#she’s deffo not just some kid who likes hot sauce
gideon-of-navareth · 1 year
After the “just some guy” incident I don’t trust that Hot Sauce is just called Hot Sauce because she likes hot sauce so my wife and I sat in a Subway for like twenty minutes picking out anagrams of Hot Sauce and really the only halfway legible ones were Chase Out and House Cat.
Is this anything
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riosnecktattoo · 4 years
Hi Tay! I need some help I told my friend to watch GG so I can fangirl w someone but she doesn't think rio is hot. What should I do? I even told her about the SAUCE!
Hiya! 😊 This makes me feel like an Agony Aunt and I LOVE IT
(also extremely in to how this is phrased like your friend is just wrong™ and in dire need of hotness guidance)
Has she started the show or have you just been an amazing friend and blessed her with pictures and descriptions of Rio?
Honestly, I was once the same. Back in the day I followed one blog who I’d noticed posting gifs of Brio. I deadass remember looking at a gif and thinking "He's not even that hot." ME! FUCKIN ME!
I'm ashamed. Past me was a clown.
Then 2x04 gifs started flying about and then I actually watched some brio scenes and UNDERSTOOD. I was a changed woman.
My best friend has amazing taste so she went straight to Stan-Town as soon as he jumped off the counter gawd bless her. But she was so resistant and ONLY watched it at all cause I had her round mine and forced her to sit and watch. Sometimes you gotta hold your friends captive and make them watch things. For their own good.
But I deffo think if she hasn't started it, that actually seeing the man in action, hearing him, getting the whole VIBE and experiencing Beth & Rio's absolutely bonkers chemistry is what draws you in.
You have to experience the sauce in action to fully appreciate the slutty demon that is Rio.
If she has already watched the first few eps and still doesn't think he's hot then i dunno dude throw the whole friend away 😂
haha lol just kidding
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