#short serials
marsreds · 4 months
honestly, knowing that henderson was supposed to be an one-off character but endo liked him so much he kept him and then henderson gets what's honestly the best, most tightly plotted, most blatantly political [tee hee old guy with monocle bc monocles are Elegant™ → actually he only started needing it after the police beat the crap out of him for calling out the mythologizing of the war machine, like. holy shit] arc in the manga so far?
god tier tbh
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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every ship is simultaneously real and non-real depending on whether it fits my narrative at any given moment. schrodingers ship. schipdinger
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igotthis-egg · 18 days
Some of you were wondering what the tone of my Md vampire au is like. I think this little comic “sneak peek” sums it up rather well! At least for the drama side of the story (and boy this is NOT all there is to the drama. I don’t want to reveal anything, so this little teeny fragment is all you get for now!) This is SO out of context but I cannot reveal everything yet (first off, I’d have to draw the entire comic to do that, this absolutely just a test comic, obviously, since the pacing is super wack). I’m so excited to make the rest of the comic though, but script writing and character designs call first and foremost.
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Also yes, it’s final now. N’s actual name is Newton, or Newt as everyone called him before he became a vampire. I personally really like the name.
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jazzstarrlight · 8 months
Nuzi- How to kiss your short partner meme
(inspired by the "how to talk to short people" meme)
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Anyone want a blank verson too?
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p1ssyhorroz · 4 months
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Jessa becouse yeah.... y'all fw this or nah... becouse I've been feeling yuriful lately...
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decepti-thots · 3 days
there are so many reasons that the 'it's fine we have a Heaven Polycule now :)' cdrw + dominus panel in the mederi arc is funny to me but tbh. the funniest of all. is that it really does imply that this Whole Time rewind's thought process was 'obviously if chromedome married me knowing i'm looking for my other husband we don't need to talk about polyamory, that's clearly been decided', blissfully unaware that chromedome in fact just thinks he's going to get dumped, and so i assume chromedome is just stood there like. mentally trying to process and not say out loud Wait, What.
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cracklewink · 5 days
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some sketches of my guy
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cyn-bot · 1 month
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 28)
N knocked on Thad's door, his fist sounding like a jackhammer on the steel, at the same moment, Tera had decided she was done with the baby bag, and, during the split second Uzi had removed her hand from the side, threw herself onto the floor and began to roll down the hall, peeling with laughter.
“Tera!” Uzi shouted, running after the stupidly fast rolling pill-baby, N made a move to go after them both, but then the door opened, revealing Thad, looking happy to see him.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” He cocked his head, he was missing his usual hat, leaving his dirty blonde hair looking unkempt and bedraggled, N had forgotten it was still pretty early, as Tera had woken them up in the middle of the night.
“Uh well…” N choked out nervously, visor eyes trained on Thad while the ones on his head tracked his girlfriend as she flailed around the hall trying to catch the rolling infant.
“Tera! Stop rolling!” Uzi shouted, her tail sprung out in her panic, she was breifly tempted to use her solver on Tera, to bring her to safety and off the floor, but a quick flashback of a multitude of accidently exploded pens snapped her arm back down. No, not even going to risk that.
Thad turned his attention down the hall where Uzi was having significant trouble in catching the little gremlin, as Tera was dodging and weaving with impressive accuracy, ending up heading back towards N and Thad.
“N! Catch her!” Uzi called, sounding desperate.
“I got her! I got her!” He called back.
N readied himself to catch the rolling menace, kneeling on the floor, but Tera was still too fast for him, zipping past him while blowing a raspberry, even as he made a grab at her.
“Dangit!” Tera only laughed some more, zipping back around to launch herself towards Uzi again, she giggled, trying to rocket back around N.
“I got her!” Came Thad's voice as he lunged towards her like she was a football, sliding across the floor to capture her in his hands Tera squealed when she got caught, giggling in Thad's hands as he held her up, half his face squished into the floor
“Woo!” He shouted, jumping up to his feet, holding Tera in both of his hands like she was a PVC pipe, he very obviously didn't know how to hold a baby.
“Nice catch Thad!” N praised, although a little nervous with how his freind was holding his daughter, and slightly reaching out to take her back.
“No prob man! Is this your kid?” Thad asked, holding Tera close to his face to take a better look at her, She blew a raspberry at him, annoyed that she'd been caught.
“Y-yeah, that's Tera, please don't drop her…” N found himself antsy, his tail flicking side to side in worry, Uzi was next to him a minute later, putting a hand on his arm to try and calm him wordlessly.
“I'd never!” He replied, but he still didn't hold her right. Instead only using one hand to lift her up by the back.
“She's not a football Thad, in your arms, not your hands.” Uzi responded, heading up to the green worker and showing him how to hold her, he blinked, before slowly tucking her into his arms and looking down at her, N felt himself relax.
“Ah sorry, never held a pill before.” He admitted sheepishly, Tera was finally still, looking up at the new face with her eyes squinted, observing him, much like she did with V.
“Jeeze it's like she's a mini you, Uzi, that glare is a Doorman special.” Thad laughed, and he gave a beaming smile down at the droneling. Uzi felt a strange sort of pride bubble up in her core. Yeah, that's right.
