#she's a manipulative b*tch
the-loststone · 7 months
Eloise v Penelope
I think a lot of Eloise's anger about Penelope being Lady Whistledown comes down to it being the very last person she expected. Eloise imagined Lady W being this emancipated woman, living off her own riches, poking fun at society from outside of it. That Lady W didn't have to conform to the normal expectations of women, to marry and have babies and obey their husbands. She says it herself in S1, I think it was episode 2 or 3. But for that reality to not be the case, that Lady W was in fact a member of the ton, and someone who did have to conform, and did have to marry was a real blow to this fantasy.
That, of course and the fact that it was Penelope. Of course, she has resentment that Penelope was her best friend and lied to her, and exposed her secrets, especially after Eloise was honest and truthful in their friendship. However, I think it's a bit deeper than that. The awful truth is, I don't believe Eloise thought Penelope was cleverer than her. That's not to say that Eloise believed Penelope to be dumb, but she thought they were the same. That they both held the same beliefs but that Eloise was better and a bigger advocate for those beliefs. And Eloise doesn't like having to confront the fact that Penelope actually does want what many other women are supposed to want, and that Eloise is somewhat unconventional and alone in her outspoken beliefs. And Penelope doesn't want to disappoint Eloise so she does, in many ways, hide her desires, and tries to agree with Eloise's beliefs about womanhood and feminism.
That Penelope was smart, clever, and even manipulative and jaded is not a welcome surprise for Eloise. That she didn't know her friend -- even though we know that Penelope did not hide so much as she was overlooked -- is a betrayal. Penelope has always been kind, sweet and very much a sidekick to Eloise. To learn that Penelope was her own leading lady is not welcome, especially when she was leading Eloise on a goose chase.
Something in the books really resonates here too. Colin's worry that if Penelope is discovered as Lady W, it would have her cast out of society, while if someone like Cressida were to be recognized as Lady W would have them be applauded. Because Penelope is not popular, so she cannot be clever and gain notoriety through a pen name. Cressida would be able to remain in society even if she were unmasked as Lady W because she is popular, and even though she's probably recognized as a b*tch, she's a b*tch the ton are comfortable with and the one they would applaud as being so clever to get away with it.
I think Eloise believes the same. She would rather it be Cressida, or probably more like Lady Danbury, because she expects it and because it goes with what she believed. But it cannot be the 'frumpy, unpopular, unattractive' girl like Penelope. Because that's a blow to their ego, that they were misled by someone so... unpopular, a 'loser'. That's not to say that Eloise is so unkind she's always thinking her friend is a loser. But she knows, at least subconsciously, that she is more popular (at the very least because of her station and her family, even if she doesn't recognize that her beauty is a factor as well). And while Eloise has different views on marriage and feminism that may be considered radical, she is still in many ways a product of her environment, and does not take kindly to someone she thinks as 'less' socially to hold one over on her. And I don't mean class. Eloise likely would have been pleased too if it was a maid or something because that would be so clever. But Penelope, a member of the ton, who's not even as cool or outspoken as her? Not likely.
I'm not dismissing Eloise's rightful anger at having her secrets aired out (although I do understand Penelope's dilemma and decision - better for the Bridgerton's to suffer a small scandal than to be involved in a fight with the Queen and dragged down completely). But pay attention to what Eloise says. "I do not even know you. I look at you and all I feel is pity for you. Sequestered here in this very room writing your secret little scandal sheet, tarnishing everyone in town all because you are too scared to stand up for yourself in reality. You are something Penelope, an insipid wallflower indeed."
These words are cutting to the heart of the matter. Penelope is a wallflower, Penelope is unpopular. Penelope could never have accomplished something so clever. All she did was write a little scandal sheet... although it's not little at all, is it?
Let's not forget that before Eloise got in over her head with the Queen, she was obsessed with Lady W because she admired her. Penelope changed Lady W to Eloise's preferences, because she wanted, in some way, to be clever the way Eloise likes people to be clever. Even though it is nothing to scoff at for a woman to be a popular column writer, especially in those days, even if it is for a 'scandal sheet'. But that was one way women had power back in those days, was through what they said, and the rumors that swirled. Penelope has a lot of power through her pen, because she can make and unmake a family. She got rid of Daphne's odious suitor. The women started a rumor, and Penelope wrote about it, and the next day the man had to leave town. Not because of a mere rumor -- because of a PUBLISHED rumor. And while those rumors can fade, as they do, it let Daphne be free to get courted by Simon.
Eloise still hasn't actually confronted her privilege. Theo did tell her, "hey, guess what, you're super privileged and you're putting me in a bad spot." And while she does end up understanding that in the end, breaking things off with Theo, she's still not actually understanding her privilege amongst the ton. Eloise's sister is a duchess, her brother is a viscount. A little rebellion by running around with political radicals will not destroy her. She is still very much a desired connection people would want. Something Penelope knows.
But Penelope herself, as herself, has no power. "too scared to stand up for yourself in reality." And what exactly is Penelope supposed to do? She is not the popular girl with suitors lining up for her. She's not the rich girl who's money can protect her or who's father can protect her. She's a girl with no influence herself. Every time she's tried to help someone as herself, she's been dismissed. When she warned Colin, he dismissed her. When she begged Marina, she dismissed her. When she spoke to her mother, she dismissed her. When she warned Eloise, she dismissed her. So she made herself influential through a pen name.
How can Penelope stand up for herself? She can't without someone like a Bridgerton in her corner. Eloise can insult Cressida in defense of Penelope, but Penelope can't do it herself without feeling actual consequences. But Eloise will never feel any consequence for dismissing Cressida or anyone else, barring someone above her station.
Only a great scandal can destroy Eloise... such as cavorting with a man unchaperoned... and something, again, Penelope warns her about. Of course, Penelope has ulterior motives as well. She doesn't want Eloise to discover her secret. But this is still a big risk that Eloise is taking, which is what Penelope warns her of and is dismissed. Eloise not only risks herself but her family's reputation there too. And while, again, the scandal may not last long, especially not for her brothers, it will affect Eloise as being, the dreaded term... 'spoiled goods'.
And that can feel like a double standard. I mean, Penelope is alone with Colin... then again, Penelope doesn't exactly have a reputation to protect. No one would believe her to be a seductress when they spend so much time dismissing her. And no one would consider Colin to be interested in her since, once again, she's not on their radar. Eloise's privilege is a double edged sword, though she benefits from it more than she doesn't.
It's not fair. But it is a reality. And I think it's a disservice to women of the time not to show how they are punished for standing out. Eloise is loud and brash and suffers little to no consequences for it. If that were actually the case, a girl is often sent to a mad house or married off quickly or some other way to silence her and stifle her. But Eloise has brothers who love her and will protect her. This is a privilege. The first time she feels any censure is through Lady W's pamphlet, but again, it is something that can be brushed aside with her family's protection, though it had the unfortunate timing of coinciding with a broken engagement.
I don't really think the blame is only on one party. Penelope also made a lot of mistakes. That's not to say I think that Penelope owed it to Eloise to reveal that she's Lady W, or reveal her secret to the queen to spare Eloise. Eloise started that battle despite Penelope's warnings and got in the cross hairs of the queen for it. Penelope shouldn't have to sacrifice herself. Also Penelope sharing Lady W with Eloise is taking away something that belongs to her. Eloise would, I think, seriously try to take over the narrative of Lady W if she knew. Already Penelope feels pressured to change Lady W for Eloise's admiration, so I do think that if Eloise knew who Penelope was before hand, Penelope would lose it to her completely, and it would have turned completely into Eloise's pamphlet (which honestly would have led to more problems because Eloise would forgo subtle criticism and instead loudly criticize societal norms). Eloise is overwhelming, and Penelope is a pushover, especially when it comes to her friend who she doesn't want to lose.
But there were better ways she could have gone about it. She could have warned Violet that Colin and Marina were planning on eloping and told her to push for a long engagement instead. She could have told Violet that Eloise had gotten into trouble with the Queen. I mean, I think those are her only options really. Neither would have spared her mother from being furious with her or Eloise thinking she betrayed her by telling Violet... but it would have been minimal damage in comparison. Then again, there is the big risk that it wouldn't work because, as I said, Penelope is regularly dismissed.
In the end, yes, Penelope was a bad friend. And she's not a particularly helpful or good daughter/ sister / cousin. Then again, her family hasn't been very kind to her either and Eloise has overlooked her as well. Is Eloise the biggest victim? No. That would be Marina, who, I would argue, ended in a better situation than if she had married Colin. Did Penelope have a duty to fix her mistakes and repair the reputations of people she ruined? I don't think so. It would have been nice but... people have to be able to recover on their own, and a lot of things can only really be fixed with time or a new scandal. The worst harm she did was to herself and her family. She feels the consequences of her actions too. Is Eloise a victim? Yes, but better the victim of a scandal sheet than the victim of the Queen. Does Penelope need redemption? No. I don't think so. Penelope is complex and already experiences the pain of what she does and the consequences of all her actions. She knows what she puts other people through as well.
Anyway, thank you for reading to the end of my rant. I probably contradicted myself somewhere in there but... oh well. Just my thoughts.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 7 months
TG stans: “It’s so unfair how Daemon is given a free pass by fans, while Alicent is constantly criticized. They are both gray characters. Fans only forgive Daemon because he is played by a hot actor.”
No. No. No. And no.
You can try to spin it however you want but Alicent will never be considered a gray character. Not even the shitty show version of her.
Book Alicent - there is nothing to debate here. She is a greedy, manipulative upstart b*tch who got hers in the end. Evil stepmother and her evil sons perished. Happy ending. Bye bye.
Show Alicent - oh boy. Here we go.
