#shinee kibum scenario angst
mykoreanlove · 8 months
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„Speed dating?“, you asked baffled. „You want me to go speed dating with you?“
Your best friend nodded her head eagerly. „Think about it. Our love life sucks and this way we can meet a lot of guys in a short amount of time. It’s cost efficient!“
Her business major definitely got the best of her. „Can’t you just download tinder or something?“, you whined.
She pushed you off the couch and ushered you to your closet.
„Change into something sexy and let’s go steal some hearts tonight.“
Ever since your heart got stolen years ago you made peace with the state of your love life. A sad heart that was still beating was better than no heart at all, right?
You put on a red dress and fumbled with your pearls, deciding to play along for tonight. „Put on a smile, act cheerily and get through this“, you encouraged yourself while looking in the mirror.
„Hwaiting y/n, hwaiting.“
The event was held in a high class restaurant, almost making you feel out of place. „Are you sure this is the right one?“
Your friend nodded happily. „Yes, come on.“
The interior was all white and minimalistic, turning the place into an elegant adventure. Inside were a lot of people - younger and older, introverted and outgoing, boring to the eyes and drop dead gorgeous.
A group of three caught your eyes immediately - they were all so different in looks, yet united in handsomeness. You nudged your friend and tilted your head in their direction, praying to be matched with one of them.
„I don’t know whom I want to meet first, y/n. The one that looks traumatized by everyone in here, the one with the smoking hot body or the cheeky one that keeps biting his lip.“
You burst out laughing, immediately getting side eyed by other contestants.
„Ahem, can I get everyone’s attention? Welcome to our speed dating event tonight.“
The host, a guys in his late 50s, was visibly happy to accommodate such an event. „We’re going to divide you into groups of six, so you have enough time to get to know each other.“
You scanned the room once more, nervous about who you would meet tonight. „There are no rules but please be open and friendly. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet the love of your life here tonight?“, he chuckled giddily.
You rolled your eyes as hard as you could, not believing in that possibility anymore.
They assigned you to a room and told you to wait for the other participants. You noticed your trembling fingers, getting mad at yourself for being nervous about such a peculiar thing. Minutes after you welcomed the next participant, a stunning woman in her 30s.
She beamed at you excitedly. „Hi girls, nice to meet you.“
You chatted for a while as you waited for the guys to join you. The door flung open and you forgot how to breathe as you realized who had just walked in.
„Hey everybody“, they greeted you. Your best friend pinched your arm, smirking deviously. „Told you it was a good idea.“
Your first speed date was with Kibum. 5 minutes should be enough to decide if you’d like to see him again, right? He was definitely nervous at first, eyeing you up and down. Kibum had a certain vibe about him, like you had visit from royalty. Talking to him was fun as he provided a lot of sassy comments and remarkable stories. He talked a lot with his face, letting you know what he felt without saying a word. You could easily picture spending more time with him watching reality tv and gossiping about people’s fashion choices.
The bell rang loudly, announcing the end of your first date.
„It was my pleasure, y/n“, he waved you off nonchalantly.
Your second date was Minho. „Nice to meet you, y/n“, he said politely.
Minho had a certain charm about him, embodying maturity as well as grace. He definitely seemed grown and grounded. You chatted a bit about hobbies, passions and ambitions before the ball rang again.
He squeezed your hands before getting up, flashing you his warmest smile before moving on to the next girl. You pictured yourself with him but felt a bit distant, fearing days of soccer training and talks about how to invest your money wisely.
Last but not least you had your final date with the youngest of them. Taemin was different than the others, yet he blended into the group perfectly. He was outgoing and bubbly, chatting away and giggling about the most random things. He intrigued you the most but you couldn’t understand why.
You examined his face, blushing slightly as you counted his freckles.
„You’re adorable“, he smiled sweetly at you. Your cheeks turned deep red as he caught you off guard. „Me? Why?“
His answer got caught off in the bell‘s ringing, leaving you disappointed. Taemin noticed right away and leaned over, whispering into your ear.
„Choose me and I’ll tell you why next time, y/n.“
Even after he was long gone you still could feel his lips on your earlobe.
„So, anyone you liked?“, you jumped up and down, eager to know about the other‘s experience.
The older girl shook her head and packed her bags. „They’re all nice but I want someone older. Good luck for you all.“
Your best friend turned to you expectedly. „I’m pretty sure I know who you want to see again.“
Images of Taemin flashed your mind, reddening your cheeks again. You didn’t want to be so obvious though, so you played it cool.
„Which one do you think?“
„Oh please“, she rolled her eyes at you, „it’s obviously Taemin.“
„What makes it so obvious?“
„Well, you’re practically the same person.“
You chuckled proudly. „Oh yeah? Because we’re both gorgeous as hell? Or because of our funny jokes? Quirky personality?“
„No“, her voice was flat, „because you both feel broken.“
Her words felt like a punch to the stomach.
She looked at you concerned. „Didn’t you see his sad eyes?“
Pictures of Taemin‘s eyes flooded your mind but it was hard for you to decipher sadness in them. You got irritated. „What makes you say that? He was so bubbly and happy. I don’t think he’s sad at all.“
Your best friend sighed, choosing her words carefully.
„Or was he a bit too much? Almost hyper? People, especially with depression, tend to do that a lot, y/n. The bubblier they are, the more they’re concealing their pain. Did you really not notice?“
You did not.
Your friend got up and placed a kiss on the crown of your head. „I guess you have been too occupied with holding up your own bubbly facade to even notice who’s really sitting in front of you.“
Tears perked your eyes, stinging heavily. Your best friend took your face into her hand and made you look at her, a mixture of compassion and bossiness in her gaze. „Don’t do that anymore. Just be real about what you feel. M‘kay?“
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skzhocomments · 3 months
Star Dust - JongTae Oneshot
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General Masterlist
Pairing: Taemin x Jonghyun
Genre: non-idol AU, star tear disease, angst, unrequited love, romance
Word Count: ~6k
Warnings: swearing, angst, lots of crying
This is just a story that doesn’t describe any of the mentioned SHINee's members' true character in any way. It’s just a product of my imagination and should be treated as such.
This story is also on Wattpad (click here) and AO3 (click here)
Inspired by the Star Tear Disease - An illness born from subjects of unrequited (of a feeling, especially love not returned or rewarded), where the subject cries out stars. This story started as a challenge given to me by my dearest friend @0rgell, who gave me the following words that I must use in the story: Lollygag, Toast, Star tear disease, Execution, Spit , Blood clot, Butt plug, Train station. If you see random words bolded and underlined, it's so that I could keep track. I would also like to use this fic to wish @0rgell one year of the most beautiful friendship one could ask for. Love you to the moon and back <3
A/N: As any other writer out there, I would appreciate reblogs and your comments on this story. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and most importantly, have fun!
© all rights reserved by skzhocomments (Tumblr), skzho (Tumblr)/ storminsidemycore (Wattpad), storminsidemycore (AO3)
Star Dust
It was bad.
Extremely bad.
Fuck, terrible, even.
Taemin should’ve known something was wrong from the very first night it happened to him. However, he’s never heard about this before, and when it happened, it left him utterly confused.
His eyes started burning, and it was unlike anything he’s ever felt before. The burning only intensified as his heart clenched and broke into pieces at the sight of him with a pretty girl on his lap, his lips lazily caressing her neck so openly, in front of everyone.
Jonghyun wasn’t even drunk. There were alcoholic drinks on the table in the cramped karaoke room, but Taemin knew for a fact that he didn’t drink any of them, not even a sip. He was driving tonight, and if there was one thing Jonghyun was, it was responsible.
If he were drunk, it would’ve been easier to accept, maybe, that Jonghyun seemed to only have eyes for everyone but him. Maybe in a drunken haze, Jonghyun thought the girl’s eyes were pretty, and he decided to have some fun with her tonight and forget about her the next morning. He’s done it time and time again, Taemin heard, but it was the first time it was happening in front of his eyes, and it stung.
But Jonghyun wasn’t drunk.
He was into this girl for real, he wasn’t in any drunken state to make him irrational. He liked this girl enough to let her straddle him in the middle of the fucking karaoke room.
The burning intensified.
Although hurt, Taemin tried his hardest to keep his tears from flowing. He smiled and sang along and even danced with everyone to all the happy songs in the karaoke machine. He focused on the lyrics on the screen and held his microphone tight, he sipped on mocktails, and occasionally, he’d nervously rub his thighs with his hands just to focus on something else but Jonghyun.
Despite the age gap between Taemin and the rest, he didn’t feel out of place, even if he was the youngest and they were sometimes treating him like a little kid that needed to be doted on. Jonghyun treated him the same way.
Maybe that was the problem. Jonghyun never saw him as a man, he’s only ever seen the cute, innocent, young Taemin who needs protecting from the big scary world. Jjong was more than willing to offer that protection, but not in the way Taemin wanted it. He assumed the ‘big brother’ role and rolled around with it while Taemin’s feelings grew and grew, to the point where it became painful to be around Jonghyun without clinging to him.
That night, Taemin kept swallowing back his tears, but the burning in his eyes just kept getting worse. He started rubbing them repeatedly, but it would do nothing to ease the discomfort he was feeling.
Eventually, he decided to go home early, made up a pointless excuse no one would remember and headed straight to the door.
“Taem.” Jonghyun called to him, making him turn his head around. Fuck, he hated this. He hoped he could get out without having to see that girl straddling him again, but it appears Jjong unintentionally wanted to remind him one more time that his lap would never be Taemin’s place.
“Need me to drive you?”
“Let us know you’re home safe, then. Mkay?”
“Sure thing.” Taemin faked a smile and got out quickly.
Fuck, he was barely able to see. His eyes hurt, and everything was blurry. The lights hurt him. He rushed home, and he didn’t even know how he got there with how little he was able to see.
Going to the bathroom, he looked in the mirror and almost had a heart attack. His eyes were blood shot; it looked like all his veins in them popped open. Shit, it was scary.
He started googling out symptoms, but nothing checked out. He didn’t think he was allergic to anything he drank tonight; his eyes weren’t necessarily dry, and he didn’t have any allergies or infections (that he was aware of, anyway), so… why was he looking so horrible?
Maybe he was under too much stress. He did have a hard time at Uni lately, and even if his older friends assured him that it’s normal to be stressed in your last year and that everything would be okay, he kept thinking that maybe they were wrong. Maybe he was that one-off case you read about in the news - the young man who gets so stressed, he has a heart attack. He did smoke a bit too much lately, and smoking is a risk factor for the development of blood clots, if he remembers right.
Fuck, maybe he’s dying.
He was trying his hardest to remember how he got in this state. He met Jjong and the rest, they went to karaoke, then Minho called up some girls who turned up, and then that one brunette got on Jonghyun’s lap and-
Ouch. He pressed his hand on his heart and felt his eyes burning up again.
He started feeling this way when he noticed how much Jonghyun seemed to enjoy that girl’s company, how into her kisses he was, how he couldn’t seem to get enough, so he pressed her against his crotch right there in front of him, how-
Taemin couldn’t think about it anymore; the burning got so intense, he started blinking repeatedly and rubbing his eyes. It was so weird. He wanted to cry, to let it all go and feel his emotions just as he’d always do, but something was wrong this time, for instead of tears, a single, pale green star-shaped thing fell from his left eye.
He managed to catch it before it went down the sink’s drain, and confused, he started inspecting the little thing.
Sure enough, it was a star. A slightly greenish star with five corners.
Bewildered, he tried to touch it with his fingers, but as soon as he did, the small star shattered with a crystalline sound right on his palm.
He looked back in the mirror, and as if by miracle, his eyes returned to their normal colour. They were no longer blood shot and irritated; it was as if he'd imagined the whole thing.
The next day, Taemin went to Uni feeling more confused than ever. He’s asked around to see if he’s able to find anything about his condition, as Google didn’t prove to be too useful in his quest. He even went to the infirmary to ask the nurse if she’d ever heard of this before, but she just shrugged and told him to stop taking drugs while it’s still early enough, and that she can help him if he’ll let her.
But hell, he was not high. He didn’t take any drugs. Not willingly, anyway.
Maybe there was something in his drink?
Yeah, that’s the only logical explanation.
Maybe he did dream about everything.
After all, who’s ever heard of crying stars?
“Taeminnie!” Jonghyun exclaimed. “Thank God I’m here early. I came to get you. Would’ve missed you if I came by 10 minutes too late. Why aren’t you answering your phone?”
“Jjong?” Taemin looked perplexed.
“Did you hit your head?” He ruffled the younger’s hair lovingly, then grabbed the straps of his backpack and forced him to take it off his back. Taemin complied.
“No, I didn’t.” He rearranged his hair while Jonghyun put the backpack on his own shoulder. “But why are you here?”
“Well, for starters, you didn’t message me last night.”
“My phone ran out.” He shrugged.
“And you’re not picking up today.”
“Left it on silent and I didn’t see you calling.”
“You little liar.” Jonghyun ruffled his hair again. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Taemin blushed and turned his head away.
“Did you have fun last night?” He asked, but as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted it.
He didn’t want to know.
“Oh, yeah. I went to Amber’s after dropping everyone else home, had a few drinks, had some fun with her. You know, just the usual.”
“Mhm.” Taemin nodded, swallowing back the lump in his throat. His eyes started to burn again, similarly to last night.
What if it wasn’t a dream after all?
“But enough about me! I want to know how you’re doing. Feels like we haven’t talked in ages!”
“Well, you’re always busy.” Taemin shrugged.
“Don’t be upset, Taeminnie. I made time for you today, haven’t I?”
“Where are we going, anyway?” Taemin stopped in front of Jonghyun’s car, confused by his friend's demeanour.
“Well, since it’s Friday, I thought I’d do you a favour and get you out of the house more.”
“I’m always out of the house with you and the others, though.” Taemin retorted.
“Yeah, but that’s no fun, is it? I meant just the two of us.”
Taemin blushed, and he felt the burning in his eyes suddenly stop.
They hopped in the car and Jonghyun clicked on his playlist, familiar tunes filling the empty space in-between their chats and their laughter.
“The beach?” Taemin asked with a raise of his brow when he looked out the window and saw seagulls.
“Yeah. You told me you haven’t been in years, so I decided, heck, I don’t have any work today, so why the hell not? Good idea, right?”
Taemin scoffed and laughed briefly as they finally reached a parking place.
“Well, I’m glad to be here, but I’m also starving.”
“Of course, I thought about that as well, who do you think I am?” Jonghyun rolled his eyes and opened the trunk, taking out a picnic basket.
“Jjong, it’s freezing. Are we having a picnic?” Taemin laughed enthusiastically and clapped briefly.
“I know the taste of my food will overwhelm all the other senses. Besides, there’s blankets for us, and I even got two coats, just in case.”
Yeah, that’s why Taemin fell in love with Jonghyun in the first place. His attention to detail, to whatever Taemin talks about; he remembers everything, even the small details, and he’s so damn attentive. It’s impossible to not fall in love with such a man.
Even if he doesn’t feel the same.
The burning came back with this thought, but Taemin was quick to shake it away as soon as Jonghyun linked their arms, dragging him towards the beach.
“Now it’s time to take your shoes off.” Jonghyun commanded and pointed to Taemin’s feet while he took his own shoes off himself.
“Jjong, it’s freezing.”
“Taem, we’re at the beach. You don’t walk on fine sand with shoes on, that would be such a waste.”
“Fine. But if I’m catching a cold, you have to nurse me back to health.”
“Not like I have a choice. You’re always soooo clingy when you’re sick!” Jonghyun ruffled his hair lovingly.
“Ugh, stop treating me like a child. You’re only 3 years older!” Taemin stuck his tongue out, when Jonghyun quickly grabbed it with his hands.
After some struggle, Taemin managed to get his tongue back in his mouth and made a disgusted face.
“You didn’t even wash your hands!”
“You’ll live. Now, let’s set the table and eat!” Jjong clapped once excitedly and started arranging the blanket on the sand, putting the basket on one of the corners, and dividing their shoes on the other 3 to prevent the blanket from flying away from the wind.
“This looks amazing. When did you even have time to cook this?”
“Well, your birthday is coming soon, so I thought-”
“My birthday?” Taemin laughed. “We’re only in February.”
“Eh, what’s a few months?” Jonghyun waved his hand in the air.
“Your birthday is sooner. Only two months.”
“Then we’re celebrating my birthday. Try this!” He quickly grabbed a tempura shrimp and put it directly in Taemin’s mouth, and the younger chewed it with a smile.
“Wow, this is actually really good!”
“Well, what else did you expect?!”
“You’re the best.” Taemin chuckled.
“I know I am.”
“Your head will grow too big from the praise.” Taemin shook his head.
“Look who’s talking. You adore praise.” Jonghyun retorted with a roll of his eyes.
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do. Wanna bet I can make you blush just by praising you?”
“No.” Taemin laughed briefly and tried to focus on the food, but Jonghyun didn’t want to drop it.
“Come on. You’re doing so great, swallowing food like that. Good job, Taeminnie. Should I give you some toast for being such a good boy?”
“Oh, shut it.” Taemin laughed and playfully slapped Jonghyun’s thigh, trying to hide the blush creeping on his cheeks.
Damn, he really was a praise princess.
“The wind is really picking up.” Jonghyun remarked as one of their napkins flew away.
“Yeah. You made sure to have everything prepared but forgot to check the weather.” Taemin laughed, and just then, some sand blew into his mouth. “Ewww!” He tried to spit it all out, unsuccessful, all the while Jonghyun kept laughing at him.
“If you’re done eating, we should go stick our feet in the sea! Walk along the shore, you know the drill.”
“Jjong, it’s freezing.”
“It’s the third time you’ve said that today.”
“And I’ll keep saying it. We’ll definitely catch a cold.”
“Come on, don’t be so negative. We won’t catch a cold. Let’s go!”
“No. You can’t make me stand up.” Taemin shook his head, but Jonghyun would not take no for an answer, so he bent down and picked the younger by his legs, dragging him away from the blanket through the sand.
When Taemin stood up to protest, Jonghyun took advantage and picked him from his waist, placing him right on his shoulder and running away towards the sea.
“You’re fucking crazy!” Taemin shouted with a laugh. Truth is, this is another part of Jjong that made him love him. He was so persuasive, and always found a way to get what he wants. His personality clashed perfectly with Taemin’s, and every time they’d meet, just the two of them, it was impossible for them to not pointlessly fight about something.
Taemin liked it, for it made everything funnier, and time spent with Jjong was always entertaining.
If someone else were to pick him up like that, Taemin would’ve exploded in anger, but with Jjong, everything was different.
“They say birds of a feather fly together, so I guess that means both of us are crazy.” Jonghyun put him down with his feet right in the water, and Taemin grimaced.
“It’s so fucking cold, I’ll die of hypothermia.”
“You’ll die of drama.”
“Better come to my funeral and apologise when that happens.”
“Will do, Taem. I’ll be on my knees begging for your forgiveness for forcing you to stay with your feet in the water.”
