#short cover car insurance
briancampbell0706 · 6 months
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Get the flexibility you need with temporary car insurance from Tempcover Now. Whether it's 1 day business car insurance, coverage for learner drivers, or short term van insurance, we've got you covered. With options for new drivers and young drivers, our short term policies offer peace of mind for any situation. Explore our range of short cover car insurance and temporary bike insurance solutions tailored to your needs. With Tempcover Now, you can get the coverage you need, exactly when you need it, in the United Kingdom. Visit us at https://tempcovernow.com/temporary-car-insurance/ to find the perfect temporary insurance plan for you.
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nyatawia · 2 years
Being absolutely miserable for 5 months in another country to then return home, start feeling better and then get into a car accident 😃maybe living wasnt meant for me idk
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as it turns out my city DOES have an adult learn-to-play hockey league so now i get to live out my recover(ing/ed) bitch dreams and play h o c k e y.
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inkbotsjunkyard · 1 year
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fratboykate · 1 year
I'm totally in support of the writers in theory but I'm trying to understand more of what you're fighting for because I've seen some people on twitter claim writers make more money a week than most of us make in a month so I'm trying to understand what the issue is. Also if that info is accurate. This is a genuine question. Not trying to have a "gotcha moment". I really want to hear from a writer.
people have always had wild misconceptions about how much a writer earns because of their lack of understanding of how the industry actually works. there's so many posts about how "you guys make 5k a week. what more do you want?!" yeah...let's do some math on that.
5k a week for 14 weeks (and that's a long room. a lot of rooms these days are 8-10 weeks. those are the dreaded mini-rooms we're trying to kill) is $70,000. for roughly three months of work. you'd think we're cooking with gas...BUT HOLD UP. that's gross! let's see everything that has to come out of that check:
10% to our agent
10% to our manager
5% to our entertainment attorney
5% to our business manager (not everyone has one but a lot of us do. i do, so that's literally 30% immediately off the top of every check)
most of these breakdowns ive seen downplay taxes severely. someone made one that says writers pay 5% in taxes and i would like to ask them "in what universe?". that doesn't even cover state taxes. the way taxes work in the industry is really complicated, but the short of it is most of us have companies for tax reasons so we aren't taxed like people on w2s/1099. if we did we'd be even more fucked. basically every production hires a writer's company instead of the writer as an individual. so they engage our companies for our services and then at the end of the year we (the company) pay taxes as corporations or llcs (depending on what the writer chose to go with). my company is registered as a "corporation" so let's go with those rates. california's corporate rate is 9% and the federal corporate tax rate is 21%. there's other expenses with running a business like fees and other shit so my business managers/accountants/bookkeepers have recommended i save between 35-40% of everything i make for when tax season comes.
you see where the math is at already??? 25-30% in commissions and then 35-40% in taxes. on the lower end you're at THE VERY LEAST looking at 60% of that check gone. 70% worst case scenario. suddenly those $70,000 people claim we make are actually down to $28,000 as the take home pay. and that's if you're only losing 60%. it goes down to $21,000 if it's 70%.
lets pretend you worked a long 14 week room (that's the longest room ive ever worked btw) and let's also be generous and say you only have 60% in expenses so the take home is $28,000. average rent in los angeles is around $2,800-$3,000. if you're paying $2,800 in rent that means you need AT LEAST $4,000 a month to have a semi decent life since you need to also cover groceries, gas, medical expenses, toiletries, phone, internet, utilities, rental and car insurances, car payments, student loan payments, etc etc etc. and again, this is los angeles. everything is more expensive so you're living BARE BONES on 4k. and these are numbers as a single person. im not even taking having children into account. so those $28,000 you take home might cover your life for 6-7 months. 3 of which you're in the room working. the reality is that once that room ends, you might not work in a room again for 6-9-12 months (i have friends whose last jobs were over 18 months ago) and you now only have about 3 months left of savings to hold you over. we have to make that money stretch while we do all the endless free development we do for studios and until we get our next paying job. so...3 months left of enough money to cover your expenses -> possible 9 months of not having a job. this is how writers end up on food stamps or applying to work at target.
this is why we're fighting for better rates and better residuals. residuals were a thing writers used to rely on to get them through the unemployment periods. residual checks have gone down from 20k to $0.03 cents. im not joking.
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they've decimated our regular pay and then destroyed residuals. we have nothing left. so don't believe it when they tell you writers are being greedy. writers are simply fighting to be able to make a middle class living. we're not asking them to become poor for our sake. we're asking for raises that amount to 2% of their profit. TWO PERCENT. this is a fight for writing even being a career in five years instead of something you do on the side while you work retail to pay your bills. if you think shows are bad now imagine when your writer has to do it as a hobby because they need a real job to pay their bills and support a family. (which none of us can currently afford to have btw)
support writers. stop being bootlickers for billion dollar corporations. stop caring about fictional people more than you care about the real people that write them. if we don't win this fight it truly is game over. the industry as you know it is gone.
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teapartyprincess4two · 7 months
Bad Day- J. Guilbert
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pairing: girlfriend!reader x boyfriend!Johnnie
classification: slight angst, fluff
warnings: use of y/n, established relationship, Jake and Tara are dating in this, short
inspiration: request
summary: Johnnie is the moon and you’re the sun, always bright, bubbly and energetic. Nobody believes that someone as positive as you can ever have a bad day, but when you do Johnnie is ready to comfort you through it.
Everyone has that one friend who is the personification of sunshine, that one friend that always seems to have a smile on their face and holds a positive attitude no matter what. This said friend is always the shoulder for others to cry on, the helping hand in a time of need, and the person everyone seeked for advice. In your friend group you were that friend. You were loved by everyone and loved everyone. So, it comes as no surprise that your friends have never seen you in a bad mood and have never known you to have a bad day.
But, contrary to popular belief, you are no stranger to a bad day. In fact, you have more bad days than you let on, usually masking your anger or sadness with a smile. Johnnie has always been able to read you though, he knows when you’re actually happy and when you’re putting on a facade, whether it be for your friends or for the cameras.
Today was one of those odd days when everything was just going wrong, you just couldn’t seem to catch a break. First, your alarm didn’t go off, causing you to wake up late. If it wasn’t for how hot it was in your room, you would’ve never woken up. You were sweating so much that you felt gross and sticky, but because you woke up late, you had less time to get ready which meant you didn’t even have time to shower. So, you were forced to rush to your dental appointment looking extremely tired, flustered, and greasy.
Once you finally arrived at the dental office, you tried to calm down, you were trying to have a positive outlook in hopes that your bad luck might turn around. But, while the dentist was doing your routine check-up, he found a total of 3 cavities in your mouth. According to the dentist, the cavities were so bad that if you didn’t get emergency fillings your tooth was sure to rot to the bone. You exhaled deeply, wishing all the negative thoughts away, and proceeding with an unexpected procedure. Then, as if your luck couldn’t get any worse, your insurance didn’t cover the emergency fillings, causing you to pay money out of pocket you hadn’t budgeted for.
On your way home it was just one thing after another. You turned the car on, only for it to be low on gas. ‘Not a big deal,’ you thought, praying that this is where your bad luck ended. While pumping gas, though, you stepped in a big puddle of water that got into your shoes and seeped into your socks. You tried not to let it bother you, especially since you’d be home soon, but you were only human.
After such a bad morning, you decide to buy yourself a treat, opting for McDonalds because it was the closest, cheapest thing around. You pulled up to the drive through, using the cheeriest tone you could muster, only to be slapped in the face by the worst customer service experience ever. Normally you wouldn’t have read too much into the situation, but considering you’ve had a pretty bad day so far, it was all just adding up. After paying for and receiving your food, you realized that half of your order was missing. You hated having to be the annoying customer that storms into the restaurant with a receipt in hand, but after the day you’ve had this was the one thing you couldn’t to let slide.
