#sheep mc's adventures
ruins-crumbleton · 5 months
Sheep Mc's Adventures: #02
Similar posts: #01
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I'm not a professional artist and do not claim to be. Please be nice, I'm just a person who likes to do art. Hope you enjoy. ♡
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My drawing:
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My reference:
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ Feel free to comment or reblog! Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby! ♡
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rdm00n · 2 months
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The rock may have multiplied a 'little' ..
💌 : @sheepthatgobaa
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not-krys · 3 months
62. Magic [Miri & Asmodeus]
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Since today is Miri's birthday on this fine WIP Wednesday day, I decided to focus only on her for this round of WIPs to celebrate along with reblogging some of my other favorite works featuring her.
For this WIP, regular warnings apply: Raw, unedited, somewhat ramble-y writing that takes a sudden turn down below. Takes inspiration from OG Obey Me Lesson 8 when Miri gets her fourth pact with Asmo, after she summoned him for the first time using borrowed magic from Solomon. Nudity is also mentioned, along with Asmo and his flirty ways~
"Alright!" Asmo declared cheerfully while taking hold of Miri's tiny sheep hooves, surprising everyone. "I'll do it!"
"…Do what?" Miri asked, eyes wide.
"I'll make a pact with you, hon!"
"Wait, really?"
"Yes, absolutely!" He shook their joined 'hands.' "You've earned it, darling!"
"But… but I failed?"
"Doesn't matter anymore! You've proven that you're more than capable of handling my powers, so now, you've earned that pact, sweetie!"
"T-that wasn't me though… That was Solomon's magic. He's… well, he's-"
"Still! Even on borrowed magic, you packed a big load! I mean, just feeling it was-!"
"O-okay! That's enough!" Miri felt like her face might explode in embarrassment and didn't want to risk the possibility of it happening literally (it could happen in Devildom, for all she knew), so she stopped Asmo's tangent. He laughed and winked.
"Come to think of it, I'll get to see you back in your human form again if we make this pact. I didn't get a good look back in the catacombs, but now I get to see how cute you really are!"
"Cute!?" Did exploding faces happen with sheep? It might be possible, Miri thought.
"The way you act sometimes, you're definitely a cutie underneath that sheep skin! Not as cute as me, of course, but I bet you could turn a few heads."
Miri looked away and down, not responding to that comment.
The two then faced each other, Asmo placing his forehead against hers and recited the pact agreement, a pink glow enveloping the pair. When the glow faded, a young, dark-skinned woman with pink curly hair was standing where the tiny pink sheep was, her pink purple eyes glued to the floor. Asmo took in a breath, his eyes sparkling in delight.
"Miri, you're so-!"
"Pardon the intrusion," Barbatos's soft, even voice sounded behind her as a black silk robe soon circled Miri's shoulders, startling the two. The back of the robe trailed on the floor, much too big for her small (but human-sized) form.
"Mammon, why are you covering my eyes!?" Levi's voice called out, making her gasp.
"Don't look at her when she's naked, stupid!"
"I've seen her naked before! I have a pact with her too, you know!"
"Yeah, and she had to carry you to your room because your nose was bleeding so much!"
"Excuse you, moron! She carried *you* to your room! I know because I had to help her do it!"
"Simeon! Why are you covering my eyes!" Luke's tiny voice called out.
"Miri's in a vulnerable state right now. Let's respect her privacy , all right?"
"Covering Luke's eyes is understandable, Simeon, but why are you covering mine as well?" Solomon asked.
Miri turned to see the crowd in various states of eyes covered, of their own volition or not; others pointedly looking in any direction other than in hers, and a few others with their backs turned completely around, facing various walls and pillars in the hall. Miri pulled the robe closer, cheeks warm.
"T-Thank you, Barbatos."
"Do you have any spare clothes?"
"Well… no," she responded, remembering that she had come to Devildom as a sheep, with nothing on her, not even her old clothes. "With Mammon and Levi, I was human again for a few minutes, and was back to a sheep again when I woke up the next morning after I got Beel's pact."
"Hmm… perhaps I can have the Little Ds scourge up a spare RAD uniform for the time being."
"Actually, Barbatos," Diavolo called out, one of the ones with his back fully turned. "Have the Little Ds search for something more appropriate in my mother's room. Sleeping in a school uniform doesn't sound very comfortable, does it?"
Barbatos's eyes widened slightly and Miri couldn't help but notice how Lucifer's posture straightened up more as well.
"It might be a little old-fashioned," Diavolo continued, "but it'll do for now. I hope it'd be suitable for your needs, Miriam."
"I don't want to impose on you or your mother, Lord Diavolo." Miri said, thinking that she hadn't seen hide or hair of Diavolo's mother since she came to the Devildom, nor did anyone seem to talk about her either.
"Please, I insist. You're a guest in my castle and I want to treat you as such."
"W-well, only if it's okay with her, then."
"I don't think she would have minded. Barbatos?"
"As you wish, my lord." Barbatos nodded and stepped away, gently tapping Miri's shoulder and guided her away. She also couldn't help but hear two grumbles of struggle and a firm 'No.' from Lucifer distantly.
"…He wasn't kidding when he said it was old-fashioned." Asmo said, tilting his head to the side as they stood in the guest room together. "More conservative than what I would have pictured for a demon queen, not gonna lie."
Miri was covered again in black fabric, feeling something similar to linen against her skin, different from the silk of the former robe Barbatos had put on her. The sleeves were long and covering her fingertips with elaborate black lace cuffs. The hem was almost to the floor, not as much as the black robe had been on her but there was still the risk of tripping, Miri noticed.
"It's supposed to be for sleeping… I think." Miri said, looking at herself in the mirror, pulling at the fabric. "It's so fancy…"
"You'll be sleeping like a queen, if you want to look at it that way." Asmo said, lifting her chin up. "But she did have a good eye for fabrics, I can see that. It's held up pretty well despite its age."
Miri looked at herself again, decked in the black linen-like gown, her pink hair standing out against the dark fabric.
"Hey, Asmo? Barbatos and Lucifer seemed pretty surprised at Lord Diavolo suggesting I borrow his mother's clothes. Do you know why?"
"Well… the queen's been dead for quite some time, hon." Asmo said, surprising Miri. "We were still angels at the time when we heard news of her passing, and just barely at that. The Devildom and the Celestial Realm weren't on the best of terms at the time, to put it nicely. Her passing was barely a footnote in Celestial Realm's gossip circles, barely even a word about it."
Asmo sighed.
"Come to think of it, Lord Diavolo doesn't talk all that much about his family. Not all that surprising, all things considered."
"What do you mean?"
"Aside from his mother's death, his father isn't around either."
"Like …the queen?"
"No, he's at the bottom of the Devildom, alive! Don't worry, hon! No one's seen him in the last thousand years though. Lord Diavolo pretty much rules now, yet he hasn't taken the crown yet, out of respect."
"Maybe… he's still mourning the loss of his wife?"
"Could be. Relationships between all three realms have changed so much since then. It must have been a lot for him."
Asmo then turned Miri to face him, smiling.
"Now that that's out of the way, let me get a look at you, you cute little human!"
"A-again with the cute…"
"But you are! Look at you and your little ears! And hey! Your pointy finger and your ring finger are almost the same length! That's interesting!"
Asmo pressed his hands against her cheeks, feeling them warm at a rather fast pace.
"Where did that extra power come from anyway?"
"S-sowoman's majack-" Asmo pushed her cheeks up, forcing her mouth open.
"That wasn't just Solomon's magic there, trust me hon, I know his magic. There's more you're hiding in there, I'm sure. No need to be shy, now."
Simeon, just coming into the room, couldn't help but laugh at the scene.
"You've certainly taken quite a liking to Miriam, haven't you, Asmodeus?"
"Well, of course! I wouldn't have made a pact with her, would I?"
He still held her mouth open, inspecting her teeth.
"Still, who would have thought you had such powerful magic hidden within you, Miriam?" Simeon wondered aloud. "Where could it have been hidden all this time, I wonder?"
"That's what I'm trying to find out." Asmo said. "We're going to find where it's hiding. I'm going to take it nice and slow and be *very* thorough…'kay?"
Asmo released her mouth to squish her fiery cheeks again.
"Ooh, Miri! Is it okay if I sleep together with you in your bed tonight? You don't mind, do you?"
Miri looked pleadingly at Simeon.
"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Mammon shouted, bursting into the room.
Asmo looked at Mammon, clearly displeased.
"What are you doing to Miri, huh?! Quit touching her like that! You're waaay too close! Get offa her!"
