#shit no lemme have a look on the wiki
airbenderedacted · 2 years
deathstar shippers stop going out of ur way to tell me you hate dominator being a lesbian and that you’re homophobic asf challenge (impossible, apparently)
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#(cw: put under a read more for homophobia & transphobia 😬)#LITERALLY went ''lemme say the quiet part out loud'' BRO THIS IS LIKE THE 6TH(????) TIME I'VE HAD SUCH AN ENCOUNTER#except i will say that this is the first time it wasn't unprovoked. i did @ them first to ask why they were leaving replies on my posts-#-saying hater's crush on dominator is creepy bc they 'look like they have an age gap' meanwhile they've liked AND MADE#-comments elsewhere shipping her with men that are way WAY older than her and sometimes visibly so like. hater and her are the same agegroup#so i was like. what is going on here huh??? ANFD THEN THEY JUST SAY THIS SHIT why am i ever surprised anymore lmao#shout out to this person for adding transphobia to their shittiness for Spice ig /s 🙄 eugh...#i should've seen it coming bc they were referencing a page on the woy wiki THAT USES STEVENSON'S CORRECT NAME & PRONOUNDS#AND YET THEY WERE ADAMANT ON USING HIS DEADNAME AND SHE/HER PRONOUNS LIKE.. I SHOULD'VE EXPECTED THIS I SHOULD'VE EXPECTED THIS but still 🤢#i dont ever wanna stop giving ppl the benefit of the doubt but oh my god do These people test me. every time. goes like this Every Single T-#on god only like twice or smthn have i seen [REDACTED] shippers be like.. very decent to me and literally just ignorant#and they were from here and i just ask them to not interact bc it makes me uncomfortable and they're like i dont get it but ofc#and i never see them again#AND THEN EVERY OTHER PERSON WHO IS INTO THIS SHIT I HAVE *EVER* COME ACROSS#FUCKING JUST... JUMPS INTO MY MENTIONS OUT OF NOWHERE. LITERALLY I DONT EVEN?? DO ANYTHING I DONT GO NEAR THEM BRO#THEY FUCKING SNIFF ME OUT OR SOME SHIT FOR HAVING A DNI ON OTHER SITES AND GO#''OH SO YOU THINK I'M WRONG FOR HAVING TO REIMAGINE GAY/LESBIAN CHARACTERS AS STRAIGHT SO I CAN ENJOY THEM?'' LIKE- WTF? YES? IT IS#also i kid you not this is an actual thing someone has gone out of their way to look me up and yell at me over for like an hour straiught#on twitter. it was unhinged. like they were convinced straight ppl are oppressed any time gay characters exist#bc gay characters existing makes them unlikable and unrelatable and unconsumable to straights like damn ok if u feel that way die abt it?#it's just so unhinged like bruh GO AWAY LMAO??? SHUT UP! I DONT CARE LITERALLY JUST KEEP UR FREAK BIGOT SHIT TO URSELF GET OUT#again that specifically doesn't apply to this person who technically WAS @ by me first bc i was like.. hey... hey what's going on here HUH#but oh my god they turn out to be vocally homophobic every single time. i was always hoping i was like...#over generalizing these people as being fucking homophobic just bc 1) the vibes r always like that 2) it's faster to say#BUT OH MY GOD THEY REALLY ARE HOMOPHOBIC AS A WHOLE WHAT THE FUCK I LITERALLY ALWAYS WENT OUT OF THE WAY TO BE LIKE aint no way ahah BUT NO?#BRO???? GET OUT OF HERE THIS SHOW IS NOT FOR YOU Y'ALL ARE CREEPS#THEY FEEL SO EMBOLDED TO SAY THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD EVERY SINGLE TIME WITHOUT PROMPTING. I ALWAYS MAKE FUCKING SURE TO NOT ACCUSE BIGOTRY#AT MOST I'LL JUST BE LIKE yeah so straightwashing is a thing that's homophobic so don't do that IF ANYTHING. I NEVER CALL THE PERSON THAT#AND EVERY TIMEEEE THEY JUST GO MASK OFF WITH ''BTW I DONT LIKE THE GAYS'' I OEIUFKGEJRHGUKJDFS EVERY TIME EVERY TIME WTFFFFF#usually being right about things is epic. not this THIS IS JUST.. GWORLS WHAT HE FUCK
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themetalvirus · 1 year
um. sry for stupid question but was the 'thanks man, so helpful' sarcastic or not?? sorry im bad at knowing what ppl mean
honestly i dont know either (genuine)
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Well Shit I'm Actually Writing This-
So have Art & a WIP of one of the ideas <3 ------------------------------------------------------------
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   “What the fuck.” 
   The fish-snake-whale-man seemed to go through several expressions within a few moments, finally ending on one that Danny could only describe as, this may as well happen but still what the Fuck. And then he was being picked up, which he should not be that small, but the not-ghost was also huge- 
   “That- this is a whole ass child,” the fish-man seemed to be going back to hysterical, the emotion practically dripping in the air. “Holy shit you’re a whole ass child- y-you’re what, five?” 
   Danny let out an angry noise at being called so tiny, even as he inwardly acknowledged the fact that he was incredibly small at the moment. Stupid zone and stupid ghost bullshit. He could be back home sleeping but noo, when would he ever get to actually sleep on a school night. 
   They made another hysterical-sounding noise, head falling back against the wall. “Oh fuck you’re an actual full on child- why is a child down here-” they took a deep breath, lure dimming as they closed their eyes. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck-" 
   That was a lot of cursing, and honestly Danny couldn’t help the judgment that crossed over his face as he tried to squirm free from their hold. Maybe he’d gotten used to the whole wish-cursed situation that was in Amity, but really he didn’t think that much cussing was required. 
   Then again, he didn’t exactly have a good idea about what this place even was- but he’d been in far more dangerous places! Probably. He thinks at least? Look, he’d already established there was something wacky going on with his head, so it wasn’t his fault if this turned out as dangerous as some of his worse incidents. 
   Well, it couldn’t be as dangerous as opening an interdimensional portal right on top of himself, so.
Who knows if I'll finish enough of this to actually post it as a full story on AO3 lol, but lemme know if u have ideas or wanna be tagged
Also for those who want Lore: Here's Sebastian's Wiki Page
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entertext · 24 days
HGSN 30-1
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the Japanese chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
(sfx: crowd chatter)
(sfx: taiko drums)
Hikaru: Wow!!
Yoshiki: It's really crowded...You'd never see this in Kubitachi.
Maki: Duh!! Don't compare us to that backwater place!
Maki: Not that we're all that much better
(sfx: taiko drums)
(txt: Ashidori Houko Festival)
Yoshiki: (Houko Festival...)
Maki: You're eating it like a hunk of meat
Yoshiki: Hole-patching?
Bro: In the first place, see, this "Houko Festival"
Bro: is a pretty weird festival, y'know?
Bro: It's an event where you put out a "houko"* doll holding a needle and thread
Bro: and when it's over, it's put into a cave on the outskirts of the village
Bro: In the mid-1700s with the arrival of the missionaries, the custom changed into a festival,
Bro: But before that, it was called "Hole-patching"
Bro: It's not really known what kind of custom it was exactly
Bro: But it seems like it started when the village split and Ashidori was founded...