You walk into the restaurant, one hand cradling the bag of food, the other holding onto the receipt as you waited patiently to be acknowledged by at least one employee. You must’ve waited 15 minutes before someone finally noticed you, giving you the blankest stare as they asked, “Can I help you?” If this would’ve happened on any other day, you would’ve completely understood and sympathized with the employee for disliking their job, but you’re so on edge right now that even this seems like a big deal. “Hi, yes. I’m missing a few item-“ you put on your best customer service voice, but before you can even finish your sentence the employee is cutting you off by talking to someone through their headset, “some lady says she’s missing stuff from her order?”
Great, this was sure to become a bigger deal than it had to be. Someone must’ve told the employee what to say over the headset because she asks, “you have the receipt?” You hold the receipt up, but they don’t let you speak before they’re snatching it away and grabbing your bag too. At this point you’re wondering if the chicken nuggets are worth the trouble, should you just quit while you’re ahead and go home?
In the end you ended up getting your missing items, but you were already so frustrated by that point that it didn’t even matter anymore. The manager ended up getting involved, claiming you received everything in your order. She fought with you, raised her voice and got unreasonably upset while you tried to keep your cool, but one can only take so much. You didn’t want to, but you ended up raising your voice too because she wasn’t listening to reason, she never even checked your bag to see if everything was in there. Overall it was just a terrible situation that drained you both socially and emotionally.
After an encounter like that, most people would feel proud for having stood their ground, but you felt like screaming and crying. You weren’t a confrontational person, in fact you always tried keeping a positive attitude even in stressful situations to avoid situations like this. So now you’re walking out of the restaurant with your head held high as to not show weakness, but your spirit was so low it was practically hitting the floor. As soon as you were in your car and away from judgmental eyes, you were crying. Everything just kept adding up and even though nothing majorly tragic happened to you today, it just became too much to bare.
You’re leaning against the steering wheel, trying to calm down before you start driving home, but all you can think about is the horrible day you’ve had. All you wanted to do was go home and curl up under a blanket, hiding yourself from the world until you were ready to crawl back out. The emotions were so intense that you weren’t even hungry anymore. And to top it off, you were expecting visitors today who were probably already waiting for you at your house. All you could do was hope Johnnie would keep them busy while you dissociated in your room for a while.
You took a deep breath, shutting your eyes tightly and willing the tears away. “It’s gonna be okay,” you whisper, your voice coming out shaky as you try reassuring yourself that this isn’t the end of the world. Finally you pull out of the parking lot, mentally preparing yourself for the rest of the day.
Johnnie, Jake, and Tara are all hanging out in your living room. When you arrived home they were watching a scary movie, a common occurrence in your friend group. You all usually chilled at home, opting for cozy nights in over loud, hectic nights out. Johnnie saved a spot for you, complete with your favorite blanket, a bag of popcorn, and a cold drink. You trudged inside, plopping the bag of food on the kitchen counter before making a quick appearance in the living room.
Everyone was excited to see you, they always were, and although you were excited to see them too, you just greeted them quickly before retreating to your room. Usually you’d be extremely bubbly, obnoxiously hugging everyone and immediately cuddling up to Johnnie. So, when you offered everyone a meek wave, Johnnie knew something was wrong.
Johnnie immediately picked up on the way your shoulders slumped and your feet dragged along the floor. He noticed that there was an underlying red tint in your eyes, they were glossed over from the tears you previously shed. Your shoes were wet and muddy, your face was swollen from the dental appointment, and your usual smile was replaced by a small frown. You just looked drained, and that was unusual for someone who was usually bouncing off the walls with energy.
Yours and Johnnie’s personality difference was one of the greatest defining factors in your relationship. Where he was more laid back and mysterious, you were energetic and outgoing. Of course he wasn’t shy, but he was extremely reserved in unfamiliar situations, while you were always ready to dive in head first no matter the scenario.
The movie plays lowly in the background, the soft light from the tv illuminating the dark room just enough for everyone’s faces to be visible. You’ve been home for an hour at this point, but you haven’t come out of your room since. Even Jake and Tara have noticed, all three of them murmuring about what could possibly be wrong. You were the light of the group, if you were sad then everyone was sad. “Do you think she’s sick?” Tara asks, sending Johnnie a worried look.
“I don’t know, probably,” Jake says with a shrug before Johnnie can respond, Jake always did a good job of being acutely unaware of everything.
“I was asking Johnnie,” Tara replies with an eye roll, scoffing before pausing the movie. “She went to the dentist today, maybe she’s just tired,” Johnnie finally says, trying to think of any and every reason you could be sad.
Tara hums in response, satisfied with Johnnie’s answer. It seemed logical enough, most people were usually tired after dental appointments, especially when they had emergency work done. Tara presses play on the movie, leaning into Jake again as she tries getting comfy. Johnnie tries focusing on the movie, watching as the characters on the screen run away from the whatever’s chasing them, but with each scene change his mind goes crazy. What could have you so upset?
He looks over at Jake and Tara, they’re cuddled up under a blanket as they share a bag of popcorn. That’s when Johnnie realizes that not only does he feel like a third wheel, but he should be comforting you instead of sitting here barely paying attention to a movie.
“Let me go check on her,” Johnnie says abruptly, throwing the blanket on his lap to the side and standing from the couch. Jake and Tara watch in confusion as he disappears down the hallway before averting their attention back to the movie.
Even though it’s Johnnie’s room too, he knocks on the door softly before walking in. “Y/n?” his voice is hushed, not wanting to scare or startle you incase you’re asleep. The room is pitch black and quiet, the only light coming from your phone. You’re rolled over on your side, scrolling aimlessly on TikTok in search of something that’ll make you feel better. So far, nothing’s worked.
You hear him but you don’t respond, so he tries again, “Baby?” He slowly walks over to the bed, pulling up the covers and crawling in next to you. Usually you’d melt into his touch, but as he wraps an arm around you, you just continue scrolling on your phone. Johnnie doesn’t take it personally though because he knows that this isn’t how you usually act, “you okay?” He feathers a finger over your face, brushing the stray hair out of the way as he kisses your cheek.
That kiss is enough to bring the emotions flooding back again, causing you to scrunch your face and immediately begin crying. A small, downturned smile forms on Johnnie’s face as he pulls you into him. It’s such a sad sight to see you cry, but he’s happy that you’re comfortable enough to let it all go in front of him. He knows that it takes a lot to make you this upset and he’s ready to listen for as long as you need him to, “wanna talk about it?”
You sniffle, rubbing the tears away aggressively as you mumble, “God, I feel so pathetic right now.” There was nothing pathetic about being sad, everyone has bad days and it’s normal to cry every once in a while, but you couldn’t help but feel silly. “It’s okay to cry,” he murmurs, pressing another kiss to your cheek.
“There’s people with real problems in this world, though… I just feel so stupid for letting today drain me,” you whisper, rolling over so you’re facing Johnnie. He takes in your appearance; your eyes are bloodshot, your cheeks are flushed, and your lips are swollen. Your eyelashes are so wet they’re webbed together, each blink leaving a trail of tears on your cheeks. Johnnie gingerly wipes the tears away, placing a quick kiss on your nose.
