entire time, and I thought he was gonna sock me in the face a few times."
"Well, I know everyone's excited to meet the newest addition to the Giroux-Crosby clan."
"Thank you."
You held Penny close to your chest as you weaved through the Penguins stadium. She had on a little hat that was yellow and black with a knitted '87' on the front. She, of course, was sporting a Crosby jersey and was carrying her favorite stuffed animal. Ironically a stuffed Gritty doll.
"You ready to see daddy? Let's go see daddy." You laughed, walking down to the glass where a few other partners and kids were.
Sidney skated onto the ice last and was immensely scanning around the edge of the rink, looking for you and Penny. He finally spotted you both, and slipped his glove off, slapping his hand onto the glass.
"Look, Pen, it's daddy." You pointed, straightening her hat. She looked confused for a moment but realized it was her father and squealed, almost dropping her stuffed animal.
"Hi." Sidney waved, the brightest smile you'd ever seen on his face.
"Blow daddy a kiss." You told her, demonstrating how to do it. She waved her hand in his direction, attempting to copy you. He blew kisses back at her before he waved one last time and skated off.
She looked like she was about to cry when she watched Sidney skate off, but was quickly distracted when she realized Gritty was in her arms.
"So, Sid, I feel like we're here every year." Everyone shared a laugh, "Congrats on the birth of little Amelia."
"Thank you." Sidney beamed proudly.
"How's the baby and mom?"
"Baby's fine, getting equating with big sister Penny. Mom is doing amazing." He gushed.
"So, you're officially-officially a girl dad."
"I am. Two girls." He nodded.
"Is it different with two than it is with one?"
"Well, I mean, I have an amazing partner who's amazing and I know if I didn't have her, I would crash and burn. So, I owe everything to her. I can't take all the credit."
"You guys thinking of having any more kids?" Sidney only shrugged.
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yngiroux-crosby my two girls ❤️
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sidneycrosby87 team girl dad.
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none of these photos are mine. all the photos except the last two are from pinterest. the family photos of all four belong to @/aspynovard on instagram.
my taglist: @bords @fallinallincurls @thombordeleau @puckinrightschicagoo @tysonjost-taylorsversion @Besthockeyfics @boqvistsbabe @joshsandersons @stars-canucks @mitch-slap @punkharts @iwantahockeyhimbo @blondiekook @2manytabsopen @lady-laura-speaks @youngbeezer @heatherawoowoo @thescooby-gang @123happyllama @ggggmoneyyyy @4ambagelbites @tangercrosbyschultzfan25887 @lovethepreds @ashleymarine @colecauliflower @eve132 @ciziikas @monamourthings-blog @x-a-v20x @bandit-of-marshmallows @bowenbyyram @satanxklaus @himbobimboeater @Pasta88love @paintlavillered @itssophlouise @lam-ila @HockeyJedi13@kidlnthedark @drysdaleseyes @jostyriggslover96 @sc87 @duhaimes @shinytoadpandadeputy @rainysuitcaseprunegiant @sebbyaho @kpopnationunited424 @tpwkstiles @Gold-coasted @Mulit-fandom5 @owenpowerstapejob @raysofcrosby
add yourself to my taglist!
again, happy birthday to our fav, mr. g himself, claude <3 i love chaos
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beggingwolf · 3 years
ohhh drabble idea: rookie sid meeting captain geno? love to have you back!!
They fly Sid out privately.
It's the third time Sid's flown with a whole plane to himself—he still feels green about it, and he says thank you too many times to the very nice, very professional flight attendant as he rushes to the luggage bins before she can try to take down his hockey bag. She's short and reminds him too much of his mom for him to let her handle the monstrosity of his bags.
He gets handed off outside the plane like he's an unaccompanied minor. The flight attendant passes him off to airport security, who walk him to an office where a stout, dark-haired woman introduces herself as Jennifer, call me Jen, and gives Sid a five-minute lecture on their way down the cascading sets of escalators.
"I won't let them hound you too long," Jen promises. "You're good with media. Be yourself; they're excited for you."
They're mobbed after they crest the last escalator. The Pittsburgh media people are loud and exuberant and all smiles. Sid recognizes a few faces from Canada, and he doesn't have time to be surprised that they followed him down stateside while more recorders are pushed into his face.
He answers questions about the flight, the weather, the night show he did in LA. Sid smiles and nods along and tries not to wince when a camera flash goes off in his left eye. The photographer is right up against Sid's neck, where the popped collar of his shirt isn't enough to cover the hickey that's sucked into the side of his neck.
