#shield pendant
titibaka-artist · 2 years
Bronze shield pendant.
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zagreusm · 1 year
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Rox Reyes joins the Spiderweb Gala!
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hqmillioncorn · 5 months
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Our wishes shall come true, amidst the light and dark.
"Miss Babycorn Corn!" Sofia shouted from atop the balcony. "Huh?" Babycorn squinted her eyes and watched as Sofia ran down the stairs of the second floor all the way to the ground to met her there. When she did Sofia pointed a finger at her. "I have decided that I am going to adopt you as my big sister!!" Sofia declared. "There's no need to thank me. " It would be an honor wouldn't it? As that meant that would make Babycorn a Princess just like her. Babycorn, who would find out what the word adopt meant just a few days later, was just really confused.
Lalapril 4/24 Wish
in the middle of the night cherrypit misses his sister and sofia has the solution for all of his problems. trademark princess secret!!
Sofia turned onto her side, pulling up the blanket to try and keep herself warm. Tonight she had decided to sleep in one of the barracks of the Twin Adder since it was one of the few places that had multiple beds to sleep in. 
They weren’t all that comfy but it wasn’t like Sofia wasn’t going to get all that much sleep anyway. Sofia turned onto her other side and stared at the person on the bed next to her’s. 
Cherrypit was sitting with his back turned to her, humming something to himself. It was strange. The singing wasn’t the only thing that was strange but the whole thing was super weird! 
As it turned out the person she knew as 'Cherrypit' was actually borrowing his sister's body. That wasn't even what he looked like!
Even stranger was that his sister happened to be the person that she admired the most. Strangest of all was that Cherrypit himself had told her that he was only two years old?!?!?!
When she found all of this out Sofia had dropped her bow in shock.
Knowing all of that made the sight of Cherrypit hitting all the targets she had spent hours setting up even more baffling. How could a toddler even be capable of something like that?! Even inside a body that wasn’t his. 
Sofia couldn’t imagine what he really looked like. Probably really small, like any other two-year-old that she had seen. She recalled what the other members of the Twin Adder had said about what she was like as a baby. It was always things like ‘I could carry you in one hand’ and ‘You were as heavy as three apples.’ 
“By the twelve, I could have killed him.” 
It was obvious even when they first met that Cherrypit was much younger than her, but how was she even supposed to know he was actually that young. Sofia sat up,  thinking back on one of the first things she had asked Cherrypit back then. Something along the lines of asking where his parents were. 
Apparently Cherrypit’s parents were out there looking for him but he had no idea where they were. That was the big reason why Sofia felt an instant connection to him, having been separated from her own family when she was just a baby. No matter what anyone told her she knew that they were still out there somewhere looking for her.
‘I’ll take you under my wing kid!’ Sofia had boldly proclaimed. 
How was she supposed to know that Cherrypit knew way more than she did!?
Well, in some regards at least.
One thing that Sofia figured out was that Cherrypit didn’t know how to count or read all that well. There were also a lot of other things he just didn’t know or just would plain forget.
In retrospect she should have really gotten the sense something wasn’t right when Cherrypit tried to eat mud off the ground. 
During one of their archery practices Cherrypit had brought up the topic of his sister. Since that moment he never stopped talking about her. All about how he wanted to see her again and how he missed her. So much. 
When Cherrypit just casually mentioned that his sister was one of THE Warriors of Light, well, Sofia must have asked him to repeat himself at least a dozen times just to check if she had heard him right.
Sofia wondered for a moment if she had a lost brother out there looking for her too alongside her parents. That would make him a prince, just like she was a princess. Could he have passed by Gridania at some point? Having any sort of sibling sounded nice. Especially if they were really really cool…
One thing was clear. Sofia was insanely jealous. 
But at the same time, she was glad she wasn’t Cherrypit.
Sofia found it a little strange how Cherrypit sometimes looked at people. Sometimes he just looked scared of them. She could recognize the look, from all the times she had spied over new recruits of the Twin Adder. 
But there wasn’t any reason for Cherrypit to be scared of people just saying ‘Hi’ to him, was there?
Sofia sighed and looked out to the night sky outside. The thought of asking Cherrypit why he looked scared around people sometimes crossed her mind but she didn’t want to pry. Or even worse, learn more things about him that would keep her awake at night even longer than she already was. 