“Just tell me about your day, it’ll make you feel better,” he replies, chuckling a little at your attempt to deter your feelings and defer the conversation. You inhale deeply, slowly nodding your head as you prepare to verbally relive the horrible day you had. You retell the day’s events, including every single detail from your trip to the dentist to your encounter with the angry McDonald’s manager. “What a bitch,” Johnnie grumbles, shaking his head.
You immediately feel better, but still not well enough to emerge from your dark cave to hangout with your friends. “Feel better?” Johnnie asks, a genuine smile playing on his face. You smile back for the first time since you woke up today, “a little.”
“Good,” he places a kiss on your lips, allowing your lips to mould together. The impromptu make-out session is sweet and innocent, serving as a reminder that Johnnie is always here to comfort you through the hard times and that you’re allowed to have a bad day or two.
“Can we just stay here for a little bit?” you ask, cuddling into Johnnie’s chest and letting his heartbeat begin to lull you to sleep. He hums in response, pulling you in closer and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You fall asleep, feeling like the bad day you had no longer mattered.
hope this comforting, fluffy Johnnie fic warms everyone’s hearts
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 🎀✨
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I feel like people often don’t talk about the experiences of disabled people who have caretakers because so much of the conversation is about us—not including us.
I receive in home care for 30 hours a week (+ 4 hours/week for respite). This is paid for by Medicaid (state insurance). Outside of paid hours, my primary caretakers care for me unpaid and assist me most of the time. I’m very rarely left alone due to my high support needs. Often, when I am left alone, I am completely bedridden or at minimum housebound. I have frequent emergency life threatening health problems, falls, and serious injuries even with support in place, and these things significantly increase when I’m on my own.
I’m extremely lucky that my paid caretakers are my partner, my sister (the only family member I have regular contact with, I’m estranged from the rest of my immediate family and most of my extended family) and my best friend.
I used to have agency staffing which was horrible for me and borderline traumatic. At several points, before doing the self directed care option (which allows me to choose my own staff, hire and train them myself and dictate hours for them), I opted to not have any staffing. I was regularly in the emergency room. I can’t drive, so I was having to walk and if I was lucky enough to be able to take the bus on occasion or get a ride from a Facebook acquaintance, they were few and far in between. I don’t have family support, and even my sister who is supportive wasn’t living in the state at the time and doesn’t have a car most of the time.
And before I could even choose which staffing option, even though medically it had been deemed essential for me to have in home care, even though my insurance covered it, I had to wait several years (I was 18 when I was approved) until I was 21 to qualify to start. The reason why: I was legally an “adult disabled child” because of my high support needs (which is funny because I STILL don’t have SSI at age 24) and thus legally unable to consent to my own care plan. I needed a blood relative to consent, and that same blood relative (who had to have proof of such!) couldn’t care for me. At the time, my sister was the only person who could’ve been my caregiver and also she is the only verifiable blood relative I have contact with for safety reasons, and my only relative on this side of the USA.
The first business day after my 21st birthday I immediately got things set up to get in home care.
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This is out of date, I get assistance with more than just these highlighted ADL (activities of daily living) tasks now.
In short: my day-to-day life is entirely dependent on others.
And there’s power imbalances that exist between me and my caregivers, even with my current caregivers being amazing and anti-ableist. They will always exist. We talk about the power dynamics of me being dependent on them for my survival, and how heavy that weight can be for each of us.
Having caregivers often means that accessibility is extra difficult— I’ve been told straight up multiple times that I can’t have assistance from my caregivers to help me change in a changing room when we’re out shopping. That they can’t go into the bathroom with me, that they can’t help me get un/dressed during appointments, that they can’t come into spaces with me.
I’ve been denied access to psychiatric care because I can’t do my daily living tasks (ADLs- the highlighted items) independently. And when I’m in a hospital or emergency room, I can’t have my in home workers be paid to care for me, there’s an expectation that the nursing staff at the hospital will do it. Even though my caregivers were specifically trained to learn my body and needs for weeks and have been working with me for years. I have severe cPTSD and showering in front of a stranger is something I cannot do. I would rather fall or faint or get injured or just not shower than deal with that. But I’m expected to just let anyone have access to my body just because I’m physically disabled and need support.
When I faint/fall/get injured/have life threatening health issues arise while I’m not clothed, or when I’m otherwise vulnerable, I’m supposed to let strangers just touch me however they want to. I have to show them my chest (for my cardiac care) and let them poke and examine me. I can’t object without losing access to vital care.
I have agency. I have rights. I have autonomy. I deserve to be able to exercise these things.
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sadesluvr · 2 months
The Bride — PART TWO.
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Thad, yes, Thad (short for Thaddeus) went by the common name of Jude. He was one of those men with Roman numerals at the end of his name; the same kind who had summer houses and Fortune 500 companies, which was why your ‘marriage’ had made sense in the first place. Whilst you weren’t a millionaire, you came from a stable home with decent money, making you the perfect partner for someone like Jude. You’d met at college, and as soon as you’d graduated, he��d taken you home to his parents and popped the question.  
And being a foolish, naive little twenty-one-year-old...you said yes.  
Contrary to how these ordeals typically went, Jude wasn’t an old man – at least not biologically, his mentality was debatable - but two years older than you. As they often did, your relationship started off as a fairytale; with financial stability and relative freedom, at least until you found out that his fathers’ company – the place he’d one day inherit – had been moving donations from the children’s and elderly charities they sponsored and pocketed it for their own.  
This revelation came at a time when you’d also found that Jude had been screwing one of his secretaries...so naturally, you decided to blackmail him. 
Which turned into extortion.  
It wasn’t really your fault; it was an eye for an eye. So long as he added your name to his will – which he’d neglected to tell you he hadn’t done – no one would hear about the funds.  
He then retaliated with hiding assets, routinely checking wads of cash with a UV light for your fingerprints so you could be left without freedom. 
You responded with a car crash and insurance fraud in his name. 
It was this kind of push-pull, give-take, fucked up excuse of a relationship that continued for seven years, ultimately bringing you to Havana today. Jude’s 30th birthday, one set to be shared with both of your families - and his mistress of the week.  
Even throughout all your chaos and drama, you had never expected it to end in a murder. Luckily for you, you’d evolved to become someone who thought two steps ahead. Just how ‘coincidental’ had it been for you to receive an unexpected drink from a mysterious gentleman, only two weeks after you’d overheard a conversation between Jude and his friends? 
“She’s fucking crazy, man. Straight psycho. I don’t know how she got this way, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll put up with it.” 
“Be fucking serious, man. You’ll never leave her. She might leave you, but you won’t. For one, you like the attention, and for two there’s too much wrapped in it. Your parents like her, and imagine all that stress going through in changing those estate papers? The only way you get out of this looking good without her tearing you to shreds is if she dies, and you become the sad, grieving widow.” 
“…So you see my predicament?” 
Tangerine was frowning, his moustache comically pointing downwards as his eyes remained blank, trying to take in everything you’d said, whilst Lemon, equally shocked, was also somewhat impressed; a hand covering his face as he tapped his lips with his index finger. It was silent until Lemon spoke, stretching as he did. 
“So, you’ve single-handedly committed fraud, blackmail, theft and staged a car crash —“ 
“—Whilst shaggin’ a Cuban bellboy three times a boy three times a year.” 
“— Whilst shaggin’ a Cuban bellboy three times a year, but never went and offed this bastard yourself? What’s taking you so long?” 
“I don’t know how to use a gun.” You said earnestly, earning a nod of approval from the two men. It wasn’t a lie; just easier to say than the much larger, uncomfortable fact that you’d never really seen a way out of it all.  
The two men looked between each-other before glancing back down at the $20K. The money was there, and you’d presented a convincing enough argument – they just had to make sure there were no underlying risks. 