He blinks away spots and forces himself to keep his hands at his sides. He'd seen Jen looking at it when they met, and he'd cursed himself for not stealing more of his mother's makeup in the bathroom at home when he'd had the chance to cover it. It shouldn't be noticeable anyways, not with the brightness of the lights and Sid's California-tanned skin from the week his family had spent there before the draft. It'll be fine, no matter what Jen's keen eyes caught. Sidney Crosby was going to be the clean-cut, neat hockey star Pittsburgh needed.
They need him now more than ever.
"Has Malkin reached out to you yet?" One of the Pittsburgh reporters asks Sid, microphone brandished at him like a weapon.
"No," Sid says, "but Mario called me."
He'd spent a couple hours working on responses about Malkin with Pat earlier in the week. Yes, Sid knew Malkin was a hotshot and spurned the media when he got the chance. He knew Malkin was brute on the ice, with graceful skating and a way of bullying his opponents into turning the puck over.
And Sid knew Malkin was in a delicate place with Russia, always teetering on the edge of being named captain if he could capture the country's attention away from Ovechkin for long enough.
"Just because you're out to the public doesn't mean you have to be loud about it, Sid," Pat had told him in his Toronto office. "The locker room doesn't—"
"I'm never loud about it," Sid had said, trying hard not to be churlish. It still prickled across his skin: Sidney Crosby, first openly gay NHL player before he had ever stepped foot on the ice in an NHL sweater. He hadn't wanted it, the ravenous media attention heightening, the prying questions becoming even more invasive.
Sid had just wanted to have his first kiss before making it to the big league. He'd chosen the wrong dark corner to attempt it in. The damage control had been extensive and left a nauseous, churning pit in Sid's stomach that had barely started to fade before the Penguins had drafted him first overall, to play under Malkin.
Loud, proud, Russian Malkin, who'd frowned a month ago on television when he'd been asked if he thought the Penguins would draft Sid, if Sid would fit into the locker room.
"It's not my job," he'd said disdainfully, rearing back from the microphone like it was a snake. "You talk with Mario. I only worry about my team, my guys."
The reporter in the airport presses closer, and Sid thinks about the flat look in Malkin's eyes and the unimpressed twist to his lips, and he looks over at Jen.
"Alright, we have places to be, everyone, thank you," Jen says with impressive force, and before Sid can keep track of where he's being led, he's ducking into a nice car outside, and they hit the road.
"To Mario's," Jen tells him.
"Right," Sid says, watching the rolling hills outside—so different from Nova Scotia, or even Rimouski—as they leave the airport and drive toward the city.
He doesn't realize he's picking at his fingers again until his rough thumbnail catches on a ragged cuticle and rips it; Jen looks up from her phone as Sid hisses and brings his bleeding finger to his lips to stop the blood flow with his tongue. The movement draws her eyes back to his neck, and he watches with dread as she sets her face and puts her phone down into her lap.
"Sidney," Jen tells him, and she's looking at Sid like she's his aunt, or the school counselor who'd been responsible for signing Sid's diploma: like she's well-meaning and about to say something that's going to rend the pit in his stomach open wide. "Pat told me you're a private guy."
"Yeah," Sid says after a beat, wondering when she'd gotten in touch with Pat. Pat hadn't mentioned anything to Sid, and he'd been practically living with the Crosbys for the last month.
"We're good at privacy here," she says. "We're good at keeping your lives separate from what the public sees, when you want it. Mario set the standard, and Geno—"
Sid can't help the wrinkle in his nose, and Jen catches it, and her short fingernails tap at her dark phone screen before she continues.
"Geno's that way too. Whatever works well for you, we'll find a way to keep the media manageable. I'm here to keep them happy, but mostly I'm here to keep you happy."
"Thanks," Sid mumbles, averting his eyes, not wanting to get into it with her. Pat had said ignorance was best, and being vague, being quiet, was going to work. If Sid played well, they'd have more to talk about than who he wanted to kiss.
Or do more with, if he ever got that far in Pittsburgh. Maybe Malkin would tell him not to touch another guy's dick while he was in the city. The older guys on Team Canada had told him as much. It wouldn't have been the first time, and Sid—ever the runt of the team—had learned that compliance in the locker room and talent on the ice got him further than anything else.
They roll over one bridge, and then two, and then through a tall gate with iron fencing and tall trees behind it, and then Sid is deposited, hockey bags and all, on Mario Lemieux's front steps.
Jen hands him off with brutal efficiency to Nathalie Lemieux, who hugs Sid before he can offer his hand for a handshake, and Sid's pulled inside the house of a legend.
