bagheerita · 7 months
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Lean more casually dude. It's not apparent yet that you are really into watching this tall, muscular man absolutely wreck the shit of anyone who gets in his way.
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dedkake · 1 year
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they don't talk about it | .5k, t, multi
in which john is working on asking for what he needs.
teyla: pinned | ronon: calculated | rodney: empty | john: closer
+ Teyla
The windows of the gym cast the room in a soft orange glow. Teyla watches the way the light dances over John’s skin, the way it catches in the sweat beading on his throat when he swallows, mesmerized by the way he shivers when she presses harder with her bantos.
“Teyla,” John says, pressing his head back against her thigh where she has him pinned. “Please.”
It takes a moment to register, her brain syrup-slow. She leans down and kisses him, his sigh just as soft as the light blanketing the room.
She’s never heard him ask for anything before.
+ Ronon
“It’s our day off,” Sheppard says from Ronon’s bed. “Relax.”
“I’m not good at that.” Maybe he used to be, but he isn’t that man anymore.
Sheppard sighs, leaning back against the pillows. “Well, consider it an order.”
There’s something calculated in that, in the way Sheppard’s sprawled out across his bed, one knee drawn up—the way he’s not quite looking at Ronon.
“Is that why you’re here?” Ronon asks, careful as he rests a hand on Sheppard’s knee, presses it down, open. “You need help relaxing?”
Sheppard smirks, something sharp and challenging. “See? I knew you’d get it.”
+ Rodney
“What time is it?” John asks when Rodney gets up.
“Late.” Rodney barely glances at his watch as he searches for his clothes in the dark. John asks him questions all the time—stupid, nagging, ridiculous questions that throw Rodney off just as often as they snap him out of a panic. He really can’t be blamed for not getting it at first.
“Late,” John repeats, somewhere between groggy and sarcastic. His hand curls into the empty space Rodney’s left on the bed, twisting into the sheets.
Sinking back into bed, Rodney says, “You could just ask me to stay.”
+ John
No one says anything. Not directly. They don’t have to.
Sometimes Teyla’s fingers brush over Ronon’s neck or tangle with Rodney’s. Sometimes John finds Rodney’s shirt in Ronon’s bed, or one of his pens in Teyla’s quarters. Sometimes Ronon says things like Teyla really wore me out this morning or murmurs in John’s ear, Bet you love it when McKay does that.
They don’t talk about it. Of course they don’t.
It’s under John’s skin—an itch he can’t scratch. He wants to hold Teyla close, and Ronon too. He wants to pull on Rodney’s lost shirt and wear it all day when he finds it. He wants to say, Yeah, she wore me out, too. And Rodney last night. Everything is there on the tip of his tongue, and every day John’s closer to saying it.
But they don’t talk about it, and that’s John’s fault the same as it’s his responsibility to fix it.
He won’t make it an order and he can’t badger Rodney into doing it for him. He doesn’t know how to ask or which words to use, because—
“I know we don’t talk about it,” John says, finally, because it’s time for a change.
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massharp1971 · 3 months
The agony helped. The bruises and the broken ribs. The fire along torn muscles. The fragility of his torn skin. The stitches and the bumps. The feeling that this body wasn’t his, but rather some broken object he happened to be rattling around in. It was a reason to feel bad, a reason to stay a few extra days in the sleek, high-end hotel he and Ronon had booked. A reason to take the strong prescription drugs that took the edge off everything. Live off room service and just… give up. Nobody needed to see John like this. He couldn’t face his people so undone. Because getting pulverised by that replicator had broken John a whole lot less than Patrick Sheppard’s funeral.
Read more on ao3
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chaos-monkeyy · 1 year
Part 4 in the very cleverly- and subtly-named Sheppard discovers his piss kink series!
ShepDex watersports: Out here 💦
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John was leaning on the wall-rail of the little outside balcony off his quarters, barefoot, watching the sun set over the ocean when Ronon finally got there. 
“I was starting to think you weren’t coming tonight after all,” John commented idly, glancing back over his shoulder just long enough to shoot Ronon a raised-eyebrows look. 
Ronon grunted a laugh as the solid warmth of his body brushed up against John from behind. “That impatient, huh?” he murmured into John’s neck. 