“And this husband of yours, he hasn’t got any hitmen or gangs around him has he?” Tangerine said, and you chuckled before vehemently shaking your head. “How do we know there ain’t a bounty on us if we don’t get his job done?” 
“I promise you, he’s just an ordinary white collar worker, nothing close to a Steve Jobs. You’d only have to worry about an enquiry, but I know a way of making this all spotless…Do we have a deal?” 
The Twins glanced at each-other again, with Tangerine raising a finger before dragging his brother around the corner, hands placed on his hips in frustration. Lemon looked behind him cautiously, his deep brown eyes painted with an inexplicable expression. 
“Right, now what do you make of all this, then?” 
“I think she’s a Mavis.” 
“Oh, fucking hell, Lemon —“ 
“No, no, no, hear me out on this one,” his brother interjected, raising a hand to silence him.
“Mavis is a Diesel, but she’s one of the good ones. Look, she starts off arrogant, feisty, a little naïve…but throughout time she matures and respects the other engines,” he said before nodding in your direction. “She got hitched at twenty-one, mate – maybe once we kill this fucker she can mature too. And hopefully go to therapy…” 
Tangerine shook his head, not because of the annoying tangent Lemon had taken, but the fact that it actually made sense. Running his tongue over his lips, he exhaled before taking out his phone and texting their handler, simply stating that ‘plans had changed’. 
“Right,” he said, clapping his hands together. “Let’s go bring her the good news.” 
When they returned you had opened the balcony doors, sat on the patio whilst indulging in another cigarette, staring out onto the streets of Havana. Couples walked hand in hand down the roads, whilst some men sat on the corners, laughing to themselves in the sunset and the dimming street lights, unbeknownst to the Shakespearean situation you’d found yourself in.  
Whether it was the buzz from the nicotine filled stick, or simply the fact that you’d become nothing but a black hole over the years, you were eerily calm; indulgent scenarios of Jude’s death playing in your mind like a movie.  
The two men – Lemon and Tangerine as you’d figured out – seemed decent enough, as decent as assassins could go, but you had no doubt that should your plan fall apart you’d be able to wriggle your way out of it. Because somehow, you always did. 
“Alright, love. Listen up,” Tangerine announced clapping and rubbing his hands together as he drew a seat opposite you, with Lemon leaning up against the balcony, arms folded over his chest. “We’ll do it. But we’ve got a few rules for ‘ya–“ 
“- We’re the professionals,”  Lemon interjected. “You can give us your ideas, but if we don’t like it, we ain’t doin’ it. Capeesh?” 
You nodded. 
“That’s right. If you fuck us over, or if we don’t get our money, your head is goin’ to be first on the chopping block, d’ya hear me? No second chances.” 
“Got it.” 
“And finally,” Lemon said ominously, walking over to you in his attempt to be intimidating. He was deadly, of course, but he didn’t have an inherent instability like Tangerine did. “You must never speak about this. If this shit blows up in our face, we don’t wanna see you crying on the news about ‘secret assassins’ n’ all that bullshit. We appreciate your discretion, yeah?” 
“I understand,” you hummed before rolling your eyes. “Why are you so convinced I’m going to turn on you? I hate my husband, and you’re practically giving me a way out.” 
“Well, I don’t know darling, maybe it’s got somethin’ to do with the fact that ‘yer first instinct was to blackmail ya husband when you found out he was cheating,” The moustached man said, raising his hands matter of factly. “Not knockin’ you darl’, it’s a good move, but you’ve got a pattern.” 
“You’re a Mavis.” 
“A who?” 
“Mavis from Thomas the Tank Engine. She’s a Diesel train, but she’s not like the others. You see, when she arrives in Sodor –“ 
“Can we hold the Thomas talk for one second, Lemon?” Tangerine scoffed. “We’re talkin’ business here.” 
“No, no, I wanna hear this,” you said with a smirk, cocking a eyebrow as you leaned in and stumped out your cigarette. “Besides, it’s getting late. Can’t we figure this out in the morning?” 
The man opened his mouth to protest, but Lemon nodded in agreement. 
“Ignore him, love. He gets cranky when he hasn’t had a nap,” he said, and you covered your mouth to giggle, much to the chagrin of the man next to you. Lemon looked down at his watch. “It’s only 9PM. We’ve pulled all-nighters before; I don’t see why we can’t do it again...” 
The two of you made googly eyes at Tangerine, as if you were children asking their parents to stay up for an extra hour. He looked between you both, ultimately letting out a frustrated sigh before popping his collar. 
“Alright,” he huffed. “I’m goin’ to get a fuckin’ drink because I don’t have the patience to deal with you two babies. When I get back, we’re dealin’ with this arsehole, got it?” He finished with a sickly faux smile. 
“Is he always like this?” you murmured to Lemon. 
“He’s a Gordon, he has no choice.” 
“Fuck me...” the man grunted, shaking his head as he made his way towards the door, pretending to ignore each of your requests for a drink and some snacks, with you specifying that yours weren’t poisoned.
He breathed a sigh of relief once he reached the hallway, striding towards the stairs to the lobby and in the direction of the bar, fiddling with his clothes upon reaching the counter. It wasn’t often that he made alliances, but he couldn’t deny that you were promising – already possessing the art of manipulation and recklessness needed to be an assassin.  
Raising a finger, he ordered a drink with the bartender, making a mental note to stop by the lobby vending machine for Lemon’s items, before glancing around at the clientele.  
Some of them seemed to be well off, like you, whilst others seemed middle to working class, and the longer he looked around the more it became apparent to him that he was looking for someone – the nameless bellboy you’d hooked up with – only to find Jude himself, (he recognised him from the photos you’d shown them) sat across the bar with his mistress, laughing obnoxiously loudly. She wore a skimpy red dress, and if he hadn’t had known better, he would’ve considered her a sugar baby, prostitute, or somewhere in between. 
Squinting, he found himself fidgeting again as he watched the sordid scene in front of him, with the bastard probably thinking that his wife was hunched over, puking her guts out into a toilet before she inevitably keeled over and died. He normally didn’t care about interpersonal relationships – it wasn’t part of his job – but he knew enough about the man to know that he wasn’t worth saving...even if you yourself weren’t morally infallible.  
Perhaps that was the reason he was resisting the urge to beat the life out of him. Either that, or the fact that he wanted you. 
Grumbling to himself, he downed a glass of whiskey before lighting a cigarette, taking a long drag as held the nicotine in his lungs and puffing it out like a dragon. 
All was fine until the bastard himself decided to make a comment. 
“Hey -- You can’t smoke here, dude,” Jude said in his snotty American accent. “Have some respect for the lady.” 
Tangerine shrugged, plastering a fake smile onto his face.  
“My apologies, I didn’t realise you worked here, mate.” 
Jude winced, his mistress shifting uncomfortably in his arms.  
“I don’t, but I’m sure you can --” 
“Well, that settles it then, doesn’t it?” the man interjected, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.  “Bloody smart-arse, you are.” 
The woman clambered off him, watching as Jude became visibly more agitated, hands fidgety and eyes bulging. 
“They’re not good for you, anyway,” Jude continued, clearing his throat. “My ex-wife could barely pry herself from those things. No wonder she died.” 
Tangerine didn’t visibly react but found himself wholly amused at the fact that he was so confident to have thought you were dead already. Rigor mortis hadn’t even kicked in yet. 
“Yeah, well, if I had a partner that was anything like you, I’d smoke twelve packs a day fucking hoping that my lungs would dry up like ‘yer nan’s fanny,” he sniffed. “Fucking headache, trying to deal with you.” 
