#shizuka onigiri
hekateisconfused · 11 months
Today is a very special day to me. Five years ago, I got my PS4, and was searching for free games. There was one, a free MMORPG, Onigiri. I never expected that five years later, I'd be obsessed with it, and have it be my absolute passion.
This marks my fifth year anniversary of playing Onigiri! It's been such a fun journey, and here's to many more years!
There's no proper amount of words to say how much this game means to me, it has gotten me through a lot, and has sparked my creativity and passion to go further. Along with it being my fifth anniversary, that also means it's my fifth year of having Crystal as my main character, and she means the world to me.
This feels surreal and I'm so happy to share my passion of my favorite RPG with you all.
Here's to five years, and many more!
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imastrangeone98 · 1 year
Against the Odds
(A/N: I learned about the a/b/o court case and I felt like even I could do better than this shitty a/b/o book XD)
warning: cringy a/b/o tropes... sorry about that. probably really OOC ushi boi, my beloved haikyuu oc aiumi shizuka, coach washijo NOT being a d*ckhead, and tendo being a GODSEND. Also this ended up being LONG LONG so... sorry? Buckle up buttercup this is a journey
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The girl sitting next to him didn't have a distinct scent. That was the first thought that ran through Ushijima's mind at the glance of his new seat mate.
It was mild, like jasmine flowers. It was barely in the air, but it was enough to put him at ease- a feeling that was quite unfamiliar to him.
So he simply chose the logical route and ignored it, only speaking with her when it turned out he had no pencil to take notes with and she lent him one of hers.
"Oh, Shizuka's in your class?" Tendō cackled, patting him on the back. "Be nice to her, yeah? She's a good friend of mine."
There was nothing wrong with his teammate's request, so he obliged. Wakatoshi didn't really mind being polite to others, as long as they didn't interrupt his daily routine.
But as the school year continued, he found that his eyes kept drifting towards the beta girl, noting the way she walked solidly on her feet in comparison to the omegas who bounced on their toes, the gentle yet honest way she spoke, to the way she smiled closed-mouth yet the corners of her mouth were slightly open.
It was distracting. He found himself missing the occasional spike at practice when the scent of jasmine lingered in the air, especially when it wafted particularly strongly off Yamagata and Tendō, the latter of whom only laughed about how jealously he was acting towards someone who wasn't his girlfriend. Wakatoshi merely grunted that he wasn't jealous, nor was she his lover in any way.
But he couldn't deny the strange thump in his chest when she offered him a cupcake- "A test subject for a new recipe I'm coming up with," she said, leaving him accepting without a word. He didn't mind the way Tendō would occasionally bring her to practice, ignoring the way Coach Washijō grumbled about her "unnecessary presence during training" only to comically switch his tune when she brought homemade wagashi. Wakatoshi even found himself putting more force behind his serves, something Tendō found hilarious for some reason.
"If you're that hung over it, just tell her, man."
"I don't understand; there is nothing to say. She's simply a good presence to be around, nothing more."
"Ushijima," Semi laughed, "you really are nothing more than a volleyball idiot, huh? You gotta get better at talking with the babes!"
...Babe? Did Semi view Aiumi Shizuka as a baby?
"...But I do talk with her," Ushijima retorted. "Often, in fact. Also, Aiumi is not an infant."
"That's not what I... Never mind."
So he continued his usual routine of speaking with Shizuka before class, occasionally tasting some of her latest creations, thinking about the sound of her laughter while he studied, while he slept, while he ate.
"Wakatoshi, you really like her, huh?" Reon chuckled during lunchtime, patting him on the shoulder. "You're so different around her, it's almost scary."
He frowned. "I don't believe I've been acting any differently than usual-"
"Ushijima, wanna try one of my super special awesome spicy tuna onigiri?" Aiumi Shizuka suddenly appeared, a small bento box in her hands. A very pleased grin stretched her lips. "I'm especially proud of the mayo-free sauce I made for the tuna."
"I'm sure it'll taste wonderful, thank you." With a nod, he took one out, taking the time to savor the spiciness of the sauced fish to the sweet rice.
After he gave a detailed review, she nodded in approval before patting his shoulder and jogging away towards Tendō. Wakatoshi watched her every step, making sure she disappeared amongst the crowd before turning back to his food.
Ōhira and Semi, who had just joined their table, had their eyes wide, like they had seen a ghost.
"Dude," Eita cackled. "You really got it bad."
"What do you mean?"
"You never accept food from people, especially omegas. And you don't let them touch you either," Reon explained.
"You really like that beta, huh?" Eita mumbled through a mouthful of rice. "Have you told her how you felt yet?"
"I don't know what you're talking-"
"Wakatoshi," Reon suddenly said, staring deeply into the captain's eyes. "You like a beta. You understand what this means, right?"
His eyebrow lifted in mild surprise; Reon hardly spoke this seriously outside of volleyball. "No, I don't understand."
"She's a beta, Wakatoshi. Not an omega. You know that, right?"
"Yes, of course I know that. She doesn't smell like an omega, after all."
His two teammates sighed, and Reon smiled at him. "Well then, don't worry about it. Just follow your heart. And don't listen to what anyone says."
He didn't quite understand what the entire purpose of the comment was, but he nodded regardless and continued on with his meal, thinking of the onigiri he ate just minutes ago.
Semi's words echoed lightly in the back of Wakatoshi's mind, especially as he watched Aiumi talk so enthusiastically with Yamagata about... He didn't even know what they were talking about.
Have you told her how you felt yet?
The unbearably faint scent of jasmine lingered strongly in his nose. He didn't want Yamagata to be any closer to her. He needed to get his teammate's scent off of her, even though Yamagata- as a beta- didn't have that strong of a scent to begin with.
His alpha was showing, and logically, Ushijima knew he needed to stop it. But he couldn't help the petty anger growing in his chest; the need to mark her and scent her so strongly she reeked of him burning intensely in his mind.
"Hey, Ushijima. Are you okay?" Aiumi gently patted him on the shoulder. "You seem really distracted today..."