A curl of heat wound through John’s gut as Ronon’s hands found his hips, Ronon’s crotch pressing more firmly against his ass. “Well… maybe a little,” he allowed, a smirk tugging at one corner of his mouth. 
“Mm… Well, you don’t have worry,” Ronon said with a grin, and paused just long enough to suck a hard kiss into John’s neck just under the collar line of his t-shirt. “I’m definitely still planning on coming tonight.” 
John’s laugh turned into more of a breathy moan as Ronon slid one big hand up under his shirt, thumb brushing over his nipple and hips rolling forward to grind against John’s ass. In the same motion, Ronon’s other hand slid forward to get a firm grip on John’s belt and the waistband of his combat pants, just at the front of his hip. 
“So should I go take a piss first, or…” Ronon paused, inhaling into John’s neck and licking a hot wet trail up the line of his jaw. “You in the mood?” 
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dedkake · 2 years
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that’s an order | m, 1.3k, shepdex
@trainofcommand challenged me to use as many prompts from this list as possible and write a fic.
“Hey, buddy,” he says, taking a cautious step forward, wary of the erratic swing of Ronon’s arm. “Why don’t you hand me the knife?”
Ronon doesn’t turn, keeps his knife between him and the vines as he growls back, “Not a good idea. Have you seen this thing?”
read it on ao3
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chaos-monkeyy · 1 year
annnd I wrapped up that John/Dave(/Ronon) fic that grew feelings on me and, like, pretty much consumed my entire being for the past two months.
Coming Home - Explicit, complete
CW for underage content in chapter 1-3, incest, and more, please read the tags xx
Six chapters, just shy of 15k words total... I still don't know where this came from but I've never been so interested in Dave Sheppard before 😂😏 Starts when they're teenagers and wraps up in canon-present-day. I'm also still not over the moodboard art Anagrrl made for me to go with it 😍 so I'm gonna put that here along with a little Chapter 5 (Reunion) excerpt just because I can.
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After an incredibly awkward exchange with John and his… “friend,” the rest of the day passes in a blur. Somber faces Dave only half recognizes, a tangle of conflicting emotions he’d just rather not have to process at all, especially not today. 
John’s home. Now, John comes home, after disappearing for longer than he ever had before; after leaving Dave to deal with all of this alone and not even bothering to get in touch, let alone come back for a goddamn visit. 
Dave can’t work out whether he’s more relieved or pissed off about it. 
He also can’t work out how, exactly, he’s feeling about John bringing a stupidly attractive man home with him the fucking minute their father dies. Civilian contractor, my ass, Dave thinks to himself, with equal measures of bitterness, sardonic amusement, and— 
Even after all this time, even through the dark, mirthless laugh he gets at the thought of John pulling this stunt to flip their father one last middle finger for good measure on his way out; despite all that, Dave can’t bring himself to deny the fact that deep down, he’s jealous that this guy has what Dave lost, twenty-plus years ago. 
The way the two stand while they talk quietly, so casually, comfortably near one another; the way this ‘Ronon’ hovers protectively and glowers at almost everyone else who comes too close or so much as looks at John sideways. The way John smiles up at Ronon, who is… not that far off from Dave himself in height and build, even if they have nothing else in common. 
The afternoon seems to last for a week all by itself; but once the day is finally, finally over, once everyone has gone home and left Dave in peace… He steels himself, and goes to find his brother. Surprisingly, John hadn’t found some vague excuse to leave early— Dave had been fully expecting he would— and he and Ronon accepted the offer to stay the night at the estate to give Dave and John the chance for a much-needed talk.
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dedkake · 2 years
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5 fictober 5+1 october 2022 challenge drabble sets + 1 extra drabble
iv. october 19-24 | fictober | flufftober | just ask, t, .6k
“Hey,” Ronon says, rounding on John, suddenly close. “You know this is a date, right?”
“I kind of put that together, yeah,” John says. He can feel his ears going hot. “Next time, you can just ask me, you know?”
below or on ao3: five times ronon and john had a date and one time they needed one
“Who introduced you to hot chocolate?” John asks, sipping his cocoa, warm against the evening’s chill.
Ronon shrugs, his mug suspended over the balcony’s edge. “It’s good.”