“Freezing cold water.” Taemin corrected.
“Come on, it’s getting warmer by the minute.”
“You’re just getting used to it.”
“And aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Taemin chuckled.
“Then, what if I splash you?”
“Jjong, for the millionth time, it’s freezing. Splashing me with water would be the same as taking me to the electric chair for my execution. I’ll genuinely catch a cold.”
“Just pop an ibuprofen and drink some tea and you’ll be fine~!”
“You’re so carefree, aren’t you?”
“Of course! You know I enjoy my life to the fullest!”
“Let me guess! Freezing!” Jjong started to laugh. “Okay, you win. Let’s get out, Taem.”
They made their way back to their picnic blanket and Taemin looked down at his wet feet that collected sand on the way from the sea to their little space on the beach. He hated the feeling on his feet, but Jonghyun came once again prepared, and pulled out a large water bottle and a towel so they can remove the extra sand stuck on their skin.
“It’s already getting late.” Taemin observed. “Should we go back home?”
“Home?! No way, Taem, you’re stuck with me for the whole weekend!”
“What?!” Taemin gasped. “But Jjong, what about my homework and-”
“You little-” Taemin narrowed his eyes and jumped on Jonghyun, starting to tickle him. The older squirmed and begged to be spared, but Taemin wouldn’t have it.
“Okay, okay! Sorry! I just wanted to spend some quality time with my best friend! Sue me!” Jonghyun eventually managed to get out, breathless by the whole ordeal. He was holding his hands on his belly protectively and feared any unexpected movement from Taemin.
“Okay. Let’s say I do ignore all my responsibilities for the weekend to spend time with you. Where do we sleep?”
“I booked a room at an inn somewhere around here.”
“Good, let’s go and rest, I’m tired as fuck.”
The duo headed towards the inn and got to their room in no time. They kept talking about nothing important for a few hours, before finally taking out two futons out of the closet and arranging them neatly on the floor.
“This is quite comfortable, isn’t it?” Jonghyun asked, taking in a deep breath.
“Yeah. It’s really warm.”
“Ahh, I love this place.”
“Have you been here before?”
“Oh, yeah.” Jonghyun chuckled. “With one of my exes. We came here on her birthday a while ago. Honeymoon periods are the best.”
Taemin hummed, but as soon as he heard Jonghyun, he got that weird sensation in his eyes again.
“She was a really nice girl, but we didn’t really work out.”
“Why not?” Taemin asked, although he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know, because with every word coming out of Jonghyun’s mouth, it seemed the pain in his eyes only intensified.
“Well, we wanted different things from life. She wanted to get married and start a family as soon as possible, whereas I…” He hesitated.
“You wanted to live your life first.” Taemin turned to his side to face Jonghyun, even though it was dark, and they couldn’t see each other.
Of course, Taemin knew this fact about his friend all too well. He knew how much he loved the sea, for instance, and how suffocating the big city they lived in could feel at times. He knew Jonghyun would stop at nothing to see what else was out there. He’d head into the big scary world with no hesitation if it meant expanding his horizons.
JJong has always been that type of person who would without a doubt go to the train station and buy the next ticket to nowhere. If given the chance to have some days off work, he’d hop on a train and sit in a window seat, admiring all the sights their little country had to offer: fields, mountains, rivers, sheep, cows… he wanted to enjoy the wide world his own way, by observing and breathing in some fresh air.
It was one of the many reasons that made Taemin fall in love with him. They were so different in this aspect. Taemin preferred comfort; he hated going out of his bubble and trying new things. If he could, he would only go to the same restaurant to have the same meal on the same day of the week for the rest of his life. He knew which buses and trains he had to take to get to the same familiar places, and if he would never have to get out of his mundane day-to-day life, he wouldn’t mind it.
When Jonghyun came along, he challenged Taemin’s whole world. He challenged him to be different, to step out of his comfort zone and experience new things, which was so scary at first, but with each passing day of Jonghyun pushing him around, he started enjoying experimenting.
From new foods to new places, to new museums, to new parks, and even to new people, Jonghyun made it his mission to force Taemin to go out and explore the world around him.
To both of their surprises, it worked. Taemin was more sociable now, and he discovered he appreciated new things as long as Jonghyun was next to him.
That’s how it started, and that’s how he realised his growing feelings for his best friend.
And now, in the warmth of his futon, Taemin couldn’t help but wonder why Jonghyun seemed to have feelings for everyone but him.
“Yes, exactly! She was perfect otherwise. We had great chemistry, she was a looker, smart, funny. Ugh, life is so unfair!” He chuckled, but Taemin could barely focus on his words.
Ugh, this hurts. He rubbed his eyes, and just as Jonghyun started talking again, seemingly surprised that Taemin knew him so well, he excused himself to the bathroom.
Looking in the small mirror, the same redness as last night was present in his eyes. He couldn’t wrap his head around it.
If he was unsure of anything last night, he was absolutely certain now that he didn’t have any allergy, dust didn’t get into his eyes—or was it the sand? No, it couldn’t have been—and there was simply no logical explanation.
He was hurt because Jonghyun happened to come to this inn with another girl, and he truly loved her, enough to remember her God knows how many years later.
He started crying again, and just as last night, no tears came out. There was only a twinkle sound, and a couple of green stars, and once he looked back in the mirror, his eyes were back to normal.
He didn’t bother catching the stars this time; he just let them fall in the sink and shatter. He couldn’t understand it. It made no sense.
And why green?
Out of all colours, why were his stars green?
It almost seemed like, because he was jealous…
No, this couldn’t be it.
He returned to the room and tried to brush the thoughts off, but still, he was unable to shut it down.
“Jjong, do you believe that colours have meanings?” He asked all of a sudden, interrupting his friend. He didn’t hear what he was saying anyway.
“Huh? Colours?”
“Yeah. You know, like… emotions. Red is anger, blue is sadness, green is envy…”
“Oh.” Jonghyun chuckled. “I don’t know. I mean, yeah, colours do make me feel something, but… I prefer to focus on the positive meanings instead. Red is love, blue is calmness, green is nature… you know?”
“Tsk, always such an optimist.” Taemin muttered.
“Why did you ask?”
“I don’t know, I just… I was thinking about it.” Taemin smiled sadly and was glad that his friend wasn’t able to see him in the dark.
It would add up. Last night, he felt jealous seeing that girl in his lap, and today, he felt jealous again as soon as Jjong mentioned his ex.
He cried star-shaped tears of jealousy.
But why?
“Why are we here again?” Taemin asked, embarrassed.
“To buy a butt plug, of course.” Kibum grinned from ear to ear.
“This is a very weird bonding activity.” Jinki commented, but curiously picked up multiple items from the shelf and analysed them. “Look, this one has a rhinestone in it!”
“I feel like this trip will unlock a new fantasy for Jinki.” Key chuckled, and all the boys started laughing.
They were trying to pick up a gift for Jonghyun, whose birthday was approaching way too quickly, and although all of them prepared some ‘serious’ gifts, like new books or a new vinyl for his pick-up, Kibum suggested buying something else as well — something he would remember.
Thus, the 4 boys were now in a sex shop, browsing through different types of toys, plugs, condoms and whatnot, and Taemin had no idea why he had to be there in the first place. Key could’ve just picked alone.
“What about this one? It has a little reptile tail. It kinds looks like a dinosaur when you squint.”
“Uhm… does it matter what it is? Will he even use it?” Minho chuckled, and Key rolled his eyes.
“Come on, he’s the type who’d definitely experiment with taking things up his ass.”
“Ï don’t know. He’s not you.” Minho said with a snicker.
“Yo, lamppost, I think I’m gonna shove this up your-”
“Okay, okay!” Jinki got between them and pushed them aside. “Let’s just get the rhinestone one.”
“Hyung, you can get it for yourself if you like it that much,” Taemin commented so quietly, it almost came out as a whisper.
“Should I?” Jinki looked at the little box with a lot of concentration in his gaze. “Then, do we get a matching one for Jjong?”
“Why, are you guys fucking?” Minho asked, and Taemin’s heart dropped. Were they?
“God, no. He’s just my friend. I was just saying.”
“Let’s go with the reptile one.” Taemin butted in, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible.
“That’s what I’m saying! Good choice, Taeminnie!” Key ruffled his hair, annoying him. He was once again treating him like a baby.
“Wow, this is certainly… unexpected.” Jonghyun laughed loudly as soon as he tore open the cute pink packaging and saw the small box.
“Taemin picked it for you!” Key grinned, and Taemin immediately wanted to disappear.
“We all went to the shop!” He protested, trying to avert his gaze away from Jonghyun’s.
It didn’t work, for when he raised his eyes again, Jjong was still looking at him with a determined gaze, as if challenging him again.
“What?” Taemin asked, embarrassed.
“Nothing. It’s cute.” Jonghyun smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Why a dinosaur, though?”
“Well, we always say you look like one, so…”
“I like how many shades of green it has. Quite interesting.” Jjong held the buttplug in the air, examining it under the light of the bulb above, and Taemin immediately frowned.
How many shades of green did Jjong see, exactly?
Taemin barely saw one, and even that looked dull.
“It’s so vibrant, too.” Jjong went further, and all the boys around the table nodded in approval.
What…? Taemin shot up and snatched the plug from Jonghyun’s hands.
“What’s wrong?” Jinki asked, concerned.
“N-nothing. Hey, gotta go. Sorry!” Taemin threw the plug on the table and practically ran out the door, not even hearing the 4 boys shouting after him.
He ran and ran and ran until he got home, and once he did, he opened his computer and typed in the word green in the search bar.
It was like his mind was playing tricks on him, as he certainly didn’t remember colours looking so dull and lifeless.
He typed in pink and was met with the familiar vibrance of colour, which made him more confused than ever. Once again, he typed in green.
Dull. Faded.
But why?
Why didn’t it look as it should?
Weeks have passed and with them, the finals were creeping in faster.
There was a lot of studying Taemin had to do, which inevitably meant less time spent with his friends.
Less time spent with Jjong.
Taemin didn’t notice the weeks passing by, as there was just so much to do. What he did notice, though, was that green was no longer that green.
His sight didn’t return to normal, and he still couldn’t understand why.
He was certain it was because of Jjong, because he was now also experiencing the same symptoms with the colour blue, after noticing that this separation was only difficult for him, as Jonghyun didn’t seem to miss him too much.
Taemin cried pale-blue stars every time Jonghyun took too long to reply to his messages.
Blue. Just like his feelings.
It hurt, but what was there to do? Jonghyun didn’t feel the same.
This thought alone made his vision blurry again, all the symptoms of the Star tear disease starting to reappear instantly.
He couldn’t cry again, not when he had so much to study. He had to think about something else.
Fuck, his eyes stung. Again.
Soon enough a few blue stars followed with a twinkle sound as they shattered against his desk.
He was crying stars again, the blue shade way deeper now, and when he was done spilling his sadness, the ink of his pen looked almost black.
He could barely see the colour blue.
“It’s finally over!” One of Taemin’s classmates exclaimed, walking leisurely with his hands above his head, stretching with a yawn. “I swear to God, this exam was so long I thought I might pass out.”
“Tell me about it.” Taemin chuckled.
“Oh, isn’t that the dude you were seeing?”
“Hm?” Taemin turned his gaze towards the gate and saw none other than Jonghyun, waiting for him next to his car. “I’m not seeing him.”
“Really? I thought you were an item or something, he used to come here like everyday.”
Yeah, used to. Rang through Taemin’s head. Ever since Jonghyun’s birthday, they’ve barely spent any time together.
A pang made its way through his heart as he looked at the man waiting patiently.
As Jonghyun saw him, he immediately straightened up and showed him the widest smile.
“Taeminnie!” He said, coming closer and ruffling his hair. “Looking good!”
“Likewise.” Taemin smiled shortly. “What are you doing here, Jjong?”
“What, can’t I come see my favourite person?”
My favourite person.
He doesn’t mean it.
“Besides, wasn’t today your last exam?” Jjong continued asking.
“See? I remembered. I’m such a good brother.” He boasted proudly. “I’ll treat you to some good food for all your hard work this semester!” Jjong decided, and there was no space for arguing as he instantly opened the door to his car and shoved Taemin inside.
The way to the restaurant was pleasant like usual, and it was like no time has passed at all since they’ve last seen each other, even if, in reality, almost two months passed.
“So, did you miss me?” Jonghyun asked jokingly, his eyes on the road.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you~” He kept teasing Taemin, unaware of the other man’s inner turmoil.
“I didn’t have time to eat, let alone miss anyone.” Taemin replied, looking away through his window. The trees were a dull shade of green, and the sky had almost no colour to it. It was a blue-tinted grey.
“Aww, you’re so mean! I missed you lots, Taeminnie.”
“Good for you.”
“Hey, did I do something wrong?”
“I’m just hungry.”
“Makes sense.” Jonghyun chuckled. “Me too. We’re almost there.”
And Jonghyun was right. They got to the restaurant less than 3 minutes later, the song that started playing on the radio not even having enough time to get to the end.
To his surprise, Jonghyun took him to an extremely fancy restaurant, and they had a reservation.
“Jjong, is this okay?” Taemin whispered as they were being led to a private room. “Seems really expensive.”
“Of course. Everything for my smart friend.” Jjong smiled brightly. “You deserve this for studying so hard these past months.”
They sat down opposite from each other, and plates of food began being brought to them minutes later. It seemed Jonghyun had it all planned to the notch.
“Do you like it?” He asked after a while, both of their faces stuffed with food.
“It tastes incredible.” Taemin replied delighted. “You know, I always thought expensive restaurants were stupid because they serve such small portions, but eating here definitely changed my mind.”
“I’m glad.”
“So, what have you been up to lately, Hyung?” Taemin asked with a smile that dropped as soon as Jonghyun answered.
“Oh, just the usual. Work, work, and work again. But I met someone new, and we’ve been on a couple of dates, and she seems nice enough.”
The food started choking Taemin, who tried to cough the unchewed bits out.
“Wow, you okay?” Jonghyun stood up, rushing to Taemin’s side to pat his back.
“Yeah, I’m fine. You were saying something about a girl?”
“Oh, yes.” Jonghyun sat down right next to Taemin instead of going back to his place on the opposite side of the table, as he excitedly started describing the lucky woman to him, and all the lollygagging they engaged in these past couple of weeks.
Taemin couldn’t eat anymore, and with each of Jonghyun’s words, he tried swallowing his tears back. His heart was hurting. Couldn’t Jonghyun see the turmoil he was putting him through?
“Why did you even take me out?” Taemin mumbled under his breath, unaware that Jjong would hear him.
“What do you mean?” He titled his head unaware. “I told you. You did so well that I had to-”
“You didn’t do this for any of our other friends.” Taemin countered, cutting him off. “You didn’t take Kibum or Minho or Jinki out, even though they had way more exams than me and even finished Uni and their Master’s.”
“N-no, I didn’t…” Jonghyun rubbed his nape awkwardly.
“Then, why? Why did you take me out, just to talk to me about some random girl you’ve been fucking?” The younger asked harshly.
“What do you mean, Taeminnie?”
“Don’t call me that.” He frowned and turned his eyes to the unfinished food on the table, that was sure to stay unfinished, because he wanted to get away.
No, he needed to get away. Now.
Hastily, Taemin stood up and grabbed his backpack from the floor.
“Wait-” Jonghyun followed suit and grabbed his wrist to force him to stop.
“What?” Taemin asked, without even turning to look back.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what you meant, but-”
“Oh, fuck this, Jonghyun. You always do this shit!” He spoke harshly, letting go of all the feelings he’d been suppressing in his chest that were making it hard to breathe.
“What did I do? Taemin, look at me, please.” Jonghyun urged him, and he finally looked back, his eyes full of sadness and disappointment.
“You take care of me. You treat me nice. You take me out on dates that you don’t call dates, only to then break my heart and tell me about how much you love someone else. Why, Jonghyun? Why are you doing this to me?”
“Taemin… what’s this?” Jonghyun watched in awe as a bright red star fell from Taemin’s eyes with a twinkle sound.
“Not this again…” Taemin tried to wipe it off, the sound getting more intense as the stars shattered against his fists.
“Holy fuck! What’s wrong with your eyes?”
“I really can’t do this anymore…”
“Stars…?!” Jonghyun kept looking shocked at his friend.
“I’m in love with you, idiot!” Taemin finally confessed, pushing Jonghyun back, and without waiting for a response, he ran away from the private room right outside, and tried to put as much distance as possible between him and the restaurant.
Red stars continued spilling from his eyes, pouring out all the passion and love from his heart as he kept running away until his lungs ran out of air, leaving star dust on his tracks.
He didn’t know where he was, but knowing that Jonghyun drove him all the way to the restaurant for quite some time, he was aware that there was no chance of going back home on his own. He decided against calling one of his friends and called a taxi instead as soon as his tears dried up and he stopped crying stars.
There wasn’t much money in his pockets, so he asked the driver to just drop him off at the nearest bus station, and the way home took more than an hour.
He had to shut down his phone sometime during the bus drive, because Jonghyun was blowing it up, surely worried about his whereabouts. However, he didn’t have it in him to answer to at least let him know he’s okay, and once he got home, he was glad to see he didn’t come see him.
Taemin laid in bed, wondering how his day could start so well and end so badly.
Why did he have to fall in love with someone who didn’t love him back, he wondered?
Why did it hurt so much?
He couldn’t find any answers to his questions, but glancing around his room, he noticed that the covers of some of his books, once red, were no longer as vibrant.
Loving Jonghyun came at a big price, he thought, and by the time his feelings were dealt with, maybe all the colour would be gone from his world.
Taemin was surprised to not hear anything from Jonghyun in so many days. After blowing up his phone that day, he was radio silent.
His absence hurt Taemin even more than his presence, and he found himself crying twinkling stars almost every day. However, they now fell in all colours at once: a blue star, a red star, a yellow star, an orange star… and his world became dull.
Still, he tried his hardest to find joy in the colours he was able to see, so he’d force himself to go out every day, trying not to dwell on the pain in his heart.
16 days later, he found Jonghyun waiting in front of his apartment complex when he returned from one of his walks.
“Taeminnie.” Jonghyun whispered.
“Hi.” The boy answered softly, guarding himself and building walls around him.
“I missed you.”
Taemin didn’t reply.
“I’m sorry for not reaching out to you after that day… I just needed some time to… reflect on things, I guess.”
“I see.” Taemin nodded.
“Taemin, can we talk?”
“We are talking.”
“No, I meant… whatever, you know what? I’ll just say it. I’ll admit that I haven’t really thought of you that way… not consciously, anyway.”
“But after you confessed, I realised that you were right about everything. Unconsciously, I acted protective of you, and I was careful to not hurt your feelings, and to be there for you… I really took you on dates, even though I hadn't figured out they were dates…”
“Jjong, go straight to the point.”
“Fine. I will. I also like you, Taemin. Let’s date.”
