#she's just five years older than me so i can't do the stuff she can.
thiamblogger · 7 months
does anyone else hate it when someone says they like that you're doing something ie. going to school or getting closer with your sister, or even just sitting on the sofa with your brother doing nothing?
like it makes you feel like you're being monitored, watched, like you know have to continue what you're doing otherwise you'll be nothing almost?
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five-rivers · 6 months
Pretty in Pink (and Other Colors)
For @jadenoryuu!
A ghost watched Amity Park.  Specifically, he watched a group of five teenagers walk down a street.  He watched not from up close, not from down the street, or from one of the buildings lining it, but from far, far away, through a ghost-powered device that could see through both space and time, and which could even allow a properly-prepared traveler to pass through it to the place and time it showed.  
In his right hand, the ghost carried a staff.  In his left, he held a wrinkled and creased hundred dollar bill.  He drummed his fingers on the haft of his staff, but was otherwise still.  Watching.  Waiting.  
Then, when the teenagers had reached a position remarkable only to the ghost, he reached out and dropped the bill.  It fell through the time screen and drifted gently to the ground in front of the teenagers.  
The tallest teen, a blonde, noticed it and stooped to pick it up, grinning at his companions all the while.  In the ghost’s lair, other time screens turned to static, flickered, and then turned back on, showing very different scenes.  
The ghost smiled.  “Perhaps this is not the way it was meant to be,” he said, tilting his head to look at the other screens, “but it will be amusing, nonetheless.”
“... was bright pink.  And that's why my allowance was cut off, so I can't bring my usual to the party,” explained Dash.  His usual was beer, obtained through an acquaintance who didn’t care much about the legalities involved.  And who, admittedly, thought Dash was two years older than he actually was.  
“Lame,” said Valerie. 
“Extremely lame,” agreed Star.
“Next level is actively pathetic, Dash, and you don’t want to go there,” said Paulina.  “Don’t promise what you can’t deliver.” 
“Well, I should have been able to deliver, it’s not my fault.”  He kicked at the sidewalk, then paused, spotting something on the ground.  “Oh, nice!”  He picked a bill up off the ground and waved it over his head.  “The party is back on!”
“The party was never off,” said Valerie, rolling her eyes.  “Just the drinking part, which I can’t do, anyway.”
“Aw,” said Paulina, jostling Valerie playfully.  “Why not?  Did you become Mormon or something?  Ultra-orthodox super-protestant Christian something or other?”
“Ew, no,” said Valerie.  “But my dad wants me home at a ‘reasonable time,’ he will be sitting up waiting for me, and he has a breathalyzer.”
“Why does he even have one of those?” asked Kwan.  “I mean, I know the school has one for prom and stuff.”
“He used it for work, back when he was just building up the company.  There was an incident where some of his guys showed up drunk for work.  That just makes it grosser, though.  It’s used.”
“Bleh,” said Star and Paulina simultaneously, before breaking out into giggles.
“Bet it’s still, like, full of spit.  Old guy spit,” said Paulina.  
“Ewww,” said Star.  “That’s so gross.”
“Laugh all you want, but I’ll be the only one who can ride my bike in a straight line by the end of the night.”
“Hey, I can just walk home,” said Dash.  
“Sleepover time,” sang Paulina, throwing an arm around Star’s shoulders.  
“Yeah!  We can have a guys sleepover, too, right, Kwan?”
“Uhhh,” said Kwan.  “I’ve actually gotta go home, too.”
“What,” said Dash, “now?”
“No, like, I mean, I have to go home early.  Mom wants me to take school seriously now that I’m in high school, which means, uh, sleep schedules.  You know.”
“Oh, bummer,” said Dash.  “Hope she lightens up.  It’s not like we’re seniors.”
“Yeah, man, me too.”
They continued down the street for a while longer, until Dash and Kwan split off to meet up with Dash’s ‘buddy’ and the girls went shopping for somewhat less illegal things, like makeup.  
They met up again at Paulina’s house.  Of course, they weren’t the only ones coming to the party.  All the cool kids were.  But, even as freshmen, Paulina, Dash, Valerie, Star, and Kwan were the coolest of the cool.  
And, as such, they were there the longest, long after other guests had left, and got the best perks.  Like Dash’s haul.  And the no-holds-barred truth or dare game.  
Dash climbed out of the pool and clambered over to where his friends were lounging. “See?  I told you wusses that I could make it in from the roof.”  He sat back down and spun the bottle sitting on its side between them.  
The bottle spun and spun, and eventually stopped pointing at Paulina.  “Ooh,” said Paulina.  “My turn, my turn.  So, Valerie, truth or dare?”
“Mhm,” said Valerie, looking at her watch.  “Make it dare and make it quick.  I’ve got to go, soon.”
“Okay, so.”  Paulina squared her shoulders and leaned towards Valerie.  “I dare you to… take a shot.”
“Uh, no,” said Valerie.  She stood up.  And with that, it’s time for me to go.”
“Nooo, Val, that’s so lame!” said Star.  “So super lame.”
“Very lame, Val.  You can’t break the sacred bond of truth and dare.” 
“The sacred bond was broken as soon as you asked me to do something that would get me grounded literally forever.  So.  Hey, Kwan.  Kwan.”  She nudged Kwan with her foot.
“Let a guy sleep,” said Dash.  
“He said he wanted to go early.”
“If he tried to bike home now, he’d crash,” said Star.  “Like, look at him.  Dead to the world.  Totally out of it.”
“He can stay, my dad isn’t back until the day after tomorrow.  What he doesn’t know, he won’t care about.  Probably safer that way.”
“Guess you can explain that to Kean when he gets grounded forever,” said Valerie.  “Later guys.  Call me if you need help with clean-up.  I know the name of a service that works fast.”  She took one last look around the back yard, and walked out.  
“Later, girl!” called Paulina.  “So, Star, truth or dare?”
“Hey, wait, you already went,” said Dash.  
“And the one I picked bailed.  I deserve another shot.”
“Let’s just spin the bottle again,” said Star.  “It’ll probably just land on you again anyway, right?  There’s three of us, so that’s, like, three halves.  Two thirds?  Ugh, geez, I can’t do math while I’m duck.  Drunk.  God.  Just spin it, Pauli.”
“Whatever,” said Paulina.  Pouting, she spun the bottle.  It went around and around and around… And landed on her again.  “Okay, so, Star.  Truth or dare?”
“Ughh,” said Star.  “Truth, I guess.”
“You’ve done truth every time,” complained Dash.  “Pick something new.  Pick dare.”
“No,” said Star.
“Dare, dare, dare, dare, dare,” chanted Paulina.
“You’re awful.  I don’t know why I’m friend of you.  With you.  Whatever.  God.  Fine.  Dare.”
“Okay, so… I dare you to… lick Kwan.”
“Oh, gross.  Oh my God.  You’re disgusting.”
“Do it!”
“It’s not like your tongue’s never been on him.”
“Ewwww.  Don’t say that.  You’re such a weirdo.”  Still, she got up on her knees and crawled over to Kwan.  “Such a weirdo.  Weirdest weirdo.  How do you even think of this?”  She leaned down and just barely touched her tongue to his forehead.  “Ew, ew, ew, totally gross.  He’s all sweaty.  Stop laughing, you weirdos.”
“Hey, hey,” said Dash.  “I obj- obje– I don’t like that.  Don’t say we’re the weirdest weirdos.  There’s like.  So many weirdos out there.”
“Yeah, name one,” said Star.  “Just one weirder weirdo than you, weirdo.  Weirdo.  That’s such a weird word.”
“Fine.  Fenderbender.”
“Who?” asked Star, squinting.
“Fenderbender.  Fentanyl.  Fentonail.  Fentina.  Fentodor.  Fentertainment.”
“Wait, Fenton?  Way to go for the low hanging fruit.”
“You calli-calling me a fruit?”
“You did say just one, Starlight,” said Paulina.  “He is weird.  His whole family is weird.  And he looks at me funny.”
“He looks at you like he has a crush on you, Pauli.  Like, every boy looks at you like that.”
“Yeah, but he’s super creepy about it.  He’s all scrawny and greasy, and he’s always got, like, green slime on him, and his shouty parents and his annoying sister.  What’s their deal anyway?”
“Ghosts,” said Dash.  “They’re like, freaking ghosts.  Ghost hunters.”
“Well, yeah, but beyond that, even.  Ghosts could be cool.  Those programs make cash, y’know?  But they’re, like, super crazy, and they have a super weird basement or whatever.  Spin already, Star.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got it, Pauli.”  She spun the bottle around.  “Ooh, Dash, you go.”
“Okay, okay.  So, weirdos.  Pauli.  Whatcha gonna pick?”
Paulina took another swig of beer.  “Dare,” she said.  
“Dare.  I’ve got a great one.  I dare you.  Paulina Sanchez.  To break into the Fenton’s house.”
“Oh my God, Dash.  For real.  You can’t ask Pauli to do something illegal.”
“Well, you could always wimp out like freaking– Like Val.  You gonna wimp, Pauli?”
Paulina glared at him.  “Who do you think I am?  I’m not going to fall for some peer– peer pressure, like, you know, the after school special.  You think I’m going to fall for that?”
“So, you’re gonna wimp?”
Star giggled.  “I gotta say, I’m curious.”
“Stop saying that.  You’re such losers.”  She took another drink.  “Okay, okay, I’ll do it.”
Dash cheered raucously.
“I’ll do it,” said Paulina.  “But you’ve– you’ve got to come with me.  Like, to witness.”
“But we’ve– we’ve gotta get there first,” said Star.  “It’s, like, hours away.”
“It’s thirty minutes tops,” said Paulina.  “And we can get a cab.”
“Not if we’re breaking in.  That’s like, criminal one-oh-one, Pauli.  No witnesses.”
Fine,” said Paulina.  “We walk.  Whatever.  The freaking- The things I do for you.  Wow.  Incredible.”  She got to her feet.  “Okay.  Onward!  To the weird ghost hunter basement raid.”
The three teens made their stumbling way out of the house and down the street.  
