#ship: steferine
purpleyearning · 2 years
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morgane-art · 7 months
The vampire Diaries ships as Taylor Swift songs
Delena + Stelena
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"He is sensible and so incredible
And all my single friends are jealous
He says everything I need to hear
And it's like I couldn't ask for anything better
He opens up my door and I get into his car
And he says 'you look beautiful tonight'
And I feel perfectly fine...
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain,
It's 2 am and I'm cursing your name,
So in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you."
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"I never trust a narcissist
But they love me
So I play 'em like a violin
And I make it look, oh, so easy
'Cause for every lie I tell them
They tell me three
This is how the world works
Now all he thinks about is me."
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"I've been breakin' hearts a long time
And toyin' with them older guys
Just playthings for me to use
Something happened for the first time
In the darkest little paradise
Shakin', pacin', I just need you
For you I would cross the line
I would waste my time
I would lose my mind
They say, she's gone too far this time."
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"Church bells ring
Carry me home
Rice on the ground
Looks like snow
Call my bluff
Call you 'babe'
Have my back, yeah, every day
Feels like home
Stay in bed
The whole weekend
It's nice to have a friend."
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"My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something
You find I'm even better than you imagined I would be
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but with you, I know it's no good
And I could wait patiently but I really wish you would
Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain
Cause' I see sparks fly whenever you smile."
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"No matter what you say, I still can't believe
That you would walk away
It don't make sense to me, but
Why would you wanna break a perfectly good heart ?
Why would you wanna take our love and tear it all apart, now ?
Why would you wanna make the very first scar ?"
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"Ladies and gentlemen will you please stand ?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man
to be my lover
Look in my eyes they will tell you the truth
The girl in my story has always been you
I'd go down with the Titanic, it's true,
For you."
I wanted to add some 'The Originals' ships but I'm only on season 2 so I'll do a second part when I'll end the series.
Also I had 3 songs in mind for Klaroline it was hard to choose just one lol.
And the song I chose for Bonnie and Enzo was so crystal clear in my mind, when I listen to 'lover' I immediately think about them.
Feel free to tell me what you think !
PS : This post was inspired by a tiktok from @itsariedit who used the song "The way I loved you" for a delena edit and I thought it would be funny to pick a song for each ship of TVD
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cabeswaterdrowned · 2 years
The chemistry between a man who represses everything including his own misogyny and the woman who has all of his flaws but wears them openly will never not compel me and I’m starting to wonder if I have a problem because of that tbh.
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lesbiansaltzman · 11 months
ROUND 3, BATTLE 51: Steferine VS Haylijah
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slutisnotabadword · 7 months
Why is it everytime we ship Bonnie with someone, other mfs wanna tell us that we’re wrong???
No one shares their opinions when someone ships Klaroline, or even Steferine.
Literally, everytime someone post an edit of Bamon on tiktok, and just says they are cute together, there’s always a handful of people that says:
“I like their FRIENDSHIP.”
“I don’t ship them romantically.”
It’s almost as if no one fucking asked.
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darklinaforever · 7 months
I ship Daemyra, Jonerys, Persades, Lucesare / Borgiacest, Yume (Yuki & Kaname), Valerio & Lucrecia, Dracmina, Snowbaird, Warnette (Warner & Juliette), Jurdan, Addie & Luc, Lamen, Corien & Rielle, Marya Morevna & Koschei, Catradora, Charleimy, Phole (Phoebe & Cole), Heathcliff & Catherine, Jane Eyre & Mr Rochester, Erikstine, Raistlin & Crysania, Reylo, Darklina / Alarkling, Nina & Matthias, Mareven, Zutara, Taang, Azulaang, Rayaari, Dramione, Snily, Rumbelle, Zelena & Hades, Hans & Anna, Charlastor / Radiobelle, Aragorn & Eowyn, Wyler / Weyler, Sylki, Sareth, Saurondriel, Namuri / Nashuri, Mergana, Glenya, Elizabeth & Maximilian, Xiao Yao & Xiang Liu, Jo & Laurie, Hannigram, Clannibal, Villaneve, Spuffy, Nabrina, Sessrin, Kishigo, Darkness & Lily, Beetlejuice & Lydia, BatJokes, Jarley, Rhett & Scarlett, Chair, Bonkai, Delena, Steferine, Klaroline, Haylijah, Bamon (books), Clarke & Hope, Loustat, Lestat & Jesse, Tentoorose, Chise & Elias, Livius / Livi & Nike, Akigure (Akito & Shigure), Chocola & Pierre, Nygmobblepot, Ed & Lee, Whoufflé / Whouffald, Carlos & Lidia / Alba, Thomas & Edith, Dani & Pelle, Nuala & Nuada, Charlie & India, Billy & Dinah, Billy & Krista, Ruby & Clancy, Veronica & Jason, Jessigrave / Kiljones, Jack & Sandie !
