#shiemi x amaimon
ryuuseishirou · 4 months
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In the time he spends with Amaimon in his work with Grigori, Shiemi sees Amaimon as the brother he never had.
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Amaimon: Bring her alive and whole, and don't even think about being too clever.
Rin: Who do you take me for? Piece of broccoli.
Calm down Rin XD
Amaimon is just fulfilling his role as an older brother.
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hibouxz · 1 year
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anyone remember that one 2013 meme. its literally rinshi
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fanfictionstuff · 13 days
Red String of Fate part two
Amaimon x Reader soulmate AU
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“Let’s go.” The oddly dressed demon starts to tug you towards an alley. “Wait, no! What are you doing? I’m not going anywhere with you.” Amaimon drops your wrist, staring blankly. “Why? Aren’t you my soulmate? I want you with me.” He states bluntly. “Y-yeah.” You stutter, trying to compose yourself. “Yeah, but we need to be realistic. I’m not just leaving with you; I don’t care if you’re my soulmate. Until earlier today, I had just assumed my soulmate was dead, and that’s why I had a broken string.” You measure the length your string had been earlier in the day. “See? This is where the string stopped before.” You point at the spot as you speak. “There’s not enough known about soulmates; I’m not going anywhere with you in the dark.” You notice Rin checking out at the register from the corner of your eye.
“Can we talk later?” You ask cautiously, hoping he’ll agree. He stares at you long and hard; for a moment, you’re fearful he might try to kidnap you or something. “Later?” You nod. “Yes, maybe tomorrow, we can meet up and have time to talk. Preferably in daylight.” You wait with bated breath, silently praying the demon will agree, and to your relief, he finally nods in agreement while sounding completely nonchalant. “Okay, bye.” You watch, slightly miffed, when he turns his back to you and walks away. Why do I feel disappointed, I asked him to leave.
Rin steps out of the shop a few moments later. “Hey ____, I got some snacks we can easily eat without making a mess while looking for your soulmate. I figured these would be less of a mess-“
“Thanks, but I think I’ll return to my dorm.” You grin, but you’re unable to hold it when Rin doesn’t return the gesture. “Something wrong?”
“You were really excited. Did something happen?” His eyes widen when a thought crosses his mind. “Wait, did you find him? Is he actually a baby? I had been joking but-“
You jokingly hit his shoulder. “Oh my god, no. It’s just that I think maybe you were right, and I should look into it during the day. Maybe tomorrow or something.”
Rin gives you a look of confusion, then slowly nods. It’s odd you’d change your mind like this, but he figures maybe you’re a bit overwhelmed at the idea of having a soulmate who is actually alive or something. “Okay, well, let me walk you back to the dorm.”
Shiemi glances at you as you help pull some weeds from the garden. “Rin told me you’re connected to your soulmate now.” She fidgets a bit and continues before you have a chance to answer. “I didn’t know you had a soulmate.”
Panic crosses her face. “I’m so sorry! Was I not supposed to know? I’m really sorry-“
“Shiemi, relax. I don’t mind that Rin told you. Honestly, I didn’t realize you didn’t know.” You glance at the string. “It’s been here forever, and up until yesterday, it was just about this long.” You raise your other hand to show the length. “I never think about it, so I never talk about it.” You pause to think before continuing. “Because nobody else can see it; it’s just kind of forgotten and just a part of my body.” You laugh awkwardly, unsure if that’s a good explanation or not. “But yeah, it’s been kind of frayed for the last eighteen years; at least, I assume it was there when I was a baby. I don’t remember a time without having it.” You look down at the strong while recalling yesterday’s events. “Yesterday, when I was hanging out with Rin, I looked down and noticed it was long and leading somewhere.” Your gaze follows the thread as you explain it to her. “It’s the same size as a string of thread and can’t be physically touched, so it’s easy to forget about. I don’t know how long it had been extended until I noticed it.”
The blonde stares at your finger, looking curious. “Have you found them yet?”
“…..Do you promise not to tell anyone? Not even Rin?”
Shiemi gives you an unsure look, but after a long moment of silence, she finally nods. “Yes. I promise.”
You glance at your little finger, tracing your fingertip along it just as Amaimon had done with his claw the night before. "What if he's not a good person?”
“Did you meet him?”
“Why do you think he’s not a good person? Was he mean to you?”
Your focus returns to the weeds you’re pulling from Shiemi’s garden. “No, not to me…” You bite your lip, not wanting to share too much. “He’s so odd, and I want to get to know him, but I’m nervous. I’m so normal and boring compared to him. He seems to be the complete opposite of me.”
“_____, he’s your soulmate. That means he’s your perfect match, right? You’re his perfect match.”
“Ah, Amaimon. Where have you been, dear brother? Did you finally find your soulmate? Is she an infant?” Mephisto jokes as the younger demon king steps into his office.
“No. She’s a student at your school.”
Mephisto quirks a brow. “Oh?”