"Sid!" he hears, and the smile that cracks across Sid's face is genuine when he sees Mario stepping towards him, hand outstretched.
The pride, the ego that he's spent the better part of the year gritting behind his teeth, bubbles out when Mario Lemieux greets Sid like a friend. He's here, where he's meant to be, and he's going to play for a living legend. He's going to become one, if he has any say in it.
"Lunch is ready," Nathalie says imperiously as she boxes them in towards a doorway. "Eat. Now. I didn't put Geno to work for nothing."
"What?" Sid asks, and he's pushed into the dining room.
"Oh," Sid says, and Malkin looks up from the spread on the table.
Malkin is huge. Sid's known that, he'd seen Malkin play during the Vancouver Olympics, when Pat had gotten Sid and his father tickets and Sid had held his breath in his throat the entire game. He's dangerous and enormous and has a long face with long features that Sid knows too well.
Sid cracks his shoulders back into a proud stance. Chin high, head up, chest set firmly like he's about to take a check. Malkin might have a decade on Sid, but Sid's an NHLer too now, and he has a right to be here, in Mario's dining room.
"Hi," Sid says. His voice is low and a little harsh.
Malkin's dark eyes dart over Sid too fast. Sid wants to cover up everything that Malkin glances at—his hair, which is a little flat from the flight, the flipflops on his feet that his mom had begged him not to wear, the hockey bag still slung over his shoulder.
Malkin's eyes catch on the hickey on Sid's neck, and Sid's heart skips a beat.
"Sidney Crosby," Malkin says, his accent wrapping around Sid's name so nicely, tripping over the hard C in a way that makes Sid's heart feel like it's falling through his ribs. "Nice to meet you."
He holds out his hand. His palm is warm. His fingers are long.
"It's nice to meet you too," Sid coughs out, and Malkin smiles.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
hiii i've just spent the last 36-48 hours reading your works and oh dear do i lOVE your writing and this universe :') . i dont know if you are taking requests but i think it would be kinda interesting (and low key hilarious) if you would write the lions reacting/reading thirst tweets? idk if this is a dumb idea or not but just like some of them reacting to them and going "well i'm actually gay/married so.. no!.. but thank you!"
Part two of the six-month celebration, everyone! Thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone who submitted comments--I had over 60 come in, and while I couldn’t include them all, reading them was a true joy. The Lion Pride channel was something I started writing on a whim; I never expected it to grow like this <3 Much love to all of you!
TW for alcohol mentions and thirst tweets (nothing explicit)
“Why do I always fear for my life around you?” Sirius asked as Marlene settled into a cushy chair to the side of their table.
She smiled, catlike, and crossed her legs primly. “Because only Finn appreciates me.”
“That’s just the Aries connection, Cap,” Finn said with a smug grin.
“We’re both Leos, Harzy.”
“Eh, close enough.”
Remus raised an eyebrow at her. “You should probably start asking questions before this devolves further, Marley. He’s gonna keep digging himself a hole and we won’t get anything done.”
Marlene’s smile returned with a vengeance. “That’s where you’re wrong, Loops! We’re not doing any questions at all today.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Read it and weep.” She tossed a small posterboard at him like a frisbee; he caught it, barely, though both Talker and Sirius had to duck out of the way. Marlene faced the camera and winked. “Welcome back to Lion Pride, everyone! Today I’m here with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Thomas Walker, and our wonderful cubs to react to your comments on our videos!”
“Bet you thought we’d never see ‘em, huh?” James asked.
“The comments fall into four categories: thirsty, funny, mean, and sweet. I will be reading two of those groups, and my lovely fiancée will be reading the others because she is the human embodiment of sunshine.”
“If you make Dorcas read the mean ones, I’ll be sad,” Leo laughed.
Marlene gave him a look of disbelief. “You think I’m passing up a chance to roast you guys? Puh-lease. We’re starting off strong with some thirsty, thirsty comments! Loops, you’re up first.”
“This is going to be fun,” Sirius said, leaning back in his chair.
She cleared her throat, then turned a smoldering look on their table. “I didn’t know I had a freckle kink, but then Remus Lupin appeared and now here we are.”
“Oh, shit,” Remus muttered, covering his face with his hands as the others howled with laughter.
“Lupin has been looking sexy as hell on the bench for years now. I'm so glad people are simping over him like he deserves,” Marlene read. “And there’s a little heart emoji, just for you.”
