#she’s still involved in the plot but instead of jon’s resurrection validating her faith in rhllor it makes her question it
wallboys · 7 months
coming back from my 6 month asoiaf hiatus to say the vibes are telling me that mel won’t be the one to resurrect jon
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janiedean · 5 years
I think the Faith needed to approve R/L for J to be seen as R's heir by every1. The North might see J as trueborn since R's marriage to E was only through the 7 but the whole realm needs to see J as R's heir for King Jon to work. R/L having a wedding means nothing if it's not legally sanctioned, so if RL called themselves having a southern marriage bc R thought he could do what ancient Targs did (lol) then Jon is still a bastard. If they did it under the OGs then he's only trueborn to the North.
true too but I don’t think it matters? I mean let’s be real when r+l comes out however it comes out most likely aegon and dany already had the showdown, the zombies will show up and it’s going to be blatantly obvious that jon is azor ahai since resurrections should have a point in book canon, and the faith most likely won’t matter half as much as it does now (if the sept blowing happens then bye and if dany torches KL... bye as well) never mind that grrm hates the faith bc it’s obv. the catholic church and as a former catholic he most likely hates it, so... when it comes down to it I don’t think anyone will give a flying fuck whether the faith would have considered the marriage valid or not because the faith won’t exist anymore or it won’t have relevance if it does, and if it goes the way I think (dany goes back to essos and jon gets the throne without really wanting it because he’s the best candidate they have left before the kindgoms split)... then even if he was a bastard (technically) no one would gaf since at that point he’ll have saved everyone from the zombies anyway XD like however it went eventually it’s completely irrelevant to the story beyond the obvious plot drama revolving around it, but I don’t think it matters when it comes to the conclusion. XD
also, other ask:
Since GRRM likes to do twist fantasy tropes, I think the situation with Jon is this: while Jon is the "Lost Prince" trope, the trope will be played with and less fairytale-ish in that Jon is Rhaegar's son, but he won't be trueborn, or at least, acknowledged to be trueborn. He won't be Rhaegar's Legal Heir, the One True King. He'll just be Rhaegar's bastard. In a sad way, Jon's life and identity doesn't change, bc he's still a bastard, just someone else's. I think that fits GRRM's writing style.
actually I think it works better if he’s legitimate? in the sense that to me jon’s storyline is basically ‘going through all the chosen hero tropes and instead of it going well it goes bad and eventually everything he wants isn’t what he expected when he gets it’ and he’s more chosen hero than lost prince, but like tldr:
in the beginning jon’s main issue is that he wished he was trueborn and him being a bastard ruins his life/has caused him endless issues, except that in your usual chosen hero story the main character is with a family he hates/that hates him when jon has one person who doesn’t like him (cat) who still was fine with letting him grow up in wf and tangentially sansa but for the rest ned loves him and the other stark siblings do too
chosen hero usually leaves and finds a better family/better friends, which jon technically does... by getting into the NW which is basically shit and a glorified prison and doing it at fourteen basically means closing any other way to have a nice life also he has a few good friends and so on but they’re not automatically better than his family and in the end most of them conspire to kill him
chosen hero also usually finds the woman of his life and has his first amazing love story... and jon gets it with ygritte except that we all know how it went and she dies in her arms giving him even more trauma
chosen hero usually has adventures at the end of which he gets a good comeuppance.... and jon gets the lord commander position, which you’d think would be good and instead he gets murdered
like each single thing that happens in jon’s storyline is the usual steps of the chosen hero story except that every time they happen to him it goes sour. with this premise, I think it’s a lot more dramatic irony if he finds out he’s actually not a bastard... except he’s a targ and not a stark so it’s not the family he wanted desperately to belong to, and the moment it turns out he’s not a bastard it comes with a bunch of responsibilities/drama that he doesn’t want anything to do with because why tf would jon want the throne or to be involved with southern politics and so on? he wouldn’t want that and it would only separate him further from what he considers his real family and so on, and it still would be exactly what he wanted in the beginning... at the end of which he might reconsider and wished he had stayed snow xD like imvho if jon is legitimate is absolutely a deconstruction of his archetype/of what tropes grrm wants to do with him so like... imvho he most likely is legit also because it makes for better plot drama if he is, but that’s mvho of course xD ;)
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