“Chocolate usually is.”
“Hey,” Ronon says, rounding on John, suddenly close. “You know this is a date, right?”
“I kind of put that together, yeah,” John says. He can feel his ears going hot. “Next time, you can just ask me, you know?”
Ronon nudges him with an elbow. “Next time, you’re asking.”
John tips his mug. “As long as you bring the hot chocolate.”
Grinning, Ronon asks, “We have a deal, then?”
- -
“It’s dark,” Ronon says, somewhere to John’s left.
“Yeah,” John says, pulling his sleeping roll over his head. “That’s what happens at night.”
Of course, with Rodney and Teyla gone, Ronon’s taken it upon himself to fill the conversational gap. “I’m not tired.”
“What?” John asks, because he is tired, goddammit. It’s been a long day, and even with the sun down, the tropical heat is oppressive. “You need a bedtime story or something?”
Ronon rolls towards him. “There’s only us.”
John flips the blanket off and pushes himself up. He isn’t sure how he missed that part.
“Come here.”
- - -
Ronon grabs John before he can duck back to his room after their run, hauls him close and kisses his cheek.
Rubbing at his cheek, John asks, “What was that for?”
“Luck.” Ronon’s still grinning. “Heard you’re gonna be on the shooting range today and thought you could use some. Since Lorne’s a better shot than you.”
“I never said that,” John snaps, because he hadn’t. No amount of alcohol would’ve caused him to say that, no matter how strongly Ronon and Rodney insist he had. And Teyla.
“Sure,” Ronon says, kissing him again. “Can always use more luck, though.”
- - - -
John scrubs his head with a towel, wishing there was something he could do about the water in his boots. “Who said this was a good idea?”
“You did,” Ronon says, grabbing the towel away from him. He drops it to the floor of the tent.
“Hey,” John says, because their trip to the mainland might be ruined by the rain, but he’ll be damned if bugs get in his towel.
Pulling John close, Ronon asks, “Have you heard?”
John glares. “That you’re doing the laundry when we get home?”
“No,” Ronon says, kissing him. “That we need a vacation.”
- - - - -
“You’ve never been to a carnival before?” John asks, because the so-called market place on P3S-998 feels almost like a fair. There are even funnel cakes. Rodney’s already disappeared in search of them.
Ronon hunches over, awkward and out of place. “This is kid stuff,” he says, glaring.
John stops at a stall boasting little plush toys in reward for a ring toss.
“You just think that because no one’s ever won you a teddy bear before,” he says, fishing through the change Teyla had given them to barter with. “Don’t worry. That won’t last long—not on my watch!”
John doesn’t know how long Ronon’s been gone, just that he’s worse for wear when the guards drag him back to their cell.
“Hey there, buddy,” he says, checking Ronon over, trying to figure out exactly how they’d hurt him. “Missed you in here.”
Ronon winces when John touches him, grimaces and reaches out to wrap an arm around John. “Sheppard,” he breathes, lips pressing into John’s hair.
It’s a hug, maybe—something close to cuddling. “Is this safe?” John asks, already shifting, wrapping an arm around Ronon in return. “I mean—doesn’t it hurt?”
“It’s fine,” Ronon says, drifting.
also on ao3
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dedkake · 10 months
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two favorites + two prompts | a sga fanart only birthday bash reclist
two favorites
You & Me & The Pegasus Galaxy by CartWrite | 29k, e, mcshep When John Sheppard finds Rodney McKay's very explicit ads on the Atlantis hook-up board, he feels pretty weird and kind of loses his mind. What Buddies Know About Love by busaikko | 5k, g, shepdex Ronon's making his own future; John's there for him. Ronon thinks it's time to take the next step in their relationship; John has reservations. Neither of them wants to talk about it, but they do anyway. (Contains canon pairings).
prompt: He suspects that the drink has citrus in it, so it just makes sense for him to drink the second cup too.
What Happens in Pegasus, Stays in Pegasus by kisahawklin | 11k, e, jennifer / rodney / john Sex at a science convention! What could be better?
prompt: second chance
Out of West by rageprufrock | 25k, e, mcshep In 1991, Desert Storm began, Pete Rose got banned from the Baseball Hall of Fame, the Soviet Union collapsed, and Rodney McKay was framed for academic fraud.