Amaimon nods, but a flicker of annoyance crosses his face before he regains his composure. "She's Rin Okumura's closest friend," He says with a hint of jealousy. Mephisto observes the shift in Amaimon’s emotions with curiosity; it’s not an emotion he’s seen from the younger king before.
“It's bothering you?” He asks cautiously, knowing that a possessive demon is never a good thing, especially one as powerful as Amaimon.
“She left with him; if she’s my soulmate, why is she with him?” He childishly complains.
Mephisto strokes his chin thoughtfully. "So, she was left with him? Did they appear to be together when you came across them?"
Amaimon nods.
“They’re best friends, _____ wasn’t meant to attend this school.” Mephisto lets out a heavy sigh. “However, Rin needed some extra support, so I had her enroll and placed her in exorcist training. She only discovered the existence of this world recently.” In a puff of pink smoke, a slim file materializes in Mephisto’s grasp. “Would you like to know more about her? There's not much information, but it covers the basics. Then, when she's by herself, you can approach her.”
The Earth King strides over, snatching the file from Mephisto's outstretched hand before quickly disappearing.
You're never alone. Amaimon chews on his thumbnail out of aggravation, peering at you and Rin walking down the sidewalk. If you're not with Rin, then you're with that blond human girl. He's been trailing you for three days now. Why must you always be in someone's company? Amaimon's irritation grows as he wonders if you're trying to avoid him. He can feel the string around his finger tighten whenever he gets near, so he knows that you're aware of his presence.
He's right, you’re fully aware. As Rin launches into a tirade about Yukio’s strange behavior recently, your eyes trail down to the string. You can sense Amaimon’s eyes on you, but you’re too nervous to look in the direction the string leads. You don’t trust yourself not to stare at the alluring demon king.
“Hey, Rin?” You feel the invisible tether between you and him pulling harder; it's impossible to ignore. It started as a subtle tug when you first met, but now it's almost painful. "I think I'm going to skip cram school today." Rin raises an eyebrow in response. "You? Skipping class? You must be sick." He teases, placing his hand on your forehead to check for a fever. Irritated, you swat his hand away. "Cram school isn't like regular high school. It's a lot, and I just need a break today." Pushing him towards the nearest door, you say, "I'm going home to relax."
The moment the door shuts behind Rin, you feel Amaimon’s presence behind you. “Would you like to get dinner?” You question, with your back still to him. “Dinner?” He sounds weirdly bored as he parrots you.
“Yeah, if you don’t want to-“
“What do you want to eat?” As he questions you, he tugs you closer to him and forces you to face him. You’re hit with the scent of blueberry candy, your eyes look at his lips the lollipop hanging from his mouth. “____?” He nudges your shoulder, waiting for your answer.
“Pizza? Do you like pizza?”
He gives a nonchalant shrug, his expression still conveying boredom. "I don’t know," he says. He hasn't had the opportunity to try it in Assiah yet.
“Oh, uh, would you like to try it?”
Amaimon silently nods, motioning for you to lead the way.
An uncomfortable silence falls over the two of you. You fidget as you walk alongside him, tugging at your skirt or a button on your uniform top to keep your hands busy. The stares from strangers don’t help, you can’t blame them though, you’re a normal-looking student while Amaimon looks…odd. It’s even more awkward when those staring suddenly snap their head away after making eye contact with Amaimon. So, you quicken your pace, quickly making your way to the restaurant and away from any staring eyes.
As you walk into the restaurant, a young waitress greets you with a nonjudgmental look. She smiles genuinely and addresses you by name. "A date?" Her tone is playful as she glances between you and Amaimon. Usually, you come in with Rin or Shiemi, so this new companion catches her attention. Panic sets in slightly - would it be considered a date? How should I refer to it? What if he-
“Yes.” Amaimon answers for you.
Hana, the waitress, beckons you to a corner booth for some added privacy. To your surprise (and hers), Amaimon chooses to sit next to you instead of opposite. Hana sets a menu down on the table, giving you a sly wink before leaving you two alone. You open the pizza section and slide the menu towards Amaimon.
His brows slightly furrow at all the options as his eyes scan each photo and carefully reading the description. While he’s focused on that, you can’t help but openly stare at him. As a child, you had dreamed about finding your soulmate, but that dream died as you grew older; you couldn’t find anything about broken strings as you started looking more into it when you could read proper books. At least, you had thought it died. The feeling that washed over you that night when you looked down and saw that the string grew in length is indescribable. The hope you had as a child came back ten times as strong. But then, finding out he’s a demon. Shouldn’t you feel disappointed? Sad? Your soulmate is a being that you hadn’t even known existed until a few months ago. You’re currently being trained to exorcise his kind. Instead, you feel a strong urge to hold him and never let go. A pinch on your little finger snaps you out of your thoughts. Your face burns red as you notice he’s staring back.
“Which one do you like?”
“The pizza, which one do you like?”
“Oh uh-“ Shit. There’s so much dumb drama over it, and the ones who don’t like it are so loud and dramatic about it. You really don’t want to order it and him not like it so “-cheese.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not; I like cheese.”
“Which one is your favorite?”
“…pineapple and ham.”