"...May I speak with you after school?" was his only response, staring deeply into her eyes.
She stared back at him for a few seconds before simply saying, "Sure. After practice?"
"No, Coach Washijō doesn't assign practice on Fridays in order to promote muscle growth," he stated. "After class."
And with that, he briskly turned on his heel and walked back to the classroom, ignoring her curious glances during math.
With the prompt ring of the bell, he swiftly packed up his things and waited for Aiumi to do the same, before walking out of school together.
"So... where are we headed off to?" she asked, almost jogging in an effort to keep up with his brisk pace. He immediately slowed his steps to let her catch up.
"We can get something to eat first," he says. "Or we could go straight to Tsutsujigaoka; there's not many people at this time of day."
"You like sakura, Ushijima?" she laughed, patting his shoulder. "I didn't know that! You and me both, except for different reasons. I really like pickled sakura blossoms!"
He didn't realize he wasn't listening, preening at the way her scent now lingered on his clothes.
"Oi, how long are you gonna walk?" Aiumi tugged his arm. "I thought we were gonna eat. I know a great yōshoku place. You like hayashi rice, right?"
"You still haven't told me why you invited me out. Was it because an omega rejected your offer and you felt too lonely to come alone?" Aiumi joked, sipping on some kind of milk tea.
"I don't like omegas," Wakatoshi said immediately, staring into the smoothie cup that felt too small in his hands. "Also, Semi told me that seeing sakura was a good way to end the first school year."
"Oh yeah, we're gonna be second-years soon! Do you feel old yet?"
"I'm still youthful. And so are you."
She laughed. "That's high praise, oh youthful one."
The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, gazing at the falling cherry blossoms. A petal fell onto her hair, and he touched it with a gentleness even he wasn't aware of. It was soft between his fingertips, like her hair.
"I like you." The words slipped out of his mouth without realizing, but he didn't quite regret it. "I like you very much."
Wakatoshi felt her eyes on him. He had always thought of himself as someone who didn't hesitate to take action, yet he found himself hesitating to look at her, turning his head away. He didn't understand why.
"...You like... me?" she whispered. "Why? You're an alpha, aren't you?"
"I do not understand what my biological status has anything to do with this, but I like the way you focus when you cook. I like your determination to perfect your craft. I like the sound of your laughter. I like how your eyes brighten up at trying new food. I like the way you walk on your feet. I like your scent. I like you, Aiumi Shizuka."
She didn't respond for a while. Wakatoshi didn't feel the need to ask her for an answer. He knew she would give him one once she collected her thoughts. So they continued to watch the cherry blossoms and sip their drinks until it was time to head back to the dorms.
"I'm sorry for shutting down on you, Ushijima," Shizuka finally said as they exited the subway station. "The truth is, I like you too. I just... don't know if it's the right thing for us."
"I will take this as your rejection, then?" His voice was shakier than he thought it would be.
"I... I guess so? Just, think about it. Alphas can never be in relationships with betas; the biology doesn't sync up like omegas do-"
He grumbled, "I thought I made it clear that I do not like omegas."
"You still haven't told me why you don't like them. They're fine people... most of them, at least." Her head hung low. "If we date... people will talk. They'll talk badly about you."
He immediately pressed his wrist to her neck, even though his scent wouldn't linger as strong, in an effort to provide comfort. Surprisingly, she leaned into his touch.
"I don't care about what people say," he said simply. "About me, or about our relationship. If you're willing to be in one with me, that is."
She chuckled, but it sounded hollow. "If only I could have your confidence. Don't you know basically no one likes alpha-beta relationships?"
He shook his head. "I don't see why that matters if two people are compatible."
"...Like us?" Aiumi asked quietly.
"Yes." He offered her his hand, which she took. "I think we fit well together."
As they approached the dorms, she suddenly stopped. "To be honest, I'm scared. I'm scared people won't take us seriously. I'm scared people won't like you anymore. That people won't like me anymore." She gazed deep into his eyes, the corners of her lips trembling into a brave smile. "But I wanna be your girlfriend. I really like you, Ushi- Wakatoshi."
She said his name. He liked the way she said his name. Something deep in his gut urged him to scent her, but he held it in.
"Oh... Did you not want me to say your first name?" she stammered. "Uh, I can-"
"No. Keep saying it." He couldn't help but give a faint smile. "Can I call you by yours?"
Her cheeks reddened. "Of course."
"Okay. Good night... Shizuka." Wakatoshi couldn't help but whisper her name, gently rubbing his wrist against her neck again. "Let's meet tomorrow too."
She nodded, and before she went inside, quickly pressed her own wrist against his skin. Then she ducked inside and he couldn't see her.
He didn't sleep well that night, still thinking about her weakening scent on his neck.
And see her tomorrow he did. And the day after that. And the days until the beginning of their second year.
They were in the same class again, much to their delight. When he returned to volleyball practice, his teammates seemed immensely pleased, giving him pats on the back and a thumbs-up whenever he replied to her messages during breaks.
"You finally grew some balls, didn't you, Ushiwaka?" Semi crowed. "Good for you! I expect to be singing at your wedding in a few years' time!"
"I will keep that in mind," Ushijima responded simply.
Not much appeared to have changed since the beginning of their relationship. Shizuka continued to be active in the cooking club, and would occasionally ask him to taste her latest creations; the only difference was the reddening of her cheeks and the smile she gave him that only grew brighter. He continued to play on the team, and scored point after point in matches. He still occasionally got distracted by the image of her smile, the sound of her laughter.
But even he could realize the small, yet noticeable changes in his routine: the way she reached out her hand to hold his as they walked down to the cafeteria, the way he rushed to her club room after the end of an early practice to watch her craft yet another recipe, the way she came to watch him in matches wearing his spare club jacket with pride.
The way he enjoyed pressing his wrist to her neck and arms, relishing the way his scent rubbed off on her. He did it shamelessly: before class, after class, before practice, after practice, during lunch, during breaks, during dates. And he preened at the way she would always try to reciprocate, even though her scent wouldn't last nearly as long as his.
