#she's definitely a horsegirl
mayopocket · 11 months
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they call her Heart... Saddleheart
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kitkatperce · 7 months
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artemismatchalatte · 2 years
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I drew this wayyy earlier in this NaNoWriMo Season. Like November 3rd maybe?  
So one of my main complaints with Anne Bronte’s Agnes Grey��is actually the portrayal of Rosalie and Matilda Murray (none of my followers/mutuals are probably surprised, I’m sure).
So Vicar Hatfield is hitting on 17 year old Rosalie...Yeah, gross. In 1847 when the novel came out, it was acceptable for full grown ass adult men to do that. So instead of maybe demonizing the child (or children in this case because 15 year old Matilda functions as Rosalie’s side kick in Agnes Grey) maybe we should reframe that story in its proper light? Cue Kesha’s “Dinosaur” on full blast. 
Yeah, Rosalie is a bit of a Victorian Regina George and Matilda is her rude horse-loving sister (read Victorian gender/sexuality code: a butch lesbian). Basically, they are both supposed to be examples Anne Bronte uses to tell little Victorian girls how not to be. Ouch.
The top panel is Anne Bronte’s versions of Matilda and Rosalie because they’re technically the second arc villains of her text as they are unpleasant to Agnes, the heroine, specifically and everyone else in general. 
And the bottom panel is closer to how they are in my NaNo project. I felt bad for both of them in the original book. At the end of the book, Rosalie is in a loveless marriage (not to Hatfield thank God) and the new governess (not Agnes) is trying to break Matilda’s spirit and force her to conform to the ideals of a straight Victorian Lady. :/
So I decided to answer the question of what happens next for Matilda (and other characters though she was my focal character for this project) with my NaNo project. I also explain why Rosalie and Matilda were horrible when Agnes knew them as well as many other things. The Markhams from The Tenant of Wildfell Hall will appear briefly in the story too as well of a boat load of fictional Victorian lesbians and gay men who befriend Matilda as she lives multiple lives across the second half of the 19th century. 
I basically reclaimed the Murray girls and rewrote their stories. Is that unhinged of me? Very possibly- especially since they aren’t supposed to be the heroines- but that’s what I’ve been working on this past month along side my grad studies.
#sorry but in my mind Hatfeild was like 30 so this was mega yikes territory#so light him on fire Matilda (not literally but maybe literally)#my horse also thinks you're dumb!#also you have to love the 1800's swears of ass and damn XD#butch feral horsegirl is very much a lost lesbian archetype or historic I guess#Stephen Gordon and Matilda Murray are basically echoes of each other#But Hall is sympathetic because she is basically Stephen#while Bronte gives more of an average Victorian view point of lesbians and gnc women#also it's early victorians (Bronte) vs. late victorians (Hall) too#Thank you Radclyffe Hall for confirming my theory about this being an archetype#nanowrimo 2022#WIP#comics#victorian lit#classic sequels#no I didn't orginally plan to write this but I was like- no actually they're just kids and this was fucked up actually#oh and my story covers Matilda's whole life to show what life was life for queer people and women in the Victorian era#in Agnes Grey Matilda’s pretty dumb it’s Rosalie who does most of the plotting#I wouldn’t say my Tilly is dumb but she’s pretty clueless and naively trusts often when she definitely shouldn’t#she’s booksmart but street dumb if that makes sense#also barn smart because mostly all she knows is horses and dogs#and Rosie’s the opposite she only reads gothic romances to the point where she likes to pretend to live in them#basically they’re both normal teen girls but something happens to trigger the anger and spite#anne bronte#agnes grey
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dicenete · 7 months
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My recent guilty pleasure has been this otome gacha game Ikemen Prince. I have been positively surprised by the quality at times and I do like the stories so far (I have finished Nokto's route and currently at the end of Licht's route, I will pick the dramatic route because I need more feels). TL;DR: I have enjoyed the game despite somethings, and I will most definitely do more fanart of the princes at some point. *** I have warmed up to most of the princes as characters (Yves has been a surprise favorite for me, at first I was sure I would not stand him, but now he is my baby girl and I will protect him) and I'm interested to play most of their routes too. Some story twists were darker than I expected but I welcome those with open arms. xD My only pet peeve with this game is when you totally see when the developers have not done proper research in some things. Like in the "my honey's a bunny event: Mc is turned into a bunny and tries to communicate that she is happy, so she wags her tail... Bunnies wag their tails when they are annoyed or in distress. Of course you could pin this on the fact that MC doesn't know anything about bunnies' bodylanguage either but still... And Licht's "be my lover" event story where he is with the horse, I don't remember what it was exactly, but something regarding how he and mc took care of the horse made my old horsegirl self wince. Well I can't say for much on the politics aspect tho since I'm not that wellversed in those. I'm just enjoying the ride really and not question things that much.
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cassiopeiacorvus · 7 months
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Playchoices MCs - Part 10
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artist notes under the cut
Aaliyah Perkins (UT) | Y'know my first playthrough I kinda hated the fancy cowboy outfits, but they grew on me so here's Aaliyah in an outfit she would never actually wear to work on the ranch. She was peak Horsegirl™️growing up and not much has changed.
Iolanda Julivert (TPS) | I wasn't actually sure if the princess in TPS counted as an MC, but hell, she has a love interest and you spend half the story as her so I'm counting it. She gives a lot of Leo energy. They would definitely party together if they weren't so separated by age.
Yasmin Delaney (TPS) | The historian to her sister's party princess. She would obviously be the Liam to Iolanda's Leo. I'd like to think she went on to get a PhD in history after the events of TPS, because hey, who says you can't be a princess and a doctor?
Lysander (TCH) | We're gonna call the back half of this list The Rise of the Enbies. Starting with Lysander. I love a character who chooses to be kind especially when it's hard, so they had my heart from the start. And I made the Midsummer Night's Dream reference before TCH did in Book 1.
Zola Saunders (IM) | Goes on my list of characters who are 100% done 100% of the time. She was born not giving a fuck, she died not giving a fuck, and now she's gonna not give a fuck as a vampire.
Kira Stone (MAH) | I hate that they have a default name. Yeah they made them go by a middle name, but you try coming up with a name that goes with Valentine, Stone, and jives with the fact that they're sister is named Perdita. I wanted to do a Shakespeare reference, but I couldn't make it work. Anyway, Kira definitely goes on to be a private investigator because they couldn't see themselves as anything else.
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verdemoun · 2 months
Kieran not having good horse access in the modern era makes me so sad so this is my petition to get him some
(Although him getting fired from his one stable job is so real, barn owners often suck. Even ones that cater to people with high support needs get pissy with people that just need extra patience)
But I have a horse IRL and she’s the best. Like, friend to all children and capable of visiting retirement homes The Best. She also lives at at barn that’s tucked away at the end of a string of suburban dead end roads. You’d never know there was a barn there. On several occasions I’ve considered putting up an ad to see if there’s anyone with a horse crazy kid that wants to come hang out with her, or maybe some old lady that is in a wheelchair but misses horses. Anyone really. She just wants friends
Like there’s gotta be someone with horses hidden in the backyard near Bessie’s house who would love to let Kieran hang out with them. It’s not like he would need lessons- guaranteed he knows more about horses than most modern owners. I’d give him my horse no questions asked. He deserves horse time
Getting fired from his one stable job was definitely not based on a dear friend's anecdotal experience. As always the horsegirl and never the horse owner, give your precious mare some extra kisses for me. And since you asked so nicely.