“Wh-what?!” Taemin’s eyes grew wide, as he wasn’t expecting him to say this. He was readying himself for a proper rejection, so this came up completely unexpectedly.
“You heard me. All this time, I’ve been searching for you in all my partners, without even realising it, simply because I was too scared to confront my true feelings for you. I won’t do that anymore.”
“I can’t believe this…”
“I love you, Taemin.” Jonghyun confessed and pressed his lips against the boy’s lips.
Taemin loved him too, but it was too late, for his world has already lost colour, and his cheeks would forever be stained by powdered star dust.
~The END~
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0rgell · 4 months
Kitty - JongTae Oneshot
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Pairing: Jonghyun x Taemin
Genre: hybrids, cat/human hybrid, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Word Count: 2.6k words
You can also find this story on: AO3
Taemin's a jealous kitty and Jonghyun is clueless. Or Jonghyun and Taemin, a human and his hybrid companion, navigate a misunderstanding that leads to jealousy and tension in their relationship. Taemin, a cat hybrid, becomes upset when Jonghyun returns home smelling like another cat, leading to a silent treatment that lasts for four days. Jonghyun, unaware of the reason for Taemin's anger, struggles with the sudden distance between them.
Taemin is mad at Jonghyun. Jonghyun knows this because he’s been refusing to be in the same room as him for four days straight. When Jonghyun goes into the lounge, Taemin leaves the bookshelf and goes into the bathroom to lie on the towel shelf. It’s been like this for four days, and Jonghyun doesn’t even know what he’s done wrong . If he asks (which he has), Taemin just looks at him and strolls away, swaying his tail as he leaves Jonghyun hurt and confused. 
If Taemin would just tell Jonghyun, he’d be able to fix his mistake, but Taemin won’t tell him. On the first day, Jonghyun thought maybe the other just needed some space to be independent or do hybrid things that Jonghyun wouldn’t understand or be able to take part in. But then the second day rolled around, and he still wasn’t talking to him, making him nervous. The third day just made Jonghyun miserable; he missed the hybrid’s presence, and the space on his chest was left cold without his kitty to nuzzle it. And today, the fourth day, Jonghyun’s about to break down; he’s concluded that whatever it is that he’s done to upset Taemin must be a pretty big deal. And when he finds out what it is, he won’t do it again. He’s in hell. He just wants his beautiful hybrid to come and sit on his lap, cuddle him, groom him, or kiss him. 
All Jonghyun can do now is wait it out, wait until he’s loved again. So he tries to do his normal day-to-day activities to take his mind off of his loneliness. He decides to busy himself and dust the bookshelf first to see if maybe Taemin will talk to him, but as soon as he gets there, Taemin is off like a rocket with a low grumble. 
Fine. Whatever. Jonghyun doesn’t deserve this treatment; it’s unfair. It’s cruel, and it’s causing a heavy weight in his chest and an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He begins to take all his books off the shelves, with more brunt than he normally would, and chucks them on the sofa like a stroppy child. He takes his dust mitten and wipes the shelf with vigour, singing a happy song to himself—although he’s the opposite of happy—very quietly because he doesn’t want to disturb Taemin. 
He gets so into his cleaning that he doesn’t even notice the light sounds of tiny paws getting closer and closer to him. Once finished, he turns around to pick up the books, only to find Taemin lying on them. Jonghyun has two questions, how is that comfortable? When did Taemin come in? 
And another because he’s confused, does this mean Taemin is no longer angry at him?
He’ll only find out when he has to move the kitty off the books, but he’s dreading finding out because he doesn’t want Taemin to be angry at him anymore. Quietly, he picks up the books surrounding his kitty and places them back on the shelves, only quietly muttering sad words of despair when he sees some of the corners of the books have been bent and then reprimanding himself for being so careless in his miserable state. But now he’s at an impasse, Taemin is still sleeping. The books that he’s not sleeping on have all been put away. 
A long sigh falls from Jonghyun’s lips as he walks close to the tiny pellet of violence. This could go one of two ways. Taemin could lash out at him, or he could just melt into his arms. He hopes for the latter; he’s doubtful. Carefully, he places both hands on either side of Taemin’s fluffy belly and lifts. 
Taemin’s body curls in on itself, and a loud yowl is belted from the small lungs as Taemin struggles, disorientated and angry. His claws dig into Jonghyun’s arms, scratching him, and then suddenly he stops. His bright green eyes focus on Jonghyun, and Jonghyun has to try his best to put a smile on his face. It’s a real one; it might look awkward, but the situation is awkward. Taemin’s lying in his hands, limp, with his warm belly—the warm belly Jonghyun hasn’t been able to touch in days, his claws still in Jonghyun’s forearm, and Taemin hasn’t looked him in the eyes in days either. 
Jonghyun waits. He waits to see what Taemin is going to do next, and quite frankly, he is shitting it; he wants this one-sided argument to be over. Or at least for him to be told what he’s done wrong. 
Taemin rolls again, using his claws in Jonghyun’s forearms to pull himself up to a stable hold, and then he bites into Jonghyun’s bicep, not hard, not breaking the skin; it's not angry or malicious either. Jonghyun can tell what this is. It’s what Taemin has told him about many times, shown him many times; it's a love bite. Once the other unlatches his teeth, he slips out of Jonghyun’s grip onto the floor and looks up at him with his big eyes and tail swaying from side to side. Jonghyun knows what he’s saying. Hurry up . But Jonghyun doesn’t know what Taemin wants him to hurry up with or what Taemin wants him to do. So he just stands there for a second, dumbfounded and shocked, and a little bit emotional as well, but he won’t admit that. He stands there and stares until Taemin starts grooming himself. He’s growing impatient; that’s what that tells Jonghyun. He doesn’t want to do the wrong thing; he turns to get the books and looks over to see Taemin still sitting there, waiting for him. With haste, he puts all the books away and then sees Taemin walking away. He follows like a lost puppy.  
He follows until they end up in the kitchen, where Taemin shifts—the first time Jonghyun has seen him in human form for days—and slides on an oversized jumper that just reaches the middle of his thighs. Jonghyun has missed his long, fluffy auburn hair as well. The moment of Jonghyun taking in Taemin’s beauty is cut short; as quickly as Taemin comes into his sight, he’s gone. Flying out of the room only to come back a minute later after leaving Jonghyun to be dumbfounded again. Jonghyun eyes the hybrid's hand and sees a first aid kit. Immediate panic washes over him as he takes it out of Taemin's hand and checks him all over. Well, he tries. Taemin is extremely ticklish when quick grabby hands touch him, so Jonghyun tries to find the wound on a very wiggly Taemin. He stops and looks at Taemin. “Where are you hurt?” he says, serious tones lacing his voice and a crease in his brow.
Taemin snorts, “I’m not the one that’s got a scratch at the moment.” He says, and then kicks a chair out from the table and says: “Sit.” 
Jonghyun knows better than to protest, so he does as he’s told and sits without hesitation. It does make sense that he’s bleeding. Taemin’s attack was quite vicious, but he was quite abrupt when picking Taemin up in mid-air while he was asleep. Taemin tuts as he lowers himself down to get a better look at the cuts, and then gets to work.
“Taeminie,” Jonghyun says with caution as he uses his free hand to pet Taemin’s hair. 
Taemin only makes a noise, half satisfied and half a reply.
“Will you talk about it now?”
“Jonghyun.” The hybrid says his name exasperatedly.
Jonghyun waits on the edge of his chair while Taemin worries his lip. 
“Well… The other day, when you said you were going to meet Kibum, you came back smelling like another cat. Not like Minho or Jinki. And Minho is a squirrel, and Jinki is a rabbit, so don’t say you smelt like either of them. I can tell the difference!” The hybrid finished with a stubborn tilt of his jaw and a huff, moving his hair out of his eyes.
Jonghyun almost laughs. Almost. This situation could have been so easily fixed if Taemin had said this from the start. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down and starts by saying, “Taemin.” Another deep breath. “Kibum adopted a new hybrid.”
Taemin’s face scrunches up, and his tail whips from side to side, hitting the kitchen floor harshly. “You didn’t tell me. Kibum didn’t tell me, nor did Jinki or Minho. Why was I left out?” 
“I did tell you—”
“No, you didn’t!” Taemin reprimands Jonghyun, cutting him off.
“Taemin, I did .”
“When you were rearranging the books around your cosy space on the bookshelf because you said the book covers annoy you now and you want to change it up,” Jonghyun explains, feeling on edge for being accused of not doing something he most definitely did.
The look Taemin gives Jonghyun tells him he’s being stupid.
“I was focused! You know not to tell me important stuff when I’m rearranging my cosy places!” 
That’s true… But the point is that Jonghyun did tell Taemin; he also knows there’s no point in arguing with the hybrid because he’s ready for this to be over and he’s missed talking to him. However, Taemin’s reaction also tells Jonghyun that there is no room for another hybrid in his apartment . The thought of getting another hybrid has been floating around his mind; he’s been worried that Taemin gets lonely during the day when he’s at work. Also, Kibum has suggested it more than once. Kibum has three hybrids now; they’re all really happy. Jonghyun has thought more and more about getting another hybrid, especially recently. Especially seeing how much Jinki loves Minho, and whenever Taemin and him go to Kibum's, Taemin always has so much fun. Actually, Jonghyun has been feeling guilty for not getting another hybrid to keep Taemin company. 
But Taemin’s jealousy points in the opposite direction of getting another hybrid. With Taemin being only twenty-three Jonghyun should expect jealous behaviour. After all, cat hybrids age slower; he’s practically still a kitten. He’s still not over the teenage territorial stage. And that’s fine. Getting another hybrid was only for Taemin’s happiness, and Taemin seems fulfilled by seeing Jinki and Minho every fortnight.
“I know. I’m sorry, Taeminie.”
“You’re done.”
Taemin gets off his knees and looks at Jonghyun, confused, as he picks up the wrappers from the first aid kit and walks them to the bin. Jonghyun eventually catches on. He smiles at Taemin and whispers a small thank you, and Taemin shrugs, humming as he walks out of the room, leaving Jonghyun alone again. At least the issue has been sorted out. 
At least now, when Jonghyun walks into the living room, Taemin doesn’t leave. Instead, Taemin smiles at him from the sofa and pats the space next to his head, inviting Jonghyun. This is the best. Jonghyun gets the best feeling in his stomach, all bubbly and soft, as he sits next to his hybrid, and they rest their head on his lap. Taemin looks so small and cute like this; a pretty face, adorable fluffy ears, a beautiful nose, and soft lips. Jonghyun’s hand finds its way to Taemin’s long hair and starts carding his fingers through slowly, taking his time from the scalp to the sparser, frizzier ends. Taemin doesn’t want to cut the ends because he’s been growing them since he was a kitten. He prides himself on his long hair, and Jonghyun thinks it's cute. Jonghyun understands, though; he knows how he can get with things he’s treasured for a long time. And it’s not like Taemin’s hair is dead. Well, just a little, but the point is that it’s not bad. It’s still shiny and loved, so that’s all that matters.
Taemin lays still for a while, only quiet purs coming from him while looking deep in thought, until he says, “What’s their name?”
Jonghyun continues to pet Taemin’s hair. He’s just happy at the moment, not really thinking about anything. “Who’s name?”
“The new hybrid.” Taemin softly says this as he brings his tail into his lap and strokes it rather quickly.
“Ten, his name is Ten.”
“Ten must’ve liked you a lot.” 
Some may say jealousy is an ugly trait; Jonghyun thinks it's pretty on Taemin. He knows he should talk to Taemin about how he’s allowed to interact with other hybrids, and the other shouldn’t get jealous because, at the end of the day, Jonghyun is always going to come home to Taemin; he’s always going to love Taemin. But instead of giving a serious talk, he opts for scratching behind Taemin’s ear and smiling so hard his cheeks hurt.
“Ten was very excited. You’d like him, and I bet you’d enjoy playing with him as well. He’s the same size as you, so you can play more roughly than you do with Jinki and Minho. Kibumie is already talking about you two meeting.” Jonghyun explains hoping that Taemin would like to meet the new addition to Kibum’s family.
Taemin’s eyebrows furrow, and he bites his lip. “Is he pretty?”
Jonghyun laughs because that’s got nothing to do with what he just said.
“Not as pretty as you,” his smile bleeds into his voice, permeating a reassuring tone.
Taemin’s cheeks rise and turn a little pink, his eyes close contently, and he hums, “Good.”
“Huh, what’s good?” Jonghyun asks, leaning over Taemin’s face and sporting a bright smile. His hands have now moved from Taemin’s hair and are resting on either side of Taemin’s face.
"Just, you know... Stuff,” Taemin shrugs.
Jonghyun's heart beats faster as he observes Taemin's adorable display of jealousy. Unable to contain himself any longer, he leans in, his lips gently touching Taemin's. The kiss, is full of a mix of longing and affection. It's the moment Jonghyun’s been waiting for. Waiting for four days. Jonghyun hopes that’s the most reassuring.
As Jonghyun pulls away, he looks into Taemin's eyes, which are now open and reflecting a mix of surprise and contentment. Taemin's lips curl into a small smile, and he lets out a soft sigh, his body relaxing further into Jonghyun's lap. 
"I missed you," Jonghyun whispers, his voice barely above a breath.
Taemin's smile widens, and he nods, "I missed you too."
They sit in comfortable silence for a while, Jonghyun gently stroking Taemin's hair and ears, while Taemin's purrs fill the room. It's a peaceful moment that they both needed after the misunderstanding that caused a rift between them.
After some time, Taemin sits up, his expression turning thoughtful. "Maybe we should go see Kibum and Ten... And the others," he suggests, his voice hesitant but curious.
Jonghyun's eyebrows raise in surprise. "Are you sure? I thought you were worried about—"
"I was," Taemin cuts him off, "but I trust you. And if you say Ten is nice, then I want to meet him. Maybe it'll be fun to have a new friend."
Jonghyun's heart swells with affection for his hybrid, he knows it must’ve been hard to say that. "That sounds like a great idea. I'll call Kibum and set something up."
Taemin nods, a playful glint in his eye. "But you have to promise me one thing."
"Anything," Jonghyun replies without hesitation.
“You have to promise that you'll always come home to me. No matter what."
Jonghyun leans in and kisses Taemin's forehead. "I promise. You're my home, Taeminie. Always."
Taemin's smile is radiant, and he snuggles back into Jonghyun's lap, his purrs louder than before. Jonghyun wraps his arms around Taemin, holding him close.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Stay happy and healthy
Orgel 🌸
--- I've made a twitter feel free to talk to me 💓 twitter
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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crush confesses and asks them out
s.o sends inappropriate photo
bf! minho
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stratus-skye07 · 6 years
Loving Thy Friend | Key
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Requested: Hello! Can I request a Key x reader friends with benefits scenario where they both fall for each other? Thanks!
Description: You and Key have been friends since you two debuted around the same time. While he was making a name for himself in SHINee, you were growing in popularity in the acting field. Over time you both went through your fair share of dating fails which brought the idea of sex with no strings attached. It worked out for a good amount of time but you start to think if there could be anyone else but Key.
Genre: Slight Smut / Angst / Fluff Ending / Friends with Benefits AU
Word Count: 2.2k
I have been an actress for about ten years now. My hard work definitely precedes me. Being successful never hits you until the recognition from others gets you more and more noticed. Once I had my tenth anniversary fan meeting, the realization of how long I’ve been acting really got to me one way or another.
I started acting when I was sixteen and now being the ripe old age of twenty-six, the work never stops. Currently, I’m working on a drama as the lead. There’s flashbacks in the drama so I have to wear a school uniform which makes me feel like I’m too old to be wearing one.
During touch-ups, my phone rings. A smile slowly comes across my face when I read the name on the screen.
“How can I help you, Kibummie?”
He chuckles through the phone, “From the sound of your voice, it sounds like you’re having fun. Are you filming today?”
“Yeah, they got me in a school uniform. A good way to make me feel older than I actually am.”
“Yah, we’re the same age. Are you calling me old too?”
“I mean if the shoe fits.” We both laugh.
Kibum, or as the world knows him as Key, and I have been friends ever since we were trainees. We also debuted in the same year. Our personalities match which is how we’ve been able to keep in touch even after he became extremely popular with his group, SHINee.
“Alright, ajumma. Do you have time later to get some food?”
I look at the time to see that it’s already past noon, “We still have a few scenes to film until later on.”
“That’s perfect since we have some interviews to do until then. So we can have dinner?”
I nod, “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll see you then.”
Normally times like this where we hang out by the end of the day leads to something else. That being something we’ve been doing for nearly a year.
Kibum and I have always been there for each other, especially during the ups and downs of dating. Either we’ve been cheated on, dumped, or the relationship just didn’t work. We always found ourselves comforting each other. Until one night, we had gotten a little too drunk and we ended up sleeping together. At first, we felt regretful about it and decided to act like nothing happened, which we did, and it felt nice to not have to worry about anything afterwards. That’s when we came up with the idea of having a friends with benefits type of relationship.
As of late, my feelings have been failing me.
I meet up with Kibum at our favorite bbq restaurant. I wait as he starts cooking the meat professionally like he always does.
“How’s filming going?” He asks.
“It’s going well. All we can hope for is good ratings afterall.”
He scoffs, “You’re saying that like it’s difficult. Nearly every drama you’ve been in has had high ratings, you know why?”
I smile waiting for him to give me a compliment, “Why?”
“You always scare the leading guy so he’s pressured enough to always picking up the slack.” I slouch, I should’ve known he wasn’t going to give me some sort of praise. “Don’t think it’s because of your acting skills.”
I fake laugh, “Of course not, that’s why I’ve won multiple acting awards which reminds me when are you gonna get one?”
He gives me a side glance, “I’m not the one dressed up as a high school student in my mid twenties.”
“Didn't you dress like a student once?”
He nods, “Yeah but I was handsome in that uniform. I can't say the same for you.”
After a few more savage banters between us, we finally quiet down by eating. There was also talk about work and his upcoming comeback with SHINee. I managed to keep the conversation away from his variety show filming with BoA. I like her but sometimes I feel like second best compared to her.
The meet from the grill is nearly gone so I reach over to grab a piece of meat from the far side. I end up burning my wrist against the edge of the grill. I pull it back to swallow the pain of the burn. I blow the hot spot even though I know it wouldn’t help.
“Are you okay?” Kibum asks watching me deal with the pain.
I nod “Yeah, I’m fine. That’s what I get for being greedy.”
“Here,” he grabs my hand to reveal the burn mark, “Tomatoes help reduce the heat.” He takes half of a tomato to rub around the tender spot.
As I watch him, I begin to feel butterflies in my stomach. It wasn’t the first time too. I found myself paying more attention to the little things that Kibum does that I never realized had any effect on me. In some ways, I’d hope that he would just scold me like he usually would and say ‘How can you be so greedy for the brisket to burn yourself, dummy.’
