#she’s a fucking cunttttt
lunarpiscesangel · 2 years
i hate my mother holy shiiiiittttt
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sexynetra · 2 months
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Yeah you could say it was a good weekend 🥰
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theolddivorcedzukka · 11 months
Tell me more facts about John Laurens please. You have to put up with my long ass posts about autistic ghost summoners from Jupiter so you can tell me as much as you like about Your Special Guy
!!!!!! okay sooooo
john laurens was blond. that is so important to remember cause he, like all blond men, dies a hamster death
he didn't like his dad at all omg. henry laurens was one of the biggest plantation and therefore slave owners in south carolina and laurens was a slavery abolitionist so of course he hated his guts. plus his father was always like "omg master jack could have the prettiest girl placed in front of him and he wouldn't even look her way" and john liked men sooooo. also it is said that his father might have known that he was gay and tried to erase all evidence of that by burning his letters between hamiton so that's why we have few to no letters from laurens to hamilton to look at
also nearly everyone called him jack!!!
he was a super cunt and it was such a shock when he let anyone into his inner circle cause he was such a cunttttt omg but he was very loyal and intimate with the people he did allow into his life and that's why the hamilton letters are so huge as well
did u know that he once insulted king louis to his face and he still got a loan from france and military supplies? coolest guy ever
he also drew a lot!! he loved drawing birds and he was actually really good at it
he was actually the most aggressive out of the combo of him and hamilton which is so surprising. when he dueled lee and injured him, he wanted to keep going and hamilton and lee's second had to convince them out of it before they killed each other
he called hamilton "my dear boy".......he never referred to anyone else this way
he had an ex called francis kinloch who sucked so bad cause he was a royalist and he laughed at john's ideas against slavery so john broke it off right then and there in the most passive-aggressive letter I've ever seen (he didn't address him by his name at the beginning of the letter, roasted him to death, and then closed it off with a simple "adieu")
close to this time, he got a woman named martha manning pregnant and married her to preserve her honor. his daughter was named frances which is weird considering his ex was francis so like.....who calls their kid by their ex's name jfc???
alexander allegedly found out about john's wife and daughter after reading a letter addressed to him and this was a year and a half after knowing him. oops?
HE FUCKED THAT GINGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was also held hostage by the british during alexander's wedding and alexander invited him for a threesome with eliza. btw
if you don't believe my last statement, he said "I wish you were at liberty to transgress the bounds of Pensylvania. I would invite you after the fall to Albany to be witness to the final consummation. My Mistress is a good girl, and already loves you because I have told her you are a clever fellow and my friend; but mind, she loves you a l’americaine not a la françoise" WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAAAN
hmm idk what else i can share but did u know that he was so fucking depressed like he was really depressed
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heartbreak-tm · 4 years
careful how you proceed good man // dax // MM TRIAL // re: HER
All at once it clicks.
Before she even hears the knocking on the door all the pieces in her head are finally starting to come together. Hiro's 'motivations'. Why he was acting so strange. What he was so scared of.
She'd already loathed the woman before even knowing what her actual role in all of this was. No- scratch that. Believing it. How could she be so blind? Just weeks ago he'd told them clear as day and she'd brushed it off as fever induced paranoia, but everything that Hiro had said about his ex-wife made sense. The surveillance, the manipulation...
Whatever anger and hurt betrayal she'd been harbouring towards Hiro turns into a single target focused, wolf-like rage the second she can hear Delilah's heels click clacking closer. A few minutes ago and she would have been the first one crammed onto the Vengabus, but now? No matter how battered, bruised and fully exhausted Dax was, there was no way in hell she wouldn't use every ounce she still had left to protect Hiro from such an absolute monster, such a- a-
"Y-you nasty, blighted, fucking-- CUNTtttt!!"
"I will see you fucking buried for- for everything that you done! Mark me, if I, fuck, so have to dig the grave myself, I will not rest!"
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