Being a gray character often implies doing some pretty terrible or at least immoral things for the greater good. And a lot of other characters around them have a hard time understanding that what this gray character did was for the best. This character’s actions are often misunderstood and perceived to be done with selfish intent (and most of the time, greater good and selfishness overlap).
In what way does Alicent fit this description? In the show, she was driven by jealousy and resentment and done some pretty unnecessary and cruel things simply because she could:
1. Demanding that Rhaenyra’s newborn be brought to her immediately after birth. A disgusting display of cruelty. As a mother herself of four children, she surely understands the difficulty of labor, the vulnerability of a newborn baby as well as the immediate motherly instinct to protect her young (which is why Rhaenyra took the child herself, refusing to part with him).
2. Turning her children against Rhaenyra. As the Queen, and stepmother of the heir to the throne, it was her responsibility to attempt to forge relationships between her children and her stepdaughter, because this stepdaughter would one day be the reigning Queen and the fate of Alicent’s children would rest with her. But no, she was bitter, jealous and shortsighted and somehow thought that turning her children against Rhaenyra would somehow…what…do her family good?
3. Cheating on her husband by offering sexual services to a deranged clubfooted freak, in exchange for information. Call it whatever you like, but sexual favors in exchange for something is called “whoring”. I am not even going to debate this. No one forced her. This was her choice.
4. Taking a known murderer as her sworn shield for the single reason that he turned against Rhaenyra and that reason would benefit her.
5. Badmouthing children to their grandfather. The vendetta Alicent pursued against Jaecaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey is reprehensible. It was unnecessary, cruel and it certainly hadn’t done any good to anyone.
6. Showing up at Rhaenyra’s wedding in a dramatic manner and wearing the Hightower color for “war” simply because her ex-friend lied to her. Ironic, considering that she herself didn’t tell her friend that she was sneaking into her father’s chambers late at night, seducing him and getting him to marry her (I don’t give a damn that Otto made her).
7. Replacing the Targaryen heraldry with symbols of the Seven. Naturally, she couldn’t put up the Hightower symbols without “Hey look at me! I am committing treason!” written all over her face. Subtle, but it got the point across. And no, she wasn’t trying to “find comfort” or “honor her mother” or whatever bullshit TG stans like to invent. It was a strategic move through which she showed very clearly that she was turning her back on the House who made her everything she is.
These are just a few examples. If you take into account Alicent’s actions, none of them were done for the greater good. They served only her, and her own ambitions.
She married into the most powerful family in Westeros. She was a lady in waiting, a daughter of a second son from a low-ranked House with few prospects who was helping the Crown Princess dress.
When she married into House Targaryen, she was expected to remain loyal to House Targaryen. It was a privilege. One she completely disregarded in order to further the ambitions of House Hightower. It was Otto’s plan at first, but she pretty much took over in the long run. Simply because she was jealous and bitter. Because she didn’t know how to suck it up and accept that her father screwed her over, and her husband figured out their “master plan”.
Nothing about Alicent Hightower spells out “gray”. As much as the showrunners attempt to whitewash her, she remains the antagonist in this story. The war that started was one she had been nourishing for years.
Say what you will about Daemon but he is the very definition of “gray”. Whether or not his actions also benefitted him is irrelevant. His actions, although immoral and sometimes cruel, were for the greater good of the royal family, a House he belonged to, one he never betrayed. And despite the constant attempts of the showrunners to make him out to be the “bad guy” by pilling on him things he never actually did in canon, it still makes him look a whole of a lot complex and gray than Alicent ever will be.
Daemon is forever loyal to his family, and the House who rightfully holds the power in Westeros. Despite his actions, that makes him the anti-hero of the story. Alicent betrayed the House she married into, betrayed her husband, and committed high treason when she attempted to change the line of succession, for the sole reason that it benefitted her side of the family. That makes her the anti-villain (and I am being generous here, acknowledging the very few good qualities she possesses in the show, but her deeds are ultimately done in the name of evil).
And P.S: Let’s not pretend like the main obsession certain fans have with Alicent Hightower isn’t because she is portrayed by Olivia Cooke. If she were portrayed by a perceived-ugly/average actress, no one would be so quick to defend the character.
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milla-frenchy · 2 months
Fic authors self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. (if you feel like it, no pressure.) spread the self-love 🖤
much love,
Hi Al ❤️ Thank you for asking 🙏
I answered this ask last week end, but here's a fuller answer
Roads - Joel x reader (complete, 7 chapters) “3 years ago, Joel broke your heart and you left your hometown” This is a love story with a complicated, jealous, possessive Joel. The love of your life.  Angsty
Blackmail - Joel x reader x Javi p (complete, 4 chapters) “In exchange for his help to let Joel and you out of the QZ, a new soldier asks him for something more than just ration cards” Javi is a Fedra soldier, you’re Joel’s girlfriend. Javi blackmails Joel so he could fuck you. None of you thought that the attraction would be so strong, that one time thing would turn into a loving relationship with the two men. Or, “when you don’t know who to choose between Joel and Javi, you write a series with both of them.” 😌
Smack my b*tch up -  Joel x reader x Tommy x raiders (complete, 6 chapters) “You’ve been kidnapped by raiders, Joel is their leader. Tommy and the guards have free use of the women in the camp, while respecting Joel's strict rules.“ This series shows how reader lives in a camp, run by raiders. She falls in love with her roommate, her only light in this men’s world. Joel is a complicated, manipulative man. Reader can't help but be attracted to him, and suffers from Stockholm syndrome. Dark fic, heed the warnings
10 mg - Joel x reader Established relationship, in the story Joel fucks you slowly in your sleep. He talks “to you” through it
Lie still - Javi x reader x Steve “Two DEA agents come to your apartment to extract information from you” Tag-teaming dynamic, multiple Narcos references. Javi and Steve are assholes Dark fic
Thank you @littlemisspascal @iamasaddie @sawymredfox for asking ❤️🙏
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bolshefem · 1 year
if you think people are more empathetic to women than men you are straight up fucking delusional. men have proved themself almost INCAPABLE of empathy for women, and this is statistically and empirically supported. they are incapable of understanding that women have an internal life, do not see us as humans with emotions who exist external to them. look at the comments on a post of a man talking about self harm vs a woman. "men's mental health matters too🥺" "I'm proud of you" vs "attention whore" "sideways for attention downwards for results" "ugly bitch trying to get sympathy"
this is what happens for ANYTHING regarding sexual assault, mental health, suffering, trauma.
or an overweight man vs woman "keep your head up king👑" "you got this bro, I believe in you" "these women don't deserve you." (like totally unprompted not discussing relationships) Or often no comments on his weight at all if he's not talking about it. For a woman, no matter WHAT she is posting about "landwhale" "starve yourself" "put down the burger" "kys fat b*tch" and the most vile and insanely cruel comments The amount of threads and forums dedicated to eviscerating degrading and insulting overweight women on places like lolcow and kiwi farms and just social media in general and I genuinely have never seen one for a man. Same thing with things like facial deformities, the comments are unbelievably cruel to these women.
the level of vitriol is not even remotely comparable, and I don't even think it's mostly a double standard. I think they just lack the capacity to feel empathy towards women and perceive them as human and capable of feeling pain. Things are solely perceived in how they relate to them and thought to be performances for men. Women exist to serve them and if they don't give them a boner they don't deserve to be alive. If something, no matter how innocuous, pisses them off in the slightest they don't have a single qualm because they just don't view them as real people and full human beings with internal lives. women having emotions is inherently manipulative, anything they say or do is a performance for men. And like look at things such as the gender credibility gap https://www.tedxmilehigh.com/gender-credibility-gap/ Women are systematically less believed as witnesses in a courtroom, reporters, academic authorities, in claims of sexual assault, discrimination, or harassment.*
Women's reports of pain symptoms are less likely to be believed by doctors, and they are staggering more likely to not receive proper medication, go undiagnosed and untreated. Women are 32% more likely to die post-op if their surgeon is a man. "Womens' pain not taken as seriously as mens' pain. Researchers found that when male and female patients expressed the same amount of pain, observers viewed female patients' pain as less intense "(sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210406164124.htm) "Nearly three-quarters of cases where a disease primarily affects one gender, the so-called “men's diseases” are overfunded, while the “women's diseases” are dramatically underfunded."
https://www.concernusa.org/story/gender-bias-in-healthcare/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2022/women-pain-gender-bias-doctors/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/gender-bias-in-medical-diagnosis#how-does-it-affect-diagnosis https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/women-and-pain-disparities-in-experience-and-treatment-2017100912562 I could literally go on on this topic forever. The gender empathy gap is a form of epistemic violence against women.
* "Suicidal behaviour and self-harm in women can be viewed by family, health professionals and the community as attention-seeking, manipulative and non-serious, which can negatively influence how young women are treated." (Curtis, 2016) *Men with overweight tend to be perceived as wise or experienced, while women's credibility tends to decrease with excess weight... women seem to experience higher levels of weight stigmatization than men, even at lower levels of excess weight (Flint et al., 2016)
*Women are at greater risk for weight/height discrimination than men (Puhl et al, 2008)
*so many papers on this but "Across the board, women are perceived to be less credible than men. Especially women’s testimonies of rape and sexual harassment are widely trivialized and disregarded, even though reports of sexual abuse are not more likely to be false than reports of other crimes" (Schreurs, 2020) more like Mack, 1993
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uwukillmenowowo · 5 months
Hello I have a request can you do a various Yandere MHA x Reader (like class 1a vs class 1b type of stuff) if that's comfortable with you!
WOOOOO!! I don’t mind at all :D
Haha I hope this is good- This is rlly my first time writing a Yandere Varius X Reader soooo......
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(Yandere BNHA X F!Reader!)