“This is every one of my nightmares come to life,” Remus said, though his voice was muffled by his forearms.
James lifted his glasses to swipe away the tears of mirth that had gathered in his eyes. “Are you kidding? This is everything I have ever wanted.”
“Y’know, it is so good to see people drooling over this hot piece of ass at last,” Finn sighed, reaching over to ruffle Remus’ hair as his face turned bright red.
“One more, and it’s a good one,” Marlene warned. She licked her lips, then had to take a moment to laugh before speaking. “I feel like Remus Lupin is the type of guy to bake you muffins—”
“Accurate,” Leo said.
“—but is also a kinky motherfucker.”
Remus’ mouth dropped open as the table erupted into cheering. Logan pumped both fists in the air and Sirius was laughing so hard no sound came out; Talker sank so low in his chair that only his head and shoulders were visible as he applauded.
“Why do people comment these things?” Remus asked, barely above a whisper. “Holy fuck, I’m engaged!”
“Speaking of…” Marlene raised her eyebrows and Sirius smile drooped.
“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes. Buckle up, Cap!” She rolled her shoulders out. “Get someone who looks at you the way Sirius Black looks at a hockey puck.”
Remus snorted; James’ laugh was so short and sharp that it set everyone else off as well. “That sounds like I have a hockey puck fetish!” Sirius complained. “Which is so, so not true!”
Finn made an ‘ehh’ noise, and he leaned around Remus to smack the back of his head. “Hey!”
“Next one!” Marlene announced. “Sirius Black was my bi awakening.”
A beat of silence passed. “Is that it?” Sirius ventured, looking nervous.
“Aw, man, that one’s lame,” Talker said, shaking his head. “Everyone thinks Cap is a little hot.”
Remus shot him a look. “A little?”
“Fair. Marley, I dare you to find one person who wouldn’t tap that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Me, though that dovetails nicely into the last one for our lovely captain. Ahem. I understand why Remus is with Sirius: he's hot as hell and rich, I'd hit that too.”
“Oh, fuck, you’re right,” Leo gasped. “Why didn’t I think of that?”
Finn and Logan turned to him in unison with a mix of disbelief and offense written all over their faces. “Dude.”
“First of all, Leo, you found yourself two hot rich boys,” Remus interrupted. “Second, that comment is forgetting that he’s funny, and smart, and nice, and—”
Seconds after the initial cover, Sirius took his hand off Remus’ mouth as if he’d been burned. “Did you just lick me?”
“Moving on! This is in all caps, so be prepared.” Marlene shuffled through her posterboards and turned to Leo with an ominous smile. He glanced toward the camera in mild fear. “What does a person have to do to get some hockey player ass?! Like why is Leo Knut so fine?!”
“Amen!” Logan called as Leo blushed.
“According to six of the seven people at this table, the answer to that first question is to be a hockey player,” Talker laughed. “The world may never know the answer to the second, sadly.”
“Lily could play hockey,” James said, resting his chin on his hand. Every single one of the others rolled their eyes. “She could! She’d be so good at it, too.”
“We know,” Finn groaned. “You only mention it every other day.”
“Speaking of the lovely Mrs. Potter,” Marlene began with a sly look as she held up a new card. “Do James and Lily Potter need a third? Asking for me specifically.”
James paused, dumbstruck, while the others drummed their hands on the table. “…no?”
A general sigh of disappointment went up. “I was really hoping he’d say yes,” Leo said.
“Ask Lily next time,” Remus recommended.
James turned to him and blinked slowly. “What are you insinuating, Loops?”
“Oh, nothing.”
“Don’t worry, James, you’ll like this one,” Marlene assured him. “James Potter is the ultimate dilf.”
“You’re damn right I am!” James whooped. “Vindication, bitches!”
“Marley, what have you done?” Talker whispered. “He’ll never shut up about that, now.”
“Oh, never,” James all but cackled. “I’m officially a dilf, you guys!”
“I hate you,” Sirius groaned.
“Tremzy, are you ready? We’ve got a couple very special ones for you,” Marlene said.
“Anything to get us out of this hell,” Logan begged.
“In that case: Logan Tremblay’s ass is better than Sidney Crosby’s. I said what I said.”
A pleased flush rose to his cheeks as Finn and Leo high-fived over his head. “Really? Thank you!”
“And they would be correct!” Finn announced. “Best ass in the league.”
“Come on,” Remus scoffed, though he was smiling.
Marlene cleared her throat to get their attention. “I don’t think I can legally read this on air without being censored or getting the video taken down, but…”
She turned the board around; all seven of them leaned forward to read it, then slowly looked at Logan, who turned vivid red. “Mon dieu. Is that—someone commented that on a video? Like, for people to see?”