“Are you sure this is the way?” asked Star, squinting at one of the signs. 
“Absolutely,” said Dash.  “Followed Fenfreak enough.”
“This is way more than half an hour,” said Star.  “This is boring.”
“But it’ll be so exciting at the end,” said Paulina.  “Like, we’ll be spies.”
“This street,” said Dash.  “Totally.  This street.”
“Oh, wow,” said Paulina, after they turned the corner.  “Don’t know how we missed that.  Jesus.”
“Is that a freaking spaceship?” asked Star.  “Or, no.  Hell.  It’s a- a–  What do you call it?  Broadcast tower.  Freaking hell.”
“Yeah, wow,” said Paulina.  
“Hey, who wants to be the whack jobs don’t lock their front door?” asked Dash.  He ran up to the door, yanked on the handle, and… it opened.  
“Wild,” said Star, slinking closer.  “I’d’ve thought there was, like, a trap or something.”
Paulina stayed on the sidewalk.  Now that they were here, it all seemed…  Bigger.  Scarier.  They were breaking into someone’s house.  They could get into serious trouble for this.  
But Dash was already going in.  Paulina steeled herself and followed.  Star clung to her side.  
The Fentons’ house felt… small.  Dark.  Dirty.  And there were weird sounds everywhere.  Like, snoring and boards squeaking, and was that awful drone their fridge?  She halfway felt as if every move she made would set off something.  
“Hey,” whispered Dash, loudly.  “I think I found the basement!”
He had.  There was a creepy metal door in the kitchen, and when they opened it, it led to stairs, going down to a faintly green darkness.
“Do we really need to go down there?” asked Star.  
“Well, yeah, duh,” said Dash.  “Duh.”
“You didn’t need to say it twice, Dash.  That’s lame.”  Paulina stalked downstairs with as much dignity as she could muster.  She was maybe a bit tipsy.  Then almost had a heart attack when Dash turned on the light.  “What the hell, Dash?”
“They’re not down here, they’re not going to see.”
“Whatever,” said Paulina, flipping her hair.  She looked around.  “Wow, they went super mad scientist down here.”  There were steel lab tables and bubbling vials.  There were computers and wires.  There were hot plates and bits of disassembled household appliances.  There were things Paulina couldn’t even begin to identify. 
And it was all incredibly gross.  And messy.  There was goo.  
“Y’know,” said Star, “some of this stuff is actually, like, high-end.  Like, serious money.  Do you think Fenton’s actually rich?”
“Not a chance,” said Paulina.  “Even if he were, it wouldn’t matter.  He’d still suck.  Him and his catty little nerd friends.”
“Hey, where d’you think this tunnel goes?” asked Dash.  “Like, are these freaks holding– Not holding.  Drilling?  Drilling to China?  Freaks.”  He laughed to himself.  “Freaking freaks.”
“Wow, you are plastered if you think that’s funny,” said Star.  
“Whatever, shut up.  Hey, Pauli!  Dare you to go down here’n’ see what’s on the other end!”
Paulina walked over to look down the dark and foreboding tunnel.  It was full of electrical wire and metal hoops.  “Maybe they’re skimming off the grid or something,” she said.  “Or trading drugs.  That’d be a break in the cliches.  A Mexican finding the nice, eccentric white nuclear family is dealing drugs.”  She looked over at Dash.  “After this, we go.  Quietly.”
“Yeah, yeah, just go on in, for this win.  You’ve got to do more than us, yeah?  You’re the one who got the dare.”
“Whatever, Dash.”  She walked up to the threshold and looked around in distaste.  “God, they’re so freaking weird.”  She stepped over and started walking back, picking her way through the tangled wires.  
She shouldn’t have worn heels, but she’d wanted to look cute.  Maybe that shouldn’t have been her first priority when sneaking into someone’s house, but, like, what else was she supposed to do?  She was just naturally cute.  Like, for real.
She slipped.  
And the world came apart. 
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noellawrites · 2 years
Baby Bear - Richie Jerimovich x Berzatto!reader
summary: as the youngest Berzatto sibling, you know you’re screwed when you find out you’re pregnant with Richie’s baby.
warnings: pregnancy, grooming mention & abortion mention.
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Nothing, nothing could’ve prepared you for two pink lines on that goddamn test. Your hand trembled lightly as you placed the piece of plastic on the dirty bathroom counter.
Your stomach dropped. How the hell were you supposed to tell Richie? And what would you say to your siblings? You were screwed.
You showed up early for your shift at The Beef in order to take the test, which you’d nervously purchased earlier from the local bodega. You thought it was just a few missed periods due to stress, the restaurant, stuff with Mikey. You never actually thought you could be pregnant.
Carmy and Sugar would kill Richie. And all three of them would kill you. Mikey would probably crawl out of his grave next, just so he could beat Richie up for knocking up his kid sister.
As the youngest Berzatto, you’d worked in The Beef from the ripe age of twelve. You washed dishes and waited tables for Mikey, your favorite sibling and oldest brother. Now, in your early 20’s, you worked as The Beef’s primary bookkeeper and waitress.
There had always been something between you and Richie, and your friendship became more after you turned eighteen. You were attracted to him, but waited to make your move until you were old enough to consciously do so. You ate every meal together, treated his daughter like your own, laughed at his dumb jokes and never got bored of each other. Plus the sex was gentle, loving and passionate.
But more than that, you were each other’s shoulder to lean on. You cried in each other’s arms once you’d gotten the news about Mikey and you ran The Beef together until Carmy got back from New York.
You and Richie had managed to keep your relationship a secret for the four years since you’d started seeing each other, but you had a feeling that you wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret for much longer.
Because now, you were pregnant with Richie Jerimovich’s baby.
“Congratulations Miss Berzatto, you’re about eight weeks along. Here are the printed pictures for you to take home. Would you like to discuss your options?” the nurse chirped. She was young, not much older than you, with a short blonde bob and bright purple scrubs.
“How much does an abortion cost?” you asked, already knowing what Richie would tell you. He was already a deadbeat father to one kid, why make it two?
“It depends on your insurance, but—"
"I don't have insurance, I'm just a waitress," you interrupted.
"In that case, it'll be around five-hundred dollars for the abortion pill if you visit Planned Parenthood. They're the cheapest in the city. You can only take the pill up to ten weeks, though," she explained, handing over a bunch of pamphlets with the sonogram pictures on top.
You stared down at the pictures as tears formed in your eyes. That was inside you, right now, a little tiny baby made from you and Richie. You could hardly believe it.
"You're— what the fuck? I didn't even know you were seeing anyone (y/n), jesus christ! How could you be so irresponsible?" Carmy yelled.
You were sitting in the office, leaned back in the chair as you stared at your brother. You knew he wasn't going to take the news well, but he was in disbelief. He ran his hand through his hair while contemplating his next words.
"You keepin' it?"
"I don't know yet, I still have to talk to—"
"Who's the dad?" Carmy seethed.
You couldn't do it. You just couldn't tell your brother that you'd been fucking Richie. He'd kill him before you'd get the chance to tell him.
"I can't—“
"Yes you can, just—just tell me, okay? I'm your brother, we'll figure this out, it'll be fine," he promised, crouching down and meeting your eyes.
"It's Richie," you gulped.
Carmy's face twisted into an expression of pure rage. He stood up, unable to look you in the eye.
"Carmy wait—" you gasped, but he had already thrown the office door open.
"Where is that asshole? Where the fuck is Richie?" Carmy yelled, storming through the kitchen.
"Carmy wait, stop!" you begged, pulling on your brother's sleeve. It was no use, he was on a mission.
Sydney and Tina looked up with confusion as Carmy turned the corner with you right behind him.
"And I told him, 'that's what we're doing today!' But he didn't fuckin' listen, so we're stuck on the turnpike when— hey, 'cuz," Richie laughed, noticing Carmy while in the middle of telling Ebra a story.
He glanced at you quickly, noticing your wide eyes and nervous expression.
"What the fuck, Richie?!" Carmy screamed, lunging at your not-so-secret boyfriend.
"Carmy!" you yelled as the two of them fell to the ground and tussled.
"You knocked up my little sister, fuckin' asshole pervert!"
"What the fuck? I didn't knock (y/n) up!" Richie said, landing a slap across your brother's cheek.
"How long'd you spend groomin' her, huh? She could be your fucking daughter!" Carmy growled as he grabbed at Richie's neck.
Marcus and Sydney rushed over, attempting to pull them apart.
"Quit it, you two!" Sydney yelled, restraining Carmy.
In the midst of the chaos, you noticed Fak sliding a five-dollar bill into Ebra's palm. You rolled your eyes. They'd been betting on you and Richie? Figures.
"I, um, I have some news," you began. The room was silent and all eyes were turned to you.
"I'm pregnant, and it's Richie's. Richie, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean for you to find out this way. And Carmy, I know how this looks but I really, really love Richie. And everyone else, I'm really sorry for this disruption," you explained with a sympathetic expression.
You glanced hesitantly at Richie, who had his hand clamped over his mouth and eyes wide open. Everyone else returned to their stations quietly, and Carmy kicked the metal table leg before returning to the office.
"Congrats, mija!" Tina smiled, patting your shoulder.
"Thanks, T," you said, giving her a small smile.
"So?" Richie asked. He walked closer and pulled you into a hug.
"It's true, you knocked me up," you laughed.
"You wanna keep it?"
You pulled away. "That depends. You wanna step up and be a father?"
"I do, babe. I think we can do this, for real. I'll talk to Tiff, maybe we can have Eva over more. She'd love a little sister or brother," Richie said, giving you a reassuring smile.
"I'd really like that, Richie."
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reidslovely · 1 year
Peter’s eyes are absolutely beautiful 😩😩 Have any frat boy peter headcannons? Maybe him trying to get the reader but she doesn’t like greek life (and him being a cocky asshole)
He has gorgeous puppy dog eyes I can't describe them any other way.