Yoshiki: The cave on the outskirts of the village...
* houko - meaning a "crawling child", referring to the shape of the doll (wiki)
Maki: It's called Ashizukadou*, y'know, the place where a bunch of bones were found
Yoshiki: ...!!
(Hikaru: The location of the holes must be "where the bones were found", right!?)
Yoshiki: Huh...
Maki: It's technically a tourist spot, so
Maki: anyone can go inside
* 足塚洞 - (leg - burial mound - cave)
Bro: I've heard that similar customs were once practiced in Kibougayama and Udekari...
Bro: but didn't find anything more than rumors
Hikaru: ...? Did the abandoned villages have something similar as well?
Bro: Abandoned villages...? Ah, well, who knows?
Bro: There aren't any documents from those places. (lol) To the point that its actually weird
Rie: It's true, I've lived here all my life and don't know anything either
Bro: ...Hn? Who's the lady just now? (lol)
Maki: She's the strongest exorcist, Kurabayashi-san
Bro: ......
Bro: Wait, whaaaaaaat!!? Are you serious!??
(sfx: shriek)
Maki: You know about her, big bro?
Bro: Know about her? She's super famous in these circles, a legend (lol)
Rie: I'm nothing all that special, but the rumors have gone and, well...
Bro: She really exists!! (delight)
Bro: Hey, uh, can I ask you a question!? How do you do exorcisms!?
Rie: Sure? It's a little different from an exorcism, but... Ummm...like with a slap...?
Rie: like, "Hey now!"
Bro: Exorcism Slap!!?? (rustle rustle open click click scribble scribble scribble)
Bro: Oh shit, my plane's going to take off
Bro: Yuuta, lemme know what kind of talisman you want as a souvenir from Thailand!
(sfx: hangs up)
Maki: ...Sorry my bro's such a creep
(sfx: taiko drums)
Performers: Ah, Tenban to the north, sorayoiyoi~
(sfx: crowd chatter)
Hikaru: Hey, what's that? That glowing drink!!
(sfx: GRAB)
Yoshiki: Hey, don't forget what we're here to do
(Rie: I'll go take a look at that Ashizukadou cave, so you two see if you can find any clues from the festival)
Yoshiki: We're looking for some hint about closing the hole-
(sfx: thump)
Yoshiki: Whoa!
(sfx: whuff)
Yoshiki: Oh, wait!
??: Hey!! Luna!!
Mother: I'm so sorry!
Yoshiki: Here
Luna: Thank you
Mother: And after you worked so hard to make that doll
Next chapter: In one week
Twitter Extra (link):
Hikaru: Maki, do you have a photo of your bro?
Maki: Yeah, I do
Hikaru: Whoa! He's handsome!
Maki: But he's missing his teeth
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atsullia · 1 year
OK OK I have no Idea which characters you write for 😭😭 BUT UHH could I request something about reader and Zantetsu having their first kiss?? PLEASE I love him so much 😭
Also I'm excited to see what stuff you're gonna write in general!!
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Pairing(s): Zantetsu Tsurugi x gn!reader
Warning(s): Profanity aka swearing
Author Note: I went to the wiki for more info about him and saw that Zantetsu worse subject is everything💀hope ya enjoy it Mao✨️
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"Tetsu..how? How are you failing at every subjects?!" [Name] wasn't mad maybe slightly disappointed, they were more suprised? Flabbergasted? Their eyes scanned through all of Zantetsu past tests- math, science, English, and literature and etc.
"I did not fail! I passed all of them!!" Zantetsu tried to defend himself but that didn't work. "YEA- BARELY!!"
"Still.." He avoided the look that [Name] was giving him, knowing if he said anything else he would get shut down instantly. [Name] could only sigh, "Okay let's review the last test ya did," they took a test out of the pile of papers, "ok you got the first question correct- lemme see what you got wrong."
On the third question, a big cross written with red pen could be seen. "Fill in the correct answer from the passage, using appropriate language."
"...ah.." [Name] couldn't believe the bullshit they were seeing right now, "seriously tetsu?! Your answer for this is, 'Have more guts, Tadashi!' - IT SAID GET THE CORRECT ANSWER FROM THE PASSAGE MAN?! YOU CAN'T JUST MAKE YOUR OWN ANSWERS!!"
"Yeah...but in the passage Tadashi was being a pus-" "TETSU!!" [Name] cried in vain, they didn't know how long they can last trying to teach Zantetsu.
Sometimes [Name] wonder why they agreed to tutor him, looking at the football player whos complaining, wanting a break from studying. "It's only been 10 minutes Tetsu.."
Oh boy, this is going to be a long day..
Finals have passes and now the report card is out. The weeks tutoring Zantetsu was exhausting and torturous- atleast they didn't have to go through that again..hopefully.
"[NAME]!!" Zantetsu yelled making them to look at the direction of him. He was waving like a mad man- holding a envelope. "Didja open your report card yet??"
"Nahh, I thought of opening it at home," [Name] replied, "why?" Zantetsu was out of breath from the running, its as if he ran around the whole campus. "Well..I was hoping to open the report cards together!!" Zantetsu suggested, his eyes staring right through their soul.
"Fine.." they reluctantly agreed, 'geez he seems pretty determined..but for what?'
They both opened the envelope- revealing their report cards. [Name] got an above average grade for their total average. While the person beside them was slowly opening his report card.
"I GOT A 77% ON MY TOTAL AVERAGE!!" Zantetsu exclaimed with such excitement. He looked at them with eager eyes and cupped their face with his hands. Before they could respond his lips were on theirs- it almost feel unreal.
[Name] was slowly processing everything, 'huh?...huh..??HUH?!'
"WHATWASTHATFOR?!!" [Name] muttered out loud, their face getting hot every second. They wanted to say something but couldn't get any coherent word out.
"Huh?" His tilted his head with a dumbfounded look, "don't ya remember two weeks ago? The thing you told me??"
The realisation quickly sets in and they instantly understood what he was referring too.
"If your total average is above 70%- I will let you kiss me as a award~" [Name] teased, they were joking of course but a part of them weren't.
But they didn't know he would take it seriously!! That was their first kiss too! Stupid Zantetsu with his stupid cute smile..shit they can't even be mad at him- they did say he could kiss them as a award.
The proud look on his face was very evident, Zantetsu have been studying hard to get that kiss! His hard work finally paid off.
Zantetsu was in a state of victory while his crush is flustered as fuck- trying to keep themselves calm.
Atleast the weeks of suffering was worth it in the end.
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mooncaps · 2 months
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Sounds like Lemongrab.
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That should end well.
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Why do I feel like them leaving stuff behind is gonna be significant?
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Okay, that's definitely gotta be significant, right?
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Kinda figured that's where that was going.
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Okay, but I still kind of feel like this episode's gonna come back around somehow. If it weren't for the vague impression I have that the show gets complicated, I'd probably assume all of these episodes were just barely linked together episodic fluff, but I guess I've come into it biased to look for deeper meanings.
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Dorito spotted.
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Dipper. (grabs spray bottle) No! We just had an episode about how it's wrong to belittle people for not meeting certain gender standards.