“I feel like I need to bleach my eyes,” Sirius said just as Finn began shaking with silent laughter.
Leo’s face fell. “You wrote that, didn’t you?”
“I did,” Finn wheezed, scooting forward to fist-bump Marlene. “We wanted to see what you guys would say. Fuckin’ hell, your faces.”
“Alright, Talkie, are you ready?” Marlene asked around her laughter. “Seeing Thomas Walker with a baby makes me want to have his babies…please hit me up.”
He held up his index finger and took a second to laugh before responding. “If that’s Noelle, yes. If that’s anyone else, I’m flattered, but absolutely not.”
Logan made a face. “Ew.”
“We have two more,” Marlene warned. “For some very special people that aren’t here today, but I think you’ll like them anyway.”
Sirius narrowed his eyes. “I don’t trust the look on your face.”
“Daddy Dumo makes me swoon.”
A muddle of horrified noises echoed through the studio as all seven of them cringed. “Oh, my god, that’s my dad!” Logan yelped, covering his ears. Sirius looked vaguely ill and Remus’ shoulders crept toward his ears; James shuddered.
“The worst part is, we all know he can get it,” Finn said with a grimace. “God, I feel like I just heard someone talking about my parents having sex.”
“I’m sure he’ll love to hear that,” Marlene laughed. “Last one, from one of our truth or drinks.”
Remus went pale half a second too late. “N—”
“Hope Lupin is a milf.”
A broken noise escaped his mouth and he clamped his hand over it while Talker rubbed his back in sympathy. Sirius shook his head. “Somehow, that’s worse than Dumo’s.”
“Whoever sent that in, show some respect!” Leo said indignantly as Remus bonked his forehead against the table. “Hope Lupin is a lovely woman!”
“I think they noticed that particular fact,” Marlene pointed out, earning herself several scandalized shouts of her name and a whine from Remus. “That’s all we have for thirst comments! Are you ready for some funny ones?”
“Anything,” Remus pleaded. “I am begging you, anything else.”
Marlene shook her head as she stood, still smiling, and kissed Dorcas on the cheek when she entered the frame. “Go for it, love.”
“Dorcas!” they all cheered, lighting up immediately.
“Hey, guys, it’s been a while!” She curled up in Marlene’s vacant spot and took her own posterboards out from underneath the seat. “Alright, let’s rock and roll. Pascal Dumais is the team dad and nothing will change my mind, and Tremzy is the annoying youngest child.”
“That is so accurate,” Sirius laughed, leaning just out of range of Logan’s playful punch. “Whoever commented that has no idea how right they are.”
“We’ve got a whole sibling dynamic thing going on,” Talker agreed. “Tremzy’s the baby of the family, Cap is the quietly chaotic middle child, and Pots is the older brother that starts shit and inevitably gets blamed for however out-of-control it gets.”
Dorcas nodded. “You are one hundred percent correct. In a similar vein: Pots was the dad jokes friend before he was even a dad.”
“Painfully so,” Leo confirmed, shaking his head as they all groaned in agreement. James looked rather smug about the whole thing. “So many puns.”
“Oh, you’ll like this one,” Dorcas mused as she drew a new card. “If Tremzy looked directly into my eyes for even two seconds, all of my problems would be solved. I am sure of it.”
“Yes,” Finn and Leo said in unison.
“It’s something about the eyes, I think,” James added. “They just stand out so much that it’s a little startling straight-on.”
Logan looked to the camera and stared at it, unblinking; it zoomed in slightly on his face. “Everything will be fine,” he said with mock solemnity. “Your problems are solved.”
“Well, that was terrifying,” Sirius said drily. “Got any more for us, Ms. Meadowes?”
“Of course I do! We’ve got quite a few for Loops and Leo.” She took a sip of her water before getting comfortable again. “My favorite thing about these videos is that we can all see Loops get steadily buffer as the season goes on. Good for you, king!”
“Flex! Flex! Flex!” the six of them chanted; Remus rolled his eyes, but slid his sweater sleeve to his elbow and flexed his forearm, resulting in enough hoots and hollers that they could probably be heard a block away. Talker fake-swooned into Leo’s arms and Remus lightly whacked him on the shoulder.
“Remus Lupin looks like he has squishable cheeks,” Dorcas read aloud.
“He does!” James cooed, scooting over and reaching out.
Remus narrowed his eyes. “I swear to god I’ll bite you.”