Honestly the whole gang were furious about Kieran losing his regular contact with horses because it was so obvious the impact it had on him. They care about their little stable boy and sure they all miss horses but it's so obvious how much Kieran needs them. It's tough, but it's also somewhat okay because Kieran has a 6th sense for horses and will get his fix regardless. For a few months he gets his fix in suddenly sprinting off on outings because horse senses were tingling, and horses are a shockingly common sight in Blackwater. The mounted horse division of Blackwater Police, who are familiar with the gang (ISAAC), will stop and let Kieran pat the horses for a minute or two. Or slow down because they can see him staring from a distance and hell watching horses for him is enough to satiate his brain. Carriage horses are a common tourist and Kieran trap with most more than happy to let Kieran brush their horses between trips because free labor and the horses do look amazing afterwards.
But he finally gets his frequent contact with horses restored when less than 12 months later a massive, tragic, horse hoarding situation was found terrifying close to the city with over 20 emaciated horses kept in a barren dirt scrapyard of ankle-deep mud. After bawling his eyes out at the report and pacing around plotting the murder of the people involved, Bessie contacted the group who took them in on his behalf and offered Kieran as an extra pair of hands. He isn't just a horse girl: he actually has those decades of practical experience taking care of and reading horse behaviour. He could handle The Count. He handled Arthur's 'I jumped on this wild horse 5 minutes ago'. He knows so much about actual horse care and homeopathic medicine. It was the longest Kieran has ever spent outside of the house - he slept in the barn for 6 nights before Arthur had to go help forcibly remove him. But the managers adore him and he volunteers there at least twice a week.
When Arthur gets his own place which is on just enough land to meet the minimum county requirements for having a horse, Kieran immediately talks/puppy-eyes Arthur into adopting a former bronco called Compost from the rescue that no one else would even dare to touch. Compost is a dick who will bite or kick out just because she felt like it and is impossible even for them to ride. Arthur and Kieran both love her.
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midnightmuffingay · 2 years
Rating the pets of EAH based on what is on the EAH wiki and my limited knowledge:
Adelita - Rosabella's butterfly. I have never heard of this. Also apparently Adelita translates to 'noble'?? 3/10 I don't think it suits her and also how do you keep a butterfly as a pet.
Barber - Poppy's squirrel monkey. I guess squirrel monkeys are cute and I can see it as a pet for her but I have yet again no memory of this. 5/10
Clipper - Holly's lion cub. Apparently it is 'charmed' to stay a cub forever?? Don't know how that work or why she has a lion or why she would name it Clipper?? there are better names girl. 3/10
Carmine - Cerise's dire wolf. Okay so technically they're part of the same pack or something but it's the daughter of Littler Red Riding Hood and the big Bad Wolf. You can't go wrong with giving her a wolf friend whose name is another shade of red. 6/10
Carrolloo - Kitty's caterpillar. A sneaky little guy. From what we saw of him he compliments Kitty's personality and you know, a caterpillar with a wonderlandian? It's not like I can be mad. 6/10
Clockwork - Cedar's wooded cuckoo. Okay I do actually like this a lot. Even if we never really saw him it's a great concept for her pet to be wooden like her. Especially when you consider it would probably have to been made specifically for her. I love it 8/10
Clydesdale - Farrah's pet mouse. Don't recall and there are better mice. 2/10
Divacorn - Briar's unicorn. Absolutely slayed so hard I don't care about the name which is an astonishing feat. I mean of course Briar would have a pink unicorn it just makes sense. 8/10
Drake - Hopper's dragonfly. Drake. 2/10 Only getting extra points because it is a literal DRAGONfly. He breathes fire.
Earl Grey - Maddie's dormouse. Perfection. Best dressed of all of the pets. Is a silly little guy with a silly little hat that lives in her hat. Impeccable. 10/10
Gala - Apple's snow fox. Gala is a great name just because of the fact this it is not only a type of apple but also a fancy party. Very royal, on brand, like to curl around her neck. Iconic. 8/10
Grizz - Blondie's baby bear. Blondie. Girlie. You are a reporter. Please get original. A bear for goldilocks' daughter is fine but it's just like. I'm bored girl. You can do better. 3/10
Jelly - Ginger's gummy fish. I. Love this. A sentient gummy fish she accidentally made? So iconic I'll ignore the basic name. It's like naming your goldfish 'Goldie'. Anyway, I love the concept, love the execution. 8/10
King Benedict - Humphrey's chicken. No. 2/10 for egg related name.
Mr. Cottonhorn - Dexter's jackalope. Guys. Guys. look at him.
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He's just a little guy. 10/10.
Moustro - Melody's rat. I like the idea and the pun name but I feel like I'd need to see a picture to be impressed. 5/10
Nevermore - Raven's dragon. There is no need for discussion. 10/10
P-Hawk - Daring's peacock. I think I remember him being kind of terrible so uh 1/10 because Daring I don't think that's how you say peacock honey.
Pesky - Hunter's squirrel. I love how even though they're like enemies they have the same haircut and Pesky has a little acorn bag that Hunter definitely made for him. Lives up to his name. 7/10
Philia - Cupid's Pegasus. Apparently 'Philia' is one of the ancient greek words for love that is often translated to friendship. soooo, even though I didn't know about her she gets a 6/10 because I think that's sweet.
Pirouette - Duchess's swan. Queen. Icon. Slay. Need I say more? 10/10
Sandella - Ashlynn's phoenix. The fact that Ashlynn has a phoenix because it rises from the ashes is so hardcore and I love it. Even if her name is Sandella. 7/10
Shuffle - Lizzie's hedgehog. The bestest and cutest little croquet ball. I don't have much to say but love you dearly. 7/10
Sir Gallopad - Darling's horse. He can change colour and camouflage which is THE coolest thing. Horsegirl Darling. 8/10 Also Daring officially has the worst pet out of the Charming siblings.
Spindle - Faybelle's pomeranian. Of course an evil fairy you have such an unassuming evil little dog. And of course she named it after her evil destiny. Iconic. 8/10.
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br1ghtestlight · 9 months
do you have any headcanons for the Belcher family?
SORRY IT TOOK ME LIKE 50 YEARS TO ANSWER THIS writers block or whatever. I will give u a few each because i like thinking about these characters :)
he is a big fan of 70s and 80s dad rock music and some queer culture music from that era like freddie mercury and cyndi lauper (that he listened to a decent amount growing up next to a gay bar). when the kids were younger he would sing to them in their highchair etc while he was cooking dinner and dance with them, louise and tina were not huge fans of his music however lol louise ends up enjoying more kpop/alt/punk rock music and tina likes upbeat pop music. gene definitely shares his dads music taste tho!! they go to concerts together when gene is a little older
pete (regular at big bob's diner and owner of the gay bar next door) was bob's first gay crush as a kid. kinda stressful bcuz he was coming of age Directly during the aids crisis and having an older queer male figure in his life really helped. he also had a weird gay situationship with one of his nerdy guy friends from high school and they did some..... experimenting together 👀
he has movie nights w/ each of his kids!! he usually watches hawk and chick movies with louise, western movies with gene (or really stupid high school comedy movies like pitch perfect. at gene's request) and basically Whatever romantic comedy or horsegirl movie of the week that tina chooses. he honestly loves all of them bcuz they remind him of his kids personalities and interests <3 these happen usually three to four times a month and he'll let the kids stay up later (until 10pm or 11pm) to watch with him, but they usually fall asleep on his lap before the end of the movie
he let tina and gene give him makeovers when they were younger with mom's old makeup etc. he mostly did it for their sake but he really did enjoy wearing the nail polish, I think he'd look good in black nail polish if he didnt have to wash his hands 500 times a day working in the restaurant. he's very into the alt rock and roll style and aesthetic in theory if not in actual presentation
in his heart he's a punkrocker in reality he is a middle aged dad wearing old tshirts stained with ketchup
when louise was younger (before she could shower/bathe herself) linda was the ONLY person she'd ever let wash or brush her hair when her ears weren't on. linda still gives louise her (very very) occasional haircuts so that her hair doesn't become TOO unmanageable, and she brushes louise hair sometimes just for fun :) louise is the one she always sings the harry truman song to because louise thought it was funny when she was younger
linda's dad taught her how to ride a bike when she was a kid but by the time that gayle was old enough to learn their dad wasn't really. interested in doing that stuff anymore lol. so linda taught gayle how to ride her bike!!! it didn't go super well and there were lots of bruises and tears involved over a four day period, but it's some of gayle and linda's happiest memories together. linda stepped in a lot for gayle when their parents wouldn't put in the effort
linda was actually involved in A LOT of sports when she was growing up!! she was on the school basketball team and did some soccer and track extracurriculars. she was a bit of a jock and she still enjoys playing sports on the rare occasion she gets the chance w/ one of her kids (but she is sliiightly too compeitive). louise is the only belcher kid who is any good at athletic stuff but she isn't super into team sports. she'll play occasionally with linda at the park though. she's also the only belcher family member who can handle linda's competitive spirit, including bob
started wearing glasses at like five months old bcuz she's farsighted and genuinely couldnt see ANYTHING lol. there exist very few pictures or videos of her as a baby before she got glasses (her infancy was also somewhat chaotic due to the newly opened restaurant and everything so not a lot of time for photos) when gene and louise find a few in an old photo album its GENUINELY like they found a previously lost artifact from ancient egpyt. they've seen tina without her glasses obvs but this was tina BEFORE her glasses!!!! wow!!!