Jude winced.  
“I wouldn’t go there,” he said, his voice stern, but there was something in his stature that was rather unconvincing. “You don’t know what I’m capable of.” 
“Oh, I’m real scared. Fucking quaking,” Tangerine laughed. His hands itched to knock the life out of him, but knew that watching you slaughter him would be far more stimulating. “I pity you. You don’t even know what the fucks coming.” 
Slamming a note and a few coins on the table, he walked off without a second thought. It may have been one of the few times he walked away from a battle, but he was certainly not going to lose the war. 
Taglist: @mylatest-hyperfixation @thewizardcat @j23r23 (For commenting!🤍✨)
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ohfucccnaw · 4 months
Urgent help needed
I’ve been struggling hard for the last 6 months since my dad that I cared for as a career passed away suddenly and tragically in a freak house fire. I’m staying with my disabled mother now and I myself am disabled and waiting to hear back from disability. We’re short on rent, my mom’s meds are not covered by her insurance, making us unable to buy them and making her sicker. Our car is pretty much on its way out, too, and the tags are expired. It’s our only means of transportation to and from doctors appointments and the grocery store. The goal is not strict, we’re in need of food, rent, help with meds, and hygiene products most of all. Anything helps. Thank you.
V3nmo: @m0th28
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nice-meanie · 7 months
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Lucifer Morningstar helping overworked s/o
A/N: I haven’t written in a while so im trying to get back into it again. Don’t be scared to shoot over a request - especially not for our fav short king
1.2k - Lucifer Morningstar x reader (Hazbin Hotel)
Warnings: fluff, very sweet, already established relationship
Overworked s/o gets some comfort and love from our all-time favourite Lucifer.
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You walked to the hotel door with a painful ache in your neck. All the sitting around, reading documents and arguing with some wanna-be rich people about car prices made your neck and shoulders sore. With slumped shoulders and an annoyed look, you stumble into the newly rebuilt hotel. Greeting you with a beaming smile, Charlie hopped over to you:
“Hey y/n, are you ready for a team-building exercise of trust and friendship? Now that you are finished with work, you can join us!!!”
“Sorry, not today Char Char. It was an exhausting day at work”
Normally you loved helping out Charlie in the hotel and talking to the others, but today you just wanted to go die for the secound time on the couch. You shot a quick smile and waved at Lucifer, who smiled back with slight pity noticing your tired deminer.
You walked up the neverending set of stairs, which seemed to just get longer and longer. After finally reaching your and Lucifer’s bedroom you fumbled with your keys in your pocket and opened the door. You walked to the bedroom and clumsily opened the door. Seeing the sweat relief of the king-sized bed, you flopped your tired body on it and let out an aching moan. You looked around the room, letting your eyes glide over the hotel room, which was more like a small one-bedroom apartment. It seemed like the concept of time had disappeared. Everything began to feel like a blur and your brain got foggy from the exhaustion. Minutes felt like hours in your trance-like state, when you heard a small klick coming from the door. You couldn’t be bothered to pick up your head let alone your body, so you just slowly rolled your eyes in the direction of the sound waiting for the bedroom door to be opened. You thought it was someone who came to check up on you or even worse, ask you for a favour so you presumptuously let out an annoyed huff. What you didn’t expect was to see Lucifer at the foot of the door, opening it slowly and carefully as if not to wake up a newborn baby. Seeing your lovely partner made your heart flutter and a barely visible smile crept up on your face despite your crushed state.
Seeing hell’s King sneak around your bedroom to not wake you if you were asleep had something heartwarming about it. This gave you enough strength to barely pull yourself from your lying position into a sitting one, letting one of your legs dangle off of the edge of the bed while the other was resting on the bed folded near your body. A silent “oh shit” echoed through the room as your boyfriend walked up to you and sat next to you on the bed.
“I’m sorry honey. Did I wake you?”
“No, no, not at all. I was just… resting on the bed”
“You look beaten, are you alright? You need to start watching out for yourself more. I mean, no one should be this tired. What if someone attacked you and you were too overworked to fight back?!”
You chuckled at your worried man and let your head fall on the shoulder pad of his pearl-white suit. He tensed up from the sudden touch but quickly relaxed. His hand found their way to your hair stroking your head gently. He carefully lifted your head to remove his jacket and hat and threw them on the bed to make his shoulder more comfortable to lie on.
“It was a loooooong day. First, some overlord was pissy that the price of a car he wanted to buy went up and wanted to bargain it down. As if that wasn’t bad enough some imp came to argue that his insurance won’t cover the car damages after he tried to transport two horses and a hellhound in his minivan. He just wouldn’t understand how the insurance couldn’t cover the damages his fiasco made on the car!”
“I don’t understand why you keep doing this to yourself y/n! I mean you come home being tired to death after your job. Why don’t you just stay and work in the hotel? We’ve got plenty to get done so you won’t be out of work!”
“Luci, I can’t. I know my job has some downsides, but I’ve always loved cars. They are the only good memories I have left from Earth. I’m fine”
You said the last sentence through your teeth. You knew you weren’t fine and so did Lucifer, but you still tried to reassure him. He sighed and decided to let this argument go. He was worried sick from you working yourself to the bone and wanted to take your pain away, but he also knew that you were stubborn and wouldn’t listen to him. So he decided to take care of you once again. His hand crept up to your cheek replacing it with his shoulder and carefully slid behind you on the bed. You melted into his touch, savouring every last drop of love and affection he gave you. You moaned from dissatisfaction when the support of his shoulder was gone, but were nicely surprised by his hands gliding to your neck and shoulders and massaging them. You hummed at the release of tension in your muscles and let your head fall backwards with shut eyes. Lucifer couldn’t help but kiss your forehead gently flashing a smile at your satisfied face. Your eyes fluttered open and he let his hands slide lower across your whole back running circles. His fingertips and nails tickled your back. The painful fog in your brain started to lift and be replaced with gentle love. While savouring hell’s boss’ touch he snaked his hands behind your neck and legs picking you up effortlessly startling you. Your hands clutched onto his chest. It is still surprising how easily he can pick you up despite you being taller.
Carefully he walked over into the other room while you let your head rest on his body trying to get as close to him as possible as if you were afraid to lose him. While setting you down on the couch you cluched his arms almost anxiously.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’m still here. I’m not going anywhere.”
You loosened your grip and sat up letting him slip behind you on the backrest of the couch. Lucifer kissed the top of your head letting you fall in his touch once more and resting your body between his legs. His hands slipped into your hair once more scratching your scalp softly and peppering your head with soft kisses. Taking care of you. Slowly you felt the stress of the day lifting. His hand slid over to your chin and pulled your face up. His back bent down and he planted a soft kiss on your lips. You let yourself get lost in the kiss and reached up to his head placing your hands on the side of his head pulling Lucifer deeper into the kiss. His golden hair tickled the tips of your fingers making you smile into the kiss. After pulling away your boyfriend gave you a gentle look and kissed your nose making you giggle softly.
“I love you y/n”
“I love you too Lucifer”
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briancampbell0706 · 14 days
Why Temporary Classic Car Insurance Is the Perfect Solution for Short-Term Needs ?
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For many car enthusiasts, classic cars hold a special place in their hearts. Whether it’s a beautifully restored vintage vehicle or a timeless piece of automotive history, owning a classic car is about passion. However, owning such a vehicle doesn’t always mean you’ll be driving it every day. Many classic car owners only take their vehicles out for special occasions, events, or during certain seasons. This is where classic car temporary insurance becomes an essential and cost-effective solution for short-term needs.