Then, Sofia’s eyes went wide when a sparkle lit up in the sky, trailing behind it was a bright and thin tail.  
“Whoa?!” Sofia scrambled onto her knees and pressed her face against the window. It was almost freezing cold but that hardly mattered right now because if she was right and she saw what she thought she saw then this was big news. “Cherrypit! Do you know what this means?!”
Sofia assumed that Cherrypit must still be awake, since he was still sitting. Little did she know that Cherrypit had made the unfortunate mistake of falling asleep sitting down. Her first clue should have really been that the singing had stopped but there was no time for sleeping! Not right now!
Because when there’s one shooting star another will surely follow.
Sofia practically leaped from her bed onto Cherrypit’s. The force of her landing was enough to send Cherrypit airborne for a few seconds. He opened his eyes and yawned, not particularly caught by surprise. Though usually he was the one doing the bouncing rather than being the bounced on. 
“Cherrypit Cherrypit! Cherrypit!” Sofia called for him in a hushed tone. There weren’t any people in the room besides them but it was late at night and Sofia didn’t want to risk waking anyone up. If it was up to her however, she would have woken everyone in Gridania if she could. It was this important!! 
Cherrypit turned around and yawned, rubbing his eyes. “Soapiea?” He let out another long yawn, “What’s wrong? Everything okay?” If there was something bad going on there would probably be more noise but Cherrypit figured he might as well ask. There were a lot of wrong things happening lately. 
“Quite the opposite actually!” Sofia stood on top of the bed, hands resting on her hips. “The answer to all of your problems has just arrived!” 
Cherrypit looked confused. “What probem?” 
“The problem with your sister! How you wish she was back!”
Cherrypit’s eyes lit up, “Bebes here?!” He zipped his head back and forth, looking all over the room. There was no sign of his sister anywhere. It took him a bit to realize that he was still trapped inside of her body. “Oh…” Cherrypit’s smile became empty. The sudden surge of hope he had just felt was just violently stomped out until it barely remained. 
Sofia took note of how devastated Cherrypit looked. She felt bad but right now there was no time to waste.
Without any time to lose she grabbed Cherrypit’s arm and dragged him to the window. When Sofia saw that Cherrypit was just short of looking out of it she used two pillows to give him the extra boost he needed. 
Cherrypit exhaled his breath on the glass. It fogged up and let him draw a silly little face on it just as Sofia pointed up to the sky.
“I saw a shooting star go across like this!” Sofia moved her finger across the window. Her finger left behind a mark on the window exactly where she had remembered the star falling.
“What’s a shooty star?” Cherrypit had never heard of something like that before.
Sofia opened her mouth, then closed it. She brought a hand up to her chin and hummed in deep thought. “Cherrypit Pit can I trust you with a royal secret?” Normally she wouldn’t dare something this sacred with just anyone but as a princess she surely should have her subjects best interests in mind, right? It was her job to help and protect her people! No matter how small the problem!
Cherrypit looked confused. He rested his head on the windowsill, “Secret? I can keep secret!” He really couldn’t but most of the time he just forgot about them anyway.  
Sofia looked around, seeing if there was anyone else listening in. “I don’t know if this is supposed to work for anyone but princesses or princes but…” It couldn’t hurt to at least give it a shot. Sofia moved the curtains so they could see more of the sky. “In almost all of the fairy tales I’ve read there’s a shooting star in the sky that the princess makes a wish on.” Sofia explained, “I saw one just right now so when another one comes around you can make a wish to see your sister again!” 
“Really?!” Cherrypit could hardly believe it.
“Really! We just have to keep our eyes open!” 
Now that Cherrypit really thought about it, the idea of making a wish on a star sounded a little familiar. He couldn’t really quite remember where he had first heard of it but if he closed his eyes he could vaguely recall someone sitting by him, looking up at the sky and holding their hands together. This person Cherrypit couldn’t remember smiled at him, but they didn’t look happy.
“Cherrypit! Cherrypit! Look, look!” 
Cherrypit’s eyes snapped open just in time to see what Sofia was yelling about. A shooting star traveled across the night sky, twinkling as bright as it could until it disappeared behind the trees of the Twelveswood. He placed his hand on the window, trying to grab onto the lingering glow it had left behind. 