"So, Miri," Asmo ignored him, putting his hands on her shoulders, massaging them lightly. "When you wash yourself, where do you usually start? Because I like to start with my-"
"Oh so you're gonna ignore me, huh!?" Mammon said, glaring.
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llamagoddessofficial · 11 months
Hey, how would the siren guys react to a whale shark mc? Heheee, :0 (whale shark face) fella
Sans: Since whale sharks are filter feeders, she's technically a mermaid!
I imagine that a whale shark Mc is incredibly chill and relaxed. She's very big, very beautiful, and very friendly... adult whale sharks don't really have anything to fear, so she's easygoing and sweet-natured with pretty much everyone.
She thinks he's handsome, and very smart. Orca would only pose a realistic threat to her if they approached in a big group, but he's alone- she's not even slightly worried. She asks him about life as a predator, his adventures around the world, she dreams of seeing the poles but she's not built for staying in cold water. He entertains her with stories of the arctic.
... Sans isn't used to encountering mermaids who aren't terrified of him. He isn't used to encountering sirens who aren't terrified of him. She talks to him like he's a normal person, engages with him... it actually makes him less insane and murderous, as it's the first time he's been treated like a person since his pod died. He naturally becomes deeply attached to her... she's delighted he wants to keep her company and she welcomes his presence. They're 'best friends' that travel around together. It's good that she's a filter feeder, because though he'd absolutely kill for her, he has no need to.
Red: Red loves a big beautiful lady. This is one of the fundamental laws of the universe. The bigger the better- and she's literally the biggest shark out there. What's not to love? He's head over heels. His only regret is that they can't seriously play fight, because she could probably snap him in half. That's hot- but it would be inappropriate in public.
She loves his attention. Sure, Sans is handsome, but... well, Red is literally the ideal by shark standards. Being a filter feeder doesn't make her resistant to his scars, his teeth, his charms. She giggles when he calls her majestic, she flushes when he says he'd like to sightsee coral reefs with her. But she doesn't really take his flirting seriously. She thinks he'd want a girlfriend who's more aggressive, an apex like him- someone with more 'bite'. She's seen how feisty female tiger sharks are. She's not like that.
Sans is absolutely seething that this asshole is trying to steal his girlfriend. They're regularly at each other's throats when her back is turned. It's very easy for her to break up their fights, though, since she physically overpowers them both.
Skull: Pretty similar to Sans, in respect to Mc being sweet and friendly has the dual effect of calming him down but also driving him kinda wild for her. Whale sharks do occasionally make dives to deeper water, so it makes sense their paths would cross.
He's enraptured. She's like a big, friendly angel, her pattern is literally rays of sun. He wants to be near to someone who isn't afraid of him. He's a little heartbroken he can't bring her food gifts, since they don't eat the same way, but pebbles still work. And he's deeply impressed by how much plankton/krill she can eat in one go.
Though the difference between them isn't as intense as it is with leaf sheep Mc, she's still a very pelagic creature, and he's a very NOT pelagic creature. She's fascinated by his completely alien, deep-sea biology. Lots of her being delighted by his light shows.
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 11 months
Obey Me! Brothers react to: Mc turning into their sheep form to comfort the brother when he's upset.
Lucifer's, Mammon's (you are here), Leviathan's, Satan's, Asmodeus's, Beelzebub's, & Belphegor's reactions.
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Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
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Mammon's reaction
In game Mammon cries a couple of times, probs more than a couple. Mammon cries over movies or TV shows, or he cries over getting in trouble and being hung from the ceiling by Lucifer. That doesn't mean that Mammon doesn't cry over more personal things. No matter what he's crying over Mammon will get angry and argue if called out for crying. Our tsundere (ive been spelling that wrong for however long now so my bad) will deny crying with his life- "The Great Mammon doesn't cry! I just have something in my eyes. That's all!!" Or "I'm not crying! It's fake! Its just water! I pranked yah' guys!! *running away to cry somewhere in peace*" poor Mams If Mammon and Mc are dating Mammon will eventually calm down and go to Mc for comfort when he's upset, but he'll still respond aggressively if Mc teases him over crying. Not in a beat someone up aggressive more of a passive aggressive being angry way.
The first time Mc finds Mammon crying was by accident. Mammon had been out doing things for the witches, running errands that sort of stuff. When Mammon came home Mc and him were supposed to hang iut and watch a movie. So when Mc knew Mammon would be home they went to his room and barged right in, he doesn't knock and they we're excited to hang out. They didn't expect to see Mammon sitting on his bed sobbing into his hands. Mammon hadn't noticed Mc entered his room until the door shut behind Mc, Mammons head flew out of his hands and his face went red with embarrassment when he saw Mc standing there. Mammon freaks out, he throws pillows in the direction of Mc as he frantically trys to wipe his tears and hide from Mc. Seeing Mammon so dejected made Mc feel sad. Then suddenly *poof* Mc was in their sheep form, without even meaning to be. Mammon immediately stopped throwing pillows and freaking out when he say Sheep Mc. It was less embarrassing crying in front of a sheep, and Sheep Mc is just so cute who can throw pillows at them?
Mammon settled down, sitting back down on his bed, he sighed and placed his face in his hands again. Sheep Mc wandered over to Mammon, placing their tiny trotter (that's what they call sheeps feet) on Mammon's knee. Mammon removes his face from his hands, and even though tears still stream down his face, Mammon smiles at Sheep Mc, finding their adorable kindness to sweet to not smile at. Mammon picks Sheep Mc up gently, pulling them into a hug, he buries his head in Sheep Mc's fluffy wool. The softness of Mc's wool soothes Mammon's feelings, eventually he stops crying. He just sits there hugging Sheep Mc until he explains quietly why he was upset- "This witch l've been running errands for had this pup... Sweet little guy made my day seeing 'em... Ran an errand for that witch today...found out the pup passed a couple days ago.." Mammon's voice is barely above a whisper, and his voice cracks as he talks about it. Mammon doesn't lift his face from Sheep Mc's wool while he talks, causing his already quiet voice to be muffled making what he said almost go unheard. Lucky for Sheep Mc, Mammon's face is burried in their wool on the top of their head, so they were able to hear what he said. Sheep Mc hugs Mammon tightly, telling him it's alright to cry and other comforting things. Sheep Mc lets Mammon pet their wool and they let him hug them for as long as he needs. When Mammon finally calms down he is hella embarrassed. He's going to be on edge and defensive so Mc has to be careful with what they say and do. Staying as Sheep Mc is probably the best option, it makes Mammon feel less embarrassed and he finds comfort in the softness of Sheep Mc's wool. So Mc stays in their Sheep form, Sheep Mc and Mammon watch the movie they had planned to watch and Mammon is his normal self by the time they both head to bed for the night.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Mams just seems like an animal lover to me tbh. The other brothers reactions is coming soon so Stay tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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mrsbrookemunson · 8 months
Hi, love you’re writing! I was wondering if you were open to a Sebastian request… there’s a HC that the reason his hair is always so chaotic is due to Solomon taking sheep shears to his head, and I was wondering if you could use that to do a small fluff, possibly revealing a crush, between Sebastian and MC, in which he’s received another Solomon haircut and is feeling really self conscious about it, so MC assures him it’s not so bad/he’s still handsome
I'm not even kidding, I saw this request and immediately had to do it because I love it so much - I recently went to Universal (Islands of Adventure) and saw the Hogwarts castle and Hogsmeade... I may have cried a little. Summary: The request Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x MC (No pronouns used) Warnings: Uncle Solomon (there, I said it), angst, fluff, food mentioned, use of 'MC', honestly just real fluffy fluff which I feel like we don't have a lot of. Wrote this in one sitting so most definitely typos. If you're on a computer, the pictures might be formatted weirdly. Contains (Or Lacks): No specific house mentioned. The main plot of the game still happened, but Sebastian's side quest did not. Which means Solomon's alive, but Anne is not cured. Set in summer.
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(Pictures Found on Pinterest)
The summer sun was always a lovely feeling after the long and cold winters that occurred in the Scottish Highlands. You could admit the snow was pretty, but the way the warmth engulfed you as your journey took you through fields of flowers, across crystal clear water streams, all whist surrounds by tall mountains that were accented with green. Green was everywhere - green grass, green trees, green bushes, and everything so forth. Each breath you took filled you with peace.
Then there you were.
It was only a month and a half ago since you last saw your best friend, Sebastian. The end of your 6th year left you torn. Why? Because ever since you and him met in 5th year, you couldn't deny the spark that ignited when your eyes first met his. It was almost as if Merlin himself wrote in the stars that the two of you would find each other one day. And thank Merlin you did. He was there for you during your fight in the Goblin War, he was there for you in the search to find all the answers that led to more questions, and he was there for you when you lost Professor Fig. But, there were lows that came with it.