Sirius cupped his face between his palms and kissed his nose, then pinched both his cheeks gently. “Ta-da!”
“How many of these do we have?” Remus asked, though his voice was a bit muffled by Sirius’ hands.
“Just one more for you, and it’s my personal favorite.” Dorcas assured him. “I love how the team probably had no impulse control until Loops joined.”
Sirius let go of his face and dissolved into laughter as Finn nearly fell on the floor. “Oh my—you think he has impulse control?” Talker slapped the edge of the table as he shook his head. “Absolutely not. Hell no, Loops is the first person to do stupid shit with us.”
“Yeah, I just don’t get caught,” Remus added around his own laughter. “Everyone thinks I’m such a hardass goody-two-shoes and it lets me get away with so much more than you delinquents.”
“Speaking of delinquents,” Dorcas continued. “This one is from our ‘Taste Testing Sexy Alcohol’ video: ah, yes, now I know how to do a body shot. 10/10, very educational video.”
“Do not take educational advice from us,” Finn blurted instantly. “I know this is a joke, but please exercise caution. That video was a ton of fun but a nightmare to recover from.”
Sirius winced at the memory. “I took two naps and then wished for death for a full day.”
“On a lighter note, who’s ready for some Knutty appreciation?” Dorcas smiled at her cards. “I've only had Leo Knut for a season and half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
“Big mood,” four of them said simultaneously.
Leo turned to the camera with a concerned look on his face. “That’s a meme reference, but are y’all okay?”
“No,” Dorcas answered. “Especially not this next person: Sometimes I do something productive and then I remember @LeoKnut is a 19 year old professional athlete who radiates happiness and with two of the hottest boyfriends the good lord has made, and then my bowl of packaged ramen seems less impressive.”
“I’m proud of your ramen,” Leo said, even as the corners of his mouth twitched in a smile. “And I appreciate the note about my boyfriends, because they are definitely the hottest people the good lord has made.”
Talker stuck his lip out in a pout. “Rude.”
“Sorry, Talkie, I’m biased.”
“Last one before Marlene comes back, so you’d better enjoy it!” Dorcas announced. “Did the Lions effectively utilize girl power when they wrecked toxic masculinity, yes or yes?”
“Can we utilize girl power?” Remus wondered, resting his shin on his hand. “Isn’t that exclusively for, y’know, women?”
“We can utilize himbo power,” Finn suggested.
James gave him an offended look. “Not all of us are himbos!”
“Okay, but you definitely are.”
“I am not!” James held up his fingers to count. “There are only, like, three qualifications, right? I might be strong, hot, and respectful, but I’m not dumb so it doesn’t count!”
“Pots,” Remus said quietly, hiding his smile for half a second. “Buddy, that was four things.”
James paused, then sighed in resignation. “Ah, fuck, I’m a himbo.”
“You really are.”
“At least we don’t promote toxic masculinity.”
They raised their waterbottles in a ‘cheers’ motion as Marlene and Dorcas switched spots; Marlene stretched her arms over her head and grabbed the new boards. “I’m back, beloved himbos. Talker, Leo, you are beloved by the people and have no mean comments. Cap, we’re starting with you.”
“Are they actually mean mean?” he asked.
“Sirius Black seems like a little bitch. Not in a bad way, necessarily. He just. Seems like he'd be a little bitch."
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Oh, okay. That answers one question.”
“He’s not a little bitch,” Leo said. “Pouty on occasion, but not a little bitch.”
Remus gave him a long look, then shook his head. “Yeah, I mean, you teared up a little when Hattie got a splinter in her paw but didn’t even yell when you almost sliced your finger off while making dinner.”
“Duality of man,” Finn said sagely.
Marlene cocked an eyebrow. “Finn O’Hara’s hair kind of reminds me of Garfield the Cat.”
“Alright, that’s just rude.”
“It does not!” Logan gasped at the same time Leo made a noise of agreement.
Finn turned to him in utter betrayal. “Nutter Butter, I thought you liked my hair!”
“I do!” Leo defended. “But they’re not entirely wrong. It’s very orange in the sun.”
“I’m never going to forget that,” Finn muttered, staring at the floor.
“Ugh, it bothers me so much that Lupin just objectifies Black all the time!” Marlene read in a high-pitched, nasal voice. “No respect in that relationship!”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Pardon?”
Marlene stared at it for a moment, then shrugged. “Yeah, I have no idea what videos they were watching. Do you feel objectified in your relationship, Cap? I know the opinion of total strangers really bothers you a lot.”