Sofia waved her hand in front of Cherrypit to get his attention. “Here! Copy what I do!” She put her hands together and closed her eyes, “Just do this and make the wish in your head!” Sofia had enough confidence in Cherrypit to keep her eyes closed as she went ahead and made her own wish. 
It was also kind of because she didn’t want to lose this once in a lifetime chance.
Cherrypit looked at Sofia and then looked down at his own hands. His hands looked a lot different than her’s but he still managed to copy what she was doing.
He looked back and forth again and again to make sure he was doing it right. Once he was confident enough he looked back at the sky, where the shooting star had once crossed. 
There was something a little scary about closing his eyes. Cherrypit didn’t like the dark. It really scared him. So much so, that on the rare occasion that he decided to sleep he never willingly closed his eyes. Instead he just waited enough for his own body to do the sleeping for him. 
…But this was for his sister. If there was anything that he proved throughout this ordeal it was that he was willing to do even the most scariest things in the world if it was to help her. 
Sofia slightly opened her eyes just to check on Cherrypit. She had already made her wish so it was safe now. Cherrypit’s eyes were closed and his hands were clasped together. “Wanna see Bebe again…” He quietly said. Sofia thought for a moment about reminding him his wish was supposed to be a secret but if she just didn’t listen then surely it would still count. 
Surely both of their wishes would come true, right?
Surely they would both be reunited with their families. 
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Yellow Shield Diamond, Natural Yellow Diamond Shield cut Diamond, 1.85Ct Loose Diamond, Shield Pendant, Diamond Shield for Engagement Ring
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A Stylish Shield: My Experience with the Defense Pendant
Living in today's tech-driven world, we're constantly bombarded with electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from our phones, laptops, and Wi-Fi routers. While the science on the long-term health effects is still evolving, I wanted to take a proactive approach to potentially reduce my exposure. That's where the Defense Pendant came in. This stylish necklace offers a discreet and fashionable way to address my EMF concerns.
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Protection with a Touch of Style
The Defense Pendant isn't your typical bulky EMF protection device. It's a sleek and modern necklace that complements any outfit. Here's what initially appealed to me:
Fashionable Design: I wanted an EMF protection solution that wouldn't look out of place in my everyday wardrobe. The Defense Pendant comes in various stylish designs, allowing me to choose one that complements my personal style. It feels more like a piece of jewelry than a protective device.
Lightweight and Comfortable: The pendant is surprisingly lightweight and comfortable to wear all day long. I often forget I even have it on, which is exactly what I was looking for in an everyday protection solution.
Conversation Starter: The unique design of the pendant often sparks conversations with friends and colleagues about EMF exposure. This allows me to share information and raise awareness about this growing concern.
Peace of Mind in a Stylish Package
Since incorporating the Defense Pendant into my daily routine, I've experienced a newfound sense of peace of mind. Here's why:
Reduced Anxiety: Knowing I'm taking a proactive step towards mitigating potential EMF exposure has lessened my anxiety about the invisible waves surrounding us. This allows me to focus on more important things.
Complements My Wellness Routine: The Defense Pendant fits perfectly with my overall approach to well-being. It joins other healthy habits like regular exercise and a balanced diet in my quest for a holistic lifestyle.
A Subtle Reminder: The constant presence of the pendant serves as a subtle reminder to be mindful of my tech usage and take breaks throughout the day.
A Valuable Addition to Your Wellness Arsenal
It's important to remember that the effectiveness of EMF protection devices can vary. The Defense Pendant offers a layer of protection and peace of mind, but it shouldn't be seen as a replacement for a healthy lifestyle.
A Stylish Step Towards a Balanced Approach If you're concerned about EMF exposure and are looking for a stylish and comfortable way to potentially mitigate its effects, the Defense Pendant is a great option to consider. It's a valuable addition to your wellness routine, offering peace of mind and complementing your existing healthy habits. Remember, while the science is still evolving, taking a proactive approach to your well-being is always a wise decision. The Defense Pendant can be a stylish first step on that path.
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vitality-plus · 5 months
A Shield in My Pocket: My Experience with the EMF Defense Pendant
In today's tech-driven world, we're constantly bombarded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted from our devices. While the science on the long-term health effects of EMF exposure is still developing, I felt a growing concern and a desire for a proactive approach. That's when I discovered the EMF Defense Pendant (with VSL).