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Only ships that can cause controversy.
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And you know what ? I don't really give a damn.
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Unpopular TVD opinions?
-Caroline is no better than Elena
-Tyler is overhated
-Forwood>>>SC + KC
-The good brother/bad brother thing is bull
-Elena deserved better than the Salvatores
-I don’t ship either but I’d take DE over KC any day of the damn week
-Klaus is not morally superior to Damon like a lot of stans say
-Rebekah is the best Mikaelson
-Katherine is the best villain on TVD
-Klaus is a horrible villain
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andreal831 · 9 months
Do you think what Damon did to Caroline is the same as what Katherine did to Stefan? Cause I think it is and it pisses me off when I see people think daroline is the worst ship to ever exist but then proceed to ship steferine.
I love Damon and like Katherine way more than Stefan and Caroline, I prefer villains and anti-heroes way more than heroes, but I don’t understand how anyone can like either of these two ships.
Trigger Warning: Discussion of r*pe/SA
I agree, there is no difference in what Katherine did to Stefan and what Damon did to Caroline and Andie.
I'm going to start by saying I do not like either Katherine or Damon. Yes, I know it is a show about supernatural creatures and we have to suspend reality, but no matter what world/fandom we're in, there is still a moral code. If there wasn't, we wouldn't have "good" guys and "bad" guys.
I can overlook and move on from a lot of bad things because with most "bad" acts there are mitigating circumstances. I truly believe anyone can be pushed to commit a lot of the terrible acts on the show, like murder, given the right circumstances. Usually it'll take a lot more than what's on the show, but that's where we suspend reality a bit. However, rape and sexual assault, no. There is never mitigating circumstances. No tragic backstory is going to make me overlook this.
I do believe in rehabilitation, but because the writers refused to admit what they did, we never get that with either character. No matter how you see it, both Damon and Katherine compelled people's choose away and proceed to have sex with them. That is the definition of rape. I will not argue with anyone on this point. It doesn't matter what the person intended the second before. The moment Damon/Katherine took their ability to consent away, it was rape.
Personally, Damon is my least favorite character and Katherine is close by it. Yes, I enjoy some of their scenes and they are "iconic" at times, but I could just never get past those scenes. I dislike Damon more because he received no consequences. He got a happy ending while Katherine didn't, so I'm more at peace with that story arc for Katherine.
I want to put a caveat so everyone is clear: I am never going to tell people who they can like or not like or who they should ship. Everyone comes to the fandom with different life experiences and like different ships for different reasons. Fiction allows us to like our toxic ships or like our healthy ships, whatever helps us cope with reality. But I do think it is important to acknowledge the potential harm so that we can recognize it in real life. This blog is just my personal takes on the situations/characters.
If you want to like daroline or steferine, go for it. But, again, it's important to acknowledge the toxicity in both. We all love a good anti-hero and some people enjoy enemies to lovers (not my cup of tea), but be prepared for others to not like it. We could all use a deep breath and take a step back in this fandom when it comes to ships. A lot of them are really toxic and some are less so, but still probably toxic. But at the end of the day, being toxic online to real-life people will always be worse than liking a toxic fictional character. (this is not directed to anon, just a general note for the fandom because I've seen so many people get into such nasty fights over fictional ships)
Thanks for the ask! Sorry I went off on a side tangent there <33
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malka-lisitsa · 9 months
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Well look at that it's 2024, and my new years resolution is to stay an unbothered icon queen, and hope the hater's die mad. But I also thought I'd take a second to shout out to the people who make the shit show of a year 2023 bearable, and even enjoyable in some cases.