“I’m really glad you picked up on that,” he said with false gravity. “Yeah, it’s such a bummer when my hot fiancé says I look nice. Such a blow to my self-esteem.”
“That was supposed to be a roast against me,” Remus said, looking amused. “Talk about backfiring.”
“Are you ready, Pots? This one’s pretty brutal,” Marlene warned. James nodded and Finn linked their hands for moral support. “James Potter is a swiftie and you cannot tell me otherwise.”
He furrowed his eyebrows. “…yeah? That’s true? T Swift is a regular occurrence on the locker room playlist.”
“Also, James Potter looks like someone who would think black pepper was spicy.”
“Now that one is mean,” he complained as the others burst out laughing.  “It’s not my fault I have sensitive taste buds!”
“Oh, honey,” she said under her breath as she took a new card. “Get ready, Tremzy. This first one is short and sweet: Logan Tremblay looks like a lesbian.”
“That is not an insult,” Logan laughed. “Every lesbian I know is rad as fuck. I wish I looked that good in a leather jacket.”
“I just realized Logan doesn’t look short cause he’s next to bunch of hockey players, he’s short cause he’s 5’9.”
The smile slipped off his face in a millisecond as the others roared with laughter. “Quoi?”
“Oh, she got you good,” Sirius gasped, patting his shoulder clumsily. “Holy fuck, can I frame that?”
“That’s not what it says.” An edge of distress appeared in Logan’s voice. “Marley, that’s not what it says.”
James sat on the floor with the heels of his palms pressed against his eyes. “You’re fucking—whoever sent that in, you are my new favorite person. Jesus.”
“Do you need a second to recover before we move on?” Dorcas asked as she draped her arms over the back of Marlene’s chair. “The next one is our biggest section by far.”
“It’s the sweet ones, yeah?” Leo asked.
“It might be a good idea to do those before Lo spontaneously combusts.”
“Agreed!” She swapped with Marlene and hauled a short stack of posterboards out from their hiding place with a smile. “A hug from Dumo can probably solve any issue.”
“Facts,” Logan said. “I could really use one right about now, too.”
“Has anyone noticed how blue Leo Knut’s eyes are?”
“Yes,” the six of them chorused.
Finn gave him a dreamy look. “Every single day.”
“When I first read this one, I thought I wrote it,” Dorcas said with a snort. “Someone give Marlene a raise. No reason why, I just love her.”
“Can we do that?” Sirius asked, looking toward the camera crew. “Can we lobby to give you guys raises? Because you definitely deserve it after all the bullshit you deal with to make these videos watchable, and Marlene, you’ve drawn the short end of the stick ninety percent of the time.”
“How?” she called off-screen.
“You have to actually talk to us and try to get answers.”
Dorcas finished scribbling something down on her notepad. “Just making a note of this conversation for future reference. Moving on! Sirius Black and James Potter are a prime example of hockey husbands, and I adore them.”
“The ironic part of that is that we’re both in committed relationships, but we’re basically married,” James mused.
Remus shook his head. “You guys are so married. Lily wanted to get you matching rings for your birthday, Pots.”
“That would be so cool!” they said in perfect unison. Remus turned to the camera and spread his hands in a case in point motion.
Dorcas stifled her laughter before moving on. “This one is cute. Give Remus Lupin all the hugs! I feel like I could tell him he’s an inspiration and he’d be so nice about it—” She paused to glance up at them. “—this next bit is in parentheses: all the LGBT Lions give me that vibe, but Cap and Knutty are super intimidating so I wouldn’t have the guts.”
Leo’s face fell and Sirius’ eyebrows pitched. “I’m not intimidating!” Leo protested. “I thought we already went over that! Loops gives fantastic hugs, but I want some, too.”
“He definitely deserves all the hugs in the world, but I promise I’m nice,” Sirius said, a bit softer than usual. “Is it because we’re tall?”
Dorcas half-shrugged. “Probably. It’s a little startling at first. Oh, I could’ve written this one, too: The Venn diagram of men I trust and the Gryffindor Lions is a full circle.”
Talker beamed at the camera. “Thank you!”
“So many hockey guys are such douchebags,” Logan said with a shake of his head. “I’m really glad we don’t do that shit.”
“Me, too.” Dorcas slid her old card under her chair. “Sirius Black’s hair looks so soft and I just want to touch it so bad.”
“It is so soft,” Remus agreed immediately. “You have no idea.”
“Everyone wants to touch Cap’s hair,” Finn said, sighing. “It’s so majestic.”