You couldn't help him. Over the last two school years, you've tried and failed to have found a cure for his twin sister Anne. You both now knew Rookwood was behind the cruelty and not a goblin, but what good did it do when you were too blinded by the fight to have forgotten to force the answers Sebastian so desperately needed out of him? At least, that's what you tell yourself. Sebastian had to have told you a million times not to blame yourself, but you couldn't follow through. The only way to fix things was to find a cure for Anne.
You clutched the handle of your trunk as your eyes caught the all too familiar well of Feldcroft.
"Off on another adventure?"
You turned your head with a raised eyebrow toward Ignatia Wildsmith. With a chuckle, you continued forward.
"Ah! MC, good to see you again!" Bernard Ndiaye, the Feldcroft shopkeeper, called out.
You smiled and walked up to him. "Hello, Bernard. Doing well?"
"As good as one can be," he answered. "What brings you to town?"
"Oh, I'm just visiting a friend," you replied, vaguely. "Sebastian," you added.
"Ah... young Sallow. I've seen quite a bit of him recently."
"Hm?" You gave him a questionable look.
"He's been helping the folks around here with some labor. He's been a great help to me, keeping my shop tidy and stocked!"
"Sounds like Sebastian," you laugh.
He echoed your laughter. "I shouldn't have been surprised of your arrival, he's been talking about you."
"Has he?" You perked.
"Oh yes... all good things, of course." He grinned, smugly.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in suspicion. "I'll take your work for it..." you dragged in amusement. "Well, I should probably be going, they are expecting me."
"Yes! Yes! Don't let me keep them waiting." He waved you off as he takes a sip of his tea.
You smiled and waved goodbye. You walked away toward the Sallows' house which you deemed as the most whimsical looking one out of Feldcroft, but maybe you were biased. You sighed as you took in the house. It was small, but beautiful. You took note of the new elements that have appeared since the last time you were here. A few new plants, a few new fruits and vegetables in their garden, even a new painted wood sign that claimed their residency. Everything looked perfectly tended to.
You raise your fist to knock, but before your knuckles could touch the door you heard what sounded like a grunt coming from behind the house. You froze in attempt to make it easier to hear. Your eyebrows furrowed when you heard yet another one. You took a step back from the door and set down your luggage. Your curiosity led your feet around the house, eyes bouncing around to spot the source of the sound.
You stopped over by the training dummies when you heard another sound, louder than had been before. You turned your head rather abruptly knowing you had finally found your conclusion but that backfired when you felt your knees nearly give out on you.
Your face flushed when your attention was suddenly drawn to none other than your best friend. Your best friend that you fancied like mad, right here in front of you, skin glistening from sweat, breathing heavily with the occasional grunt as he moved large trunks of wood. Your eyes widened the more you continued to gawk at him, you didn't even notice that your jaw had dropped a little at the sight of him.
He stood up straight and lifted his hat a little to wipe the sweat off his forehead. He let out a long sigh of exhaustion and let his head hang low for a moment before shaking it off and turning his body to where you stood. You swore you saw his soul leave his body when he was smacked in the face by your presence.
He jumped and grasped his chest with a gasp. "Merlin MC, don't do that to me! How long were you standing there?" he scolded.
Your brain didn't process his scolding. You smiled and walked with vigor up to him. Without a word you threw your arms around your neck and pulled him into an embrace. He stiffened for a second before hugging you back
"I missed you," you said.
He wouldn't have admit it in that moment, but hearing your voice after haven't heard it in a while made his stomach flutter. A smile made its way onto his face. "I missed you too."
You pulled away, but not too far as you scanned his face for any changes. He did the same.
"You've grown," you pointed out.
"Have I?" He smirked.
"At least an inch." You narrowed her eyes. "And you got a new freckle... right... there." You poked his cheek.
He jokingly slapped your hand away. "I see you haven't change one bit," he teased.
You rolled your eyes. You raised a hand to block your eyes from the sun. "Merlin Sebastian, how are you wearing a hat right now in this weather?"
You didn't mention it, but you saw the way his cheeks turned a light shade of red.
"Where's your luggage?" he asked.
"At the front." You jutted your head in the direction.
"C'mon, let's get you settled then." He placed a hand at the small of your back and guided you to the front of the house. He grabbed your luggage and brought it inside, holding the door open for you.
The first thing you saw was Anne. She was standing there with a weak smile on her face. She had gotten a lot thinner since last summer when you saw her, and the dark circles under her eyes were more noticeable. It was a jab to your heart seeing her this way, knowing you couldn't control it.
"MC!" she exclaimed, happily.
"Anne!" You opened your arms and hugged the girl.
"How've you been?" she asked, moving so she could look at you as she spoke.
"I've been good - busy - but good." You hesitated at first, but asked, "And you? How have you been feeling?"
"Some days are worse than others, but today has been good. Probably because I knew you'd be here today." You laughed together. "Uncle has gone out to go get supplies for supper tonight, he should be back soon."
Sebastian behind you muttered something incoherently.
Anne looked at him. "Something on your mind?"
He glanced up from the palm of his hand which he had been absentmindedly tracing. He formed his lips into a tight line. "Nope. Nothing at all... I'll be outside if you girls need anything." He was quick to leave.
You grew a little confused at his rushed exit. "Is there anything I should be aware of?"
Anne scoffed a little. "Oh, it's - it's nothing, it's silly." She brought you to sit at the dining table with her. "He's just a little snippy because Solomon gave him a haircut," she explained.
You didn't know whether to laugh or not. "What?"
Anne shook her head a little. "Ever since we were young, after our parents died, every summer Uncle Solomon will give Sebastian a haircut if he thinks it's gotten too long to do labor with."
You grimaced at the thought of that man giving you a haircut and began to felt sympathy for Sebastian the more you thought about it. "Oh..."
"Solomon recently thought it had gotten too long... I have never seen Sebastian fight it more than he did this time. Honestly, I think it had something to do with you coming so soon."
You frowned. "I'd never make fun of him if that's what he thought."
"He knows that, it's just..."
You tilted your head. "It's just... what?"
She leaned in a little. "It's just that he wants to look his best when he's around you."
"Why should that matter?"
She looked a little taken aback. "My Merlin, do you really not know?"
"Know what?"
"You don't!" she exasperated.
"Don't know what?" You were starting to get a little desperate.
Anne looked around as if to make sure no one was listening. "Be honest with me here... do you fancy my brother?"
You nearly choked out your saliva as you gasped in shock. "What?! No! Me?! No!" You avoided her eye contact as well as her wide grin.
"Oh my gods! You do!" She began to laugh as if it was hysterical. "I knew it!" She slapped the table. "And Sebastian told me you didn't think of him that way..." She shook her head. "I should've listened to Ominis." She began to ramble off about you, Sebastian, and Ominis.
"What are you talking about?"
"You can't tell him I told you, but sister to sister you have to know... that my brother - my twin - is totally in love with you."
You blinked a few times as you attempt to process this information. "What?"
"Now before you start asking - "
"Has he told you that?! Since when?! Why has he never told me?!" you blurted.
"He - "
Suddenly, the door swung open. Heavy footsteps treaded in, the wooden floors creaked underneath the new weight. You turned your head and was met with Solomon whose facial expression hadn't changed since the last time you saw him. A deep scowl.
"You're here early," he grumbled.
Your eyes glimpsed at the grandfather clock in their house. You weren't early, in fact you were actually a little late, but there was no way you would correct him. So, instead, you gave a sweet smile. "I had anticipated some interruption during my travels, but lucky for me none came."
He gave a stiff nod and shuffled his way to the kitchen. "Hope you like Shepard's pie."
Even if you didn't, you would never admit it. "Love it!" You eyed Anne who was holding back a giggle.
"Where's that boy?" he asked, unpacking the produce and meat.
"He's outside, working in the back," Anne answered.
He glared. It wasn't directed toward Anne, but it still managed to make you two cower a little. "No manners that boy has! Invites a guest over and then - " The rest of it was mumbled as he stormed out of the house.
You and Anne could hear muffled shouting.
You turned to Anne. "Anne, about Sebastian - " You were interrupted this time by the door. However, Solomon was now accompanied by Sebastian.
So, that's why he's wearing a hat. You thought to yourself.
Solomon shoved his toward the table where you and Anne sat at. He huffed and sat down beside you.
Anne glanced between the two of you with a sly smile. "So, MC... you said you've been busy, doing what exactly?"