she enjoys cooking w/ bob even though she isn't a particularly good cook. she's anxious around stoves and other appliances which is most of the problem but she also doesn't have a natural talent for it 😭. she helps bob cook dinner sometimes and when she was younger she helped with cooking a special mother's day breakfast for linda (gene and louise were too little to help out)
tina loves both her parents equally but she prefers spending time w/ bob more than linda bcuz he matches her energy level better. they're both anxious kinda quiet and introverted people (tina obviously got most of her personality from bob) so she just likes hanging out with him and going on errands together. tina has a special place in bob's heart too as his oldest child and his firstborn, so they really do love spending the day together whenever possible
when tina is in high school and gene and louise are still attending wagstaff, gene will take his allowance and take louise out to get ice cream after school at least once a week bcuz there isn't anyone around to tell them not to. they both enjoy the time they spend together <3 louise really misses this ritual when gene goes off to high school but they still do go out for ice cream occasionally. and it's only a few dollars but gene likes feeling like he's providing for louise in some way as a Big Brother and spoiling her (even if she pays for their ice cream days maybe half the time)
gene's seperation anxiety is actually A LOT worse when he's without his sisters than when he's without his parents. he can deal w/ a few nights without his parents there but he genuinely does not like being seperated from his sisters for more than a few hours. it's really hard for him & he worries about them so much. luckily there's rarely any reason for them to be apart, and he's a middle child so he'll always be going to the same school as one of them
he thinks bob gives the best hugs out of everyone in the family :) 2nd place goes to tina. sorry linda
she likes drawing!! she wouldnt call herself an artist and she's not exactly trying to be good at art anyway, but she has her desk w/ her crayons and paper and sometimes she scribbles for fun or to express her feelings. she does this on her schoolwork too which makes ms labonz angry but she will admit louise is pretty funny and good at cartoons
she'll be a HUGE anime and kpop fan when she's older but not like stan twitter kpop fans. she'll unironically take pride in her favorite manga being an underrated cult classic from the 80s underground japan scene or whatever. nobody else in her family 100% gets it but tina will watch naturo and one piece with her even though she finds them a little bit boring and hard to follow. tina likes the anime boys
when she's bored in class she draws tattoos on herself in pen/sharpie and when other kids see what she's doing they want her to draw on their arms too. she charges a quarter for each person she tattoos, and she had a decent business going until the teachers shut it down and warned her about ink posioning. SIGH. she'll probably get real tattoos when she turns 18
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hazellvsq · 3 months
this is such a random question i'm sorry but do you have any thoughts on cowboy!hazel? it's probs so ooc since i haven't read the books in a while but i can't shake the idea of hazel being a rogue demigod like nico was and traveling the world with arion fighting monsters and going on her own quests and shit. like her going around helping troubled ghosts/spirits. finding lost demigods and guiding them to their respective camps. idk if you've heard of the concepts where percy and jason eventually get turned into gods due to how other demigods sort of "worship" them with their fear and awe of their accomplishments? like imagine that for hazel but it's her becoming some sort of folk legend with how she avenges the wrongfully dead and helps any demigod in need that she finds! i'm awful at explaining things so i hope this makes sense 😭
yes i love cowboy hazel! everyone jokes about her being the ultimate horsegirl but i think her becoming a drifter would be such an interesting path for her to take when she’s a young woman. one character detail that’s always stood out to me is that her horseback riding was self taught and she was illegally sneaking into a segregated club, so what represented an elite white status symbol in the city became a source of freedom for her - leaving her curse behind, spending time with her best friend - but it all has to be done in the dark. i definitely think that that's something she would want to return to. also not for nothing but western movies would have been hugely popular when hazel was growing up so i'm guessing that that was also a hobby of hers. unrelated but i also think that the combo of her underground powers/her mist powers/arion's speed and invincibility could let hazel travel to some really weird liminal places.
also i have seen hcs of nico ascending so i think i know what you mean! i haven't thought about it before for hazel, but being goddess of ghosts/reborn souls/wrongful deaths seems cool? or goddess of cursed objects. the fucked up mythological ones like midas's gold or jocasta's necklace or the apple of discord, stuff like that.
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nakanotamu · 9 months
maika for the wrestler asks :^)
OOH good pick feels very topical these days. I feel she picked up a reputation in the IWC real quick for being one of those "underrated workrate wrestlers" who was never going to get noticed or rise higher than holding the tag belts, a Jungle Kyona type, that I think was both wrong as all things the IWC believes are and also made people overlook her legitimately extremely good character work and storytelling.
Like she was out there feuding with Giulia over how her and Himeka were being too gay in public and ruining DDM's look in 2020. You know? Her relationship with her tag team partner changed the identity of an entire faction permanently. She told an entire story that nobody noticed about how she was suddenly in love with Momo when Himeka was injured just to have something to do while she was gone. I think some people thought that got dropped but like - no it was literally just bc Himeka was gone. The second she came back she went 'sorry Momo who?' like. It got resolved. I am begging wrestling fans to think about things ever. She's been telling a fucked up "I left my little sister behind to make her stronger" story with Inaba for like 5 years without even being in the same company. Maika puts a lot of thought into everything she does and just being like "workrate wrestler, love how she gets in the ring and hits real hard" is an injustice to all the other dope shit she does too bc she's one of the furthest things from a wrestler who stops thinking about it as soon as the bell rings.
I think people also discount her very real popularity just bc she's not like an idol type or whatever. Like she was one of the first wrestlers in Stardom doing product tie-ups and cross advertising with other stuff. She's like 80% of the reason I have any followers right now among an admittedly skewed audience but one that actually has some god damn taste.
Anyway glad she has the belt rn even though idk how long it'll be for, she does deserve better booking and I think she'll be really cool to see as a potential faction leader, wish she wasn't so tied up with Megan rn sorry Maika I don't care how much you're into tall girls.