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Reader/ [Y/n] will be female for the sake of ✨Cliche writing~!✨
[Y/n]'s quirk allows her to manipulate water Juvia Lockser style [I chose water because it goes well with a lot of the class's quirks]
[Y/n]'s personality is the classic "Naive, innocent, strawberry milk sweetheart"
I may have left out something but I forgot what it was... :(
I hope it's still good tho :)
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Lately all your friends have been acting weird. They want to do stuff like hanging out with you more, have a spar, have a snack, study, stuff like that. At first you found it cute and spent time with whoever asked first... but now... things have become... rough.
{Your POV}
"[Y/n]-Chaann~!" I yelped as I suddenly got hugged from behind. "Mina..?" I questioned. I heard her laugh and when I turned around, I saw the whole Bakusquad there. "What's up guys?" I asked as I tilted my head.
"Oh! We were planning to hit up the arcade. You wanna join?" Kriishima asked as he slung his arm around Kaminari. I groaned and rubbed my arm. "Sorry guys, I have something going on." They looked dissappointed but Bakugo just seemed pissed. More so than usual. "AH?! What could be more important? You're already hella smart and your quirk is kick ass!" I chuckled and blushed at the praise. "Yeah... True... It is only grocery shopping...but-"
"Then we can go to the arcade and then we can walk with you to the store."Kaminari suggested. "O-Oh! You don't have to! I mean- I still have-" Before I was able to finish my sentence, the door to the class opened and I saw Tetsutetsu, Kuroiro, Shiozaki, and Kendo. "Good afternoon. Is [Y/n]-San here?" I smiled and told the people in front of me goodbye before I jogged to the door. "Sorry! Just saying my goodbyes. We can go now." I told Kendo.
She smiled at me and in return, Tetsutetsu linked our arms and dragged me and the 1-B students away.
{Third POV}
It was silence for a while as class 1-A stared at the door that was left open. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY IS SHE HANGING OUT WITH THOSE CLASS B NOBODIES?!?" Screamed the blonde haired boy as he activated his quirk. "*hmph* Bakugo, calm down, we all agreed that we wouldn't act against each other until [Y/n] gave an answer." A black haired male ran into front of Bakugo to stop his quirk. "*Tch*... Dammit four eyes-" Bakugo glared at the class president before groaning and exited the class.
"Bakugo? Where are you going?!" Yaoyorozu asked, worried that [Y/n] might see all their true colours. "MAKING SURE THOSE EXTRAS DON'T DO STUPID SHIT!"
Everyone else in the class sighed. They also wanted to do the same but they know it will be suspicious.
{Your POV}
I thanked Shiozaki as she bought us all ice cream. "You really didn't have to buy these..." I smiled and licked my [Fav. Flavor] ice cream. "And Tetsutetsu, you don't have to hold my grocery bags." But Tetsutetsu and Shiozaki just looked more proud and happy with themselves. "We can walk you home too is you want?" Kendo asked as she stood behind me.
I sweatdropped. "Oh! That's too much! It's getting dark so I can't! You guys need to get home too so-" "I'm sure it'll be fine. We live in the same area anyways." Kuroiro said, looking at the others. "Are you sre? If it gets too late than you guys can stay over for the night..." That made the four of them smile. "Oh we won't take long, I'm sure" I smiled back and sighed. "Okay, fine. Let's go."
{Third POV}
"SHE'S GONNA- *MMPHHH*" Bakugo flailed around as the other grabbed him, covering his mouth and pulled him back into their hiding space. "Shhhhuuu! Bakubro she's gonna hear you!" Kirishima whispered and he used his quirk and hugged Bakugo to trap him. "Ahh! What should we do?!" Ashido asked as she gripped her hair.
"Don't worry. I texted the chat." "YOU DID WHAT?!?" The Bakusquad all glared at Kaminari. "Huh? What was that?" The Bakusquad all ducked into the alleyway, tightly holding onto the explosive Pomeranian. "[Y/n]... We should go. They could be a thief, or a villain." They heard a member of Class B suggest. "Hmm... Okay. Let's hurry."
They heard the group that they were tailing start to jog and they all shared their annoyance. "*Tch* It's no use. They're all at [Y/n]'s home so there's no point in tailing them anymore." Sero groaned and facepalmed. "That sucks. 'Cause Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida are already on their way. So are Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro." The Bakusquad grit their teeth while Bakugo activated his quirk, letting out muffled yells. "This stupid idiot-" Sero sighed and smacked the back of Kaminari's head. "Hey!"
But before Kaminari could respond, the three boys he mentioned earlier just arrived, along with Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro arrived. "Where are they?!" Midoriya asked as he kept a straight face.
"Simple~ Anywhere where no class 1-A morons are!" Out came a voice that 1-A was all too familiar with. "OF COURSE IT'S YOU, COPYCAT!" Bakugo yelled, getting out of Kirishima's grip. The "Copycat" just laughed and from both side of the ally, came more students from class 1-B. "An ambush?! So you knew?" Yaoyorozu stated firmly, reaching for her stomach and pulled out a spear while the other class 1-A activated their quirks.
"Whoa... Whoa... Settle down! You wouldn't want dearest to find out about this little thing do you~?" Kaibara chuckled as he pulled out his phone with a video that the 1-A students knew all too much about. A video of... a certain person who... let's just say tried to do bad stuff to our dear reader. "How?" Iida demanded, getting into a fighting position.
Monoma stepped forwards. "Relax~ We won't actually do anything yet." He laughed as he clapped twice. At the signal, Class 1-B all charged at 1-A. Because of the small allyway they were in, class 1-A had trouble controlling their quirks. I mean, sure they have control but their anger of being blackmailed messed with them.
"You tell her and I swear on All Might's name I will completely mmmmmmhh- frick you up." Uraraka exclaimed, pouting. "Ohhhh no~ We're so scared" Kodai responded with sarcasm. After a great stare off, they all launched their attacks both sides determined to beat the other to prove the strength of their love.
[Request for Pt.2]
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THIS WAS HONESTLY MY FIRST TIME WRITING A YANDERE x READER- SOOOOOO I HAD NO CLUE WHAT TO DO WITH THE PLOT MY MIND JUST WENT. "Okay, fight, love, hate, fight, kill, blood, love, jelly jelly, tsun tsun, fight, jelly, hate, love, blood, tsun tsun, blood, fight, kill, jelly jelly."
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reyreadersblog · 4 months
I don't get the Rebecca Laughlin hate at all, i mean i get it if you're still on the first book, but if you have finished the whole trilogy and you still hate her then you don't understand her character at all. She started off..not really good and trustworthy, she made mistakes, BUT Bex had a great character development through the series, you have to understand how deep and overlooked her trauma is, like ms.girl NEVER in her life ever had what she wanted, it was always about what Emily wanted, she was never visible, Rebecca had always hid behind Emily's back (not in a good way) and had been overshadowed by her manipulative, b*tch sister, her parents never appreciated her or paid attention to her, they were like "Em has a heart condition, treat her right and do whatever she wants" TF??
Remember that one time Bex said something like "Emily liked me, as long as i did what she wanted and didn't get in her way"...and even tho Emily was such a terrible sister to her, she still loved her, still cared about her, still blamed herself for Emily's death.
Her own mother chose a girl with her dead daughter's face over her💀.
Also are we forgetting the fact that she begged Thea to not cover up for Emily? And Thea still did. Like the girl she loved the most still chose her sister over her.
And as if that wasn't enough trauma Eve appears in the final book, just imagine the pain she'd feel seeing girl with her dead sister's face.
The fact that she forgave Thea for her behavour says how anazing of a person she is.
She may have done some minor mistakes, but overall she is one of the underrated and sweet character. And she's, minus Max and Xander, closest person to a friend Ave ever had.
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jamneuromain · 10 months
Allright my sweet Jam, listen about this. How about a reader who is new at her work and Meet our dear nerdy boy Jensen, Who happens to be in a very bad relationship with a mean girl. He doesn’t leave her because he thinks nobody would date him again , however there comes our reader girl being a badass, sort of friendsxlovers cuties🤭.
Im loving thiiiis!!!! 🙈
Hi nonnie😌❤️
😩soft boi Jakey is always going to have a special place in my heart - the golden retriever look on his face is so damn adorable-
Bad B*tch
Jake Jensen x Reader (you)
Summary: Jake is in a tough spot with a terrible person around. You choose to be the bitch and snap him out of it.
Warning: Swear words.
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"I'm so fed up!" Hush-yells Clara, who shoved Jake away from her close proximity, "Leave me alone!"
Storming off from the coffee room, she didn't look back.
If anyone other than people from your department is seeing this, they would think that Jake, who had been pushed and shoved, must have done something wrong to piss off the pretty lady who ran away.
From your point of view?
Clara was obviously manipulating her boy toy again.
It was unfair to call Jake "boy toy", however, with his weirdly cute goatee and the round spectacles on the bridge of his nose, you understood why Clara would want him around. He was undoubtedly good-looking, and practical regarding computers, phones, and anything linked to the power strip.
In fact, your laptop was what connected you and him in the first place. On the first day in your office, you were completely bewildered by the complicated authorization process to make amendments to some files. After some help from the only guy at IT - Jake - you were lucky to gain the authorization from the IT department twice as fast. You had been friends since.
Now, after two years working for your company, you knew too well of your co-workes, Jake included, but especially Clara from the same department where you came from.
Clara was the notorious slayer of hearts, keeping a few men around the tips of her fingers, and manipulate them to do her work for her, occasionally rewarding them by blowing a kiss (or screw them in an empty office, you had the unfortunate experience of walking in Clara and another men fucking each other's brain out) and making their sanity scrambled into mush.
Jake, as it seemed, has fell into the hands of Clara since six months ago.