"I've been helping Mr. Weekes at Spintwitches Sporting Needs, he has some new ideas for broom upgrades that I've been assisting him with."
"Sebastian told me you were a good flyer, better than Imelda from what he's told me."
Sebastian had seemed to've perked up. "She's the best on the team."
You breathily scoffed. "That's pushing it a little."
"Nonsense, people think you're gonna get chosen for captain in this new year," he said.
"Don't let Imelda hear that, it'd be over her dead body would I get that position," you half-heartedly joke.
"Anything else you've been doing?" Anne inquired, resting her chin against her knuckles.
"I've been helping Mr. Hill with modeling clothes, helping Sirona at the Three Broom Sticks - cleaning and whatnot, helping J. Pippins with potion deliveries, of course running my own shop - "
"Have you been taking breaks?" Sebastian asked.
You frowned a little at his look of concern. "Of course I have been taking breaks, I''m taking one right now, being here." You could tell that didn't ease him. "It's a busy season, but I've been managing."
"But, you've been drinking enough water, right? Eating enough? Sleeping enough?"
Anne could relate this back to the 'he's in love with you' claim, but you could relate it back to the two of them. He's had to care for Anne for a while now and witnessed her downfall, it's to no surprise he'd be protective over your health and making sure you're okay.
"Yes, Sebastian," you assured.
Solomon was cutting carrots (why is that funny to imagine?), when he grumbled to himself about something. He set his knife down shook his head. "Boy! What did I say about wearing hats indoors?"
You eyed Sebastian's expression. It flickered with embarrassment.
"I am not taking off this hat," he argued.
Solomon crossed his arms and stared down Sebastian. "And why is that?"
Sebastian's lip trembled a little. "W-Well, because - " He sighed in defeat, he didn't want to argue in front of you. That was an embarrassment in itself as he learned the more he thought about the day you first met Anne. "Yes, sir."
Solomon went back to cooking. You didn't know whether to watch or not as Sebastian slowly took off his hat. His eyes casted down in shame. Some of his hair was matted down from the sweat while the rest of it had it's own mind. You had never really seen his natural hair, always tamed with gel. This was the first time you had seen the chaos that was Sebastian's hair, and oh how Solomon did not understand it.
Sebastian ran a hand through it, but it only seemed to have stirred it more. The shorter layers sticking out a little, some parts wavy, some parts straight. The longer layers uneven. You deep down hoped that one day it'd be you who'd give his hair the treatment it deserved, because you knew how much Sebastian cared about it.
"I'm just going to step away for a moment - " Sebastian started.
"No, I need your hand in the kitchen," Solomon countered.
Sebastian shut his eyes. His nostrils flared ever-so-slightly as he breathed in sharply. He stood up and walked to the kitchen.
"Due to the arguing, Solomon did haste the cutting process," Anne explained in a hushed tone
"What does he use for it?" You scooted closer toward her so Sebastian nor Solomon heard.
"Sheep shears." Anne cringed at the thought. "I've been fortunate enough to have never experienced it, Sebastian on the other hand..." she paused. "In our second year, Solomon cut it right before the start of first term, and let's just say... it ended him up with an awful nickname."
"Oh, poor Sebastian..." You sympathized.
"After that he learned how to style his hair and built a new reputation for himself, but I know it haunts him every time this season comes around. I think he's just scared you'll somehow lose interest in him all together if you see him - well... this way..."
You frown and looked at Sebastian whose energy drained in the last hour.
"I don't think that's possible," you whisper, unknowingly.
Anne grabbed your hand that laid on the table. "Maybe it's time to tell him that."
You bit your lip. Your nerves grew the more you thought about such a conversation between you and Sebastian. Where you'd reveal the feelings you've contained since the day you met him. Yes, when you met him, you thought he was attractive, but then you got to know him and suddenly he was beautiful. Inside and out, and that's what scared you.
Were you enough for someone beautiful?
You know Anne said he liked you back, but what if it was all a big misunderstanding? It wouldn't have been the first time.
Could you afford to get your heartbroken by Sebastian?
You think not. Which is why when you got your plate of food, you managed to build up no appetite. You pushed around the potato meat and vegetables until it was nothing but a pile of mush. You could feel the heat of Sebastian's gaze burn into you, but you did you best to avoid it. Eventually, Anne allowed the awkward silence to take over until everyone was done with dinner.
Sebastian stood up. "I'm gonna go get some air," he announced before leaving.
You watched him carefully as he left.
Anne picked at her fingernails. "I'm gonna go help Uncle with the rhubarb pie," she said, slowly, as if hinting toward something. "If you know... you wanna... talk." She eyed the door.
You picked it up her cues rather easily. "Yeah," you breathed. "Yeah, maybe that's for the best." You cleared your throat as the both of you stood.
Anne could read by your stance how nervous you were. She grasped your upper arm. and gave it a comforting squeeze. "Hey, believe me when I tell you that you have nothing to worry about. I know my brother better than anyone and I know... you're everything to him."
You could've argued against that, but chose to bite your tongue and nod. She smiled and gave your upper arm one more squeeze. She walked past you to the kitchen. You sighed and glanced at the door. After what felt like a lifetime you took the first step toward exiting the house until you felt the cool breeze against your face. You ventured out a little and turned your head to your right. It was where you two met up the day you first came to Feldcroft all that time ago, before you met Anne, before him and Solomon got into that fight, and before you told Sebastian all about the keepers.
You walked up the steps and to him where he was leaning against the railing. His back was still turned to you which prompted you to rest against the railing next to him. The two of you wallow in the silence.
"I'm sorry," he said, breaking the silence.
"What for?"
"For being distance."
"It's okay - "
"It's not okay..." He groaned a little. "It's stupid." He shook his head.
"What is? I can tell you, whatever it is, it is not stupid if it's affecting you this much." You knew what it was, but for you to truly understand, you needed to hear his feelings on it.
He shakily sighed. "I know you've noticed, how could you not notice?" He tugged at a strand of his hair which stuck up and out of place. "I swear he treats me as though I'm still a child."
"Don't even lie and tell me it doesn't look bad."
"Could you look at me, please?" He hesitates but does so. "Here..." You stand upright, guiding him to do the same. Cautiously, you began to run your fingers through his hair. You don't verbally mention the way he shuddered immediately when doing so, or when he sighs again, this time of content. You smile, and continue to use your fingers to carefully style his hair. "This is the first time you've ever let me do this."
"Is it really?" He sounded absent. You noticed he had close his eyes and was now leaning into your touch a little more than before. "I've been missing out..."
"Just give me the word and I'll do this at any time for you." You smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"Careful... I think I'd tell you to never stop at some point."
You chuckle but don't respond. You finish by brushing his bangs to the side. Your eyes flickered all around his face. You were so close, you could've counted every freckle, every eyelash, every scar and imperfection that was perfection simply because it was him. Without another thought, your fingers dragged to trace the side of his face down to his jawline. During that, his eyes slowly opened. Your hand didn't leave his face as his eyes bored into yours.
Have they always looked at you that way?
"Have I told you lately that no matter what... you're beautiful... to me?" you stammered.
His breath hitched in his throat. "No," he breathed. "But, then again, I've been doing a terrible job reminding you that as well."
"We ought to really work on that together then, hm?"
He lifted up a hand and pushed your hair back behind your ear. "Yeah..."
"Kiss me."
You could only describe the moment as the stars having finally aligned. He wasted no time placing his lips against yours. There was no barrier of friendship keeping him from doing the thing he's been wanting to do for so long. You both have well crossed that safe line and now there was so turning back. Sebastian pulled you closer as he deepened the kiss. He wanted to make up for all the time he let go by without making you his. And he really wanted you to be his as much as he wanted to be yours. He wanted to memorize the feeling of your lips against his, your body pressed to his body, the tickle of your hair of his face, the feeling of your fingers in his hair. All that he wanted to consume was you.
The two of you pulled away to catch your breath. You both laughed and leaned into each other as you processed the moment as it was really happening.
You sighed, happily. "You know, your uncle is going to be wondering where we went."
"I honestly could care less about that right now." He couldn't stop smiling. He goes to lean in again but is interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
"As much as I'd love for you guys to continue your moment, I was ordered to tell you that the pie is ready," Anne said with an amused glint in her eye. "I'd also like to mention that I told you so, to both of you." She spun on her heel and began to slowly walk away.
You and Sebastian watched Anne walk away with wide eyes. Sebastian intertwined your fingers with his. "I guess we do have all of summer to spend time with each other."