Frat boy peter is...mhm if you could see my face. he and I have a interesting relationship because greek life and I are not besties. But we can say Pete is the actual exception. I mean look at him
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You met Peter in your elective sociology course because out of some type of spite your professor told you to look to your right and you'd see your partner for the whole semester. Any discussion board completed had to have both of your names on it, any project you had both would turn in together. Meaning it felt like you spent every waking moment with this geeky asshole. The first thing he did after your first class together was ask you out.
The absolute audacity of this man because what the fuck? You had traded maybe a total of five sentences to one another the whole class. He was cute, you had to give him that..till he opened his mouth.
"Do you want to like go out with me sometime?" "Like to work on our discussion posts? Or the project one like what do you mean Parker?" "No, no." He laughed throwing his head back holding the door to the lecture hall open for you. "Like I take you to a movie, or a bar or something and we get to know each other. A date, you ever been on one?"
How dare he assume you'd never been on a date? You'd been on several dates since getting to ESU, did you look like someone who never went on dates? For that sole reason you turned down his offer, and you didn't feel like listening to him talk about his dumb frat and whatever stupid four year degree he was completing. (He was probably a business major or something.)
However he was a very good sport about it, shockingly, most frat boys would throw a tantrum like a three year old in the you section of a Walmart but Pete was chill. He nodded and said he understood and when, not if, when you changed your mind the offer would stand. What a cocky asshole.
A few weeks later in the semester is when you finally get to know Peter Parker and not Peter the frat boy. He showed up to the library (30 minutes late) soaking wet and shivering. "Where's your jacket?"
"Harry took it, they're doing rush stuff in the rain he needed it more than me." He says shaking his hair out of the ball cap he was wearing, and what was hidden under the hair shocked you.
Peter's dark brown hair that was there in class Monday morning was now a (unevenly) bleached blonde. "What the fuck did you do to your hair." "I didn't do fucking shit to it." He said a laugh in his chest. "Fell asleep in the den woke up being told to rinse my hair out. The older guys got to me for prank week or whatever." "That's fucked up." "Mhm I put itching powder in their after shave and shampoo after don't worry about me pretty girl. I get even." He smirks. "This is why I hate greek life." "Mhm pays for college what can I say. I wouldn't be here without it." You hadn't considered that as the reason Peter joined greek life. You knew they got benefits but, Peter just fit the stereotype to well. "Really?" You asked. "I'm a poor kid from Queens babe, I missed my SATS and ACTs more than three times. It's a wonder they even accepted me into the biophysics department. Then I wanted to double major with biochem and I basically had to get on my knees and beg the frat to let me in and pay for my degree." He laughed looking at you, playfully tapping your arm. "Didn't hurt that my uncle was an alumni, so I'm a legacy." You stared at him like he had three heads, he seemed so real in that moment. Suddenly he wasn't the asshole you met on your first day assuming you'd want to date him, or he wasn't the jackass you saw playing basketball in the front yard of greek row with girls drooling on him. He seemed like everyone else you knew.
You also stared at him because his hair was distracting. Slamming the book shut you put it into your bag, and stood up. "Come on, blondie." His head snapped up at you, eyes squinting a smirk on his face. "Is this you picking up that date offer." "No this is me fixing your hair because this is an eye sore and I feel truly bad for you." You laughed putting his hat on his head pulling it over his eyes. You stood in the middle of your dorm room that night, clipping a pink princess peach towel around Peter's neck as your re-bleached his hair, and he typed up the last few parts of your first project. Having him explain his bad chemistry jokes to you, which he sneakily replied:
"The one spark I know is positive is between us" You rolled your eyes calling him a cheeseball. It seemed that moment on wherever you were Peter went or vice versa. You found yourself in the bio lab with him a lot, working on discussion posts or doing notes while he worked. You two enjoyed each others company, with no labels. You had taken him up on the offer and didn't even notice until you were walking out of the bar a couple blocks from campus, having gotten drinks with him and his frat friends. Who knew you by name before you even walked in. Peter held your hand as he walked you back towards your dorm, a cigarette in his mouth. "You tell your friends about me Parker?" "Yeah I do. I'm slowly indoctrinating you into the greek life." You rolled your eyes in response, nudging him playfully. He laughed blowing smoke out of the side of his mouth, putting his cigarette out on the brick wall. "But no, I told some of them about you the day we first met." "Really?" "Mhm I thought you were fascinating, I couldn't get a word out to you, you were so smart and pretty. Only thing I knew to do was to ask you out and you said no and I had to tell them the moment I thought I feel in love." He jokes. You stopped in your tracked staring up at him. "You are such a..just kiss me." Peter laughed grabbing your face, pulling you into a soft kiss. Hands stroking your cheeks, as you soaked in every second of the moment you can. "Still hate frat boys?" Peter teases. "Little bit..but you're the exception."
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josiesullysblog · 2 years
Better Than Me
~AGED UP Neteyam x Na’vi reader
~Angst, fluff
~Summary-[Y/n] constantly feels pressure to live up to her parents.
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Your father was a great man. Sadly, you were never able to meet him but heard the stories he left behind. He was a skilled hunter killing anything in sight, but he was also an excellent healer having soft yet diligent hands when helping someone.
Everyone who knew him told you how great he was, especially Jake Sully. Your father and he were best friends, apart from Neytiri, he was the only one who trusted Sully, and in your father's last moments, he was the one sobbing over his lifeless body.
Jake was the one to tell your mother, the one to comfort her during such a dark time. By the time you were born, your mother had changed. She became overprotective of you, few people ever saw or held you as a child because she feared you wouldn't return to her.
As you became older, she forced you to train, and part of it was because she wanted you to be able to defend yourself in case anything happened. Another was because she saw your father in you, she knew you were capable of being better than he was so she pushed you.
You were barely five when she’d make you wake up and train. She thought the best way to learn was by experience so she’d force you into a dangerous situation,
“I told you that you need to learn, [Y/n],” she rolled her eyes as you clung to her. She pushed you in front of a wild animal to which you froze in front of not knowing what to do. Had it not been for your mother watching, you would’ve died.
“Stop crying, such a baby,” she was walking quickly making you have to jog to keep up, “i’m not a baby, I almost got hurt!” you stopped jogging trying to catch your breath, “[Y/n], Neteyam is younger than you and would've done better!”
Comparison. Your mother did it often, telling you how you could be better more like others more like Neteyam. He was younger than you by a few months and beforehand you didn't mind him, but your mother's constant words of how he is better than you, it took a toll on you. You grew a hatred towards him, constantly giving him a cold shoulder and you knew it wasn't his fault but you couldn't help it.
Neteyam didn't know why you acted the way you did, you were an absolute angel to everyone else but him. If you were going to be rude to him, he’d do the exact thing back. “You literally can't do anything right,” he’d laugh watching you attempt to do anything. You scoffed, “your one to talk, all you ever do is try to make daddy proud.”
It was quite ironic how’d you say stuff like that, but be striving for the exact same thing. The both of you were amazing at everything you’d try as you become older. This competition between you both didn't stop but became more intense throughout the years. Someone always had to come first no matter what, that was just how you two were. Your mother became harsher constantly pushing, thriving for more. You were becoming burnt out.
Your relationship with your mother was, complicated. You felt like you needed to be perfect if she was around you and acted a certain way to please her. You wanted her happy and wanted her to say, “i’m proud of you,” but it felt like no matter how hard you tried you’d always be second place in her eyes.
“Thsts all you got?” your head turned quickly facing Neteyam. You decided to get out and train a little longer today, “as you can do any better,” you rolled your eyes as he showed him your back.
You couldn't deny that you found him cute, or that sometimes just sometimes your eyes lingered for longer than they should on him. You wanted to deny this, he was your competition you needed to be better than him.
In all honesty, he felt the same way his eyes always looked for you. He always made you weren't hurt, even if he put this front that he didn't like you the boy was in love. Everyone could tell, except you.
He stood behind you, manhandling your hands, “if you go like this you’ll have a better chance of hitting your target,” you said nothing as your face flushed at the close proximity. He let go of you, and you let the arrow go hitting exactly where you wanted.
“Say thank you,” he said smirking which only made you push him away, he grabbed your arm more quickly than your chin making you look at him, “say thank you,” you thought he was playing a prank. You wanted to hit him, but also wanted him to come closer, Neteyam’s face came closer causing you to try to close the gap.
“Neteyam!” Tuk’s voice rang through and you both pushed away from each other, “I gotta go,” he wiped his face. He left leaving you with your thoughts, how you almost kissed Neteyam.
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You stumbled over your feet as you attempted to walk. You woke up with your entire body on fire, your throat hurts, and it felt like the world was spinning. You didn't want to miss training, you couldn't miss training the trouble you’d be in. So, you decided to suck it up and still attend.
“Look who decides to show up,” Neteyam smirked in your direction. You didn't even hear him, your ears were clogged you just kept walking before finally sitting down.
You thought if it was really worth it being there, but your mother's voice rang through scolding you for skipping. You grabbed a tree trunk and hauled yourself up, you groaned as you grabbed a bow and arrow and pointed it at a target. You remembered what Neteyam showed you doing it quickly and perfectly.
“Good shot,” Neteyam came behind you smiling, you just nodded feeling your forehead. Coming out here was a mistake your body was overheating.
“Thanks,” it came out slowly causing Neteyam to look at you funny, “are you feeling all right?” he tried touching you but you walked off to quickly.
His eyes followed you, something told him you weren't alright. His eyes followed you before someone called his name.
You held onto a tree for dear life as you watched everyone else go. You couldn't move, it felt like you were going to vomit or maybe faint you didn't know which one.
You turned to go home when your body gave out, and you passed out on the floor. “[Y/n]!” Neteyam’s ears turned at the sound of your arm.
His feet moved quickly as he saw your body lie lifeless on the ground, “MOVE,” he pushed everyone out his way as he stood over your body.
Someone tried stepping forward to help but Neteyam hissed them away, he grabbed your body holding you close to him. He held you and protected your body as if you were his mate.
“I’m going to Mo’at now,” he moved quickly as he placed a kiss on your forehead, “we're going to get you help, beautiful.” your entire body was hot, how could you have gone so long without help?