In this blog, we’ll explore why temporary classic car insurance is ideal for those who want to insure their prized vehicles without the commitment of a full year-long policy. We’ll also cover how this type of coverage works, who can benefit from it, and the importance of temporary cover options for young drivers.
What Is Temporary Classic Car Insurance?
Temporary classic car insurance is a flexible insurance policy designed to provide short-term coverage for classic vehicles. Instead of being tied into a long-term insurance contract, this type of insurance allows owners to insure their vehicle for a shorter period — ranging from a single day to several weeks or months, depending on the provider.
This kind of coverage is particularly useful for classic car owners who may only drive their vehicles occasionally, such as for car shows, exhibitions, or leisurely weekend drives. With short term classic car insurance, you can enjoy driving your vehicle when you need to without paying for a full year of coverage that you might not use.
Why Temporary Classic Car Insurance Is Perfect for Short-Term Needs
Here are some of the key reasons why temporary classic car insurance is the perfect solution for owners who only drive their vehicles occasionally:
1. Cost-Effective
One of the biggest advantages of classic car temporary insurance is that it is a cost-effective solution for those who don’t drive their classic cars on a daily basis. Annual insurance premiums for classic cars can be expensive, especially when considering the value and potential for repairs. If you only take your car out for a few special occasions, paying for a full-year policy doesn’t make sense. With short term classic car insurance, you only pay for the coverage you need.
2. Flexible Coverage Periods
Whether you need insurance for a single day or several months, temporary classic car insurance allows you to choose the length of coverage that best suits your needs. This flexibility is ideal for car owners who may need coverage for an upcoming event, a short trip, or just a few days of driving.
3. Easy to Arrange
Arranging classic car temporary insurance is often straightforward, with many providers offering online quotes and instant coverage. You can arrange the policy quickly and easily, even at the last minute, making it convenient for spontaneous outings or unexpected trips.
4. Protect Your Investment
Classic cars are valuable assets that require proper protection. Even if you’re only driving your classic car a few times a year, it’s essential to ensure that it’s fully covered while on the road. A short term classic car insurance policy ensures your vehicle is protected from accidents, theft, or damage during those rare times you take it out of the garage.
5. Perfect for Seasonal Use
Many classic car owners only drive their vehicles during specific seasons, such as in the spring and summer months. Rather than paying for full-year insurance, temporary classic car insurance allows you to insure your vehicle just for the months you plan on driving it, saving you money during off-seasons when the car is not in use.
How Does Temporary Classic Car Insurance Work?
The process of obtaining temporary classic car insurance is simple and designed to be as flexible as possible. Here’s how it typically works:
Get a Quote: Start by providing details about your classic car, including its make, model, and value. Most insurers will also ask for information about your driving history and any modifications to the vehicle.
Choose Your Coverage Period: Decide how long you need the insurance for — whether it’s just for a day, a week, or several months.
Instant Coverage: Once you’ve accepted the quote, you can typically arrange for instant coverage, meaning your classic car is insured and ready to drive almost immediately.
Policy Expiry: Once the policy expires, you’re no longer insured, but you’re free to renew or extend the policy as needed. If you don’t plan on driving the vehicle again for a while, there’s no need to pay for additional insurance.
Temporary Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers
Classic car insurance can be particularly challenging for young or new drivers due to the higher risk associated with inexperience. Many young drivers struggle to find affordable coverage for classic vehicles because of this perceived risk. Fortunately, young driver temporary car insurance provides a solution.
1. Affordable Options
Young driver temporary insurance offers more affordable premiums than long-term policies, which are often prohibitively expensive for younger drivers. By choosing temporary cover for young drivers, new drivers can get behind the wheel of a classic car for special occasions or short-term needs without breaking the bank.
2. No Impact on No Claims Bonus
If a young driver is borrowing a family member’s classic car, using temporary cover for young drivers ensures that any claims made will not affect the car owner’s no-claims bonus. This is an important consideration when allowing young drivers to get behind the wheel of such a valuable vehicle.
3. Flexible for Special Events
Young drivers may only need to drive a classic car for a special event such as a wedding or car show. In these cases, young driver temporary car insurance allows them to legally drive the vehicle for a day or two, providing flexibility and peace of mind.
Choosing the Right Temporary Classic Car Insurance
When looking for classic car temporary insurance, there are several factors to consider:
Vehicle Value: Ensure the insurance policy covers the full value of your classic car. This is especially important for rare or highly valuable vehicles.
Age of the Driver: Some providers have age restrictions for temporary insurance, particularly for younger drivers. Make sure the policy you choose allows for young driver temporary insurance if needed.
Policy Terms: Always read the terms and conditions of the policy to ensure it covers everything you need, including modifications to the vehicle or any additional drivers who may need coverage.
Breakdown Cover: Consider adding breakdown cover to your temporary classic car insurance policy, especially if you’ll be driving a long distance. Classic cars can be more prone to breakdowns, and having this added protection can save you a lot of hassle.
When to Use Temporary Classic Car Insurance
There are many scenarios where classic car temporary insurance is the perfect solution, including:
Car Shows and Events: If you’re displaying your classic car at an event or show, short term classic car insurance ensures it’s covered for the duration of the event.
Special Occasions: Whether it’s a wedding, a special anniversary, or a leisurely Sunday drive, temporary classic car insurance allows you to drive your vehicle without committing to a full year of coverage.
Seasonal Driving: Classic cars are often driven only in the summer months. Temporary classic car insurance allows you to insure your vehicle just for the months you’ll be driving it.
For classic car owners, flexibility is key. Whether you need coverage for a single day or a few months, classic car temporary insurance offers the ideal solution for those who don’t drive their vehicles year-round. It’s cost-effective, easy to arrange, and perfect for seasonal or occasional use. For young drivers, temporary car insurance for young drivers provides an affordable way to get behind the wheel of a classic car for special events or short trips.
If you’re looking for temporary classic car insurance, make sure to explore all the available options to find the best policy for your needs. Whether you need coverage for a classic car show, a weekend drive, or for a young driver, short-term insurance provides the peace of mind that your vehicle is fully protected.
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lirulua · 5 months
I hate money <3
So we're just in a perpetually tight spot, apparently and my mental health is shit and this is making this worse. And no we cannot get financial help from the government because my dads boss is a cunt and puts his tips as part of his pay check rather than tips so we make "too much" for assistance.
Anyway, we need help covering rent, getting food, my dad needs new glasses cause his broke and we need gas in the car. And I need some shorts for summer since I need to start walking for the sake of my health but we genuinely cannot stand the heat, it makes our depression worse we can't move, hell our bladder doesn't even work right when we get too hot. (We cannot afford to thrift right now either, but that is what we will be doing if this post actually works)
I'm trying to get some booths for craft fairs but they're either $300-$1,000 (I'm not exaggerating) or expect you to sign your soul over to them and almost all require you to have insurance which I also can't afford.
Our Ko-Fi is open for commissions. Currently, we have
Mushroom Boys - $20
Mushroom pops - $12
Mini Octopi - $5
Gummy Bear Plush - $10
Giant Heart Pillow - $200
Mystery Boxes - $25 $50 $100 $200 $500
Please if you can help, just please. If not Please spread it around. More stuff will be added once a week, next up are mini whales.
I don't know what to do man. This shit isn't worth it but my girlfriend is moving in in july which is the only thing keeping me going at this point.