“I need a haircut.”
“No, you don’t,” Remus said as he tugged a stray curl. Sirius hummed.
“This one is from the interview some you did with Jules and Katie: these hockey boys being so soft with kids is my aesthetic! Like, it’s just so adorable to see these big, intimidating dudes be so, so sweet! Love them all!” She turned the card for them to see. “And then they added a heart at the end.”
“It’s impossible to be around those kids and not be happy,” James said. “They’re just too cute and wonderful.”
“Yeah, I love kids.” Finn nodded. “Especially the Dumais and Jules. They’re a hoot.”
“Jules would die if he heard you say that,” Remus laughed. “The hero worship is still going strong with most of you.”
“This one made me laugh when I first read it, but it’s really sweet,” Dorcas informed them. “Anyone else feel like we were deceived these past five years into thinking Cap was this hard-ass man, when in reality he's a cuddle bug who definitely captures and releases spiders instead of squishing them?”
“You weren’t deceived, I was just closeted,” Sirius said. “Also, I absolutely squish spiders.”
Remus gave him a look. “No, you do not. That’s my job. I’m the catch and release person if I can get away with it.”
James shook his head. “The third week of practices you saw a spider and threw me at it.”
“You did what?” Finn asked.
“There was a spider in my stall,” Sirius sighed, looking as if he would rather be anywhere else. “And Pots and I were talking so I didn’t see it until I almost sat on it, and my brain decided the only logical thing to do would be to grab him and shove him toward the spider.”
“That was after you shrieked,” Talker added. “Like, literally shrieked. I’ve never heard anyone make a noise like that.”
“Alright, alright,” Sirius grumbled. “We get it, I don’t like spiders.”
Remus shrugged. “But you are a cuddle bug. They got that part right.”
“We’re in the final two!” Dorcas announced. “This one has some pictures to go with it, so it’s on my phone. Fuck Romeo and Juliet, I want what these bitches have.”
“It’s us!” Leo cooed as the phone made its way down the line. In the upper corner of the screen, the photo appeared—it had been taken in New York, and Logan’s whole face was alight with happiness as Leo and Finn each pressed a kiss to his cheek. The camera caught him mid-laugh, so his eyes were closed and his chin was tucked slightly into Finn’s Strand hoodie.
“That’s my screensaver,” Finn said with a grin, pulling his phone out and turning it toward the camera without moving away from Leo. “One of my favorites.”
“I forgot you took that one,” Logan murmured. He hooked his chin over Leo’s shoulder and kissed his cheek; the four others at the table gave soft are you seeing this? looks to the camera and Dorcas smiled.
“Pots, I think yours is next. I hate to break it to you, Talkie, but they didn’t get any of you and Noelle.”
“We don’t take a ton of pictures together,” Talker said as James took the phone. “I mean, we take a bunch of selfies, but we don’t live close enough to each other to actually post that often. What picture is it, J?”
James was staring down at the picture with an unbearably sweet expression. “It’s our wedding. That’s my favorite one, actually.”
Like Logan, they had been captured while laughing—Lily was bent slightly at the waist as James clapped, his glasses just as askew as the flower crown on her head. It was impossible to tell who had told the joke originally, but they were both radiant in the sunset.
“That’s a really good one,” Sirius said with an unreadable look on his face.
“Well, well, well, fancypants, you two got a video.” James wiggled his eyebrows and Remus leaned in to see.
“What kind of video? One of our tikt—oh. Oh, this is so cute.” He shifted his chair over as the short edit began to play. “D, who made this?”
“A fan.”
“It’s really impressive,” Sirius said without taking his eyes off the screen. The edit was a series of photos, both on and off the ice; Sirius knocking their helmets together, then Remus looking back over his shoulder, then both of them in the water playing chicken in the sun. It was a slideshow of their life and their love.
“Can you send that to me?” Remus asked when it was over. “Cause that’s super cool.”
“Sure thing. Are you guys ready for the last one?” When they all nodded, she drummed her fingers on the posterboard and cleared her throat. “Arthur appreciation hours. He deserves it after managing to control the team.”
A cheer went up—all seven stood and applauded, half-laughing and half-whooping. “Miracle worker!” Sirius called.
“Best coach in the league!” Finn added.
“Most tolerant man to ever walk the earth!” Remus raised his water in a toast and they tapped the plastic edges together, nearly spilling all over the table.
Dorcas’ eyes crinkled in a smile as she turned to the camera. “That’s it for today, Lions! Tune in next time for more content of our boys, and thank you for such wonderful comments!”
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