He slowed down in front of Mo’at’s tent to which he barged in, “grandmother, please,” Mo’at quickly stood up at her grandson’s plea and gasped, “what happened?”
“She passed out during training,” he placed her down as Mo’at grabbed a paste. She hummed a tune as she placed it over your body Neteyam sat next to you, “you should leave Neteyam,” Mo’at tried saying but Beteyam shook his head.
“I’m not leaving my mate,” he looked into his grandmother's eyes before he looked back at you, “continue, please.” Mo’at resumed as she was fighting a small smile back.
Neteyam didn't leave your side for a minute, he didn't know what came over he just felt this need to protect you. “She’ll be alright, but her body’s tired,” Mo’at said as she stood up, “I’ll go collect her mother.” Neteyam nodded as his attention shifted back to you. How could you work your body so hard that you pass out?
How could you not say anything, he understood your relationship with him wasn't the best but maybe he could've prevented this, his thought kept going he didn't realize you woke up.
“Where am I?” you shot up looking around before being faced with Neteyam, “you passed out.” He tried making you lay back down. “Does my mom know?”
Panic filled your body as your breath picked up at a rapid race. “Oh my gosh, she’s going to kill me,” tears developed in your eyes. Neteyam's eyes softened, and he engulfed you in a hug, “it’s going to be okay.”
You shook your head, “my mom’s going to be mad I have to get up,” Neteyam stopped you, “you need rest,” you groaned, “I need to be perfect.” you fought to stand up but Neteyam was stronger, “[Y/n], don't you get it? You already are there's no one you need to beat!”
You scoffed, “I need to beat you,” he looked at you funny, “everyone keeps comparing me to you, how you're so good how you're this, how you're that I need to beat you,” you started sobbing as you hit him. Neteyam let you as he listened, “I need to beat you so my mom is proud of me.”
It made sense to him, why you're always mad at him, “you already have [Y/n],” he grabbed your chin making you look at him, “you can beat me at anything I don't care, you own me.”
He smiled at you as he came closer, “I understand why you want to be the best for your mom, I was there too but you need to understand how close I was,” he stopped, “close to what?”
“How close I was to losing you today, I never want to feel like again,” you closed the gap kissing him, his hand bringing you closer.
It didn't last long, but when you two let go for air a small smile appeared on your face, “i’m sorry,” you played with his braids, “I shouldn't have been so mean to you,” Neteyam’s hands played with the sides of your loincloth, “you know how you could repay me?”
You smiled as you titled your head, “how?” he brought you closer, “like this,” he kissed you as his hands roamed your body. Your hand landed on his chest as you both back up into a table.
“[Y/n]!” your mother's panicked voice was heard but you two were too far gone to hear. “[Y/n], are you all-,” she was cut off as you both finally let go of each other.
You smiled at her as Neteyam wiped his mouth, “i’m great!”
Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been so inactive I’ve been dealing with so much but i’m back! Hope you enjoy this!
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chronically-ghosted · 9 months
✨ happy new year! ✨
it's not yet 2024 where i am but it is where my love @ravensmadreads is, so happy new year already enjoying january 1st!
i usually overthink around my birthday as i march towards death but you lovely people have really made me think about 2023 as it comes to a close. i feel weird talking about myself (unless im drunk and we haven't started drinking yet so hold onto your butts for that possibility), so i'm just going to say this:
You all changed my life.
there, that's it. if you read this and you think it doesn't mean you, yes it does. not a day goes by where this place, this community does not bring me joy and warmth. i hope you get that job you wanted, or you get that fur baby adoption you've been hoping for, or you get accepted to that school you wanted to, or you graduate with all the honors, or you create the thing you've always wanted to, or you get the baby you've been hoping for, or the person who makes you heart flip says i love you. i'm nervous about next year because it truly feels like a year where anything can happen 🤍
now to the fandom stuff:
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i've never done a fic rec list because inevitably, i'm a fucking moron and i leave someone out. i know it hurts when i'm left out of a fic rec list so i never want to do that to anyone here. what follows is a list of fics that spoke specifically to me. the old saying goes is that you don't write fanfic for yourself, you write it for the five freaks on discord that can't write coherent sentences after you publish -- and it's true. fanfic isn't about numbers -- i would much rather write for my five freaks on my discord (where my work has deep, emotional impact for them) than try to write for a large crowd that i will never ever manage to please all at once.
my wish for you in 2024 you all find your freaks. and i hope i'm one of them.
side note: there are a couple fics not on the list because i wanted to highlight fics that i didn't see much on other end of the year rec lists. but @iamskyereads 's Compulsion should be read in graduate programs and @whatsnewalycat already knows i'm going to name my first born child after her for her Psychomanteum. yall rock my goddamn world.
so without further adieu . . . these are the fics i read this year that tickled me pink.
God is a Woman by @wheresarizona the way arizona writes max is entirely unique. i love her descriptions of how cold he is and how he doesn't breathe. i read this and had to rethink everything i ever wrote for max
the impaler by @kiwisbell the dracula x johnathan x mina vibes in this are spectacular. this is a pairing i never thought i'd see much less enjoy so thoroughly. why is older tim being seduced by a younger max so hot??
night one by @haylzcyon this is one of the first fics i read by hayley and she pretty much set the standard for all marcus pike fics moving forward. his endless patience, his flirty attitude, how he see things the reader won't admit, and then the sleeping bag -- god i'd read a thousand more fics about this dymanic
blood & tinsel by @morallyinept so if i tried to list all of my favorite jett fics, we'd be here all night. but this one stands out to me because it's so well built. the description of the vampire "trance" or "glamor" or "compulsion" without using any of those words is INCREDIBLE. plus max is face-meltingly hot in this.
the world turned on its side by @idolatrybarbie this was a surprise that came outta nowhere, but it hit me like a fucking train. bea weaves a story that sticks with you and creates a frankie that makes my entire soul sing.
heat by @wordywarriorwrites okay, listen. the beauty of fanfic is that you can have insane, animalistic smut AND literary level writing. this fic is both. i have yet to come across another frankie abo fic that makes the dynamic more than a reason for the blorbos to fuck like animals. it's so well done, there's so much love here.
in fiction @sin-djarin yall know dieter is my boy so i am VERY particular about how he is written in fic. everyone's interpretation is valid, but for dieter fics to resonate with me, there has to be this special blend of humor, kindness, dorkiness, and a sexiness you didn't expect. this fic is all of that and more.
reminiscence by @projectionistwrites this was one of the first joel fics i read and there's something about it that just . . . feels right, feels natural to Joel. there's a raw honesty to both joel and the reader that just sunk into my chest. the back and forth over the drink, the SMUT, everything is just this beautiful snapshot of two lonely people in the apocalypse.
oct' 19 x ghosts by @trulybetty another author that if i tried to choose a favorite, i simply couldn't. betty created a lovely, lovely world with this one (and the rest of the prompts for this one and her december prompts). i love fics that add a new layer to dieter and this one opened him up in a way that made him glow!
renegade by @eupheme my personal favorite brand of joel is one that comes alive between reader's thighs. more boulder than human until you bring something to the surface. and this totally captures that. im a sucker for a good qz fuck-that-verges-on-love and i adore everything about it.
Dominica by @ohforficsake if you ever need proof that notes do not reflect the quality of a fic, look no further. the language, the mastery of tension, and beauty of these descriptions are one two punches that knock me on the ass. genuinely one of my favorite frankie fics of all time.
wanna bet? by @write-and-buried i debated putting this or her celestial navigation fic on this list, but this one just tickles me. i love it when authors throw in a confident, sex-obsessed dieter now and again and this makes me howl. and the DEBAUCHERY of the statue oh my god!
give it to me @sp00kymulderr okay now to be fair, this review is entirely biased. i genuinely love gideon and all that they bring to this fandom. plus, they let me scream about dieter and then sends me dieter pictures that make me scream even louder. this fic is SO important to me. dieter here is everything i need and want: hesitant, anxious, but so madly in love. if i could wake up in one single fic every day, it'd be this one.
stepwise by @the-scandalorian i joined this fandom through din and this has been, and always will be, one of my top favorites. the evolution of din from being touch averse to LUSTING after it, it kills me. it's a oneshot but so much is accomplished in such a short time. the writing here is simply superb.
salvatore by @devilmademewriteit i came for the premise, stayed for the smut, and continued for the banter. i go back to this one all the time for inspiration with my own writing and then i get sucked in and read the whole thing through -- twice. javi drives me absolutely wild in this.
a whole new can of worms by @hier--soir i accidentally read this out of order initially, but this was just reason for me to reread it from start to finish. fwb!joel can be really hit or miss for me, and primarily because this fic sets the standard. this feels like a real joel, a joel that has lost and found loved ones all through out his life and now in jackson, he can finally relearn what it means to be a lover. so good, so fun with the banter -- and the friggin' greenhouse scene -- woof!
telltale heart @astroboots i am a SUCKER for 'frankie fixes his life' fics and this is one of the best. there are consequences for his choices in colombia, one that almost has him lose his family, and the woman he loves. this a real, genuine struggle for two people to overcome a seemingly impossible challenge in their marriage. you know the phrase, love conquers all? yeah this is that fic.
brand you in the way it counts by @charnelhouse charnel was one of the first authors i read for the pedroverse -- and i mean i READ her. i read every single one of her fics at least twice and this one always sends me over the edge. it's such an inspiration to my own writing and i keep going back to her whole body of work to be reminded i can always improve my own writing
west by @radiowallet when people want to know why fanfic matters, i want to show them this fic. it is achingly beautiful and written with a loving and gentle hand. joel is a messy, broken man but still capable, still good, still wanting to find love in this and i adore everything about this. Oneshots can be more devastating than multichapters because they end and this is one of them that drags me back to it constantly.
And to that weird little dude out of Chile who has no idea how much light he brings to the world…
Much love, Taylor 🤍
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actualalligator · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
I got tagged yesterday by @steadfastsaturnsrings and today by @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad, @sznofthesticks, and @anewkindofme so here is some of a WIP where Buck fake died, but actually he was just in another coma. He's trying to catch up to TK or something.