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thedorkdionysia · 8 months
help a struggling closeted trans woman out
hey. i know i had a post pinned about this but i had to delete it and change it bc it was a bit outdated. long story short, i have a job and it's... mostly covering stuff, i'm just still really struggling and i have car insurance and gas and a bunch of other stuff to pay for, and i could just really, really use a lot of help. please just help however you can.
my links:
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Playboy || PG10 {3}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x fem!reader Summary: Pierre proves himself and makes promises. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut WC: 2.2k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four
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Wind whipped through the gaping hole in the back of the Ferrari and you shivered from the cold, curling your knees up to your chest as Pierre drove back to the city. You expected him to take you home but he pulled into a far nicer apartment block and spiralled down the ramp to the underground carpark. 
Slipping out of the car and into the well-lit carpark you saw the full extent of the damage and shook your head at the new paint job that was needed. “I’m sorry,” you murmured as you ran your fingers over the worst chips and dents. 
A pair of hands came to rest on your hips and Pierre rested his chin on your shoulder as he looked at his car. “Don’t worry about it, insurance will cover it.”
“I was apologising to the car,” you said with a smirk but the move only served to split the cut on your cheek and fresh blood welled to the surface as you winced. “Do you have a first aid kit I can borrow?”
Pierre laced his fingers with yours and nodded as he led the way to his apartment. The elevator ride was quiet and you felt the tension rising as you idly played with the thick ring on his thumb. Looking away from the jewellery, you realised it was a mistake as you met his eyes and knew the feeling wasn’t one way, but the elevator was not the place to start what you had in mind.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Pierre all but groaned as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“Like what?” you asked innocently, tilting your head to the side and peeking up through your lashes.
“Like I’m a playboy who will fuck you on the first date.” There was a sinkhole in the ocean of his irises and it was stealing all the colour from them the longer that he looked at you. He reached out and hit the button for the 12th floor again as if it would magically make the ride go faster. “I’m trying to prove a point and you’re making it hard.”
“Is there a rooftop here?” you asked as you thought of a solution.
“Yeah, for maintenance I think. Why?”
“Take me there first,” you urged and he frowned as he hit the button for the level above his. The elevator opened to a short hallway and you saw the stairs that led to a metal door so you tugged his hand and made your way outside, sticking a brick in the door to keep it from locking you out. “Lay down.”
“You can be quite bossy,” he chuckled but humoured you as he did as he was told, joining you on the cold concrete roof top. “What are we doing?”
“Stargazing,” you said as you turned to him, propping your head up on your hand. “It seems like a reasonable second date.”
“A second date already, hmm,” he smirked as you sat up and leaned over him with a matching smile.
“I think that officially means you aren’t a playboy.” You dipped your head down and he met you halfway, his large hands grabbing your waist to pull you onto his lap as he sat up and kissed you. 
“Very clever,” he murmured against your lips, making you smile more. 
“I’ve been known to have a few good ideas on occasion.”
He chuckled as his hands roamed your body, brushing along the hem of your dress and edging it up. “Any others you can think of?”
“One or two,” you breathed as his fingers slipped beneath the material. “But not here.”
There was a new urgency as you rose on unsteady feet and Pierre’s arm curled around your waist as if the distance to walk at your side was too far for his liking. After three quick presses of the elevator button and no instant result, he growled and you looked at the stairwell before kicking off your heels.
His laugh echoed off the concrete walls and he was quick to make chase as you raced ahead of him down the next floor where his keys were already in his hands and rushing to unlock the door. It crashed open as he turned and pulled you with him, your bodies sealing close together while your lips collided with a deep hunger. 
He blindly kicked the door shut behind and his large hands splayed across your ass before gripping tightly and using his strength to pick you up. A moan escaped you as your legs wrapped around his hips and you felt just how bad he wanted you.
“Wait.” Your eyebrows lifted at the order he gave as he sat you on his kitchen countertop, his chest rising and falling with quick pants.
“Wait?” you echoed in disbelief, the needy sound making him smirk. 
“You’re still hurt,” he reminded softly as he reached under the sink for his first aid kit before nudging your knees apart so he could step into the space. “Let me take care of you first.” He was gentle as he cleaned your cheek, the gauze turning pink with your blood, and he apologised when he opened the antiseptic wipe. “This might sting a bit.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ve had worse.”
Curiosity filled his eyes as he dabbed the skin dry before putting a little butterfly stitch over the cut. “What happened?” he asked as he cradled your jaw in his hand to keep you from looking away.
“That’s something that would need to wait until at least the third date,” you said with a shake of your head. “I thought you were going to take care of me.”
A cocky smile played at his lips as you challenged him and his hands brushed your dress up over your hips as he dropped to his knees. “Oh, I’ll take care of you, Beautiful.”
The first aid kit was scattered across the kitchen floor where you had knocked it off the bench in the throes of your first orgasm. He had enjoyed taking his time with you laid out, writhing under the talent of his lips, his tongue, his teeth. 
The next victim was your dress, his impatience and strength breaking the zip in the frenzied need to remove all barriers between your bodies. Your hands had tugged his sweater over his head before pulling his shirt open, little white buttons popping off in all directions.
“Jesus,” you moaned as you ran your fingers down his body, feeling every hard ridge of muscle until you reached his jeans. “I knew you were going to be fit but fuck…”
He grinned proudly at the remark and took over removing him of the denim keeping you from reaching what you wanted. The thin pair of boxers did little to hide the length of him begging for freedom from the constricting material but before you could tug them down he was tugging you back into his arms and leading you to his bedroom.
“I’ll lose all my common sense if you touch me, beautiful, and then we will be in trouble,” he admitted as he laid you on his bed, kissing you before pulling back and rifling through his drawers for a condom.
You weren’t sure you were going to be able to feel your legs again anytime soon. The man was obsessed with making sure you were in a constant state of bliss and you were almost relieved when he couldn’t hold back his own release any longer. He had collapsed beside you with a deeply satisfied sigh before disposing of the condom so he could recover with you in his arms, your head on his chest. 
His fingers danced lazily across your hip, tracing invisible letters and shapes on your skin until he noticed the changes in texture, the slight bumps on an otherwise smooth surface. Lifting his head, he pushed the sheet away and spied the scars in the dim light. “What happened?” He had seen the scars that littered your knuckles and palms, victims of the job you did - but these were different. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you whispered, pulling the sheet back around your body as you sat up. “I should get going.”
“Stay,” he urged, but you were already leaving the room to find your underwear on the messy kitchen floor. “It was just a question.”
It was a question that there was no easy answer to. It was a question that opened the door for more questions, and they would surely lead to memories that were better off left in the recesses of your mind.
“It was just sex, Pierre,” you said as you felt him following you, “that doesn’t mean I have to bare my soul to you.”
You pulled your dress on but it hung open at the back so you grabbed his shirt and shoved your arms inside before he pulled you back into his arms and his lips pressed to your neck.
“It wasn’t just sex to me.” The quiet admission had your eyes closing and your head tipping back onto his shoulder. “Please, stay.”
“I can’t give you the answers you are after.”
“You already have.” He turned you in his arms and you could see the sadness swimming in the ocean of his eyes. “I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.”
“Men make promises they can’t keep.”
“Not real men,” he said with a little laugh. “You’re probably thinking of those playboys.”
You rose on your toes and brushed your lips softly over his. “I don’t trust people very easily, but I’m trusting you. Please don't make me regret it.”
His smile made your heart skip a beat and when he pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead you knew you weren’t going anywhere. You let his shirt fall back to the floor before brushing your dress straps off your shoulder, taking his hand and leading him right back where you started.
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“So sex in your car is out of the question,” you giggled as you watched the playback of the dashcam. The man had a camera on the front, at the back and, more crucially, facing the driver so everyone could see exactly who it was that won the race. They would also see the heated kiss you shared after coming to a halt at the lookout. “A shame really, we look pretty good together.”