Wakatoshi never put much thought into the concept of happiness, what it meant to be happy. He thought he knew it with volleyball, but when he was with Shizuka, he did what he never used to do before: he thought of a future. He thought of a family. He thought of drinks beneath the sakura trees, spicy tuna onigiri, holding hands during lunch, the scent of jasmine.
He was happy with her. She made him very happy.
But it was around the middle of their second year when he began to wonder if she actually felt the same way he did.
They were eating lunch together when he noticed how she suddenly ducked her head when their classmates walked by.
"They're talking about us," she revealed to him when he asked her why she began to do it. "About our relationship." When he tried to ask further, she simply shook her head and kept it down. His chest hurt to see her like this, so he didn't press any further.
"Shizu's been distant, you say?" Tendō mused, munching on some popcorn.
"Could you ask her for me?" Wakatoshi asked his friend. "I'm afraid that if I do, she won't answer me with honesty."
"Sure, buddy." His voice sounded uncertain. "But I have a feeling I know what's going on."
"What is it, Tendō?"
"...Listen to what the others say next time, Wakatoshi. I hope for both your sakes that you understand the answer."
"How long you think they're gonna last?"
"Dunno, maybe a month at best."
"It's Ushijima, you honestly think he's gonna stick with a beta for a mate?"
"Alphas need to be with omegas, that's just how it is-"
"He'll see it in time-"
"He deserves better-"
"Shizuka?" A warm hand grasped her own. "Were you paying attention?"
"Ah... Sorry, what were you saying?" She forced herself to look away from the table towards her boyfriend, who was watching her with concern in his eyes. "I got... distracted by something."
"...You haven't eaten your food," he noted, pushing her plate towards her. "I thought omurice days were your favorite at the cafeteria."
She nodded, mindlessly shoveling a spoonful of the rice into her mouth. It tasted like glue. Her tastebuds grew more dull by the day, and the worst part was that she couldn't even find it in herself to be mad about it.
Shizuka thought she knew what she was getting into. But the constant whispers and rumors, the heartless stares of her classmates, the abandonment by her clubmates when they learned of her relationship status (or should she say, who she was dating)... It was all too much. There was too much to listen to, and no one to listen to her. Not even her beloved Wakatoshi; simple, adorable, beautiful Wakatoshi, who couldn't understand why people would say such horrible things about their relationship.
"They don't see who we are," he would simply say to her. "It's their fault for not seeing how well we fit together."
And while those words would no doubt bring her comfort, it was those exact words that that would haunt her when the rumors only continued to spread like wildfire.
She had prepared her walls to be impenetrable as stone, so as to guard the love they shared. But there is only so much that stone can take before it is eroded, piece by piece, until the sharp thorns the walls were meant to keep out were piercing the treasure within.
Shizuka isn't strong enough. She's not Wakatoshi.
And when his face did not change even in the slightest when she told him her feelings on the matter, she couldn't help but be envious of the way he could be so calm and collected while she was nearly bursting at the seams.
"...I don't understand. Are you asking for a break up?" he asked, his voice steady as stone.
"No, Toshi. I don't think so. I just... want some time by myself. Would that be okay?" She hated how her voice trembled so much, but it was all she could do to keep it from shaking more.
"...How long are you asking for?"
"Just... just a month. No more, no less. I just want to... not think about the rumors, even if it's for a little while," she tried to reason. "I promise, I won't talk with anyone else in a romantic way, or go on a date-"
A low, rumbling growl left his lips, and she rushed to embrace him. The moment his strong arms wrapped around her waist, she nearly sobbed at his warmth and comfort, pushing her face into his chest, absorbing his smell, the familiar weight of his body pressing against hers.
But this moment couldn't last forever, even if she wished to stretch it out into infinity. She pulled away. "I'm so tired, Toshi. I'm tired of hearing all these bad things about us. Please... I need a break. Please."
And she would never know the way Wakatoshi's heart broke at the sheer exhaustion and pain in her voice. She would never know the absence of his strength as he let her go.
He would make sure she never knew of the way his soul shattered as he watched her walk away from him.
It hadn't even been a week before the others noticed. It wasn't hard, after all- a couple who were once attached to the hip were now skating away from each other like nervous cats.
The rumors of their "breakup" spread as the weeks went by, and so did the whispers amongst the alphas, the omegas, the betas, whose approval of the separation was more than apparent.
"See, I told you it wouldn't last."
"You think I can finally get a chance?"
"Betas like us can only get the short end of the stick. That's just how it is."
Ushijima's inner alpha bristled, the desire to snap at his classmates surging through his veins. But Tendō must've noticed, if the way he grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the gym wasn't an indicator.
"Alright, I know you two did something. What's goin' on?" he demanded while changing into his practice clothes. "Shizu ain't talkin' to me, so I'm gonna drag it out of you, whether you like it or not!"
Wakatoshi didn't want to say it aloud. It would make the separation more real, give it more power than he needed it to. But the words slipped out regardless: "Shizuka wanted a break from our relationship."
Tendō was quiet for a while after that. He changed his clothes in silence and went to stand by the door, fiery eyes staring blankly at the floor.
"She said that it was too much," Ushijima continued, his fingers clumsily fumbling with the shoelaces. "That she was tired, and wanted to rest."
Tendō still said nothing. He fiddled restlessly with the bandages on his fingers.
"...I didn't want to let her go." He clutched the fabric of his shorts, knuckles turning pale at the pressure. "But she... She cried. So much. I don't..." He felt his throat clogging, and he tried to cough out the lump that wouldn't disappear. "I don't understand. I thought we were happy..."
His friend sighed, and opened his mouth to say something, only for his gaze to harden. "What is it?" His voice sounded unusually harsh.
Ushijima was about to speak when his nose picked up a scent: the pungent smell of roses and vanilla. His lips curled downwards, closed tight to stifle the hostile growl that longed to escape his throat.