"I'd like to think it wouldn't end just there," you tease as the you both start to walk back to the house.
"Don't you worry, you're gonna be stuck with me for life. Bad haircuts and all." He nudges you, playfully.
A perfect life.
Your eyes soften. "Lucky me," you whisper.
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Mc keeps the Dateables up at Night
you wanted to stay up all night long, without him???
what a crime, he should throw you into the dungeons! just kidding but he does not appreciate that you wanted to stay up the entire night to play games with Leviathan
to make it up to him you should stay awake with him :)
you could do a lot of fun things in the Castle, tour the Gardens at night, listen to the screams of the Damned, running away from Barbatos because both of you should be asleep or sneaking some snacks into his room
if it wasn´t for the fact that Barbatos would kill you if he found out Diavolo didn´t sleep you would be up for it
but know you have to find a way to get him to sleep
this man just doesn´t sleep, or maybe he just does but you never notice it
considering it´s Barbatos both could be a thing
while he didn´t appreciate your stupid little stunts as long as they didn´t wake Diavolo he doesn´t care what you do
and if your already awake you can help him with cleaning the Demon Lord´s Castle
by hand of course, no magic or anything allowed :)
maybe you should have thought twice before thinking about bothering Barbatos, the worat part was the torture chamber
man cleaning this alone was a form of torture
but Barbatos made you whatever you wanted as a payment so I guess it evens out
you put a pipe bomb into his cauldron, you were actually hoping the explosion would knock him out and render him unconscious, the only way you can get Solomon to sleep
but all you achieved was blowing up his cauldron
and he was even a bit proud of you for pulling this of without him noticing
but you did ruin his newest experiment without even thinking of how difficult it was to get them
good for him that he has such a capable apprentice who would love nothing more than help him :)
unless of course they want to experience the worst curses he has who won´t do them major bodily or mental harm :)
which means they get to experience the fun adventure of diving into the deepest ocean in the Devildom to gather scales of an incredibly hard to escape from predator, climb the highest mountain to gather feathers from a Human eating species of birds, getting a flesh eating plant which could easily burn your flesh of and many more wonderful (terrifying) things
you did something really simple
you pulled the fire alarm and watched him run out in panic
it was really funny until it wasn´t
turns out Simeon didn´t think it was so funny to wake him up so early
good for you he didn´t find the mega phone and air horn that you wanted to use when he fell asleep again
but yeah he did not appreciate you waking him and he appreciated it even less when he found out you wanted to keep him up just for fun
as punishment you weren´t allowed to come back to Purgatory Hall for one month
and of course you aren´t allowed to eat anything they made during the month (unless it was Solomon, then you have to be the sacrificial Sheep)
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ifearzombies · 1 year
The Little ‘I Love Yous’ Part 2
- He gives you little blessings without thinking. Your tea is the perfect temperature. You find the perfect chair to sit in when your feet are tired. Little things to make you smile and you wonder why you’re so blessed; only to remember you are loved by an angel. - He wrote a little short story about your adventures in the Devildom. It’s a children’s book series about a little sheep living with seven black rams and how the sheep helped the seven angry rams be better brothers. There’s little side adventures of the sheep meeting with some doves. You have the signed first edition from ‘Christopher Peugeot’. Levi is still trying to figure out how you got it. - He noticed when you visit PH you have a favorite seat. He’s made a little pillow with your name on it and put it there showing it’s reserved for you.
- He hears about magic spells you’ve seen in games or movies and finds a way to make that a spell you can actually learn. Or tries to. He’s only succeeded on one spell, but the little token he gave you that lets you cast ‘featherfall’ lets you give into a few of your more risky intrusive thoughts. Or it lets you escape the brothers’ arguing if you’re not on the first floor and a window is nearby. - He explained that humans require sunlight to Diavolo so that every other weekend you two can go to the human world and enjoy the sunshine and visit your family up there. - You’re the first to see a new spell or potion or rune he makes. Normally it’d be several of the demons he’s pacted with- but since you’re learning magic too he makes a point to show you the spectacle once it’s perfected.
- He’s requested a day off of work with Diavolo to spend the day with you. It’s a rare occurrence, and you can’t help but be touched he’d leave Diavolo’s side to be with yours for even a minute let alone a day. - Your favorite meals are on the menu when you and the brothers visit for dinner. And there’s an extra little heart shaped chocolate on your plate that Barbatos will tell everyone he doesn’t know how it got there as he winks at you. - Sometimes you find random notes in your things at RAD. They’re all in the most exquisite calligraphy you’ve ever seen and it’s detailing something nice about you today. Your outfit, the way you did your hair, a kind act he saw. You know who puts these in your things and you treasure each one.
- He tries every hobby you try with you so that you’re not alone. Plus it teaches him about the human world and how to have the Devildom be more welcoming for when his dream hopefully comes true. - He asks you a lot about the human world and what you like and dislike about it. it. He assures you it’s for his passion project, but when you mention things you like about the human world they somehow end up part of the Devildom (though you are not about to object now that the Devildom has started selling Kinder Eggs) - Kabedons you when only Barbatos is there. And when you blush he playfully asks if he did it right this time. You tell him no just so he’ll do it again later and he knows you’re lying.
- You help Simeon use his computer any time he needs to use it and is too scared he’ll break it. Lots of things are harder to find without use of the internet and he needs to be able to do research for writing and you’re always willing to help. He does credit you with a pen name, but you tell him he doesn’t have to.
- You try Solomon’s cooking. The RARE occasions Luke and Simeon can’t stop him from using the kitchen he always tries to make something for you and you always try it. Even when you’re honest and tell him it’s bad after, he still tries to make things for you and you try it because he smiles wide just because you were willing to try it.
- You occasionally spend a day helping Barbatos with his duties. The first time you decided to do it you went in not knowing how much the butler does but now you wonder how he ever manages to make it one day without falling asleep before noon. The days you offer to help him are his favorite days and you can tell by the smile on his face when you show up in a butler/maid uniform to help.
- Being the heir to the throne is not easy. And for as busy as Lucifer and Barbatos are, you realize Diavolo works the hardest. You ask for a day or two here or there to spend the night with him- not even just for sex. No. You hold him and run a hand through his hair and tell him that it’s OK to rest. You give him a massage and let him rest. There’s been times he’s cried that you never speak of. Times he tells you he worries that his dream will fall apart if Michael and the other angels don’t support this. That you and Solomon and Simeon and Luke will be taken from him if he fails. You tell him it’ll be OK. That you’ll find a way back to him and the others if that happens. You won’t let anyone take him and the others away from you because you love him and the others.
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Exploring the Devildom - Brothers and Datebables
This comes from a request I received: I am weak, have little stamina and have little to no experience exploring or hiking. That said, I would want to see all the best parts of the devildom! I love animals big and small, land or sea. I may not swim the best but seeing the colorful creatures fill me with joy. Also I bet there are dragons and I want one! *Begging sheep eyes* Buy me dragon, plz. Could I request a weak MC who wants to do more exploring and sightseeing but can't quite keep up with the brothers (and maybe date-ables)?
Lucifer doesn’t have much time for exploring the Devildom; there are other far more important matters to tend to. He normally passes that kind of interaction off to his brothers but you manage to catch his attention with your questions, especially once he hears you asking about dragons. Of course the Devildom has dragons and no, you are absolutely not going near any of them. Do you really think he’s going to let you near dragons? Stop those puppy dog eyes this instant. There’s no chance in Hell - 
Okay, so maybe he’s going to show you some dragons because it’s a good learning experience or something, not because you kept begging him. Dragons are pretty rare, even in the Devildom, but they do have conservation areas where they keep some of the most endangered species of dragons to help promote population regrowth. After enough begging, he’ll take you out there one day. The area is huge (it has to be because dragons are very big, at the least species you’re getting to see) and it takes an awful lot of walking around. Luckily, Lucifer has enough tact to not comment on your obvious weariness and you get plenty of times for breaks when you stop to admire the dragons. You can’t get very close to them for your own safety, no matter how much you plead with Lucifer, but he does manage to get you a tour of the breeding facilities where all the eggs are being cared for. You get to touch several of them and even get the honor of taking home a beautiful pearlescent piece of shell that’s several inches long and, in the bright light, you can see through it almost like a piece of glass. It’s a perfect excursion and Lucifer knows he’s going to have to bring you back sometime again.