“I’m adventurous but not that adventurous,” Pierre admitted with an amused shake of his head. “You ready?”
Your finger hovered over the button to post the video, tagging D as well as the other Street Kings. “Long live the King,” you muttered as you hit it, uploading the file almost instantly. “No going back now.” Closing the laptop, you spun around in his gaming chair and looked up at Pierre. “Now what do we do?”
He glanced at his watch and saw it wasn’t even noon. “I know a place where we can kill a few hours.”
“The bedroom?”
He smirked and caged you in his chair, nudging your legs open with his knee. His oversized shirt you wore rode high up your thighs and his eyes lingered on the bare skin before he dragged them up your body to your face. “You don’t need to convince me, but I was thinking about something outside of the apartment.”
Less than an hour later you were pulling up at a racetrack on the outskirts of Nice, half a dozen cars already there.
“Hey Pretty Boy, how’s your girl running?” you greeted Charles as he stepped out of his Pista.
“Very well, thank you.” He looked between you and Pierre, his smile growing as when he saw the possessive arm curl around your waist. “Now you can finally stop calling me that.”
“Why would I do that? Pierre would have seen your mid-teen-crisis too. Plus, I have a better name for him now.”
“This should be good, let’s hear it,” Charles chuckled until you pressed your forefinger to your lips.
“Sorry, it’s not for innocent ears.”
Charles’ nose wrinkled with an idea of where it was heading and shook his head before leading the group inside. “Whose team are you going to race on?”
“What are we racing?” you asked as you walked past a line of Porsches but continued along to a few garages open.
“Not this time,” Pierre teased as he pointed to a smaller track you hadn’t noticed to the side. At the start line, Joris, Ilies and Arthur were already picking up their race suits and you cocked an eyebrow at the mode of racing chosen.
“I thought you could race anything?” he challenged playfully. “It has an engine and four wheels.”
You cracked your knuckles and accepted the helmet and race suit he grabbed for you. “I suppose I could do with a warm up before the big race.”
“What race?” Charles asked with concern before looking at his friend. “You’re not getting yourself into trouble are you?”
Pierre couldn’t help sending a wink your way before he clapped Charles on the shoulder. “Relax, mate. I’ve got this.”
Click here for chapter four.
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batboyblog · 6 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #11
March 22-29 2024
The Administration, with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg in the lead responded to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. Working with Governor Wes Moore and Mayor Brandon Scott (both Democrats) The Department of Transportation promises to clear the harbor and rebuild the bride. DoT has already released $60 million in emergency funds as a "down payment" and President Biden is expected to seek $1 billion from Congress.
Vice President Harris announced a number of actions and investments designed to improve the quality of life of the peoples of northern central America. driven by poverty, lack of economic opportunities, and out of control crime people in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras are taking great risks and trusting criminal human traffickers to try to reach the US. The Administration is working to improve conditions in the Northern Triangle so that is no longer necessary. Vice President Harris announced $1 billion dollars in new investments as part of the Central America Forward public-private partnership, since 2021 it has invested $5.2 billion in the region. Harris also announced $175 million dollars of direct aid from the US to Guatemala at a meeting with Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo.
The Department of Energy announced a $1.5 billion dollar loan to help restart the Palisades Nuclear Plant. This would mark the first time a nuclear power plant was brought back online after being decommissioned. The hope is keep the plant running till 2051, this 100% green power source is projected to prevent 111 million tons of CO2 emissions in its new life time, the same as taking 100,000 cars off the road. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer touted it as key for her state reaching its goal of 100% clean energy by 2040.
Vice President Harris launched a social media push to inform the public about the Biden-Harris Administration's SAVE Plan. The Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan was launched last year as part of President Biden's efforts to bring student loan forgiveness to millions of borrowers. Currently 7.7 million people are enrolled in SAVE, under which anyone making $16 a hour or less has a monthly payment of $0 on their student loans. 4.5 million SAVE enrollees are making $0 a month payments and another 1 million pay less than $100 a month on their loan repayment, over 150,000 people so far have had their loans totally forgiven. Republicans are suing to try to shut down the SAVE Plan
President Biden took keep steps to ensure quality healthcare this week. Biden extended the window for low-income Americans to apply for Obamacare. The original deadline of July 31st has been pushed back to November 30th. Biden also rolled back Trump era rules that allowed subsidies for "Junk Health insurance" These plans offer very little coverage and often mislead consumers into believing they have insurance when they aren't covered. These short term plans also don't have meet Obamacare standards and can refuse coverage for preexisting conditions.
The EPA announced new regulations aimed at "turbocharging" the number of electric trucks on the road. The new rules aim to have 25% of new long-haul trucks, the heaviest often diesel trucks on the road, and 40% of medium-size trucks (box trucks and landscaping vehicles) be nonpolluting by 2032, currently just 2% are. The regulation would apply to more than 100 types of vehicles including tractor-trailers, ambulances, R.V.s, garbage trucks and moving vans. The new tailpipe limits are expected to prevent about a billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions by 2055.
the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services  announced that thanks to President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, 41 different drugs will coast those on Medicare Part B less money than it did last year.  An estimated 763,700 people on Medicare use at least one of these drugs every year. Some enrollees will save as much as $3,575 per dose.
The Department of Energy announced $6 billion for an effort to decarbonize energy-intensive industries. The investment in 33 projects across 20 states will eliminate 14 million metric tons of CO2 emissions each year when finished. Each project is meant to be highly replicable and serve as a blueprint for future private sector ventures. 
President Biden signed an Executive Order to Strengthen the Recognition of Women’s History. The Order will launch a review of all historic sites run by the National Parks Service to determine ways to better highlight the role of women, from all backgrounds, in American History.
The Senate Confirmed President Biden's nominees, Ernesto Gonzalez, and Leon Schydlower to federal judgeships in Texas. This brings the total number of federal judges appointed by President Biden to 190.
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gregorygerwitz · 7 months
apparently this is the year for this...
Please Help Us Out With Bills
Currently, I'm virtually unemployed due to health issues and my employer all but refuses to give me short term disability pay because I don't have a diagnosis yet. I'm doing DoorDash as much as I can, which brings in ~$150 a week if that. It leaves my roommate, @kitthekazoo, to cover most of the mutual bills - like rent - virtually on her own. But that does mean she can't pay her own bills (like car and insurance) after paying the second half of our rent this month.
Like I said, I'm doing DoorDash around doctor's appointments and other activities, like school (which is paid for by my employer, who I still technically work for, I'm just on an extended medical leave - it's excused time off, but I don't get paid at all), but that doesn't bring in much. My checking account (where my DD money goes) is negative almost $400 because things keep taking out and every single one of those charges also incurs an insufficient funds fee of $31.
I would need ~$750 just to get positive enough to pay Kit back for my half of this rent payment. Plus I have my own bills to pay - car insurance, credit cards I'm desperately trying to catch up with the payments on, gas so I can keep doing DD, etc.
I know it's a lofty goal, but getting $1k by the end of the month will keep us sane and housed while I navigate my medical issues. Hopefully, after we run a few tests next week, they'll have a better idea of what's going on and when I'll be able to go back to work, and these money issues won't keep coming up...
I'll link my accounts below, including my etsy where you can buy some crochet projects from me if you want something in return for your donation! Or feel free to message me here or on etsy if you want something made that isn't listed in my shop.
Thank you in advance for any little bit, even if you can just reblog to spread the word. 💜
paypal venmo: amwallace95 etsy
so far: 230/1000
EDIT: I fixed the links!
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