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kingsmoot · 2 months
I get that, but it’s one thing if someone tells me handling a venomous snake will probably definitely kill me, it’s another thing if they unexpectedly lock the door of the snake handling room so I can’t escape the angry snake chasing me. I might have signed up for certain death, and it’s certainly better than if someone just put me near the snake without my consent, but don’t deny me my slim chance of escape without my knowledge.
take this response with a grain of salt bc i'm not gonna rewatch the episode to confirm this since it was boring and lame but i don't think you're evaluating this situation fairly
sure, if someone was like "hello anon. if you are able to befriend this venomous snake, then you will ride with me to glory when i retake my throne. but be warned. it is a venomous snake. if the venomous snake does not like you it will kill you." and then they showed you like. a tupperware container. in which the venomous snake lived. like a ball python. then maybe escorted you to like. a drained pool. and said ok get in there anon and we'll release the black mamba. and you were like solid and climbed into the pool. and then right when this someone threw the black mamba in with you he also pulled up the ladder. then ok. that's the situation you're describing. sort of a dick move since when you climbed into the pool you would have assumed that maybe you could scramble back up the ladder if the black mamba didn't like you.
but the smallfolk that rhaenyra brought to dragon stone knew exactly what a dragon was. they see them every now and again in their daily lives. they sacrifice a specific percentage of their livestock to feed them. there is no way any of those bastards were like "ok good thing rhaenyra is gonna introduce us to little baby dragons that won't be serious threats to us and that we can outrun." there's no way they thought that they could outrun a rampaging dragon. that might be something you would think if you were facing a small reptile in a drained pool. but that isn't something you would think if you signed up to face a dragon.
like rhaenyra was perfectly clear that this was a chance to DIE HORRIBLY or to claim a dragon and ascend to godhood.
in addition to all of them knowing what a dragon is and how big it is and how deadly it is, i do not actually think that you would have "signed up for certain death" if you are mad that the person introducing you to the venomous snake in the drained pool pulled up the ladder. i think you maybe in this scenario signed up for "probable death" and you're mad that the guy pitching this to you has just turned the situation into "certain death".
but i don't think rhaenyra was like "you guys might die or you might befriend a dragon but don't worry i will do everything i can to prevent you from dying." like. she was very clear. that it's either death or horsegirl dragonbond. there was no third option where vermithor rejects you but you turn out fine. real cake or death scenario.
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shady-lemur · 1 year
Horsegirl summer
(do you guys get it… like hot girl summer but horsegirl summer 🤭🤭)
Farmer Ellie x reader
After your parents pass away in a car accident you decide to use the money left in the will to move to your aunt’s farm and fix it up for her and you to live. you end up reconnecting with an old friend.
The reader's like 22, Ellie's 21, Sandra is like mid 40s.
no smut, just some kissing. a lot of it is just them crushing on each other lmaooo
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"Babyyy!!! How are you?!!" Your aunt smiles as you get out of your car. She's getting up out of her creaky rocking chair and running down the steps to give you a hug as soon as she sees your face.
Your parents were business partners and you grew up in a penthouse in Manhattan. You rarely got to see your aunt who lived out in Texas because of your family's busy life but the summers you spent with her were the best. Sooo once your aunt heard the news of your parents death she told you to pack your bags and sell the penthouse. "Family needs to stick together, especially in times like these." Finally after a few months, you accepted.
Her farmhouse was old, the paint was cracking and the steps on her porch looked like she had tried to fix them with a few spare nails five too many times. But you had a huge inheritance from your parents so what better to do with it than fix a farmhouse?
"Hi auntie! I'm as good as I can be. Forgot how beautiful this place was." She pulls you in for a hug and squeezes your shoulders. "Isn't it? Air quality's nine times better than that city shit you've been breathing. I bet you're already getting smarter from standing here."
You giggle and shake your head before turning back to your SUV that had been filled to the brim with clothes and appliances from your apartment. "I should probably start unloading things before the sun goes down. Don't wanna get stuck in the dark."
You aunt shakes her head and slaps your arm. "Slow down girl. You need some dinner and a nice night's sleep before trying to unload everything. Get your toothbrush and get in the house. I bet my neighbors will help you in the morning."
You turn back to her and smile, "mkay, let me just get my main suitcase so I have some pajamas."
She gives you a 'mhmm' while turning around and going back into her home. You quickly gather your phone, phone charger, and your suitcase before following her in. You're immediately hit with the smell of her famous beef stew and the sound of her laughing in the kitchen.
This is going to be wayyy different than before.
The next morning, you sit on your aunt's half-broken porch swing and and sip your coffee as the sunrise paints beautiful colors in the sky. You'd woken up at 5:30 this morning to try to freshen up before aunt Sandra took you around the farm to meet all the animals.
You're completely intranced by the pinks and oranges in the sky until the sound of the creaky wood porch stairs snap you back into reality, making you jump and almost spill your coffee everywhere.
When you whip your head around you swear your heart skips like 10 beats. The freckles, the short auburn hair, the green eyes that look like they'd been filled in with watercolor. No fucking way.
"Oh my god... Ellie?"
Ellie!! The little girl you'd play with during the summer's you'd visit. Your first crush, your gay awakening, someone you somehow completely forgot about when deciding to move here. She sure isn't little anymore... You take notice of the muscle in her arms and her fern tattoo.
"Shit.. Y/n? I haven't seen you in ages, what the fuck?" Ellie grins at you but you don't miss the way she licks her lips nervously. She definitely still has the same vulgar vocabulary..
"I know. Wow... You're face hasn't changed in the slightest." You giggle slightly as you get up off the swing, "can I give you a hug?"
Her eyes widen slightly but she relaxes them and nods, opening her arms so you can fit between them. Your arms lock around her neck as her's go around your waist. "How are you?" She asks once you pull back from the hug. Concern is written all over her face, she definitely knows.
You shrug and give her a dry laugh. "Best I can be doing. I decided to move in with Aunt Sandy."
Her smile reappears on her face and she puts one of her hands in her back pocket. "Are you serious? Dina's gonna be so fucking excited."
You smile at the mention of one of your other friends you'd play with at the farm. "Oh my god! What's she been up to?"
"Motherhood." Ellie holds a completely straight face and doesn't continue on or anything. You just stand there for a second and look at her and then it finally hits you. "No way!! Oh my god that's so exciting."
"Mhm, maybe we should just go see her soon." You nod and you feel butterflies in your stomach when Ellie looks at you. She said "we"!?!??!??!!??!! Her eyes are scanning your face.
After a couple seconds of silence Ellie's smile reappears and she points to your front door. "I usually just help Ms. Sandy out with some errands before starting farmwork.. sooo.. I'm gonna go.."
You shake your head and snap out of your trance. "Oh yeah! Of course..! Um, I should probably take my mug in anyway.. Aunt Sandy's in there watching the news."
"Holy shit.. How do you do that everyday..?" You plop down on the couch after a long day of learning all the yard work and meeting/feeding all the animals. You aunt shrugs and rolls her eyes at your theatrics.
"That wasn't even half of it. Now how 'bout you come help me cut some of the vegetables for the community potluck tonight." She waves you over as she walks out of the living room and into the kitchen. You groan and follow.
"Tonight? I just wanna go to bed.."
She clicks her tongue at you and smiles, "we all do. But I want the town to see how big my girl has gotten!" She pinches your cheek and you laugh. "Plus, Ellie will be there. She DEFINITELY likes girls."
She winks at you and you just stare in somewhat shock but mostly excitement at the new found information. Eventually your aunt puts a knife in your hand and tells you to start cutting the potatoes.
After about an hour of prep and another hour of cook time that you spent playing cards, your aunt's dish was ready and she had shooed you upstairs to get ready. What the fuck were you supposed to wear?? Maybe some jeans and a T-shirt...? Maybe one of the sundresses you had brought..?