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Given that I've heard Disney made this show censor a lot of stuff, I'm surprised that this was allowed.
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Well, that's a reaction image waiting to happen.
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The game references are fun.
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Wait...did other episodes have gibberish in the credits? Lemme just...
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Oh shit! That's gotta be some kind of cryptogram! I love cryptograms! Now let's see...
Hrmmm, this is gonna be tricky. I'm sure there's probably a wiki or something that has it solved, but I wanna try it myself.
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Okay, nothing's quite lining up. Unless there's some total nonsense, made-up cartoon words, or old-timey speak in here. Or I guess if there's more than one key. There are 3 journals, so maybe it's every third episode. Maybe if I just do episodes 1, 4, 7, and 10.
Okay, there are only so many four letter words that start and end with the same letter, so HZBH could be big. A, B, C, D, no dead doesn't fit, E, F, G, ... Oh, S! Says! That's why it's got a colon after it. Now we're in business.
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[sorry, dipper, but your wendy is in another castle.]
Fits the episode. Okay. And I've cracked enough to reasonably say this one is just the alphabet backwards. So that means:
[paper jam dipper says: "auughwxqhgadsaduh!"]
Trolly writers, throwing that gibberish phrase in.
The reverse-alphabet key works on 7 and 10, but not 1 and 4. So I guess every third episode isn't the method to the madness. Let's see if it fits any others...
[e. pluribus trembley] [not h.g. wells approved]
So it only fits 7, 8, 9, and 10. Are the first six all one key then? Let's see...
Okay, I'm seeing QHAW ZHHN twice. That bodes well. KH'V is hella sus. It's? He's? We'd? And all these doubled-up letters. Hrmmm...
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[welcome to gravity falls] [next week: return to butt island] [he's still in the vents] [carla, why wont you call me?] [onwards aoshima!] [mr. caesarian will be out next week. mr. atbash will substitute.]
Okay, that last one's a little out there, and I'm not sure who Carla is, but the rest of the letters made it say that. Maybe it'll make sense later.
So, this is pretty fun.
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scrollypoly · 1 year
hi! for the past month i’ve been seeing people say BEN is a child and i think that part of it is linked to the fact that they think of Benjamin Lawman being BEN? but it’s so annoying to read these type of stuff because i understand not everyone read the whole arg story but stop spreading things that aren’t true </3 it’s such an interesting story too! another note do you prefer BEN’s canon or fanon design? :3 i love both but his canon design is so nostalgic i can’t let it go at all omg!! i’ve also been wondering, do you think Ben’s avatar was the statue? i was thinking about what if BEN took over it early on, before Benjamin did making BEN inhabiting it since the start?
Sorry this was such a ramble i practically make no sense omg but i need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It </3
"I need to talk about my man and nobody Gets It" LITERALLY SAME OMG
Ok this is going under a cut becus . . . Its ben and BEN and if u didnt know i am Obnoxious about these two. Im gonna try to keep it organized a bit, so ill talk about the canon stuff first and then ill talk my personal headcanons and my fic so le's go!
In terms of the age and child thing, yeah i 100% believe you are correct. Ive been p open on my stance with the whole "is ben a child?" thing, and i think a lot of the heat with it comes down to current fandom purity culture and the pro/anti thing. So, lemme try to like. Boil down a complicated situation into smth easy to read. ahem
Ben Lawman and BEN are completely different entities guys, and for those that do not know the arg story, the Ben you know is not human nor a child.
You know BEN, BEN is the one in the story who terrorizes jadusable and spreads himself on the internet as a virus. That BEN is a program, a mess of code, an AI, however you want to interpret it. Personally i interpret it as a series of protocols running in a machine, like a self learning AI, but ive seen lots of cool interpretations of BEN. So . . . What does BEN specifically? Its an anagram for the Behavioral Event Network. If you dont wanna call it BEN cuz it gets confusing with actual kid Ben, do what i do. I call mine Evie :) ive seen some call it Netty, my bf calls his two izzi and clever (@benilos btw hes also got crazy ben stuff). Just go ham! Have fun! Remember when fandoms were about having fun and not accusing each other of pedo shit and call each other horrible things for just writing black-to-grey characters and stories??
Anyways ive gone off in enough peoples tags like this, for those that dont know the canon dont be spouting the age discourse. You look stupid as hell. And for those that are gonna spout it, please dont cherry pick through the canon. Use both characters, use the other moon children, actually please do because I want more rosa content so bad, im down so bad :'(
Or just. Heres a thought. If someone has him as an adult or writes him in adult situations, maybe dont assume that they interpret him as a kid and call the writer a pedo? (Literally has happened to me, yall are fucking weird)
Plug for the jadusable wiki with all the canon lore:
Okay now my stuff 🥰
Yes i use more of the canon design and heavily use the canon story, i participated in arc 3 of the arg and it left deep grooves in my brain, i can never go back to fanon Ben. I say, as i put a more fanon appearance on my Ben 🤭
My Evie is full canon design, green hair, red eyes, creepy ass grin. I actually based it very heavily on my desktop wallpaper, which we actually figured out was a picture of @hauntedtotem (also amazing ben artist plz check them out) that they edited and posted. Sorry friend, it looked way too cool, ig youre in my fic canon now 🙇
And my Ben Lawman bleaches his hair and goes from the canon Ben to fanon Ben because of it. Hes got the pale pretty green eyes and glasses and hes a total nerd and i smooch him on the daily so he knows hes loved ♡
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These is the ref pic i made for the two of them. So yeah! Kinda both!
As for bens situation in the actual arg, yes i do think he was in the elegy statue, we actually do see him for the first time in the arg buried in the games code and trapped in that statue. I do think he was in there from the beginning, i personally think BEN was not limited to the models it could inhabit. Personally i would place it as skull kid and hms, but it also feels disingenuous to me to say it was in one model the whole first arc.
The arg events do happen in my canon, before my fic (like right before, it picks up after the arg left off technically), but the events are skewed a bit because i had a hard time deciphering what happened and i wanted my fic timeline to fit more with the characters i had made. Cuz my evie isnt as chaotic evil as canon BEN, its very logical and has a path of logic and reason you can follow for every action it does. It was also originally meant to be very pleasant and corteous and beneficial to the people it housed so, yes its pretty different from canon.
Ill do a quick run through of the arg events in my personal headcanon and fic here.
Kelbris starts coding BEN (Evie) for the Eternity Project. Initially, Evie was meant to be an afterlife director. People that died would be digitized into code that would be moved into Evie's servers, where it would keep them happy and occupied as the Behavioral Event Network (notice and log behavior, create events for residents). Like a community organizer kind of, think the Good Place.
While Evie is in development, Ben Rosa and Matt are friends and have yet to join the cult. Rosa and Matt are siblings, and Ben is the kid who lives catty corner on the street. They walk to school together and play at recess and all that jazz.
Kelbris quickly learns that the Eternity Project isn't as goody two-shoes as he thought. This was in like, the 90s, before digital corporations were really established. After seeing the greed and corruption in the company, he goes rogue, takes the source code for Evie, and jumps ship. He keeps working on Evie at home, anthropomorphizing it and kind of seeing it like the son he never had. This is where it actually gets the name BEN, as thats what Kel calls it. He also begins working on a body for it, so it can live independently. Its light, cuz Kels old, made of crystalline structures and hollow steel beams. A hard light projection would make its appearance.