Instead, I was gawking at Kibum and seeing him in a whole different light. I saw him as not only my friend but someone that I wanted to have an intimate relationship with instead of a sexual one. If I wanted to keep the friendship I have with him, I’ll have to stop the benefits before my feelings eat away at me.
After we finished eating, Key and I go back to his apartment. We usually finish up the night with some beer and soju which usually leads to other things. We end up sitting on the couch drinking and talking about whatever comes to mind.
In my sudden hard thinking, I feel Kibum’s hand putting pressure on my shoulder, “What are you thinking about that’s got you extremely tensed in the shoulders?” He asks.
I shake my head, “Just work. It’s nothing.”
He begins to trail his lips across my shoulder blades until he leans in close enough that his chest is touching my arm. His breath starts to tickle my ear causing the familiar sensation between my legs to radiate like usual.
I honestly don’t want to have another night with him like this but the selfish side of me can’t help it.
Looking up at him, our lips meet. His body leans into mine, pushing me down onto the couch. I part my legs wide enough to let his waist come closer. I let out a moan when I feel his erection press into me, causing friction to my core.
Kibum pulls away but his lips continue to move from jaw down to my neck, “Don’t think about anything. Just keep your eyes on me.” He whispers.
Looking into his eyes, unable to say anything, I nod.
I’ve decided that this would be the last time we’d do this. It would hurt me too much to pretend like nothing was going on with me. Over time, it would get to the point where I wouldn’t be able to let go of Kibum and I wouldn’t be able to have him as a friend.
The following morning, Kibum and I had fallen asleep on the couch. I woke up to the sight of his sleeping face and his arms wrapped around me. It took a lot of willpower to get up out of his grasp. I wanted so desperately to stay like that for as long as possible, but it was only making things worse for me.
I started getting dressed when I hear Kibum move around on the couch. I take a breath to think about what I was going to say.
“It’s still early. You should stay for breakfast.” He says before getting up to put his boxers on.
I finish getting dressed when I just say what I have to before it gets even more complicated, “Let’s stop doing this.”
He chuckles, “What? Having breakfast together?”
I turn to look at him, “No, let’s stop having sex with each other.”
There’s an awkward silence until he finally says something, “Why all of a sudden?”
“I don’t know about you but I’m getting bored with all this. We’ve been doing this no strings attached thing for a year now. Maybe it’s time for us to get back into the real world of dating again.”
“Is what we have not working for you anymore?” He asks with a serious tone.
I shake my head, “I love you, Kibum but we already know that nothing more will come from us doing this for much longer. That was our arrangement, friends with benefits. I’d like to keep the friendship.”
Kibum sighs then shrugs his shoulders, “Fine, consider the benefits gone.”
It hurt to hear him say it so matter-of-fact. Deep down I wanted him to fight for me but instead, he did what I’d expect him to do. I can’t hate him for it since this was what was going to happen eventually. It’s time to get back to reality. A hard pill to swallow.
As the days went by, Kibum and I had gone back to our usual routine before the arrangement. We were talking like nothing had changed. I subconsciously began to avoid him in hopes that he wouldn’t bring up the topic or I’d give in if he wanted to do something more again. I felt terrible since I ended it so it wouldn’t affect our friendship but I was putting a dent in it myself.
I was able to keep my mind occupied with work. We were filming the intense scenes today so it helped me get some of my inner turmoil out and it also made for good content.
The director had called for us to take a break. I head towards the food truck that Kibum had sent me when I noticed that one figure standing near it that wasn’t his picture.
I put on a smile as I approached him, “Kibummie, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be doing promotions today?”
“I finished them early. I thought I’d come and see how work was going.”
I nod, “It’s going pretty well. We just got done shooting the emotional scenes today.” He hands me a cup of coffee that was from the food truck, “Thanks for the truck. I’m not sure how many more photos of yourself you could’ve put on it though.”
He chuckles but his laugh seems different than usual, “I know that you don’t get tired of seeing my face so I figured it was necessary.”
The more I stare at him the more I begin to sense something is up. Taking the initiative I ask, “What’s wrong? You seem different than usual.”
He sighs, “I wanna know the real reason.”
I gasp wishing that he had actually gotten over it, “I already told you.
He scoffs, “I tried to accept your reasoning but I don’t feel like it’s true.”
I start to panic, wondering if I should tell him the truth or not. Instead, I continue to lie, “We can’t keep doing this for the rest of our lives. It’s better if you move on from the idea now. We tried it and it worked for the time that we needed to recover from our past relationship failures.”
“I don’t wanna just move on.”
I should’ve known doing this for as long as we did would cause this kind of drama. I really wanted to preserve the friendship that Kibum and I had but it seems like things won’t be going back to the way it was.
“Don’t you get it? Eventually we’ll need love and affection, the kind friends can’t give to each other.”
He stares at me for the longest time before taking a step towards me, “What if I told you that the only love and affection that I want is from you.”
My heart races as I comprehend his sudden confession, “What?”
Kibum takes my hand in his and squeezes it, “For some time I’ve been having these feelings. I couldn’t describe them but when you told me that you wanted to stop our deal, my heart broke. As time went by, I started to feel like I was missing something. I had missed feeling your touch. That’s when I realized that what I was feeling towards you wasn’t the type you’d have for a friend.”
“It’s became more than you could handle.” I say knowing exactly how he felt since it had been what I was going through recently. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He smiles, “I was scared that it would ruin our relationship if you didn’t feel the same way.”
Every bit of emotion hits me. Kibum was feeling the same romantic confusion as I was. All this time I was scared of losing him but in fact we were only growing closer as our intimate time together went on.
“For how long?” I ask.
“Since the first time. I felt guilty for feeling that way since I figured you wouldn’t have wanted a relationship.”
“I thought you wouldn’t have wanted it. That’s why I ended it.”
Kibum laughs, “Maybe we are meant for each other since we’re both so dense.”
“So where do we go from here?” I ask wondering if this was really happening between us.
He smiles before interlocking his hand with mine, “What are you doing after work? Would you like to go on a date?”
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
SHINee Reaction - Flinching During a Fight
❧ Anon asked: hello, could i request a shinee reaction with the same nct one you made (s/o flinching from them during a fight), please?! thank u so much, have a nice night! 🖤
❧ A/N: I haven’t written anything for SHINee in a whiiiiile but I do have some requests for more SHINee content!! 
~※ Main Masterlist ※~
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Poor Jinki would get so emotional. He’d never ever lay a finger on you and you both knew this but the arguing just made you flinch. He’d get teary-eyed as he hugged you tightly. He’d need a moment to to gather his thoughts. He’d wait until you were both calm to talk things over. 
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Minho would be so disappointed in himself when he saw you flinch. He wouldn’t be able to say anything, emotions just overwhelming him. He’d wrap his arms around you tightly and hold you against his chest. He’d eventually whisper apologies when he calmed down a bit. 
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Kibum would be so riled up with emotions both because of the arguing and because of you flinching. He’d be very frustrated and need to take some time for himself to calm down and think rationally. He’d probably leave for a while then when he came back, you’d talk it out. 
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Taemin wouldn’t quite know what to do in this situation. He’d be upset that you flinched but he knows it was mostly because of the arguing. He’d go quiet for a while trying to figure out what to do. He’d end up just sitting down with you and talking things out calmly. 
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aurorasillusion · 3 years
submissions update hub groups masterlist
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*none yet*
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*none yet*
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☆ MY dumbass (GN)
Minho falls in love with a dumbass. SFW prompt 13
☆ La petite mort (M)
Minho wakes you up in a special way. 18+
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*none yet*
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GN = Gender Neutral Reader (M) = Mature
↳ request masterlist ↳ AO3
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mymoodwriting · 3 years
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Request for Anon (Vampire Onew) 5k, blood, fangs, drugs, smut, fingering, penetration
“Y/n, please see me after class.”
    The bell had already rung, dismissing the class, but the professor had asked you to stay a while. Everyone was gathering their books and all of a sudden they were giving you weird looks and trying to hide their giggling and snickering. It was a typical reaction to someone like you being asked to stay after class. You wouldn’t call yourself a ‘teacher’s pet’ but you were a good student, so of course everyone was curious about you seeming to be in trouble. You walked over to the professor’s desk, quietly waiting as they gathered their things. It wasn’t until the room was empty that he spoke.
“Are you okay?”
“You were dozing off in my class, that’s not like you. If you were to fall asleep I doubt you’d fall behind, but it’s still concerning. Are you alright?”
“Oh gosh, I am so sorry, I just closed my eyes, I didn’t know I was falling asleep.”
“You seemed to get through my lecture just fine. Have you not been getting enough sleep?”
“Ah… I’m trying… homework has just been stressing me out lately.”
“I hope my assignments aren’t too much trouble.”
“No, not at all… it’s just me.”
“Do you have any other classes this evening?”
“No, you’re the last one I have for the day.”
“Excellent, you can rest in my office.”
“You clearly need more rest, so how about some tea and you can get some sleep in my office.”
“I… what?”
“It’s still early in the day, so it’s not the best idea to return to the dorm. After a quick nap you are more than welcome to use my office as a private study room.”
“Oh, no, no I can’t.”
“I won’t be bothering you, I have another lecture in an hour, so it’ll be very beneficial for you.”
“I insist. I don’t want you falling behind in my class, or the others. Come.”
    The professor placed a hand on the small of your back and was gently pushing you forward and out of the room. There was no chance for protest, so you just went along. The professors with tenure tended to have very nice and big offices, so of course his offer of tea and a place to rest was logical. This was your first time in any professors office, so you felt a bit awkward. Again, you were a good student, so you never needed one-on-one meetings with any of your professors, you also weren’t friendly enough with any of them to warrant normal visits.
“I’ll make the tea, and you make yourself comfortable.”
    You gave him a polite smile and looked around his office. Normal work desk with a desktop, mountains of papers to grade, a few couches and a coffee table, normal office chairs, a small bed you’d find in the nurses’ office, shelves filled with books, it was everything you figured it would be, felt more like being in someone’s home office than work office.
“Have a seat.”
    You took a seat on one of the couches, thanking him for the tea. It had a sweet taste to it, and the warmth felt nice, very comforting which would probably make it easy to take a nap.
“How are your other classes?”
“Good. I’m passing if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
“I imagined so, I meant besides grades. Are you enjoying yourself?”
“For the most part, not all my classes fit my major so those are a drag.”
“You can learn something new regardless.”
“I guess.”
“Are you seeing anyone right now?”
“Boyfriend? Or girlfriend?”
“Oh… uh… no… I’m not really… yeah I’m not dateable material…”
“That’s hardly any way to reflect on yourself. You are a gorgeous woman, but it’s good to hear you aren’t distracting yourself with trivial relationships right now.”
“You can call me Onew if you want.”
“What? No! No, I can’t, we barely know each other.”
“I just thought I’d mention it in case you felt uncomfortable calling me professor.”
“I prefer calling you that.”
“Me too.” Onew gave you a smile. “Well, I have a class to prepare for, please, enjoy your tea and get some rest. I’ll lock the door on my way out so you won’t be interrupted.”
“This is really not-”
“I don’t want one of my best students falling behind due to lack of sleep. Besides, at this point it’d be rude to leave. Sweet dreams.”
    You really couldn’t say anything else, so you were left in his office. Now it felt weird, but you really shouldn’t pass up a chance to get some sleep. You finished up the tea and went over to the bed, getting comfortable under the sheets and closing your eyes. Surprisingly enough sleep came easy to you.
    Forgetting to set an alarm was probably your biggest mistake. You slowly woke up, feeling a bit groggy but also refreshed and happy. When your eyes opened you realized that there was no sunlight in the room. You bolted up, realizing it was night time. Onew was at his desk, quietly going through papers when he noticed you.
“You’re awake.”
“What time is it?”
“Uh… half past nine.”
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry for still being here, I should have left like three hours ago.”
“It’s alright. I didn’t wake you sooner since I figured you were resting well. How do you feel?”
“Uh… surprisingly refreshed…”
“That’s good to hear. You’re more than welcome to stay for some silent study or I can walk you back to your dorm.”
“You don’t-”
“It is quite late. I don’t want to hear you didn’t get to your dorm alright tomorrow.”
“Right… I’ll just get some work done… until you finish so you’re not going back and forth.”
“That’s very considerate of you.”
    You grabbed your things and tried to quietly do homework. It was weird to be sharing the same space, you wanted to leave, but also didn’t want to be rude. If anything the quiet and the slight pressure to actually study motivated you, and gave you some confidence to ask Onew questions about his course material. You were waiting up for Onew, and even though you had a good nap, you started dozing off again. You shot up when you heard the other chuckle.
“Apologies, I tend to ignore the clock a lot. I will call it a night here and walk you to your dorm now.”
“Ah, yeah, thank you.”
    You yawned and stretched a bit before packing up your things and heading out with Onew. It was nearly midnight by the time you set foot outside. The cool air was refreshing, and you led the way back to your dorm.
“Thanks again… for… today… that was nice…”
“It’s no problem. You’re welcome to use my office for silent study or rest whenever you like. Especially when midterms come up.”
“I appreciate it, but I don’t want to be invading your space.”
“It’s alright, I don’t really have guests over anyway. I wouldn’t mind the company. Good night.”
    You entered your dorm room, hoping for a quiet night so you could go to sleep, but that was very unlikely. Your roommate was playing music and had some friends over, clearly with plans for the rest of the night. You suddenly missed the silence of the professor’s office, but you were just going to have to deal with the noise.
    Onew didn’t bring up the late night study session again, and you didn’t ask to use his office either, not right away that is. It felt weird the first time to be there, so you didn’t want to do it again. That is until you had some review quizzes coming up and could use a more quiet environment. You were shy to ask, hoping the offer was still on the table.
“Uh, professor?”
“Yes? Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, I was just wondering if I could borrow your office again… to study…”
“Of course, on one condition though.”
“Wa… what?”
“You have some tea with me and take a nap. I don’t want you to just study away in there. Does that sound doable?”
“Yeah, yeah of course.”
“Alright, shall we?”
    Onew led the way back to his office. You had some tea and took an actual nap this time, waking up with plenty of time to study. Onew wasn’t around until later, greeting you and making some light conversation but not taking up too much of your time. You both worked quietly, and eventually being in his office became a habit. You’d stop by even when you didn’t have his class that day, either to study or just talk. You weren’t really friendly with any other professor but him.
“You should probably put a sign up on your door.”
“What for?”
“When you’re having a meeting with another student so I don’t just bust in and interrupt you.”
“I don’t meet with students in my office, and I don’t socialize much with other professors, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
“Wait, if you don’t use your office for meetings then what do you use it for?”
“To grade assignments, rest, have a cup of tea, it’s really just my quiet work place, but you are always welcome here.”
“How are your classes? I assume you're studying hard for midterms.”
“I feel like you all got together to make the hardest tests ever.”
“I assure you we didn’t.”
“So, do I get special study material for the exam?”
“What makes you think I’d provide something like that?”
“Cause I’m your favorite student?”
“I can’t show favoritism.”
“But I’m in your private office.”
“For academic purposes. May I ask, are you in a relationship with anyone at the moment?”
“Uh… no, it’s still just me…”
“Good, you shouldn’t distract yourself with those types of relationships, just focus on your studies for now.”
“Thanks for the advice.”
“Hey… y/n… right?”
“Huh?” You looked up, meeting eyes with a classmate. “Oh, hello.”
“Hi, I’m Minho.”
“I know.”
“Oh… well… I wanted to ask if you could tutor me.”
“Yeah, you seem friendly with the professor, and you’re top of the class.”
“I… well… I guess.”
“I know this is a bit awkward, but I could really use the help. I don’t wanna fail the midterm.”
You offered a smile. “I get that.”
“So… you’ll tutor me?”
“Sure, but I won’t deal with you slacking off. Do you have a class after this?”
“Perfect, we can have our sessions around this time, best to look over the material while it’s fresh on your mind.”
“You can thank me after you pass.”
    You were always quiet in class, and probably came off way shier than you actually were. Since you were doing well in the class you never really participated either, especially after Onew asked you to give other students room to ask questions. You were certainly hiding your excited heartbeat over Minho talking to you. He was one of the star athletes on campus, and certainly good looking too. You went with him to the library and got a study room. It’s not that you wanted to be alone with him, he was a popular kid, you didn’t need others to distract him, and he didn’t complain.
“Alright, so tell me what you don’t understand and we’ll go from there.”
    Minho was a pretty good student, and he seemed to be picking up the material well when you explained it. You were sure he’d pass, and pass he did. You weren’t expecting to get anything in return from him, you helped him out of the kindness of your heart, so when he asked you out you choked on air.
“I just… I thought maybe you’d like to get a drink or something. At least one, please, so I can thank you for your help if anything.”
“I could go for a drink…”
“Y/n.” The professor called. “Can you stay a moment.”
“Uh, sure.”
“I’ll wait for you.” Minho said. “That is if you want to get that drink now…”
“Yeah, just give me a minute.”
    You stuck around when the rest of the class was gone, feeling a bit uneasy. You didn’t know why, but something just felt off in the moment.
“Did I… am I in trouble?”
“No, why? Have you done something that would warrant punishment?”
“No! I… what did you want to see me about?”
“I wanted to check in. I expected to see more of you in my office while midterms were approaching, but I’ve hardly seen you.”
“Oh, I’ve just been studying with another classmate.”
“I see, well you got the top grade in the class. Congrats.”
“Thank you. If that’s all… I do have plans.”
“Oh, of course, you can go.”
“I’ll see you next class.”
    Minho was happily waiting for you out in the hall, and the two of you went off for drinks. You’ve never had a boyfriend before, so you were pretty nervous about it, but he was patient with you, and kind. It was nice, and you were happy in a way you never thought possible. Everything was great, but things soon took a turn for the worse. For an athlete, getting hurt was the worst thing possible. So when you got the call you rushed to the hospital.
    The boy was lying in bed, bandages around his head, one of his legs wrapped up as well. He was unconscious now, but he was stable and would be alright. The tests hadn’t come back yet, so they were unsure whether his injuries would affect his future athletic career. You had to step out for a moment as the doctor returned, and you were met with a familiar face.
“Professor? What are you doing here?”
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“I uh… what…”
    You were still shaking from what had happened, so Onew sat you down to talk. It seemed that Minho had fallen down some steps, and Onew had found him on his way home. He was the one to bring him to a hospital, although he had insisted on not calling you out so late into the night, you should have been sleeping without any worries.
“I should take you back to the dorms, it’s really late.”
“No, I want to stay with him.”
“Y/n, you need to rest, you shouldn’t be stressing yourself out over this. He’ll be fine.”
“Let’s go, I can bring you by tomorrow after your classes, okay.”
“… okay…”
“Good, let’s get you home.”
    You couldn’t really sleep too much that night, but you tried. In the morning though you realized how badly you had failed, given you barely paid attention to anything. When you were finally in Onew’s class you perked up a bit, knowing that after this you would go check in on Minho. You anxiously stared at the time, wishing the seconds would go by faster, but you were a bit grateful Onew was making sure you didn’t throw everything away just to sit next to a hospital bed. You couldn’t be happier when the class finally ended.