Eddie sat down across from him. He had questions, and he wanted answers. But more than anything, he just wanted to know this was real. He watched Buck. Part of him didn't believe he was real. This was psychosis. A lifetime of ignoring his own trauma had finally caught up to him. But he'd kissed him on the porch. That felt real.
"You left me everything," he said.
Buck looked up at him for a second, then back toward where Christopher slept, still completely unaware the world had changed once again.
"So did you," Buck said finally. "I would argue that me leaving you the jeep and all my stuff is less important than, y'know, a whole human."
"And the money?" Eddie asked. "Sixty thousand dollars in a bank account for Christopher's college. Another what almost forty for Jee?"
"That's a thousand a month for each of them," Buck replied with a shrug like it wasn't a big deal. Eddie wanted to shake him.
"Buck," he said.
"I don't spend it on anything else. I make good money, and I'm just me. I pay my rent. I bought a used jeep that I finished paying off right before Jee-Yun was born. I try to keep my monthly expenses below a thousand, and I had extra. So I thought, why not? I love Chris, and I can afford to do this. Then Jee was born, and I didn't have a car payment anymore, so I made sure I took an extra shift a couple of times a month so I could do it for her too. Why not?" Buck looked down at his hands. "I don't have a spouse. I'm not a dad. It's just me. I wanted to take care of the kids I love."
Eddie rested his palms on the table. "And the annuity?"
Buck shrugged. "I took care of this older woman back when I was trying to be a bartender. She left it to me when she died. I figured I'd blow it, so I put it where I can't touch it."
"So you're not laundering money or doing anything nefarious?" Eddie asked.
Buck laughed, actually laughed, and looked away. "Nefarious? It's me, Eddie."
Eddie shook his head. "My best friend fucking dies and suddenly I've got a quarter of a million dollars to deal with," he said. "A thousand a month is five years, Buck. How long after we met did you start this?"
Buck waved a hand. "Not until after Christmas at least."
"Buck," Eddie said.
Buck looked away. "I love him."
"I love you! Okay? And it didn't matter if you didn't love me. I knew if I could put a little bit away every month by the time he graduated high school, there'd be enough that you wouldn't have to worry about it. He could go anywhere, and you wouldn't have to worry."
"I kissed you, Buck."
Buck pushed back from the table and stood. "Just now! Not when Shannon came back, and I was living a sad bisexual cliché, in love with my best friend. At least I could make your life easier."
Tags under the cut
@friendly-chaos @malewifediaz @lochnesswriter and literally anybody who wants to do this! You don't need to be tagged!! Just share! I want to read it allllll.
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emoweeb-the-simp · 8 months
what if
& hear me out
tsp headcannons since i am obsessed
no reader lol just general hcs (edited because i wanted to add stuff :*3)
() pookie fr
() he/him
() tbh i can't decide if he's twink cismale or transmasc, so either.
() pansexual
() has asd & is nonverbal
() but instead of sign, he uses communication cards.
() that's right
() not enough card hcs anywhere, so im making one fuck you >:*)
() he's more sensitive to visual sensory than others, but still hates loudness.
() he uses sign only when he has no cards or when he's with narrator because he's the only one that understands
() mainly uses bsl, but knows basic asl (brit*sh /hj)
() spare headphones, ofc
aka the narrator
(please note that i'm just gonna call him Narrator/Narry, Norman is for Post!ParableAU, Human!AU or just outside of the Parable :*) )
() norman is his human name.
() uses any pronouns, but refers to himself as he/him, they/them, it/its.
() his real name is a language too complex for the feeble human mind to understand,
() he's god basically.
() but in post!parable or in a human!au, he's a human.
() a lil chubby & silly :*3
() the adventure line has been reduced to narrys tie :*C it's still pretty much sentient though.
() will make stanley go through things, but also will not try & overstimulate him.
() "stanley you gotta remember: i'm a VILLAIN, not a MONSTER."
() sometimes he'll even spawn in a bowl of ice cream for him as a symbol of love!! <333
() as a god, he doesn't really need to eat or sleep or do really any mortal necessities, though he enjoys it.
() also yeah, he can spawn in stuff.
() Narry did the writing, Narrating,(no shit sherlock)& he did the choices & coding for the parable.
() he scripted his lines for most of the endings.
() keyword: most.
() the ones he didn't script are: real person/not stanley ending(w/o bucket), zending(w/o bucket), escape pod ending(w/ & w/o bucket), confusion ending(w/ & w/o bucket), & skip button ending.
() him & the curator haven't interacted in over five years.
() not a word was uttered.
() (they got into a bad arguement)
() Narrator created Stanley, but he forgot he ever did
() he genuinely thinks Stanley is his own person.
() finds out he isn't in the Not Stanley/Real Person ending.
() Curator felt bad so she took the player away from stanley & reset the parable so he'd forget.
The Curator
() I haven't really decided on her human name...
() she/her
() bipoc. i like to think that at least... :'*)
() AroAce. Bitchless & proud.
() The Narrators older stepsister.
() Curator skimmed over the code & script for the Parable
() she wears glasses but she doesn't actually need them.
() in fact,
() they're just "es" because there's no glass.
() Narrator has a Love-Hate with Stanley; Whereas Curator is a teeny obsessive.
() as seen in the museum ending.
() Curator & Narrator used to be normal
() they used to be human, but they died & (somehow) reincarnated.
() their forms were kind of the same as their human ones, but things change.
() oh & their dad died.
if you want my designs for the goobers lmk <3
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blazehedgehog · 15 days
You said that you didn't like watching Scorpy for "reasons"... are you able to elaborate on that? I get it if not.
He just went through a phase of being weirdly aggressive about wanting to make loud noises. Like yelling into the mic so loud it creates static, that kind of stuff. Which I've heard from other RTVS people "that's just how Scorpy is" and that's fine, I guess. Let him live his truth. I'm not here to control anyone.
There's a whole generation of people 10 years younger than me that are like him and think "loud noise = funny" and I've never vibed with that. Never ever.
For one, when people do that stuff, it actually causes me pain. For two, if it stops hurting, then that's permanent hearing damage. My mother had hearing damage that as she got older rapidly went from "mild" to "severe" over the course of about ten years, and being with her for that was incredibly difficult for both of us.
She'd put the TV up to 70% because it was the only way she could hear anything, and one time I asked her to turn it down and she practically burst into tears because she knew it was a burden, she worried about it constantly, and she was even afraid the neighbors were going to start complaining. But there was nothing she could do.
In her own words, "What am I supposed to do? Just sit here in silence until I keel over dead?"
That kind of hearing damage compounds on itself. That's why it got so much worse, so fast. You damage your hearing once and now you're creeping up the volume dial just to hear normally, damaging your hearing more, and more, and more, like a multiplier.
Living with her, I bought construction site grade earplugs and wore them to bed every night. And I could still hear the TV from all the way across the apartment.
For three, I've actually had people who had to buy new phones because some kid blasted them with an extremely loud sound in a "funny" Youtube video and it actually blew out their speaker and ruined the phone.
So you're costing me money, you're costing me my health, and you're costing me my well-being.
Y'all are gonna need hearing aids before you're 50. And, for four: hearing aids are not a good fix for hearing damage. My mom actually tried multiple different types of hearing aids in the hopes they would help and she did not like a single one of them. And she's not the only one; I've read posts from at least one other person (with a listening disability, not just hearing damage) who said they went through years, decades even, of trying many many many different hearing aids, and all it did was make them tired of having to deal with it. Ultimately they decided they would rather embrace deafness than having to try yet another hearing aid, because none of them were a comfortable substitute for what normal hearing is like.
So if Scorpy is going to buy another awful Rock Band microphone, and use it to get weird and indignant and "ON THIS STREAM WE JUST MAKE LOUD SOUNDS!!! THAT'S JUST WHO I AM!!!! DEAL WITH IT OR LEAVE GRANDPA!!!!" then, yeah, I don't have to watch. So I haven't. I've cut back on just about all of my RTVS viewing as a similar result, too.
And I can all but guarantee that I will have better hearing at age 75 than Scorpy will have at age 45
Which is a bummer. I like Scorpy. He's a good entertainer. We're on very similar wavelengths sometimes. And I like RTVS as a whole. But there's always this worry I could be stepping on a landmine where somebody tries to eat their mic and the rest of the chat goes "yes they jingled the keys for me, do it again."
You only get five senses, folks. Don't willingly cripple any one of them, because once they're gone, they aren't coming back. Don't live to regret something you can't reverse.
Sorry to be the bummer, but I gotta look out for my own health.
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alexiavettel · 2 years
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chapter four
"The world was whole then, the sun and the moon together as one"
pairing: charles leclerc x fem¡stroll!reader
word count: 2.3k+
warnings: explicit language, mentions of sex, a bit of car stuff cause i have any self control, asshole!charles, almost panic attack and sensible leclerc.
disclaimer: any photo used is not supposed to represent the reader, all all Pinterest pics that matches the context
<<< previous part
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February 23th, 2022
Spain, Barcelona- pre-season testing
“Are you excited for the press conference? At least you’re with Lewis, George and Seb” Liv asked grinning.
“For the only questions be about if I’m fucking Leclerc or not?”
“Well, are you?”
“LIV??? Have you gone mad? What the fuck girl?”
“Sorry darling but maybe a hate fuck would help with all the endless bickering-"
“I would never!”
“Gotta quote the biggest singer of all time ‘never say never’” she didn’t really sang this in the middle of the paddock, right?
“Have you just- Justin Bieber really?”
“Why not?”
“But why?”
“This question is for all of you, after having experienced the new car how do you think it will perform this season? Best or worse than the W12 and AMR21? Respectively” an older woman asks us
“If you say it’s better than the W12 I give up my seat” I cracked a joke before Lewis could speak and the room erupted in a chorus of laughter
“Well, like our dear Y/n mentioned it would be hard to overcome the W12 so in some aspects the W13 is a bit worse but all of us are putting plenty of effort into it”
“Yes, and that maybe means not a so good start of season for us but we are going to give our best and try to set the car in the way we need and want” just by hearing George speaking the British in me threatens to take place.
