#shinya housamo
luxthestrange · 3 months
HOUSAMO Incorrect quotes#18 PERFECTION
Shinya trying to flirt with you when no one is coming in to interrupt looking for him or you...his admirers and yours too
Shinya*After he said no to you offering him some gum, he REGRETTED IT*-You know, on second thought, Gum would be perfection
Mc*Gives him a strange look and hands him a piece of gum*
Shinya*Thinking* "Gum would be perfection? Gum would be perfection... I could have said gum would be nice, could have said I'll have a stick... But no no no no no, for me, gum is perfection. "I loathe myself"
Cupid*Patting Shinya's head, to comfort him on his attempt of..." flirting" with you*...
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I have a soft spot for shinya...
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kairunatic · 2 months
We all see cuteness differently
Btw Kudos to @werehoggin for the MC 2 Sprite
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marreddream · 3 days
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summocrap · 6 months
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geriatricdumbass · 6 months
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Shinya and Pusheen!
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hoesamo · 2 years
I Actually Quite Enjoyed Shinya’s SQ 👉👈
Shinya’s SQ does put into perspective the stakes and situations he’s been through quite clearly due to housing Eros’ soul. He’s very much traumatized by the destruction it’s brought his life, and how he actually isn’t too fond of why people flock to him. He even feels some guilt in pursuing the MC, because he understands the gravity of their situation (with it being so similar to himself). He’s always needing to transfer schools, and so Café Asterism is really the only stable place he can return to. When the MC reaches for his hand to comfort him, he even panics and needs a brief moment to wait for him to initiate the contact instead. It’s difficult for him to open up, but he’s trying to. He wants to be dependable too. It brought a smile to my face.
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lemuelmononobe · 3 months
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asterinstar · 2 years
*Sigh* Him.
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emichii-the-mc · 2 years
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With Cupid by his side, Shinya has been able to neutralise several threats, often at the cost of personal space. Even then he's kind and unbothered, putting others well-being before himself.
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
(Fashion Outro)
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Those outfits were cool. I wish I could wear something like that.
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It's alright, Kenta. I'm sure we'll get something sooner or later. In the meantime, I did do a bit of patch-ups and clean ups with our clothes.
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No doubt. I don't see the stain anymore. Thanks.
Moritaka: You're welcome, Oz... By the way, Shinya, what's that you're wearing?
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This? Just something I just happened to have on me.
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You look like you came right out of the military.
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Really? A friend of mine gave me this.
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I sort of glad I didn't get an outfit like that. Not sure how I can handle it.
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I think I can fix that.
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Just make sure you give me something fabulous, or its my whip you'll deal with.
Arachne: (not scared) We'll see.
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superchaipa · 1 year
Alright people, today we are going to talk about the Charm status effect. We can all agree this one of the best ailments to hit your enemy with. This is why the proc rate are really low.
Or re they ?
Here is Event Typhoon often said to have the highest Charm proc rate at 40%:
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Well let me tell you that is factually untrue. What is true is how easy it is for him to cast Charm: all he needs to do is attack, that's it.
It does go up to 50 % with skill seeds. 60% If you have someone to give him Glint as well.
Pretty high proc rate in total right? Well there's higher.
Here is Shinya, who can have 60% proc rate above 50 CP:
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He also has Concentration on himself unlike Typhoon raising it to 70%. It goes up to 80% percent with skill seeds.
And he has a good self CP battery skill to keep that CP gauge up. On top of that you can give glint with another character or a AR to go up to 90% proc rate.
So, after all preparation he has a maximum of 90% proc rate and a minimm of 20% if you are really, and I mean really unlucky. His Concentration proc is 90% after all.
But there is another! Yes there is a character with a Charm proc rate:
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Four star Catoblepas wins it all with a gorgeous 90% proc rate after moving. And that's his problem. What ? You didn't expect a 90% proc rate of Charm to come with a downside ?
The problem is with is first skill Moper: it decreases his movement to the point where he cannot move at all.
Or does it ?
What he needs is a reliable way for Catoblepas to keep moving, and fortunately the game has to way of doing this outside of his charge skill.
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This 4 Star AR could have been it if Catoblepas could equip it so no. And on top of that you have upgrade it to a high enough level to be consistent so double no.
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And there we have it, the one who will allow Catoblepas to charm all the thots your enemies.
Yoritomo's second skill Hero Dispatcher will grant Movement expansion in all direction to the ally in front of him on a miss. A miss he will always heve due to Catoblepas being in front of him.
Beware that there will be some odd turns where Catoblepas will not have the skill due to it being on miss and not turn start.
A very good duo. Catoblepas will always do good damage with Yoritomo.
Now thot you know your charmers, GO AND SEDUCE EVERYONE!!!