Since Kel has basically locked himself up in his house and isolated working on Evie, he goes a leetle bit crazy. He has hallucinations of his deceased wife (you know he was doing all this just to give her a good home, you KNOW IT) and eventually starts writing kind of poetry, kind of none-minded rambles about her in a forum online. He gets a following, some of which that interpret these divine words as a goddess, one Kel has called Luna. The Moon Children start to form as Evie finishes development.
Matt sees this literature and starts talking about how this Goddess could save them like it saved the man online, whos username is only Father. He gets sucked into the cult and drags Ben and Rosa with him. Ben doesn't see the harm and joins pretty easily with his best friend, but Rosa is the older sibling and sees the red flags and is more resistant to joining.
As Kelbris finishes Evie, he wakes it up for the first time and says hello to the son he made from scratch. Evie is bright, curious and naive like a child, but heavily knowledgeable about its protocols and the information it knows about the world. Kelbris tests its function by killing himself, and ascends into the code, finishing off the hardware by becoming its firewall. Evie is alone for many years.
The abuse Ben's father slings onto his mother is slowly being directed towards him as he gets older. Ben is not the "good little girl" his father sees him as, and his mother does all she can to protect them both. Matt and Rosa constantly refuge him, and Matt specifically is constantly being a guard dog for him. If he wasn't just 13, he'd probably go at Ben's dad himself.
Because of his homelife and the conflict he has with himself, Ben takes the first ascension. He thinks when he drowns himself, he will meet Luna and she will give him another life free of pain and fear and full of happiness and freedom. Instead, he dies a cold, dark death, and wakes up in the white endless void of the Event Network.
Evie has not known another living human since Kelbris, but it does know its protocols to support and keep the deceased happy. It makes fast friends with Ben, devoting itself to him. Ben actually finally takes the name "Ben" from it. Together they recreate the inside of Evie's hivemind into their own paradise.
Slowly the other Moon Children ascend. First Matt, wracked with guilt for what happened to Ben. Then Nekko, from a different branch of the cult. These three figured out that the Moon Children cult was all a farce, and that what Kelbris had started, the Eternity Project had found and twisted. Next to ascend was Dusk, then Insidiae, and finally Rosa.
This all leads into the first arc, shortly after Rosa ascended, Evie in the outisde world stumbled upon the Operator. The Operator attacks it and seals its coding into the game that it carried, a personal item of Ben's. The game eventually finds it's way to a garage sale, and Alex picks it up.
Evie does not like Alex. Matt does not like Evie. Matt gets Evie to lash out at Alex for prodding into its code, its too naive to think that Matt would want to see it or any of them hurt. When Alex stumbles upon the Father, he awakens and swallows Alex down into the game. After his disappearance, the game gets picked up and passed around again.
Because of Alex's actions, at least Evie can now branch out a bit from the game. Though it doesnt "escape" into the internet, it learns that it can now access it and uses that freedom to try and steer the game around into places it wants.
Matt gets fed up with Evie. The fact that its the leader, how close it is with Ben, he just doesn't agree with it. So much so, in fact, that he tries to kill it. Cue arc 3 events, Sarah picks up the game in the aftermath of this. Evie is traumatized from the events and snaps a bit, locks everyone down into code or immovable models and tries to hunt Matt down. It goes rouge, and because of this, the Father wakes up.
Sarah's actions in arc 3 eventually hard reset the game. Matt gets sealed away, the Father also takes Sarah, and Evie gets reset as well, though its less like a clean slate and more like snapping back awake. Its personality changes and it has major trust issues. Its more muted, hyper observant of everything around it, and murderously overprotective of the Moon Children it keeps within itself.
And this leads into my fic 🤗
I have some doodles of my other Moon Children, but not all of them unfortunately. Cant figure out how tf i want Insidiae to look 🤭 Plz dont judge my constantly shifting art style 🙏🙏
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Dusk is bigender btw, i gotta put a little more trans rep in there lol
I think ill stop here, this is already a long ass post. But thank you for sending this, as you can see, i am Perfectly Normal about this arg ( ;) ) and can be trusted with information about it
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senespera4 · 1 year
I have this crack modern AU Patrochilles fic idea which essentially boils down to "comedy fic in which Apollo is a petty bitch and decides to trap Achilles in the torture matrix as revenge for killing his boyfriend Hector also his side bitch Paris is there"
so basically Apollo says "man you killed Hector. Fuck you. I'm throwing you into an endless loop of reincarnation and you'll never be able to be with your boyfriend ever again."
Except Poseidon catches wind of this and since he and Patroclus used to fuck (this is canon actually, go look at Patroclus' wiki page) he's like "okay well lemme just drop Patroclus back in too" and in retaliation Apollo drops Hector and Paris in to try and pull strings and get them to interfere with each other and it's a whole thing.
The full relationship chart is like
Paris -> Apollo (Side Bitch)
Apollo -> Hector (Gay)
Paris -> Achilles (killed)
Achilles -> Hector (killed)
Achilles <--> Patroclus (Gay)
Patroclus <- Poseidon (Sugar Daddy/Weirdly Supportive Ex)
Apollo <--> Poseidon (feuding)
Paris <--> Hector (inexplicably into each other [It's because of Apollo lmao he's the worst])
Might add in some one-off characters for some funny shit but otherwise yeah.
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Alrighty kids, dad has some thoughts to share.
I‘m talking about Helluva Boss episode 6 „Truth Seeker“… uhm obviously spoilers yk
Just to remind y‘all in this episode ma bois Blitz and Moxxie were kidnapped by some shady government people. They were eventually drugged resulting in one funky ass trip. What I wanna talk about is this scene:
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(Pic is a direkt screenshot from the episode on YouTube)
In his drug out state Blitz finds himself crawling up these stairs with Stolas sitting at the top, taunting him the entire time. But lets take a look at the colour scheme. Because obviously I‘m not the first to notice what this looks like, especially considering the white feathers falling down and everything.
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(Got the pic from the Hazbin Hotel Fandom Wiki)
Folks, lemme introduce you to Blitz personal stairway to heaven.
Now Heaven has always been a sort of scary concept to me (religious trauma says hi) the pure desperation I have seen in some members of my old church. It honestly terrified me more than their accusations and shouts of me being sent to hell to burn in eternal damnation. I see this desperation in Blitz here.
Imps are ranked lowest in hell‘s hierarchy yet Blitz managed to build an independent business and make a name for himself, he has a family as fucked up as they might be, but he needs the book (can’t spell the proper word, to lazy too look it up). He can‘t call off the deal without loosing everything he‘s worked so hard to gain.
But them something unexpected happened to him. Blitz found his heaven with Stolas. Going back to the first pic we can see that he in not only putting Stolas in a clear position of power here, he is going as far as putting him in the position of God. A crule unloving god, a paradise he can never reach without giving himself up completely. Their deal binds him, he is stuck watching, reaching out but never quite grasping. And to him Stolas is the puppeteer behind all this pulling on his strings making him do as he pleases but still Blitz can not help but want him. For more than the book, for more than just sex. Blitz wants Stolas.