“But we sure will find a- not easy- but fast way to the top! Overall is a good car after analysing the data, we are glad of the recent results but we are looking forward to new updates during the year indeed”
“Thank you, boys. And what about the AMR22?”
“The green is great!” and that ladies and gentlemen was Sebastian Vettel
“Seb!” I laughed because my brother said EXACTLY the same thing after the car launch
“But it’s impossible to predict where we will be, at this stage. But surely, we're on the climb, so we want to be better than last year. Last year, we had our difficulties and I think for many reasons we should be better off this year.”
“Someone here got along better with the car than this old man but certainly the excitement is very high, and the potential as well that the team is gathering, the momentum to pick up during the season and improve the car throughout the season, I think, our potential is just rising. I can't wait to get on track, see where we are, and get going.”
“We are very optimistic but at the same time, there are so many new things, with new tyres, completely new cars, lots of new challenges. I hope the field will be closer together, that will give us more chances to race and race more at the front than we did last year. But realistically, the answer at the moment is we don't know and we have to be a little bit more patient to give you a proper good answer”
“We indeed have big potential to be championship contenders in the future, as our team has already mentioned in the car launch we are in year two of our five-year plan to grow more. If we are talking about data we got better results but we don’t know compared to the rest of the field. All we can do is hope and keep pushing.”
“Oi, that’s my line!” Lewis scolded me
“Now about the bachelors of this press, or should I say only one bachelor now? There are rumours about you Stroll, being in a relationship with Leclerc can you confirm?” I knew this question was about to come but I still can feel an uncomfortable amount of eyes burning me, including my fellow drivers.
“The internet is assuming this only because of a jet ski ride? Well the only thing I can confirm at the moment is that we are close friends who were enjoying our last free days together with other friends”
“In the moment? Sus for me”
“Shut up George or did you forget I can steal your girl?” this bitch “Love you, Carmen!” I searched the camera crew and said with an enamoured smile.
“Will you ever let this die?”
“Never” me and the two older drivers said together laughing at Russell’s disappointed face.
All this fuss about me and Carmen was because of a game of fuck, marry or kill in 2020
“Okay now what about Yn, Alonso and Albon” Danny asked in the middle of the group formed by me, Seb, Lewis, George and Carmen, Daniel, Alex and Lily, Lando and Lance.
“Ow can I fuck and marry Yn?” Carmen spilled out without thinking twice, as some of us die in laughter and the others were too stunned to speak (George was clearly the latter)
“I’m flattered girl, it’s about time” I joked while she seated in my lap laughing (drunk Carmen is something else)
“Can I join?” Lily asked fake pouting while Alex and George went whining.
“Babe I’m literally in the game?” Alex almost cried.
“I’m not even able to say anything”
“The boy just got flabbergasted” Lewis chimed in making fun of his new teammate.
“Oh god give the poor boy a minute” Seb said struggling to keep his laugh.
So if one of us dares to tell this to the public we might get killed by a 1.85 brit who tends to persuade people with powerpoints.
“But no I’m not in a relationship at the moment and not with the Ferrari’s golden boy” I tried to say in a sweet tone but Seb noticed the hidden bitterness.
Charles Leclerc POV:
“So Charles please tell us, rumours had surfaced about you being in a relationship with your former teammate, Y/n Stroll. What do you have to say about it?”
“No comments” for real? That’s the first question I get?
“Well, given your last relationship these rumours are alarming right?” He's trying to piss me off? “Especially considering Stroll is a driver as well and has an enviable reputation so that could cause problems on the track, right?”
“I think that you could just stop snooping around my private life and focus on track” I couldn't hold myself, when I looked over to Mia Djacic (best known as my dear press officer) I felt her piercing eyes burning me. Yep Charles, prepare yourself for the lecture.
“You know that in Bahrain you will be in a serious relationship with Stroll right?! You can’t pull things like that, oh my God Charles you just give me problems!-” Mia started her lecture the moment she closed the door of my driver’s room.
“Then quit- Sorry I didn't mean that” why do you keep doing that?
“Oh, you meant it. Otherwise, you wouldn't have said. I've been with you since Alfa Romeo, don’t bullshit me now Charles! You need to learn how to control yourself, man!”
“But you saw what he said, I am tired of these people thinking they know everything about me!”
“Stop screaming, Charl” it’s so infuriating that I keep losing control over this shit, I just don’t know what to do is natural.
“I’m sorry… They just make me so fucking mad, that it’s impossible to hold myself. And you can believe I gained 300K new followers on Instagram after that pic of me and Y/n? They speak about her like she’s some type of angel! Like she’s perfect and better than me but look who is in Ferrari? She doesn’t even has a fucking win yet!”
“Are you mad because the questions were about your private life or because they put in a way like Y/n is better than you?”
“I don’t know? I just hate all this and-”
“The FIA’s director spoke with Binotto about you.”
“About your ‘unjustifiable and rude attitudes’ lately, they threatened to give you a penalty”
“Grid penalties? That isn’t fair! I-”
“Not grid penalties but to all the team, because apparently Ferrari can’t control a driver” I can’t believe what I’m hearing…
“They can actually do this?...” I asked and the blonde in front of me just shrugged with a lopsided smile in answer “I’m sorry Mia, but can you leave now? I need some time alone”
“Sure, Charl. But remember what I told you in Monaco last year, being a driver is not just about driving. And Y/n will be waiting for you in 25 minutes in the parking lot by the way”
Oh awesome!
“Are your eyes red?” that’s not possible, I checked myself in the mirror before going out.
“Are you worried about me, darling?” I tried to joke but she touched my arm making me turn to her.
“Don’t play with me, Leclerc. What happened? Are your family okay?”
“I ain’t playing. And yeah, everyone is fine”
“So what is it? Why were you crying?” She holds me tighter.
“It’s nothing, for God’s sake Y/n” I managed to make her let go of my arm. I don’t know why she is doing this…
“Charles, can't you grow up? You are clearly fucked up and I wanna know why so I can maybe help you”
“Are you high? You trying to help me?”
“If you try and think a bit more than your little brain normally can, you gonna figure out that if we are actually doing this dating thing we have to act like adults and try to be better for each other”
“Okay I get it, but it’s nothing really” can’t believe but she’s kinda right
“It’s about the press, isn’t it?” she got to hold my arm again.
“Why do you think this?”
“Because you probably got scolded by every pr soul in your team? Or because you have a mouth bigger than your control?”
“Ow shut up!”
“So I got it, huh? What type of trouble did you get yourself into this time? Please tell me I won’t have to kiss you in front of everyone to get your bare reputation back!”
“Ew, but yeah the shit hit the fan and if I continue with mine ‘unjustifiable and rude attitudes’ the entire team are going to get in trouble with FIA. Oh God, I don’t even know why I am telling you that!”
“Oh I got you”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re bringing a bad image not only for Ferrari but to all Formula One. This happened to me once, they threatened to give a strike”
“Why? Aren’t you their little miss perfect?”
“Because I tried to set a stand in Saudi Arabia last year for women who were banned from driving until 2018 and for women's rights in general”
“But Hamilton and-”
“Yep FIA allowed me to make the stand only after the boys proposed, Lew and Seb supported me since F2 so when I told them about it cause I was scared and they threatened FIA back saying they would quit” she said laughing.
“Not surprising coming from FIA…”
“Exactly but don’t get me wrong boy, you really need to work on your reputation. You might even lose your seat, and we both know how hard you fought for it. Don’t waste it by being hot-headed, come on man you’re in Ferrari! You want to be a driver for Ferrari since, what? Since you were 7? You can’t waste it!”
When I started shaking she noticed mid-sentence and hugged me tight, she said exactly what my dad say in that letter…
“I don’t know what’s happening right now, Y/n. Sometimes looks like everything is going down! Somehow I’m always in the middle of something, and people say like I am the one to blame. I know I am wrong for being so fucking easy to be pissed off but they don’t know shit about me and they keep painting me as a villain” I pulled away from her to look into her eyes “I hate to lose control, Y/n! And I don’t know what to do, I never do!”
“We might not like each other, Leclerc. But we fought too much, too many fucking years tolerating shit from everyone to finally make it to F1. And look where we fucking are now! If you don’t know what to do for you, do it for your younger self, who always dreamed about beating me in F1! You just need to wait a little more until I get a real competitive car so I can properly beat your ass. So start thinking more before speaking or acting, hold your anger to the track. Just try to not break my arm again in the process…”
Her eyes are different while she is talking to me like this. A different kind of glint, a gentle way (which is extremely weird since I am never the receiving end of this type of glances). She smiles like she knows everything but not in an annoying way, but like she knows what is happening and is sure everything is going to be alright, it’s kinda comfortable. I ask myself if that is what the public see, only this part of her. Have to admit, it’s kinda mesmerising.
“And I know this is not the best moment to say this but tomorrow we have to come together in the paddock” she said in one breath with a cheshire grin “in my car by the way”
“Sure? Oh god you must’ve been really fucked up to agree with me this easy. I got to go, okay? Drive safe, bye Charles” she enters her dark green car and away she goes without one more word.
If I am being honest, I don’t have any fucking idea what just happened. It's like I was talking with a complete different person, a caring and thoughtful old friend. But she’s her. End of it. I don’t know how she knows that I wanted to be a Ferrari driver since I was 7, or what words she could use to actually push me through this shit and not get me anymore mad. But she knew.