Eventually you decide on a mid-thigh length dress. (Whatevs style you want, I'm think like a white flowy.. Maybe with some flowers.) You do some quick makeup, throw on some converse and put your lip gloss in your bag before heading back down stairs.
"Aww, baby you look so beautiful."
You smile at your aunt and thank her before giving her a quick hug, "you look beautiful aswell." She shrugs playfully and flips her hair, "what can I say?"
You giggle and get your jacket, "do you want to take my car to town?"
You aunt makes and face and sheepishly smiles at you. "I forgot to tell you.. I'm going with my girlfriends," she laughs but stops when noticing that you are not. "Buuut!! Joel's gonna give you a ride. I didn't want you going down alone without any directions."
You blink at her and jump when you hear a honk. Her face lights up, "that must be good ole' Joel now! You best be on your way."
You open your mouth to say something but close it once she's successfully pushed you out the door. You sigh and wave at the truck that's pull up in front of the house.
Ellie pops out of the passenger seat and smiles at you. "Hey! Are you excited?"
You laugh and shrug while making your way down to the beat up, rusty, blue and white, truck. "I guess.. What about you?"
"Dina makes it fun."
You nod in agreement, even though you don't really know. You just know that Dina is one of the most fun people in the world. You say hello to Joel as you get into the back seat. He gives you a small, but friendly, smile and nods his head. "How've you been?my condolences 'bout your parents. It's all that big city traffic, I'm telling ya."
Ellie shakes her head at him and clicks her tongue. You smile at him as he pulls out of your driveway and shrug. "I'm good. We were never super close and I'm happy to be living with my aunt."
He looks at you through his mirror and nods before you talk again, "what about your family?"
"Well I've been enjoying my alone time, Ellie's moved out to the garage and Sarah's got a husband and two kids."
You're eyes widen. Joel had an older daughter before he adopted Ellie and she was a little bit younger than your aunt. How had so much happen in the 7 years you weren't around?
"That's great. I'll have to tell her congratulations. Is she gonna be at the potluck?" Joel sighs and shakes his head, "she moved 'bout an hour east from here. Doesn't think weekly potlucks are worth the drive."
You nod and Ellie turns in her seat to look at you. "Dad keeps using the 'I don't have much time left' to try and get her to come visit but she never falls for it because he won't stop doing any fucking farm work."
You quietly laugh and notice how nice her hair looks half up like that..
Joel side eyes her and parks in the community center parking lot, "no more slandering me. We're here." Ellie shrugs and laughs before getting out and opening your door for you.
"M'lady." She grabs your hand and helps you get out. You take her hand and playfully bow your head, "thank you kind sir."
Joel looks at you both before turning around and shaking his head, "you guys are so weird." Ellie scoffs but smiles at you and doesn't let go of your hand until you make it into the church.
"Y/N???????!!" You see and familiar but much more mature face appear right when you walk in the door, Dina's huge smile greets you as she engulfs you in a hug. "Oh my god! I haven't seen you in forever!!"
You chuckle into her shoulder as she squeezes you, careful not to spill her drink on you. "Hi Dina!!"
She pulls away and boops your nose before giving Ellie a not-so enthusiastic hug. "After you guys say your hellos come to the dance floor!! Jesse's parents finally convinced me to leave JJ with them for the night and I need to dance with my girl." She winks at you and waves before running off to find something to entertain herself with.
Ellie scratches the back of her neck and laughs. She looks so scrumptious in the tank top and jeans she has on oh my lorddd. It's literally taking every thing in you to not stare at her chest. She doesn't have a bra on, probably because of the heat.
"I'm gonna go scope out the food.. Do you need anything?" You shake you head and give her a thumbs up.
"I guess I'll just go talk to some people I recognize. I'll find you afterwards?"
She nods and smiles at you before leaving you on your own. You wipe the sweat off your palms onto your dress and prepare yourself to talk.
Dina chuckles as she twirls you, making you twirl her afterwards. "Are you loving the farming lifestyle so far?" She asks you and cracks a smile when you make a face.
"I do! But the heat is unbearable. I've only been here a day and I swear I'm going to die by the end of this week."
"I feel you. You'll get used to it soon though."
Dina had finally convinced you to dance after begging a few times. You loved to dance but you needed some courage to do it here. She was over the moon about it though, claiming that Jesse and Ellie were just 'mediocre dancers.' Effectively making them both upset because they were sitting right there when she said it.
"You need to come see JJ! I'm having some friends over for board games this Friday night if your free? Ellie could give you a drive." You smile at her and nod, "sounds great. I'll have to check with my aunt but I'd love to come."
Just then, Ellie taps on Dina's shoulder and points behind her, "Jesse says he needs you."
Dina furrows her eyebrows but let's go of your shoulders and blows you a kiss before dancing towards the table Jesse was at. You look at Ellie and grin before holding out your hand, "wanna dance?" She groans playfully but gets in position anyway.
"You look really nice tonight." She talks softly in your ear as she moves her hands to hold your waist. Yours go around her shoulders and you shudder at the feeling of her breath next to your ear.
"Thank you. You look nice too.." Your throat feels dry as she sways with you.
"I missed you." Her hands are rubbing up and down your sides carefully.
"I missed you too. I wanted to visit.."
Ellie hums and pulls you closer, resting her head on your shoulder as you dance. You both stay silent for a few minutes before you giggle.
"Dina was right.. you need some practice."
Ellie's head shoots up and looks at you with a very offended look on her face. "Are you fucking kidding? I'm a great dancer."
Your smile grows and you shake your head. "I've felt you step on my foot like 5 times els." She frowns and goes back to resting her head on your shoulder, "I thought you wouldn't notice..."
"You thought I wouldn't notice you stepping on my foot?" You start to giggle again and it makes Ellie laugh too. You can feel her smile against your neck. "Shut the fuck uppp!"
You try to stop laughing but you can't, everytime you think about it you start to giggle even more. It makes ellie laugh even harder. you both look like fucking idiots.
by the time you’re both done laughing you have tears streaming down your face and ellie’s shaking her head. “oh my fucking god, we’re so stupid.” you hit her shoulder and fake scoff while wiping away your tears. “speak for yourself.. i think i’m quite a catch.”
“whatever lets you sleep at night.”
“hi pretty.” ellie says teasingly as she approaches you, she’s wearing a signature wife beater with some dirty jeans shorts and work boots. her hair is tucks behind her ears and she squints because the sun is so bright (but it makes her freckles pop out more!!!)
it’s been a few days since the potluck party and you and ellie have been bothering each other when working on the farms sooo much.
you jump slightly at the voice and stop from pulling the weed you had in your hands. your favorite task on the farm was the garden!!! you cover your eyes to look up at her and smile. you’re wearing a white tank top with lace and some cute short overalls. topping the outfit off with a pair of your own work boots, and gardening gloves. “hi els, what’s up?”
she looks up and points to the clouds, “the sky..”
you click your tongue and shake your head before going back to trying to DEMOLISH THIS FUCKING WEED.
ellie cackles and grabs her work gloves from her back pocket to help you weed. “are you going to dina’s tomorrow night?”
you shrug, “i think, me and aunt sandra have to be out of the house at like 4 tomorrow so some carpenters can come look at the place. are you?”
“yep. do you want a ride? one less car.. and you could always come over to my house when you need to leave. we can hang out before going to dina’s.”
you look over her and grin, feeling butterflies in your stomach. jesus christ… have you seriously not gotten over this childhood crush…
“that sounds great… also what the fuck are you doing weeding my garden? aren’t you suppose to be mowing?” ellie looks at you dumbfounded and just sits there for a second before shrugging.