If you want Mammon to show you around the Devildom, he would be happiest driving you around along the coast in one of his custom cars and going to a bar or party along the beach. That’s about as outdoorsy as he likes to get but if you’re the one asking him to explore more, he’ll do it. If Mammon’s recent story is to be believed, he’s not someone who is great with outdoorsy adventures. He could barely handle carrying your picnic supplies but he doesn’t let his lack of athleticism stop him. He’s also one of the brothers least likely to care about your inability to handle lots of physical activity. He needs the breaks almost as much as you do and you too can complain to each other about the effort while you struggle to catch your breath. 
Mammon’s going to introduce you to all the aviary aspects of the Devildom when you’re out together. His familiars are crows after all; he’s got an in with the birds and is always able to get them to gather around you guys, like little groupies. Crows, ravens, nightingales, eagles, hummingbirds, cardinals, etc. You’ve seen birds of every kind of color and pattern, heard the most beautiful songs and trills and coos, fed them seeds and meats that you bring on your trips even when the bags are already too heavy to be comfortable. You’ve even seen a phoenix once, high up in the sky during one of your picnics by the lake, and the tendrils of gold and red trailing after it are one of the most mesmerizing things you’ve ever seen - well worth the exhaustion of the hike.
Getting Levi to leave the house is no easy task. He would much prefer to be home in his own room than actually going out and exploring the Devildom. The only way to really get him out of there is by begging him to take you to the beach to meet Lotan. Levi can’t refuse a beach trip, especially when you’re ready to coo over his pet. Normally Levi would be nervous about taking you anywhere, worried about it being a date or if you’re going to be bored or disappointed and is he really the best demon to be showing you anything but this is sort of his second home and he feels much more confident. He’s happy to lead you right into the water to get an up close view of Lotan and all of the different oceanic creatures the Devildom offer.
Swimming may be a little difficult in the ocean but with Levi there to keep you afloat, you don’t need to worry. Levi is a strong swimmer and is happy (and terrified) to be carrying you through the water and helping you float so you don’t spend too much energy that you don’t have. He’s going to keep you safe from everything and he knows all of the secrets of the ocean. He can name all of the coral and plants, the stones, the fish. He’s almost as animated as he gets when he speaks about his anime. By the time you’re done for the day, you know more about the marine life here than you do at home. 
In true Satan fashion, he shows you all around the bookstores, galleries, and museums that the Devildom has to offer. He complains that it doesn’t have nearly as many as it should and he has quite the critical eye for the things that are displayed. Half the time, he has more extensive knowledge of the exhibits than the signs convey and he ends up explaining each piece to you. The best part about this is that he’s happy to settle you onto any nearby seat (even if he has to scare people off of it) and spend time talking about what you’ve seen so that you have time to rest because he knows just how much walking goes into this. 
He makes sure to take you the natural history museum too because he knows how much you love animals and nature. He points out the animals that are similar to the ones found on Earth and explains what makes them different, and he is happy to do any interactive exhibits that you may life, even if he normally wouldn’t. He for sure buys you some sort of cat or book based item from the gift shop to commemorate your time together. 
Asmo would love to show you around the Devildom! However, like Mammon, he’s not a huge fan of the outdoors and he’s certainly not gallivanting around with animals aside from the stray photoshoot. He’ll end up showing you the downtown city center. Of course his favorite places tend to be stores where he drags you around to shop and, when you get tired, he’ll seat you in a dressing room where you can watch him try on different outfits and give your opinions. 
Asmo is also going to take you to the “coolest” places at the time whether it’s a club, arcade, cafe, exhibition, etc. He wants you to experience all of the most popular things the Devildom has to offer and, with all of his fans regularly following you guys around, someone is always around to carry your things or fetch you table/bench as needed so you never have to worry about being forced to stand for too long. 
Beel is going to show you around all of the best restaurants, cafes, and dessert shops around the Devildom has to offer. He is allowed into any establishment he likes because he buys them out entirely so he’s definitely a VIP customer. This means you never have to stand around waiting for a table, you’re sat down almost immediately. These outings are very easy on you, though the food may not always sit very well considering most of it is made out of ingredients that you don’t have on Earth. 
Beel will happily give you piggy back ride around town too as you travel from restaurant to restaurant. If you try to complain about burdening him, he’ll brush you off and mention how good it is for him to walk and lift after eating all of that food. You’re just helping him build up his appetite so he can truly appreciate the next place you guys stop at. Honestly, you’re the one doing him a favor.
Belphie’s favorite thing to show you is the stars. Yes, the observatory at the House of Lamentation is great for an indoor view for when it’s cold or rainy or you’re just not interested in going outside. However, there are much better views to be had if you take the time to go find them, especially in the open fields far away from the city heart of the Devildom. Belphie bribes Beel into driving you guys out to the fields, the car packed with snacks and blankets and pillows while you’re bundled up in your comfiest pajamas. You guys set up your little area and lay there for hours, watching the sky change. 
This far from the lights, you’re able to see so much more. You can see so many stars and constellations, the ones Belphie’s told you about before and new ones, as well as glimpses of other planets and galaxies. He tells you all sorts of stories, myths and legends of the Devildom, and even opens up about how it compares to the starry views in the celestial realm. It’s mesmerizing in the deep darkness of the Devildom and Belphie holds your hand to make sure it’s not too overwhelming. You may end up falling asleep out there with him and it’s some of the best sleep you’ve ever had. 
Diavolo has very little free time to explore and enjoy the Devildom, which is such a shame considering it’s the place he’s set to rule. Having you on the exchange program here, asking to learn more about this place and see more of what it has to offer, creates the perfect excuse for Diavolo to get out of the palace. The place Diavolo is going to bring you is the botanical gardens. Now, they’re not quite as pristine and impressive as the gardens at the palace (Barbatos does a wonderful job there) but there is more diversity and it all feels more organic. It gives you both the chance to learn more about the beauties and dangers of this realm, and it’s an incredibly romantic and sweet backdrop for your time together. 
The gardens are huge, sprawling over many acres, and Diavolo is aware of your limitations. With that in mind, he happily hires a little carriage to take you both around the area and you can get out of it for a closer look whenever the urge strikes you. This means you’re able to see so much more than you normally would and you get to make friends with the lovely horses that pull your carriage, offering them some of the safe vegetation as a reward for their hard work. Diavolo takes note of your favorite flowers and plants and when he gets back to the castle, he instructs Barbatos to create your own personal little garden you can visit whenever you like. 
Barbatos likes to take you with him while he runs his errands. He has so little free time that, unfortunately, he can’t take you out on a date more often than not but he still wants to spend time together. He compromises by bringing you with him when he can. One of his favorite places to take you is on his forest forage trips. He regularly goes out to collect fresh ingredients for both his teas and his treats. He finds so many leaves, berries, and other vegetation during your trips that you find yourself learning so much. You’ve never even seen half of these ingredients before and Barbatos delights in teaching you all about them: where they came from, how they grow, how to identity them, what they’re used for. He gives you your own basket to carry as well (it’s very light, mind you, even when it’s full and you assume there has to be some kind of enchantment on it). 
 Like with everything else, Barbatos always seem to know when you need to rest without you even saying anything. He walks so slowly through the forest with you that you know he probably does these trips in half the time or less when he’s alone and he is quick to point out pretty views you may want to take in, urging you to take a seat on a nearby log or rock for a while and enjoy. Additionally, Barbatos always packs a little picnic for you both as well so you can make a day of it. He loves to set you up in the middle of a clearing where you can lay on the soft blanket and eat your snacks and rehydrate. Occasionally he’ll wander off to gather some more ingredients while you rest and when you’re all recovered, he walks you back to the palace where he has a car waiting to bring you back to the House of Lamentation. 
Solomon is like your own personal tour guide of the Devildom, if your tour guide took you to illegal places and was paid under the table that is. There’s nothing Solomon loves more than taking little “field trips” with you around the Devildom, often citing how it relates to something you’re studying in your classes at RAD or how it will help him with teaching you magic. He takes you to all sorts of places that you’re almost definitely not supposed to be in: old caverns, castle ruins from a long gone dynasty, decrepit crypts with old rulers held inside, etc. Every place he takes you has a story that he loves to tell you. As a man who has experienced most of history, Solomon finds great job in telling his first hand accounts of things to you (though sometimes you’re entirely sure how much is fact and how much is fiction).
This means a lot of travel and while Solomon, the immortal and impervious bastard, may be able to get around easily but you can’t. Solomon knows that though and he makes these excursions as accessible as possible. That means portals when you’re traveling great distances so you don’t have to walk too much or things as simple as summoning a bench for you to rest on when you’re tired. He also absolutely loves to use his magic to float you along; he never warns you either, one second you’re slowly trudging along and the next thing you know you’re hovering 3 feet off the ground, carried forward by an invisible wind. It’s amazing and the fun of it helps make up for any negative feelings you may associate with needing the extra help. 
