ac-liveblogs · 6 years
If the Metaverse spat out Ryuji outside the palace, shouldn't it have spat out Goro too ? I mean, going by in game logic- If he /did/ die people would've found his body and it would've been all over the news, right ?? Nobody talking about Goro after his supposed "death" means he didn't actually die n he's just in hiding !! Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk ✌
Maaaaybe? Even in Persona 4 dead bodies got booted from the TV world. That said, Ryuji was on the outside of the ship and got deposited outside of the Diet Building. If Akechi got kicked out of the Metaverse in relation to where he was in the ship, wouldn’t he be somewhere inside the Diet Building...?
*x-files theme*
(well, no, shido clearly has no idea where akechi is after his ~death~ so if that did happen he’s probably fine, but. that could explain why we didn’t see him) 
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