Jake met your eyes from where he was standing. He managed a small smile, which looked sad rather than happy.
"What is it with this time?" You asked quietly.
It has happened so many times after Jake was determined that Clara was willing to be his girlfriend. Clara would scream and yell whenever something didn't work out the way she expected to, and Jake would hastily apologize for something that wasn't his fault.
"I ... got upset when she got too close with Felix." Jake scratched the back of his head, stepping out of the coffee room and gesturing towards the terrace, where he'd be more open to conversation without eyes and ears close by, "It's ... it's my fault, though, I'm insecure, I'm ..." Jake repeated what Clara had hissed at him, shutting his eyes, he could still hear her words ringing in his ears.
"Sorry about dumping this on you." He hastily apologized. He noticed that you were awfully quiet, probably because that you didn't want to hear about his yet-to-be relationship drama.
"It's okay." You shrugged.
It was not. But last time when you told Jake that Clara was manipulating him into doing her biddings, Jake broke into a large fight with you.
Even though he apologized the next day, but stating the fact that Clara was nothing like you imagined her, you realized some topics were better staying in the dark.
Topics like Clara and her ways with men.
However, it didn't mean that you couldn't wiggle your opinion into his mind.
You turned to him, your voice flooded with sympathy, "You must feel that you are out of her league, I get that a lot."
Yeah sure, Clara didn't deserve him.
Jake took a deep breath, before continuing, "It's just that ... none of the girls finds me attractive." He casted a small glimpse in your direction, "I'm the nerdy IT guy, and they are always ... hot. " Licking his lower lip nervously, Jake huffed, "Clara is different. She has a bad temper, but I think she likes me. She really does."
You were not going to dwell on the case of Clara, because you knew no matter what you say, he was going to defend her. So you changed your approach, "Rewind to the last thing you said - you're not a nerd."
Jake pouted, blinking his puppy eyes.
His whole demeanor was expressing one simple idea. He knew you were trying to sneak by with a white lie.
You laughed. "Okay! Okay, you are. But you're cute. Don't girls dig the cute nerd type?"
"You'd be surprised." He sagged his shoulder, looking depressed, mumbling, "Thank you, anyways. You must have something better to do, and yet you chose to stay and listened to my miserable love life-"
"Don't." You instinctively stopped him from saying more, "Look, Jake, you've been my friend ever since I got to this place, and I know you. I chose to stay because my friend is in need because of a-" You swallowed the B-word, with difficulty, "a really bad person broke his heart, over, over and over again. Not because of anything else, and certainly not because my dear friend 'doesn't deserve' some comforting when he needs it."
Jake stretched his arms over the terrace railing, looking into the city's concrete walls and iron jungles.
"Jake, look at me." You whispered.
He gave no reply, simply letting out a long sigh.
"Jake." You raised your voice, only by a little, and he still did not answer you.
"Jake-" You squished his cheek between your palms, finally made him turn your way, with his adorable lips protruding, "You're better than this - sulking over that bitch - okay?"
A pit of fire rolled in your stomach.
Why couldn't he see the truth? That Clara was playing him, that she never meant to be his girlfriend, not to mention the new boytoy she had, Felix, who was in the accountant and that she needed Felix to check the books for five dozen purchases in your department - on top of, the purchase checks were supposed to be Clara's work, because she messed up with her data entries.
"She wants me." Jake repeats stubbornly. If he had puppy ears, they'd be dangling to the floor, "She likes me."
God, enough with Jake and his bullshit-
You stood on your tiptoes quickly, and smothered Jake with a kiss. The hands on either side of his cheek helps. The fire in your stomach fueled to the kiss, urging you to nibble on his lips, regardless that you were on the terrace of the company building, that you could be seen by almost anyone who stepped foot into the second floor, while the only thing that separated you from the building was see-through glass doors.
"Jake, I need you to help me with-" Clara rushed over, pulling the glass door open, was stunned at her spot, and then, "YOU BITCH!" She screamed at you.
"Guess I am." You smiled coyly, letting go of Jake's reddened lips, "need anything?"
Clara turned to Jake, stomping like a teenager, "Jake, please, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. I really need your help."
"I-" Jake hesitated.
"Jake pleaaaaase, you can't help her like that." You mocked her voice, fingers exploring his chin and his stupidly cute goatee, "Oh wait - sorry, forgot I was a bitch. Now why don't I live up to that name - " You made the most impressive bitch face in your entire life, not that you did it before, but with you narrowing your eyes, and twitching your lips, and the "Fuck off from my boyfriend", you made Clara scatter.
You were crossing your arms in contempt, satisfied with your tactics, when a small gasp from Jake made you aware of his presence.
"For the record, I'm not saying sorry." You pursed your lips into a thin line, "Even if you don't want me to be your friend anymore."
Jake gulped, and gulped again, and calling your name hesitantly. Thin sheet of sweat emerged from his forehead, before the goofy grin curled up onto his lips.
"No. No." He murmured. Cheeks pink, biting the inside of his lip, staring into the ground so hard as if studying tile patterns, he added, "You're not asking me for help at work, are you?"
You huffed out a laugh. You could not believe his first concern of your announcement.
"Yes." You cleared your throat.
His eyes looked up in disbelief.
"And asking you to come to our house for New Year's dinner. And asking you to teach me how to play Overwatch. And asking you to be my date at my cousin's wedding. And such and such." Your hand sneaked to his side, secretly interlacing his fingers with yours, "What'd you say?"
"Yeah." He breathed, "Yeah that sounds ... great. As long as I get to be Sombra."
"Who?" You quirked your eyebrows.
Jake giggled, holding your hand tightly in his, "You have so much to catch up on Overwatch! Sombra is the most badass one of them all - well, not as badass as you, it seems..."
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Do you have any theories about David and Arei’s convo in the relaxation room? Since I do think it’s most important for David and especially Arei (if Ace’s account is 100% true) since I feel the moment is important for her arc before she ended up dying.
Hello anon! I apologize for the late reply to your ask, I've been writing up a lot of different posts + It was hard for me to come up with a theory for what you asked, cause this is a part of the trial I don't necessarily think about a lot. But I'll try my best for you! Before we get into it though, I guess I should start off by saying that like you alluded to in your ask, we don't even know if Ace is telling the truth or not. Both him telling the truth and not telling the truth have inconsistencies in their logic that we simply do not have enough information to confirm or deny. That being said, however: I personally do think that Ace is telling the truth about David and Arei's conversation. For one, from Ace's perspective, I don't necessarily see the logic in telling a lie. Ace isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is very aware of how others feel about him.
(x) Ace: Ooohhh, I get it. Ace: You all think I'm damaged in the head. I got that. But more than that... Ace: Levi, Teruko, Nico, Veronika, and everyone else. You all think you can say whatever the fuck you want to my face, right? Ace: I'm stupid, irritating, a good-for-nothing, and a spineless coward. Ace: Is that what everyone really thinks about me? And it's fine that you drill it into my head over and over again, because you think that I'll forget about it in 5 minutes like you do?
Hell, him waiting until he's basically the main suspect to release his alibi most likely hints that he knew that the cast wasn't going to believe him (which he was right, most didn't), and if that really was his thought process, why would he lie when he knows the cast will most likely not believe him anyway? The second reason as for why I think Ace is telling the truth with his testimony is because of this
(x) David: My secret is that I have a family history of depression. Veronika: My, coming right out with it. Arei: ... David: The reason you're all fighting... It's because you're stressed from this killing game, right? More specifically, stressed over this motive.
I recommend watching the actual clip because it's hard to capture what I mean in just text, and I fear this might be a slight asspull, but at the same time I have learned that DT-Dev doesn't just include dialogue to fill space, everything a character says, even if it's just ellipsis, more than likely has a purpose behind it. So why is Arei shown to say nothing in response to David, instead of just cutting to David's next line after Veronika's? To me personally, I think it was to show Arei's understandable confusion at David saying a secret that wasn't the one she saw. So I do think that Ace was telling the truth with what he saw. That does open up a few question marks, like why Ace didn't hear anything after a certain point despite being literally right near the door, but I assume those will be filled in as time goes on if he really is telling the truth. With that cleared up, I think we should get to what you actually want to hear anon: What happened during the conversation itself. Something about David is that when he is interrogated, especially of something that goes against his image, he has one of two reactions: A) he'll shoo the person away, acting dismissive and blunt
(x) Teruko: Then which one is yours? Tell me, since you're all about sharing secrets-- David: Seriously, will you shut up already? David: ...Please?
or B) he'll completely double down
(x) David: I'm a lying, manipulative, scumbaggy piece of shit. Is that what you all wanted to hear?
(x) David: Tch. Listen to me. I'm not the killer-- David: ... David: [Sigh] David: I know when to give up. Like I said, I don't want to end up like Min. Futilely fighting a war that I can't win. David: Tch. Fine. David: Hahaha... David: Ahahahaha!! Oh, fucking fine. David: I... David: I killed Arei. David: Does hearing that make you happy?
(honestly the last 17 minutes of ch2-11 can be described as david doubling down, but these are the main two examples.)
Personally, I think David ended up doing both in the Arei conversation. At first he tried to dismiss her accusations, but since Arei is an incredibly stubborn person, he ended up doubling down on them, most likely acting very similarly to how he does in the latter half of CH2-11. This would most likely follow up with an argument between David's philosophy that no one will ever change and that people are born either good or bad people, and Arei's newfound desire to become a good person after bullying and manipulating others for so long, a hope that David gave her. Both of the people in this scenario are very much guided by their emotions, and said emotions are very high by the time Ace's flashback is cut off. I'd say it's an inevitability. As for what would happen after that, I'm not entirely sure. But those are the predictions that I'm sure about. If anyone has something to add, than please do so in the notes. I'd really appreciate it. Thank you so much for the ask!