"I just wanted to know if Ushijima was here," a sickly sweet voice answered. "Can I see him? I promise I won't take long."
"Practice starts now. All observers have to leave," was Tendō's clinical response. "And he's changing, so no guests. Leave."
"I don't mind waiting-"
"Leave. Now."
"...Listen, you beta freak. You're not the boss of him, or me. You don't tell me what to do-"
"Coach Washijō does not allow visitors when practice starts." Ushijima decided to make his presence known, staring down at the omega he assumed was a member of another class. He didn't even know her name, or bother to learn it. "As Tendō said, it is time for you to leave."
The girl's face immediately lit up, completely ignoring the darkness in his eyes, and she showed him the bento box she was holding. "Toshi, I just wanted to say-"
"Do not call me that."
She froze, along with his teammates who had begun to enter the gym. Semi and Ōhira glanced at each other before slowly approaching.
"Why not?" she broke out of her stupor to whine. "That beta girl called you that all the time!"
"Because that is the name I allowed her to call me," he rumbled darkly, eyes beginning to flicker with rage. "I do not recall allowing you that right."
"Look, I just wanted to give you this." The omega tried to shove the bento into his hands; he refused to even touch it. "Y'know, it's for the best you broke up with her. Betas can't handle alphas the way we omegas can."
Ushijima's hands shook.
Tendō paled. "Stop right now-"
"It's the truth, isn't it? Our pheromones match together for a reason; it's in our biology! I admit, it was kinda interesting seeing you two fight it for so long, but you deserved better-"
He completely blanked out. Her disgusting smell, her shrill voice, it all blended together into one disorienting haze.
He couldn't process how Tendō and Semi rushed to grab his arms before he could claw her fucking eyes out, rip out her throat with his teeth, bleed her out onto the floor as he watched her die.
He couldn't process the omega's horrified scream as Ōhira pushed her away and demanded the underclassmen to take her out, with or without her permission.
He couldn't process the fact that he was releasing so many pheromones that promised death, death to that revolting omega, death to his cruel classmates, death death D E A T H-
He couldn't process that the blood-curdling howls were coming from his own throat as he screamed himself hoarse, begging for the return of the one he lost.
When Ushijima finally came to, it was at the nurse's office. Coach Washijō peered down at him while speaking with the nurse, briefly thanking her before turning his full attention to his prize player.
"Satori filled me in on the basic gist of what happened," he said, his normally strict voice oddly calm despite the events that occurred.
"...I apologize, coach." His voice was so shaky, it hurt to speak. "It won't happen again. It was a lapse of judgement. I will apologize to the girl as well."
"From what it looked like, it certainly didn't seem like just some 'lapse of judgement.'" The coach sighed before taking a seat on the bed. "Wakatoshi. As you are now, you are in no condition to play."
He lurched up on the bed, eyes wide, and immediately began to voice his complaints, but Washijō continued.
"Until you get your issues fixed and your priorities straight, I forbid you from attending practice for the remainder of this month."
Wakatoshi's throat clogged. What little strength he managed to gather disappeared yet again. "But the upcoming match-"
"Will have to continue on without you." The coach's steely gaze pierced through his student. "With your mental state being as fragile as it is, you being there won't change the outcome. Besides, don't think I haven't noticed you slacking off for the past few weeks; I only gave you a pass because of that girl who used to come by. Her wagashi is missed, by the way."
He fell silent at his coach's words, knowing them to be true. Ever since the separation, his spiking power had reduced significantly. He made more amateur mistakes, and missed several of the new setter, Shirabu's tosses.
Coach was right. He was currently not responsible enough to play. And that knowledge brought him pain. Not enough to forget the hole in his chest, but enough to make his bones ache.
"Kids, these days," Washijō mused with a huff. "So unwilling to fight for what they want. Back in my day, I just pursued the hell out of my wife, even though I was a beta and she was an omega. Best decision of my life."
Wakatoshi blinked at the sudden story. "Did you ever have... trouble?"
"Of course I did! But the alphas who loved to talk shit about me could never hold up in a fight," he boasted. "I knew I wasn't the best for her, but dear god, I loved that woman. Biology this, biology that, blah blah blah. It was still me that she chose." His chest briefly puffed up with pride, before he decided to turn to Ushijima. "If you ask me, kid, biology ain't nothin' but a load of horse dung. You want that girl, then it'll happen naturally, biology or not."
With those words and a brief stretch of his arms, he left the room. Tendō and the others soon replaced him, swarming Wakatoshi and telling him words that buzzed in his ears, something about the omega girl and his physical condition, about the upcoming practice match.
The coach's story still rung in his mind.
"Have you heard?" one of her clubmates whispered to another. "Ushijima's being disciplined."
Shizuka's ears pricked, carefully stirring her test cake batter.
"For real? What'd he do?"
"Y'know Yoshira Koharu? That really cute omega from 2-1? Apparently she tried to confess to him and he completely blew up at her face."
"Is that why she's not at school right now?"
Ushijima was disciplined? She suddenly flashed back to yesterday, when Satori had hinted to something bad happening a few hours before practice.
"So horrible that grungy Tanji actually cancelled practice," he had told her while helping her with her merengue cookies, "which is why my wonderful self is here to serve you~" But when she asked for more details, he wouldn't say anything more than the fact that Ushijima was involved before shoving a cookie in her mouth.
It tasted like chalk.
Lately, everything she made tasted like it. Like the ingredients knew her very soul was sucked out, and decided to not take any more of it for itself, lest she lose herself completely. But it seemed that it was far too late for that.
It had already been a month, yet the pain of their separation weighed more on her than the weight of the rumors and cruel words.
She needed to see him.
Without her realizing, after-school club had ended, and she mindlessly packed some of the test cake to take with her before setting off to Ushijima's dorm, where she nervously stood by the entrance.
She forgot- she was a girl, she wasn't allowed into the boy's dorms. Why now of all times to remember such a crucial detail...
"Aiumi? That's you, right?"
Jumping at the sudden familiar voice, she turned around to see Ōhira Reon, with a friendly smile and a wave.