As trash as the rpc has a tendency to be there are still a lot of you that make this place more than worth it. I clearly cant shout out to all 900 something followers but I can highlight some of you. If you're not listed don't worry I still appreciate you immensely for being here, these are just the people that have really impacted my time here so far.
@unsettledspirits / @zoomingupthathill what can i say that I already haven't. There's 3 months worth of daily reasons to love you. You built the one ship that beat Steferine with me, honestly it was a surprise to everyone. Happy to see you back on Max ruling over your ST kingdom.
@hybrid-royalty-main Damon you piece of shit, I hate you the absolute most, and I'm so glad youre here with all the boys tbh. You bring such a unique quality to each one of them. Especially were-jer, it has been an absolute HOOT watching you take on the challenges of a teenaged were pup.
@baby-royalty My sired child with loyalty so unwavering you make the sire bond in the show look tame lmfao. The universe pulled us together the second I stepped foot into this hellsite again and I have enjoyed watching you grow into the person and writer that you are now. I'm proud of you.
@klaeus Kiki I adore you sm, you and your knock off brand doppelganger and scruffy mutt hybrid (affectionate) I love talking about the show and dynamics and honestly just about everything with you. You try, and thats more than most people do for me. Plus your grafics are just chefs kiss.
@multi-royalty Maddie this is like 3 years we've been besties, the caroline to my Elena. I've loved watching you branch out into new circles of friends and grow as a writer. You're absolutely killing it.
@ofcrossrcads Cribby, my darling I adore you. You are simply the sweetest, and keeping you here aggressively as my friend was one of the best things ive done in my life. I am always right here if you need me for anything &lt;3
@hargrove JT WTF. How are you so talented? Honestly youre the bees knees and I am SO HAPPY to have reached out to write with you bc I wasn't expecting Katherine and Billy but here they are and tbh im here for it. Tho everything you write is top notch, you're just flawless with every reply. And for that reason katherine said, you can go ahead and keep your halfbreed in the dog house. LMFAO. But for real I am so happy to have met you.
@petrovawitch Kenz, Katherine says fuck you for bringing her pain in the ass sister back- but im really glad you did. We adore you both even if we're spicy at times bc you know were brats hehe
@havvkinsqueen / @stanfordprepped My fellow digidestins, I am so happy to have met you. Both of you are just pure goodness spun into a little ball of sunshine. Honestly the most supportive people ever, the RPC needs you desperately. Just please remember that I have your back just as much as you have mine. We digidestin gotta stick together. &lt;3
Ok ok ok I cant shout out to literally everyone individually so these people also are super important to me and have made my experience here this year amazing, thank you for all you do-
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alltid-og-for-evig · 2 months
tvdu ship opinion bingo (sending a million, oop) -
Hafael ("I have nothing to say" as in I do but its less related to them as a ship and more related to the shows writing being so bizarre):
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Posie (the scenarios in my head being exclusively when @trihedaburden writes them in fic):
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Delena (why aren't there more "I love them" options):
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Steroline (deserved so much better):
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Klaroline (I don't actually hate them but sometimes I do 😕)
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Klamille (my beloved):
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morgane-art · 6 months
So I made a post a while ago about TVD Ships as Taylor Swift songs and with a friend we made an edit about it here :
If you want to see the post about it it's here :
It's more complete and I used specific lyrics to match the ships that I couldn't use in the edit because it would have been too long lol but do not hesitate to listen to the full songs because that's even better !!
Delena is not in there because the idea was already inspired by this amazing tiktok edit by @itsariedit :
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Elena and Katherine
Why does everybody in the fandom either hate Elena and love Katherine or vice versa, unless they ship Steferine and Delena.
I like both characters and although Katherine is by far my favourite of the two, I also have a soft spot for Elena and think that she got way too much hate.
Elena is constantly blamed for things that the Salvatores, who basically ruined her already miserable life by making it even worse and painting a target on her back for Katherine’s enemies, did in the first place.