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sharuruwrites · 4 months
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I gave a second chance to Cupid
But now, I'm left here feeling stupid
Oh, the way he makes me feel
That love is not real
Cupid is so dumb
- Cupid by Fifty Fifty
Tags: Fem!Reader, Fluff, Gojo Satoru playing Wingman for Reader, curses and techniques doesn't exist, slice of life, yearning?, Gojo is a brat and asshole, Reader is hopeless romantic, reader is named You, Unedited
N/a: Just thought of this one shot while I was listening to this song, and went "Hmmm...let me add the reason why the Cupid is a dumb b-tch with Gojo's yearning in this shit."
The bright red text flashed brightly on the tv as the fighter posed victoriously.
Strange. The lack of competitive yet toxic spirit in You raised concerns from Gojo.
"Something the matter?" Gojo put down his controller beside him. "You're not normally this quiet."
"Satoru," You glanced at him. "Do you hate me?"
No, and if he did, he would rather be dead than live the rest of his life hating her.
"Perhaps, to tease you." Gojo smirked. "But, for your sanity sake, I will say no."
"Then why are you setting me up with shitty dates from the start?!"
You ran her fingers through her hair, frustrated.
"The latest is by far the worst I've gone through! How did you get the idea that I'll enjoy dating a man who's not only a pest, but also has views that are so outdated? He straight up told me that a woman should walk three steps behind him while we're just walking in the park!"
Honestly? It's a genuine mistake on Gojo's part. Desperation times called for desperate measures. However, the failure of You's past dates were part of his intricate plan. His best friends, Suguru and Shoko, called his plan dumb and manipulative, but haters gonna hate. Cringed as it sounded.
The plan that he was so proud of? That he had to play the inverse role of Cupid?
Simple. To make You fall for him.
At first, he mistaken those budding feelings of his similar to familial, given they were close since kindergarten. Yet, he knew it slowly bloomed when You's absence grew his heart fonder as they attended different universities, and found himself looking forward to her said visits. He missed everything about her down to the sound of his name from her voice.
 Growing up robbed the only constant in his life – You.
Throughout the years, his friend became a thorough hopeless romantic thanks to the fairy tales she read. She wasn't particularly this aggressive to find love until now. If he were to warrant a guess, perhaps due to peer pressure. Despite the horrendous dates he sent her through, she still held onto the hope of finding her one true love. As the supportive friend and future husband to be, he volunteered to be her matchmaker.
Once she's somewhat defeated by the woes of finding love, he would swoop in and have her fall for him instantly. That's what happened to his parents. Both gave up on dating before they met each other. It worked since they still maintained the blissful matrimony.
"Sorry about that one," Gojo scratched his head. "I just overheard him saying that he needs to go out more."
"I kicked his shin before leaving. So, we're good." You said nonchalantly. "At this rate, I'm going to just ask Suguru. He's a gentleman, don't you think?"
"What makes you think he'll go out with you?" Alarmed, Gojo asked too quickly for his taste.
"Shoko told me once while I was drinking with her." She answered. "Apparently, Suguru is interested in dating me, but he doesn't want to risk his friendship with you or something like that."
That damn alcoholic. He thought Shoko's tolerance to alcohol was higher than Nanami's. How much did You drink to out drink Shoko to the point of loosening her lips?
"No" Gojo crossed his arms. "And, he's busy with his thesis right now."
"How quick of you to shot me down, unless..."
You snapped her fingers.
"Do you like him? I'm not surprised given the ongoing bromance since high school between-"
"I love you, not him." Gojo blurted, interrupting his friend.
You's grip on Gojo's spare controller loosened until it dropped on her lap. Her eyes widened in surprise and mouth gaped open. Confused, Gojo stared at the sudden reaction of his friend. Realization struck him hard like a bullet train upon hearing her next words.
"You love me?" She slowly repeated his words.
There goes his plans. It went up to flames because of his dumb mistake. At this point, any fucks he had were thrown all out of the window. Gojo confessed everything about his plan to her while Guilt gnawing on his conscience. Because of the said emotion, Fear and Shame joined together and formed intrusive thoughts in his head.
What if she didn't want to be friends with him anymore? What if she started hating him?
"I...don't know what to make of this..." You released a deep breath. "I...don't even know where to start. What happens to us now then?"
He didn't know. Was that the answer he truly wanted to say to You? Doubt and distress didn’t suit a woman like her. So, he would dispel it with a question of his own, and it's up to her in the end. Whether they remained friends or not, he respected her decision. 
Gojo took her hand with great care. It was a relief to him that she didn't pull away or flinch from his touch. Gently, his thumb caressed the back of her hand to soothe his nerves. A gesture she always did whenever he needed it.
"I know it's selfish of me to ask this, and I'll accept whatever your answer is but," Gojo frowned, his blue eyes full of sincerity and certainty. "Will you please give this stupid cupid of yours a chance? To give you the love you deserved?
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blueberryspiders · 4 months
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im sorry this is my KNY OC! I'll give information down here. Her name is koi she is 13-14 she is the mimic hashira [more information at the bottom] she was abused by her parents. she is mean and cold at first but she was taught that by her parents she is 4'11 in height she has a regular demon slayer uniform but has shorts under the skirt she wears blue leg warmers and a black and blue haori and its blue and black because blue mentions of sadness and black means void she loves plants,painting,being outside, and baking her pet is a tea cup kitten! her favorite drink is blueberry vanilla milk tea her favorite food is steak and rice [information about her breathing style] Koi is the mimic hashira for a reason,she was manipulated by her parents and was abused by them emotionally and mentally. they would call her names which if you say to her, lets just say shes gonna have a mental breakdown and these names are "stop being a baby", "crybaby","your so skinny","no stay home and watch your siblings be useful", and the worst "your fine such a weakling" all she wants is a friend *COUGH* tanjiro is trying hella hard to do and she does want to be near muichiro since she thinks he's really interesting. Koi is also shy when having to speak to hashiras *COUGH* sanemi taught her naughty words koi's favorite line it "man,I wish I gave a sh*t you stupid b*tch" And her pet is a tea cup kitten ANYWAYS that's my KNY OC! sorry for the ugly art I'm having art block right now 😭
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GIF by moon-lyrics-blog-com
@muichirolover12 @muichirotokito-122 @ad0rebrial @mu1nfinityx @ask-milo-suzuki
@misty-sees-you @larz-barz
[someone pls make a little one shot or something with koi and muichiro meeting for the first time pls 😭]
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princeescaluswords · 5 months
The Respect She Deserves
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Another day, another WTF take from a member of the Sterek fandom. Apparently, members of the Sterek fandom are leaders when it comes to giving Allison Argent the 'respect she deserves.'
The next time you're reading a selection of Sterek fanfictions, count how many of them have their Stand-In with a Stiles Name Tag echo Derek's first season trauma-powered fear and hatred of Allison. Tally up how many times the story blames Scott's desire for Allison as one of the reasons Derek fails or calls Scott stupid for loving a hunter, even though everyone is aware that Allison didn't even know werewolves existed or that her family hunted them until the end of episode 10. Is the 'respect she deserves' being treated as if her last name is the only thing about her that matters?
The next time you're reading a selection of Sterek fanfictions, count how many of them describe Allison's relationship with Scott as 'puppy love' or as something that is 'on-and-off.' Notice that Allison's relationship with Isaac is seldom, if ever, described like that, because the main thing for these respecters of womanhood that marks her relationship as immature and ephemeral is that it is with Scott. Notice how often her relationship with Scott (and thus her decisions) are demeaned in order to compare it with the glorious so-slow-burning-it-is-nonexistent maturity of the Sterek relationship. Is the 'respect she deserves' being treated as if her primary romantic relationship is inherently childish?
The next time you're reading a selection of Sterek fanfictions, count how many of them snidely insinuate that the basis of Allison's relationships is lust rather than actual love. See how many times they remark on how easily Allison and (usually but not always) Scott engage in public displays of affection, where they make out in front of other people or sit on each other's laps constantly or disappear into a quiet corner even during tense times to engage in carnality. Allison and Scott (as well as Allison and Isaac) do engage in physical intimacy during the show, but it is never in public (Silverfinger (3x17) doesn't count) and the only time it backfired was when Scott and Allison made the mistake of falling asleep after sex while watching Jackson in Frenemy (2x06). Is the 'respect she deserves' being treated as if she is a sex-crazed slut?
The next time you're reading a selection of Sterek fanfictions, count how many of them come out and say that Allison is a b*tch because of her actions while being manipulated by Gerard. After all, she hunted down her classmates! Compare that to how the Hale betas are described, who also hunted down their classmates on Derek's orders, including the point where Erica bashed Stiles with a car part and left him in a dumpster or Isaac attacked Allison and Stiles in Scott's house or when they bushwhacked Scott (again on Derek's orders) at the ice rink. Once you're done with that, compare the way Derek's bad decisions and violent behavior is excused due to his family's deaths and Stiles's insecurity and aggressive lashing out is excused due to his mother's death, but Allison's vulnerability and overreaction to her aunt being murdered right in front of her and her mother committing suicide on her bed fails to generate any sympathy whatsoever! Often, these stories only talk about how she's going to have to work to make up for what she did wrong (as she said in the show) and even then Stiles will never trust her again. Is the 'respect she deserves' being treated as if the terrible tragedies that befell her -- members of her family dying -- cannot be considered anywhere near as exculpatory as similar white male pain?