"Um... Hi."
"Hey there. You need something?" He gestured to the building, and she nodded.
"Yeah. I was... hoping to talk to Waka- I mean, Ushijima."
At the mere mention of his name, Reon's smile dropped, eyes brimming with concern as he rubbed his chin.
"I wouldn't say he's in... the best mood to receive guests right now," he spoke carefully. "He's been having some trouble in practice, so he's been grumpy."
So it was true, she realized. Something bad happened to him. She couldn't help but look down at her shoes. She knew it was likely because of her.
"...But..." he continued, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure he'd be happy to see you. You are his mate, after all."
And with that, he let her inside the dorms with some directions to his dorm room. It wasn't until she was standing in front of his door that she managed to process what it was he said.
Mate? Did he consider her his mate?
Her hand was propped at the door to knock when it swung open. Shizuka jumped, about to take her hand away when a warm grip grasped her wrist and tugged her inside.
Her yelp was muffled by the shirt her face was buried in, but the warmth that surrounded her needed no explanation. With a relieved sigh, she returned Wakatoshi's hug. It was comforting to know that he missed her just as much, if not more so, than she missed him.
"Shizu," he whispered with what could only be described as reverence, burying his face into the crook of her neck and inhaling deeply. "You're here."
"Yeah," she gasped out, patting his back. "I'm here."
"...I missed you."
The raw vulnerability in his voice brought tears to her eyes. She pushed her face further into his chest, savoring his familiar woody scent. "I missed you too, Toshi. I- I'm so sorry, about everything! About leaving, and not being strong enough!" Her sobs made her chest heave, and she weeped in his arms for some time, all the while he gently rubbed her back and hushed her, leading her to his bed to sit on it.
"Please don't apologize," he whispered to her, burying his nose in her hair. "You were strong. You still are. You just needed some rest, that's all."
They didn't talk for a while after that, just staying in each others' arms, taking in each others' warmth and scent, re-familiarizing themselves with one another.
But they didn't need words to know how the other was feeling: at peace.
The alpha in Wakatoshi huffed in content, more than eager to re-scent her after a month of separation. The urge came once again: he wanted to mark her, to make the bond so they could never be apart again.
But he didn't speak until Shizuka finally wiped her eyes and heaved out a big sigh of relief, leaning into his touch with a smile that finally reached the corners of her eyes. His heart felt lighter at the sight; it had been a while since he'd seen her smile so beautifully.
"I'm really sorry," Shizuka spoke again, turning in his arms to gaze deep into his eyes. Her lips were pressed in a tight line, and her brows were creased. "I thought a break would help me get my head together about the situation, but it didn't. I just felt more sad and lonely; I kept missing you so much I couldn't even think about the rumors that made me want a break in the first place."
Wakatoshi could feel his heart jump; the knowledge that she missed him just as much as he missed her made his chest puff in pride, a soft purr-like growl erupting from his throat.
"I didn't mind too much," he spoke honestly, "because you returned to me. That is all I could ever ask for." He nuzzled the crook of her neck, and when his teeth lightly scraped the skin, he reveled in the way she shivered. "You are all I could ever ask for."
"That's definitely a lie," she said with a laugh. "Nothing could come between you and volleyball; nothing."
"You are just as important to me as volleyball."
"Sure, I'll believe that when you give up a game for me~"
"I did."
She flinched away to gape at him, eyes wide in shock. "...Does it have anything to do with the fact that you're being disciplined?"
"...Yes." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "An omega disrupted practice. She insulted you, and I..." He coughed into his hand and said nothing afterwards.
Shizuka just stared at him, stunned. While she knew of his distaste for omegas, the fact that whatever he did to Yoshira was due to her absence...
She couldn't help the tears prickling her eyes once again, even if she didn't want to. "I'm sorry. It's my fault. You can't even attend the next match..."
"No." He shook his head fervently, pushing her face back into his chest. "Don't blame yourself. While I could have reacted less extremely, I do not regret what happened. I would never let anyone disrespect my mate like that."
There was that word again: mate. The fear once again made its appearance in her stomach, but Shizuka refused to let it rise and consume her yet again.
"Y'know, if we do end up being mates," she started, "it'll be hard. We'll always get questioned; you'll have a harder time with ruts; and if you go pro- which you probably will- people will always try to get you." She couldn't help but gnaw on her thumb at that thought. "I can't mark or scent you like omegas can. What if you get tired of me?"
Wakatoshi hummed tunelessly, so bad that she couldn't help but laugh. "I like when you scent me. It reminds me that I'm yours. I don't mind that your mark will fade away either; you can simply replace it. And I am also worried about you going to culinary school: many people will likely try to get close to you, and I will not be able to be there to fend them off."
She couldn't help but whistle at the revelation of his worries. "Wow. The great Ushijima Wakatoshi is, deep down, a worrywart."
"So it would seem."
"Even so, would you be okay with that?" she asked, leaning back to look into his eyes. "Are you okay with me?"
He simply tilted his head. "If I wasn't, I wouldn't have asked you to date me."
"...Ah." There was the usual Wakatoshi bluntness she loved so much. But before she could say anything else, he gently took hold of her hands, rubbing the skin with his thumb.
"Shizuka, whether it's a month, a year, or a decade, I will wait however long it takes. All I ask is that I am the one you choose to return to." There was a tinge of uncharacteristic fear in his eyes that made his gaze cloudy. "You asked me if I could get tired of you. I think I should be the one asking you that. My ruts will make things difficult for you. My future career may bring unnecessary pressure on you. My status as an alpha may very well be a burden to you. Even so..."
She tried to shake her head (how could he possibly think himself to be a burden when he's been nothing but a balm to her aching heart), but he stopped her with a swift, gentle kiss to her cheek.
"I like you, Aiumi Shizuka. I choose you. I may not know much about love, but what I feel comes close to what I imagined it to be, because you make me happy. You make me think of a future."
The tears refused to stop now; even if she wanted to, the sobs heaving from her chest failed to cease.