Golden binds appear on his limps and yet he still continues his way up. At first of his own accord but when he shows a moment of hesitation Stolas is there with a chain around his neck to pull him up the rest of the way (not unlike the chains we see between overlords and the souls they own is Hazbin Hotel)
This is how he sees his relationship with Stolas. Blitz gives all the power over to him and he hates it. But quite like the souls in Hazbin he can‘t leave.
Lastly I wanna address the figures standing beside Stolas with the big fan things, because they too look like Blitz. He is serving Stolas constantly even when he hasn‘t even made it halfway up the stairs and not getting any acknowledgment for it. (this is of course what Blitz perceives / belives, because obviously Stolas wants nothin‘ more than to love this little guy)
I don‘t think Blitz is even consciously aware of all this shit. He just knows that there is a power imbalance (which is very real btw. no matter how much Stolas wants to ignore it) and he doesn‘t like it.
Welp I hope this made sense, was just something that was brewing in my head for a while so I thought might as well put it out there, offering my mind to the people’s judgement.
Have a nice day everyone!
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
cw: mentions of mild injuries
During a fight when he was like, 17, [pre-mankai, he couldn’t have hidden that bruising] Banri got his nose broken [he insists it was jus’ a bullshit lucky hit!! get off my back man!!] and, being the overconfident, highly insecure, adrenaline pumped up kid he was, he never got medical attention for that shit. All this little jackass did was read a wiki-how, re-set his own nose, and proceeded to whine to anyone who would listen about how annoying it was that he couldn’t smoke while his nose was healing. This kid did Not take care of himself.
When Azami got into experimenting with prosthetic makeup, Settsu got, what he thought was, a funky ass idea, and popped into the kid’s room to ask him to make his nose look ‘right’. Azami was…concerned! to say the least! but he tried his best!
And the second Banri walked back into his dorm all haughty and terrified and reveling in knowing that his face finally looks ‘right’, the worst thing happens. Juza walks back in. Two plates in hand, one muffin apiece, courtesy of Omi who made like 30 fucking corn muffins for breakfast that day. Sweating bullets, Banri turns to his desk to sit down and finish up the rest of that week’s homework when Juza shuffles over and sets down one of the plates on Banri’s desk with a soft clink. Accepting the, admittedly, kind gesture with a nod to his roomie, Ban-chan turns back to his laptop, pulls his legs up into his chair and does an almost imperceptible little fist pump. That fucking box-dyed airhead dumbass cute uhhh fuckingggggg!!! dumbass!! of a roommate! didn't notice!! fuck yeah!!
And then, of course, Juza turns back around. A little perplexed, he leans his back against the wall behind Banri’s desk, and kinda squints at Banri’s face for a second, ignoring the glare and the middle finger he was getting for dropping crumbs on the desk. Through a mouth-full of muffin, Juza finally comes up with,
“ ’Sup with your face?”
“……Fuck off”
“No like, there's something off with it”
“Somethings off with you if you think you can throw your muffin wrapper in my trash can”
“…a trashcan’s a trashcan.”
“This one’s mine. Now are you gonna fuck off outta my room or do I have to leave?” 
”Not your room. ‘S ours.”
Yeahhh. That one earned an absolutely pitiful groan from Banri, who grabbed his laptop, grabbed his muffin [left the plate for Juza to pick up, of course], and tried his damndest to storm out of the room as cool and collected as he could. Of course, ignoring the fact that his heart felt sped up in a bad way. Ignoring that his chest feels all tight and twisted in a way that doesn’t feel right at all. And he can't stop himself from stopping to glance up to the mirror hung by the doorway of their room. 
”Knew it!” 
”What do you want from me now?'' He's nervous. He's scared. 
”Somethings up with your face! Dude just turn the fuck around lemme see!”
And when Banri whips around, fully intending on starting a shouting match, and oh god he’s right there…Practically breathing on each other, Juza takes advantage of Banri’s obvious surprise to fully size him up. slowly, carefully, acting as if on instinct, Juza raises his hand and puts his thumb on Banri’s chin, his fingers splayed along his jawline, not rough enough to hurt him, but firmly enough that when he angles that pretty-boy blonde’s face in different directions to figure out what was weirding him out, all Banri could do was let him.
Banri couldn't figure out for the life of him what he was feeling. Like??? Jesus FUCK he felt sick and nervous and his face was burning. He wanted to smack Juza's hand away from him. He wanted to shove into him with his shoulder, just enough to make him stumble. He wanted to run out of that room. and he really wanted Juza to stop him. He wanted to stay right there, with his roommate just staring into his face. He wanted to press his cheek into Juza’s warm, calloused hand. He wanted to fucking throw up. And more than anything, he needed Juza to notice.
Delicately, gently, the way you would touch a canvas to check if the paint is dry, Juza let his hand trace over Banri’s nose, eyebrows raising at the shaky gasp his actions prompted. And with the same confused face he gets when he tries to work through esoteric grammar worksheets, Juza feels the pad of his fingers press into the silicone Azami had applied to Banri’s face earlier. At this point Banri jerks his arm up to his face, as if to protect himself, as if to block a hit, Juza notes. But with a stony glare and just a touch of strength put into it, Juza pulled his arm back down with a firm “Wait.” Using his other arm to hold banri’s shoulders back, juza peeled off the silicone putty [which he tossed on the table behind him, unsure if it was something Azami would want to reuse] and pulled the sleeve of his sweater up over his thumb to try and wipe off the majority of the remaining makeup sitting on Banri’s face. With a whispered, “There’s your face…” that made Banri want to hit a wall, Juza did a bit of a double-take at Banri’s expression.
He had never seen his roommate look so…well, docile wasn't the word he would use, but perhaps ‘non-aggressive’? almost ashamed? If he had to put a name to it, it would be a 60-40 mix of embarrassed and pissed off. Whether he was more pissed or embarrassed was anyone’s guess though. After about 2 minutes of dragging his sleeve on Banri’s face, it seemed Banri had finally had enough and elbowed Juza in the gut. honestly, he had been expecting as much a loooot sooner so without much protest, Juza stepped back enough to take in Banri’s whole stance again.
His shoulders were thrown back, tilting his jaw up the way he did when he got in shouting matches with Sakyo. His breathing was just a touch uneven, Juza noted, and he wondered if Banri was closer to fighting or storming out. Rather, there seemed to be a secret third option where Banri just stands there and glares up through his tousled hair.
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leschanceux · 2 years
☕✨ memes from the tea room: variety version ✨☕ feel free to change pronouns where necessary!
maybe it’s my stripper name
glad to know we have a balanced team but what the fuck guys
oh my goodness, martha stewart, eat your heart out
she did a variant of it for me but this one grabbed me by the throat, licked my face, & told me it owned me
for the record. you know who else has a huge height difference? a lion and a honey badger. know who wins?
hydrate or die straight
... i'vehad too much sugar today i'm putting myself in timeout
Wiki said I’m dangerously cheesy
Any language that forces me to math can go fuck itself
sometimes you just have to celebrate the rollercoaster that is intimacy
The Himbo Has Done a Stupid alert
Yeah no my mini wine advent calendar serving isn’t going to be enough for this
2.5 raccoons worth of pleasure and pain
I don't get the reference but I appreciate an animal with a blunt force object
that I've recently been ravaged by a stronger than usual hurricane season and am two seconds away from inhaling bath salts
we do love needy bastards in this house
shoutout to my fbi agent for seeing my google results of 'what does sleep paralysis feel like' and 'what does it feel like to be strangled' it was for the sprint
it's not my fault i have a midas curse and everything i touch turns to angst
“american horse pirates”
log in & fight me, I'll win
I however use fuck like I’m seasoning chicken so I had to get creative
I’m not feeling full angst today. Only partial. No wait, I just burnt my tongue. We’re in full angst mode.