“Okay, I want that.”
You stare, unsure what to say. What if he doesn’t like it? It might completely turn him off pizza. You wave the waitress over. “Could we get a large pizza? Half Hawaiian, half cheese.”
As it arrives, you fidget, worried he might hate it or think you’re weird for liking it. Rin teased you endlessly for a year after learning you like pineapple on pizza. Your eyes anxiously watch him pick up a slice of the Hawaiian and slowly bring it to his lips, taking a bite. He swallows and looks at you with an oddly neutral expression. “I like it.”
You grin excitedly; he doesn’t think it’s gross. “Oh good, try the cheese too, and tell me which one you like better.” You probably shouldn’t be staring at him so intensely, but you can’t help but be curious. Which will he prefer? “That one is better.” He points at the Hawaiian while finishing the cheese.
“Oh great, so when we order pizza in the future, we can whole a whole pineapple and ham. I mean, if you want to. I understand if you’re not interested, I’m kind of boring.” You admit awkwardly. He stares long and hard before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours. You lose yourself in the sensation of his lips against yours, a rush of emotions flooding through you. The world around you fades away as you lean into the kiss, feeling the warmth of his touch sear through your being. His kiss is both gentle and demanding, a contradiction that mirrors the complex nature of your relationship.
When you finally pull away, your heart is pounding in your chest, and you can see the intensity in Amaimon's gaze. There is a hunger there, a raw desire that sends shivers down your spine. As you catch your breath, trying to make sense of what just happened, he leans back slightly, his expression unreadable.
"____," he murmurs, his voice low and husky, sending a jolt of electricity through you. "you intrigue me."
The words hang in the air between you, heavy with unspoken meaning. You feel a surge of conflicting emotions - desire, fear, excitement - swirling inside you.
Your eyes widen as you remember you’re in a restaurant, and it’s extremely inappropriate. Your eyes dart across the restaurant to see if anyone noticed, and of course, Hana is grinning like an idiot, openly watching you and Amaimon.
Ignoring Hanna's prying gaze, you clear your throat, attempting to regain some composure after the unexpected kiss. Amaimon's golden eyes watch you intently.
"Um, we should probably finish eating," you mumble, feeling a wave of self-consciousness wash over you. The atmosphere between you two has shifted, charged with a newfound tension that both excites and unsettles you.
Amaimon merely nods in agreement, his expression inscrutable as he continues to observe you with that piercing gaze. As you both turn your focus back to the meal, the silence between you is heavy.
The taste of pineapple and ham pizza lingers on your tongue, mixing with the lingering sensation of Amaimon's kiss.
After finishing the meal in awkward silence, you signal for the check, eager to leave, and silently pray Hana doesn’t tell Rin or Shiemi about what she saw.
You stand in front of your building, a lump forming in your throat as you struggle to say goodbye. Every fiber of your being resists the idea of separating from him. It feels wrong, almost unnatural. You force yourself to say the words, though. “I-I guess I’ll see you later? Maybe tomorrow…” Your voice trails off, unable to completely hide the disappointment. Why am I like this? “…unless.” You bite your tongue. Shut up, idiot. Amaimon leans forward and presses his lips against yours. As he pulls away, his words send a shiver down your spine. “Show me your house. We can decide if you'd rather live here or at Brother’s home.”
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faerishv · 2 years
im curious if maybe someone would enjoy me writing for blue exorcist , together with tbhk. I really love that anime , i've watched it like 5 times hhfjjbfd im starting the manga too. I could write for the main people like
fujimoto ( platonic or romantic idk hjhg )
please tell me what do yall think !!
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ai-megurine · 1 year
Blue exorcist chapter 139 reaction.
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Of course they're living their best life during the literal apocalypse lmao.
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Noriko!!!!!!!! Bestie I wasn't expecting you to return but this makes sense. But what is this haircut???
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This is Rin. This is very obviously Rin.
Considering Maga is literally Satan and that we've seen Satan's consciousness regress to the point where he wasn't even Rinka anymore (which makes me very sad btw), I don't think he's possessed. Plus, Satan doesn't use a sword. Among the demon kings, only Rin does (I kinda consider Rin a semi-demon king considering he's Satan's son and has blue flames). However, it begs the question of Rin's mental state. Has he fully embraced his demonic heritage? Is he feral? I may need feral Rin for personal reasons. I could imagine Rin see through Satan/Rinka's mind the treatment to which the demons have subjected (they're weapons at best) and snap.
It seems unlikely though, and I think he may try to make Yuri's dream come true, aka creating a world where demons and humans can coexist peacefully. That would suit his character. He could have the main cast with him, especially Shiemi and Izumo. Shima could be their spy in the True Cross Academy, which would be the best thing ever.
Izumo is not only part demon, she considers Mike and Uke her brothers. As for Shiemi, she hates violence and is definitely the kind who would share this ideal. I do wonder where her relationship with Amaimon is going, though. They've been master and servant for two years now, how does it work? Did Amaimon get his heart back?