“Heya!” He said, at least he wasn't nervous or scared, and Tera seemed to enjoy his energy, because her curiosity quickly turned to joy, giving him a beaming smile.
“Hey! Look at that! I made her smile!” Thad looked even happier, making Tera look happier too, she began to roll in his arms, getting louder in her antics.
“Daww, you're so cute!”
“Wow… didn't know you wanted kids Thad.” Uzi said, watching Thad excitedly laugh at the baby in his arms.
“Me? Ah nah, don't think I'd be a good parent. Not like you guys! Look how happy she is!” He replied, holding her back up like a trophy he'd just won, N felt his core jump in anxiety again, watching his daughter being held in only one of the jocks hands.
“Thad! Fragile!” He found himself nearly begging the man to put her down, not liking his recklessness.
“Ahh, she's tough, ain't that right little football?” Tera grinned at him, letting out a giggle that sounded suspiciously like one of Uzi's mischievous ones.
“Alright, give her here.” Uzi reached her arms out, a smirk on her face but very visible sweat behind her visor, clearly also slightly perturbed.
“Alright, Alright, Sure thing.” He placed Tera back in her arms and both parents temperatures went back down, now safe in her mother's arms.
“So why are you two here? It wasn't just to show off your kid was it?”
“We uh, we wanted to apologize for ditching your party, something ah… came up and-” N began, looking sheepish and a little guilty, twisting his hands together.
“You two made out, yeah I know.” Thad just rolled his eyes with a mighty shit-eating-grin.
“Wha- what do you mean you know?” Uzi suddenly looked a little panicked, they'd been in the sky! Nobody could actually see them! Right?
“We didn't m-make out…” Was the only complaint N had, they hadn't even had any more on the lips kisses, his nerves were always too bad to do it again, after the adrenaline had subsided.
“You two flew over everyone's heads, you guys had everyone's attention the entire time. We all saw you. I even screamed at you two, did you not hear?” Thad lifted an eyebrow and crossed his arms, questioning them.
“I was… too focused on how beautiful she looked…” N admitted, rubbing the back of his head while blushing like an idiot, he stole a glance at his girlfriend.
“Awww.” Thad cooed, looking incredibly amused, N was always going to be the sappy one. He also had to agree, Uzi had looked incredible at the party, not that he was interested, especially now, but he could admire couldn't he?
“N!” the drone in question hissed at her partner, elbowing him slightly in the gut, so much violet covering her face they were almost covering her eyes.
“What? We aren't hiding it are we?” He asked back, looking genuinely curious, as well as still being a little flustered himself.
“Well no but-” Uzi stammered out, one of her hands resting on Tera's chassis so the droneling couldn't roll away anymore.
“That would be pointless, I think the whole colony knows with how much you guys have been talked about.” Thad interjected, almost nonchalantly even though he knew it would be a big deal to them (or at least Uzi).
They both dissolved in blush, unaware that they had been the talk of the town with everything going on.
“We've uh, We've been busy.” N replied, speaking quickly and making an excuse on why they hadn't known about it.
“Making Tera a sibling?” Thad suggested, making them both freeze up like they'd been paralyzed, N in particular looked like he was about to pass out.
“Oh my Robo-God! Thad!” Uzi hid her face with one of her hands, looking down to hide it, she was already blushing hard before. Now she was sure she'd die.
“Haha! Your face!”
“No, j-just busy!” N replied shakily, although he wasn't in much better shape than Uzi was in terms of embarrassment.
Thad only smirked, a small revenge for them leaving his party even if he wasn't really mad at them. He was siced! It had been obvious from the beginning that they were into each other. And now they were together! And had a happy little kid on thier hands! It was cute, and he was excited to see his friends settle into their lives.
Aww man. He was just into sports, what was he gonna do when he didn't have school anymore?
Ah, that was a thought for later. Right now his freinds were at the door.
“Did you wanna come in? I think Lizzy and V were both gonna come by later.” Thad pointed behind him to his (very green) couch. And the young couple in front of him looked at each other.
“Uh… yeah. I guess.” Uzi replied, and with that the little family piled inside. An impromptu hang out in order.
Next ->
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gvnuzi · 2 months
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NUZI KISS FOR 2024‼️‼️
This is my first time drawing people robots kissing and man their mouths aren’t even touching 😭 wtv
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kkolg · 10 months
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I was possessed btw
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henghost · 5 months
I actually think an hour is a good amount of time for lunch
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jazzstarrlight · 10 months
Nuzi - Uzi's Nightmare (short comic)
I couldn't wait till friday. So here it is early! Uzi has nightmares often, but they probably got worse after episodes 4 & 5.
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Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
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mileymint · 4 months
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Look at this happy little family! Surely nothing will go wrong.
[Alternate things under cut, some notes in the tags]
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Individual pngs
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 15 days
How would the SK brothers react to this story?
They would find it very heartwarming.
Regardless of what condition they may have, the boys strongly believe every child deserves a home and a loving parent or guardian.
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
Ah, so Lizzie lost her final life trying to do something Joel requested of her.
I’m sure that will have no long term ramifications on him.
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