“whatever. i like spending time with you… what’s this flower?” she points to a flourishing pink flower with bulbs shaped like hearts.
you him and look over before smiling, “that’s a dicentra. most commonly known as bleeding hearts. it’s my favorite.” she watches you as you studying the plant, carefully touching the flowers as if you’re transferring your energy to them. the love in your eyes matched hers. she thinks that if her heart starts to beat any fast it might explode. (i tried to make a pun about the bleeding hearts but i COULDNTTTT)
“shit.. it’s really pretty.” she says softly, still tracing the shape of your chin and bridge of your nose with her eyes as she talks. you start to ramble on about them before finally realizing that she’s studying your face. your cheeks get hot and you try not to make her gaze. “um- sorry. i didn’t mean to start talking nonsense with you.”
she shakes her head and finally snaps out of it. “i love hearing about these things. please.. tell me more about the garden.”
she swears your eyes start to actually sparkle and your smile gets huge. “oh my god! okay wait let me get you some lemonade before i get to talking about the lemon balm verses lemongrass!!”
you knock a few times on ellie’s door before stepping back and grabbing the basket you brought with you up off the ground. a couple seconds later you see the door swing open to reveal a very tired looking ellie. her hair messy, her cheeks flushed, a big faded band tee and some gym shorts for an outfit.
she rubs her eyes before taking in your outfit. an off-white tank top with different flowers embroidered all over it and a short jean skirt (maybe a little too short for ellie to be okay with the thought that you’d be wearing it in front of a group of people..) with your beat up converse, bag, and basket.
“fuck.. hi pretty girl. sorry i was gonna get dressed before you came but i fell asleep when i got to my room..”
you frown at her and shake your head, oh ignoring the pounding in your chest from the nickname. “are you sure you don’t want to rest? you don’t need to entertain me..”
but she wants to sooo fucking bad.
“nah, it’s good. come on in.” she smiles at your concern and leads you into her house, very similar to you and your aunt’s except no buckets around the rooms to collect the water that get through the roof and no broken staircases. a lot of extra empty beer cans scatter around though.
“i brought you guys some of the jam i made last night. there’s strawberry and raspberry. i also made some cookies for dina’s get together tonight.” you gently shake the basket and ellie’s eyes light up. “do you still shape them into hearts?” she questions while taking the basket from you and walking to the kitchen, you trail behind her like a baby duck.
your cheeks heat up and you nod your head when ellie turns back around to see you. she laughs and takes the covering off the basket before grabbing a heart shaped chocolate chip cookie and taking a huge bite. “still just as amazing as i remember.”
you smile at her and shake your head, “you dickhead!! they were suppose to be saved until we get to dina’s!!” ellie laughs even harder at your whiney tone. “don’t worry baby, i won’t eat ‘‘em all” you immediately have to stare at the ground after she says that.
having a crush on the same girl for so long must be life threatening.
oh my god.
ellie kissed you at dina’s house.
let’s go back a week and a half, shall we?
you bounce JJ on your lap as he sleepily starts to lean in your warmth.
ellie was sitting at the other side of the room, talking to Jesse and glancing over at you and much as she possibly could without looking like a psychopath. you look so good with a kid on your hip. jesus christ if ellie had a dick-
“y/n!!! come onnn! let’s play something.. you’ve been talking to JJ all night.” dina frowns at you and rests her on your shoulder. you pat her shoulder and also frown, “can i help put jj to bed first? he’s so eepy..”
she nods and get up before helping you up. laughing as you situate the sleeping toddler in your arms. “you look like his mom.”
you smile at her teasing and shrug, “i wouldn’t mind taking care of this cutie! would i get a sexy wife out of it too?”
she playfully tucks her hair behind her ear and smiles, “of course. you could stay home and garden and hang out with jj while i worked to make my wife happy.” you laugh at her make believe world and shake your head. “sounds like the dream.”
if ellie saw anymore of the scene that was playing out infront of her there might’ve been smoke coming out of her ears. she knew it was just friendly flirting, dina friendly flirts with everybody. but she couldn’t help the fact that seeing you in the tight outfit you wore with jj and dina and-
before she knew it ellie was excusing herself from the small group she was in and was walking over to you and dina. “hey y/n, can i talk to you real quick?”
you perk your head up at her voice and turn around to look at her, “yeah sure. can i put jj to bed first? he’s clinging onto my neck so hard.”
ellie can’t lie. the sight of you with a toddler clung on your side made ellie weak in the fucking knees.. she never thought she’d have kids, but ellie would do anything if it was with you. ellie smiles and nods before pointing her thumb to the door, “meet me on the porch?”
you give her a ‘mhm!!’ before following dina up to jj’s bedroom.
after what felt like years for ellie (5 minutes… impatient ass) you were finally walking out the door and sitting next to her on a porch step. “hi, what did you wanna talk about?”
“can i kiss you?”
you just stare at her blankly for a second before opening your mouth, closing it again, and slightly nodding. she smiles and grabs your face gently with both hands before slamming her lips into yours. you squeak at the movements and immediately melt into her.
your hands go around her neck as she lightly bites your bottom lip, making your mouth fall open for her tongue to explore. she moans when you start to grasp at at hair, yanking on it. your cunt starts to ache, the feeling only egging you on more.
ellie finally pulls back and looks at you before cursing and getting up.
“ellie?” you call out as she turns to get off the porch hastily. all you hear is a ‘fuck’ before she turns back around to look at you, “i’m sorry- forget that happened i- i’m gonna leave now.. jesse can drive you home” she SPEED WALKS away before you can even get a word in.
“what the hell?”
so yes, it’s been a whole week and a half and you haven’t had a conversation with ellie since. it was too confusing, you liked her… you think she likes you…. you kissed…. you should be planning a date or sucking her clit or something.
but instead you were nervously hyper fixating on your garden, making sure it’s picture perfect 100% of the time.
ellie would be lying if she said she wasn’t watching as you try to tame the horse your aunt gifted you or noticing when you’d be out at 11 pm trimming your hedges. she was just too much of a coward to say anything. and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t trying to look extra enticing when picking the blackberries that grew between your house and hers or feeding the pigs.
but you couldn’t avoid this any longer. your aunt had been getting on your ass about asking joel to fix your stairs. he’d do a great job for half the money other contractors were asking for. so you straighten out your short sundress and apply some lipgloss before knocking confidently on the millers’ door.
a few seconds later joel swings the door open and nods his head in a greeting. “haven’t seen you around for a while, you and ellie have a fallin’ out?” the confidence leaves your body immediately… wow, straight to the point joel..
you shrug and tug up the smile that had faltered, “something like that… my aunt and i were wondering if your taking any new clients right now. our stairs are a death trap.”
joel chuckles and checks the smartwatch that ellie and sarah had gotten him for his birthday last year. “i could take a look at ‘em tonight, 6ish. then i can tell ya’ how much it’ll be.”
you nod and smile even wider, “thank you so much! my aunt’s making some chicken parmesan tonight if you wanna stay for dinner when you come. ellie’s more than welcome to join.” joel thinks for a second before shrugging.
“i guess not cooking dinner for once would be nice. me and ellie will be over.”
you take a triumphant breath and give joel a nod. “great! i’ll see you tonight then.” joel gives you a wave before shutting the door and you walk away with a newfound confidence.
now ellie has to talk to you!