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frozentears01 · 2 years
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Not the blond i wanted but its the blond i got so
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kairunatic · 4 months
You gotta do what you gotta do
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marreddream · 2 months
Housamo Fic - Two Dog Warriors Walk Into A Cafe
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Ding-a ling~
Shinya Tennoji is picking up empty cups and plates from the tables when he sees a small pink and a large brown Therian enter his cafe. Hazelnut strawberry and matcha dark chocolate. They make a rather charming pair, he thinks.
“Oh my, Tanetomo and Yasuyori! It’s so nice to see the two of you again!”
Yasuyori beams. Tanetomo scoffs. 
“We’re just here to use the coupons you gave us. We happened to be close by, so we figured we’d scope your place out.” 
Shinya’s glad to see them, and glad they hadn’t shown up until a good amount of time after the Valentine’s Snowball Fight Shinya had met the two at had passed. Days after an absence of his at the cafe were always busier than normal, to speak nothing of a missed Valentine’s Day shift. 
“Aw, I’m happy to hear that! Yes, see what on the menu you’d like, and order at the front when you’re ready.”
“Shinya Tennoji. I hope for your sake that what you just said was a simple case of you automatically rattling off whatever generic customer greeting phrases first popped into your brain when you saw us, and not you assuming me to be so moronic I never learned how to order from a cafe.”
“Ahaha, it was most definitely a case of the former, Tanetomo.”
“Well, perhaps Yasuyori might have needed the assistance, so good on you for being such a diligent and attentive employee.”
“Counselor! You have seen me function perfectly well at the plenty of other establishments we have been to together before!”
There are some minimally subdued rumblings from the regulars about the fresh faces who have entered the cafe. 
“At least...not fawning…Shinya, but…” “Treat… more respect…holes…” “...think they’re …type?” “… are pretty cute…”
Tanetomo’s ears twitch at the last comment. He does a hair flip and a whimsical 360 degree twirl for the crowd as naturally as he draws breath, which is to say: effortlessly yet with intention, before returning to scanning the menu. 
Taromaiti is at the cash register. She observes this action without judgment or reaction. Hermes isn’t here today, but it’s what you could call a slow day, so Shinya doesn’t particularly mind. Kalki is busy preparing food and cleaning dishes in the back, so he does not get to witness this 10s-across-the-board maneuver.
Cafe Asterism’s patrons tend to get upset when Shinya isn’t the server or cashier, but he wishes he could be on cooking duty during cafe hours more often sometimes. Oh well. He wishes for a lot of things that can’t come true. He returns to what he was doing before hand, and Tanetomo and Yasuyori make their order.
“Iced coffee. Grande. And a bread pudding.”
“Could I have… a venti sized matcha frappuccino? Five Monte Cristos, and two shortbreads, please.”
Yasuyori pays for them both, and they take a seat. 
“Oh, 1 hour seating?” “Well, we won’t be staying long. Anybody who could find something in here even remotely interesting enough to justify spending over an hour in this place (aside from the presence of yours truly, of course) would have to be quite the simple minded kook.”
It’s a subtle dig at Shinya, and the corners of his lips curl up a little. But, for somebody whose goal was to win over Shinya’s “adoring throng of fans to show them who was truly worthy of their love”, as Tanetomo had put it, Shinya wasn’t quite sure if…ah, what was it called? If, “negging”, was the right direction to take.
The people seated nearby Tanetomo and Yasuyori smile upside down. There are definitely some unsavory feelings to be felt in the air, but romantic rival nor direct threat to Shinya’s life/ego (it’s the same thing to them really) Tanetomo does not yet appear to be, so they keep to themselves.
Shinya drops off crockery in the sink, and Kalki has already completed the preceding order for Shinya to serve. Kalki’s insane multi-tasking skills are one thing, but that combined with his four, rugged, heat-resistant arms puts him on a whole nother level when it comes to cafe work. Shinya could sing his praises about Kalki all day long, but not out loud. Kalki would explode the world from embarrassment before any of Shinya’s fans could do it for him in a fit of an envious rage. So Shinya settles for a simple ‘thank you Kalki’ and serves Moe-chan her order, who smiles and says thanks.
When Tanetomo and Yasuyori’s orders are completed, Shinya brings their food over.
“Wow! It looks so good! Thank you, Tenn-”
“Taste test for poison.” Tanetomo spoons a scoop of pudding into Yasuyori’s mouth, and then a strawful of iced coffee. 
“Gulp. Delicious! No poisons identified, Counselor.” 
Shinya wonders if this is Tanetomo’s roundabout way of sharing his food with Yasuyori, some sort of twisted display of dominance, or if poisoning attempts really are frequent enough to be something they actually needed to watch out for. Regardless, it’s a somewhat endearing scene, in a darkly comedic sort of way. 
They are in dangerous territory too after all, Shinya acknowledges. He smiles at the two and leaves them to go attend to the other customers.
Yasuyori takes a small sip of his frappe before setting it down on a coaster. The drink is now already half empty. 
“Give me some of your drink.”