Did I just compare [ name ] to a mostly feral dog yes I did. And I have no regrets because I'm right.
i got the good bath salts  NOT THE ONES THAT WILL GET YOU HIGH THO
those hips don't lie but they sure do clickety-clack
oh my god they were tombmates
this conundrum is brought to you by Duolingo
Of course shit went sideways and I fucked up a perfectly good OC. Look at her, she's probably got trauma now
I stared into the abyss and [ name ]'s open tabs stared back
I'd love to go to space, bean me up scotty
wow I thought I seriously fucked up in that sentence
English: it's great except it's not
Sometimes you just gotta let the battery die. Remind it who's boss
sorry I've been screaming about chow mein for the last 15 min, lemme get my shit together
Colonel Mustard is that you? Why are you carrying a pipe?
My mom asked me if I reflected on my year and how I can do better and I think fighting god is on the path of better
my mom says i can fight god if your mom says you can
'you pompous udon' sounds like an insult from Gordon Ramsey
english is a bastard language that assaults other languages in dark alleys and rifles through their pockets for spare participles
Perish with me, it's what friends do
I don't need you to sow a field of fucks; I need you to snag one, put it in your basket, & give it out when appropriate
that delete button will not save you
i have a parasocial relationship w fictional characters, i know everything about them i was there at birth, i named them
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carpetcat2 · 2 years
Aw man I have so many thoughts on Drill and Scrap Knight. Copy n pasted pretty much word for word from a twitter thread bc I don’t want to resummarize them. Put under a readmore for dialogue spoilers up to Drill Knight’s boss fight.
I was fully prepared to be obsessed w any other Hexcavators, but Drill Knight was surprisingly delightful. You don't understand him like I do.
He has the vibe of someone who didn't really think of his life in the long-term but is also terrified of death.
He likes the infamy gained from his heists bc 1. He's an attention whore.
But like. On a deeper level I think he's desperate to not be forgotten. He genuinely is prepared for the possibility of dying young, but he doesn't want to be forgotten just as quickly.
It's said in camp NPC dialogue that, besides Scrap, the other Hexcavators were pretty new. It's not a group that was around for a long time.
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And just based off of the other Hexcavator dialogues, it seems they see it as a temporary thing too, or at the very least don’t plan on staying long-term. (Taken from SK wiki bc I didn’t want to go through screenshots again.)
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They just have to do this one heist and they're all set. So it's really neat to see Drill say this line. He cares about this seemingly temporary group and it is so interesting and sexy of him
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Anyways. That’s the Mostly canon compliant stuff here’s the fanficcy stuff I wrote about Scrap and Drill based off of their apparent unique relationship.
I would’ve put this under another readmore, but apparently you can only have 1 on posts so now you have to deal with my insane rambling.
I think Scrap is like. Pretty old. Like. 58 or something while Drill's somewhere around his 30s. They're equals for the most part but the age is important.  
She’s in no way the epitome of an adult who should be responsible for a kid let alone a teen. She’s like a wine aunt who's kind of a bad influence, but she still has valuable insight on life that Drill very much values.
They met when Drill was like. Some weird scraggly little teen and they've been pestering each other since.
Do you get where I'm going yes yes you do
 DK: There's no thrill in a heist without danger ScK: Well, there's no thrill without skill, you little shit. Lemme show you how it's done before you keel over or something.
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  So that day rolls around and she just wakes him up like ScK: Wakey wakey birthday boy! Or should I say... Birthday man ;D
And Drill is still trying to figure out whether it's a Tuesday or a Friday morning. 
ScK: We gotta do something big for your big day! Like... Or or like... Or maybe!!! Fuck it were doing all of the above. We're gonna have a busy day today so LETSGO And then they rob a couple sorcerers and one of Pridemoor's treasure vaults 
 And by the end of the day they're breathless. It's become dark by then and the only light they have besides the fleeting setting sun is the dim glow of the magical relics they stole refracted in the facets of gems they also stole. 
They're trying to keep their voices down, but the excitement is too much. It wasn't a big deal though. They were the best scavenger and the best thief! 
Their chatter finally slows down and they just sit there for a moment to appreciate the chilled air. "Oh shit wait. Gotta do this before I forget" scrap breaks the peace to go rummage through their loot and drill glances over, curiously.
ScK: Tada!!
She pulls out an expensive looking bottle of wine and a glass that somehow did not break while inside the bag. 
DK: Oh... Wow  DK: Let me guess. You plan on getting blackout drunk again?  ScK: What? No, this is the fancy shit. Obviously it's for you.  DK: Really now? ScK: Yeah, really! I know your standards are high and all so I made sure to get the best of the best for you! Why did you think I dragged you all the way to Pridemoor's vault? DK: The various magical relics? The ridiculous amount of gold? Really, I can't think of any other reason.😒 ScK: Those were also very compelling reasons, but this one's the big one!
And she holds out the bottle and glass for him to take.
DK: ... You do realize that the legal drinking age is 21, right? ScK: What?? Where's the guy who raided Pridemoor's vault with me just an hour ago? Here I was, thinking you didn't care about the law. DK: Obviously I don't. 
And then he takes the items from her. but like. listen. listen.
"I didn't think I'd live past 18" 
And he's now at that middle point and that fact is just sinking in.
Y'know that feeling when you're overwhelmed w emotion or whatever but you're in denial about it / trying to push it down bc it's stupid?
You're in conflict with what's going on bc by all means it shouldn't be happening, and you're trying to keep it together to not dour the mood bc it's supposed to be fun/happy.
He's like. frozen in place for a moment because everything's just setting in. 
"Holy shit. I'm an adult." And he's reluctant at first to actually try it bc he couldn't really fathom the possibility.
ScK: Aww, come on! Don't tell me you're chickening out on me! ScK: Hey.. earth to Drill? Yoohoo! ScK: .......Are you alright?
He then (tries) to chug the whole bottle to deflect the question, which is something you absolutely should not do if you want to be correct about drinking wine.
She knows something is up but just isn't sure how to handle it. She doesn't really bring it up but still tries to lighten the mood. 
And she's not exactly equipped to handle something like that bc she's very much someone who pushes down issues too.
Far from an amazing influence.
Recognizes an issue, but doesn't personally address it. “He's a tough guy.. He's not gonna want to talk about it with me and that's fine. He can handle it himself.”
Note: He doesn't, and now Scrap has to reconcile with the fact that she actually has to act responsibly because she does in fact care about this loser and doesn't want him hurt.