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chaos-monkeyy · 1 year
Stargate kinkmeme fill from July:
ShepDex CNC - Cornered (on AO3)
CW for consensual nonconsent, Predator/Prey rape roleplay scene, knifeplay.
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Ronon loped through the abandoned hallways of Atlantis with his heart thundering loudly in his ears. He had to pause in a half crouch at every intersection to check if the corridors were clear, all while straining to hear any sounds that would signal his pursuer catching up behind him. 
Alone, unarmed; he was only up against one enemy… but that enemy was armed. And hunting Ronon down specifically. 
He knew this area better than Ronon did, too; was probably cheating, following him on a life signs detector. Trying to wear him down, corner him. 
It was working. 
A faint sound from down the hall behind him; Ronon growled under his breath, hesitated for another rapid heartbeat, and then took off to the right. 
That turned out to be a mistake. The hallway dead-ended, in a fairly large, cluttered room with lots of hiding places— but still a dead end. No doorways. No transporter. Ronon’s only way out was back the way he came; back… through him. 
Breathing hard, Ronon ducked into the shadows behind a dead console and forced himself to wait. Patience. He could be patient. 
A few tense minutes later, Ronon heard another faint scuff of a boot on the smooth floor as his hunter followed him in. He must have known Ronon had cornered himself; he’d slowed down so as not to give away his own approach, to make sure he didn’t let Ronon get the drop on him or slip past him if he came rushing in hot on Ronon’s tail. 
Ronon waited, ears straining— and mouthed a silent curse as another faint scuff and rustle of clothing reached his ears. The acoustics of this place… he thought the sound might be heading towards him— but he couldn’t be absolutely certain. His pursuer could just as easily be heading away from him, deeper into the room. 
And every second Ronon wasted made it more likely he’d miss his chance to slip out while Sheppard’s back was turned. 
Decision made, Ronon started to duck silently out from cover— and a knife was at his throat before he even rose up out of his crouch. 
Not just any knife. His own knife. 
“And just where d’you think you’re going?” 
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chaos-monkeyy · 2 years
omovember Day 4! (yes I skipped day 3, I was ver' tired)
On purpose - ShepDex playing games in public (1.6k)
Summary: John and Ronon try something new.
Rated E; no archive warnings but mind the sneaky exhibitionism 💦
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chaos-monkeyy · 1 year
Wip Titles Game!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you for the tag @chaniis-atlantis !! (it was.. awhile ago oops 🙈) I'm gonna do WIPs that aren't partially published yet... and uh, some are a lot more likely than others to eventually be finished and published 😶
Cassian/Brasso FWB
The rig - Magnus
Percy / Zanror
Embracing the unexpected
All the Ba'als
Lokius desk BJ
Lorne x Sheppard - john's first time
Teft and the two twinks
Janet / Jonas
Wax omo
ShepDex + Caldwell WS
Kevin meets a werewolf
witcher x AC crossover
Billy x Josh
Best part of the tour
no-pressure tags: @cosmereplay @d--dandelions @loki-is-my-kink-awakening @starport-seven-five @might-be-a-lynx and literally anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!! or did it before and wants to do it again! 💙
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chaos-monkeyy · 2 years
Ronon/Sheppard smut: Fascinating
Does it count as rapidly-written if it's been sitting in my mind fully formed and unwritten for over a year but I only just hammered the actual words out now?
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Once Ronon noticed Sheppard’s thing about his own wrists, he couldn’t for the life of him un-notice it. 
The watch made sense, but it took a little longer before Ronon worked out what Sheppard’s deal was with the black sweatband was. He seemed to always need something on his wrists. On the rare occasions his wrists were bare, he’d fidget almost constantly; absentmindedly rub them, tug at the sleeves of his jacket, close one hand over the other wrist and squeeze lightly. If he forgot the sweatband or watch in his quarters, he’d make an excuse to go back for it if he could, no matter what it made him late for. 
It was fascinating. 
And it made Ronon wonder what else Sheppard enjoyed feeling tighten around his wrists. 
He started testing it out during their sparring training, and… Sure enough, every single time Ronon got a grip on one or both of Sheppard’s wrists, Sheppard got briefly distracted— and a little hard. Without even seeming to realize it was happening. 