It might take you a few seconds to figure out what the original fan meant by the Sterek fandom giving Allison the 'respect she deserves,' but it should be clear in the end. They would never have paired her with the Latino flop they despise because the show treated him as if he was "The Only One that Mattered!" The Sterek fandom, to prove that point, highlights how terrible it is for Allison to not be single so she could focus on making it up to the Hale Family for the actions of her family members. When her relationship to Scott isn't being insulted and mocked, only then can she full her best destiny: serving as fire support for the glorious return of the Hale Pack (while graciously forgetting all of Peter's serial killings, Derek's biting of her mother, and the Hale betas trying to execute her friends on the basis of an old wives tale and a crappy test.) Find a Sterek story where Allison's relationship to Sterek covers anything more than her being a military asset or a penitent. They are certainly out there. Somewhere.
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Greenie logic found in the Team Black tag:
“As to who makes a better Queen, this is another long argument as per the books. At the same time, hotd Alicent has displayed a natural inkling toward ruling the kingdom, she’s interested in the smallfolk’s peace and wellbeing whereas Rhaenyra (and Daemon) like to be ostracized and feared “for what they are capable of.” That tells a lot, in my opinion about where their interests and ambitions lie.”
1. Alicent having a natural inkling towards ruling the kingdom? Wow…based on what? Her sass? Her deviousness? Her hypocrisy? Her cruelty? Her “great” ideas at the Council meetings (which Rhaenyra perfectly dismissed as being what they are - stupid). She wants power she wasn’t supposed to have in the first place so she can do things her way. That hardly makes her an appropriate queen, especially considering how she got that position (by secretly sneaking into the king’s rooms and seducing him after his wife died). All I’ve seen her do around Court as “Queen” is stalk Rhaenyra, gossip, wear green dresses (which is treason), sexually please a sadistic psycho to commit crimes for her, and tattletale like a child. She completely lacks the kindness, grace, honor and decency Queen Aemma had.
2. She’s interested in the smallfolk peace and wellbeing? Don’t make me laugh. Episode 9 confirmed that while she and Otto took advantage of Viserys’ illness to rule in his stead, they didn’t do anything to help the smallfolk. She doesn’t care about anything other than advancing her family’s position, and making sure the women her son rapes keep quiet.
Peace? Well-being? She took part in a coup which ended up terrorizing, imprisoning and killing people.
Rhaenyra, on the other hand, held off on war FOR THE PEOPLE.
3. Rhaenyra and Daemon like to be ostracized and feared? Where exactly is the proof of that? Not wanting to become a weak ruler like Viserys makes Rhaenyra unfit? Fear is necessary. It ensures order and stability. Otherwise, people will be allowed to walk all over you. This is a monarchy. There is a difference between imposing fear to keep people in line and untrustworthy opportunists (like Otto Hightower) at bay, and being cruel.
When Daemon was in charge of the City Watch, he ensured the smallfolk safety through fear, by keeping thieves, murderers and rapists at bay. There is a reason the smallfolk love him and proclaimed him “Prince of the City”.
What have the Hightowers done for the people those 7 years they ruled in Viserys’ stead?
Absolutely nothing. They ignored every single problem the smallfolk had. Alicent was even looking bored at the Council meeting in episode 8. Unlike those pompous nobles who dictate from the safety of the Red Keep (Otto and Alicent), Daemon was practically part of the people and took a clear interest in making the streets safe for everyone (as he explained in episode 1).
Otto and Alicent have proven to be nothing but a bunch of social climbers who practically forgot where they came from (and the positions they received at Court was not due to their talents but rather taken through deception, murder and seduction).
So, greenies can create only assumptions on Rhaenyra’s part at this point (and use the book argument whenever it suits them - even though the Alicent in the book is a colossal manipulative b*tch who knew exactly what she was doing and wasn’t playing the constant “victim”). With Alicent, we have already seen the “best” she can do. And it’s not very attractive.
4. Ambitions? Let’s not get into the topic of which side is more ambitious. The Hightowers staged a coup and usurped the rightful Heir through closed doors, forceful bowing of subjects, forcing the hands of the Lords present, keeping people prisoners and killing Lords who wanted to warn the rightful Queen of these treasonous acts.
I already made a very long list of the crimes the greens are responsible for (you can find it on my page) in one season alone (spoiler alert: more will follow, including a whole village of innocent smallfolk at the hands of Aemond the one-eyed freak and Daeron the dumb kid).
And they have the nerve to question Queen Rhaenyra and make these types of presumptions?
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darklinaforever · 6 months
Green stans are so stupid. The great threat to her own children is ALLICENT. Her hatred and childhood temper tantrum, her manipulation and what she taught them is the reason they all die. Allicent is the archetype of her children’s deaths! None of you could possibly say she’s a good mother.
And come on! Rhaenyra told her father to question is son more harshly! Viserys people! Who didn’t blink an eye when his b-*tch wife publicly commuted treason against his heir to the iron throne.
The same man who did notta when that same b*tch cut open his daughter’s arm and demanded his grandson’s eye.
Greens, stop being stupid.. Rhaenyra knew there was zero chance Aemond would be tortured Lmao 🤣 😜 😂
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𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖓𝖊𝖜
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸
"𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯"
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彡 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 彡
✦ 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 ✦
𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 : you chose to be perilous at the person that you only just met.....or is it?
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 : keeping it very simple as I can
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 : 18+ Knight!Eddie Munson x Princess!FEM x reader, language, use of Y/N, reader and Eddie are both (21), Henry is (30+), Jason (*gags* I know- sorry), age gap, reader will draw bl00d but not (g0re), Enzo! reoccurring :)), old family friends reunion, Jason calling reader a b*tch and slight physical abuse, vi0lence, manipulation, mentions of corpses, binding reader wrists with a rope
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙 : finally! some slight fluff, of course, the angst will never left lol, set in 17th century, dark fantasy, romance, action, upside down exists in this, almost revealing everything of the lost memory that Eddie had 👀
𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝕿𝖔 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 : I'm so sorry for the long wait! I got sick and there's been so many life happenings but I'm back! I hope y'all staying hydrated 🥺🫶🏻
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 : wow, even just a little support on to this series, I tried to post a few parts to test it to see if the crowd will like it and honestly, omg, I'm a bit surprised and literally so grateful for the feedback that I'm receiving and YOU GUYS! the reblogs, the likes and the comments really helped a lot! 😭❣️
"Have you found her yet?"
"No, sign of her, your eminence"
"Then don't stop until you find her!" Henry points at the door, the light from the fireplace adds the flame that's going on behind his eyes
The knight bows and walks away, the receding footsteps echoes as Jason taunts him
"Jason, will you just leave me at peace"
"I think I saw a familiar face today" Jason places his foot onto the table as he leans down on his chair, your father's chair
Henry blinks as he thinks for a moment
"Who is it?"
"I didn't get the chance to ask for his name, but I think and I'm very certain that he is the boy that we took from-"
"That's right, him"
"What about him?"
He shrugs as he says "Nothing is just I can feel that he will interfere with our plan soon"
Henry hums as he bites to the apple
"He probably doesn't remember anything since you erased his memories, right?"
He stopped chewing as he glares at Jason, "I'm not proud of it and you know it"
"Don't be such a wussy, Henry, we have to make hard sacrifices to fulfill our plan for this world"
He doesn't want to talk about this, he wants you on his side
"You know, you're not like this before when we entered this kingdom, ever since she swiftly walks into your sight- you're pretending to be like what?!?-" Jason makes a mockery of batting his eyelashes at him
"Like you didn't do shit?!? You're not a bad person?!? Don't fucking wash your hands on me and make yourself a change person, Henry, you're messed up since the beginning" Jason punctuates his every point with his finger
"I didn't asked for this, Jason!" Henry now ignores the apple that he's eating earlier, he lost his appetite
"I don't want this, I-I wanted to change!-" Henry can feel himself break for wanting to feel seen
"You can't change when it's already been done, don't you get it?!? You can't fucking have her just admit!" Jason shoots back as he sighs in exasperation
"Do you think she'll forgive you- if she finds out that you what?!? Killed half of the population of her damn country?!? Jason squints his eyes on him as Henry stood up and freezes on the spot
He starts walking as he halted for a second to look at Jason
"Say all you want but I'm not gonna stop until I find her"
Jason scoffs as he muttered words to himself
"I'm just protecting him and well- fuck it- he'll be sooooo devastated when finally got his heart broke" he says as he drank his last ounce of rum
You, Eddie, Jeff and Gareth have been bonded for over a month already and it's almost like you forgotten that you're hiding for a reason
Gareth grew on you, he's not mean to you anymore but still as a dear friend to Eddie- he'll destroy you if you do anything shitty to him
But Eddie is Eddie, he is so headstrong to his belief's and whatever Gareth tries to tell him not to give in to you easily, he always fails
There's nothing that he can do about that but to cave in as well
You will not betray them all, will you?
"Jeff! That's not funny!" You exclaimed as you try to chase him but he always moves away faster than you
He's teasing you about you became so enamored by Eddie at the first place
Of course, Jeff, always and he will never miss it
The way you looked at each other? He already knew
"It's the truth, right? Why would you be infuriated with me if it's the truth?"
"Because, what?"
You sighed as you lift your shoulders "It's ridiculous to even talk about this!"
He beat you again as he runs at the other corner "Why would it be ridiculous?"
You groaned "God- I'm tired, Jeff" you say it with a soft chuckle
He tug a small smile as he stands beside you
"Hey, uh- just to be clear, princess-"
"Please, stop with the formality"
He chuckles "Alright, Y/N"
"Much better"
"You're the light that he needs, you know? I mean- Eddie will never lose his faith on everything, I guarantee you that, is just that you added more to never make him give up" Jeff carefully speaks as he looked from his behind as he saw Eddie and Gareth are both walking together to catch up with you two
Your feelings are not important at the moment and now- Jeff saying this to you
Didn't helped
"Why are you saying this, Jeff?"