(How did she ever deserve his love? His patience? When all she did was hurt him, he still accepted her with open arms. What did he even see in her?)
But, as if he somehow knew what was going through her mind, Wakatoshi cradled her face in his warm hands, thumbs softly brushing away her tears. He smiled at her; a clumsy, beautiful smile that put a stop to her downward spiral as she basked in its glory.
"Shizuka," he whispered, "will you ever get tired of me?"
Her crying made her voice tremble, but her answer was resolute: "Never. Never in a thousand years."
And she tackled him onto the mattress, nuzzling into his neck, scenting him so much that his chest rumbled in pleasure, arms wrapping around her smaller form to turn her onto her side so as to press his forehead against her own.
"I love you, Toshi," she finally admitted, placing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "I love you so much. And I will always choose you, always."
He huffed in relief, returning her chaste kiss with reddened cheeks, before shoving his face into the crook of her neck. He nosed at the skin, close to her glands, and pressing his lips against it. Shizuka shivered in his hands, and he reveled in the reaction, confident that one day, he would feel it yet again.
"Are you gonna mark me?" she asked quietly. He felt her hand slowly run through his hair, playing with the strands.
"Not tonight," he replied, purring at her gentle touch. "But soon."
Spoken with finality, it would be his promise to her. He would mark her and make her his mate.
Soon. All in due time. As they fought against the odds.
"Y'know, he's not as pissed as I thought he would be," Yamagata noticed as he drank from his water bottle alongside his friends.
Reon nodded. "Yeah, no kidding. I wonder what happened up there. Sure was a good thing, though. He's not as grumpy anymore, and he actually does well in practice now."
Tendō cackled, but much to his friends' chagrin, he added nothing else to the conversation other than a cheeky "He's a lucky bastard, that one."
But no one could deny the glow that emanated from the alpha as he sat by the coach's side, significantly calmer than before.
Semi sighed and cracked his knuckles. "Well, I better get a head start then."
"On what?" Yamagata asked curiously.
"On writing their wedding song, duh."
A/N: oh my god this has been in my drafts for forever, I'm so glad it's over with- but I'm also super proud of this!
Also I'm testing the read more rn, rip me
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hiketeru · 5 years
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Shizuka-kun thinking about 🍙
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kaaedey · 5 years
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God, this manga is great
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waffle-the-badger · 7 years
*insert ugly crying face here*
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sjqk · 7 years
Looking for a casual party!
I've been playing Onigiri for a little over a month (started 11/24) and I'm level 91. I figure it isn't the best MMO but it's definitely one that I've had fun on!I'd like to find friends to party with in-game and on PS4 for general chatting and gaming. My Onigiri Online handle is Cyllis! Please PM me for my PSN ID if you're interested !!
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askkirito · 3 years
I just want to introduce you guys to the Idolmaster Million Live girls that are involved in the Sword Art Online collab! I’ll separate it between Unleash Blading and Theater Days since the collab is going on in both games. This might get a little long so I’m placing it under a read more. I’ll be including a link to a song(s) that each girl is involved in too so you can hear them sing. I hope you all can grow to love these girls too! 
If you’re interested in getting into Idolmaster - please check out this article by Polygon. It provides an in-depth introduction to each series. 
Starting off with Unleash Blading: 
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Yuriko Nanao (CV: Miku Ito) - a shy & reserved young girl who adores books. Her favorite genres are fantasy and mystery. She is an active daydreamer, daydreaming about the fantasy worlds in her books. Yuriko plays MMORPGs often with Anna. There she is known as “ lillyknight”. 
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Anna Mochizuki (CV: Shiina Natsukawa) - a withdrawn girl. Her only interests are gaming and singing. Despite her shyness, she takes her idol work seriously. Whenever Anna is on stage or doing idol activities, she flips the switch and becomes more energetic. She is close friends with Yuriko (both in-game and outside). In the MMORPGs they play together, Anna is known as “vivid_rabbit”. 
They’ve sung a duo song together called SeichouChu→LOVER!!
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Miki Hoshi (CV: Akiko Hasegawa) - one of the original Idolmaster idols - she is from 765 productions! Miki is laidback and rather lazy girl. She never takes anything seriously, but despite that she has an above average grades at school. Miki loves onigiri and is confident in herself. She often refers to herself in the third person using “Miki.” 
Moving on to the Theater Day girls, (some of their appearances were changed to better fit the character they’re portraying so I also included their appearance in Million Live) 
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Julia (CV: Aimi) - 795Pro’s resident rocker! She originally wanted to become a Punk Rocker, but accidentally signed a contract with an idol agency. Julia still gives her idol activities her all! Julia actually isn’t her real name and she refuses to tell anyone what it is. 
Bonus: Aimi actually plays the guitar and she’s played in some of the Million Live lives. In addition; because of her, the franchise Bang Dream! Girls Band Party came into existence. 
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Kotoha Tanaka (CV: Risa Taneda) - a diligent girl who has a passion for acting. Kotoha does everything to 100% of her ability and is often seen as a “perfect” at everything. She suffers from low self-confidence and often claims that she has no talent (besides acting). She is close friends with two of the other idols, Megumi and Elena, forming the unit Tri Star Vision with them. 
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Mizuki Makabe (CV: Rika Abe)  - a well mannered and serious young girl who struggles with expressing her emotions. She works hard to improve on that front, but feels insecure about it wondering if she’s fit to be an idol. Mizuki is really kind and cares about everyone in the theater, often providing her help when its needed. She is talented at doing magic tricks, puzzles, and poker. 
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Serika Hakozaki (CV: Momo Asukura) -  due to her sheltered upbringing and protective parents, Serika doesn’t know much about the world and is eager to learn about it through her idol activities and help from the Producer.  Serika plays the violin and has a doggie named Junior. 
And last but not least; 
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Tsubasa Ibuki (CV: Machico) - Easygoing, talented, and energetic, Tsubasa brightens up every room that she is in. She loves to do anything that she considers is fun. Tsubasa sometimes struggles with putting her thoughts into words and uses actions instead. She is somewhat naive and childish - one of her fellow idols compares her to a cat because of her personality. Tsubasa, Mirai, and Shizuka are the representative girls for the Million Live Project. 