Simeon has to admit that he hasn’t seen as much of the Devildom as he should have considering how long he’s been here. He’s been to the stores and festivals, and he’s been pretty content keeping to the RAD campus outside of that. When he hears that you want to learn more about the Devildom, especially the wildlife, he sees it as a perfect opportunity to take you to the zoo. You guys decide to take Luke as well, correctly assuming that he would be thrilled to ‘oh’ and ‘ah’ over all of the animals.
The zoo is quite large and, to make things easier for you, Simeon is happy to get you a scooter or wheelchair and push you around. Honestly, he loves the idea of these devices and Luke will absolutely sit on your lap or hang onto the back of handle bars so he can ride around with you. If you do walk, he’s willing to sit down at the exhibits whenever you need and sometimes will suggest it even before you can bring it up. (He’s talked to Luke privately beforehand about not running off and making you guys chase him so there’s worries there) He also brings you to every animal show, both because it’s amazing to see what these animals can be trained to do but also so that you get enough rest throughout the day. You guys read the signs and histories posted outside each exhibit and turns into quite the educational day. You three end up buying plushies of your favorite animals to take home as a souvenir.
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tiaravermelha · 3 months
* ˚ ✦Cara Chaos — an indie interactive game εїз
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Hello!!! I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but finally, my first game is in the works. I've been waiting to be able to do it, and I'm so happy to be accomplishing this (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
You play as Doe, a researcher who studies gods and wishes. ᕙ⁠ ⁠(⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠) (very simple summary, it's not a coincidence!)
Join in an adventure with funky characters to learn more about your past, and your true reason to be in this world!
It is made with Twine! It has illustrations! And goodlooking characters...?!
...yes! You can befriend them, or more!
Also, you should be able to play on browser. No need for downloading B-)
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Y'know, the game is more of a personal oc project than anything. I really like otome games, so expect to see some kinda of romance (not forced! You can choose whether to romance a character or not!).
the game uses she/her pronouns, but you can headcanon the MC as anything, even as a sheep if you want! ⊂⁠(⁠◉⁠‿⁠◉⁠)⁠つ
It's character-driven, there's a great emphasis on them (of course...)
Anyway, feel free to ask anything! I'm not so sure if there's something else I should say, but... I think this is enough warnings! (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
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The game will release on itch.io, with 1 (one) chapter as a prologue. I'll be updating in patches, with new writings and illustrations :).
Because it's made by only one person, that being, me, I'll be on my own pace (Also to ensure that the quality is perfect! Drawing is hard, man). I will post drafts and miscellaneous stuff for the game, to assure that I'm not dead or giving up the production (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧.
Aside from that, I hope the game can be enjoyable for all, when It releases somewhere yet this year (we'll see about that ⊙⁠.⁠☉).
Stay safe!
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13leaguestories · 7 months
I could never get around making a morally corrupt protagonist because either the plot would punish you immediately or the protagonist themselves would express some form of regrets, etc. That is until Sea of Stars, that is. Moran can commit so many crimes with no remorse and it’s genuinely so entertaining. Mine, in particular, is such a murder hobo. He’s so charismatic and charming but if he were real, I would run away in fear and call the police. I’m still not over the scene where we can push the guard and then go “poor guy fell !”. It’s so unhinged, wolf in sheep’s clothing type of energy. I feel sorry for whoever my Moran romances but I, for sure, will have great fun.
I think that in itself reflects what great games you make. Sincerely, a fan who thinks often of each of your games individually (more particularly about how my Moran and Zillah would absolutely dab each other up at first sight).
Lmfao, I'm happy you're enjoying them. That is literally one of the reasons Moran has kind of scooted past the other MC's and taken the #1 spot. They are so truly unhinged and I love writing it. There flaws plus their universal attitude and loner personality just makes me go, "oh, my chaotic baby. It's okay, let's wipe that blood off your cheek and clean your knife."
Thank you though and I hope you enjoy the other just BS adventures that Moran finds themselves in. As yea, that does not end.
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ruins-crumbleton · 6 months
Sheep Mc's Adventures: #01
Similar posts: #02
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I'm not a professional artist and do not claim to be. Please be nice, I'm just a person who likes to do art. I plan to do more of these, just like drawing Sheep Mc tbh. Hope you enjoy. ♡
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My Drawing:
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The reference photo:
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ Feel free to comment or reblog! More is coming soon, so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby! ♡
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det2x-fanfic-dump · 2 months
(This is to show what the status of the fanfics are)
Ongoing- Current Working on writing it
Hiatus - Probably caused by writer's block or other fanfic is currently in the works; but not forgotten ; will magically update
Incomplete: Undetermined hiatus ; Closed to dropping or author is forgetting it ;
Open for Requests: This fics can be updated by requesting a chapter. (Comments can be here or in Ao3)
Requested Chapters can be slow.
If you want for me to continue those incomplete fics, please comment cuz sometimes my ego gives me motivation if I know someone is still interested in it.
Feel free to request a chapter cuz sometimes...I don't have any idea to continue it)
1. Yuki's Adventure in Twisted Wonderland
Summary: [A retelling of Yuu's story if Yuu is Obey Me's MC as well] Yuki(Obey Me's MC) had accidentally teleported herself to the World of Twisted Wonderland while practicing alone at her room in Cocytus Hall. Upon finding herself inside the coffin, she rediscovered herself in a twisted reality of childhood stories from her human world but also enrolled in a new school. How will she, a human girl adopted in a family of demon brothers return to her home in the devildom now that she’s just a regular magicless girl?
Type of Fanfic: Obey Me x TWST Long Series Fanfiction ; Retelling of TWST Story
Click on the fic titles for direct access to each fanfic:
Episode 00 & 01: Yuki, A Magic-less Sorceress (Prologue & Heartslabyul Chapters): Complete (Chapters 21/21)
Episode 2: Satan, The Kitty Detective (Savanaclaw Chapter) : Complete (Chapters 19/19)
Episode 03: In the eyes of an Otaku (Octavinelle Chapter) : Complete (Chapters 23/23)
Episode 04: A Raven's Guidance (Scarabia Chapter) : Ongoing (Chapters 9/??) - Reason: Other fanfic in the works
Finding the Perfect Husband (Ghost Bride Event) : Hiatus (Chapters 22/??)
Banned to Taste (Culinary Crucible Event) : Incomplete ; Open for Request (If you want a featured TWST boy that is not in the list) (Chapter 1/3)
Vignettes and Devilgrams (A fic based on the Daily Life between TWST and Obey Cast) : Incomplete ; Open for Request (Chapters 6/??)
It’s not the first time to be isekai’d in a Book (Stitch Summer Turbulence Event) : Complete (Drabbles ; Chapters 5/5)
(If you want to see a Retelling fic of any TWST event that's not in the list with Obey Me characters and the Sheep MC, comment it down but it will be slow in starting it but it will be on the list)
2. A(li)ce in Musicland: A Musical play General Practice
Summary: There was an upcoming cultural festival in Night Raven College where the seven dormitories had to present something special that relates to their respective house’s founders. Crowley has given Yuu the freedom to choose any dormitory to participate with. It so happens, Yuu decided to join Heartslabyul’s activities along with Grim. Heartslabyul’s doing a play and they insist that Yuu will be director since she’s from another world. It’s always interesting to have someone unfamiliar to everything lead. It might spice up a bit. It’s their first practice and Ace will take the main role of the little girl, Alice…
Type of Fanfic: Multiple Chapter Fanfiction
Status: Hiatus; until ideas came to mind.
Latest Chapter Update : 5 / 7
3. Yuu the Bard: Songs for the Boys
Just a bunch of Parody lyrics inspired or from the existing Disney songs about Twisted Wonderland Characters. Author's Note: This is just my brain meme-ing whenever I procrastinate and can't focus on making twst fanfics or my responsibilities. This will be forever be in complete status because I don't want to force myself writing everyone's parody lyrics
Type of Fanfic: Multiple Chapter Fanfiction ; List of Parody Disney Songs
Status: Incomplete ; This is probably considered Dropped unless a miraculous idea came to mind ; Open for Request tho...but be warned...it might not come true.
Latest Chapter Update : 3/3
Post Updated : August 26, 2024 +8:00 gmt
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doyou000me · 5 months
WIP game!