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A Stylish Design with a Purpose
The first thing that appealed to me about the Defense Pendant was its design. It wasn't bulky or ostentatious, but rather a sleek and stylish pendant that complemented any outfit. It came in various designs, allowing me to choose one that suited my taste. This was important because I wanted an EMF protection solution that I wouldn't hesitate to wear every day.
Potential for Peace of Mind and Reduced Headaches
The pendant claims to absorb and neutralize the harmful effects of EMF radiation, potentially reducing headaches and fatigue often associated with prolonged exposure. While I can't definitively say it eliminates all EMF effects, I have noticed a decrease in the occasional headaches I used to experience, particularly when using my phone for extended periods. This has provided me with a greater sense of peace of mind while using technology throughout the day.
Improved Sleep Quality and Increased Energy
Since wearing the Defense Pendant, I've also noticed an improvement in my sleep quality. I tend to fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed. Whether this is directly linked to the pendant or simply a result of a more mindful approach to tech use before bed, I can't be certain. However, the cumulative effect has been a noticeable increase in my overall energy levels throughout the day.
A Safe and Non-invasive Solution
The Defense Pendant offers a safe and non-invasive approach to EMF protection. There are no batteries or harsh chemicals involved, making it a comfortable and worry-free solution. It's also lightweight and unobtrusive, allowing me to wear it discreetly under my clothes if I prefer.
A Valuable Addition to My Daily Routine
Overall, the EMF Defense Pendant has become a valuable addition to my daily routine. It combines a stylish design with the potential for improved well-being. While the science on EMF protection is still evolving, the subjective improvements I've experienced in sleep quality, energy levels, and reduced headaches make it a worthwhile addition to my tech-wielding lifestyle. It's important to note that individual experiences may vary, but for me, the Defense Pendant has been a positive step towards a more mindful and potentially healthier relationship with technology.
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motherforthefamicom · 7 months
played some more mother 1 i died to the magicant dragon like seven times in a row . awesome
#last attempt ana died turn one i just gave up after that#i dont want her to lose out on the exp… plus shes rhe only one w superhealing in case someone else goes down#ive heard it can get oneshot if u just use a superbomb but part of me wants to actually beat it#idk#seems pretty impossible at the level im at rn tbh i might just give up and do that#i got lifeup beta on ninten before one of the attempts on rhe way to the dungeon thingy but i reset the game after i died cuz i didnt#wanna lose the money i had on me and i still havent been able to learn it again -_- really annoying but also it hasnt been too necessary#since i gave evrryone h2o pendants and started setting up psi shields turn one#honestly the biggest issue is the physical damage (its pretty much guaranteed to oneshot ana even with boosted defense)#only way to combat that is just grinding i think which i dont really wanna do since the best place#just based on the general feel of enemies so far for me to do that would be the desert#i dont think you can teleport there and im kinda sick of walking all the way there#right after i got the cactus melody i wanted to use the ocarina to play what i had so far but i accidentally used the onyx hook#and i still had to do the whole monkey cave thing so i had to walk all the way back 😭#oh my god im realizing how whiny this sounds its like. im not as frustrated as ive seen some ppl get w this game but understand this is lik#the most time-wasting game in the world. walking anywhere takes forever cuz of the horrible encounter rate and shitty map design#genuinely i dont mind as much of this games jank as i probably should but the backtracking is insane#especially when you actually take advantage of the onyx hook. at least i have teleportation now stuff will#probably be a lot more streamlined from now on#inquisitivewaltz.txt
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artistic-squad · 8 months
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Our new product released at ArtStation: Romantic Era Ornaments Maker is a set of 300 ZBrush brushes and 75 alphas for adding Romantic era ornaments. Use them historical, fantasy, gothic or steampunk items. https://www.artstation.com/a/34907767 Our site: Artistic Squad
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mjolnir-viking-jewelry · 10 months
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Kievan rus pendant Kievan Rus' was a loose federation of East Slavic tribes in Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century, under the reign of the Rurik dynasty. At its greatest extent in the mid-11th century, it stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south and from the headwaters of the Vistula in the west to the Taman Peninsula in the east, uniting the majority of East Slavic tribes.
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emfsolutions · 10 months
Protect Yourself from EMF Radiation in Melbourne: A Guide to Choosing the Best EMF Protection
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In today's tech-driven world, the presence of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is ubiquitous. From mobile phones to Wi-Fi routers and power lines, exposure to EMF radiation is a growing concern. If you're in Melbourne and seeking reliable EMF protection, EMF Solutions Australia offers a range of products designed to mitigate EMF exposure.