Bonus: Julia, Tsubasa, and Mizuki are often referred to as the “Aisle Trio” because they sung Aisle together (which was written by Julia). Here is the live version of the song too as performed by their seiyuu (Tsubasa is in the center, Mizuki to the left, Julia on the right)! 
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luckyredeyes · 3 years
Being up before 7 AM is weird.
Wearing a backpack is weird.
Coffee tastes weird.
Going back to school is weird. It looks like weird is just the theme of the day.
“Wait up, Ko!”
He stops in the stairwell, drafty with cold and damp morning air, halfway down to the street, as Shizuka calls out behind him. Her classes don’t start until noon, and she usually sleeps in like he does — or did. She quickly catches up and presses a cloth-wrapped box into his hands.
“Forgot to tell you — I packed you a lunch last night while I was doing mine. Onigiri, leftover chicken karaage, a cheese omelet, hope you like it!”
Ko shifts the box so he can carry it and his phone together in his off hand. “Aw, you didn’t have to do that! Thanks!”
She squishes him a warm hug. “Good luck in class today!”
Ko can’t shake the feeling he’s gonna need it.
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idolacorxx · 5 years
Natsuki Hoshina~Muse
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★~ Name: Natsuki Hoshina
Tagged~ Natsukichan! ★~ Age: 16
★~ Birthday: July 6 ★~ Blood type: O ★~ Hobbies: Cheering up people around her,Cooking, being a idol ★~ Horoscope: Cancer ★~ Hometown: Niigata
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Interesting facts
★~ Natsuki is from a village in Niigata where she was called a "Village Idol". She often performed in front of the villagers while they were working to keep their spirits high. She lives with her grandmother.
★~ While Natsuki was singing to everyone as they worked hard to plant their rice, Sachie Kondou discovered her while driving by. Allured by the natural Idol aura she possessed, she mentioned by the upcoming Idol Auditions. Excited by the prospect, Natsuki quickly agreed and took the test to determine which of the entrants deserved to become an Idol. 
She was the only girl to reach the very top of the hill and began drumming up support from those outside of her village- with little to no results at first.
★~ 星 ("hoshi") can be translated as star while 菜 ("na") can be translated as greens or vegetables. 夏 ("natsu") can be translated as summer while 月 (in this case: "ki") can be translated as moon or month.
★~ Her favorite food is onigiri.
★~ Her image color is red, which is also the color of compassion, determination, and love. 
Character Introduction:
“I want people to see the Stars for what they are, I want to turn the learning astrology and the wonder what is out there. unto more than just history.”
“The Stars lead us to our future and we should Follow what our future means, For me,being a idol and bring the Stars to life, and this is a dream come true for me,
“Please Support me and the stars that leads up to a new future from now on, Okay.”
Natsuki Hoshina (星菜 夏月) is the main protagonist of Idol Jihen. Natsuki is a cheerful girl from Niigata who is an idol dietwoman of the Heroines Party.
Natsuki is a hard-working and cheerful girl with a lot of energy. She believes that it's political to make everyone smile and loves rice balls. Despite this, on the stage and in public as idol, she seems to be rather shy and afraid. 
She also has a tendency to trip over herself when trying to talk about things, but while performing, her aura is very strong. She can perform alongside Shizuka without being hurt, unlike those who did in Shizuka's past.
She is very courageous, always willing to rush head first into something new if its for the sake of others. With her natural kindness and dedication, she is able to win others over.
She can also be quite sensitive, and that is shown when those who supported a rivaling party challenged her with her ways. She lost her confidence from before, but was able to gain it back thanks to her neighbors from Niigata.
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First impressions of Onigiri partners
Shizuka: P U R E
Yoshitsune: Dancing Samurai
Miroku: Daddy 
Ibaraki Douji: Prostitute
Momotaru: Racist serial killer turned into spicy cinnamon roll
Kaguya: Gamer chic
Sussano: Flower child....literally
Amastaeru: Loli
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hekateisconfused · 1 year
A stranger...
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... Turned best friend.
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October 19th...
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library-of-whispers · 6 years
Name: Kobayakawa Sena (小早川 瀬那) 
Age: 15-16 (Survivor)
Birthday: December 21, 1989 
Blood type: A 
Nationality: Japanese 
Hometown: Tokyo-to, Ameta-shi, Deimon-chō, Deimon provincial.  
Residence: Deimon-chō, Tokyo, Japan. (Survivor)
American Football player (Runningback)
Father: Kobayakawa Shūma
Mother: Kobayakawa Mihae
Paternal: Kobayakawa Hōshō and Kobayakawa Shizuka
Maternal: Saionji Hayate and Saionji Yumemi
155 cm (5’1): 15-16 years old
40 kg: 15-16 years old
Race: Japanese 
Eye Color: Brown/Garnet 
Hair Color: Dark Brown 
Skin color: Fair
Educational Background: Average
Intelligence Level: Above Average
Learning Experiences: Hands-on
How she sees herself: Average
How she believes others perceive her: Average
Self-confident: Low in the beginning but gradually grew into someone confident.
Ruled by: Emotion but tempered with logic, as time passes.
Japanese --  (Verbal & Written)
English -- (Verbal & Written)
Hindi -- (Verbal & Written)
Spanish -- (Written)
Italian -- (Written)
Greek -- (Written)
Chinese -- (Written)
Latin -- (Written)
Ancient -- Greek (Written)
Color: Green, Dark red, Beige.
Music: Anything, but likes J-pop the most.
Dish: Ochazuke, Omurice
Fruit: Pomegranates, Mandarins, and Watermelons.
Snack: Pretz, Umeboshi Onigiri
Drink: Pomegranate juice, coffee, sports drinks
Hobbies: Knitting, reading, jogging, video games, jigsaw puzzles, puzzle making, origami, painting, calligraphy.