Tanetomo has already snatched it before his sentence is even finished and tries some. He drinks a quarter of it, and Yasuyori nibbles on one of his cookies before giving it to Tanetomo.
The two of them efficiently dine and chat. As Tanetomo consumes the bread pudding and his drink at a surprisingly fast yet visually refined pace, Yasuyori piles three Monte Cristos on top of one another to impressively bite down on all at once, and then hands the remaining two to Tanetomo who proceeds to do the same.  
Wow. Shinya can already feel his jaw locking from just looking at them, but it also kind of makes him want to try it out as well.
Yasuyori finishes his sandwiches and cookie first, and then stares at the one he had given to Tanetomo. Tanetomo purses his lips and tells him to go buy some more for the both of them to-go. Yasuyori complies.
To Shinya’s surprise, Tanetomo calls out to him.
“Don’t think I haven't been seeing you side-eye us the entire time, Shinya Tennoji.” 
Oopsies. Looks like Shinya Tennoji got caught. He wasn’t bombastically ‘side-eyeing’, as Tanetomo had verbally interpreted it as, but he really thought he was doing good about not being that obvious observing them. He hopes the other customers haven’t been as perceptive and paranoid today as Tanetomo is in general, but he’s been pretty good about personably interacting with everybody so he thinks it’ll be okay. 
“So was the entertainment of our dining in your establishment to your satisfaction?”
“Aha, sorry, sorry. It’s not like I wasn’t looking, but the two of you seemed like you were having a lot of fun. I always want to see my customers having a good time at Cafe Asterism.”
“Hmph. Is that so.”
Well, yes. That is so, Shinya thinks. He most certainly does not like to see people having a bad time at Cafe Asterism, when the reasoning for most everybody gathering here tending to be because of him.
“Ahhh… could it be that... that wasn’t the case for you two today?” 
His hands come up to his chin. It’s an endearing pose that he finds tends to quell agitated customers, but it only serves to scrunch up Tanetomo’s expression even more. Shinya holds back a smile.
“The atmosphere here is not to my standards. The interior design doesn’t help either.” 
Shinya’s proud of his quaint little cafe, but he knows it’s just that. A quaint little cafe. That also attracted a lot of… rather strong-willed habitué . So he can acquiesce to that opinion. And besides, Tanetomo was not saying Shinya’s decorating was making the atmosphere worse! He can take that part as a compliment.
Anyways, the only opinion on his cafe that truly mattered was Retail Food Health and Safety Code’s opinion, and Cafe Asterism was up to snuff.
“Aww…. Tanetomo, I’m so sorry to hear that. I’d love for you and Yasuyori to come again sometime… but if you’ve lost all interest in returning to Cafe Asterism, then I completely understand.”
He doesn’t want them to never return again. But it’s not a bad thing to let people run while they still can either.
“I’d be significantly more incentivized to return if I had some more coupons to use at a next visit. The food is up to par, I can at least say.”
“Hehee. At least that can be arranged.” He pulls some from out of his apron pocket. “Here you go, Tanetomo.” 
He smoothly plucks them from Shinya’s fingers and looks them over. 
“You just give these out to whoever asks?” “When I feel like…I have extra, I guess.”
Shinya feels a presence behind him and turns around. Oh, it’s Moko.
“Sh…Shinya… sorry, cuz’ I overheard…but could…. I have a coupon, too…?” 
Moko gets the words out just audibly enough for only Shinya to hear, but Shinya knows it’s only a matter of time before people will begin to gather round, and Tanetomo seems to sense this looming phenomenon as well.
“My, one’s heart can't help but be tugged at by such pitiful displays of desperation…”
Yasuyori returns with a paper bag of confections in hand, and Tanetomo gets up to leave.
“I’m off.” He spins, his hair elegantly following in a curve, and heads to the exit.
“Farewell Shinya!” Yasuyori gives a friendly wave goodbye, and Shinya turns around to reciprocate.  
When he turns back to respond to Moko, and Sumael, Amon, and Rue who have also begun to crowd around Shinya, he hears the bell of the exit door ring as it is opened and Tanetomo calls out from behind.
“Customer service wasn’t bad either. Give my regards to Miss Taromaiti and the chefs.”
The door closes shut. 
“I was still right here to give regards to, you know,” Taromaiti remarks amusedly from the front register. 
Shinya proceeds in the distribution of coupons to his patrons who have circled around him.
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summocrap · 20 days
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HEY! Get a load of this pipsqueak! Ain’t she cute?
*carefully hands echo a small Chupacabra*
It is SO hard remembering mortal’s names for these creatures!
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"E-echo doesn't know what this is either?" she struggles to hold the small goat eater in her arms.
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"strange dog, pretty gnarly looking one too" she pats the thing even as it tries to bite her.
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he walks in about to say he got them scons but sees the small chupacabra "what did we just walk into?", Cupid is just as confused on what this is either.
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