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@laura-naruto-fan1998 hope you enjoyed <3
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theygender · 1 month
Been going through it for over a month now and let me tell you. I'm not having a good time
Early-mid July a heat wave knocked out our AC and me, my partner, and the cats were stuck in an apartment with temps in the high 80s for about two days
I got some minor heat sickness and my cat started coughing
Heat sickness kicked off my IBS which dehydrated me and eventually led to migraines which all lasted for over a week after the heat wave ended
Took my cat to the vet (while still dealing with sickness + migraines) and found out she probably has asthma which was set off by the heat. They gave her a steroid shot
Went to the doctor for my own sickness and decided to ask about my severely ingrown toenail at the same time. I'm told I need toe surgery
Got toe surgery the very next day and it turns out recovering from toe surgery sucks
Cat has stopped coughing but is instead having intense sneezing fits now and pawing at her nose constantly, clearly much sicker
Took her back to the vet (while still recovering from toe surgery) and learned that cats just inherently have dormant hepatitis, and stressful situations/other illnesses can cause a flare up which leads to an upper respiratory infection
They prescribe nose drops + medicine treats for me to give to her 3-4 times a day. Surprisingly (/s), she hates the nose drops
File claims for both of those appointments + tests + medicine with my pet insurance
Endometriosis sees me dealing with all this and as a disorder that's made worse with stress it decides to join in on the action. It resurrects my period from the grave that my meds dug for it over two years ago
In case that wasn't bad enough, it also gives me a yeast infection. I go to the doctor and get medicine for it
As soon as the yeast infection symptoms start to go away they're replaced with what seems to be UTI symptoms. UTIs generally devolve very quickly into non-stop vomiting for me. I'm living in fear until I can get a test done
(UPDATE: The tests don't work when you're on your period apparently. Guess I gotta go back to the doctor again before I can get any answers)
I haven't even looked at the bills for my own medical tests or the toe surgery yet and frankly I'm scared to. At least I should be getting some money back from my pet insurance claim
Pet insurance tells me that they won't pay out my claim until I provide proof that the pet insurance policy I had with a previous company over FIVE YEARS AGO was canceled. I don't keep records longer than five years. I don't even remember the name of the company
All of my coworkers got laid off last week so I'm sad and lonely at work now and I have to adjust to a new work environment during all of this and I can't really take much time off anymore
I'm still sick and worried I'll get sicker but I don't know how to ask my new boss "hey what should I do if I hypothetically start projectile vomiting tomorrow" without it sounding suspicious
With all this other stuff going on, my college semester also started back up TODAY
I got a notification from my school that I have over $5000 due bc the company that pays for my tuition as part of my employee benefits just. Didn't pay off my spring semester it seems. So now I gotta figure that out
Somewhere in the middle of this I had some sort of mental breakdown and discovered that my normal-level nervous anxiety has evolved into critical-level constant terror anxiety
Reached out to my mom who had anxiety so bad when my brother and I were growing up that it played a large part in ruining our childhoods. She confirmed that it sounds like what she has
It started when she was just a few years older than me and she still has it at the age of 55. Normal anxiety meds don't work for it. I may have to convince my psychiatrist to prescribe me narcotics now if I ever want to go back to normal again
This has all been so much. Like can I PLEASE just get a fucking break here 😭
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neptunianmars · 2 years
astro observations about my bff's placements
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i never do these astro observations posts but i had sm fun doing my chart i wanted to do my bff's too :) for context i've known her for over five years and she is literally my soulmate
1H Chiron:
everyone and i mean everyone relies on her to fix their problems. she is constantly helping people and giving advice. she is super sweet and doesn't really mind but it definitely takes a toll on her.
10H Virgo Sun:
kind of going off the last one, everyone knows her as a reallyyy nice, helping person. both career choices she's debated (nursing and social work) have been about servicing others.
3H Uranus conjunct IC:
this placement to me usually indicates the person had a different childhood growing up than their peers. she is an immigrant and her parents did not raise her the "typical american way" which of course isn't bad, she just grew up differently than a lot of people we were surrounded with
11H Libra Mercury:
don't even say the word "indecisive" if her name isn't in the same sentence. cannot pick a choice even if it were to save her life.
she literally never posts on social media unless it's about social issues. very outspoken and determined in her beliefs.
2H Capricorn Vesta conjunct Capricorn Moon:
she is very money motivated! not even necessarily "money" but more as in success. she hates herself even if she takes one rest day and is hard on herself when it comes to being productive.
3H Moon:
she is extremely close to her siblings, especially her older sister :') this is pretty standard for 3H placements but had to throw it in there!
11H Venus:
everyone loooves her <3 i have never met someone or introduced her to someone who had a single negative thing to say about her. she is very diplomatic and pleasing to others.
Aries 6H/3H Neptune:
she doesn't know the meaning of the word routine. random shit is always popping up and throwing her day off schedule. makes me late to EVERYTHING
i think part of this is her 3H Neptune makes her mind a little disorganized and distracted. she loses track of time a lot, is very forgetful, and just can't keep all of her thoughts straight. i've learned i just have to remind her of stuff :)
12H Dionysus:
she really doesn't come off as an "indulger," even to me. i think she hides a lot of her desires or impulses
7H Saturn:
she has never been in a relationship, i think she takes relationships so seriously to the point where it almost becomes a joke to her. like she will never settle for anything less than her standards and anyone interested who doesn't meet them just becomes a joke for us to laugh about. it's pretty understood she won't become married until after most people our age
Leo Mars:
not a lot of things make her upset to the point of reacting. but i think when people disrespect her, her family, or just do anything really personal to her, that's when she gets really mad and can speak up or retaliate. she also never forgets something someone did to her.
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thelustybraavosimaid · 9 months
Hey! i wanted to know about your thoughts about how Jon would be like post-resurrection with the time skip grrm originally considered?
So that really took hold of me for the first three books. When it became apparent that that had taken hold of me, I came up with the idea of the five-year gap. "Time is not passing here as I want it to pass, so I will jump forward five years in time." And I will come back to these characters when they're a little more grown up. And that is what I tried to do when I started writing Feast for Crows. So [the gap] would have come after A Storm of Swords and before Feast for Crows. But what I soon discovered — and I struggled with this for a year — [the gap] worked well with some characters like Arya — who at end the of Storm of Swords has taken off for Braavos. You can come back five years later, and she has had five years of training and all that. Or Bran, who was taken in by the Children of the Forest and the green ceremony, [so you could] come back to him five years later. That’s good. Works for him. Other characters, it didn’t work at all. I'm writing the Cersei chapters in King's Landing, and saying, "Well yeah, in five years, six different guys have served as Hand and there was this conspiracy four years ago, and this thing happened three years ago." And I'm presenting all of this in flashbacks, and that wasn't working. The other alternative was [that] nothing happened in those five years, which seemed anticlimactic. The Jon Snow stuff was even worse, because at the end of Storm he gets elected Lord Commander. I'm picking up there, and writing "Well five years ago, I was elected Lord Commander. Nothing much has happened since then, but now things are starting to happen again." I finally, after a year, said "I can't make this work."
George R. R. Martin — The Complete Unedited Interview
You know, this is something that I haven't really thought about. I only haven't thought about it because there's something we just don't know: when was George planning to kill Jon with the gap in place? A year or two into the skip? Later? Earlier, or even after the skip, when he's had a few years of rule under his belt? It's probably more likely that it was going to happen after the skip, so I think the end result would be the same as the current book!Jon.
We know that death changes a character to the point where in some ways, they're not that character anymore:
And as I got older and considered it more, it also seemed to me that death doesn’t make you more powerful. That’s, in some ways, me talking to Tolkien in the dialogue, saying, “Yeah, if someone comes back from being dead, especially if they suffer a violent, traumatic death, they’re not going to come back as nice as ever.”
George R. R. Martin on the One Game of Thrones Change He ‘Argued Against’
And we have this, from Varamyr Sixskins:
"They say you forget," Haggon had told him, a few weeks before his own death. "When the man's flesh dies, his spirit lives on inside the beast, but every day his memory fades, and the beast becomes a little less a warg, a little more a wolf, until nothing of the man is left and only the beast remains." (Prologue, ADwD)
Jon's connection to Ghost takes the front seat in ADwD, so we have moments like this:
Jon expected hot mulled wine, and was surprised to find that it was soup, a thin broth that smelled of leeks and carrots but seemed to have no leeks or carrots in it. The smells are stronger in my wolf dreams, he reflected, and food tastes richer too. Ghost is more alive than I am. He left the empty cup upon the forge. (Jon II, ADwD)
He was walking beneath the shell of the Lord Commander's Tower, past the spot where Ygritte had died in his arms, when Ghost appeared beside him, his warm breath steaming in the cold. In the moonlight, his red eyes glowed like pools of fire. The taste of hot blood filled Jon's mouth, and he knew that Ghost had killed that night. No, he thought. I am a man, not a wolf. He rubbed his mouth with the back of a gloved hand and spat. (Jon III, ADwD)
Jon smelled Tom Barleycorn before he saw him. Or was it Ghost who smelled him? Of late, Jon Snow sometimes felt as if he and the direwolf were one, even awake. The great white wolf appeared first, shaking off the snow. A few moments later Tom was there.
The shield that guards the realms of men. Ghost nuzzled up against his shoulder, and Jon draped an arm around him. He could smell Horse's unwashed breeches, the sweet scent Satin combed into his beard, the rank sharp smell of fear, the giant's overpowering musk. He could hear the beating of his own heart. (Jon VII, ADwD)
So ultimately, I think the five year skip!Jon would have the same outcome as the Jon we have in the books: a little ruthless, a little different, and far more closer to Ghost.
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Director Love | VW (d-five)
a/n: hey everyone, this the fifth day of the Valentine's week and my second Supergirl fic (Alex is my favourite character by the way), i'm excited. don't worry i'll try to write more supergirl fic. I hope you'll enjoy this fic, it's a short fic. i'll see you tomorrow for a first [M.H] fic.
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*not my GIF*
Alex Danvers x Female!Reader; Kara Danvers x Female!Reader(besties); Lena Luthor x Female!Reader(best friend); Supercorp
Summary: Alex forget today was 'the' day
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
word count: 974
day one | day two | day three | day four | day six | day seven
Alex was fighting an alien when something came to her mind, it was today, today you came back to National City. You were working for L-Corp, and Lena sent you to Central City to seal a deal with a potential business partner. The DEO agent was about to receive a punch, but her sister was here like a backup.
"What's going on, Alex?" Kara asked, and the older Danvers grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the other agents.
"It's today, Kara, and I didn't plan anything yet," she replied.