“Y/n, it looks like you barely slept.”
“I tried… but I’ve just been so worried all day…”
“It doesn’t suit you.”
“Hopefully the doctors can tell me more about his condition today and then I can rest easy.”
“It’s good to have hope.”
“Yeah, so are we going?”
“Not quite.”
“I’d much appreciate it if you got some proper rest first.”
“You’re not in a good headspace if you’re exhausted, and you shouldn’t be going to a hospital that way. The boy will just worry about you.”
“A small nap in my office, that’s all I ask.”
“I don’t know if I can sleep.”
“I’ll help you, trust me.”
    You went to his office and he prepared you some tea. You laid down on the bed and Onew tucked you in. To your own surprise you were actually sleepy and managed to drift off into dreamland. When you woke up it was like any other time, Onew at his desk grading papers.
“How do you feel?”
“Uh… surprisingly refreshed.”
“That’s good, you seemed very deep in sleep.”
“Yeah, what did you put in the tea?”
“All natural ingredients. It’s an old secret receipt.”
“You should probably teach me, I would love to sleep like that every night. So will we be going now?”
    You were also a lot calmer now that you got some rest, so you’d be in a better mood to see Minho. Hopefully everything was alright, he hadn’t texted you, but it was better he get as much rest as possible.
“I hope you don’t mind a quick stop at my house. I have a lecture later tonight and need to gather some papers.”
“That’s fine.”
“If you’d like I can pick you up from the hospital afterwards.”
“How long is your lecture?”
“About three hours. I’ll be done before visiting hours end I assure you.”
“Yeah, I could use a ride.”
    Onew drove for a bit, not living so far from the school campus. He had a moderate size house, passing through the driveway gate revealing a beautiful garden. He invited you in, not wanting you to wait for him outside. Seeing the house up close though, and then seeing the inside, how big it was, made you wonder why he lived alone, the house must feel so empty.
“I’ll be a moment, so make yourself at home for now.”
    He went upstairs and you remained on the first floor. You looked around, seeing the beautiful art and what you believed to be vintage furniture. You found your way to the kitchen and figured he wouldn’t mind if you had a quick drink, you were a bit thirsty. When you opened the fridge you scanned the shelves until your eyes landed on a red bag. It looked like bagged wine, but upon closer inspection you saw the labels on it and quickly realized what it was.
“Ready to go?”
    You jumped and quickly shut the fridge, trying to keep your composure. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you had no time or way of processing what you had just seen. Your silence drew attention though.
“I left some blood bags in the fridge, didn’t I?”
“Uh, sorry, what?”
“I did.” Onew sighed. “I wanted to have this conversation when our relationship was… more developed. Now I can’t just let you go, but I do have a lecture…”
“And I wouldn’t want to keep you from that.” You took a step away from Onew. “I can just catch a cab to the hospital. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I told you not to distract yourself with such trivial relationships.”
“I really should go…”
“I don’t like to chase my prey, so I ask you not to run.”
    Words like that would trigger anyones fight or flight response, and you were itching to get away, so despite the warning you ran. You didn’t get far though, unfamiliar with the layout of the house and the fact that in the blink of an eye Onew was right in front of you.
“I told you not to run.”
    Onew grabbed you and put you in a choke hold. You squirmed and tried to free yourself, but he was incredibly strong, and it was becoming hard to breath. You were scared, unsure if you’d ever wake up, but you could do nothing to fight the darkness that crept in from the edges of your vision and soon overtook you.
    You took in a breath when you opened your eyes again, taking a moment as your vision adjusted. You looked around, figuring you were still in Onew’s house, but you weren’t in some dark creepy cellar. Instead you were in a room, it seemed to be his bedroom now that you got a better look at the place. You slowly sat up, regaining your senses, remembering that you needed to escape. Although as you tried to get out of the bed you were stopped by the chain around your leg.
    You followed it underneath the bed and saw that it went under the floorboards. That told you it wasn’t the first time he’s had someone chained up in his room. You looked around, but there wasn’t anything you could use to even try and break the chain. So you were stuck, trapped, until he returned. You found a clock in the room, and thought back, you had about two hours before he got back, so that was at least time to do something. You couldn’t get the chain off, but he could, he would once he returned, so you needed to have a plan.
    Nothing in the room could break the chain, but it could surely hurt him. You grabbed your weapon and hid it under the sheets, so now you just had to wait. The suspense and fear would probably kill you though, so you had to keep your mind occupied. Onew always seemed so kind, but to suddenly learn he had this darker side. You needed to escape and call someone, and alert the authorities. While waiting you did try and mess around with the chain, but even if it looked old it was strong. 
    Your mind racing with possibilities helped pass the time until you heard the door open, and footsteps approaching. You reached under the blanket for your weapon, trying to calm yourself. For now you needed to play along until the chain was off and you had your chance to escape. It was frustrating though that Onew didn’t come see you right away, but was doing other things in his house, probably on purpose to make you uneasy. Finally though, he came to the bedroom.
“You’re awake, did you sleep well?”
“I hope so, we have a lot to discuss.” 
    Onew grabbed your leg, pulling out a key to remove the chain, the second it was off you attacked. You hit him on the head with all your strength, the thing shattering in your hands, but it did nothing. Onew didn’t react at all, as if he was made of steel. His grip on your leg got tight and you cried out. Slowly, his eyes met yours, revealing the red glow they had.
“I’ve always enjoyed the fact that you were intelligent, you’re my best student, but that was pretty stupid.”
    Your words were cut short when he pushed you back on the bed. You should have been fighting him, but given what just happened you were frozen in fear. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, taking in a deep breath.
“You always smell so lovely, you deprived me of this when you stopped visiting me. Now, I have you all to myself with no interruptions.”
“Don’t kill me…”
“Why would I do that? You taste divine.”
“What does-”
    For a moment you caught a glimpse of sharp teeth, of fangs, before they dug into your neck. You let out a scream, your hands grabbing the back of Onew’s shirt. You squirmed a bit, shocked by what was happening, but you weren’t afraid for long. A sudden wave of pleasure washed over you, something you had never felt before. It was a lot at once you swear your eyes were rolling into the back of your head. When Onew pulled away you could see his blood stained lips, watching him lick them clean.
“Look at you, so beautiful, even when some of that intelligence has been lost.”
“I… what just… what are you…”
“Hm, still capable of thought, let’s fix that.”
    He sunk his fangs into you again, not to drink, but to get you high off the pheromones. You let out a whimper, your previous grip on him growing weak. Your mind was completely overtaken at this point, and you felt incredible. The smallest touch from Onew felt good.
“Such a pretty little thing, even without a brain. That look in your eyes, the emptiness, it’s priceless.”
“Cute. Sleep then little one, tomorrow is gonna be a busy day.”
    You woke up with a pain in your neck. You had a bit of a headache and the details of last night remained fuzzy. You recognized the room from before, discovering that you weren’t chained up this time. When you got out of bed you fell to your knees, far weaker than you thought. That’s also when you realized you were in a dress, and the thought of Onew seeing you naked made you shiver. Given your state, it wasn’t surprising Onew left you unsupervised, it’s not like you could run away. Although the noise you were making certainly alerted the other that you were conscious again. You could only wait nervously as footsteps approached.
“Already out of bed? You couldn’t wait for me to finish breakfast.”
    Onew chuckled and picked you up in his arms, carrying you to the dining room. He sat you down at the table, providing you with some water. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and ruffled your hair.
“I’ll be done in a minute.”
    He went off to the kitchen, which was just a few feet over. While he finished breakfast he could easily keep an eye on you. Nothing made sense, but you couldn’t do anything to help your situation. So you just waited. He set the table, and you hated your stomach for growling when you got a whiff of the food, it smelled good.
“I see someone’s hungry.”
“What… what do you want from me…”
“You, isn’t that obvious. Now that I have you, well, that’s a different story.”
    Onew came over behind you, leaning in close to your neck with his fangs exposed. You shivered, tilting your neck so he could get better access. Although he merely chuckled and kissed your neck, which was still sensitive from last night.
“Look at you, already begging for more. Well, you were already an addict, but you didn’t know it until now.”
“My office, I loved coming in and seeing you asleep, like my own little treat just laid out for me.”
“You… you…”
“Yes, you were an excellent addition to a cup of tea.”
“Sh, sh, sh, don’t be upset, I assure you that you enjoyed yourself. Now, it’s just a matter of making you my good girl.”
“Just… please… let me go…”
“It’s too late for that love. Eat, you’ll need your strength. Your training begins today.”
    You entered Onew’s office, locking the door behind you, a bit shy, hands clasped together in front of you, keeping your head down. Onew didn’t look up, continuing with his work.
“Where were you yesterday? You didn’t stop by.”
“I got caught up with an assignment and then went out with a friend. I’m sorry.”
“Hm.” Onew leaned back in his chair, taking in your sight, and the lovely dress you were in. “Come here.”
    You went over and sat in Onew’s lap. He ran a hand through your hair, another slipping under your dress and resting on your thigh, inches away from your panties.
“It was very rude to not come see me yesterday. I missed you dearly.”
“I didn’t mean to.”
“I know, my precious girl knows to focus on her studies, but you need to be punished. You’ll be spending the weekend with me, alright?”
“Yes professor.”
    Onew pressed his lips to yours before his mouth trailed down to your neck. He sucked gently on your skin before sticking his fangs into you. A moan escaped your lips and you leaned into his touch. The hand under your dress found its way to your panties, fingers gently teasing you. He pulled away with a chuckle.
“Are you already wet my dear? I’ve trained you so well haven’t I?”
“Hm, such a good girl.”
    Onew laid you down on his desk, spreading your legs for him. He tugged down your panties and his cold fingers came in contact with your core. You shivered with glee, more than ready for him. A finger already felt great with his pheromones coursing through you, so as he worked to prep you it also turned you into a mess of pleasure.
“I hope you’re all caught up with your assignments dear, because you won’t be using that brain of yours for the rest of the day.”
“See, we’re already there.”
    Onew didn’t need to be gentle, not when you were like this. When he felt you were ready he pushed every inch into you, letting you take it all in and squirm under him as you adjusted. He always filled you up so nicely, and once he was in a good rhythm that’s when he added to the fun. He pulled you up and bit you again, breaking you by assaulting you with so much pleasure. You became nothing but a toy in his arms at that point, using you for his own enjoyment while you were lost in pure bliss. If anything it was an equal exchange of pleasure.
“You close baby girl? Your heart’s racing even more now.”
“Yes… please… can I cum…”
“Why should I let you when you’ve been such a bad girl?”
“No… I’m a good girl…”
“Are you?”
“Very… very good girl…”
“My very good girl, and good girls get rewards.”
    He picked up the pace just enough to get you over the edge. He watched you shake in his arms, not letting up as you went through your orgasm, loving the look on your face. You were so far gone you even had a bit of drool slipping past your lips. He chuckled and wiped that off, watching you for a moment longer before reaching his own climax. He sat back down, still inside you while he came down as well. You rest your head against his shoulder, keeping your wound exposed in case he wanted more. He pressed soft kisses to your cheek, licking the bite wound. 
“Who’s a good girl?”
“Yes you are.”
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chim-chimchii · 5 years
Always Loved You (Taemin)
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Genre: A little angst but fluff
Warnings: None
Requested: kind of??
Note: @certainhappiness really wanted something written based off of this picture so I decided to write something for her!
. . . . . . .
The sun was setting, causing the natural light that you were using to study, to disappear. You closed your textbook and leaned far back in your chair to stretch your tired muscles. You had been studying since earlier in the day and indicating from growling stomach, you had forgotten to eat. Getting up, you shuffled towards your door but stopped in your tracks when something hit your window. It had to be something small because your window didn't break, but it was noticeable. You waited for a moment to make sure you weren't hearing things, but then something hit your window again. You cautiously made your way to your window and peered out.
Standing below with a sly smirk playing on his lips, was your old friend Taemin. Something stirred in your body and made its way to your heart. It was the old feelings you had for him that were resurfacing. Opening your window, you stared at him in disbelief.
He chuckled. "Come down here."
You paused to think for a moment. You hadn't seen or talked to Taemin since the summer before school started before he got with Seoyoon. After he made his relationship official with her, he had changed. He seemed to forget who he was. You were upset when he had gone off with Seoyoon and refused to talk to you. Both you and Taemin had been friends since grade school. So why did he have to forget about you too?
"Please?" Taemin added in a pleading tone.
It seemed as though he needed to talk, to get something off his chest and even though he had changed, you didn't. You were there for your friends when they needed it even if they failed to be there for you sometimes. So, like the good friend you were, you jogged down to meet him.
Taemin was leaning against the passenger side of his car waiting for you. You playfully rolled your eyes at him upon seeing how "tough" he looked with his back resting against the door and his arms folded over his chest.
"Why did you do that?" He asked at your eyeroll.
"Are you trying to seem tough? Because you and I both know that you're as soft as a steamed bun." You explained.
Taemin blinked at you in surprise. He was not expecting to be called out like that. It took him a couple seconds to get over the initial shock of your sassiness. Perhaps he wasn't the only one who had changed.
"Let's go for a drive." He opened the passenger door for you like a gentleman breaking his tough bad boy facade.
. . . . . . .
You found yourself sitting next to Taemin on the hood of his car overlooking the ocean. It felt so lovely to be with your friend again, but in the back of your head, you couldn't help but think about his girlfriend. What would happen if she found out about this innocent outing? You knew it would ruin the atmosphere, but you needed to know.
"So, where's Seoyoon?"
Taemin's body stiffened slightly but relaxed a second later. "We broke up a while ago. I'm surprised you didn't know."
"I don't really pay attention to the gossip that goes around the campus. Plus it really wasn't any of my business. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. It's not like anyone approved of the relationship anyways." He leaned back and laid against the windshield.
"It's her we didn't approve of." You said, wanting to comfort him.
"Why? Why didn't anyone like her? Wasn't it enough that I liked her? Did my happiness even matter?" He questioned in a frustrated tone.
You frowned and mentally scolded yourself for what you had said.
"Your happiness always mattered, at least to me it did," You turned your head to look at him. "I was just surprised at how drastically you changed when you got into the relationship."
"And how did I change?" He asked.
"Your clothes, the people you hung out with, our friendship." You whispered the last part.
"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I shouldn't have let Seoyoon have that much power over me. I never meant to distance myself away from who I really was, and I really shouldn't have distanced myself away from you." The way he said "you" made your heart race. You obviously still had feelings for him.
"It's okay. We all have those moments where we lose sight of ourselves."
"If it means anything, I think I'm back to my old self but with a new wardrobe."
You eyed his outfit. His well-worn leather jacket, loose black shirt that hung from his body and the skinny jeans that had holes at the knees. You were going to comment on his outfit but your eyes locked with his and he grinned at you.
"Are you checking me out?"
You turned your head away from him to hide your blush. "I like your old style better." You mumbled.
Taemin laughed, which caused you to follow his lead.
"I really missed hanging out with you." You confessed between giggles.
Taemin stopped laughing and gazed at you. "I've missed you too." His tone was serious.
You stopped. "Then why did you stop hanging out with me?"
Taemin sighed and sat up as he ran a hand through his hair. You followed his example and sat up as well.
"Seoyoon didn't like me hanging out with you. I supposed she saw you as a threat."
Starring at him quizzically you asked, "Me? A threat?"
"Y/n, do you not believe that you could be a threat to some girls? You're beautiful, smart, and funny. And I know that those are super cliche things to say, but you really are those and more." He was rambling.
"And that's why I fell in love with you."
You reached over and took his hand in yours and leaned against his shoulder.
"You know I've always loved you too, right?" You whispered. He glanced at with a smile.
You glanced up at him and nodded. "I thought I made it obvious."
"I guess I was just too blinded by someone else to see that you're the one I was actually wanted." He inched closer to your face. "Don't think you need to change yourself just to be with me." You inched closer.
"With you, I don't have to."
Taemin closed the gap and pressed his lips against yours gently.
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First Date (Key)
Summary: you go on a double date with your old high school rival
Word Count: 1155 (guess i kinda went overboard lol)
Note: F/N stands for “friend’s name.” I hope you enjoy!
You never seriously imagined dating Key — not even in high school, when your friends swore that the nonstop bickering was somehow proof of your souls’ bond. You didn’t really hate Key, although that was what you used to tell your friend in a failed attempt to crush all the romance rumors, but when your best friend called to breathlessly explain why you absolutely had to go to the carnival with Key that weekend, you weren’t exactly convinced. 
“I— but why?”
“Because,” she drew a deep breath before confessing, “Taemin is going, and he asked me to go too.”
“F/N! Way to bury the lead!” How long had you been rooting for her and Taemin? You’d lost count of the years. Despite your smile, you said, “Still, I don’t get why that means I have to go . . . with Key?”
She breathed loudly again, a sign that she was going to attempt to lead you through her puzzling thoughts. “Because Taemin said Key is going, and I don’t want to be the third wheel—”
“If Taemin is asking you on a date, I doubt you’ll be the third wheel,” you noted in a teasing tone. Then, unable to stifle your laughter, you said, “But it’s totally adorable that Key is still acting like Taemin’s chaperone.”
“Y/N, please,” your friend begged, her pout somehow almost audible. “You know Taemin gets all shy when his friends are around. And it’s not fair that he’ll get advice from Key all night, and I’ll be left to fend for myself—”
“I doubt Key’s advice would even be good.” Seeing no end to her panic, you agreed, “Okay, fine, I’ll go.” And when you considered how she and Taemin awkwardly tiptoed around the idea of dating for years, you realized that your friend probably really did need your support. 
“Oh my gosh! Really?”
You smiled at her excitement. “Yeah, yeah, just don’t blame me if things get awkward. I haven’t talked to Key since graduation.”
. . . 
You weren’t exactly irritated when your friend skipped away to explore the carnival with Taemin. Seeing them happy, joined at the hip, and obnoxiously in love was an undeniable improvement from how they behaved at the beginning of the “date.”
They’d been so stiff and embarrassed during lunch that you and Key were forced to combine efforts to get them to act normal. Or, more accurately, Key asked them why they were being freaks, you told Key to back off, Key told you to mind your own business, and Taemin probably only grabbed F/N’s hand to comfort her in the chaos. 
Actually, you realized as night fell over the carnival, maybe she and Taemin only ran off to get away from the bickering. 
Just as you were feeling guilty for potentially ruining your friend’s date with your silly high school rivalry, Key eyed you suspiciously. He nudged you in the ribs, “Why are you being so quiet?”
You rubbed at your ribs sluggishly and cut your eyes at him. “I’m just thinking.” 
Why did he have to be so irritating? Just as you were considering being nicer to him— for your friend’s sake, of course— he had to remind you why you never seemed to get along. 
“That’s dangerous,” he retorted flatly. And when you rounded on him, prepared to actually ask why he was so intent of annoying you, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, as if reaching for a smile. 