She is also called boring by many people , including a load of Katherine stans, even though, in my opinion, she has quite a few interesting plotlines and had the most compelling backstory. I also think this is rich coming from Caroline and Bonnie fans, who like a teenage control freak who gets with every boy on the show and a dull witch who had barely any personality outside of her friends and having nosebleeds whilst chanting nonsense at some miscellaneous objects lying in a dark room.
On the other hand, some Elena stans like to complain that Katherine was completely evil and that her incredibly traumatic childhood could not justify having commitment issues and paranoia but then they turn around and say that Damon should be excused for hurting many girls because Katherine led him on over 100 years ago.
I just think that it’s unfair that Elena is vilified for her clear depression and Katherine is given barely any sympathy by anybody on the show, along with the fact that they are both constantly held accountable for other people’s ( mainly Damon’s ) mistakes. It also annoys me that the Salvatores get off scot free because they are hot and have bad parents, even being excused by the writers themselves and apparently having redemption arcs that never really happened.
Katherine and Elena had the potential to be friendly or at least civil with one another but they are pitted against each other as rivals by the show AND the fandom. This also annoys me because TVD has never been able to make realistic female friendships well.
In conclusion, Katherine and Elena should have been pals and the Salvatores should have driven wooden stakes through their own hearts.
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lesbiansaltzman · 1 year
TVDU (The Vampire Diaries Universe) SHIP BRACKET
ROUND 2, BATTLE 29: Kleo (Kaleb Hawkins x Cleo Sowande, Legacies) VS Steferine (Stefan Salvatore x Katherine Pierce, TVD)
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viavolterra · 1 year
To go with that post you reblogged, what are the ships you have a burning hatred for lmao
I could go on for weeks and days about my hatred for that ship, it’s a whole mess and very overrated. Even the writers have admitted that if they redid the show they would never include it.
why are we shipping Stefan with his abuser as if she didn’t do the same thing damon did to Caroline, they have a lot of chemistry but that’s Paul and Nina being good actors, shipping them is so nasty to me.
hosie….no. Just no. Handon hizzie and hafael (if that’s even their name) have my heart
bughead…ew. They were cute in the first 4 seasons then she cheated on him and people still want them together ignoring the fact that they both hurt each other too much.
bonkai: who in their right mind would want bonnie to be with the man that abused her, (it would give delena and I hate that) bonnie needed better love stories in the show but Kai IS NOT IT
klayley shippers confuse me
(not tvdu but Sam and Brittany from glee) they look like siblings it was so random I hated it
I have loads more 💀💀💀
thank you for ur ask❤️❤️❤️
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zalrb · 11 months
How do you think TVD ships would react watching horror movies together? (Like Stebekah for ex. in Season 4 in the woods Rebekah was scared and clinging to Stefan when she heard a noise and Stefan was amused at how jumpy she was despite her power)
Oh fun! So, as I've said in the past, Elena and Stefan teasing/pranking one another is a really underrated aspect of their relationship
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so I can see Stefan purposefully scaring Elena during a horror movie and it working and then her trying to get him back and failing each time.
Tyler and Caroline are going to make out or have sex because that's what Tyler and Caroline do.
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Bonnie is going to point out to Jeremy how all of the witchcraft is wrong and he'll let her rant amused and adoringly.
Damon is going to tell Elena how exactly he'd murder each of the characters in the movie and why the villain/monster is an inept serial killer.
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Enzo and Bonnie will watch the movie.
Stefan and Caroline ... Stefan will fall asleep and Caroline will hit him to wake up.
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Matt and Caroline ... Matt will know like all of the trivia about the movie and Caroline will let him ramble before eventually kissing him to make out
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Stebekah, we've covered. Steferine ... she'll complain about how stupid the characters are and get oddly invested and Stefan will find that amusing
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Katherine and Damon, Damon will be kissing Katherine's neck, trying to makeout with her and she'll be interested in the movie.
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joanna-lannister · 9 months
Steferine, Bonenzo, Haylijah, Klamille, Klebekah
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they hot together okay
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no i never understood this ship, the lack of chemistry...
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look i don't actively ship them but like the TENSION and i'll never forget someone commenting how if they were on hbo they would have fucked 😭😭
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