“you guys should come for dinner more often! i always end up makin’ too much of this shit.” your aunt scoops some more chicken parm on ellie’s plate and smiles. “don’t be scared to take seconds!” ellie awkwardly smiles at her and thanks her before going back to quietly eating.
jesus fucking christ. she has barely said five words the whole meal and joel’s had to smack the back of her head at least 2 times so she’d be polite and answer you. you were on your last fucking straw. she was being such a little bitch about it.. why did she even run away in the first place?
after a few more minutes of silently eating and listening to joel and sandra talk about the ants this year you finally stand up, accidentally bumping into the table, making ellie’s eyes shoot up to you. you smile at her angrily, “ellie? can we talk privately?”
she starts to shake her head until joel smacks her again. she sighs and rolls her eyes before getting up. your aunt gives you a confused look but you just smile at her and grab ellie’s arm before dragging her upstairs.
once you finally make it into your room you close the door behind you and click your tongue at ellie, who looks like a guilty dog. “ellie what the fuck!? you suck the fucking soul out of my body and then leave me fucking stranded at dina’s. i had to sleepover and borrow her shit! and then you ignore me?! what is your deal?”
ellie furrows her eyebrows and just looks at her feet, “i don’t fucking know. can we just forget about it?” you scoff and sit in your bed.
“forget about it? you clearly have some sort of feelings towards me and i want to know where you stand.” ellie groans and sits next to you, a couple feet away. “y/n, i don’t want some stupid feelings to ruin our friendship.”
you look at her, dumbfounded, before speaking again. “how the hell is avoiding me like a fucking std saving our friendship? i like you ellie!! i really fucking like you. and if that ruins our friendship then i guess we can’t be fucking friends anymore.”
ellie just sits in silence.
“can you please say something??”
“how long?”
you watch as she messes with her bracelets and bites her lip anxiously.
“years. ever since you let me ride your pony and taught me how to get on her without eating shit.”
ellie looks you in the eye for the first time all night and laughs. “not without you spraining your ankle first though.”
you playfully scoff at her and throw one of your many stuffed animals at her. “shut up!! i had never even seen a pony until that summer!”
ellie catches the stuffed animal and smiles. “i’ve liked you for a long time too.”
you tilt your head and smile at her, “what made you fall for me, hmm? was it the camp leggings with the hot pink shirt?”
ellie chuckles and shakes her head, “it was when you purple nurpled that bitch that made fun of me for being adopted, at the pool.”
your smile slowly starts to grow and you laugh. “oh my god!! what the fuck happened to her? i didn’t hear her annoying laugh any of the potlucks.” ellie purse her lips together.
“she left for the city to try to make it big on broadway” she does jazz hands and plops down so she’s laying on her back. you smile and move to hover over her. “i hope she makes it big and then her costume falls apart on stage.”
ellie snorts and throws your plushie before grabbing your face in her hands, your heartbeat quickens and you move so your straddling her waist. she smiles at you and traces your cheek before whispering.
“i’m sorry i was avoiding you. i got so damn nervous because i’ve never felt this way about anyone. i swear i almost shit my pants every time i see you. you’re so pretty and kind.. you’re so sweet and.. perfect. i tried avoiding you because i know you deserve someone so much better than me.”
you shake your head and lean down to kiss her forehead. “you are the funniest, bravest, strongest, most amazing person i’ve ever met. except you get a few points docked for playing so hard to get.”
ellie laughs as you press light kisses all over her face. “i’m sorry!! what can i do to make it up to my favorite girl?”
you pretend to think for a few seconds while ellie brings your hand up to her mouth and presses kissed on your knuckles.
“hmmm…. be my girlfriend maybe- maybe give me a billion dollars-“
ellie brings one of her hands down to your thigh and gives it a gentle squeeze. “i think i’ll take the first option.” you smile down at her and feel a shiver go up your spine as her fingers trace your back, slightly pushing you down to get closer to her. she cups your cheek before bringing your lips to hers, perfectly slotting your lips together as you melt into her.
this kiss is full of so much passion, slower and calmer than the last one you shared.
you whine as she brushing her fingers against your side and then-
“y/n! can you please help put- oh.” you aunt just kind’ve stares at your position as you and ellie both look like deers in headlights. you quickly get off of her and smile at your aunt.
“yep. i’ll put the food away. i’ll even put some in a container for joel and els.” you straighten out your dress and speed walk out of the room. leaving just ellie and sandra. sorry ellie!! 🤷‍♀️
“umm… hi..” ellie waves at your aunt as she looks ellie up and down.
“mm.. i like you ellie. you’re a smart girl, and a lucky one too for getting to be with my niece. make sure you don’t fuck it up.” she smiles and makes a ‘get up and do downstairs’ motion with her hand. ellie smiles at her and stands up, “thank you, sandy. i promise i’ll be good to your niece.”
sandra smiles and nods.
now downstairs with you and joel was a little more blunt.
you scoop some food into a container for the two guest as joel comes into the kitchen to put dishes in the sink.
“she kiss you again?”
your face burns and you look over at him. he isn’t even paying you any attention, just talking while he starts to wash the dishes.
“uh- yeah. i guess we’re officially dating now..” you smile at the thought of your girlfriend and joel just makes sorta a grunting noise(?)
“finally. she kept askin’ me for advice and i was ‘bouta rip my fuckin’ ears off.”
you laugh and get some of your homemade apple hand pies for ellie and joel to take home. “well thank you. it seems like you gave her some good advice.”
joel shrugs and gives you a smile, “all i told her was that i’d be happy to have you as a daughter-in-law. you keep sending those desserts my way and i’ll keep putting in a good word.”
your jaw drops before you laugh and bag the container of food and pies, handing the bag to joel once he finishes washing the plates. “sounds like a deal.”
just then ellie and your aunt come down the stairs. you smile at your GIRLFRIENDD and she gives you a grin.
“cmon el’ we gotta get home before family feud.”
ellie gives joel a mini salute and gives you a peck on the lips before thanking your aunt and following her dad out the door.
you smile, this was your dream come true. thank god for all the summers at your aunt’s.
author’s note 📝
thanks for reading guys! i got really bad writers block in the middle of this but hopefully it’s still entertaining. ily guys!! reposts, likes, comments, and asks are always appreciated!
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ineadhyn · 1 month
🩸✨Writing Interview Tag Game✨🩸
Thank you for the tag @vixstarria ! I wanted to do that.
When did you start writing?
I think I was 13 and started writing a "book" about horsegirls. Sad it doesn't exist anymore, it had 0 plot and read like: I am 13 years old. My name is Sunny. I have a horse. Her name is - and so on :D My best friend wrote a full novel (slightly better) that time and for the next years I wrote fanfiction to her book and learned.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading more than what you write?
I like to read classics and I can certainely say, I don't write that :D Also historical novels.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Cornelia Funke - she definitely inspires my writing. Especially the dark and beautiful pieces. The absurd and funny ones maybe Terry Pratchett?
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
Laptop in bed or at my vintage desk if I need extra whimsy - will light a candle and make tea in that case. Lately I have also started writing on my phone and i do it everywhere: work breaks, bus rides, waiting rooms ... Just let me slip between the words for a bit.
Google translate always open.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Listening to my playlists, making pinterest boards, talking about the story with friends. Working my dayjob also does the trick, so I'll be painfully inspired but can't write agh.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I guess I will often bring nature in it, also small everyday moments, sarcasm and queer topics. I also end up debating christianity very often.
What is your reason for writing?
It let's me breathe.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I LOVE when you cite lines, it's my drug.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
My biggest wish is to leave a lasting impression with with my stories - and I hope they find me funny :D
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Setting the mood, sarcasm, little details that make a big difference
How do you feel about your own writing?
I am quite confident about it actually. It's the one thing I know I am good at after 17 years of practice - of course in English there's still a lot to improve, because I only started writing in English when bg3 came out.