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
heyyyyyyy!! so i saw that your reqs were open and thought id throw one in since YK- LOVE UR WORK!
and ik ive been requesting this kind of thing only (if u dont wanna do it for this reason, i understand!!) but- Could I please have a Yanplatonic Mephisto/Lucifer/Amaimon x Reader?
This time could you maybe do it with Reader being human, An exwire and completely unrelated to them at all. They hate demons with a passion, But somehow these mfs suddenly decide "yep, new sibling" and surprise adopt kidnap her?
Thanks for considering!! Love your work, Make sure to take breaks if tired!
YES!!!working on this kind of this is what make Requests so fun!Amaimon will be kind of funny to write🤣 thanks for the Request ❤️
PD: for some reason i imagine this Reader has some Shinobu personality? It's hinch.
Platonic Yandere Mephisto Pheles,Lucifer and Amaimon x Ex-wire! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: YANDERE BEHAVIOR, PLATONIC YANDERE, OBSESIVE BEHAVIOR, MENTIONS OF BREAKING READER, FORCED FAMILITY, the three of them TOGHETHER on the title is NOT enough warning?? Illuminati, Amaimon is Mean sometimes--
As said above, (reader) has a very complicated past with demons, to the point of hating them.
It can honestly be anything, whether your family has been affected by the blue night, by District 13 or simply that your parents have been exorcists who have died in the line of duty.
In any case, (reader) ended up developing a great hatred towards these creatures and decided that she would become an exorcist, in order to get out all that pent-up rage.
In general, I imagine this (reader) as a quite aggressive person and has trouble opening up, so she gets her emotions out through outbursts of anger.
but at the same time he is very intelligent, he uses his environment to his advantage and knows how to take advantage of his resources.
He has what we call "street smarts"
I have no idea who would be the one to take care of (reader) during her training before being Ex-wire, although with her personality, she would run away from any caregiver she had.
(I think the only exception would be Angel because 1- he is strong like that and 2- they share a similar hatred towards demons).
(reader) manages to enter the Ex-wire class, and stands out both for better... and for worse.
First of all, her classmates have a difficult time trying to talk to her (even Shiemi) precisely because of her closed attitude, in addition to the fact that she has constant friction with Izumo and even with Bon.
and most importantly she feels something strange with Rin...
(reader) doesn't know what it is, but she already hates it.
The only one safe from his outbursts is practically Konekomaru (and the weird kid with the puppets, whatever his name is).
It is because of this very fuss that it causes that it ends up attracting the wrong attention.
Mephisto is the first to have interest in (reader)
Not from the beginning as such, no no, although Mephisto had noticed her completely wild attitude compared to her companions (which he found hilarious to say the least) I think it would not be the trigger for him to become interested in (female reader).
I think it's only until (the reader) gets to share her experience, her horrible past with demons, the pure, burning HATE she has for them, that Mephisto finds her very interesting.
Oh humans, so diverse and with many facets~
but Mephisto definitely liked how open she (reader) was in her hatred, that she wasn't looking for moral supremacy or anything like that, she just wanted blood and she loves that!
so he tries to approach in a very unsubtle way and see more of that side knowing how much she hates demons.
appearing out of nowhere in the hallways to scare her and make her curse him, appearing in his dog form in her room to parasite (and then being kicked out) and a long etc.
In this way he not only became involved in the life of (the reader) but also learned more about her in the process, giving emphasis to the growing obsession.
Mephisto wants to know more about this "problematic" student who has caught his interest, whether it is having her academic record or all the information he has and whatever he has, he is not satisfied until he has it all.
It's almost as if I had replaced reading manga with the history of (reader)😅🤣
In this way, now every time he ran into (the reader), Mephisto made jokes and pranks that were increasingly more personal, more intimate.
and that is very scary.
apart from the fact that he behaves in a more... sticky way with (reader).
and that is VERY obvious.
He greets you with a HUG or a pat on the head (no, he doesn't care if you bite him or try to hit him).
and he is even the first to ask (reader) to call him "Oni-chan"
(how fucking disgusting--)
Mephisto is like the older brother who constantly bothers you.
and it is very difficult to get out of its grip.
Do you try to go outside the bedrooms? appears in the form of a dog.
Do you try to go for a walk around campus? appears randomly. It is impossible to surprise him.
But he does have something like an agent that helps him keep (the reader) in line.
That's when Amaimon comes in.
Honestly, he wouldn't be interested in (reader) at first, even though his older brother seemed to have an interest in her.
So, when he told him to keep an eye on her, he didn't think much of it other than it was a nuisance.
While Amaimon finds the task of "taking care of (reader)" annoying, he can't really do much against his brother. Although I think that to have fun from time to time he would make some things happen to (reader) just to make her angry. Like trowing insects at her or even leaving Creepy ass things in her locker.
It's boring for him, better than being a hamster, but extremely boring, so he starts picking on her.
She clearly sees him and curses him every time she sees him about to do something "mischievous" to her or when she hears him commenting on how "weak she is" in training. He thinks it's funny to see her all grumbling.
although eventually it becomes more than that.