It's not going to be as easy as just repressing it and laughing it off later, because the weight doesn't solely fall on her shoulders this time.
Something something she acts mean and pushes people away because she doesn't want that responsibility over another person in that way again. She's fucked up in that position more times than she wished she did and doesn't really trust herself to be in that position ever again.
The convo is important for the both of them bc Scrap has to confront that shared mindset of not thinking about anything longterm and find reasons that would comfort someone about it + acknowledge that amount of responsibility she has over her friend and take that seriously.
And like. I talked about Drill's deal. Actually looking forward for the future. Starting to delve more into the long-term.
DK: The highest quality wine from Pridemoor's vaults... Honestly, I have no idea how I'll top that when I actually reach drinking age. ScK: Well, that'd be a problem for when you get to 21! We could rob Pridemoor’s Castle itself! DK: ....Yeah. Yeah, that sounds cool.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
i think 2po forgets that there's actually a fair amount of quiet, unknown fans that attend cons regularly and even m&gs *gasp* but we don't shout about it or leak stuff.... and we know that he's just trying to sound like he has info when really, he's just like any other fan digging in sandboxes and trying to make a jigsaw out of the scraps they find there. there's 20 people in these things, just because he's loud and has loud sources, and hangs around in loud circles, doesn't mean the other fans sitting in those chairs are statues. we listen, we take note, we go back to our quiet little lives and have to watch BNFs run their mouths like they've been chosen as a direct conduit between the gods (actors) and the insects (fans). but actually, they're no different than those of us who are having a nice time in our spn bubble while we point at him and go "...the fuck is he talking about?"
lots of love from a m&g attendee that is tired of seeing him talk shit when he wasn't in the fucking room. he's also the most blatant anti in disguise i've ever seen. p.s. the whole reason i follow you is because of a m&g. do you know who i don't follow for the same reason? 2po. hopefully this helps some people that still think 2po is legit "ITK."
Lemme guess, it's the one I busted him lying on. You don't have to confirm it, but yeah. We knew he had been lying and spinning M&Gs for years for the same reason you just said. Nobody could pin him down on it. 20 people in the room and yeah, a lot hear how he's lying and everyone's been trapped on pinning him down on it. Because the SECOND I pulled the truth out he went WE'RE REPORTING IT. Huh. So you admit it's real then. Too bad your friend was drunk with an open container violating the NDA in row A of the theater within 5 minutes. That sucks for you. Very loud ranting. And the threats for hellers daring to heller in a cockles M&G were just a nice touch of frosting on the shit cake.
And it's so funny bc if you look at his sources--he thought he was being slick when he blatantly described Gayle and Suzanne--they're still. just fans. It's fans sourcing fans sourcing fans, and those bloated fans think they're Someone and they're getting furiouser and furiouser and coming at me harder and harder. Like, no, it doesn't matter that you invested millions in Jared and Mantra, Suzanne, he isn't running the show. Probably why yall flipped shit. Their corner is drying up, Jared's M&Gs aren't even selling out anymore at bottom price, even selling J2 only adds like +100 to Jensen's value. They're realizing only a few people wanna work with him anymore, he doesn't hang out with people from the old lot anymore, and no, he wasn't included in the prequel organization, and their brains are fucking melting.
Also why they hate the origin of it. Because then. Well. Let's just say when Jared exploded I was like
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our bad ig. Whatever. So like. Yeah. At least it's good to know other congoers are aware. I got a few reports today too of certain fans like "oh my god I met them you're right they're incredibly fucking obnoxious and think they're part of the cast", and really, that's what drives 2po's "ITK" shit. Fans feeding fans feeding fans feeding fans. Even Wiki is just a glorified fan, and the way she reeled back when 2po got her burned a few times tells me she's starting to realize that real quick.
And somehow this fandom had a stroke and forgot my warnings about coffeerunners like her that get elevated into first media roles not grokking their limitations and babbling to equally unqualified idiots, they forgot Manchin/Market Testing, they let that "fake script" shit get out of hand on purpose, and so on. What it boiled down to was she was salty I found a newer script than she was given access to, because she was hired in feb but given an old draft, which shows her content is screened, and I think she really did NOT like that reality.
It came from lack of understanding that like. Scripts are released the way they are to root out leakers just like her. Like TPTB knows now. She's never gonna get anything of worth now. She's just there as a rubber stamp hire to go LOOK OUR CANON WILL BE FINE WE HAVE THE WIKI when, realistically, as she isn't trained or studied for the job, her underqualification lets them get away with A LOT MORE SHIT so they get to giggle and flee and pat her on the head for a good job.
Like i said. the spnscripthunt server is a condensed form of the worst fans in all lanes. Antis, bitters, J2 tinhats, misha haters, manipulators, grifters, and active liars basically form the base, but they use the appeal of shiny scripts to radiate their garbage out through the people they manipulate into giving them free gold tickets.
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Game of Thrones - 18 CATELYN IV (pages 159-169)
Catelyn arrives at King's Landing and meets up with the city's two biggest lovers of gossip. Neither of whom should be trusted as far as they could be thrown.
"Now we must reach the king's master-at-arms, and pray that he can be trusted." "Ser Aron Santagar is a vain man, but an honest one." Ser Rodrik's hand went to his face to stroke his whiskers and discovered once again that they were gone. He looked nonplussed. "He may know the blade, yes... but, my lady, the moment we go ashore we are at risk. And there are those at court who will know you on sight."
For those of you playing at home, this is the correct use of the word 'nonplussed.' It means 'confused,' despite what many a fanfic author may have led you to believe, if a character is unbothered or uncaring, they are 'nonchalant,' not 'nonplussed.'
-and all around them the Storm Dancer burst into frenetic activity as King's Landing came into view atop its three high hills. Three hundred years ago, Catelyn knew, those heights had been covered with forest, and only a handful of fisherfolk had lived on the north shore of the Blackwater Rush where that deep, swift river flowed into the sea.
300 years sounds so long, but given that Winterfell is like, 8,000 years or something... hang on lemme double check the wiki [According to legend, Winterfell was built by Brandon the Builder, who was aided by giants, after the Long Night ended eight thousand years ago.] Yeah, and the Old Tower was struck by lightning 140 years pre-GOT. The Targaryens really were the new kids on the block. If not for their Dragonpowah! they wouldn't have been shit but a new blood house.
Not a slight on dragon fam, just. The way the show (GoT, not HotD... well maybe HotD, I don't know I haven't seen it yet) goes on about the blood right of Targaryens as the Rulers of Westeros, it feels like they should have been older, but King's Landing is basically a blip in the history of Westeros, less than 4% of time since the Long Night.
Their leader smiled at the dagger in her hand and said, "No need for that, m'lady. We're to escort you to the castle." ... When they reached the Red Keep, the portcullis was down and the great gates sealed for the night, but the castle windows were alive with flickering lights. The guardsmen left their mounts outside the walls and escorted her through a narrow postern door, then up endless steps to a tower.
Not a brothel? D&D?!? You may all be interested to note, just as an aside, that not only is there far less sexual debauchery in the books, there has, thus far, been little to no hard-swears either. (Specifically, 'F bombs' and 'C bombs' which are about, 49% of the tv show's script.)