Thank you for the tag @cryingatships, here we go~
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (<- nope, I'm not tagging that many)
If anyone is curious, ask away~
Held (The Sign The Series)
Kinnporsche x Vincenzo crossover
Impulse control (Kinnporsche)
7. Luca knows to whom he belongs (Vincenzo kdrama)
Vigilante (Vigilante kdrama)
Dog-themed (Bloodhounds kdrama)
You can touch, but he's mine answered here (Deep Night The Series)
Wolf in sheep's clothing answered here (Kinnporsche)
Original Stories
Lucien Villamonte (fantasy, bloodmagic, religion, queer)
Monique Line (scifi, military, revenge, badass female MC)
It's Complicated (Queer, contemporary, coming out late, slice of life, relationships)
Kinship (fantasy, hierarchical magic system, asshole MC no redemption)
Modern Witches answered here (anthology, contemporary fantasy, queer)
The Deal answered here (queer, gay erotica, mafia, threesome)
Bodies (scifi, bodies as commodities, self identification)
The Silent Brotherhood (religion, Gods, greed, burn out, finding oneself)
The Shifting Sands (fantasy, adventure)
The Black Shepherd (folk tale, medieval)
The Building Manager (gay erotica, poor man meets rich man, slice of life)
Tales of Ackerton (anthology, contemporary fantasy)
Allswell (fantasy, 1920s ish, dragons, military, badass female MC)
When I Grow Up (contemporary fantasy, hero moves on after The Big Victory, finding purpose, queer, formerly a fanfic idea)
The Shop At The End answered here and here (contemporary fantasy, magic shop, margins of society, found family, formerly a fanfic idea)
Robo Kid (robots, human rights, existentialism)
Tagging @cactusmole, @greenninjabucket, @iffervescent, @the-cookie-of-doom, @snickerdoodlles,
@overthinkthis, @7nessasaryevils, @luckydragon10, @bunnakit, @the-wayside, and everyone else who feels like it (tell me and I'll tag you if that helps!) - of course, only if you feel like it!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
I had a nonsensical dream about Lucifer and I have to share it with you because I feel sorry for him (I admit I not only felt sorry for him, it was also a bit funny).
The dream began quite normally, I was coming home very late from a day out with my friends (it was about 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning).
Lucifer arrived at my house just as I was getting ready for bed and wanted me to accompany him to Macdo's because he was short of loyalty points to get the Coca-Cola glass he wanted and the only way to get them was to eat cheesburgers with someone else (I can't imagine Lucifer collecting Coca-Cola glasses at all).
After some hesitation (I wasn't hungry at all and I 'do just come back from a day out with my friends, so I didn't feel like going out again), I agreed to follow him. On the way, I was in a bad mood. When we got to the Macdo there was only one door and you had to solve a riddle to open. Lucifer tried to play along solve the riddle, but I was too angry to wait so I kicked the door in.
Lucifer followed me in (he was a bit disappointed, but he hadn't spent enough time in the human world to know whether it was normal custom to kick down doors).
Lucifer ordered cheeseburgers and nuggets (I was still angry and still not hungry). We sit down to eat, Lucifer is happy because he's got his Coca-Cola glass. Meanwhile I was glaring at all the clients while Lucifer was looking at his glass from every angle, praising its beauty, when all of a sudden someone tried to steal my nuggets (which, for the record, I still don't want to eat, I've only come to accompany Lucifer).
So, I fight the thief, the some other random clients who I don't know why got into the fight, then I smashed a window and ran off with my nuggets across town, leaving poor Lucifer in a ransacked Macdo.
The last image of the dream (after seeing myself go like a cave troll) was of Lucifer holding his Coca-Cola glass against him, sitting on the only chair still intact, surrounded by broken furniture and knocked out clients.
It was just a stupid dream and I felt a bit guilty when I woke up. I feel like Lucifer was trying to organise a date and I was just a strange mix between Levi, Satan and Beel.
But, Lucifer's face at the end of the dream, it was magnificent, he hadn't even had time to understand what had happened, the poor man! These brothers are already unbearable, but he doesn't even get a moment's rest with me.
^^ anon, please, this was sooo funny.
What a journey!!
I also can't imagine Lucifer collecting Coca Cola glasses, but the part about him being protective of it and praising its beauty sounds right. Like if he's gonna collect something, he's gonna make sure it's something he at least thinks is beautiful akljdsfj.
I looove that you kicked the door in (channeling our own sheep MC at least you didn't blast the door down) and it was even better when Lucifer was disappointed, but not sure if this was just human custom lol.
I'm still kinda wrapping my head around Lucifer ordering a cheeseburger, like that's a very Beel thing to do, but mostly I just can't imagine Lucifer eating a cheeseburger? Or nuggets? I would've believed it if he'd ordered the Filet O' Fish, though. That feels like a Lucifer order in a way I can't describe.
Anyway, you shouldn't feel guilty, you were about to go to bed! I'd be annoyed at Lucifer too! Like man go by yourself, you're a grown demon!
Thank you for sharing this with me, it was a delightful adventure lol!
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 11 months
Obey Me! Brothers react to: Mc turning into their sheep form to comfort the brother when he's upset.
Lucifer's, Mammon's, Leviathan's, Satan's (you are here), Asmodeus's, Beelzebub's, & Belphegor's reactions.
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Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
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Satan's reaction:
Satan in my opinion probably cries often, its not always a bawling his eyes out, sometimes its just a few tears. I feel like he sometimes cries due to a really good book. Satan also cries over cats or animals in general, sometimes he's crying because they're to cute! Other times he cries because one gets mistreated, or he'll cry when one passes. Satan may also cry because of his wrath. You know how some people cry when they're angry? I feel like Satan is that type of person, he tries so hard to keep his cool and stay composed. Satan's definetly had a few times where he stood there jaw clenched, tears streaming down his face as his hands and body shook, just trying to keep it together.
The first time Mc finds Satan crying is unintentional, Mc was just trying to go to the library in HoL to resesrch for a R.A D assignment. When Mc gets almost to the library they watch Lucifer walk out of the library and passed them looking pissed. Mc hesitates but contiues their journey into the library. Mc notices Satan before Satan notices Mc. Satan stands staring out the window, both his hands are clenched in fists, his body is tense and his breathing in quick. Mc only has about 10 seconds to take this sight in before the library door closes behind them. Satan whips around in his demon form, baring his fangs and seething with rage. Tears stream down his face but he still holds a rather vicious and intimidating appearance, he is the Avatar of Wrath after all. Whether Mc's fear instincts kicked in, or they thought it would help, Mc suddenly finds themselves in their Sheep form. When the smoke clears from when Mc *poofed* into Sheep form, Satan seems to pause. He stands there staring at Sheep Mc with an unreadable face. Sheep Mc slowly approaches him before gently rubbing against his leg like a cat would. Satan's tears begin to fall faster, almost as if he's crying due to recieving Sheep Mc's comfort. Satan gently scoops Sheep Mc into his arms, before carrying them over to sit somewhere within the library with him. Sheep Mc notices Satan seems to have already been reading in this area, it had books scattered all around and there was a book that was currently open. Satan sat Sheep Mc in his lap as he sat down in a comfy looking seat, he began to read the book aloud as he pet Mc.
Mc doesn't do a whole lot to comfort Satan, they just sit in his lap silently as he reads. When he first began to read the book his voice was shaky and harsh sounding, like his rage was bleeding through to his tone and to the sound of his voice. Towards the end his voice is back to normal, it almost lulls Sheep Mc to sleep. Satan may rant to Mc over why he was upset now that he's calmed down, or he may forget about it completely and just pick up a different book to read aloud. If Satan does rant to Sheep Mc it'd probably be something like "Lucifer was lecturing me due to what I wrote on my student council work, it infirates me how he stands there acting all high and mighty, like he's better than me. He always acts and talks like im below him, but he's not a saint himself." The entire time he rants he'll be aggressively petting Sheep Mc's wool, not to the point in hurts Mc just with more pressure than one would normally pet a sheep with.
Satan finds this method of comfort to be one of his favorite methods. Sheep Mc is just like a cat, he can pet them and treat them as an adorable pet, but its also Mc! Satan loves being comforted by the adorable Sheep he knows and loves so dearly. That doesn't mean that he is against Mc being in their normal form, whatever makes them comfortable is fine with him. If Mc decides to stay in Sheep form he will continue to have them on his lap as he reads aloud to them. Satan will also continue to occasionally pet Sheep Mc, Sheep Mc will most likely fall asleep after a bit. Satan will continue his actions but he'll be careful to not wake the adorable Sheep.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Sorry this is taking so long loves! My posting has been everywhere recently & I haven't had a lot of time to write, but content is still on its way! I have lots in the makings so stay tuned! Stay Safe & Stay Groovy Scooby!
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