Understanding EMF Radiation
Before delving into EMF protection options, it's crucial to grasp the nature of EMF radiation. Electromagnetic fields are generated by electronic devices, transmitting invisible waves. While many devices emit low-frequency EMFs, others, like cell phones and Wi-Fi routers, produce higher frequencies known as radiofrequency (RF) radiation.
Extended exposure to EMFs has been associated with various health concerns, including headaches, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. Long-term exposure may even contribute to more serious health issues, although conclusive evidence is still evolving.
Choosing Effective EMF Protection
EMF Solutions Australia offers several solutions tailored to reduce EMF exposure and safeguard your well-being. How to Make the Right Choice:
Assess Your EMF Exposure: Begin by understanding the sources of EMF radiation in your surroundings. EMF meters offered by EMF Solutions Australia can help identify high exposure areas in your home or workplace.
Educate Yourself on Protection Products: EMF Solutions Australia provides a range of products designed to mitigate EMF exposure, including EMF shielding paints, fabrics, and devices like EMF harmonizers. Each product serves a specific purpose, so it's essential to educate yourself on their functions and effectiveness.
Consultation and Assessment Services: Take advantage of the consultation and assessment services offered by EMF Solutions Australia. Their experts can evaluate your space and recommend tailored solutions to reduce EMF exposure effectively.
Consider Lifestyle Changes: While EMF protection products offer mitigation, certain lifestyle changes can also decrease exposure. Simple adjustments like reducing screen time, keeping devices at a distance, and using wired connections instead of Wi-Fi can significantly lower EMF exposure.
Quality and Reliability: When choosing EMF protection, prioritize quality and reliability. EMF Solutions Australia prides itself on offering scientifically validated products that effectively reduce EMF exposure without compromising on performance.
In a world inundated with technology, EMF exposure is a growing concern. Protecting yourself from excessive EMF radiation is essential for overall well-being. EMF Solutions Australia in Melbourne stands as a reliable partner in this journey, providing effective solutions tailored to mitigate EMF exposure. By understanding your exposure, educating yourself on protection products, and considering lifestyle changes, you can take proactive steps towards reducing EMF risks and prioritizing your health.
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onlinesikhstore · 1 year
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Sikh Authentic Antique Boar Pendant Old Soor Dand Evil Eye Nazar Shield Mastaney
Antique Sikh Authentic Wild Boar Tooth (Soor or Shikar Dand) Pendant Tribal Evil Eye Nazar Protection Mastaney 
This Pendant is shown in Punjabi Sikh Movie Mastaney worn by Gurpreet Gughi
Design Ref: AAAE
Size of Pendant: approx 13.5cm x 2.5cm x1.6cm
Weight approx. 88g
Real Wild Boar Tooth is used. Handmade.
These wild boar tooth are usually worn by Akali Nihang Singh Khalsa and also used to make shingars to wear in Dumala/Turban.
The wild boars tooth is traditionally carried in the Dumala (War Turban) of Akali Nihang Singhs (Sikh Warrior Orders) as a sign of bravery and warrior spirit.
These tooth are hard to find and is a collector's item.
Base of this tooth has a sculpture of silver plated four Lions having chrome plated iron rings in their mouths.
TRIBAL Evil Eye Protection (Protects from Nazar) Witcher Amulet Talisman
This pendant is thought to protect the wearer from evil eye. We will supply complimentary adjustable black thread necklace.
Thread length can be adjusted by moving knots. Item as shown in photos and video. 
Please note only one pendant will be shipped per sale unless you buy extra items. Photos are for information and guidance only.
Item may slightly differ to photos due to light and camera flash condition.
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chinesekleptocracy · 1 year
Miami Dining Room Enclosed
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Small enclosed dining room idea with gray walls and a typical dark wood floor.
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stripesandpeonies · 1 year
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Miami Dining Room Enclosed Enclosed dining room - small traditional dark wood floor enclosed dining room idea with gray walls
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vintage55onetsy · 2 years
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emli4423 · 2 years
Protect yourself from the potentially harmful radiation emitted by phones and computers with the Defense Pendant!
Please Click Our Website
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yatamisakis · 2 years
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Bedroom Master
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