And that was when you realized all the years of mocking and bothering you had been a part of Key’s peculiar sense of humor. He always elicited a reaction from you because he was trying to, because he thought it was funny. That alone was proof of how aggravating Key was, but surely it was better to believe he was just annoying rather than an old enemy. 
“What’s wrong with you?” He gently nudged you aside. “Feeling sick or something?”
“I—” a blush was creeping up the back of your neck as you realized you were behaving strangely and, worse, you were feeling weird. When you thought of your interactions with Key as jokes, you thought maybe you were having fun. But you weren’t going to give Key any ammunition for teasing you, so adopted your most sincere tone and said, “I’m sorry said I hated you in high school.”
Key tilted his head at you, probably because the statement was so unexpected, before laughing. “Y/N, why are you even thinking about that?”
“Well—” When did you start stuttering? “I just realized that you were probably joking all those times we’ve argued—”
“Wait, you thought I was serious?” Key’s eyes widened at the accusation. “If you thought I was such a jerk, why would you agree to come here?”
“I didn’t think you were, like, super serious, I just thought you were annoying.” After earning another laugh from Key, you explained, “And it’s not like I really wanted to come anyway. F/N was just so excited for her first date with Taemin, and—”
“Wait, hold up,” Key interrupted, shaking his head. “Their first date was months ago.”
“Believe me, F/N would have told me—”
“No, I’m serious, they were keeping it a secret,” Key explained. “Apparently they didn’t want Minho to find out, since he’s the most insanely protective brother ever. But once Minho found out Taemin was dating his sister—”
Your head was swimming with the new information, which you fully intended to get from your friend later, so you interrupted Key. “Okay, then why did she insist that I tag along?”
Key’s cheeks tinged a slight shade of pink, and he attempted to distract you from that by taking a loud slurp of his drink. “Uh, well, that’s probably because I told her something about how I always wanted to go out with you—” Then, less quickly, he added, “But I didn’t think she and Taemin would act like weirdos—”
“Well, that was a mistake,”you teased. “When have she and Taemin not been freaks?”
“Hey!” Taemin protested from several feet behind you and Key. 
Perhaps embarrassed by confessing his interest in you, and more embarrassed that apparently Taemin and F/N were close enough to hear it, Key rounded on Taemin with eyes widened by rage. “You’re eavesdropping?”
“Ah, back off, Key.” You grabbed his arm and turned him back around, ignoring his incredulous stare. More quietly, you demanded, “Let those kids enjoy their date, and let’s enjoy ours.”
“I—” Key was about to argue before he understood what you said. Then, you swore, the tops of his ears burned scarlet. “So you’re considering it a date now?”
“Well, yeah,” you muttered. Then after angling yourself so they could hear, you said loudly, “I’d hate to see F/N’s and Taemin’s lies go to waste!”
And as F/N’s and Taemin’s dramatic protests filled the evening air, Key laughed and reached for your hand.
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royalshinee-blog · 5 years
[1:46 am] jinki grabs onto your leg multiple times throughout the night because he’s drunk. taemin won’t help you because he’s outside vaping a mango pod.
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mykoreanlove · 9 months
Taemin’ s reaction when he finds out on internet that the reader is dating another idol
Thank u
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The group chat has been on fire nonstop due to Taemin.
Emergency 🚨
Get to the studio
please 🥺🥺🥺
Minho and Key came reluctantly, yet concerned for their maknae.
Taemin was sitting on the couch, writing down lyrics on paper as if there was no tomorrow.
„Hey, you ok?“
He looked up at his hyungs, deep bags under his brown eyes. Taemin shook his head in disapproval and sighed heavily.
His phone had been ringing for days but he didn’t have the nerve to take that call. Your call.
It was ringing again and Key almost answered it but luckily Minho interfered. „Don’t“, he whispered concerned.
„I want to release a song“, the youngest declared.
„About what?“
Taemin glanced at his phone quickly. „About a love that deceived me.“
Key and Minho watched in shock, hardly catching up. „Deceived? Y/N deceived you?“
Minho directly went on dispatch and searched for your name - and there it was. Countless articles of you cozying up to a man that wasn’t Taemin. It looked like you were dating a younger idol, one of the next generation if he was not mistaken.
They leaked selfies, romantic date nights and even text conversations in which you declared your love for that guy.
Key took his phone and scouted the evidence as Minho hugged Taemin tightly.
„I’m so sorry, Tae. You didn’t deserve this.“
Minho and Key acted as Taemin‘s parents ever since he became a trainee. Minho was the calm, nurturing part whereas Key was aggressive and spiteful.
„Let’s write a song about this bitch“, he spat out disgusted. Taemin flinched at that, but deep in his heart he felt the same way. He gave you all of his precious love yet you chose to let it go to waste.
The three of them worked all night - finding the right lyrics, choosing the according beats and singing their lines. Taemin gradually felt better. Even though he was in pain, he loved creating something beautiful out of it. Exhausted they all fell onto the couch. „Hey, your phone is ringing again“, Minho noticed.
„Let it“, Taemin shrugged.
„Don’t you wanna talk to her?“
He shook his head.
„Like, not at all?“
„I wouldn’t believe a single word coming out of her mouth anyway. It’s over. And I’m done.“
They all watched the phone mindlessly until Key broke the silence.
„How do you want to name the song, Min?“
Taemin thought for a second before answering proudly.
„Don’t call me.“
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skzhocomments · 1 year
I can read your smile - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter 10 - Before your date
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
Chapter 10 - Before your date
word count: 2.2k words
~2 months later~
~Crystal's POV~
I was in the kitchen lazily making something to eat, when I heard the front door open.
It's been two months since I've last seen Minho, and we haven't spoken too much while he was away, either. Just a quick text here and there where he asked me if the house is okay or if anything interesting happened.
He came through the door with a big luggage and a smile on his face, and despite the blatant rejection two months ago when he broke my heart, I really missed him. The distance helped clear my head, and I was almost sure I was romantically over him, and ready to be just his friend and roommate. Just like before Taemin's birthday.
It was going to be okay.
"Hey!" He spoke happily, seeing me. "It's good to be home."
"Welcome back!" I smiled and went over to him, and we hugged. "How was the trip?"
"It was so fun!" He replied. "The ocean was so beautiful, and the people very friendly. My family and I had a great time!"
"I'm so happy to hear!" I smiled genuinely. It was good that the awkward atmosphere between us didn't seem to stick. I didn't want to remember that suffocating feeling.
"Oh, and I brought you something!" He rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a small, brown paper bag. "Open it!"
Inside the bag was a beautiful handmade bracelet with my name on it, made of small dark blue crystals.
"Oh my, this is so beautiful! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed, putting it on my left wrist.
"I'm glad you like it." He smiled, watching fondly as I was admiring the bracelet.
"So, besides cruising the ocean and swimming the days off, what else did you do?" I asked him as I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, handing it to him once he took off his shoes.
"I... met someone, I think." He said, slight hesitation in his tone.
"Really? Wow!" I exclaimed, surprised. "Nice, that's amazing!"
I tried to feel happy for him. I moved on, and he met someone, and that was good – no, that was great!
Still, I kept thinking... why not me?
It was dumb to ponder on what could've been.
It wasn't.
It isn't.
And it won't be.
So I just have to be happy for Minho and his new girlfriend, and root for them.
"Yea... my cousin introduced us. She seems like a really nice girl. I still have to get to know her better, though."
"I hope it works out for you. Truly." I smiled.
"Thank you, Crystal. How have you been?"
"You know, just the usual. Work, home, work, home... and my summer withered away." I joked.
"Sounds like fun." He laughed.
"Yea. I was making something to eat. Want some?" I offered him, and he nodded so we headed to the kitchen together while I cooked some rice and butter chicken.
Minho told me about all the fun activities he did during the holiday, how he didn't apply enough SPF and got sunburnt the first week, then had to rest inside for a few days until his skin healed, he told me how polite the locals were, and told me more about the girl he started to date.
I found out that 'date' is a big word, since they've actually only met that one time the cousin introduced them, but apparently, they've been texting for the past month.
"So, why not meet up with her these days, before Uni starts?" I asked. "We still have almost two weeks."
"She doesn't live in our city, unfortunately." He replied dejected. "But she will come and visit next weekend."
"Oop. Should I talk to Lydia and Jude and go away for a few days?" I asked him, and he got confused.
"Why would you?"
"Uhm... I mean, so you can be alone when you... bring her over?"
Minho looked at me puzzled for a few seconds, and then it clicked.
"Oh. OHHHH." He exclaimed, and I started to laugh. "No, Crystal. This is your home too. I'll just get a hotel room if..." He started, but stopped in the middle of the sentence and gestured randomly with his hands.
I drank a big gulp of water.
"I was thinking of taking her out, but I haven't decided where to." Minho spoke immediately after, placing his elbow on the table and his head in his palm.
"Why don't you come to my restaurant? It might not be as fancy as other places, but the food is good, and I work next Friday, so I'll take good care of you!"
"Will you now?" Minho raised a brow teasingly.
"Of course! I'll even give you a dessert on the house!"
"Hmm. Sounds good." He smiled, and I regretted inviting him immediately. I wasn't sure if it was going to hurt seeing him with someone else, or if I was truly over him, but next Friday would surely tell.
~next Friday~
"Why are you stressing out so much?" I chuckled seeing Minho come out in the hallway a few times and rummaging through his shoes, taking out the same pair over and over.
"I don't know what to wear, it feels like none of my clothes fit these shoes I bought." Minho chuckled and showed me the pair he was talking about. They were elegant, shiny, leather black shoes, and must've cost a fortune. "I should've bought a new suit or something." He contemplated.
"Come on, you have a lot of clothes." I laughed at him. He was being so childish and pouty, it was kinda cute.
"Why don't we go shopping?" He asked, looking at me with his big doe eyes, and I folded.
Minho drove us to a shopping centre close to our home that I've never been to before. The entrance to it was quite spectacular: it was a large glass ball, and the whole mall was made of glass.
We entered and started walking around, when Minho spotted a café.
"Hey, why don't we drink a coffee first?" He suggested, and started heading towards the small café without waiting for me to reply.
I noticed he tended to do that, when he really wanted me to do something and thought I might oppose the idea, especially when it came to him buying me things. Just like he did when I first moved in and he ordered food.
I chuckled to myself and followed him, and he helped me sit down at one of the tables.
"What would you like?" He asked, his eyes glimmering in the white light coming from the large windows.
"Hmm... maybe a strawberry milkshake?" I tilted my head reading the menu.
"Coming right up!" He spoke, which made me laugh. In just a few hours from now, I would be the one to tell him that, when I'll serve him and his date.
Speaking of – why does it feel like we are on a date?
That's a dumb thought to have, Crystal.
Friends are allowed to hang out and drink milkshakes from cute glasses and go shopping.
There's nothing more to it.
I shook the thought away as quickly as it came and watched as Minho brought back my milkshake and a coffee for himself. Sipping on it, the flavours of the milkshake were amazingly rich, and it was delicious.
"It's so good!" I exclaimed.
"Is it?" Minho chuckled.
"Better than your sad coffee." I mocked him after seeing him taste it and grimace from the strong flavour.
"Yea? I doubt it."
"It is!" I protested and crossed my arms in front of my chest and pouted.
He laughed and leaned over the table grabbing my milkshake.
"Oh yea? Let's see!" He said, and sipped so much of it, it must've only been half left once he was done.
"Minho!!! How dare you!!!" I exclaimed shocked and did the same thing to him. I grabbed his coffee and chugged it down like a champ, and he gasped.
"No way!" He laughed.
"Bleah, it tastes like shit!" I grimaced as well. "You manipulated me into drinking your bad coffee!"
"And you fell right in my trap!" He laughed in an evil way, and I threw him a look.
He returned my milkshake and I pouted again, but still grabbed the glass and drank the rest of it, trying to get rid of the bitter coffee taste in my mouth.
Minho gave up on the coffee as well, and finally agreed with me that it was way too bitter, and when I was done with my milkshake, we stood up and went shopping.
Finding clothes for Minho was easy enough. He was built like a model, and no matter what he tried on, it looked amazing. We spent more time deciding on which colour he should get, and even though we went through lots of different suits, red, dark green, grey, dark grey, blue, teal and so many more other colours I don't even know the name of, he decided on a simple black suit and black turtleneck.
"Do you think I made the right choice?" He asked me as we exited the men's shop.
You could wear a burlap sack, and it would've still been the right choice, Minho. I wanted to say, but instead I assured him like a normal person. "Yes, the suit looks good."
"I'm glad you like it." He smiled.
Why? It's not like I have to be the one to like it. But yes, your date will like it very much, unless she's blind.
Of course, I didn't say that one either.
"We have one more thing to do now that we're done with me."
"Which is?" I raised a brow.
"I saw something in a store when I bought the shoes, and hopefully it's still there."
He walked quickly and I followed him to a woman's store. He seemed to know exactly where he wanted to go, and went directly to one of the aisles.
"This dress. What do you think?" He showed it to me.
It was a beautiful, short off-the shoulder white sundress with red buttons closing the dress off from the décolletage, following the whole length of the dress. What I noticed immediately about it was that the red buttons were actually small strawberries.
It was such a cute dress! I loved it!
Too bad it was 200$, and I could've never afforded it with my current salary, unless I saved for it for probably 3 months.
"It's so pretty!" I smiled. "Are you buying it for your date?"
"What?" Minho looked at me puzzled, then chuckled. "No, silly."
I was the one to look at him puzzled this time.
"It's for you."
"For me?" I asked, baffled.
"Yes, silly. It's for you." He grabbed it off the shelf and started walking towards the dressing rooms. "I would've gotten it right away, but I wanted you to try it on first to see if it's the right size."
"But... wait!" I ran after him. "What do you mean? Why?"
"Because you helped me pick up an outfit."
But that makes no sense. He said he saw it when he bought his shoes.
"Bullshit." I grabbed his arm and forced him to look at me. He sighed.
"I just liked it, and I think it would look great on you, so I wanted to buy it for you. Happy?"
"No. I can't just... accept a 200$ dress randomly like this, Minho." I frowned.
"Then consider it a late birthday present. I haven't gotten you anything for your birthday, anyway."
"And you didn't have to. I've never mentioned it was my birthday."
"Yes, you did. When you brought me that chocolate muffin." He frowned this time.
How did he...
"I'm sorry for not celebrating with you when you brought me that muffin, Crystal. I really regret it."
"But- how did you know?"
"Taemin's birthday. You mentioned your birthday was on 15th of June, and my game was on the 18th. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the math."
I stayed silent, not knowing what else I could tell him.
"Will you try on this dress and let me get it for you, to make me feel better for missing your birthday this year?" He pleaded with me, and I just nodded and grabbed the dress from his hand, going into the dressing room.
It was beautiful, and it fit me like a glove, and the fabric was so soft.
"How is it?" Minho asked after a while, while I was still examining myself in the mirror.
"So pretty." I spoke, and I pulled away the curtain, showing him how the dress fits.
"It's perfect." He smiled. "I knew you would like it, since it has those cute strawberry buttons."
"How did you know I like strawberries?"
"You mentioned it during truth or dare..." He chuckled briefly, and I was once again baffled, but I didn't let it show this time.
He paid attention to me during the game.
He tried to remember when my birthday was.
He even went shopping to find a gift – something he knew I would love – a sundress with cute strawberries.
But he's going on a date with someone else.
I'm confused.
It's fine.
Everything is fine.
I'm just confused, and it will pass.
It's normal to buy gifts for friends, especially on their birthday.
"So, shall we buy it, then?" He smiled brightly, and I nodded.
The first gift I've ever received was a bracelet with my name on it, and the second, this beautiful sundress with strawberry buttons. And I loved them both, and perhaps also the person who gave them to me, but I really didn't want to admit it.
Chapter 9 | Chapter 11
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0rgell · 8 months
The Roommate (And How He Got In Jonghyun's Pants) - JongTae Oneshot
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Pairing: Jonghyun x Taemin
Genre: explicit, fluff, roommates AU
Word Count: 6.7k words
You can also find this story on: AO3
Jonghyun, who once didn't like his roommate, now likes him a lot. A whole lot.
The Roommate (And How He Got In Jonghyun's Pants)
Jonghyun couldn’t afford the rent on his apartment anymore, which frustrated Jonghyun because it wasn’t what he planned on. He didn’t want to share his apartment; he picked that apartment, especially because he could afford the rent. However, his capitalist landlord struck him with the worst news a university student working one job could hear: his landlord wanted to increase his rent. This was typical of a landlord and it made Jonghyun resent them all; they were nothing but power hungry, money hungry bastards in his eyes. So he did what anyone would in that situation: he put up an advertisement for a roommate.
When Taemin and Jonghyun first met, Jonghyun didn’t believe that Taemin was old enough to be in university, let alone old enough to have a job to pay the rent. He nearly laughed at Taemin and walked out of the coffee shop. But unfortunately for him, Taemin was too cute to say no to. Also, he found out that Taemin was only a few years younger than him and he was an anthropology major. So they’ve been roommates for six months now and it's taken time for Jonghyun to get used to always having another person around because he loved solitude and found peace in it. Taemin never left the apartment, unless it was to go to university. But Taemin was also messy and it drove Jonghyun mad. Jonghyun was the type of person to clean up after himself; he’d do it right away. Taemin was the type of person who would wait for his mess to accumulate and then clean it up while making it look very painful, like he had never had to clean up after himself before. He was clumsy as well; Jonghyun didn't even know how many porcelains or glasses he’s had to help clean up and replace. 
In retrospect, he should of prepared himself for little things like this. But he didn’t. At least Taemin’s mum always sends side dishes for them to share and she, although he wouldn’t say it out loud, made the most delicious side dishes, better than his own mum. 
Taemin walked into the apartment after finishing his day at university in his—Jonghyun’s—black oversized sweater and joggers and greeted Jonghyun while he was cooking for them. Taemin placed his bag down on the kitchen table as he came up behind Jonghyun, looking over his shoulder and sniffing like a rabbit. “Smells good," he commented and Jonghyun laughed. Jonghyun had become used to Taemin and actually found him endearing in almost every way. His clumsiness that once irritated Jonghyun had now wormed its way into his heart and made Jonghyun want to help him, because now Jonghyun feels like he has to look after him, which he doesn’t mind at all. His mess now makes Jonghyun laugh and think about how fitting it is for Taemin, and his strange obsession with cereal, Jonghyun can deal with it all, he wants to deal with it all. Because it’s all Taemin. 