Amaimon seems quite carefree, but as time goes by, he takes his "task" of "protecting" (reader) more seriously.
After all, being so weak, who else could take care of her?
He is one of the first to kill for the "well-being" of (reader).
I mean, he can do it as long as it's not one of the Okumura brothers, let him have some fun.
at the same time that he begins to want to have more interaction with (reader) beyond making her angry.
fight, for example.
After all, there must be something about her that caught her older brother's attention. Maybe she has something that he doesn't realize?
although without knowing it he is only falling into the same obsessive trap as his brother.
Once Amaimon becomes a student, rest assured that he will be glued to (reader) and insist that they fight, but she either tells him to fuck off every time or tries to escape from his grasp, without success.
It's like the meme of "fight me You nerd ass punk"🤣
Although don't get me wrong, I think he would be the most manageable of the three, even the "best" brother as far as possible.
(Bonus if you are a distant relative of Shiemihaza, maybe it would explain why Mephisto likes to mess with you so much, to screw with the Vatican)
He already understood that he can't make (the reader) fight with him by bothering her, so now he's simply trying to "figure out" what the hell he does to get there.
although at the same time, being as carefree as he is, he doesn't have so much problem giving (the reader) some time alone and can even distract Mephisto for a while so that she is less irritable.
Amaimon discovers that he actually likes it when (reader) talks and doesn't just grunt.
He's like that awkward brother but if you do him a favor he'll have your back, more or less.
Because he wants you to spend time with him.
It makes (the reader) at least watch him fight if she's not going to fight him.
I think Lowkey wants to show her how strong he is because well, Ego. but it is also a way to measure the strength of (reader) by her reactions. And intimation
although I doubt this (reader) will be intimidated.
He is definitely the first to suggest eliminating (reader's) entire family if she has one left :)
He's not really a fan of (reader) calling him a brother like Mephisto, but he demands the respect of an older brother and at some point he won't let (reader) walk all over him.
Mephisto and him argue about whether it's a good idea to let him (reader) fight him or not, precisely because Mephisto doesn't want him to get hurt.
and Amaimon WANTS to understand what made him become so attached to her. Maybe by fighting he will understand.
(reader) at first would only know him from certain mentions of Amaimon that came to nothing, but when the Illuminati's declaration of war occurs or in any case something related to section 13, she understands everything...
There's a small chance that Shima told the Illuminati about (reader) seeing how "close" she was to Mephisto, which would make Lucifer interested.
Why are his brothers so interested in a completely human student who isn't even related to them?
(reader: same man, same)
So naturally he makes them investigate (reader) to understand why out of nowhere his brothers seem so attached to a simple human.
Who knows, maybe it will serve the Illuminati in some way.
(ignoring the hypothetical case of being a descendant of ShiemiHaza) when Lucifer does not find anything really relevant in his search, he is more doubtful than before, but he reasons, perhaps the human has some kind of ritual that only Mephisto knows about.
There HAS to be something that makes his brother like this.
For the same reason, if Lucifer tries to ask Mephisto directly, he becomes very defensive, telling him to stay away from the students and especially from (the reader).
which only gives him more motivation to want to know more about her.
so 1- seeing that she really doesn't want to be with Mephisto and Amaimon orders Shima to recruit her or 2- (more likely) he directly kidnaps her during the declaration of war on the true cross :)
Be that as it may, (reader) ends up on the Illuminati ship more deranged than ever, and well, it makes sense, now they not only harass her, chase her and pull her from one place to another, but they kidnap her!
Even if Lucifer maintains manners and courtesy, as soon as (the reader) realizes that he is a demon, he becomes wild and tries to get out by all possible means, including jumping off the ship!
Fortunately, Homare constantly watches her and, to his relief, she is not very talkative.
But Lucifer is still quite confused. If this human has absolutely nothing special then why is he important?
although he understands a little better when Mephisto demands that he return his "sister"
Ah, so that was it. family ties.
He is the quickest to accept that (reader) is something like a new brother, so as soon as he finds out this new information, he goes to (reader) and demands to know EVERYTHING about her.
likes, dislikes, what her life was like, her abilities, her weaknesses, whatever, his most obsessive side comes to light.
and (reader) is so confused that she barely answers 1/4 of the questions.
Now, Lucifer is like combining Mephisto and Amaimon.
He is very protective, but he is not on top of (reader) all day (at least not the same one, Homare is usually the one who watches the reader)
He wants (reader) to treat him like an older brother and be referred to as such, but he doesn't force her.
uses a similar approach as with Yukio. He slowly attracts her so that she gets used to HIM.
but it doesn't mean it's not bad.
If (reader) still has a family, he will use them as a constant threat against (reader) to improve her attitude and behavior, he is not above killing them if he feels particularly jealous.
Although I think he would kill (reader)'s sibilings if she had them. After all, she already has him and his brothers, humans could never be equal.
He doesn't spend as much time with (reader) as the other two, but he makes up for it with PRETTY expensive gifts and things he knows she likes (from stalking her).