When you write, are you influenced by what others enjoy or might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Mix of both. I really try to not look at stats or numbers and write only what I want to write - but of course sometimes I think "oh, that's a thing I just know a few people will like." or "why can't I just write "xreader or fem!Tav x male character, I would have so many more kudos"
Tagging: @vossn
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velvetwastaken · 2 months
Hi!! for the ask meme: would you ever write abt keqing touching (gently ofc) ganyu's horns? lol. and if i can ask one more, would you ever write ganyu in her full qilin form? (embracing the horsegirl energy asgfhgsjksl)
Funny you should ask, because I have WIPs that have BOTH of those things as part of the story. It's not the main focus or anything but they're in there and maybe even play a not unimportant role in the narrative? I'll be honest, both those WIPs are no where near finished, but it's all in the outline (I should say "outline"), I swear.
So I guess the answer is yes, definitely, to both questions.
And since it's Saturday morning, and I'm ripping CDs while waiting for the art store to open so I can go spend money I don't have, I'll share what the WIPs are about under the cut.
The first one is one I've shared an excerpt of before. The fabled Scifi Ganqing fic. There's going to be a part where Ganyu is injured, splitting her horn/head. Because of how horns are, they don't heal like a flesh wound. Basically, the damage to her horn is permanent. Keqing in the fic is an engineer, and she makes a band for Ganyu's horn for protection and to help with healing/sabilization. It's going to be one of the moments when Ganyu starts warming up to Keqing in earnest (because they have NOT been playing well together up until this point in classic Ganqing fashion, of course lol). Keqing is going to be allowed to very carefully help Ganyu put the band on the first time. A real privileged and honour, LOL
The second one is less well developed (so far) but it's more of a supernatural/fantasy setting with all the fun things that come with that like magic, and demons, and most importantly, werewolves. My plan for the story is basically Keqing gets turned unexpectedly after being mauled by a pack of renegade werewolves. She miraculously survives, but now has to live with her new reality. Ganyu works for an organization that tries to keep the super/para normal elements of the world in check. She's assigned to Keqing case to help her acclimatize to her new condition and status in society (spoiler: people don't like weres much). Everyone, including Keqing, thinks Ganyu is part demon or something similar because of her horns. Ganyu lets them think that, because they kind of give her plenty of space/respect and it's easier than explaining she actually a rare wereqilin! LMAO! Okay now that I write it out is sound so hokey, but I don't care, I will write it one day, and if I'm the only one that loves it, so be it.
Anyway. Thanks for the ask, ridl, as always!
I have so many WIPs i want to write/start/finish. I wish I was faster at writing T-T
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kiose · 4 months
Thank you so much for the praise. I extremely appreciate what you said. I am more than happy to share any thoughts and headcanons with you, as long as you are ok with it.
I actually do think that a black horse goes better with Lysithea than a white horse personally. Love that you named the horse after the Black Knight.
I could totally see Hilda and Lysithea arguing about whose girlfriend is the better horse girl. Thank you for bringing that to mind.
Yep, Lysithea would absolutely treat her horse like a tool/machine initially. I was a bit worried about sharing that headcanon because I felt it could get easily misunderstood, but thankfully it turned out fine I think. To further elaborate, I think Lysithea would initially be stern and even harsh towards her steed, but NEVER cruel or abusive in the slightest to her mount. Her horse is absolutely extremely well cared and maintained by Lysithea, it is just that when she is actually riding her horse is when she gets mean and critical towards her horse. Lysithea definitely has high standards for herself and that applies to her horse as well, so she would get frustrated that her horse is not meeting her standards and attempt to discipline her horse for perceived disobedience or mistakes. She has / had used a riding crop to whip her horse's shoulders and haunches when her horse did something incorrectly or got belligerent with her. She definitely shouted / yelled at her horse when she got frustrated and upset with her horse. While Lysithea thought that was necessary (at first), she absolutely did not take enjoyment or pleasure in doing so, feeling extreme regret afterwards. Thankfully, once Lysithea got help with her riding and horse, she happily abandoned her previous attitude and methods that she used towards her horse and fully embraced better and kinder horsewomanship, which definitely works better than what she did before.
Hope you continue to thrive and I'll send more over the coming days, weeks, and even months.
This ask is a continuation of sorts of this other ask
Again, I am super ok with ya bestowing your headcanons on me, they're real cool and I love readin 'em Also as someone that has a tangential knowledge of horses (pitiful really, since my grandpa was an actual real life cowboy, but I was terrified of horses as a lil kid so yeah hahaha) I really appreciate your insight and knowledge, because horses are cool and integrating 'em into Leolysi is real fun (and, like, a no-brainer since I really see Leonie as a horsegirl)
Oh yeah, I don't think I would ever find it in myself to see Lysithea as someone cruel. Even her supports with Ignatz that sometimes come out as mean don't really make me feel like Lysithea has the capacity of being purposefully abusive or being the kind of person that would be mean because she enjoys it, she is just too direct and being tactless can make her sound insensitive other times plus I think in the Japanese version it's more like she is just talking to Ignatz in the way you speak to small children? I'm shit at japanese but that's the impression i got And that's what I got from what you wrote about Lysithea and how she would be with her horse. So I'm with ya on that one, and I do agree with everything you added, Lysithea needs to be perfect in everything she does, and if horsemanship happened to not come easy to her she would definitely get frustrated and lash out, without even wanting to. I love Lysithea so much but thoughts about her don't come easy to me, so I appreciate ya for this Have a random unrelated Leolysi for your patience (bc ya know, this took me a while to answer)
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And thanks! Even if it takes me some time to reply, know that you're always welcome into my inbox, seeing what ya share with me really makes my day 💪💪💪
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tricornonthecob · 10 months
I know I know I gotta do s2 of LK but I wanted to do this instead
Felicity Steals An Entire Fucking Horse: The Movie (2005)
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7 pt8 pt9
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Warner Brothers hittin' that renown TV-Movie quality with Microsoft Word 2003 typefaces
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I don't think she stole this horse in particular, but they never explain its backstory, so I'd like to believe all the Merriman horses are lifted.
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this is such a horsegirl movie, she says, as a horsegirl.
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stfu Nan.
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They sit astride local small business owners
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sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty sure Rose is enslaved, are we ever gonna address the slavery in the room in this movie, orrrrrrrrr.......
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The series of expressions this actress makes here are phenomenal also guess we're not gonna address the slavery in the room.
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I meannnn.... are you the one doing all the work here, Mrs. Merriman??? Or just taking the credit.
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The Notable Housewives of The Greater Hampton Roads Area
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Nan, you fucking narc, don't you know the first rule of The Notable Housewives of The Greater Hampton Roads Area?? Snitches are bitches!
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Grandpa Enslaver comin' in hot with the "IDGAF, Nan"
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Mrs. Merriman is not impressed with her firstborn.
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lookit all those living history actors just chatterin' away, I wonder if they got paid extra that day.
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Ed Merriman, Walgreens manager.
What can you get at Ed's, you say? Well, come on down! We got:
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fabric lifted straight from the Jo-Ann's off rte 321,
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Various science experiments,
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Unsorted wooden tools, ominously unlabeled tins, bike chain with a bazillion locks we can't cut off, definitely NOT acrylic vases, a concerning age gap for fanfic writers to overcome in some way, brushies, and HELLA sponges from the Jo-Anns off rte 321,
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Whiskey of course,
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two (2) hatchets in the Olde Timey candy aisle, aforementioned Olde Timey candy, someone's grandma's copper kettle, a concerning lack of stupid heartthrob curtain bangs, wooden spoons, ramekins that probably definitely did not come from Target, and tin jugs (more whiskey??,)
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And, of course, This Bitch.
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Rude (but statistically probable)
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This is some Jane Austen dialogue.
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Felicity: "...Yes. Good, you can pay attention to things."
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