“Yeah?” Jonghyun turns around and ruffles Taemin’s hair and Taemin leans into his touch like a kitten. “You hungry?” Taemin hums and closes his eyes, moving his head to let him scratch more at the base of his nape, making Jonghyun’s heart flutter. Jonghyun realised his feelings towards Taemin weren’t just platonic three months after he moved in and ever since he acknowledged them, they’ve grown and consumed him. He's gotten over his awkward part but sometimes he still doesn’t know how to act around the other. Because Taemin does and says a lot of strange things that he doesn’t know makes Jonghyun’s heart beat at a stupid rate. Which wasn’t what he wanted. When he first put up the advertisement for a roommate, before Taemin came into his life, Jonghyun was devoted to his studies and had no interest in relationships whatsoever. But Taemin was too hard not to like—so cute, so ditsy. 
“How was Uni?” Jonghyun finds the words to make more conversation because he hasn’t heard Taemin’s voice all day and he misses it.
Taemin pulls away from Jonghyun’s touch and looks at him with wide eyes. “You know that second-year Kibum?” Taemin asks and yes, he does know Kibum; he’s younger than Jonghyun. While Jonghyun is in his last year of his bachelor's degree, Kibum is in his second and Taemin is in his first. Kibum is known by pretty much everyone in the university, or at least anyone with ears and eyes. Kibum is excessively loud in every way—his mouth, his fashion. But apart from all of that, he was the reason Jonghyun realised he was gay. He was the first man Jonghyun ever slept with, and now he’s worried about why Taemin has brought him up.
Cautiously, Jonghyun says, “Yeah, I know him.” 
“He won’t stop bothering me! I don’t even know what he wants.” Taemin states candidly, not giving him time to adjust, the words making Jonghyun freeze on the spot. He tries to concentrate on something that isn’t bubbling up inside him, because he is not jealous. 
“He probably just wants to talk,” Jonghyun says trying to sound as candid as Taemin just did. He isn’t lying, Kibum probably did just want to talk: whether it was the way Jonghyun wanted it to be or not. 
Taemin shrugs and brushes the subject under the rug like he didn’t just make Jonghyun the most jealous person in the world and walks over to the fridge, pulls out a bottle of water, downing it and then, when Jonghyun can’t take his eyes off him, Taemin winks playfully, “Do I have time to have a quick shower and get changed?” 
And Jonghyun’s heartbeat is driving him mad; he’s sure Taemin knows what he’s doing to his heart because how could he be that oblivious to his red face? “Yeah, sure, do that," he swallowed thickly, trying not to imagine Taemin in the shower. That's inappropriate. So is watching Taemin walk off and staring at his butt, Taemin doesn’t know any of it. He doesn’t know how Jonghyun’s heart craves him or how much he wants to be around him all the time. He doesn’t need to know either. 
Jonghyun busies himself with thoughts like how he needs to buy more eggs and stuff like don’t burn the carbonara because that wouldn’t be good, and he doesn’t have any more money to buy takeout if he fails because he spent it all already on takeouts, restaurants, and rent plus utilities. It’s that time of month when they have to make do with what's in the fridge, and they should really get out of the habit of spending all their money on takeouts and then living on whatever they have left but they are students. 
Taemin returns, hair wet, droplets of water down his neck, blue boxers, and a black hoodie. If Jonghyun thought his life couldn’t get any harder, he was wrong. He can’t just stare, but he wants to still look, so he makes the effort to start a conversation, “Nice shower?” 
Taemin nods and walks to the cupboard, grabbing two glasses and getting a bottle of merlot out of the wine holder, filling the two glasses and bending down, sticking his butt out so he can be eye level with the glasses so he can make sure they are the same. And Jonghyun tries not to look at his butt. “We're in our ‘WEED era’,” Taemin says it out of nowhere and catches Jonghyun by surprise so he turns around and mixes the pasta—like he definitely was just not looking at the other's arse—releasing its doneness. He starts dishing it up into two blue bowls, which are the most recent addition to their collection. What is a ‘WEED era’ and is Taemin taking drugs? Should Jonghyun be concerned? “What's a ‘WEED era’? And how are you sure I want to be involved?” Jonghyun asks; he doesn’t actually care if Taemin includes him. He wants to be included in everything Taemin does, even if it’s as stupid as joining him in a ‘weed era’.  
“Don’t lie, you want to join everything I’m doing." Taemin narrows his eyes, causing Jonghyun to gulp because, can Taemin read his mind? “It stands for ‘we enjoy every day’. I saw it on SNS but actually, it’s pretty cool. So I think I sound pretty cool if I say it. You should be happy I included you.” Taemin is such a nerd and Jonghyun loves it. He loves the way Taemin gets sassy and the way his nose scrunches. He loves the way Taemin puts him on a cliff and then pulls him off the edge but sometimes, just sometimes, he wishes Taemin would push him off the cliff. 
Jonghyun didn’t need to think about that; he needed to think about a reply to Taemin. He needs to come up with the right thing to say, something witty or something that doesn’t sound strained, “You’re such a nerd.” And Taemin scrunches his nose up at his reply; his reaction could have been worse. So that feels like a win for Jonghyun. Jonghyun takes the bowls, sits down, and waits for Taemin to join him.
“You like nerds, though.” Taemin gasps as he walks over to the table with the two wine glasses. “Maybe, oh my. Does that mean you like me?” Jonghyun can handle a lot of things Taemin throws his way but Taemin walking in his tiny boxers and accusing him of liking him is something that he never thought he’d have to handle. Struggling now Jonghyun doesn't know where to look so he settles on staring at his pasta. The most Jonghyun can get out is a throttled chuckle as he feels his ears heat up. Whatever happens, he is not going to admit to liking Taemin; no way will he; he’s not going to mess up their friendship. Feeling like he’s on a bed of hot coals he makes use of his hands, tries to swirl his pasta around his fork and shoves the bit he manages to get into his mouth.   
And Taemin sits down, placing the wine glasses in front of himself and Jonghyun, expectant eyes like a cat and if he had a tail, it would be swaying side to side. Objectively speaking, Jonghyun doesn’t even know if Taemin likes guys so maybe even if he said he did like him, Taemin wouldn’t even bat an eye. But what's the point if there's a slight chance everything could come crashing down? And maybe if he did take it the right way, what if Taemin felt uncomfortable and then he’d be awkward around Jonghyun and maybe he’d even move out? And Jonghyun needs to stop thinking. So he tries to push the thoughts aside and sinks deeper into his chair, drinking his wine and then sinking deeper. Watching Taemin’s plump lips part, a tiny sliver of his tongue pokes out and he takes the edge of his wine glass in between them. He watches as his Adams apple bobs as he swallows the red liquid and a drop collects at the bottom of his lip, making Jonghyun stretch out and swipe his thumb over it. Soft, warm, and pillowy. Jonghyun wishes he could just kiss him, just once. Someone having lips like Taemin should be a sin; there's no way anyone wouldn’t want to kiss them.
And maybe Jonghyun’s finger lingered for a second too long but when he removed it, his finger wasn't there long enough. He should probably say something, anything, like, “Shall we watch a movie after this?” Yeah, something like that. That was good.  
And Taemin makes Jonghyun go sublime as his foot runs down his shin and Jonghyun has to rethink his whole life because, what the fuck, that one touch should not be sending blood straight to his dick and it should not be making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. “Yeah, sure, I’d love to. But, just saying, I’m not sitting there for an hour while you pick.” Taemin needs to stop talking and let Jonghyun’s brain catch up because it is going to take him a while to reply because all he can see is an angel in front of him. 
Nevertheless, Jonghyun smiles and downs his wine and fills both of the glasses to the top, which, is really bad wine etiquette and he knows that. He’d like to get drunk enough to maybe sleep through the movie so he doesn’t have to think about how close Taemin will be, and he wishes Taemin would have mercy on his poor heart. “I’ll wash up then. You can pick the movie.” Jonghyun says, and he collects the bowls.
Jonghyun scrubs the bowls harsher than he should and the blue paint has chipped off—it doesn’t matter because Taemin will probably break them soon—but maybe if he scrubs them like this, he can distract himself from the thoughts swirling around his head that are so not appropriate. Maybe he can scrub away his feelings as well as his heart until they are just specks, like the specks of paint that are being washed down the drain. He hears Taemin hum in the living room, satisfied, and he knows that Taemin has found something, so he should hurry up and finish abusing the bowls, just like his feelings.
He walks into the living room, surrounded by the ambience of a single candle glowing on the coffee table. The room is dark and Taemin is sitting in the middle of the sofa, looking as pretty as a picture. Jonghyun wishes he could have him right there. He absolutely can't so he picks the spot furthest away from Taemin in the corner of the sofa and he curls his legs up so there is no chance of him accidentally touching Tamein and sending his mind into a spiral. Taemin reaches out to the coffee table grabs one of the glasses and hands it to Jonghyun and he must have brought them in when he was washing the bowls. Jonghyun has no limits on wine and he intends to drink as much as he can so he takes the glass from Taemin, their fingers brushing and sending chills down his spine. He’ll drink to that.  
The horror film Taemin chose feels like it's playing in the background for Jonghyun; he can’t stop staring at Taemin. It’s not Jonghyun’s fault Taemin is more interesting than the film and it’s also not his fault the wine has completely gone to his head. Well, maybe the last part is his fault; his alcohol tolerance is terrible and he drank the wine knowingly because of this. The atmosphere is so cozy and Jonghyun just wants to grab Taemin and pull him into his lap. He doesn’t know if he wants to kiss him and play with his hair or bend him over the sofa until he cries and his legs shake.
The film is over and the wine glasses are empty and if Taemin asks Jonghyun about what happened, he won’t have an answer. He watches as Taemin gets up from the sofa and makes his way to the kitchen out of his sight, so he gets a blanket to cover himself because the winter weather has crept in through their shitty windows that need reinsulating. Feet rushing, slapping, against the wooden floor makes Jonghyun look up in anticipation, slightly worried and slightly excited to just see Taemin again. A little dance in the doorway makes him laugh. Taemin stood there with another bottle of wine in his hand, looking very accomplished with himself. 
“Why are you hogging the blanket?” Taemin asks with a cute scowl on his face as he walks over and sits right next to Jonghyun, shuffling closer and pulling the blanket over him as well. “I got us more wine.”
“I can see that,” Jonghyun muses.
“Let’s watch another movie,” Taemin suggests, but Jonghyun doesn’t need to answer; Taemin will put one on anyway; he knows Jonghyun won’t go to sleep yet. Jonghyun watches as Taemin leans to get the wine glasses, and he catches a glimpse of Taemin's waist, soft and small, and he wants to grab it. He wonders what Taemin would do if he did; would he squirm? Would he laugh and push Jonghyun away, telling him it tickles? Or would he gasp in surprise? 
Taemin sits back down too fast for Jonghyun to even try and he hands Jonghyun his glass which is now full and snuggles into his side, his head resting on Jonghyun's shoulder. Without uttering anything, Jonghyun lifts his arm and moves Taemin’s head to his chest as he wraps his arm around Taemin’s waist, as he expected, cute and small. Taemin doesn't actually protest; instead, he does the exact opposite and nuzzles into Jonghyun’s chest. Jonghyun should probably have thought about this beforehand; Taemin will be able to hear his heart. And his heart is pounding at an astronomical rate; if Taemin asks, he’ll just blame it on the alcohol. Yeah. 
Throughout the film, Taemin slips further and further down Jonghyun’s chest and he is now on his thigh, one hand under it and the other on top, as if he doesn’t want Jonghyun to move. Jonghyun is not going to move because he can’t. He’s too busy thinking about not getting a boner. Taemin is so close to his dick and he could easily pull Jonghyun’s joggers down and suck his dick with his perfect lips and he’d look so amazing. Breathe. Jonghyun needs to breathe because Taemin is definitely not going to do that and getting a boner while Taemin’s head is right next to his dick would be so embarrassing and Taemin wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye for a week. Taemin does stuff like that; once he walked in on Jonghyun having a shower and he completely freaked out, hand over his eyes, face so red, and apologies spluttering out like quick fire, he couldn’t look Jonghyun in the eye for two weeks after that. And Jonghyun was the one who felt the worst; he hated Taemin avoiding eye contact. He didn’t realise how much he loved Taemin’s eyes and cute fast blinks until he was starved of them. So after that, Jonghyun tried his best to make sure nothing like that could ever happen again. Like now. He can’t get a boner. He can’t. He won’t.
Taemin needs to stop moving because Jonghyun is dying and when Taemin buries his head into Jonghyun’s lap and rubs his face against his thigh, like a cat, a cat that is making Jonghyun’s life so much harder and he should have worn boxers because Taemin just caught the shaft of his dick and forced a deep grunt out of him right from his dick. He’s so screwed. Taemin doesn’t seem embarrassed or perturbed, though. And what takes Jonghyun by surprise is when Taemin does it again, another grunt ripped from his throat. And his dick is now throbbing, half hard, and Taemin doesn’t seem to care. So Jonghyun presses Taemin’s neck down, he’s not sure what he’s doing, but Taemin has frozen, whether it’s from the pressure on the back of his neck or from the realisation of what he was just doing, “Taemin, what are you doing?” Shocked he manages to ask, shocked at how his own voice sounds to his ears. Breathlessly and rougher than it should as if he hadn’t drank water in three days, so he coughs a bit to try and get it back to normal and swallows.  
A whine comes out of Taemin’s mouth, so slutty that it goes straight to Jonghyun’s dick, twitching in his joggers. Stuck on what to do and head spinning, Jonghyun pulls Taemin up by his hair, earning him another noise that can’t quite be described half like a moan and half like a groan. Taemin should really stop making all these noises; they aren't doing Jonghyun any good and Jonghyun really needs to think straight. 
“Taemin, what are you doing?” He asks again with more authority in his voice because he is not going to screw this up and Taemin needs to be coherent for whatever he thinks he’s doing. 
Pink flushed cheeks and fluttering eyes Taemin says, “I want to help you.” All Jonghyun can think is, oh god, and fuck. Taemin looks so sweet but so sinful at the same time, his lips swollen as if he’s been worrying them, and his eyes half-lidded and clouded in a haze of lust. Jonghyun has to dig his heels into the sofa to ground himself. He's trying to think with his brain instead of his dick, but his brain isn’t working; it’s clouded by lust and wine.
“Taemin, what are you talking about?" He needs to get this right. There's no way this is actually happening. Taemin must just be confused, right?
Taemin gives him this look that goes straight to his stomach, only fueling the fire that Taemin started, and he feels caught out for whatever reason. And Jonghyun’s world is shattering and shaking, probably just as much as he is. "Please." There is no way he is actually begging Jonghyun. There is no way. “I know you think of me. I’ve heard you in the shower moaning my name, more than once. Just let me help you, please,” Taemin says in whiney, sultry tones dripping from his mouth.
Taemin doesn’t give Jonghyun time to reply before he palms Jonghyun’s dick through his joggers. Jonghyun’s head falls back and a moan is released from his mouth, submitting to pure hedonism; his mind is wiped blank and he struggles to breathe. He can’t even think about how embarrassed he is that Taemin heard him in the shower, not while Taemin is making him question why he waited so long for this to happen or why he didn’t just make a move on Taemin first, not while Taemin is mouthing his dick through his joggers, turning the light grey fabric to dark grey with his wet patches of saliva. The white heat spreading through his body—feeling something he’s craved for so long—feels like a dream. Not knowing what to do, Jonghyun gips the edge of the sofa, so tight, digging his nails into the poor leather as he tries not to levitate on the feeling as Taemin’s hand slips under his waistband, and when his fingers touch Jonghyun’s dick, his breath hitches. “Taemin.” Jonghyun doesn’t even know why he’s talking; it’s not like he has anything to say after that either. Maybe just to make sure it isn’t a dream and that Taemin is actually there. 
The look in Taemin’s eyes is so mischievous as he pulls the other's joggers down. When they get past his dick, his dick springs back up, slaps his stomach, and Taemin mewls at the sight, making Jonghyun feel crazy. Jonghyun can’t get enough of Taemin’s visuals; he can’t get over the way Taemin is licking his lips at the sight of him so when Taemin blows hot air on his dick, he hardly manages to keep his hips from thrusting up. He never thought Taemin would be such a tease or even be interested in him. 
Taemin doesn’t seem to care what he’s doing to Jonghyun’s mental state. He sits on Jonghyun’s thighs, looking a mix of angelic and demonic, because who thought Taemin would ever be like this? Jonghyun just marvels at Taemin; his thighs look so soft and feel so impossibly soft and warm on Jonghyun; his dick is hard; and there’s a wet patch forming on his blue boxers. It makes Jonghyun shiver at the thought that he has done that to Taemin. 
Taemin drags his finger up Jonghyun’s neck, leaving goosebumps trailing behind until he reaches his jaw and Jonghyun has to suppress a shiver. He stops grabbing Jonghyun’s jaw and smiles, warm and all teeth showing like they would if he smiled at him any other day. Jonghyun feels like he’s just been given whiplash. The seamless change from lust filled cockslut to cute and innocent is absolutely mind boggling to Jonghyun. “You’re so beautiful,” Taemin breathes out and that's the first time Jonghyun has ever been called beautiful. Sure, he’s been called handsome, charming, and other things, but never beautiful . It makes his heart swell and his face glow redder than it did before. If that is possible.
He opens his mouth to reply—he’s not sure what—but is cut off by a pair of warm lips. It takes more than a second for Jonghyun to reciprocate in shock that this is happening and how fast everything is going and when he does, Taemin moans into his mouth, forcing him to swallow the beautiful sounds as he rocks his hips forward, grinding onto Jonghyun’s naked dick. The feeling of Taemin’s warm clothed dick makes Jonghyun release a sound he didn’t think he could make—low, rough, and almost animalistic. With not even a drop of self control left, Jonghyun releases his hands from the sofa and explores Taemin's body, one hand going up his jumper, gabbing his waist soft and warm so tightly that Taemin yelps and the other grabbing his arse, fingers digging into his flesh. He needs something to hold onto; otherwise, he’s not sure what he’ll do.  
Jonghyun can hardly resist the urge to bend Taemin over and fuck him, but Taemin started this so he’s going to let Taemin do the leading. No matter how hard it is or how much Jonghyun wants to be in control. This is real and it is happening so Jonghyun takes the opportunity as best he can. Taemin bites down on Jonghyun’s lip, whimpering into his mouth as his hips continue grinding into him, giving him a mixture of pleasure and pain, and once again pulling a grunt from his lip, tongues now exploring each other's mouths, warm, wet, and everything he could ever want. Taemin's arms are now wrapping around Jonghyun’s neck, fingers playing with his short hair at his nape. Fiery passion into every mouth movement, lust and pent up feelings fueling it all, turning them into a beautiful mess of limbs. 