It was way fucking hotter than it should have been, and Ronon finally couldn’t stop himself from taking it further, just to see how Sheppard would react. 
“You know, you’re never going to win when you want this to happen,” Ronon growled. He had his team leader face-down on the floor, sitting on Sheppard’s legs, one hand pinning Sheppard’s wrists to his lower back and the other planted firmly between his shoulder blades. 
Sheppard froze briefly; then tried to wrench free again. Ronon held him down easily, keeping him there just a moment longer. 
“I dunno what the hell you’re talking about,” Sheppard snapped, scrambling to his feet the instant Ronon let him go. “Why would I want to lose?” 
He was flushed, more than normal from the physical exertion alone. Ronon didn’t have to look away from his face to notice the slight tent Sheppard was pitching in his blue track pants. 
Falling back into his loose-limbed ready stance, Ronon grinned. “Not what I meant.” 
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chaos-monkeyy · 2 years
very always interested in your stargate wips 👀💜
sooo I talked about the SG1 team fuck wip here 😁
the "sheppard discovers his piss kink part 3" is another sequel in that ShepDex series that I've been meaning to actually write for ages, and finally got a start on recently! basically another excuse to have Ronon being a bad influence and John getting all flustered and horny about it 😆😏
The premise in a nutshell:
Colonel John Sheppard, military head of the top-secret expedition to the ancient and highly advanced city of Atlantis in another galaxy, fidgeted in his conference room chair and thought about pissing himself. 
In a roomful of people. 
…On purpose. 
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
annnd a little SGA smutlet: A bit of a crush
FWB ShepDex with some... imaginary Jack/John 😏
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“So. Should I be jealous?” Ronon asked, straddling John’s thighs and effectively pinning him to the bed with a mischievous grin that looked anything but jealous.
John blinked, completely at a loss. “About what?”
“Didn’t know you were into older guys,” Ronon answered casually, matter-of-factly undoing John’s pants while John turned beet-red and tried to pretend he didn’t know exactly what Ronon was talking about now. Damn the man, anyway. He was way too good at reading people. Especially people who were John Sheppard.
“I’m not—” John started, but Ronon kept going, still grinning and obviously enjoying himself way too much.
“The General’s not exactly my type, but, y’know… I can see it.”
Groaning, John let his head fall back on the pillow and covered his face with one arm. It wasn’t his fault. O’Neill looked fucking good, never mind the ‘for his age’ bit, either. And maybe John had a little bit of a crush going ever since Antarctica, given that O’Neill was the entire reason he’d been lucky enough to wind up in Atlantis in the first place.
“Please tell me it wasn’t that obvious,” he mumbled, still not uncovering his eyes.
He heard Ronon laugh; felt him lean over to open the bedside drawer. “Nah. Probably not to anyone who’s not already fucking you, anyway.”
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dedkake · 3 years
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in near unison | ronon/john, ~1k, g
for @chaos-monkeyy who requested ShepDex + pulling the other one towards them from the touch prompts
Ronon steps up next to him and nudges him hard, familiar and solid and warm. “Wanna run?”
John doesn’t say anything, his tongue tied up around gratitude and frustration and a hundred other things he can’t put a name to. He just drops his gear and takes off down the corridor, trusting Ronon to follow.
read it on ao3
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chaos-monkeyy · 3 years
Recent SGA smutlet: (mostly) silent
Wherein Sheppard is just... really fucking horny. (pre-ShepDex with a little hint of unfulfilled McShep and Sheyla)
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John Sheppard woke up to cold air, frustration, and a hard-on you could hammer nails with.
Stifling a groan, he blinked bleary eyes open and peered around. The rest of his team was still asleep, the sky just barely lightening with the first hints of dawn. He rolled half over onto his stomach in his sleeping bag to try and get back to sleep, but couldn’t get comfortable. Not with the shifting of his own breathing enough to rub his achingly hard dick almost teasingly against the inside of his boxers; not with his own weight pressing it down into the slightly cushy give of the thick sleeping bag under him.
He should get up. He should get up, he should get dressed, and he should slip away for a morning piss and a quick jack-off session behind a tree. Again.
He didn’t fucking want to.
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