"You should look out for yourself too, you deserve to be happy"
It warms your heart to have a friend like him "That's nice of you to say, um- thank you" he saw the gleam in your eyes that falters slightly as he creased his brows for a bit as you spoke
"I know, but not right now since everything is heated up and I just don't want to use my feelings to stay away from the real problem"
He understands your decision and he's glad that you're aware of the obvious tension that you both Eddie had "Your father raised you, right, Y/N"
You giggled "Yeah, he did" you nod
"I picked some firewood!" Gareth speaks as he crossed your path from where you and Jeff been standing
"Yes! I'm so famished" you say as you held your stomach
"Yes, Eddie?"
"Would you care to have a walk with me?"
"I will take that offer gladly"
You both start walking together as you glanced at Jeff who is already smiling as he looks away and starts helping Gareth
You're living with them for a month and you already knew some of their traits and you can point them out clearly
You can tell Eddie is nervous
You've seen him nervous but never like this
"What is it, Eddie?" You stopped him by holding both of his shoulders
The moment he looks straight on your eyes, he can't stand still
Your eyes, my god- it's like you're from a hazy memory that he really tries to remember but he couldn't
Your touches isn't foreign to him, he trusts you with all his heart and soul, he knows that you're aren't a stranger to him
The memory that he had before? He wants it so badly
The only chilly thing that sends to his spine, it's either he knew you as a friend or an enemy
But, he just doesn't feel anything, not a single thing that he can point out that is bad to you
That's why he is so sure that you are nothing but a straightforward and most trusting person ever
He took a sharp breath "It's been a month and I feel so guilty not telling you anything"
"About what?"
"About me"
You're both sitting together at the boulder and Eddie is now carving random woods
When he is carving random woods at the ground with that furrowed look on his face
There is something, something that he should talk about
You reach his hand and looked at you with those chocolate hues on his eyes
"Eddie, you don't have to tell me anything if you're not ready"
He doesn't replied to your remark, it looked like he wants to listen, so you keep going
"Just because I'm here with you for a while, it's not my place to like that you should tell me everything right away, you know?"
He nods as he ducks his head down
"Unless, you want to talk about it?"
He takes a deep breath as looked back at you "No" he says as he shook his head
"That's okay, you don't have to stress yourself-"
"I just want you to trust me"
The look you gave him it looked like you we're saying "Have you lost your mind?!"
"Eddie, you've earned it in the first place, the day you saved me and the way you genuinely let me stay at your place, that's enough" you say to him as you hold his hand tighter for reassurance
"You don't have to prove yourself to me" you added as you smile
"Because you already proven that you're kind enough to trust"
That comment alone, eases his mind, the thought that is ruining him right now finally flushes deep elsewhere
"You two, there you are! Dinner is ready, guys" Gareth voice snapped the both of you back into reality as you both walked back at the house
"This flavor is really excellent" you say as you munch down the chicken
"Give your compliments at the chef" Jeff nudges his chin towards, Gareth
Gareth dramatically bows at you as all of you laughed to his action
"The vegetables are nicely blanched" Eddie says as he chows down a piece of broccoli onto his mouth
You watch the three men do silly things with each other as the dinner goes filled with lots of bickering and laughing
"I want all of you back in my palace"
They've never swing their heads at you that fast
"Pardon?" Jeff leans forward closer to you as you chuckled
"I said, I want all of you to live in my palace!"
"You're fucking with us, right?" Gareth swallows his mashed potato as he looked over at Eddie who is well....
He looked like his soul left his body and wouldn't budge for a minute
They all cheered as Gareth says
"Wait- The fact that I am friend's with the royal!-"
"Hey, I could be mean if I wanted to" you say with a serious tone
"You don't want her to be like that, Gareth, I've been there and it's not a very good picture" Eddie took a sip from his rum as he glanced at Jeff
"Yeah, it's a terror situation!" Jeff nods along with Eddie
You crossed your arms in front of Gareth as he furrows his brows
"You didn't liked me at first, right?" You lean forward, an intimidated Gareth gulped
He quickly goes to explain himself as his two friends start sniggering at each other
"No! I liked you- now"
"Because you found out that I was a princess?"
"What? No!-"
"You're so awful to me, there's so many ways that I could punish you for being so disrespectful to me"
"Like.... What?"
Gareth exclaims so loudly that you can swear that the roof comes off and his voice wooshes it's way out of it
You, Eddie and Jeff start laughing hardly as Gareth now very looking grumpy
"You should stop taking things very seriously" Eddie points at him as he can't stop laughing
Jeff still wheezes as he looks back at Gareth with that look
Meanwhile, you, looked so smug
"For your information, you grew on me because you didn't do anything to piss me off"
"Like what, exactly?"
"For betraying us"
You nod with a fond smile on your face
"Maybe, it's because- it didn't happen yet or I'm just delusional" Gareth mumbled more words to himself as he collects the plates
Jeff throws a piece of bread at Gareth who smoothly dodges it "Do you think people will finally accept us?" he turns his head around at Eddie as he asks a question
You tilt your head at Jeff because what?!?
Is this what Eddie is trying to tell you?
This is what Eddie doesn't want sometimes, facing the facts but it will always haunts him
"I don't know, man, I wish they'll hear us or give us a chance to speak for ourselves, maybe that day or I hope it will come sooner or later" he gave him a small smile as he stands up and goes outside for a bit
"What is that all about?" you said as you tried to at Jeff who is avoiding your gaze
Jeff opens his mouth to say something but closes it, hesitating as he looks at Gareth who is already drying his hands with a towel, he nods at him
"Eddie, doesn't like to talk about it"
"About what?"
"How he got himself ended up here" Gareth sats down across the table
You blink at them, you think your words very carefully
"What happened?"
"We don't know" Gareth sighs as he wipes the table
"What do you mean?"
"Y/N- he doesn't remember anything what happened to him, the only thing that he can remembers is that he has someone like a family member but somehow he can't pick it up to who it is and I know there's more to the story but that's all he can say for now, so, you gotta have to forgive him, if he's so defensive when it comes to this and he has always been rejected by the public, I mean- your people" Jeff explains as you processing everything
Your eyes flashes with empathy as you finally understand Eddie's guilt
"He was false allegedly accused in black magic, Y/N" Gareth speaks as he rest his arm around the chair
Why is that sounds so familiar? your mind went blank as you try to catch the memory that is coming to you
"Including the both of us, Me and Jeff, we knew that he's loyal to what he fights for, so, we helped him and here we are"
"I swear- if I find out who done this to us, I'm gonna annihilate whoever it was"
"Let's not be too hasty, Gareth"
You feel like your heart might burst any second, when you finally remembered the last important information about your life
"I-I think I knew Eddie" your eyes became glossy as you smiled a little
Jeff and Gareth whip their heads at you, the surprised expressions from their face, you can't miss it
"Who are you?" A very deep hoarse voice that's going on outside
You, Jeff and Gareth got wicked at the voice of a stranger as all of you sprint outside
"Don't! I got this" Eddie has himself pinned against the wall, the older man threatens to attack him with a dagger
"Please- drop the dagger, we can talk about this" Jeff walks slowly, proceeding with caution
"Stop this!" Gareth yelled, upset when the estranged man didn't care to look at him for once
If you don't look hard enough, you won't recognize the person
You gasp to yourself as you cupped your mouth
He follows your voice, turns his head around and there you are
You could hear him breathing heavily almost like it's unbelievable that you're standing there
"Y/N? Are you real?" He knits his brows together, he is still wearing the same uniform that your father once wore
"Yes, I am- please drop the dagger, they're my friends" you reason with him with pleading eyes
He blinks through the rage from the state he was in before as he backs away from Eddie who is gasping for air as he sats down on the ground
You checked on him to make sure if he was okay, he nods weakly as he watches the person that you claimed, you knew
He's your family's most skilled general, your father, Jim- became one of the greatest duos in history because of how they manage to do anything against war and collision
They prioritize of what the people need, they focus on the weak low points of the kingdom before putting themselves first
You didn't know all of it but you're aware of many enemies that your father Jim had because of his selfless acts
Your eyes welled in happiness as you can't help but to embrace him
"I'm sorry, it's been a while since I saw a real living person"
"It's okay"
"Enzo, are you with my father? Where is he? What happened to him?"
Jeff gave him a glass of water and a plate of dinner, he mutters a small thank you
"To all of violence in my life, Y/N- this- has got to be inhumane of it all"
You brace yourself for his outlandish words
"We fought together, we tried to escape but whatever we do, we always failed- you know- I thought I could never make it out alive" he holds back the tears on his eyes as you rest your hand on his shoulder
"The last time that I ever laid eyes on your father, he was taken by the guards forcefully"
Your friends are watching you and Enzo from afar in the firepit, warming their hands as they observe your conversation
Suddenly, you felt like you slipped off the hope that you're holding onto if your father was still alive
"And then I never saw him again, I'm so sorry, Y/N"
You sniffle as you flash him a sad smile as you stood up and move away a little
Enzo sighs wishing he could do something more or even better than this
But, no, that's the truth- he tried everything to save his dear friend
Eddie saw you standing so still, alone
He wonders if you wanted to be alone but when you turn your head sideways slightly it's like an permission that you wanted a company
When he stands beside you, you shakily wipe your tears from your face, you don't want to him to see you like this
"I don't know where my father is, Eddie" you try to lighten up the mood as you chuckled dryly
"God, I'm so rude- I didn't properly introduce him to you, he's Enzo, my father's general and a close friend"
He nods as he places his palm on your shoulder "It's alright, Y/N"
Despite, having your thoughts fogging from the heartaches that you felt from the past couple of years
Eddie, has a right to know who he is
You clear your throat and look at him directly "Eddie, please listen to me carefully"
"What is it?"