When Taemin moves away from Jonghyun, a string of spit hangs from his mouth as he bites his lip, so Jonghyun just has to lean out and wipe it with his thumb, only for Taemin to take it into his mouth, sucks it and roll his tongue over the pad of his thumb. So needy. Jonghyun is beyond repair now and he doesn’t think he will ever be able to stop replaying that moment in his head. Taemin crawls off the sofa with as much grace and elegance as one can and Jonghyun tries not to huff at the loss of Taemin but when he sees Taemin on his knees between his legs, it's enough for him to moan. Jonghyun has always been someone who loves visuals and Taemin is the epitome of a visual; he is adonis; he is art and poetry. Taemin takes Jonghyun into his hand and pumps at a disgustingly slow, mocking pace, making Jonghyun moan and throw his head back, half satisfied that he’s being touched but half desperately needing some more friction. If Taemin doesn’t stop looking at Jonghyun like that—so beautiful, so sinful, so lustful—he doesn’t know how much longer it will be until he grabs Taemin’s hand and fucks himself into it like a brat, and Jonghyun isn’t a brat. “Wow, you’ve got such a pretty dick,” Taemin says while looking at it, watching as it slides up and down in his hand Jonghyun moans in response. “I want to put it in my mouth.” Taemin expresses his thoughts.
Taemin can do whatever he wants. Normally, when having sex, Jonghyun is the one who's teasing and in control; however, today he’ll let Taemin have him any way he wants. “Do it,” is all that Jonghyun can say almost in a whisper; he’s never wanted anything so bad in his life and Taemin’s lips were made for dick sucking, perfect lips for a blowjob. So when Taemin finally wraps his lips around the head of Jonghyun’s cock so wet and so hot that he’s not sure who is moaning louder, the feeling of Taemin's moans vibrating on his dick makes him see white and he thursts up on instinct into Taemin’s mouth, hitting the back of his throat, making Taemin moan and roll his eyes back. Every noise that Jonghyun manages to drag from Taemin’s lips with his dick feels like a blessing and he wonders how much more vocal he’d be with his dick buried deep inside him, or even just one finger.
Taemin gets to work, like he’s done this a hundred times, a soft hand like velvet wrapping around the base of Jonghyun’s dick, going in tandem with his mouth. Submitting himself to Jonghyun’s dick as if it were oxygen. The visual is enough to make Jonghyun cum. Taemin looks so beautiful and so slutty. Cheeks and ears flushed, mouth stuffed full of cock, eyes looking up at Jonghyun through his eyelashes, fluttering and glazed with lust. The air in the room is so hot it could be the gates of hell. If Jonghyun wasn’t so indulged in the feeling of Taemin's mouth, he’d believe that he actually was there but right now he’s feeling like heaven. 
Taemin hollows his cheeks and pulls off with a pop, making Jonghyun moan so loudly that he’s nearly embarrassed but he can’t tear his eyes away from the sight as Taemin goes back down on him, using his tongue to swirl around the head and dragging it along all the veins. God. Jonghyun needs this to speed up; he’s been so close to tipping off the edge for what feels like forever so he grabs a fist full of Taemin’s hair and shoves him down, making Taemin practically wail. “So good. You’re so good,” he praises and Taemin releases a whimper and a shiver. Pride swims inside Jonghyun at the reaction and then he realises that Taemin wants to be praised. Taemin deserves all the praise in the world.
He lifts Taemin off by the hair so he can look at him. Taemin sobs at the loss of fullness in his mouth. Taemin is such a dream, so hungry for cock, so beautiful, and for a moment, Jonghyun is mesmerised; lips so swollen dribble down his chin, and he looks so fucked out already. He doesn’t want to imagine what he looks like if this is how fucked out Taemin already looks. 
“You look so pretty. Do you like your mouth full of cock?” He’s not looking for a reply but he definitely got one that was less verbal. Taemin latches back on, moans around his dick and increases his pace as his other hand comes forwards to cup the others' balls. He detaches himself from Jonghyun and presses wet kisses to his balls, licking and slightly sucking, while his other hand continues working up and down Jonghyun's length, making Jonghyun gasp in surprise. “So good,” Jonghyun is a babbling mess moaning out praises like a broken vending machine and the knot in Jonghyun’s stomach is close to releasing, he needs Taemin’s lips back around his dick before it snaps so he grabs Taemin's hair and moves him back to his cock. “Fuck Taemin,” Jonghyun moans, dick on fire, toes curling, hand curling tighter into Taemin’s hair, ready to pull him off for when he cums. But when Jonghyun nearly sees white and goes to pull him off Taemin resists; his hands haven't stopped and his mouth is still full but he slacks it slightly and mumbles around Jonghyun’s dick, “Cum in my mouth, please.” Okay. Taemin doesn’t have to ask Jonghyun twice. One hand grips the sofa as Taemin gets back to work again, cheeks hollowed, sucking at an insane pace, hands doing indescribable things. Jonghyun’s dick is hitting the back of Taemin’s throat over and over again, until he feels dizzy and euphoric. His mouth falls open in a silent gasp, his eyes rolling back and trying to keep them open and his head from going slack so he can watch as he fills Taemin’s mouth full of cum. 
“Fuck – I’m –” His grip in Taemin’s hair tightens, and Taemin’s hand strokes him quickly, up and down, up and down, lips tightening around him, tongue dancing in patterns, body tensing as he reaches his orgasm, hips bucking up, mind blank, white sparks appearing in front of his eyes as Taemin milks him, cum filling up Taemin’s mouth, a small bit dribbling down the corner of his mouth, his whole body contracting as little electric shocks tingle through him. His hands fall lifelessly, letting go of Taemin’s hair, and his body feels like the life has been sucked out of it. And when Taemin finally lets go of his dick and smiles up at him, he thinks he’s in heaven. Taemin gets off his knees and sits next to Jonghyun and Jonghyun can’t help but notice how much the wet patch on Taemin’s boxers has grown. He reaches out for Taemin and pulls him in for a kiss, not caring if he can taste himself; just so intoxicated by the miracle called Lee Taemin, nothing else matters. 
Once Jonghyun has caught his breath and fallen out of his daze, though every second he’s near Taemin feels like one, he moves his hand up Taemin’s thigh, pulling little noises out of him, wanting to bite and leave marks on his soft, pale skin. But before he can even take action on that thought, Taemin’s phone rings. 
Taemin grabs it, looks at who's calling and gives Jonghyun a dejected smile, “It’s my mum… I should answer.” 
“Yeah… you should,” Jonghyun says as much as he wants Taemin all to himself. To hide him from the world. But he can’t do that, not from Taemin’s own mother. 
Taemin nods and walks out, takes the call, and Jonghyun is left to nurse his feelings as they have now swelled to double the size, taking over his body so much it might burst, but he would be happy with that as long as his last thoughts were Taemin. He can’t get the sweet sounds that fell from Taemin’s lips out of his head. He can’t help but think about what Taemin would sound like in other situations while Jonghun is giving and Taemin is receiving. The wine has mostly lost its effect and Jonghyun is just floating on pure ecstasy, floating in the afterglow Taemin has given him. 
Taemin is only gone for a few minutes and comes back in, looking sheepish. He smiles and sits back down next to Jonghyun, burying himself into his side, hiding his face in Jonghyun's shoulder and playing with his hands. “Is everything okay?” Jonghyun feels the need to ask, but he can’t help but look at Taemin with adoration, so shy and so cute and somehow he’s managed to curl up so small. 
“Yeah, my mum wants me to come over and help her with her computer tomorrow,” Taemin replies, still not looking Jonghyun in the eyes, pink ears peeking out from his hair. Jonghyun feels an itch in his fingers to stroke his hair so he lets his hand scratch Taemin’s head.
“Taemin.” Jonghyun starts but he’s not sure where to finish. There are so many things he wants to say and ask but he’s not sure how to.
Taemin looks at him now, a teasing smile playing on his lips. “You’re such a pervert,” Taemin says in a teasing manner, making Jonghyun’s mouth fall open in shock at the sudden accusation.
“What?” Jonghyun asks in utter confusion. Where did the shy little Taemin go? And what even is Taemin on about?
Taemin hums, satisfied with the reaction he got. “You wank off to the thought of me in the shower and thought I wouldn’t know? The walls are literally made of cardboard,” he smiles again, this time the teasing is wiped from his demeanour. “It’s okay, though. It’s hot and I wouldn’t have known you thought about me in that way if I hadn’t heard.” Now Taemin is blabbering his words.
Now it’s Jonghyun’s turn to be embarrassed, but it’s not like he can deny it because he has done that, more times than he is proud of. “I don’t only think of you that way, Taemin. I do actually really like you.” Jonghyun has now let out his feelings, feeling more naked than he did when Taemin was in between his legs. Taemin’s silence is slicing him up like glass and he waits to be turned down, have his heart crushed, and be laughed at. But Taemin would never laugh at him, right? Taemin isn’t like that.
“I like you too.” Jonghyun’s heart swells. “Maybe if you take me on a date and buy me food, I’ll let you fuck my arse,” Taemin replies nonchalantly and absolutely shamelessly, and Jonghyun nearly chokes.
As Jonghyun lets go of the breath he is holding, the laugh that escapes him is loud and sudden and ripples through his body. “Taemin, I already buy you food, and I’ll take you on a date anyway; you don’t need to bribe me,” Jonghyun says after he calms down from laughing. Jonghyun would love to take Taemin out on a date. It's not like he doesn’t take Taemin out for dinner all the time and pay for his food anyway. But if that is what Taemin wants, Jonghyun will give him anything. Everything. 
Taemin pouts, “You don’t want to fuck me?”
Of course, he wants to fuck Taemin. Why wouldn't he? If he didn’t, he’d have to be blind or crazy. He’s already crazy, though; just staring at Taemin makes his heart go crazy. “Of course I do! I just don’t need a bribe to take you out on a date.” Jonghyun splutters, stumbling over his words like an idiot, as his heart drops at Taemin’s statement.
A smug smile takes place on Taemin’s face, one that Jonghyun knows, one that says: I was just teasing you . Taemin gets as close as he can to Jonghyun and straddles his legs, looking at him deep in his eyes and Jonghyun swears he can see the world in the others. Two soft hands grab Jonghyun’s face and he’s met with two very soft, inviting lips. Although the kiss is only short, it’s sweet and carries weight. “Good, because if you didn’t say anything, I would have only let you take me out on a date, and you’d get no benefits after,” Taemin laughs, bubbly, hiccuping, and bright. Music to Jonghyun’s ears.
“I guess our date can’t be tomorrow then,” Jonghyun says with sadness lacing his voice a little upset that he can’t take Taemin out as soon as possible. He knows that Taemin can’t drop everything for him and he is being unreasonable getting upset about it. He can take Taemin out whenever he wants after tomorrow; it's only one extra day.
“What? Why?” Taemin asks as quickly as he can, leaning back a bit, and distancing himself from Jonghyun.
Jonghyun laughs at Taemin’s pouty face, completely in awe of him. He leans forward and circles his arms around Taemin’s waist. “You have to help your mum with her computer.” He reminds him.
Taemin now adds a frown to the mix, and he’s so devastatingly cute Jonghyun feels like he might burst. “Oh. Oh… well, can’t we go after I’m finished?” He questions and then his eyebrows pull deeper and deeper while waiting for Jonghyun to answer.
And how could Jonghyun possibly say no to Taemin? How could he ever deny Taemin? Instead of answering, he grabs his face and pulls him in for a long, sweet kiss. “Of course.” 
“Good, I would have sulked otherwise,” Taemin admits, beaming so brightly at Jonghyun.
“It’s not just because I want to fuck your arse, either.” Jonghyun jokes, and they both look at each other once again and laugh. Jonghyun is feeling incredibly warm as feelings bubble up in his stomach. Maybe nerves but all he knows is that he gets to take Taemin out on a date tomorrow. So he’s happy with whatever feelings come because he’s got Taemin.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it. 
Everyone have a lovely day, Orgel 🌸
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Synonyms for Painful - Part 1;  SHINee’s Key
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20 - difficult; had anyone told me before, I would’ve laugh and said they’re stupid. Only now without you here do I realize how difficult living without you is.
A/N: hullos, I’ve finally decided to post this Part 1 of ‘Synonyms for Painful’. In case you’re new, I will not be posting the sections of this series in chronological order because none of the parts, unless mentioned otherwise, are really connected at all, unless indicated. The numbers before the prompts are just for organization purposes. Without further ado, please enjoy part 1!
and yes... i did take some artistic license to key’s character. 
you should also listen to this nice song as bgm; (x) 
I only have one thing to say about working in an office building; it’s boring as hell. There’s no dragons flying around setting buildings aflame with their fiery breath, there’s never a damsel in distress hanging precariously with one hand from a ledge of a 50-story tower. There’s no dice of destiny deciding your fate; dice that -with one roll- could grant you all the treasure in the universe or trap you in a slow, excruciating death.
Yeah, nope. It’s pretty boring.
Every day it’s the same thing. It’s just me and my office, Kim ‘Key’ Kibum in our shared office as the hours tick by slowly with only a flickering light bulb hanging above us. From the crack of dawn to the first sign of nightfall, our bgm is the the quiet buzzing of the weak light bulb.
The most exciting thing that’s happened throughout our relatively uneventful careers must have been 
that day a storm burned out the electricity in the building and Key and I played poker and b.s. by candle light for the rest of work day. Long story short, life as us was really boring and repetitive and neither of us had a problem with it. We both preferred the serene and recurring safe haven in our shared office. We both preferred life boring.
I’ll admit to staring at him and his delicate features for more than was required time and time again, but it was hard not to. He was decorated with prominent cheekbones, a peaceful smile, and eyes that always scrunched up when he smiled, which was not often. He was around the smaller size when it came to men, perhaps because Asian men were infamous for being short, but he still managed to look good in it. Every day, he surprised me with a new variation to the strict dress code we were stuck working with. I always wondered where he got the money for such clean and professional looking clothes, after all, we didn’t have a very high salary.
Key got his nickname from my first day of work. I had forgotten my office key that first morning. Fortunately, upon walking through the hallway on the floor I was appointed to be in for the next long while, I was only mildly pleased to realize I was sharing an office with the attractive Asian male I had been sneaking glances at on the elevator ride up and that he had his keys. I still remember the way he looked over me, a half smirk painted on his lips when he realized one, that I was doomed to being his office mate for however long we were going to be working here, and two, that I didn’t have my keys.
Ever since that first day, we fell into a pattern of me ‘forgetting’ my keys, and him always there to greet me with keys, that half smirk I might or might not have fallen for and a cup filled with my usual white chocolate mocha.
Yes, it was boring. Yes it was repetitive, but we didn’t mind. So we kept it the same.
That is… at least until one day, he didn’t show up to work and I was forced to ask the secretary for a spare key. At first, I didn’t think much of it, after all, though we had each other’s personal numbers, we never really contacted each other outside of work. There was a good chance he was on sick leave, the flu had been passing through our building.
After about a month of becoming awkwardly acquainted with the secretary, a pleasant, small female with round glasses, dimples, and a crazy amount of unwavering patience, I started to get worried. After another week of racking up the courage to ask her if she knew anything about Key, I finally asked.
This time, I wasn’t met with the same, patient smile. In its place was a sad, sympathetic one. She stared at me with unshed tears painted in her eyes and handed me a plain manila folder. Upon entering the soundless elevator, I pondered the pain in her eyes and the sadness in the wordless silence she had greeted me with.
Arriving at our office, I finally opened the manila envelope, expecting to see a pink slip with his name on it or something. Instead, I was met with the appearance of a hastily written url on a torn piece of paper along with a neatly folded letter. Opening my personal laptop, I quickly typed in the url, not expecting much to pop up. I have never in my life been more wrong. What popped up exactly 0.72 seconds later was a news article whose headlines stopped my heart for a brief, jaw dropping second.
No. No. It couldn't be. Scrawled across the top of the screen were the following words; Terrible 10 Car Collision on the 805 north. 5 People Killed, 7 mortally wounded.
I scrolled down further with my hand shaking badly and tears collecting at corners of my eyes. The list of the deceased drivers finally crawled into view and the dam holding back my tears broke. His name was the first one there.
Dropping my expensive personal laptop, I slid to the floor in shock. I covered my mouth, the tears running down my face and bile building in the back of my throat.
I would never see him again. He would never be there to open the door for me with that snarky smile of his. We could never play b.s. again during our breaks and speak about the older lady next door who wanted to set him up with her granddaughter. I would never get that last cup of white chocolate mocha he always bought for me in the mornings. He was gone. Dead. And to think we were foolish enough to promise to marry each other if by the time we were 45 we hadn't found someone else.
After about an hour sitting there on the floor, crying my eyes out, someone knocked on the door.
Shakily opening the door, the secretary I had been recently getting to know appeared with a smile and letter in her hands. She left shortly after, saying she had spoken with our boss and that I had the rest of the day off.
On the letter was the familiar chicken scratch of my late co worker and best friend. I slowly read his writing, savoring the one sure thing I had left of the man I didn’t realize was my best friend until it was too late.
My favorite person in the whole world~
If you’re reading this and I’m not here… That means something bad happened.
I don’t know if you remembered that one conversation that happened a couple years ago, but during that conversation, I promised never to leave you. I know… it was a stupid promise to make, knowing separation is  inevitable, eventually, one of us might have left. I guess it had to be me. I broke that foolish promise and I cringe to think I ever promised you something so impossible and unrealistic.
If you’re reading this… it also means there’s a possibility you don’t know how much you really mean to me. In the case that you already know, I’ll tell you again. In the case that you don’t… I’d swim across the sea for you even though you know I hardly know how to swim. I’d trek across the hottest desert to make sure you were safe and sound. I’d scale the highest mountain and throw myself in front of a train for you. Chances are though… I never told you all that. I’m saying all these things, yet I didn’t have the balls to tell you in person. I’m such an cowardly idiot.
You know I’ve never been the best expressing myself verbally. I hope you forgive me for promising such a stupid thing when we both knew life is short and could, in a flash, be gone. I wish I could promise to never forget you. I wish I could promise you all the dumb, fluffy things we ridiculed while watching those absurd romantic movies. I wish my promise never to leave you had not been the empty promise it ended up as.
My only wish now is to hope this somehow gets to you and that you’ll never forget me… Don’t forget to find that guy that’ll spice up your life like I should have when I had the chance.
Your Key for however long you’ll want to remember me,
Kim Kibum
By then, his written words were hardly visible from behind the torrents of tears falling from my eyes. I was torn. I was angry. I was in complete and utter despair.  My heart was broken. I wanted with all my being for this to be a cruel joke. It’d been too long without him though. It wasn’t just a cruel joke. He was truly gone. And with him, he took a good sized chunk of my heart I didn’t realize he had grasped in the first place.
I took sick leave for the next week. I scavenged the new papers, I sailed through the news clips. My worst nightmare was confirmed. I would never have a steaming cup of hot white chocolate mocha waiting for me. I’d never see his beautiful naturally contoured facial features or hear his teasing laugh again. I’d never get to braid his hair while he slept, I’d never get to read the ending of that story he was in the process of writing.
Had anyone told me before, I would’ve laugh and said they’re stupid. Only now without you here do I realize how difficult living without you is.
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Boyfriend! Kim Kibum moodboard.
Requested by the lovely @keybummietomyheart hope you enjoy!
[Credits to owners, I do not own any of the pictures. Please do not use without giving credit and do not delete the caption]
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