I think he would only return (reader) if a kind of agreement is reached with Mephisto, in which they both share (reader) and Amaimon goes with her when she is with both of them, that way Mephisto can ensure that Lucifer returns (reader) (reader) and vice versa.
I know this was about their relationship as brothers with (reader) but it reminds me a lot of divorced parents who share custody of their children... although of course, these parents are crazy.
going straight all together, it's not as bad as one would think.
Mephisto is the biggest pain in the ass, that's for sure. He is VERY POSSESSIVE of (reader) to an almost ridiculous point.
He likes to put clothes similar to him, it's a way of "showing dominance" and he likes to think that this way they seem more like a family.
Being with him prepare yourself for a lot of unwanted physical contact and to spend HOURS watching your former classmates suffer from his tricks and be left on the sidelines because you can no longer even carry a weapon...
INFANTILIZATION AT MAXIMUM POWER, he loves to pamper (the reader) and act as if she were a little girl, either because it amuses him to see her angry or because for someone who is thousands of years old like him, she IS indeed a baby.
he reacts VERY badly to rules being broken, if (reader) wants to save herself from punishment (most likely having broken bones, even if he speeds up time so it's not THAT bad, it's horrible) she should go to Amaimon.
He's the best, I already said it.
more than anything because he "understands" better the situation of stress under the thumb of his older brother and now he can understand affection a little better, even if it is still toxic.
but don't be fooled.
If he sees the slightest possibility that (reader) is going to leave him, then he will tell Mephisto or Lucifer to ruin any plan, that's how he is.
apart from the fact that he follows (reader) s everywhere to "inform" Mephisto and Lucifer of his well-being. and it is impossible to lose him, he has a connection with the entire earth and a great ability to find what he wants. Do not even try.
although as long as you give him some affection and treats, he's actually quite manageable, not clingy or overly jealous, just very aggressive and protective.
(another who would want to kill the reader's brothers when seeing them as a threat to their relationship).
and Lucifer...he's a mix.
he's not AS possessive as Mephisto, but he definitely wants everyone to know that (reader) is HIS sister.
He has great respect for the rules and he wants them to be followed, but when it is (the reader) who breaks them, he is much more lenient.
Be careful, I don't want to say that he is exempt from horrible punishments, if (reader) exceeds a limit of errors, then he will not be saved from one.
but Lucifer goes more for the Psychological side of things.
It makes (reader) believe that she is in control of the situation, a situation where she has no real advantage.
In this way he gains her favor but causes him to fall into his trap.
because HE is the one who is in control of everything. If (reader) goes far, it is because he allows it.
very protective, more than Mephisto, if it were up to him she wouldn't leave the Illuminati base, but at the same time he gives (reader) much more autonomy than Pheles.
It's very difficult to come to terms with him, but at least you can use his own sense of the rules against him :D
I think that the one most likely to break (reader) would be Mephisto, followed by Lucifer, these two would undoubtedly do it on purpose so that (reader) would stop trying to escape. Amaimon would only do it by accident due to his lack of knowledge of the human mind.
If (reader) develops Stockholm syndrome, Mephisto is throwing a fucking party! even LUCIFER would be happy (reader) has returned to her senses! and Amaimon would be happy but he would definitely miss the anger.
In short, it's chaos, but it balances out in certain curious ways so you get a little bit of each world.
Overall, it's a VERY fucked up yandere trio to be with, but look on the bright side! you will never be alone...
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
thanks for the request ❤️
ahhhh I loved writing this but I feel like some parts are messy?😭 or maybe because it's my longest fic so far?? I hope you like it and I'm sorry if it's too loaded!
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Savages: Set in a divergent timeline in which a long time OC of mine, Kage, ends up making a deal with the devil in exchange for the chance to fix her "mistakes". One side of this deal is training Rin on How To Demon 101; the other opens many (literal) doors to things no one really anticipated- including the King of Time. Mildly OC centric, VERY focused on Demon Dynamics with emphasis on Cryptozoology and the sociological side of Demons. Lots of applied HCs and trying to interpolate a framework for Kin of Time based on mythology, for lack of canon evidence. Kage is a FOIL character. I have probably 17 scenes.
CONTENT WARNING: PTSD, some involving WW2, Gore, Animalism, Heirarchical disputes, mentions of and some actual demon cannibalism, mentions of Torture, mentions of SA, plenty of Angst and Hurt/Comfort, mentions of / implied incest (not with the twins), some BDSM stuff, a touch of implied Dub-con , and demons being demons.
PAIRINGS (primary in bold): many, mostly with Rin. Oc (kage) x Rin, Ocs (Hikaru and Iruka) x Rin, Amaimon x Rin, Mephisto x Amaimon, Mephisto x OC (kage) Amaimon x Oc (kage) Rin x Izumo(maybe, undecided), Mephisto x Rin ,Rin x Shima (kinda) Rin x Bon, Lucifer x Egyn (in later parts), Yukio x Shiemi, attempted Yukio x Shura.