"I think I know who you are"
He places his hand over his chest and swallowed "You knew me?"
You nod aggressively "Yes-" you got cut off
"There you are you little frigid bitch!" Jason's voice startles the rest of you
Eddie wraps his arms around you as you move closer to him
Jeff, Gareth, and Enzo got themselves ready to fight as they walk towards as the castle's guards surrounded you
"Oh- fuck me! Enzo!" Jason grins at the sight of the most respected general whose face scowled directly at him
"You exiled me!" Enzo walks closer to Jason with a look that could kill him instantly but the guards stopped him from holding him off
"What- You did what?!?" Your voice raises out of anger as you eye him with shooting daggers
"We didn't need him anyways" Jason trashes the place with throwing rocks at the house
Making Eddie, Jeff and Gareth furious
"You have no right to do that, Jason"
"I think I do, I think I do have the right to have you back in the palace, young lady!" Jason almost hit to hurt you but Eddie beats him to it covering you with his figure
"Henry needs you" Jason adds, you peek over at the side as you exclaimed
"Why does he need me?!?"
"You should ask him that"
"I don't want to go back in there, you wanted to kill me!"
Enzo looked at your way with your eyes mixing with fear and blazing eyes as he became enraged of what he just heard
"You're so way out of line, Jason" Enzo grunts as he tried to let go from the grip that the guards his holding onto him now
"Why don't you just fuck off?" Eddie has reached its limit, he had enough of this man
Jason laughs in disbelief as he leans forward and you shudder under his tone
"I can execute you for lying, you piece of shit, I knew you we're hiding her!"
Eddie held you tightly behind his back as you wince at Jason's voice
"The way you deliberately disobeyed the rules, outsiders are not meant to be in your world, especially her" Jason pushes him making you stumble from the back as your eyes widened
Jeff and Gareth can't help but to start fighting the guards and making Enzo start kicking and joining the fight
The swords are clashing, the armor is clanking, the shouts from the fight rummaging in your brain
You shut your eyes as you can hear your father's voice from the lessons he taught you
"Y/N, my daughter, being a risk taker- it's about having the guts to trusting your own voice, you set your mind to face consequences and being able to handle it on your own makes you the best ruler of the kingdom"
"So, if you ever you put yourself in that situation, don't be afraid to take a step forward and prove to everyone that they're wrong and don't make anyone else cloud your judgement"
You picked up your sword and impede on Eddie and Jason's fight as you slashed your sword in the middle
Eddie has never seen you this determined and almost forgot that you're so skillful swordswoman
You defeated Jason by making him drop his sword on the ground and start aiming at him
From your action, everyone stopped at what they're doing as they watch you
"You're a making a big mistake, princess"
"I am certainly not"
"You mustn't defend the wrong person, you didn't even know who he is- still haven't remembered anything do you?" He makes a teasing look at Eddie as he furrow his eyebrows in confusion
No, it's a bad move, if you admitted that you knew Eddie, so, you didn't say anything this time
"Why do I get the feeling that you already told him?"
"Just shush your mouth and walk away, Jason"
"The only half of it, you knew, huh?" Jason smirks and it's making your head crack open to his assholeness
Jason fastly grabs his sword and goes to attack Eddie only to be stopped when you block his way
"I am warning you!"
"You gotta be shitting me! This fucking man that you're defending, he's practicing black magic didn't you even think for once that he might be the cause to all of this?!?"
Eddie clenches his fists and a flash of hurt in his eyes that this will be the end of preparing himself for a long time
That Gareth was right all along
But, still he won't drop it, he is certain that he is right about you
"You also know that's a false accusation, Jason, there's no proof"
"Right, discovering dead babies and children from his home doesn't count, huh?"
"Someone else planted them!" Eddie exclaims as he meets your eyes, he thought he'll see something else but no- your eyes didn't falter
You trust him
Jason raises his sword wanting to stab Eddie with it but instead you make him drop his sword for the second time
Making Jason alarmed by your defiance
"There's one thing you didn't know about me, Jason is that when I believe someone is truly innocent- I'll fight no matter what it takes" you paused
"I believe in justice" you say as you move backwards
When he tries to move, you aim your sword back at him
"You want me alive back there, do you?"
Jason didn't want to to nod but he did
You replaced your sword with a dagger as you show it to everyone your arm
Enzo knew what you're doing, despite, the situation being tricky, he is somewhat proud of you for standing up what is right
You did exactly what your father did before
Jeff, Gareth and Eddie almost dropping their eyeballs when you cut your arm making a fresh new wound
Eddie looked at your eyes quickly and you didn't even flinched at the horrifying thing that you just did
Your arms is now dripping in blood making the rest of the guards bow at you
"You gotta have to kill me first, before you get to Eddie"
"Woah- slow down, alright" Jason felt so fucking stupid that you won
One of the guards bind your hands with a rope as you came along with them
"Wait- No! Y/N-"
Your eyes went softer when you looked at him as if you weren't so tough back then
"I'll be fine, Eddie"
"But what about.... Henry?"
You know what he's talking about, you're supposed to get married to him but you won't let it happen, not on your watch
"I will turn it down like I always do, Eddie"
His eyes are begging for you to stay but he can't do anything right now
"Take care of yourself" you say softly as the guards nudge you to move
You turn your head at him
"Thank you"
You smile sweetly "It's the least thing that I could do to help you, goodbye for now"
For now? What does that mean?
You want to see him again? He hopes so
They all watch you walk away from the place as you entered the portal outside
"Boy, when she spills blood on you, she is serious" Enzo pats behind Eddie's back comforting him
"If they lay a finger on her, I'm gonna squeeze all of their insides to a pulp" Gareth grumbles as he looks over at Jeff who agrees with him
"What do you think they'll do to her?" Jeff is worried about your well-being, the last time he wants to see is you being scared and he doesn't like that
"I'm going to save her" Eddie as he narrows his eyes at Jason who is waving at him annoyingly
"I'm with you, I ain't going to let this place ruled by these people" Enzo says as he removes the dirt from his boots
"It's oath that we agreed upon the first meeting, we swear on our life to protect her even in the face of danger" Jeff adds as he waits for Gareth
"We've been on this mess for too long, it's time for us to fight, to the death" Gareth turns his back and starts packing Jeff and Enzo tailing at him
"Y/N, just hold on, we'll get you" Eddie speaks to himself as he looked up at the sky
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frogizz · 7 months
TBHK Manga Spoilers Mentioned!
Okay, so I ain't caught up further than the chapter where Nene is like "how about I just stay here and die?"
and then Hanko is like "b!tch- no, don't do that, all my effort will be for nothing"
and then Tsukasa is like "But if she wants to, just let her :)"
So to get to what the post is about, please give me spoilers and correct me but: I feel like Hanako didn't murder Tsukasa. For some reason I've had the feeling for over a year while actively reading the manga that Tsukasa had somehow changed up the rumor about himself and Hanako to switch up the true story. Tsukasa could've killed Hanako and has been manipulating him to think it's the other way around for decades.
Is it just me? I mean the only "evidence" I have is that Hanako never shares anything about himself and most information we have from him is from the words of others who also won't know much about him.
TL;DR : I have a weak theory that Tsukasa actually killed Hanako and changed their rumor to be the opposite.
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o0e3ww · 10 months
Tumblr media
Finished Strangers From Hell/Hell is Other People
Well, I'll give it a 7, overall it was a good experience. Such a mix of Hannibal and the 5th season of AHS (not in terms of quality, character interaction reminded me)
I didn't like the way the nature of characters were revealed. The villain is an artist, but mostly in the dialogues, it was hinted at but not shown properly. Yeah, for me two pretentious statements and a bracelet made of teeth is not enough. The motivation isn't quite clear to me either, like it's not serious enough. Are they bad because they're bad? Because they lived with a person who encouraged their illness? Well then devote some dialogue to that, otherwise they only slip in scenes with the victims being abused. I really missed the personality of the hostess aka the creator. Maniac mum.
Some kind of simplistic approach, as if they have watched TV series and decided to make a Frankenstein's monster out of the types of killers. The actions of the villainous villains didn't give me the feeling of some skillful manipulations, they are rather clumsy.
The mc's girlfriend doesn't have time for him? Really? She doesn't have time to talk to him when they see each other several times in 10 episodes and each time she refuses to listen to him? They're actively chatting, you can share your experiences there too. I know the whole "don't burden your neighbour" thing, but they're not school friends, they're not colleagues, they didn't just start dating, they're in a relationship and complaining about life to loved ones is commonplace for everyone in general.
80% of their dialogue:
-Hey, what's going on with you?
-Hi, I'm having a rough time and…
-Oh, my God, shut up. Why can't you be normal?!?!!!! * running away *
here I'm getting more and more angry B!tch, listen to him for like 2 minutes, he doesn't say anything weird or scary, YOU ASKED HIM. And it's not the idiocy of the characters or "problems of modern society" it's the bullshit that's necessary for the script to work. Honestly, this whole love line doesn't make any sense at all. It's a function. I didn't get into the girlfriend character, I don't find their relationship pleasant, I don't believe that "it" could be a pressure point on protagonist. The main villain has more chemistry with the main character. And here you could say "that's the point, his priorities change, the villain lures him" BUT! To justify mc's mental anguish, the bond between him and his girlfriend must also be strong. He has to have something he can lose.
The ending is just… "yeah, not everyone will understand." The whole thing with popular "highly intelligent" literature and games of who's crazy – doesn't work for me. It looks like a fanfiction by a 16 year old schoolboy. Honestly, mentioning Kafka so much lowered quality of the series for me. I understand where you got inspiration from, ok? The plot of "The Metamorphosis" is on the surface, mc himself says so, and not once. Why explain the things we understand? Better explain the things we don't.
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