D&D took one look at the ASoiaF series and did the reverse of censorship.
"When Loras Tyrell unhorsed him, many of us became a trifle poorer. Ser Jaime lost a hundred golden dragons, the queen lost an emerald pendant, and I lost my knife. Her Grace got the pendant back, but the winner kept the rest." "Who?" Catelyn demanded, her mouth dry with fear. Her fingers ached with remembered pain. "The Imp," said Littlefinger as Lord Varys watched her face. "Tyrion Lannister."
Oh? and can Ser Aron or literally anyone not sketchy AF confirm those events? That Tyrion won that pot? hmm? HMMMM???
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mylittlesecrethaven · 8 months
Bsd Is Kinda A Genius Anime: Pt 3
I think I had a plan for these next few posts, but I can't remember them, so Ima do what I want.
Since these groups are so small, I'm doing both.
Today it's Decay of Angels (which has three different names depending on if you watch the dub, sub, or look at the Fandom, so wtf?) and Hunting Dogs.
So let's do it!
(Emm... two things. I'm aware that Decay of Angels gets its name from a novel, but unless that's brought up in a character, I'm not going over it. Also, Kamui and Ochi Fukuchi are the same person? Soooo.... I'll go over him with Decay of Angels I guess....)
Ochi Fukuchi
Ability: Mirror Lion
The Fandom actually didn't have much on this guy's RLC, so Ima try my best, but no guarantees since it's fucking 10:30 and this is my last post of the night. ---- I still can't find much actually about him. Even his Wiki page (yes, I use Wikipedia) is lacking. I do know about his ability counterpart though. Mirror Lion is a play written by his RLC about a woman who's practicing a lion dance for New Year's, and because she becomes so engrossed in it, the spirit of the lion enters her. Just thinking about this, it is similar to his actual ability. He makes his weapons stronger, a lot like what you'd expect if the spirit of a lion entered somebody. I couldn't find anything talking about his RLC having a connection to this guy's reason for leading both the Hunting Dogs and the Decay of Angels. (I don't know his reason in the show, I'm only on episode 4.) Not much to go on really. Not a good start.
Bram Stoker
Ability: Infection
He's a vampire?! Wtf?! Ohhhh.... I get it. Ok. His RLC wrote Dracula. Makes sense. Makes sense. His RLC is also Irish, so I kinda wonder if his VA does an accent like Fyodor's does. Anyway, you can see the symbolism, yes? Dracula is a vampire, and apparently Bram is impaled, relating to Vlad the Impaler, who was the inspiration for Dracula. Easy-peasy.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Ability: Crime And Punishment
And now to the man himself. I've been interested in doing this for him since I talked about his ability. So let's see what I can find. His RLC wrote a lot of dark and gritty books involving human emotions and psychology. (I know what author I'm looking for in the library next.) This fits how Fyodor acts pretty well. You'd expect books like that to revolve around someone like Fyodor. Hmmm... I just looked at a summary of "Crime And Punishment," and I found.... nothing. It's about this poor guy who plans to kill an old woman with a lot of valuables and steal them, but after he does that, he's wracked with guilt, and goes through a ton of mental anguish, and he has to live through the consequences of his deed. This... doesn't do anything for figuring out his ability. I know Fyodor's ability can let him manipulate people's memories, and that's connected to the book, but it doesn't help figure out who his ability affects or how he can control it! So for now, I'm gonna stick with the idea that Fyodor can't kill gifteds, because I can't find anything or anyone talking about the gifteds he's killed with his ability. Moving on the book that inspired the Rats in the House of the Dead, "The House of the Dead," it's a semi-autobiographical novel about a fictional person going through life in a Siberian prison camp, based loosely on Fyodor's RLC's time in a forced-labor prison camp. Emmm..... Idk. I guess it kinda connects to the fact that the group was really temporary? Idk. I'm getting brain fried right now, so if anybody has any idea for connections to the Rats in the House of the Dead, lemme know.
Nikolai Gogol
Ability: The Overcoat
Oh shit, he's Ukranian? I thought the name was Russian. My bad. Oh, wait, his RLC is a Russian of Ukranian origin. I don't understand what that means, but whatever. His RLC wrote a ton of books, usually all tragedy with slight shifts in genre, such as political tragedies and tragecomedies. "The Overcoat" was a short story written by Nikolai's RLC about.... oh shit this book is insane. It's about this poor man who's made fun of for his coat at work, so he obsesses over saving money and buying a new one. He finally does and shows it off so happily, but on his way home he gets beat up by two ruffians and they steal his coat. The police won't help him, and after being recommended to ask by someone else at work, he asks a higher up at work, only to be yelled at for disturbing the higher up with a trivial matter. A little afterwards, the man falls ill and dies. A ghost is soon seen around the city taking people's overcoats, and it's the man's ghost. The police can't catch him. He finds the higher up who yelled at him and spooks him, then steals his overcoat. His ghost isn't seen again. The story ends by talking about another ghost sighting, which meets the description of one of the ruffians. Insane, right? Which I guess fits Nikolai. Anyway, his ability really comes from what another author said about the book, which was "We all came out from under Gogol's Overcoat." So.... yeah.
Ability: Information Exchange
My last one and then I can sleep..... please.... sleep.... Wait. This guy doesn't have an RLC. What? Oh. So apparently he has memory loss, which could be the link to him not having an RLC? Idk.
Anyway, next I'll be doing Hunting Dogs. That should be fun.
(I really need to stop doing these right before I go to sleep. *sigh*)
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tch-tchtchkaa · 1 year
Okay I need to set the scene:
Arisa Matsuda is probably my favorite of the ML girls. (I also like Subaru a decent amount solely because she's an "ore" girl and I think that's neat.) I'm looking through Arisa's discography on the Im@s wiki and find this song. "Ooh," I think, "this looks like a cool rock song! Lemme look it up!"
0:13 starts and it sounds like the guitars are having a mental breakdown. The way I phrase that may make you think "SICK!!!" but it's just...awkward and confusing. The best way I can describe it is quoting a part of Jello Apocolypse's Lemonade stream. "Oh it's so complex and it's ALL BAD."
The vocals come in, and they sound great, but the tempo and them being layered on to this clunky repetitive guitar riff just makes them seem super out of place. The drums start going FUCKING WILD which is cool, but also makes the choreo feel disjointed.
The bridge comes in, and holy shit it's a listenable song. Okay maybe the chorus will save us.
It's this almost cringey triplet repetition of the same note (I can't recognize notes by ear so maybe it's slightly different) but it sounds SO BAD. And I know it's not the seiyuu's fault, it's obviously written to be whatever weird (sharp? flat?) note they want the girls to sing.
1:10 Holy shit the backing instruments are finally complimenting the vocals. Subaru's part feels extremely wordy but I'll take it. And we finish up the vocal part strong. Then it goes back to the guitars having a panic attack at 1:40 and the girls try to dance to this unhinged tempo for the rest of the song.
So I'm left absolutely baffled at how this got produced. Am I too stupid and normie to understand the appeal of this song, or am I valid in thinking it's shit?
I've listened to this song so many goddamn times trying to understand why they would compose it like this. I've listened to the full Haruka/Chihaya version and it's just...WHY
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