Helvegen: A fanfic told in semi epistolary style taking us through the life of Samael and the other Ba'al from the time he incarnated to the beginning of the manga. Pretty much HCs converging with my love of history. I have like 8 scenes for this..
CONTENT WARNING: Oh there are so so many here. Gore, pretty graphic SA of at least 4-5 flavors, cannibalism, torture, death by torture, characters dying multiple times in multiple ways, brutalism, suicidal ideation, self harm, bullying, Narcissistic Abuse, War, PTSD, Personality disorders, Reinterpretations of mythological and historical events, including some sensitive ones, etc. Not even mentioning the weird sex stuff which ranges from BDSM to tentacles and literal torture porn.
PAIRINGS: Many. Samael x Lucifer, Samael x Egyn, Lucifer x Shemihaza, Lucifer x Iblis, Samael x Iblis, Amaimon x Iblis, various characters x various OC for the sake of plot and historical accuracy, Samael x Amaimon.
Feathers on Fresh Snow: In which Griffith stops Guts from leaving him on the hill that day by unintentionally showing a moment of vulnerability. Griffith's behavior afterward grows increasingly out of character until he becomes gravely ill - and only then does Guts learn that his commander has been "sick" for quite a while. Includes a quite different take on the "you'll pay for your dream in your own flesh and blood" thing. I have 11 scenes for this.
CONTENT WARNING: PTSD/CPTSD centric, mentions of SA, mentions of childhood abuse, Facing Your Traumas (and your parents), inadvertent trauma bonding, Griffith acting wildly OOC at times, Guts being arguably OOC at times, some Poor Casca situations, sorta torture (flogging), implied gang-SA type situation, Pervs, Sado/Maso kind of sex, Dom x Sub stuff, threesomes. Gets very dark and kinda messy at the planned end.
PAIRINGS: Griffith x Guts, Griffith x Casca, Guts x Casca, Griffith x Guts x Casca, brief and mostly platonic Casca x Judeau, Oc x Oc
That Which Burns Us: post-torture but pre-eclipse. In which Griffith is rescued, and though his injuries are not quite as dire as in canon (I elected for him to keep his tongue) he's still got a lot of road to recover... and it's possible he never truly will. Set in historical Europe, it's more accurate to the time and significantly more medically accurate. Starts out very angst and hurt/comfort and becomes very twisted and dark as Griffith changes over the course of his recovery. A character study in the effects of Torture, supported by actual studies on the subject. I think I have 7 scenes.
CONTENT WARNING: aside from typical Berserk stuff, we have lots of psychological stuff: mental breakdowns, trauma bonds, emotional upheaval, suicidal ideation, CPTSD, bad coping mechanisms, actual Catholic Guilt, and a Scar Fetish just to add some spice. There's murder, executions, jealousy, cheating, and insurrection too.
PAIRINGS: Guts x Casca, Guts x Griffith, Casca x Judeau, Oc x Oc, one sided Corkus x Griffith.
If anyone's got specific requests feel free to ask.
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gyutaroz · 3 months
- nothing yet
- kokushibo with a s/o from an apocalyptic world
- nothing yet
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- needy!gyutaro drabble: smut, gyutaro x reader
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Master post:
Rulls, warnings, do's and don'ts, 'an all that bull-
First of all I am a minor- soo yeah.
Call me Tree, T, crow, dude, or whatever I don't really care just one of those. I am nb soo- Uhhh- I use they/them/theirs obviously and if you realllllyyy don't wanna use that I'm fine with it/it's. I am also bisexual.
~<Trigger warning: Cussing, stupid dirty teenage humor, anxiety, sensory problems, suicide, self harm, violence, religion, rape, pedophilia... and if something does trigger you- please tell me I will add it too the list if it is not already here but for now this is it>~
About me:
If you don't want to read this while thing understandable you should go to read 'Do's an' don'ts' and 'Extra stuff about my writing' to just know the basics
I don't write much- but I have so much in my brain that I want to put out, and my ADHD is not helping with the problem of finding a specific medium. So, this is my new hobby now, and please be patient I'm trying my best, my spelling and grammar is shit, and my motivation fluctuates.
This blog will focus on headcanon's (nothing extravagant) a majority of the time, but I will hopefully get into one-shots in the future.
I don't get a lot of free time, and when I do, I often space out on my plans- so there may be tiny hiatuses- which I hopefully will keep and update part for when I go on one of my tiny hiatuses.
Like I have previously stated- I am a minor/teenager. Meaning no explicate NSFW(which I will get more into in the do's and don'ts), but as a teenager- I have teenager dirty sense of humor- so don't expect me to be a saint.'
Who i'm writing for:
Mephisto, Amaimon, Rin, Yukio, Shura, Shiemi, Shiro, and more in the future
I write:
Character x reader/yn/Mc/self-insert
I write fluff
I write crack
I will do a little bit of angst, it depends (I will go into more details in DON'TS)
I will do small scenarios.