"Oh, you know how Y/N loves Valentine's Day; she will be mad if you haven't already planned anything. And she would be tired from the travel, so I'm sure she didn't plan anything either. You have like three hours to prepare something," the Kryptonian said, and the redhead rolled her eyes before suddenly stopping.
"Wait, I also forgot it was Valentine's Day today; oh my God, she will be mad," the director started to stress.
"Okay, calm down. I think Lena and I can give you some time," the blond said.
"But you have something to do with Lena too," the older sister said.
"Don't worry, I'll just take her to Ireland for this year," Kara said. "Oh, and you probably handle DEO stuff for yourself for the next few days," she added before flying away.
Three hours later, you were back in National City. You spent a week away from your girlfriend and your two best friends. You wanted to go directly home and start preparing everything you had planned for your special night, but you received a text from Lena.
Lena: Hey, I hope you had a good week. They called me about the meeting, and I know I made the best choice to send it to you. Also, can you come here? I need your help and your advice on something
You: Is it really important right now?
Lena: yeah, I need you to teach me how to cook something for my night with Kara
You: but can't you just order something?
Lena: yes but I want to surprise her and you're the best cooker I know
You: okay but we will do something quick cause I'm tired
Lena: promise
"Okay, she's coming," Lena said. "Great, I'll text Alex to let her know." Kara replied.
Kara: Lena convince Y/n to help her with cooking; you have 2 more hours, I think, to finish your thing.
Alex: thanks you. you're the best both of you
After twenty minutes, you were at Lena's home. "Hi you, I missed you," she greeted you when she opened the door. She hugged you.
"Me too," you replied with the same tone, "so what do you plan to do for your girl?" You asked, and she started to think.
"I don't know, maybe a dessert with some chocolate, you know, like fondant," she said, and you nodded.
"Okay, I think we can start with that, but you'll not just eat a dessert; we should think about a proper meal," you remarked.
"Maybe pop stickers, sushi, and pasta, or maybe just a big belly burger," you face palm yourself.
"Okay, we have to talk about your food habit later, but right now, don't you think Kara would want something else than just what she eats usually?" You said, and try not to judge her lack of imagination for a special night.
"I think you're right, so what do you suggest I do?" You smirked, and she started to regret having to distract you.
Meanwhile, in Alex's apartment, she was cooking your favorite food and trying not to 'accidentally' hurt or burn her sister, who didn't really help her; Kara was just here and ate something sometime. "You didn't plan to help me?" Your girlfriend asked her sister, and the blue-eyed girl shook her head and smiled 'innocently' "So what are you doing here?" the older sister added.
"Lena and Y/n are cooking for me in Lena's apartment; that means I can't go to see my girlfriend, and everybody is busy today, plus I don't want to be alone tonight," she replied.
"You can at least help me with the decoration," the blonde looked around.
"What do you want to do?" She was ready to use her super speed, but her sister handled some bills.
"You can go grab some flowers for me," the kryptonian mumbled something and walked to the door, "and take your time."
After a few more hours, all was ready. It was hard to help your boss, but you did it, and now it was time to go to your favorite place: Alex's house. When you knocked, Kara lowered her glasses to look across the wood. "It's her," she said to her sister before flying away. Alex adjusted her dress and opened the door.
You were almost trying to catch your jaw, which fell to the ground at the sight of your girlfriend. "Hi you," she said, and it brought you back to reality.
"Hi, you too." You kissed her and walked into the apartment. "You look stunning; like, wow, I don't even have a word to describe you." She blushed, and you gained another kiss.
"I missed you," she whispered near your lips.
"I missed you too, my beautiful girl," you replied, and she chuckled.
"Here," she grabbed your hand and dragged you on the couch, "I prepare something special for you." She quickly went to the kitchen and went back with a plate of food.
"Alex Danvers, you're the most precious girl on earth," you said, and this time it was her who gained a new kiss. "I love you."
"I love you too," she replied.
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kmze · 4 months
“His PR team had to hold a special meeting to do damage control.” Oh please I think they did have damage control, I mean after the con, PW and ND did hangout and went on a ski trip together lol gotta give that fandom some needed selfie content so they can stfu. But ngl, I’m kinda happy Pw posted that video, so that fandom can finally stop with their speculation that Wescola hates each other, I’m getting tired of them always yapping about how wescola are barely even friends
This whole thing is making me laugh so much, like that video probably did cause some crying because it was everywhere and SCers were loving it because it had their teasing banter vibes we always loved. I mean I do think that Paul and Nina are closer than him and Candice just because it seems like they both like to travel a lot and do more PR for it whereas Candice is a single mom and can't really do that stuff (nor does it seem like she ever really did) but the three of them are all still friends from what's been said at cons or podcasts. Also if I'm being honest maybe Candice doesn't want to hang out with his new girlfriend since she's almost the same age as her stepdaughter and Paul is five years older than her (Candice)…
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luwe21 · 27 days
Favorite Sibling Ships.
This post includes Spoilers for the MCU and Umbrella Academy! Read at your own risk. This is very long, sorry.
Wilkercest. (Malcolm/Reese, Malcolm in the Middle)
I really enjoy the dynamics between the unlike siblings and I just like the teasing and pranking. Also Reese is kinda "innocent" despite being older. He has no experience with anyone because of his childish behavior.
Thorki (Thor/Loki, MCU)
They perfectly embody the two sides of a coin trope and the sunshine/darkness dynamic. Also Himbo/Nerd, Golden Retreiver/Black Cat. So many to love with so many feelings. The sun will shine on us again. I shipped Lokius for a while as the show came out but went back to Thorki after the hype stopped. I shipped Thor with Star Lord too for a while.
I am hopeful to see Thor and Loki interact again. Now that the multiverse is open. Hope is the last thing to die.
Moonsytem (Marc/Steven (Moonknight) Is this Incest? Please educate me. Or direct me to information about that.
Next is a fandom with complicated family dynamics, even more so than Thorki: Umbrella Academy aka The Hargreeves. They are 7 children out of forty-three, all born in the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989 to mothers with no previous signs of pregnancy. They were all brought here by Sir Reginal Hargreeves and live together at the Academy. They all have different superpowers and were trained to be superheroes until the public lost interest.
My ships is Fiego (Diego/Five)
This is where Himbo/Nerd comes in. Five is also old, but has a very young body. He's supposed to be in a 12-year-old body (the show doesn't really care about the age of the actor, but he's actually a minor for part of the show, he's 20 now), and his actual age in the show is well over 60. Diego is maybe 29-36. Can't really pinpoint because of a lot of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff. The show is fun (last season was terrible), but there is not much explanation. Watch the show to get the full context.
Well, Five is a bastard to everyone, but he has a big soft spot for all his siblings and is very protective. He is a trained assassin, leader of the Commission (Time Protection Service) and 100% deadly. He accidentally left the family when he was 12, he can blip through time and has spent about 60 years trying to get back to them and save them from several apocalypses. He actually saw them die and was stuck in an apocalypse as a lone survivor. He had a relationship with a mannequin. He is often classified by fans as asexual and/or aromantic. He is tired and an old guy who desperately wants to rest for five minutes.
Diego is well Diego. He is hot as hell and a hero type. His superpower is the power to manipulate thrown objects such as knives while in flight. He likes to be as epic as Batman but he is "Batman for poor people" like his sibling call him. He is the only one that continued doing "hero work" as the kids got older. He worked with Eudora Patch, a police officer and that was his first (?) girlfriend. She was killed.
In a timeline Diego tried to save JFK but was locked into a mental asylum and meet his future wife Lila Pitts. Lila is later revealed to have superpowers as well, meaning she is technically also a sibling. A lot more story but this is getting long enough.
Back to my ship. Five found all of his siblings dead, he only touched Diego, turning him around to check for signs of life and cried over his body. He also expressed his dislike for Diego's relationship with Lila and gave Lila a shovel talk. Subtle scenes, but nothing more in canon.
Unfortunately, in Season 4, the 20-year-old actor (Five) kissed the 35-year-old actress (Lila). So Lila cheated on Diego with Five. Sexual contact was implied. I am very disappointed with this choice in the show, not because of my ship. I am just a character fan (I have been burned by actors/actresses before) so the real life age difference was gross to me. I do not care if ships become canon or not. I do not need a kiss or even a smut scene for any of my ships. Fanon before Canon is my motto.
Next is Horrance (Klaus/Ben)
Klaus is a freak, a medium, a seance leader, a drug addict, a sex cult leader, a war veteran and can see and experience ghosts. In the military he was in a relationship with a another soldier called Dave. He can't die naturally and Dave sadly died in his arms. I liked the ship but after a few scenes Dave wasn't shown again.
Klaus is the only one who can interact with Ben (he's a ghost). His nickname for him is Bennie Boy. Ben is the level-headed, quiet counterpart. But he also has a "freaky" side. Huge uncontrollable tentacles (they are called The Horror) come out of his body and, not surprisingly, are not lethal to Klaus and even "know" him, whatever that means. It is unclear if the Horror can interact with Ben similar to Venom Symbiote or not.
It is revealed that Ben is in love with a girl named Jennifer (Bennifer lol) but if they interact the whole multiverse would be "cleansed". So his adoptive dad shot him and Jennifer that is why he is dead at the beginning of the show.
We meet another version of Ben. He is part of the Sparrows. Another academy in another timeline and a big idiot and a grumpy cat. But I love him too. At a party at the end of the world where Luther from the Brellies married Sloane from the Sparrows (but that is hetero so of course that is way different and not at all problematic/s) , Klaus and Sparrow Ben disappear and are found hungover and half-naked the next day. Ben has "Asshole" written in Sharpie on his back. They seem to be close, or at least Klaus is forcing Sparrow Ben to accept his affections. Ben tries to push Klaus away, but ends up grouchily accepting the touchy behavior. They definitally "did" something.
Nobody got a happy end however. They all sacrifice themself at the end, together at least, because they were never supposed to exist. (great message am I right) Also the Sparrows do not appear in Season 4. Yeah! And the show is officially over. They are comics but I did not have touched them yet. Right now I am plotting and sceming on a huge Fix It.
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