Books: Shōnen JUMP!, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, Japanese classic literature
Movies: Anything from Hayao Miyazaki, Harry Potter
Subject: Art, Japanese language, Social studies
Dessert: Pomegranate ice cream, Sasamochi
Sayings: All or Nothing
Animal: Cats and bats
Season: Autumn
Dress: Casual and comfortable. Clothes are usually in earthy colors.
Mannerisms: Quiet, timid, shy, humble, confident, polite and kind.
Habits: Doodling, bites bottom lip when nervous. Dancing when bored.
A decent cook
Plays a hybrid game of American Football and Survival Game with Hiruma Yōichi as training.
Has clean and pretty handwriting
Very strong empathy
Very strong Spatial Intelligence
As her confidence grows, it isn't just her speed that became apparent and eventually unrivaled. It is her empathy too as she's one of the few that can read and understand Hiruma.
Enjoys reading fantasy and adventure-themed manga and books.
Jersey: 21 
Eyeshield 21
40 Yard Dash: 4.2
Bench press: 
25 kg (Spring Tournament)
Running back
Free Safety
Deimon Devil Bats (High School)
Sena's greatest talents as a football player are her speed, agility, and intuition which combined makes her one of the fastest high school players in Japan. All of Sena's techniques stem from her ability to run at incredible speeds and rapidly change the direction of her run. 
At first, Sena is only able to maintain her full speed, which allows her to run a 40-yard dash in 4.2 seconds, in brief bursts, and she tires quickly after doing so. But after months of training prior to her enrolling into Deimon, she improves her stamina and is able to maintain this top speed for extended periods, although constantly doing so places great strain on her legs. 
While she is initially very scrawny, Sena's physical training along with the natural course of her growth grant her enough physical strength to compete against her opponents, using her power when she is unable to dodge around them. It should also be noted that Sena has surprisingly good balance, able to run on top of the railings of overpasses and highways when she first met and raced against Shin. She also has great dodging abilities.
Normal Running & Cuts: This was Sena's method of running at the beginning, gained during years prior when she was a gopher for bullies. She is able to attain a rocket start, as well as make very sharp turns and cuts. However, her speed decreases after the explosive start so, before training with Deimon, her 40-yard-dash is 5.0 seconds. If she's pressed to a certain emotional level, her time shortens to as little as 4.2 seconds.
Change of Pace: This involves her running at a relatively easy pace, then suddenly accelerate to full speed. The problem with this is that just before she speeds up or makes a turn, she stops for a moment, which allow others to tackle her.
Speed of Light Pace: This is Sena's ability to run the 40-yard dash in 4.2 seconds, considered to be at the highest level even among professional athletes. Initially, she is only able to tap into this speed once per game, as it totally exhausts her after using it. By the time Spring Tournament begins, that is no longer a problem.
Foresight: A technique first developed for running errands, Sena is able to deduce the amount of movement, as well as any openings her obstacles (often people, such as the opposing team's players in an on-going game) might leave unguarded (or about to), and thus effectively discern the directions needed to escape a tackle or breaking through the defense while she's running, making the skill very handy in slipping through large numbers. However, its main weakness is that it can't anticipate the moves of an incoming opponent if they are moving at the same rapid pace as Sena at his topmost speed, forcing Sena to improvise when facing other speedy players. Used frequently in games (typically represented graphically as arrows of light).
Devil Bat Dive: Inspired by her desperate dive into the school’s closing gate to be on time for her entrance exams, Sena rushes toward the scrimmage line at top speed, then jumps over the opposing linemen in a corkscrewing motion. This is a very dangerous maneuver and even Hiruma initially forbids her to use it more than once or twice per game, and only for a clinch point, as it could easily cause injury to Sena. Used on occasion during various games.
Sky Devil Bat Dive: An alternate version of the Devil Bat Dive, Sena is first placed at the end of the scrimmage line. Hiruma rushes the opposing line as Sena makes a fast reversal; once Sena gets up to speed, she jumps upward as Hiruma laterals the ball to her.
Fake Devil Bat Dive: Unlike the regular Devil Bat Dive, this involves Sena jumping over opposing players while pretending to carry the ball. The technique is intended to fool the opposing team in stopping her charge while the real carrier of the ball gets through.
Spin Move: While running forward, she evades enemies' tackle or block by swerving to the side and spinning her body to gain momentum she needed to break/escape the block/tackle.
Stiff-Arm: A normal defensive move used to keep an opposing player at a distance. By sacrificing ball safety, Sena can extend one arm to ward off a blocker. 
Imagination: Initially it is not really an ability for play; Sena is frequently shown to have an excessive amount of imagination that helps her imagine scenarios in a match.
Intuition: Sena has ridiculously good intuition capable of helping her making split-second decisions.
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hiketeru · 4 years
Shizuka-chan eats onigiri 🍙
I really think that Shizuka-kun is look like Daga Ikiteru, so I often draw him with onigiri 🤔
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kaaedey · 6 years
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Main 8 characters phone wallpapers! Like / reblog if you use one of them!
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🍲 (its homemade onigiri.) ((And I know this is probably hella late but I'd like to rp with you more and stuff...))
Shinobu and Shizuka were surprised that this girl had made them food. They had only met once before and trust was something that most didn’t give that easily.
“This looks pretty good, Haruhi-san. How did you get it to hold that shape?” Shizuka asked.
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ljaesch · 7 years
English Cast Announced for the Onigiri Anime
English Cast Announced for the Onigiri Anime
The English cast has been announced for the Onigiri anime: Cynthia Martinez is Shizuka Gozen Stephanie Wittels is Yoshitsune Juliet Simmons is Gaako Brittney Karbowski is Ibaraki-Doji Kira Vincent-Davis is Kaguya Hilary Haag is Amaterasu Shanae’a Moore is Gagomi Margaret McDonald is Veronica Joanne Bonasso is Uzume Tiffany Grant is Kijimuna Rachel Landon is Ariko Chaney Moore is Sakura Carolyn…
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