I will write reader as gender neutral, unless the gender/pronouns effect the example. (Transgender reader, or just shit when pronouns/gender involves stuff like periods or maybe if you ask)
I can write flirting and stuff, NSFW does not mean it all has to be fluff- as I can write innuendo if it is specific to the person/character I am writing or like a prompt where someone makes a dirty joke and a character reacts (but that will most likely be in a crack fic kinda situation) and maybe implied NSFW.
I write a bit of comfort, like for panic attacks or when people have sensory problems (I can understand sensory overload sucks ass)
I write gay stuff- but that would happen when gender/pronouns are used beyond they/them. To learn more about that take a look back at 6#
This connects to 9# but I also just write LGBTQIA+ fics generally.
This relates back to 4# but I do write for self-harm, depression, and suicide. (But if you are ever experiencing any of this, I do encourage you to seek help if you can or have it available, you're not alone❤️)
I write for gory, dangerous, or violent things
I don't write:
Character x Character, I'm not a shipping person, if you like it cool- it's not for me.
I won't write about something if I am not properly educated on it, so I might respond to the request telling them that they will half wait till I feel comfortable with my level of knowledge on the topic.
Religious stuff, it just makes me uncomfortable, and I'm don't feel educated on it enough and I don't feel like researching it.
NSFW stuff like smut, or explicit depictions of nudity.
Despite the fact I write for LGBTQIA+, i do not really write coming out fics as I am personally still closeted and it makes me feel anxious thinking about it
I don't do break up angst fics
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If you are a LGBTQIA+phobic
If you are an actual child (younger than 12) please stay away
A pro-shipper
Some stuff about interaction with me:
You don't need to request a writing to interact with the blog, i can talk about the fandoms am into, in which I will include a list of my interests. Or just any general back and forth general conversation- though I have a hard time with social ques over the internet so warning ahead of time.
Extra stuff about my writing:
their is a 3 character limit
I am going to do an alphabet- a sfw alphabet, and crack alphabet.
Also requested writings will be more detailed then the ones I put out randomly, though alphabets are kinda the exception
What fandoms I am into:
My current main obsession: Blue Exorcist, Gorillaz
Blue Exorcist
Spooky month
DC(mainly Harley Quinn and her crew)
Demon slayer
Rick and Morty
One piece(don't ask me where I am in the anime I don't remember)
Romance Killer
Soul eater
Steven Universe
Junji Ito
Vox machina
Thats all for now.
My blog with all the links to the rest of my blogs are here:
Main blog
Inbox: 0/8
Masterlist list:
Masterlist 1#
Thats it for now, Bye!
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sketchyspirit · 4 years
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first I steal your gear, then I steal your girl
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
Reading the new chapter of Blue Exorcist bringing back the Shiemi/Amaimon feels in full force... Where are my Blue Exorcist fans when I need them? 😭
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rizumo-month · 3 years
Amaimon x Shiemi Headcanon:
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Using a little inference with the canon line of Mephisto talking about love and demons
Amaimon coming to Mephisto about how he thinks his vessel is failing on him. Only for Mephisto to promptly chide him on his poor diet because he can’t find anything wrong with the clone body.
Amaimon begins to describe these bouts of pressure in his chest that come and go. To him they felt like the time him and Mephisto had a scuffle.
Contrary to many beliefs Mephisto is an old demon and his had his fair share of flings on Assiah and doesn’t prompt Amaimon more because in-fact it’s a scary thing for a Demon to fall in love. They get slow and foolish when afflicted by the full range of human emotions like fear and love.
It’s practically a mortal infliction, something he can personally account for and had witness before with his Father.
The fear almost pools in Mephisto eyes at the thought of his little brother catching feelings. It would be funny if he didn’t have a inkling of the source of his fixation.
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cafeanna · 5 years
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chapter five: in which the princess is cornered
"No, I'm afraid not."
"Afraid," Mephisto's eyes seems to come alive with the word, alight with something not even she knows. "Oh well, these things happen, I understand. Perhaps, we should move forward with my plan, then."
Shiemi can feel the tension in her neck. "What is your plan?"
Mephisto drags his spoon across the rim of his teacup, drawing a long scratching sound. He seems to be truly contemplative, brows furrowed before Shiemi realizes that his gaze is fixed on the photo frame on her desk. It is one of her and Amaimon in their garden several months back, after an exorcist dropped off their litter of hobgoblins, newly separated from their mother.
A phrase which Shiemi knows means that the mother had been killed.
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fanfictionstuff · 2 months
Three chapters in one week. Thanks to support and feedback I’ve gotten. <3
Amaimon x Reader
Getting spicy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(It’s not smut -yet) I’ve never written anything beyond a simple kiss because I usually only write one-shots but my bff swears it’s good. If it’s not let me know so I can file a complaint with her 😂😂😂
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faerishv · 2 years
It's official , from now on i will start to write for the anime Blue Exorcist too !! The characters i will do are basically almost everyone we know of from the anime , not manga ( im still at volume 1 )
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That aoex trope of:
the creepy dude with dubious loyalty,
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rendering the girl unconscious,
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kidnapping her,
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making weird nasty comments,
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and the main love interest for her reacts the strongest in anger.
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Talk about parallels in a shonen manga~
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